ssn wimHm cv r i.frwf 'W"'rwif f aimv .m r.'SSBih'. ihi. T3.iiFiaB (Wrbvc v fTO? MHaBBBBBBBBBBBBBiaBBBBBBBKJBB.BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi'iBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBaBBBBasBBBaaBasnian UIJ.WUT ,ii.imDaB ibbhwli hi aava. Tna- -4 aaBMvm v w tw l v. 9i in j aiii t . v 'it-ji ie. -a u. . kiw Tm ! . -SBKaaBWiar. bsmbe iur as- Hinnpfv - ti w r m-nasas iv aawp w v m: .. ". jr.f aaHnr? , j &x .? ua UMiyiH veuii jwi .av .1-.m If -. W r -- L . I " .51- '.rvL "-- - -. - mBawm A JUNB IDX. All day-ell day-lhe Briar Rem Has whispered te 11m alrcplng Vine, To-nlghl-le nlht-ere daylight close I'm wadded la inn Columbine I And ha haa Mid, dear ti lind, te w, Mr yellow veal I'll wear for thee, My doublet red and tooling ana I' "The rosea ell ere wide awake, Thiro's something In the wind leey hnew U Tim flirillea loiter In the brake, The very sephyreaeera le lilew ll Til BsU-ra nod, the grasers bend, And from lha nrlghlmrlng marsh limy 'I I tend ThtlrorebMlrmuid bridal poet!" The Vine alcpt en i lha evening brnrte llrwtlbedle wllh ailers sweet upon II, Tha Mite'mlls sang, nid lntn thn true Thnra boe'iiml soft antlal sonnet And every flower thai mess lint in it, And all the tendrils blight (tilt run Bought each thulrge-lu meeting bonnet! Hill what they Mid ami hew lliey wed t I Im btl.ln waa blimtitng llku a berry), And hew thn crickets piped and led Thn bund with intulu shrill and merry, 'rweuld take a wiser man than I Te tell tht reaien hew or why They were mi vrry luppy-yttry I - milium .1 BUuj$ in t iHilrptmttnt. i m Hew Mine Wolfe Moved Twe Trees. Nuwperl l.oller In the llosleti UeraJtl. Tliere are Iwolreta lu the ground In Vine land whirit vtvre ttreiiKlit from tha country seat of Ml. Wel le's fallicia oeiiiIiik upon the Hudsen. " Can It lie tletu. ? ' alie asked of lha land Ranlnnvr who liail undertaken te make her tlemaltis what tlicy miK'it In I In the matter of tree and atiruba. Kfae referred te thn IraimplaiitliiK- The landacatie Kartlminr dm astenishex!. 11 1'iay, iiiatliitii, twld lie, hesitatingly, 11 Itavoyeu oeimlderod tlini'iiormeuaeitieuae el parrying out such wului T It would coat at ltst-'r Ilia iiftllumtr limke In luitleutly : That ban holding lotto with II," alie italtl. ' I did net ink jeu what It would oeal, but If It could be dena I H't. la It imaal 1,1.. T" Yen, almwcrwl llie landscape uiaker, "It In mralbl'." Il.i It Hum," erdt'itt.1 the lady, and let Ihu ttxtiim U wlut It may. 1 want Itinae trtMw lu Newtrt " And the triHtMHmle Nuwimrt. They were taken up can fully, laid Uniii canal ixmIb, oar ear oar Me. I down the lltidn'in and along tlteH uud, making IliOfiitlrn Jeurmty by water. What itiiml have been the aMotiinltuieet of lha sail or who aa the re.iurkable spectacle of what looked llkea loreal moving en tlieaur. two or lliedoep, D41110 (lemlp mIUi neU It wan only a modern liMtatiue el lllrnarn Weed and lliiiialiiane. Hut the eiwrallun wan mio-ce-alnl. Tliu iiuicli trateleti trena are Hour Heur Hour leliliiK Willi t,ri-t lK.,r lu Uliode l-lsml neil, and tiuvtir heumml a bit the wermi for their lenx and remarkable lourney, whlcli lenl about flKW. Klixsl lis All Aleitn.l rntiit thn Aiueiltan Uijtlne. Heme llllle tltne a(;e a young lady, wl e hail lawn trachliiK a rlami of iial'-jtrnwii glrla In the Sunday Inte! tif Dr. II 'a vliiucb, lttkln, wm called away Irem Iho clly, ri'tiderluK It nfcewwry te nil her place. The superintendent, after looking ever bla aMtllalilu nut. rll ler Imtrhrrn, dicldnd te ri.iiet eim el llie tiitii .(Millrinili of the OlMIUIC.llleil te tnkl " 1H It no l.nnutt lliHt ili( teiitiK iutt upon whom tell the fciiifiii(..iititiil'n thel.e, was ciifO.Hii( ly titehttit mtii'li t..', In fuel, that be Inelnti'il tiHin tin. niiviiiilfmliiil gellie 4iul - tilinc liliu te the rlnen At! .Knilliily tin. im (.tiiiliinm np'atMl en Hit. llllle plitllllllil, itti.l the hllllllt.i.lllt Uvrti. : Yeuiic Ull.f, 1 wlnli le liiit.Nliiee lneu Mr l, wlm will lu tiilurn tm your I weuhi llkeln hate you loll blm what Jinir leriiit.r lnai:li)r did, he that he) en t;e rlHht no In tln.nitiiie wny :-" luiiiitKllitlely a tliiiiore inlen of feiirtn jl-ainnnvti mid nald : ''lli.t Hint lbliiKur tMHlixr alnn did wai te KIm ui all around," A huitrful Ti-Tker. "Couleiiiul It t" urewlid Jenea at II e race citirte, tcaiiiiK op bin tl.kel, I'll never take a tlKli. lalwayn uet lelL" " Why," l.l a fifeiid " I knew a man who alwatn Uktn llpi, mii.I bv'a ahmul eiiry tlien" "Who la he?'' "A waiter lu a iciUuiaiit." An liiiha, l.lln "Oil Mr.," renintkwl Minn (Mil girl, with a sIiiiixt, l've neeu Juit elt,bleen mniiiiiern te-ly." " Only iilKbleeu bsppy eittw," rvplltel he, with pity lu bin tone. " What au uulisj'py life you must hae had." Tlmn(h Nhakrn Like 1-al lljr the iiiixl trivial cjuie, teik ncrtc are rill)r riicr(itile of liiilpiralliin, s ttrtu ttlit. h almi liup.itts, In Mm hiit mrv, 'luleluilc. Thrmrtuua Inte hut te ue IIuslettt.r'iitom IIuslettt.r'iitem ailillUr )Uinill. alljr, tu orerteme tint np.r Liiilltt(iuHd .,( the lintnaii ecniterliim, ttlil. li in iilittrhc of .til be.tlly lemfurl ami ineiiUI lr-iiiiiilllr, ami which rrsrts met liuilfull) iiixei tlu-)M.iii. 1 be illflli oily un il(il)hii;llil,a4nrll,iK niinv nthir slliurtiK, U hu. ift. i.imhIiiiII ttiii,ne ItAit than In. out eut pl.t.. .hp ll,Mi u( ihuf.HHl, In tint .hcliarge of Uilli Hi. .hiUtu ami afhiiilalUe futt.t tliiiH.llitilhtUrM .iru llie tiieKtiKitt'til, thtt iml iillalil.i .tiixlll try. A Ihu lMly rciMlin vlter ami tiKtilaiit hy Un al.l, Ihr limn ami n.ituiiH M)itin .un .til., iHiirllli.l. .IVrtttins miIiJu. tl.i Hi.' Initie mi' yt malaria, t)irptl.i mull iln.itiii.ill.' hit.tllilit. atul KrMin t!mi.u Vi'hu'ta atu luaillvi, thuul.l, ae. ue tltu litt(t.r. WHV HHOULU )LI MKN HVrrKKT The Rilifi of old age iimke the pith te the Kratoefeool thorns. Ilheiiiiiullain and kldney trniibliMswitiiuvur telni tliulr companions, yel Allcock's t'oreim I'hiHter kIvu cuitaln rvllef, Mr. Tcrotice Itvllly, el He. 'is Uyrtle avenue, llroeklyn, N. Y ,niys ' I atn Hourly ulKltty-feur yrara el.l, and have sniturt'it freui rbttiiiiiittlain and Sidney troubles. 1 lnvetrl.Ml nuiulHrlrainiiitHllui', hut none ever rulluved iiteeadlil Aliixkk'm 1'okem I'lahtsiji. 1 Intiu pilu lu the lewer virt of the hack, whltlt la fiiiistuut terturu unless lketip these valii'ihte ptaattint continually en. They aruth" only remedy my faintly aud sulf ever uaeler imlni or oiem-n In the cbest and threat," MVMVIAL MUTIOMM. Leeks Hebmi. A clciir, blight epen fata somehow leeks henest. A horsethlnf orbtirularsiildem eurtna such a facn. Jturtleek Hlewl fitters iftve the akin a p.tcull.irly niiu Utxturu and clnaru'ss Thuy tienlh.iti Hint enrich the circulation and se eiiKllruUt all eruption or blemish. Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 187 aud U9 North (Jncwii ulriHM, Lancaster. Haved tha lUby ' My baby, aged fifteen manths, was attacked wlih crniiit. hut wiut cured with IwoOewaol rnetnnt' Fctrclrie Oil , have uaed this medicine or the elder children, llavn the KreaUwt faith In ll" Miiiiii, &1I hoventb U, llulTa'e, N . reranlebyll II. Cochran, druggltt, IJ7 and I HI North l.'iiwtn street, Laucaatur. A Heal Hrratn Is liHurlerable. We don't llku It. Aperaenwlth it atreni In.utth must net inake hlinnelf very la miliar with ua. An Impure h ninth la cauard by an unhcullhy stomach ti unlock Bleed Bitttri will ceirurt this at II. They are the best stomach medlclnu known, for alu by 11. B. Cochran, driiKKlst, IJ7 aud 1JJ North gueen street, Lau outer. What Due Usee Uld. 8 a. Uravea, of Akren, N, Y. had Asthmanf the wijat kind. Toek en.) iiena et THetmu' Ke Ucirte Oil and wa relluve.1 In five minute, lie adds : Would walk ten tulles for this medicine and pay 1 3a bettle for IU It cured my wife of rheumatism like mtur'u." Fer sate ey II. 11. L'echreu, drucgia, UI und IK North Queen slieet, Lancaster. Haivsd Ulm KlgkL "lhave uaed Buriieck Bleed BUttr; and am happy te say thuy nayn done me mere geed than anything yet. Mend a further quantity at once." This man waa a. sufferer from dyspepsia for tw2'ltlr.P'e,r: .,.lu nBla w AiexaarJerLeiigh. and he lives at Aleuna Mich, vn, . i, ii'n Cochran, druagtst, in and ! North Uueen street, Lancaster. - rlntlsfarilna Clttafftaataeel. "In the put three months 1 nave sold eue hundred aud six bottles el Themat' tCcltctria Oil Nitver mw a mndlelue In my III thai save such universal satlafactl'ii. Cured an uteerated threat ler ma lu twenty-four hours' never failed M relieve my children or croup," ). K. Hall, druvxlai, Urayyllle, ill Fer sale by II. U. Coih Ceih ran. UruugUl, 137 aud Idtl Nertk ljueen atntet, Lancaster. VaeU Mertk Koewiag. Iualldlaoanesef tbeuasalmuoeua membrane) the remedy used mutt be nen-UrlUUng. Tke medical profession baa been slew te learn this. Nothing MUsfactery can be aocespllead with douches, snuffs, powders, syringes, aauiageau or any slinllar app'leatleru, MesTusa taay are all Irritating, de net thoroughly reach Ua asTaeted surfaces and should beabandeuedu worse tha failure. A multitude of persons who had ter year borne all the worry and. pain that eatarrh aan lnfllet testily te. radical and pemaaeat auraa wrought by Sly'a Vnaa Maim, aaeT'ay W WW W mmiiivMim TIUOO'M HAHHAfAHIIitA. A Geed Appetite I assentlal le geed health but at this eeesea It Is often lest, owing te tha poverty or Impurity e the bleed, derangeinnat el the dlgeallva ergana, aad tha weakening efreotef the eaanglag ssasna., Heed's (arsaparllla Is a wonderful snedlclaa for ereallng an appetite, toning Uiedlgestlea.and giving strength te tha whole system New I tha lima te take It. Be sure Ui get Heed's. Heed's Barsftparillis " I have taken Heed's nanwparllla, and am glad te My It haa cured tne of a very seveie pain In the small of my back. 1 also gave II te my IllUn girl. She had very little appellta t bat lltntd'saarsaparlllaluu tnereased It wenderfnlly and from our experience I highly recommend this excellent medlelnn." Mai. M. V. Bavsmm U5kj Van Hern Blrnel, Jersey City. Makes Um Weak tnreng M I must My Heed's Baraapatllla la the best net Id un I ever tiaed. Lanl aprlag I had no ap petite, and the leailwerk I did fatigued me ever se much. I tiegan te take lloed'a arsaparllla, and seen I felt an If 1 could de an much In a day M I had formerly done lu a week. My appetite la veracious." Mm. M. V. ll&vxau, Atlantic City, N. J. M lloed'a Banapartlla gave ma new life and re stored me te my wonted health and strength." William ll.cunieii.TIIUin.N. II.' HOOD'H 8ARHAPARILLA. eldbyalldriiKglata. II I "' for gv 1'rupared by U. I. IIOUII CO., Lewell, Mass. lOO Dosefl Oue Dellar til rUMl'HKKYH'. w lOMKOI'ATHIO 8 I'KilKICH. IIU IIUMI'IIKKTH Ikaikel All lilaiiaaea. Cleth and Held lllndlng, 111 I'agns, with HtMtl Kngravliix, MAtl.KD rUKK. I.latef l'ilnclml Nim. Citren. I. gavsM, Cei Katleu. Inflammatlena , 'L Worms, Werm rnver. Werm Celin .. X anne c.'ei.iu. r Tiwihliig of Infanta I. I'lAKUH'St, of Children or Adults..., liTsaHTsar, (IrlpliiL', lltlleus Celic..., U jnieliHa alGHStw, Viiinltlng 7dpet!.inn, Celda, nmnrhltla HyNsi'KALou.Teolrmch", Kutxnihn ... in. llaanaiiHBs,Mlik llnadache. Vertigo.., la HvnrsrniA, llllletM atiiinai h , II. HorrKSMtauer 1'airvul I'saienn. It Whitsa. tee PrnfiisH Periods IX Caeur, Cetlith, lllinuult llmatlilng ... M. Malt aitsim, kryslintlaa, gnipttens ., 15. ItusuMATisw, Ithuniiiaile I'atna , IK. ravaaaae Anna, Chill , Malaria , Price. B m li tt ..... , A , , ' a , v , ....Ml 17. ru an, llllnd or lilHuttinK... BO IU. I'Atarkii. lnnueiixn, Celd lu the Head Ml 'JO. Wmairimi Cer.lll, Violent cetiKha Ml 24. (Issbhal lisaiLirr. 1'bvslLal Weakneas....Mi 17 Kiiisst limsAas am M. Nsnretm Hasn.iTr ti ill Ji. Uaiaaav WiAaaann, Wetilug lUnt Mi IS HiaaAHM or tub IIbabt, Palpitation tl w Held by UrimKlaU. or auntMntpaldn receipt of prten.-llUlll'llKaa' MKII1CINK C'l, IIB rulUin MU. N. V. leb-lydaM wr E liY'M OKKAM HALM. C1TARRH, HAY FEVER. Ely's Cream Balm etiucs CaUirrb, Oeltl tu Head, lloeo Geld, Hity Kever, Deafueaa, Headache. KAH TOUSE-I'IUCK M) CKNTa. ELY UltOS., Uswege, N. V., U. 3. A. HAY F"E YER, Kl.t'HCUKAM a ll.inld aturTer powder. Appllmt Inte netrlla la ititrkly at at serbed. Itcleattatta the bend. Alhiya Inriamma Inriamma tlen. Heals ihu seies Kuaterea the senses of taste und stuttll. akfSO Cents at Urutcutnla i by mall, ivglatered, 91 Cunts. FLY liKOTIIKKS, Drubln. OSWKUO. N. Y. JyllxlAlwMWAr T UK SWIKIHI'ISCIKIU CO. SSg BLACK WOLF llr IHaek Irf-priMy, It a .11koie.ii which Is con cen .Meitdlucuinhle, hut It hnn yielded te the corn cern corn tlvpren'itl.t el bwtrr bret'irie new known nil eei Iho weil.l as a. S. 8. Mrs Itnlley, nt Went heinervllh.. Ma.t9 , tteitr Itoaten, whs at tnckitt wtternl yt.iraHKO wllh tlttahldiMitia black eruption, und waa lrtutd hy the IwH medical taleni, n he could only a ty that thedlauase was a spmlLaef LEPROSY and cetiHOOiieittlv Inctirahlit It lalmitrMalhle te d.'irlhe hrr null.irlnua. Her Innly Itein Ihe cniwuei iter re te tnown.wei nor leei wnaa initnn el decay, inaaaea el It. 'til rutting off und leaving KieattnvltitM llr flngere featured and Ihroeor leiirinill ilmpi i-1 .'11 nt nun time. Iter limbs contracted h Iho iiuriul utriinitlen, and teranviral yeitra alie did net lenve her h,. Her welKht waa reduced Irem ISi lewl lha. Perbupa Heme faint Idea of her condition an Im iti.vturd from thn fact that three ieunda of Cimiii 'line or ointment were used wr ww-k In or nalnKher aorea. rinally the pltyalclms urknewledKed their dnleat by this lllack We,f, and commended thesuffumrtohurull-wlaeCrwiker. tier huahnnd hearing wenderlul ri'portaet Ihe useef Bwirr'H8rsuriu(4 H.H ),pnivnlledenliur te try It ua a laat ream t. hhe Innan Pa ten) under trelwtt, but aoen fetiml that Iter syatem was ulng relieved of thu poison, ua the sores an aiimed a red and healthy color, ai though the bleed was becoming putu and active. Mra Bailey continued the H.t 8 tttilll laal February: every sere waa ; she discarded chair aua cratches, and was for the fliat ttmeln twelve eara a well woman. Her htiaband, Mr. U. A. lalley, la In hiiKlneaa ul I7H ltlckatiiue street, Iktsleu, and will take pleaauru In vlvlng the de tails of thl wenderlul emu. fend te us fur TeaUsu ou liloed aud fcklit Ulsuaaua, mailed Hoe. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., DKaVWER3. AT L, A NT A, OA fllV.lAw UAKK.HUKKAMUrit'KKIIY UUKK. O Knplnre, Varicecele and Hpectal Ulseasea of either sex. Why lie humbugged by quacks when you can 0 nd In Ur. Wright the only Uaou Uaeu lab Parsieua la Philadelphia who makes a specialty el the above diseases, aad Cuaas Taant Cvaas Uuabawtbbd. Advice free day and evening. Hirangers can be treated and re turn home same day Otacen prt vats. itu. wtuuiiT, U North Ninth HtraeL Above Bam. P.O. HexlITS. Phtladalpala. lania-ivae jflXliAUBTKD VITALITY. EXHAUSTED VITALITT TUBBUlKNUBOr LirB, the great Medical Werk of the age en Manhood, Nervous and Physical LHthlllty, Premature Uedlne, terrors of youth, and the untold miseries eenaequest thereon, wa pages va IstpreaerlpiloiuiferaU s. wieui, itiu gut, unir vi-utAj df enau. HluslraUveuuiple tree te all yeurur and -aged men ter the next DO days. Address. sealed. middle-aged Da. w. it. r PA UK KB, 4 liuinnch hlreat, IttwUia. Maaa ;myi7-ira4iwMwar TMPHOVKD UUHIIIONEU BAB DHUatB. CUBE FOR THB DEAF. ack'a Patent Improved Cushioned Bar Drama perlectly reatere hearing and perform Uui work et the natural drum. Invisible, com fortable and always la position. All conversa tion and even whispers BaarddlsttncUy. Bend for Illustrated book with testimonials, rKBB. Addresa or call en I. HIBUOi, ksi Broadway, aw Yerk. Mention Oils paper.7 neiiMvfleMWAr WHM UUAKAMTKKO. RUPTURE. unra guaranteed by OB. J. u. MAKBh. Baaaaloneai no operallen or delay Irem busU aaaa t taatad by huadredsef euros. Main oBtea. iilKig btphila. Bawl ter Circular. OMvwAw rju WEAK MEN J"! tnm tk of youthful anon. ZK'. r5iT??.-T?!lf. 00?. yy. "".jwiwa Tsaweeie aieattse laaauewioe taLtugrmUparUe miars ler home cure, PBBB of I ifeil JL a'daB jaadkml work; should t be but- ajhtaJfalMf. Bwsnn.sajBfc, riMat wmuu, --AN-- i -' . i BXTRAOXDIN ART INDUCEHBMT IN Merchant Tailoring. We have Just closed out a Jubbat's fall line of Piece Ooedaot ever If ly Different Hty lea. Bach style contains from enn te three suits, or oee le four pair of treuseta. We consider It by far the meat fortunate purchase wa have ever made. This la a very unusual season of the year for buying se heavily such a sleck) only the tact that the tnduoemenl prien waa ae exceedingly low. Wa are new fully prepared te make te year aiieclal order, any suit or a pair of troesem, f tern any pattern of theae goods. These goods are exceedingly aummeiy In weight You'll be none te seen u you ship In te-day and order your suits. The workmanship we put en these goods cannot be beaten. The I Intntia are et the best aud finest material, and we guarantee you a perfect fit. We believe lhat you will find It as great te your advantage as we found It te eun Hirsh & Brether, One Pr lee MBROHANT TAUOB8, -AND- Clothiers and Furnishers, JOB. NORTH fJUBBM ST. AND VBNTBB Hill A KB. LANCAKTBH. TA w ILMAMMONJ A PUHTKK CALL US BY TELKMIONE. WILLIAMSON i FOSTER. Vacation -yK iiei'rt srueMU btiirs.wu', piti, ,.ue. lltll'S SHOUT PANT HUtTd, I.IUI, t3(), S0 HOY'S 0110 PANTB, c, HSc , II 00. UOV3 KNKB PANTS, 60c , 74c, tUO. 9U1UT WAleTH, Wc., tOc., 75c, Qents' Summer Coats & Vest?. uersucker, Alpaca, limp d'Bte and Mohair, 11.40 te 7W. UBNl'a OlttnS BTKAW IIATH.Mc. flexible toil Delby, tl.ftO tell te. Chlldrau's HI raw Hats and Cam. Lap Ousters, Herse hhetsta aud Whips. UM1VKU3ITY PLANNKL BIIIHTS, Plain or Pleated front. , Bumuur Underwear, Ilalbrlggan, Prench Met ted, Indian Uauze, Angela, tbe., WC,7Se. Uents' Jean and reather-Welgbl Urawurs. 1 ha Patent Wire lluckln Suapencters. J5c A Large Assortment of Summer Nock Neck wear, 23e. Celluloid Cellars and Cuffs Men's and Hey's Canvas Shoes for illcycllng et Base Ball. Men's Canvas Pal morals, ILoe. Iley'a High Cut Butten or ll'meral.l.. Bmall Bey's Cauvsa llal morals, tac TBUNB8 AND TBAVBLINU BAtiS. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 32, 34, SB ui 38 Vml MlHg St,, LAnuAarBB.rA. rAKASOUi. D B.4U, WesUUhave seaia due PARASOLS Lett, and wu will cleaa them out at Very Lew Price Indeed. It will pay you te buy new. Prices are away down te redueu stock. We guarantee te aelt you lower than the tame grade can be bought AMY WUBBK KLBB. R. B. & H. unr SllltS M XlagMa MAtTHIHO. XTOW RKADT I Oar Red?-Mftde Stock -or- SPRING CLOTHING. W are Bnipared: . te show our Naw BPB1RU BTOCB In Bawdy-Made Bulla. Our Assortment M Larger Usui aver before, and Prtcee Ixiwer. We have taken special care te get up geed and Attractive BnlU ter tha BPHINU TBAOB.and we reel aatiaged our efferU have been suconsa sucensa suconsa feL Call and give uaUiabeneate! your opinion. Oir Cistm Department la Blocked with all the Newest Novelties In nuttings, which wa will Make te Order In tha Beat style. FIT GUaIRANTEBD. BURGEE & SUTTON, TalUn BsnllVUlhlers, NO. 34 OBNTBB 8QUARB, LAMCABTBB. PA. UAMHMAN UKO. 66L.CANSMANtilO,()8 North Queen St. WBHIIALLCONT1NUBTO PLACE UBreBB OUtt PATUON8 Real Bargains PRIC13 THAT DO NOT r AIL TO ATTR40T. Why pay big and eitrnvagant prices for Bendy-Made Clothing wtin you get iiinde te order guaranteed apttrfucl nt Suite nl II 2,115 and lit t strictly all-wool and large assortment in select from, madu aud trimmed In the beat of style. Men's Heorsucker Ceat and Vest soiling at ll.wandlLA 50 Merest Styles te Select from. Mohair Cout and Vent at UM. Mnii's hummer Puuts at Ul. t&.Tjcl.. II en anil ll.av. . Men's Ail-Weel Panta at 11.75,11 UU.I'.Wuud 3UU. Children's Knve PtinU from c. up. Chlldejn's suits, largest agseituteul. l'rlced lower than ever. Bxamlneeut II .Children's Suits. All goods sold from uew en at Oreally In duced Bargain Prices. BsTCALL ANO UK CONVINCED." L. GANSBAN & BR0 Merchant Tailors. MAMUrACTUUBUS OP ea'i, Bays' bmI VklUrea'B ClaUIng, B. B. COB. M. UUEKN A OU ANUB T8, LANCABTBK PA. Ba7Tb Cbwtpnit (and Bxcluslve) CleUiIng Heuse In Uju Clly- M YEK8 dt KATUfON, THIN GOODS reu Summer Wear. MKN'S PONUKB COATi aud V Li TS In Huff and Crftitn M KN'S MOH A1U LO T3 and VKSTS, III Omy and Strlcs MBN'S PLANNLL COAli and VgSTS, In black and WhlUt. MKNMSBUiBCOAl'S aud VKiTi, lu Oiub and Kuff. MKN'S WOltiTEO COATS and VKSTS. Ill Brown and White. MKN'BUltal'D'BTKCOATC uud VKSl'3, lu lllack. MBN'S UINUIIAU COATS and VhbTd, In all Celers. MBN'S SKBUJUCKEU COATS and V KSTJ, tu All Celers. MBN'S ALPACA COATS- SBKBSUCKBU COATS and VKSTS, for Youths and Beys. Ueu'a Whlleandrancy DUCK VrsiS. This assortment of gnedj la l.ugu uud well selected, well made and geed titling. Aneuu can suit theutaelvea In our stock Wuaruuel encouraging blgb ptlves here. Myers & Rathfon, LrJAUIMi CLOTHIKILS NO. 12 EAST KINQ bTHEET. LAhUAnSU. PA. OAJUUAMg. TANDAItU WOHK. Edw. Edgerley, OARRIAGE BUILDER, NOH. W. 41 il 16 MAUKBT 8TUBBT. Bear of Postefflce, , Lancaster, Pa. I have In Bleck and Uulld te Order Kvury Va riety et the following styles I COUPES, BtjrOUIES.CAUUIOLBTS, CAHK1AOBS, VICTOUIAB. IIUSINKSS WAUtlNrf, X" CA11T8, MeVALL WAOONH. SUttKlfcS. MABBBT WAUONS,PlliTONB, BXPUBSa WAOON8. i 1 employ the Best Mechanics, and havefaclll ties te buUd cerectly any atylu et Carriage de sired. - T -Z tas aA..a.. mjm Vl.iljk r . BsVe-sV atakea It decldedly the CUBAPKST 11 fae uuiiji eiyiu, buu w iuifu wi wjnuiBj in Am i MOTTO: " Fair Oeallng, Honest Werk at But lout Priens." Please give me a call. BetMilriRg Promptly Attended Te PBICBS LOWBU THAN ALLOTHBUS. . aVOna Bet of Workmen especially employed tar that purpose. B NUUCTHKK HTOUK KAKM. BUndardUred Blatlleua la Service. sTTOBM K1MO (2161) B60ANI I Ueoerd, years, 2 17, U HBMHY (lilt) BU0.M tr Bend for Maw Catalogue. OAM'LU. BNULB, apl-ImdAw Marietta, Pa. I JeTOTl .W e 1UK TO THRHI'ABHKIOJ AND UUMMBB9.-AU persona are hereby for- bidden te trespaas ea any of the Uutda of the uetnwau aaw opeouweu esuvea in beoanea et lafeajter ceuaUts, whether lacleaed or unlit' I aad Speedwell estates In Lebanon or oieooa, hhw wr us Mas, atthar for the parneae or ahoeUag or tag. aa the taw wU be rigidly eaforead against all traanaaslagea said lauds of Uenn derslgaed altar Ihta aettee. It G RBATBAROAlWBt METZGER & NEW Nei. 38 and 40 SBBOWaBBBBBW WA8M DRHB OOOD8-Oiiakla, aWManruekeW, (tatlaw, QlaglMUM, Ldtwaa, BatkttBB. WBITH OOODS-Vloterla and 80,371-3etats. Oa Let aperler Quality Wblta mada te aell at 86 eants. METZGER &HAUGH MAN'S, NEW 38 iiHd 40 Went King 81, s UMMKK U0S1I1HY. SUMMER Oue Thousand Heren LAIHKH' BTOCKlNtit at Sc. Alse Twe llundied lieznn Extra Oualttv MKN'S UALr-llOSB, three pair for 'c i nevur before equaled In price. ' Alse a Large Bleck of Butter U radvs of IM POBTBO AM II II0MB8T1C IIOS1BUY ler Ladlts. UenU aud ChUdien. Alse - SUMMER UNDERWEAR ALL SIZES, AT LOW PBlCKs. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuse, s UMMKK DKKHS OOODH. Bard & McElroy , 33 AND 35 SOUTH QUEEK STREET, ' (OPPOSITE FOUNTAIN INN), HA.VK IN STOCK LAKQK LOTH OF SUMMER DRESS GOODS; Cheap WhlUt Ooeda In Plaid andSlrlpet at 5, 8. 10 and IS els. lndli Linen and Vlcterl Iuwnaat7, IU, 1 1 'JO and 2T ctt. Corded rlque In OirTerent Uualltlen, extra valueatauandSS cb). CrlnkledSersutknat5,(K,9and 1'iXcts. Sttlnnstnelnirantiiuallty and styleaat I'iXctii. A Bargain In Sta-nod Pillow Sbaui4 only 'JDcU a pair. StauiMMl Tidies at 5 and luclseach. Stampud Splasheia only 10c each. Bargains lu Ladles', Ueul's and children's Hosiery. Bard & McElroy, 33 & 35 SOUTH QUEEN ST.. (Opposite Fountain Inn.) JHWmVMl. rKWKLKY AND AKT. Diffmends, Wntchas, Jewelry ART WORK, French Clocks, Bronzes, KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOONS, CHOICE VIENNA AND PARIS NOVELTIES. Prices Are Very Lew This Year. H. Z. RHO ADS, Ne. 4 West King Street, - Lancaster, Fa. VAHBIAUBB, A MOrrOTHAT ALWAYH WINS. Honest Werk at PHILIP DOERSOM'S (OLD KKLIAULK) Ourriage Works Nes. 126 and 128 East King St. The Largest Aaaerttntml II Yeu Wontatleodand riretClasa PhmleD.OOTO UOKUSOH'S. It Yeu Wanla Nlce Comfortable raiully Carriage, OO TO UUKUStlll'B. if Yeu Want a liuggy Yeu can Select Iretu rilluen Ultferent Kind el Springs, II you JU TO III) f' It HI I U H II reu Want a Nice and Neat Uustnesa Wairen. till TO UUKUSOH'S. II Yeu Want a liuraule Uarket Wagen. UO TO UOKUSOU'S. It Yeu Waul a Uoed Second-Hand Pbotlen. liuggy. or Market Wagen, UO TO OOElWOat'i. If Yeu Want te Buy a rirstrUlaas Article at a tower Price than any ether place In the city ceuntJr' eTO Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriae Works, 0S. 126 AND 128 EA8T K1NU 8TBEKT, LANCASTER PA. ITFAWWltY-m & 1SS MIFFLUi VAKVKT 1IAKUA1NS t SHIRK'S CARPET HALLIx WILTON, VELVET, BODY BRUSSELS, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rig and Chain Carpets, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW BUADMS, etc. W have the Largest and Best Stock in the Olty. H. S. SHIRK & SONS Gerntt Wert King and TOWK kkntI " Ml Twe or lour room In Brimmer's New BuUdlng, Me. MX Menk queen street. Ilea! M&SUuiiiAitmtLiVBKY orne YJWR BALK OR RKNT-IUilOK BTABWt D and let, 17UW feet, en OhrUtatreeL tween Kaat King and Orange a trael Vf" HAUGHMAN. HTOKK. Wert Kins Street, aWSJBalBSSSBWBBBBj India Lawtvi at 8, 10, 13 1-2, 10, 90, 30, " Plaid MuwUaa at 13 1-3 erata ; war HTOUK, (Oppeait Cooper Heue.) HOSIERY. Laneaater, Pa. -J '. BVUUiBII, v Honest Prices. -AT- STliEET. nuu9-lydw HALLS. BAKQALNB -IfOK- W<r Stmts, Lucultr, ft atms. e. nriliUAM BDM0ND8, WtetassI M tall artkut utau. Kline e CIGARS. a atelaa a- aaas laaamKld. aaahalai nBllilll aa I etas tVWlCMI un . m MMBlV ra aiW av aeaaaj aw ," f JJ,1H, OR lutni aSSri nAum Pat OatajBhta aa "...- iVVUV i&gza .. rteSKrir.ttt fswa ? .nrai" ?i"w "ibbi rnr IjAlaftaea aiiMi. ! !. erQntaaiM.-.. Per lABeaster atrua atm. Ittu aiMli es sunnae as r;u s aa nana i ruab waiaiBHi i.wava siaiatkiaMitvl ' roc tauteaater at T. a. eg. njw p. m. -," racqurryvtUeMMisXgB, H"-t' xauuns juauaya tiwafav Per Lancaster, Lebano m KeaatlngM 1 TKAINBLBAVBKIIIU IT. II Pet Reading and Lobanea U a.MsVM.1 4.-1 ruarryTllleatfcsUr'. at. ''' TRAINS LKAVM PUIMCK ST. II HM, tl !! m.M f AS.aMM ahM tm m Mm wa nuv MuwnM mum .AVW. aHaj., rorUearryvUleMlttit. uu ' ,.& TKAUIS l.tUtVB LIBAMOM. j . , Fer yuarryvllle at rHn, i fi . or .connection at Oemmbta, alaatmeAaJ lien, uuicaaier jnncurm, auam aad Lahanen. son time tabtea at all .. t. wtiJwiK.annwrtai PKNNBYL.VAN1A 8A1LKOAD MUltlly-, ULB. In effect frimi June ItjUat, ,V ..TJS!ng.t?y" 'A""T and laaveaMajittja MPhlladelphtaamollewai . , Leave WBSTWAKli Paelle Kxpinasl... Hawa aUpreeal Wiv Paasanirurt.... I'hlladelphla ii p. in. tJOa-aa. JO a. as. TMawat. MaHtraln vU ML Joyl no. a matt inuni Niagara Kxprea. Hanover Aoeout Past Llnef r redertek Accem Lancaster Accein Harrtstrarg Accem.... ijeiuutbla Aoeoin Harrtstrarg Kxpreea... Western Kxpruasl ASTWAKll, fhlla. r.iprwtt rant Liuei , Uarrtttitirg KpreM.. liaucaater Accem ar., Oetnuibla Accein doaahere Kxptcss vtaUeianMel T:an a. m. i vtaCelnniDwJ nana. as. vtauelmnbtsl via alt. ey. KID ptBB. Mop ra. SMp.nL Leave Lancaster, 130 m.m. exea-te.' usawm. atuivm. IJtsup.m. xuep. m, L-oer.m. titan, as. nml imi tteAawaL Ml IMVWNI .' imtwiai aFaaBalsaV t. :aa.s.'. . i,a:i hrMHiMJri aria .,(;. rnuaaeipua accem.. innday MaU., Oay gxpress) tlarrlabura Accem 8j p. a The Lancaster Accommodation Jeavaa imrg at fcie p. m. and arrlye at Laaaaaai p, te. V- The Martetta, Aocemmodatloa leavaae Ha at . a. m. and reaches HarteUa at Bam leaves ueinmnia at il:a a. ra. ana i reaching starletu at IWU and JA afattetla at IM p. in. and arrival at Cel jaw i aiee, leaves v s:raana arnvea at aine rera accomnteaaiion leavos no and arrives at Lancaster at Bxu wiui uarnsuarg sixpreBa ai e:iu a. in. The rredertcK Accotumedatlon. weak tag at l.anc&sler wllh raxt Una, weft, at D. in., win run lennua hi rnnttnes. aeaaa KSS WrsMsssM tateSa lABBSjIasVV mt. a. 4 tm .,.'-:' m , BawKCf?' 1 -wsbES.'.X. aa -i- -: tMaflbA , r W J Naga-i m "SBH? 3 IBM. v V'Xi " atwiBBjaaM ... '-,-.&H aewaaasV Hi a m.j The rredenck Accommodation, east, laavea '" Oolnmbte al 1 and reachea Lancaster M Mat '" i p. in Hunnver Accoimnedallon. Kaat, loavea CetawkH Lin ul. 1 111 n tn Aritvu. nt. l.iLliajilup &SaBiBLf .' m.,conuecllng wlttt Dny Kxpress. , n'M Hauuvbc AttAiuiiuuuutJeK, tiei cenueetlBB ig ;, tauteaautr wiui Aiajra will ran through te (la ara xpre-a at MO sVM aneTer, dally, aaMiilaali? , ... ..... .-I7. raai miiu. etv. ou naneay, waee still sten at UewitlUKUiwn. CealMVUti banc, atu Je,, KltcabelhtiwD and Ml aiatt. ?.;, IVhAimlt trmlntt vlilnh rtstt aallV. UBt BntBaHBW u iy. e amaaaf a the Mall train went runs by wav el Cetajabta. & J. XL. wilMli.tteneral Puasenger Ajrett &m 1 AM V Wlllllf IImm.1 HlIMM". ! jiM ih.auhax. riQH MARTUf. FRUIT JARS -AT- Masen Fiutt Jara in Finti, Quarts aud Half Gallen. We again have the Lightulug Fruit Jar, which is the best in the market. Jelly Tumblers, Jelly Jan, Com mon Tumblers at the Lewest Pes bible Trices, Wholesale or Itetall AT i Si i tin 15EASTKlNQSratET. LAVNCAMTKtie TU UAtt, MAP. alU g?s SSrf.1 NTEKEBTINU TO VUUMIAHUR9. F-w ! BIG REDUCTION t sj&1 fli -.11 j-l'at" ,M 1111 nil IN. Ill I li UW Jilt LUI .,V wailAVB AT THIS BiBLY BK AlOII MAt W" MKUU tTlOBh All POLLOWa l ' ilia Mackinaw SlttCMacBinaw ; LleMaehlaaw lie Mack laaw B4U9Caatea, ., a. vast twBt .' arUrgeUaeel BOYH AM0 ILBf JMW btbawa at Urwea Prlaaa. mjgmww wWrB'3 HATaiiaUriMBSiBBHMWP'"l '-'- w. TBUMKaaadTKAVBUaWsUwsV-AJI aaa Lewest rneaa. " ST1UFFBR & CXh, MM. II M MnifDUi IU - Ult HA HALL II in Hedecaw aa-uaaaaLli'.a 't. & m tS i w9 n M ih. fi s JI nam. uwseaBsiei ratsskHAvM, mm.-. fMaa 'hmim . i . , ."" ,s? zlj? $y,-'vj ..- KU'tK-e &4 . ?.!&&.