Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 18, 1887, Image 1

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t " !t J - V - i-. I'SAS
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STljje Jtanfcaitef
KSfa I
-! 1
a bbybmb mum jwa in rum rt-
VIHITt m MII.LMmitll.LB.
Trrilllu l-Mla ul Thuudarand Vivid riaskaajel
Lightning-l.atit.tsr sjen Struck lr Mgnt-
iiltiK-Toharre linrns Wracked and
Murli Olh.r tlauiage Man.
The storm el Prhlay atteriinen waa one of
the most destructive with which thla county
wa nter visited. While the damage done In
this t-lty was considerable, In the country a
low n.llm irem the eUy the destruction waa
wry great. Tlie llrst storm which muted
the greater pitit of the damage reauhed
this city hitwtvn fiJW and U o'clock.
There wan a mciiiiiI aterm In the evening
about 8 o'clock, but the lea by that waa net
it great aa by tin-(list one. The aterm waa
accompanied by the tuent terrluu als of
thunder, vivid llashosel lightning and beavy
rainfall. It was unusually severe Inthevl.
clnlly of Mllleravlltn. Th9 aterm appealed
te have started nrar Lltllr. and passed across
tun country, ita track Imlng within ten miles
of the city Ihilew will be found an aewunt
el lliu (tannin done.
'iiik tiumi'it in i.AMOAnrr.ti.
l)iiiiiiKtliUrui at aU o'clock IhellKlilnltiK
struck tluihniel.l(liii Cvana, the architect,
nl dir Wrst Jainc nlrett It struck the ridge
tit the root iitnl ismI down the valley Inte
tlie apeul and tliencu Inte the gioeml. Tbe
hniI, Hml and pawwnent were datnaf-it hi
the amount or iitieut fill. 'I lie bullae had two
IlKhtnliiK i oil ii xiii it,iiiit these did net seem
te tiea proteclleti.
Hiiicul empleyes el Wlse'a brick yard, In
the seuthwiiatern part of the city, made a
narrow encaiMi tiein death. Nick Oardner
waa knocked about tweuty Icet and waa
ludly sluniivd, but he deea nut seem le
hawi been Injured. Andrew Hliay and
another man were also hnecked down by tbe
sHine alreke and although they experienced
a very iiuer aetiaallun, they were net hurt.
The walla el the kiln weie struck and badly
A dermar window In lechet'a tannery,
Houth t'rlncestrtet, wsatruck by lightning
nud broken te pieces.
The .ITcUral Mllleillla.
Mii,i.i:iiiii.i,i:, June IS. Thn aterm
struck this town with great force at .':!", and
Hint Ha fury In purlma ten minutes. In
all pirta the etlect were visible, and treea,
shrublmry, fencvn, anil eteu bulldingH were
)a thn Nermal grounds a large
iiiliulioref Irev-t were liriiknu up and several
lern out by the tout. Mm irejxirty oil the
ciriier epHMiti, onto n;tiptt by r. J, l
Wickersliaiii, new by Wlliucr's bakery, was
one of tlie meet lituiHIIul In the tevwi,
"limit it bi .bio Ircis. A ituiulrar of
theiii wefi btlly ilttsp'iittnl el tllflr
brauulie, and the bcAUty el the
yard N greatly ItHteutHl At Christian
Derr's farm, close by, several rails
were blown trimi the top el a alraw stack and
driven thtetich the walla of the large Irame
dxrulliug ntnl Inte the soeutl riKiiu lieyeud,
as if shot out of a coition. A part of the reef
of Jen's Kvaugellcal church was blown
Inte the street. This la new being repaired.
.Noiue damagii was also iloue the celling by
the rain during the night. At IC arch's new
bakery, jtMt being built, the chimney of the
even was blown down and ether damage
waa sustain! .S'.ruet ttirs were detained at
a nii'iilier of p u'a by ftllen trees.
AMirllhtl ACCOt.NI op tin: samk
A raiu Hleriu visited thla place alxmt fii'W
p. m , anil has auoceedod In doing a great
deal of dautaie te proerty. The largest
buildings of the H'atu Nermal cIkmI, weie
ahakeu tn thelr fouudatleus, and tbe beauti
ful greve el trees that once surrounded It
luve been upreited or broken nil by the
violenceeriho wind, (iraln Holds have beeti
blown tner and orchards have siitlerid ixin.
alderably. The ralu ilescoudeit In torrents.
He heavy was the rainfall jthal ioeple could
net see their uelghbirs. It will lake yeara te
replace what has bten destr yei In a few
mlnutes. .Ne lesi el lile h.i-t yet lioeti ie ie
teittsl. Teil VI U MllMKil IK WKI.L'KKIi.
The toliacce waruhoitseolJohu llarmau at
llarnlsh station waa totally demolished by tbe
wind It was a Irame structure .M) by Ml feet,
and parts el tlie reef were carried a distance
f about a hundred yards. Mr. Ilarmtn baa
Lhsii very iinforlunate with hla warehotise at
thla point. A fuw years age it was destroyed
by tire. Ilts less will b'j several huudred
A pait of the tobacco abed of Michael
Hoever en the I .anew ter turnpike and New
Danville turnpike was carried away.
1'ne nutuboret trues lilewu down In the
Nermal school grounds la about thirty, and
about tbe same number were also badly
damaged. As there are between :KM and MO
treea en tbe grounds, the treea down ran be
eircd. The only damage done te the main
bulldleg was the less of a few alattH. which
were blewu Irem tbe edge ul the reef.
A freight car en the aiding of the Uuariy Uuariy
vllle railroad at Hariiish station waa blown
from the track te the ground below, a dis
tance e( several feet, and bauly damaged.
The tobacco abed et Isaac Mtulth at West
Willow waa moved Irem the foundation.
Parts of the tobacco altcda of Itev. Anion
Slienk and Jehn Herr and tbe barn of Jehn
(lamber, el Muuer township were carried
In the orchard el Daniel Ferry, of Maner
tewuiulp, all the fruit trees but one were up
rooted. Jacob liarnish, or requea township, leat
several valuable treea from hla orchard and
David Hutt, et the aame township, also suf
fered souie lean.
The storm was very severe In the vicinity
of heck Hill and numbers of trees were
blewu down.
Itetween tbetiiBtand second tell galea ou
the Marietta ttiritplke dozens el treea were
blewu down, rteuiu el the largest were
Buapped elf with thOHamoeitseaatbeamalleat
Christian Klaser, living one-half mile north
of I.UIU, leat two valuable cows. They were
under a locust tree when struck; by light
ning. The barn waa euly twenty feet dis
tant, but It waa net Injured.
Ueerge Miller's beuse, juat beyond tbe
U rat tavern at Mlllersvllle, bad the corner of
the house and a portion of the poreh tern
away by the fall of a willow tree against it,
A. M. Kraut, esip, who returned from Mll
lersvllle this morning, aaya that the Mlllers
vllle Nermal school lawn will be all tbe
better when the debris el falling trees Is re
moved. The wind blew oil ball the reef of tbe
barn of Mrs, W. K. Martin, who resides en
the Columbia turnpike two miles west of
Lancaster. Part or barn reef of Daniel
K ready, In the same neighborhood, was also
taken, and the tobacco shed or Addison llru
baker was blown down. Heveu large apple
trees of i: L. Hambrlght, at Uetz'a old hotel,
were blown ever, and the following were
lest by ethers in that neighborhood I W. H.
Martin, seven ; Alfred Bwlsher, thirteen, and
Hsmuel Frantx, twenty.
The Columbia turnpike was badly blocked.
At lllukley's mill tbe storm was very severe,
and a number el wagons wen blown are uud
and badly broken.
In a space of one hundred feet en tbe retd
leading from Millwsville te MaaesTlUe,
there were seventeen treea ea the read.
The fall of rain is QuarryTlUe and vl
clntty la described as remarkably neavy.
Heaviest tter Years.
MevaT Jev, June w. At 6:10 p. bi. yea.
twday total plaea wh TteUed by m mrj
' ?
thunder end rain storm, lasting one half
hour. In that time a greet amount of water
fell. It was said by old alllsens te tiave been
the heaviest fall of ralu In thla section for
elgbt yeara.
a RVMHmm or rmtumi.
AppraprtaMwna for Charitable laaUtntleaa Net
Apprevad-Hlll Hlgnad.
(loverner llaaver has dlsiaiaed el the last el
tbe bills left In his hands by the legislature.
He vetoed the following I Making approprl appreprl approprl
atiena te the Women's hospital, Philadel
phia; te Mercy hospital, I'lltaburg In Keslne
home, Philadelphia; Union Heme for Uld
Ijadles. Philadelphia) te the I'diin Asylum
for Indigent Widows and Hlngle Women!
te ML Kraticlacua hospital, Plttabiirg; te NL
Chrlslepher'a llesllal for Children, Phila
delphia) te Cenvalewwnta' Itetreat, (lien
Mills. Delaware cuintj : te Hema nl the
Merciful Saviour for Crlpplisl Children,
Philadelphia; leHL liiike'a h'japiut, Hethle
uem. Ttie governor regrets that he has le exer
cise thn veto (Kiwor, but the excess of ex
penditure ever thn anllclwted revenue la
such as te leave him no ether course. Ker
thla reason, also, he vntoeathoapproprlstlotia
te the Working Heme for flllnd Men, Plilla
del phis, snd for the establ lah uieiil or a hoapl heapl
lal at thn veterinary college, University et
The bill te provide for the purchase or the
Heuse el Itefuire In Philadelphia by the
slat, Is vetoed because It la net a desirable
Investment, and the Huntingdon reforma
tory will furnish ample acoeitimodallon for
ursi in miners ler yearn bi come.
Oilier bills vnletxl were ax billows : The
grade crossing act ler cities of the llrst and
second class, for the reason that counells
have power te act In this matter. Autherl.
lug Imreugb eetitiflls te levy anil collect
license tax Counells should net liave the
right te enact penal statutes by ordinaries.
Te make prevision for the compilation,
printing and distribution of information re
lating bi the Miwera and franchises el certain
corjratleti. The staUi should net engage In
the publishing business unlets the Informa
tion te be given la el a geueral character.
The following bills weie approved :
Kelating te the lien of mechanics and', ethers
upon buildings. Hill i, known as the sup
plement le the corporation actel 1S7I, giving
corporations thn right te held the stock and
Ismda of olher corsiratieus ; relating te tbe
liena of mechsnles, laUirers aud ethers iiien
leasehold eatales aud the prejsjrty thereon.
lltt.l. HMWt.
UIishi Kara of
thn Matren ael Itu.liia ler
rirat risen.
The Lingue ratlin yesterday worn : At
Heatnn, (afternoon): New Yerk i!, Bosten 1 ;
at I'llllailftltillla Wiaahttlulfin II
Lphla ; at Chicage: Detroit II, Chicago Hi;
at inuisnaiKiiia : riitaijurg !i, lmllaiiaelin
Tlin ItiMten ami Detroit are having a nice
light fur llrst piano, lint thu latter keep thu
lead. Ttiu game between these clubs In
Detroit will be watched with great lutereaL
Maul, Philadelphia's new pitcher, waa put
In yesterday. He waa lilt hard but did net
Kt tbe Mipperl be abeuld have bad. Ilia
tntttlng wh feature of the game and bia
home run waa made en tbe longest hit ever
neeu en the grounds.
There would have been a 1)1(1 crowd at the
IrenalileR grounds yesterday bad tbe Uuaker
City club arrlred. The next game will be
between the Heading. State Aaaoclatlen club,
nd the I .ancaater U iauts. Thla will no doubt
be a flue exblbltloe and the Lancaster people
abeuld turn out In furce te aee IL
The American Association games yester
day were: At Philadelphia: Athletics .,
Cleveland '.! ; at ltiltlinere : ML 1. mU 7, Hal Hal
tlmere 3.
Altoeua defeated .fulinatewn by 17 te 2
yesterday, and Willlamspnrt wen In Hrad
lord by '. te 8
Tbe ((sailing club that will be hare en
Tuesday stands third in the .Stale Assocta Assecta Assocta
tlen. After today Philadelphia wilt have a rest
en baae ball until July 1.
The Cuban Miauls defeated Ulloa by f te 1
Malllinere wan knocked out In Husten yea
lerday and tbeu Tiernaii took hla place. The
latter waa bit for ten rutin.
In the Dalroil-Clilcagegatiie yesterday the
former club made live and thu lit ter three
horde runs.
One Nlnr, the Olher Tw.nly.
t ruin the yuarry vllle Pest.
While Mrs. Daniel lllcacher, of Hanks Hanks
vllle was netting souie weed at the wood
pile, a large anake crawlisl out from the
garden and Jumped at her. Hhe picked up
an axe and leugbt It until she killed It. When
measured, its length was blue feet. It had
A" reliable colored citizsn " who liven
near the ground, has seen en several occa
sions, ou the new read In Coleraln, which
leada fretn Uolllnsyille te Kirkwood, a black
auake which is ever twenty leel long and
aa thick aa a nail keg. The last time he saw
It was only about a week age when It waa
lying aaleep In the ravine which runs from
James McCullough's te the Octoraro, when
he mlaloek it for a leg and was Just about
sitting down en It te rest, when he saw Ita
tall move; then he says he also moved in
a hurry. The mm is uet a very heavy
Twe Valuable lleraae attach! , Hat Writs el
lltplevln IhihiI,
flrewn.V. Uensel, attorneys for (I. James
Ulldehrand, of Quarryvllle, Issued a writ el
replevin for two valuable beisen and the
bherltl went te tbe lower end of tbe county
thla morning te execute the paier. The
writ waa issued under these clrcumalaucea:
Seme days age James K. Swisher bought a
horse Irem Ulldebraud for 175 and gave a
note in payment. Tbe horse did uet suit Mr.
Hwlsber, he returned him te Ulldebrand
and demauded his note back. Ulldebrand
bad negotiated the note and could net give
It back aud the horse was put
back lu Hlldebrand's stable against hla
pretest On Friday Andrew Jeaesand Hubert
Karnes, two constables of tbe lower end,
attached two valuable horses lu Hlldebrand's
stable and took them away with them.
(SijulreJ. V, Paxton iaaued the attachment
but tbe attorneys for Mr. Ulldebrand de net
knew by what authority the attachment waa
issued, aa no judgment wss obtained against
Hildebrand uer any auit brought. The case
will occupy the attention et the court aud
Jury when H is reached ou the list.
The fourteenth Nacred Heart academy com
mencement will take place ou Tuesday next
at 10 a. in., when four young ladles will be
U. C. Deuiutb, of this city, waa elected
secretary of tbe state fishery rommlssleu at
tbe Thursday session of tbe beard in Phila
delphia. Jehn llreck, confectioner, Seuth Queen
street, has hail put iote his establishment by
tbe Edisen eleutriu light company an electric
meter le run the machinery for making loe
David M. l.tetity, of (ioedvllle, this county,
is one of the graduating class of the West
Chester Normar school.
Charles Wacker V lira's brewery and
restaurant have beeu conueeted with tbe tel
ephone exchange
J. W. Miller, V, U. Charles aud Henry
Melllnger are a committee appointed te
solleit subscriptions ler necessary repairs ler
tbe M. K. church, of Washington borough.
The examinations at the Mllluravllle
Nermal school begin next week.
Tbe Hetel Ashland, at Atlantic City, of
which Harry Myers of this city is the pre-
Srleter, was opened te-dsy. The Atlantic
Ity 1mt aaya it is eue of the best hotels of
Atlautle City.
The Hscend Contract.
The Kaat Knd street car company has
entered Inte another contract te secure water
for their aUble. Mr. Heller, of Mt. Jey, has
undertaken the contract thla time. Mr.
Heflte seen isa the company that he will
apply them with water. Mr. Heller la an
experieaveed well-barer, and curie en the
work quit extensively, having at present
four aaaehlnes in operation. Aabaftjifniteen
fMt kaa aireadjr bees sunk la front of Lb
aTksM time Ha Ilea Mads a Uemelssa etrcali
el the Karth-aa latawvlsw Wllk lllm
Had b m H.perwv ef the fatal-
llgaaear "-I staraatiag TravaU.
Jehn A. Kaluk, eon el Jehn Kalck, clothier
of this oily, rescued home Friday evening
after an absence nl mere than eight years,
during which time he made a complete cir
cuit et lbs nirth. He comas home In excel.
lent health, and te-day is being congratulated
by acuremf his frlsuds, many of who u he
at llrst fallal te reiugnizi, ler they were
beardless boys when he left them and new
they wear big beards aud moustaches.
Mr. Kalck reached New Yerk from lilver
peel en Thursday, having oetne ever from
Kngland In tbeateamalilp City of K'tme, the
largest ateamer alleat except the Ureat
Kastern. There were twelve hundred people
aboard the ship, Including the crew. At
New Yerk, Mr Kalck was met by hla brother
Milten ; en Thursday they came en as tar as
Philadelphia, aud en Friday cams te Lan
caster. Mr. 1'atck, who learned the drug business
In this city, left here In June IK7!) ter a trip le
thn far West He spent about three yeers In
Colerado ami Wyoming territory, and then
went en te Han Francisce, California, where
be remained a short time, aud then resolved
te make a circuit of the earth. In July 18,!
he sailed from Nan Francisce, and after touch
lug at tbeNandwich Islands, and New Zealand,
ateemed en te (Sidney, New Houth Wales.
Here he remained for about three mouths
and then moved en te Melbourne, alx hun
dred miles further .Smith, where he remained
about six months ; tlienoe he went te Hebsrt,
Tasmania, where he reinaluei about fifteen
months, and theu tell for India, vl Mel
bourne and Adelaide. Thence te Colombe,
Ceylon, where be stepied only twelve days,
steaming thence te Madras and Calcutta.
He ateped at Calcutta a month, and while
there made au engagement te manage a
drugstore In the city of Poeua, en the llom llem
bayalde. He conducted tbe business there
for about four months, aud then made an en.
gagetiieut te go te l.ilmre and take charge of
tbe drug busmen there. Alter belug at
I. shore aljeut two months be was transferred
te take charge el the drug business at Simla,
an Kaat ludl summer resort, and the seat ul
the India government during the summer
months. It la beautifully located en the
Himalaya mountains about H,(m feet alsjve
the sea level. Here Mr. Falck remained
about two yearn, when he was trans
ferred back te Lahore, where he re
mained until last April, and then left for the
city el Itembsy twelve hundred miles dis
tant, hla route lining by the way of Delhi and
Agra, On the leth el April he led Itembsy
in the steamship Keumanla, stepped for a
abort time at Aden, ou the coast of Arabia,
thence through the Ked sea te Suez, thence
through DeliSnsep's great canal, through
the Isthmus of Hut te Pert Said en
the Mediterranean ; thence the entire
length of the Mediterranean le the
Htralta of tllbraltar, and tlienoe scrota tbe
liay of Biscay te Liverpool, making the voy
age in twenty eight days. Next he took a
run up te Londen and alter swing the won
ders of the greatest city in the world, he
crossed the channel and visited Paris, where
he spent three weeks. Hutuming te Londen
and Liverpool, he sailed for botue en tbe Sth
or J una and arrived Friday night as above
"Mr.Falck," askeil the rep rter,"wbat busl
nens did you pursue duriug your eight years
almence 7"
'Only tbe drug business," replied Mr.
Falck. 1 opened drugstores In Colerado,
Wyoming and -Sati Fraucisco ; followed my
profession In Sidney and Melbourne, Aus
tralia, at Tebart, Tasuiiuii, aud lu several
cities in India."
Hew does the drug trade In the cities
named compare with the trade In America?"
'In Hldney aud Melbourne tbe trade la
conducted substantially aa it Is here, by
wholcnale and retail drugglala ; but tbey use
tbe Hritlsh pbarinace) i tu Instead el the
American. The dltlarence between Ibem la
net very material. Hut In India the practice
Is very dlllerent There are very few stores
devoted entirely te the sale of drugs. Large
mercantile houses, generally conducted by
Knglishmen, deal In all kinds of goods
groceries, dry goods, drugs and all kinds el
merchandize and have superintendents or
uiauagers for each deixvrtineut They often
ewu branch establishments In several distant
cities. The houses with which 1 waa engaged
bad stores in 1'oena, Lahore and Simla, and
hence I was transferred from place te place te
take charge or tbe drug department. In
India there is ue mere restriction in tbe sale
et drugs than anything else. It Is net neces
sary that a man abeuld be a druggist te sell
them. All mercantile houses sell them and
there is no restriction even en the sale of
poisons, except that the sale must be regis
tered. Nearly all tbe house have Kurepaau
clerks or iiiauagera."
Well, lu the course of your trip around
the world, what sights did you see that most
iulerested you 7"
" Te me the old temples and uionmen el
India were the most interesting aud attrac
tive, but 1 have net the time te describe them
even if 1 bad the ability. They are grand
and wonderful. The uiannere and customs
el tbe natives are peculiarly interesting, but
they must be seen te be preiwrly appreciated.
Whole volumes have been written about
them, but they give te tbe reader euly a
faint idea or the lives el these people as they
are seen in their tiatlve homes."
"And what else struck you an being out el
the usual run or things, say in Australia 7"
"The Australian government Is a geed deal
like that of ether ilrttlsh colonies. The Fug
llah government has no control ever the co
lonial gev eminent, except that the iieeu -points
the governor, and the governor baa
very little le de. The colonies el Australia
each make their own laws and internal
commercial arrangements. New Houth
Wales isa free trade country, aud it points te
Its rapid growth and the growth el" Ita princi
pal city, Hldney, as evidences of the value
of free trade. Victeria, en the ether band.
Is a protection provlueo, and levies a tarlll
en all Imports, the mother country receiving
no favors. A rebate of the tax Is allowed en
all goods exported after having been Im
ported." " And which province seems te have tbe
beat ellt 7"
"Ilelh claim te be best. Sidney, tbe capital
of New Houth Wales, Is mere like a slew-moving
Fugllah city, while Melbourne has mere
dash and la in many respects like our fast
growing American cities."
"Well, what ether wonders?"
"Paris is the most beautiful city I ever
saw and lnden the meat dingy."
"And hew about the landT"
"In all the countries I visited I found no
place te compare In beauty and fertility with
dear old Lancaster county."
"And here 1 suppose you will remain?"
"1 can't tell hew long, lhav net made
tip my mind what I shall da Fer the present
1 shall stay at home, and renew my old ac
quaintance." A aeed Ameadmaat.
Frem the Fall Hlver Advance.
"Have the young men," aays the Homer Hemer
vllle Tb-urMaf. All right, but If the Journal
had no objeetlonaw abeuld prefer te have a
few young women eared M wtU.
tmujf lib.
The Hekrtlaa) of Higher KdaraUea te the la
dastrlal rreblssns of ike Age.
Kns. iNTKl.t.l'iKSK'Ktt .The Idea brought
out with se much force In some et the ad
dresses In connection with the recent com
mencement of Franklin and Marshall, es
pecially In the masterly and cultured ad
dress of W, U. Uensel, esq, that liberal edu
cation haa higher alms than te prepare men
te satisfy their physical wants or te amass
wealth, la worthy oltheughtfuloonaideratlon.
Without dwelling upon the thought that
education In Itself is worth mere te a man
than wealth, it la worth considering that
when mere physical welfare is made the
supreme end of Ills, even that end will
likely fall of being realized by the niaases.
The solution of the industrial problems of
the age la te be found In turning the minds
and hearts of men te higher Interests. Why
la It that the struggle for subsistence Is be
coming se intense 7 It Is net because there is
net enough and te spare ler all. We con
stantly hear of ever-production. There Is
mere of the earth's natural products than our
country knew what te de with. Why then
la U that tbe wealthy are growing morn
wealthy aud tbe peer are becoming poorer?
Is It net because the contest and struggle of
life are planed uen a wrong liasla 7 Let an
other and higher end et lite be placed before
the isjenle, and tbe strife te reach tbe lower
end will become less Intense, and fuat in that
proportion will there come te be a mere
equal distribution of tbe means of living, or
the requirements of man's physical well
being. Let thentruggle become one for high
excelleuoe In mind and heart culture, lu the
development el noble manhood, aud In that
uegree me contest ler What supports physi
cal life will Leceuie a secondary Interest, ami
men will be willing "te live and let live. "
It la a law declared by the wisdom el Him
who spake as never man spake, that be who
saveth bia Ufa shall lone IL If I wished te
bring about a proper solution of the indus
trial problems of the age, I would say that it
ilea in teaching men te value physical sub
sistence less, and man's higher intellectual
and spiritual welfare mere.
Itut It the end of education is te sharpen
men's wits for the acquirement of physical
subsistence, and, as the greatest security ler
this, wealth, than you educate men, each
one, te gain mere than his neighbor, and Ibis
Is the struggle thst sends the millionaire te
the top aud tbe ioer and weak te tbe bot
tom. Itut let the aim be te cultivate the
nobler and belter part el our being, and tbe
lower will come le mail's uouesnlty without
a content. It Is Just tlie supreme value set
upon mere worldly geed that creates the
nelllsb rivalry and the hard-hearted disre
gard el the wants or our fo.lews ; se that the
theory here defeats Itself.
Itut It Is said you must take the world as it
is, and net as It ought te be in dealing with IL
Men de value the satisfying et the wants of
their physical being as tbe llrst and greatest
geed, and therefore you must leach them llrst
and mainly hew te gain their biuad and
butter. Hut that were like saying men will
quarrel aud light, therefore let the object of
eduoatieii be hew best te master each ether,
hew tbe one can host destroy his antagonist
And se we eome te what was designated as
the abeiniuable theory of llobben that every
man must be trained hew best te light his
fellow, expressed lu a dead language by tbe
words emnei tentrti emnes, all against all.
Hut a higher wisdom has taught the true
philosophy of life te be ecmes in e umitihus,
all ler all.
If, therefore, mere physical subsistence
and the surest means of supplying It, aud
securing au ever-abundance or It by amaxn
ing wealth, were the Urst Interest In lire for
man, tbe surest way te defeat the realization
et this end Is te teach men tbe "bread and
butter theory" el education. On tbe ether
hand, if a higher geed is placed before men
as the Ideal te be sought ler, the struggle for
the lower by one gaining the advantage ever
another will grew less Intense. Hecause
men are selfish, tbe remedy is e( te teach
them hew te render their aelttshness success
ful, but rather te lix their aim ou what is un
seltisb, tbe blgheat geed or all. AutI liberal
education for its ewu sake Is oue element of
that higher geed.
a HATrtt utHir.Tiurt.
Take the Clly Hiiuplr Frem llun.rtker'. Sjmib
el the Itraaeu. Tliervfer.
Flu. In i'i:i,i,'kr. Since the com
mittee ou improved water supply have se
cured the services or a hydraulic engineer,
we hope he will net continents investigation
entirely te the locality above the Pennsyl
vania railroad ler the new location et water
Mr. Crees In his report of .May 'Jd refuses
te consider the II uuseckur mill slte ler the
following reasons :
IsL Negaiuiu purity of water.
Capacity of streaui dangerously dimin
ished. 3. Additional crwt.
I. Klevatiuu at Kosevllle nut sullicieut ler
reservoir site.
Upen a mere careful investigation he will
no doubt mndily these objections. Hun
seeker's mill is but a Bhert distance below
where the Coueatega roeelv en tlie pure w atom
of Lltltz creek, Hammer creek and fecal ice
creek. Hetweeu this and the Pennsylvania
railroad we have tbe paer mill (said te have
poisoned hah some years age) and the thickly
settled section lu nud around 1 Men and along
both banks or the creek Ter most el the dis
tance. Hesldes, tbe nutuber et manufactories
and residences will iucrease mere rapidly
near the city than aix miles up the stream.
As te the streaui being dangerously dimin
ished, let its volume be compared with our
daily consumption, itwilltie found capable
of supplying many towns of tbe sue et Lan
caster, aud at any rate, there are very low
tributaries of any acceuut lu a dry seaseu
entering between tbe two tiluta.
Alt admit the necessity in the near In tore,
el anew reservoir en higher grounds, and
if the works are removed above the reser
voir, College bill would seem the euly feas
ible point for the ronervoir ; hence it would
be but fair te include tbe cost el this reser
voir and tbe mains leading thereto in thu
coming esllmate.
Mr. Crees' fourth objection falls when 1
Inform him that the hill at Land Is Valley la
3J leet higher than Keaevllle and Is feet
higher than Cellegehlll; that the reute from
Ilunsecker's mill te Lancaster by this hill Is
less than hall a mile longer than by Unso Unse Unso
ville ; and the entire reute is by a public
highway, hcuce ue land damages would
have te be paid.
The water power and dam at Httusecker'H
Is fully as geed as at Hanck'n, the lilt of water
from Ilunsecker's te the hill at Land is Val
ley would be about IS! feet, while Irem the
point above tlie railroad te College bill It
would bOHbeut the same and yet the head
would be IS feel less at the latter place.
A reservoir at College hill et thn ordinary
height would net properly supply all parts
of the city, while oue at I-hihIIs Valley
would be sulllcient for all tltue te coma 1
have thus Miiuted eutu low of tbe advan
tages which the lluiiHtiker site claims
uamely.purer water, plenty el It, IS feet mera
head with no addltieaal lilt and a saving of
cost lu reservoir slte uud laud damages, (all
or whleh'can be proved by preer investiga
tion) agaiust which call be urged chielly thu
additional cost of mains. New let our en
gineer give us this additional cost ever and
abev e the cost el removal te point above the
railroad and the new reservoir en College bill,
aud our councils aud cau then judge
wuicn is uesi.
The fact that the authorized lean la net
sullk-ieut te de this work should net commit
us le a cheaper and less eallafuotery plant at
least until tbe citigeus have a chance te vote
ler or agaiust au iucrease iu the lean.
lt ua Have a Fourth of July Celebration.
Ens. 1ntki.i.uiknci:k. It Is uet tee late te
begin arrangements for a proer Fourth of
July celebration 111 this city. Is it abenelll
te Lancaster wlien half the cltitmsaroabread
en this holiday 7 If a parade aud a geed dis
play of fireworks wero had would net many
people tie drawu here from the county?
People should net be driven trout or kept out
of the city for the little it costs le observe the
liveliest holiday in the calendar.
Vex Pepuli,
m i
Oaaaa Dismissed.
Jehn Deeblerbad a bearing last evening el
several oemplalnta made against him at
Alderman Spurrier' offlee. There ware
charge or larceny, assault and battery with
Intent te rob, and carrying concealed deadly
weapon. Allet these complaints were dis
missed for want of evidence. The charges el
surety of the paae and drunken and dis-
uvusaiy besibuci war aiamiaaed upon pay- mm vg tmm bwwmssju.
William Tt aen, a Itelllng Mill Weikar, Hreaka
Ilia Klaht Lag-Beatman Arrsttad rer
Hnliiimlnf In the Hlver at Lecuat Street,
A Itagatta en the Fenrth of July.
Uvgiiliir Correspondence of Iktrlliukne ii.
Cei.UMiilA, June IS. William Tyson,
employed at the Columbia rolling mill as a
Blecker, had his right leg broken yeaterdsy
afternoon. He was working at a plle of pig
Iren, when the plle fell en his right leg, frac
turing it below tbe knee. The unfortunate
man was attended te by Dr. Markel, and
was afterwards conveyed te his home at
V lelated the Ordinance.
William Delllnger and Hatnuel K nicely,
two boatmen, were arrested yesterday by
Olllcer Wlltick, ter swimming in tbe river at
the loot of Locust street during the day ttma
Their act was In violation of the borough
lawn, and they had a bearing before Squire
F.vans. Ily paying coats the men were dis
charged. A Slight Fire.
A slight lire occurred yesterday afternoon,
at the stable in the rear of the Continental
hotel, II. Nbell proprietor. The roel waa net
en tire by a siark from a passing locomotive.
The flames were discovered by the empleyes
of tbe Pennsylvania railroad sand house, and
were put out before they had gained much
headway. Very little damage was the result.
Te Have a llrgalta.
Among the features for the Fourth of July
celebration will be a regatta for nail beat en
the river. Thus far twelve entries have been
made. The committee et arrangements will
glve prl.w te the winners. Kutriescan be
made te William II. Fendrlch.
Itallgleaa Intelllgente.
The United Hrethren Sunday school will
observe Children's Day en Sunday at their
new chuich. The school will meet at il
o'clock at the old church aud march in a
body te the new church.
Kew J. IL Paunebncker haa returned from
thu general synod at Akren, Ohie, aud will
occupy his pulpit ou Hunday. The Sunday
school anniversary, or Children's Day, will
lie celebrated at 10: i1 a. in.
ilev. Jatuen P. Huxten, rector of Su James'
church, Drlllen, Pa., will preach InlbeSL
Paul's 1'. H. church en Hunday. Kev.
Merau will preach in Drlllen and will attend
the couimencement exercises at Lehigh
University during next week.
The St. Jehn's Lutheran Sunday school
will held their services in tbe morning, com
mencing te-morrow.
The Second street Lutheran church is closed
en account of the absence et the pastor.
Ilov. C. D. Kisbei will preach en Hunday
morning, en "Church tievernmenL" Even
ing subject "True Loyalty te ChrlsL" At
1:30 p. m , Children's College Day will be
observed, when Kev. William Itice, e!
Washington borough, will deliver an address.
The Shawnee lire company have received
an Invitation le parade at Alloulewn In
Twe runaway bays from Philadelphia,
giving their names as Hed getls and Kennedy,
have been arrested by Otllcer Wlttlck. The
parents of the boys have beeu notified and
tbe boys are iu tbe lockup.
Five by an Kxplaalen.
Wi i.kksii vullK. Pa-.JunelS-A terrific oxple
sieu efgaa took place in the twin shall at
riitsien junction tuis morning, rive men
wero taken out terribly, aud It Is feared, fa
tally burned. The head house at the top of tbe
shall was blown te pieces and the Inside of
the shall was wrecked. It is feared that the
tire has communicated te the chambers in the
mine. The names of the Injured miners and
ether details of the accident have net yet
been received.
The names el the injured men are: Patrick
Itarrett, KdwardMoeney, ilernard Dempsey,
Mlelivl Fonensand Martin Donehua liar
rat and Moeiioy will die. The explosion
wasciustxl by the naked lights of the men
coming in contact with the gas as they went
down the shatL
The Detective. Have Fealtlvs tCvldeme.
Kwiu'vv, N. J., June IS. The statements
published le the el loot that Casper Strauui
back, theself-ceufessed murderer of the girl
found dead en the read here is an imposter
and a fraud, and that the ellicials place no
mnlldeiice iu bis confession are Incorrect
Dotectlvo ICernn lett Elizabeth early this
morning ler Itika, 111, for tbe purpose or
bringing Strauuiback P.asL Detectives who
have been working in tbe case since Strauui
back's confession have secured positive evi
dence that he is the murderer.
Chlcagu Urekera FalL
CiiiCAcie, June IS The firm et it. H.
Labagh .t Ce., Heard el Trade commission
inerchauls, failed Ibis morning. The firm is
quite a large one and tbe amount of the
failure is probably between (i.r,(let) and
f.'iO.uuO. Tbe stuasb is the direct result of the
break of the wheat comer.
P Washington, D. C, June IS Ker
Kastern Pennsylvania : Westerly
wind, slight changes in temperature,
lair Jweatuer, excupt occasional thuuder
Illgn College Hoeura Fer laucaatrlan.
At the unuual commencement of St.
Stephen's cellege, Aunandale, New Yerk,
en Thursday, William Derwart, or this city,
who hss been a student there rer the last
four years, graduated with tbe first honors,
having received the prize for primus, con
sisting el twenty-four octave volumes of the
Ante-Nlcene Fathers, (In order for ene te get
this prize he must maintain an average of X
through the wbole ceurse et four years ) the
prlze iu Hellenistic Greek ; the prize iu
psychology ; the pri.e In ethics, aud a
special pri.s from a lady, who resides near the
college, ler Industry. He also received the
alumni prize of fl.Mi, the lust houera et the
class aud valedictory.
A Hairbreadth Kie.
This morning about eight o'clock a team et
two horses and a wagon, leaded with tobacco
aud belonging te ICendlg, el Klnzers, a well
driller, was slaudiug at Hest's works, ou
Plum street, taking oil a net of Jars el a well
drilling machine. While tbe driver was
helping te carry tbe jars Inte the works, tbe
shiltercauie along going east with a number
of cars, aud startled tbe horses se that they
ran towards IL Just bofero they reached the
train, liewever, they swerved aside aud
stumbled and tell ever a railroad truek that
was lying in the east gutter. They were
seized immediately aud found te be unhurt;
but it was certainly a hairbreadth escape, as
they were about as close te the track aa the; ;
could be without being en It.
Treubladby llurglara aud Firebugs.
rrninltieCurWlluuu Ledgor.
It seems that Christiana basel late been
the cheaeu spot for the operations of thieves
and llrebuga. Only a week or two age two
attempts were made te tire buildings, and
new we are called en te chronicle the depre
dations e! burglars. On Wednesday night
access was gained through one et the parlor
windows of E. e. Hroemell's residence and
the robber penetrated the bath-room,
where they appropriated pair or pants be
longing te Mr, Hroemell, which oentalued
uie n.eTs ve me oiuee ana saie ei me imris
tlana Machine company, necessitating that
arm te send te Yerk for a new leek and key
for the safe. On tbe aame night the homes of
Wayne Jenkins and Jes. ilarclay were In
vaded but nothing was taken. 1 1 f s clearly
evident there are uiisereauta about the town
who should be watched, and if captured made
an example of. Our cilissns are becoming
One of the Mint tMaaatreas that Kit tic
rarred la This (tactien.
The wreck at Hohreratewn Thursday wan
one of the most disastrous known in this
section for year and lit lea te the Pennsyl
vania railroad will b very heavy. The north
track waa net cleared until 6 o'clock this
morning and the south track could net
be used before 9 o'clock. The Columbia
accommodation, which reaches here at
7:15, ran as lar as the wreck last even
ing where Uie passengers were transferred.
The train lay at Dlllervllle all night and
went through te Columbia with the baggage
Ac., at 5 this morning. The railroad em em
peoyes worked veryhard almost continuously
Irem the time the wreck occurred until the
track was cleared, although they did se at
great disadvantage. During the heavy
shower which occurred early In the evening,
they was compelled te cease for a time.
Later for some hours it was dark. While at
work, one of the large derrlcks broke which
caused mere delay. The men were obliged
te work with empty stomachs, as it was im
possible te secure anything for them te eat
last night even In this city.
After the pieces had been gathered up, the
engine was gotten eyer en ita wheels, and
waa taken te Columbia thla morning. Ureat
dllllculty was experienced with tbe car lead
of beer. Kvery piece had te be taken out or
tbe car before anything could lie done with
It, and a great deal was spoiled. Tbe en
gineer of the wrecked locomotive was Frank
Themas, and the company will make an in
vestigation of thn cause of tbe wreck. At
the place where it occurred there is a grade
towards tbe east, and tbe Iraln was going
duwu It when the accident occurred. The
train was heavily leaded, and en account of
the great weight it would have been difficult
te step.
When the news reached thla city concern,
lug the great quantity of whisky which
wasted by the wreck, there was a feeling
of regret among persons here, who were
worry that they could net be ou hand at the
big treaL Several persons partook freely et
the rum aud had le be laid up for repairs.
Oue et these was a railroader. He became se
druuk that he lay out In tbe rain storm which
sobered blm up completely. He then re
turned te work and did mere than any man
In the gang.
LtzAHea l'tuau UKtit.
The Wall-Known Hersa llealer Suddenly
stricken Dunn With Apepleiy.
Lazarus Plose, a well-known borse desler
el this city, died very suddenly at his resi
dence, Ne. 1 10 Kst Lemen street, at S o'clock
this morning. Mr. Plose was down street in
his usual health Friday evening, and went
from the Keystene bouse te the residence of
hisseu-ln-lsw, Henry Weill, en North Lime
alraeL Shortly after U o'clock be complained
that he did net feet altogether right, and
went te his home. Ue rapidly grew worse,
and seen became unconscious. He remained
In that condition up te the time of his death.
Dr. M. L. Herr waa sent for about 10 o'clock,
and Dr. H. T. Davis seen afterwards. They
remained with the sutlerer until an early
hour this morning. Itev. Ungerleider was
sent for about - o'clock, and he was at the
bedside of Mr. Plose until bia death occurred.
The cause et hla death was apoplexy.
Deceased was a Frenchman by birth and
came te this country from Htraaburg eight
years age with his brother Moses. They
lived ler a time in New Yerk, but then came
te Lancaster, where they have since lived.
Deceased was a purchaser of horses in this
city for Isaac II. Dahlman, of New Yerk.
Since he took up hla residence here be has
purchased thousands of the finest horse
that Laucaster county produces and ah Ipped
ihem te :sew ierK. no was well known
net only In tbe city but throughout the en
tire county, as be came In contact with a
great numberef people. Although Mr. Ploae
came here an entire stranger, be seen became
popular and was a tlrst-class citizsn in every
respecL He was a very charitable man and
was always readyte lend a helping hand te any
worthy object. He was an earnest member
of Shalry Sheinaiiu Hebrew congregation or
this city, and tbe I. O. 11. II. He leaves u
wire and but ene child, a daughter, who is
the wile of Henry Weill. Ue was a large,
strong man of powerful Irame and his death
was a great surprise te every body that heard
et IL The deceased was 17 years et age.
Ills funeral will take place en Monday at 9
a. ui.
Ulctl tu California.
Hlcbard Kby, aged 'Si, who was uatlve et
Christiana, died iu Han Huena Ventura, Cat,
recently. Ills mother, who resides in this
city, received the information by telegraph.
He waa temporarily buried there, and will
probably be brought East seen.
Cbarle. U.rtllikl Heard byAldartnan Her.bvy
and tJa Coats Imposed.
Charles Uerlitzkl, or the F.fghth ward, was
beard by Alderman Uershey en Fridsy
evening en a charge et drunkenness and dis
orderly cenducL Tbe. J. Davis appeared
for (lerlttzki, but the alderman declined te
hear the defendant's testimony or that of hla
witnesses, although counsel inslsted that the
accused had a right te be heard as it was a
case of summary conviction. Mr. Davis also
raised the point that Uerlll.kl had been pun
ished once for this same eUeuse by the
mayor, but the alderman decided that a case
had been made out and the defendant would
have te pay the costs or go te jail. Qerlltzkl
at first reruaed te pay the costs, aud applica
tion was made te Judge Patterson for a writ
et habeas corpus, but tbe judge would net
hear the case last evening, and rather than
go te jail Uerlitzkl paid the costs and was re
leased. His counsel will probably bring an action
against tbe alderman for damages. The
grounds et the suit will be that be went ou
and heard tbe case after being notified that
Uerlllki had been punished for the same
elleuse, aud thai the suit was uet brought
until 07 hours after the alleged disorder,
while the law requires the suit te be within
forty -eight hours.
Nevel Way of Securing an Organ,
The egg breaking sociable at Ht. Paul's M.
i:. church, last evening, proved a very pleas
autaswell as a very successful affair. On
Kaster alnml one hundred wooden egga were
distributed among teachera and scholars In
tbe Hunday school, In which they could de
posit savings, and solicit aid ler tbe purpose
of purchasing an organ, te be used lathe
school room. Most of these accepting egga,
entered into the project with will, a tbe
result of the breaking last evening shows
the amount realized being ilGUia, with sev
eral egga yet te be returned.
The refreshment were in charge or Mrs.
Cbaa. Keada, Mra. J. K. Hebum, Mrs. H.
V, Bartholemew, Mrs. C. Y small, aud a corps
el aasiaututs, with Mrs.T. L, Heed as cashier.
The ladle certainly deserve credit for care
aud success in the management of this part
et the sociable.
Tbe occasion was euliveueJ by a number
of choice selections ou tbe new organ one of
Katey'a Philharmonic chapel organs-a wy
line instrument purchased recently of Mr.
H. J, Owens.
m '
Mridf Contract Awarded.
The commissioner of Lancaster and
Chester counties met en Friday at Atglen
and epaned bida for the lnter-oeunly bridg
ever the Ooterara Jeseph Kreekel, city,
was awarded the contract for lb masonry at
fits and the Pittsburg Bridg company the
iron superstructure at f 1,891. The bridge la te
be erected before October L In all there
were thirteen bid for the superstructure
and tx for the BiAsenry.
PRICE twe:
i f-
fat. MHBUtr JMJaW ffvff.i
J OdataT r MaMTMMaf,,
"esaae H ike Hall Mm
Jnaraa at Ream Until
Allowed tn iMre
Fark With the Ossm
Nkw Yerk, June lh--TlMs
pwaUv'lr Pll Pre
trial of Jake Sharp was resumed
Ing. The court was te alt eavly
u ciuua, aja tue rasaHMBuer ei tan)
legal holiday, Henry A. Be
ueerge w. i.tncn, wae !
uicieu rer mDraearyi wtuiaaa.
uruKar. inn imi asfsefiai,'i
called In sumnaalnn tn Una aanaat.-'M
testified that tbny had subscribed Mri
inn nreauway nurraee raitraae
leu weir names te be used as i
but they had net paid for, nor
ei we bieck or ine raureaa.
auditor et the It roadway and I
railroad, tdentllled the mlnttta
directors' nimtinv nl Maw tuk
and ether record from wMsal
irscta were read. Jehn M. M
and Mr. Bright, lawyers, were called.'
nre counsel ler me railroad
with which Hharp was premlttaMHly.
nected. They testified that thslr taM 1
generally recognizes! as the effie Of '
nreauway ail r lace risul. TbSVBI
for or received any of thn company' at
Mere documentary evidence was thM I
nnu at r- o'ctecK inn court adJeurBSM I
Mendsv merniniz. '"-- '
the Metropolitan lintel tu the custody oft
wuit uiuinra muu imuerrainaiaiitBurvilM
judge Darren gave instructions
Jurers should be permitted te go out!
carrisses should he nrevldnrl fnr tl
drive in Central park, but that they i
net unuer any circutustanee b
separate. This will prevent any of
irem irolmrle church. JakeHharm
te Ludlow street jail, where he will MM
until Monday. The stierl II A
net auew mm te remain at his house H (
et the deputies.
'Netratipel In Vala.
Nkvv Yeiik, June Is. The general I
in me supreme court te-uay nanaaa i
decision in thecsse el ex-Aldermaa
unen, convicted of bribery. The d
is written iv rresldlua Justice Van
mm auiruis juuKuieui ei we lower coon. .-'
The World 'a" BaUeea Land. K I
uk.ntiiai.ia, Ills., June la The Wen
dsiioeii, which left Ht. Leu I at 435
uescenueu Beveu mile west of
e clock last nigbL The balloon was
about six o'clock Irnm here : It waa
very low and finally dluppeared. Wi
was soeu ureugui le the city IbetK
landed. A part v went out and found tki
suip, which nan ueen left nv the
charge of a watchman. Nene or tbe
navigators were Injured by the descaaaV
is unaersioeu mat the ki vine out of
added te the fact that Professer Meat
just before sailing severely cut m
which was paining him naverely.
reason for the descenL The aeronaut
te this city and registered under
names, refusing te bs Interviewed. A-"
m:vv yeiik, June is Kdward DuftjY
II erM balloon correspondent seat ah)
lewlnir dispatch in the ll'erlct thla
" Were cemrmlled te land last nlaht at
inau. Clinten ceuntv. Illinois, about fUt
-...-. ... . t ' .. -.
nines irem rat, ieuis." v
m V
Oil instead of Ceal Fer LeeanvssV4'
I'rmuuiui, June is. PennORlsvi
read engine 108 Knglneer BitrbankfiT
brought mall Ne. 15 west Irem AllerjaWt,
nveu prumpuyen tune last niguL WW
. jiuuuu ui viuii iii a aiiuK ui wuudj aavi
we steam. Th is was the II rat engine I
attempted te run west of the All
mountains with crude petroleum a
ana pines irem ine 40U gallon tanK OI i
oil en the tender did tbe business. AI
ten oarreiaeroii wero consumed in ufl)l
wuicn waa a thorough success from I
finish. The process is the Invention -;
Kussian acleiiiiHL The second section of 1
i.xprens east pulled out or Union statu
o'clock this mernlug drawu by the
engine with tbe same kind et fueL Pa
gers and trainmen are loud In ita prajaj, .r.
rm.j miucK anway en.
CluANii KAi'iiis, Mich., June 18 A
tens: piace is-si nigui between I'atay
of HuUale, aud Patsy O'Leary. et OH
at a read house near this city. Th
wasferfTiOOsud was fought under Qi
berry rules with ;.; ounce gloves, u"
wen in live rounds. 0'I.eary landed
blewa en Carrell's neck repeatedly.
Carrell's blows were low and abort, late
ursi round Carrell was partly dazed
continuation or the neck blows result)
nts complete Knock out at the does er
tutu reura. Alter tbe close el tl
round O'Leary had It all hla own
though Carrell steed up manfully te
Tbe first blocs) was drawn In UM
round, and at the ttulah Carrell's I
badlvcut. Trillin tVI nsnr'n miininnanma a 1. ,
ltccelved Llfs Romanes. ,'
nui-HAi.e, june is. Mrs. t'ensayre t
this morning sentoneed te imprisons i
lite. HUemaue a statement before l
was pronounced. She sike du
and was often Interrupted bv
Hbe denied cemlltlna- the crime. W
referred te her son her vole fslt)?
sne ureke uewn completely. J neg) .
wiinwanviaiuiyaiieciea wnenuepresM
the sentence When Mra Pensevrea' i
embraced her erring daughter attar I
sentenced there was net a dryey al
room. .Mrs. renseyre wasted DaeKfni
ceil sun soueiug.
llJkf.1.1'.. Mln. ! tll.. 1.?
--- ,,-. unnwHWM. j.f
Hi'niNai'tKi.D, lib, June 18. Tnil
preme court has alurmed the deutaaen asM
(Sangamon ceuntv circuit court in tn l
the people against tbe Illinois Central
read for unjust discrimination In aft
rates, which was decided against IM;l
reau. rue case was oreugui upon less a
plaint that the company carried rrsagMl
ess oesi irem ataivoen te unicage i
Kankakee le Chicago, a leaser Ola
difleroneein the rate et th two PssaVasM
slxcents in favor of Matloen. UfMavat
facts tbe oemplaiust waa mad te its
aud warehouse commission, wtuek
sulL ,::,
' ?'
Hulcld of Veaag Hit.
Nkvv Yehk, June 18. Mr. Pearl
a nanaseme young woman of '.
only recently married, abet herself
room at U Washington Hquar early.'
Ulernlns- and dlad In m faar hours. Hka.
tne daughter of a weu-te de farmer if
Newark, Ohie. Her.huaband waa eaa;
aa a barteuder. Hlnee her tnarrl
aeemed te be a constant victim el
nasaand melancholia. This seeds ta
only cause assignable for her rash
Mum Answer for Hebbaty aad .
Nkvv Yerk. June 13. -W. H.
la wanted lu Doylestown, Pa,
charges of robbery ana arson,
rendered te an oltleer from
left with the Prisoner. &r .?
Tisusun-rniv . w
Sara Bernhardt anlled far
Black Frank, or St PauL whoa
Li.rin." tn a draw last snrhut. kl
Hilly Hurley, of MlnasapeUa,
-,.,.ni. the Coliseum theatr.
kola, last night with small glevan,
The Mormons yesterasy mum
constitutional convention te aMt
Lake City June 30, for tit purpea
lnsr for statehood.
In tbe New Yerk ceffe :
tbe tlrat sal waa en Ootebwr
clln et forty point. Th total
tbe call war about tugeti
Oi u points. .u-
urewaa ar rriviav an mm
Quem'a Jublle. AwMuk
Austria, in i-rinesa aan
Oeburg, Uetlu asatPriaW
earn to-eay. . .
lira, uinvaiana
at WellaoeliM, Aurera. M. Y.,
atadanta ta-dny. M
uadr th eaia wIijj
oeaoludlAa tuaalr list ff
MUeaaa, imn turn" p-H
Mia. CUvt4' ntmm kf Ml
- XVi-,a-yr J" --
TSfi .