77-:mW-7 &'& Ba. W Pb" w W lauf .r,$T .k,r X-ii r.f V- r hm fjat EW. 'ZHtJJ2 -yj' V,-!, a t imuMiica, 17. TIM malar monthly mtfWMMdiMtvrMilnjr itar with all BMitwn tMMr.Tfatt. Th Bdmn com IM rteMDU M 1382.05 and ptsM W, ImtIbr tataaea du at pun, te Mitac in the teri te W,W7.A. TIm rapsrtntend- npetttd tb ucewaful nmtw en last Tuns' TM Columbia. National 1 bend of tio.euo as Of lt Bfaoel district ler the etmu- EltktcopisseftheAWiOciIoiirHn for tM um of the beard. An M reestred from the committee ,lftVMtSeM te putlc.ft In the coming or JWjr oNsuauen. tee invitation IM bm or the institute glraa te tka Fourth of July com- was granted for coupons 7, Orders were grant d in pay. af Mlis aaum&tlDg te fro .15. On motion I i. i& Wf Bersraly B-rntd. Hlekey, a thirteen-year-old son of Bleker. met with a terrible burning it yesterday at the Susquehanna roll- L Me was atanamg near the rolls, te drag eat a bar el Iren, which he it see pet Inte the rolls. The red het struck ths boy In the right leg, near ahagirihi. entering the fleshy part of the leg far aeme distance, lie was immediately atraa attention, and was conveyed te his ySaaM The Iren caused a ery paintul ;; iroend which baa injured the main artery. i; sTer Secial Enjoyment. Itis, Ynntlff PivinlA'a auwrwlatlnn Af Dm Ks- j& J 0AA r.MlhMnAkinka.tll ..!.. - .... m WWW UV UUWVIMlVUUibU ss.ii uiiiu w iuvvi lag this evening, at the residence of Mr. Mil- vlBWat imm ,1 AfeftftAML Em ten Wlka. STf IHiknlAlAjtU(Hjiril.ni.i...L Mt .1 ct,- r imuinun mvicijr ui iud vuuilu VI uuu rcv- wiuneiuaacraw worry ana icecream if sural t ahla avenlnir. at the realilencenf Mm. .T. m. ..Wright $J ( The members of the high school tendeied U.2T 0 Banquet te the class '&, which took place in &,r tba rink last evening. In every point of view ih auair was a grana success. The high school nine will play a game of hall with the Juniors, of Yerk, en Saturday Morning en Bear's grounds. ' The Columbia Are company hts received an invitation from Allentown, te participate M the firemen's parade. Ticket Ne. 1,431 drew a smoking del, Banned off at Helndel's cigar store. Jehn Mifflin and Clarence 8 toner left town let a two week's visit te Hampton, Va. BCBULABM ABOUT. In the Fifth Ward i lilted Thursday Might. i The burglars are still trying te get their . work In In the Filth ward. The residence i ef Wm. B. Htyer, 627 Chestnut street, was broken Inte Thursday night by the lerclug Of a back deer. The burglars appear te bat e been seared oil, as nothing was missed this morning when the family woke up and as certained that they had been visited during the night. As attempt was made te break into the residence of Charles lnglia, Na Me West Chestnut street, next deer te Mr. Stjer'a. The screen deer eu'alde the kitchen deer was broken down, and an unsuccessful effort was made te force open the kitchen deer and window abutters. The mark of the burglar's tools are plainly visible en the deer and aftinttAra. :&? y When JjbtrTuker. whq lives at 513 Went iUl street, get up this morning he found his back kitchen deer standing wide open. It waa locked when the family retired about midnight. Mr. Baker bad several college guests stepping at bis house last n'gLt, r.nrtltis supposed the burglars found out that the garrison waa tee atreng te attack, therefore quietly retired without securing any plunder. m Mount Nebo hotel. Mount Nkiie, June 17. The farmers of this section are busily engaged In planting tobacco. The corn crop leeks very premising. Cherries are beginning te ripen, but the crop will net be a very full one. The Rev. Bead's family are visiting their old home in Columbia, The Bev. Cobb, from Princeton college, will preach in the Mount Nebo Presbyterian anarch en next Sunday morning. The trustees or the ML Ne be parsonage have aeen lit te rsmedel and relurnUh it, which makes it very much mere pleasaut for these who occupy it. The exercises of Children's Day which as held in the Methodist church en last Sunday were very entertaining. Addresses stre delivered by a number of the pupils. The music, under the leadership of Uev. O. KeeU waa excellent, and the Misses l.Ulie Hagen aad Addle Yeung presiding at the organ. rirst Baptist Straw berrj retlltal The strawberry festival el the First Baptist ehnrch was opened in the lawn in rear of the - efcercb, Thursday evening. The lawn was W, lUnmlned bv a lanre number of Chinese ln- ?M tana, torches and lam Da. Therewaaanarlnr organ, violins and ether instruments te fi- furnish Instrumental music, and there was a belr of geed volees who rendered geed vocal music. The berries and (.ream and ether delicacies were of the best, and the patron. age wm liberal, though the attendance was et as large aa It would bae been had it cot been for the attractions at the college com cem MOncemenL The festival will be continued this evening end Saturday evening, and will no doubt receive a mere liberal patronage, Tbe Bar l'lcelc. A meeting of the members or the bar was held this morning te decide whether or net te have a picnic and dinner this summer. Dr. II. M. North wm called upon te preside and O. C. Kennedy was elected secretary. 1 1 wm decided te hates picnic. Tells Hain, WhatOlen park, Wild Cat, Penryn and ML Gretna were named for the place and Tells Hain was selected en the third ballet. Harry Carpenter, O. C. Kennedy, Jehn E. Maloee, K. P. Brlnten and W, U. Henuel were ap pointed a committee te select the date aud Make all the necessary arrangements. It Will probably be held en Monday, J uue 'HJ. Untied In W.dlecm. ? Srnm tliR Vnhnttji HavUm On Tuesday of last week Mr. OeerBB Yni , ft! Speedwell, and Miss Saliie m. ....... f inu . . -iw(.m antr fjuinu, were married. The ltever- Y mm tamer unnai el 1,-banen performed the V isManimnr at his naaterat rnniiiun., n-.. 'vX'BOWly married couple went te Heading, I ' -? - . wmv .u jnjiuut. .fWBmj returnea some en rriday and were iMataMd a reception at the residence et the .sMMrt Mether. ,y rsssrsl af Mrs. Bwllksy. CuVn. EllsaUib I Swllkey, whose death Sum bean noted, wm buried in Harrlsburg en fl 'Tfcsisil.i imu Ihs m.Hv lnpl Irikiil.a imim mmtwmi v wnvw wtku uuww iiviu wim Miller, of this oily. &i Ist Day ler County Tax. '" ' Te-morrow is the last day en which county mm ea paid te mve the abatement The will be in the the orphans' court a 12 te 3 te receive this tax and the of the day at the ofllea of Aidermin Hnkerteu en North Queen street I A BetBrtee rartjr. (Thursday evening Mveateea couples aur- wmmmimmm Tuimm emiia ey giving a party iMBrMlaaaoeefher narenta, Mr. and Mr. iBMltk,2aBEaH Walnut street The I WManaatla gamMaad all torts of ana umts wm a colUUen r . .H ... L r sWsasssjssT et w, asasjspBsawVv BTt fawileajaityasjBstliai rive (gataaa A very daatrtseilra railroad wrack occurred at Rohrarstewn, oathe Pennsylvania rail road, shortly afler tea o'clock this forenoon. The trains damaged wan both extra freights bound east. The tM ahead was drawn by engine Ma 369. It was proceeding rather slowly la order that it .Would net reach the station at the same time as the passenger train going west. Englne Na 1 1 was behind With a train as It dashed into the rear of the front train. Twe box and three passenger cars of the tint train were thrown from the track and badly wrecked. The box cars were leaded with barrelled whisky and beef, which were scattered lu every direc tion. Knglne Ne, 12 was turned upside down aud laid across both tracks. The track Was tern up ler the distance el si most one hundred yards. The wreck is se U'ge thst the tracks canuet be cleared before evening. The passenger trains from Colum bia due.here st 1.153 cswe as far as tbe.wrcck, where the passengers were transferred te another train and brought te tbl city. The train which left here at ,10 was ale com pelled te transfer. Ne eue was Injured lu the accident l.uglne Ne. 12 la brekeu lute small pieces. The firetuau's legs were Metnewhat bruised. The whisky was several Inches deep en the side el the track, and several prtsent were able te get drunk cheaply. At ene time the wreck was ou lire, but was quickly exting uished. FIXB HUHK Ht TUB tAIH. Product el ths fertile Hands el the Sallied Heart Academy tllrls The art work el the jeuug ladles of Sa cred Ueart Academy, en Eut Urange street) is en exhibition te day, te-morrow and Monday, and the public are invited te le aped lu Here are some or the gem ex hibits: Miss Mary K rem p, of Heading, " Timber man's Daughter," a beautiful painting in nil en camas; a p,luwng erj laudHCtpu w Ith deer in foreground, and ocean aud forest scenes. In water colors she has a burst of great beauty. The young lady also exhibits a tine dessert set, band-paiuted. Miss Mary McDonough, of Heading, a free hand crayon portrait; a table scar! with lustre painting en plusb; plaque. Miss Helen Hessi, of llarrisburg, a winter scene and "Old Scotch Mill" oil p-iUiliufcs cu cam as; panels of roses and tuli", oil paint ing: china painting; plaque. Miss Katie Lecher, l.ancaNter, l-irge panel representing cranes ; water lilies, wind mill scene ; panels of morning glories and calta lilies. Miss Ktully Grimm, Philadelphia, oil paintings en can; " Spring " aud " Waj sideCbspel" ; pansles ; crajen heads, free hand ; cards in water colors.' Miss I'lerence Uerr, Lancaster, "A Study of Crapes ' in oil ; panels, a winter ecvne and wr.terlall ; plaques and drawings. Miss Nellie llarey, Phiitadelplils, a painting lu oil portraying tnbertws and honeysuckles; "Old bcetih Mill "in oil; glass tiles. Miss Anna Doersetn, Lancater, "The Italian dlrl" oil painting and "Kvenlog in Italy" en cant as; tiles and plaques. Miss Mary Kaul, Incister "Sunrlwe in Winter," in oil ; chasuble wltli "The im maculate Conception" (tainted thereon. Ul.u t ir-a.. ti-t ..... ., .una .iiaiv jvitivr, .uauaufiy t. uy, id, Piane ceer in plush ; panels el tari colored roses ; Moonlight Scene"; carnations ; pan els, " Spring" and " Winter." A beautiful stele, worn en the arm of the priest, is also exhibited In this room. It Is or whlte silk with lilies and roses (minted thereon. It is the work of the sister at the head of the art department of the institution A flue ra ntiug of "St. Catharme el Sleeuna ' H also the work of the same sitter. The free hand crajen and peniil draulrg of heads, hands and feet from the ia-t aim exhibits remarkable skill ou the part of the fair art workers. In the embroidery room are ale some handsome arietiesef work, as fellows; A piano cover of elUe green felt, embroidered in silk; two plush table snarls, embroidered with chenille and silk; lambrequins with lilleselle and teui-11; embroidery en silk, stitching en belting cloth ; etched tidy ; ban nereis worked with chenille ; embroidery en flannel ; knitting and crochet work ; fancy and plain needle work ; tine piuk hst crown embroidered with chenille; line needle work en leather; ceters ler trays; line needle work en scrim. Dfcllueil te Takri Id Ceiitracl. Aaren Kepperling, te whom was awarded the contract at Jl,KO for erecting the lire alarm line, has refused te accept the contract. It has been awarded te Jacob llatz, the next lowest bidder, for fl.TtU Werk will be begun at once. lletpur Kemrk4. "The sun doth nourish ugcr," therefore in the Summer month. It Is only a ineasuru m toumien prudence te gtiird against uiilarteu-t dHeaeJ, lntunuittent lee, aguin and bilious attack. 'Many cases of "eeraua Airuu, Dumb Agua and CeiiK0stl e Chills weru promptly arrested and entirely banished by the usuotSlmuiens Liver Ketfulater leu don't say hilroneuKli In regard te the eillc.tcy of that valuable miillclnu Uuileenie when 1 aj I uasasutlurur 'or eurs and only found relief by Its u-u. UebirtJ. Weeks, UaU la, Kane Ce, 111, It I'.O K el A. Clltnp riurlili lu alley terKOOii Sit'irdny, June lth Trains lae Lancaster (hlnu street) at; Si a in Cut umblu, 7 30 a. m. raru only $: a Leae Man htluiul b Ua m. atr, l'.i Keturelng, Irulns leave alley erge at t JJ p ra. Orand re lulen and celebration of P. O S. of A. at alley forge, the historic hills of FunusylvanH U!ill,lJ,15,i:d.Vltw hcbueUu-ercluralltlitud Plttilc Theunnualstar-shoetlnx festival and picnic of the Lancastur frchuetzen-V'trtln Hill beheld at Tell Main ou Monday next, June 'Jnth. As uitny of our prominent buslnets men and citizens are members et thuustoclttleu aud de light In weekly practices at target shintlut;. It has been deemed proper te utlerd all the Irleuds of theasscclallouaneppoituuliy te w liners an exbibttlouef Individual skill In tntnritltleu for the prize that of a handsome old badge. Aluusciueui I.eu unite' t Circut Ihe t.owaucluttrtmepci B here en next Jlemla. 'Iheyurelu lorkuew, and thi: 3? bus. "This Mexican couiOinatlen KaveaneihtblltenlastnUht te alarKuaudlentu of ev er 2ft 0 pemens. lSetter gymnasts aud hori zontal lur pcrlenners, it Is certain, never bo be bo feru visited erlc. Aiuengtha pitnclp'U actors we name the Messr. Cerelra and Caster, in their new and novel performance en the perch pole; liener Constantine, the India Kubber llei , who lithe peer of any artist In this line; Miss Ut waude, the champion wire performing artist, and the notable Charley Murrttui, the fur fur nlest clevtnand comic panlemlmu new bsteie the nubile " MAKBIAIIKH- l)KkM-SLLKij.-Un the Uth Inst-, lu Cam den, W. J , by the Kev J. J blwiier, Mr. W, a Dean te Miss Lizzie ellers, both of this city. ltd V BATH a. 1 ihMAN.-June 13, KW7, ill i'arudlse tenhlp, l'a , Catherine Kck man, aged 71 J cars. funeral en Baturdiy, the 1Mb, at lu o'iletc, from her Lite lebldeace. l'rcachlng at the house, lntcrmeut at I'arudNe I'Ksbjteilau cburchyaid. 'Ihefrlends and relatives teiulng by railroad will be provided with conveyance from t cim in Place. nd MAUhBTa rntladsluhla t-redut Markst. rKii.ADBi.rHiA, JunulT. rieur market wea. sales. Uuu harrela ; Mlnneteta Hakn i ,. ".. ... ' Uye neur steady. ti"Ut 75 wW-June, V4c, July, iXc.. Augusl Cern Jnne, 45c; July, vc: Auuuai. n OaU-June, 37c; ' July. c-j T AUKu.t,'1.-r. new I or a aurast. Maw Yeax, J uuu 17 Fleur market steady sunt). svffd uui aupvruuu, ri 7VdJ la geed te choice extra Western, fi bW (i ; K(ied' te fancy extra state.n iDBjt i ; common te uoed Wheat Ne. I Ked auto. Wet Na 2 de, miiet Me. S Bed, Winter, -lune, VIJ.'c; July, WJie t Aug., 87Xc ; receipts, 73.0CO; shipments 1I7,UM bus. Cern Na I mixed cash. 47Ue i de June. H!.'c ; July. 47X0 1 recelpts, 10,191 ; shipments, U.'.ou) Oau Ne, 1 White atate, iki Na t de SJC! Na2 Mixed, eath.Xlie I June, 3Jie; July, iufic i recelpu. 1S7.0UI bus : shipments, leu uya anil Western, UMe State, B7Ja)99e. Barley nominal, fork dull i old maw. I1M0 1 new, lis 00 DO pi a Wl w MelMaesdullatstie for M beulug stock, SiupeaUae duU at Kie. je.ffiraiurwt rrelahU dull grata te llntl, fl4. . . Batter dulli Western creamery. MJ!. Cheese dull t State rectory, naw, s,S)"Sie I White, 10X)iesc- .... ggs dulli aute, lXet Western, 1V, sugar dnlli Meflnetl Cntleaf, tMiCi UranntaU-d. Me. laltewdiiili prime city. Sill' e. ... Hlee nominal i Carolina, lair u aeed, 9e)Mc Cee nun i lair caraeea, ive ter We, Otitee frudece ataraet, CBiaiSii, June IT, lUJ-la m. Market opened. wneat June, !M July, 7V,,c; Aug., 7Sc; frept 77c oern June, ,,c July, 37Je Aug , SS'),c.i ept, J:''c. uats .1 it tie, e; July, a He; Aiig,ivc; Sept., Hc I'erk Net quoted. Lard-June, Si, xt July, SS S'-Hi Auir.asffJH Sept .Itr.'S short III os I nne, 17 37S I July, $7 I7S t Aug, 17 b, 8kTU,77X- oteaisa. Wheat-.lune,7''4C. July, 7;v.u; Aug,7IVui Sept., 7oe Cern Mune, AS ; July, 37tc ; Aug, Vc ; Sept-.S'Vc. uats-inne, SJ'.CiJuly, a.'.c; Auk, :vc; Scpu, e. rera . une, wzz m Lard Iiuh H.3..S 1 July, fe US ; AnS',i. bli , Scpt.lbhJX. Ribs-lune, 7 37H. July, te 37H; Aug, 17 I7S i Sept , ti 37,S u sieca ataraet. Canuae, June lb The ilrevrrt' Journal re re peru : Cattle Kecetpta, ll.J bead i shtpmenta, )( inarkM lewer: shipping steers, ten te 1. )., M tefll Ju; stockers and fe,1er, tin) GZ XI ; cow, hulls and Uilled. (I 764JJ M bulk, r-' r.(l ie . Texas cattle, IKeflJ -O, Hogs Kccelpt 'il.tu) bead; shipments, 4.xw head; market slew ; reuab and mixed, IM 70 epie: packing and shlpnlng, 5(.3 15! lUht 4'U3tViSklps,fU3eOI7t, -luet Kecvlpts, Uwi head ( shlpinenu, VU market teady i uattrex. fJIVOI-O, West ern, ti if I , leiaus, tl J .5; lamb. 11 M Exst Libsktv. Cattle Uecetpts, SMiead ; shipments, JiW : market slewi prime, H 7MJI si, fair te geed, l 4iOI t , common, i e.Qi 33 ; no cattle hlpvd te New erk, te-day, Megi Hecelpu, ji w bead ; shipments J 0 head : market -low; Philadelphia, sa 4ee)(); Workers, av .' 3U ; common te light " ittv 10; pigs 1 ijQl 73; hogs shipped te New lerk, 7 cars. 8hiep llecntpts, Im) head : shipments. ."-'I; m irket active . prime. It jerfl 40; fair te geed, II (V 4 2i , common, I- unOJ m ; spttug lambs, UtP tv. asw Vara Stocks. Nw esx. June 17, 1J0 p. ui. Meney leaned at Ni'S vr cent Kxcbange steady, l 3(ll m, UeTuniments steady. Currency 6. II t&i bid; 4s Coup, II bid: K's dc, U V.i bid. 1 he stock market this morning opened quiet and tinu at last night's piicrs and con tlsueddull throughout. There was neuic sell, logon the put of smalt holders during the hour from li te It te o'clock, under which prices declined V, te .1 per cent. The market at the present urltlug Is stagnant at the bottom Ugurvs. . . m D'.ecm inaraeu UGOlallen by Uevd, McUrann A Ce., bankers uancasier, ra. saw TORS usr. II k u. list 3r !.! 4 .tsi t"4 17 Canada I'actBc C.U.C.41 Colerado Ceal Central I'.tc Canada Southern , ChLM 1,. A Pgh Den A l.le (j Uel.L-A W , Krte Kne, 2nds Jer. C K.A T Len.A N L. Shere Mich. Ceu Heck V alley Mlseurt faclllc , N. f N. 1. fref H. West. , N. Y. C Bast Tennessee C Omaha Oregon Transportation , Ontario A W Pacific Mall Itlchmend Terminal St. Paul Tex I'ac Union I'ac Wabash Cem Wabash l'ref Westrrn U West Shere Uetids New England rHiLs.uit.ruii LIST. Leh. Val IS.N. t.A Vhlta ka U t&.......... ....... Heading beh. av Uestenv. fass t-.a K N.Cent Peeples Pass ltd. Uen'ls OU ...... a .... a a ...a....... l'hlia. Traction bJ I.I . i) bl bl'i a- s ?', 137. 137 lli 3Jt 13 3.", 1HI i-, e Ki bl t; l4 V.K 974 MS 31 ' i : i7 lu??, 3'.' Si' , 3-i i:i4 i:p. uis II-."1, 11. -,s 11.' .. 13'i f.", bVi ii', Slli SI', 31, 51'. 5 V, Sll ,r Al .ThJ, s:,i 31 3. l " f 1 P'H i'K ?IS 34 31' 4 7 ;.'i 7.', 3"); si, ti 7H 11 2V'4 - 3 S-lu 'S 4?x us 1'6 civ. w b.-s fc.'. .V)C .1 D l'KTJSKMK. W. B AK1NQ FOWOEK. ROYAL BAKING POWDER. Absolutely Pure. THIS powder never varies A marvel et purity, itrengtn and wbolesemeuess. Mere economical than the ordinary klmls, and cannot be ..old In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Held only in corn. Hetal Uakisu 1'ewdss Ce 106 Wall Struet. New terk. marn.lvdAw WANTKD-AtJlKLTO UO UENEKAI. Housework In u small family. AddIv at once at , - . . ltd 133 WL8TOUA.SOK 8TUK-.r. WANTED-ONE FIRST CLASS COOK. IU!,t or waves, rer the city. Annly. ritEBOt CUAUUK, at ' ' r. IS. TUOUT A CO.'S ii N. Queen St. THKKE-JOINT HA1T HODS FOR 12 Cents. A Hue assortment of Halt, liussand ifly Iteil at Lewest Prices, lie-els, Halt nettles Creels, Heeks, Lines, Ac . at rUAlLICi'aKAHl'JvNU PHAUMACY, . . . IOppelti eastern Market.) f Kralley's barsaparllla Compound cures twmdMW J'i1'''4' ,,imP'es' c- 5Uc- a betUe. WANTED A COOK TO GO TO OCEAN drove Apply, nttCB or CliAUGK, at r.B. TUOUT A CO.'S Ne ail, Queen St. BIO 1'ITBLIO HALE Or' HORSES XND CO bis, at Lancaster bteck Yards, en Sat trd yund Monday, June is and .0. Thlrlj Head 1 Western Males and Celts; the mares range trem two te nix years old and 15 te 15k hands high, well bred and large enough te work, bale te commence at 1 o'clock p. in, when terms will be made known by ...... . .. llALKVAHALEl. II P. Knur, Auctioneer, Jekl IIaims, Clerk, Jul7?l JKAND CONCERT Christ. Burger's Orchestra Te menew (Satuiduy) Kvcnlng, KNAPP'S SALOON h AST KING STBKKT. JttJtd fMI'ORTANT NOTICE. Reduction In Prices -or- SHOES. A Jeb Uitel LADIKS' OPKItA BLll'PKKS at Wt-eutBi worth II and II . '" A Jeb Ixitef MKN'H IIXK LACK Hlleirs t II tu; worth l aud WW. im eiieesat AJobLetof MKN'H C'ONUIll.SitillOKa at n cents; worth It 7 aud K. ' A Jeb Let 01 UOYK' BOLAU.TIP Sll(lls. -. anduecenU; worth l as. r heis at ,5 eT We have a large let of ether gfeda that we JOHN HIEMENZ, NO.I7M0UTO QUKBN "TK..ET. ttdr JtMW ADrMHTiaKMM.m. NOT1CK-TIIRKE PRK CENT. ARATR. meat will be allowed en all City Tax paid en or before July I. J. II. HATlireN, jsl Udlt City Treasurer. SITUATION WANTED. A YOUNU lady of experience wants a situation In a store as saleslady or cashier. Apply at this citice. ltd PINK AND CHEAP. Harvest Whleky. AT KOHRKU'S LtUUOK STOKt. Ne, 31 Centre Square, Lancaster, Pa. K STATE OK HKKMIAHll Kl'lll.MAN, late of Lancaster, ctty, dtH'M. lA'tter testa tnentarv ensaldeiiale lnvlug been granted te the undersigned, all pei-teiis Indebtid thereto are rfiursud te make burnt dl ite pa ment, and these hlWng claims or di uiaiids agalnl Ihe same, will present them without dels) ter set tlemeut te the undersigned, residing at Ne. JW Keclaland treet. ljuicier. ANNA MAUI Kt 11 LM AN, Executer, ltsens A HaxKL, AUeimns J,'3rtdf FOR SALE, CHEAV A LAIUlEtt Meniu Plant la'tng lu couie et lenstruc tlen at our new mill, we arwprepaicd te offer our Thirty Herse-Power hnglue and rutty Herse Power Heller for sale, cheap. All com pute, with llelt, lujeiter, Ueater. Valves, tsauges, etc Ian be seen runiilpg until August 1st, when our new plant will le staited. CHAKLhl r. Mtl.l.KK, Chairman Lancaster chemlial Ce. (Limited ) Juncll lwdliAltw A NNUAlT ricNlCANDSTAll hU(36T i mi or the Lancaster Schuetzen - VereiD, AT TELLS 11AI.N, Monday, June SOtta, 1887. The Star hooting Irem f te l: in llauilng Irem Snra till hreulng ssflmpreiHT ih traders will set bs admit ted. Jl7 ;tdtt NOTIC1 1 have been re.iu'sttd by the riuanci Committee of t"e Clti of Ijiiuaster te tall In for thesluktug fund the following Bends el the lean autherlnd by ordinance et the Cltv of l-ancaster. Pa , aiumn ed March 3d, A ). 1 vl, te n'lund fJieuKi of the existing lndetitedness of the cur of Lancii'ter at 4 Mr i enu, and amended hy erdlname, approved March ', 1-1. Of lilt SBKIS-" O OM. 10 1HIENT1 L.VUS, 11 en. ni, Pi 15, , 97, , l, bv, en One Thousand Dollars rath. .N OS. 47. M, St. 62. M. 7'. !. M. i 3. 4. 4. -, -7 -, 117, 1J.I. 111. 13MJ- IS1'. IM. 1J. I, IV,, 17, IV, IVl, 11, It , IBS, lh.1, IM, lbi. lls 1K7. P, lt?i, 171, 171, 17", et rive Hundred Hollars each Nim 37, ... S-. 4, II, &, t, ill, ne.UK, of One Hundri'd Hollars eseb Helder will therefore preeut the abee num bered bends at this office ON nit 11KHJKK JUL! 1, 1V7. for pa) meut, after which date ln tent en s ild tietul will ieae jelllMd WILLIAM A. ilOUTO.N, Majer. e AK HALU $HJ,ivj. turvi Kiuicrins ai: la the talk of the town by Cletlilng liny em. Here's. i sieech from .1 customer. It telUits own story. " I'll Rite you ,'.0 for .1 duplicate te that Suit : aud I'm re.uly te pay the money right down. I've worn it ever two ears, riding aud aloeg the re.uls, and there isn t a break iu it. There hasn't even a button come off. I'll wear it a while longer, and then hae it cut up and made ever for tu grandson." He paid ils for it In the first place, were it two ears, and since lie knows hew it will wear will pay nearly double for one like it. There are just as geed and well made SuiU going out of Oak Hall every day. Is it atiy weuder people hae confi dence in our reliable make V Or, that they think our prices are right 'i It's tee bad that we have mere than we want and are obliged te make the fellow, ing low prices : Ki:u thk Itl.m1-. Finest Black and lllue Imported Cerk screw, bilk-Faced Dress Suits. Never sold less than 5 JJ.eO and $, down te -i- Ce and -!. Anether let still finer, the fame material that gees into the i and $t0 sulls, re duced from $.Vte te $J"J. Anether J.ai CO let down te $-"J .. Anether iX 00 let down te 19 00. Anether i-22 oe let down te ir, oe. This is only a part. We ha e the largest room in the house turned into a great bar gain room. J. very Suit and Fair of Trou Treu sersat a saving of from i toiMe. Fine C.usimere Suits, from Ji down te Thousands of Children's Suits, saving from i2 te J) per suit. The " Sjiecial " Ulack aud lllue Serge iU ') Suit, juH the thing for te-day. Wanamakkk & Uuewn'8 Oak Hall, Southeast Cerxek Sixth and Mab- KET STB., rniLADBLrniA. flRHH 4 BKOTHEK. BURT'S Improved Shield Shirt ! The model from which Ilurt't Jin. preitii Shield HMrt la cut, Is the re sult of 33) ears' experience by a prac tical custom shirt cutter and fitter. Therefore, all the dlillculty heretofore had by ether makers In securing a perfect tilting garment has been over come by our artist; hence the 7i prated &IUrt hhulU an new made by the UUUT SI1IUT MANUrACTUU 1 NO CO, U admitted by all who have tried them te be the uiest perfect Ct of any shirt en sale, and are net even excelled by custom made goods. The best of material (New Yerk Mills), Is uftdlu tin Ir construction. The besoms are S-ply, made of the finest linen, (lite). The shirt body Is cut te the form and Is deadly re enforced, thus Insuring comfort and case te the wearer and te give these goods extra strength the J'utent J'laeket or Con Cen Con tinueut jVue.ni en back and sleees hag been adopted. These celebrated Impreitit Shield Sn.rj j are Oner, better made, stronger and mere perfett In every respect, than the ordinary shield shirt en tale generally. Owing te the great popularity and demand for these goods, their sale li touflued te one leading home only In each city, and can be had either lauu dried or unlauiulrled at popular price. lirsh & Brether, MERCHANT TAILORS, -AND- Clothiers and Furnishers, OOlt. MOUTH QUEIM ST. AMD OI1TU UAK..L.uigAaTaa. r. fjfir ADrJCHTiaKMKnn. THAT HTANUAKD W1IIK LOOI'Kll lOILKT I'APRH at In cents a package. still commands a ready sale. The best aier In the tuatket at the price HUHI.KT'S UllUli Slnlta. Ne. an West King Stntet ANTKIl. lit' falesmen at once ou ery liberal terms facllltlea unsurpased. ItROWN IIHOTIIhK!, tn17-tmdAw Nurseryinen. ItiM'tiealur, N, V LOST. LAST KVKMNtl IN Till. OH senator? Ilutldlng, College I'atnpus, a ladles' While shawl. A lltn'rul umatd wtlllai pitld ou letiirn el same te this e 111 re. ltd SCHOOL TAX, 18X7. Thedupltcalels In the hands et the 'I leas urer. IIiite iirrienl. off ler prompt iiaiment. Oltlie hours irem v a lu till 4 p. in w.e MAltllAl.l.,irenui'r. V4 lid It Ne. 11 Centre N,uatu. llsTUriUI-Al.l. I'KHSO.NS AUK HKKI.. A. bv warned against negotiating ler a note Stven h) me In the order el U..I lllldebrand, aud June tl, iv7, payable three months niter date ler 1J us I wilt net pay the same when due junit.nd.titw j.r. riiiiKit PH1VATK HAl.li Will be sold at private sale thoaliiable prepsrty corner Lemen, Mulberry and Chsr IettB Inmtlng Mi fiet en l.emen stri-et, 10 leet en Mull-ei ry, and U leet en Charlette street. Appl) ie t K DOtVNKA, Juuiasmd Nis'.'ll North lluoeusticct. THKHi: WIW, UK A MKKTINU AT the wan llelil, corner et Seuth O. ueeu and tun streets, lu the ill el l.atuaster, en (4AT UKIIAt. JUNK r, b"7, at in o'clock a in , te consider tbesublect et establishing a Southern uiarket, mil far distant from he centre Junelllwoed.tttw 1 UK COMMIT! KK IVI KCHANIC'S A.ND OI.KlMl.MKN'.S SlOUh. tlauze Underwtir for Men and Hey. fhlrls. Pants, Overalls, ickne.ir, trem 11 tents and iipwaid. Cellar", Cults, sinHindern. Ihe best I nlaundrbdithlrt In the maiket for Vc. Please t all and examine beferu you buy. At lt.S.rKlTMll.i -"ONK IMllCKllert-fc, Ne. A: North Oueen street JACOI. K MiKAFKKK'H LIQUOR STQRE KhMOM.O IO NO. lHKMIlhayUAUB, LANCAslhli, l'a. ma) 1J lid PIANOS AM) OIUJANS. We de net ask ou te purchase et ui lefeie Jen go elsewhere. We ask ou te examtne the Instruments of ether dealers at home aud abroad. Iain all en tan troth as te price and .luallty, before i ou come te us Ihen kindly vy us a Mt. l.tokeorour luagulilLeut st eca Hear our prices We hae no tears of the re sult. Old lustruments takt n In exchange. WOOHW AUD . AUKMIl, Nes. A .! fc. King St., tjiucaster Clt, l'a. STATK OK Kl.l.AHKl'II COX, l.ATK of Lancaster clt, deceased Letters tiis tamentury en said estate ha ing been grantetl te the undersigned, all persons Indebted thereto are reijuesled te make ftninedl ite pa ment, and these halng claims or demands against the same, wm tivseiu mem wiludui ueiay ler s l tlemeut te the undesigned, residing In Lauc.is terili. (JI1AULKS r. BUsKMAN, ma)IS6tdl Kxecuter. AST SATl'KDAY WiTceMMKNiTiiT) oursaleet staple Utxtds. and n told en why ou sheu'd hae them at prices loner than ever before, Kuw. Iretth, bright clean In in ery ay hrst-class. As usual, ou rtcelved our statement as a fact called, found It a fact, neught even chtaper and better than leu thought, reradnllar ou retctwd mere thin you eer did before We tb mk ou for the dot far letl and tbnoue vet te bring us, Tr te gl e ou mere next time. GOODS Marked Down Te-Day. Handkerchiefs, u-. (enin-rly liv and lie, oiled by being In the wlnden ; Just the thing for our bO)F. Ituchlngs Scarle', I'lnk, lllue and Cream, fc Itey's Ties, 10, 12 and i" cents, l'lns and-leeve l'.ultens. large stock, our choice ter -c Ham burgs, wide and narrow, 5c a yard. And these are en!) a few et the many goods en our ceuntets for j our Inspection. MRS. B, M ;WOODWARD, Jit lad a,K EAST hl.Nl. STUKKT. "St i CliiAMserri resiKH. CALL IM II V TLPUUNE. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER. JUST THE Articles -YOU WEKE- LOOKING FOR. 1..NL.LISH MCltUh fcUUS, lie OU tell) UO. SbMRSUCKEU COATS AMU KSTS, II JO te 1100. DUAP iS'KTK, SPANISH AM'ACA ANIi OXrOUU M1.XKU COaTSANU VstSTS, lil te 17.0). BOY'S 8EEBSUCKK.lt COAT 4 AND VK3Th, It'i'i and II l ti CIULUKKN'8 HUMMKU SUITS, ll.Ul, ri.lt), i.S. SlIIltT WAIST?, ".ec , !e , 75c THK HUt. EST ASSOUTMKNTOr SILK NECKWEAR. French Netted, Ualbtlggan and (.aiiie Under wear ler c The Patent buckle buspendurs, c. Stylish Maple Felt Derbys and Belt Pocket Hats. Manilla and Mackinaw Straw Hats.! Bee Our W Indew Display of DKESS STRAW HATS reu nrrv clntb. Lap Uebea, Whips and Herse Sheets. De net fall te see the Desirable Assortment of Uenulne Hand Msdu lioern AND8UOKS ler Ladles, Misses and Children, We are Offering at cut Prices a iLWSheu for il'J. TruDkf, Valises and Satchels. WILLIAMSON 4 FOSTER, 32, 14,36 Md 38 East King BL, isAxcAatsU. r. r alack or rAsmex p A LACK OK KA8H10W ASTRICH'S Palace ei Fashion, 13 EAST KINO STRICT, LANCASTK.lt, l'A. ATTRACTIONS -l Oil- Het Weather. HOODS 111 A I AUI IN HKAMIN ANII AUE SOLD A1 LI-SI THAN t'OST or MA.VUrAtlUtlE rim heen ladies' iilack Ceat Back Jerseys, MBS3..TO ti, 25c. Apiece. n haietloMeutti n sainplnlliiesef IILACK ANDCOLllltl.il 01I.K -Mil l!, trouieneol the largest Importers lu New lurk. There niv about tv pairs el Mitts, ranging In price from IV te ;t. a pair each pair ts worth double the money we markid them. i'AUVSOL. New Is our time te sell them. New It jour time te tmy them We have marked tbem accordingly. Iilack f-attn, Luielrliuined and Lined IUV) Imitation Pongee, l.nce liimmed, tl el. luiltallen Pongee, 7V batlu Coaching l'ara.el. All Celers, 'nVc. aut itrlped,l S. It 1 1, tl 75,1100. At Silk Otubrt lias .md Sunshvlet, with Natutal, Iver), Celluloid, Silver and Ueld llandlts. ANEW LOT Or U1ULL1ANT LIsLB tl LOVES. I Inest Clrude, worth ilc , at only 1 a pair. rine Silk Jersey t.lees, black aud colored, I button length, iM a pslr Jeb In Ladles' l.t.lu Thread Hele, black, tan toleisaiidsUtts, 17c a pair. LADIES' AND (JEM s IIALIIIID.U.VN UAU.E SESfh At S5c Apiece. ion ie-.ltlely cxnnet bu them under 37c any where tlse. NEW KUCII1NU lu White, Cream, Iilack, Pinks, blue, at 5c a yard. rine Crepe l.tssu Uuchlng, In While, Cream aud Ulack, ut loe. a yanl TIIUEE I11U DlttKS IS HlilES' WHITE Ml sLIN .SMUTS. 1 1 Ive Tucks, TLrw Inch Embroidery, Pita cess llac k. tc twfrth'"le) i. Eight line lucks, reur Inch Eiubieldcry, Princess llatk.sOe (worth II A) 3 Mxlcen rtnnaudsix W Me Tucks. Ten Inch Wide Lltgtnt Kmhrelderj'. 11 " (worth II ie ) DUESS SHIELDS. i.fel ear llubber Shields, l.mpress llubber Lined, t.auze Uueber Lined. fUicklnette HhPds. The snow While Ueiinlne Caurleld Shield ler Whlte Dresses. l'EAUL DUriONS. A Full Sterk of Whlte Pearl lluttens, lb line te J- line, lu IHe different iUail!e. Alse a lirge Assortment of Pearl buttons, plain and fancy. All colors It ery Wash button, '1 t and ball, at Lewest Prices. E.1TKA l.lsCiiUNTS ie IMlhsswahlUS AM) TO 1 HE TllADK fOU CASH. rj abu cewrmma. H Ol'SKUOLD ECONOMY. HOUSEHOLD ECONOMY ! Pure Jelly luJll Pales, tl iSal'ale, or Sc. for Single Pound. Pure Comb Hene) lCc. . Twe rounds Cream Cheese for iVc. Three Pounds Choice rigs ler. Se. Seven Pounds Uoed Prunes ler , reur founds I rench Prunes rer rc Twe Pounds Prunes and i IM llalslns ler Sc I pp's Cocea, sue , .laker's A Kunkel llrcc's Chocolate, lrc. Cake. Coffees, liH. 15, , Vi. ii, -ii andllcenU per pound. Fresh Boasted dally en the premises. Sugars at cost. Hit. ; Pure Whfte, .'.(c i Oranu lated Sugar, (c, AT CLARKE'S Original Tea& Coffee Stere, 62 WIST KINO 8TRBBT. TTNKOKTUNATK, YET FORTUNATE. Of course the smash up of our Ktce, New De livery Wagen makes us feel badly, yet we are very thankful that no ene was seriously hurt We will still be able te del her goods promptly. There are a few of these Nlcu Prunes left, t Is, S3c. Prunellas, 10c, ft, CLARK, marSVlfdAw NO.WCENTKE BQUAHK. WATVBBt. WA1UHKS. CLOCKS, CUA1NS AND JEM'ELKV. Special Walclus fur Farmers ted Railreadcra. rine let of Kings, Ac Alse. Elgin, Waltham Aurera for which I am Sele Agent), and ether (Am rtrs! VClass Watcher. Beet Watch and Jewelry KenaMnsT. sjarcorrect time by Telegraph Dally, only plaea In city. L. WEBER. Ne. 1WW N. Queen St , Near Penn'a U. B. Depot. Mr Spectacles, Eeglasses aud Optical Uoeds. All hinds of Jewelry. N EW JEWBLKY HTOKK. GradeatiDg Presents ! rOU CLASS KINGS, CLASS FINS, CLA18 BADGES, UO TO GILL'S. Ueld Watches. Diamond lUngs, GenU'ilnttlal Hlugs, Scarf Pins, Ac , Ac. Itepalrla.fc In All Id HraBcIifs. Ne. 10 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER, l'A. mavlMya inn CORDS .OF HLAB WOOD FOU XvlVF sale. Apply at UENltriiaf EVCII'S COAL YABD. JiUld Cor. Waur ana rubart straeu. 8. U1VLKKAOO, CARPETS. NIW M1U IIOHV AND TAl'ES- 1HV CAItrElS. Alt-Weel and Cotten Chain Eilla Muiter and l-tiwer tirade IN- UIIAIN CAKPETS. Heme Made UAH AND CHAIN CAU l'ET.t,IUu. up Ui I. e. rer best Uoeds. We hsvn Kndanf mwt lledy llrussels, is te se yards, and lleidurs Ui ,.,.,. Match, hlcfc we will (ten em UKGAKII- LEH8 OK COST. .. . ?em na 'eeure Bargains. HKADr-MADE WINDOW .SHADES. JohnS.Givler&(Je., He. 9S atatrt King 8trc at, LANCASTER, PA. N EW YOKK tfltlllK. Dress Silk WATT& SHAND, NOS. 6, 8 A 10 BAST .KINO ST., LANCASTER l'A., Ilare recalled another lull line el their popu lar, guaianteed Black Dress Silks. Ne I .11 Inches W I. le II.Kiaiaid. Ne i. SI Inches Wl.le tl.a Yard Ne :i. :i Inches Wide 11.50 a lard. Ne I lllsck Itnchtss Dress sk. Ke- ver.ltil.i .satin and Ures Uraln,:i Inches wide at II lea laid. These goeilsare fnlly wnrrauted net te break, shut or crock, and tmiarelul elimination and cumpirtsen will he found te bu the best value lu any inatkut. Summer Dress Silks At -J, .1, 37M. '0 te 75 cts. Colored Satin Bhadames, Nuw Shades, 11.0.1 a A artl. SURAH SASH SILKS lu all the Popular and rancy Celers -AT THE- New Yerk Stere. SaueTuv liHeruEic. White Us ! LACES ! EMBROIDERIES. 1'IQUE WELTS, ritENCH NAINSOOhH, ENGLISH NAINSOOKS, INDIA LINON, LINEN LAWN, WCTOIMALAWN, NAINSOOK CHECKS. LACE FLOUNCINGS. BLACK CHANTll.Lr, UUll'UBI, rUENCH, MA11QU1SK, WHITE SILK rEDOK A, VALENCIA AND OltlENTAt., (With Narrow Widths te Match ) Parasols, Kid Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear. HA6ER & BROTHER, Nea. 25 37 West King St. L ANCASTEtt. l'A. jyaits. VAra,v, TN-rKBESTlNQ TO PUKUfUHUItS. BIO REDUCTIONS ON Stmw Huts WJCUAVB AT Tilth KAULY SEASON MADE SEDUCTIONS AS FOLLOW!) ; I tw Mackinaw I.ed Mackinaw 1.75 Mackinaw , (1 W Mackinaw.... , , II m canton .75 Van ten , a..Ueduced totMea ...UcducedlellM ...Itedueed tell. ...Heduced toll.te ...Ueduced te ,75 ... deduced te M MmtT na of U0V8 AN' CHtI.DBEN'8 f.T.'i.'!;W.'f.?.lLewet ITtces. LIUHT 81 ir II ATS at All Prices, from II.eu te In ue. TUUNKSaadTBAVCLlNU UAUS-AlIUrada ana Lewest irices. STIUFFBR & CO., NOS, 31 ft 33 NOBTIt qVlMX HT., ItANQASZJiB, XX. J. !5,fVs . -,! SirW e aSiViaV T2P<'&t- Jflti fX', ivifcvisrt&i&ix&it l&v&Mgb afeiB