Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 17, 1887, Image 1

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    i.l. 'Ullii'HP ' 'JUIPHIW.MBWW "IP il iiywp IM l jwimwi I iii l . i l iH$VrF w ? wfl 'V &ZXl!Z!?7't , r yi-r
(0) Jutttfaite?
' t'-j- -li. .e.1;
" ' toss. I
'A wJteu
v. ?,
Fill K I
rtii'iM.fti" tHHunu tm VAMvvaur
r. a mi m vuLi.HM.
llrllllant lliuintnallen ul lb titeands A H.-
iillan liy Ihe . I'rsmatare
KilQ.lun ul rira Werks-tlswlag
OM .luell-r-A might rite.
Tlia great centennial exercise el Franklin
and Marshall voting clemsl In blaze of
glory at Ilia (ellegn campus Thursdsy even
ing. I'fi'in Ilia delivery of Hie Iwccslaureate
sermon en Sunday until Thursday night the
campus presetiteil a keuiid of constant huatle,
but never befnin In Its history tllil It held the
surging, expectant crowd that thronged
thete for tlitt closing reception. The beauty
anil 'li Unity uf Lancaster were there
In full lone ami the Utile never looked
lovelier than under the ll(ht of the llluml
iintlen. Tlin gtcat Atuerlcau public waa alae
there, and the neatly diesaed werklugman
and liu family brushed elbows with men,
young and old In lull evening dress.
It wan Kin It a crowd of which Lancaster bad
geed reason In be proud. Theie wan tin dla.
order, and en every fate waa written Ihede
aire tn see all that wna te be aeen of the cele
bration. It I Impossible te tell hew many
peeple worn present In tlila great gathering,
and the tiumlier la variously eatliuated at
trem ...tve In 5,000 When Iheahadeanf even
ing Ix'Kaii te fall, thu college ground became
the Merc In which pilgrims from alt wrta
of tlm city Iwnt ttit Ir loettei On feet, tui
hniaeluvck, by all kluda of vehli lew, the
crewda (suited through the college gate.
Any attempt te make admission by card the
rule wat at once abandoned, and when 8
o'clock had come the spacious campus waa
alive with i-eepln.
A KI'hNK of iihvurv.
'lhu cue presented te the approaeiilug
wayfarer was ene of bewildering beauty.
Tlm whole front of the campus waa made
lalry picture by the butidreda of Chinese
lanterns that bung Ireni the tree. I coking
up the aventin, ene could see the lanterna
tastefully placid en the college towers, while
te the lelt en the main building waa the
Icgnnil n i;s7 t, uiUnated lelttera.
Wandering In the lenity shades, under the
light of the fantastic Ituterns, llHteulng te the
bur of i eiiMTnattmi, narlug the faceaef the
fair, one might eally linaiiliie hlmaelf trana-
turrixl back two tbeuiHiid ycara te the hanging
ganlnim of llab Ien.
In DlaKiiethlau ball a im-ep'len b) the
liltert was in pnt;rta lluie loe the crowd
whs cry urt'AL Tlm luii'rler of the hall waa
liandNiiiiKly dccoraUel, all Hiltill of xjtud
plant and ll iwcr I elug ri prt"r ntmf. In
one ixirncrel lb rneiu twhlud a buk of
IIemium 'I IhiiKiIh.'h eicbitilrA wai Ktullenid
and they IIieiiimI the awttittwt inuxlc
llt-re ahertly allvr S eVhuk tlm reception
tK'gan. Ilu Dr. 'Iheniu (1. Apple, pra.
duut of thu luttitiuiun, wilh hU wife and
daughter nud Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Jehn 8
S'alir rweheil the cimpaiiy an faataa It
arrltml. Mr. W. U. Ilenael maile an tilt.
cleat iiiUref cite iiunliaat t'lls portion of
the uveultig pregramuie. 'llie reception con cen
tluued until M p. m.
iiiikeki;h km'i.ehk.
Mcanwhlle thuirewd without en the cam
pua kp euimUiitly roielvlug Hccweiia and
a gieat ortlen el t'iciii cenlrrxl In the
vicinity l llerlaiigh hall, whe efieni the
pyreUctuilc ill-p y aa te lie made. Sud
denly wllhe it warning a great exploalen
began from the loef of llarbaiiKh hall. The
HoUter aMpp-Mit Hint It wam nmt
elalxirate p'tei el llrnwerla, but a
Ituniau chiuIIih el d rmkdH cxpltxlil, It Imic-iiiiO elilciil that
oine inli aku had et'currrd. It wan sub
aoiueutly IvailiOil that the bulk of the
firework had been exploded tiyaalray "park.
The rattle and rear elthtae waa eeuietblng
territlu and the herw. that were tied near by
plunged and Knurled, lorrer-Hlrlckon, and for
a time there wai iuite a panlu among the
eeptu. Wben it wai luund that no lieraea
hail broken loexe and no damage had been
doue everything nettled down te iiuletude.
Then the tlrewnrka prouteded en a mere
moderate bai, about a iIcmii Uautilul aky
rocket being let oil, all that remained of the
big collection.
,r mi. eiiiit.iiv iiem.
Due of the iniMt (KipuUr plaeea of
tl.lUlluu for the crowd waa the Hcliell
olrnrvatery whure Ireni 7.'W) o'clock un
til alter II p. m. a cxiuatant aucreaaien
or ialtera waltuil their turti te peep
through the great telescope at Jupiter and
hla moeiia. l'rer. J. II. Keraliuer waa In
command here at the toIeaceev while Kev.
Dr. J. U. Miller held the crowd In check en
the tloer below, lleth theee geutleuieu were
imtlerna of geed nature under the trying cir-cumatanir-
of their reapectlve altuatlena.
Only a half dozen were permitted In the left
tone tlme,and through th la an am ualeg.cene
waa wllneaeed. A young man waa accom
panying a party of young ladles and Or
Miller told all the young ladles te go up
atalra, but their male eaoert whs warned back.
At thin, one of the young women looked ap
peallugly at Dr. Miller and then
at lhu young man. Well," aaid the
geed-natured guardian of the lower
tloer, " if he la your lever, he may go along
with you." Heme great bluablug and,
giggling followed this sally,
I'ref. Kunihuerhail hia telescope adjuated
perfectly te view the king of the planet
world and hla satellites, and each vialter waa
allowed a half-minute or mere te take In the
great sight. He told an Intki.i.iekncku
representative Uiat about 100 had looked at
Jupiter during the evening.
Aa might be expected, it waa practically
Impossible te feed this great crowd of
people. I'ref. Nevlu'a recitation room en
the first Meer of the main building waa set
with tables abundantly supplied with cakea
and confections. Ilut only a limited number
could be supplied at eue time. There was a
jam at the deer all evening, and the 100
rmarls el Ice cream and the same amount of
strawberries disappeared about aa quickly aa
the mist before the morning aun. Ills esti
mated that 1,000, however, get a taste of the
The crowd had nearly all left when about
11 o'clock the most exciting event of the
evening t'jek place. The head light ever the
main eutranee te the college building began
te leak and the oil dropping down te Ihe
threshold below lu some manner caught
lira, At onue llame bunt up te quite a
height and oemmuulcated te the dry greens
near by, Fortunately some students rushed
t once te the scene, pulled down the greens
and subdued the Maine. Heme scorching
of the woodwork was the only result el the
blue. Had this accident happened when
the crowd waa present, there might have
been a mere serious outcome te chronicle.
Midnight finally settled down en the cele
bration, and the great outpouring of Lances.
trlans te make merry with the college of
which the city la proud came te an end. Of THU CKI.KIIUATION,
One gratifying feature of the great out
pouring was the large representation of sub
stantial citizens from the country with their
There were many growls from the young
society men and women la full dress, that
thedanelng feature of the promenade con
cert was oensplouous by Its absence.
One woman at the reception earried a babs
tn her arms which she desired te have blisssd
in tela centennial season. Or. Apple basics
antly performed the ceremony at ma
time mwirg we utua one.
Or. Lawta B. BkjUar, waa few
gatherings at Ysle and Harvard and the ether
great enllegea of the country, says he never
saw as great a crowd In attendance aa thai of
last evening.
It Is suspected that the "stray spark" that
caused the premature fireworks explosion
was a fue lighted by some freshman who
bad In htm mere mischief than discretion.
Many of lha Chinese lanterns wsra carried
off last night by visitors. Fourth of July la
near at hand.
tHm vi.akh or jfttf.
The Names el These al the lay ana
rssllve Ualharleg.
The class of I WO held a reunion en Wednes
day alternoenalf :.')() o'clock lu Dr. Apple'e
recitation room In the cellrge building
There were present the following nut of
twenty-two who are living: Itnv. It. K. Ilaua
man, efHhepardabiwn, W. Vs.; K I. Ilrlnlen,
esq., rltyj Dr. C K Nelcher, city ; Win. N.
Appel, neii , city j K. K. Klllelt, esq , Phila
delphia Dr. II. U. Kachlws'h, Menree, Iowa ;
Kev. (). W. Oerhard, Iuck Haven, I'a.; Dr.
A, II. tllonlnger, Lebanon : Key. A. I. Hern,
Hummlt Hill, I'a. ; Kev. U. W. lievan, Kasten,
I'a.; W. A. Mlller, esq, Yerk, I'a.; Kev. 17.
O. Mulir, Tlmmaaten, Conn.; Kev. I). II.
Mi'bneder, Marietta, I'a.; A. II. Hlener, ei.;
Kev. A N. Weber, Westminster, Md ; Kev.
J. A. Wlukert, ML Themas, I'a. Kev. D. It.
Mt-hncder waa chosen te preside and F. 8.
KlllettapixilnUxl secretary pre. tern.
The secretary antitiunrtid that he had re.
celved a carelully wrlttnu obituary of J,
Harvey Urtsalnger, thu only deceased mem
ber of the class, which had been written by
Kev. C. I;, lleupt In compllaueo with a
special request made by the class at Its last
reunleu. Mr. lleupt was given a vote of
thanks and the memorial ordered te le
placed among the record of the class. On
motion the secretary was r quested te make
arrangements for Its publication lu the
College .ViieVnr. A committee was apiKilnt
ed te Investigate thesiihjectnf presenting the
class cup te the first boy born since gradua
tion. Tbore were several applicants for the
noner one being en Ihe ground and apply
ing In peieen. Upen Inquiry It wsa round
that D wight Hareld Mehr, the eon el Kev.
U. O. Mehr, of Tbomasteti, Conn., was right
fully entitled te the cup. A silver cup has
been purchased and will lie presented te the
recipient with the compliments of Ihe class.
The following were elected rlHeers te serve
four years: President, Dr. II. C. i:cbbecb;
vice president, A. II. Kloner.osq.; secretary,
W. N. Apple, tsq. On motion It was agreed
te held a reunion In Ivnl. Alter a pleaiant
interctaiigenf ex pur tone- and uuny wishes
for each ether's future happiness and pros
It ll v tnei ting was adjourned.
t m
fla'a Ciiaptcr Aunl.eraarr.
eU Chapter, of the I'bi Kappa Nlgma
Iraternlty, celebrated their 31th anniversary
altiee. H.Miller's hotel en Thursday even
lug. 'Ihedtnlug hall wan handsomely deco
rated fur the occasion. Following was the
menu :
O) iters
flius. Suit Shi'llixl i ral
levllletl Crabs
Deviueti ( lams.
etrlngcd HruiiH 1'tas New Tomatoes
Potatoes with t'rvmu
Ce'd luata limn. leliguu
Chicken taliul. l'lcalea New Tomatoes HI Iced.
Urangea liauanas Nuts. Strawberries.
Colfee. I ceil Tea.
The following were the toasts : "The Cen
tennial of the College," responded te by Kev.
W. O. Mehr ; "Our Falernlty," C. H. Clark ;
"Princeton College," Mr. Jamisen; "Tie
Ladles," W. II. Ilager; "Our Medical
llrelbers," Dr. C. U Netcher;"Te the Clip
Winning Hey or 'se," M. P. Miller ; " I'ater.
ulty Mfe," Jebn C. Ilager, jr.
Twe Wentsn Klllril In a Cfclens.
About 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon (1 rand
Ferks, Dakota, and vicinity were visited by
the most destructive storm ever known.
Telegraph wires are all down, and couiplete
reports are hard te secure. Miss Cera Star
bird and Mrs. A. M. Tappau were Instantly
killed. The injured as far as known are : A.
Andersen, of Heynelda; Kebert Andersen
and wife and J. Lyens, probably fatally;
Mrs. Falle, hip broken. A railroad carpen
ter, name unknown, ami a man in a aalueu
in east A rand Ferks were also injured.
About seventy two build lugs were leveled.
The North Dakota Uulverslty was aluiial
totally demolished, causing damage te the
extent of 112,000. The Catholic church waa
considerably damaged. The Jlmmlenler
uinf Jlcrdlil bulldlug was unroeted. About
.100 ether buildings were damaged mere or
leas. An incoming Manitoba train, contain
ing a smoking car and a first-class coach,
waa blown oil the track and down au en bank
ment, rolling ever two or three times. A
number of the passengers were Injured.
The Inillaetuwn rrauila.
The Indlautewn election erUcera, with the
exception of i:. T. Kaulluiau, who was away
from home, were arrested en Thursday after
noon by OtUcera Cramer and Kellly. The
warrants were placed In the bauds of Con
stable Dern en the day cemplalut was made,
but he would net execute them because the
business was divided, the Hlxth ward cases
going te city etUcera. The men arrested
would would net enter bill befure the justice
who Issued the warrauta and came te the
city with the elllcera. It was midnight when
they arrived here and Alderman Karrwai
called from bed te take their ball.
I.svl Heusenlg went te the alderman's eillce
with them and became their security In the
aura of ft, 000 for their appearance before
Justice Llntner, for a hearing en Friday,
June l!l, at 10 o'clock. K. T, Kauffmau will
be arrested when be returns home.
The officers this afternoon waived a hear
ing and entered ball for trial at the August
t asthma.
The Hixth ward men have also waived bear
Inge aud gave ball for trial.
uenlel rrecllcb Put His Head Out elihe Uoer
of Hl Bagasse Car.
Daniel Freellcb, baggage-master en the
Harrlsburg accommodation train ou the
1'. K. K-, met with a severe accident at 101b
street crossing, Philadelphia, about half-past
2 o'clock Thursday afternoon. He put bis
bead out of the deer of his baggage car, aud
was Instantly struck by s semaphore signal
placed close te the track. He was thrown
trem the ear, and picked up In an Insensible
condition and taken te the Presbyterian hos
pital. It wa at first thought bis Injuries
were of a fatal character, but an examination
ehewed that the akull waa net fractured, but
that be bad sustained a severe Incised wound
of the scalp and was sullerlug from concus
sion of the brain. At last accounts be was
doing well.
Mr. Freellcb is a native of lllrd-iu-llandi
this county, but bss resided for several years
In Harrlsburg, where be has a wile and
aeveral children. He has been employed en
the railroad 13 or 15 yeara. He has relatives
In thla elty and is well known by many of
our eltlaens, bis train passing through this
city dally.
Klile His mead Through Mistake.
Dew Mister, a well known young citizen
of Crisneld, Md., en Thursday shot and
killed Elijah U. Sterling, bis intimate friend.
Itaaaaas that Mister and one Rebert Ferd
wara rivals la tee affections of a village belle.
Ferd was set the tavered suitor, and bad
Uuraatesed te kill Mister. The latter mat
MMtoiaarlylsthaaaeiBUg, and.suppos and.suppes
tef alaa leka Fert, shot ass uatastly kuied
lav MlatarasTS) aiaseeU sp te tha soiiea,
tt xfaajgjgtdcfa
mar Aam tu hiham tnmAmaAM
run rum PAttt rasa.
Tks I'eettloes ef Mia. Kmssa V. Maker aed
Mr. Carrie (Hiker gilled-MlasM Msrjr
ahm sad Beetle McUraaa Ubeasn te
Vacaaeiesla the frrasant IMpansaeal.
Au adjourned meeting of the Lancaster
city school beard, te elect teachers for the en
suing year, was held en Tfauradsy evening
with the following members present :
Messrs. Ilsker, ikilenlus, Hreeeman, Hro Hre
slus, llrnwii, Uyrne, Cwbran, Darmstetter,
Eberman, Krlsman, Evans, driest, l.lcbty,
Marshall, McConemy, McKlligetl, McKII
lips, Ochs, Owens, l'entr, Maub, Klngwalt,
Hcbwebel, Hhlrk, Hnyder, Warfel, White,
Wkkershaui, Wehlsen and Dr. I.evergoed,
On a motion made te fix the salaries the
same aa last year, Mr. Mct'emsey said the
legislature al Its late session passed an act In
reference te the pay or teachers while attend
ing the city or county Institute. In Lancas
ter city the additional expense will be about
1700, aua te avoid mat expense ne moved
that the salaries be the same aa last year, but
these amounts shall be In lull for all claims
snd demands. The motion was adopted.
Miss Ktnuia V. Maker, of the New street
secondary ecrioel, declined a re-election, and
Mrs Carrie Wllbert, of the Chestnut street
primary school, did net present herself for
examination te the city surinlendenl, be
cause alie was net au applicant for re-election.
Miss llsker's place wan filled by the pro
motion of Miss Carter, and Miss Carter's
position by the promotion of Miss Hcner. Fer
the two vacancies in the primary grade, all
the applicants en the secretary's book were
put In nomlnstien. The election resulted In
the choice of Miss Msry .thin snd Miss
Heasle McOranii. The teachers will be as
signed by the superintending committee.
Following Is the list or leachera with the
salary each is te receive :
Ihgh School-Mele.
.1. I1. McCasker, Principal
James :. liable, first assistant ....
Mary Mailln.lkienilAsiil.lant ....
, 10
, ;miie
Jltfh hchevl tannic,
Jamli II. KunDell t ;wu
lUchnl t Jacksen, rtrst Assistant .VMliu
Margie II M. I.r small heceinl Afsl-tsnU u Ul
I'rinee nmt (lirtltmt Vumlitnetl (.riiiiwiiiir and
lt e emtitru (lirlt.
Ueergle llundell, Frlnclpsl
HallluLMiiKler, AisUlant
4 III Ul
JUJ tu
Clara U.lliibr, Principal I HO (m
Annie C. lUthven, assistant SXj
Welt Vheitnut fttreel tichoeh.
W. 11 lvergoed, Ueya' Urammar t Win ui
Mary K i-aliner, lleys' Secondary iaiu
llaniiali It. tlsger. Bey.' Secondary 3jr ou
Clara O hplnainr, Piln.Ceuib'dlnteruie
dlateanU Primary I .ITMiO
'ariie llpneman. Assistant i St)
ImmiU, Uecb, Asstatant HUM
Mary Ptahl, I'rln Cemli'd Intermediate
and filuiary 371 n"
Wllteluilna Kohlts. As.tsUnt :ei Ml
U Janttt Street .ScAoeii.
Krermv Powers, Bey's and lilil'a Urate
mar I 410 U0
r.uium b. Downey, Hey's and Utrl's lee
endary 7'm(e
Mary Kenrr. Intermediate 3.S oe
llalltu . Curtis, Primary 313 M
Knit Lemen Mrett Bcheult.
A. It Htauiy. Hey's fammmar I nam
Lela 7.11. Hey' Secondary S'jj oe
Mary M. Musselman, (itilrsllrmimir.... nil te
Matilda .uk- (ilrl'a Secondary Juv Ul
Kate Shirk. Intermediate 371 Ul
eadlu rieuiliiK. Primary 3i 60
Mrs. Anna McCemsey, Intermediate .. J7SI0
Bun llolnreok. lntenuedlale 375 Ul
LUrle haby. Primary 313 HO
Mamle Underwood, Prliunry 313 te
Henrietta lluiklns, Primary JU 50
Xew Street 6cheati.
Annl Carter, lki)'s and Ulrl's cc-
endary t H)
Sarah r.. Hinlih, Intermediate 37 in
Augusta M.llasbenir, Primary 311 M.
Sue llsrklni, Primary J13 60
.4 nil Street Schools.
Clara 11. Llchty.ulley' aud Ulrl'a See
endary $ van)
Ktntly huilam. Intermediate 37n no
Ciiruh Ktns, Primary 113 Mi
Ida McMillan, Primary J1J W
tietclli Duke Street Schools.
ll S.Uates, Uey'sOrauimar bu) ou
Mary A. Unuiiherty, Principal Ulrl's
Urauiiimratid .-ecendary 440 00
Mary McMeal, AsslsUut t.iMO
Mary J UruntiiK. I'rln. Combined Inter-
inedlamaiid Primary
Kalu Uurnes. AssisUnt
Mary . tharp. Assistant
LUzle C. Mareliill, Prill. Combined In
lermeillateaud Primary
Mamie hlcbells. Assistant
373 Ul
Je.' Ml
Mi St)
J'l MJ
Kate llundell.l'rln. Uerman and Kiigllsb
tnlerinedlate I 400 00
llattle McKeewn. Assistant 313 Ml
Margie lierner. Second Assistant Ml Hi
Keeklamt Street Schools.
KateClllUm, Ueys' and Ulrls' Bec'ry.... t vis ui
hate liucklus, lutermedtate. 375 ui
Hulls eluel, Primary 313 Ml
lialsyeuialtng. Primary J'J M)
Strau terry Street Scheel.
rrank Bhlb'.ey, Ueys and Ulrls I 6M) 00
seiTiiwasr mvisies.
Seuth Mulberry St. Combined Schools.
Carl Matz, Prln. i.erinan and Kngllsh
Uratnmar and Beceudarr t 770 no
Minnie H. Wltmer, first Assistant JJ iu
sue M. K.Stanley, Second Aaitslant 3-i te
giluMiisser, I'rln. Uerman and Cngllsh
lutermeillatOMnd Pilmary f 375 00
UaryAcbmus, Assistant 3i3 60
Salemu Cariwntet lnterinedlate
Mary Uuihiix. Primary
a unit) lless, Primary
Maner Street Schools.
Ida Mud, HeyslJUid Ulrls' fecendury
Sarah etllTel, Intennedtate
... 375 te
. . 311 50
... 313 MJ
... S75U0
Minnie A. Kaub Primary,
Margie Umephrevllle, Primary 3Ut 60
Seuth l'rlnce Street Schools.
Lizzie Neeper, Beys' and Ulrls' hec'ry...t 8, 00
Lnura.l. ralck. Intermediate 375 no
Ltbble Weber. Primary 313 Ml
Kllaccher, Primary 313 60
Carl Matz, Illgu Schools and Uerman-
Knglisb schools t 200 00
Jehn ll hevlnskl. secondary and Pri
mary Schools 6(H) oe
Mr. Marshall, of the high school com
uieneeuitnt committee, autieuuced that there
would be a reception at Ihe high school en
the evening before oemmencemout, te which
the directors were Invited.
Arm tueksn.
Max Heilmau, an empleye el Ihe Pennsyl
vania railroad, while working last evenlug
about live o'clock at an ash-pit en the cut-oil
el the Pennsylvania railroad, a ahert distance
north or this city, bad his lelt arm broken In a
very peculiar manner. A heavy block of
weed fell upon a long-handled ahevel lying
In Ihe pit close where 1 1 ell man wasstandlng.
The handle of the shovel waa thrown up
with great lerce aud atruck Heilman upon
the elbow fracturing the elbow joint lie
waa taken te bis home 157 Koekland street,
where bis wounded arm was atteuded te by
Dr. Welehans, company surgeon.
Opes leg Bids ler a Urines.
The county oemlssloners went te Alglen,
Cheater county, this morning, te. meet with
the commissioners of Chester county, te ejieu
bids for the construction of an Iren bridge
ever the Octoraro creek, near Christiana. The
commissioners will return home this evening
and the bids will be published te morrow.
Leaving ler Heme.
The Pennsylvania railroad station pre
sented a lively appearance thla morning at
V-.30. It waa tilled with students and friends
of the college who were taking the cars for
their homes in different partaef the oeuntry.
Bad a Tee Mashed.
William Brennen, who Is employed In
tba blacksmith abep of Jamas K. Baarden, la
laid up with a vary aera feet. A bona that
ha waa shoeing stepped upon his feet,
lag hia largt tee,
The rresMent, rinding ue Warrant rnr the He
lens of Flags, Kevekes a Ksesnt Ordsr.
President Cleveland en Thursday sent te
the secretary of war a letter revoking the
approval of the war department's recom
mendation for the return of captured Union
and Confederate Hags te the different state
authorities. It appears that the war depart
ment circular was Issued upon the written
recommendation of Adjutant Oeneral Drum
and that the matter was orally mentioned
by the secretary te the president " who di
rected in a perf uctery nianuer that the de
partment should de whatever was proper, "
It ha been found that the actleu of the de
partment la net Justified by lew.
President Cleveland sent the following
message te the war department en Thursday :
1 have te-day considered with mere care
than when the subject was orally presented
te me the action el your department direct
ing letters te ueauaresaeu te me governors
of all the atatea ettering te return (II desired)
te the loyal states the Union Hags captured
during the rebellion by the Confederate
forces and afterward recovered by the gev em
inent troops, and te the Confederate states
the 11 igs captured by the Union forces, all of
wuwu rer many yeara uave been pacveu in
boxes and stored In the cellar and attle of the
war department 1 am of the opinion that
the return of the Hags in the manner thus
cenutrnpiaieu is net authorized by existing
law nor Justllled aa au executive act I
request, therefore, that ue further steim he
taken In the matter except te examine and
inventory these Hags and adept proiier
measures for their preservation. Any direc
tion as te the final dlsHilien of them should
originate with Congress.
The matter has stirred up a great deal of
feeling in Grand army circles and through
out the North. (loveruers larrabee, of
Iowa ; Husk, of Wisconsin, and Thayer,
of Nebraska, yesterday telegraphed te the
president pretests against the return el the
rebel Hags. The pretests were generally
couched In very earnest language, and were
accompanied by resolutions adopted al sol
diers' meetings and by dispatches of (I rand
Army commanders. When the news of the
revocation of the Mag order was received
In Columbus Ohie, last night, it seen
spread ever the city, and the geed fuel
ing which prevailed almost reached the point
of jollification, tloverner Ferakor was com
plimented en every hand ler the stand he
had taken. Numerous meetings had been
arranged te gut formal expression en the
rebel II ig subject, but the announcement
that the order hud been lovckeil seriously
interfered with the resolutions which had
lieen preisired of a condemnatory character."
It Is said that "'the expression en thehtreet,
se fir a it could be gathered, was that the
president has furnished the strongest cam
pslgn document which could liavu been pre
sented against him, and that his latest action
will net alter the original Intent in giving
the order. General Tuttle, commander
of the Grand Army in Iowa, en Wednes
day, asked Governer I-arraboe "te pretest te
President Cleveland against robot lUgs cap
tured by Iowa troops being surrendered te
the Neiilb, and te take legal steps te enjoin
any such surrender II It is contemplated."
Soldiers' meetings have been held at l.ock l.eck l.ock
pert, Illinois (where it was resolved that "we
are yours the commander's te command ax
in '01") at Worcester, Massachusetts; at
Hpringlleld, Illinois ; aud ether places te pro pre
teat against the order. Department Cem
mander Helemon of California, last night tele
graphed te AdJutaut Ueaeral Gray, at Madi Madi
eon, Wlscens n, tbe pretest of California vete
rans, and their readiness te bear part of tbe
expense el legal proceedings.
Tbe following statement with regard te the
president's action concerning the proposed
return of the battle Hags was made at the
White Heuse:
When the question was preicsed te the
president by me adjutant general an impor
tant feature suggested was the return te tbe
loyal states of the Hags which had been cap
tured by the Confederates and retaken by
our army at the time el ttiecellaiise of the re
bellion. They, with such. Confederate Hags
as bad been captured from the enemy by our
troops, had, it was represented, for along
time lain uncared for aud neglected, packed
away in boxes iu the cellar of the war de
partment, and bad been removed te tbe attle
as a betler place ler their safe keeping. The
disposition of tun Hags, which seemed te be
answering no geed purtose where they
were, was the main point; and the consid
eration was presented te the president
that some flags had been returned te
loyal states upon their request in individual
cases, and the rust, If desired, might as well
all be relumed together. The return of the
Ceulederate Hags which were with the ethers
In the department, was suggested, but there
was net the slightest thought of Interfering
In auy way with the captured Haga new held
by the state. The fact, apparently received
with favor by the country, that lately In eue
or mere cases Northern troops v wilting their
lat j antagonists at tbe (Seuth bail returned te
them Hags wiiich bad betui captured in battle
trout these whose hospitalities they were
receiving; Ihe timber fact that Northern
troops who within a short time had Leen
visitlug Southern battle-tlelds had spoken lu
tbe warmest terms of the kind and hospita
ble treatment they had received from former
Ceulederate soldiers, and the fact, tee, that
soldiers from the North and Seuth were just
gathering at Washington te ineet in friendly
competition at the national drill, seemed te
indicate that if the Union llags were ie
turned te the loyal statue which had lust
them in battle it would net be inconsistent
with the fraternal sentiment, which seemed
te be prevalent, te otler at the same time te
the governors of the states formerly in re
bel I ion a return el the Hags which we bad
taken from their seldleia. The right
of the department te make these returns
being questioned by the president, such
right was distinctly asserted aud precodeuta
alleged; and tbereupeu his oral assent was
given te the proposed action. The matter
waa dismissed from his mind until comment
thereupon within the Iastday or two brought
itagalutoblsattentieu,wheii upon personally
examining the law and considering the sub
ject mere carefully, be salisUed himself that
no disposition of these Hags could be made
without congressional actleu ; w heron ikiii he
directed a suspension of operating by the
letter made public last evening.
Washington, June 17. The excitement
about the proposed return te the various
states of the Hags captured during the late war
has nearly subsided. Tbe sunsatleu of yester
day la a thing of Ihe past At the war depart
ment te-day Adjutant General Drum said :
"I have nothing lurther te say about the
AsslsUut Adjutant General Greene said :
" 1 don't aee why the president revoked the
order. There is nothing iu the statutes pro
hibiting Iheir return."
Many veterans here am, witlioutexceptleti,
delighted with thu president's action, and
these who were severe iu their criticism yes
terday are enthusiastic in their praises el him
Hail IOO Per Usui.
Miss Paullue Cooper, daughter of Charles
W. Cooer, of Pittsburg, formerly of Lan
caster, who graduated at the I.tndeu Hall
seminary, Utlt, had the distinguished honor
of being net only at the head of her class, but
of being the euly graduate who ever attained
an average of 100 per ceut tu the ninety
years that tbe school has been in existence.
The nearest approach te ibis iiercentage waa
made a few years age, wheu Miss llecti, of
liaucMter, reached IU.
Uoed Ice t'reaiu.
Having uevv machinery and every facility
desirable ler the manufacture of Ice cream,
Jeseph K. Keyor, West King street, is nup
plying soma el tbe best in tbe market Mr.
K. sent a eatuple gallon and a-half te this
eltice yesterday afternoon, and it disappeared
witb rapidity and relish.
Hetern of Jehn A. ralck,
Jehn A. Falck, son of Jehn Kalck, of thla
city, arrived In New Yerk, last evening, at
530 o'clock In the City et Kemafrcm LW-1 Empire Council, Ne. liW. Jr. O. U. A. M.,
erjoel. He will leech this city at 7:ie; thU I intended te have an euterulnment this even
evening, after a tour of elaht weata around I .... v.... . . . . .mnimi nt bualnasa
- - ; ...t.Mwtas...-'.? j
ummMAHr umtmumiiimu te avpi'Mkib
mil UMUWIMtt IHBtttVtlOH.
The Police Discover lleadiuerters at (Social
ists In Magilsbnrg, Destroy tbe Liters
lure and Make Arresla-Tbs Cruaads
te be Prosecuted Vlgoreail.
Londen, June 17. Tba Uerman (tapers
are again calling attention te thu alarming
Increase of Heclallam throughout the empire
and the persistent activity of tbe Socialists
tn spite of the ellerts el the police te sup
press them. The oeuntry Is tilled with So
cialist literature and the ellerts or the author
ties te prevent Its dissemination seems te be
rullie. The lime was wben the police could
raldaS(s!lallst haunt and 11 nd abundance of
Incriminating evidence, documentary and
otherwise, but that time has gene. Ne
meditated move of the police can be kept
from their knowledge for 21 hours and the
conviction Is growing that tbe police them
selves sre In lesgue with the So
cialists and give sulllcient warning
of their coming te enable Ihtlr game
either te escape or te put their houses In
order against seech. The growth of He
elallsui in Germany has hitherto been very
gradusl and many persons have severely
condemned Prince lllsinarck for bis repres
sive legislation, but the chancellor saw years
age, what his then critics see new, the domi
nating Influence of the Socialists ever all
classes or workingmen and the Inevitable
spread of their pernicious doctrines te higher
classes. Desultory crusades have been made
in various parts of Germany against the pro pre pro
pegatlou or Socialism, but they have only
served te lncrease the activity or the circu
lators of prohibited lilerturc,s.tid the I icreise
In the number of converts te that fallb have
gene steadily ou.
The government has at last taken action lu
the matter of everu imlng the spread or this
social plague seriously and determlnedly.and
astonishing results are looked for with great
conllilence. The police authorities through
out the country have received unqualllleii In
structions te deal with the question vigor
ously and have been warned that each head
efadepirtmeiil will be held personally re
sponsible for his neglect or failure te pre
scribe Socialistic gatherings or prevent tbe
distribution of seditious pamphlets within his
Jurisdiction. Kspeclal attention, tee, has
been called te the government's trailer that
the rapid grewtli of Socialism has been largely
due te the fact that many of tbe police have
been in sympathy with that creed and have
reudered passive assistance te Its teachings,
and warning is given that tbe giving of such
aid, passive or active, will be considered as a
treasonable act and the ollender dealt with
Iu accordance with new orders the Magde
burg police raided a house known as a Socialist
headquarters, yesterday. Nothing was found
te indicate the character of the place until
ene of the raiding party stumbled ever an
Iren ring in the cellar. Procuring lights an d
calling assistance be and hla comaaulena
raised a large stone te which the ring was
attached and found beneath a flight of steps
leading te a meat complete printing estab
lishment, connected by a wide and well con
structed tuunel with the house across tbe
street, occupied by a man or estimable repu
tation aud who had upon all occasions been
among the foremost in denouncing Socialism
and its evils. In the printing otllee were
great quantities of literature fresh from the
presses and iu the house reached by passing
through the tunnel were two tens of m
phlets packed, boxed, addressed and ready
for shipment when the opportunity for
getting It out or the Louse unobserved should
arrive. The literature was seized and de
stroyed and the oceupants of both houses ar
rested. uerrsB rttivKa stalling.
Tbe Pucelgu .Markets tuactlve and .tbe' Katsa
lu New Yerk Ubanse.
Nhv YeitK, Juue 17. Great excitement
was manllested te-day en theoelleoexohauie
Itoperts were received from Uavre dated 4
o'clock this afternoon showing that the
markets there dropped oil four ftancs. Cable
adv ices from Kie also showed that the market
was paralyed and nothing deiug. The re
sult was that the market here tell oil ISO
peluls ler July ou the very tirst bid. August
dropped 1M) points and September 150 points
October and November fell despite the most
active etlerts of the bulla 170 points, while
December and January were kue.-ked VW0
points below the closing last night The
bidding closed excitedly and wben the last
stroke of the gaVel tell the noise of bidding
and etleriug around the riug was deafening.
It seemed as if a second Black Friday was
likely te occur aud tbe brokers were perfectly
wild. Seme said they would net sell a bag
under auy ilrcuuistanees while the market
held its present tone. Other shouted in reply
that they would be glad te sell before the
day was ever aud rumors of approaching
failures were rife.
Thn vureuer'a Inquest Place tbe Murder I'pun
lUtev, Ohie, Juue 17. Corener C. C.
Jenes this morning rendered bis verdict in
the inquest ou the body of Mrs. Nancy iieall,
who wai murdered Meuday eveulng. The
verdict is that deceased came te her drath by
two pistol shot wounds which aredescrllxd
The coreuer's tiuding continues : " 1 lurtber
Hud that while it seems almost impossible
te conceive that one se young, and especially
a seu, could commit such an atrocious crime,
yet the evidence presented te me and the
circumstances surrounding the case are se
strong that 1 leel warranted in tixlng the
crime en Jehn A. Beall." An aflldavlt was
then sweru te by Marshall Cerwlu before the
imyer and a warrant issued for the boy's
arrest. The verdict seems te meet with tbe
general approbaatleu qf; the public Jehnu y
lieall, who Is thus feuud guilty of the mur
der et his mother, is but 1- years old. It is
believed tbe boy will ceufess, and some start
ling events may lollew, as without doubt the
crime was instigated by some elder heads.
Johnny Beall, the murderer el his mother,
was ledged in jail at neon te day. He Is
very cool. There Is loud talk of lynching.
Tbs Hack Memerial Hervlce.
Thoeutcomo et tbe meeting called te de
honor te tbe memory of tbe late Prof. Beck,
el LIMA was the formation of a Beck me
merial association, of which N. KUmaker
was elected president, Judge Patterson and
Hiram B. Swarr vice presidents, Israel Q.
Krb secretary, and Jacob S. Htehman treas
urer. A coinuiliieo et live was appointed by the
meeting te devise ways and means and de de
terntlne what the memorial te their old
teucher shall be. This committee is made
up of Messrs. IMltuaker, Patterson, Krb,
Tsbudy and Kby, and wbeu they have agreed
upon a report there will be another meeting
of Professer Beck's pupils.
A Large Hiargeen.
This morning Geerge Krelner received by
express from Bald Friar, Maryland, a tre
mendous sturgeon. With tha box that It
came In tha weight was 335 pounds.
Kntertalaaaeat Postponed.
I It has te be deferred.
Htum ricaaaa mum.
The J ad- la railadelehbT DecMe That the
New Law la la Kirect.
Tba beard of Judgea In Philadelphia has
decided that all applications for license made
prier te Juna 15, 18S7, ara te be granted under
the law of 185H, and that appHcaUeas after that
dale must be governed by the law of 1887,
known as tba "high license law."
On Wednesday afternoon the four presl
dent judgea or tba common pleas court, In
Philadelphia, bold a consultation upon tbe
argument beard en tba rule te restrain the
clerk of tbe court from alilxlng tha court's
seal te licenses which had been applied for
by Messrs. McNally and Boyd, under tha
old laws. They came te an unanimous con
clusion which has been verbally announced
by Judge Allisen.
The Judge In substance, said that they bad
given te this law a very serious snd carerul
consideration. The Hrst section declares that
it shall be unlawful te keep or maintain a
hotel, Inn or tavern where Intoxicating
liquors are sold In less quantities than a
quart except a license therefore shall be pre
viously obtained at therelnalter provided.
According te tbe literal reading of that sec
tion there could be no sale et liquor in the
city of Philadelphia after the passage el this
act except under licenses therefer which have
been previously obtained as In tba act pro
vided. Te adept this construction would be
tessy that all liquors sold tn tbe city of
Philadelphia unless under licensee as pro
vided for In this act would be utterly
without warrant of law. "We can net
come te the conclusion that that was tba In
tent and purpose of the legislature," he said.
Licensfst taken out in conformity with pre
vious laws are valid. Tbe granting or a
license uuuer these laws partook largely el
tbe nature or a contract and nothing but the
must explicit expressions In the act would
warrant tbe court in savins- thst it was the
in tentlen or tbe legislature te break It 1 be
proviso attached te tbe third section or the
act aays tbst license msy be granted net
later than June .'10 under previous laws. We
think that what the legislature really in
tended te say was that license which could
be taken out under previous laws might be
continued te be taken out up le June 30
unless the court should fix an earlier date."
Tbe court then made tbe following order :
" In pursuance or the act or as-embly, ap
proved May 11, 18X7. it Is hereby ordered
that alter June 15, IHV7, no application for li
cense be receive 1 or entertained, except In
pursuance of the previsions et the set of Msy
13, 1SS7, tn compliance with the conditions
therein prescribed and iu conformity with
tbe order of court te be promulgated in refer
ence le such applications. It is further
ordered thst all license granted by the
court under the previsions of tbe act of May
1 !, lfcbT, shall lie for one year from the 1st
day el June. It is further ordered that all
licenses hereafter granted, prier te June 1,
1S.HM, shall lie for the fraction of tbe year ex
piring June I, liyVJ, and there shall be paid
ter said licenses the fee prescribed by the act
of May 1 (, 1SS7."
Kx-Atterney General Cassidy, addressing
tbe court, asked what was the fste of these
applications which are new pending before
the clerk or the court
Judge Allisen replied that all these who bad
made tbe applications and bad paid a fee
should have the privilege of perfecting them
and could obtain their licenses. In answer
te snetber question he aaid that no applica
tion for licenses could be uisde te the county
commissioners and that the court would very
seen promulgate rules for the making of ap
plicatiens for licenses.
tight With Masked Ilebbers.
Three masked robbers entered the real
dence of Peter Hawn, In Juniata township
Thursday morning, and In the absence of the
male members of the family demaded from
the ladies what money was In tha beuse.
While tbe robbers were at work the men re
turned. Geerge Anker, 1 lawn's adopted
son, shot at one of the robbers with his rifle,
but missed him, whereupon the desperado
tired en Anker with bis revolver, le dieting a
fatal wound in tbe left breast, about an inch
from the heart After Anker was burt ha
knocked tbe robber down, took bis pistol
from him and blew out bis left eye, but tha
man escaped te the surrounding hills and
has net yet been captured. The ether rob
bers retreated in an opposite direction, and
it is thought are biding in the dense forest of
the Tussey mountain. Armed men are
looking for them. The men were strangers
te tbe women at tbe beuse, but tbe detectives
believe they reside near there, and are
watching several auspicious parlies.
Lancaster atanta Will Net Play
(Juaker Cliy Team Tills Aflat-noen.
The t.uaerk.Clty club of Philadelphia was
te have played! the Giants here te-day.
Manager Simpsen had the town well billed
aad the prospects for a large crowd was geed.
At oue o'clock a telegram was received here
stating that the club had arrived at Bread
atreet station just tee late te make the Fast
Line, aud they therefore could netjget bore
In time te-day.
A mistake eccurred in our report of Wed
nesday's ball batne. V actor is pitcher instead
U aala.UV.
n-.. .. ..... ....... . . .
iud ntmuiug ciuu, wuicu is m uieiuuer ui
the State Association and a very strong one
at mat, wilt ueuereennext tuesuay. Among
ms aivraeiiiius wiiu vuis aggri-gsuuu nre
"Big Jehn" Sbetzllue and Hen Myers,
formerly of the Harrlsburg and Trenten
clubs. Manager Simpsen la going te con
siderable expense te get this club here and he
deserves geed patronage.
The games of tbe League clubs yesterday
were : At Chicago : Chicago 8, Detroit 1 ; at
Bosten : Bosten 11!, New Yerk 5 ; at Indian
spoil : Indianapolis I, Pittsburg 'J (twelve
Inuings) ; at Philadelphia : Philadelphia 18,
Washington f .
Tbe American Association clubs played as
follews: At Philadelphia: Athletics 10,
Cleveland H ; at H La ten Island ; Cincinnati
1 1, Meta 10 ; st Brooklyn : Louisville -I,
Broekryn '-I ; at Baltimore : Baltimore 8, St
Leuis 8.
Husten Dslsata Nw Yerk.
Bes-ion, June 17. Morning game (10 in
nings :)
llosten i 0 14 0 0 2 0 0 10-11
Mew Yerk 0 115001010 9
Hanei les Conway and O'Kourke: Mattltnera
and Ill-own. lilts Bosten, JO; Sew Yerk. ID.
Krrers liesl3n, 3 ; Mew Yerk, i. Uuiplre-Pew-les.
keifiK catiwlie vmrBMBirr.
Prebsbly It Will be Located at tbe National
In a conversation witb Cardinal Gibbens,
iu speaking of the proposed Keman Catholic
University, said it is probable, but by no
means absolutely certain, that it will be lo
cated in Washington, uer will ita location be
definitely settled uutll the meeting in Sep
tember next Bishop Keane, et Ktcbmend,
was Willi him yesterday, aud they conferred,
sud while that bishop bss tbe matter In
hand, tbey could Bettle nothing definitely.
He aaid that net lesa than a million el dollars
will be required te place the institution en a
sound basis and that will be a large amount
of money te raise. When asked if ita location
in New Yerk would net produce larger dena
tiens for Its establishment, ha replied that
New Yerk Is tba largest business centra and
contains mere Catholics than any ether cltv
et the oeuntry and that might favorably attest
Ita location there, However, nothing can ba
dena nor will any effort ba made until tha
nepietueer meeting, uaruinai uioDena ex
pressed since regret at tha course of Dr. Me
ll lynn in following tha vagaries of tha free
laud people, but expressed no opinion as te
wuai win ue wiu course ei tue euurcu suuteri-
tie in the cse.
Win- Llptield has sued Klam GraelT for
damages for negligent driving thst caused
the death of Lippold's horse. .,1
E. H. Kllahr, jeweller of Mlddiatewn,
telegrhedtb cVef Smith fcwlay tbat Ws
store waa robbed last nlgbl et a number of
WASid party rttw up by Mtaa Edith
BMr?Mis Emma Shlffer and Bias Dearr, of
tltyluSd Mrs. Duing, of Besevill
Twtteffirl bulldhlapjlxa
nshtwlthln hailing dlstanoeef the mayor's
Sfflea last avanlag. Thalr ampleyar waa
reieraa and ba separated them.
Admiral Reynolds Peet Ne. 105 O. A. It.,
iisve adopted resolutions against tba pro pre
peaad Hag lasterattena,
virraa ua twaar r fhti.
ik mi mtmmt.
t w
O-, Ml
Tha Be.te.lsa: et a sake
Lest el l.tiTk Vassal tsjaMsa
Kipledlsg Laase-A rants! Uk at
Wfc rtlihed-Wtea
Ciiicaoe, Juna 17. Tha
i.r i i
plain, of tba Northern Mlebtgaa
en Charlevoix at rakiaignt
twelve rsMsengers wara drowned. ";.--
Dktiieit. Mich.. J una 17. A aaaeial as tha '
Neics from Charlevoix, Mlea., aayat ..taft,
TCiu vwiiafiMu, ihm vsi issin salt ay W
forty persons, composed of paaewWaaai;
tbe crew, lbe fire started la UMCtwaswara
room from a lamp explosion. Be twfMs
did the flames spread thai tha ateasweVfeal
te be abandoned In tea minutes, aadlB)M
tbe beats could be lowered afteen leiwaaly
Urea are known te have been lest c:
The list of lest se far as known la aataUawat
Mrs. Klla Cooper Smith, Cbarlerotei atlV
Geerge Wrisley ; Captain Lucas, Feteaaafi
Kebert Wllkes,Cbarlevelx; four Indtwaaatk
bands: one cabin lilV! tamnhll.lraa nl mumi'
four White deck hands, ninua tint L-smm U
uieric tisnrv iiMinnan. ittMnmn at . &
u. . -. ' - a -... -
.-.--."- r ."-"" '..r ,
, cuioe. iiianuiaciurer, ei ,i season, AtMa. Vn
Mrs. M. Kehoe, Chlcaite. The saved aMtt
Jehn McCalleri. emrlneer. bndtv bnrmad i , t
Mabel Knliitn. Mrs. Jink lnmlla uu. -ti'l
Hew, steward, aud wife; Henry Bew, porter i '-i.
ira lllshep, male; Stephen Withers, Craaa
village ; Jame Keligar, Liverpool ; Jaaaaa
eicKsy, wstcntuan, uanaaa. v-';
The following were nlcknd nn aflar halm y?Xi
nearly two hours in the water : Captain K. jlvVa
.......... . ... .-.. U -f M . -3 2.
vw-j', Auitiuiu niwrrew, nreman ; jrrvni v
""""Ji ..iiau, i oKjeKoy , aaawy vy
Wakefield, Charlevoix ; Geerge W. Miliar K
Mrs, Harrison, Bed lord ; W. B, Albright. ' p$
I'lil.-atrtL . M
The bodlesof Mrs. Smith, Capt Luesey"
Petoskey ; the two Hew children. R. mLSii
Mcneei, unarieveix, and Uve ether b
which have nut been Identified, have
ittjiHe m mm tm limb.
Tn BeldMrs' Mennmrat KrectM By the CMy ;
of New hsvm Dedicated With lasses- j
leg Cerameaie. r
Nkw Havkn, Coun., Juna 17. Tha. "i'
weather here te-day Is warm and ahewary.
Nearly every bulldlug In the city, publleaad
private, Is dedicsted In honor of dedloatiea
day, se called because of it having bean Axed
rer the unveiling or the monument eraetad
by tbe city te the memory of tba soldier and $
sailor dead. Tbe monument is situated e i;
the highest point of Kast Keck and from tta
base te tbe apex of tbe statue of peace, wakes .
surmounts it, is one hundred and tan kt 'fi
The natural promontory en which it stands la
-105 feet Tbe total elevation of the atraetara '"'?
Is therefore ever 500 feet V,
-pi. iMMn.t .it h. ...II.W..!.. ..i ... AkAYra
.. ....ii,.. ... .u -"" -tas !.
cltv are runnlntr at ahert Intervals alsu-aaa. '&-!
Mrtv hniir anil urn nmavrintt. 'Ykut. Amm ae '
-! AK-.-.. .l-lnll. .....a ' .ift-?TC
ainus is auspenaeu. Along use line ei ,-
.. .. - - -r-. - a-.!
1-liimnk.l m!i ati-A l.nH.M limn UAMT
ara tnrewa ail lava lMi.V
Upen them are inscribed d Iran ba
natrlntln mnttnAa mil ntintatlnnVi--frhfli aavaaw. 1
?: .:".:"": : ..-.- .- r--ytti
ei uiese vriuuipnai arcnea is aw
the junction of Chapel and Orange atresia
wnare tne precession takes up Ita aureh. ,
The arch is ever Uf ly feet in height and baara ;
oil portraits et Generals Grant, Sherman aad
Sheridan and ethers living and dead, Al
Celd Spring street Is an areh erected la-hocver
of Oreely, the Arctic explorer. On Chapel
street near Yerk is one inscribed --Our
Martyred Heroes, Abraham Lincoln Jamee
A. Garfield."
At VI o'clock tbe clouds broke away aad
tbe precession began te move. Kitlmates
vary as te tbe number of men Inline, built
Is safe te say that there were at least 10,000.
Tbe precession was under tbe command of
llrlg. Geu. E. S. Oreely, and was made np
as fellows : Military, Brigadier Gen. H. K.
Smith, marshal. This command was coat- i
nosed of the entire Connecticut National X
gusrd, four reglmeuts of Infantry, a troop of '-J
cavalry and two batteries of artillery. A.
battalion of marines and a battalion of blna , -i'f.
jackets from the United states men-of-war ta v if,
tbe harbor and several Indapundent military v:
organUstiens followed. ,
secenii (itvtsieu, unir.-uen. t. u. Bleat ?.-'.
marshal. Till .llvinliin araa mmnraaS nin. y-t?
. .. . ...... w. wu,.v waa w. m
a. it. pests, neus ei veterans ana a naval ' S
110D. JJci
Tutru uivisten, urig.-ueu. uiaxesiea, i
I tanl 'l-t.l t nt-al.l la i-aa '
i -... r ..- .- .. j --. . -tre
lauies kuiu uae vmiuui euauay nnnraa ji
I reuresentluK Uie 38 stales of tha Union ma
I formed this dlvlseu.
Tbe fourth, tilth, sixth and seventh dirt- ''SQ
sieu, n ram SB,
At.. rPI-aaaa rul I ulllil narria... rt.uil.lnln ftla t
VMM ,UTOlvwuan.awiMni wUMMUaBa, MW -fSa
governor auu bu.ii, aenatera uswtey aact i.,-j,
nail, ueuerais auerman, Huermaa, Tany jesm
and f'aircbild, Kev. Mr. Newman Haiytb, tha Jlgl
orator ei tue aay, Admiral Luce ana ethar r$m
naval ofllecertt, Mexican veterans, etc
O'llrlsu'a Welcome Herns.
Qugknsievvn, June 17. Mr. William
O'Brien, editor of UmlcU Ireland, arrived
here this morning ou tha Adilatic Uoeraa
of deputations awaited bis arrival. Ha re
ceived a perleet ovation when ha reached lha
pier and was escorted te the Queen's beteL
In response te cells for a speech ba addressed
the crowd from the hotel balcony and briefly .
thankml than, far thnlr liaartr walenma. Tkla'-t)
afternoon be will be presented wlthaddraaara S
from the vsrieus deputations that eama bat '
te welcome him. This evening ha wlU laava
laA laOBnmaafl IIIWII him. ' VjK
ArrnWdfer Beating aa In
Wahahii, Ind, Juna 17 A
arrest was reported trem Miami county yea
terday. On complaint of oenstabla Jeseph
Taggert, Samuel Meyers, superiataadeat of
the peer house, waa arrested charged wMk
fearfully beating Minerva Taggart, a feeble
minded imata. There are large welta en tha
girl's back te uentlrm the eocuaatlea. la
numerous ether Instances Meyers ixultreeted
helpless women in the asylum, ita will
arralnged te day at Peru.
A riac for Ben laager.
Paiiis, Juna 17. Qea. Beulaagar la i
te receive a command In tha amy. .
opening for him la te ba eHeetad hy
making of tbe iwasldaaey of tha
Genie which has hitherto hawfea
general of a corps d' arms, a
Maaay -j
1 -W-Mft
andreueviug me pn
his military oemmsad.
AUsaM isaisra. &
QwBBHsTewif, Juna 17. Arrivad, Add ffi
stie rreui nss
Navv Yeitg, Juna 17.-Arrivad, '
from Antwerp.
The Uaeea at Wtaiisr.
Leu den, Juna 17. Tha qw
st Windser. Hba waa hsarUly
wmbled crowd at tha rsuwur
weather U&aa,
I 'nearly
a-TiL, ii-:
MNaasi VIMf &
'aata aOf-i-aaM
Waaciaaraa, 9. O, Jaa H
.. if.