Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 14, 1887, Image 1

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fflqt Jfertfagtef
K M..-
" VfwiYl
-4 ffttti-1
Bim.t veTHt fun rum uttLnaaeAi.
tir THHJvmea vi. ah.
rr Awards la . . iiewmaa, S
lABeMtar Ths Atmeunesinsnt Nal rater.
ul lllTJ..Hrll l lanes et in
Yeung Han't Addratst.
College chapel wn picket te overflowing
last evening, the oaesslen Using tlia Junier
oratorical contest. Tim result of tlin enthusl enthusl
astle eller I nf Ilia guerl dt-oeratlon com
mittee for Mil llie centennial ciinmence
tnent added inue'i In ttie clioerfiilune nod
beauty of the nccadeu. I.srge tropical
plants, white mul liltie ItuntliiKi Hig aud
green are lining med with thrilling ehVet
by tlie ilocetu'dt".
At Itieappolutet hour A. ti. (I, lly, chair
nun of thoeumiltbw el arrangements, con
ducted I'nwldmit Apple am! Ilia live Junier
orators te tlm rostrum. After tew appre
pilate Introductory welciiulng remark, Dr.
Apple IntrisliiceJ Hie first orator, unit then
1 1 turn tlie ether orators lu the order of tbe
pregramme IihIew. The oration weie es
atptlnually well written snd very creditably
Alter the last orator had ceinpleted hi
oration, the Judges, I). U. Kshleinsn,
Geirge NnuniHii and K. I). .North, esq.,
retired te Dr. Apple' class room, and
after quite a long dellbsratlett, during which
time Dr. Apple oil led up Mr. J Ii. Keusb,
el the graduating claw, te roeelve the geld
inttlat awarded hltu hy the judge of the
Merman oenlesL The Judge returned and
awarded thu medal te Mr. O. Ii. Howwan,ef
Lancaster. The result was received with
hisses of dlntppreval.
Tuetnusla ler lln oceislou wss furnished
Thorbsu'serchoitra. Following I the pro pre
gramme :
Music March "Innovation" (llnwinan )
Mu-lc murium ' Sylvester'' (HchlriKiatrell )
l.-al,nt," 1 K.Vl4AiitrtBlechnl0itewu, Md
" I'hM KiluaitlenU l-illtiimc- of their Laws
lllen thu AuieilC4n4,' K C Mtiiselmati, Over
ten, I'H.
Mualn-Walljf" A Tel, (WaldUniltd )
rat th tu our . Natien,'1 K C. Kvurly, lUgnri lUgnri
tewn. Mil
Mmlc" l.lpd ehn Wertii." itrrankn.1
"Tti liupuudlng Crisis," C. L. llewinan, Lan-ci-trr.
"ncotirgeot tied," T A. Uuiiley, r., Martin
hiirrf, fa
MiiIl (1hve11i "ltrlcj," (Jhnfer i
Mmlc Ualuti -' It I'ultt raiMt," Kji )
In Mr. Wlwler'a addrem, tlie point en
larged iikmi were the exlttiince, iiilltlea iiilltlea
tlen, rflle, ami honor el IimhIufh. In the
ereratltiu were Hel lerth tlitt constant dn
matids ler nuw Intder', ind tin' rlh oppur eppur oppur
tunltlmeiir 011 re nitty atlerdH in rllltsns
lu Ikx'eiiim lea ri.
Tub HiiliJiL't nt Mr MiiMlmtnVi nr.itleti
wan: " rim CdiiiMtleuil I lliiHiice of their
Lihs I'peu tlie Aiia'rlct'it." In It he tried
te itittilUlied llrnt tbti principle
that alt Uwx tmnl te cituctte. A few of the
meat striking illti-dratleiii from American
lilntery were then ulted. Frem thene prlncl prlncl
ple and llliiitrttl'int li ttl-nl te duvnlep the
prliiclplu llmt pillllcs t churclily, but
ClirhtUn, Is thu unuini ler merj imlni; such
evils as tlnil i xprfsleii lu ieilil,'al Isws
In Mr. Kirl' rnjiarks hu imtwl that
anne tni'imrxaUrmi'd lnoiiietlin Auarclilsta
turtvUin te overthrew our lustltull'iiis In Us-;1.
"Wesy with Mr lltH-clier, 'I.'.'t tliem ceuir.
We are the Htemsch ; we est tlietn and dlKOst
Inte Anifileui cm. ins and American Ideas.'
I'erh tps the Krt'ttit el the tinny wretus that
encututxtr our Mlwtlens is the spoil stim,
and iliM'p riKilnd in thttniiratiluevil has I14011
until new no political p.irty will heixsluir
dare te count Imlnrii thu ptilille nlth the motto
ou Us l4iiur I'u tlie victors iMileng tlie
nivills.1 "
Mr. ll aunt cilted atluntlen In tlie fa:t
that this wiuk h" or Is done te the inumery
of thocellfKO lortilittherM. It IS tlttltiK that
we slinuld 1I0 e Many el the advantages
we enjoy wnru derived Iretu thu nummr In
which tlmy ustaull'he I plans or clutitlDU.
Thiy lolleMod llje Nmw ICiiKland njstem
which tiiiilolntulllgeu -e nr" "I1 vvlth llie
rlchisel the country, tliereliy giving encour enceur
agemntil leu pUu which wan one of tbe
greateit Inlltienes lu laying the foundations
for a ruptibtlcju teriu et government Uur
rejoicing wilt net lie elncore uuleis we con
tinue te mipi'ert tlie principles of our govern
ment, fly thu rich and lutelllgeut net doing
no, the Institutions of our country are jeopsr jeepsr
dlz!. Mr. Hnpli'i'H oration was en Attlla, tbe
".Scourgenf flml." Itbrltlled with historical
facts told In plowing atyle.
All the orations were well dellvereil and
contained geel iiubatance, and tbe young
erat'im ilmaive much credit for tbelr work.
Uellrga Malta.
At M o'clock this evening a public meeting
will lie IipIiI and nddreues given lu theoeurt
house, Hen. Jehn W. Klllluger presiding.
There will be an oration en ''Hanjatnln
Franklin," by Wlljlatn t'opper, M.
I) , 1. 1.. L)., of the rulverslty et Pennsylva
nia at Philadelphia; also an oration en "Jehn
Marahall," by lleu. K. W. Hughe, Judge of
the I1. H. district court, Norfolk, Virginia.
Music by the Ctcillan aeclety, under direc
tion et Prof. Win. It. Hall.
Yesterday was Kev. Dr. Qerharl' birth
day. He wan HHventy year old.
Quite a number et applicant for college
have been coming in, and are being ex ex
atulued, Hev. lit. Ph. Schair, the eminent clergy
man, church historian and leading member
of the American branch of the Bible Revf.
hIeii, I attending nemmenceuient, tbe guest
or Kev. Dr. K V. (lerhsrU
The representative el tbe faculty of Lin
coln unlvurilty, near Oxford, are the guest
of Kev. Dr. Stahr.
Prof. Isaac Htisrpless, the newly-elect pre.
Menter Haverlerd college, will arrive lu the
city this evening and will be tbe guest of
Cel. Ii. V. Khleman, who 1 an alumni of
tlila institution.
Pre'. (Jreen, of Princeton, la thu guest el
Hi 1 v. Dr. Oerbart and will remain ever tbe
commencement eeasen,
I'rmldent Knox, of Lafayette college,
Kten, Is entertained by Hev, Dr. J, Y.
Mitchell, at the Preebyterlan parsonage,
Hev, Dr. Help, president of Muhlenberg
cellege, Allentown, is the guest el Hev, C. U
Fry, of Trinity church, who Is a graduate of
that college.
Prof. A. Ilellew, et the University or Penn
sylvania, I a guest of Mrs. M. J. Nevln, at
Carnarvon PI see.
President H. W. McKnlght, of Pennsyl
vania college, Gettysburg, is expected and
will be the guest of Mm Mary K. Brown,
Ne. 225 North Duke street, whose husband
was se long the distinguished bead of tbe
Institution at Gettysburg.
Hen. H. W. Hughes, of tbe U. a district
court, Norfolk, Va., the "Marahall" orator at
the court house this evening. Is tbe guest of
W. U. Uensel.
Dr. L. H. Kleiner, who makes tbe centen
nial oration Wednesday evening, eame en
from llalllmere this afternoon.
I'reviwt William Pepper, M, D., LL.D., of
Itiu Unlverjlty of Pennsylvania, who deliv
ers the addiesa en Bunjatnln Franklin,
lu the court beuse this evening, will reach
Lancaster at 7:10 p. in , returning te Phila
delphia early en Wednesday morning.
While here be will be tbe guest of Dr. Chaa.
Gov. Heaver 1 expected te arrive en tbe
Day rxpress, aud with Judge Hughes, Dr.
Htelner slid ether distinguished guests, will
dine at Carnarvon Place,
Kx-Qoverner Uarlranlt, ex-Secretary el
Ntate Utenger, Hen. Jehn Cessna, Jobs W.
KUUnger, Gee, F, User, Judge Bucher, Dr.
Guilferd and many ether distinguished trad
ualea will be In attendance this evening and
Mrs. D. Krmentreut, formerly Miss Metr
Kr, et Lineaster, the wife el Congressman
Krmentreut, el the Berke county district, la
at the Htevena beuse, end will remain In Lan
easier during the week of iwmmenesiuent
Dr. McCaulsy, president of Dickinsen col
lege, Is the guest of Jehn 0. Usgsr, at Tbe
Frank W. Mlsh, el Clear Hprlngs, Md.,
and Geerge N, lilt, of llutler, Pa., arrived In
Lancaster from Lelpslc, Germany, this
morning. Beth are of 'HA, and have been
purstilug their studies in tbe German uni
versity, Tnsy return In the fall.
K, II. Uetienstein, et 'Ki, arrived tbla
morning ; Ksv. It. P. Cobb, of '&!, and Jehn
Q. Adams, or 'KI, are among the late arrivals.
Mrs lsate Fine and two daughters, or
Philadelphia, and Mis Maggie Oliver are
guest of Hev. Dr. Apple.
munrnt rum rum tmtLKum.
Jacob tlansraan maris lbs Hall Kellleg Wllb
S.oea HatMenptleu.
The beard of trustees of Franklin and Mar
shall college met in the First Hefermed
cbureb Ibis afternoon at 2. o'clock, lloe.
Jehn Cessna, president, occupied tbe cbalr,
and Hev. Dr. T. G. Apple was secretary.
Hev Dr. K. H, Ksbbacb ettered prayer. A
call el the roll showed twenty-one mem bets
prennU The secretary read the minute of
the meeting of June 15, 1KW1, which were
The chair reappointed the old auditing
committee, Charles Hantee, Geerge W. Hen
ml and Henry Wirt.
Tbe degree of A. It. In reurM was con
ferred upon the Mxteen meiubera of tbe
graduating class. Degrees of A. M. lu course
were cnnlerred upon David F. Llrbllter,
Hev. Liwls P. Brown, T. M. lUlllet,
P. M. Trexler, Kmnry Taggart, G. C.
Htall, K. U. Hsugaroe, Kdward Twltmyer.
The houerary d eg tees were announced, but
will net be acted upon until te-morrow.
Dr. Apple, of tbe centennial committee,
read the report of that body which recom recem recom
mended tbe selection of an agent te give
iwclal attention te collecting fund for the
college, and an expression by tbe
beard el Its willingness te give
money te the Institution. Tbe first
suggestion was adopted and the matter placed
In the hands of the centeunlst committee
with power te appoint a professor te Oil tbe
place el Dr. Apple or Prof. Jehn 8. Hlatn
whlle the latter are prosecuting the work of
Amid much enthusiasm Dr. Apple an
nounced that Jacob Hausman had given
(5.0U0 te tbe college. Chariet Hantee
read the report el the Christ He
formed church, Green street, Philadel
phia, announcing a collection of f2, 131 us for
the college. In tbl were the Individual oentrl.
buttons of Charles Hseteef 1,000 and Jacob Y.
Dleti 11,000. Olber contribution were being
announced a we go te prem.
mrutim i'jisk's mavkk.
The Yeung Lad? and AMlalauU (tars a Kathsr
Tama Kihlblilen.
About 500 pcople gatherud at Mo Me
ll ran e'a park, 011 Monday alteruoen te
wltne-n the exhlhllleu by Myrtle Peek'a
runulug horses. At least two hundred
of these, Including tinny men as well aa
beyw, scaled the fence, despite the vtrerts
et the vigilant special police elllcera te keep
them out, and saw thu rares for noth
ing. Although seme goei time was
made, aud etin or two el the heats
lu dlirarenl ra-e were olesa, the ex
hibition was rather tame, aud It was net te
becempirvd with thosnef Mlas Nellie Ilurke
and ethers who have exhibited here. The
price of admlssliti were high enough fera
tlrst-class exhibition, and the people had
geed reason te ex pout mere than they saw
yesterday. The leug distance race which
had been he widely advertised did net come
oil, nor was there any trotting. Ttiore were
but eight homes In the let of Miss Ptek, and
oiineftheso was Klutiy, who was purchased
of Dan Ligau last week. The llrnt race was
betwen two pair of ruunlng horses hitched
te light buggies. The conditions were half
mile beate, best two lu tbreu. Miss Peek
drove De Ilsrry and I.illie Allen and Madame
Marantette handled the rlubaus evor Blue
Hiring and Bernard. The horses were started
In short order aud Miss I'eek'a team wen
tsilh heats easily. The time was M, and
The second race was In saddle, half mlle
beat, best two In three. Mis Peek rode De
Harry and Miss Marantette, Ghost. The two
heal run were very close ttnd exciting at
limes but Ghost wen In 0l'4 aud SI'f.
The last race was also en neraebauk, It waa
but a single mile, the ladle changing at the
end or tbe half mlle. Miss Peek rode Bernard
and De lUrry and Madame Marantette bad
Blue Hiring and Ghost. The madame wen,
the time being 2:13.
What mate the race much mers tiresome
than they otherwise would have been was
that one race waa finished before another was
started and tbe waits between beat were
very long.
a vitUHAvmrui. unut.
Tlis "ludspendent Five" ! Ulf eatlng Ball
at Ketuwstlsr' Hall Last Might.
Oue of tbe most disgraceful balls ever held
In the city of Lancaster was that under the
auspices et II ve young men, whostyled them
solve "The Independent Flve." It was held
at Hethweller'a hall. A majority of the
managers et tbe bsll were mere boys, and te
get a big crowd there they sold the tickets at
ten cents each, Tbe gathering was made up
et several bundred boys, men, girls and
women. Beys and girls as young as twelve
years were en baud. Regardless of tbe law
tbla club sold beer epenly te all who applied.
By midnight many el tbe beya and girls were
under tbe Influence et liquor and acted In a
very disorderly manner. The services el
three or four policemen were required te pre
serve order and It wss only after half a dezan
arrests were made for drunkenness and disor
derly conduct that order waa restored. Oue
of the boys arrested waa under 15 years of age.
Tbe partlclnts of the ball were in many In
stances the son of well-to-de and prominent
citizens, who escaped the vigilance or tbelr
parents and slipped away te tbe party.
Tbe managers caused an advertisement
te be Inserted in the dally papers
setting forth that no Improper char
acters would be admitted, but that did
net keep them away; all were admitted with
out question. In all alx arrest were made
by tbe police aud these arrested were beard
by the mayor tbla morning. Stevens Letb
ley, who baa been before tbe mayor num
ber of times for similar offense, waa com
mitted te tbe county Jail for 10 daya, Wil
liam llarttnan, although only 15 years
old, was committed te the station house for 24
hours. Jehn Uagelgsns was discharged
upon istyuient of costs, but he became Im
pudent and In addition te the costs he waa
sent te Jll for 48 hours. Three ethers were
discharged en payment el oesjg, it being
tbelr first etfeuse.
Tbe manager aay that tbe bill waa well
oenduoted and that there was no disorder In
the ball, tied there bsen the special elllcer
en duty would have arrested these who were
disorderly. They claim that It la unfair te
held them responsible for the disorder en tbe
outside of the hall.
sUUea by a Land-slid.
A land elide ea ibe Bl Pedrero farm, In
Concordia, burled Hener Pedre A. Reslrepe,
his wife and nine children aud tbe servants
lathe noose, in all sixteen persona were
ram f.jnr mmntisu state pgutia te
rata tvmmmm iMejrtur,
TtisreWsre Rat Msay Mstsbsrs rrsssnl, Bat
Oovsraer" Hoatlea by His Plata Talk Will
rat Btsmbsfsaad Cltlisa la Tblskteg
AbeatlhsObjtcts alike AssocUtlea.
The June meeting of tbe Beard of Trade
was held en Monday evening In tbelr ball In
Rshleman'a building with the president,
Jehn C. Hager, In the cbalr.
Tbe minutes of the Msy meeting were read
and approved.
The treasurer reported fat'XIrt In tbe
Dr. Wlekersham, of the municipal com
mittee, reported that tbe inter-munlelpal bill
was passed In substantially tbe same sbtpe
aa reported at tbe last meeting.
lie also reported en tbe water question In
reference te tbe discrimination against some
of Lancaster's manufactories. He and some
of tbe committee talked with the water com
mittee and superintendent of tbe water
works and learned tbat the Penn Iren works
were charged (400 water rent and tbe Lin
caster Watch company fin, Tbe reason given
by the city authorities for putting in meters
waa tbat it was believed that these manufac
tories used mere water than was paid for. It
was denied tbat the water committee was
unfavorable te manufactories locating here.
Tbey were ready at all times te furnish water
for manufactories, but did net tblnk tbe city
ought te be asked te furnish the water at less
than cost. At the Penn Iren works there is a
four-Inch water pipe and the city water is
(lowing through it constantly and It is be
lle ved that they de net pay at the rate of
f 100, what tbe water coals the city. The feet
of placing a water meter at these manufac
tories does net Indicate tbat additional water
rent will be charged, but tbe authorities want
te knew Just bow much water la used.
Tbe committee In looking up tbe question
of water meters at these establishment also
Inquired as te tbe schedule of water rents,
and learned tbat tbere la a great Inconsistency
and Inequality In the charges made by the
city and a plan ought te be adopted whereby
the rates would be mere uniform In proKr preKr proKr
Hen te tbe amount of water consumed.
A two-story house pay s eerUiu sum per
year and a three or four story house a larger
sum, sltbeugh there msy be four times ss
msny eeple living In the two-story house
as in the three or four-story house, lie
did net knew of soy fairer plan than the adop
tion of meters for all. Then everyone would
pay for tbe amount of water used.
The beard of trustee presented a bill for
f57.t5 for subscriptions te papers, Aa, and it
was ordered te be paid.
The secretary reported tbst there were 2ns
names en the roll and of that number 50 have
net paid tbelr Initiation lee. After seme dis
cussion it was deel led that the etllcers should
employ a collector te collect the outstanding
lees snd dues.
Mr. FenDersmltb moved tbst when tbe
beard adjourn It Is te meet ou the 2d Tuesday
of .September.
Mr. Housten Maid he did nut tblnk any
great geed had yet been done by tbe Beard
of Trade beyond the prevention et some bad
legislation. The beard started oil with a big
ileurish of trumpets te build railroads te all
sections of the ejuuty and have manufac
tories located here. He waa sort of disgusted
at the work thus far uccouiplished, and be
believed ether members were, which ac
counted ter tbe B1111II attendance. If tbe
beard adjourn new until the second Tuesday
of Neplemhtir it will leek as If it Is giving up
any chance of ucoemplishiug what It started
out te de tobenetit the city. While efforts
have been made teget uiiuufacteries te locate
here, everything has buen studiously kept
Irem tbe public This al ter neon a geutle
man said te 111 in that he would I) J here this
evening te eiler a rosolutien iu reference te
the construction of a railroad et great bonellt
te the city and county, but he Is net here,
and Judging from theslzs et this meeting tbe
beard ought te adjourn, as the result thus
far have beeu bjrren.
Mr. Feu Deraruitb said nothing was te be
accomplished by meetiug lu the summer
months, nnd In blsjudgment It did net seem
like giving tbe effort up by adjeurulug. He
was willing te come te overy meeting In tbe
summer months If any geed could be dena
Dr. M, L. Herr was surprised at Mr.
Housten's spoech. He thought the beard
had accomplished a geed deal. Tbe hand
some book Just out, setting lerth the city's
attractions, aud tbe bad legislation prevented
by Dr. Wickersham'a oemtnittee was a great
deal te de In the ibert history et tbe beard,
and in addition the ether committees have
been put te work. It cinnet be oxpectod
that railroad can be built and imuuracterle
established in less than a year. If the mem
bers of tbe beard de net attend tbe meetings
In large numbers let the few solid men who
de go en witb tbe geed work, and In another
year mere will be accomplished.
Mr. Golseuberger favored adjourning ever
the heated team. Ue believed tbat maun lac-
turers could be Induced te come here in the
fall. A couple or Philadelphia parties em
pleying several bundred bands bad stld te
him the objection te Lancaster was the water
supply. With tbe proposed Improvements
at tbe water works there can be no question
about a water supply, aud when tbe lurther
inducement et a low rate of Interest Is offered,
they cau have no lurther objection te locating
Dr. Wickersham said Mr. Housten, as well
as wiuie el the cltizans aud newspaper et
Lancaster, are tee impatient. The work
mapped out by the Beard el Trade cannot be
accomplished in a week or mouth. It re
quires time. In lit Judgment something
waa aoneiupllshed when au association was
formed wbleh brought together two hundred
of Lancaster's business inau. Tne committee
en statistics have dena geed work and
hsve planted seed tbat will In ,oed time
bring forth geed fruit. It may net be
generally known tbat back of the Beard et
Trade la an improvement company, which
can collect In eue day J60.000 and (50,000 were
If required. Tbe public does nut knew tbe
large amount et work done by this Improve
ment oempany te Induce manufacturers te
locate here. While no Bilk mill or Iren
Industry has yet been located here be believed
there would be In time, but manufacturers
move slowly and want te be satUned as te all
the miner details before tbey decide te change
tbelr location or atart new one, Tbe news
papers de net knew el tbe efforts made or
there would net bare appeared In one el them
that tbe "Beard or Trade went up like a
rocket and came down like stick." lie
urged all te stand together and with the aid
of the Beard of Trade, the newspapers and
tne citizens great goeu can tie accomplished.
Mr. Housten believed that wholesome crit
icism luflde and outside of the Beard of
Trade waa ler tbe beard's geed, if all the
committee had done as Dr. Wlekersham'
and the committee en statistics, there would
net be any need or criticism, lie beard every
roll call, when committees were called ler
reports and with the exception el the trio
abeved named, the answer Invariably was
"Nothing special te report." Ue knew nothing
of the Immense amount of work done by the
Improvement company, because that corpor
ation never Informed the public what waa
I done by them. Ue did knew that they
I bad been dickering for alx months for a silk
I mill and anally Fotlavllleget IU
Ue favored
I acknowledging the errera of the beard and
making an effort te remedy them. While
there la large amount el money behind the
Improvement company they de net appear
te hare made any effort te Invest It, at least
there have been no new Industries started
through Its agencies.
President Hager In answer te Mr. Housten
aid tbe silk factory was located at Pettavllle
because of the large number of women that
could be secured In that city. It was found
that Lancaster did net have sufficient unem
ployed femsles te warrant tbe parties in lo
cating tbelr plant here.
Tbe motion te adjourn until tbe second
Tuesdsy of September was then put and
adopted by unanimeua rote.
Will Thsy Vamm la Lancaster?
Harry C. Moere received a letter this morn
ing from Mr. W. J. Rees, stating tbat the
niauagera el wire and nail works new
located at Birmingham, Conn., are desirous
of removing tbelr plant te Pennsylvania and
would prefer moving It te seme eligible point
en the Pennsylvania railroad, Lancaster be
ing one el tbe points named by them as a
desirable location, though they have been In
communication with parties In Heading and
Pettavllle with a view or removing their
plant te one or these cities. Mr. Hese sug
gested tbat II Ltncaster ellered sufHclent
Inducement the works might be brought te
tbl city.
KssmIjt Fer UUIriballnn by Calling en Jsuiss
A Nlmlew, North Jan street.
Headstones for a number of deceased sol
diers hsve been received. These for tbe
county can be bad by calling en James A.
Nlmlew, at the corner el North Queen and
Orange streets. The stones for these burled
In tbe city bsve already been distributed.
Following Is the list of these for whose graves
atones have been received :
Henry W. Jenes, Ce. K, 77 Pa. Vel.,
private ; Aug. H. Frank, Ce. It, 122 Pa. Vel.,
corporal ; Jehn K. Gable. Ce. K, 2 Pa. Vel.,
M. private Jeseph P. Davidsen, Ce. I, lft.')
Pa. Vel., private ; Wm, IL Oarber. Ce. A, 7y
Pa. Vel., private ; Win. J. Bear, Ce. O. 195
Pa. Vel, sergeant ; Hamuel B Heeley. Ce. I,
77 Indiana Vel., sergeant ; David Gorden, Ce.
203 Pa. VeL, private ; Jehn Hwllkey, Ca D,
HO Pa Vel., private ; William U. lhling, Ce.
1, 115 Pa. Vel., private; Peter Paster, Ce. K,
10 Pa. Vel., private ; Jacob Mlnnleh, Ce. K,
135 Pa. Vel., private J Dinlel A. Zmk, Ca I,
7H I'd. Vel., 21 nentenant; Christian
Hurt, Ca B, 7'J Pa. Vel., private ; Jehn J.
Uuuipb, Ce. I, 11 Pa. Vel., cavalry private;
Geerge E. Hamilton, Ce. K, 10 Pa. Vel.,
private; Henry Danues, Ca I), 77 Pa. Vel.,
sergeant; Jacob Sbeber, Ca B, 214 Pa. Vel.,
private ; James Backet. Ca F, 100 Pa. Vel.,
prlvste; William Diffeudeller, Ca A, 122
P. Vel., private; Jehn J. Blalkewskl. (I Pa.
Vel., cavalry, and 10 Maryland, private ;
Casper Weaver, r., Ce. B, 77 Pa. Vel., pri
vate; Julius Miller, Ca E, I Dolaware VeL,
private veteran; James Motlet, Ca Ii, 1 Pa.
Vel. Heservea, private; Kdward Brimmer,
Ca A, IS8 I'a Vel., private: Jehn Harter,
Ce. D, 157 Pa. Vel , private; Edwin M. Kshlo Kshle
man, Ca E, W Pa. VeL, corporal; Henry
Prier, Ca O, 2 Pa. Vel , cavalry private;
Abel B Klse, Ca E, 70 Pa, VeL, private,
Oedfrled Hippie. Ca C, 197 Pa Vel., private;
Jehu A, aiess, Ce. 11, 1 Pa. Vel, Reserve",
prlvste; Peter Htengels, Ca G, 3 U.
H. Veteran Volunteers, private; litiam
Kelb. Ce. D, 117 Pa. VeL, private;
Jacob Zlremau. Ca K, 12 Pa. Vel. Cav., pri
vate ; Albert Fisher, Ce. K, 17S Pa. Vel.,
private ; William A. lilt Mr, Ce. I, 122 i'a.
VeL, corporal ; Peter Powel, Ca K, li Pa.
Vel., private ; lsaae M. Meiley, Ca F, V.
Vel. Cav., private ; Charh'S Beck, Ca G, 27
Pa. VeL, Ca K, 109 Pa. Vel., private J Jehn
P. Shlndle, Ce. I, 12J Pa. Vel., drum uisjer ;
Isaac M. Bricker, Ce. F, srl Pa Vel , private ;
Lsckev M. Lsllerlv, Ca II, 191 P.. Vel , pri
Isaac D. Glasser, Ca A, 1 Ohie VeL, private;
Cyrus Stllwell, Ca E. S2 Pa. Vel., private ;
Augustus Stringer, Ce. II, 107 Pa. Vel., pri
vate ; Hamuel 8. Geedman, Ca E, 122 Pa.
Vel., private ; Jame Johnsten, Ca O, 79
Pa, Vel., private ; Abram Hlest, Ca C,
17 Pa. Vel. Cav., private ; Frederick
Della, Ce. 1), fe7 Pa. Vel., private ;
Abram Hleat, Ce. D. 17 Pa. Vel. Cav., pri
vate ; Frederlck Della, Ce. I). b7 Pa. Vel,
lufty., private; Geerge Chrysf, Ce. E. 99 Pa
Vel. Intty., corporal ; Jehn Fisher, Ca K. 7
Pa. Vel. Cav., private; Harry H Kink, Ca C.
197 Pa. Vel. Intty , prlvated ; James Cochran,
Ca E. ifl Pa. Vel. lnftv., private; Jehu li
Grubb, Ca I. 23 Pa. Vel. lulty., corporal;
Jehn II. Weldle, Ca E. 1st Pa. Vel. Um,
private ; Jacob F. Gable, Ca It. lt Pa. Vel
Hes.. corporal ; Jehn McAdams ; Ce. It. 215
Pa. Vel. lefty , prtvtte; Charles W. Kino Kine
hail, Ce I. 79 Pa VeL Infty., private; Fidel
Boek, Ce. 1. M Pa. Vel. Inlty., private; Jehn
Powers, Ca G. 79 Pa, Vel. Inlty., private;
Hugh Furguseu, Ce, E. 50 Pa. Vel. mllltlA,
private ; Isaac Means, Ca D. 2ud l'a. Vel.
Cav.. private ; Geerge K. Htrrisen, Ca 1. 11
Pa. Vel. Cav., corporal ; Je in li-urls-in, C 1.
I. 11 Pa Vel. Cav , prlva'e ; Jehn Walsh, Ca
Ii 2 HsUlien VeL Hes. corps, private.
Thmf UM Net llchae Like Lllts.
Citic.Mie, June 11. Judge Gary yesterday
gave Judgment for live cents In favor of tbe
tbroe HL Felix sisters and against Mrs.
Hephla W. Knight, wlfe of Gee. H. Knight,
the comedian. The sisters were employed
In their capacity in "Over tbeGardeu Wall."
Tbelr contract required them te dress well
en and off tbe stage and te conduct them
selves like ladle. The Hgrcement was for
thirty weeks at HO a week ter the ttiice.
After being paid for twenty-seven weeks
Mrs. Knight discharged tliem iu Chicago in
March last, and they sued te rocevor for three
weeks' salary. Judge Gary catd the evi
dence all abewed tbat the girls did net tie
have like ladies, as their contract required,
and that Mrs. Kulght had the right te dis
charge them. The sisters were allowed tlve
cents damages te save the coals et the nuil
They appealed.
II Arrlta lu W llllauiSiert and Wauls te
Belli the Cases Against lllin.
ThOKwIudler, who was taken te Williams-
pert yesterday morning by the chlet el police
of that city, is new con lined In the Btatleu
beuse there. Tbe latest returns show that
be beat mere people In the 1, umber City than
was first supposed, lie first gave bis name
a-sC. B. Barten, but atseveial places he called
himself Charlea D. Ktuggeld and purchased
goods under that name, for which he did net
pay. Upen arriving lu Wllllauispert Barten
said he was willing te pay all of hla debts,
Ue at oneo telegraphed te th la city for money,
but the only perse that seems te knew hlin
bere Is bis wire, lis WillUmspert creditors
are willing te leavi him go, provided he pays
them what he ewes. The clothing that tbe
man purchased of Myers it Rathfnn whlle In
thia city was a coat and vest. The amount
was J 20, but Ibe check he gave them en tbe
Fulton bank In payment was of no value, aa
he bad no money In bank. It Is quite likely
tbat if tbe Wllllamspert people are kind
enough te let blm go he may be brought te
Lancaster ler trial.
Ths Heard of Pardons.
The calender of casas te be considered at
tbe meeting of the beard of pardeDs next
week has been oemploted. The list is small,
aa fellows : William J. MeMeen, who is-te be
executed ou tbe 23d instant iu J uulata county ;
James H. Smith, Philadelphia, embezzlement;
Jacob M. Rutt, Lmeaster, lergury; Geerge
W. Heinhard and Dietrich Lmuude. con
victed of a libelous publication en a cltlzeu of
Bellerente in a Wllllauispert Sunday papei;
Fred H. Warren, Husquehauns, murder Iu
tbe second degree. Appllcitlen for a rehear
ing In tbe case of Jehn B. Cox, manslaughter,
of Northumberland county, will be argued.
Luthsrau statlatlcs.
Rev, Sylvanus Htall, et Lancaster, at tbe
Lutheran general synod meeting In Omaha,
Neb., ea Hunday, read bla reports of tbe dis
trict synods showing tbat there were con-
neeted with tbe general synod, during 1SS0.
I 1.245 Churches and 185 stations t Intuuui hv
I death were 2217: dismlaiu,! i,
2,790; exwma.uulo4.ed, 1,910.
rtfarr jh firr vmmMmtnmu
a maw
lbs Ilusslan Oevsrninent Bejs Ids Entire
WbMI Crep of a mats In Afghanistan,)
and Is Menacing Mis Rsgllsh Alse
117 Posting soldiers.
Londen, June II. Kussla's intrigues
with tbe governor of Badakasban have re
sulted In tbe purchase by Russian agents
of tbe entire grain crop of that province, and
tbe announcement el the transaction has
aroused tbe Londen press te a tirade against
Husslsn movements and Husslsn methods
en tbe frontier snd an urgent appeal te tbe
government te demand of the government
at ML Petersburg tbe immediate withdrawal
of IU leldlers wllbln tbe boundaries el Us
own territory. Tbe occupation el Kerkl is
denounced as a warlike menace, and the ap
pointment of the pretender, Iskander Khnn,
as governor et PeDjdeb, the making of tbst
place a Husslsn advance pest and tbe estal
llshment of a hostile garrison opposite the
ameer's position en tbe Oxus river at Kheja
Batch are characterized as acts tantamount te
a declaration of war against England and
tbe rerelgn office Is asked what action It in
tends te take te upheld British honor and
maintain British integrity.
The fate of the ameer of Afghanistan Is new
wholly dependent upon tbe success of his
forces in tbetr coming battle with the Ohll Ohll Ohll
zals,confrentmg them, which will be precipi
tated immediately after tbe expiration of the
Mohammedan feast of Ramadan, devoutly
observed by the Indians and Afghans, and
which will expire en June 23d. Tbe Tarakbl
clan, one of tbe most powerful aggregations
of small Afghsn tribes loyal te tbe ameer,bad
collected In tbe Nava valley, awaiting the
termination of the Rbamadan wben they
would Jein the ameer's army and assist them,
but the Ghllzls have cut off all communica
tion between the Nava valley and tbe main
army of the ameer by seizing the only two
passes affording means of connection, and
Hhere Jan, tbe commander of the Tarakhls,
is likely te have as much as be can de te get
out of his self-made trap In any direction aud
leave the ameer te take care of himself.
The ameer's popularity has disappeared and
if be docs net succeed In quelling tbe rebel
lion against bis authority at bis next battle
with the Insurgents he must tall. His
defeat or death at this time would be of
enormous advantage te tbe British, sinee It
would furnish a pretext for British occupation
el the whole or Afghanistan, and tbe prepara
tions of the Indian government for availing
Itself of the benefit arising from either con
tingency are already complete. Tbe work of
fortifying certain important positions along
the reute te Candahar is complete and the
railways through Kbsjek and GwaJJa passes
are in condition as te read bed and equip
ment te transport 100,000 troops upon the
shortest uetlca
Tbe Timti Reme correspondent, In a dis
patch te that paper, says tbat tbe pepe Is net
In sympathy with tne I'arneimes' campaign,
but the etllctal opinion et tbe church in re
gard te thu matter is net given aa yet, be
cause of the energetle pressure of a majority
the Irish bishops te bold the normal conser
vative tendencies of the Vatican in check.
Tbe correspondent further states thst noth
ing dellulle cau be learned witb regsrd te
the report of a reconciliation het ween Eng
land and the Vatican and the proposed es
tablishment of diplomatic relations.
lie Ltav us It mi the Ulack Herse Hetel lu Eliza Eliza
liettitenn and Uorste Harrltburg.
En?. viiiiriiTOWN, Pa, June II. Last
evenlug'H l.NiKr.LiciKNCKK gave au account
of the decamping of Geerge 11. Bolten, au
Englishmau and au empleye of Jonas E.
llnstetter, n larmer of ML Jey tewnvhip,
taking with him f 110 IS and aherse.
This Euglishman arrived iu this place
about 9:30 a. in. jesterday, snd placed his
horse in the Black Uorse hotel stable, telling
the pioprieter te feed him and that he would
return from llarrisburg at neon and take the
horse away. These were net bis intentions,
as he never came back, but purchased a
ticket for HarrUburg and left en Mall Ma 1, Whlle here he displayed a large sum
et money and also treated everyone In tbe
bar-room. In the alternoen Constable H.
McLanachan, of this place,recelved a telegram
slating tbat a stolen horse and man were
wanted, but tee late te catch the man.
A rewurd el 25 was offered for tbe capture.
Mr. llostetter arrived here late In tbe after
neon and took his horse with him, also giv
ing the constable and Mr. Miller, proprietor
of the hotel, each f5, as a part of tbe reward;
he is new being hunted up In all directions
by the police authorities.
A large number of cattle are being abipped
Iftmi this point te the Eastern markets.
During the past lour weeks 23 car leads have
been sent away. This Is a great shipping
point for cattle.
Te-morrow Dedd it Jerdan's wonderful
25 cent circus will exhibit iu this place, and
no doubt wilt draw a large crowd.
On Sunday last Jua M, Geed Pest 502, G.
A. K., attended the Catholic chinch te listen
te a sermon. They will attend In a body alt
the churches in this place.
On the l'.h of July the I. O. O. F., Na 128,
and the Elizsbelhtewn cornet baud will go te
Middletown te help participate in the parade
which will take place there.
Our citizens have started a petition asking
for a subscription towards having a glorious
Fourth of July celebration iu this place. It
is meettng witb success and the tact is asiured.
We will have some fun at home.
On labt Sunday a large force of workmen
were engaged In a Jelulug part of new
track te the old. At 1:30 p. ui. New
Yerk and Chicago limited ran ever tbe new,
and by next Hunday tbe new branch will be
completed and Joined together, which makes
the line straight.
During the commencement exercises of
Franklin and Marshall college, this week, a
large numbers! persons from this place will
Mrs. Marcus Heiebart, of Jacksonville,
Butler county, Pa., Is at present visiting ber
many relatives and friends in tbls place.
Mrs, Aunle Clepper, of Memphis, Tenn.,
Is at preseut sojourning with frlenda and rela
tives here,
Mr. Geerge Krouse, and family, of Dayton,
()., are visiting in this vicinity, and at pres
ent are the guests of Mr, M, R. Reetlng,
Base Hall Nsws.
Tbe League games yesterdsy were :
At New Yerk : Philadelphia 6, New Yerk 4 :
at Pittsburg : Pittsburg 5, Detroit 3 ; at
Chicago : Chicago 9, luulanapell 4 ; at Bos Bes Bos
eon : Bosten 5, Washington 4.
The Association games yesterdsy resulted
as follews: At Philadelphia: Atblotle 10,
Ht. Leuis 8; at Broeklyn: Brooklyn 11,
Louisville 6; at Htaten Island : Cincinnati
1,1, Metal! ;at Baltluiore: lUltlinere 7, Cleve
land 0.
Bebby Matbews was again resurrected yea.
tcrday and pitched a wiuning game for the
Athletics. Hudsen was hit ae hard that the
HL Leuia had te take blm out.
Tbe Detroit played a great Fame yesterdsy,
but luck was against them. The Bosten are
new even with them in game lest.
Tbe people of tbls city should net forget
the Lancaster Giants will open tbelr ball sea
son at the Ironsides grounds te-morrow after
noon. Their opponents will be the Reliance
ciuu ei ruiiaueipnia a strong ciuu vi wu.
Pitcher Maul, of Nashville, baa been re
leased te the Philadelphia club ler f J.&oe,
The Hspnblleaa (Mesas Nemine Mlselsd te
Ike Tseaat neat hi Cengrats.
Concord, N. U., June 14. The Henate
voted for United Htatee senator this fore
noon, every member being present. Tbe
ballet resulted as fellows Harry Bingham
(Dem.) 0; William Chandler (Rep.) 15. The
Heuse will rote at 12 o'clock.
Tbe Heuse voted for senator as follew:
Mlmen O. Griffin 1 1 Jeseph Wentwertb 1 ;
Gllman Marsten 4; Harry Bingham 130;
Wm. E. Chandler 105. Mr. Chandler
having a majority or all the vote
the speaker directed that hla name be
entered en tbe Journal as tbe cholee
of majority of the Heuse. Tbe
rote for Mr. Wentwnrtb ws glren by
Mr. Teed an Independent, of Atkinson, that
for General Griffin by Mr. Yeung,
of Rochester, a Knight of tabor, and
these for Marsten by Democrats. All
the Republicans were ptesent and reted
for Chandler. Mr. Gould (Dem.) was the
only absentee. There having been a majority
ler Mr. Chandler In the Henate as well as In
the Heuse he I elected for the unexpired
Kllraln Ksaftr ler Sulllran.
Buffalo, June II. lake Kllraln and
Charlie Mitchell are booked te give an exbl exbl
tien at tbe Ad el phi theatre In tbla city to
morrow night Billy Madden, who Is man
aging Kllraln, said te-day tbat Kllraln will
meet Hullivan at any time but the tight
must be te a finish, and will go te Spain or
Mexico te de lb He says that Kit
rain's 11,000 deposit Is still at tbe
Clipper ollleo ready for Hullivan te
cover. Mitchell will also meet Hullivan In
an eight round match at any time, the win
ner te take the entire receipts. Mitchell
thinks ;Jem .Smith can beat Hullivan because
he is a wear-and-tesr fellow. He thinks, tee,
that Kllraln will whip Smith. Madden in
tends te send 11,000 deposit te tbe Londen
Sporting Lift let a match between Kllraln
aud Smith, which he baa hopes of bslng able
te arrange.
Denies ths Cnargsel Blgsmjr.
Ptitr.Aiiai.rHiA, June 11 Frank M. Mc
carty, tbe young man who was arrested
en tbe charge 'of bigamy was arraigned
for a bearing te-day before Magistrate Smith.
McCarty eloped from Wheeling, W. Va,
about a month age with Nellie Vance,
the 17-year-old daughter of a prominent
merchant of that city, and his arrest here was
en Information received from Wheeling.
McCarthy admitted tbat be bad lived with a
woman named Mellle Miller at Pittsburg and
ether places, but denied tbat be had ever been
married te ber. He was willing, be said,
te go back te Wheeling and face bis
accusers. The alleged bigamy was commit
ted In Bridgeport, Ohie, wbere be was mar
ried te Mist Vance. Tbe magistrate commit
ted him te prison for a further bearing a
week hence in order te give the Ohie author
ities time te present evidence against him.
MeCarty's young wife had a long interview
with him previous te bis departure ler prison.
Ilerscs nnd Males Psrlsb.
St. Leuis, June 14. At lam. the large
stable et tbe Latayettn Brewing company, at
Cass avenue and 18th street, was gutted by
tire. Several teamsters and their families,
lived In tbe npper part et tbe building and
lest all their effects, tbey themselves having
barely time te escape In their nlghtcletbes.
Hal fa dozen horses were burned. Tbe total
less is about 115,000.
Almest simultaneously Ore broke out In
tbe extensive stables or the Mound City
Street Car company. A number of mules
and about 200 sets el harness were burned,
besides a large quantity of hay and feed, The
less will probably reach 50 000.
llnnilDg American Inventions.
Washington, June It. Victer Delabaye,
et Paris, is in Washington Inspecting ma
chinery models In the patent office,
and says he was sent bere by tbe
French government. The machinists In his
country conceived the Idea of organizing
an Immense cc operative machlne factory and
have asked the French government for a lean
of 0,000,000 franes te aid them In tbe under
taking. "If what tbe syndicate wants in the
way of machinery is found bere," Mr. Dela
baye says, "part of tbe money will go te
American inventors."
A Kail nay Disaster.
Marjiukiti:, Mich., June 14. Rebert
Parker, a brakeman en tbe Chicago A North
western railway, was killed yesterdsy near
Norway, Mich. Tbe breaking of a draw bar
threw blm upon tbe track and tbe extire
train passed ever him. The train then broke
in two a seceud time, and in trying te re
couple tbe detached part a switch was mis
placed and tbe train ran oft tbe track, tbe
Norway station being greatly damaged.
Many cars were smashed and several leaded
cars were piled en tbe station platlerm.
Traffle wss delayed all day.
One nor Jurer Wanted.
New Yerk, June 14. There was still one
vacant seat in the Sharp Jury wben tbe court
met this morning. A new panel, tbe nine
teenth, whteb brings the mumber of Jurers
thus far called up te 1,900, was theu began.
At 2 p. m. Jacques Kabn Mirrors was
taken as tbe third Jurer. James N, Fair
child, the ninth Jurer, was then excused by
the court.
frlncs Albert Victer te Visit Dublin. '
Londen, June 14. Prince Albert Victer,
eldest son et the Prince of Wales, who baa
been selected te represent tbe queen at Dub
lin en tbe occasion of her Jubilee festlrtl will
go te Irelsnd en tbe 27th of June. It Is
stated tbst tbe order of HL Patrick will be
conferred en him at tbe thanksgiving services
bold In Ht. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, en
the 2Stl).
Oeljr sixteen at Large,
Washington, June 14. General Heward
baa inlermed Ibe war department tbat only
sixteen Apache warriors have left the Han
Carles agency and tbat the ethers are net In
sympathy with them.
V, 8. Allemrjr ler Vermont.
Washington, June IL The president
te dsy appointed Clarence H. Pitkin, of Ver
mont, te be United States attorney for Ver
mont. Tblrteeu Gadst Oeadsmaetf,
Wakiunoten, June 14. The naval
academy vlsltera bare recommended that
thirteen Inefficient cadets be dropped and
four re-examined.
Barclay reak Convicted.
Judge Parker charged the Jury In tbe case
of Barclay Peak, en trial at Mount Helly, N.
J, ter tbe murder et Katie Audersen, Monday
morning :
The Jury retired for deliberation at neon,
and at 2 o'clock bad agreed upon their verdlcL
Tbe foreman anneunced: "we find tbe de
fendant at the bar guilty of murder in the
nrst degree." At me request ei me ""''"4"
anl'a counsel the Jurers were then polled,
each ene answering "guilty et murder In the
nrst degree." Judge Parker announced that
seuteuee would be proneunoed en i tbe -5th of
June. Theoenvloted msn was then taken
back te prl.en. When tbe "bf1 '?
geed-bye be broke down and wept aloud,
leaning en tbe aberltt'a neck.
Visiting UweMiar.
Miss Sarah Celeman, el Cornwall, Lebanon
county, who has taken aueb a deep Interest
In, and rentrlbutued ae generously toward
the resetting el tbe tombs and otherwise
beautifying Ht. James' churchyard, was is
Lancaster en Hunday and attended services
at HL James,
1 riit
" ill .
Ths Mats rail Bsvsatssa Oessf.l
Alse Breaks la Batllnw-OslSje
lers In Haw Yerk Mew la
tntt Hetm Mendsfs
Chicaoe, June 14.
-There la a Mssst Mfe ,
wheat pit en tbe Beard et Train
neon. The great wheat clique Is
moralized and la amid te bare gene
te-day's eensstlenal drop la piles
Resen feld A Ce., one el the dlqM
said at 12:30 this afternoon i
ellque has net kept Its engagements MsV;W
will hare te suspend." ''.
Itls feared thst s number of etnWlMM
will go te the wsll before nlgbt v "Wp
12:50-Rosenfeld A Ca's fallal
been announced en the beard. WksWl
cllned for June from 92 te 75, deetlM s4
per bushel.
Hai.timehk, June II, The Ball
wheat market broke te day 3 cent
nilllllnn r,,twn rV.-uw lUltliM
. V74 w uu.u. v.W A,U1U,VW mMIMS
seiu. nui wneai einseu last IBJgBS aww
and at 2 p. tn. te day Is at 00;f. ;. -
t m
A Brsslllan Syndicate lllamsal ter
flurry In New Yerk.
New YenK, June II The panle In
oetlee market seems te have spent It
yesterday, The market te-dsy opened nr
and active and advauced U cent In aymj
wilh a better market ahead. Havre eablee
reported a better demand for July and flr
prices. Prominent operators In tbe
bere lsy tbe whele trouble te operation ' :
a Rrazlllan HvnilliMtit which It la allsmd kaaVV,'
" ' " - .N.
been manipulating the market during t)t?
settling price between lat night and SatsfW
It is net known hew many eentratM
Arnnlil .t. Cn. wnrn farrvlfiB wtiaat SSuls.--
fatled yesterday, but they are variously ssisV .$, y
mated at from 200 te 400 Tbelr lUblirBsnr
era estimated at f 700 000. It la lullaiasl A..
however, their Brszlllsn customers wtil fmf 4'f'--
up. Mr, Jeseph J. O'Donehue, who with "-U
Cressman it Ce. stepped In, and by llhetal
buying yesterday stayed the decline ana ,'A,
rented a worse crash, said be did net anHel-. ;,--,
te any further trouble te day. Ue tataat ;vfs'j
tbe worst Is about ever. He Is dispose m $tfc
assist two of the luree arms that railed ywtflM
teiday, but would net say which tbey were. ?ri2
11(111 That He Will Ue ths
Candidate In Oble
i i
bus, Ohie, says : Heme two months I
Congressman Feran published a letter
-I.I..I- I,.. m,ll .-,!. ,,-w.l Inn.l ..kk1 (...a. Afeak .
et bis name in connection with tbe gubers. V.',
terlal nomination, claiming that he could :, t
afford te be a candidate and tbat hWOUsV
retire from politics at the end of bis presM
Anm In f-nn..-Aaa T la VnAWM MA. tWattL'
tJ,u ... suuK-Vca- a m n v -b .- ,,,,
Forsu has agents In about every oeogiaa -
-, I Jl.i.1.1 . .,. ...... U . aa...a,ha"T'
luum umiiim iu iuu main nuu a.v t-w.i
for bis nomination andll han exeated a
slderable flurry ameug Democrats
beeu faverlns the cAudtdacr of E. T. Pi
and JudgeThurman. It Is claimed by tbesa M,
a-hn.Miiii Mlllnrt In knnv thai Ihft SS.M- '.'
. -aw b. au a- a- aut,v uia, a.v aiaiWSH C
man mnVAmflnl haa laajan nnMrmtmA tm aliat v
nurimsn of lllrnln.- Mm trnne-th nvsa ilk rv
Feran, and his relations with tbe labor ele
ment are of such a character that It la set
likely tbat he cau be defeated by any of UM
ether candidates who have been mentioned.
The Republicans have been doing all tbajrv
can te dofeat the movement for Feran la
advance. '
Lues)" la sic.
Les Anciklks, CaL, June 11 Tbe ease of
Miss Perkins against "Lucky" Baldwin, for
hraanl, .-.f .i.niv I. A u.b n.tlail ., 1
the superior court. Mr. Baldwin's ceunssj'4?i
submitted sllldavits Iroei physicians of St' ' tfj
Leuis tbst Baldwiu is there sick, confined ls .ViV$j
bis room and If he should attempt te trarwt jli'Ti
me viii nuuiu uusi uilu uis me. las esssfvirj
waa nnnflminil In niml Mrtmiav- $
Tns Agrnt te Uel 33,000.
New Yoki;, June R Judge PatUraea.,?
eitue state supreme court, nas gtren jaag-'"
nmnt In fj.vnr nf f'hala Hen, VfaAlaat'
against the Cable Hallway company of CeU.J
fernia for the balance due en bla oemmlaa4ot.;0
iu uiaaiug nua.u 01 me xxaiiiuay xuie sranacf.
tlen patents. Tbe Judgmeut with tavsa,
ameuuta te aoeui mo.we.
- .. - . ... - .-tt
iweiTe sears rur snoeting uis wife, &s?i
Klkuehn, Wis., June 14. Jehn H. Tmr-fSi
bell, convicted of sheeting his win wMlaa
riding In a buggy from Caldwell's prairie k
Lvens. tbls count v. en tbe evening efMawl.ii
w.u vnafnrHav affiitArmfwl liv .TurlfHk Ttriiialu " r
" .. r "... .. . , .. icrzr.7.
10 waujiauii iur ineivv jcar. aatm AnrMsesj-
whose lite was despaired of for many immf:
after theboetlng, has recovered phyateaU'f
but ber mental powers are sadly impalred 1I
Death el Prominent Ohleaa. ;V J
Tn-riN. Ohie. June 11. Hen. HsttbbsV.1i
Neble, Judcii of probate court. thU oeojrty. "IGij
fltiMl thin mnrniriir. altaiI ill. ffswus nmttfcV-"ra'
nnnt Iru-al mlltlnian. havlne- han alantsd aA'lhr&
various times te the eluces of elty oeu
city solicitor, county infirmary director,
mayor ei tuis city anu preuaie juuge.
iur, vvaia um, ajiaanaaa-a. -i
UKineir, Alien , j une u. rarse nana
Ca have star ted tbe ball in motion
foreign labor by discharging men In
factory who live In Windser and art)
American citizens. The d .(charged
say tbey will meve te this side and
Bircelul American nmsisa . fvs
r niiiMni'iiu N. S.. June 14. Thn hrtaai-:.-fc
la lull nf Amerl.-an aa-lirmnara lraultut -atssfc'-.
mej-UBrnl. all taken v I thin -the tarsal nalW.-t
ll.. n-uraaealat tutaauul nnatkaaaaal 171
.liuta. w. J gini, am AMawHeana vvaaanaaaw
bound this morning. One trarsUer teekS
erer euu iiuiuiai ei ueuusu oe we nrwri
banka Irem bait procured at Magdalen. , "
... .: ?. . '.;?j
-mil UUVIHaaa,U U,UWaja, V V ,
UUFFale, june i-t. ine oemmu-een i
typographical union wne reinaiueu ws,yjj
low i'ay iu Biraiguivii um Diaw-aap s
urer Pascoe's accounts, have left Mr I
homes. They said before leaving leal I
bad no reason te think there is aJ
.a.nne.-lili thnaecnunta and tbelBBM
- . . I i tialajllan &'
ccurreu simpiy irum iuwu.- -
a u. a,...H h ma Friase ef '
Londen, June 14,-Tba Primem
. .1.. .luted the raehta eiaraa ijj
nThiree raeht raee from Seuth Eas
J"niy around the united kingdom.
finishing point' P"W- jjf.
round DMd lu Mr psu. u
n-.arui-thTCB. Md June 11. Th
t taaaia D. Brown, colored, for the I
efherlnfaut child, was terminated te y I
dsatb. The woman want Inte a deellaa l
ber incarceration. Tbla morning
fennil dead in her cell.
15,000 acres at roves
Paris. June 14. An toil
at Canan lu th Glroed dtstrtet l
vlnce el Arcshen, cereriag U,W
been destroyed by nr.
wMAtmrnm tmv9AWMmmm(. $
vTAaamoteVi v, u, -jbjm ,
satan PmucTtWaas I Fate t
. .-...- aa-aaav mbmbmi'i
IB WteJjWBMrt,
rr .-
'S Ki1il ''jr&'J&s &r . a.dA
. &&d&X.s'-tl, lHHl-IWiaV'.
jfr" "nit. &. . ''- &&