dwir iV.". f'AiS-'- -... d. i . ' - .r e i""t 7-j jt ff vi r "-' - . 9 -i. .i . t . .v-. n bb- "j m . i;. . j . . . -. jr.t.,?v '.::- M -. . ,r .:tn' t : -Miii. .. t wy$ rlf fjlt I ' ... t 1 7l - " ZHSww'V . wi:KKO.U - . il! : -. 1 7 ,. -$ , jiji tjuj IiAXCASTEK .UAl-Lil JUNXJBJXiLilvrJCIVifH eaiUlUJAI, U U JMJOi J.J., J.SS7 SfW-OT A m KB 5Si iffy iur v B? ft j. 3 Ifc 1' rf P? tvr 'i I-C ift? I IswBPsTAji k'MMlNM at Jt BJtt tea- !7 ij inw w . l xirra luaucB, , jaaa U AetertlUg te ctta- bar um HiMin BaaaaT la Jant ei Thata will ka appropriately (Baaaay) Meralngby at taaeaurah aad Cook la la atttsaroea of tat church. Ufal! aaMnted with flowers teBtittr with canary dim haac abeat tht anlltry. Thaastr. wiUeeaaVst of Um pregratsme prepared of adaeatlea of tht Mtthed'tt of alBgieg, addresses, ita ttadtaga. ata Taa collection atu at aaveted. te the eblldre&'i educational fcHOblUteu'eDty" will be observed In the Tiatimlii riiminh i fl"' rr morning at ii ! f I I Whl AAiitaaa vllt iwnlitl ftf fj.aiaatillj prepared service, musle by the t abotreed aa addrea by Rev. Gee. Welle UHIVaiWa AIIHSH1MTC .. wv.- w- jfey,pJer. jyj Tat regular sanaey morning tervicea win -ch at beld In the Church of Ged. At 1-10 p. m., taaehlldren'e college day services win be bald, when the eoUeeUon will be applied te "tat college el this chureb, In Ohie. Com Cem Com Mualen aad feet washing will be held In the arte leg. Her. Tbta Appel, I). D., of Lancaster.wlll Breech la the Trinity Befermed church en Bmnday moraine and evening. Re. Wm, B. Browne will occupy the pnl I pHef the Second street Lntheran church en Bonday morning. Ne services in the eve Blag. The St. Paul's P. E. Sunday school will held their service en Snndsy morning. rand for the Fourth, The committee appointed te canvau the town for subscriptions te the cplebnt'ea fand met with unusual success. The wet k was started yesterday morning and at the committee meeting last evening It was re ported that H&0 bad been collected. The ob eb aarvanee of the holiday la new fully assured, but te de the work In a proper way from f 500 te (1,000 should be subscribed. The finance committee Is composed of Messrs. "Wm. B. Given, S. 8. Detwiler and J. A. Meyers. Any person desiring te contribute tewsrda the lund can hand their money te the members of this committee or te F. A. Bennett, treas urer. The Oeldra Easts Fair. The members of Chlppeta Castle, Ne. 37, Knights of the Gelden Ksgle, have been making extensive preparations for their fair te be held In the armory. The fair will open te-night and will continue until Jane M. Daring the fair a number of oemmsnderles from ether towns will be present The local oemmsndery will mske s street parade this avening, headed by the Metropolitan band. A company of Chinese students will give an entertainment en Monday evening, In the lecture room of the Presbyterian church. The ladles will serves Chinese snpper, when each one will be furnished with a cup of genuine China tea, made by the students. Saluted watsr. Fer the past lew days complaints have been beard of the water furnlihed for drink ing purposes. The wster hss a peculiar fishy taste, snd the trouble does net exteud ever the whole town, but only In certain por tions. A physician states tbst the trouble should beapeedily remedied, as the water rea.'.'a'csuae an epidemic of typhoid fever. The pay ear of the Frederick division was in town this morning paying the empleyes for the month of Msy. Mrs. J. C Hutchinson, el Sidney, O , lathe guest of her sister, Mrs. C. M. Michael, os Walnut street. WH HE WOtXD LIKE TO KNOW. When the Mlllereville Street Car company will caanee the irsage of Its two squares of track en North Queen street ? Who will be the first I.sncaatrisn te give a reusing big bequest te Franklin and Mar shall oelleiie next week ? Whst city In the United States has worse streets thsn Lancaster T Who will be the first contributor te a big local Fourth of July celebration ? Who will win the Junier oratorical prize at the college en Monday evenine ? What the Examiner means by the expres sion a "Mesopetamlan cry "f Why writers for newspspers de net heed the request made a thousand snd three times te mske leglblepreper names 7 When Jehn H. Landia is going te prose cute the election officers for fraud T When councils will order the nelselet pavement te be laid en Duke street T Who will be Handy Jake Hellinger's suc cessor ss deputy United States marshal ler Lancaster county Y Hew will the tired tipstaves put In the time until the middle et Auguat ? Whether the manager of the Lancaster Giants la lest T Whether an effort will be made te recruit a aeldler company te take the place of com cem panyUT Who are aspirants for city controller and beard of assessors T What the true reason la for the disband merit of company C T Whether the free text-book question will be reconsidered at the next mtetlng of the school beard T Whether the resolution of the Yeung Rc pnbllcan club, of this city, will Induce Gov. Beaver te call an extra session of the legisla ture T Special Prsmlems Fer the Fair. The following additional special premium8 have been donated ler the Lancaster county fair: High & Martin, a fine toilet set for the best specimen of band painting en C. F. Havllnnd china, by a Lancaster county Isdy Of 26 yearn or uuder, an amateur ; Astrlch Brea, an elegant hat or bonnet for a Lancas ter county lady, of 25 years or under, exhibit ing the meat artlstle specimen of embroi dery of her own mske; Wm. D. StaufferA Ce., a 110 teal cap te the man or a (10 mull te the woman exhibiting the beat specimen of a native Lancaster county cow, aud a 5 hat for the best native heifer; H. Z. Rboads,ene musle box for table given te the lady et Lan caster city or county, amateur, exhibiting the beat specimen of her own painting In oil or water colors. A number et ether special premiums will be announced next week. The Alumni Association. Tht High Scheel Alumni association eete- bratas the 6th year of lu existence with a banquet this year. This banquet et refresh- menu and teasu wUl be beld en the evening v. VBUUM, u,u, U jwiiemau-s nail. The prospects are ler a geed attendance, as the dtalra te be present teems very general. The tnaceta of thla banquet will pave the way for Ma annual recurrence as a feature of our high bsjbmjei outuuieuooiuouv uay. Flatly engraved certificates of member aalpwlll be ttnt thla month te the paying aaaaribatera et tht association. They have btaa gotten up Ja a handsome manner and lafttt credit oathtaateoUtlon. aktpaaeal eFlas Horses. Thla morning Kanffman Dtulach shipped te New Yerk a let of tba fletat looking dr lv lag aad draft berate that bava been teen en taa ttrtttt for many a day. There wart lairty-alxef thta, aad all wartataltekaa aaktt,atyllahln mevtaitat aadblgii brad. IMnaeay rnmisUea, Mr. Lukt Ltderman, of tht firm of Ltder aaaa A Ce., waa preatattd with a very pretty aasdbaadtd ambrtUa yaaurday by thttm alayai of tat Ktyateat elgar factory.ef which aa It aa aoaerad mambar. aravaeaa Ntwtea Frv waa dri.in. Karttt Qaaaa atraat. aad i tha v.nT 8t?l"M I frtghtaatd vipaagasaa, alttefaad aroaadenickivand fP)Mia4ate at taa baaa, badly, Ji'AJ asBasBBsBB txasBsBa sBsBsBsBaann aBaMasA 4fsasasaa MaM WHi wn .bbjbbj fJaaaaVB OfVff Vmf MaM aMrraBg Frlta algnt taarast MM BtaMaf Oattaa B. lOrBartl, of Banabaiy, wai eatarai by Ifetevee, The waa tffeetad by ferdna tat pMier aaattar aad raising taa wiaaew. waea la the parlor aecaaa waa bad te the atera room. It U net definitely known all that waa etelen, but among th articles missed art a geld waieh aad chain, revolver, a deaea fine shlrta, (40 la notes aad all the change la tba money drawer amounting te about i Three atrangsrs were In the borough In the afternoon and they claimed that they ware looking for work. Te-day they are missing and the supposition la that they committed the robbery. The theft waa discovered when the store waa opened for buslneaa this morn ing. Fer Tobsece Orewsrs. Herbert Nlyrlck, agricultural editor of the Stic England Homestead at Springfield, Maxa,, imts that he hsa received a dlapatch from Assistant Secretary Maynard, of the U. S. treasury department, that an opportunity will be afforded the tobacco growers' associa tions te be heard en the questions of theclstt locations for duty et Sumatra tobaccos either en the 11th or 15th Instant. President a O. Hubbard, Hatfield, Mass , of the New England Tobacco urewtra' aaaocla aaaecla aaaocla tlen, has written direct te Hen. C. S. Fair child, secretary of the treasury, saying that owing te the busy season, limited time and unexpected reopening of the case, it will be absolutely impossible te communicate with the dilletent tobacco growers' associations and arrange for presenting the growers' side of the case before Wednesday, July 10, at the very earliest. Will Boen Ost Tbetr UlvldsaA. Judge Patterson has revoked the order made recommitting the auditors' report In the estate of Amea Hendersen, de ceased, for correction In accordance wi the aupreme court decision. He will In a day or two make an order en the ad mlnlstrater of the estate of Jehn K. Reed, deceased, te pay ever te the adminis trator of Ames Hendersen enough money te pay the Franklin claim, which took the re port te the supreme court When that order is made the administrator will be ready te pay te the hundreds of Ames Hendersen's creditors the dividend te which they are en titled. Mere Heney ler City Schools The appropriations made te the common schools of the state by the legislature for the next two years Is fifty percent, greater than eer before. This will Increase the appropri ation te the common schools of this city about I3.5CO, and It will Increase the appropriations In the rural districts by the tame proportion, about one-ball mere. Pslntsrs rait Yesterday two painters in the employ of Jehn Leng were working en a plank which ws en two trestles at Relst's grocery,en West King street. The plsnk slipped and both fell te the ground, a distance of about ten feet, They were slightly bruised and the paint was spilled In all directions. Beady te atoey Mtdlcloe. Charles A. Malene, son of Richard A. Ma lone, the well-known railroad contractor, has passed successfully the preliminary examination for admission Inte the medical department el the University of Pennsylva nia. Mr. Malene has been studying In Philadelphia under the private tutorship of Mr. Francis O'llea, I'lessed With Uoektog Apparatus. Frem the West Chester Republican. Yesterday Hen. Jehn M. Htehman and Andrew M. l'rantz, of Lancaster county, trustees of the Mlllersvllle Stste Nermal school, visited the Nermal school at West Cneater. They spent the dsy here, and were interested in looking ever the school. They were especlallly Interested in the steam cook ing apparatus. Te start rer Kurope Next Week. Ueerge Laubach, of Kasten, son of Wil liam Laubacb; Rev. It ill us W. Miller, for fer merly of Franklin and Marshall college and Paul Kunkle, of Harrlsburg, will leave Friday next for an European tour. They ill sail en Saturday with the steamship Ser- la or the L'unard line. fValcr ripe Hurst. Friday afternoon the 12-lnch water main, extending from the water works te the reser voir, burst in the Hit near the water works A gang of workmen, under direction of Superintendent Halbacb, stepped the leak and made the necessary repairs last night and this morning. Will Jein Anether Circus. The Winner Brethers, of this city, wte started out with the Mencbes A Harbersclr cua, hae left It and will Jein SUvens' show In Chicago. Charles is at borne en a Hying visit te bis family. Civil Suit rer Dsmsin MrH. Laura K. Stener, this morning brought a civil suit for damages against J. K. UelTer, son ei the publisher el the Mount Jey Her ald. Mr. Hoileradmltted en tht stand that he wrote the libelleus article about her and Reuben Shelly eleping. Mrs. Stener claims f.1,000 damages. Krcclleg a Hteain I'lpe. Between Ne. 2 and Ne. 3 mills a steam pipe la in course of erection te be 30 feet above ground. The scaffolding la held byCampa, which are patented, and the new device at tracts much attention among builders. MAIXK LIUUUU LA BtATMff. Imported Whisky Held Opsnly In Augusta In the Original rarkagaa. The prohibitory law of Maine has Just re ceived a most terrific setback In this vicinity. The people are everywhere discussing the new phase put en the liquor que it Ien by the recent action et Micbael Burns, a well known liquor dealer of Augusta, Me., who hss brought te AugusU from Liverpool, a large Invoice el foreign distilled spiriu which be Is selling te all who wish te purchase. Hecieaed his shop in March last and left for Liverpool, where he entered Inte negotiations with one of the largest Importing beuses in that city for an unlimited supply et all kinda of dis tilled spirits. The United Sutea pretecU all persons Importing liquors from foreign coun tries from prosecution under any ittts pro hibitory Isw for selling such goods In the original unbroken packages, and tht dealer has land ed In AugusU an advanet let of Irish whisky and Jamaica rum. Tht goods came through tbe Portland custom beuse and arrived there by freight When tht goods reached tbe depot tbey wart leaded upon a cart and hauled through the atresia, the po lice looking upon tbe scene with wildly star- '"K "jii wa in unuiuau wing 10 witness tbe transportation of liquor through the city In bread dayllgbr, and of course It attracted great attention. The store Is new stocked with the goods, and tbey are piled up in winaewa before tbe admiring gaze of all opponents of tbe prohibitory law. The retail price of the goods has been made se low !!!.iV? b9 a. e7 "h of tht purchasing Psraef Th.S5 "'" h'Ve "MB Ttry large, tbe cllloers are surprised at the aflalr SM? Uwyer ln town hasten engMed IS w.8 ?p. "" Uw bea'leg upon "batata of Imported tlquera ln their erlimalpick- Balloon Veyags Foatpensd. A dispatch from St. Ixuls annoueea that It haa been decided te postpone tht atetnt of tht big H'erW balloon which waa te n ttarttd en IU aerial voyage from that eltv te-day. It waa found necessary te change tht pregramme en account of tht unfavorable condition of tbe air currenu. The ohanett art that tbaaaeenl will net Uke place until Tuesday or Wednesday next, as tba condi tions will net be faverablt until then. Beecbsi's Betart, These two etltbratad prtaehtra, tbe Rtv. Dr. Bacen aad the Rtv. Henry Ward Beeeber, ware oaee dlsputlag ea eemt relig ious auhjeet, when the feraitr aoeutert tat latur ei using wit la hit eenaeaa, Well," aald Mr. Baeener. taopeae It aad altaatd ued te live you wit, wbat woeld you bare ketr Vwaattaaa eaiM. Vary few men have 20 children, but Jo Je ttph Khrhardt, e resident of Kast New Yerk, la eat of UJa minority. He la a popular man aaaeng hit aelgbbera and U way up In the d as resent Free Masonry. He is commander ofVeaMensch Mssenlc ledge, snd a mem ber of several musical societies. Hlstweutleth child was bsptlred Frldsy night and nearly 100 et his friends gathered around his little beuse In the outskirts of llrenklyn te i-ele-brate the event. Mis. Klirhnnlt Is a strong, well built, little woman welghlug about 150 pounds. She looked nesrly a young as her eldest daughter and seeral jears mure youthful than her big burly seua. Hew Thannaa tuttlru the Kterlrr. Albany Special te HtUberg Dispatch. " I have net been In Albany borens In some forty years," he aald, " and new that the president Is te be here te-morrow. 1 rtbeuld like very much te step ever." ieu are an nuuurerei u.neruer um, are you net T" Inquired the reporter. Mr. Thurmau smiled broadly and replied, aa he glanced at his wile, whom he addressed aa " My Dear," " 1 den'tadinlraii body but this old eman here," nud Mrs. Thurmau joined heartily In the laughter which fol lowed. l'artnenhlp Dlualtct. As will be seen by the advertisement else where, the firm of A. A. M era A Ce., tannets snd general leather dealers, have dissolved. Merris 7,'ok retires from tie firm snd A. A, Myers retains the business exclsUely. Wiandetts County, Ohie. H. R. llreneman, the Insurance and real estate sgent, has advertised the sale of Im proved tariua In Wyandotte reuutv, Ohie. That part of the Buckeye state la looming, plenty of natural gas and oil being found, and these products will net fall te attract mere manufacturing enterprises. Sale or Flee tlerars There will boa stle et flne carriage and dratt horses en Wednesday at 1 o'clock p ui at the sublet of Batter A Burns, in rear et t&e .N atlenal house. alis A. it. AKcniuBiLT, who has had a Urge experience in Instructing pupils In drawing and patntliur, a former pupil and student et the Philadelphia Academy et I'lne Art, proposes te open a summer school In Lancaster (or teach leg beginners or advanced scheKrs. bhe mter te Kev C. LlvinlIoupt,pa3terotGrace Lutheran church, lu IhU city. m ThaO'he Branch Society el Menntvtlle Mil cold a strAMerry and 1 c cream fettlval .lune IS, Hand 15, In the second story el A. U Mjrirs' store, nouniwiie. Religious llev. J A. Cooper, puter bird In Hand circuit M. E. church. Mil preach Sundiy, June 12, as fellows At 10s.m, Seudersburj: ; 7 IS p in , bird tn Hand ; 5 p in , 111 attend " Children's Day " services at ltarevllle J. V. Weaver will conduct ser leu at New Hull ind at 10 a m. The New Helland Sabbath school Mil held " Chi! dren s Day " In the ev enlng. 1". O S. et A. Cheap Excursion te alley forge ea Siturday, June lith. Tra'ns Uae Lancaster (Kleg street) at 7 3) a tn j Cel umbls, ;i)j.u ram only fj leave Man helmatSiiam. Falr.tieu Iteturnlng, trains leave Valley Kerge at t 31 p m urand rennlen and celebration of t. O S of A at alley Kerge, the historic bills et Pennsylvania. Janll.l3,15,tMAItw A Itare Chance. Fer rent-One of the best store sttndt ln the ceun'y, with posteGlce lu operation, situated ln the vlllasoef .-alungl, and doing a bulnesi of 1 10.W0 yearly. Geed reaiens gten for the pro pre pro prletor going out of bmtncn Apply te ortd ertd dn, J. HIKbTAM) STaL 1 1 III. J93td Salunga, Lancaster Count j, l'a. Amusements. Myrtle l'tek at MeGrann's Air On Slnndty afternoon Myrtle fetk and her running horses win appear at stcurann's park, and the indica tions ar that they will draw a large crowd The entertainment Is one et the best given by anj horsewoman, and It Is popular with thcpepli. There will be rices et all kinds, tnc'udlng u long distance contest between Miss riel. and Madame Marinette. I7ie Circm -Vl ll"!.. Lowande's circus opens at McOrann's park en Tuesday arternoen and wtll remain here the remainder of the week. Tbe show exhibits at popular prlci , and there Is nodeubt that It Is ertn mere than the admission. The celebrated Lowande rurally, Charles Maurrltui, Cerelra and Caster, Lewis brothers aud ethers appear at eery perform ance. Tht ftfitrwectl Context. The-e who hie re cured seats for the Sherwood concert en Mon day, will be glad te learn that the eminent musi cian will give tbe Kreutzer fcenutu for violin and piano which he yUyed beferu thu eerman royal family. Mr. Tlietle will be heard ln Schu bert's Songs and Gounod's "Ave Maria with violin obllgate. fijirM, liALDwis. In thtsctty. en the 9ih Inst A. Baldwin, lu thH3lst year et hlsage. , Harry Iho relatUta and friends cf the family are re spectfully Invited te attend tte. faner.i', from the residence of his father, A. W. Bildaln, .Se. 14 Seuth Queen street, en Monday a'ternoen at o'clock, without further notice. Interment at Woodward Jl til cemetery. 2td McEvev. In thtsclty.en the 10th lmt., Kmma Mary, wife of Daniel Mcavey, InherSlthyear. JTuueral en Monday morning at 10 o'clock, from the residence of her husband, Se. S Leal Fulton street, lielattves and friends are re spectfully Invited te attend. Interment at Lan caster cemetery. ltd MAHKMTK. f hlladelpbla Pred eca Market. raiLADSLrHia, June 11. Fleur market quiets sales, lleu barrels ; Minnesota ltakem. uri j I 70 ; Pennsylvania Family, ! 7:ci uj; WesUirn de. at 1501 b) ; Patents, M t.-a'i 10. Kle flour stead), ti V-iiiA w neat-June, i Spf'ic: 8ept.,isj'c. heat-June. ulic ; July, 93.4c.s August, corn J une. c : July, lOHc; August, 47c. Sent.. W.c. usts lune, J7liC! Sept, 8IHC July, S7XC, August, 33c; Ww lera Sfaraat. taw Yeu, June 11. Fleur market steady ; Fine, ? V(3 'JS; Superfine, tl eVfJJ U oed te choice extra Western, S3 s5J5 Ou ; geed I fancy extra state.W 'j)34 13 ; common te geed extra Western, U3OQ1U0. Wheat Ma 1 Kea Slate. 09X611 03 1 Ne. Ida (6c i He. 1 lied. Winter, June, bnc; July, fOKet recelpU, 132 0CO; shlpmenU. 3,eui bus. tJern Me. imixxdcush. 440: de June, 17c ; July, 4?Kc ; receipts, Cs.teu ; shipments, 47,Cui. Oats he. 1 Whiut bleuj, 3cj Ne. i de BOc; Ne. J Mixed, tath, 13He 1 June, 2Jj;e ; July, 33)ic; recelpu, MOvU bus; shlpmenU. none. Hye dull ; Westam, SeB)Mc 1 tltate, 7H0)&ic, Barley nominal. Perk dull 1 old mess, IIS re ; new, lis 00 Lard J une, as 93 ; J uly, iu M s Aug , 17 us. Molasses flrin at 'Mir. for fiu oetllng sleck. Turpentine dull at 3JHc Hesln Arm 1 slrulnea te geed, tl 22XQ1 27X. Petroleum dull 1 Ueflned, ln cases. sSc FrelghU dull grain te Louden, Ma Butler dull 1 Western Creamery. 13(1hc. Cheese dull t state lactery, nbw.vuaiiHe : White, 10HO OKe. w 1 , Sggs steady ; Bute, ICOITc; Western, U; sugar dull t Ueflned Cutloef, e 1 16c ; UranulaUd, 4 13 lee Tallew dull ; prime city, 8 U-WQJKc. JUee nominal 1 Carolina, fair te ued. SAJVe. Cecae dull 1 fair cargoes, 2iai.c ter Ule. HouMheld Market. daisv. Creamery Butter a , Butter Dutch Chuese Y lump reCLTSV. Spring Chickens f) pair Lhlckens W pair (IIVu) Chickens piece (cleaned) MtSCSLLASBUCS. Apple Butter W qu kggs at der Heney (I i-ardWlt Cider W gal Bauer Kraut jt FBVITS. Annies tJ U nk SAC lt(i.iie tsjlOc coa7ec 1 Josoe 40(1)00 , 16 c !3lea ...,..'iitSia Oe Bananas ) dot Cecnanuu, each Pineapples Lemeus ts dex,.., Orangesfc dot Cranberries u nt Btrawberrles box vesrnss v qt. Oabba,.. haad.T."t.".':":. ateufer.'.100 Bwe Potatoes U pk. ...'.";.'! Turnips, K pf... .!"" FsatVsAlipk...".." Wsw PotaVeBsVkpk .... Onions, HpkV......I" Msw Onions. Vi bunch ....!!'" ew peas, ft &pk Siring BeanrV K pk::.."l.".. New Hermudaontens VWck lthubarb w bunch...."......., tisaa Salad, at bead... . Kaduhesjs bunch tiarreu, ft bunch Memmy, V qt. Cueumbsrs, each., nquasDes Asnsnanu Saturn Teauteaali quart. , ,7lie neHwawivpsi shs.mi sih ....40c ane 64J10O incriVi uo-me auacoe ISO 104K03 KG ISO Mtlioe 300 &SC ....... ..........tJO ic 10SJ.6C we 1 e '.'SSc Sute 64J1UO ..,,.. ...,...,,,. an taa HtV 10 ISO muunjMi 11. i(VJ)a.m. Market enaBM. waaai-Jnne, J0 July, S&Hci Aug., sije corn Saa, nXe t July, ,V Aug ., 3Xe. uati imie, SSSc j July, KMe Aug, 850 1 Spt,Xe. l-erk net quoted. Uirvl-June, K TO; July,) TiSl Ana, te el t Sent. i91W Short Hius 1nne,j0 July, ;T Aug., ! ;:.H t Sept., i; (. ctcsisa. Wheat-June,l'iC. July, Wct Aug, HC,V) Sent.. MtO- cern-.iune,s;xc( July, W'ic. 1 Aug, Ric. 1 Sept.. 40Kc iwts .lune, &(ci July, '0 Aug, S'c t 8(iu. tl'.e. 1 ura-u uni wi . Lard .1 tine, SS rj ; J uly, Bti C!H t Aug, te 77S 1 sepv.tus;). UIDS 1 11 ue. ITCTWtJulr. ascTHi Aug ,;;;)i: iei'l 1 ; d;. u tteca Marast. Caiciae, J 1 J um. 10 The IHinvrt' Jewnat re ports I Cattle IkH-elpta, Kv) head t shipments, i.m.1 1 inarknt weak I shipping steers, Mil te l.hu Bs.. 13 fll tJ stockers and livder. W a 0111 cows, bulls andmtxed.rJCUJ3M bulk, : i5( te : Texas cattle, W ngi m. Hogs Kecelpu. SI uu b.di shlpmenU, Ntn head i market strong t rough and mUed, S4 05 0: packing and shipping, i IMfS S0 light, lrt3U.i skls,Ulea)M4, sheep Kecetpu, Ue head t shipments, none t markvt steady 1 natives, II 3)a)l Si ; West ern, IJ :iHJI lexuus, r.' 733 ,y, Uuibs, U (0 6)3 JO. East Lisiktt. Cattle Receipts, M head s shipments, 7t market slewi prtme. Kid) 10: iHlr te geed. II T'OI"!, cniumen, tl W CM cittle shlpied te Xps erk, nuue Hogs avwlpts. 1 vu hid i shipments l"no head t market tlnut l'htlailelphlas, t syiJ.nj lerkers, as M()30 common te light, si Usl5 15 1 pigs H 7 a i hogs shlpiHid te .Sew erk, icur. Sheep Kecelpts, 4)heidt shipments, ttmt markutslnw; prlmii, IIS.E1M; f tlrtegixd. It 10 I : , rommen, ft Mtf.l .'0 , earllng lauilx, ft h S; spring lambs, UiHii. 50. Oram and Frovuiena, r arnlshed by 8. K. Vundt, Breker. Chicsoe. June 11.1 o'clock r. m. ts heat, t'eru. (Mt. Perk, Lard. June July August.... September, ya " "IW .f', a t. et 3Ji ssvi .... t, :; 4H i5 .... 6H IPX 9i , iicioeer.. Dtcvmber M", Winter Wheat , Spring Wheat , Cern Oats Kyu Barley... OU City. CrudeUU tteectpts Hogs lieeelpu Car LeU. s ... S- '-1U ... KU Head. 1J.CO0 Clcwln g Trice 2 o'clock p. m. w huat. Cern. Oata. Perk. IatA 6 l cc; 77 6 7 6 ' Jnne Julv 'i 3,tf v( :-i iv S--i ', . UH tl', . .. 'Ji xt. Aiiiiust . ' September . m1 OtU.ber December M OU Cltv Crude Oil x sew ters Slacks. Nsw Yest, June 11, 1.30 p. m. Meney leand at S percent. Kxchange steady. It WSfll 87 ; Ooverumenu firm. Currency 6's, tl B bid; s Coup, ll -XH bid s iK'a de, ll c bid. lhe stock market this morning was ex tremely dull, only 3,COd shares changing hands from the opening te the close, at midday. The tone of speculation was weak and prices grad ually sagged. laVe Shere, Leuis Ule A hash l le, Denver AltleUninde and Jersey Central were about the weakest stocks en th list. At theelnee prices as compared with yesterda's o.estng showed decline of H te pr cent., ex cept fur St. Paul A Uuluth Canadi Pacific. New Aib.inj ,1 Chlosge and fan Kranclce. These weru Ann and maintained their opening prices. BTeca Slarmeta. Qnouttens by liced, Mcdrann a Ce, bankers Lancaster, Pa. ssw terx Ltar. 11 a w. 12a. Jr. at Canada Pacific new m .... c.cc.at a aiw Colerado Ceal u Central Pac 2- .... Canada Southern BP: els .. ChLSt. L. Pgh l-'i Den. A Kin u ,' jiu Del. L. W 13.V1 U' ane 3 3i;k Brie, 2nds 1C He Jer. C eiH s Kj K.T 3 .. Leu. a 24 ci1; a, L. Shern !. 9H Mlch.Cun 91 P4 .... Heck Valley 3.- 3-?; .... Missouri Pacific l's Wi .... N. P 3IJJ 31K N. P. Prcf hi u, N. West. if'i la ' !. 1.C 11.'. lliV Bast Tennessee C 13(2 .... Omaha Fti-j MW Oregon Transportation rtu -J.iZ .... Ontario W )83 Pacific MaU M M)2 lUchmend Terminal s- as .... St. Paul aii 9IK .... Tex. Pac .!,!, 3i Union Pac 10 :ei .... Wabash Cem mr 1 iw .... Wabash Pref 33'. sjj; Wtstera U 7c 7s West shore Bends New Kngland i-;; t,;fi .... raiLaDsLraia list. Leh. Val u B., N. Y.APhlla .... in; Pa. It It- u; tA Beading 15 IJ-;u iVV :' Leh. Nav : 4i Hestenv.Pass . P.A B 301. N.cent ; Peeples Pa.s Bdg.Uen'ls lfi "ii us ' t-'M PhUa. Tracuen .... tsjj Leem Stocks and Bends. Bcperted by J. It. Leng. Par Last value, sale. Lancasiern per cent., it- hju 107 - i ikjd ion " 4 " Scheel lean.... ieu " 4 " In 1 or years, lue " 4 " lnSerjiyears. 100 " 4 ' lnioerjojetus. 100 IX) 106 IVi las a 10B 109 SOS 117 voe 118 134 130 uj 1.50 140 las 1J9 an se ISO IBS ISO 140 no 123 11s . 310 7U DJ u 100 IB a terus 00.10 LOS U SI ee 60 te 101 101 111 107 us Manneim ue reugn lean aa sx steles. First National Bank: Farmers' N atlenal Bank Fulton National Bank Lancaster County National Bank.... Northern National Bank Peeples' National Bank Columbia National Bank Christiana National Brnk F-nhruta National Bank First National Bank, Columbia First National Bank.Straabnrg First National Bank, MarletU First National Bank, Mt Jey Lltlls National Bank Manhelm National Bank 10O . 100 . SO . lne . se . lue . tee . 100 , 100 100 . 100 . 100 . 100 . ISO . 100 100 Union National Bank, Mount Jey.... New Helland National Bank.......... 60 100 100 , 100 100 uap national nana Ouarryvtlle National Bank iUUabethtewn National Bank BBMSUASBOCa STOOSa. F.ast Brandywlne a Waynssburg... SO . 50 BO 60 100 . 10 , 100 , 100 1 an , , se an te te , 100 , 100 100 lne H uuarrwule B. K. Mlllersvllle street Car Inquiring Printing company Gaslight and Fuel Company Stevens Heuse (Bends) CelumbU Has Company CelnmbU Water company tesquehanna Iren Company MarietU Uollew-ware Stevens Heuse atUlersvUle Nermal Scheel... JCerthem Market..... astern Market... , Western Market , lAncaster City street Hallway Ce.. Was Company Bends Columbia Borough Bends , uusrryvUle B. B Ts. , Hssvdlna a CelnmbU B. B.. S's Edisen Light Company TVBSriKB STOCXS. Big Spring Beaver Valley , Bridgeport a Horseshoe , Columbia a Chestnut Hill CelumbU a Washington Conestoga Big Spring Marietta A Mount Jev je 70 ts 8.28 24.40 27 20 te BS.S0 70 57 75 nu 155 41 sue St HO u w 40 43 UM 2 te Lane KUrabethtewn a Mlddlatewn. 100 Lancaster a Frultvllle 50 Lancaster A Lltiu te Lancaster a WUliamstewn zt Lancaster a Maner It Lancaster a Manhelm at Lancaster a MarletU Lancasutr a New Helland....... tee Lancaaura Bnaqnehanaa... ane Lancaster a New Danville te CelumbU a MarletU It Maytown a kllxabethtewn at Lancaster KpbraU ., Lancaster a W Blew Street Stnuburg a Millport 9a asnettst aiayvewn, eeaettteeeeteeeee A'rT ADVEKTIUMMilNTa. LOHSTKK HALAD AMD CLAM CUOVV der lunch te-night at AL.FULMBB'S Saleen, ltd Centre Square. LTJNOH ! LUNCH ! I.UNOHI-KHKNCH Frlcassea Beel THIS (Saturday) fcVKN INtJ, at the Washington Heuse, Me. 314 and S44 North gueen stieet. Bleker's beer snd Laser's drsit porter en draught. Cema eat I Come all I ltd GUAM) LUNCH POTATO HALAU and Welner Sausage at Kxrolsler Mall te- Bight. , VeyT. itu Proprietor. CLAM HOUP LUNUH. THIS kVBNlNU, AT RAllTEB'B, Cerner North Queen and urauge streets. Hechesur, Beiker and Peter She mm Beer en tip. Best of Liquors st bar. It LU N tj U.-OBAND TUHTLE BOUx vi.kn'2:h!PJluu Metel, i7 aa lit !y1 Tbaaue. . MeUara aud Draasrar's bear I ftrawu trew Us ki I "" JOaUf a. BUUM8KB. rrea. jvair a n VKHrinMiiKitn. AsUNU POWDKR. ROYAL BAKING POWDER. Absolutely Pure. THIS pewdsr never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and whelesnmeness. Mere economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot baseld tn competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders, eMid only In cans, Keval tUkiaa I'oweas Co Ce Co leg Wall 8trwu New Yerk. teajrfl.lvdAw BerK hki:k, i,st oitiikhkahen. Manhattan O) stent and Prnsh Hau.sgu for Luneh te night, at UASt'hll KtiKtlLKK'it ltd' Uen Brewery JT'J.lt.VMJCO-'SCKKr AT LAWBKMCK K.VAl'P'j SALOON This Evening Christ. Burger's Orchestra will furnish the music ltd ANTKlT Situation as Coachman or te take care of horses. Apply ltd KAHrMlrri.lN8TUKKT. lTANTKli-rerK UKNKHAL HOUSK Strvants. Apply, FltsK OF ClIAltUL, at F. B. TKOUT A CO.'S Ne. J2N. gueen St. fTUlK KKttULAH MKrriNO Ol- X Ladles' Auilllary of the Y. M.C. A., held en Meuday hvculug, Juns 13. o'clock. THK will tie at 7 30 11 WANTKU-Sl ri'ATlONS KOK THKKK ChamlMrmalds. Apply, FBKB OF CI1.VUUB, at F B. TltOUT ft CO "S 1 N. gueeu St tKN K AND CllKAl'. Harvest Whisky. AT UOHllhlt'S LlgUOU STOUB, Ne. 21 Centre Bquars, Lancaster, Pa. SCHOOL, TAX, 10S7. O The duplicate Is In he hands of the Treas urer Three (er tent, off for prompt pa munt. OtUce benis fremft a m till 4 p.m. O M.VUM1 ALL. treasurer. Jet '.fJIt e. 11 centre j.jure. NOTICK-THKKK PKK OT.NT. ABATK mem will lu allexed en all City Tax paid en or before July 1. J. II. HA1HFOV, Jcl Isdlt City Treasurer. F IKKWOKKJj I r IHKWOKKS I .Sew rendv for dealers Call and see what Is new. Telephone. JOHN K. 1 WKK, AaL, Ju itil Ne. ill est hlngSt THAT STANDAItl) W1HK LOOl'KI) TOILET l'AI'RU at 10 cents a package, still commands a rtady sale. 'lbu Ixijt paper tn the market at the prlcu. HlIHl.KY'S DBUO STOltB. .Se. at West King Street. r ONKYTOLOAN ON I'lltSTMOUTUAUK. JOHN IL MET LKIt, Ne 9 feuth Duke Street. l"S ANirOHKINQMCN'S ltd MKtTnN. blOlih. Uaute Underwear for Men and Heys. Shirts, Psiits, 0rells, Neckwtar. from 13 cents and upward: Cellars, cutTs. suspender. The best Unlaundrhd Shirt In tee tuatket forSes. i'lease cill and examine before you buy. At B. S. FKTTKBLi 'S ONE-PBICB IIOL'E, Ha SI North Oueen Street. "VTOT1UKTO TKACUERH I -i.s The ileard of Hoheol Directors of East Denegal township will meet at aia)lewn en Tuesday, Juns lt.l'Wf.at J o'clock p 111, ferthe pnrposue: appointing teachers for said district. Address all communications te SIMON L. liUa.VDT.Secretar;, J "td Uex 1st. Marietta, ra. NOTICE. LOST OR MISLAID, FOUR CertlflciUsef Stock In the Fanners' Na. tlenal Hank, of Lancaster, ln name of Adam K, Winner, viz- Ne. ct, dated November 13. 1A, ferWshiresj Ne '71, dated April 4, 1471. for 4 shares, e. 4, dated rebrnary a, KTJ, for i shares; se, 4.2, dated July 7, 17I, for i shires. Application has been made for new certificates. JOI1VS WITH Kit, A. SXTON W1TMKK. Pxecutoref Wlllet A. K. Wllmer. mayl-lmdvt As PUBLIOSALKOK WK3TKRN IIOKSKS On MONDAY, JUNK It. -n, will be sold at l. lagan's Sales Stable, Markut, street, rear of McWrann Heuse, Lancaster, Pa., 20 head or llelWk-. This Is as One a lotet Horses as ever was sold in Lancaster, fine drivers aad geed boned feeders. taln te commence at 1 p.m. A credit of 80 days will be gHen. ltds DANIEL LOGAN. ASSIGNED KSTATK OK JOUN J. Kubly, of at Dramnre township, Lan caster county, Jehn .1. Kubly, of East tlru tlru mere township, haWng by deed cf voluntary as signment, dated April 4, 1M7, assigned and irnsicrrca ui ineir esiau ana enncts te me undersigned, for tbe benefit of the creditors of tha said Jehn J. Kubl Id Jehn J. Kubly, he therefore Hives notice te all persons ndeblnd te s.ld assigner te make payment te the undersigned without aetay, ana mew nnving claims te present tusm te WM. '1. IIK'lWN, Assignee. JunllltdAStw Uesldlng In Lancaster. SAVh MONEV ANDSKOURK A POLICY In tbe Hankers and Business Men's Class of ths U. U. MUtUAL Alt) HOUlKrT. of Ltba. non, Ta. Against accldent.ln tba United Btatea Mutual Accident, et Broadway, New ters, and livestock In the Conestoga Mutual company, all having new features. UENltY BECHTOLD, Agent. N0.IU North gueen street. P s A Twe-Story Ilrtck Heuse In geed repair and k c itlen, for sale or rent. It. B. Its IT1HE STATE CAPITAL BAND WUL OITS A Grand Open-Air Concert it vnt Maennercher Garden SlTURDiT iniHNOON AND ITININO. J10-IU1 QOCUUAN'H CORN CURE. WHY? Why Suffer with Cerns or Bunions when Cochran's Cern Cure Will permanently remove, without pain. Hard or Seft Cerns, Bunions or Warts T Ne trouble te use. quick te relieve. Guaranteed te effect a cure, ana sold at 23 a bottle, with brush, by tba manufacturer, H. B. OOOHRAN, NOS. in IB) NOKTU QUEEN ST. mars 1 yeed It Lancaster, Pa. QUIO NATURAL & GAS ANDOIL BELT. IMPKOVED FAIIM8 IN WYANUOTTB COUNTY, OHIO. Fertile, grain producing and stock region, well settled, and with business, social, church, and educational advantages for prosperous homes, timidly appreciating In value from ths newly developed source et wealth lermanufar. turlng and household purposes. County atlas, maps, lltbographte views, state reports, and general Information open for examination. De nied description by a cltlnnef tbeoennty new In Lancaster. H. B.BEEUEMAM. Office : Me. 8 last Orange street. ltd DUBL1C NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION A OF PAHTNEIiSHIP. Metlce ts herebr srlven ' Metlce It hereby given that tbe partnership .telv subalsUna Mtwsea A. A. Misrs ana lately subsisting iMtwsen Merris Zees, of the city of Laneaster, Penney!- VknU- tinar I tui flpna ssBSOf A. A. Mvara A HO tanners and gsnsral leather dealsrs.has been dissolved by mutual cOKSSnt. All dabu owing tesaldpannsrshlp are te be paid te anare anare eelvedliy salt Ju A. Myers, and all these dot from sajna te Im dlsehargaa by kim. A. A MTFBS, MOHKU ZOOE, The tanning aad general leather bnslnsss wrUl bs continued atUeeld stand. Ne M West King rw AnvKHriaMttaitn. JOKllEOK A MILKY. WORK-NOT WOUDS - Norbeck T1IK OLD AND RKLIAIILK Coach-Building Firm, AT TBR " BIG YELLOW CORNER , Seuth Duke and Vine Street. NO USE TO ENUMERATE STYLES ! COULDN'T 1H IT IN AN U!1I!AIIV RPACK. KVEBT 1MAOI1ABLB STVI r Hnn.uw ..... vniivii.htiN iiAMMtu MAtiKTettinaa 8TrLKOFMOD,,,ln COM I'Klt HON UKtlKII IN I'HICk AN 1) gUALlTt OF QOOUS at- sih-cIaI Attention Ulrcn te Uepatrlng. Old Vehicles Made Uoed as Maw. Norbeck d Miley, Practical Carriage Builders. COM.. SOUTH 1IUKK AMI s UMMKU IlUKHS (H)ODM. Bard & McElroy , 33 AND 35 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, (Orl'OSlTKlOUNTAlN INN), HAVK IN STOCK LAHUE LOTS OK SUMMER DRESS GOODS. Cheap White (mvxIs tn VlaM andSttlpes at S. (t, 8, 10 and ltU ets. India Linen and VIMrrl l.nUS ?l" " '""' " fe"- ,'1 In iMITerent gjallles! vahieatVand U cts. crinkled e. rsurkers at S.fi.. Oand UK cu. Satlnna In elr,,i .lii .n3 ITiV"... ,552.. A llarvaln In StaiiiH'il Pillow Mimiis only ilcts a eplashorsenl) leuiach, llargali.sln Ijidles Bard & McElroy, 33 & 35 SOUTH QUEEN ST., (Opposite Fountain Inn.) AKW AD VKK T1.1KMKS TS. Tj)LYlNf CARDS, ROUND CORNERS, lurk. At. ,Mr 1,i.lf A. lnotraers. V; dozen. l'ekir chips iiaaiuiiit iitiAit HTtillK, , 114 Ka.it hlugStre't Telephone Connection. JsIVWASlltf PROPOSALS IOR THE llt'ILDINO AND KKLJTIM4 Of A FIhK ALAUM LINE Proposals will be received until Tues day evening. June 14. 1-7. at 7 e clock, by the Fire Committee. ler the erection of a Flre Alarm Line, tn the city of Lancaster, fa. flans and specifications cin be seen at the onice of the Chief Knglneernf the Fire Department, Ne n hast Orange street where proposals aretebu received The line te be put up under the super vision of thftChl-f of the Department. Th- Committed reserve the light te reject any or ail bids. I1T OKDKKOKTHK COMMtTTKE. Attest U 11. Faskacht, Clerk. J7'i.lld PIANOS. AND ORUTNS. W III you begin te learn that w have what we advertise. The best proof of this lies In the fact that these, who ceme with a vlew te pur chase. Insatiably de se. Ileei this net prove conclusively; Flrst-lhat our prices are right t eocend That our Instruments are the kind yen wantf Third That our manner of dealing Is sstlsfac'ery t It also proves our Judgment geed. Wtoujeusrsi what you want ou knew It. VsOODWAltD't AOKNCl. NOS. 1M a 30 AST hi. SO r 1 UK ST, aprt3-lyfls l-ancatr. Pa. GK AND CUAMIIER CONCERT. MIL WM. SHK.KM ODD, Pianist. Mlt. KllNSTTHLlLE, Violin lrtuoie. MK8. THEILE, Seprano ttT" Limited Number of Tickets at Fen ler smith's Bookstore. ADMISSION .T7T aiSO ll CPR1NU, I8S7. A New Departure for I.aneAtr in Ftn Tl. ertng. Importing direct from the tx'st makers et Fine Woellens. I have list receled through Uie lloiten custom house, a largu ln elee of my ewu Importation of SUIT1NU, SPUING OVfKCOATINO AND TUOUSEltlNU, Thellke of which, rer style and quality, has never been equaled In this city, and cannot be surpassed. A tp.clal Invitation Is hereby extended te all In want et spring Uarmmits te call early and secnreChelcu Patterns. Workmanship the ery best and prices lower than uver. II GEItlfAKT, tnarn-lydlt Ne. 43 North gueen Street OUORT HAND A TYTE-WRITINO SITUATIONS pay both young men and ladles much better salaries than most commercial positions, and the demand Is greater, .students can be fitted for ofllee short hand position 1 IN THREE MONTHS' TIMS by Haven's system. Se previous knowledge of either art required. Colleges open all tits', ear. Mtndenu can enter any time, all taltlnn being Individual. Superior facilities lOr procuring situations, for which aid we make nncharga. College pamphlets with full set self teaching lea sons in either art sent te any address for te eu ; both arts, se cts. .Ne stump accepted. Address either et Haven's Colleges : New Yerk, A. Y.: Philadelphia, Ps; Chicago, llLj Cincinnati, O.j San Francisce, Lai, Jun4JuidsaW IRI0E8 MARKED DOWN. CARD ! We've get tee many goods. Our less shall be etir geed fortune. Wn thought te ate; variety 01 soeds. We tried It. Yeu came na ler spetlal goods-Art goods from Needle and Bruin. New we knew what you want u 1 te de, and we mean te de It at mice. Takeaway these staple things and we will devote our whole time te pleasing you. Everything we have Is new; net an old shop-worn article ln the sale. The prlees make you think there Is. but Just think twiceana yen will snow it can't be se Only a few months, you rs-nemwr, since we first aski Ml yen te come in, The sale for your Iwneflt NOW. Ou rs sfter awhile, we he snlls. wa bona The following artl- cie have been marked dewm Knchlnsrs. ever rnrtv stln tn selnet from. Plushes. II (0, 41.S3, l per j ard. Surahs, 9)e a yard, a 1 latest shades. Satins, t) and 7S cu a yard. Hamburg Edgings te a yard up. Torchon and oriental I aces Se a yard up. Handkerchiefs. Se te 11 00. cellars and Cuffs for Ladles and Children. Cnates and O N. T. Clark's Cotten, 2 spools forOc-sVfeadozen. ' MRS. E. M WOODWARD, 26X EAST KING ST BEET, atrstete open evening) next week. Jlllwd M KXICAN PAVILION SHOWS. LO WANDaTS DOUBLal Heiican Pavilion Shows, McQBANN'S PARC 8 DAYS ONLY, CeeiMcBcleg Tuesday AHeraoea, Juae 14. ItBTUUN Or TUB F AVOK1TES. Larger than ever. Mere artlstle than any ether show can produce la one company. A double eomWnatten which cannot be equaled 0 any Equestrian Trou pa en the Globs, tngataer with the greatest force el aocemp lsbed Acrobats. MnscularConturtlenlsta, Classle ttym nsata. Equilibrists. Graceful Pe.tnre Masters, Tumblers aad Leaner ever brought together. Orlt laatari of Caetp Frlret. Ladles and Family Parties are remlndnl that tke AFTBHNOON BXUlUtTlONS will be iqually attractive In all rt specs with these given at aigtt, while the psvtllen being iws erewded tsw oppeitunlty of securing UOOD tN ATS will be much greater, tBTTwe performances at 1 and 8 p m. Deers epea one ifceur atrlUr. Grand Free Exhibition ,1WC Asaalea at Park altar tht UiaaasTtiaHlifwat. jeali,is,iM 1H T1IK KULK OK & Miley VINK 8TS.t I.AM'ASTF.R, TA. aprtJ-lydtaaTtw pair. Stamped 1 Idles a'. Sand lOcU each Stauinrd auies-, uuut's and CtiUdrun's Hosier) . A' A II' A O VKK TISKSIKXTS. WANTKD-H 000, FOR WHICH KIRST .... Mortgage en Improved City Ileal Estate wlllbeglveu. Interest 0 per cent. Applytn ALLAN A.HKKK, Keal I state and Instirance Agent, JleV3ta lOIKast KlngBUwU A URAND STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL given by Christ Cheral Heelety will be held In Putum Hall. TlltJKSD AY, FHlUAY and SAIIUIDAY LVENt.Ni.b. JI1NBS, P ard II, Admission 10 rents. Each ticket entitles the holder te one plate of cream. All are cor dially ln Ited Jel-:id JACOlt K SIIEAKKER'S LIQUOR STORE KKMOVKD TO NO. IS CENTItK SQUAIIB, LANCASTKH, PA. maylS ttd OWCKTO IlRlDdE IIU1LDEKR Proposals for the construction of a Wrntight-lmti llrldge ever Octoraro Creek, near Christiana, will be lectlred ut the offleeof the County i emmlsslnners, either Westcheaternr Lancaster, Pa., until neon, TUkSDAY, JUNK 14.17. The right te reject any or all bids la re served. By Older of the Commissioners et Lae castsir and Chester counties. mylselld J. H.OIVLERACO. Hosiery and Corsets 1 We have bought wltbln a week Indies', Children's and Gent's Hosiery tn Fancy Stripes, felld Celers and lllack te sell at S, 6, 8, 10, 11, 11, M te BO cents. Unbleached Oalbrlggan Hese, U, IS, iMeM cents. tiauze Underwear, !S, XJX and JO els. Corsets, it, M, T3 cts and It ou. We guarantee our prices ss low sa any and our goods are a superior quality. Ladles' Linen Cellars, Cuffs snd Kuchlngs, Klbbens, Laces, etc. Bargains ln Parasols and hun Um. brellas. Mesquite Canopies at very lowest prices. MnS.Givler&Ce., Me. BS Kaat King Btraat, LANCASTBJCrA. rAOER A- IIROTHER. Bannockburn Scotch Cheviot SUITINGS. English and American SUITINGS. Cassimere and Worsted SUITINGS. Neat Plaids, stripes and Mixtures, In large line of styles sndqualltlM. made np te order at lowest prles for same qualities. B. A W. Cellars and Cuffs. Held and Silver Shirts. Gause and Ualbrlggan Underwear, Neckwear and Hosiery. Hid and Lisle Gloves. CLOTHING. Complete lines of Business Suits, Drtti Salt, Children's lutta. HA6ER & BROTHER, NrjB.a8t.a7 Waat WbmbH. lab-easts, r a. mr2 - .. -i' v-r.w . .'fcivl.JI v -J ".! -m' .v!. J.- T- vx&r zfiSSKKfifrrt, - -si- sjV-sj -t- .'rtiV-S: IT L avJVjT1.'- ., r wiBJ