B3 w & W' !irp4rr!r!8,5 s ll I a IB is is SHI Wiliii it us 9 ! few 1 1" SM 9 Cm ate gee m fi Mae Boe . Mj BiH mmj mif iWwtly Intelligencer Ml Utm m finer asm m '-;.,. in nmudmnvH. uhwwi r. XoweitctJnteUigttUJS. LAHOABTKB, JOKE 11. 1887. , Rext Week at tke College. We are en the eve of the greatest event m iha tilatvr nf nnr Wal relWa. for with PUB ;Li)flnMMT wKtHBOTnT HsWWPIIPMew MMMMMMMHBnMiaTHTr&TCra 'in OTMnnr. ui amotvem tmwa a-.. " "" - .. - - .- 0- KtMDorrew morning the centennial exer- IImmb of Franklin and Marshall college are Lrfcfim wltn baccalaureate sermon by the g;, WfWSSUCUk U MJD UUUbUMUU. K$ V Tne pregramme ier ine wees nas aireauy i presented in wese columns ana it is Br"! very interesting character. These who rwfcavtJthe centennial exercises in charge ?."lveaene wisely in alternating Deiween ? the city and college grounds in their pre. fell eeedings, for it is desired that Lancastrians should be given every opportunity te take 4 part in making tbe event a success. Next week the citizens of this town should turn aside a little from their regu lar avocations, and lend a band toward peshing along the local educational snow ball. Franklin and Marshall college deserves t well of the people of Lancaster. It never 1 has been a suppliant for the city's alms, and has been a source of material financial benefit te the city. It has pursued the ,& vvcu usuvi ua lis wjt t&iuK uu mvuienuu & working large geed in our midst, m this crowning time of its life, let all who be lleve in the intellectual advancement of the community unite te de tbe old lnstitu tkra honor. Is the Illness Feigned ! It is an open question whether the crown prince of Germany was really thought te be in a dangerous condition, or whether the parade of medical gentlemen of eminence and the talk about cancer of tbe threat were net started with the deliberate purpose of arousing popular sympathy for the heir apparent te the Ger man throne. A growth was discovered In his threat and partly removed by an eminent speclalist.whe said that it was net cancerous. 13ut tbe public were neverthe less alarmed-aad, when the patient ap- public, the prolonged cheering owed that as a man under menace of death be could claim better the devotion et the people than as a son waiting for death te bring him the crown of the emperor. It is probable that keen politicians recegniztd the value of this circumstance and that the real cause of the second sum mons te the great Londen phjslcian was net any doubt as te the nature of the prince's affliction, but rather a knowledge that the aged emperor had net many days te live ; and a wish te smooth ever the transfer of power from father te son by . keeping up the sympathy for the I latter. The summons for a con . ference of physicians came before Professer Vircbew had finished his examination of the parts removed from the patient's threat, and tbey were obliged te await tbe result. Ills report was se favorable that Dr. Mackenzie returns home tat once. But let It be noted that the prince is going te England In a few days te help celebrate the queen's j ubilee. He will be royally received and everything will te done te keep alive the pride and sympathy et bis people in "Unser Fritz." But if, la spite of the assurance of eminent meui s ealmen, the prince's trouble should prove fatal, the world may witness a pathetic 4"' apectacle et tottering royalty. Obserre tbe Fenrtb. Columbia is te have an old-fashioned ril"i Fourth of July celebration. It held a town $ff meeting, discussed plans and has appointed committees te carry out an interesting pro pre gramme. Tbusdees Lancaster's blggestand health iest child teach its elder the way it should go. It is net yet tee late te take held of this undertaking. Let a citizen's meeting 'be called te consider the question of a proper celebration of the Fourth, and let tjr, 18S7 mark tbe beginning of a new and mere JvC alenincant observance of the nation's natal ?'. J.w Chandler Again. It was thought that the country was through with William L Chandler, who bow bobs te the political surface as the Ite pnbllcan caucus nominee for United States genater in New Hampshire. The memory atf ttila AlatlnA.tiaticul -tA ..- (, "" ""-is""". nuc-puuer as sccre K& tery et the navy and tool of Jehn Reach is & - mnu uceu iu iue uiiuua ei ine Deenle et te. ;' atav. and it was honed Hint. tl.un n. i... rf. - i r - .u iud lAOb t Bepubllcan administration was ended, the 'J Vaw TTamnaliirn tvv had anna uu ., v-- r - - bvwiumiik;i- i'petaal retirement. fi alnfc talA liaa HenMfi.1 nUianvlen n-..l t.lr. I hJ- , -vw.wv- w.ui.nin;, aim IU13 sWassrapuieus rmgsier win again masque- WJMI m a patriot in pueuc me. it may tie Jar lb beat. At any rate it sh ews hew a fsUB cannot rise above its source when lastBepubllcan party of an Intensely Ke- etate aelecUfer its highest ieglsia- twaaseea aeaa whose chief distinction in Ajswican political life Is that be was one . ( tbe leaders in the theft of the presidency isr Haras. fe"W We have a very allp-ahed mode of leglsla- 1 in thla state. An act of assembly was atly passed repealing the tax up in id furniture, pleasure carriages and Ne date waa fixed for the meas- t into effect, and the bill became a raaMay IS. New a saddle has ec- 1 la tbeaejuaeee where many of tbe teve already paid the tax for ' year. Tbe queetlea it whether these 9 mtm m.m iihwi w vum ww mrmm ,. tV'"'-' QMfM jQffcpMriflii nyBtM Mtpffc jTlMNM, My wte fere put HlM AMMtNtTM- Us mm;, and M Mmm ham set ytM, rimM mwIIm te pay It. KmrWMem uwt crekMlffl UUon.tee peopte abeuld net be made te utter freta their Mnnderiag work. THE.ramieraearab7thecoek books. WaiWMTMUlMk The T iine ler Inquirir n((Mi that the building et the new JU be deferred until tbe nest county commissioners Uke tbetr offices. Frem all the noise ever this project, It would be Imagined that the Tower et Babel was te be rebuilt Let us have leas talk and mere build leg. s Ci.es. gland and lllll have taken breakfast together, and the delegation from New Yerk will be eelid ler the re-nomination of the i man of destiny." The far-reaching eflecta et the atrlke policy are made strikingly evident by the closing of the Seuth Chicago rolling mill In conse quence et the atrlke in the coke region. As the supply of coke runs short, the various departments of that vast establishment are being closed and in a few days It la expected that the whole force et Iren and steel workers will be Idle. Seuth Chicago has a population or 12,000, and of these 9,000 draw their sup port from the rolling mill, the pay roll amounting te (125,000 a month. All these men must stand Idle while the coke men are trying te settle theirdiflerencea net by reason but by strike. Surely our civilization ought te be able te devise some mere just and sen sible means et settling the dlflerencee be tween labor and capital. Beth the laboring men and their employers have tee much common sense te permit this state of things te last much longer and both must find some policy of compromise that will assure Justice te each and prevent either from any action that will Interfere with the industry el ethers. Tun pension bureau exhibits these results te dre n the cries of the sectional shriekers. Frem March IT, 1SS3, te March 31, 1.7, SS5 new appointments ere made, or which num ber 1T4 were ex-Union soldiers. Under the administration of Gen. Black tbe next gain te tbe roll of ex soldiers was 9, and the net less te roll of civilians 133. The Teries are again applying the gag law In Parliament In the Irish debate. A cause that wins by such methods can have In it nothing Intrinsically geed. 1 Si A hkvakate volume of tbe consular re ports for April treats exhaustively the fishery Interests or the United States and trade with CanaJa. In dealing with the historical patt et the former subject, the discovery et the American fishing banks la said te have caused excitement iu Europe resembllug tbe mining fever el mere recent years. At a period when nearly all Europe consumed enormous quantities el fish In church last, tbe discovery of such vast fishing grounds created a profound sensation, and kings and nobles joined with wealthy merchants in festerlug the enterprise or fishing. The colenlzitlon of North America, as is well known, was hastened by tbe desire of Kurepean nations te control the fishing grounds, and this same purpose was the real cause or tierce wars. One authority holds that these disputes ever tbe fishing banks led ultimately te the revolutionary war and tbe birth of this republic, Lt us, therefore, celebrate the approaching Fourth et July with extra 79sl, for It finds us again success ful In maintain leg our rights en the mack erel quostten. It Is net patriotic te get drunk en tbe Fourth of July, yet this Is one of the most popular modes of observing the day, St.cnuTAnt 1Uaud tells Minister West that Kngland's mendicants must stay out of this country. But the peer and the mendi cant must net be confounded. It. U. Dun A. Ce., In their weekly review el trade, call attention te tbe disturbance brought about from a single strike, aa illus trated by the returns of iron furnaces in blast June 1. The 1'ittsburg accounts usually dlilera little from these published in Mew Yerk, but this month the statements vary widely the Iren Age making the weekly output June 1st about 37.U75 tens, or -7 per cnt. less than May 1st, while Pittsburg sta tistics forwarded by our correspondent make tbe decrease 30,lu0 tens, as fellows : Anthra cite increase 415 tens, charcoal in crease t90 tens, bituminous or coke de crease 32, Ujo ten a weekly. Either statement represents a remarkable decline In output, ranging from fe00,000 te fTeO.OOO in talue of weekly production, and te this must be added tbe decrease In many Important branches of manufacture which depend for material upon furnaces new Idle. In spite of tbe great decline In production, pricosef iron have been weaker during the past week, heavy sales cf Southern iron having been made In Eastern markets. The stove busi ness revives, the lockout of meulders having terminated, but tbe nail market Is demoral demeral ised by ever-production ; tbe demand for bar iron la better, but prices are depressed by Western compstltleu ; and tbe offering et lerelgn rails at low figures checks tbe de mand near seaports. Mat en Fitlkr, et Philadelphia, will net permit the stle or use of fire crackers en ihe Feurtu. Hence the decay of youthful mil itary spirit. Co.Nsur.GLNKittr.Yeu.vu, of SL Peters burg, reports some very curious facta about Kusslan emigration. Ue says that after the stubborn refusal of the Mennenitea te serve in the army in 1ST 1, the czar issued a ukase that tbey should all leave Russia within tea years, and under this order many el them did leave the country and came te America. Hince then they have been made exempt from military service and prohibited from leaving the empire, but It has been found difficult te check the movement started by the Imperial ukase. Tbe government prohibits the emi gration of all but the Poles and Jewa and seems very anxious te get rid of the latter, though there is no assisted emigration. The consul thinks thst compulsory military ser vice Is tbe cause of most of the emigration, but that la also due te tbe dislike or tbe form of government " which is rlgoreua but gener ally Just in the administration of tbe laws, rules and regulations," for really there are mere rules than lawa, The poorest ulasaes generally form the greater part of the emi gration. He say that the manner In which tbe land la held is very distasteful te many people. It is owned by communities, but net by individuals, unless they are able te purchase In certain districts where land is for sale. Tbe peer rarely have meat, and live en sour rye ereau, caDDage soup and cucum bers, bj, wblle communists and land re formers are trying te abolish private prep, erty in land, we ttnd people leaving Russia because they can net secure such ownership. In Sweden a man who is seen drunk three times loses his rlgbt te vote. It would net be a healthy place for Lancaster Republican primaries. A Hurts Frtghtsnsd te Dsatti, Mr. Bardell, a citlzsn el Murphy Mills. W. Va, was riding a fine blooded heraa up the street Wednesday evening when be came suddenly upon a band et Arabs and perform ing bears. The horse, a very sensitive animal, steed trembling a few seconds, then auddenly reared up and fell ever backwards upon Its rider, atone dead. It had burst a bleed vessel from aheer fright tit. Bardell was net seriously Injured. Des't de right uuwilllngly And step te plan and measure 'TIs working with the heart and soul That makes ear dety pleasure. Cmamlm Ckbambu, of Ilarrieburg, be haw appointed ganger by Collector Mae. Oenlgw. A. Lxe Knett Is being pressed for Jterer; nor by the Maryland Democratic club of Washington, D. I. - SrSAKKB Betk Is going le be a Hepiibll raa candidate ler controller el Philadelphia, Ha will be an easy man for Cel. Drcbert te detest Jehn Whittle, awlslant general freight agent of the Lehltfh Valley railroad, died In Han Francisce n Thursday, white making a tour ler the benefit or his health. Akrccal't Chaiilk Mkh, or Roches ter, N. Y., has made a successful tnlloeu as cension from trie, 1' , l.'.oeo leet or natural fuel gas bating been used ler the In tint Ien. Dr. J. Willi im Wiiitk has tendered his resignation or the directorship or physical education at the University el l'ciiiilnla, owing te pressure or ether dutle. The mat ter is under consideration. Tem Coerrni Is eeiuplalmM of by the Bcranten Jleynlliettn lxCiiie he ileeamit call the Kepuhlk-Hh suteceuimltteenieti together when helixes a time for the atnte contention. It Is a small point, ler they would euly register the big bosses' orders. ' Walter J. Arneld, of the CenestORa cork works, according te ttie l.inetster Inquirer, will Mil ler Spnln next Titeday. lie will Uae a U)Jk at the cork bat k In Its natlve wilds, and may arrange ler lis Im portation direct te Lancaster. Dr. Keiu.v has Just been elected the youngest member et the French Academy of Medicine, lie Is only thirty-eight years old and is already one or the must btllUaut el the savans of France. Dr. Hebln has made a specialty of typhoid lever, and out et twelxe hundred patients be has uever lest one. Jt'POK Lvwrkmck, in New Yerk, has de cided that hotel proprietors have no right te sell liquors te their guests en sunilajs. lie says : " The statutes terbld the sale of Intoxicating liquors without a licence: the defendant's licence expressly excepts bun days from Its prevision, permitting the sale et liquor at ether time, and consequently the defendants have ue license te sell liquor en Sundays." The Popl's gift te Q teen Victeria en the occasion et her lubllee centsts of a tnoate reproduction of Kspbael's Irence represent ing an allegorical Mgure of poetry. The work was executed In tbe Vatican. Mt:r. bulls will convey the gift te Kng'and, and he ill be accompanied ly Fathers ileca and Merl, two young priests of tbe ecclesiastic il acad emy, whom the pope will, In honor of the occasion, create blstieps. mm ax jr. viiAiDi.ti; The Xcwlj Chesen United Staffs Senater Fteiu ew llainiMhtre William E. Uhaudler, who has rfcaived the nomination la the New H.iaipiulre Hi publican caucus for United hlate sena tor, by a majority of eighty votes, was born in Concord, New Uamrshlre, en December I 23tb, 1S35, I celved th Ue was placed at school and re- the ordinary common school educa tien until he reached an age te be placed as a student In the Ilirvard law school, receiving In the course of tlme the degree or I.l. 11 from that Institution. Mr. Chandler ttas ad mitted te the bar iu I5.V1 ; started and con tinued tbe practice of his profession for ten years, lu the meanwhile acting in the pest tlen of reporter of tbe supreme court of New Hampsbtre from the lse9 until l"0d, In addition te his legal labors. 1M7J, IsCI, and 1m)I he was successively elected te the state legislature and was twice chosen speaker et the Heuse. Mr. Chandler was made an A. M. by liartmeutb college ; was appointed Judge advocate general by 1'ruildent Llncelr, se re ceiving the appolntmentet as8lstautsw.reury of the treasury and resigning from this posi tion in tbe year of 1V7. lie was secretary of the national Republican committee and par ticipated In the campaigns of I'-eS and IsT J. Since that time be has devoted most of bis time te his profession, hut always retaining an active Interest In political ntUIrs, until he was put en the platform for the Tolled Mates senatershlp. vuuts urafj fivKynsn Try the Ear llllsterlrj run aud Scs What ea Think el It. Science tells of the arleus theories about ssa sickness and the most tcleulitic sugges tion for the cure thereof. All travelers who return from lands ever the ocean have fearful tales te tell of the miseries et sea sickness, If net their own ml-ery then that of some ether sinner, and If Hllowaeco were cot made for exaggeration the stay at homes would wonder why lrmntty aud suicide en tbe ocean are net mere frequently the result of such fearful tniiery. Tue ilrtail et it deters many from traveling. Tbe sickness u.ually passes away when the voyage Is ever, hut sometimes lasts longer and in one case It was never entirely recovered from during a comparatively long ilia Such cases are less troubled with vom iting, but are oppressed with headache, gid diness, and inability te stand upright or move with steadiness. Alter they have com pleted the vej age, these persons sutler still from unsteadiness in walking, feeling, as tbey express It, the movements et the veseL One authority compares It te tbe concussions experienced by Iren plate riveters. In rare cases death has been the result, and tbe suf ferer Is sometimes permanently effected. Many curious theeriea are given as te tbe cause of sea sickness. Plutarch, who could never have suffered from It, ascribed It solely te the smell of ILe sea and the fears of tbe patient Dr. Jehn Chapman, who has made the mat ter a specialty, tbluks that tbe sickness Is caused by tee much bleed lu tbe spinal ner vous eentrtr. The nerves related te tbe stomach became unduly active and excite vomiting. Ills cure, or palliative, is Ice, In rubber bags, applied te the spine. This idea waa brought forward twenty years age, but has net become popular. In a recent letter te a dally paper a correspondent states that be has made twenty six trips, or tllty-twe tours, across the the A tlautlc, and has in every In stance, except the last, sutlered very much from sea-sickness. Oa this last trip he had with him a rubber bag, twelve Inches long and four lochs wide, the mouth of which waa closed by an iron clamp. This be tilled with small pieces or ice and applied te tbe spine at tbe base or the brain for naif te three quarters of an hour every morning. It had a seething effect, and he enjoyed every hour and every meat. Dt. William James, of Harvard college, considers the semi circular canals around the ears the starting point of tbe trouble, and recommends counter Irritation by blistering, or otherwise Irritating the skin around the ears. Or. Fordyee Barker, el New Yerk, aaya : Take a hearty meal two or three hours before sailing, keep near the centre of the ship, He down before starting and avoid dli agreeable sights and smells, remain In bed for one or two daya and eat regularly and heartily. Then uke a cup of cetlee each morning before rlalng and go te bed before becoming aick. The last caution Indicates the small confidence el the physician In bis own prescription. Acience wants tourists te try we ear mistering plan ana report results. Msthedltt Chat c a Wracked. Oreat damage baa been done at West Vlrgi nia and the contiguous portion el Onte during the last ten daya by continuous and heavy !i5?.!LtK? ll.rV1 V,vel hM be8n K'eatly In terrupted, bridges have been washed away, Uvasiepk drowned, nd valuable timber car' fiiSi.? :e.w M"lnvU'e.nTbursJay, the Methodist cbuicn was wrecked by Hunt, nlng. " i aw a MtustJ-Savsu In tn Shada. The temperature at Charleston, Houth Care- Una, yesterday alternoen reaeliad V7 in the anada. Ttwa nuoneUtAlMavatreka. JsaaaaaaurV'4 sahV S-SaSsesaaasay $ . Jv-A sygs, JTMsetaey M. Julllard, U tke Juaa cosmopolitan. The batldng aatabileaMeete, or Anntnm, censlat of large ecuaf enal or circular halls, paved with flag-etenee, around which run tone seats or very hard dlvana. In these balls, which are heated te excess and filled with steam, the bathers have themselves washed, rubbed, and shampooed by em ployes called teUiXt, who, with their bands encased In hair gloves, kuead the llesh vigor ously until it becomes clean, flexible, and son like satin. Meu go te the bath singly, and remain there only an hour or two j bul women go there In parties and sometimes pass the eu tlre day there, drinking syrups, smoking cigarettes, eating rinf loukeum and aweet meats, and sleeping en dlvana or lu smalt beds placed around the bath room. The exterior or the Aditutns presents noth ing very remarkable. They are large, low structures built or brick, covered with stucco, and always paved with marble. They are lighted only by small round skylights set in the cupolas and provided with green Ish panes, which threw Inte the rooms a dim light, resembling moonlight, and very favor able te repose. A furnace underneath heata the building by means of pipes which are run all through tbe walls een. Tbe tern perature Is raised te forty, ntly and sixty degrees centigrade. Alter undressing, the bathers envelop themselves In a long wrap (pecAfiiinut), and make a ueiigniiui piunge mie a ciuuu ei vapor, which produces, even In the case of the leanest, a profeie and debilitating perspi ration. One puts ou clogs, which leek like small stilts, te protect one's feet from the ex treme heat et the tloer. There are large white marble urns fastened against the wall, which receive cold and boiling water by separate faucets ; It 1 around these urns that alt the purifications commanded by the keran are made. Seated upon a little cedar steel, the bather pours upon bta head and body large bowls of water, which he heats te the desired temperature by the faucets. The fiamamr, of which there are mere than three hundred In Stamboul alone, have no Uxed tariff. Tbe charges depend upon the leek and the drees et tbe bather, aud vary from two sous te twenty-three francs, lllch pashas sometimes hire them outright for their families, and think that It they pay less than terty Turkish litres (eighteen dollars) tbey hate dene something derogatory te their dignity. On the ether hand, beggars and peer people are admitted free et charge te certain baths designated for their use ; and this Is a blessing te them as well as te their neighbors ; ler these periodical ablutions diminish their extreme nlthlness and arrest the growth et tbe vermin nourished at their expense. Hew te ItaUe strawberries. from the AlMny Argus. Hew te raise strawberries at home take tbe edge el the box between your thumb aud foretleg r and lift gently. AS WK HAhU IT itemut net hope te be umaer, And te father the rlpe sold eurs, I ntil we hate been sewers. And watered the furrows with tear. ltls net Just as we take It, 1 hl inytlci! world of ours ; I He's field will yield, in no uiike It, Ahdrtcstef thorns or flowers ' Alice L'tirei. Iir Hull's Cough '-ynip never fill f euro a ccujhorceld lu a short time Utvelt a fair trial Mr J Themi (of rhimas A Ce, Ileal Kstate ItreRer),A7 Harntei stre.it, MalUinere, Ma, In dorses uinphiitlciiily julrntlen ull for neuraltA. JtKl.lOIum. R Humors servicks wiu. he held In the following churches en sundiy. In the uienilntr at le-Ju, In the ittnlng at 7 is. Sunday school at 1 15 a. m. hm the hour Ij OJiien.ni u u epeci-uiy nettu- PaKOBTTERiAW Mkherial C'HCBcn, "enthQuecn Ktreut. Sertlces by the pxater at thu usual hours. All are welcome. Cubist l.CTititRAS CHrRCH West Kind; street, E.I. liied, piater. I)llne services at lirje a. in. ananp.ni. eunaiy acnoei at a u. m. DeaiRT Strict Mission Bundiy school will be open every dun&ay afternoon at 1 IJ p. m., sharp Chcrcti orGen-Conier of Prince and Orange. Pnnchliis at 10J0 a in. and 7 (. p. m. b me pastor, eahbath school at y a. ra. Prayer melting at i 3U p. m. Sscejid Evasuilich. ( EnglUh ), en Stnlberry street, above orange Pruachlug at le-3Hu.ni. and 715j in by tUu pastor. Sunday school at l 15 a in. JTinsT IJaitist Services at the regular hours morning and et enlng. 1'reachlnz by the pastor, l:ev. J, N. elpll. Sunday scneul at 2 p in STRAwnsRttr bTRirr African M K. church. Preaching at 1X a. tn. and 7 p.m. by the pastor. t. Jeus's Luthksas -ervlces morning at 10 3) and evening at 7 IS Pleaching by he. II 1 Alleman, t. Ii. Sunday school ut9 a m. Got Get wald Mission at 2 p m. St. STsruss's IIKr ) C'Hcncn Collees Chai-ei. Divine sn lie a' lix-le a. ui. Uaccalaureate sermon by lie v. Or. Thoi l. Apple, URcs Lutheran Cerner el erth Qneen and James street, ltev. C. hlMn Knupt, p wter. senicesat lu-JJa. in and 6 p. in. Sunday school at 9 a. in. bT. I.cax'8 Keferiied JUrletta Avenue, ltev. Vtm. y, Llchllter, po.ter. DU Ine -ervlce at lojea m. and 7 15 p in. bunibiy school at a. m. t Paul's ItKreRMED-SirWces In the morning. Preachtn by Ittv. Wewtea J. Miller. Sunday school aiua. in. LMTEOllRETBREXIIf CHRIST (COVEf AST) West Orange and Concord streets Preaching at the u.ual hiurs b the pister. Iter. J. 11. Punk. After morning sermon, reception of members Sunday school at 9 a in. niST KureRXKD Chcrch. Ilev. J. M. Tltzel, II. 1) , pastor, cervices tomorrow allih3ia.ru and 7 is p. in. Sunday school at 9 a. in. The prayer meeting et the W. C. T. U. will be held te morrow aftemejn at a quarter pa.t 3 o'clock, in the Salem Evangelical church, (der man) North 'Aalur atreel below Chestnut, and will be led by the puler. On Tuesday atiernoen atlHo'declr.the Union meets al -Ne lit North Prince street, pRsaBTTERiAa Children's Day Morning, a ried pregramme, decorations, Ac l enlng choral sen Ice and sermon te children by the pastor, Kev. J. i. Mitchell, D. D. 8t. Paul's M. E. Church Sunday school at 9a.m. Address by the pastor at lOJu. svunlng mrvlces by calldiea regular pregramme) Chll dmns lay, all day, TaiMTi LuTiiERAw.-Kervlcesat 10-10 a m.and 7 i5 p. m , concluded by the paatur. Sunday school at 15 a m. Pisst M. E. C'hcrch Uev. It, T. Gray, pastor, Cblldrens Day at lu.J) a. in. Intereatln- uxer clses by the Sabbath scboe's of the charge. Kvenlng service at 6 p. m St. J en Vs ItsreRMKO (German) church, cor cer ner Orange and Mulberry streets, Kev. Jehn Kuelllug, u U. paater. Ulvlne services at lejj a. tn. ana 7 15 p. m Sunday school at 1 15 p. in The Ulil MennenlK v, 111 held cr ice lu their church.'corner of ha.t Cheitnut and -hentun streets, en Sunday, June luih, at 1 o'clock, p. in. Pn uchlng lu both lunguagcrt Mera via a J. Max Jlark. pastor, 9 a in. Sunday rchoel : hhdu a. in. Litany and sermon ; 7 15 p ui evening service. OT. JACOBS OIL. ST. JACOBS OIL. rOH MAN AM) 1ICA9T. HOUSEMEN WHO ISK in K. A Hues. Esq. Kdl Gen'l Itcrrs Iheallb, or Spirit of the Timet, (Jearteruiiater Gen New fork, M. y. j era, U. a. Array. K. 8 Wituecs, Ksrj,; James C. Deies, lag, lair Lawn, t-u.s Dealer In Horses, 1 arm, Lexington, Ky. Jacksen, Mich. Hei. Oeen PreaC Md Club, ex Gov Ikre ie (Olives Hixklet, Ksy , Jockey rroprleter Pacinc Ac. Carriage Ce ,11 Pew- en eirnei, Ban rran Wx. A. Soula, f) I clsce, Cal. Ir V n , au a)-.e. n. s.t Stab vs, N S. t.. 1IKSHETT, SSQ , ( David Carrtck Ce) Jes. Cairk Eimpsev, aaiiaaeipruat jtbw r se , tecretary fact I no coast mneu iierse.u. i.bwis CLtaa, J, Association. Presu IxiuUville. Ky Jecky Club. A. II BTUBTEVAWT ClUb Stables, teilh BL, New Yerk. II Aims, Esq, Stables, Teledo, Ohie. J. I). Pirtocsev, Esq, latu Sec. Md. Jockey Club. Calvix M. Priest, Esq , N. l.Club Blabies, A. Ssth Street, N.V. W. II. San IfOLABinn. Fse Craca II. Celvih, Esq , Diege, cal , Ce- nle llnnnh I'n nun Herse, Lancua ter, ra. C C. WiLKEit. Tretting Kedller bjitrit of the Timet, Sew terk. L. S. Drew, Fiq., Prep. American Ilulel, Bur lington, Vt, ronnade, llench Ce. 8.11. Ma bes, Fsq, Km iilre Stables, ith st-i Itw Kerk. Nebls Tiiom-.e-i, Fsq , butbles, 11W Uieadwas New xerk. Ker Horses akd Cattle. rer Cots, Swellings, Itrmses, niiratna. Strains. Lameness, StIOnes, UxIIh, Cracked llccla and Scratches, Contrac tions ei the Muscles, flesh Wounds, atrlnghait, Sere Threat, idatviuper, Celic, whitlow. Pell lull, fistula and Tumors, splints, alngbenes, and Spavin tn Its early stages, apply SI. J AC'OU i el u In accordance with lb" dictates of cituuien scuae, rubbing thn parts afflicted ther. eughty with the band, or apply a piece et flan. M.iH.muiiwitB me mik. mvi iw tunani dliuui with water. It Is especially nselul ter and v..--.-, ... uinsjh )fiuuiiw, i.tia,iM ww.j.i,uiiii mat uauifareui aucaw. PrtcifliiV csnfi? ",a 1,,",r, eTwne"' a,A v .. - Tg VllAttLXS A. VOGKLBK CO., HalUmere, M(L frMtttWAMLSMtBtM itMw ad rmmmartnum Veimtf MEN, 90 TO 96 YEARS Or AQH, JL and T cutis Ladle s. ITaad npwart, wantaal at the watch S-ACTeav. jtestam wa OUR U1QAK8 MIA QUER1UA AND Heldsn Lien are C'I.Rah 11 At ANA riL- LKB hand made, 5e tSACII. lnboteanfse'sana MS. DKatUTireOIUAHBTOKK. Ill Bast King attwt. Telephone Connection JantS-WASHUd u 8R MANHEIM Reller Fleur! jann-StndBeed JUST HKOKIVKD A HANDMOMR LINK or Switch and Heme Spun aultlnga In S tripes and rialda. Entire nsw designs Hlaek and ill u Bvrgix. Clay Diagonals, llanneektium, Macarttamir and NtwIeKee Cheviot, lint the thing for summer wear. Elegantly; made and Trimmed. lVrfietflk Suits from I KIN. THK ' un. at UOSK.NSTKtN.THK TA1I.OH, 37 North Uueen StrmU T1CYKRM A KATI1FON. An Excellent Reputation WKKNJUV tOK FAIR DEALING -AN1- Lew Prices. MEN'S IHIK34 SUITS at IIS. that frtct). Oecd Value for MEN'S HAMJItMK SUIT-. I'd Anjoae ttants. As Tasty as MEN'S UUMVVSs SUITi KKOMIIO tel.5 Celer., ack or Cutaway. All OUTUS SUIT . -, te 111. Almest any Style te rieasu leniiK Men. 1101 S AM) OHM.ftKKN'sstim. A tloed Al sertmeul at Lew Prices. Myers & Rathfon, l.KVKIMl CLOTHIERS, NO. 12 EAST KINO STREET. I.ANCASTKU. Pi. J.a MARTIN ,t CO. Just What Yeu Want rert tub SSS-1 (' t'MM MM MM MM KEEKItltRIt H 8 It I M M MM M M M M K R K S II r M M M M M M M M K R R s It IT M M M M M M M M K R R ".SSS U I'M M M SIM M M M KK HRRIt I' IT M M M M M M M V V It R KIT ITM JIM MM IM Ml II K S S IT V M M M M M IIP K R SSS L't'U M M M M JI M fcFEK 11 R AWNINGS. Immense 8tnck;ef New Patterns, All Grades and All Prices. New Patent Fixtures. Hell Made and put np. Window Awnings, new bright strip's, will sa their cost drstsuaaen by saving the carpets aud furniture from fading. SCREENS. Peers and Windows promptly put up Green, Ulack and Landscape Wire. All BUes Exten sion Screens. Deers mide te Order, 11.23 up. Patent lrainei and Corners LINENS. Linens for Fleer Ceyerlng, and Slip Cever Linens for rarnlture. furniture Cevers Made by Ktpertenctd Workmen. Cut only If desired and a Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Window Shades. Helland and OU Shades, all colors and widths. Deuble and Colored Shading. Shades put up prompt. MATTINGS. Immense stock at Prices te Clese Oat before July 1, A pretty matting properly laid makes the best deer coverings te be had. We have the upholsterers te lay them and lay them prop erly, something very few properly understand. GAUZE NETTINGS. rer Chandeliers, Mirrors, Glasses, Ac, colors, pet np If denlred. all J. B. Martin & Ge., Car. Went His Prldr Sfi, L.AECAATIH. PA, T TELEPHONE CONNECTION. ra ai,ai um Maurt. YJvOK RENT. aU Twe or tenr rooms In Brimmer's New Hutldlna-. no. lasjf nenn waeen street. and a as included. An nl vat b-bls-ua lllUMMka'S LIVEBY OFFICE. TJK)R HALB OR RENT B and let, 17x80 feet, en H KICK STABLE and let, 17x80 feet, en Christian streat, bsv tween East Klnsr ana Oransw East Kins' ana Orange stre m urmDsw niwti. .u vm easily changed into a maehlna shot naiinlns abAll or war- house, l.asy terms, ale tld U. O. UBUB4KEE, Attorney -at-Av. TTOnHK KOR RicNT OR BALE. O. Heuse with modern ImprevemenU and steam heat, large lawn and yard A. variety of iron trees ana grape tuus, Me. tW North Lime suweu vvj BZBA r. Lf ei. Me. HI Mertk Ubm tawH. aptt-UE bw Amrmmmmm rROTOaRAPU. tegant Ombtntt Photographs One Dellar Par Demd, -AT- ROTE'S. "Kelt Uoer te the FosleftUe. JuMvrtK B. a au. PARASOLS lNlHK OBKATKST VAHIITT. PARASOLS At I'rtres Lewer than Anywhere lite In the City or County. BUN UMBRELLAS In Hatura's and In Held and Silver. Krealrlng and Ue-cetating Doue, R B. St H. 14 Bent King Bt, apl Ind N KW YOHK 8TOKR. Extraordinary Bargains -AT 'I UK New Yerk Stere. We Open Te-day. a Spcll Purchsae et 1P0 lezin tv-'lutlen length, 1'UKKStl.K (II.OX L, rine Quality, tllack aud Hts Ian .Inadei, Ue. a pair. Only half price. Alse t'pwards of t'le I u'l Width Km Km breldered sivis-t ri. IUNOIMJS at lc,6JV(c, Tic, !7Hc aud ll.ce a yard rtve HnndriHl Pieces New Dextgna tnCAM KK1C KMIIHOH)KhMI, i. S, 10 lf CeilU yard, ii percent, under regular aluea. Ten RlPgint Patterns tn Wldit I'VMUUIC KUlMNGS, I Tc. aaid Itvilly worth lis TUKAM OUIKSTAI. LACK r I OH SCI s (is. Full Idth and Great lUrgalus, al SO, 6SX aud Tl Cents a laid. A roll Llnenr All Weel DICNTKI.I.k LACKS Cream and -New Ulega Shades, al eue-half retell tar prices. Attracllte aad Derided Itirgalnilnl KINK. I.M nKKUSUCKKKS, I'ltl N I Kl 8 A M VKS, CKhilt IIKKSS GOODS, 1IUMII1 ll USUEU WEAK, PAK LSOL3 and 1UWSII AUKS. WATT& SHAND, NOS. 6, 8 & 10 EAST KINO ST., LA.suvsrrn, pa, PALACKOKKAHUION. ASTRICH'S Palace of Fashion, 13 EAST KINO STREET, LANCiSTttt, l'l, ATTRACTIONS -rOU- Het Weather. GOODS THAT AUK IV HEASOV AND AUK SOLD AT I.KS-l rllAS COiT OF MA.SUFACrUAK. Fifty Dezen Ladles' "lack COAT-HACK J KB. BUYS, sizes te It, only W apiece. We haveclmMentten sample lines of ll'.ACK ANDCOLOUED SILK Mil IS, from one of the largest Importers In New Yerk. Them am about J50 pairs of Mltla. ranging tn prien from I5j te 74a. a pair each pair is worth double tie money we marked them. PAKA80L1. New Is our tlme te sell them. New Is your time te buy them. w have marked them accordingly. Black Sat'n, Lace Trimmed and Lined 1 1 JO. Imitation Pengea, Lsce Trimmed, II W. Imitation Pongee, 74c. Satin Coaching Parasols, All Celers, 'Jle. Faney atrlped, II 23, l.9. It 74.1100 Ac. Bilk Umbrellas and Hanabadei, with Natural, Ivery, Celluloid, Silver and Geld Handles. ANEW LOT OF BRILLIANT LIS LE GLOVES. Finest Grade, worth Ve , at only 14c. a pair. vine 811k Jerse jersey u loves, uiaca Gloves, black and colored. I button length. gin, ac a pair. Jeb In Ladles' Ll.le Thread Ilete, black. Un colors and slates, 170. a pair. LADIES' ANDQENTSUALlmUiaAN GAUZE VESrS. At 140. Apiece. Yeu positively cannot bay them nnder 37c. any where else. MEW HOCKING In White, Cream, Ulack, Pinks, Blue, at te. a yard. Ine Crane Ltasa atuchlas-. In White. Cream and Black, at loe. a yard. TUBES BIG DttlVES IV LADIES' MUSLIN SKIUre. WHIT I 1. Five Tucks. Three Inch Embroidery, Prin cess Back, esc. (worth oe ) 1 Eight Flee Tueka, Four-Inch Embroidery, Princess Baek, 84e (worth II 14.1 a. Sixteen Fine and Sis Wlletueks. Tsn-lnch Wide Elegant Embroidery, ll.W (worth 11.40 ) DKE8BBUIELDI. Goodyear slabber Shields. Empress Rubber Lined. Gauss slubber Lined. HtoeEtnett Shields. . . .. .. ThsSnew White Usnalne Ctadeld Shield for White Dresses. PEARL BUTTOXB. A Fall Stock of White Pearl Battens, IS Hee te W line, In nvs different qnaltles. Alse a Large Assortment of Pearl Buttens, plain aid faney. Alt colors Ivery Wash Butten, Oat and ball, at Lewest rrtees. EXTKA DISCOUNTS TO UBbSSMAKIM AMDTOTH1AOE0CAM. K'VjAD rMKriaxuMtm T ttaVMHMAR a. RRO. 6(i!.CANSMAN&HRO,u8 North Queen St. Great llreak In Prices of MENS.', llOVS AND Cllll.imtN'S CLOTHING PHICKS ALMOS r CUT IN '1 WO. In order Utndnne nnr targe stock of Heady Made Clethleg, we eiler for the next JJ days Extraerdlrary Bargains. All of enr Men's Caastmsiti Back Salts, former prices, as ue, le u i reduced tn as en ' ,0"w All of our Men's Werated Suits, Corkscrews tMncwflWA mef Pr,C '" ana,U ' cSanaWtKOTr'1 of Um'' 8 Men's Mohair Ceal and Vest, MS0 Men's s ti ui titer I'anu at hi. ert, 75 ets and II 00. Children's Knee PanU, ic. .."Call early, as wn must rednre nnr stock. Keinniiilisr, they are all new sndrtiMlrable geed , all this season's niake, and selling them less than llargaln Piteei. L. GANSMAN & BRO., Merchant Tailors. MANUrACTUKKUS Of rn'f, Bays god Children's Olethlaf, 8. B. COK. N. QUKKN ORANGE BTS., I.ANCASTKU PA. WThe Cheapest (and Exclusive) Clothing llnuaflln the City. H I(H A alAHTlR FRUIT JARS -AT- CHINA HALL Masen l'i ult Jun In 1'ints, ijnaitand Halt (iallen. We again li.tve the I-iRlitnlnR FriiltJ.tr, which is the best in the market. Jelly Tumblers, Jelly Jars, Cem. meu Tumbler) at the Lewest Pos sible Prices, Wholesale or Retail at in l n ir .1 lightvMuTtin 15 EAST KING STREET LANIiaSTRH. PA B LACK UHRSSS1I.KH. StaireiL Bres. & Ce., 26 AND 28 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTEII, PA , Are Offering Unheard of Bargains In Black Dress Silks. BLACK DRESS Slf.KH, J Inchrs Wide, 73c a yard t Usual Price, II en. BLACK DBKSS SILKS, 71 Inches Wide II 10 a vaid : Usual Price, 11.23 And plenty mere when you come BU11AU SILKS for Sashes, all Celers, TUc.a yard. BLACK CASHMERES AT UNUSUALLY LOW PKICK1. Veu couldn't de better thad take a leek at our Immense assortment of CREAM DRESS GOODS. Have you seen our attractive-assortment of White Dress Goods 7 COKDED PIQUE, INDIA LINKNS, VICTOBIA LAW'S, PLAIN AMD C1ICK NAl100K", And, Oh I what a let et ethsr pretty things we have. S1T1NIS AND 8IER80CKBR8. Our assortment Is the largest In the city and the Lew Prices will astonish yen. A Handled and One Pretty Novelties In Wash Goods AT THE BOSTON STORE. E NQLBTKEK 8TOUK FARM. Standard-Bred Stallions In Service. TOHsI KIMO (IMI) KeeerO, years, t.47 aaa nauiats us ,,........ ear ientt fee Maw Catalearae. UA-LU-iggLJ. dUMII n lf ri 'tsv. .Wl' Wk.?.&?Yr'JX. f "Vs?-,. t . n rzu'viw'.i ttfmm jyyIjLjC ES&&