"T SSSv J-CUt b J-- .KJI"'IIPI If I iTTBV TTKJ.1T "i , V i 1 ? i.T J r" Tfi I'fUvi, i W I .w . .1.) T. .ITTWA. v. AJ,;aJ'i-iRC&vftiir'''--'' s wsn ' acwcv ' 'p .-AT-jf1 " " rvi-v I)je yartfeittf ftfru awK IX KVH. "MfVSAei" - &' iit fWliV tf.'. v-' ."i' . .iT,V T,j,ri ' " . '6$$ -Jswk f JJmw -djV J .awnV. awnta. X , B . V M H iHr aH Wi VOLUME XXln-NO. THE COERCION BILL MMITBHtHH tUWABBB COBfLBTIUH IB taa nevtm or commena. (Itadstea, t-araaH aad nareoert Malta Their Vele. Against It, net t'latnr 1 ap. (illMl and lh.ileT.rnm.nl rjarrl Ita Pelat-Tha Vel Wat 1143 te ltd. In the llmiM of Common In Londen Friday evening Mr. Hmllli moved I ha reeotu reeetu reeotu tlen previously announced, requesting that at 10 p. m , en the 17th lust, the chairman lerthwlih ut the iiieatien en any motion, amendment or proposal touching the elauM or the crime. Mil then under discussion, then en tboclsuse Itself, and flnalljr en eaeb remaining clause. He urged that the step waa forced upon the government by con tinued obstruction. Mr. (iladmene hi that a longer notice aheuld have been Riven et thla Important motion. The prevmt atate et business and the entire pralil of Parliament had eauaed Intense dlsrattsrartlen throughout the coun try. Hut the position had been brought atmtit by tlm government tbemselvea. (Urleaef Hear I Hear I" They had been pursuing the tle and evil polley of coercion, without the Justification pleaded en former occasion. They had disregarded all the ussgr and tradition of ParllMnent In the oemluct or the measure which they had, under tun nanm cl crime bill, In. treluced. Tlie measure u directed sgslnst combination apart from crime. 'Hear I hear V) lie would auggeat te the gevnriitucnt that a rational mode te expfdltethe bill would betoe make It tenierar, Instead of wrmanent, and te atrlke out all the provl.lena touching com til til natien, apart from crime, assuring lrl.h tenant of the same protuctleti In re. poet te their land ktiike as In given Kngllah artisan In their labor .trlktut Cheer and crleaef "Ne!" If I he government rejected that remedy, and had no etber te proiieae, the ellmislve character of the bill would be re tained In full fere". He did net wish te create dllllcully by tillrlng opposition which be knew would be luetrm'tuaL He would, therelere, mutant hlm.elf with proleitlng aynlti.t the crure new proponed. Mr. I'arnell Mid he could net underatin(l the futility of the government In rushing blindfold along read which they had already mm would It ml te the greatest d loonier In trelind. Toe government peakera had harped en the theme of 'Sitntructlen." Asa matter of rcl the Irish tneiiiber had net lined enu vel (Xi agtliist any moasure except till coercion bill, whli'h they were bound te realst te the tituinat Theory et obstruction wan net genuine when raised by men who did net desire le advance publle buslns. Let the government proceed with thereat buttneisi or the nation Instead el wasting time ever a crimen bill apply lug te a nation whero crime waa admltudly at a minimum. He cniicliided tiy tunting an amendment that the lieute decline te sanction a resolution limiting freedom of d' hate and assailing the rights of tiiluerllifiM. t'heera .Sir William Vernen lUrmuit warned the government that their proposal might be used tiy afilttini government as a precedent for carrying a home rule bill In a fortnight ami that ether measures might be forced through In the iiue way. Imagine, he aald, tome government proposing a church dlses dlses tahllihuient blll.urglngtbataa everything for ml against ili,H'ailihuirnt hat tieenaald alie l the third resiling et the hill ulieuld I hi t.ken "tl.l iUy wiek " It was a Cenner. vatlVHgnvernmeiil, In an lnstne pMslen ler cneri-lnu, that set this precedent, in abnega tion of every principle the Tery party had ever contended for. Mr. Wencheu, chancellor el Urn exchequer, atii! that the preceding speaker might amtiae the Heuse, but he would net deceive the country, 't'hegnverninent had maue no at tempt te .lop illx'iiaslen en the Important elatisea el tlm hill. l'arliaineiit and the country had had enough of this unlimited diacusalen, and It was necctsaiy host te put an end te lu Neveral et the I'arccllltes contluued the dliouw-leo. Mr. (Smith ti.nvfxl cloture, which was car ried by a vole of 1!M te Id". Mr. Paruell' amendment was then rc Jecied by a vote .".01 te M. Thnre Is a cuame new of dlacuasitig the original iiioilen. After ruriher discussion Mr. Smith's com plete iiioilen was carried, under cln'tire, by a vote el i!l" te 111, nuiid cheers and counter chjern. I Use IUII !). The League games yesterday were: At Biaten: IUmieii 7, Philadelphia 4; at New Yerk : New Yerk V, Washington - : at l)t trnlt : Detroit '.'I, Imllanapella 2 ; at Chicago : Chicago 10, IMtUburg 3. The American Association games of yeater day resulted as follew: At Broeklyn: Hroeklyn 17, Cluclnuatt 6; at llallliuere, ltl ltl tlmere H. Cleveland 2; at Htateu Island: Louisville (I, Mem 4; at Philadelphia: St. Leuis II, Athletic li Htate Lague gauies ysaterday were: At Heading, Heading 7, Wllliamspert 2 i at Allentown, Alteena 7, Allentown 11 ; at Wllkeabarre, Wllkeabarre 12, Johnstown 4. TheAlhlelld clue have preferred charge ngainst Welon aud Coiulkey,ef the ML I .en I. Hrewns, who, cxirdlng te reierts, acted like blscagiurds In ihi gsmeef Thursday. Veu Uer A he la very mad and aaya : When my men are beaten they take their medicine like men and net go whining about it like a let of hsblea, There I tee much of the apologetic business In baae ball te-day. II managera would get men who play ball and net go hunting around for 'pleaaer ex tenuation' for hid ball playing, they would plta.se the publle bftter and draw bigger crowd. As for my men being disorderly en the Held, I say they ere aa orderly and well-behaved aa any team In the Aatoctatlen. They play ball te win, and while the creakera re whining, we go along winning gamea." The Detroit bad no leu than twenty-bine .blunff Healy, el Jndlanapelta, yeaterday. The Johnstown elub had better get man ager or atop playing ball. Invested In Marf land. General U Burd Qrubb, of Philadelphia, Rebert Garrett, of Baltimore, and a number et ether ether have found ayndlcate and purchased tract et 2,000 tore near Baltimore from Mr. Jehn Carrell of thatelly. The price paid la aald le be 1200,000. It U the Intention or the ynd tcate te develop aeme Iren ere bed en the property, and ship the product te the lurnacea along the line of the Northern Cen tral and Western Maryland read, both of wMeh run near the place. The syndicate baa ujken an option le an iron fnrnaee at Oanteu, and may start ear wheel work there. In addition te Its valuable mineral depeall the property ia covered with bard weed tim ber, which can be out down and sent te mar ket. The Pr.val.ne. el Embryotemy. At the closing session in Cbloaue or the National Medical auoctallen, Or. I. N.Qulm by, e I New Jersey, chairman of medical J eris- prudence, read the address et ma section, wbleh reviewed the history of medical law from mythological times. He deplored the prevalence of the crime of embryotemy In the United Htate, especially among tha hlffhar nl lie was astoetanea insi anv retmtahle nhvalctsn could lend himself te such crime, even though It be, under the tsotnmen law, only a misdemeanor. He at tacked tbe fallacy that the destruction of embryotle lire la only a leaser crime and aald that any destruction of human lite at any etaga la murder." This sentiment was greeted with loud applause. The appoint ment of a eneelal eummlttea te draft a law punUhlng embryotemy waa recommended by the report, Geerge eaatea's rerl. Tba funeral of Dr, Geerge Hebaaan took place tbU morning from tbe residence of bis father, en North Queen street. Services ware held at St Antheny'e obureu and the Inter ment wajrlmad at BL Jeeeph'a esmetery, Tba pall.bearer wan Dr. MoOermlok, Bleg lr. Wwtbaeffer aad Geerge P. King. Cheap tilery. Yeung Blair, of Sblppeeaburg, who wear- eently cempumeaiea wr eigmaiiBg a gar train before It raaiate a uuasber of oreaa uea plMed aeteM tMtifhNtwiavraBja. .arfvlMbig 240. - SIX PAGES. JVC! OAM$ te MOUtt VBKtKA, The rhllad.tphl ReasUag' Oeaafsar fall Mat With Oarawall Ibaaea. Frem the Philadelphia Press. The Philadelphia A Reading railroad com cem pany has fallen eat with the Cornwall 4 Leb anon and refuse te run any mers car ever the latter' line te Mount Gretna, Thla ha already caused the cancellation of a aufflelent number el excuralena te have yielded ll ll ll oeo, and, If persisted In, will prevent, perhaps, fiO.OOO people from attending the division encampment el the National Guard In Au gust Ne reason U given by Heading ler It course. Mount Uretna I a popular resort and heretofore the Heading ha run large partlea In II car at low rates. At Lebanon the tralna were transferred te the Cornwall A Iebanen read, of which Hebert H. Celeman la prealdetiU The division of receipts waa then made In proportion te the miles hauled by each line. Frem all Heading station ex cept Annvllle and Myeratewn, that read therefore secured the lien' share. Thla year, hewever, Mr. Cerbln'a people refused te transfer car at Lebanon, but con sented te run them from Lebanon city te Cornwall en the Cornwall read. This line run parallel te the Cornwall A Lehinen and ha at lie head William C. Freeman, or the Freeman branch of the Celeman family. The roadaare rivals, an 1 by the Heading's pro posed plan It would give but three miles haul te the Cornwall A Lebanon, sis te the Corn wall and the balance te the Heading. Aa the Cornwall company alie haa a picnic park, named I'enryn, le which the Heading aeek te divert trsltle, Superintendent Irish, of the Cornwall A Lebanon, refused te entertain uch a preposition for a moment. A Lebanon dlspttch aya that the Heading new abaelutely decline reduced rates even te Lsbanen. A Myeratewn Sunday mhoel, which wanted te take 2,000 people le Mount Gretna, sixteen miles sway, waa told by the Heading that It would coat 12 21 per bead, but le I'enryn only thirty-seven cent. Four large Hunday schools at Heading, three at l'etutnwn, one at Womeladerf and a dozen or mere ether have beeu unable te secure rate for the same reason, and tbere la much Indig nation along the Hue, a Mount Gretna la a new roert at the height of II popularity. Hayes Dickinsen, the excursion manager of the Heading, bail ananged te bring down a monster excursion from the Schuylkill coal region, and excepted te secure forty or fifty oarleada et ieepl, but bla company refused even te penult this. The cause of the Headlng'a action is Inex Inex Inex plloaele. Mr. Celeman, whose vast enter prise consume au Immense amount el coal, haa alwaya bought It from Heading, and ha turned ever te it all the ether buslnea possi ble. He has net a vet made any threat of retaliation, but It Is sale te nay that unleas Manager Mcl.oed direct a mere liberal policy, Mr. Celeman wilt withdraw every dollar et til pitronage. Ml'MOBMHI) II IB MIITMMB. TO. ftrnltarly Alrucleus C'rlm of Cl.ni.et A. IM). at lluenvlllr, M. Y. Clement A. Day, ttnder at lock (VI en the lllack Ktver canal, at lioenvllle, N. Y., etab bed and drowned Jeanna Heaa Cress, hi inlstrews under peculiarly brutal circum stances. i:ievtn cut In all were found en her body, one of which penetrated the heart, and another laid open the abdomen. The mur derer continued slashing hla victim alter ahe had fallen te the ground, and then threw the body,from which life had net yet departed, Int3 thecaual, floated It acreas te the etber aide and concealed It lu a clump of bushes. He then told hi father what be had done, re ipuated him te bury the body and lied. The lather, William Day, gave Information or the crime te Justice Hays, and Superintendent 1'hlllliM, of the lllack Klver canal, pursued Day, who took te the weed, lie was run down near Ave Corners, aud gave himself up. Day is about '- year old and a widower, and the woman was about 20 year old. She bad Ixten married aud had brought an action for divorce against her husband, who live at Heme, but hail never appeared In court. At the lniUest by Corener Jeues the princi pal witness was the father or the murderer, who It-stilled that the murdered woman wanted te go te her mother, about four miles from Heme, and his en opposed her going, fearing that she would uet return te him. The prisoner claim that the girl elten aald he would rather die than return te her mother, and he believed she was going te live with another man. lie was cool aud uncon uncen erned Thursday night but next morning he broke down and cried. The knife was recovered from a sluice-way where the murderer had thrown it. It Is an ordinary butcher knife, with a blade live Inches long, worn uarrew aud sharp-pointed by long use. Kicii.iI Malbudlita. Quite a breeze waa created Friday morn, lng In the Bridge street (Brooklyn) church, where the Methodist conference was bold bold leg Ita annual aessien, in consequence of a severe denunciation of Mr. I) wight L. Meedy, the evangelist, by Dr. Tanner, editor of the CAurcA lievieie. Secretary Der rick had J uat submitted a report en the atate of the country, when the doctor sprang te hi feet, and, among ether things, ld : " 1 would net descend te Billingsgate, but X will say that I would net have Mr. Meedy preach In a barroom of mine, If I owned It, raueu less In a church, his conduct during hi Southern tour ha been shameful towards the negreea there, aud In Charleston be positively refused te allow representation In hla evangelist meeting from the colored churches of the city, thus pis-leg caetn above Christianity and placing als his pateuted system of salvation, by which the whites could be saved and the h'ack lout, above the glorious gospel of Jesus Curlst, which eiler salvation te every sinner. 1 want also te denounce the words et the Hev. Jehn H. Vincent, or tbe Methodist KpUcepal church, who placed the negre outside the Dale el humanity." The secretary reminded the Irate speaker that Dr. Vincent bad denied all that, te which tbe latter retorted, "Net In the channel he said It through; It waa published In the aS'umfuy Scheel Journal reaching 6(10,000 people. Let htm take it bsek there." "The report will report en both these points," aald Dr. Derrick, and that tee with no uncertain sound." Alter which tbe excitement sub sided. Rsynelds Klflrs Olsbanead Friday evening wa appointed ler the elec tion of a captain of Company O (Reynold Hltle) and the member assembled at their armory ler that purpose. It was generally understood that Alderman Wm, J. Fordney was te be elected te tbe vacant captalney. Cel. Magee, of Wrigbtavllle, waa In tbe city te conduct tbe election and at tbe hour designated for the election Cel. Magee made the announcement that be bad received a letter from the adjutant general of the atate wbleh contained orders te disband tbe com pany. Ne reasons were given and the mem bera of Company 0 cannot understand why this order was made. They will probably forward a memorial and ask that tbe order be rescinded. Kslnraml le Court. Geerge Kreckel was beard this morning by Alderman Fordney, and required te give ball lu tbe sum el f.100 for trial at the August court, te answer a charge or assault and bat tery en bis wife. Knocked Uewn By a Carriage. Last evening Paul, a five-year-old son et Antheny Kruaehlnskl, or Ne. 614 St. Jeseph street, while playing In tba street waa knocked down by a carriage. Be escaped with a few alight brnlsea, Met OemlBg, Charley Mttebell and Jake Kllraln, the pugilists, will net atop In Lancaster, aa they bad Intended. Besides Madden there are only two In tba party and tbey wanted Mr. Yeeker te fill up tbe bill with specialty people, wbleh be could net aeeura for one night. Beara- el Trad MeeUeg. Tba regular monthly meeting of the Lan. caster Beard of Trade will be bald In their raeeBala tba Kahlemaa building, 45 North DiUtBwHMeeaBja.aiaeJ100k. "BUNCO" HARRY SENTENCED. vuvfva vaavvemMwutnBMWOBA treat mam rontpeaaummt. The Cearl f mpeses Viae el aad Cost of rreMCUa, aad ta Aedltlea aa lavpris- nnM of Nlae MealM la ta Oeaary Jll0rreai Baste Tfaaaaeted. Court met thla morning ler the disposition of surety el peace and desertion eaaea and tbe transaction of current business. The surety of peace eaaa against Jeseph Slelb, preferred by Peter Mehr, waa die mlaeed, upon defendant paying eneta and entering Inte reoegnUtnoe te keep the peace. Jereme Grubb, city, wee charged with de serting his wife and two children. Mrs. Grubb teetllled that her husband ha net up ported her for the past two yeara. He dented that he deserted her, and bla atery was that the trouble between him and hla wife began when ahe took a man boarder into the house. This boarder took bla place In tbe house, and when he raised a row and said tbe boarder bad te leave aha aald that abe preferred wltnes te leave and be went. The court ordered Grubb te pay 12 per week ler the maintenance of his wile and children. Aaren Alexander Andersen, a light cel. ered coon from Martlcvllle, was ebarged with deserting ble wife Anna Maria, She testified that be married her last August and deserted her a month age. tie aald he waa willing te take her te bla borne and provide for her, but he could net find security for bis appearance at the next session. The court directed blm te py ll.W per week for tbe maintenance of bl wife. Tbe desertion case against Jehn D. Biker wasdlsmlssed, with county for cost. At the April term the desertion case against Samuel Fritz was continued te give the parties an opportunity of again going to gether. The defendant wa called ler a further hearing, and Mr. Frits testified that her husband bad net given her any support or made any arrangement te go te house keeping. He testified that he bad a house rented, but that she refused te go with htm te house keeping. The oeurt ordered Fritz te pay f3 per week ler the auppert of hi wife and children long aa they live septrste. Jacob Bryan, convicted efassiult and bat tery en Lillian Mull, was sentenced te psy a tine of ft and cost. A rule was granted te show cause why a new trial aheuld net be had In tbe case of Cem. v. William Dufilo, tbeSalvatlenArmy captain convicted of conspiracy. The surely of tbe peace case agslnst Peter Hill wascentinued for tbe present and defend ant will be sent te tbe hospital, a be 1 believed te 1)9 el unsound mind. The eise of commonwealth vs. Kmannel Bast, forgery, was nel preaaed, the common wealth' elllcer stating that the case could net be made out. ' HAItltV U Itr.VNOl.tli K.NTKN1'K1). Counsel for Harry L. Reynolds, tbe confi cenfi deuce man, moved for a further continuance et his seutenee. Tbe district attorney op posed any further continuance, and be was called for aentence. It will be remembered that Reynolds waa convicted ter llaecing old Jehn Lebr out of (2.V) by mean or tbe confi dence game, similar te that practiced en Farmer Hehrer, The court In passing aentence said te Rey nolds he would be credited with the cll)rU mide te bring te Justice some elfenders against tbe law. He wa then sen tenced te pay a line of UM, costs of prosecu tion and under! an imprisonment in tbe Lancaster county J til for nine months. CUltrtKNT HU8INKSS. In the initter of the opening of Grant street, the certiorari te the supreme oeurt having bsen quashed, a rule was granted te abew cause wuythe report of viewer, aheuld net be confirmed absolute and a te tbe same street a rule was granted te abew cause wby tbe report of the reviewers should uet be marked oentlnued from term te term nunc pre tunc. I K. Martin, counsel for tbe county trea surer, aaked tbe court for information aa te whether wholesale liquor licenses would be granted until June 30, under the old law. The court aald tbe old law designated but two term of tbe oeurt at which they would be granted, January and Apt II, both of which have passed, aud In addition that the law required application te be advertised for three weeks, which would net new be done prier te June 30. Benjamin Bracablll te-day filed a bill In equity agatnat Jehn M. Fulton, for the con veyance te him et a tract el laud In 1'equea tewnablp, held in trust by Fulton and which Hrsckbill paid for. A certificate waa presented that Clarence H. Clark bad atudled law the requisite leegtb of time In theelllce of Samuel II. Reynolds, esq. He will be examined by tbe committee el tbe bar next week. Jacob Umble, of Salisbury township, waa appointed viewer of a read In Salisbury township lu place or Clinten Hinea, who bad expressed an opinion and could net serve. Eloped te O.t Harried. Frem the ChrUilaua Ledger Seme time age Cyrua Faust was arrested for alleged enticement or Lettie Jerdsn te run away and marry blm. They were both cautioned net te speak te one another under a certain penalty. The girl being only sev enteen years of age, her brother at the soli citation of Mrs. Jerdan brought the suit. Aa usual In such matter tbe levers broke the agreement, and have been meeting clandes tinely for some weeks past In tba even ings. Tbe natural sequel te vueh ro mances Is a runaway marriage, e en Wednesday last tbe girl who had been living In Curl'tlana, without taking anything but the garments she were, left for Atglen where abe wa jelued by her lever, and to gether en tbe same day hied te Camden and were married by a justice or the pence. Tbe principal objection te the union was the age of the girl and tbe charge that tbe groom waa a married man and bad a wife Ne, 1 liv ing In Heading, but whether there la any truth In this ehargetlms will tell. Fault has been In tbe employ of tbe Chslfant manu facturing company aa a meulder for aeme time, and his present wife first met him lll.M aillAM ,kA. MBA .ii.ii.II ..........., and the marriage I the outcome. The Lutheran UelUge. In the Lutheran general ayned, at Omaha, Neb, a preposition was made te auggeat te the trustees of Wittenberg college, Ohie, te remove the theological department te Chicago, This caused considerable discussion and waa eventually defeated. Dr. Rhede offered resolution putting forth tbe convic tion et tbe general ayued that the time haa coma for the establishment of a-oelleze In the West After a few words by Dr. Kbeada In advocacy of the resolution thsy wart unani mously adopted. Aa Optntea el Olub Beem, rrnm the Utttz Kecerd. Tbe Yeung Men' Republican elub of Lan caster 1 considering whether ta allow voter of the county te join It. Berne or tbe mem ber have discovered that the commercial aud governmental reins are In tbe bande of men from tbe country. Tba townships lese tee many geed men who shake trrelr bayaead off la tbe elty, but these wbe Intend going aheuld net watte time In a elub room. u.r.cUv BuUer rut. The coroner's Jury Investigating tbs boiler explosion at Chester, yesterday, decided tbat the explosion arose from faults erigbasUag la the auaufMture of Ute beUar pUttsV' LANCASTER, PA., SATURDAY, The uradaatlag Oat Vary rieaaaaUr IbMi tataed at rretMeat Apple's. Tbaolaaaef '67 waa given quite a brilliant reception at President Apple's reeldenee en the college campus last evening. Japanese laaleraa suspended from tut celling et the portico and different roema of tba bona, to gether with the floral decoration In tbe nema, added te the pleasure of tbe occasion. About 8 o'clock the seniors and Invited guaata began te arrive and ware very cor dially received by Dr. Apple, Mrs. Apple and Ml Minnie Apple. Tbe entire senior claaa waa present exeept one. Seniors, in vited frlenda and guest all together num bered about filly. Of these present from abroad were Mies Jennie Haus, et Mereere bnag, Pa. ; Miss Metter, of Rmmltsburg, Md. Mian Mamie Slagle, of Uanever, P., Rev. C. H. Slagle and wife, or Ceesns, Pa., and Miss Eva K, Oeblanlz, of Mlddletewn, Md. After having spent some time pleasantly in conversation, the company was Invited te tbe dining room, where the table were filled with atrawberrlee, Ice cream and cske. All having enjoyed thla feature et the reception, a short time was spent In singing. A num ber et the guest gathered In the parlor about the piano and sang a number of eengs, accom panied by Miss Minnie Apple at tbe piano. All gave evldenes of having enjoyed the evening ytry much. And with this recep tien the centennial commencement really makea Ita beginning, and that, tee, a very premising one. The baccalaureate sermon will be preached In the college ehspel te-morrow by President Apple. The seniors will appear In their cap and gowns. Mr. K. M. Klllln and wife started for Cen tral Olty, Colerado, this morning. Hew Thr us It In Carnal.. President McCauley, et Dickinsen college, Carlisle, gave bis annual reception te the senior class Friday evening. A crowd of undergraduates prowled around tbe man sion for several benrs, peeping In st windows, exploring outbuildings and even getting Inte the cellar In an attempt te steal the supper. This attempt thevlgl thevlgl lanceef tbejanlter frustrated. The Intruders then cut oil the gas, but tbe president wa provided with lamps, and ready for tbe emergency. They next gathered under tbe windows, singing and hooting most disrespectfully. A number of them then broke Inte hi leoture-reom which adjoins tbe dining-room. Between these rooms Iss strong deer. With heavy ten-pin balls they battered the deer and one of the t alls wa hurled with aucb force as te crash the panels and acreas the next room, where tbe pre! dent'e daughter aud several guests were alt alt Heg. Tbey narrowly escaped being hit. Other ten-pin ball were thrown Inte tbe room. The authorities are trying te find out who were the rlfrndera, and tbey premise te make It warm for them if they catch them. VIII Attend th. Cant.nnlaL Frem the Heading Herald. Geerge F. Baer, Henry C. G, Reber, Adam B. Rleser, Rdwln Sassaman, D. F. Anoena, Heward P. Wanner, D. W. Albright and David Levan will attend tbe annual com mencement and centennial celebration of Franklin and Marshall college, Lancaster, next week. JUllBTKD XBItUUAIITr. Carra.peBit.nc en th Subject BMSMS Be rr tary Bayard and atluLt.r West. Secretary Bayard has made publle tbe recent correspondence between the depart ment et state and Sir Lionel West, the British minister, en the subject of assisted emigra tien. Under date of April 25, 18.S7, Minister Weatlnqulrea whether, under existing law, Irtish emigrants sent out at tbe publle cost, and who have friends In tbe United Ststes able te help and support them, will be sllewed te land. The reply of Secretary Bayard la dated May 7, lsa'. After quoting law and prece dent, be say : In view of this policy and these laws, this government could net tall te leek with dis dis taverand concern upon the sending te this country, by foreign governmental agenclea, and at tbe public cost, of person net only unlikely te develop qualities of thrift and Heir-support, but sent here because It is as sumed that tbey have 'friends' In this country able te help and support' tbem. Tbe mere fact or poverty has never been re. garded aa an objection te an Immigrant, and a large part al these who have come te our aherea have been persons wbe relied for support solely upon the exercise of thrift and manual industry; and te such persons It msy be said tbe development el tbe coun try has In a Urge degree been due. Rut per sons whose only escape from immediately becoming and remaining a charge upon the community la tbe expected but entirely con tingent voluntary help and auppert of friend are net a desirable accession te our population, and their exportation hither by a foreign government In order te get rid of the burden of their support could scarcely be regarded aa a friendly act or In harmony wltb exiatlng laws. " Under date of May 17, Minister West In forms Secretary Bayard that ber majesty's government intimates tbat the intending etngrants are net paupers, but crofters, whose passages are only partly paid from publle fund, and desires te knew whether this affects In any way tbe tenor el the secretary's previous statement In reply the secretary aaya: "Fer the reasons stated In my note of tbe "th Instant, tbe department la unable te give any assurance tbat any particular class of Immigrants will be permitted te land. The previsions et tbe law leek te the actual con dition el each person and are impartial In their operation." lnaaitteuB ma. ruuaiat. He Keeps Oat et Prison for Klcv.n Tear BJ Balllfally SlmnUtlng VIU. The trial et J. W. Pugaley, of list tie Creek, Mlcb,, accused or perjury, baa been going en for two day. The late Amasa I.. Clark, of Battle Creek, held a mortgage et (9,000 at the time of hla death upon tbe farm owned by Calvin P. White. Pugsley, claiming te have heard Clark say tbat be Intended te discharge the mortgage In return for services rendered by White, conceived tbe Idea of forging a receipt and dlscharga He took White and one Merey into the plot, but tbe forgery waa discovered, several criminal aults were brought and Merey waa convicted. Tbe present suit was for perjury, alleged te have been committed by Pugsley la tbe civil ult brought te foreclose tbe mortgage, In which tbe forged receipt waa introduced as evidence. Pugsley evaded trial for eleven years. Fer forty one terms of the Calhoun circuit this case baa been regularly en the calendar rer trial. Pugsley, every time he waa brought Inte oeurt, would be seized wltb oerivu'slve twitching and would bark like a dug. Physicians believed firmly that all these fits were feigned, and that he enacted the rjarexvsms for effect. A t tbe present term tbe old tricks were re stored te, but each time a recess was taken until Pugsley get tired of thrashing about with horrible contortions and sounds and then a fresh start wa taken. Merey, his ac complice, waa brought from Jaokaen ptlsen te tell bla atery el the crime. Ill appear anee waa a oemplete surprise te Pugsley, who Improved tbe opportunity te go into one of bla meat skillful and protracted contortion aeta, Tha forged papers were introduced, bewever, and a oemplete ease was made out. Tba defense waa conducted by Pugsley blm. aell The Jury found blm guilty and Judge Hoeker eeutenesd bun te ten yeara Imprison ment. Grand Army K.unlen. Pest 84, G. A. K., met last evening and passed a resolution Instructing tbe adjutant te correspond with tbe commanders of tbe different parts In tbe county asking tbem te elect delegatea te meet la convention in thla oily and make arrangements for a reunion during tbe coming tail. Dr. J. P. Wlekerabam, Dr. J. A. K. Read, D. C. Haveretlck, H. R, Breneman and D. H. Heltabu ware appointed a committee te sr. range a plan for a roetptloa te thsPaUloUe DaUghUra el aVaMTlea. JUNE 11, 1887. SUGAR REFINERY BURNED. MAraarmk'B wemkb mm maeuatta ALMUtT TUtALLT JCaTBUFaD. Three Workmen Missing aad Kstlevad le tk Victims of th riamM-Twe Pellc.mn Km- ca a Weman and Children trem a Hen AilJolnlrtg-LeM 1,000,000, BnoeKLvx, N. Y,, June 11 -A fire, which may prove te tie or Incendiary origin, broke out at hair past one o'clock this morning In ilavemyer'a Green Point sugsr rellnery. The flame spread quickly and by the time the firemen arrived the entire building waa In flame. Four alarms were sent out Net withstanding the fsct tbat 10 engine, four trucks and two lire boa U were present the flame could net be conquered until the entire building waa completely destroyed. The acene presented a magnificent spectacle. The surrounding sky was lighted up by tbe Illumination. It la supposed the fire broke out In the stencil room. Although work 1 carried en all night In ether parts of the building noth ing la done In that room after 5 o'clock In the evening. The majority of these employed In It are boy. It will be remembered tbat a strike occurred In thl refinery a yoarage. Seme of these prominently Identified in It were net re-employed. Vague threats have been uttered from time te time, and It I thought they may have been connected with tbe fire. The wildest rumors of lest of llfe prevail around the burned building. It was at first reported Ihst eleven workmen were missing. This number has gradually narrowed down te three. Tbe hands were nearly all Hungari ans and Poles, wbe were recognized by num ber Instead of name. This make It ex. tremely difficult, therefore, te ascertain de finitely aa yet whether any were Inst or net These wbe first saw tbe fire say that al though the flame spread with great rapid ity tbere waa sufficient time for all te escape. Olllcer Gallagher and Crenln aa seen as tbey found a house adjoining afire, rushed up tbe stair and rescued two children and a woman wbe had net been awakened by the noise of thoceDllsgration. The only Utlinate et the less that can be made at preeent must be mere or less conjectural. It la believed, bewever, tbat the less will approximate, a million dollar. The building waa will stocked with sugar and raw material In pro cess or ri lining. The building was fully In sured. About r00 men were employed In tbe rellnery. As seen as tbe debris is cleared away tbe place will be rebuilt At neon tbe superintendent of the burned refinery told a United Press reporter that tbere bad been no less of life at last night's lira Every empleye bad been accounted. It I new aald tbe fire waa caused by the explosion of the liquid sugar which bad boiled ever In the vat. There were 400,000 gallons of "liquor" stored In tbe liquor room en the fourth fleer. It Is new staled that a laborer employed In the centrlfugal department of he sugar re finery was burned te death. BBOBTMN H1H JtVVUVMrB, Th Treasurer el tbe NaUenal Tipegraphual Uulen Has Mixed Finances. Buffalo, N. v., June 11. A sensation developed during the the secret session yea terday afternoon In the typographical con vention, tbe particulars of which are slowly leaking out When tbe doers were opened and tbe reporters admitted alter a aecret ses sien they found the convention balloting rer a secretary-treasurer. This gave rise te tbe query, What has become cf Mr. Pasco ? Though every delegate wa sworn te secrecy, It baa leaked out tbat Mr. Pascoe had ten dered bia resignation, but tbe reason for this action was a clesely kept secret. This morn ing, however, It was learned that a shortage bad been discovered lu bis account. The finance committee bad been at work en tbe books and were con vinced or the shortage and reported It te the convention. What occurred In secret seealen is only known te tbe delegates themselves. One delegate said thin merulug tbat Mr. Pas coe evinced no desire te make an explana tion. Anethersald tbere wa no shortage, eLly a general mlx-upen account of Incompetent bookkeeping. The Chtldr-Drexel fund la ald te be all right About (COO was paid Mr. Pascee during the convention and te was able te account for all but about tfO of this sum. Mr. Pascoe claimed that he bad ether moneys belonging te the fund In Philadelphia, but did uet think it necessary te bring It along. Tbe trustees believe tbat this money Is all right The finance committee worked all night en the account,but It will require two or three dt y a te straighten them. Mr. I'aseie bandied be tween f 17,000 aud (18,000 during the year and bad a bend ler f 2,000. He will leave for borne te-day. Tbe convention again went into secret session this morning, AMlllleualra's HiUll. Tifkin, Ohie, June 11. The wlllel the late R. W. Shawban, Tilllo'amlllleuaire, was admmltted te probate this morning. It bears date of June 21, 1SS-I, and has no codicils The principal legatee, ether than the residu ary beneficiary, In bis adopted daughter, Mrs. Ella Van Ueesen, of Teledo, te whom he give tbe Empire block, tbe opera beuse block, a residence en Madisen street, and f 15,000 In cash. Uer legacy will aggregate 1123 000 Te Mr. Flera Trexel of Logansport, Ind., bl wife' sister, 3,000 In cash ; te tbe two etber slaters or bis wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Warren and Mlaa Blanche Watsen et Teledo, f 1,000 each; te tbe four children or bis brother (1,000 each ; te four children et hla sister (500 each ; te tbe Presbyterian eburch et this city (4,000 j te each of tbe eleven Protestant churches of the city (1,000 each ; te the TtUIn public library (2,000 te Heidelberg cellege (3,000. Tbe residue et the estate Is devised te bis widow, Mrs. Dela Shawban, who 1 also designated as ole ex. ecutrlx. Thl leave bl wife a property es timated at (1,000,000. Murd.r or Accident. Chattanoeua, Tfcnn., June 11. Cleve land, Tenu., Is wild with excitement ever tbe report that Will Guess, who, It waa said, ac. cldentally shot and killed Mlaa Irene Fann, en Thursday, murdered the girl In cold bleed. Mis Fann was utacbing school, and Guess passed by wltb a rltle In bla band. He playfully pointed tbe gun at the young lady, when It was discharged, the bullet piercing ber heart It Is new said that Guess purposely shot Mlaa Fann because she whipped bis little slater for disobedience. The matter la ! being Investigated. Guess ha tied. Ohie Teacher. Ue le a.rmany. Nkvv Yerk, June 1L The sixth annual excursion of Cincinnati, Ohie, teaebera te Germany, left the decks of the Hamburg. American line at Hoboken thla morning. Tba party numbered 258 passenger. Tba return will be made at tbe pleasure et tba Individuals. KlllMt III. Man, Camden, N. J., June 11 Jatnea Davie, a colored man, ahet and killed .Henry Moere, also colored, at the residence et the former about midnight last night Davis claims tbe sheeting was accidental. He was locked up. Geerge Lay ten, another colored man, subse quently stated tbat he bad leaded tbe pistol during Devi' abteuce yesterday snd tbat the latter did net knew it was leaded. ratting rer Kianij-u Days- .. At Jacksen, Tenn., Capt William Murcm or drbK a wtLBOAt oeavama. Slack Taken la a Teleeaea Oerasaay That Bat Re Authority a Operate. CnicAoe, June 1L A Washington anaeiai te the few aaya : Fer aeme daya past the executive aspartmente nave been flooded with circular setting forth tba chance te make money afforded by the stock of the American Telephone company, a newly or- ganlzed corporation under tha lawa of Virginia. Tha company claimed that It had secured a grant from tha Republic et Vene zuela by which tba exelualv right te operate telephone in that country waa con ceded te It The atoek la offered for ten cent en tha dollar, and it ia aid that buyer have been round te Invaat In (1,000,000 worth. It new turn out that tha concession from Venezuela, from which ae much la expected, has net yet been fully se cured. Among tbe Incorporators la one that Is familiar te tba officers of mere than one -penitentiary tbat or Theodere W. Tyrer. This man U the head and front of the con cern, and although Congressman Butter worth, of Ohie, I down a the president, Tyrer la the man above all ether te whom la due the measnre of success In Hesting the stock. The warden of the Stillwater, Minn, penitentiary telegraphs that Tyrer served a term there for forgery, and the clerk or Erie county, New Yerk, telegraphs tbat the same Buuuwaa aent from there te Auburn for five years for a similar crime. He la also said te have been engaged In ether ahady transac tions. Claims th. Ureal Was Consummated. WanhisoteX, June 11. Secretary Max well, or tbe American Telephone company, aaya that It ia net true tbat the concession of tbe government of Venezuela te thl company I net complete. In substantiation of thl earertlen Mr. Maxwell exhibit a reprint of rtlcle 8 or tbe official concession which, among etber things, states that "tha government shall net make a like concesrlen te any ether person or company, nor allow amend menu te be made te contracts antagonistic te this for tbe term et 9 years from the date or this contraet, which may be extended three years mere at the discretion of the government" Mr. Maxwell further states tbat favorable action baa been taken in Venezuela looking te an extension of the contract period from 9 te 35 yeara. m i Sarah' tl.w Pat. Chicago, June 11. Sarah Bernhardt, who ha Just concluded an engagement here, had with her a young tiger, which ahe called Mlnette. The pet, while kind and docile with the divine Sarah, manifested an awk ward desire te bits pieces out of tbe waiters who attended her mistres. While one of these unfortunate was serving dinner en Thursday tbe pet caught him by tbe band and badly lacerated It Anether waiter nar rowly escaped a similar rate. Sarah cuddled the creature In her arms and seemed Joyous ever the fact tbat none of ita teeth were broken. Sarah and Mlnette left the hotel Thursday night for New Yerk, and also lett two mad waiter. They threaten te bring suits for damage against Sarah. LecaUng th Apache. Noeales, Ariz , June It Capt Lee waa yeaterday preparing te go Inte tbe field In person In pursuit et tbe hostile Apaches. In reply te a question be produced tbe following dispatch from Gen. Kersythe, the commander at Fert Huachuaca : "IIiiAcnuACA, June 9. Oapf. Lee: Lieut Smith wires from Psntane that Capt Law ten Is following the trait It leads toward Crit tenden, thence back by wav of Davidsen's ranch te within six miles of Pantano. He la aUH en tbe track. The Indians were turned back bv seeing Cam. Hatfield mil M.nin Send word te Martin te etay where be Is and keep a sharp lookout in case the Indiana double back en Lawten. Tell blm te keep a a sharp eye en tbe trails leading from Pan tano. FensYTiiK, Commanding. Direct Itead te Chicago. St. Jeiki-h, Me., June 11. Fer some time It has been known that the Santa Fe railroad company ba been figuring en securing a direct read te Chicago, and it Is new believed te have made the necessary arrangement. Tbe company haa purchased (250,000 worth of property here for shop, yards and freight house. Tbe company will remove Its abepa from Atchiien te thl city, and erect here shop and terminal facilities of large dimen sions. The line te Chicago by way or St. Jee, will be a number of mile shorter than the line by way of Kansas City. Canada's Inquiry. Detroit, Mich., June 11. The authorities at Ottawa have notified the custom officer at Windser te at once ascertain the number et Americans wbe sleep In Detroit and work In Windser and ether border towns, and also the number of Canadians who come te De troit dally te work. It ia supposed that tbe Canadian government Is preparing te retaliate en Americana in case the United Slates law against foreign labor Is enforced against C inadlaca who come here te work. Th DeUeUva Detects Bis Kmpley.r. Lancaster, Ohie, June It At Trey, Miami county, for aeveral weeks past, young girls of tbe best famlllea have been receiving obscene letter through tbe mall. The girl' parent secured a detective te work up the case. He traced tbe letters te Sherman Kerr, one of tbe men wbe bad hired the detective. Kerr confessed, bnt waa net arrested. It la expected that be will be prosecuted by tbe parents el the girls. Indiana en th Warpath, Noejalei, Ariz, June 11. Indication continue te strengthen tbe belief tbat the number of Indiana en tbe warpath la much greater than has been reported, aa bands have been seen In widely different sections of the country en tbe same day. In the Santa Bar bara and Patagonia mountains near here se rious fires are raging, which were no doubt started by the Indians for tha purpose of covering their track. The country Is full or soldiers and it is difficult te see hew the raid ean last long. Th. Unreal Peet Has Clout, Londen, June 1L Lord Tennyson lssuf- jeuug iruiu au ahvauK ui avui, iuu una uvea ordered te go away en a yacht cruise for tba benefit of his health. Tbe Prince of Wales has therefore MkedLewUMerrU te writs itbe Inaugural ode for the Imperial Institute, Sul- llvsu will aet it te musle and wui conduct Ita rendition by a monster cberua and orchestra st Albert bsll en July 4 lb, In the presence of the queen. Dike Werkmeu Last la a Waterspout, Vienna, June 11. A hurricane, accompa nied by a gigantic waterspout broke ever the aubmerged region In tbe vlolelty et Make, Hungary, yesterday, washing away several weikmea wbe ware engaged in repairing dykes, Tba men working at the dyke mads batter progress yeaterday than en any preceding day and bepu are entertained tbat tba worst lsevsr. Doubled ea Th.lr Traces. Tuchen, Arizona, June Jl. Private dis patches received here indicate that the In discs have doubled en w. aettlers think tbe savages sre tplag te tot back te their reservation, ss tbey And lbs country mere thickly settled than tbey had calculated en. Foend a ratrMad Bedy. Mattoex, Ills., Juas 11-Th petrified r,m nf a human body. 24 Inobes la length ,h. .boulders, was found yesterday - " u w j HUliges. Ail tee Una, walea vt Bsaf . SIX PAQES.-PBICE TJUft'j A DREADFUL fc. MAMam at in warn A" maa eu abb , he Oats the Little etrra BaWHhhBatw,aal al the VaaaHy aM " w-- m Pill LADaxr-HlA. Jnaa " " "w - in a ni or insanity, mm ameasjajj threat of her 10 year-old dessAteil than draw the weapon MNlm)wl Mether aad child art dead. .0". earn, urinitn ana Br BwawMmi Orimth, an engineer, bava lltwi wwB J ataria uriuiie, Mrs. abb OrtBrtarVI atGZ7Heuw I9tb street, for mam several months pset Mm Abb Deen ailing in mind aad feed, bawl uaa never mace any attempt M) MM I ueiere ana never tnreaieaed te. bm ' oenuqerea te ee ia a dangerous At a its O'clock meinbera et hearing a atrange noise upstairs I tbe aeoend itery back room and lis deer looked forced It open. IbsMB urimin wa round with a razor In severing her threat under tbe left ar."l weapon waa wrenehed from ber band. I late te save her llfe ,- ahe loll te tha fleer I expired in a few mementa. Tha ehlletl waa found In the bath-room with MSI cut irein ear te ear and died tn a few. aiier oeing aiscevered. The coroner summoned and haa taken charge ni bodies. bimhup ataraaa dbab. A Noted EcclMtuUe Who Started in I Physician la Savannah, da. H ATS !.. Ann..-... T..a. t n.- L fluJI luiKAunuiniA! wuue lU nigB J William Bacen Stevens, bishop of taw), ceseei l-ennsyivania, rretettaal Ef cburcb, died at bis residence in thla 0:10 o'clock this morning, after a illness. "" jfii- ritlsheD Htevena 1 the fnnrth blsuep of Pennsylvania and waa born 1 Me , en tbe 13th day et July, 1815, &e euucaiea in runups seademy, As rasas., ana men spent ever two ' foreign travel. He graduated ' M. D. In Dartmouth nelleira as Used his profession In Savannah, On. i five years. Shortly afterwards ha studying theology under tbe bishop off Els. He wa ordained Inte th. Kirfai ministry by Bishop Elliett, JanTTT 1844, rum, ruuiy m ecclesiastical preieii and In ISIS became rector of St, drew'e cburcb, Philadelphia, Ha maineu mere until January 3, when he waa consecrated (assistant I of Pennsylvania, and upon tha death- uiauep retter in ie., ne eecame us ei jfennayivania. in that same year it diocese was divided and the aee of PtUsB waa created, in 1871 tbe diocese of Oaa Pennsylvania was created, under whisk 1 caster is situated and ever wbleh Bletv A. De Wolfe Howe presides. In 1868 J btevens waa appeluted te take cbarg Of I American Episcopal churches en tan nent of kiurene. which nest ha bald II years. rf utahep Stevens waa a voluminous ana was one ei me most aaneiariy i bis church. Bishop Whltaker. fa bishop et Mentana, and elected last : coaejuiorto isianepptevens, new i bishop or PennHlvaEiaYrJSe 1 qenckb. -, AtlUTBBB BOUtKB I ierj The Evicting Party SaeeMstal Art Aa lag te a frlMt te fr.v.nt Baililasii. Duumn, June 1L Evictions at Bedj were resumed te-day. The tlM place 1 ey weahenu waalbebutef Timethy I They found thst a daughter el CeIUas dying and they postponed bis eviction) sat Physician protested tbat tbe removal of I sick girl would cause instant death. evicting party then proceeded Michael U'Callaghan's, where met with a terrible resistance O'Callaghan and aeme frlenda wbe Basra barricaded themeelvee within the prenihwaV rne Daunts ana police in attempting te I an entrance were deluged wltb water and meat Colonel Turner, wbe. i eeeded General Busier in command of I troops, implored Father HannantonaeaJnl tluence wltb tbe tenants te allow tha law',1 use it course, einerwise ne weuta DO I led te order tbe troops te dislodge I mus cause oieoasnea. nainer Hsnnaa l took tbe lead wltb the police following eviction was enectea without lurtner t Five women wbe were found beuse were arrested, aa It waa woman who uaed tbe scalding water and meal i the evlcter. c j Rfaed te Arbitrate. J Chicago, June 11. The Master association has positively refused te treat l or In any way recognize the Brieks Union. The latter body appointed a mlttee with autberlty te disease i with a like body from the employers i fzatien the terms upon wblcb could be brought te bear upon thedlf Tbe employers required aa a perqalsMe adoption of their platform et priaotfasev l tue men. rue Dricmayer nave new l te begin an aggressive campaign Monday tbe union will take contraeB) at.i per cent under prices previously members ei tbe Master Masens' an vnanewn round MaMeree. PiTTBnnne, June It At neon te-da body of a well dressed msn about se age waa discovered banging freas - limb et a tree in a grove vale station, ten miles from en the West Pennsylvania read. taken down, It wa discovered tire top of his head waacrusbsd la, i by a blew from an axe, Thadk ate Intense excitement, aa It la ant case of murder. Nothing waa found OB 1 person tbat would lead te ldentlfloaUea.V - m Died rreaa Myrtartoe Oaase, Washington, lnd.. June 1L A, m rleua death occurred here this mernlsg, i us auenaing pnyewiane aay it rssauea I arsenical poisoning, Tbe wife and I of I I I i 0, of Deputy Recorder Dant, wars takeai lastly IU last night, and tbe daughter i deck this morning. Mrs. Dant m I orlUeal oendnioa and la notes I nver cover. Parle green bad been used lataO te kill potato bugs, and It M poisoning accidentally resulted I atadstaa.' IeMailes. v.' ia Londen. June 11. II Is Gladatene Intends after the been read for tbe third state whole question of the go policy. t die MS aa laaresi iitxsbl'e. JenelL H. O, the largest coke operator la tee granted tse aovaaea w affects about 6,000 &' AIkeptala Bead, Milwaukee, Jens It Ceat, Breeke, ei ureea Bay, vsssel master ea the lakes, is 1 I WASBneTOB, Si CL, Jeb 'sUUsgtel weather. ..& rreai the Leal viae 3 riBsa bm sbMJb-Imi kMbftMsawMOilBJBi: aV rwasaa Bjk SSOdsi - 'y.y '.t. ..,. -' t i i ""l i t -!-- V .- JvU'.lA ,' t&ft&ava : tiSti agsariiwarj. L'-sd'yiWrW VvfOg rg--i33i-s 5..V-L ,.,, t.-'i.-.AAl. 'IS. . ji rvf,a