wwmw& IWiB ""' &,. r , .'jf I Jit-tit cH) Dantfagtc Lwnnfc C37 f. I I . V . ,3?4ifc " n; WVgA . y wtKn-s Maf. . VOLUME XXUI-NO. 231). LANCASTER, PA., FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1887. piiieB te; v&HTRgmvnrnr. 4V As,-1-, a Atnf 'tAfr A r,ii:r.iTO HT.1 PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY. TMM aiu at r.rM AHMVAL BBVBiUB "Vvvmnn, The OM Soldiers (liven a Unsuitable Hteeptlen ir the union ui Midduiuvu-nrruit Was Mid aud Dane llloen Selected a th Meeting mi rur Meat tw, Mintit.KTinv.t, Pa, June This town te-day eitenttd royal welcome te lbs sut sut vheranf the Ninth Pennsylvania cavalry, of which two full companies were raised In Lancaster. All the dullness house and many prlvatn muMmih-es were decorated In honor nf tliu tl-ltlng vetera'ia. The local committed or arrangements and ttie cltlrens generally tllil nil In their power te maka llie visit of thn old soldiers pleasant Comrades lgan arriving en Wednesday and all were nut at the depot ami escorted te the head quarter established t the Kilns house. TheJ Kim majority ei ion ineiiienrs, nownver, am net arrlve until today, and hy II o'clock tbe atresia ware crowded with Him aurvlvera of one of Pennsylvania's crack regiment. The balaucs nf the morning and until 2;W o'clock wan imt In atrella through the town and vlnltliiK the principal manufacto ries, and the msmbjrn etthe association are loud In their pralwe of thu henpltallty with which they wiire recehed everywhere. Thin In tlin nlghtneuth annual reunion of thu ann'S'laileii, and It wan the largiwt and most ontliiiilsitle tit held, Thoelijiutof Ihoaecloty li " te perpetuate the heroic deeds el the Ninth regiment of the Pennsylvania cavalry ; te prencrve that loyal sentiment and that kind and cordial tooling, which It an iulnnt characteristic of true soldiers, and the porer and success of nuretlDrlalti the caune et the Union. The hlatery and glory of the elllesrs and aoldlera belonging te thtt rliutit who have fallen, either In the Unlit of luttlu or otherwlno In the line of duty, ahall be a permanent and aacred trust, and every elljrt shall be in ml u te pre serve a record of their services, and te In acrlhe thnlr name upon the roll of honor and transmit their fame te olerily. It snail alie be the duty of tbla aeclaty te relieve, as far hi pisilble, the famllleaef deunanml olllcers and aoldlera when In InilltiPiit clrcuuiNtriticm, In audi manner an they may detvrmtue, wlum cm are breilKht te their attention thin prevision ahall ale apply te thnaiitldring fainlllixi of theae who will, In thnfutitrH, Iim ctllcl hencp, and the welfare of Hit e'dir i5! x unit erplian, ahall t 'rHtr ln n h ily truit, In the n an li of hN Hurttvlntfii ittir mm l ul r ilp shall be trauiiul tc.l from , itr ml te uhll't n 1 1 be tvimen nit r i pe-pttut' iKierlunat" I'remplly : -!) n'clnck the ir-lilnit, l'4pt. II. II W'titiiiin, I Yerk, enlliKl the aavcUtlnu toenlor In I'ih r 1 1 ii of Wlllllam Starr P,t, Ne T tl A. 11, whldli hid ben kindly put at thetll'pwal of tlin aitoeUllon The precwilliiKi roepjnod with prayer by Kev. V. II. II illeway, el the l.ulherau church Alter the rcailliiKoIth'imlntiUaef theauuual mtx'ttnt; hi'KI In Yerk, In IW, Iho roll waa talled and thoe prr-ent wero V Armttrenx, C I). Arneld, Jehn A. It'vk, J. M. Ilruhtker, Jehn C. Iteu'liler, KiiiuiiihI llittm, A. I'. Ilriwelur, Win. 1 1 llttiehir, V. M. Illaln, lUrry II. CunkPl, J. rrlr (.'tmptxtll, Jehn Crea baah, UhirlO't 1. lurn, A. K. Dim, Jehn Dunlap. Jehn l-'aiisturniioher, iltrry I'lnt, T. J K. Kin, O. V. Keltur, J. M. (Jrahlll, LwlK, (linir, Wm. (laynr, I,. A. Ileak, Wm. II. lllckernell, Thea. llubley, li. W. lletluer, J II llnldilH, It. !". Iinuherir, Wm Irvln, Cel. I) II. KliuiiHll, (i. V. I,iiill, I I), l.imll-, V l.lnknr, Win. l.lppitt,TneH K. I.lhtiiir, I. I Uetit-iiiMlmr, W. N. Met'allln. tir, K Mlcliiier, (iiore Mer, A. A. Mbttier, J. K M'Jiiiu. J. li M v or, J. I". Merklln, Jatiiiw Miller, I) W. Motler, 1'. I. Nile, II. II. Mele), .I.e.)uJ. N lker, J. II Ofxitr, Jatne, I'ettiT, Win. A Ktilh, Tiuh. C. Hoy Hey Hoy nelda, II. t'. shenck, A. K. Mhcnek, C NpaiiK'er, due. I-- .Stinrwe.).!, A. A. SUutter, Altred A. Stultz S l Nielin, llenry Hpel. Kllllt)r, Wm Tretter, V. H. Tiii'ier, II. II WaltiiMii, I'.lw. W. Walturt, Jehn I. Wlaa Wlaa ler, J.inu'i l.eMey, J. II Harvey, II. T. Hlaulter, Jehn II. City, H iht llii-kernell, II. M. 1'etrr-, Auk W. Itrimtt, U. Hhflter, Jehn Sim', .Simiiul S CeiirHd, C'rnll M. Hiyex, Andruw S Wmcerland U V. Ilelllg. Olhera came UerwuriN, but thelr nttuee were net taken I.etlurn el ii'uru' at tlulr Inability te be prewnt were read from a number of absent comrade", anions whom were K. (. Htvage, lUten, New Mexico, Jehn llprt, Cook county, llllneK I'atrlck O'I.eary, l'lltaburg, and Jehn A. I)r.in, Wiuliita, Kanaa. (Ik). K. Sherwood, 1. I) I.audla and Wm. II. Hlckeruell were appointed acemtnittee te draft resolutions of reapec: te the memory of the luembern who died during the year and they aubmltted the following report : ui.MH.irne.vs ev m.iri.ci. WithiiKAa the laat hitt(le call ban been sounded by the All wle Kuleref the unlrerae auiuiuenlnu te their final charge our beloved comrade It ibxrt II Mondfeniory, Ce, M ; Jehn Kepperllni;, Ue 11 i Monea 1". Wll llama, Ce I,; lten, Kratzcr, Ce.lt; Uliah Kiaenhewer, Ce. K., Jleie'val, That the aeaiety of the !Uh veteran cavalry aadly meurtia their Ieta, but cheerfully ahidca by ihe decree of Him who guided our arum In war and directed our ateM in 'nr ; JUielvctl, That alncere tear la ahed by eery member of the anauclatlen aa alastaad tribute te their earthly memory ; lleiulvctl, That we hope and truat that lie whodeethall thluga well will amile upon them at tils own borne in Heaven, aa be Hiulled upeutheui wbeu aurreunded by the dangers of war ; Itewlced, That we aa an aasoclatlen extend our heartfelt aympathlea te tbe families ofeur departed comrade-) and auure them of all the support In our power In tbelr sill lotion. Alteena wan named and by a unanimous vete selected aa the place Ter holding the nineteenth reunion of tlie annociatten en the second Thursday el June, 1SSS Comrade J. J. Nefaker and Uouleuants William Ueyer and William Irin, of Alteena, were ap ap I)lnted aa the oemmitteo te make the uecea aary arrangemeuta. Tbe following otllcera were elected for the ewmlngyear : l'reHluent, t'apt W. 11. Haugher, Haiti Haiti mere; vice presidents, Capt Lewis A. Hoke, Yerk j lileut Win. Irvln, Alteena; Comrade T. 0. Knynelda, Yerk; secretary, A. K. Mhenck, l.ncater ; treasurer, II. F. 1 sen berg Huntingdon, The treasurer's report showed tbat all tbe bills contrae'ed bad been pld and that there wan a balance lu his bands el (1 38. The secretary reported tbat be sent out eer 500 Invitations for this reunion and re ceived back about SO, the parties having changed tbelr poatellloe address and gene It la net known where, tie alae reported tbat be Issued a greater number of orders for ex cursion tleketa this year than ever before. Oue or the members reported that tbe ticket agents en the Cumberland Valley railroad refused te Issue excursion tlcketa, tbey net having reoelved any order from tbe main efllce te de se. After some discussion these members wbe were refused tickets at tbe reduced price were instructed te make a demand for tbe amount overpaid. A vote of thanks was extended te William Starr Test for the use or the room and the local committee of arrangements for tbe effl dent manner In wblcb tbey bad discharged their duties. There was some discussion at te making tbe payment of annual dues optional, but no definite action was taken.. Tbe views of a majority et tbe speakers were favorable te a compulsory atintul contribution, unless the comrade waa loe peer te pay it. In rtUrlBg (rem tbe presidency, Opt, Wal ten referred te tee prosperity of the aaeoria aaeeria aaeoria tlen and the large attendance at this reunion. He was glad te see that the survivors appre ciate each ether, and be hoped te see all at tbe next reunion at Alteena. Till MVanfNd KXRftUIMKS. At 7 o'elock tbe parade was formed la front of the Kline house. 11 was made up of Wm. Starr 1'eat Ne. 78, (1 A. K., commanded by K. B. Cebiugh, senior vlee commander, headed by the Liberty cornet band and the visiting veterans. Just as the parade waa about te start, the dtb Cavalry association waa agreeably surprised ou being presented with a handsome banner, tbe handiwork of Mrs. T. C.Keyuelds. In presenting tbe banner Mrs. Reynolds said; Heys of theOtti I'dniisylvanlaetvalry : I have bnen delegated by tui aurvlvera of the tltli I'rtnnny I vanta cavalry residing In Yerk and Yerk county te preaent te you tbla beau tllul banner as a token of their love ler an organization around which clusters se many bright ami hallowed annouUMena nf the past. The awerd and belt with which It Is emblarmed are emblematic of your heroic actions en Hie battle held and the legend which II lienra distinguish) a name whose fame for deeds et vsler will never die. Thlnner and thinner are becoming your once sacred rank a Almest every year a loving comrade baa answered bin laat roll call and new repeea In an honorable grave by all hla country' wishes bleasetl, but fall aa fat antheymay hy the sickle of the grim reaper, until even the laat surviving eimrade baa passed te tbat beurne from whence no traveler return"," the Ninth 1'enneylvanla cavalry and Itn heroic deeds will llve In his tory's ptge forever. It waa received en tins part of the associa tion by Capt Waltman. He said : " In the name of the asnoala'leu I accept thin token of enteem at the handnef the Yerk delegation an the handiwork of the mother of thereicimant Te Had wurdn of thauks Is next thing te iinpannlbtllty. T) my knewl edge there htn been no reunion of the Dtb cavalry, which did net bring forth a token of her patrletla-ii, woven nr produced by ber loving h viiln and pttrlntle spirit. Indeed, ahe hy her spirit and devotion glvea ua an example worthy of Imitation. May ahe and the heye whom ahe ai dearly loves llve toneo many reunion and J ilu them with her sinllee and prayers, Is the alnenre wish of the retiring elllcer or the annotation." After marching through the prlnelpal atroets the proeenalon halted at the opera house, the place denignstei for the prelimin ary evening nervlnen After prayer and mualc by the band, Cel. 1) It Kttla, en behalf et tbe cltlrsoset Midillolewn, welcomed the anne elation, Ui which Cplaln Waltuun responded. Next en the prerannun wan an oration, de livered by. It-iv. Divld McKen ; "Mnrchlng Through UeerKla," "Touting en the Old Camp (Ireiiml," ' The Old lle," and a number of ether war aeugn ; abort addreases by a number of the vlallera aud cltlrsna of Mlddlelewn, and regimental reminiscences einde up the balance of the pregramme. At the conclusion of the exerclaen the anne elation wan eicerted te the mnrket heune where a fine collection, gotten up by the oltlzsnsef tbe town, wan served. It Is net necessary te atale that the boy a did ample Justice te the geed things spread before them. It was a late hour when the hamiuet ended, and tbe members left Mlddletowe en the midnight trains well plotted with their 18th auuual reunion. MOTKn Ol TIIK HKUMOX. Many el thu maineur brought their wives, sons and d nil .-litem te the reunion. Among these who dropped In en the boys was I.leuU Uriah H butler. Uecamoallthe way from Michigan te aitmid the reunion. Soen after the war he remeved te the Weat and did net, until a few weeks age, knew that bla regiment had formed an anneclatinu. Happeiiiug te moo the auununcemeut of the reunion in a pjper he concluded te surprise the beyn, and hedlila He nice I veil a hearty welcome from hln emirate whom he bad net aeen since Wii, Mrs. Tben. Ituynelda, of Yerk, the me'.her of the regiment, prenentej e?b ninmbsr of the association with a button hole beui-uet. The compliment wan nihly appreciated. One of the bU loUuren of the reunion wan Sergeatit lllggn, el I'jilUdelphl. When he wan munterud nut he welghud 115 pounds. Te-day he weighs 1-0. KMiTurtLtm in rivtxirr. Itvcant U.tii. la Ttmt NMlghturhoed Th Chainilen llerrlug.Kater Areuuil. KMtrilvn.i.i:, Juiie'.i. Mini Kniiu Miller, daughter el laaac Miller, of Smlthvllle, dlel at her home roeantly fro u connuinp'.len. She wan Interred In the Ityerlatid burial ground. Sbe wan In her I'Jth year, Henry Uoed, or Martlcvllle, died of con sumption en the lilt Init, aud was Interred at Martlcvllle. He wan HO years old. Martin Slienk, of ML Nedi, in thecham pleu berrlng-siter of thin section, having at one meal gotten away with eleven, and at another thlrteeu aud a-half barring ; be aides e'.hor thlui thu help te uitke up a dinner. Mr. I'eter Miller ban a let of calves tbat aa fastidious ea'era cinne. aoeu have their matchen. While cletnlng houne Mrs Miller hung out her lace curtninn, net thinking or any barm te them. Wnen going for them again, Judise of her aurprlne te aee the lant vestige or them disappear de-vn the threat or the calves. Children's Uay at Kiwllnsvllle church will be observed en Sunday evening, the l'-'.h Inst. Kev. Keed, In speaking or It, anked all, young aud old, te wear a button-hole betniuet et tlewers an an emblem et Ued. Aaren Silvertti irn will btve a steik stle at his farm iu Htwliunvilloeu the IStb lust. The worthy Ittwllnsvllle professor and teaeher of tbe Ulhle clans of that place, while explaining tbe miracle or lt-,9 dlvldlug et the waters or tbe ited sea teadinlt tbe passage of tbe children of Israel, said tbat It frer.?, tbus admitting tbelr passage and a sudden thaw proved tbe destruction el I'liaraen's host. It la a nevel explanation. Mr. Hitn'l. aihnen, of Mt. Nebo, was at tacked by a large black snake which came near Injuring bim. Mr. Qlbsen la a cripple, and unable te get away, he aucaeeded at last in dispatching It. HOUIAI. KVKNIH. There was a social plcnle In Hwlnebart'e weeds near Ureen llrlar en (Saturday night laat. There will be a pica te In Wettlg's weeds near tbe Buck en tbe 11th Instant. A grand musical plcnle will be held at O. K. tl roll's Ktgle hotel, at Hmltbvllle, en tbe IStb Inst. Tbere will be a grand Fourth el July cele bration and pyrotecUnie display at Kawllna ville. There will be speaking by prominent speakers, bands of uiusle will be preaent and a regular Joiiitieatlon held en the eve or tbe Fourth. Tlilrty-ulne young ladles, dressed In white, will sing national alra dur ing tbe evening. m Esp.rlmantal might Hates Baecaasfal. Tbe novel inllesge freight scale adopted by tbe Pennsylvania Hues weat or lMltaburg about two months age Is said te be working very satisfactorily. Aa has been explained heretofore, It la a very de moo ratio scale, treating all atatleus alike, making tbe rate tbe same for a glveu distant regardless of Initial points of destination. The adoption of tbla scale waa ventured aa an experiment, but lis operation for two mouths gives no Indications tbat It well be discarded. HTATR HOCKS IN A LINE UK TWO. E. F. Uurnslde, a Lebanon pbysleian, at tempted suicide in Pettsvllle by morphine. Ulaaa, nut and Are-brick works will be es tablished at Willltmsperk Aaren L. HUH, one el tbe meat noted colored men et Reading, la slavery days, died there Thursday. Nantloeke bad a severe oieud burst en Thursday. Stores and dwellings were Heeded aad ealiara illlrl with wtr. Tii 10M WW hf eyef lQ0,gen, INDIANTOWN'S FRAUDS. rmeMMMMT rvrmmt vr mahvm town am tP HAVM A MBBtMV. THey Agree thai the Klsetlen OBJIeers HbanM be rrosseated-PattUealag te Obaage the tbe Palls rretn atMsr's Helal te tke Haral Halt Reboot Hoase, The cltUens el the Indlantewn election dis trict held another meeting last night te in quire into the frauds, which w ere perpretraled at tbe Republican primary. The meeting took place In Walnut Hill school house, where one hundred of tbe cltlr.nns of the dis trict gathered. Martin Overbeltxer waa elected president of the meeting and Squire A. K. Wltmer secretary, Hpeeahea were made by Mr. Overheltr.er, Jehn H. Laedls, Hacbman Herr, Dr. J. I. Mowery and ethers. It was unanimously agreed te present a peti tion te the court that tbe election polls be changed from Jonas Stener'a hotel, at High vllle, te Rural Hall school beuse. Heulre Wltmer drew up the etttlen and it was signed by every one present. It was tbe unanimous opinion et theee pres ent that the election oflleera had been guilty ei great frauds and tbey should be prose prese prose euted; tbey hoped tbst something would be done In that direction. Quite alargenumber of affidavits of peraena wbe bad voted for different candidates were drawn up and signed. Nearly all of theee preaent seemed te have voted for Werth, Olngricb or Her shey for commiaalener, and none could be found wbe bad voted for Itltznr, although 100 vetea for him were returned. It waa a late hour belere tbe meetlngadjeurned. Tbe people et tbe district are very Indig nant ever the matter, and tbere are very lew who de net think tbat the election officers were guilty of committing the greatest frauds. Ne effort will be spared by the people Interesting themselves In tbe matter te obtain evidence against tbe elllcers. Pros ecutions will surely be brought In a short time. A young men named KautTinan, wbe waa a member of tbe election beard, accredited with being tbe worst el the party, while Stener, or the hotel, la the bulldozer. It la raid tbat the only honest election held In thin district for noiiie yrara waa lant year, wheu Jeseph I). 13 ett went out from Lancanter aud acted ana wa'cher. A I Itr that election aouie of theae who bad been runulng things te suit themselves up te tbat time, swore that they would net be bested In tbat manner aoen again. This year tbey bad sole con trol and did as they pleased. Before tbe election one of the members el tbe beard was In this city aud openly boasted tbat he was for the man who would give bim the meat money. It seems that aeme of the parties get the " boodle," and there Was a fight eyer It which bad a great deal te de with tbelr expesure. On the night el the election one of the principal men of the election beard, who by tbe way In net blessed with a very geed education, waa se drunk while tbe ceuut wan proceeding that he could net tell whetber be waa at an election or a pigeon ahent. 1'reMdent Jehn H. l.nndis, of the Antl. Corruption association, was In town tbla morning and said tbat nulls would undeubt edly be brought against the election office of Indlantewn aa well as these of tbe Sixth ward, thie city. He says that although tbe Investigation may cause a great deal of dla turbanee, suits must be brought if tbe people want honest elections In the future. They new bate a gxxl chance te make a move in tbe right direction. Kriln( tha ratal llullct. Frem thu Kplintui Kuvluw. Mr. II. C. ttempurllug, el this place, la the owner et a bullet which brings back te bim sad recollections of the late war. On Sunday, July ft, Ivjl, while lying behind the breast works lu trontef Atlanta, TbotnasMastersen, of Lancaster, a comrade of Company A, "tub regiment, i'enusylvanla volunteers, and a warm personal friend of Mr. Gemperlluf, waa shot In the mouth by a bullet from a musket In tbe bands of a Confederate soldier. The ball ledged between bis teeth and the marks made by them can be distinctly aten in the ball. Mr. (leuiperllng, wbe was near by succeeded In extracting the bullet from tbe Injured man'a mouth, and he keeps It as a sad memento of the occurrence. Mr. Mas Mas terseu died shortly alter wards from the otlecbi of the wound. Uoetera Who raver Cremation. Tbere was a large attendance at tbe meet ing of the American Medical association in Central Music ball, Chicago, en Thursday morning, a number el ladies being In the au dience. Tbe time was consumed In listen ing te the reports or various committees and the discussion of tbe various paera tbst were read. Tbe committee en cremation aay iu tbelr report : " As our cities Increase, as our population tblckena, tbe evlla of our preent mode of burial will increase. In tbe end it will be found tbat cremation la the truest and eareat means of escape from the evils Incident te tbe decomposition of the dead." The report of the commute en nomi nation, which wan approved, named Dr. A, Y, 1 Uarnett, el Washington, for president, and Dr. U. U. Uuuglison.ef Philadelphia, ler treasurer. The next place of meeting was recommended te lie Cincinnati, en tbe second Tuesday In May, ISSS. m "The Uruia Mutt I'ajr Damages. In tbe city court, iu New Yerk, en Thurs day a Jury rendered a verdict for 3,&00 In favor et Miss Cecilia Heufeld, wbe sued Natban Loewy for (10,000 damages for betrayal and breach et premise of marriage. She was a cloak maker In a house where Loewy was employed as foreman. She testified that after he had betrayed her be secured ber discbarge from tbat and five ether plaeea, and tbat be took her up te the Harlem river and twitted heron ber condition and advised ber te jump In and drown herself. When sbe refused lie left her without money te pay ber car fare home and ahe bad te walk borne. Marketed Their Cattle, from the Mauhelm Sentinel, Kleven car lands et fat rattle were shipped from this station te tbe New Tnrk and Phila delphia markeu during tbe past week, aa fellows : Beinberger it Brisman, two te New Yerk and two te Philadelphia ; II. Hepe two te Philadelphia; Farmer t llamaker two te Philadelphia ; Jacob a. Keller two te New Ycrk, and Zug it HatnakeroneteNew Yerk. Contract Awarded. Ames Urban was awarded the contract for building tbe rear atables el the Lancaster street railway company at tbe upper Read ing railroad depot. His bid waa f0,4S5. The ether bids were : O. Krnst, 17,031.73 ; Jehn Kvans, $8.600 1 IP. Mayer, $7,630 ; R. M. Merrow, (0,774 If) ; J. A. Burger, (6,773 ; Mo Me Ltugblln A Qeaell, (9,000, In and Around Lltlts The Lltllz Water company's plant waa fin ished last Saturday and gives satisfaction. Ijast Saturday evening Jacob Wolf, age about 77 years, residing near the llrlekervllle Lutheran church, was stricken with paraly. sla while aeated lu his house. He la criti cally ill. Kspabllean State Convention. Chairman Cooper, of tbe Republican state committee, has Issued a call for tbe holding el the Republican state convention In the Har rlsburg opera beuse, en Wednesday, August 17tb, te nominate candidates for state treasurer and Judge el tbe supreme court, and te transact ether business. Tbe Wrong Name. It was Charles, net Isaac Clark, wbe wm abort In his accounts aa aoueol tag collector of CwmuTea tewMlilPt it tarn bat.l m culvmma. The Alteena Ulnb Dorset tbe Hears By 4 te 1. Other eaaaas oe Tharsday. Tbe Alteena Slate League club made their appearance in Columbia en Thursday after noon, where they played a game with Bear's club. A geed alzsd crowd was preaent and were treated te a fine exhibition of ball play ing. The game waa stepped at tbe end el the fifth Inning en account of the rain. Melcber was expected te pitch for tbe home club, but failed te put In his appearance. After aeme attempt te get Rhodes, the left handed pltcheret the club, IVeab, tbe regular catcher, went Inte tbe box and gave satisfac tion te alL He did remarkably well and kept cool despite tbe cllerta of the Alteena ptayera te get bim rattled." Tbe superiority nf tbe visiting team In all points was easily shown. Tbey played an excellent fielding game, and tbat work prevented a number of base blta, Tbe home club did very well and played a geed game, but could net hit Handera, Bwlngler, tbe abort-atop, for Beai'a, played an excellent game. He made a wonderful step et abard hit, throw ing the runner out at II rat Myers, catcher for Bear's, wen general applauae by bis work behind the bat The visiting players were tbe most gentlemanly that bave ever ap peared In Columbia. Net one word was heard against any ruling of the umpire. The rain prevented tbe finishing of one or the best games plsyed ou the home grounds. Tbe full score was : bsah'9. nln e a a ALTmnA. nlnre A e flrliiimir .,2 I u l 1 tl Denatiiiu.iu I 'J n it 0 King, I e e u C weed. 1 1 OiVlitue, I e I .t-ctinr, a... U biMnrnhv.2 u e 0 n u HwliiKtr,e u e Keu'z, 1..,. li 1 Heith. p ... e e Meyers, c. u U lie! niter, iu 0 0 Maynard, r, u 0 Shuy, 3 0 0 1 n e ( Ill'kstesk.J I !llen'amiin,c n V Itauu'wlni-.t 0 n u u S 1 e O 0 u 0 3 0 0 l.Andura, ,p. 1 Total l 1 15 h ) Total.... I 10 15 0 i Bear's t 0 0 0 O-l Alteena 0 1 I 1 0-4 Earned runn -Alteena, S. Twe bane hlt hlt l!lftcsteck, lleiim run Weel. ltt en lm-s llear'a, .1: Altoenii, t Struck out lkiur-, t ; Alteena, 4. l'aimuu ball. -Alteena, 1. Stelen banes utlmmer (i). llena-nan. Time of game 1 hour. Uuiptra UbtliiKer. Tbe League games yenterday were : At Bosten, Bosten 7, Philadelphia 3 ; at New Yerk, Washington 3, New Yerk 'J ; at Detroit, Detroit", Indianapolis 5 ; at Chicago, Pittsburg ti, Chicago 5. The Association games were ; At Philadel phia, St. Leuis 7, Athletics 5; at Baltimore, Baltimore II, Cleveland U ; at Brooklyn, Cin cinnati", Brooklyn 0 ; at Statiui Island, Mete 7, Iyeulsvllle i. The Brooklyn will have te taku n back seat, and If the Meta keep up tbelr pace they will ss Byrne's people. Mcfamany seems te be falling oil In bat ting. uazelten, Mahanny City, ML Carina, Hun bury, Shatnektn and Dauvllle have organ ized a Central Pennsylvania Lvnytie, aud its an even bet tbat It will be mere succeaalul than the State Association. Yenterday the Johnstown club, of the State AsMoclatien, stepped etf In Sutibury where tbey made a narrow escape from belug de feated, ltlttenbeuae, who wan recently re leased by Johnstown, was put in te pilch against thorn and tbey made but four hlta. Allentown and Willlainspert plaed a tie game of 7 te 7 yftaterday. Welch and several etner St. Leuis players acted In a very rulllanly manlier In yeator yeater dsy's game. Wesley Curry was a miserable failure as a base ball manager, se he has been anxious te go back te umpiring. Yenterday he wan given a chance, when he wan put Inte the Atbletlc-SL Leuis .miie. Ue wan a much bigger nuisance there than he waa In 0 0 wege, and he did net seem te knew any thing. He lacked nerve an well as knowl edge of the rules, and the St. Leuis plai era almost set bim wild. tiMASU MT IU Hlltttur Ft.aTtfAL The First Uapll.t Ctiurcti el Tills City Hllttie Jlerllug farm. Tbe members of the first Itiptisl cliurcli.ef Lancaster, ami their friends had a delightful strawberry festival at II. H UerttuK'a larm about two miles northnemtetStrantiurg. The parly from this city, numbering about seventy-rive ladies and gentlemen, ilrove out te the farm in 'busea himI private cenw-y-aliens, and were welcomed by the Hort Hert ings and Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey!), late of Oswego, New Yerk, who make their home with them. Owing te the rain the festival could net be held en the beautiful lawn attached te the premise, but wan held Indoors, the entire inanition being thrown open te the guests and lu the evening every room being biilliantly Illuminated. Supper was served Irem ft te 7 o'clock and strawber ries aud cream were served at all bourn, there having been eue hundred quarts of this delicious Iruit picked for the occasion. In deed tbe supply et all kind of delicacies waa superabundant, there being enough at leant for three hundred guests. A leature of the banquet was au immense throe-atory straw berry short cake baked expressly for Mr. Abraham Bltner, et the watch factory. Anether interesting l-iature of the enter tainment was tbe reading of a pastoral poem by Master Frank Uertlug, a five-year-old lad which elicited great applause. Mrs. Humphreys, wbe acted as hetes, la a magnltlcent specimen et the Yankee matron; handsome, attible, rellued aud of the tunat winning manner. The Uertiuga, tee, did everythlng possible te make it pleasaut for their gue-ts. Mr. (ioerge W. Clark, Mrs. itey and Mra. Speucnr were the active mem bers of the committee of urraugemeuts at this end of the line. The party left for Lancaster botweeu 10.10 and 11 o'clock p. in., highly delighted with tbe festivities of the afteruoeuaud evenlug. H-tMatr a. iijfJH't.v unsn. A Highly Popular Yeung Stan llles Alter a Lingering lllnt.i. Harry A. Baldwin, son of A. W. Baldwin, dry goods merchant, of this city, died at the family resldeuce, Ne. II Seuth Queen street, at 10:15 Thursday evening alter a lingering illness in the 31st year of his age. Deceased was born and educated in this city. On quitting school be ontered his father's store as clerk and salesman aud remained tbere for several years. Seven years age he outereJ tbe book store of S, 11. .thtu it Ce. and re mained with thorn about six years. He was an excellent salesman, alTableand courteous te customers ami remarkably apt at miking an attractive show of goods. Ue left tutu it Ce. 'a a year age en account of impaired health. Mr. Baldwin was a lifelong member of Trinity Lutheran church, and prier te his Illness was f r aeveral years a member of Its choir, and, later, a member of the choir el Urace Lutheran church. Ue had a geed voles, was very fend et music, was a member of tbe Cheral society, and en many occasions took part In amateur concerts aud musical events in private circles, Ue was a young man el exemplary habits aud unimpeachable character and was bold In high esteem by a large circle or acquaintance?, who sympathize deeply wltb his father, brother and sisters ou account et tbe death of the son and brother. His funeral will take place Monday after after after noeu at - o'clock. Three Frem Tula State, The graduating class at the Annapolis naval academy numbers II members, Rebert Stockier, et Minnesota, beads the class. Among the ethers are Francis Bough Bough ten, Frank N. Russel and Themas M. O'llal O'llal leran, of Pennsylvania; L. C, iiertelette, or Delaware, and Mark L. Bristel and William 8, Cloke, of New Jersey. Caput's Breker Malctsd In Oamegss. Mist Rachel Mann, of Gettysburg, Ohie, baa obtained (500 damages agalnat Isaac Van Scyke, whom she sued for (3,000 for being the cause of ber associating with Uelmrt Schenlek, a married man of family. Yau Bcvke Introduced bim te her aa a ainein mm I uadK Ut wgunied una of Cbwlee Martin. BIG FIUE IN 1'ITTSBUKG. TUB WLABBt BTABTBO Bt tKLBaBAtM WIBBA BBOUmiHO OkOBtBD. The First National Dank Building, la Wblcb the Western Union Telsf repblc Office Was, Is Destroyed, and Buildings AXJelntng Injured The Leem About s)I00,00O, Prnxnimri, June 10. Shortly before mid night last night, the crossing el wires, from which tbe covering bad been worn, in the Western Union telegraph company's operat ing room In tbe First National bank build ing, caused a slight Are behind the switch, beard. Tbe blaze was extingulsbed wltb little trouble. Several hours later another blazu broke out In tbe same place and from tbe same cause. It was subdued, but with greater dllllculty. Just at half-past five o'clock the two operator who had been left In charge of tbe office for the balance of the night noticed another blaze en the switch switch beard. They ran ler water te threw en the Maine. When they returned the whole switchboard was In Uames and the fire was working round tbe room. Tbey ran out te give tbe alarm and when tbey reached the street the whole front of tbe building waa en Urn, Before tbe firemen arrived flames were sheeting from all tbe windows en tbe fourth lloer,whoro tbe operating room was situ ated, and had reached the tilth lloer In which was stored 8,000 battery cells. These cells were covered with signal oil, abeuteight barrels of the oil being used in tbe room. The oil caused tbe lire te burn se rapidly that the destruction of tbe entire bulldlngaeemed Inevitable. Hundreds of telegraph wires entering the building were quickly burned oil', cuttlug Pittsburg eir from tbe rest ei the world se far as the Western Union Hurvlce was concerned. Tbrengh the tx tx tx oellent work et tbe tire department the tire was cenUned te tbe First National bank building. The telephone exchange, which occupied tbe third fleer of the build ing, Inst all Its wires and was badly damaged, The Allegheny County Light company aur fered damage by less of seme wires. Tbe lower stories were completely flooded. Estimates or the less vary greatly. Tbe direct less of the Western Union company by the destruction of wires and machinery is from (.15,000 te (50,000. Tbe direct less of tbe telephone company Is placed at (30,000. Tbe less te the First National bank en sc count of damage te tbe building was from (20,(100 te (10,000. The whole direct less closely approximates (100,000 and the indirect les-es from delays te business will equal or oxeceed tbat aum. 10 a. u. The Western Union baa opened temporary elUces in the Uermania bank and the Second National bank buildings, and in a few hours will be able te handle business without delay. Tbe telephone wires are in inextricable confusion. It is net thought possible te reopen the telephone exchange for two e'r three days. The forces of tbe Western Union repairmen are rapidly bringing order out of chaos, dividing the wrecked wires between the various branch efucee in tbe city, from which business la delivered by messenger service. At neon communication bad been restored with all important points. In struments and battery materials are en tbe way from New Yerk for the complete refitting of a permanent elllce, which may be changed from present location corner et Fifth atenue and Weed street te the fifth lloer of tbe Penn bank building, corner of Weed street and Liberty ave nue. The losses are as fellows : Western Union telgraph company (50,000 ; no insurance ; Central District Printing Tel egraph and Telephone ceiuiiany (10,000, fully Insured ; T. P. Bedllllen, Jeweler, dam aged b- water (10,000, insured; First Na tional bank building (20,000, fully Insured. CBltTltNXIAL 3tBBTIHe. A Full Turnout el the students efFranklln and Marshall Cellrga. At three o'clock yesterday afternoon the previously apiKilnted meeting el all the students present el tbe college, seminary and academy was held in tbe college chajiel. The meeting wan called te order and ou motion Ltnjd K. Coblentz was elected chair man. Tne object of the meeting having been stated in a few words, several eloquent aud timely speeches were made by tnembeia of ditlereut classes concerning the projects In vlew. The appropriateness aud importance el putting new stained glass windows in tbe college chapel and purchasing a new pipe nrgau having beeu clearly and truthfully set ler th in the well ohesou remarks, atten tion was turued te tbe adoption of a suitable method of procedure for raising sulliulent means. Dllldrent plans were suggested. It was dually decided tbat each individual stu dent who was willing should make an earn earn earn ostetlertat and about hi home during the summer vacation te raise as much as be could for the accomplishment of what It was decided best te be done as signs of due ap preciation of beiugse fortuuateas te be active factors in F. it M. when she celebrates such au important event in her history. The rolls of the ditlereut classes except the senior, which has vacation, was called, aud out of about sixty llfty-uneexpressel their willing ness te de what they could at their homes during the summer vacation. Other important and necessary matters were considered, Provisleus were made ae as te enable each one te enter upon bis work s somatically. Wbtle tbla was going for ward two of tbe members of the senior class appeared and expressed their willingness te lend a helplug hand. Tbe academy and the nleglcal seminary were also represented. These representatives beartlly endorsed tbe projects afoot and expressed tbelr willing ness te take an active, practical InteresL in many instances it tbe preparatory and theoretical be sincere and true, the practical and resultant will ofteu be discovered near at hand. In this Instance there Is already a practical beglnulng. A memorial window for tbe late Dr. J, W. Neviu stands at the head of the list which It is hoped will be cempleted as seen as practicable. The full attendance of the students aud tbe Interest manifested by them bespeak encour aging results in addition te tbe adumbration of a new and mere active Ufa as college boys, te whom their college la near and dear, te whom ber interest Is tbelr interest, and in whom ber growth and development is te a great extent the result of their interest and activity, which should net and can by no means cease te develop with every year If they be true and earnest In tbe beginning. Tbe Yeung Man'a Kepubllcan Club. A t the meeting of the Yeung Men'a Repub lican club en Thursday evening a proposi preposi tion te Increase the annual duea Irem (5 te (10 was voted down. One of the principal opponents of the proposed increase waa the tow-beaded boy orator of the Examiner, and when he arose te make a speech ou the fraud practiced In tbe revenue bill aeme one turned oil the gas, leaving the room la darkness. Tbat ended tbe oration. Harry Scbreyer suc ceeded in having resolution passed Instruct ing tbe governor te have the legislature re convened lu extra seaalen. MU slattern Very Angry. .. The releree in the suit et Sephie Mattern, former Lancastrian, against Ruuell Sage, of New Yerk, ha decided tbat she one Sage (8,507,70. She haa written warlike letters te referee, and it way b neee'ary te eauae har arrest. OrBB A HVHBBBD KILIBV. tfcoTewa of Terwoaie, la Torfceataa, Wreebea By KaMbqaake. Londen, June 10. A dispatch received here states that Verneme, place In Turkes tan, has been almost wholly destroyed by earthquakes. One hundred and twenty per sena were killed and 123 Injured, Including (ieneral Fried e, the governor or sermlret chlnsk. T.heselsmle disturbance continue and tbe people are Hoeing te tbe open oeun. try. 37,000,000 Acres In Wheal W ami inoten, June 10. Tbe June returns of tbe department of agriculture Indicate a reduction el nearly two per cent In the area of winter wheat Changes Is acreage of states are very slight except In Kansas, where a reduction of twenty-two per cent, is reported, caused by bad harvests and low price. Tbe spring wheat area haa been enlarged six per cent from Increase of Immigration and farm making west of the Mississippi In the districts traversed by the Northern PaclOe railroad. Meat of the Increase Is in Dakota, which reports an Increment of twenty-lour per cent The total area of wheat la about 37,000,000 acres, a fraction of one per cent mere than that et tbe previous crop. Th ITMldent at Albany. Alii as y, N. Y., June 10, President Cleveland and parly reached here this morn ing at 0:30 o'clock In a private car. The president and Mrs. Cleveland at 7:15 o'clock went te tbe new executive mansion In a car riage with Adjutant General Perter and Cel. and Mr. Lainent with CeL Klce. Tbe party took breakfast with woverner Ulll at 8 o'clock. Tbe short time remaining after breakfast waa spent in Inspecting tbe beauties of the new executive mansion, which waa formally opened by tbelr visit Tbe president, en the way te tbe station, waa measured at bis tailor's for a suit of summer clothes. He left wltb bis companions, except Mrs. Cleve land, by a special train en the Weat Shere read at 10:15 a. m. This afternoon Mrs. Cleveland will go te Oawege te visit her friend, Mrs. Klngsferd. An Espraas J uinps th Track. Nkw YenK, June 10. A sleeping car at tache! te tbe St Leuis express coming east en the New Yerk Central it Hudsen river read Jumped tbe track at Spuyten Duyvll this morning, tearing up tbe ties and rails for 150 feet, when the car turned at right angles with tbe track and upset Mr. James R Davies was slightly Injured en the right a m and leg. A German, whose name could net be aKserlalned, bad bis bead and arm badly cut. It is estimated tbat tbe less te tbe railroad company will be about (10,000. Boiled Gasoline Fer Coffee. Decatur, 111., June 10 Mrs. Plnkerten, wife of tbe Rev. T. Plnkerten, poured gaso line into a cellee pet by mistake yesterday and set tbe pet en an oil stove. Tbe gasoline exploded and Harry Plnkerten, aged 11, waa fatally burned. Mr. and Mrs. Plnkerten were badly blistered in trying te save tbe boy. Tbe house narrowly escaped destruc tlen. Submitting te Arbitration. CmcAoe, June 10. After a long aeeslen last nlgbt at Green baum's ball, tbe striking bricklayers appointed an arbitration commit tee te meet a committee from tbe bosses te-dsy. Tbe bricklayers' committee are Tested wltb full powers te make any arrange ment they see Mt and tbe union will accept tbelr decision. MuttBusialn the Uevermnsnt. 1'Aim, June 10. M. Paul De Casssgnac, in an article In the Auterite, Intimates tbat tbe members of the Right will support tbe iteuvier ministry and declares that tbey must de se, as the overthrew of M. Reuvler means tbe return of Gen. Beulsngerand tbe possibility or a foreign war which would In volve tbe certainty of Boulanger's military dictatorship. Belied Fer Debt. Clkvelanu, June 10. The steamer Um pire State, owned by the Western Transit company, was seized last nlgbt by a United States marshal te vecure a claim of (35,000 In favor of the Bradley Transportation company, ewnera of the echoeuer S. J. Tlldeu, which was sunk last year In a collision with a Western Transit company veasel. Thres el tne Family Killed. GAi.Lii-et.iM, Ohie, June 10 A locomotive en the Ohie it Western Virginia railroad struck a wageu this morning containing Mr. J. Adams and wife and two children, lnstautly killing the parents and eue child. Tbe ether child waa unhurt Mr. Adams waa a wealthy farmer. Will confer Later. 1!khli.n, June 10. It is new announced tbat tbe consultation of the crown prince's physicians wblcb was te take place te-day, bas been postponed. Toek the Ilardwick Stakes. Lomien, June 10. In tbe race for tbe Hardwicke stakes at Ascot te-day, Ormonde wen, Minting was second and Bondlge third. Found Dead In lied. Titev, N. Y June 10. C. K. Brown, an old wealthy resident and one el tbe preprie. ters of tbe Heb Rey hosiery mills, waa found dead In bed this morning. A Moravian Centennial. The Moravian church of Litltz, expects en tbe nth of August next te celebrate tbe cen tenary of Its sanctuary, which was dedicated te tbe service of the Triune Gad en August 13, 17S7. A meeting was held last Saturday In the old chapel adjelulng tbe church and It wan resolved that a society be formed with the title Centennial Society of the Moravian church of Litltz. Funds will be raised for church Improvement. P. P. Hart waa chair man aud J. G. .oek secretary of tbe meet ing. Tbe rfflclal statistics of tbe Moravian church Justreceivcd by the .Verai'uui, place the total membership, exclusive of foreign mis sion Melds, at 31,032. Moravian Theologians Graduate. Interesting exerclsea Incident te the closing of the Moravian theological seminary were held in Hethlehem en Thursday evening. There were recitation In Latin, Greek, Hebrew and German by Cbarlea D. Krelder, et Lancaster, Pa ; Rebert B. Welnland, of Balratewn, la ; Henry J. Hartman, Moravian town, Can., and G. W. Wantzel, Philadel phia. Oratlena were delivered by Jebn B. Remlg, St. Croix, W.I. ; Edwin J. Relnke, Jamaica, W. I.; Augustus Whestpbal, Wat Wat Wat ontewn, Wla., and Albert P. Haupert, Pry 'a Valley, O. The college orchestra and atudenta' tiuartette furnished music Yeung Krelder la a eon of W. K. Krelder, of this city. m Th Other Bid. Milten Brady, of Millersvllle, whose name waa mentioned in a local In tbla paper yea terday, says tbat bla herae did net stand in front of the Stevens beuse from 3 te 8 e clock en Wednesday, as staled. He waa at a aale until 4 o'elock and his horse waa en PB street where he la accustomed te leave bim, from tbat time until 7:30. He further aay tbat he did nothing at the hotel af.erwardste provoke a quarrel. lajoied One Cia. Geerge Hsinp, an eight year-old eon el Oacar Hump, ran a hat pin Inte one of hie evt yesterday and it la believed that he will lese Ui sight of It 'I uM HOT WATER 5rV c BAt UHBTP, asMM ABB . ft a artntWB V-:42S Tenants at rostra Meke anes aea Osly Tssats U Obeying tbe Oeaasst at Inmate rates Uaatee YSV J- DtinLtPf, June 10 The the evictors at Bodyke te-day I aerleut trouble. The nrenaMsw I It necessary te employ tbe troeeaj heretofore, and In view Of Mr. BallmJ ' mark that tbe government would I te use any means at Its disposal tei tbe decrees of the law courts'. net seem Improbable. When Ike party reached the beuse et O'Hallerea, ' tbey Intended te remove, they found I deep trench bad been dug around tatl ana every precaution taken ler detent) lower part of the beuse waa strongly ceded and ten men, including two An cans, steed bshlud the deer and Wlni dews. Some women were at the MM stairs windows with belllnir water. TM baillfla saw tlmt it .... ..i -tm fttlnmnt in ntttm. t Um .. .. began te crowbar a hole In th orelL-'i- m Frem tills ttnrlr .i .. .... . . . 43e Ing water poured by tbe women In UteupfaV M 'i windows. An innpeoter mounted a Uaitt';'' piacea against tne neuse and. with drawn, 4" sword, tried te drive the women away, krt l-Ji ne was ignominieusiy defeated and beatM , m itnan A .win!..!.!., vwlfl. a ilJt haa.M&AA &1 --... ... ...,,, ,, m u.n, uvuhi :i3i then attempted tbe same feat HI head Wan ." hadlv hattnrml ami hn mi nilriarf. ha s S'i defending hlmeeir he Inflicted several aaiasw.y.' gasbesupen hlsassallanta. Anether oensitbis)'ff also failed te dislodge tbe women thAlr fmncltnlil ill.rfha. tmAttm ""' -" -""-n"-- miuw iwjudi nespiv-'s cured, and one after another of tbe beUhtw ,vS- who mounted were driven baek. ai juncture Mr. Csx.the member of ParUaeaents ,i, M tried te climb the ladder end anMlr ta $' va Iniimtfm. lint tlin tuiltM wntilit tint n I'- 'i mm anu puued bim down. A ell el war was held and finally constable carrying a rifle succeeded gaining an entrance. He had naraels TJ-. mmm .,.3 ; gotten inside, when his ride was wreaMrfJS from him and fn (he right that ensued inwi j cnnntshle's Iff,, ,. ImnApllArf. lull he m.-''' vfr ceeded in maklmr hiaearana. father Item. ..rv...vw, .. - , ,3-vj nan at last came te their aid, and fearing lenl'V- mere ellectual aud serious means should a) ft?. employed te dialmlge tbe tenants, he eetj'jj5f3 the beuse and performed tbe elllce of medhv ti ter. He ceunselled moderation and begged fM?j the tenants te cir-jr no further reslataner. W4 inmates arrested. Heuse Struck bjr Lightning. Mariktta, June 10. During a thunder' ...n ... ..Au... ,1 n.. n u., 4l.nl II ift.4 ,1 ,4M. i Dbuiui jfcn.c-.Mt.jp ni.v.uwi. uw iguMi.rs)",kV,,i Hiruca; tue iioube ui vjuarioe as-wia, uoweiia.. tfei ing the chimney and splintering a beard emf ;sj-jj ,rhn n.hla A.i.l wh.M I, namn In nntitmA Jrlkl.X.r. tbe water spout and descended te tne gn without further barm. Tbe inmate UU KBU.V VUW, nuv.w.. w.mw IU wu W. ". , -w somewhat stunned. WJTfi-tM IHMtlArlOta. 1 1 Washington, D.-IAiJue 10. I I nastem Pennsylvania : Brii I 'winds, becoming higher along thee isir woeiiicr, uearijr siaimuary lemiJenasun, .,lt- -i .1 , -.., .JL . --7ne xKLKuiiii-iiiu xara. ,M Tbe wife of Eph Merris, ex-ohampien ova, man, attempted suicide in tbe Allegbear; Vsi river, at Pittsburg, tbl morning. ran a- aweaansBsi n x i a is a wrectc The buge land grant made bvth Mexlaa 'S Government lately te Henry P. Clifferd, oft fs Aew iert, anu j. a. verges, or nan rna. UIBIXJ, LUIUIUUIIUUOIIIO IttTKOBl VV9K UMWlMW $ in mat repuuuc, eeiug se miles long ana He , v tlen of developing the land. Three thousand pestmasters from all eyer the United Slates have decided te held aa annual convention In Washington In Decem ber next The object et the convention will be te urge upon Congress legislation Inoreae Inereae ing the salaries of postmasters, and changes in me classification or man matter. "e'-.-f Reports come Irem Moerebead. Ky the -'t Craig Telllver was waylaid last night by an ij lltilrnnwn ajwawln. nhnt In thn left hnnliles 4 and dangeresuly wounded. t The labor treublea in St Paul, Mian- l&i H.l.li.1. kwn., will. U...I. A !. '-. nuivu UQnil yiiu nuitin tn r.uu UHUVHim OtFTli ler nine hours as a dav'a work, are Brewusa! : mere serious. 1. tie uricKiay era union last nignt .. . . -. . . . . . . resolved te strike this morning In support of S- tne movement anu ny mis action no erteK- layers wne sre members ei tne union Will go w.; iu -ura te uay uu uuuuinga woerw news i'i carpenters are eiuti'eyed. Tbere are 1.509 ?ki union bricklayer in the city. OmertredeejKJI premlss te Bttike if thla deea net bring tne ;'-: bosses te te time. ' 4l uas irem an artesian wen in ureum, una;., . I.pntrn mil WmIihuiI.v nlithl IvA hlmtlra AlA. c tant from tbe well's meutb, and la new flew Jfld Ing quite a streaui. Tbe same eauae that 'J made this outbreak made a crack In tbeeartjl f between the two points. A 10 feet pole talk "lj te reach tbe bottom. The crack runs under r the Episcopal church, and may eauae oeav'fe slderable damage. , te' an urecKuw, mas., a iuiuuiBuioeeaiuaiai,;r-j the shoemakers' convention waa held less, .-'a nlitht and the following were elected s Na-.? tienal master workman, J. B. HkefflDgtea, of 'i$ Ilrockten : national werthv foreman. Jusus ""..''& McGarr, of St. Leuis t national eeere--tary and treasurer, Themas Maleaey, of Rochester, national sta'.latlelan, Wit Hani II. Barrett, et Philadelphia, Na tional executive beard : Leuis Geetr, of Milwaukee; Jeseph L. Peacock, et Baltimore S. J. McKawn, of Rochester; N. H., Jehn Lewis, of Phlladelnhia and Jehn McGarr. Bt Tallin Tli.irn urn 111',. ninrA ffirtlirM tn fa -3 elected. && a vnmibm fA u Tiaa. Th Very Latest rerm of Fashtoeabie Amos Ames Amos ineet In New Jersey. nnmirfl tw .11 CnrminnndflncA Nfiw Ynrtt atms Z. ",' " ..."..." Z. 71 ,VM ane uieuuh uperauui in a sunrise party ss'iwa somewhat as fellows; Invltatlene are aeat 4I si fsleml In XT ft tar "V-s. ltti-tl I oe - nWBW "H lUIIIOUtiaiuanvn auia tJtwmaj. MWt ww ever they may reside, te oemo out MM Ye- w. tiiK before and go ou a BunrlM exeankWe A Thn narttf eiilhnr dlirlnv Iho Avenlnw Knit sw. 7, tire comparatively eariy. iney are eniies bv 3 o'clock and a light breakfast la served. consisting principally of coffee aad reila. Then all the party, well wrapped up, for tbere la dew en tbe ground, are bundled lata open vehicle and driven up the mountain while the star are still twinkling brightly. Vaaln llrwlr 1m .taflhaS Inmt aa .ha MaH aglow with the coming et dawn. HaU-'Sti glasses sre brought out and everybody getfHVi iu reaainess te view tun entrancing aceeev J Tbere 1 no discount en thla scene, tl meet ? de admitted, whatever there may Da en party. Alter tne sun la ixiriy up we j pect la decidedly fine. Aa for the party, It chats and laugne grewa reticent or enthusiastic, aa tae and tbe scenery may strike it iihm l.lllM . 1. 'nMDll la IkaM OM uuiiijr, null i. uvuvjwv - -. there la a gnea ueai or moving erey-n male membera of the party tbat section of the reek where IM ear .u-. -.i ha mrtrslMSIII IUHWIUIuira - r " ii aJI nf inmntlnir bameers nnoevereo. A. UK hampers uimwti "5".s Sayi beTad, or a few etepa iBrtfte netlage where lea early ratUw . II furnlsb wbat fa tensed a "dawn;' whisky way nn Is the net '."' . . - -faaval .. .alll ffimlafa nktaii. Hhettly alter 7 e'clpsfc, wkeaek)'; sun baa been up loeg eneugn toageMaU'i the algbt-aeelrg neceMary and suartae lea , Old Sel bas crept, breakfast l served, eJener en an impromptu table, or mere likely, , cause It la mere pcmfertable, upon Ute amt., of Mitchell' cottage or even leahle tne nw ' mMkarv nwinir Ktf w. uwuma u aa nu ; Uining-rwiu. tf-A- M Tne nreaaraai i ueiauiiai mam tvw a plenty of eiaret ana ueampt aa one of the veuna- auurlaei ed the ether morning, "of tae JeUy pagnebreakfaat at the Whlta )-! last summsr den'.t you knew.'! Byti tbe party 1 back here bt Otmnm, sentlma wbewUb tone telMsaMai dete,and eanDOln Wall street er fctl aterrs by nearly th usual nenr enwai 10 o'clock, when the sisksagss eaan,. meladvBus)taUMyeanrUseBetM I ieraauppleiMntalasailjj I two DawM imBMwmB, w waw 1 .; f: lis. i?MJ. ,m ti 2i m -1 . -I wsafes ilflCit! .tMiAS'il-- .' .jj'v s st