Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 08, 1887, Image 1

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VOLmtK XXffl-NO,
ret u rart sal pa no Aa-vr rauvta
wmmrn Atuvtrrmu.
Bttlllnr Heir.r, uf the Ml. Jey Herald," en
Trial ler Libelling Mera K. Hlencr In Puli
tuning Thai "he Had Kleped Wit ,
lleehen shell Laal December.
7'(irniiy Atrrnetm. Umn the re-at-wimbling
el court at sail o'clock, i: J ward J.
Rutin wm put en trial ler lielng the father or
an Illegitimate child, of which Martha J.
Clark, of Martla township, la the mother.
According te her testimony the offense we
Citmtultted en Augusl'JI, ISSI, and the child
b'trn In the following May. The accused
plea.1 the statute of limitation, an Indictment
net having linen found within two yeara of
the commission of the ml 4ns, and the com
monwealth then attempted te prove that
Kuhn wasa fugitive from Justice, n an ex.
cum for the failure te have an Indictment
fmnd within the time prescribed by law.
Toe most that could be shown waa that
Kuhn waa out of the aUte for a few months
traveling, for hi health. The court ruled
that the statute of limitation barred a convic
tion aud a verdict of net guilty waa entered.
The next casecilled ler trial Was that et
muai-lraiy against William Dutlln, Jamea
McDonald and Auiile Faslg, of thertalvatlen
Army. The allegation U that the accused
conspired te Induce Llrile Kngle te eacae
from her father' home. Henry K. Kngle, of
Man hoi in b ireuKh, appeared as the prosecu
tor, and the atery of hi daughter's running
away a. detailed by III in en the witness
stand was autMiantlally as follews: A de de
tachtneiit of the Solvatien Army began ener
tleua at Manhelm In the spring of lS)t.
Among the attendants of the meetings was
hU daughter Llrrle, who waa IS years old In
February. Alter a time she joined the army
and marched around the town and sung with
the memlHira. He forbade her from going en
the street with the army aud for a lime the
desisted. When he again romenatratod with
her ahe left home and he brought her home.
Hothen summoned William Dutlln te bis
home and had a talk with him about his
daughter's Intatiutlen for the Salvation
Army, and Captain 1) n 111 u told him that aa
hia daughter was net or a,te ahe could net
join the army. Hheilly atter thla converse-
lien 111" deughur hidu nun ier money te
cnmeln Lsnster with a commleti te hrar
her testily In a liquor came. He gave her
the money and en Hie morning of Ojtober VSI,
Kvl, aim lull Manhelm for Lancaster and he
ha, net seen his daughter since. Iln learned
that his daughter waa sent by the Novatien
Army from I, inciter te HarrMiurg, where
ahe was kept for nix weeks, and from Harris
burg alie wasaent te Kansas City.
The testimony of ether wltnea.a showed
that Dutlln knew ahe was at Harrlaburg, but
lid did net Inform Mr. Kngle until after aha
had loll that city, that for the six weeka she
waa at HarrLhurg alie hoarded with McDonald
and that Mrs. Faslg was the custodian of the
clothe, of lilr7le Kng le Ukon from her home
and alterwards sent te her by the Solvatien
Mr. F.ngle was greatly atlected In giving
hi teatlmeny and he broke down completely
when speaking of the last reusat el bla
daughter, en the evening ttofero she left
home, ler money te go te Lancaster.
Atthocuiiclutten et the commonwealth's
tmtluieuy, counsel for dolendaiiUt argued te
tlne'iurt ihatnoeusplraey had bean proved,
but the court told lln defaiidante' eunsel te
go te th Jury with their iue.
Cap. Dutlln and McDonald, called as wit.
neaM ler the defense, gave their version et
the ulUlr. Dutlln twlllled that tin did net In
duce or coax her te leave home or enter Inte
an agreement wltn MeDwald, Mra. Faslg,
or anybody ele te get her te loave her
father's house. He admitted that he sent
tier clothes te II irrl.uurg, that he saw her
In that city, and alie at Mtllershurg, aud at
the latter placn he Induced her te write te her
father wheru alie wa, and that white he knew
ahe waa at llarriatmrg he did net Inform him
of her whernhnutt. McDonald admitted that
l.lrzle Cngle waa at his home lu Harris,
burg for six weeka ; that he knew she was a
miner and had lett her father's home.
Other witness) lestttled that I.lrle Kngle
told them that ahe lett home because her
father whipped her ler attending the meet
ings et the Halvallen Army.
At the conclusion of the teitliueny, counsel
nrgued the eve, and when they tlnlshed
court adjeurned.
HVffiiMifn.V Murium;. When court met
at 0 o'clock, the court charged the Jury In the
Malvatlen Army conspiracy caw, Dutlln et al.
tlefendanta. Alter defining the crime el con
spiracy, the court In the strongest language
condemned the action or Dutlln In the trans
action, In net Informing Mr. Kegle the
whereabouts of his daughter, when he knew,
according te bis own testimony, that the girl
wasaralner, and bad lett her home against
hla wlaher.
The jury alter a deliberation or two hours
rendered a verdict or guilty as te Captain
Dutlln and net guilty as te Annie Kaalg and
Jamea McDonald. A motion waa made In
arrest of Judgment.
A Herse iMalsrTrlsd.
William Cllne, a horse dealer, waa put en
trial fur embezxlement en complaint of
(Jeorge H. Albright. According te the com
menweallh'a witneasea, Mr. Albright made
an arrangement with thedefendant by which
be waa te Dud a place In New -Yerk, where
he was dealing In horses, for horses owned
by prosecutor and when he succeeded Cline
waa te notify Albright and the horses were
te be shipped. The prosecutor, In pursuance
of Information received that he bad a place
for some horses, sent him two en November
14, 1833, and en December 21 third hone.
Ollne reported te blm that he bad sold the
three hones for f-375. He sent by obeek at
different times fits, leaving f 150 te be ac
counted for.
At the conclusion or the common wealth's
testimony counsel for accuaed detnu rred te
the evidence and raised the question that he
fenld net be convicted because the evidence
did net support the Indietment, aa be wa In
dicted ler embezzlement as as empleye,
while the testimony showed that he was a
consignee with authority te sell. The court
greed with defendant's counsel that there
could net be a conviction en the Indictment
nd the Jury rendered a verdict of net guilty.
E'llter Heir.r's LlbslSult.
J. R. Hetter, editor and publisher of the
Mount Jey Jltrahl, was put en trial for li
belling Mrs. L,aura K, Htener. The article
alleged te be libelous wm published In the
Issue of January 1, and was as fellows :
Heuben Hhelly, proprietor or the hotel
t !Wle' Bauer, In Rapbe township, ab
sconded last Monday a week age, the 20th
ult. with Mrs, Htener, the wile or Docter
Htener, wbe figured ss one or Us principals
in the Sieuer-flelfrldge elepenaal at Iren.
vtile. about a year or mers age.
He aud bis ballbretntr.Mr. Abram Hhelly,
the exeoutera under the will of ths lata
HenrVhel,y -eesesj1, lad acting In his
.Itv J "onto' bs eoilfeied the
SJSS forth wneuntlng te about
S (mm wblcU be toeTwUh Wm.
nSaides the estat tbw JudlvlduU
Snty wdrti ebscfc Tb. ru-er U
DrTBdrsw Oarbsr, cashier of tba First
betwstB KOOO sad r,000te m tmwmm
A Mr. rum waw asm,. .rT.TTZ. JJ
,wt MtswtswIP W1
but the fact that ha communicated bla Inten
tion te soma or his neighbors saved ths estate
.'.net). This wss the first Intimation bis
friends had that hla transactions wars net
straight, although it waa known that hs was
living very fast, and It no doubt battened bla
Us took besides the money a valuable
Uim whleh he had lately purchased and It Is
said that bs was seen en the read between
l'ennvllle and Maytown en Thursday.
lis deserted an estimable wire and
three children. Mrs. Hhelly Is al
most distracted and rears that ber
mind may give way under the strain as
maintained by her friends. Mrs. Htener
(who was a Miss llenaer), and her husband
were for a lime alter their marriage hired at
the Hhelly homestead, at which time an Inti
macy sprang up between Hhelly and herself
whleh baa been kept up ever since, although
unknown te hla family. Mra. Htener waa
practically at home there after her husband
was Imprisoned until about a year age.
Mra, Htener was the first witnessed called
and aba teatlAad that ahe lived at Ames
Krelder'a, bank of Halungs, and worked ler a
time st Iteuben Sjhellj'a beuse, but net dur
ing the month of December. Hbe denied
that the was out riding with Hhelly at any
time In December. Hhe admitted that ahe
met him two or three times at the house el
Henry Keaer In Nevember.
Other testimony was ettered le show that
the witness ou the stand was the person
named In the libelleus article aud that J. R.
Hetlrrwas the ml Itnr, publisher and owner
of the ML Jey JleraUt.
Tlis llilniM.
The defonae waa that Mr. Heller was sick
In bed when the article complained of wat
published, and that he bad no knowledge of
the publication for fully three months after
wards. J uatlrlcatlen was also pleaded aa the
subject matter of the article was common
rumor In the neighborhood. It waa also
shown that wben the attention of the mana
ger of the paper was called te the article the
following retraction was published in the
Issue of the following week te show that
there was no malice :
Ileuben Hhelly and Mr. Htener have Insti
tuted suits for criminal libel against the pro
prietor of the Ueraltl for publishing an sr
licle In our last issue which they claim la
untrue In every iwrllcular. The rumor waa
currenten our streets sotue days previous te
Its publication In these column", and came
te us from se direct a source, and was se ap
parently well authenticated, that we gave it
as an Item et news. Our Inlermant, It stems,
was deceived. We therefore give currency
te the denial, and disclaim any malicious In
tent en our part.
In this connection It Is only Just te Mr.
Heller, the proprietor or the llcrntil, te state
that owing te his very serious Itinera, he his
been kepi In entire Ignorance of the matter
by advice of his physician, Dr. J. l slgler.
He knows nothing either of the publication
of the article, uernl the suits that followed.
It was also contended that the relations of
Mrs. Htener with Hhelly were such as te lead
te the bolief that the rumors were true, and
that the manager of the paper received his
Information! from a tellable and trustworthy
A lengthy argument followed the eiler te
preve that Mr. Heller was sick at home
when the libelleus article was published.
The court ruled cut the testimony en the
ground that Mr. Ilotfer was roKuible for
whatappeared In his paper.
Currant llii.latas.
All Untie was grauted te ascertain the
amount et damages sustained by Mrs. Hen
rietta K teller, by reason of the opening cf
Filbert street, from Maner te Der wart streets,
In which Mrs. K teller was named as plalntltl,
and the city and county of I.aucster aa de
fendants. Abraham Keep was appointed guardian of
Jeseph Hear, In place et Dr. Martin, de
ceased. WANta a Livmmm umruKmu.
The (lensral Slsnagsr el tna liar Harber Iren
VI eik. iha t'el li loser.
(fiterga NauniAti, esq,, attorney for Thee.
F. l'attorHen, general manager of the Hale
Harber Iren works, preeeuted a petition te
the court today ler the revocation of the
license of II. (1. Templeteu. The ietltlen
ssta forth that the raid Iren works are In full
operation and employ one hundred and fifty
nieii ; that II. (1. 'Iemploten has a license,
granted by this court, te keep a hotel or
tavern In tboillsgeel Sale Harber, known
as the Harber lUotnege ; that the aald 11. J.
Templeteu has, since the granting of the
license, violated the laws of the common
wealth by selling en Ntiuday, te minera and
te intoxicated persona; that the keeping el
the said hotel In violation el law is an Injury
le your pelltleuer and te the Iren werka of
which he la the manager and tends greatly te
the demoralization of the empleyes of the said
Iren works. Whereupon he prays that the
license se granted te the said 11. (1. Temple Temple
ten may be revoked.
The court granted a rule te show cause
why the license should net be revoked,
returnable en the third Monday of this
Attended a llarrunurg Wcitillng.
David liongeneeker, the agent ter the Har
rlaburg foundry and machine works, and
Miss Elizabeth Muencb, a daiit-liter el the
late R. I.. Muencb, esq., were en Tuesday
Joined In matrimony. The ceremony was
performed at the residence of Mr. M. K.
Hershey, ou Walnut street, Uarrlaburg, by
the Rev. Ilrlckensteln, el liltitz, In the pres
ence el the Intimate friends or the respective
families. The couple, accompanied by the
beat wishes of their many friends, ten en the
afternoon train for a trip te the Kail Mlas
Hue Hansel, of Uuarryville ; Miss Marie
Ilrlckensteln, of Lltiir. ; Mrs. t.engenecker
and the Misses t.engenecker, Mlsa Klale
Hulon.el Philadelphia ; Miss Hbetler, of New
Yerk ; Miss Nellie Kunkel, et Philadelphia,
and Mr. II. (.'. Demutb, el 1-ancaster, were
among these In attendance.
Mlsa Caddie Lewis, of this city, will leave
for Atlantic City en Saturday evening.
Next week connections will be made
whereby the Kast Knd street cars will run te
Centra Square.
The Reformed Utuengtr la printing some
Interesting letters written by Dr. H. C. Wolff
te tbe late late Dr. J. W. Nevln, of this city,
in 18H.
Tbe Russian Jswa or Lancaster have con
tracted for tbe building of a church en Mid
dle street near Rockland. It will be a one
story frame structure, 40 by 30 feet, and Is te
be ready for occupancy by September 1.
Dr. Weaver, of thla city, lectured at tbe
Weat Nottingham (Md.)lretbyterian church
en Tuesday evenlug, and wilt again this
evening en tbe subject, Pictures from tbe
beuse In wblcb we live."
The semi-annual meeting of tbe Lancaster
liar association will be held In tbe oeurt
house, at 10 o'clock, en Monday morning,
June 13th. A permanent secretary will be
elected, and tbe question of a bar dinner will
be considered.
Rev. Randall, tbe alleged missionary who
waa In Lancaster en tbe day Barnum'a circus
waa here distributing tracts, la pronounced a
scoundrel. His plan et operation! la te bold
meetings, distribute scriptural texts, beg
from deer te deer, abuse Christian people,
take advantags of these who befriend blm,
aad leave unpaid beard bills behind blm.
Johnstown beuses are Invaded by water,
and Hoeveravllle near by la entirely sub
merged. Attorney General Klrkpatrlck baa decided
that the act repealing tbe tax en furniture,
watches and pleasure carriages gees Inte
elTaet Immediately.
The Peanaylvanla company stock holders
kast at Pittsburg yesterday, and reelected
tbe old beard of directors. Tbe annual re
pert bbews a aeaeH m uue ei f 3x1,071 ae,
at,wt,ei i.oe an joeo.
Tbe sheriff bee aested MUe far tbe seieel
tirtseaseeMitataeWrsavleMiyeti Set.
ear nut emtummArm ram reemta
at JCLt ab or lUBMt
Ths Day el National ladtptadeaee Oaght te
Re Ureal Ueeatlea te kla ClU-Hew
rhUadelpbts and sUtUaabarg, W. Ta,
faUnd Obtervleg the Brest Holiday.
The movement te bare a grand celebration
or the Fourth or July In Philadelphia has
caused many people te tblnk that thla town
ought te observe the day In a manner
radically different from what has been tbe
vogue In times gene by. Instead of having
Ltncastrltna go away from town for self
enjoyment, It Is believed that enough attrac
tions could net only be secured for retaining
tbe local populace, but that thousands of
etrangers could- be tbua drawn Inte our
borders, Fourth of July ha become one or
tbe meat humdrum or lecil days, particu
larly since the small boy has been forbidden
te ventilate hla enthusiasm by the exploding
or tbe Ore-cracker and tbe toy cannon. The
full recognition of the greatness or the day Is
dying Irem tbe minds or American youth,
and tbe foreigners who come te oeuntry rail
te be Impressed with the sign 111 an ee of the
day of American national independence.
A start tewarda a popular celebration has
been made by Prof. C. W. Llppett, of this
city, who proposes te give a grand free dls
play of flrewerksst McOrann'a park. Mr
McUrann has very generously given tbe
park's use for that day free of charge, and
hat also given a f.V) contribution tewarda
the expenses. Prof. Llppett proposes te
mske additional cel lectiens among tbe people
of the city and will call upon citizens for
that purpose. The whole display will oc
cupy about two hours of tbe evening.
This la an excellent start Hut the celebra
tion should take broader abape. Wby could
net Iiancaster fellow In part the example of
Martlntburg, W. Vs., wherealeadlngteature
of the observance will be a trades display,
Inte whleh tbe merchants and manufacturera
have heartily entered T Hlxty-tbree ttre core
panles, thirty-three bands and a number of
military companies bave been Invited and
the acceptances are coming In rapidly. Hev
oral spoakerset national reputation have been
Invited te deliver addresses In the publle
squares, and the services or Senater J. C. H.
Blackburn, of Kentucky, have already been
secured ler the occasion.
Why could net Lancaster bave an old
fashioned Fourth or July celebration at
McOrann's park, with patriotic addresses by
eminent peeple, the reading et tbe Declara
tion of Independence), balloon ascension, tbe
whole te clese with a grand display or fire
works In the evening.
Let us hear suggestions en the subject If
plans are once agreed upon, It Is believed
tbe money therefer will be quickly forth
coming. nerta tn mum h rm oevitrw.
Itam. Frem All I'arU Thai ter en all Kinds el
ThoHlerta Ivelng made te nrganlz a mili
tary company te supply a vacancy In tbe
National Ouard, In Marietta, la assuming a
practical bspe.
Petersburg bass bicycle club et nine mem
bers : W.S. Htau II or Is president and captain ;
Jacob H. Xsrphey, secretary : Harry D.
Luiield, treasurer; Nathan Gray bill, tint
lieutenant ; Alvlu C. Sheet?, Jehn H. Usner,
Hamuel F. Andes, Hejtt L. Biemesderfer,
Albert Gretr.
Jacob Htener, a farmer of near Peteraburg
en Monday was llxlug something In hla barn
when a beard upon which he waa standing
tilted and be fell In the barn fleer, a distance
el abent 17 feet The beard fell upon blm,
striking him en tbe head and Inflicting seri
ous injuries.
Jeseph Hhertz, one of the well known
Auilsh farmers el tbe valley between Cburcb Cburcb
tewn and Morgantown, attempted te commit
suicide by cutting epeu the bleed vessels of
the left arm en Friday, and was discovered
Just In time te save bis tile.
Kllas Heller, aged about no years, died very
sundenlyen Monday. He had gene te tbe
residence el Jobu Nelgle, at Hlrd-ln-Hand, at
an early hour en Monday morning, intend
ing le send some money te Lancaster, and
died of paralysis seen alter his arrival. He
waa a grandson of 'Squire Heller, tbe founder
el the well-known Heller's church, and a son
of (leerge Heller, a very prominent man In
his day. A wife and live ehlldren-three
daughters and two sons survive.
It Is proposed In June 10 te held a meeting
at tbe Springs hotel, Lltltz, te celebrate the
nlnety-sixth anniversary et the birth qf tbat
venerable Instructor, Jehn Keck, who waa
the founder and principal of Heck's Academy
for Iteyp, at Lltltz, for a period et fifty years,
from January 2, 1815, te May 31, ltj. In
that time 2,32t boys were educated by Mr.
Reck, l.'.W.: having been from thla state,
while ethers came from Europe, Alia, Canada
and the Weat Indies.
a mam in a mvwa mourn.
HUtsr Usarlebs; tirapples at Midnight With a
Btsaltny Caitiff Knave.
The Inmates at the cenveut at La Cresse,
Wis., were aroused shortly after midnight
Monday by a violent ringing of tbe bell
wblcb la usually devoted solely te the pur
pose or calling the aitten te their dally de
votions. The Mether Huperler and ber
ttartled lleck ruthed from their roema te
ascertain tbe cause of the unusual disturb
ance, and round Sister Uenrlcba frantically
tugging at the bell-rope and screaming for
Htster Henrlcba Informed the amazsd ale
terhoed that ahe waa awakened by an un
known man who wat endeavoring te wrap
a large hand kerchief around her mouth for
tbe evident purpose et preventing an out
cry. Hitter Henrlcba, who la a ateut, healthy
young woman, at once grappled with ber
assailant, and a atruggle ensued, tbe woman
making every endeavor te reach the open
window, through whleh tbe Intruder
bad evidently entered. Tbe atruggle waa
almost a neiseleaa one, whieh accounts
ter tbe fact that tbe ether sleepers in
inn dormitory were net areusea. nisier
Henrleha Anally reached tbe window, and
with a audden wrench freed her bead from
tbe silken bandage, Tbe man staggered back
as the Intended victim freed herself. With
out a memeut'a hesitation the woman Jump
ed from tbe window te tbe ground, adlatance
et eighteen feet, escaping without material
Injury. Running te the bell rope, wbleb
hung In an outside ball, abe rang the bell.
Tbe unknown scoundrel bad meantime drop,
ped te the ground, and before help could be
procured be bad escaped.
Hhel 1 1 a school Keem.
Henderseu, Ky., waa abecked Tuesday
afternoon te bear that Professer E. F. Clark,
superintendent of tbe public schools, bad
been shot and killed by Professer Themas
Posey, principal of tbe high reboot. The facta
turned out te be tbat tbe two men, having
bad a long standing enmity, get into a
quarrel In tbe blgb school room, when Prin
cipal Posey drew a revolver and fired three
shots at Clark In tbe presence et pupils,
wounding him severely In the fsee, arm and
shoulder. Posey aurrendered himself, Beth
are prominent in society,
Matting or Yeang Dsmeerete.
The Yeung Men's Democratic club met In
their roema In tbe pottemoe building Tues
day evening. A numberei new names were
proposed for membenblp. A number of
Initiation fees were paid; the constitution of
tbe club was signed by tbe members, and
tbe contribution te tbe club of a handsome
amount el money wss announced. Tbe
rooms or the club are being very prettily
fitted up.
. m
Bpmlued His Ankle.
Alderman Deen, of tbe Hlxlh ward, met
with an accident thla morning. In walking
out of bit deer be made a misstep, and turn,
lag bla feet sprained the ankle. Be la able
te bejebeut wKa a eaae, but bla lajery te
(ait lalajej,
turn emtrnuuB;
A Notable Publication by the .tonler Clam el
r. ft M. Oellege.
The gay young Juniors et Franklin and
Marshall college for some time back have been
publishing what la termed "The OrllUtnme"
or "Flame of Geld," a serlocemta review
of all tbe Institutions or the college. Kach
clata endeavors te surpass lis predecessor In
tbe quality of the publication and beauty or
Its appearance, and, owing te the centennial
exercises this year, tbe class or '88 determined
te make the greatest eflert et their lives.
They have succeeded In bringing out one el
the handsomest publications ever seen In
this vlelnlty. The leek Is a beauty and Is
bound In embossed cloth or four dltlerent
colors, two abades et green and two of blue.
On tbe main cover la a representation In
gilt et an erltlamme with the Initials "I : M"
and '"as" In diagonally opposite corners
The frontlipleee Is a most beautiful steel en
graving el Jeseph Henry Duhbi, Audenrled
professor of history snd arcb:iolegy at the
college. Tbe book contains many handsome
vignettes In steel of the emblems et tbe col
lege societies, fraternities and clans mottoes,
and there la a most amusing cutrepresentlng
tbe editors of the Orlflstnme engaged In a
contest at base ball with tbe faculty or the
college. The statistics or tbe various organi
zation! are given and tbore Is a frequent
dash of humor In them. In tbe back et the
book la preaented a centennial history of
Franklin and Marshall college, as well as a
reprint of the old erder of precession at the
dedication of Franklin college In 17S7.
The typographical work of tbe bk speaks
for Itself, It hat never been surpassed In
this city. It Is tbe product of the I.ntki.i.i I.ntki.i.i
ekkckh Jeb room, which Is prepared at all
times te de the most artlstle printing at the
most reasonable rates. Wm. 11. Rey did I he
binding for the book, and his work merits
the greatest praise. A limited number el
copies of tbe work will be placed en tale.
Kesolatlunef Thsuk. Voted te All Who Allied
Tbcm In Thflr Werk.
The Joint committee of the local Grand
Army pest, having In cbarge the arrange
ments for a proper observanco of Memerial
Day held their tlnal meeting en Tuesday eve
ning and closed up their ominous. The fol
lowing preamble aud resolution was unani
mously adopted :
WiiKttKAM, Memerial Day was this y ear eh
aervedln Lancaster as It noverwas before,
and that the sttcceiM and proper observance
et tbe day was In a great room tire due te the
valuable aid and assistance rendored te the
committee of arrangements by the peeple of
Lancaster, therefore be It
HenActil, Hy the Joint committee el the G.
A. R, of Lincaster, I'd., that we hereby
tender our thaukH te the patriotic and public
spirited citizen, who se cheerfully rospeudod
te our call with financial nld, and te the school
children, Weman's Relief corp, Ladles Aid
society, and Women Cbrlstlau Temperance
Union, who furnished the lluwers and other
wise assisted tbe committee and te tbe First
M. K. cbureb cbelr under tbe loaderahip et
Dr. J. L. Wltbrew and Prof. Hamuel Cress,
organist, for tbe music furnished at the even
ing's entertainment, and that our thanks are
due te all who from leve of country aud
patriotic motives and the reverence they
have for tbe memory of the heroic dead,
helped te make Memerial Day a fitting an.
nlversary, te strew spring's choicest llowera
en me graves ei our aepirieu louew com
Bills Signed dt ths lloterner.
Tbe following bills have been approved by
Governer Heaver : Making an appropriation
te the Anthracite Miners' besptlal at Abbland,
with tbe exception of about $i-i,(00 ter im
provements embraced In seven dltlerent
Items. Te regulate the collection of tatea en
unseated landv. Te ouceurago and authorize
the formation et co-eporatlvo associations.
Appropriations te tbe suclety for the pretuc
tlen et children. Appropriation for llarris
liurg Lunatic hospital. Appropriation te
te Danville Insane hespllnl, with the excep
tion of r20,UOO ter associated dining rooms.
Approprallen ler Huntington Reformatory.
Appropriation for Lrlelleme for I'rltndlesa
The following bills were voteod : Te en
large the powers of boroughs In regurd te
supplying the Inhabitants with fuel tiy nat
ural gas. Tbe governor thinks municipal
corporations should net engage In business
of a speculative character. Authorizing the
state bureau te refund te Geerge M. Kvwney
collateral Inheritance tax paid in error. Au
thorizing the troesurorot Schuylkill county
te refund certain taxes tocattle-drevera; for
tbe relief et Geerge W. Bowen, a memter of
tbe National guard, lnjured in cmip. Tbete
bills tbe governor regards as unconstitu
tional. The selection otjiirera.
The governor baa vetoed a bill passed as a
supplement te an act for the selection of
Jurers, which provides tbat the Judge shall
bold posaeaalenof the Jury list Tuder the
present law the list of Jurers selected by the
Judge and Jury commissioners is tiled In the
prothenotary'a elllce and can be seen by all
who take tbe trouble te ask for It This
supplement was Introduced by Dr. Davis te
prevent the names of these selected each year
for Jury duty from getting tee much
publicity. Tbe governor vetoed the bill en
the ground thst the surrounding Judicial
proceedings with an air of secreay Is un
wise. Judge Livingston was seen yesterday, but
he declined te give any opinion as te the
supplement or veto.
IltadlDg'.Out.laecllliK Uertltlrat...
Judge Butler, of the United States clreult
court, In Philadelphia, has approved the pe
tition of the receivers of the Reading Railroad
company, In wblcb authority was asked te
make an agreement with tbe reorganization
trustees se tbat moneys In thetrinttixw' hands
can be applied te taking up of (1
percent, and fs3l,071.1il or 4 per cent out
standing receiver's certitlcates. The f 2,000,
000 issue waa made under the erder et the
court of June 17, 1SS1, and tbe -I per cents
were authorized te be Issued ler materials
and supplies after April 1 or tbat year. The
petition stated tbat a call was out for tbe cer
tificates te be aurrendered en and after the
1.1th of tbls month, but the approval of the
court wat desired.
Tbe Peninsular Peach Crep,
The Wilmington (Del.) JiYer.i Keening
prints tblrty-fourlettenfiem correspondents,
chiefly peach growers, throughout tbe penin
sular peach region. The indications In the
main are for a general yield, ranging from
fair te geed. A nummary of the reports re
ceived shows thirteen geed, tlfteen fair and
enlyaix peer. The peer reports come en
tirely from the edges of the pnacu belt, the
reports from the heart thereof being uni
formly encouraging, uetwthlandlng some
depredations by reeebugs, the extent of
wnien cannei yei de ueiermiuuu.
Clair Land for a Scheel Heme.
Frem Iha Oxford Press.
Cbarlea H. Cooper, or Allegheny City, and
Mrs. Fannie Cooper and William J. Cooper
of Laneaster elty, have conveyed tree of
charge te tbe beard of school directors of
West Nottingham townshlpabeutone acre of
land In said township ter tbe purpose of
building a sobeol beuse thereon, in honor of
tbe givers tbe dlrecten propose tecallthe new
sobeol beuse "Cooper."
Nw Pensions and Incrsa.e.
Pensions have been granted te Rebert
Andersen, Betbetda, and Catherine, widow
of Augustus Cunningham,
Increaee was allowed Godfrey H. Stengley,
Columbia ; William Hughes, Lancaster, and
Jehn Dernsr, Lancaster.
A Chunk of Wisdom.
from the Montgomery (Ala.) DUpaUh.
If you art geed, yoakaewtti if you are
Mi rmjwttj kMin Ut
JUNE 8, 1887.
reaima amu
LinmmAiM wmhatlw
ar aia cuvmam.
The Crimes lllll In Its GentesleJ VVItheat fill-
lie.tsrlng-Prancs's Precaution le gapprtta
Il.bslllen-Tne Ameer of Afghani-;
tan taring Hit Bead.
Lesixiy, June 8. Members en both sides
of the Heuse seemed greatiy pleased hy Mr,
I'arnell's course In last night's debate en the
crime bill. It Is said by the leaders that
with factious opposition removed the final
vete en the measure should be reached by
July 1st Mr. I'arnell's friends declare that
he will adhere closely te the Gladetenlan
policy of resistance but no filibustering.
Kvldence It accumulating tbat the French
government had adopted meat herole meas
ures te meet a popular uprising en the oc
casion of the recent cabinet crisis. Heme of
the official orders promulgated then, clearly
Indicating the apprehensions of the authori
ties, are finding their way Inte print. One of
the most curious comments made upon thorn
Is that tbe very perfection of discipline which
Geu Boulanger had inculcated In the troops
was relied upon by these whoevorthew him.
General Saussler, by order of President
Grevy, had tbe garrison of Paris under armt
21 hours, ready te suppress any revolt Thla
was befere he was really appointed minister
of war, and while he was merely considering
the oil or el the portfolio which he in fact fin
ally refused. Gen. Boulanger, of course,
must have known what wat going en, but he
made no sign. Friends of the ex-minister
doclare that full Justice bat net been done te
bis uns9lllsh devotion te France. They claim
that he was In fact In tbe position et a Cieiar
refusing a throne otlerod by the people.
Dispatches rocelved from India last night
ropreent the situation In Afghanistan as
growing mere serious. The ameer, appro appre appro
hensivo of losing his power through the suo sue suo
cssslve deleats his forces have met at the
hands of tbe Ghllzals and the recent revolt of
the Hhlnwarrls against further payment et
talbute, Is in a pitiable state of phy
sical and mental health, and tbe
Indian government sees In tbit fact
the neccesHlly of prepping up hla
toppling throne or assuming full possession
of his dominion. Russia, tee, la taking ad
vantage of the situation te fortify herself In
dltlerent places within the zone from wblcb
she was debarred by tbe delimitations of the
British commissioners, and obviously in
tends te remain there If ahe can. The Mus
covite press counsel tbe czar te disregard
British Interests in Asia and leek after his
own by advancing Russian troops forward
and occupy Herat In event of British occupa
tion el Candahar. The Indian government Is
advised that Russian agents are stilt intrigu
ing with the governor el Badakthan, and In
the event of Russia's advance toward Herat,
there will be nothing left for that otUelal te
de but te submit te Russia's dictation as te
his action. Military preparations In India
are being pushed forward with all possible
rapidity and an army cerpa will be en route
te Candahar within a short time.
tails a aruAnaa aruur.
Frederick Keck, tn Lancaster en Sunday, Sar
He was Annulled.
Frederick Keck, a brewer, whose home la
In WUllamspert, and who says he was In this
city en Sunday seeking employment, at
Downlngtewn Monday morning fell in with
a number of dissolute characters who drank
at various places. Ben O'Reilly, a tramp, Keck
and another tramp went Inte a weeds near
Downlngtewn with drink In their possession.
Keck states that, once oil the main read and
deep into the weeds, the two men attempted
te rob him of his watch. Once of the two
men put his hand ever tbe German's mouth
te koep him Irem giving an alarm. Tbe Ger
man drew- a .' barrel 3i calibre revolver from
a pecket in his coat and tired. The ball
onterod O'Reilly's leg near tbe groin.
O'Reilly pulled the revolver out et tbe Ger
man's hand aud shot the latter In tbe
leg botween the knee and hip. The third
party tied, and tbe German seeing that
O'Reilly meant business, grappled with blm,
and finally succeeded In wrestling the wea
pon Irem bis grasp. Net being subdued and
showing further signs et light, tbe wounded
German beat tbe wounded irishman ever the
head with tbe revolver. Tbe ether fellow
tied and rushed down into Downlngtewn,
borrowed a bat and left for parts unknown.
Tbe wounded German hebDled down into
the town and told what had occurred.
O'Reilly claimed that Keck and the ether
man bad robbed him of $.17. Beth O'Reilly
and Keck were placed In tbe West Chester
Narrewlj K.raped Lynching.
Ark vnsas t'n v, Ark., Junes Constable
Jerry Catter arrived here late last night with
a prisoner, ene Ralph Brown, who waa com
mitted te Jail without ball, charged with
tbe sheeting of Alexander Jenes, in
Red Ferk township, en last Haturday.
Jenes was whipping his wife, when Brown
ordered him te step. Jenes did net desist,
and Brown emptied both barrela of a shotgun
Inte Jenes' head, putting out his eyes, sever
ing hit tongue and breaking hlsj.w. Brown
was at once arrested. A large crowd of
Jenes' friends assembled Sundsy night and
boldly stated tbat tbey intended te lynch
Brown. Constable Carter Informed bis
prisoner et the danger and started for the
weeds with him from itbe back deer, as tbe
mob wan entering the front of the building.
The Pacheco Party Deflated,
r.t. 1'am, Texas, Junes. The election for
meuthers of Congress from tbe state et Chi
huahua had Just been held. The contest waa
between tbe Pacheco party and the antl antl
Pachece. The opposing party hat carried
the day In the Congressional election In tbe
district of Pase del Norte. Carles Pacheco
was governor of tbe state when president
Diaz called blm Inte bis cabinet aa minister
of public werka. lie appointed as bis substi
tute during bit unexpired term Hener
Maceyar, who baa been very unpopular.
Creulng tbe Attaullc.
Nkvv Yerk, JuneS. Mr. and Mrs. James
G, Blaine and their daughters, Misaea M.
aud Hattle Blaine, lelt the Fifth Avenue
hotel shortly after five o'clock tblv morning,
and reached tbe North German Lloyd pier at
i;M o'clock, where they bearded tbe ateam
ablp Ems which sailed for Southampton at
7:J0o'cleck, having been delayed a hair hour
awaiting the arrival of the mall pouches.
Tbe steamship Adriatic, en whieh William
O'Brien it a passenger, sailed at 7 o'clock tbls
Injured In a Wreck.
Uannimal, Ma, June H, An accomoda accemoda accomeda
tion train en tbe Ht Leuis & Hannibal read
was derailed about four o'clock last evening
near rank tort a lady named Dickinsen,
from New Londen, was probably fatally In
jured. Anether lady bad an arm broken.
Conductor W. C. Richardson bad a leg
crushed, Brakeman Molley bad bis cellar
bone broken. Ne cause la assigned for the
The Preticutleu Reels.
Ciiioaeo, Junes. State'a Attorney Grin
nell surprised everyone in Judge Hbepard'a
court tbls morning by announcing tbat the
state rested Its case tn tbe trial of tbe county
plunderers. Mr. Ferrest ssld tbe action of
tbe state was se unexpected tbe defense were
net prepared te begin taelr opening. He
asttedadjeuraawat aaUl le-morrow, whleh
taa uMitraB aiBKAtv mm.
Rates K. Seapiefs Optalea at te the rower nt
the governor egataleg tae Revenue Mil.
Rums K. Sbaptey, esq., who drafted the
revenue bill tbat Just new agitates the minds
et officials and citizens alike, waa aaked by a
Philadelphia IVeta reporter te express an
opinion concerning theommlstlen of the sig
nature or the president of tbe Senate.
Mr. Hhapley was Tery outspoken. He
said : ''Yeu can ssy for me that I believe
the whole allalr was a glgantle fraud, per
petrated by some one yet unknown in the
Interest et corporations."
When aaked as te the probability et Gover Gover
eor Heaver's calling an extra session, he eald,
emphatically : "The governor cannot either ss
a matter or publle or political polley avoid
calling an extra session et the legislature."
"Here Is a new point, though," he con
tinued, "that I am net quite sure of, for I
haven't bad time te leek up tbe constitution
ality of the scheme. I think that the gover
nor can call an extra session et the Senate
alone, net te act as a legislative. body but
simply te see tbat the executive officer
performs the mlnlaterlal duty that was ne ne ne
Miocted "
"Can the executive limit the legislative
branch and call them together for one motive
only, and may there net be a prospect of tbe
appropriation and high license bills being
fought ever again T" Mr. Hbapley waa asked.
"Certainly lie may. The legislative body
can only consider tbe one object for which
they were convened In an extra session.
The best example lean give of thla Is when
ex Governer Pattlsen celled the notorious
extra session te consider tbe sppottlenment
Governer Beaver and his entire cabinet
disagree with Kufua E. Hbapley when be
siys tbat the governor can convene the
Senate te witness the signing of the revenue
bill. Attorney General Klrkpatrlck ssld :
" We think there Is no wsrrsnt In tbe con
stitution te call the Henste together for that
fiurpeee. Tbe Senate can only be convened
n extraordinary session for the transaction
et executive business, and this It net execu
tlve business, but a step In legislation which
the Senate would have no right te da"
They Are BeraUy Entertained.
CiriCAcie, Junes. Twenty-five prosperous
looking gentlemen, well dressed and mostly
wearing white plug hats steed around the
main hall et the Grand raclfla hotel this
morning waiting for the carriages te convey
them te the depot of the Chicago, Milwaukee
& St. Paul railroad. They were the delega
tion of the Bosten Commercial club new visit
ing tbe Northwest as the guests of the Chicago
Commercial club. They arrived at 11:15 last
n Ight. At 10:30 they left in tbe latest improve
ment ei ine ruiiman company, a "vestibule"
train, for Minneapolis and St Paul. Tbey
will step at Kllbeurne City for a view of the
wonderful scenery or the dales of the Wlscon Wlscen
sin river. The return te Chlragoeccursnext
Saturday when they will be given a banquet
by tbe Commercial club.
Trever and Conversion Seil.
Alderman Fordney te-day heard a civil
suit which attracted a large number of people
from tbe county. The parties te the suit are
the administrators of I. M. Klllett, aa plain
tills, and U. H. Wiggins the defendant
The subject et contrevertary waa a
cow. It appears tbat a cow belong
ing te platntlfis, was picked up astray
in Providence township and sold according
te law. Wiggins purchased her and this suit
ia brought te recover tbe cow or ber value
en tbe ground that tbe cow was Illegally
sold. The alderman reserved hla decision.
Bis Aitst. Ins Unknown.
Oark, Ma, Junes. Yesterday afternoon
Beb Meadows, an old citizen of Christian
cnunly, was shot and Instantly killed by an
unknown assassin secreted in the weeds. He
and his wire were walking unsuspectingly
along a read through a dense growth of trees
and underbrush, when tbe woman was
startled by the report et a gun and saw her
husband fall lifeless te tbe ground. Imme
diately alter the sheeting Mn. Meadows says
she saw two men run from an ambush near
by, but the concealment of tbe weeds pre
vented the recognition of the asm sins.
'Fast Line" In a Wreck.
PtnMiuiui, June 8 Tralu Ne. 1, known
as "Fast Line," en the Pittsburg, Fert Wayne
fc Chicago railway, which left this elty at 11:10
last night, collided with the rear of a freight
train near Columbiana, Ohie, at an early hour
this morning. Twe can of merchandise and
the passenger engine were wrecked. Engineer
Overland, or the Fast Line, was seriously
Injured and the fireman waa also badly
bruised. Trains were delayed two bouts.
O'Hrleu Aboard thsAdrlatle.
New Yerk, June 8 Editor O'Brien was
much fatigued after tbe banquet in bis
honor st the Hellman house latt night, and
en hla arrival aboard tbe Adriatic be almost
immediately retired. He was fast asleep
when the steamer swung into the stream.
Nene of the committee who have bad tbe en
tertainment and reception et O'Brien In
charge were present and no incident worthy
of mention occurred.
Want, tbe Fourth Section Enforced.
Wahiiinutev, June S Inter-State Com
missioners Walker aud Soheonmaker re
turned te town tbls afternoon after an abaenee
of several days. Chairman Ceeley la still de
tained by the continued Illness of Mrs.
The commission this morning listened te
argument by E. M. Taft In tuppert et the
petition of Hutten &. Ca, et New Yerk, repre
senting tbe clipper ship trade between the
Atlantic seaboard and tbe Pacifie coast, pray
ing for non-tutpenilen of tbe fourth elauae
asked by tbe transcontinental railroads.
Jar Oeuld Net 8rlenly III.
Wasiiinoten, June 8. The statement
tbat Mr. Jay Gould ia aerieusly ill at Fortress
Menree Is entirely without foundation. "Jay
Gould, Mrs. Gould and a party of eight
frienda " are registered at tbe Rlggs house In
thit city.
Atlantic steamere.
Hamhuiui, Junes. Tbe Hamburg Ameri
can Hue steamer Rhatla from New Yerk ar
rived here te-day.
Nkvv Yerk, June 8. Arrived : Chateau
Leeville from Berdeaux.
New Yerk, June 8. The steamer State of
Indiana from Glasgow arrived te-day.
Over tort Miners Killed.
Berlin, June 8, An explosion occurred
te-day In a coal pit at Qelsenklrchen, a town
in Westphalia. Forty-one bodies have been
taken out, and It Is believed there are still
twelve bed lea In tbe pit
Te Visit The Maval Academy.
Wasuinqten, June 8 Secretary Whitney
will take a party of personal frienda from
New Yerk and Washington te Annapolis by
special ear to-mcrrew morning te witness tbe
doting exercises at the naval academy.
i m
The President te Return SalenUj,
WASumciTON, June 8, Information baa
been received at tbe White ueuse tnai we
president will return by Saturday of this
Mattered His BreUer.
Th-jmat Lmb, county Judge or Maverick
county, Texas, killed bis Brether, Jeseph
LeinbVa wealthy eh.msK,.M'ihalD
selL The brethen went te tblr ebeep
ranch, alx miles from ? SSTthS
Mexico, and upon arriving there sent ine
on1?eocupsnt el the ranch, a Mexican, out te
huntteSesy The Mexican returned In
.n noun andfeund ae one at the ranch, but
l.'wS W Weed. The Mexican started
feyPtediras Negras, and en rtvteg a
another ranch belonging te the Lambs be
found JceephLsmb'ebeIy. Later Tbeeaae
Lamb drove late rtedree Neaas, latesMUag
aa tn ivnaa. and, waa sffreanaw. Taa
brothers had HUmMl ever tfca tUTtelam at
their property.
- mm t mm as sTwsl
amataa weaataaaaaai
- rty.iA
-....- .. -..T7T v:
"" miFin; Mea arreej
snuuur Bridge la 'Tnt sk
atm-fteiaaeM Wk t
id fey
LoNiieXf June 8.-
Larry Dameftm? Imf
Dtiage jumper, wa
Bew street nnlbsei
ir, wasarralaged te,!
ollee station en ike) emttBV'afM
iduet He at templed te) tarn)
from the Westminster bridge lata
out was arrested before be could
bis nurnese. Tbe nfHnar who mm
testified that the Jumper had thrown
v ana nsi ana was eiiinbinra. Mra
the bridge when two men seised all
dragged him down. V
Immediately a atmt tiett.1 mmA am aaa.
mense crowd was attracted te the spot, bias)!
Ins traflla and maklmr a imi wumijb.
Donevan complained te tbe masUtrate the J
the police were mfxhlltntr with him k w; "
Onlv WatltJWl tn Ihnw that I. - iw. Aj-rj
Jump from the bridge and swim te akeiss.H
Larry was cautioned bv the mulairta en "'.'
de It again and was then discharged. isf!
Liquor Seller Anticipating ProhlblUea.
EL Pase. Texas. JtmA R 1 hA r.mhihiit
agitation la commencing te have already a Mi
serious tllect en El Pase and western Tana -:
generally. Next August the prohibitory
vuinu uii uf me peepie ei me stsie. Taera sj:
IsamereDOSSlbllitVefitsbelna-ailnntxt. T v.
that case much or tbe retail trade or El Pan - Sv
will be transferred across tbe river te Pase del ' Jv"
Wn4n TnABnlaan As I tern 1 .I . A. i
a.- us an a udi e I am OAUUUK IB Wf gUlDg ID VBt)Qv (j
uuijr t, wfuiuu Rurreuaui me liquor inxne efv
TexM with great dimcultiea. Vmme del Nert Y
flnttM. nn Alt tlAP A mwtMM nm t".-.. V.
Imported Inte It Tbls fact acoeunta ter the
number et agents of wholesale beuses from
ctber sections of the country who are In Paw
del Norte at tbe present time, looking ft
favorable openings formercanUleenterprieeB,
Hen-a Child'. Ml WuSlnl.
Ahitland, Wis., June 8. Yesterday t,$i
special train en tbe Milwaukee, Lake Shere i-
& Western read bearing tbe directors of taa 3
vnicage, muwauKee x st Paul, was Use jip,
erarn nT m llivllllnc lnnl.lA tvklt.,l..k.l- fi
..... w. .. "It Mvwm nuuvuMin-B
was backing out from a spur leading te aa
Iren mine near Hurley a four-year-old girl
stepped en tbe track and remained there la
spite of the cries of warning from the ap
proaching party. As they neared the child,
Conductor O'Brien leaped from the coach
secured the child and swung himself and
burden from the track. PhlL Armour
ahertly afterward presented Mr. O'Brien with
a le0 greenback, with the thanks of tbe party
for bla gallantry.
Wettern Union's statement. yji J
New Yerk, June 8. Tbe quarterly report J
of tbe Weatern Union Telegraph company f?:
.u. uiviimiw, guuitiK .uuv oytetwjm .?&.
tn.ri.v. Th KilTnlilA An . AZTSteMAB -...?
1837, wm M815.1MU. The net revenues of
the quarter ending June 30, based en nearly
complete returne for April, partial returns
for May and estimating the business for
June Is 11,050,000, Total $7,895,932. Frem
which appropriating Interest en bends and
linking funds of f 14.1,500 and for dividend of
1 per cent en capital stock et 312,000 leaves
a surplus of 10,010, m
In view of the preceding statement a div
idend of 1 per cent en tbe capital Bleck Is
declared, payable en and alter the 15th of
July next, te stockholders en record.
Tit Fer Tat
Omaha, Neb,, June 8. Fer some time the
stock-growers and shippers of this state hare
been sullerlng from an unjust quarantine es
tablished sgalntt Nebraska by the state of
Colorada When tbe quarantine was first
established, the Nebraska llve stock commis
sion protested. Correspondence entued whleh
was terminated by an abrupt refusal en the
part of Colorada After a full consideration
of the matter, tbe Nebraska commission baa
resolved upon the declaration or a quarantine
against Colorada The facta have been laid
before the governor with the usual formal
request for a proclamation.
Anatrla Obtaining Supplies for Defense.
Vienna, June 8. The new magazine guns,
of wblcb the government has recently pur
chased a targe supply, will be Issued te the
army about tbe first et July, and large quan
tities of military supplies contracted for soma
time age are new being delivered at desig
nated depots. There Is new prevailing
throughout Austria and especially along the
Balkan frontier an air of determined preper preper
atlen ter ellense or defense that Mums
strangely Irreoenclllable with the govern
ment's assurances tbat tbe Bulgarian ques
tion will be settled amicably.
Alleged Counterfeit Nickels.
Chicago, June 8. Quite a number of
counterfeit nickels are aald te be in circula
tion throughout tbe West, and the secret ser
vice has been enlisted te bunt It down. Yes
terday a number were received and exhibi
ted te experts, one of whom declared tbat
they were geed and the ether that they were
net The coins nave been sent te the mutt at
Philadelphia where their value will be de
termined and published.
A Ledge Lealug- m WUcea.ln.
Maihsex, Wis., June 8. Reports of
officer or tbe grand ledge or Odd Fellewe la
session hete show thst tne order Is retrograd
ing in membership, there being a less of 400
In the year 1880, The present membership
I 15,013.
Will Take Part la Cernell CemtaeaeeastM.
Prof. Therbahn will leave en Monday for
Ithica, N. Y., te take part in the commence
ment exercises of the Cernell University.
The professor will be one of tbe thirty mual mual
elana from New Yerk, Bosten and ether
cities who will form the orchestra.
Gar Hermit Oats the Beat Cep.
Londen, June 9. This la the second day
et tbe Ascot races. I n the race for the Heat
cup Gay Hermit came In first. Pearl Diver
was second and Candlemas third.
Wants lis Capital
Londen, June 8 in the ueuse or wtaz
ment thla morning a bill wae Intreaaeea 41 1
allow tne niancneswr niup -
tn .i., nnriim nt lla matte! ea anNrM ,.1
hira. Tua bill had lit flrsl reedieg. .fl
Died el rsaeJjttj. ivrffl
u v r.u JLVra. WbJea. ,' il
-i?or ex-Preaident Andrew I). White, at W4
Cernell university, wee stricken with senly.
. .. .1 i .t Iiaaaa. aad dUd Ahmte ..;!;
sis inie iiMwm - - - wi
u..ih. inne flDr. WefaeM
fleeced out of 16,000 by a etyaetMeakJaej $
young bunce man yesterday ajteraeea, tmmf
bunce man weraen we nasiai ssaw,
ttnuoHTeN. Mich.. Junes. The
Reck beuse aad the Dram aoeee were
by lightning aad beraed te the
meraiag. less, ee,ww i
t I Wasmvamna, D. OL, 1mm V-
I I a .... wgwa-,
1-awIaAUAaam - - --- fe.
ni.1 ii ml -i
(IStVJ., -kgaSj-aat"- ...?