Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 06, 1887, Image 1

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volume xxiii-ne. 2ar.
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V!HJl iUU(lUl gllUUlVVvlUv
Amit.i. iiit run THH IHKFUHtlUH
The Munt.r uwi Ma le ir Through lb if m. freak K.hltiiin, en Acceaat
ul Judge M.rcar'i UMth-Ceurl Ad
journ. In llr.ppcl la III. Memery.
The June adjourned quaiter session oeurt
wa epmd at le o'clock this morning, with
Judge Livingston presiding. Tliore are en
the list let trial 3i case mill among the
Iminrtntil out me Benjamin I'. Rewe,
euiberzleiuruts Win. Cllne, emUrttoiuent ;
James H. Jacobs ami .Vixamler Lelbaley,
murder; J. It (lull r, IIUI; AdamOb'ender,
Tlie Urid detemlciit called for trial was J.
Allrrd, oneof Tew Hill's iskiii. lie
Was charged with committing an assault and
battery en Nurati Hwetuey, a light-colored
Wench. According te tlin presecutrix's
statement .he is as at a lustlval en llie night
of March ft anil IihiI h law words with do de
lemlanl, and tliu dispute ended by Turner
Rinackliiy liur In lliu Uie.
The dt-leudant UbhIimI liavlng .truck the
fair Hunan. illnvvMeu et the allalr waathat
Nuaan wa. lianiiliiK around llie deer el the
hall hrrt tlie IinIIv.I aa U'lng held, and
out of li) de iulil her way le llie hall A I ter
alie wai tn llie hall alie iMled hliu, and In
return h pUy fully ni!nl her, and that, ac
cording te hl-i ttnllui my, waa all that tinik
place. Tnejury rnndered a viinllet of guilty.
lie wai aeiiteucMl te ty a llnu el flu and
Jehn Marshall t'titcred a plea of guilty te
eliargm el foleiiloiix entry, ami larcnny.
Maiahall wai Indlrtud several iiinntha age
ler a aerlea et relilHrlra In thu ielully of the tiieuntnliiM and wheu a cntiple of hi.
lOMiinplli'm wura arriwted lie aklnped out
and wan a fugitive fnitu Ju.llce until a few
weeknagis whuu he wai arrmtrd in Uheaier
county. In two ether charge verdict of net
guilty worn taken, a the oeuiinoiiwoaltb
oeuld net iiiakoeiitaoiiiagaliiHt him aa te
thew Indictment. Iln wnt Huiitenred te un
dergo an Imprlsontuentef oueyoar.
a new Atierr a dee.
Jelin llryan, of I'.lrnlln, wi Indlcted for
eiiiiiilttlug an aainult and battery e.i Lillian
Mull, of tin) Mine tewnntilp. Hhe teatlHn
that he imiiie te her atore en Kuhruary -I,
utidur the liilluwicoef Ihiuer, aud cetuinllled
thu alleged etletiMi.
Fer th ilefoii'e It appeared that all tlie
trouble erlglnattHl about a llttlodeg which
llryau rUlint'il te hne lieugtit from the bun
band of I. till m, and when he picked up the
deg Mr. Mull made a grab for llaudhetrled
topreteut lirr from gxttlng It- ltrande
dled having na'aillted the wniiian Jury
NI.W Till V 1.1 (lllNrKP.
The court giante I new trial In the larceny
cavaglut Lincoln Yelleta, I'eter K. Hen,
l.uvl Kokert and Kdward Aiken. In these
suit the verdicta were guilty and new trial
were asked ter Ixhmuhe thn dlntrlct attorney
neglected te have plea entered before the
trial prrcteded.
i.lgreii um kmikii.
Verdlciaef net guilty were eiit-rit In tlie
cm 'if ciiiiinenwenltii v. Stiiiuel Mull,
Win. Urllllih, Henry Trestlo, Alex. Heed,
I.ewliO. Kllirnre, (lemgn llenedlct aud Mia.
Antheny, In ic'mI for lnlatlng tbe Ihiuer
law. TliH illpo.ltlen waa made neeunary
by rea'uu of the pnige of the new license
Ill tli im- of (U'llliler. mhIUi v JiiIIii
I.edereiitp, IiiiIUIkiI for Hi-uult with Intent
lerniWi Hut mint, mi motleii of tlie dlitrict
atternny, alie ihI a nu';riit te bfi otiteriMl
tub iu:viiKiiiev i:-.rn:.
Win. Auk. At lue, counsel ter Jehn I.
Nklli"i, aJmliil'ritter of Aiuei Ilenilenvui,
decftawd, tireiiidit te llm attention el the
murt the doclxleu or the supreme court
In the appiat or (loerge Nan man, ux
ecut ir. JiiiIkm I'attirten, en UU uio'len,
ro-e muillt"il tliu report te tlie auditor, ter
redlitrlbiitlen In iu;iirdaiii.'e with the hu
prema uiurt tlicwleii, hiiiI that the amundd
rojetthe Hind te tlie June term. The tiling
et the report at that tliue will allow ul a ill ill
t'llmllen te tlie credit rs In July.
Cl'ltUUNr IllMNhx.
Miles Tite, city, wai granted a soldier'
llcfiixe le peddle geed In the county et
JI'lllIK MKIK l ll'l li:.lll AN.VOl'Nl'KII.
Just twfere the hour e' adjeurnuieut Mr.
KyneliN, in belull et the bar, announce I
le the uiurt Ihe death of Chlof Justlcu Mer
car. He a'd :
1 luu ut heard of thu death of the chief
Jmtl.-M or I'encsylvanls, thn Honorable
'Ulyes S Meicur, uml I new with feelings i f
pie'nund sorrow annouuee the tact te the
Tliat the stati has sutliired a meat serious
less in the (loath et Us chief Judicial rlticer
Weaul a pnclatn and today we add our
veltes In the lamentation.
Tliu bar of the slate has loot one who In
his exalted position never failed tn be just.
Te the uieft ilUtliiRiili-hed as well as tbe
h ii mli eat iihihIit el thu protesalen he was
alwaya ceiirtunui, conHlderato and kind.
HU Integrity, hN Cliiiitian character, hi
uniwervlng i;iiwrtlnlity, Ids fidelity te all
that (mrtaiiied te the proper administration
of justice, his great legal ability,
madu nlm eminently tit te 1111 the high place
he occupied wl eu an Inscrutable providence
called hlui te a higher court le hear the
Judgment pronounced, Well done, thou
geed and Ulthlul servant, thou hast been
faithful ever a lew things, I will make thee
ruler ever many things."
Judge, lawjera and laymen will all
mourn the less of one In whom they have
bad unbounded confidence. They will mis
him as an adviser, counseller, director aud
a,i a moil delightlul companion.
1 have known him intimately for year.
Te me the announcement of hi death waa
severe blew. I feel tbat I have lust a very
d ar friend, that a void has been created In
luy ll.t of ilnwe whom 1 wai proud te ad
mire tnat chi i net be tilled.
I wish I oeuld pronounce the eulogy that
my feelings prompt. I will for the present
leave that te ntbera who are mnie competent
tn de the great man justice, when the shock
that ha disturbed us all has passed away,
when we can see and appreciate In all Ita
fullness the msgnltude of tbe common
wealth's less.
1 move that the court de new adjourn until
te morrow at 0 o'clock out of respect for the
memory et the deceased.
Judge Lilvlngaten aald lie heard with great
regret of the death of I'ennaylvanla'a chlet
Justice. It waa ae aad aud se sudden tbat he
oeuld hardly believe the new aa he had but
abort time before read In the morning
papers of the Jnatlea'a recovery. The death la
peeularly aad one, and will be felt by every
bench and bar throughout the common
wealth. He net only adorned the position
he held en the bench but wa pleasant,
agreeable, amiable, and able, and In the
less or her chief Justlee, the state
of Pennsylvania through her cltlnns baa
eauae te mourn. It ITnet noceaaarv for the
court te aay anything farther at present, but
aa a mark of teipect te hU memory thla
court will adjourn until te-morrow morning
at U o'clock.
VMIdreu'a Day Mrvle..
Yesterday waa Children' Day throughout
tbe borders of the church of tbe United
Brethren In Christ. Covenant church, Wsat
Oranae street, held all-day service anore-
prlate te tbe occasion. Mr. Funk, the paater, J
preached in tbe morning, en "The work of
the Hunday .oheoL" The majority of these
present were young people. In tbe evening
the Hundsy school aad congregation nnlted
In rendering a fine pregramme of recitations,
aaualeand addresses, suitable for this day,
TU church was nicely trlnuned with flewerr,
aBd Ik MTTkJM wwrt well attended.
tU TMT It til H t,tUUN.
LliatM.a rrapeawa Vlaureu. right-A Move,
tnsal le MtU the Uussllea el ihe Von Ven Von
Mllutleuetllt el Ihe Act.
from the 1'hlladelpbta Itecerd.
In ihe movement te teat the legality of the
high license law an etlert will be made le
unite every branch of the liquor business).
The Htate Liquor league of Pennsylvania
will meet at Allentown, en July 12, when
the matter will coma up for aTatislderatleu.
Attorney Kinanuel Kurlti, who lepreeenta
the League, In speaking of the proposed ac
tion saya :
We have already an opinion by llnnjatuln
Harris llrewsterte the tlltct that thu ant as
preKisnl en Ita Unsl pa-sage In the Heuse
waa unconstitutional, and we believe that Uia
Senate amendment bavn made It even worse
In tbat leaped. There la pending a rule,
which will ha heard In the old court of quarter
sonslens te day, te determine whether the act,
without reward le tbu unntlttillnallly, will
go Inte i licet the first Monday In June, or
whether Ita operation aball be iotpened
under the proviso In the set until the
llrst day or July. It Is a trlllu Inconsist
ent In teitard te thn Hme when It shall
take ellacL It provides that Imme
diately after Ita passage certain things
shall I mi done In outer temqiilie the right te
sell liquor; then thiire is a ptovlse that
license under previous law sliaU net b
taken mil allnr tlie 3(Hhel Juua We tK'lluve
of course, thai the oeu verse el that I true
and tbat lleensea csn be taken out under the
previous law until the .10th day of June. A
rule ha been taken by Vail, counsel for tlie
Law slid Order society, against the clerk of
the court n quarter sessions te restrain him
from atllxlng his seal te a license applied ler
by Mr. McAually, the contention being that
aa Mr. Mclnaliy applied for hi II
cense alter th'i passage of the high li
cense law be la bound te apply tn
the court of quarter sessions Instead of tn the
county commissioners, and le ,y f.VW In
stead of e() That rule will be contested by
ex-Judgu Klceck and ex-Attorney General
Cawldy, representing the clerk of quarter
sessions ; tiy Mr, ituuhaiu, representing the
Liquor Dusters' association ; by Mr. Hhlelds,
representing the Uerman Tavern Keepera'
association, and by myself, representing the
Hetel and 8iloen'Keoier' union.
14 What are the main points upon which
the liquor men expect te base the proposed
action in their endeavor te show thu high
llmiise law te be unconstitutional ?" waa
q here are three principal point. In the
llrst place we contend that It Is an act for the
ral.lug of revenue by taxation. As an evi
dence of that a part of thu taxei are applied
for specific puriieica. We alie contend that
It Is net iinilerni In Ita applicability te the
cltlrnua of this state, becauiu a saloon-keeper
In l'alladelphla would have le pay MX) for
his license, while a man living In a borough
would have ail opi-ertunlty of soiling the
same quantity of liquor under precisely the
same circumstauces ler f 100. It also re onsets
special legislation, which Is forbidden by the
new constitution, and It abridges the liberty
of a citizen, wins 1 I'll own house, might
desire te glke away or furnish te friends or
anybody who should call te see him liquor
of any kind.
II Ihe llrst point be well taken there will be
no need of going further, for should It be de
cided tbat the aim of the law la the collection
el a tax It will nullity It, for tbe act must
nave but one purpose If, a la claimed, the
tax be merely Incidental, then It must be
uniform lu Ita operation in every part of the
A prominent brewer slated yesterday that
a peel amounting te between tiu.uue and (15, (15, (15,
oue had been contributed by the beer
Itrewera' association te place tbe question et
tbe constitutionality of the high lysuse law
before Iheaupruiue court, first by obtaining
tee opinions el se era! couatltutleual lawyers,
and then, If favorable, te proceed with tt In
tbeaupreuiecriurt. The brewera claim that
llie law makes taxation unequal, aud that It
is eutlrely eppuied te llie principle el liberty
te the citizen. Kx-Seuanir lluikalew and
aeteral ether attorneys will be consulted. It
Is expected that tbe proem-dings will occupy
at least a year. In Um meantime the
license feu will have te be uiil. If the de
cision sought should prove favorable the
money thus iald would hate te be relunded.
iidi'riHM nr iMvmuatutt.
Ten lluuksrils anu four llaplUU! In
Ilia t'r fend of the County.
Kunilay morning a very large meeting of
the Duukards, or Kier Itrotbren, was held
ou the banks of the Ceuey creek near Ntacks Ntacks
tewn (Hancock puetelltce). There were
about one thousand persona present and nut
less than lour hundreJ carriages aud wagena
llev. Jacob Einmiiiger conducted tbe ser
vices and preached a geed sermon.
After tbe sermon he baptlsd ten believers.
The method et baptirlng by tbe Iiunkarda is
peculiar. The believer Is led Inte tbe water
by tbe minister, aud immersed three limes,
In the name el the l'ather, then el the Hen,
aud then of the Hely (Jhesl
A meeting waa held 111 llalnbrldge by tbe
Church of I led .Sunday mernlug. A sermon
waa preached by Kev. Ira Macllenald, his
sulijeclbelng baptism, aud bl argument in
tended le show thai Iheru is no scriptural
baptism except Immersion that tliu true
iiieanlug of the werda "te liaplie" la "te
Immerse," te bury or cover with water.
At 5 o'clock In thu evening a second meet
lug waa held en the river bank at Haiti
bridge and Kev. McDonald baptl.ed tour
believers In tbe Hiuquebanna rlter. Tne
Uliuruh of (ied sect immerse tbe cau
dldates, by leadiug thorn breast deep Inte the
water aud Immersing thorn by throwing
them backward histeid el lerward until tbe
body I entirely covered. The attendance at
the Interesting ceremony was quite large, net
lesa than four hundred people betug assem
bled ou tbe tow-path of the canal te witness te
Kur fraukllu ana Mar.hall.
Hpee!al services were held yesterday morn
ing In Christ Keferiued church, llreen street
below (Sixteenth, Philadelphia, ter the pur pur
peae of celebrating the centennlal annlvor annlver
aary el thn founding of Franklin and
Marahall college. Yesterday being Trinity
Hunday, It waa set apart by the friends of the
college for the purpese of collecting fun 'a te
Increase Its endowment. The services were
participated in by the congregation aud Hun
day school, and were conducted by Kev.
James Crawford, tbe pastor, who la a son In
law et Ur. J. I. Wlckersbam, and who
was principal of tbe preparatory department
et Kraiikllii and Marshall. The ettering
of the Hunday school amounted le 1131, while
the congregation contributed $l,U0O. Ad
dressee were delivered by Kev. Dr. V. H.
Davis, Jeseph A. Keed and Dra. A. 8. Ger
hard and H. H. (lulllerd. The paater was aa.
aisled by T. K. Fenatermaker. The pulpit
waa nicely decorated with cut plants and
llewerr. An Interesting feature of tbe occa
sion waa tbe presentation of a let of books,
the gilt of Huperintendent H. Y. Dlltx, te the
Hunday school acbelara for geed attendance
during the year.
Illcreagblng far Three Menth.
Miss Jennie Hulllvsn, of Fenda, N, Y.,
was attacked with hicceugh three months
age and has had no relief except when placed
under the lntlueuce of opiates. Hhe la new a
physical wreck. When one of the violent
attacks comes en she raves like an Insane
persons Physicians have tried, in vain, te
allerd relief te the iullorer.
Viral communion at Bl. JeMuh's.
There were Interesting services at Ht Jo Je
aeph'a Catholic church ou Hunday, Tbe
occasion was tbe first communion of a large
class el boys and girls at tbe U o'clock mass,
which was celebrated by Father Kcch, and
at which he preached a aermen te tbe young
folks en the Important step they had taken.
VUltlag the Leinbsr Ksglnna.
Lewis H. Hartman, elty. Jehn K. Brlcker
and Isaac Buber, Warwick, left te-day ter
tbe Utaiber regions of Fennsylvanla, te leek
aft their interests la a lumber company of
wktabUwyaM directors. They will mum
lwtM Ik latter part of ttw) week,
ruvitu mmh vttmutta Mtrm
taM-rmsK-vut viae
While Sh u Ksm'Mlag Areena she ftaMs Near
Heme the ftceaadral Assaalla Mar The
Victim right liHpsraiely rer Ubs-tr,
The AccaMd Laegad la Jail.
Ki.izaiikthtewh, Juee , On last Fri
day afternoon the quiet and peaceable little
village of Newvllte, one mile west of this
plane, waa thrown Inte a terrible state el ex
citement ever a cruel, heartless, atrocious
crime oeiurnltted by a young nam named
Jehn Klpp, age about Ul years, and who
resides near the same little hamlet, It ap
pears that Mlai Minnie Itirnbart, aged 10
years, a beautiful daughter of Ames Ilarn
hart, a blacksmith, was amusing herself by
gathering flower In the field near her
home. It was then thv. ibl wretch ap
proached thla I litis girl, net yet In her teens,
and committed tbe awful deed of rape.
The little girl fought bard for her liberty,
having scratched hi f!s, hand and arms
terribly, but te no avail, a the brute strength
of the man overewTed her, who choked
her that her face and neck were swollen snd
thu accomplished his purpose, afterwards
fleeing ler refuge.
Hhe, exhausted el strnngtta and almost
prostrate, managed te reach home. Minnie
presented a pitiable scene, weeping bitterly
and then revealed the true facta of this awful
Her mother proceeded at once te inform
her buaband, who works a abort distance
away, of this brutal outrage, lie Immedl
ately, In a frenzy, began search for Klpp, but
net finding hi in be swore out a warrant ter
his arrest. In the meantime two men saw him
net fsr from Ihe saloon and kept blm In con
venation until Constable Mlisnk, of West
Detiegal township, put In an appearance and
arrested him. He waa taken te Fert Ilurk Ilurk
helder en Saturday morning, where be will
be In ssfe keeping until tbe next term of
er. juus'm nmw rjtum.
Ksr. U r. Allsmse, U. U . Preach, te a Largs
CeBBTgaUaa en Hands.
Kev. a F. Allemsn, I). D , lately elected
pastor of Ht Jehn Lutheran church,
preached his Initial sermon Hunday morning
In the presence of a large congregation. Uls
text waa the iWlh verse of the 1st chspter of
HU Paul's Epistle te the Coleaslana j "Whom
we preach, warning every man and teaching
every man tn all wisdom ; tbat we may
present every m in perfect in Christ Jesus."
The theme of the sermon waa tbe manner
and end of tbe Christian ministry a deduced
from tbe text ; and tbe reverend preacher
presented as a pledge of bis own ministry
here In Laucaster this conception of the
Chrtstlau nilulatry. He came here te preach
the gospel from tbe pulpit aud te work among
tbe congregation ; te commend tbe zealous
workers, te encourage the weak and loge
out alter these who had strayed away.
Dr. Alleniau is a man of One presence, a
rapid speaker with a pleasant voice and
possesses decided oratorical ability. Uls
sermon was written In well chosen words,
and waa read without In anywise Interfering
with igernu gesticulation and proper
elocutionary ellec'.
Hunday eeutug Dr. Allemsn preached
from the text found in the llth and 1Mb
verses et the -'ith chapter of Matthew: " Fer
the Kingdom el Heaven Is aa a man traveling
Inte a far country, who called his own ser
vants and dellcrrd unto them his goods.
And unto one he gae tle talents, te another
two and te another one; te eiery man ac
cording V his scleral ability, and straight
way took tils Journey. " The theme of tbe
discourse was the duty of every member of
the church te work for the church, aud net te
diqiend upon another te de work that be
should de himself. Ka-h has bis appointed
sphere of duty ; if be bae only one talent he
mustuei bury it but use It ler tbe master of the
" house, " which Is the church. The reverend
sjieaker made a very pretty comparison be
tween a well regulated household with Its
steward and servants and laborers, and the
church with Us minister, elders, deacons and
laymen ; aud enforced In strong laeguage
tbe necessity of each and all te work.
Eight Mill Killed aud rive Wuuud.d at
lllrmlngtistii, fa.
Haturday afternoon eight men were killed
and tlve seriously hurt by an explosion in tbe
quarnea of the Cambria iron company, at
Birmingham, near Altoeua. Their names
are at fellows : Jacob Hcheenfelt, who leaves
a wife and six children ; C. H. Htewart, wife
and two children ; Geerge Wetaser, wile and
one child ; Hill Myers, wife and tbree
children ; Jehn Koef, wife and six children ;
Kinanuel Hedges, IUrry Nell and Michael
Wanlke were all single. Four of the bodies
weretnashed tna Jelly, ever one hundred
ten of limestone tuvlug fallen en them.
Preparations hvl been made during tbe
morning for a big blast, six kegs of powder
having been used In tilling tbe bole. At
neon tlie tuse was attached, lighted and be
lore the men returned trein tlielr dinners a
partial explosion took place. Thinking tbat
the iowder had all ben burned tbe meu
went te work boring out renlltug and tamp
ing the holes te get ready for another blast
Huddenly and without warning a thunderous
boom was beard and was Immediately fol
lowed by the fall el a great mass of rock.
Death and consternation were tbe results.
Ueadlesa and dismembered dead, horribly
mangled aud dying, aud the shockingly
wounded lay scattered about en top or
beneath the rock In the quarry,
Ol the Injured, Michael Wafner, Hungarian
is at tbe Altoeua hospital, and said te be In a
dying condition, Tem and Geerge Melte,
Hungarians ; Cosine Gasha, Kusslan, and
Neel Varner all tnore or less hurt, are re
covering. The latter bad a narrow escape
from Instant death. He waa standing close te
the drillers when the explosion took place.
A 'M ten atone fell within ten Inches et bim,
but he waa only slightly hurt The saine
huge boulder fell en the bodies of Myers,
Koef and Nell, crushing them Inte an unre unre
eognisable mass. The coroner's jury ren
dered a verdict In accordance with tbe above
facta. Within 400 root of the scene el tbe
calamity Is stored 1,500 keg of powder and
thousands of dynam lte eaitrldge.
Arraal of aa Orgse-Orindsr.
Several months age an ergsn grinder named
Jeseph Lenenteena while turning the crank
of bla mualcal Instrument for the delight of
tbe denizens of Seuth Water street, became
enraged from some cause or ether at a little
daughter of Jacob Gump, and taking held of
her shook her, threw her down In the gutter
and kicked her. A warrant for his arrest
was issued by Alderman Spurrier, but be
escaped by leaving town. Saturday be ven
tured te return and was picked up In the
Heventh ward by a policeman. He will be
given a hearlug en Wednesday evening.
l-arry UouevaD.luniiioR" Londen Bridge,
Lswreuce Donevan, whejumped from tbe
Brooklyn bridge, and tbe Suspension
bridge at Niagara Falls; en Sunday
jumped from Londen bridge Inte the
Thames. He refused te permlt a collection
le be taken up, saying, the Jump was merely
In honor et the Queen's Jubilee. He Intends
te jump, atan early day, off the Cliften sua sua
pensien bridge at Bristel, the highest bridge
in Kuglaud,
America'. Ohamplea fegliwt.
JakeKilralD has been publlely presented
with the Alice Gazette diamond belt, which
carries with It tbe puglltotle oUapteejafctp of
America, be en havlac oeTerad. be. wMeait
Mt SI fSHk !a Saria. nv Imalaaaka
wa Vfw aw aaa vwa laav aavjaBi
.,'- ft
mummum LAWK.
MM Ntfaad h? the Moveruer The Laneariar
Mesas far Frlsndl... OhlMren-Aupre-
prlallea Approved.
Governer Useyer en Saturday signed a
number of bills and vetoed some Items In
appropriation bills. The bill algned are as
follews: Making appropriation te the
Southern Hume for Destitute Children, or
Philadelphia; providing the manner et col
lecting claims where liens have been tiled
against the real estate or the employer ; te
provide for the Incorporation ofaccldentcem
panlesentbe assessment plan; making ap ap
prlatlen rer a monument evor the grave el
Corporal Kblal ; appropriation for the I'nnn
aylvenla Soldiers and Hsllera' Heme, at Krie;
le compensate St. Paul's Orphans' Heme, at
Butler; appropriation te tlie Pennsyl
vania Working Heme rer llllud Men ;
appropriation te Wllllamspert hospital ;
appropriation te llarrlshurg hospital ;
appropriation te Themas It. (lulgley,
el Krle ; appropriation ler a monu
ment ever the grave or Governer
Themas Mllllln ; appropriation te thn Altoeua
hospital ; appropriation te the hospital at New
Castle, Lawrence county ; appropriation te
Reading hospital ; appropriation te Bradford
City hospital ; appropriation te the Orthope Orthepe Orthope
dle hospital and infirmary rer nervous dis
eases, iu Philadelphia ; appropriation te tbe
Lancaster Heme for tbe Friendless ; ap
propriation te llatnet hospital, Krle :
appropriation te tba Northern Heme
rer Friendless Children. Philadelphia ;
appropriation te aid the Thirteenth district
Htate Nermal school ; appropriation te 1.01k
Haven Nermal school for buildings ; relating
te husband and wife defining the rights
and power ever their property, te make con
veyances and contracts, authorizing them te
sue and be sued upon their contracts, and
defining the interest of husband and wife In
tbe estate of each ether by will or otherwise ;
supplement te tbe act le accept a grant el
public lands, and making appropriations for
the purpose el carrying the same Inte effect.
Appropriations le Norrlstewn hospital, ex
cept a te the fJO.OOO ,or additional furniture
and equipments, ou account of uncertainty as
te tbe revenue, and uecause tbe price at pre
ent paid ter the maintenance et pi lent should
provide a fund for such purpesa. Making
appropriations te the Ilom-eiutliio hospital,
Pittsburg, except as te 115,000 for liqui
dating balance et indebtedness, dliap.
proved because of unceitalnty of rev
enue and because the state should net
assume Indebtedness of private Institutions.
Making appropriation te Pennsylvania Heme
for Blind Women, except Item or (5 000 for
completion et buildings, disapproved bdoaune
of excess et sppreprlati lis ever ruonue.
Making appropriation for the ModtceCnl.
rurglcal hospital, Philadelphia, excent 25,000
ler 1888, striking out hall the expropriation
because of lack or revenue. Making Appro
priation te the Allegheny general henpllal,
except &5,0OO for paying a mortgage, en ac
count of lack of revenue. Making appropria
tion te Lickawanna hospital, at Hcranten,
except Item of IJ,5e0 rer completing and fur
nishing buildings, owing te lack of revenue.
Making appropriation te Western Pennsylva
nia Institution fe( deal and dumb, except
(6,000 for laundry and kitchen, because
economy la necessary in state expenditures.
Appropriation te l'enn.yWatila wlioel for
feeble-minded children, except (50,000 for
tbe erection and completion el a building for
epileptic children. Appropriation lercenten
nlal anniversary et tbe constitution, except
in" iwu 01 ij,uuu te be expenueu uy ine
governor aud legislature in entertaining
guests from ether states, because the revenues
of tbe state will net Justify se large an appro
priation, and there should be no divided re
sponsibility in tbe expenditure. The amount
approved will amply pay all expenses.
vmvAUira mlmvtiuh run justices
The Clll'sna' Ticket UaitlDg Ne Mtinw Police
Working fur the Hoodie An-
archr Couihlnatleu.
Chicago, June ts l'leclieu day began
leggyand the sky was mere or less clouded
all morning. About a O'clock ltcleiredupa
little, but mere mtit and thick weather fol
lowed. The balloting judges liegau late
at alineit all the polling pUce-i. The boxes
should have been ep-u at li a. hi.; soiiie were
net open much belore 7. Tliu noting was
light ler the llrst few hours eery where, but
particularly small In the! strong
holds, such as the stock yards. In the mere
aristocratic wards, the CKI.sui' tickut had the
most iieddlera and the most votei. At seme
products there were no workers for the
' regular" ticket, uml the election clllcers ap
parently did what they could te keep them
out el sight The rleMug el the Heard el
Tradeand many utilities houses te allow
fie clerks and ether empleyes te ote sent
big crowds et young busluess men te the
(Hills during tlie early hours, aud they nearly
all voted the Citizens' ticket and were par
ticularly enthus'ait'e ter Grinnell and CUI CUI
Ierd, against whom It Is charged the light et
boedlelsui and anarchy ts being made. H'llt
the adherent el Kratis and Knglinh were net
Inac he. They had their heelers at every
pill, and the bairel get In its work in many
Tbe ,Veu at 11 o'clock ajs : Aa the voting
proceeded It waa elduut tbat there was a
systematic attempt en feet te drie the
Citizens' ticket from the Held by cowardly
bull-dozing, aud the Instruments in this war
fare was tbe police department. At every
poll tbe peddlers or the Citizens' ticket were
abused by Chlut Kber.wld's uitm, aud lu one
or two cases tbey were driven from tun polls
by tbreats.aud elten by btulnl physical ie
" We knew who are responsible rer this,"
Bald oue or the managers el the campaign,
"and they will be made te HUtler rer It The
fact tbat the attacks have been made every
where shows tbat instructions have betn
glveu te the elllcera aud that there is a system
In this business. It shows that Chlet Kber
sold, Mayer Koche and the city government
are working ler the boedlo anarchy ceuibl
a uumsure v iitiUKUt.
An Keutucklan Fatally Sheet, ill. vVlle and
Twe Hen.
Cincinnati, Juue 0 The details of a
quadruple tragedy were received here Irem
Mtysvlllr, Ky., this morning. Haturday
evening Jehn H. Fields, a farmer living near
Millwood, enraged at the alleged im
proper conduct of his wife with a uelgb,
bit, attempted te murder bore. As she.
was cleariiiK away the reiiiahia of the even
ing meat the enraged husband crept te a win
dow aud tired at her with a double barrelled
shotgun. Tbe shot ahattered the glasi
aud struct tha unfortunate woman In
the breast, Inflicting a necessarily fatal
wound, Twe sons who were sitting en
tbe perch were startled by tbe report
of the weapon and rushed te the teene
and seled their Inrurinted father as
he was preparing te tire again at bla wife
who lay groaning upon tbe fleer. After a
desperate struggle tbe madman escaped and
taking careful aim at his two boys lirex'i
The shot struck both In vital parts. Neigh
bors who had been aroused by tbe noise
hurried te the scene and captured
Fields while he wai attempting te escape and
brought him back te tbe house where he was
bound with ropes. A physician pro
nounces tbe Injuries or the three
victims fatal. A guard was placed
ever the murderer, but during tbe night
he managed te elude attention aud escaped.
Diligent search was made for him, and
finally his dead body wai found In the
stable. He bad cut hla threat from ear te
ear and bled te death.
llrlnk Lit le Bute lil.
BtoeMiNtiroN, III., June 0 Frederick
Freeze, an old German, killed hlmsell with
arsenic last night. The deed was the result
of drink.
A U.lenarr Eatan By Cannibal.
News has just been reeelved at Mansen,
Iowa, that Key. Dr. Reld, wbe left that plaea
last winter te become missionary in Cen-
ganeftaLbM beea killed and eaten by a
? y. w -intenf-tr y-vgig-'S.
tmm vhitbe vhb auviatium
Repert el Krsnl. el Ihe Old World Sent BJ
a Oerp. ul Eminent Journalist The
lalslllgenc.r" a Marnber el This
Progressive I're Association.
Londen, June 0 The Tery leaders are
lurleus ever the drudging which Mr. Glad
stone aduilnlatered te tbetn In bis Swsnsea
speech Haturday. Tbey oeuld stand any
amount of logical argument against coercion,
but te be told that they areatupld apprentices
at legislation and tbat they de net knew hew
te de even tba mechanical work of framing a
bill 1 tee much for their equanimity. The
Grand Old Man's language In thla en
the Welsh hills waa mere In the Insolent vein
of Disraeli than In hU own style et calm and
polished declamation. "1 have had much te
de with legislation," he said In ene part of bis
speech, "but I de net recollect ever having
Introduced a bill no badly constructed that a
clause or thirty-four lines should, before It
waa passed through committee, have swollen
te ene hundred. It shows tbat se many faults
wero bit, ae many weak points discovered,
that In spite of their overwhelming majority
tbey were obliged te let the clause be expanded
and put Inte passable shape. The reason
business Is delayed Is tbat these who are doing
It de net knew hew te de It"
The O'Brien Incident in New Yerk has at
tracted much attention bore. This morn
lug's papers contain long accounts el what oc
curred Haturday night, but there seems te be
considerable contusion as le the real slgnltl.
cince et tbe allalr. The local pellttclal com
plications Involved are net very clear te tbe
average Britisher. The Dublin Freeman's
Journal prints seven columns of cable matter
about tt The only thing that everybody
seems positive of In connection with the oc
currence Is that It Mr. O'Brien has get Inte
any muss with thu Irish-Americans he has
done a bid day's work for the Irish National
ists at home, who have seldom been mere in
need et American dollars than Just new.
Hpsakingef such contributions, It may be
added that Michasl Davttthas been about as
unfortunate in championing the cause cf
bla friends as Mr. O'Brien seems te bave
been. Ills Irlenda excuse his extravagant
utterauces en the ground that bis emotional
nature la overcome by tbe heartrending
scenes attending the Bodyke evictions. " 1
wish he bad stayed awsy from there, " was
the only reapense I could get from one et bla
staunch Irleuds whom I tried te interview yes
terday. " Tbe Buttering he sees seems te
blm the most Important thing In the world
just new," said another, "and he talks
glibly et starting a crusade te raise several
million dollars ler a plan et campaign fund,
but when ne gets away from there and cools
down be will realize that his sympathy for a
few untertunatea haa led him te terribly
damage tbe prospects et a wbele nstlen. '
One man told me he had no doubt that
Davltt bad become suddenly Insane.
Amid all their troubles, tbe Nationalists are
cheered by ene development, te wit, tbe at
ceptance or the tenants' terms by the agents
or the Pousenby estates. Father Heller's
heroic leadership of resistance ou these et-
tates seems net te have been In vale.
It is well understood here as a matter of
prltate Information tbat all the talk about
the recovery et the Crown 1'rluce Frederick
William, or Germany, is nonsense. Tlie
simple fact is tbat the prince has a cancer,
aud w HI share the usual fate or these atllicted
with this disease, which has never yet been
known te alter Its mode or procedure en
account of the rank of ita victim. It Is, of
course, highly preper for Prof. MscKeuzle
and Prof. Vlrchew te speak learnedly of
maliguant growths and their removal. This
phraseology Is well uudorsteod In the pro-fe-sten,
and does net prevent the iuiatlated
from alreaJy beginning te discuss the per
sonal quallttcs of the young son of the crown
prince and what aert of a successor be will
tuake te the aged emperer.
The latest news' Iretu Belgium is unsatls
factory uud points te u renewal of the labor
The naleuu-Kerpsr Will Die.
Kansas City, Me., June 0 About a
doen policemen went down te Randelph,
thioeinllea lielew bore, where the Chicago,
Milwaukee V Ht Paul railroad company Is
buildiug a bridge acres the Missouri river,
yesterday afternoon, ler the purpose et quell
ing a small riot H-tui Hwigerf, a saloon
keeper, bad had trouble with totue et tbe
bridge workers aud the result el the scrim scrim
uisge was that Jehu Cautleld, alias
" Meutaua Ike," et Chicago, was shot til the
slde and bead aud Hwlgurt lu the groin.
Snlgerl will did.
Mnrderrd III. Uncle.
Ha.mi Buai'U, Mich., June fi. Michael
Merris catne bore Irem Pennsylvania two
months age aud settled en tlie farm etbls
uncle, Lawrence Brennau. April SO, Bren
nan disappeared, and was said te have gene
te Washington territory. Merris claimed hia
uucle gave blm tbe farm before leaving, and
ellered a clumsily forged deed ler record.
Suspicion was aroused, and Brennan'a body,
badly decomposed, was found In tbe well.
Merris was arrested Haturday and con leased
te the murder.
A Dezeu Hoodlum. Arretted,
UiucAiie, June L Police yesterday ar
rested twenty-four hoodlums iu a freight car
ou tbe Chicago it Atlantic read at 51st street
They bearded the car at 3Sth street and when
ordered from the car by Conductor Waugh
they Bet upon him with car-lluks and ceup-llng-plns
aud beat him terribly, At 51st
street tbe train was stepped, tbe elllcera sur
rounded the car, tbe patrols were called and
tbe hoodlums were taken te the police sta
tion. Lyuchcd Far Asaaelllng a Weman.
IIkluna, Ark., June 0 A telephone mes.
sjge was received yesterday Irem Clarenden
announcing the lynching Haturday nlgbt of
the negre who attempted te outrage Mrs.
Park, tbe uiether-tu lawet Sheriff J. W. B.
Kobinsen, of Menree county. About forty
poeplo took the fellow from Jail and hanged
him te a tree near the court house. Tbe ne ne
geo was captured within a lew miuutes after
be bad left bis intended victim. lie con
fessed before dying.
Will Be Shet.
Bensen, Arizona June 0 Anashacle
Bure, a Yaqul chief he served under the
famous CaJeine In the late Yaqul war, la here
in shackle en bis way te Quaymas, where
he is wanted for murder. He was captured In
Tucson and surrendered te tbe Mexican
authorities en a requisition upon tbe gov
ernor el Arizona. Tbe Mexican agent
saya Bura will be shot when he reaches
Ilrunken lteugb. Nearly Kllla SIlulMer.
CmcAiie, June 0 Four drunken reugbs
committed a brutal and unprovoked assault
last evening en Rev. R. T. Newell, at the
corner el Dearborn and Jacksen streets,
Tbey first Jostled tbe mlnlsUr oil tbe side
walk and then struck and kicked blm re
peatedly, and would probably bave killed
him bad set a number of cltlsaua comes te
his leeeae, Tbree et them were afterward
amuiBBtt rum uvammtr, bawb.
KlhrM Haw DlaanKsM Mrs. Mattsrn'a Bull
Wltn Coats HI. lUvtew of the Osm.
In New Yerk, Granville P. Hawea, the
referee in the suit of Sephia L. Mattern, who
Is native et Lsncsiter, against Kuitell Sage,
announced his decision Haturday In eight
type-written pages of legal cap. The decision
Isarevlew of tbe action, a digest of the testi
mony, and an opinion en lbs law and ihe
facts. lis dismisses the complaint witn
oeits. Uls sta'.eaient of the case Is as fol fel
lows :
Ihe action was commenced May It), 1&95,
originally te rocevor the value of a Metre;,
tan elevated railroad bend, which tbe plain
till charged, was converted hy the defendant
Issue was Joined J line 10, 1335, bejeen thefay
of hearing, March S, IS37, the complaint was
amended by consent, and the action was
changed tn an action ter au accounting. The
plalntllf ellered In evidence tbe defendant's
bill of particulars, and surcharged three Items:
100 shares of common stock, pur
chased March 15, 1331: llMalurtsolMlsseUrl,
Kansas and Texas stock, purchased June 15,
1331, and the Metropolitan railroad bend be be be
loeo relerred te. As te these Items It Is con
ceded tbat the Wabash stock was purchased
under plalntill'a directions, but she charges
that she ordered It Beld but that defendant
failed te execute the order, and became liable
ou account thereof. Hhe also atlegns tbat sbs
never ordered the purchase of the Kansas aud
Texas stock, and should net be held liable
ler any less arising from it; and aa te the
bend or stock she left It rer safe keeping, and
net as a margin, se that thedelendant became
liable ter Its highest value, lu view et tbe ract
tbat It had tieeii sold.
The reteree tlien gee en te say that the
plalntilt and doiendant were the only wit
nesses examined touching the vital questions
et the case, find that their evidence Is ab o e
lutely contradictory. The complainant was
apparently net used te speculations, which
might acceuut Ter her net having any mem
oranda or record of her stock transactions.
The defendant seems te be a speculator in
stocks, and although tie claims net te be a
commission broker it is clear that se far as
this transaction Is concerntd be acted as such
slid is subject te all the rules governing that
business. About me -"J. 11 01 aiay, issu, ne
bad au Interview with the plalutltl and
agreed te buy, and did buy for her, fitly
shares el Krle stock. The plaintiff furnished
no margin wnatever arid the defendant took
all the responsibility ofle a course which
Is unusual with brokers I am Informed, and
which certainly gives color te tbe defen
danl'sstatement tbat he purchased the stock
for her from sympathy and te assist her
in supporting herself.
A long review of tbe stock transaction fol fel
lows, showing dealings in 1,000 shares el
stock by Hagu ler Miss Mattern, and the tak
ing or broths by her te the amount of (1,140.
The only deposits credited accounts are (400
lu cash and the (1,000 bend referred te. The
decision ceutlnues :
In vie wet tbe conceded tact tbat plaintiff
was financially Irresponsible, I think it must
be admitted that tbe deleudant'a version
touching tbu character of tbe transaction and
the mom ea which actuated hlui is correct,
especially if measured by tbe usages tbat
commonly prevail In tbe stock market and
among brokers In general, although, aa a
class, tbey are alleged te be most liberal tn
their dealings with their customers. 1 refer
te tins phase 01 tne ease wun some emphasis,
becxuaeit baa, In my opinion, ery strong
weight in the decision of the question at
issue, ine prouaeiiiiies weuiu ee largely in
fluenced by the determination of thla
pr'llmiuary question, fei it sol vus many of
tbe apparent inconsistencies of the case.
One of the inconsistencies in tbe case, as
iwlnted out by Keferee Hawea, la tbe failure
of Miss Mattern te make seme et tbe points
or the aineuded complaint In relation te tbe
Wabash and tbe Kansas and Texas stocks
either In making her demand upon Mr. Hage
or In her original complaint in the action. In
the tlrt demand made by her letter or April
10, 1335, the referee thinks this neglect might
lainy be attributed te a reliance "upon me
alleged premise of Mr. Hage tbat she should
sutler no less, but such emission is Inexpli
cable when open hostility was established by
litigation." The referee dismisses the mat
ter or the Metropolitan bend, ou the under
standing that It was only worth f-JO, as net
worthy or any spiclal controversy. But lie
does net leave any question as te bis views
en the subject, aud ndd that the plalutllfs
ewu loiter shows that thedhqioaitien el it was
as Intended.
Anether conclusion reached by the releree,
aud tlitly statad is :
A careful examination or the bill or par
ticulars ami or the letters which passed be
tween tbe parties, has established tn my
mind a very linn conviction that thu account
Is correct as It new stands.
HAMttl.lU tUB HHItlKKBtta.
A Itrpuuilran Newspaper Attack, tbe Method
ul Nema t'uicrepuluu. t'ellllcun..
Frem tliu 1'hlladelpliU Tell graph.
The Hen. Jehu Sherman's speech belore
the Illinois leglslsture the ether day gees
en record us 0110 of the mistakes of the Hen.
Jehn's sagacious career. The independent
papers et tbe country deneuuee it wltb an
emphasis that a liults of ue mistake, while
the representatives et the Blaine Interest
handle It after a taahien that is amusing
with tongs, as It were. Tbe Blaine ergaua
uiakeltery evident tbat tbey uuderstand
hew big a blunder Mr. Hberman has perpe
t rated, and also bow tbey would, It they
daied, knife the orator because or it, and
thus remove Mr. Blaine's most formidable
rival ler the Kepuhlican nomination of 1SS3.
The crgaus, however, ctn't make up thelr
minds us te hew the cat la going te jump
u be lit this tiuie next year, for tbe gentleman
frinii Maine gives no Indication whatever of
a disposition te execute the Jenah act lu
compliance with the many bints that bave
beeu thrown out by his hitherto backers.and
they consequently don't uare te handle the
Hen. Jehn according te what they evidently
believe te be his deserts and the somewhat
urgent neeJsi el the lUpubllcau party. Mean
while, It Is net at all comforting for Republi
cans who are Buch from principle, and who
desire te see tbe party succeed In the presi
dential contest et next year because they be
lieve that, taking things lu large and In the
long run, the best Interests et the nation will
be best served by Republican doufTaance, te
hnd a growing disposition In stalwart circles
te Inaugurate a campaign or mud
slinging at tbia early day. The threats
which are being ft-eely made by a
certain "General" Tuttle and ethers, that
President Cleveland will be Insulted It he
attends the Grand Army encampment In Ht
Leuis, are net only scandalous in them
selves and In the quasl-vndersenient or them
given by the Blaine organs, but they consti
tute about tbe worst possible opening ler a
campaign which will have for lu main object
the recapture of tbe executive department of
tbe bev eminent by tbe Republican party.
The worst of this sort or thing is tbat the de
cent men of tbe Republican party are
made responsible for tbe sayings and
doings et a let of conscienceless and un
mannerly camp-followers en tbe one hand
and, en tbe ether, for tbe unseemly sayings
and doings of ambitious politicians who bave
lest their heads. There Is a very urgent and
imperative need for the brains et tbe Repub
lican party, en the one band, te demand tbat
the curs wbe are yelping at tbe president's
neeis snail ne caiiea en wuneui eeisy ; anu,
en the ether hand, that leaders of tbe Jehn
Hberman etamp shall bave it broadly hinted
te them tbat the civil war ended nigh upon a
quarter 01 a oenturvaae. and that aucn talk
aa was Indulged In en Tuesday before the
Illinois leglslsture will certainly lese the
party two votes where it will win one.
WII.011 Found O11III7,
The Jury returned a verdict of murder In
the tlrst degree against Geerge H. Wilsen
for the murder In Philadelphia or Wakefield
Gains. m
BtvnMia Nw OSM el VIWw rvr.
WasHinhte.v, June tt-The reports of
yellow fever at Key West ar of a mere
alarming character. The treasury depart
ment bis dispatches fedsy announcing IT
new cases, and saying tbst tbe fever has
broken out In tbe Jail and hotel and has been
declared epidemic The marine hospital ser
vice will provide additional quarantine and
ether precautions.
asara WitO, D. U.. June C-rw
raajawypfaakst loeai
t-m ramt BBUBmmimi
tbs vni.r js.iie et she I
. . -p .
el Braatlam OaaaSf.
tea Oellsgc 1e Sill IB
la Vet-as eftftr.1
- -WfcV ,
1'nit.AnBi.rrtiA, June t--eiwaW'
Merctir, of Ihe stale suprMMI
lieen III for the past ten daya wKsa j
died at the residence of hU aesi.l
ford, Delaware county, thla Berftl
Hen. Ulysses Mereur was bera wtl
l'a May '2$, 1813. He gradlMMM I
Jeiiersen college, Canenshnrg, M 1
21. He read law In the efUe of Jl
l..tTaa.n.n r.f llftI.MM taVl'
..u.eui.., ... .wiw.g. vaaa ..i
ileleiratH te the convention UMVJ
ated Jehn C. Fremont for
anl was a Lincoln presidential l
iu 1800. He wai appointed Ji
tbe common pleas court of MradMfsK
In mil and was subsequently
tbe same position for a term el ty
the tall of I80I he waa elected te I
He served several terms In OenasjasV
became a chief justice el tbesupr
In January 18.33. ' l
Ills ancestor went te BradfeM rai
from Lancaster euuty, aid his earl
ressienal career was spent In that le
where he bad eminent success at lb I
and waa conspicuous In politic.. He,
formerly a Democrat, and as sueb tMl
active Interest iu politics, and waei
the Thirtieth Congress, lie was I
delegate te state conventions and
counseller in his party.
The detection of David W 11 met, M
circumstances before tbe war eh
political complexion of tbatregleai
cur became a lie publican. Ha waa i
Judgeship of the local courts, but!
live or six years service thereon,
te accept an election te the 42d Cjeswa1
which he served with much dtsUnettOavV'l
1372, In tbe lameus Iluckalew-HartrtaUll
palgn be was the nominee fertheReMl
party ferjudge or the supreme oeutatl
was elected by the large majority wblejl I
party had. Since then his eareer few
solely Judicial, and in tbe oeurse of ttej
attained the enter justiceship or:s,i
mirt Irnm whlnlt. fiA tiA lllrasfLl1!
-- "" ..., OT - I p )
would have retired en January 1. Ha
a known candidate for re-election, but Qa
aud ether Republican bosses bad deereawl
defeat and It was geaerally bellerM':
would net bave been nominated,
many of tbe lawyers or the state I
dared for him, and he had a great maaxfl
tluentlal rrlends. -
Judge Mercur was especially well
in this city where he was a frcuueM
aud where bla daughter, the wile of Oat. 1
F. Ksblemau, 1st one of tbe mess pepsvassj
aocemDllsbed member of aeclety. 'Mill
Kednev Is a rtractlcInK lawyer in '
James resldes at Walllnaferd. Jeteav
tlces medicine in PhilaaMteta-Aa
Ulysses, jr., 1 a atudent In .
J udge Mercur's wife, who survive hiss?1
sister or Ucn. w. W. IJ. Davis, et
The action of tbe Lancaster court takes tall
the death appears In Iho court proeeedUgiH
lie 1 Net Urart, Hut I. (.flog
Critical Condition.
Piiir.ADKi.i'iitA, June a Judge WUIlaeii
Hutler.ef the United Htalei district ceurt,4i
av uia uuiiiti 111 vaunt ueswr, r uii .usaaiyi
after a briet Illness. :A
Judge Butler is one el the best kawwjs'K
and most capahle Jurists In this state. lataaW'H
early life be was a printer and is said te fete, j
miiewea mar, traue in inia city, axe:
became a lawyer of prominence in CJMrv
county, and In ImII was elected Judge of lea)'
courts or the Delaware and Chester dletrast,.
He was re elected In 1871. In 1870 he sjsaa
appointed Juifoeor the United fstate dlefciB.' '.
court rer tne i.asiern district at rnuaaNjseeV .
He was about G5 year of age. He haa ';
son, William isutier, a West Chester UWjrt.
ttiiiiiuuiuauiiuiDiH, tA
jiiuKO uuuur presiunii iu tue Ajaac
oeurt some years aue when J. Kahlsrl
der was tried for the ettbezzlement of 1
funds et the American Mechanic BalMti
association. Wnen called here be we Jad
01 tne courts ni unester county, ana no
sided at the trial bucause both of the
ludues were Interested In tbe bulldlea 1
elation. He made a very favorable Itapfea '
sleu upon aii;wne were present at see inea "
Judue Butler Is a brother of Hamuel Be'
ler, ex state treasurer, and an uncle of TfeaaTV?
. miner, 01 me imester county ear,
Henry J. uutter or ine uaecaster ear,
Fert Hcett Kaunas. The llrst named ne
spent yesterday In Lancaster, aud knew I
nr ins uncie a ninesa. 11 t a euriuaasa
deuce tbat Judge Mereur and Bullet, lit
for the supreme court nomination. Ma
nut of life the same dav. f Eds. Iktil
UE.NC'Elt I ,M
Piui.ADKi.fiitA, June 0. The report Ml
Judge Butler's death is premature. Be w)
believed te be dead, but rallied slightly
Is new verv low. ?'
... . C!
1' In rapaarv. -i.. .
J. .,.-... Vsh TnnM a SB'-.
ia bint iva, jlll. nvni wmmw . aaaa
Traverse Leprehen, quite a prominent
here, agent of tbe Iowa Lean and Trust 1
piuy et Des Moines, was yesterday
en the charge of forging notes and me
for (1,-100 en a prnuitnent farmer of
county. He did net have the mertgagee
corded as required ;by tbe .cempear,
forged tbe tilings and county eierkve :
He confessed all, and said be bed lest
money speculating en the Beard of TraTrV
Heme (I ew mere forged paper baa beam 4mm
covered. fj
The Thistle Again wise.
Londen, June 6. The Dever yaehUag
contest ever a circular oeurse of lerty-i
miles, waa sailed te-day. Tbe start'
the Dever pier. A brisk breeze pre?
and the yaeht presented a beautiful akrat 1
they sped oil before the wind. The TM
took tbe lead Immediately. Hhe ws
with great dexterity, turning tberadi
pier within the apses en eae le
self. When two miles of tbe
been sailed, the Thistle was a qaarasfl
nllAetiaail if haa IIAiraflt IttkmDBBaaarA t..
The Thistle 1 leading. Al
twenty-two miles, naif tbe 1
via ttva mlnulea aad I
ahead cf tbe Genesis, wklehla ajaana)
I rex l one minute eftaJJ '
tn, aal.tah MrlOO.1V fMa WlUa
-i .h. rae. la Bewcleariageaa. at
flnlahispreaalsed. ,
Th. Tniatia ha wea the rsee. Bee
h. inrtv.feur miles la HvebeMa4l
inm minute. TbeGenesU waaelereBi
Haa behind ber, oiverfegtlMeoenakil
hours and thirty-five minutes, wall thf
. mlmila hahlnd I ha Dana. '
WBW VUV - w . .k
. . ,3sj
Vandalia. IlL. JeaeA Ji
together with bit wife aad ekHdist wM
ing in the ukawa riv'. aear
terday. verkiaa starte t awts
river end was ae's4 Mfe
drowned, ,,
n 1 i'
. . J'-.
mlllkMadellara f,tk