raTS.TTlfJ V"""i- '- - Y,p" Vm i -v - -wf ,fv Ma XODMT TO ." I'm tmleaeuld body Llvta' op la ixmlli, In a twa-roem'd bit noeata Wl' a toeta' beside. Wl' my coo and my greaseey I'mashsppy'eabee, Bntl'mfarproederaoo laca lb BOddlt te me I I'm nae ih lr patt wl'l- l'm gey HI and hall fun plant twa-three tawtlee, An' leek alter tny kail And when oer qneaa peases 1 ! OOt tO (Ml Uln by luck ahe mleht notlee And nod uet te ma I But I've aye lirai unlucky, And the blind wrn are doen, Till last week the lime IP ber vwslt e im' roen. 1 waved my lilt apron Ai brisk ' 1 could dan, An' the queen latich'd In' kindly, An'noddlttemel My ion sleeps In But pu ll' nan use te frelt- An' yet when I think e't I'm salr like te greet. She may fuel for my Berrow, She'e a mlther, ye see An' maybe she kent e't W hen the neddlt te me t Te Detect Begaa Baiter, Vienna comxpei.denoe Country Uenlletaan A geed deal of aclentltte work bi doeo In the effort te And out geed teeta for begua butter. What ha been published In your country, In the report of the department of agriculture for tba year of 1885, by Or. Tbea. Tayler, I very Interesting, but net sufficient. Heme el tba (latea of the Union have new very stringent law agalnat tba Ml ling of begua butter under (ale same. Alaeln Kumpe nearly all tba itatea nave auch hills', or at leaat oeniiderlng ueb laws. Tba weakest nlnt everywhere la tba quick detection of begua butter. In Germany, where bill agalnat begua butter baa been introduced In tne Heuee of Representatives, chemical teat are Ignored, and tba plan I te enact tbat all begua but ter null be colored, before leaving the fac tery, wlUiaoelor quite dlllerent from that el cow butler. One baa made trial In color ing auch butter. Klrat, It worked badly, but only a long aa one attempted te color tne Un titled butter the coloring of begua butter by coloring the milk added during tba prepara prepara tlnn,preved quite uoeeaafuL TbeoeinmlUee of ibe Uerman Heuee of Representatives oon eon oen Iderlng the quoatlen, baa bewever refuted the attempt te make It a law that begua butter mint be colored by a vote of 12 te 12. Prof. Hostile!, of Munich, baa proponed new treatment which I worthy of attention. He proposes and hi preposition will be ettered te the Heuee of Hepreeeetallvea In Uermany le make It a law that all begua butter mint be mixed during the preparation with phenel-pbtaleln, which la made out et one of the preducta of the dry dlatlllatlen of tar, and one gramme of It will be enough for 100 k llegrammea of begua butter. Tbe butter can then be ellered for Bale colored yellow, or uncolored, or In any way dealred, and tbe Ehemd-phtalein will net beaeen at all. But y adding a eolatien of sods, nr ammonia and water (li'iuernmmuni(eaustici), or ejea a teeenoentu! of water and tbe aab of a cigar, te a piece of butter the alza of a bean, the whole of tbe butter will become a nice red If It la begua butter or If begua butter la mixed with It. It will be Immediately aeen that tula la a proof wbleh can be made by every policeman in any abep, by every guewt In a dining room, etc In your country It would be eaay te en. act tbat no butter aball go out of tbe facterlea te which tiaa out been added the pbenel-phla-lein. The Intertial revenue olllenra, which have te deal, aluce the II ret of November, lwl, with begua butter, could very eaally leek at Ibis point alae. tear tne way i Without less nf time, when the IntfttlaU rn! Is blocked up liy rf en of constipation, chronic or temporary. It should be borne la roled that this ailment l (irone te become lilt lilt leg and obstinate, ami breed ether and worse complaint. Hosteller! Me math lllttcra la the precise remedy te remote the obstruction effectually, but without drenching or weaken. Ing the blockaded bowels, a consequence ilwsjs te be apprehended from the use of violent Illative, which are among the met Iicrnlcleui uf the cheap nostrums iwallewed it tbe credulous and misinformed. The flat or experience, ami of the medical fraternity, unctiens the rlalmt of this standard aperient. Net only as a seurrs of relief and permanent rrjrularltyte the bend, liver and stomach, but as a means of reined) Ing and preventing kidney and bladder troubles, and fecr ami ague, It Is nltheulapccr. Thenplnliiu nf nn old and well known mer (hunt IsatVHn In i low wents, vil : ' I think Or Hull' Ceuuh y ujli tiiM i,4t c nijfh inodlclne that Is made." I.UIIIKtt It. 111. AUK, Hollea, Ind. " IHsead nattire oftentimes break forth In strange eruptions." nnd the result of It ail Is patn. Now.stlvatlenOII will send th'l pain te the right about at the trilling coUel only Seta TKVIS K4THIATK r VAtUB. Ketneinher that when we ai'erl the valneef IIrisdrstu'a Puts wi at the itme time refer you te the thousand of teilltnenlali we have published mipperilnir nil and even mere than we claim. 1 he bust Hvldime) of their valoe ilea In tbee tejtltnenltls, Tbe Pille have been In ineln thUoeun'ry fir ev.ir fifty year and In tbattlmuhiresiirelrbeen wellteeled. We never heard complaint of them. They ars htrmleas , being vegetible, and al waya de their wei k well. m-MUtAli WUtMVMB. 11 Vm Tell Yeu. Let us Ull you that a porien who Is bllleua or constipated Is net a well person, and farther, that nearly every one la aubjeet te thorn Irregn laiitlei. Let ui lull you alie that Hurtteck Bleed Bilttrt areonnef the finest diuretic and aperi ent! ever jet devt.ed for sale by 11.11. Coch ran, druggist, 137 and lXi North Queen street, Lancaster. Telia What Ma Knows. "Best thing ler burns I have ever tried. Heals np grandly." L, I' rellett, Marlen, Ohie, speak speak lnef TTkemas' JCeleetrie Oil. rer sale by H B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 13ti North Queen street, I ancaster. "Ovsr tba HUH te tba rear IIenM." A person with linpalred or Impoverished bleed l en the read te physical bankruptcy. Burdock Bleed Bluer strengthen and enrich the circulation, repair tba tissues, and bnlld u p the entire system, rer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 13 and 139 North Queen atreet, Lan caster. Ol Matebleaa Mem. Fer tbe nose and threat, externally or Inter nally used, Themas' Keleetrie Oil Is matchless. Asthma, catarrh, and serious threat affections are quickly amenable te this efficient remedy. Fer sale by li. IS. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. A Postal card. from Mrs Iienula Smith Louisville, Ky says s ITer bleed Impurities .Burdock Bleed Bitttri seem psrlhjuurly adapted. Never before hid con plexlen te clear. I no all the lime." rer sale by H. O. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 13a North QUeen atreet, Lancaster. A Ooed Talker On the stage or platlerm. In society or at home, must net only possess brains but a clear, atreng voice Catarrh, orasevero oeld, la almost cer tain te Injure tbe voice. But these complaints may be completely eradicated with a few appli cations of 77ima' sYcfecirfe oil, unrivaled In Its speclaltu. rer sale by U. B. Cochran, drug gist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. Uraee Dp. Ten are feeling depressed, yenr appetite 1 peer, you are bothered with headache, yen are fidgety, nervous and generally out of aorta, and want te erac up. Brace up. but net with stim ulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whisky, and which stimulate you for an hour, and then leave you In worse condition than before. What you want Is an alterative that will purify your bleed, atari healthy action of the Liver and Kid neys restore your vitality, and give renewed health and strength. Huch a medicine yen will And In Klectrle Bitters, and only 50 cenu a bot tle at II. B. Cechian's Druu Stere, 137 and 1391 North Queen street, Lancaster, fa. (t) tULOH'B CUBE will Immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Brencbltl. rer SiJ'.?i5.ec",, . He- m Kortt Quean street. ij) Tba area Ames-leu Cheres. Bneeslng, inufflng and coughing I This la tbe musle all ever the land Jnst new. "I've get such an awful cold In my bead." Gere It with Xly's Cream Balm or u may end In tba toughest form of Catarrh. Maybe yen have catarrh new. Nothing Is mere nauseens and dreadful. Tula remedy masters It aa no ether ever did. Net a snuff nor a llq aid, fleasant, certain, radical, myrnwdeedbw J. J. Atkins, Chief of folic. Knexvllle, Tena, write I "My faintly and ,1 are beneficiaries of I our most excellent medicine, Dr. King's New ilsoevery for consumption having found It te be all that you claim for It. desire te teatlry te Its virtue. My friends, te whom I have recom mended It, praise It at every opportunity." r. King's New Discovery for Consumption 1 guaranteed te cure Coughs, Colds. Jsteaehltta, eaatar.ra. lirgeslse,l.w. aauima, vreup suiis sinrunumiuiiimBi, i ainrii asaaa Chest aad Lungs, xnai oeiuea rree as cecaraa-s aass eetay. Taeaaaaas Dra atnra. ISTand las North Quean a treat. Laa. I -JT'i-- - intKKinUKI0Q&ff':iT-f2Ffi'V-1r J 13 ter iisJiJiM T i2 ",- H OOD'B 8AR8APARILLA. That Tired Feeling 1 ataetianeed by nearly evaty one at tkM aaseB. Veu leal all Urea oat,wltheattrBgUi te de any thing i amblUoaateb all go, andyouaaveiltUeerao appeUta. This aoaea aeaea aoaea Uea say be due te change of Masae, allmata, r Ufa, te overwork, or aervene aiimeata. Waat- avartaeeanie, Heed' SarsaparUla overeetne It quickly, areata aa appetite, reaiea the liver, core headache, and give raaawasl atreagth and vigor te the whole body. Be nre fe gat Uoed'e taraapartlla, which Is peculiar te Itself. oed'a BMsWpMitta Ml never took any medicine that did as se much geed In e abort a time a Heed' aaraapa rllla. l ws very mueh ran doe-a, bad aa trength.ne energy, and fait very tired all tbe time- 1 oemmenoed taking Heed' aanepailtla, and before I had uied one bottle felt Ilka adlf fareat peraea. Tbat extreme tired feallag be gene, my appetite returned, and It toned me up generally. My brother and sister have also re ceived great benaflt from It." Ctaaa W. Paatra, ablrley, Man. llakj the WMk Btreug "I mutt say Heed' areaparUla I the beat medlelne I ever used. Last iprtag 1 had ae appetite, aad the leaat wert I did fatigued ma ever ae much. I began te take Heed' Bars spa rine, aad seen 1 felt as If 1 could de a maeb la adayas 1 hadfetmetly denelna week. My ap peUta la veracious." Mas. M. V. Bataxd, AUan AUan tle City, N.J. Heed's SarsaparUla Beld by all druggist l sis ler m. tre pared by C. L UOOD A CO., Lewell, Mas. 100 Debm On DelUtr Hi flAPUINB PLAaTBRH. 3& MEDALS AWARDED TO Bensen's Gtpclne Piaster ! THE BEST IN TUB WORLD. Cures Pleurisy, BheutnaUsm, Lumbago, Bach ache, Weakness, Celd In tbe Chest and ail Ache aad Strains. Beware of Imitations under similar sounding name. gey Aak for Bensen's and lake be ether, deeltemdbw MW.tr E LY'H UHKAM BALM. CATARRH, HAY FEVER. Ely's Cream Balm CUBES Catarrh, Oeld in Bead, Rese Oeld, Hay Fever, Deafeeaa, Beadaene. BABY TO USK-PH1CK 80 CENTS. ELY BEOS,, Oswego, N. ., U. S. A. HAY FEYER. BLY'S CBBAM HALM U net a liquid staff or powder. Applied Inte nostrils Is quickly ab sorbed. It cleanses the bead. Allaya InOaaima InOaaima Uen. Heals the sores. Beaterea the senses of taste and smell. sTtO Cent at Druggists t by mall, registered, 0 Cent. ELY BROTHERS, Dragglst OiWKUU. N. r. sVUeaulne Kly's Cream Blm for sale at Cochran's Drug Stere, 1S7 ami IS) North Qneen St., Lancaster, Va. jyUlydAlwafWAr H UMPHKKYH'. H OMEOPATHIO s 21'Bt 1K1CH. DB.IIUMPUUBY8' book el All IHsesM. Cleth and Oeld Binding, Ui I'ages, with Steel Kngravlng, MAILED rKKK. List of Prlaclpal Ne. Cure. 1. Favias, Congestion, Inflammations.. 2. Werm, Werm rever, Werm Celic... J. cansu Colie, or Teething of infanta Price, a a as m , as 3S M .... as as ss tft ....60 . uiaaaneiA, ei unuaren or aauiu.. (k. Dtssiitbrv, (Irlplng, Bilious Celic... e. chelkka herbcs, vomiting 7. Cecnna, Colds, Bronchitis 8. Nacaauiia, Toothache, raenacbe IB. IlaiiAcHas,Blck Headache, Vertigo... 0. Drsraraia, llllleui Stomach II. surraaaaioer I'AisrtiL PaRietm. lz. wHrraa. tee rreiuM i-eneus IS. Caecr, Cough, Dincnlt Breathing 14. Salt xHaer, Jtryilpelaa, Eruptions.... la. Bhscmatish, BnenmaUe Pains In. ravaa amd A una, Chills, Malaria 17. Pitas. Blind or Bleeding 19 fATARRR, Influenza, Celd In the Head. DO SO SO. WBoermo Coeuh, Violent coughs se . ussskal iiaaiuTV, rnysicai weaBnesa....M (7 Kiiiasr DlSBABB 50 a. Naavecs Hiiuitt, i.ue 91, UaiMABV W ma a hem. Wetting Hnd M SX DiasABBsurTHB IIsabt. Palpitation 11.00 Sold by Dmrgista, or sent postpaid en receipt of prlce.-llUlirHUB.Ya' MEIKCINB C", 109 rnllenBL.N. Y. leWfl-lydAwMWAr G RAV'H HPKUIFIO MEDICINE. Gray's Specific Medicine. The Oreat English Bemedy will promptly and radically cure any and every case of nervous debility and weakness, result of Indiscretion, excesses or overwork of brain and nervous sys tem ; la perfectly harmless, acts like magic, and been extensively used for ever stt year with great suceeis. aw Feil particulars In our pamphlet which we desire te nend free bv mall te every one. asr-The SpeclOe Medicine la sold by all drug gists at II per package, or alx package for m. It will be sent free my mall en reeept of the money, by addressing tbe agent, H. B. OOOHRAN, Dniffglet, Ne. U7 IS) North Queen bu, Lancaster, Pa. THE QBAY MEDICINE CO.. Ne. 108 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. tnarS-lvdAwMWAP rjw B BWIKT rJPKUlFlO CO. TBAPB asaw 7C skkZ MABK BLACK WOLF Or Black Leprosy, Is a disease which la con cen sldered Incurable, but It has yielded te the cura tive properties ei Swift 8rsctio-new known all ever the world aa 8. B. a. Mrs. Bailey, of West Bemervllle, Maaa near Bosten, waa at tacked several years age with this hideous black eruption, and waa treated by tha beat medical talent, who could only say tbat the disease was a specie of LEPROSY and consequently Incurable It la Impossible te describe her sufferings. Her body from tbe crown of ber bead te the aelea of ber teat waa a mass of decay, masses et flesh retting off and leaving greatcavltles. Iler Angers festered and three or four rails dropped off at one time. Her limbs contracted by the tearful ulceration, and ter several years ahe did net leave ber bee). Her weight was reduced from IK) te SO lbs. Parhapa some faint Idea of her condition cab be gleaaed from the fact that thrje pounds of Coamellne or ointment were used per week In dressing ber sores, finally the physicians acknowledged their deleat by this Black Weif, and commended tbe sufferer te ber all-wise Creater. Her husband bearing wonderful reperta of tbe use of Swift's Srscine (8. 8.8 ), prevailed en her te try It aa a but resort. She began Its use under Ernteet, but seen found that Bar system waa sing relieved of tba poison, a the sere as sumed a red and healthy color, aa though the bleed was becoming pure and active. Mrs. Bailey continued the B. 8. 8 nntil last rabruaryt every sere was healed t ahe discarded chair and eratchea, aad waa for tba first time In twelve years a well woman. Iler bnaband, Mr. C. A. Bailey, I In business at 17K Blackstone street, Bosten, and will take pleasure In giving tbe de tails of this wonderful core, send te us for TeaUse ou Bleed and skin Disease, mailed Hee. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., DataVWnS. ATLAHTA, OA. asTenula Swift's Specific for sale at Coch rane Dreg tore, 117 and 1 Nerth'Quean su, R UPTURB-CUKE GUAKAMTKCD BY DT.4.M. Mayer.su Arc street, rbiuveai a ease, no operation ec nasi ei ear. At Keystone ataria ei aaab anenth. AAvteearsaT smiUVItw til IMM OaramSsN. ATOMS ROCHESTER LAMP, Maty eaedtaiAgbti aaavM Uteai all Aaethsw Let at OBBAP SLOMg forties aad vsi it TAL MOOLDIN0 AMD EVsUBB CUMUO WEATHER STRIP MttstsMMBSU. This strip exstwaats all ethsw. f esse eat tbe eeM. atop rasMiag ej wlaiewa, iaalada tbe das. Keep rat eaewaad rata, Aay eae east apwy it-ae waste eveunssaMiaaa ssylagH.. cahba IMsa aaywhere-ie baias te era, iseey nar aea. it w Sbrlak-a easalea U1n Is Bf net split, warp or tbajaatt pertsei,' at PilrT tbe stove, Jehn P. 8eliaiun ft 80ns, 84 8OOTH QUaON 8T LAHOAnaa. pa s1 PKOIAt. notice. Mere hnman, mere divine than wa in fact, part hamin, part divine Is woman, when tbe geed stars agree Te mingle at her nativity." BaflecUye Lords of Creation, and bis ye at once te EIEFFEB & HEBB'S, Ne. 40 E. King St., And Procure one el their Famous "Economist" Vapor Ooek Steves. That Ued'a best gilt te you be net tortured be. yond recall with tbe unnecessary waste heat which It la Impossible te avoid with your Ranges, and (what Is also Important) consider the great economy In fuel, ae eents worth of fuel will oeok ter a family el three grown per ion Jl meals. And when you want a Ileatsr, get a M SPLENDID " Aad be Happy. PLUMBING, QAB FITTING, BTEAM HEAT ING, TIN BOOriNO AND 8POCTINO. MUrCATl w ATCHK8, CLOCKS, CHAINS AND JEWELUV. Special Wilthu fr Finwi ud BtilnhiiKt Viae let of Blnga, Ac Alse, Elgin, Waltbasa (Aarera for which lam Bele Aaanti, aad ether tlnt-ciaas Watches. Beat Watch and Jewelry sfsreerreet Utae by Telegraph Dally, only la city. L. WEBER. Ne ISO N. Queen Ht , Near Penn'a B. B. Depot, as Spectacles. Eyeglasses and Optical Goods. jtu niaus ui iiswsirir, N KW JEWELRY HTOHK. Gradniting Presents I FOB CLA89 B1NU8, CLASS FINS, CLAM BADGE?, GO TO GILL'S. Geld Watehes, Diamond Blngs, Gents' Initial Blngs, Scarf Fins, Ac, Ac. Repalrlei la AH 1U liranchrt. Ne. 10 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. niavll 1yd MOWMB8, &C. JjjILlNN A BBKNEMAM. CARD!! We have a number of Goods which are Just In season, and which, owing te our giving special aitenuen, we can ener great inducements. " Pennsylvania " Lawn Mowers have no equal. These we make a specialty. We have ai geed Lawn Me wers as are in the market for 10.00 and 17.00. Baby Carriagee We carry seventy-flve varieties in stock. These goods are our own special and our prices are low. llefrigeraters are new In season. Hew few people knewanythlng about Kef rigera rigera ten. It took us twenty years te learn. We can teach you In five minutes: It will be worth something for you te get the best. Ceal Oil Stores There is mere differ ence in Ceal Oil Steves than almost any thing manufactured. Don't spend your money till you knew what you are getting. Ice Cream Freezers and Water Coelers you can buy almost anywhere, but can you ?:et the best at the lowest prices. Veu can remus. Lawn Tennis Setts, Genuine Mexican nd Common Hammocks, Base Ball and all Sporting Goods at Factory Prices. FLIHK & BRENEMAH, Ne. 152 North Queen Htreet VAMmiAmm. jTANDABD WORK. Edw. Edgerley, OARRIAGB BOLLD1R, ev ea. is, MABKET STBBBT, ear el rostelea, ; Lancaster, ra. I have U Stock aad Bnlld te Order Bvary Ta- COOFES.'BUaSlWiS?' OAABI AOBB, VlOTOBIAST Buaiaaae wn . svm niBssj MOCALL WAGONS, BUBUUiaT AJtT WAGONS. FHATONS, s7ph KAsrMaaS WAOOBS I amnlev tba Beat ataehanlea. sal ksMiuiii! ties te build oerectly any style of Carriage de aired. The Quality, Style, ai make it deeldadly the and Finish et i WTH- UUBATMT MOTTO : Fair Dealing. Heasat Werk at Bet. tern Prices." yisaseglaeacaU. Iteilriag FreatUy Atlwiel Ti. niOH LOWBB THAN ALL OTmBBS. RAT DYNAMITIC KILLS RATH. MICE nd, Beachsa. , Cera Drnamlta U wall ,'!at?.ni'sieb QUA .,. i - " . . ; ,ii .., , , IMfBMaiwalBaMSBisssajs mmrwBBt. J. &GITLROa TtllerlDg Depfsrtment. N1W BDITIN03. Ali-West Salts, made te order, tie, Mb au aad ap wards. Tba best Oaktaaarted SSs. Shirt la tbe elty. Better goods at Tse-, aad MB for very best. Loek at ear Seats' Linen Cellar at Ms i Caaa, Ue. Psaey Hall-lese, Men's Gloves and Tie. Ocaaasaar Meth Bag le Keep Woolen Clothing daring tbe answer, only sie. Come sad see our Geed and Frleas. JolmS.Givler(fcCe. Me. M BSMt Kkui sNraat, LAN0ASTBB,FA. s PKUIAL BAROAIM8. bard i Mcelrey, Stuul 358ea1k Qiem Street. (OFF.treUNTAIN INN,) Are offering Special Bargains in Men's Laundrled Calice Shirts, with cuffs and two cellars, at 40c. each. Bargains In Counterpanes at 40, 65, 62) cts. and upwards. Mar seilles Counterpanes, extra bar gains, at 11.60, 12.00, (3.00 and up wards. Extra baigalnsat (2.00. Matting in 1 yard, H yards and 1 1 yards wide at bargain prices. Smyrna Rugs at 75, 85 cts., 11.00 and upwards. One let at 85 cts.; cheap at 11.00. Hassocks only 80c., very cheap. Cocea Rugs, only 50 cts., worth 75c. Flags and material by the yard for decorating purposes cheap. Bard & McElroy, S3 aad 35 Bealb ,aeea Street, (OPF. FOUNTAIN INN.) marlS-lydAw J. a MARTIN tt CO. BALL'S CORSET. THIS FOI'DLAB BBAND OF COBSKT WK HAVB IB ALL BTVLE8. Ball' Bealtb Preserving Corset. Ball's Olrole Hip Oeraet. Ball's Batsen Oeraet. Ball's Mlasss' Corset. Ball's NuiBlng Corset. Every Corset sold with the follewlnc QUAU ANTES: If net perfectly satisfactory In every respect after three weeks time, the money paid for them will be refunded by ua. Dr. Warner's Corsets. ALL MAKES IN STOCK. Dr. Warner's Flexible Hip Corset. Dr. Warner's Cerallne Corset. Dr. Warner's Health Corset. Dr. Schilling's Corset. TAHCLEM, 790. ApltOe. Warner's " Geed Luck " Corset, AT CENTS. OUB BEOULAHdOc COESVf REDUCED TO One Theusan" Corsets, sU Hir,at21e. GIVEN AWAY. Te every purchaser et a Corset, our "Hand book of Games and Pastimes," containing 100 pages i a manual for parlor and lawn. J. B. Martin Ce., OsT.Wsst KlBf PliMt Ml, L LABOASTBB, J4 TCLVPSOMB COKMTIOT. RSEI ,;, ""i shjt' - .-. - - '"''.?!., '? ' W"" "4Jt!Wi;ii.1i!!jir vi AngaisafsjffwwgaBHgfgfgfgfgi r l m47t I mm mmm v&W8&P I --rrrrrr . .--. - 'liri':s QUI .TaUNOAIXB! METZGER & HAUGHMAN. HEW STORK. Net. 38 and 40 Wert Itm Stmt. HANDSOME NEW TAPESTRY BRUSSELS CARPETS. JU82 OPENED. We Sew and Lay them at Short Notlee. Alse OBBAF 0 ABPBTS at 10, IS, Sf, fj, and 80 CeaU M4TTINQS IN DIFFIBKNT QUAUTIM-OHIUP AT METZGER&HAUGHMAN'S, S8 aad 40 West Klag St, (Opposite Cooper Howe.) rOSlERY AND UNDERWEAK. Summer Hosiery I Fer Ladles, Oente, Beys, Girls and Children in Large Quantities at all Prices. Summer Underwear I All Sizes and Qualities, 12 1-2, 15, 20, 25 Oents Up. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Houses JMWBLB. rEWELRY AND ART. i rails, WfltclrJwInj, ART WORK, French Clocks, Bronzes, KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOONS, GMOIGE VIENNA AND PARIS NOVELTIES. Prices Are Very Lew This Year. H. z. BHOADS, Ne. 4 West King Street, - Lancaster, Pa, CASSIAS) ATS. A MOTTO THAT ALWAYS WINS. Honest Werk at Honest Prices. AT V1H PHILIP DOBRSOMS (OLD BBLIABLK) Carriage Works Nes. 126 and 128 East King St. The Largest Assortment of NEW AND 8BCOMD-UAND Baggies, Carriages, Phatens, Market aad Buslaeas Wageas that Baa ever been Shown te the I'ublle. If Ten Want a Ooed aad first-Class Pbsstoe, OO TO DOEESOM'S. If Yeu Want a Mlee Comfortable ramUy Carrlaga, UO TO DOBKSOH'B. If Yeu Want a Baggy Yeu can Select from Fifteen Different Kind et Springs, If iron SOTO DOBBSOsl'S. If Teu Want a Nlee and Beat Business Wagen. QO TO DOBBSOsl'S. If Yeu Want a Durable Market Wagen, HO TO DOBBSOM'S. II Yeu Want a Ooed Soeend-lland Phssten. Buggy, or Market Wagen, QO TO DOBBSOM'S. if Yeu Want te Buy a rirsUClasa Article at a Lewer l'rlce than any ether place In the city or county, aeTO Philip Doersom's Old N0S. 126 AND 128 EAST KINO tg-FACTORY-m & U8 MIFFLIU CABPST BARGAINS I SHIRK'S CARPET HALU -"vVLLTON, VELVET, BODY BRUSSEL8, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Gbain Carpets, OIL CLOT1IS, WINDOW SHADES, dx. Ws have the Largest and Best Btoek In ttas Olty. H. S. SHIRK & SONS Cerner West King ud Water Streets, Lancaster, Pa. SBOOSJUAW. Ai BUKHK'B, SWEXTZBR. -OB- Imported Swiss Cheese. We have added te our eheese stock. Swell zer Cheese, and expect te keep the bust only. Just received, a fine Let el Imported M ACA- nuaiana vbubiusijl.i. Dnrkee Salad Dressing, Hue Imported Table Oils, Bottled I'lcklea el all aUes, suitable for plcnle seasons. CLOSING OUT. A let of French Prunes at 4 pounds for 2Jc. A let of rrench Prunes at 3 pounds rer c Aloteirine fitted Cherrles, t pounds ler Uc BURSK'S, NO, 17 1ABT ENQ 8TBEET, LABCASTBB. rA. B NQLKTRKK STOCK FARM, Standard-Bred Stallions In Servlee. BTOBMKIJIQ (UU) . eeetd, years, 147. mmM smsssvfKsT 4ttt)teeeeeeeeetteeVtM.0V SsT eat for Mew Catalogue; DAB'LQ. BBSLB, Marietta, fa. apl-lsndAw QtTWi QDAJUKTsUO, RUPTURE. Obss gaaraa1 Saaeueaaaiav D. ,... MATBB. SsMBri freat bask smxsw wssns. - sea By. jeparaiiOBOi UaaMMSwesi "FftfT Laneaatar, Pa. BVOOIBP. SO. Reliable Carriae Works, STREET, LINCA8TEB, PA. STREET. marMydSw HALLS. BAB GAINS -FOR- J'AUASULS. Last Week ! We advertised some Jeb Leta et Parasols at way-down prices. They have been selling last. but there la still a nice assortment left. Geed Satin Parasols At OS Osats. The latest PLAIDS. STaUPBS and CHECK at remarkably low figures. KecsveriBg SB. Bcstlris a BsetUlty I New Handles put in ana eps put ea Parasols at short notlee. R. B7& H. 14sVtitKlng8t. apl-l CfMXs s,,-n.'.' JJ &MARTIH, nnusuisn AU Klndi of Lembsr and OoeL asj-Taaai a m Sorts sjaMc srrties bMt Streets, above OAUMa ARDMKR8 tt JEFFKRIKS. COAL DEALERS. 0vtoa:-KalJBBerUQueea8ttest,s He. IS4 North PrlBee street. M. TABM-l(QTqi Prtaee stNet, Bear ssssss SaTlllM AaeAMBs,?A, ON ASO 15' IS IS aaa uasnash . .B3KSUB zmslvt fw'D?".aa,ai UsffSBlSBBBBBSBSBBBBsl KSSSPS m &SJ& ' 9 tBALwS LBATB .IRiitr X r . -1 LaaessterMr.Blatm.BMas1ltVBBvf' eQuarryvBlsalJSVBS, TTTJJ TBAUIB LSATSSJVi es LaBnaster. laeaaes sbS TBA1MS LBATB BIBB ST.( iWBeadiag ill tesases ad USBiM. teqaarryTUleatSsHBwsB. h,:''?' rrAiBS lbatb PBLBea ST. (U rer Beading and I reHaaeB S US a tm'Ms'l r qaarrrruieat BS) . u. TBAIwn i.si.s t.aisssrsisa :.! . rer Lancaster at TM a. aa. iSmbsV4 rer quarryvuie at sasjs. wu . H' swnmnsnws as uetaasaa. tkm, Laoeaater JuncUes, mbs sad Lebanon, see tlma taMaa u A. M.WILSOB.Saa LflSS WBSTWABD. PaclfleBxpress).., Bews Bxpressf.... War Faaeenaert.., PaUadalpfela. up.Bs. UDSUBV M0B.BV T99BB.BB. Mall train via MU Jeyfj siifc S.KJSU Anunr....... Kiagara Bzpreaa. nacelaatnaa suuurver aoeoin...... rest Llnet , rredertek Aeoem LanoastsrAeoom Harrlsburg Aocem.... Columbia Aoeom Hamsbnrg Bxpreea.. . Western Bxpresst BASTWABD. rata. Bxpresst rest Llnef Barrtsburg Bx press.. Laneaster Accem ar.. OelBrabla Aocem Baaahera Bzpreaa rtaeaiisibsB 113SISVBH. vlaoelaaife via Mt, Jet. usita kseFss. 5Jp.BV S1S1IW sae a. at. s.-asa.Bs. S:10B.Bs. S-ASS.BS. aa.DL rasp, .a, 100 p. BL rnusawnaui Aceum sanaay u Sandey I Sr. Bxpresst. Harrlsburg Aocem.... tMn.m. The Lancaster Acoemmodaaoa Ms bust a euu p. se. ana amres as abbssi The Marietta Aoeommodattoa tsav Ma at S!M a. m.and reanhes Marietta aa I leaves Columbia at ll:s k as, aatS I nwiuii asnnii u 1EU1 a Marietta at 8KB p. m. aad arrives at saui susv. lesiTea ai s;ana arnvee STTbe Yerk Accommodation leaves fas and arrives at Lancaster at SaS with Harrtsbura Bxrjraaa at 1:10 a. sa. The rredertcaT Aoeommodatloa, west, sac - Asmuvmmutr wiui srast IdBV. . p. m.. will run through te rredertck. Tne rreeencK AcoemmoaatiOB, wwuxnina a. uesd ana p. TO. Hanover Accommodation. Bast, li bla at 4:10 p.m. Arrives at Laneastsc at m cennecung wun uay axpreai. Hanover Aouemirmnaiiim. sbw Lancaater with HlanraBxpraes as wiu run uuvuajn te sisuievax, laiiy. Fast Llna, west, ea Sanday, wui nep ai uewnii insrtewm. ' ..LsbbbbbbVV WmmMMmmK' SBBBBBSBMB1 X r-wmmimm 'lalaTsUAj S" Sri ' ' BsH m. sb.'-'. ' HaKi-i jfaE; - MSsBS, ,i SSBf a. sMb " Sa.2?w 3e? SBtCS' taaBBaBs-' laaussIB ' t raWs,BBBBB) vaaOaaaaasi ' TOi VSfin SH Onrj, ML Jey, BlltaDetBUwm aa trhe eul trnlns which mm dally. ike Mall train vsti runs or war of j; h. wuui), uenerai UUSD. . 1-IJUtS ! 8UMUHK UESORTSr , TLAMT1U UHY. II WKTHBRTTJi.' Oetfaji Knd of Kentuckv Ivsnns. AtlaafSS' Cltv.K.J Benevated and twruralshea. lent Banltarv Armnnemtnts. j. e. ia a-j MKS. M. J. J!SHni&M (Formerly of the Kadnnr.) feMt-lmM.' -aaaaaaa)el SSI I 'YtfVrfls. 1UE CUALFOMTK. The Chalfonte. Passenger Klovater anil Other prevemeuts. Medem Iss-. -s- w a nfAT .- ii f'ix wuu aiiuu ui AavriU uaruuust smTVJwf -'SJ ATLANTIC CITY, ST. J. -''l ROBERTS & SONS. ! E viHtiiainkiu ati tmwina -Ti AVUlWlUilU sni.aV A AUA1AVDI . HT. GRETNA PARK rea EXCURSIONS AND . -m riuniua. b..i -v.. .- . . . -.. . .-.."5 sais rsis i. lucsuxi in tee ovswsei tawawaasi') Mountain en the line el tka) wt' Cornwall & Lebanon BtrJlresMEJ . .-:h?. nine miies suuinni iiwuitei ijaDmBOBUwisBBHu easy dlsuiuce of llamsburg, BeadlBS, Laaeaa i I -1 ter, Columbia, and all points en tbe einia en laeraaatsss '-, nSild SV U sua 11 1 n n anrl I'uateasasalas'Bvslaa acres, and are FREE TO assB aa HtvmuD isuts a waaaaa j a a easAABB sbsbbami sbbsbbbs ; The grenndt are large, covering hUBdreOs Sfll Ai-JU. ' j& lOB WS TSsMASlJIVSHS JkBUf u J ; A LtKOBDANCINS PAVILION, .' A SPACIOUS DINIBO HALL. TweKiwauwaV BAUQAUEANDCOATBOOH, ,?1 . as nun us arraugemeuis rer amusemeas a sut or CBOQUBT and BALL QBOUNDS, bOWLINU ALLKY, SHOOTING OALLBBY, QUOITS, AC A. Tablrs for Lunohers. Uustle Seats and are scaiwrea inruugaeut utegreaaua. jss attraction la LAKE CONEWA&O, oeverlng nearly twenty acres, en waMB SSBt placed a number of elegant New Beaavaast and lovely seeuery. "P. st a: r fc Dservanen wars i will be run en the line el the Cornwall A lake $.-' . J non Ballread. or will be sent te dlSsraatpelaSs, .$. Ts when practicable, for the aeeeaisseaatlesi ef aav-Sl curaten parties. These summer xeutaiea eaJa.'Jj nave eeen uuui especially jet ibis puroeaa, aaw . ' are se constructed that they wllleaable she sa Ai cursienut te enjoy ruuy the Deaaunu aaaasry atj Conewago Valley en flu. frthjip. VS. em aia.-JlC , pleasant and cetrventent. . .-jt lean rut, as the uieingiiaiuwuiDeunaeriaesui lalnw i vUlen of B. M. BOLTZ.ef the Lxb&beb Ta: Becsb. These who wish te spend A DA' TUB MOUNTAINS can And no plaes se as ful or aflerdlug se much pleasure ss MO OBBTNA. Ns iBtsxIcstlBK Drinks Allswetl SB IPreaUei. 4- SSrer excursion rates and geaarsl UoaanDlvte .MP! supt C. A L. Ballroae, lsbs myi iuui BOOTH AND BBOl rMPOBTANT KOTiOA. A OREAT a , ' ". r A.??. I ' MARK DOWN- -j-jpn Shoes! .; r 3C3 Don't lalk about rrless. Cene All I GesaeAiil ,-: W HIEMEN rmmnm iubituim lit .u Diucun h.ub bb bb. ." VMi-i MsVT'' l9-7 1u f mi fKJA f m -v,S f.; CT ? '-A Si .v Kk3 &i M H .A? t,St& "S1 '- -'. r,X Mkrt4 4eW . v. f'S'&lZ3-. ,.,, .. .-rf' . -ife. .aa-f $ ' V - J- 4a -i A AC !1.6 jn