Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, May 26, 1887, Image 2

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The Weekly btelligeneer
KV Jx:''
IMI mia, ilk fw sn
CUTIS Of Till,
iimn cr
i m Mimi AvonTMera lsttsb
ajsja a nmna te tw wasts bxust.
" smswm
,'Vf ! nmR.r.inaumm
laniBf-aewBmliaiii, Lancaster, Pa.
ftp iatuefttet InttUtgeiuft.
jteur cajs nave gene by since the di.
b cewy or uie brazen election frauds in the
? Sixth ward and no effort has been made
HnBSM'Mhmm rmk unu
HH'MMbMMM aimww te
f "" MlMsOoisre
IB see set, 7
IM in lit ii
il tie m I.
IN iid in in ion
. il ? UH in lew
iC. in igua tin e moo
HEmh... in mom. 1700 an im moo
n&li. in umnes moo hud
Ipmimm in umih hed med sim
mmfjETr.,:. nnnlioHneoi nur
ffite BV thft Itanntllfnan IMrtv In nliu rti.f 41. la
feT ffflnl ftfurrana
& Whn VufA. !. 1 .,
Bj,f . xauie me imuiury election.
President Jehn II. Landis wrote an ad
'drew te the Republican voters of Lancas
ter county, he declared that theHepublU
can party " cannot afford te allow Demo
cratic methods te dictate Republican
nominations," and then falsely assumed
that the Rill Tweed methods in New Yerk
, net with Democratic approval.
But Mr. Landis knows that Rill Tweed
in all his brazen audacity and political
umcrupuleusness never dared te attempt
" uch an open outrage en the ballet box as
' was successfully performed in the Sixth
ward. At least seventy.ene ballets were
stolen from one of the candidates, and the
Republican party by its official representa-
L Uvea has condoned the crime.
Mr. Landis knows that Rill Tweed was
driven from power by Democratic indigna
tion, and that that illustrious Democrat,
Samuel J. Tilden, led the movement
against him. If Tweed's methods were
Democratic, they were sternly repudiated
by the Democracy. Will Lancasterceunty
Republicanism rise te the same high plane
and scourge from its temple the money
changers who have made its name a by
word and a reproach '!
Etndlng Decision.
The Dauphin court has refused the pre
liminary Injunction asked for by the state
m restrain we pegjrag agreement of the
l&urtMaf. HESrWeiinrt nnnn xrlilnli .Tmlrrn
Haces his decision is that nrellm.
ftrv iniunctiens arfinnlvnrnriprlv frrentnl
te prevent a present irremmli.-iliin ininrr.
5$; and that in this case no need exist tn in.
terpese tlie arm of the law until the final
hearing is had and the rights of the
parties are determined upon a full hearinc
and invebtigatieir. Upen the face of it this
decision seems proper enough, as the state
can afford te wait for a decision of the
questions it raises, until they can be fully
inquired into. The practices of the rail
roads which it claims te be unlawful, have
been for a long time in existence, and
the public may suffer less by a short con cen
tinuance of them than the railroads would
by their interruption ; and if they are only
te be temporarily interrupted, they mnyas
well be continued.
Rut the fact docs net seem te be alto alte
getber as Judge Simonton represents it.
The truth is, as we understand it, that
mere was a full inquiry and argument had
of the matters at issue at the hearing of the
preliminary injunction ; and the Dauphin
court has taken se long a time te render its
decision thereon that it must be presumed
te have given the matter very careful con-
Biueruuen, anu w be as w ell equipped for a
aeiiverance or its opinion as it is likely te
be after a final hearing. There seems te
be no geed reason for a delay in its ail judi judi
cateon. And the fact probably is that no
final hearing will ever be reached ; at least
under this state administration. The pres
ent disposition of the cases is doubtless
tluburial, and is se designed te be. This
result is net se disastrous new as it would
have been before the inter-state law killed
the peeling business. The wrongs of this
kind that have been done will net be re
dressed; but we are in no great danger of
like wrongs in the future. The railroads
eacape, but the peeple are free; without
thanks te the Pennsylvania judiciary.
Monopoly or Land by Indians.
Senater l'Jatt expressed surprise at the
monopoly of valuable land by Indians who
refuse te use it and persist in their savage
life, but he might have saved himself the
trouble of a visit te a reservation if this in
formation is all that he has gained. Making
use of sources of information that were
easily within the reach of the senator, the
Washington correspondent of the New
Yerk JeraM furnishes facts that will con cen
Biderably increase the surprise of these who
nave net given attention te the matter.
"The Iewas,numberiug8l people.held iiiis,
418 acres, most of which they have leased
te a cattle company, contrary te law. The
Klckapoes number 210 people; they held
200,400 acres. The Quawpaws number C
bold C0.C85 acres. The Eastern Shaw-
number C9 persons and held lii.eis
. The Kansas number 123 person.
They bold 100,137 acres. The various In
dlani in the l'eeria reservation number ixr,
KJOea. They held 60,301 acres." 79,179
people, Indians, half-breeds and wh!tes,the
latter traders and laborers, held the Indian
territory, an area of ever 44,000,000 acres of
li&d. Nearly 20,000,000 of it belongs te the
,; ave civuizea uiues ana is exempt irem me
&'- ,sw law allotting lands In severalty. Sec
; ;mary i.amar is new laboring te annul the
-f mw wue iuea or wuicu utree areas or
lands have been secured for the use
' -J' V ( m
g-nnuiw . ii is esumatea mat
ueunent et land in severalty will
T WOT 40000.00 acres te settl-
"'" " ey we sale of these sur-
tis.rr ,Tt " "wlians an income large
'TSSr " "WW without dependence en
jii m r'ww m uiuiviuuni
rr- -"" weaiarge majority te
fia 2HLSr te "" . d
diZr ? lwrt lPreveent en
fffffW ewaanhip.
SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.SS.J.JSI... sisisisM "" T7mmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmi-mm-.
r IH
XM IfjMMn v ina Baakers are re
pxttt te fear deiami d,at a meeting
keM In Ptttabnnr. te aetlrv Un nkn minn.
factarera that they wHl set hereafter pay
mere tnan n.oe per ion rer the coke, the
nrMimt nrlca Iminr 12 m. Thin mnH hu
been reached in consequence of the de
pressed state or pig iron prices, and be
cause of .the fact that a great many Western
furnaces are shut down new, en account of
the coke strike, and nearly all will have te
shut down it it continues. Why the
price et pig iron falls, with the pros
pect of its suddenly decreased produc
tion, is a conundrum, which is proba preba
bly explained by the general belief
that there will be no such continued strike
as te put many furnaces out et blast. If,
however, the pig iron makers demand a
heavy reduction In the price of their coke
fuel, it is evident that there is no likelihood
of an early resumption et coke manufac
ture. The coke workers are striking for
wages which the operators say they cannot
afford te give when getting $2 per ten for
coke; of course It they get but $1.50 per
ten they cannot pay their workmen their
present rate of wages te say nothing of an
it is pe'sible, however, that the iron
makers, in view of the dullness of their
trade, are quite ready te bank their fur
naces for awhile, and take the convenient
opportunity te strike for lower coke. If
the demand for pig Iren continues slack
thev will pet it: lint if tliplr iron U wnnt1.
they will pay for their coke all that they
must. The demand for pig iron is net
likely te fall off very much. There will be
an immense consumption ei iron in me iu
turc. There is an immense production tee.
The logic of the situation indicates lower
prices for raw material and a fair profit
tot manufacture.
lr Commedore UiesUnd had been counted
out for Cen Kress in the Sixth ward, would
the J:mminer maintain its present awful
allonce ou the subject of election frauds ?
m m
A l'ARTV that is net capable of sel(-purlfi-catleu
Is net worthy te live.
Tup. five civlllzjd tribes et the Indian
Territory illustrate the prevailing tendency
of tribal ownership; among them there are
found many wealthy men who held farms
et ever a thousand acres, one et eight theui
anil acres, which are managed en modern
plans with the very beat machinery, barns
and (tables. The owners et these estate
have no better title te the land than the poor peer
eat of their own band, for the soil belongs
te the tribe In common, but according te
their laws and usages any Indian may ex
clude from land that he was the first te oc
cupy and cultivate all ether membera of the
tribe ; and se by Inheritance or prier occupa
tion the land Is rapidly passing Inte the
bands eta few Intelligent, enterprising and
eelHsh men. Agent Owen aaya: "The
Wichita Valley, iu the Chickasaw Natien, la
almost a solid farm for tifty miles. It is cul.
tivated by white laborers, largely with
Chickasaw landlords. 1 saw one larm there
stld te contain eight thousand acres, another
four thousand, and many ether large and
handsome places."
Sl' the .'rammer believes In the
purity of elections. Why Is such sepulchral
tllence concerning the Sixth ward Irauds
maintained in its editorial columns ?
SiNCKthegreatllroeklyn bridge was open
ed four years age, bO,O7j,0uO persona have
crossed the atructur&Tbe total receipts In that
period have been N.mvsa The traflie has
grown from f 12,000 a month te t7:,0n0, and
the number of passengers from Me,000 a
mctilli te nearly 3,(1(10,000.
Tin: 'rimuicrhas net yet editorially dis dis
emered that there was election fraud in the
Sixth want.
Tiir statement of foreign conunerce and
Immigration for April, lsS7, corrected te May
'JOth, shows a steady Increase of both experts
and imports. The experts for the first
four months of 1S7 were 121,190,012 in
excef s of the experts for the same period of
last year, and the imports for the same period
shows a faiuillar increase of IC,0sO,187. in the
same time we have received 137,400 Immi
grants against P0,O9 In the first four months
w. it, jue iiiniiiKrauen rer April, jsst was
73,107 against 19,153 In April, lSSA Of these
2.',S13 came from Ureat iirltaln and Ireland,
the last little country sending ever thirteen
thousand of them. Germany gent 11,7-13
sturdy emigrants, ami Sweden and Norway
11,133. The total imlgratien for the ten
months ending April 30, 1SW, la 334,19i5er
about en'i hundred and live thousand mere
hanierthe ten months ending April 30th,
Tins Is the lime of the year when every
geed Democrat of Lancaster congratulates
himself that he is net a Kepubllcan.
m m
Tiik Methodist Kplscepal ministers hold
ing a meeting in Philadelphia are very much
disturbed ever the publicity that has been
glveu totheUerceatUckef Mr. Themas W.
Price en several of the committee, and the
exciting debate that followed. This was
some two weeks age and the clergy have
since that memorable day been sitting with
doers closed te reporters. They de net aeem
te be troubled half se much ever the attack
ana the extremely undignified scenes that
followed, a-i they are by the publicity that
has been given It bv reDertar.
One gentleman said that the meeting had
attlmes been fortunate In having present gen.
tiemen et the press who exercised discretion
as te incidents which could net be placed be
fore the public in a dlgnllled and edifying
way, but last week was a aad exception!
Anether reverend gentleman still bore upon
bis cheek the blush occisienedby the publica
tion of the tumultuous proceedings of that
meeting. The Kev. J. T. Kirkpatrick was
manly enough te say that the reports were
true almost te the latter and he did net pro pre pro
pexe te deny tnem. Hut this dlvins saw fit
te lead onemaven nenular amnumn. i
eluding base ball, referring with mil
Klvluir te a reimrt that ninnen k..i
otlered for an accomplished player and con-
UU'K ii mecnurca sneuid direct these
sperta aud net allow satan full sway. Very
well, let the clergy organize a nine.
UiiKlbauner Hspubllcan ward" ought te
be called "the ballet-box stuffer's 1'aradUa"
Tiik burning et the Theatre Cemluue In
I arl,glvc a surprising exhibition of French
coolness and nerve. One would have
thought that a people ae excited would have
lest all Belt control and make a rush for tha
doerjustasthe mere atella Kngll.h and
Ameiieau audiences have done j but the lame
audleuce kept their seats until the dcers
were opened and ae avoided a holocaust Ws
are accustomed te aneer at the nervousness
of the French, but their conduct In this
emergency should be a lessen te American
audiences. As Is almost always the
case in disasters of this kind, most of the
Uvea lest were sacrificed through fear. Many
ware afraid te walk alenir a nni.. ..:.
was their only avenue of escape, and strange
ly enough Jumped directly te the ground
and were killed. Anether feature of the
disaster that is familiar Is the fact that warn
ing of the dangerous condition of the build
ing bad been given some time before by the
Paris newspapers. Warnings of the kind
are seldom heeded. The iron curtain wbleh
delayed the spread of the flames is a device
worthy of Imitation In all our theatres.
MuUaue was te hang te-day, but ha
has been respited till June 8a It la very
amusing te respite a murderer who is a aue.
eeeslal fagUtvt frail JaaUee,
ttB tAAf1At tm " - - mmama
by the queen, la the result of the conscious
ness, which has rather suddenly come upon
the lirltlah arlstocraey.or the unhappy condi
tion of a very large propartien of the popula pepula popula
Uea of Londen, it I planned en a very
ambitious scale andthequeen'a hall new open
Is lntende.1 te feriu the nucleus of a vast pile
of building, which wilt ha endowed as
technical school, libraries, concert halls re
freshment room j lit short, this tulace of the
people Is Intruded te reallrs n nearly as
possible the dream of the novelist, Watter
Besant. One of lit heroines was a charitable
and Impulsive young lady of great wealth,
who determined te build a palace wherelu
the peer could enjoy the same pleasnrei that
are new only wltblu the reach or the wealthy.
Whether the dream can be rralired and what
eirect that reallMtlen will have en the
peer of Londen la a matter of blind conjec
ture, but the attempt U certainly a noble
eitert. American cille hae tried 'the mine
thing en a smaller scalp, and In Cincinnati,
at least, It has been wonderfully sucvcwml.
Mil Wattkhsen wilt ie accept the vice
presidential nomination. This negative was
emitted from the I.ntki i.uh'.m kiiN state
ment ou Wednesday of Hotspur's position.
Tiik foreign holders of Kansas Pacific
bends are bringing suit against Jay Gould and
Hussell yce. who were thn lmta rr h..
bend, and whose manlpulatlenacaused them
te be sacrificed for their benetlt, the tale of
which has been told in the I ulen l'aelue
Investigation new going en and which is
fruitful of testimony that, if It bears its proper
trult,sheuld serve te strip Jay Gould of all his
TitKO'llrlen tour has Incidentally served
the purpose ordcmenstratlng the untltneis of
the people el Canada ler citizenship under
wis rrpuuuc rreespeeea is tue cornerstone
of our political edllk'O and we can net think
of the annexation of a country where a man
cannot assail his political opponent without
euusngenng ms me. .Men who carry en an
argument with bricks and revolvers are only
tolerated In the territories or In out of the way
districts where the barbarhm of frontier life
OnWT MEMORIAL 1M l.i:lr. attimH.!
at Athen, Tenn , and decrlteiI as lately the
esieyau uuiverauy,wun ?iev,(Mcpilal,has
made (eerce W. Chlhla nn II. II an, I
expects an addition t. IU endowment. Mr.
imius ceuiu net ueip u ; and air. Chllds
need net pay.
QrEKX Katiei, vxi and the l'rlnces
I.llluokaleul aud their sul e hae sailed ler
MA.vAeun W. II. Mouton, of Philadelphia,
has fallen heir te jj.CHW by the death of an
uncle in Vienna.
Kkv. W. W. Ckimi.s, formerly et thlsritv,
will seen asume tits pest as "pastor of the
Bethel A. M. K. church, Yerk.
Gr.NKR r. J. W uirtK.N Keii nnv minten,
at Sprlngtield, O., was robbed cm Tuesday
night and much family silver plate taken.
Clavs Srr.EiKi.K-, the mllltoualre of the
Sandwich Islands, predicts a revolution,
which will result Iu the absorption of Hawaii
by Uncle Sam.
Jehn llci i.eO'Kkillkx esteems the la'e
Lvsatldnr Snennnrnn. rtrrlm ..-.......... ft ...u.t
cans that nvnr I ivn.1. uin.n ft-... ...
----.-. , "..u-u ..'.III UV LUIU1IIU
century will enshrine In marble.
ulivbr w KvuBt.i. Her.vr-. says his cor
respondence U becoming se eluiiilneus that
he is Afrnlll h w 111 haiu f.- ..!;. t.
..... ..U.L- ... ...nv ... usiiifc: n
type writer, though he doesn't want te.
r-.niren u linir.N win net visit l'hllailel-adc-lpbla
en June 2, as President Tilrerald,
of the Irish National I.easue has advised
him that it will cause a wider breach among
me quarreling insn organisatiens there.
Hkniiv J. IIamsiiki.i a well known
W ashlngtnn newpaper man and odlter et the
Washington lleimbhc, died suddenly Iu
Washington en Wednesday. Mr. Kamsdell
was an Intimate friend of Jimes (i. nuinn
and ether well known sttttauun, and at the
time et his death was encaged en a werK
containing a review et current ielllical
HAi.MKit Hjektii Hoyei:n picks up a
great deal et material ler llteiary erk dur
ing the season, and resorts iinblushiiigly te
UirUtien in order te get It. At the clese of a
vacation en the Isle et Sbatls he bade geed.
byetoayeunglaJy with tvhem he had ear
rled en illrtatiei), with thu werds: "I am
very glad I met you; you hae Uem worth
at least f000 te me."
Leuu LwsnewM:'- name Is enough te
make a man eecentric He Is " Henry
Charles Keith Petty 'It7ainurice, martinis
of I.ansdowne; Karl Wjcemlm, Chipping
Wycombe, Ituckinghainsblre; Vi-count
Calne and Calesteuc, Wiltshire; Kirl of
Saelburne; Viscount Clanmaurice and Fitz
maurice, I.ixnawaud Dunkeren." l'erliaps
he amounts te nothing in the social fabric ?
H. I). White, el Joliet, loved his cousin,
Jeasie bite, a pretty seventeen-year-old girl,
out sne uiscouraged of him. Fer some time
past Jessie has been bothered at receiving
anonymous letters threatening her life and
fixing the date of her execution. The letters
were Bent through the mail until It became
unsafe, when they were stipiwd under the
deer et the home. Prominent young men
receive! notes requesting them te act as pl.
bearersandau undertaker was engaged te
go te the heusa A notice of the death of the
young lady was tent te the papera and pub
llsbed. Finally the discarded leer was
caught prowling around the honse with a
revolver and he has been arrested aud the
threatening letters have ceased.
suvi Hr.ux rjtun-ttunr.
Secretary Lsuisr Ders Nut Take fcucli a Vrrj
Kuy Vlu ul It.
from the lUltlmeiu Min.
The representations of general prrt-perlty
throughout the Seuth put forth by a few
Journals controlled In the protectionist
IntereU, by (.peculators in mining lands and
tewu sites, and by ethers eager te soil some
thing, are net In accord with the imprestlena
of Secretary I-imar aspresonted in an inter
view recently published In the New Yerk
Mail anil Erurcis. Them are ImllMtlnnaM
prosperity, says tbe secretary, at a few points
but it Is net general, and where it appears it
la at the expense of the Interlylng country.
Atlanta, Chattanooga, Nashville, Knexvllle,
Birmingham, aud ether centres are growing
rapidly Iu population Biid apparently in
wealth. Towns situated upon the new rail
roads built during the laat few years are
Isrger and mere thriving, but their
growth, the secretary thinks, baa been
largely at the expense of ether towns, dis
tant from the railroads, which have steed
still or have actually deteriorated. A stranger
paaslng through the Seuth ou the railways
erroneously conclude, he saya, from what
Is going ou within hi view lrem tbecar
window, and that the Hjuth Is making very
rapid pregreea. lie is net aware that the
new stores In sight at way stations, or In
towns and villagea traversed by the railroad
are these of men who have closed up bust,
neaa at Interior towns remete from the rail
road, and have come within bearing et the
locomotive In search of better luck. The
new houses going up are elten these of
farmers who have become discouraged by
vain etlerts te make a living planting cotton,
auu uiid suiia uuh b it niicriuct Wlin IU0 IdOS
of trying something new In town. The out
ward signs of the depreaM'm that actually
pervaded the country are te be seen when
one gees away from the railreada in "a gen.
eral air el jxverty." The absence of pros pres
perlty is evldeul. "Improvements," the
secretary observes, "are net kept up, and
things are allowed te t,e te decay." Hjme
Southern cities scarcely held their own.
Between 1870 aud ISsO Cuarlesten gsined lit
tle mere than 1 jier cent in population,
Savannah gaiued nut 5'4 pereenL, New
Orleans gained but 13 per cent, while Mobile
actually lest ,IHK la population. This in the
im Jtnn,.'Vure Jn(;re throughout the
SSl el r ce,lt A res-pects the cities
Sr D,eSSfunlnrmi' and ",0 therefore coddled
efmetSwM,rl..r.K,U1.' ' ""fB evidences
or me power of taxes te enrich the Southern
psjer. Secretary Lamar expresW himSIir
growth has been ailmulated by tbetr prSi
imlty toer Interest In it, is, te a grMt muLl
peeulallve-bssed in scTme mSmSSSSSu
upon anticipated developments rather than
upon these already made. Of course 1 knew
that a geed deal of capital has been invested
there, ana that mueti et it has gene from the
Nerm and that many Northern people are
aettllag there, and 1 don't wish te be under
stood ae doubling the future prosperity et
ftongtea. XoaaeBlj my fiat the returns
aiveaet yet been realised." The cause of
Uie general stagnation, the secretary finds
In the depression of the farming Interest.
The crops fast year were net proportionately
?JB,r?ft,l"berera,n9Wr' lletweenlWJOamt
IShO the population of the Seuth Increased
twice at last a the ability te feed and clothe
It "Under such circumstance," the sec
retary very Justly remarks, "you would net
leek for prosperity, and you will net think It
strange that the cltlea dependent en agricul
ture Ter their trade are languishing." Some
thing Is dun, perhaps, te exhausted soils and
very much te the dilllcully et having proper
attcnlen given te tha cettim crop. Laber la
lnefllclent "In order te secure a geed
atand,' that Is, te have the ground all oc
cupied, the closest care aud attentleu are
necessary at a certain critical eried. In
former time, when the planter had com.
plete control of the labor, he could enferce
this earn and attention that he cannot de
new. The cotton lands el the Seuth are new
mostly rented te negrees, and lithe cm tier
retains an Interest In the crop he has no voice
In the manner In which It shall tie worked.
II he should Interfere the negrees would re
sent It and leave." rhetarllt, the secretary
Is disposed te think, it the " chief cause " iif
the bai. iveunmla oendltion of the Seuth. In
this, as In his suggestive description et the
state of atlalra, he Is probably nearer the
truth than these who have been giving out
very rosy accounts of their policy and Its
etlect upon Its chief victim.
Mrimlble Itrtrenrhiuent,
Kretii lbs e eiW Miirlii.
The consolidation of Internal revonue dis
tricts, by which twenty two collecterahips
with their acjempanylug espouses are abol
ished without detriment te the publle and
without causing nuy serious Inconvenience
te the people, is a mnvement which must
recelve the sanction of the people, and for
which President Cleveland tieserves credit
It saves about 1 100,000 a year te the govern
ment, and as this amount was needlessly ex
pended It was a publle wrong.
But we fall te soeou wtiat prluclple the
Mugwump ergansclalm that the action of the
president Is especlallycemmeudable because
of the fact that the displaced ettlelal are all
nemecraUs. In performing an elllclat duty
no consideration should be lakeu of Its politi
cal etlect The Uspubllcans made needless
collection districts and crowded the internal
revenue buresu with mnecure and unneces
sary elllcers in elder te pension their politi
cal adherents en the government. It was
quite proper for President Cleveland te cor
rect this wrong. But as It Is claimed that
Mr. Cleveland has made his appointments en
a very dlllerent prtnclple from that which
prevailed under his Republican predecessors,
would there net be better ground ter congrat
ulation It the weeding out bad removed old
It-publlcans rather than uew Democratic
collectors? A l. OK TIIK SEIHON
l'rvss me closer all my own,
Warms my rmrt ter thee alone.
1. very nen e responsive thrills,
Kich caress my bcln tills :
Hest and peace in vain 1 cra e,
In ectacy 1 live, thy slave ;
DeHer'd with hope, with premise blest,
1 heu dot reln upon tuy bruast
Utwcr still, feri am thine,
burns my heirt, for thou art mlnj;
Theu the messiiRO, t the wire,
I the furnace, thou the rlre :
I the thou the majter-
Kearlns, red het mustard plaster
Salvation oil cure rheumatism In from 11 te
3 hours, swellings and bru e Itm few hours.
sulclile li net mere ln(ul thin neglecting a
ceujrh. Korenlyjlcents you cm buy a liotile
''f L,r- 1iu"'' tough sjrup and be saved from
death. Try It
Thegreate-tillcoveryef the nineteenth wn.
luryl-Ur. Leslie's special lTvcrlptlen ter sick
headache, which N the dtceery of an eminent
tblcUnund ued by him for ever thirty years
i-feru L-lvlni? II te the public, and tl stands to
day without a rival, ltead advertisement In
another column.
JThe Verdict Unanimous.
Yen are fenllm; ilepreed, your appettte Is
pour, jouaie bothered with Head iche, you am
fldgety, nervous, unit generally out of sorts, and
wailttetirarrnn. Ilr-.n.. .... ,.', .,,.. i.u V...".
lnt. spring medicines, or Lltier. whi.h hm-n
for their lisl- r-n h..l. pui. .. ... .... ..... . --'
che:lll. iiiiil whf.lrT a....
w lileh stlmnl it.. . .... .n......
i hour, and then Iuuvh
you Hi worse condition than beroie. W hat you
want Is an alterative that will purify your bleed.
u. ...... ...... . .... ,ut um.r. j...!
'" ue-muv action et i.iver and Kidneys, re
store your vitality, and Rtve renewed health anil
at rYn nlh alimh u in...nni. . . . ...
Jil .. 7 . '"V"'1'"" " wiunnu in elec
tric bitters, and only M cents a bottle at 11. li.
Cochran s Drug Mere, 1J7 aud li) .North Ouecm
street, Lancjuter, fa. (j
SI.KEtM.KSb NK.I1T.S, ma.1e miserable bvthlt
lenium ceujen. stitleh's C'ure Is the remedy ler
'".', ".'!u u " ceenniu, arugglst. Set 1S1
and IK) .Nertn (Jucen St,, Uincasler. 1'al ( .)
Mothers I Mothers II Mf.ti.H .
Are you disturbed at night and broken of yenr
rait I... a .Inl. ..ii ... .... . .
wj- , M a. i.uiiu snuunug anacrjing wltn
the excruciating palu of cutting teeth t If se,
go at ence and get a bottle of il U3. WIN S LO WS
bOOrilt.VG SYKinv it will r..ll... .k
little anffer Immedtately-depena upon It ; there
uuuuiiiuuuauuuia. mere is net a mother
en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell
veu at once that It win r..iiiiA t.. tw...i. n.
..... .-nu.Hvu .uu uii.iji,, miu
give rest te the mother, and relief and health te
tuu cuuu, ujiuraung use magic, it Is perfectly
safe te use In all au- ami nin, imi..
u li U preicrlptleii or ou et U eldest and
ve. iwumd ,iuj stticus uua nurses in me unltcxl
Bute. Sold every where, a cenu a bottle.
COUlill. WHOOlMNUCiU'Oltand llrenchltla
ImmiHllaiely relieved by Shllnh's Cure. Sold bv
It. II. leenran, druggist, -Vw. W aud I3J North
Queen St., LuncaaUjr, I'a. (4)
The I'opuUtleu or Ijtncaater
la AllOtlt liniri nniS wa wn..l., .. .
half are troubled with some affection of the
Threat and Lungs, as these complaints areao areae
c?rl,,n' " statistics mere numerous than
ethers. W e would advUe all net te neglect the
opportunity te cull en us and get a bottle of
hemps ilalsam for the Threat and Lungs. 1'rlce
W cents and II. Trial size free. Kespectfully.
li. U. Cochran, druggUt, U7 North Queen streeU
The Ort Amerlcwu cnuru.
Sneezing. snuning and coughing! 'ihls Is Uie
music all ever thn land Just new. "I e net
such an awful cmd In my head." Cure It with
Kly's cream llilm or It may end In the tenghtst
form of Catarrh. Mavhe ou havoc can h new
.Nothing Is inore nauseous and dreadful. This
leinedy masters 11 as no ether eterdld. sta
nuiruer a liquid. I'leesant, ccrialn. radical.
till t LOU'S COUUIl and Consumption Cure
Is sold by us en a guarantee. It cures Con
sumption, cold by fl. II Cochran, diugglst,
Nes. 137 and K .North Cjueea 8U, Lanci'ter!
Itt- . W
TIIATllaCKINUCOUdll can be sequlckly
cirj-d by ahtleh'. Cnre. W guarantee lu Held
by tl. II Coehmn arugKlst,Nes.l37and 1J) North
Vluecn 8U, iMiicastur, I'a, (i)
Sprains and Bruises.
JOHN, Champien Oarsman of Amor Amer
let. "I hive found SU Jacobs Oil cf Inestimable
TtTIL -I. n. COI'KLAVD. IM'.ter AuitraKan
AJLS. irciis ei'llUHV, IS. a w
y Liicyeitj jeuril
have been comp.eted
"My tricycle Journey of ljri miles would net
,vu been ceuiD.eted without ml. jacnin en."
WM. ilKARII. World' Chamnlen Oirs-
IVI ...n.i lln. ul II... ..I u......
st. Jacob's oil curi-s Htlltuess, cramps and
muscular pains In training."
OAI'T. l'ADI. ltOVTON, the world renowned
1 de nut sse hew I could get along without
SU Jacobs Oil.'
MU JOHN IK) 1,1' It. Champien IHcycIUt, bl
l.lvurpoel Bt. Sydney, N.. W.
After riding l.tei miles against time, St.
Jaobsel! reuiuvedall Uttguuuuduin.'
, WJ.I IlltlVJ. BVtlH,
Mil. K V. 1'AINTKU, finden Athletic Club.
at Jacobs Oil cured moor a sprained ten-
pDWAUD 1IANLAN, Chimplen Oarsman.
"Fer muscular pains I have fcucd Ht. Jacobs
Oil Invaluable."
ALL IIASW llil.l. ULUIH. Individually and
Use nt, Jacob! Oil ler sprains, strains and
ALL A830CIAT1JN3 of r'leld Sports.
1'urf, Water and Itetd, me SU Jacobs Oil for
sprains, stratus uud bruUes.
Y.ry "PPllcatlsn gives rellnlj every bottle
?!?. L'lS.y,w ' . "'"" bottle tested as Ui qual
iiXAiTJ!? ."nu'n8 etUe bears the arm's fas-
.. "wf u value i every spokes langnace knows
Ooed Appettte,
Mew Btrength,
Happy Oaye,
Sweet Bleep.
that the most delicate stomach will bear.
Ana all Germ Diseases.
llioen ft K1HKI1. Miip.rtorteoulmtie,
Sir. r A. MUlnr. ft.1 t.4.1 t?tl. -t. Wa.
erk. as cured ti Kasklne et nitrmiin n..
Isrlikl 11 i.truftim kft.. . m -.
He .hsd run down inuii ITuiinunOs te?. tuirii
im nnsainiiin eune, i-wn, went tn work In one
- .... -.--. 11 1 1 .i l.lf IMM1I1US I1 V,, IH
n t..... 1... -.. ... .1' -
ninin,rvainisi nts rull weight In six nienthi,
Walnliin tint hlin noireod wliateter.
Mr. I.I.I1H111 Ihoiiipaeii, the eldest and ene of
the iiiitrts)HoleitclUtanserKrt(tKeiort(;onn ,
nys- "t am ninety years el ugn, siul for the
lt thrvearslitvusumnd from malaria and
thertTectsctf uutnlnn poisoning. I rrcwilly Ihv
irun with Kaalcine which tirekn up the malaria
Inrrcnuid my weight Tl peumls "
Mrs.T A. eeljiuiins, of l.vjilallliUy St.Jersev
Llty. write My mm llarrv. eluven ears, was
cuied et Slalsrla by Katklne. after niteen
months' llliie-s, hen wehadKlven tip all hope.
Letteis triim the above twniens, glMng mil
'.letalli will bn sent en application.
Kasklue csn U taken without any special
medical advice. Il.iw isjr betUe. Sela by
DruRgUt 1S7 anrt 1S North (Jnoen St.. Lancas
ter, i-a , or sent by mall en receipt of price.
K ASK1.NK CO., M Warren St.. New Verk.
reblllyaAw-l rh.f.
Old Greff Spring Distillery.
Situated en Kist Orange strest. twt'
iraiiKtianacnesiuut, one siiuare east of reser-
r l.niiiwilap I.
I hikvujuwtvrtctrtlannraiiuitry with nil of
A II sUflk's'l I) ti..-j.
TbU DUtlllety htw been wncted at tha Intneiis
lil llfiArTdlrtarii MnHmr wKlxt. i, ... ... . .
A Urotr-Hew.. spuiiK.which tint tHHtn neusl for
iliin titj-tK d nnl II... ... i .. am...
Kit tl(ntitiii li ml
, uivu iirwt iwwjii nuitHi ler
iHJn minply of thui pur-
they wi-re beyn, ana ttJian neverbwn known te
I WSWT. Al u our
rHf tr
TttndfHthtim tlrank hn
"..-- "' " " I. in iicifr in."!! Known IO
run ary nwn In thn hottest author, from this
nrlntr JI ih.s vitttir tiaaui in thn .4ijtm... . .
talned, tha pump drawing treui H twenty. flvu
gallons a uituute.
DeMJes my own distilled Whisky, I also handle
Brandies, Gins, Wines, Ac.
sVCall and be convinced.
A. B SHKAri'KK, Distiller.
STOlia-Ne. (U North yueen StrcsjU
S lt.-raimer having geed Kye en hand can
find ready saIe for 11 at the store or dUttllery
llluh.idl ..h .1.. bu. ..v.... ....1 . ..... . f.
.-..-.. iiw... ii iwu iui a kucmi am
llOUltl 3F.C.
(. II Mb'MU KMUADlir,
And all ether Lending brand)
of Imported
sole Agent ter thn l'lensant alley Wlne
Luinnany epeclal C.reat We.'ern Kx. nry.nur
own brand, tha nnest Amcrlc in Champagne tn
the market.
Just rece!vil another large Invoice of Califor
nia Claret ami White W lue lrem Nape alley.
California '
A Urge stock nflinpenrd llurgundlcs, Clare's.
Uhlne nd --lu'ernu tnii.
We also hivn the largest anil llnest stock et
llrvndlcs, W hlskles, dins, Uadelra, hrry and
ort tVlnni, liius Me, (inlnnest Ment, Snralega
and Apeillna Is W aters In the city.
H. E. Slaymaker, Agt,,
A Pull Stock,
Desirable Goods,
Lew .Prices,
Newest Styles.
Cerner Bast King and Dvika 8ts
We new Invite your attention te our
steci or hooking Ulatsca In Walnut,
Cherry and Geld. This Is our Largest
81'KCIAl.TVi and has been for years. We
this week received a large Invoice, and II
yen are or will be In need of a Leeking
lllass for use. te sni we have them right In
stock te show. Juit the thing te ml up
ttat space between the windows.
Furniture Depot,
tar We make Picture Frames te Order.
New Spring Neckties
There Is no garment concerning the fit et
which a man la mere particular than a Bhlrt.
ehlrt Cutting u arineArt, Te Dt comforta
ble a shirt must be cut with Uw proper anotom anetom anotem
leal curvta. the workpeople must be practical
shirt. makers, llavlng had an eiperlsnoeef
years, we claim te have the beslnttlDg, best
wade, best material and most durable
In the Market rer the Least eulbl Meney.
e, if West Xba (!, UmHtr,
I Owe My Ufa.
ciurrea t.
11 1 wss Inkeu lek a tear un
With bilious fever." MO
" My doctor proneunred me cured, hut I .n
s ck again, with teriil.i,, pains In my back and
sides, and I get se bad I
Could net mine I
I shrunk I
. Frem 8is !U. In IM I I had Iwen doctoring ler
my 111 or, but It i1M no geed, 1 did net eiin-ct te
live inore than tntee months. 1 began te urn
Hep Hitters.
lllrsctly my appetite tetnmed, tny pains left
me, my entire system seemed renewed as ir by
magic, and after using seeral bottles, I am no
only as sound as a sovereign, but weigh tneiti
than 1 did hetnre. 'lollop Hitters I own my tu."
HiiMiii, June r, iw, Bl , iT.ATHi, ,.
"Maiden, Mass, reb I. InnI. tientlemen
1 siifTervd Ith attacks of U'k tinailach.H
Neuralalt, female treuliln for year In Iho
most tenlble and excruciating manner.
Ne medicine ei doctor could give inu relief or
cure until I used Hup llllturs.
" The rlrst bottle
Nearly cunsl me i"
The second lutde me well and strong as when
a child.
" And I have been e te this day."
My husband was mi Invalid ter twenty yesrs
with a serious
" Kidney, liver and urinary complaint.
"Pronounced by Itesiim's best phslclans
" Incurable'1
!even bottles el your Hitters cured him and 1
knew of IheJ
" Lives of eight persons "
our M ,,",Khb"rlu,;h, ,h,,t nive been saved by
And imiiiy mere are using them with great
benefit. " They mMl ,,0 mlrcll(s r, K"1"
Mri. K. JKSIael.
mJiT .." Slt":-'-'lese yourself day and
night! est tjn much without exercise, work tisi
hard without rest, doctor all the tlme i uke all
the vile nostrums advertised, aud then you wl.l
want te knew
Hew te Mar Wstt -Which Is answered In
three words-Take Hep Hitters.
Hardened Liver.
rive yeats age 1 broke down with kidney and
III cr complaint and then mutism.
silica then I hsve been unable te be about at
all. My llr became hard like woe.1 , my limbs
were puired up and fllled with water.
All the best phislcHns .igrecd that nothing
could cure me I minlved te try Hep Hitlers
I hive used set en bottles i the htrdnes, hasa'l
gene lrem my lu er. the swelling from my limbs,
and It hsi ti err,l .. mlrnelr In my case , oilier
wise 1 would hue been new In my grave
J. W. Mensv. Uuirale, Oil. 1. 1-.
I Write Thla
Tokenof thegrrntaprrcclittnn l have et your
'.'..". .,."tlf,N ' " alltleteil
JJ Ith Inflammatory rheum.itum
Fer nearly
Seven cars, and no medicine seemed te de me
any .
tioed ' '
Until 1 tried two hotlle, et jour Hep Hitters,
and te my surprise I am M well te-day as ever 1
wss. I hepe
" Veu may bae abundant success "
In this great aud "
Valuable misllclne
n,t"e. ' " u"""? knew mere about
Ulj Cs4lV
Can learn by addresitng me. It. .
Williams, lluj 10th street. Wash. U.C.
Blity Candle-I.lght ; ItsiaU them all.
Anether of CIIKAP GI.OIIKS ferUas and
xf " lbu ?"at- h WP ellt snow Snd m n. Any
1??' trW-r,n ":JlrtnadeinI,npy
niymgiu Can be nttej anywhere -no hoi te
Shffii5y,,,Kr."!'0' ll ' ''"tPHt,w2ve?
the otevo. Heater ana ItanguMUire
Jehn P. Schaum & Sens,
"M. A. KIKyrKli. A1.DUM O. UKHB
Fuller &. Warren Ce.'s
(TIIOY, N. Y.)
We ask no one te rnn any risks with " FUL
LER : WAUIIKN'8" Goods. We guarantee
them te give Satisfaction.
Aa a Heater "TIIK HPI.KNOIII " has no rlvai,
being a thorough het base, no part of this store
remains cold, evei y Inch el It radiates heat.
Aa a Smaller and Cheaper Heater the "UHIU HT
DIAMOND," has established Iteell In the front
The merits et the "31'LKN DID" and "UUHillT
DIAMOND " consist In lleanty el Construction.
Perfect Control or Draft, Cleanliness, no Dust,
no Gas and Kcnnemy el fuel.
ssycall and examine for yourself
We have a number of Goods which are
just in season, and which, ewlnp; te our
Riving special attention, we can offer great
" Pennsylvania" Lawn Mowers have no
equal. These we make a specialty. We
have as geed lawn Mowers as are in the
market for te.00 and $7.00.
llaby Carriages We carry seventy.flve
varieties in stock. These goods are our
own special and our prices are low.
Ilefrigeraters are new In season. Hew
few people knewanything about Ilefrigera Ilefrigera
eors. It took us twenty years te learn.
1(7a ...... ...... I n I1..A awl..........
It will be worth something for you te get
the test.
Ceal Oil Steves There Is mare differ.
Hoescfurnishing Goods !
ence in Ceal Oil Steves than almost any
thing manufactured. Don't spend your
money till you knew what you are getting.
Ice Cream Freezers and Water Coelers
you can buy almost anywhere, but can you
?et the beat at the lowest prices. Veu can
Lawn Tennis Setts, Genuine Mexican
rid Common Hammocks, llase 1UU and
all Sporting Goods at Factory Prices.
Ne. 168 North (frmltmt.
G. A. B.
As the annual Docerntlnn l.vimit,ar
wry approaches ou will be skirmishing
around for New Uniforms In which te ap
pcar en iwrmle tu honor of departed com-
nuira. uur eirenngs te-day In a. A. II.
Suits are of such a character that ... ...
rarely met with, and will surely meet the
approval ei every one intending te.make
such a purchase. Our ees are close.! ,.
ever thing that has net solid merit, and
me most viRoreus ineasures nre'tised te se
cure the best workmanship.
rtll.L ASKED IO Olllt KVIIllllTION
fefTi iIlLwh,,h,ir ym' wUh Purchase or net.
. -i.u I. " i'ii'jssuhi iii snow goeas. u, A. a.
si iis.nie. ti. a. a.suiis.iffui.
Hirsh & Brether,
Clothiers and Furnlsliers,
Tyn.i.iAMNer, a KesrruK.
Decoration Day !
81UEUI8. f"lc or Cutswajr Ceils. te 111 u.
Veteran's Untnd Army .Suits, a(u te illnti.
Celer l'BC'1 ' A' 8ult' wrrnta tler
Children's Suits ami Shirt Waists.
Suiumiir Hats In riezlhle rlt Derby.
The Crush lUtsand Flee Dress Siraw Hats.
Children's Straw Data and Caps.
lieiiU' Butnmer Underwear. Hrlbrl(r;an, In
dian Ouuze, s'renrl. Ncitud and Clouded An An
Kei a.
Summer Silk Neckwear, tv. te 6cV.
cileuTel,d,'0', Ce"" ana Cutr '" ,',non 'a
Fancy Hosiery and Thread Gloves.
Ladles' and limits' Summer Shoes.
orIUlineral "" 8h06 ,or aenU- ' M- Julian
fPie."V8V0Wnlr'" LKnt finished Kid nee
K.MJ W erkua Uuiten Heles and Uleye
32, S4.36 and 38 East King St,
tf Stores elese every evening at t o'clock,
except Mondays and Buturaavs.
wiewui asm saraa psaum u
All Kinds of Lumber and Geal.
, mi mjmnvnmmr, IllTB
ns,,No,r?b!?rtSbea,7ee,,, gUn 8lr69t-M4 '
pef!-Ner,h ,,,1nca "trest, near Keadtng
BUndardUred Stall tens In Benrtes.
T !na ler Mw CftUlOffne.
Summer Suits
. jjilffei4 .i29i4Ae' ' -i-
w i isii w
kj K5tt'ywpat