PjyW rS' i- d&5E!? !i-iH a r am or Tenen. " I knew thorn' across about MeMh'sMnaera. llut that tact rnelovaeannot mother, Fer her eye ant e pretty 1 HO weae-af laer t&ry . . Te be K.rtn' 'round Inte eah ether. -ncmijas Ifaielntflfn OrllU. wemmh fi,imi)ii wr lOIIfc The Thrllllnr, IM lew ! IMWiwe The editor of the Aiifnt levinc irtrnUI write from INirt Klluelta celling Uentlea te lluer brutality In the Tranevaat. Tbe ac curacy el the account I Touched for : My name le Hem. 1 em b"nk24 ag On Monday last ! dleehewea from thVl'reterl jell, efler being Imprisoned for two inenlh. 1 we ent te prleen because I wee Mid te have been Impudent te white wntiien. 1 wee net Impudent, but Mr. ! aald that 1 bed enltesd the Blrl Keebel te run away. The field wirnei eeme with bleck constable end eeld i " Vetch that Impudent woman end take her te the prleen." Maraba aald that 1 elinuld be taken In the landdreal. Kit at 1 wee taken te the landdreak The landreat eaUl that I mint pay a Hue of 1 or go te the trunk ler two month end receive twenty live lathee. Mi. O. aald that I had come te entice hnr girl away, and that Charlette wa Ihe Impudent one. Charlette wae lined 1 10 , whleh wee paid. Itechel wae lined 1 let, which wae paid by 8. Ceat, and abe had te work It out. 1 wa lined 3, but a I oeuld net pay 1 wa eent te the trenk and ordered te Ret twenty llvelasbsa. 1 waalecktd up ter three week, and then the landdreal came te the treuti end ordered me out te re ceive the twenty live laabee while he steed by. I wae I led up by the wrist and lege and wa Hogged until I fainted. The bleed caiue nut el uiy back while I waa llegiied. 1 had all my cletbee takeu eU with the eseep. tlen el my ehetiilee, wbleb wae held round my loin. It wa alter break!! that I waa I! ok Red. When the lenddmet came I was warning hi cletbee. When I recovered from my ralnl 1 found myaelfen the blanket. In the night el the day that I waa Hogged they eent for a doctor, lie pulled open my mouth andlputeoniekluiTiemy neae.1 think he came In the middle of the night. The next day 1 wa told te go and HnUh the weaning or the landdreat'a clethes. Tbe landdreal' maid, Marl, who wa In the trenk, told the land dreat that 1 would net wean the cletbee. I en! ueiaay ae, nut I could net wean a my back waa tee aere. Mavlsa bad been twice llea-ged by eritur or the laiiddreaL Tbe Hret time hn hail fifteen lastiea, which were In. Illcted In the men' yard. Hhe waa etrlpped, her chPiiilae being tied about ber a uilue wa. Htm wa then llnged en her ennui. dera, Hhe wa put In tbn trenk for two day a en that ovlen. When ahe get out aha went te thii landtlriMt'H turns, and a abe refused te work In renst'incuce el her back belug aere aim waa attel back f ir four daya and te rectilvn a tli(titiiK el twenty-five lasbra. A ber tuck waa tee raw te be flo'ged again In tbe aame place I wa told te roll up ber cheuilae ae that abe could be flogged lower down. That ll'ia-glnir took place In tbe woman' yard. Mr. Van Heenen waa pres ent, aiid tne woman wa llegged by Jack." Van Htenen would net let me be beaten at nrat, because, he aald, I wa tee weak. About three wtxtke after I wa put In tbe treuk the landdreal came up in order te eee that bla entGiice ou tne wa carried out, and I waa tied up and lleggtd In bla presence, the laiidilnaii standing in front of roe. When the lauudrtt waa told that I would net Un it h tbe waalilng of til cletbee, be eidered me te be put in the atecka, and 1 waa kept In the alecka ter two day and two nlghta, and kept without. 'oed thn whole time. 1 knew el aix Wiiuimi twlng flogged while I waa In the trenk. All were Hogged with the cat e'-nlnn-taili-, and all were beaten by " Jack," Who doe all the Hogging In tbe Jail. WOMBM MB BVtHtBM. A Ft mate Adocia , KleqaeDtljr Ker tier S, AlaC. Sacet. HimIciem men and head of government tie. pirttiienb liave wmetluiea aald te me that t my have tried women clerk, found them unsatisfactory, and have given up the experi ment. Ttielr objection are, that women are Inclined te ask and accept favor, and te ex cuse themselves for shortcoming", and that they, the employer, Und it dlfucult or un pleaaft te " tiring women te time, " and de uiantl the ex"t and prompt performance by them et all their mitira, auch a would be required of a man In the aame place. There la no exruae for any woman who takeelhl line of action, when ehe ba se cured work. Hhe ahnuld knew that every time the aaka ler a half heur'a leave of ab sence, every time ahe excuse herself, with a smile, or wnnw yet, a tear, for Mime piece of iareleniM, be la Injuring net only ber own chancea of earning a livelihood, but theae el all ether women who have te go out Inte (tie world te cam bread. Hut 1 have never fslltxl, when opportunity ettered, te point out te theso who ae frankly nave me their objection te women clerk, that iien the employer ttieinael.e reated fully half or the responsibility for the failure. Te my iitiettlnn, Did you really take pain te eiiKK an Intelligent, induatrieua woman, exporting el ber the aame work you would bavef-xt-tld of a man, and let her knew tr, and did you niter the wage ordinarily paid te a man, with tbe understanding that be abeiiUt de the same work a would have been required et a man in thn aame place T" Tne reluctant anawer ha nearly alwaya been " Na " lie who pxpect little of a lervant will get little, usually ; and he who give half pav will get hall aervlce. Ker the hundreda of women who have at aeme time In their Uvea worked, lu a llhed fashion, In aeme of. tU- ler a lluln while, all the time kindly treated by their employer, but who found themliM auddenly Olsmlaaed aeme bright morning, without explanation, it way Le, tbvae ehjectlnna te women clerka, made by friendly men, often, abeuld Turniah feed for reflection. And aa for the hundred of el Haul and builneas men who bave at eeme period In their live engaged aeme woman te work for them becanae ahe would work cheaper than a man, and then never clearly explained her dutira te her, expecting and rieinandlnu very little of her, excutleg ber fault anecrelane, until at laat, with pa tience worn out, they have diacharged her without telling her the reason, and whenever after have owed that " women are no geed In an cilice" 1 there net aemetblug let tbeet te think el, tee T LeDgavliy. Kretn tic sanitary ira. It ba been many times said by Intelligent writers that no authentic case could ba pointed out wherein a person had really lived te tbe age of 100 years. The celebration some years since of the 100th birthday or tbe late Hir Meaea Monte Mente Monte Here gave rise te net a little newspaper dl. cuhIeii of the question. A direct descend, ant el Dr. Theme Parr, or Londen, aaya the record or tbe family will show that Dr. l'arr, who died In 1815, wa 153 year old. The lather or thta man la aald te be living In Liverpool at tbe age or ninety eight Tba grand lather died at 102 years, and tba latber'a great uncle, Isaac Parr, la aald te be living In Be gent street, Londen, at tbe age of 130, and again the bretber of tbla uncle la living In Hobe street, Ixjndoe, at tbe extreme age of 132 years. There are many Instances re ported in this country wherein persons have lived fnr 100 yeara or mere. A press dispatch te tbe New Xerk Sun from Syracuse two or three yeara age spoke el Tbes. Van Vallln aa having died In tbat city at tbe age of 105. He waa a pensioner of tbe war or 1812. His father, AMI, waa accidentally killed when he waa 105 yeara of age. HI grandfather lived te be 115, and a brother of hla grandfather lived te tbe age el 112. Tha latter lett three son, each of whom lived te be a ceutenarian. A few yeara alnce Mrs, Lucy Luther, of Had Ivne, Ut, celebrated ber 102d year. Mr. Masb, of Weatperl, Conn. In 1881 wa be lieve Interviewed net leaa than ten thous and naenia and discovered twenty-three cen tenarians in thai state. Wa have a clipping from a New Knglsnd paper te the effect that ever thirty persons bad been traced In tba New England atatee who attained tba age e' 100. The names and residences of twelve of them were glvsn with minute detail aate f lace and date of birth. There waa lately ivlng In Marabtteld, Wis., a man who waa born in 1778, bla father having been ena of Aeter'a fur traders, and bis mother a squaw. Te tha above big aterlaa collected by Dr. Feets in tbe lUalth Monthly, we may add tbat mortuary reports of Baltimore, Chicago, and etber cltle bring ua Inataneee ovary week of decease at or ever 100 years. Fourteen moreeentenarlans, making alxty slain all, are new reported upon by tba Collective Investigation Committee " et tha ilrittsh Medical association. Met Qalte Ready. ii Yeung man," said tba aad-volesd stranger, solemnly, "are job prepared te dial" Wall, te loll you tbe truth, I'm net," ma tba reply. " A Ufa insuranea agent waa la te asa me yesterday, bat bt asaa't daiivarad MMlll " ffm it aTlfajajaja argWa, OaMMtaMMexTi rt KW MMtW-tlM ajitfMM fltteMty, IIM tatsd tkat pkotegrapha bar baas lakew MKMMatttef UMValtad SIMM aad Mm Clavaland en Hunday. whlla thay alt la Ikaic paw at church, by indefatigable arttete, who, armad with deteetlra " cajaafM, leeawa thamaelvea In the gallery. If Ml praatlew bt) tinlveraally adopted our eelebriMea wUI ba afraid te go te church, beeauea II la ebf hma from the enforced atlllneaa wbleb enalaas peetad te ebaerve In a place of worship, tMt photographer ha a geed obanea el aaenrlag allkeueaa, even when the light la bad. It la, we era afraid, net peaslbla, even with the seniltlve plate, te aecur pertralU of in preaebara while pouring forth bla Itapa. alenad eloimenee. This la pity, from a commercial point el view. 1'ertralH of Hpnrgaen, Or. Parker, Cannen Ferrer, and ether popular man, taken while w the tml pit, would have an enormous aale. Tba drat-namett preacher waa Indeed takes soma twenty yean age In tha act of preaching ; bat then he posed blmsell ler tbe purpose, aad a fae simile of the rostrum la the Tabernacle waa erected In the studio. e A Tribal te a Wire. Kebert J. Ilurdette publish a pspar or rotainlKwneaa, entitled "Coefeaslonaof a Ra formed Uumeriat, full of the gentle palaes which basal way a tempered and purlffett hla work and breathing the fondest love for bla dead wife, te whom be paya the following tribute In closing t As 1 close this paper I miss tha loving collaboration that with ae much grace and delicacy would bava batter prepared theaa page for the reader. Tha first throb of literary ambition, my earliest and later ano ane passes, se far as I have been auoeeaaful, what aver werda of mine men may be pleased te remember most pleasantly, whatever of earnestness and blab purpose there la la my Ilia, whatever Inspiration I aver aad or bava that enter Inte my work and mekee it mera worthy of acceptance, I ewa te the greatest, beat and wieeei of critics and collaborators, a loving, devoted wile. And If ever 1 should win ena of the prises whleh man aetnetimea give te these who amuse them, tha wreath abeuld net be pieced en tba Jester who laughs and sings, but en tba brew of bar who Inspired the mirth and tha song. " A Ma.tlrlt Paeseager, On the ocean, rare little about a tern. Ha 1 in,lihel7 luillffcrcnt whether lie l washed orerbeard or net. Hut, ict right by a wine (lanful or two of Itentelter'a Stomach Hitters, he fcl renewed interest In hla pertesal afcljr. Tlili fine corrrcllve ncutralltei In hracllali water often coiupuWerllj drank en lilpheard, te tlie grlereiit detriment of heilth-llin ieriilrimia linpurttlea which Rite rite te rilterdcra of the ateinach, llicr ami bnwela. Te the nnriner, the toerlit, the Weatern pioneer and miner, the Hitter U Invaluable aa a ineina of protection agatnat malaria, when Ita areila are latent In strand water. Te the cited of uverwerk, mental or manual, II la a meat reliable antidote, ami te the lrbllltntrd and nrrreua.il afford great ami speedily felt relief and tlger. Othelle' occupation' gene." He nted te nmid days and mnu cursing ihe fatea and the rheumatism. Mew he only Ilea dawn and laugh te think hew easily ha ws cured by salvation Oil. alts cent Wm. II Vanderfnrd, Ksq , Editor of the Demo Deme era' te Advocate. Westminster, Md . write that he taw used Iir. null's cough Syrup and Snow It te be a geed medicine. 1 ry it. Try It. 23 cents lla K. Jacehy s.ys "I have used Dlgesty. Iln'und find Iteicellent In indigestion and dy impsla." Sold by all Umglat, II nojiirbettlo, or W r. Kidder A Ce , Manufacturing Chenilata, til Jehn HL. N. V. vmeiam. mutivm. " Grant It Oat" Thn above Is an old mw aa savagn aa it la ens.lesH Vnu can't " grunt out" dystxpala. nor liver remiilalnt, nor nerveusnea If ibey once gel a geed bold. They dent remove them lvra In that wav. Thn taking a few dose of Burdock Bleed Htttrrt Is belter than grunt ing H out What we can cure lei'a net endsire reraaltt by H. II. C'echrin, druggtst, 1J7 and IS) North Queen streat, Lancaster. Ven Can itrpend Oa tt. "Ker asivera tnethsehe and neuralgia of the bead I used TSemai' Kcleelrle OU This la cer tainly I tin brat thin I ever knew for relief or pain of any kind The house 1 never without It." Mia A.M. Kiank.117 W. Tupner street, Buf. fain, .S Y. Fer sale by II. II Cochran, druggist, 127 and t North Queen street, Lancaster. Tha tUserrecllnn of Lassraa Waa a miraculous operation. Ne ere thinks of ratting thn detdthran I lines, though autne des perately close te death's ter hate been cein-pleu-ly restored by llurilnck Bleed Hilltrt te genuine anil laa'tug health, fnr le by H II ceehran, druggist, 137 and IS) .North Queen street, I ancestor. A Vailing Haby la something te be a nlded. Hahles with colds, bullies with croup, liablis with aralds, burns, blta-s, acheis sprains, or pilns arn hound te lie lie reiie noisy tenants or tbe hoiueheld. Jr. Thomai' KeUctrie Oil will cure all these ooiu eoiu oeiu plnlnla. rer sale by 11. 11. Cochran, druggist, 147 and IT) North Queen street, Lancaster. A t'laaahat Acknowledgment. "Had sour stnmarli and miserable appetltn for months, and grew thin every day. 1 used Bur dck Bleed Jititert wlih the most marvelous re "lls ; feel rplendld " Mrs. Jeseph Jehnsen, I'ltt'tinrg, Ha rer sale by II. li. Cochran, drug Rtst. 137 and l.tl North Queen street, Lancaster. Humbugs I Impost! Thlaveat The above are terms applled te thn unreliable and dishonest. Dr. 77iemu' Kclectrie Oil ler diphtheria, catarrh, asthma, rheumatism, and all at his, spralnajjuid pains ta net a thing of de ception nut a pleasant und honest remedy. It Is honestly put up, honestly sold, and doe what la claimed fu, 1. rer sale by 11. li. Cochran, drug gl.t, 137 and IS) North Queen street, Lancaster. COUUII. WHOOHING COUU1I and llrenchlU Immeiltalely relieved by Khlleh's Care. Sold by 11 H. ceenran, druggtst. Ne. 137 and 1SV North Queen St., Lancaster, l'a. (4) Ne ma'ter what parts It may Anally atr ct.ca tnh at avs starts in the head, and belongs te the head. There la no mystery about the origin of this direful disease, tt begins In a neglected cold. One or the kind that Is "sura te be better In a few daya " Thousands of vlrtlun knew bow It I by sd excellence, kly's Cream Halm cures colds In the head and catarrh In all It tsges. Met a snuff nor a Ifqutd. mylwdeedw BlllCOira COUGH and Consumption Cure 1 sold by ns en a guarantee. It cures Con sumption, fold by H. 1L Cochran, druggist. Ne. 137 and U North Queen Bt., Lancaster, fa. . (3) .The Verdict Unanimous, Teu are feeling depressed, your appetite is peer, you are bothered with Headache, you are fidgety, nervous, and generally out of aorta, and want te brae up. llmce up, but net with silmu lauts. spring medicines, or hitters, whieh have for their basis very cheap, bad whisky, and which stimulate you ler an hour, and then leave you in worse condition than before. What you want Is an alterative that will purify your bleed, start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, re store your vitality, and give renewed health and strength. Such a medicine you will And In Klee trte Bitters, and only 50 cent a bottle at U. H. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 119 North Queen street, Lancaster, fa. (1) THAT HACKING COUUII can be se quickly cared by Shtleh's Cure. We guanntee it. sold by H. B. Cochran druggist, Mes. 137 and IK North Queen St., Lancaster, ra. (I) Bxettacnent la Texas. Great excitement has been caused In the vi cinity et farts, Tex., by the remarkable re covery of Mr. J. a. Corley, who was se helpless he could net turn In bed, or raise his head t everyueay saw na was dying ei consumption. A trial bottle or Dr. Klnga New Discovery waa sent htm. rinding rellel he bought a large bot tle and a box et Or. King's New Life rUlsi by the time he had taken two boxes of rtllsand two bottles et tha Discovery, he waa well and had gained tn flesh thlrty-alx pounds. Trial Bettles of this Great Discovery for Con sumption free at H. B. Cochran's Drug Stere, 17 and at North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa, () BLEBPLK'b NIGUTB, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shlloh'aCureU the remedy for you sold by H. B. Ceehran, druggtst, Mes 17 and 139 North Queen St., Lancaster, ra. (I) The Population of lanesster Is about 80,000, and we would say at least one half are troubled with some affection of tha Threat and Langs, a theae complaints are ac cording te autistic mere numerous than ether. We would advise all net te neglect the opportunity te call en us and get a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Threat and Lungs. Prlea secants and L Trial site free. Respectfully, U. a Cochran, druggist, 117 North Queen street. Methenl Mothers ft Mothers 1 1 Are you disturbed at night and broken or your rest by a slek child suffertna and crying with the excruciating pain of catling teeth f If se, goatenceanagetabotUeofMKS.WMI8LOW'S BOOtHINU BYKUP. It wUI relieve the peer UtUesnarlmmedUtely-depndupenlt there la ae mistake about It. There la net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who wUI net tall yea at ones that It will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te tha ehlld, operating Ilka magic. It I perfectly safe te aaa u all eases and pleasant te the teste, aaauuaaiwaastipuoaeroBsoiiha eldest ane lateaayiisissi aaa annas ta the uutsa eWtvana-lMN. sateabetu Vtffa. I'MsT'pitilSst ir-T.sV-i n yi y-arriVaSJk-TTrrt-rT -aoeomjumArAMVLA. That Tired Feeling U etnarteaeed by nearly ovary ena at lata nana, ToalsaiallMragMKwItaeatHraagU teaaaavtMagt aatbtateasaiautebe all geaa, aadyea have little eras appaMts. This aoa4l aea4l aoa4l lien may be da te change of seaesa, elleute, r life, te overwork, or aervewalisaeata. What ever the cans, Heed's SarsaptrUla overeotnee It qalekly, ereataa an appetite, reass tha liver, cure headache, and gives renewed strength and vigor te the whole body, m sere te gat Heed's larsaparllla, whleh la peeallar te Itsslf. Meed's sterMpswUla H t never took any ssedlatae that did nu se aiueh geed In se short a time as Beet's aarsapa rills, t wis very much raa desra, had ae ltrsngth.ne energy, and felt vary tired all tha Una I commeneed taklag Heed's anaparllla, aadbsferal had used one betUe 14 1 Ilka adlf rarest person. That extreme Und feellag has gene, my appetite returnet, and tt toned a np generally. My brother aad slater have also re ceived gteat bsnsBt from ft." Ctaaa W. Paitra, Sklrlsy, Mass. Make the Wwk Itreac M I must say Heed's aaraaaamta Is tha best medicine I aver used. Last spring t bad ae appetite, and the least work I did fatigued sua eversomneh. I began te take Heed's sartapa rllla. and seen I felt aa if I oeuld de aa aaaeh la a day aa I had fetmeily dena la a weak, aty ap petite I veracious." Mas. M. V, cUnap, Allan. tie City, M.J. Heed's Sarsaparilla Beld by all druggists, ft t six ter s. Pre pared by C. L HOOD CO., Lewell, Mass. 100 Deaaa On Dellar TTkAS JVJI BALM 9U P R BKNT-A BRICK 8TABLC I ROOM for four horses aad six carriages t la centre arcltv. WB.s.vuuraa mayllTnartfd wa vwrtj( Me. 41H West King SL -DIOR RENT. MS Twe or lour rooms In Brlmners Msw Bnlldlng. Me. 1MK North Queen street. Heat and aaa Included. Apply at isbia-tM BKiMalia'a livbst errici. fJK)R HALK OR RENT-BRICK 8TABLF. Ml and let, 17X80 feet, en Christian street, be tween Ksst King and orange street. Can be easily changed Inte a machine shop or ware house. Kasy terms. 1L C. BUUB4KKK. ale tfd Attorney-et-Law. HOUHK FOR RtCNT OR HALK. Ifenae with modern Improvements and atnam heat, targe lawn and yard. A variety of fruit trees and grape vines. Ne. 10 north Lima street. Apply te KZKAP LARDI. aprt-Ud Ne. Ui North Lima Street. AHMIONKK'H HALE OF VALUABLE UKaLBSTATK. On Tcmeat Kvaxise, Jeas 7, IM?. pursuant te an order of tha Court, the under sighed assignee of Jacob K. Bete and wife, will sell at publle sale, at the Fountain Inn, la the city of tanceater, the following deicrlbtd real estate, te wits Na I. A let or ground, fronting W feet en the rest aide of Seuth Queen itreet. Ne. 4U, and ex tending In depth M) feet te publle alley, en which are erected a two story BaICK DWEL LING HOUsK, with tsrostery brick back build ing, slate reef, water and gat, frame kitchen and trame stable, fruit trees, grape vines andlm- revemenu, with private alley opening en eulh Queen street, oeavontently located and In a geed neighborhood. Ne. x. A Tet of ground, fronting SO feet en the east side of eeuth Queen street, and extending In depth tU reel te a public alley, Ne. 7, ad joins Ne. 1 above deacrfbed en the sooth, en which are erected a two story BklCK DWKL LING HeU.tk, and two atery brlefe back build ing, all reefed with slate, hydranlln yard, water In allchen, gas, front and back alley, conveni ently located, and the beuae are in geed condi tion. raletoeemmence at 710 o'clock p.m., when term will be made known by the undersigned. GhOKGK U. WKLCHAlae. M. D., Atslgnee. Jai-osUcaeixia, Anct. tny'.l,S9d Alia. VAf. s POK A COOL HEAD, BUY Stauffer&Ce.'s CELEBRATED UGST-WEiaHT HATS! TUD3K BOSTON BEAUTIES TUB MOST CmirOKTAIlLE. MOST KASY rlTIlNO AND I.10HTKST WKlUllr srirr hat madk. STRAW HATS IN KVKKY DESIKAItLK BTVLK AT LOWKST PKICKS. NOS. 31 & 33 NORTH QUE EX STREEt", LANCASTER, PA. nevum vmMMAMin w ueDe. QALL AND BBS -TUB- ROCHESTER LAMP, Blxty Candie-Llghtt Beat them alL Anether Let of CHEAP GLOBES ferttas and OU stoves. thb vMKWwamen - at ETA L MOULDING AMD KDBBBK CUSHION WEATHER STBX? Beau them aU. ThU strip entwear all etherr. Keep out the cold. Step rattling et windows. WBa MAO UUBk KWP UUI BDOW BU1U SI. AUW one can apply tt no waste or dirt made In ap plying It. can be fitted anywhere-no holes te bore, ready for nae. It will .net split, warp or shrtnk-a cushion strip Is the most perfect. At the stove, Beater and ltengs Stere -or- Jehn P. Schaum & Sens, 24 SOUTH QUE1N STn LANUABTEE, PA w M. A. K1KKKKR ALDUB C, HERB KIEFFER & HERR, -DEALERS IN- Heasefurnishing Goods ! WOULD CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO Fuller & Warren Ce.'t (TKOT.M.Y.) mm, EKATEBSL FUHNiCB AND E1N8B. W ask no one te run any risks with "gUL LEE WABKBN'S " Goods, wa guaiaatee them te give Satisfaction. As a Heater - TUB SPLENDID " has no rival, being a thorough het base, no part of this store remains cold, evet y Inch et It radiate beat. As a Smaller and Cheaper Beater thaHBEIOHT DIAMOND" baa eslabUsbedlteelf la tha front The menu et the "SPLENDID" andHajuaHT DIAMOND" oenstat In Beauty of CoastraeUeo, Perfect Control of Draft, CleaaUaass, ae Dast. ae ess and Economy et fueL aaTUaU and examine for yearaalL 40 EAST KING ST., lorteaiTa eoeaw bedie itti'i"; WtrSwa,,is'-iJiA-- mUAmZtm. MULL DMBRELLA STAND. Neatly Band Fainted Umbrella Itand, -AT- $2.50 EACH. tTThe Best eter offered te LaneMter at the tbspnes. Only a limited aumber en hand. Don't Miss a Bargain. WMiiiliii, 16 EAST KING STREET. LABOAATBE. PA. CLOT11ISU. JJOW RKADY ! Our Ready-Made Stock -or- SPRING CLOTHING. Wan prepared te show our New spuing STOCK In Heady-Made Suits. Onr Assortment Is Larger than ever before, and Price Lewer. We have taken special care te get up geed and Attractive Bulta fort SPKlsIG TBaVDB. and we feel saUsBed ear efforts have beensnecess fuL Call aad give us the benefit of yenr opinion. Oar. Custom Department Is Stocked with all the Mewest Novelties In Suiting, which we will Make te Order In the Beet Style. FIT GUARANTEED. BUBiGEB & SUTTOff, Tailara aad Clothiers. NO. 84 OENTBB SQUARE, LAMCABTEB. PA. 1.(041. MOTiOB. ESTATE OP JOHN KINO, LATE OF Lancaster city, deceased. Letters of ad ministration, with will annexed, en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all per sons Indebted thereto are requested te make Immediate payment, and theae having claim or demands agalnat the aame, will present them wbheut delay for settlement te the under signed, residing In Lancaster city. OKOMUPONTZ, Administrator with Will Annexed, B. r. Davis, Attorney. aa-'Jids ABBIONEO ESTATE OP JOSEPH E. Delehler and wire, of Lancaster city. Lan caster county. Jeseph K. Delchler and wife, of Lancaster city, having by deed of voluntary av stenntent, dated April S.1H87, assigned and trans ferred all tbelr estate and effects te tbe under signed for the benefit el the creditor of the said Jeseph K. Delchler. he therefore gives notice te all person Indebted te (aid assigner, te make payment te the undersigned without deiay, and thus having cla'ms te present them te JOHN L. silLLElt, AsalgnCA. Residing tn Lancaster. Pa. H. C. FacBAUB, Attorney. ap9 6tdS ESTATE OP ANNA GINTEB, LATE of tha cltv et Lancaster deceased. Let, ters testamentary en said estate having; been granted te tha undersigned, all persons In debted thereto are requested te make Imme diate payment, and these having claims or de. mands against the aame, will present them with out delay for settlement te tbe undersigned, re siding at Centennial Mills. Adams county, Pa. Jeaa A. certa, TUOSAS c. NOX.L, Attorney, Executer. mit-stda BTATEOFMARYA.BAKTHOLOMEW, Late of the city or Lancaster, deceased. Letters of administration en aald estate haWng been granted te the undersigned, all persona tn debted thereto are requested te inakelmtne dlate payment, and theae having claim or de nunda against tbe aame, will present them with ent delay rer settlement te the undersigned, re siding In the city of Lancaster, Pa. JOHN A. POWKUa, Administrator. Jeaa A. coils, Attorney. apr.&GtdS OJtJAMf, 0. -nrlLLIAM EDMONDS, Wheltuli Dsslsr tad Oommiuien Herebiet in all aiaea or CIGARS. Advaneea made en saleable goods. Office and Salesroom. M0.29DYBBBTHEBT. aprllgmd Providence, Bhede Island. VEW 01UAK STORE. J. M. Portuendo, William Fim. J. tt. Portuendo & Ce.'s NEW CIGAR STORE 13 MOUTH QUEEN ST., LAKCASTIU, PA. Tha only place In tbe city te get all brand and color of (be well-known POHTUONDU 11 AMD MADKCUBAN CIGAK8. rineat Chewing and Smeklug Tobaecoa, cigarette, and everything kept In a I IravClasa Cigar Stere. GIValUS A CALL. maylJtfd IANKER& KUHN, LOEB&CO., BANKERS, m NAMUA BT MEW TOME, HAVB COM8TAMTLT OM HAND A LatJTtOM gjjCHOICM UVBBTMIMT w AtrmmrmmMUMr .SjWWl.....fcl.IIW ..!..l "wstasVasaasWsSVsiaSistssiiaiiissaasw QKA ,T BAKaAIIH I METZGER & HAUGHMAN. NEW STORK. Nef, 38. and 40 Weit King Street. HANDSOME NEW TAPESTRY BRUSSELS CARPETS. JUST OPENED. We Sew and Lay them at short Netice Alse CHEAP CARPETS at 10, 15, SO, , S3 and se Cenu" MATTINGS IN DIFFERENT QUALITIES-CHEAP AT M.ETZG E R & H A U G H M A N 'S, 38 ud 40 Wert Slag 8k, QABPETS, MATTINGS, Ae. Mattings. RUGS. All the Above Goods la Large R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuse, DONEST WORK BY A KIKM THAT WILL STAND BYTUEIR WORD. WORIi THAI SPEARS FOR ITSELF WILL ALWAYS WIN, And the placets get that kind of we:k Is from the Old Uellable Firm of Norbeck & Miley FINE CARRIAGE BUILDERS, -AT THE- "YELLOW CORNER," Cerner of Duke and Vine Streets. Where will always be fennd a large stock of Carriages and Buggies te select from. We have them In all styles and will build any kind of wagon te order, following Is a list of wagons maL we euiia ana nave en nana ; KIltniieHnrlni Piane Bex Buire-fea. Brewster eprlng Piane Bex Huggles. fparrrl Spring Piane Bex Buggies. Kins; Spring Piane Bex Buggies. Dexter Spiing Piane Bex BurkIcs. dward taterm Spring Piane Bex Bnggtes. 1 1mkln Spring Piane Bex Buggies. Crown Spring Piane Bex Haggles Corning and white Chapel Buggies. Concave Cevering Haggles. family Carriages. Uermantewn and Cetter Wagons with and wiineui ireni pesi, saeieionane siue aoers. i-Woempley none bnt thn best mechanics and have the facilities tebnlld any design Car dcslred. BEPA1KING PUUMPTL AYIKNDED TO. I'KICKS UBASOMAB1.K. rlsge COB. SOUTH DUKE AM) WVMBITVBB. rEINlTSU'S FURNITURE DEPOT. LOOKING GLASSES! We new Invite your attention te our stock of Leeking Glasses in Walnut, Cherry and Geld. Xhls Is our Largest SPECIALTY, and has been for years. We this week received a large Invoice, and It you are or will be In need or a Leeking Ulaas for 2Sc te KSI we have them right In stock te show. Just the thing te All up tbat space between the windows. HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, NO. 27 29 SOUTII QULXS HTUEKT. Bf We make Picture frames te Order. w IDMYBR'S FURNITURE STORK. J. Y. WIDMYDR. FURNITURE! A Full Stock, Desirable Geed. Lew Prices, Newest Styles. WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE, Cerner Baajt King and Duke Bta LAMUABTKV, PA. septfrlvdAJMrnw BWiCBLlABBOVm 1 raTaTl REWARD. PXaVrVrVr rer any ca. rer any case of Kidney Tren eblllty, Mental and Physical YilA'VArvnna Dfttillltv. MentAl and PhVI Weakness that BOTANIC NKUVK UlTTKBa Btua te core, tveia ny aruggisis, se cenis. HH Mill. C(l.. Ne. IS N. Uth St.. Phlla. Pa. Ctrentarai frae nnvV-lvamdAw EVAN'H FLOUR. Levan's Fleur THH BEST. M.ThAS E NULETRBK HTOUK. FARM. Btandard-Bred Stallions In Bervlee. BTOKM KINO (2161) Uecerd.4 years, 2.47. BI HBNRT (Oil) tUO.OO aT Bend for New Catalogue. DAN'LQ. ENQLB. apl-SnidAw Marietta, Pa. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS AND OUMNEUS.-AU persons are hereby for bidden totreepasien any of the lands of the Cornwall and Speedwell estate In Lebanon or Lancaster eeunlUs, whether Inclesed oruuln eruuln oruuln clesed, either for the purpeae of sheeting or Esblng, as the law will tie rigidly enforced awalnst all trespassing en said lands of the un dersigned alter this notice. WM. OJLBMAN FEEEMAM, M. PEstUY ALOBN, EDW. C.rKBEMAN, aatntld Atteraeyi fcg H. Wi galaaiin'i Kalsa Norbeck & Miley, laa.'S 1 (Opposite Cooper Hetse.) ima Oil Cleths. Quantities and at L6w PRICES. Laneaater, Pa. Jenny Llnds, Elliptic and side bar springs. Piteten of all kinds, standing top, falling top and closed tops, suitable for physician. Hurries ler tour passengers, with Alllptie and side bar springs, top and no top. McCaut Wagensand Dayton Wagons tn natural weed and painted. Business and Market Wagons suitable for family use, shifting seats, held four passen ger Deuble Seated Pbmten, Carbelet Pbx'tens. fnll and half top, with and without platform I'dUg. ! a, j .,. s ,, t Carriage Manufacturers, VINE STS., LANCASTER, PA. apra-lydSUAnw J) HI' GOODS. CUMMER UNDERWEAR. d 33 and 135 Beeth Queea Street (OPP. yeUMTAIN INN,) HAVK IV STOCK A I.a!t(JE LINK OF SUM MKB, MKUINO AND UAUK Underwear FOU LADIES. (JBNTS AND CIIILCKKN AT LOWaUPUICBSTIIANKVKUBOLD AT BKFOHB. iAdifls' and Genu' Underwear from 2c. up i tbe best goods aver sold at the price. Children' Cauze Underatar trem i2We. up. Men's Jesn Drawers. 55c. each ; nothing ever sold like them at the price. BABQA1M8 IM Laundried & TJnlaundried Shirts roil MEN AND BOYS. Men's Shirts, linen front, 38c. each. Men' Shlrt, extia One linen front, reinforced in front and back, only 60c. ; nothing te equal them In the city for the price Our tic. Shirt la the beat valne ever given Bey 8htrta.all sizes. 60c each. Men's striped Working Shirts, 84c.; regu. ular price. 80c. rifty ueien CIUI.DBKN'A IlIBBKO HOSE In Black, Brown, Blue and Garnet, only 8c, per pair; worth UWc. Twenty Ave uezen tLadles' Colored Iterdered Handkerchiefs only Jc. each. Twenty-five Dezen Men's Colored Iterdered Handkerchiefs only 4c. each. We Invite Inspection of these goods aa they are Htal Bargain. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, (OPP. FOUNTAIN INN.) inariMydaw UOWKR8, AC. u1 INN tt BRENEMAN. CARD I We have a number of Goods which are just in season, and which, ewlnjr te our Riving special attention, we can offer great Inducements. " Pennsylvania " Lawn Mowers have no eeual. These we make asnecialtv. Wa have as geed Lawn Mowers as are in tha market for IU.00 and 17.00. Uabv Carrlagea We cany Beventylve varieties in stock. Then goods are our own special and our prices are low. Refrigerators are new in season. Hew few people knew anything about ltefrigera ltefrigera ters. It took us twenty years te learn. We can teach you in five minutes: It will be worth something for you te get the best. Ceal Oil Steves There is mere differ ence in Ceal Oil Steves than almost any thing manufactured. Don't spend your money till you knew what you are getting. Ice Cream Freezers and water Coelers you can buy almost anywhere, but can you get the best at the lowest prices. I'eucan from us. Lawn Tennis Setts, Genuine galcm and Common Hammock, Baas Ball and all Sporting Goods at Factory Prieas. FLDiN & BREMB1AN, Ne, 162 North BARD Mcelrey bard i Mcelrey 79? 0T ' , V. ! 'Q v C0RK3CR1 -AND- DIAGONAL; Loek at our Cerner Window, rati at i , " w.mvvsnw sui uiaanaai -- - - .. - apeuauiy m rnnaa Albert aaa ib- button Cutaway Btyle. Take atav . WS ueniar aeuee te the price, '- mt "The Bie enr own anaVa w.a'r.U 1st tba qaallty take eara et ttaeif, aat 3 A tha werfesaasuhln von knnw ''." tha werkaaaaahlD tee kanw wkaa that la whan wa say wa guaraataa tt, Aay style yea want ia these goods. We are always ahead, there bj nothing la keeping abreait of ike times. Everything aw that la feed we Introduce Inte enr business. Men' Corkserew Batla faaai Prince Albert Butt, 111,00 and $11 OB. Men' Corkscrew sVhnttAn Ontaara r m t.r, ,t',m Suits, tiaoe, ,11.73 and tM 00. ,, Men' Diagonal t button Cutaway '-7, DIlimilMJU, f Men's Wlde.Wale Diagonal 4-bnttea Cutaway, llioe. AT Till POPULAR HOUSE or Hirsh & Brether, OMH PRIOH UIBOHANr TAILORS, -AND- OletMers and FaTnlBhen?f;; 00B MOETH QUEEN BT. AMD OBMTBB QOABB.LAICABTEE. rA. w IL1.LAMHON tt jTOSTUa, CALL US BY. TELEPHONE. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER. MONDAY, MAY 30, -WILL Br- DeceratiefilMiy MEMBERS -or TUB- Grand Army Requiring Oelflti, SHOULD BKE ; OUR SPECIAL wm, 'Warranted Indigo BUe. Grand limy Caps, 75e. UENTS' SUMMKU 8U1T3, 110 00, I1C.00. 8UMUEU COATS AND VESTS, HBO, SUMMEBUNOKB WEAK, 2tc. te $1.00. SUMMEU NECKWEAB, tactOHa, QKNTS SLMMKU UATH. rLEXIBLMUATa. POCKET FEFT II ATS. MANILLA MACKINAW STUAW ftUM, ii .H Amvi CUILUREN'S BTBAW CAPS, ?et Summer Shoes -reu- Ladles, Misses acd nt VIWliaBfx BOATING S1IOK1. BICYCLE RHOES AMD L&n.i astxaiiie euusva. TBUNKS, VALISES ANO TRAVELING aUa' AT LOWEST micEa. IILL1AMS0M FOSTRB, 82, S!,S6 ul S8Eut Hag 8tv, LAMCABTEB, FA. Bteree close every evenleg at S a'l eacvm saoneavs ana aaiuruara. BOOTS AND-BUOBM. rfctPOKTANT NOTICE. A ORBAT MARK DOW -Uf- m CriAAa I it. vMO - Y4 aw-Don't lalk about rriaaa. TawfUaeat Cem All! CebmAUI . Tf"i HIEMENZ na t7 i ce ! rA MA if $H TflJ M -m m I TO! M ti s.:i vm s m Q m 3 - fj('$LjjB ' Thiaki iii iiWbssiI iiMM t&, ,.. i-.Stla. ... , 0irstt&t $& V J. v Jl AV. a5bA-m fsKffi: mm