t'Jci., Vtf Hi?.' V . r ! ESS ft .' m Wmnriuiiinima HrSs'E aAVsBVSB) fteUsW. SaMta 1ALS '--. WIM ! e wen tsw i) moo OS MOO 00 SJOU 00 MOD 6201 0 MOD 60B'( Intelligueer t mt tWffraxM M IMTBUilOBMOIB. Lneater,-F CmueftttlnttUigtnift ,-- LANCASTER, MAT 19, 1887. : 4lB.lla H 1 IS '!! H 3 i SM S SM SM10I0 "4 i J" MH " uA 1 Jim i u ..I T HIM U MO ... mm rr. ate w .J Baa seas bim ma MM ,. "- lawasV Met Wimvmmv Memem limiMWi cae awtsa Eat as Mini, au. uwimew Larm. M evaawna m ma wun aaaaat. i?-fy?' Jaage Ceeley Gives Ketlce. iri""' Jadge Beagan, who was the father et inter state commerce till, has lately eand that the law did net authorize the FaajaajBaaweriers te maKe a general suspen- ByjS 1MI Sk HJV IUUI WIU DUU1 V UOIIl I'lUViaiUll, PffllsatsJsaply gave them power te make such "'.m ajsannmalnn in annela.1 cases, where narticu- fcf '' Jar hardship might be worked. The dccla- I v e. .. -...- ;a)a be a greater chaage for a long than for 'atjsrter haul upon the same line and in W Ike aame directien: and this it established r mM hM law tint nm thfi rnmmlwtinnpni ll.POwer.te suspend it in special cases where ivSletwnaietHncea might possibly arise te make 5?SW"' . ?i: Chairman Coeler, of the commission. '.heitttt written te a traffic manager et one t'l.eK the Northwestern reads, in answer te a i-WegraaB asking for tne prompt making of I order suspending generally the long and ahert haul clause, notifying blm that the y"Wtmmrmvrn nas no autnenty te maice sucn imOBHHI SUU HOB UU U1M3UUUU VI UUlUg He makes it clear that he takes the S view of the subject that is taken by sra'zr;...: .- ' . . ...,.. fcv emmsnr nyyn n mi mi iw in&L LDDirrpa t.,; sawcren me long ana snort naui principle Z te saaiatain it, whatever may be their own liK-tiews in regard te it, or however injurious! &nn wkj seem te affect the general business of the country. The authority te suspend 'the law is confined te particular case? where exceptional harm may be found en Investigation te be done , and such suspen akm cannot in any way be made general, or be broadly appHed. The commission e operation of the clause umber of cases and without par ticular inquiry, at the outset et its work, beciuse it thought no great harm would be done by continuing the exlstlne state of things for a few months and until it could obtain a clear grasp of the law and of the situation which it controls. But Judge Ceeley makes it clear that this sus pension is just for this once, and is net likely te be renewed, 'or again made in any ouch wholesale way. The railroads have partic ular notice te set their house in order and prepare te abandon the practice et ' charging mere fr a less service than for a greater. The inherent injustice of this practice has never been successful! denied, though very specious and urgent pleas are made by some railroads that they will be ruined unless they can practice it. . Tne lines running through the sparsely settled country across the Recky Meun- stains.' are especially devoted te this prac- : Uce, it being their habit te charge these who live along their line for goods brought from the east, the freight charge en thesf goods te the Pacific and back again te their point of destination ; though they deliver them en the outward trip. Such a scandalous practice as this is defended en the ground that the water comjietltleu from the Pacific ports compels the rail roads te put down freights te the Atlantic ports te unrenumerative prices. They take freight from the Pacific coast at any price that is above actual running expanses ; and wish te levy upon the local tralUcthat is at their mercy, the amount needed te 'pay their interest, dividends and general expenses. This is very close te the high way robber's creed. But these reads being born in robbery, naturally live by it. Canada and Reciprocity. Sir Charles Tupper, in his financial state- it before the Canadian Farllament,toek .occasion te argue the question et recipro city with the United SUfes, and demon strated te bis own satisfaction that u revi val of reciprocity would be et mere benefit te the United States than te Canada, but j or great benefit te both parties. us conclusions diner most radically from these of our own statesmen and are perhaps entitled te equal respect. But it is net quite clear why Canada should be the party that is try ing te force reciprocity. He says " the annual balance lu favor of the United S'-ates mere than doubled under the reciprocity treaty etlSM, while under 'the recent trade policy since 1880, the an- VV w a..sw --. vaueua !. IKKll TO- l ft- m .a m An iir aA . ... .- '...- aniCTma Haian(-aa niruinar a nnnnn k -,. ri?r, aoetw irome.iw,.u u io.tVju.une.1 nf.r? - .,--,-.-. L If these things are thus, whereto nil :Vm .UU .. nt.nl.nl H T .... ,. ivifmrnm " ' um ueeu aaie " nnaltliralv that ttia n..l.. :.fsat H, vausua ui uwi meiret wlu bOlely m, te tbelr anxiety te force reciprocity us, ana yet hit unaries Tupper seems (bat we are the parties who ought It. nets ready with figures, but wtkey don't seem consistent with U aaetber element, namely, the that Mttoe, were censidered.this asMfesilloe wwild probably be revtried. ,- j jaaBWSSsjBBiM aw wun aujrgvauua irem TWloes quarters just new mat tne uana sM troubles should be setUed by Cana- It Is net altogether clear would be an aquisitien. .;;" Thai Hakhlaw mt n'Hrlea. i- .- .- m ,.v. aaAMAUiiBMAf as niuj-n i mAw.A SSSSWVVUIVI U UIKU IU 1UIUUHI te M regretteu, eecause it will be the befianief of a series of taw bold Irish chain- It will have the effect also of IhetMethat Mr. O'Brien pre- nugieB and race oft eeeBrrence IfeO'JriMfJM far ...WlJ . ;. ,'.") :. mtra -ji. ' .-J - -' .'- ev flft r&&$; xxxri m Hill krwtkliMr CmmhUm city teat Ms pelwe nierinta loe ae taUertet In pro pre tectln fro ham Um distinguished stranger within its gates. -But it tbeas who ngiaeeted the mob ex pect te deter. -Mr. O'Brien from future ora torical effort ea behalf of Ireland, they count without their host. A man who has bearded an adverse English Parliament and boldly exposed the infamous practices of the Castle government in Ireland, will net tremble much before a few cowardly Canadian rioters. m m Jay Geald at Bay. The Investigation into the Union Pacific railroad management has disclosed hew its stock was Bwelled four million dollars in one operation by Jay Gould aud a few asso ciates, who pocketed something like nine-tenths, of the whole sum for their recompense. And Mr. Gould has the hardihood te say upon the stand that he did right, notwithstanding he was a trustee of the fund that he admits he abstracted te his own use by legal processes. In two days, by an act of transformation that discounts Alad din's lamp In celerity and profit, he trans mutes the base securities of the Kansas Pa cific into the geld of Union Pacific ; and though he was officer and agent of both, neither profited ; but only he und his con federates. It took no great wisdom te de the trick, nor any mere than the master et Iinepuppeisnewnas. un money te get tne I strings and unscrupulousness te use them, j the deed was easy ; but the government, new that knows it was done, should put Mr. Gould's idea et the propriety of his conduct betereajury,and ask from him the restoration te the Union Pacific treasury et the profits Justly belonging te it, but which he misused his position of trust te lead into his own pocket 'i It ought te be determined whether such things can be done under the law in this wholesale way, when they certainly cannot be done in a small way. The law would be certain te haul up with a round turn any ordinary person who would undertake, while acting in a fiduciary capacity, te make a pretit at the cost et his trust. That Gould knew he was doing wrong in this operation is sufficiently shown by his re signing his place as director of the com pany for a brief time while the operation was in progress. II is declaration new that he did what was right is simply the talk of a man who is cornered and who finds that there is nothing left him te de but tight. Indians and Lands. The 260,000 Indians in our country held as tribes 135,000,000 acres of laud. In ad dition te this it has been estimated by Sec retary Lamar that the total value of their lands in the market, invested funds and personal property would make their tetl estate worth about $175,000,000. Te sup port them we have paid out of our taxes from $6,000,000 te 17,000,000 a year, and en their account have Incurred the expense and met the horror of many bloody wars. In the face of these facts and" without .,inelila!.... .Via lr.t..e,tn.k ,n TM.1lf.na nl.li.li in many cases accompanied this extrava-1 gant aud unwise policy, the necessity for reform is tee evident te require cemmeut. This necessity appears te have been at least partly met by the recent legislation of Con gress providing for the allotment te the ludians of lands in severalty. A cerres pendent of the Xew Yerk Herald says that secretary Lamar is new perfecting ar rangements for putting this law into opera tion, and if it works half as well as is ex pected It will entirely destroy the close tribal relation and in time place the In ians en the plane of citizens of the United States. Tne land allotted cannot pass from the possession of the owner for twenty-five jears. Theact gives teevery bead of a family 160 acres, and te every uurn.trried person ever eighteen, and every orphan, eighty acres, and te every single person under that age forty acres. The Indian lands re maining are te be bought by the govern ment and thrown open te settlement under the homestead law. It will he seen that a great deal depends upon the way In which the law isenfetced by the department, and It successful it will de away with the ne cessity et an Iudian bureau. Our war, tbe biggest the world ever knew, isncareely ever, and yet Pickett's division will be received at Gettysburg thta year with hospitable Can da. Examiner. Unfortunately the force of this .statement la weakened by. the sad fact that it la Det cor rect Pickett's division would be received at Gettysburg with the hospitable bands or ibe very men who faced it in desperate bat tie, but for the fact that the battle Held Is un der the control of narrow-minded men who have refused te allow the visitors te mark thn spot where te many of their comrades fell. If Incapable of a mere chivalrous spirit, tnese smalt-minded men should at least re member that great generala have aaid a blher kind of courage Is required te face and repel a charge like that of Pickett's men than te make such a charge. On this there may be difference of opinion, but it can only add te tbe honor of both te mark by monu ments hew bravely each met a worthy fee, Htlll it must be admitted that the bitter feeling and tierce animosities of our great war have passed away in a mauner that is truly marvelous when it can be said that only a small knot of men stand in the way of a friendly meeting en tbe battle-field. It shows that in spite of cynics, tbe world la growing better steadily. Tub resignation of the French cabinet is net in itself an event of great cenaequencs,aa It will in all probability be followed by the formation of another ministry closely resem bling tbe enejust overthrown, but nobody can tell what may happen among tbe French wberethey have a saying that "the unex pected always happens"; aud it Is possible ,u ouuiaeger may use nis great Innuencs te place active and aggressive men at the head el affairs. This man baa become the greatest power In France, though no one knows exactly why, aud just new tbe peace of Europe appear te depend upon hi will. He haa a reputaUea ler energy, dash and bravery, but of his prudence, motives or ambitions the world kuews little or nothing andltisnetsurprialngtbat all eyes should new be fixed upon htm with anxiety. That be Is ueut upon a war of revenge la meat gen erally believed, and It that la bis aim there are geed reasena wby he should net wish te delay. True, France la gaining steadily in wealth with the years el peace, but la tbe city of Paris the Kadleala are gaining aa steadily In otreegtb, and In tbe tea Cem m unlet members of tne council, order-loving Frenchmen see a menace te tbelr country were serious tban any movement of troop en tbe Qsrman frontier. I it better policy la msas sere or pesos at neme before mak leg war abroad, or te enter upon a foreign war ia tbe nope that seeesss will Insure peace at borne r Test seams n HtM question before General Bealasger. Warr has tbe legtsletare dlartfarded Its pledge te carry out tae provWeM of tbe ess.. sUtaUea ralawTS te sail dtssrlwlaalies. t iKrWWBLyVtS!2.,,vr I-tMr, v"v.' Wifl w m .t. .;-'; u Sl".Tt wva '" ' -" "" " ' . . s v a tm & ssswrEvwa w & t? i xxaLnvAexJCiA ifaiui What answer htm U HgtMataw e saake te the people for the data! of the BWlBgtlsy oil MIL Hew wUl the legislature defend the Ini quitous gerrymander known as the rengre lenal apportionment T Tn k carelewraess of the modern legislator Is proverbial. It la new discovered that an amendment crept Inte the high llcanae bill In the Senate, prohibiting any person, licensed or without license, from giving away any liquor en Sunday or en election day. Ne one aeems te knew hew the amendment get there. Anether case In point la reported from New Jersey. The oyster and clam law that failed te paai both branches of the legislature haa received the signature of the governor, the latter thinking It had been approved by theee bedlea. The Heading lleraht aaystbe Republicans of this county are having "a hoggish and bullish scramble." Well put. PKHSONAL. KrktcImet will probably be asked te form a new French ministry. Attorney Gknkrai. Kirk Patrick Is confined te bis room by an attack of malaria and gastric fever. Govkrner U ill, et New Yerk, has nomi nated Meneral Daniel E. Hlckles te be com missioner of emigration. Mrs. William Blackwood will sail for Europe In company with her mother en the 11th et June, bavins: secured bertha in the steamer Westernised. chY,Sren In H,d. 5 ! en J unVST child will be presented with amugcemmem orating the queen'e jubilee. well-known Pntladelphls consututleual law yer, sailed from New Yerk en the North Uerman Lloyd steamer Trava. Mr. Celeman intends te remain in Europe about three months. Thk E.trnEst Aueusta glvee every woman servant tn Germany who completes her 40th year of unbroken service In one family a geld cress and diploma. Forty daya is about the average period of such service In this country. Ex Gov. Geerge Headly has written a letter In whicb be says he cannot consent te the use of bis name In connection with a place en the supreme court bench. He hopes and believes lht " the appointment will go Seuth te some Dsmecratta lawyer who be lieve that the constitution la In writing and means what it says." VATTLM MAIBIHU. A Failure That Tc-lMct te a Changs In This Besinsss. Frem the New Yerk Times. The failure of Swan Biether, of which firm one member baa been known aa tbe "Cat tle King of Wyoming," aeems at first eight te have some significant relaUen te the cattle builneas. Tbls impression Is only in part dispelled by the detailed atery of the failure of a man for whom tbe firm had Indorsed te .redeem his obligations. Moreover, the firm were net owners of cattle, but cattle brokers. Nevertheless, tbe failure testifies te a change in the buslneas of raising cattle. An unexpected liability of 123,000 would net bankrupt a "king," and 11 nla aflalrs bad net been otherwise hopelessly involved be would have round no difficulty in arranging a mat ter comparatively ae trilling. It la te the de pressed state et the cattle raising Industry that tbe failure Is really due. There are several miner causes that have tended te produce tbla condlUen. Tbe dia rjutea and (IllBcnltlea In tha Chinam market have been serious ler a trade alreauy embar-1 rassed. But tbe meat Important and efficient et tne immediate causes baa et course been tne less intllcted by tbe extreme severity of tbe past winter. This has seen felt mere or less upon all tbe ranges from Texaa north. The elltct haa been far mere disaatreua than it would have been if tbe cattle men had been mere prudent. A few years of success, especially lu a new Industry, suffice te make these engaged in it forget tbe necessity of providing ler a rainy day, which in this case means an exceptionally severe winter or an eptzsetic. Meney easily made is freely spent and what should be only a check becomes a calamitous reverse. Tbls is true of extensive disasters in all branches of business. Tbe cattle trade, how ever, baa been exceptionally unfortunate in that Its bad season coincided with the depres sion caused by the operation of economic laws. Tne pioneers in such an Industry are very apt te reap enormous profits, and If they are prudent they can retire with aub Btautial and permanent fortunes. Many of the earlier 'cattle kings" have already done aa When their success Is noised abroad capital seeka tbe new field of In vestment. Tbe amount et buslneas ia in creased and the rate of profit lowered by competition, until at length no mere tban the ordinary return cau be expected. The business assume the aame footing with every ether. In order te make It succeed at alt shrewd and careful management la re quired, small economies must be observed, and it must be recognized that tbe " boom " is ever. These who are the earliest te rec ognize tbls are the wisest and ;aafeL These wbe are unable or who refuse te recognize It sutler the consequence et their bltndneaa or wlllfulneaa. liven these Industrie with which fortune seemingly haa meat te de, such aa geld mining, come at last te tbls con cen con dleon and are subject te these limitations. It aeema that tbe time has new come, or at least ia very rapidly approaching, when the rais ing el cattle in the West will no mere offer exceptional profits than tbe raising of wheat lathe Middle states or the manufacture of calico in New England. HMD MMN AND ODD 9MLLUH0. The a rand Ledges of tb Slat Cboes Their Ofllcsrs. The State Grand Council of Improved Order of Ked men in session In 'Wllkesbarre have declared tbe following officer elected : Representative te Grand Council United State, C. H. Schurcb, Jebn P. Wat ford, Alexander M. Coulter, Philadelphia; S. B. Myers, Franklin ; grand aachem, R. P. Morten, Philadelphia; grand senior saga saga eore, T. D. Tanner, Easten ; grand junior sagamere, William G. Myers, Philadelphia; grand prophet, Jehn N. Carle, Pittsburg; grand chief el records, Charles C. Conley, Philadelphia; grand keeper of wampum, Geerge N. Creamer, Philadelphia. Thirteen hundred and fifty-two new members Joined tbe order since last convention ; fe,8Z7.24 were paid out ler atek benefit. Yerk was cbeaen aa next place of meeting. arand Ledge of Odd rsUews. The second aeaalen of tbe Grand Ledge L O. O. F. was held In Scranton en Wednesday. Tbe election of officers resulted as fellows : Most worthy grand master, Jehn W. Haney, Pittsburg; right worthy deputy grand mas ter, James P. Kebblna, Philadelphia; light worthy grand warden, Itev. Or. David Crett, Wyalusing ; right worthy grand secretary, Jamea B. Nichelson, Philadelphia ; right worthy grand treasurer, M.KIcbarda Muckle, Philadelphia ; representative te the sovereign grand ledge, Francia Ilea, Philadelphia. A resolution was passed making an appropria tion te defray the expenses ;or tbe committee of superintendent el Philadelphia and Alle gheny counties. Want Bilk MIU. Pottsville Is determined te have a silk mllL Frem 180,000 te 1100,000 ia needed by the Pnesnlx manufacturing company proposing te locate there and will be secured by mortgage at lour per cent Bobacrlptlen was opened en Monday evening and by neon of Tuesday f75,000 bad been subscribed. Bat little Uazdlten la a aharp competitor ter the Industry, having raised fOO.OOO mostly In mall autacripliene. ' ' IN A D4RK HOCK. These tender mothers, when such little things. Bueh helplesa, fragile llule things we are are Hew they pray Ged ler us I Hew they make Fer us with Death I and spread their mother wings About us lull of anatoes quiverings, Aud spying each least parti from afar, With their own arms, thereto mad mighty bar ' Tb way from harms and smU at adder sUngs. And brave tbe tigers merciless and wild. In tbelr deep love ter as I and by and by, Wbea we are men, te strive and stand alone, W ciasp our daspsrate, aeblag beads and msaa I w2al I tad is4 a .lalMS little child ' -trtrm would uea my mother haa isrt as te at I Tfrtrtuff jwj, aa? .t.twh wT5aaflsassp?raKS3as r r 5- 1-J.-J. M,F.,-.t,l K---i,- - ?Jt. . t.W"V-i TJ- C 'svfvc". j fJ '."tv . raw ."., r "i, '..-. .. mmmB, THURSDAY, MAT 19,'IWT." aMwara Alktaeea. Hera la geed, solid aheettag or aalrtlaf which I bought yesterday at one of the trig shops at e cents a yard. The avenge use of cottea cloth would be forty yards apiece every year If It was all et this kind. Hut the kind varlea. The real average i atty yards ; some of It narrower, and finer, and lighter, and some of it coarser. New cotton goods are used mere by the mllllea, by the werklnt people than they are by the rich people. Yeu can buy a year's supply, forty yards of this cloth, for fcite, or for two daya' work of a common laborer at LSA per day. Hew mueh profit te the rich man who owns the mill de you suppose there la te-day In that cotton cloth 7 It la Just one third et a cent a yard out of the tii cents that veu imv for It. This la the nretli et the mllL Tne rest all geea te the werklug people one wav or another. When you buy 40 yards of oetton cloth at 2 50 you pay the owner of the mill 15 cents profit, but you also pay about 15 cent mere te etner people for profits, that Is 30 cents profit In all, and you pay ti20 directly for labor. l ou must nave cotton ana woolen cloth. Yeu must either make the cloth your self or hire somebody else te de Ik Yeu buy It because you can get forty yards for two days' work et a common laborer. Hew much work de you auppeae It would take te make that forty yards yourself bv hand cards and SDlnnlne wheels and hand looms' as they de down Seuth and up In Cauada to-eav, because they don't knew any better? Five uieu and women, two carding and spinning, aud one weaving, can In one day make eight yards of cloth a great deal coarser than this ; this la equal te eue persen'a work for five daya. Forty yards would take live times aa much or twenty-nve days; and when you bad the cloth you wouldn't wear It any mere than you would wear acrah towel If you could get anything else, -because It would be se coarse and ae rough ; there you pay a capital ist Qlteen cents pretit en forty yards of cloth In order te save yourself twenty-three daya' work, mighty hard work at that, in getting geed, amneth, aeft factory cloth Instead of coarse, wiry, rough homespun. Who gets tne best et that bargain T If your work la new worth tl 50 a day, and you save twenty three days, 1 make it out that the capitalist who owns the mill aavaa you. (34 60 and charge you fifteen cents for doing It. COMPENSATION. One woman, In fan and Tel rets. Anether tn siuslid rugj i One rolled by In her stately carriage The ether, steed en the flig. One woman alone tn her carriage t lly the ether a little child, Who, watching the prancing horses, looked up tn her face, and smiled. She steeped te her boy and kissed him. And gave hl-n ahearded crust; The ether had Jujt left cesUy blooms sere her one son lay in oust. One back te her darkened maiulen Wealth cannot held death at bay ? One back te th hut where labor Drought bread for the coming day. Perhaps, as ever the sands of life Time's great tile ebbs aad flews, Mere fates among ns are equal Than their outward seeming shows. -Frem Atl (A l'tar Hound. Gee W. Karhart, Captain of Felic, Baltimore, Md.iays: "1 have u.ed Salvation Oil and found it a most excellent remedy. I recom mend ft te all." Yesterday I had a horrid cold. I used Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup, and te-day 1 um as well as ever. MrmatAL Moriems. WHY WILL. YOU cough when ShUeh'sCur will artve Immediate rellel Price 10 eta., SO cts.. Ma 147 North uueen streeu () SHILOU'S CUBS will Immealatsi rallera Creun. Whoenlna Ceuan and Itrenchli h ana Krene tu. ret Queen street, I sale by B. B. Cochran, Druggist, Ma 17 North t7 We would cautten the Pnblte te beware of Dealers etlartnK Kemp's Balsam at less than the regular Price, U cenu and II, aa oftentimes Imi tations or lnxerterartlclea are sold as the genuine ... v.ue. j vu.uid uiviu ki icu cunpiT. U. IS. Cochran, druggist. Ne. 1X7 North Queen street Is our agent for Xancaster. Sample bottle given te you A elft-1 amw Anuaaeauve. Tbe Best Salve te tbe world for Cut. Ilinlss. Sere. Ulcers, Salt Bhenm, lever Seres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, ClUlblalna, Cerns, and ail Skin Bruptlena, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It la guaranteed te give perfect sett faction, or money refunded. Price SB cent per box. for sal by H- B. Cecnran, Druggist, W The .Czcltameiit Net Over. The rush at U. B. Cochran, druggist. Ne. 1J7 North Uueen street, still continues en account of persona afflicted with Cough, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption, te procureabeuie of Kemp's Balaam for the Threat and Lnngs, which Is sold en a guarantee and Is gtvlngentfre satisfaction. It Is a standard family remedy. Price SO cent audio. Trial tiufrt. elJ-lwOAw Ne matter what parts It may Anally auct. ca Unh al iavs start in the head, and belongs te the head. There Is no mystery about the origin of this direful disease., it begins in a neglected cold. One of the kind that U sure te be better In a few days." Thousands of vliUmi knew hew It is by sad experience. Xly 'a Cream Balm cures colds In th head and catarrh in all lu stages. Net a snuff nor a liquid. myMwdeedftw Metnersl Steuten 1 1 MetlMrslI Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth T If se, go at once and get a betUe of MBS. WINBLO WS bOOrillNO 8TBUP. it wul relieve the peer little suffer Immediately depend upon It ; there Is no mistake about It. There la net a mother en earth who has ever used It, wbe wUl net tell yen at once that It trill regulate tb bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and. health te the ebUd, operating Uka magic It la perfectly safe te use In all cases' and pleasant te the taste, and lathe prescription of en of tbe eldest and best female physician and nurses In tbe United States. Sold every where. cents a bottle. maySl-lvdAw Active, Peshing aad fUUabl, H. B. Cochran, Druggist, 137 and US North nushlnsr and reliable, bv recommend! nv articles with well-establlshad merit and aneh aa are popular. Having the agency for the cele brated Dr. King's New Discovery for eensump- Hen, colds and coughs, wUl sell It en a positive guarantee, it wui surely cure an ana every affection of threat,lungs, and cheat, andln order te prove our claim, we ask you te cail and get a Trial Bettle Free. (i) GT. JACOBS OIL IN ZVCBYBCCTION. NEW UAUPgHlBK.-Kr. I.. J. PRIEST. Dur ham, New Hampshire, was afflicted with khan mausm for nearly twenty yers. He tried St. Jacobs Oil the great conqueror of pain and was completely cured. MASSaCHU8BTT8.-Idr. J. D. KINQSLBT. Secretary Hely Cress College Gymnasium, Wor cester, Hansachnsetts. writes : " Kvery member et our club speaks of St. Jacobs OU a tbe best cure they have ever used." NKWTOBK.-Hen. THOMiS L. JAMES, late Postmaster General of the United states, says: " I concur In endorsing St. Jacobs OIL" PgNNSri.VANI4.-Mr X. W, Publisher Yerk, Pennsylvania, that In a severe attack of Neurali ting a piece of flannel with St. , PANOLH, .Da.ft. states Ugla, by aalura aalura aalura JaoebsOll tbe great n&ln cure ana rnlihtnv ttui nart affMiMi once only, he was permanently cured. OHIO.-Hen. TUOMaS L. YOUNG, ex Gov Gov ereor of Ohie, states that be suffered for years with Kbtuuiatlsin, and was cured by St. Jacobs KINTUCKYMr. bTs. W1THEBS. of Fair lawn Stock rarm, Lexington, Kentucky, writes: "in myself, my men. aud my horses I us St. Jacobs OU ler achsa and pains. It cures." INUIANAHen, dTnIKL W. VOOBHKIB, II B Senater from Indiana, says: "St Jacobs Oil gave me Instantaneous relief, a remarkable remedy," IOWA.-IIen. O. W. HATZLKTT, State Lfgts turn. Waterloo, Iowa, says: "I consider at. Jacobs OU tbe greatest remedy ever used." MAHTI.AND.-Ben. M. W. OFFUTT. State Senater, Towson, Maryland, writes : I bad a severely Sprained Knee and Inflammatory Bbeumatlsm for six weeks. 1 tried St. Jacobs oil, and It net only gave Immediate relief te tbe Sprain, but it cured me of every symptom et tbe BbeumatUm." VIBOINIA-Mr. ITb. 8HAWVBB, Cove Creek, caauwell Ce., Virginia, writes : " 1 was for a lung time a great sufferer with Backaebe troubles, finally I tried 81. Jacob OU-tbe great pain rellever-axternally, and It cored nS-myiTWy1!- Jw n-smber of the Olympic uiub, Man Francisce, California, tb -n"Ptwdajhltlaelub la Artc7saldte SaSK'TTS 0.f -vYenelse Ce...- n. Jacobs ou ia tbe surest pain auerr. I Wiia.moltagsWKwerl. F?&Vt,2lPte,' "4 m TBI OaUBLM A.TMoe,aWtiiaafa, "11 T-,-" JT"' ' 11 .' SjTLji L.iSSW F.AV v T- . -T T IMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMIMMMMMMM MKDIOAU rpHK MKW QU1M1MB. KASKINE (THE NEW QUININE.) Me Had ffeeta, Me Headaehe, Ne NauM. Me Ringing Ian, OurM Qulekly,' Plasmas, Pare. A POWERFUL TONIC that the most delicate stomach wUl bear. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, And all tierra Diseases. reKCOMU K AS KINK HAS BEKN reUMU TO- HS ALMOST A 81'KUtFlU. eupetler te quinine. neiierne Hospital, N. T., "universally suc cess mi." !" Iverr patient treat ed withKaaklne ttasbecn discharges eu.ed." Key. Jas. l. Ball, Chaplain Albany renttea tlary, writes that Kanktna has cured his wife, alter twenty years suffering from malaria and nervous dyspepeta. Write him for particulars. t. Jerih's Ilnsnltal. N. Y. i " Its use Is con sidered Indispensable. It acta perfectly " Prof. W.r. Uolcembe, at. I.,M East th St, K. Y.i late 1'reftn M. Y. Med. College), writm : " Kasklna la superior te quinine tn It speclfle J rawer, and and never produces the slightest in ury te the bearing or constitution. Thousands upon thousands write that Kftaktne has curediheni alter alt ether medicines failed. Write for book et testimonials. Kaskine ctn be taken without any special medical advice. 11.00 per betUa. Sold by B. D. OOOHRAM, Drugslit, 1ST and 1 North Queen St., Lancas ter, ra , or sent by mall en reuelpt of price. KASKINB CO., 54 Warren Bt- Hew Yerk. reb24-lydAwTrb.t ciuraiivft. UANHMAM ct HKU. Are Yeu in Search of Bargains ? -IF SO L Gansman & Bie. Will offer this Coming w ek better value In Ooedsln the Piece suitable for Merchint Tailor ing than any ether house In the city. SUITS TO ORDER. 112 Buys an All-Weel Suit Made te Order. S14 Bays an AH-Weel Cheviot Suit Made te Order. lis Uuts an Ail-Weel Casslmera Salt Made te Order lis Buys an All. Weel Worsted Suit Made te Order. IIS Buys an All-Weel English Worsted Suit Made te order. Up Buys an AUWoel Scotch Suit Made te Order. tat Bays an All-Weel Prince Albert Suit Mads te order. KM. iLOO.is.en, 16.00, TOO and SS.0J All-Weel Pant te Order. Plenty or Geed Styles te Select from. If you want a Slyll.h Spring or Summer Suit Made te Order at a Moderate Price don't laU te CALL AT L. GANSMAN & BR0 Merchant Tailors. MANUFACTUBBBS OF en's, Beys' aad CalUree's Cletklag, 8. B. COB. N. QUBEN OBANOI 8T8, LANCASTEB PA. HeratBeaSr?' (ana KxelM,ve C10,hln N' OW RKADY1 Our Ready-Made Stock -OF- SPRING CLOTHING. . JL!Se. I"?00..10. lhew ur New BPB1NG STOCK In Beady-Made Suit. Our Assortment Is Larger than ever before, and Prices Lewer. We have taken special care te get un geed and Attractive Suit for tne 8PBINO TBADB, and we feel satisfied our effort have been success ful. Call and give us tbe benefit of your opinion. Oar Custom Department I Stocked with all the Newest Novelties In Suitings, which we wUl Make te Order in the FIT GUARANTEED. BUBGEB & SUTT01T, Tailors aa. Clothiers, NO. 84 OMNTRB SQUABM, LAHUABTEB, PA. rtKBH A RATRKOII. NO PERSON Desirous et securing A FULL DOLLARS WORTH, Should buy untu they have Inspected Our Stock -OF- CLOTHING! THE LABOEST AND TASTIEST ON SALE IN LANCA8TEU, OUB PBICIS ABE LOW AND THE WOIK THE VEBY BI8T THAT CAST BE MADE. K you are looking for Nlee Clothing, or all Styles and Celers, ours Is tbe place. Anything desirable In tbe Clothing Lin may be found In our stock. On thing sure GOODS ALWAYS TUBE OUT AS BKPBISBNTEO. Myers & Rathfon, LEADING CLOTHinU, NO. 12 AST KINO LAEOASTEB, FA. , TliAMTIO CITY. I ILL." 0MlJMsf.tattskAW Cll iit,bi.. S.SSJU.SI i aaiawraran assaaisMw tvittuw eaaWSa, &c.asp&W-S ;iw;.ixi&'j: t."l'W.W. " -:- mntOAL. MBDICItta. I Owe M Life. (.'arras t, 1 was taken slab a year ace With bilious lever." "My doctor pronounced me eared, but I get sick again, with terrible pain in mybaekand sides, aud 1 get se bad t Could net tubve I 1 shrunk I Frem t s. te lW I I bad been doctoring ter my IU er, but It did no geed, I did net expect te live mera than tnrre months. I began te use Hep Bitters. . Directly uiy appetite returned, my pains left me, my entlre system seemed renewed a If by tusgte. and after using several betUes, I am net only as sound as n sovereign, but weigh mere than i aid neiere. te nep miters I ewe my lire." Dublin, Junt (,'JSM, B, FirtrlTaie. iHirraau. "Maiden, Mass., Feb 1, 1M. Gentlemen 1 suffered with attacks of sick headache." Neuralala, female trouble, for years In the most terrible and excruciating manner. Ne medicine or doctor could give me re'lef or cur nntll 1 used Hep Bitters. "The first betUe Nearly cured me ;" The second made me well aud strong aa when a child, " And 1 have been ae te this day." My husband was an Invalid for twenty years with a serious " Kidney, liver and urinary complaint. " Pronounced by Bosteu's bust physicians " Incurable P asven bottles et your Hitters cured him and 1 knew of the) "Lives of eight persons" In my neighborhood that have been saved by your bitters. And many mere are using them with great benent. "They almost de miracles t" -Mrs. Jf. . Mac. Hew te Grr Sicx.-Expese yourself day and night : eat tee much without exercise, work tee hard without rest, doctor all the time; take all the vile netrninsdvertlsed, nnd then you will want te knew Hew te Ubt WitL. Which ts answered In tbrve words Take Hep Bitter. Hardened Liver. Five yeats sge I broke down with kidney and liver complaint and rheumatism. Since then 1 have bean unable te be about at all. My liver became hard like weed my limbs were puffed up and filled with water. All the best physicians ngreed that nothing could cure me. I resolved te try Hep Bitters : 1 have used seven bottles I the hardness haa all gene from my liver, the swelling from my limbs. ana it nas icerwa a miracle in my caae j other wise I would have been new In my grave. J. W. Mc'Riv. Buffalo, Oct. 1, 1S. I Write Thlfl Token of the great appreciation 1 have of your Hitters. 1 was afflicted With Inflammatory rheumallsm I ! Fer uearly Seven years, and no medicine seemed te de me any Geed I I 1 UnUl I tried two betUes el your Hep Bitters, and te my surprise I am as well te-day as ever 1 was. 1 hope " Teu mav have abundant success " In this great and " Valuable tnedlctne Anyone wishing te knew mere about my cure? Can learn by ai.drr-.ilng me. K. M. Williams, 11U3 10th street. Wash. D. C. may 16 2wdTThSAw mmueMuuM AT WIAJiTH. OUB CHOICE COFFRES AND F1NE4T FOBMOSA. OOLONGS IMPERIAL TEAS AND we guarantee for fine flavor and geed drinking qualities. BkKAKFAST COCOA AND CHOCOLATE. FANCY GBOCEBIKS. Try our High Grade FAMILY FLOUB, , OBO. WIsVNT, aftg-30-lvd Ne. lis West Elng Street. , T BORHKIS. Cheese ! Cheese ! Geed Old Cream ChrcM, Dutchhead Cheese, (the genuine Imported) Knquofert Cheese, Pine Apple and Saptage Cheese Just What Yen Nred. Patent tire-Proof Conking Creck Saves Laber. SivM Time, Sives Meney, Saves Scorch ing Feed. Call and see It. BURSK'S, 17 EAST KING STREET, NO. LANCASTEB. PA. 1 aTAreaaw. JTEW JEWKLRY STOBE. charless. gill, He. 10 nest King Street. A f nil line of everything new In Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER TABLKWARS. Spectacles! Spectacles! Having made the eye a study, we are able te fit spectacles with the greatest accuracy and care, and make a specialty of the Interchange ble Spectacle, se that If a part be broken It can be renewed in live minutes time. aw-KBr Att.iNU-1-ersenai attention given te tbe repairing of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, eta, etc. mavll ljd WATOHKH. Witch, Clocks Cluuns ud lmij at less than auction prices until January LUST. vine iex or -ting, aa suae, a-igin, ni altham (atmuim xer wnica a sun eue ai am Sel Asrent), and ether rtrst-Claa Watches Best watch and Jewelry BeDalnnc aaycerrect place la city. time by Telegraph Daily, only L. WEBER, 1 North Queen St. Near Penn-a.ll. B. Depot. Speetaelea, Eyeglasses saflOpttealGena ktada et laweirr AU OAMUMAUMM, ftTANDARD WORK. Edw. Edgerley, CARRIAGE BUILDER, NOB. 40. . 43, IS MARKET BTBEBT, Bear of Postemce, Lancaster, Pa. I have tn stock aad Build te Order Every Ya- rtsty et tbe follewtng style i COUPES, BUtiGIEB. CABRIOLETS, .ISe-Se1 WJJenV - OA.TB, McCALL WAGONS, BPKB1EB, . MAKEET tigS?&tMm. I mpley the Best Mechanics, and bavetacill- ttaa te beild cerecUy any styl of Oarrlag- The Quality, style, and Finish of my Werk, mlkesltdeclWyThe CHEAPEST lit TH Mm5t5u'i - fair Dealing, Hesest Werk at Bot Bet Bot teaFrtcea." pnaeslvemacsUL BelrlJMc rrampUy Atiemiei Te. rmiCES LOWBB THAN ALL OTHEBS. AwOae Sat of Workman especially employed far that purpose. fNBTALMKN T DEALERS WILU FIND X lestwhattbsyneed. A full Hee of InstaJ maat Goods sold only te tb Initalmaat Trade bJr IMSTALatENT DEALERS SUPPLY CO., aprlS-S-ndTuThas Erie. Pa. T3ANEERS. KUHN, LOEB&CO., BANKERS, K NASSUA ST, MEW YOSE, HAVE CONSTANTLY OM HAND A SBLSCTION O'.OHOICB IEVBSTMENT SECUB1TLBS. Tiffln7i.rj,,rj' " SInaTltfrs1V' 7$E5v3! v-v omrueoDM. 8' UMMEK UNDEKWBAR. (S S!aifl35 8eHth no Nitret, a (OPP. FOUNTAIN INN,) HAV 1 STOCK A LaKOE LINK OF SUM MEa,MBHlNO AND UAUZE Underwear AT BBFOMB. Ladles' and Uenta' Underwear firm, sa. ... . the beat .goads ver sold at l" eFMnuVw Gause Underwear from ilKe," upT Men' Jesa it'tbYprlc? ' nettlBl e'd-lki them II ABU At NS IM Lauedried & Unlaundried Bhirti FOB MEN AND BOtB. Men's Shirts, linen front, Ke. each. Man' Bhlru, uatia fine linen front, reinforced In front andbaek, only Sec ; nothing te equal them In thsxlty for tbe price. Our Flo. Shirt la the best value eyer given Beys' 8h.ru, all alsea, Seu. each. Men's Striped Working Shirt. Sfte.: ream. ular nrlee. Sen. tW Fifty UetenCIIII DBSN'H BIBBED IIOtC In Black, Brown, Blue and nalrt worth liwc. uaruet, eniy se per i Twenty-five Doten .Ladles' Colored llerdared landkarchlefsenlySceach. Twenty-five Doten ten's Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs only te. each. We Invite Inspeollen of these goods a they are Real Bargains. 33 tad 35 Heath qaeea Street, (OPP. FOUNTAIN INN. I uarls-lydAw QH1NA MATTINO. ChinaMatting. Anether Carge of Chetce Matting sold at Auc tion tn New Yerk en Wednesday et this week. enable us te eff.r ' Fine Qualities ud Choice Styles. White and F&ney Mattings, Seamless, and Damask Mattings, At one-third 1 ess than Begular Prices, and Lewer than ever before sold for same qualities. A Special Discount te purchasers by the roll of 40 yards. Oocea and Napier Mattings, Linoleum and OU Clethe. IAGEE & BROTHEB, Moe. 25 6 27 West King St., LANCASTEB. PA. Window Shades. a W.'..'Kc"IT,M'r Lr" ,loc" of WINDOW SUAHLSandall thencsary FIXTUBBS.and aronreparedtedoallklnds of Shade Werk. In- STORE SHADES, Promptly and LOW PRICKS. kln a Satisfactory Manner, at Standard Oil Shading, liXc. A YAKI). Large Stock Ready-Made Shades. Standard Oil Shading. Beat Hand-Made Shad ing, King's Scotch Hollands and Dnmeatie Uel lands. In all colors and widths. Frlnaes and Ornaments te Match. - Best Make Spring Fixtures. Hager & Brether, Nee. 26 97 West King St. LANCASTER. PA. e PKM EVERY EVENINO. FRESH BARGAINS AT THE - Bosten Stere, 26 AND 28 NORTH QOIEN ST., LANCASTEB, P. 7a q Vii 1 US Place AMEBIUAN PklNTED Ills II Illaf aATEENB, I Never Beld for Less tban 13K. Uewards of SfO Piece Cream and Faney Crink led Seersuckers at S.SH, 10 and 1H fenU a yard. Swiss, Cambric and orlentalFleunctngs at lea tban cost of Importation. Fifty Doxen Handsome Tambour Table Cevers at keiarkably Lew Price. wainn.nMt traat'fer veu tn Black Dress flllara MnWStl . -- w - - T" v : nrr " - - - - - u....- .v. . k nuasana aninoi-ireiiaa. nnmn tell yen the price you'll doubt tbelr goodness, HOUDl Yard. bat we uuereniee avery Dress Goods Bargains. tee Yards Deable Width Worsteaseltlngi, He. yard. SO Yard Wide Wale Ail-Weel 40-Incb Salting, Thee geed were bought st a large closing out ale and ware never sold for leas than tee. a yd, ONE IIUNDBID MBMNANTH Black Cashmtri ud Black Henriettas AT LKSS THAN COST. sevsnty-flve Dezen Uents' Balbrlggan Uaux VesU at lac. each i usual price, 87KO Hundreds of Attractions la our DlCsrsnt De partment and yen cant fall te get a Bargain. Stamm Bres. & Ce. BIRD UROY bard fe Mcelrey, MWf Offl IrtTT lrawBf .1 ikjs f f,M ?&&& 1LK .issa .-X,&i-"z " . yt '$&vki gf&i