A WATCM AMU A WOlt; A weteh at.d a woman art Mmpir ahla Te prove what I Mr 111 qnlealy beata. She nicely adjusted te heat aad eaW. Te win btr, be modest yet "ffl" -Waen her mainspring u leva, she true " That ahe the c 9f useful S? Teut geld Is alloyed, the tai " IS" Ul tb. metal, untnltl &5fik!2?' Ol dIUaUf.irm-notmadetoleiakeni ,. If you think tfwlil help, her, your greatly mi- The jeU.n. ha. are Sffi'SlSfflSe.tt usbiL that don't larnlah llk peer mating yeuta. SSSkuStM " 'a,r' bat veM wia M- Whe .ata el Ie.1r." yen w hemy Inn coach. Don't de It I bar face will toen ba bright a aur paaplng through the curtain of night. Haver lal bar run down la spirit of health, Think of bar always m part et yourself. Unas 1 tall yeu-ihe'll perreettlme heap. t III l he work aiti hushed In the lut peaceful leap. -F, U. nut The rr neb thaianer af Depet'ee Vetaa Agate Hie Prepeslllea, The debate en tha report of tha budget committee, whleli demand a reduotlea la the estimates submitted by tha govern meat, was begun In tb Kraoeh Chamber or Depu tlaa Tuesday. M. Dauphin, minister el finance, declared that In Ita preppaala tbe government had effected all tha retrenoh retreneh menU that were possible, and bad re-aaUb-llabed the flnanelal equilibrium through the Income and alcoholic taxee. The oeoatry knew that tbe government waa acting mera laconseoanca with parliamentary tlUeaa thaa waa the ceuraa) ngaad ta the report et tbe budget commutes. Applausa Ireea the Iaft and part or the Centre. 1 M. Dueage attacked tha financial peliey of the republic. M. Utflen apeke In support et the government and condemned tbe action et the budget committee. at. Keavlsr aald the committee reuld net accept the govern gevern mant'a propeaala ler Increased taxation and expenditure. Premier (leblet eald the present nnanclal altuatlen waa tbe reetilt et the accumulated errnra el paat government He waa ready te work with tbe committee with tbe view et providing nilraoleua remedies. The govern gevern tuent desired te balance the budges even by freah taxation, llneeeaaary. Ue reproached tbe committee with demanding raferma which It knew te be Impracticable from a budget point of view. Urlea of dissent. lla iniinrt nnthlne? that tuatlttad the oem- mtttee'a beatlllty either In the governments Internal policy or In Ita foreign polley, neither of which waa lacking In wisdom and firm neea. lie waa ready te co-operate again with the committee or te leavecflleelaa the Chamber might decide. Applause. Tne Chamber, by a vote of 275 te 259, re jected the propeaala of the government, and Sreceeded te illecuaa the order et the day. M. eblet then announced that the cabinet would realgn. Aa eoen aa tbla announce ment had bean marie the niainberaet the cabinet left tlia Heuse. Alterward a reaelu llmi waa propeaod by the budget committee alUrmlng the ueceaatty or adopting new plana for retrenchment. The raaolutlen waa adopted by a vote el 312 te 113, and the Chamber than adjourned until Monday next. m t An Imperial Praud. l'rofeeeere Ilraaliear and Vary or the Pitta burg observatory have bad a rather Internet Ing experience with a confidence man who claimed te lie a proreaaer In the royal obeer ebeer obeer vatery of Ilrazil. lie waa travailing In Kurepeand Atneriea, be aald, and bad been Instructed by tbe emperor te vlalt all the pro minent olmervalerlea and all the plaeea where aatroaninleal luatrumenU are manufactured. The vlalter waa abewn .through the observe ebserve observe tery and waa tlieu Uken ever the manutectur In eatabllRhiiipnt of I'ref, Uraabear. lie ex amined all fie InatrumeeUand talked learn edly en Mutronemlcal mattera, Ue lett promlalngte recommend IVoleaaer Braabear'a instruments te bla government, but called later anil aecured a lean or 110 aaylng be Lad ben robbed by pickpocket. He alae aecured (de from Chancellor tielT. or the Weatern unl veralty. He la described aa a pleaaant talker with all the pornpeueneea el an Imperial meeaeuger. Haamlnaly Eradicated Wllh rcprale J auil powerful Je,c el qulnlar, chilK ami (ever. In eme oncel It xrleiit Ierm, nin; into aetlve ciltlcnce again, citltn walKiut llie llRhleat apparent pro pre pro reration. Te cMliiRUlili the ameMcrlns em ber n( tlili obatlntte antl rccomlite malaily, no let lliau te tubtluc It uhen It ragei fiercely In the Bftein, llestcttcr'a fttemach Hitters l nil aulUeleut. hin utcry rexiun e et lite ptmrinacepiriu ha heen rihauatci! n;iint It In aln, lh ItUleri einiier II will renierc everr llnst'rtnx Tettltrc nt It. Nar, mere, the Illllertulll iirvitcct tluxe hrnuRlit rlthln llin Inllut-nce et the atinntpherla poUen IhitbecLti hiatarlal ll4eac from It Rttark. llltenler el thu fttninnrh, lUer antl tmwelt, arc auien2 the ceinplnnu te he ap-l-reliemlial from tee utc of mlanina talntud w-ilrr llee arc iHitli cure! anil preienteft by the ltiuer IMieutn.-ttUin, ronllpatlen au J null iuuit-liit, ) klJ te It action Frem I'bllmlrlnhla, I'a. lam telling morn or Ir. llnU'e IJnuh ayrup than all ether cnuah remedlea ceuililuud, and the demand I atlll In crealng. n.J.U TOIIJI.T. DrtiKRlat, 7 south Hecend Ht, "Ihxrx'a aurb divinity deih hedge a king that in ann " Inars te touch htm. Hut rheum, tlain U no mapvcler el peraeua, and Iteyalty would de wli te palrenlza Bairatleu Oil, the great pain cure. TKULr A HOt'SKHOLU RRMBtir Ne 2.0 BBsreHD A v., UaoeatTa, N. V., I March 12, 18dl. ( 1 have uaed Atuecn'i Poiera PLavtsm for tha laat twenty yaari. They are truly a houMDeld remedy. II one et my children hai a cold and whvtzea, 1 put an Allceck'a I'oreua flaiter en the cheat and one ttetween the shoulder bladea. If any of tha ehlldren have croupy cough, or oeoiihi of any kind, 1 place the flatter cleee up around tbe threat ; the toething rfTect taappar enta'mrMtalwayaln twoheura. H theyhavea dlaordered ateinnch. a I'laatar placed J utt below tba cheat benea makea digestion perfect In half a day. If there It any loesoneaaof the bewelt, aceiiupanled by.celdneat of the akin, two All All All coek'a I'oreua I'laalert applied ever the ttom ttem achcureln from twote flve heurt. 1 notice par ticularly that these l'laatcra never abrade the akin or eauaa the allghteat Irritation. Freni in y own experience 1 knew they never fall for thou theu nutlaui, palna la tba back or lumbago. C. MIOULEBKOOK. mrmtJlAM. mutivt arnntltOnt," The above la an old taw aa tavasa aa It la aenalea Yen can't "grunt out" dyapeixta, nor liver eemplalnt, nor nervouaeeaa It they once get a aoeu bold. They don't remove them at I vet In that way. The taking a few deaea et Suraeck Uloetl BiUtrt la better than "grunt ing It out " What we nan cure lei't net audurit. VeraaJe by II. 11. Coehran, drugg'at, U7 and 131 North gueen itreet, lAncaater, Coe caa uepaad Oa It. ' Ter tavern toothache and neuralgia of tbe bead I naed STAeinat' JCeltelrie Oil. Tula la cer tainly the beat thine 1 ever knew for relief or pain of any kind. Tbe home It never without It7 Mil A. M. rrank,m W.Tupperatraet, Buf falo. N Y. for tale ay it. a cechraa, druggtat. 117 and 13 Werth Queen ttreet. Laneaatar. Tbe RaaarrecUen of Laaaraa Wat amlrucnlena operation. Ne eca tblnkt of railing tbe dead theta timet, though aouiadet aeuiadet perately cloaete death'a de-r have been com pletely reatereil by Burdock Bleed HUttri te trenulue and letting bnaJth for sale by H U. Cerhran, druggltt, 131 and 139 North Queen treat, Ia?caeter. A Vailing Baby It anmathlng te be avolded Mablee with eeldt, bablea wllh croup, bablta with icalda, burut, blut, achea, tpralna, or paint are bound tqlw tqlw ceme nelay teuanta of tbe household. Dr. Thewuu' JccUetrie Oil will care all tbeae oein- Blalnta. or aala by If. B. Coebran, druggtat, n and las North Queen street, lauieaitar. A Plea teat Aeaaewtadgmtat. "Iltd tour ttemarh and mlaerable appetite for tnentht, and grew I bin every day. 1 uaed Aur Aur deek Alood HtUtrt with tha meat marveleua re t'llt i feel aplandld." Mra. Joaeph Jobnaen, ritt-hnrg, Pa Per aala by U. U. coebran, drug gttu 117 and l9 Herth Queen ttreet, Laneaatar. ataaabagal laapaateril Tbtavaal . J5rTart?Te ! 'raiaapplled te tbe unreliable 5? i..'B,S0,,,, l- ttumat' Ktlntrit Oil ler Sf'S?ftrSttIrhii,,i,.m,i "aeumailam. and all acaca, tpralna, and palna la net a thlnar of de de de oapuen eaia pleaaant and benaat nuJey It It gl.t, in and U North Q tT. i . . ViT S? uoeBraa, arug. atraat, tAneaatar. .nwwnti fW.D.HoytACe.Wbolaealaand RataU Drna. lauel lteme,Oaaayai We have been Jliiin. ir. Klng'a New UlWveiyVaUeetrM wuSS iSI Uncklan'a Arnica. HaLa'Ai'TSTi?""..00 never handled remed tea that tell ai welL .in uuu uuiijim. auHHuea, xaera have baam eme wonderful curat exTected by theta madu rtnealnthlactty. tevaraJeaaaa of pirounead CentumpUnn have beea aattrajy cured by S of anwlmttlea pf Ot. Mtwrt iaw l3taeval uch nnlve niveraai aatiaractioe. There have baea fraiTt.t. UJ and U Menk Qaaea tar Va. A Cechraa. aaiter.ra. , mb ij V. A. oeearan. Net. 117 and 1M Jterth Qaaaa treaty lannaater, Pa. ta aaUlajt IMlCebVa wVtJU CO am m a gaaiMtaa ta anj all Siwu a M) ww-wmm miBumaaBtsssssssm gfaaiSAa. eamwajia. awaai'T hi, a, a. umiti.t, ,. ftttaaeva,aa'a'a noeoti bamapakilla. A geed Appetite ll eteeaUal te geed health l Imt at tab eaaeea H Merun let t,eelag te the poverty or Imparity of the bleed, darangamtat et the digetUve ergaaa, and tbe weakening agectofthecaanglageeaaee). lloed'afaraapartllaUawoaderfat medlMnefer ereaUag an appetite, toning taedVpaaUee.aad giving ttrangu te Ue whole tyrtam. Hew la tha tlmatetafcait. Ma are te get Heed'. Boed'a aUiwapAftltt. " I have taken HoeaVa aaraaaattlla, and am glad te tay It bat cured me efa vary aevere pain In the email or my back. I ales gave It te my little girl. She had very little eapetlte I bat Uoed'aSaraapartllaha luereeeed It wenderfally and fnem our asperieaee 1 highly recommend tblt eaeelleat madletne." Mat, at. V. aUtnLaa IMkt Van Hern atreet, Jtraey City. Make tba Wk m M t muit aay Heed' aareanerllla la the beat meaielne I ever naed. Lett tpriag 1 had no ap petite, and the laaat work 1 did fatagaad ma evar aemaeb. I began te take Heed' eareeparilla, MdaoaaiajitaairieeuiddoM maehmaaay a 1 had formerly done In a week. My appetite la voracleua." Maa. M. V. Bavaae, AtianUe City, N.J, "lloed'iBartapaiilla gave ma new lire andre andre tered ma te my wonted health and itrangth." WtLttAH H. l'LovnH,TUteu,N. H. BOODB BARBAFAIULTjA. anldbyalldrnaglata. II i alx for . Prepared by O. I. HOOD A COM Lewell, Maaa, 100 Xeawa Oa Dellar e PCINB PliASTBRa 85 IEDALS AWARDED TO Bensen's Capcine Plaster ! Til g BKST IN THE WOULD. Curea Plentliy, Bheumatlim, Lumbago, Baek ache, Weakneaa, Celda la the Cheat and all Ache and elralue. Beware oflmltatlem under tlmllar toundleg namea. aw Atk for Rensen'a and take no ether. daelt-ameedAw H UMPU KEYS'. Hc OMEOPAT1IIC S I'KUIKICS. DE. HUMPHREYS' HoekolAII nUeaaea, Cleth and Sold Binding, lit i'agea, with steal Engraving, MAILED PEEE. Llatef Prtaetpal Nea. Curea. Price. I. Pavna, Coageatlen, Inflammation! V t. Weaaa, Werm Pever, Werm Celic X. rariaaCoLie. or Teething of Infanta at 4. Dtaaaaaia, of Children or AdulU tt A. liraairraar, tirlplng, Bllleut Colte e. CaeLaaa Mcaaca, Vomiting at 7. Coceua, Celda. nrencbllla ..........K . Nacaauna.Toetbacba, Paenaeha J 5. Ilaintcuaa, RIcK Headache, Vertigo..., 10. Dvarareta, ntlleua ntemach B 11. HcrraaaaaDer I'iinrcL Paatena at II WaiTaa. tee PrnfiiMi Perleda m IS. Caecr, C'engh, Ulfflcult Breathing 14. alt bnaeai. Eryalpelaa, Eruptlena at la. ButCMATiaM. KbeumaUe i'alnt K I. Pavaaaae Antra, China. Malaria. 17. riiaa, mina or meeaing. 1. riATAKiuf, Influenia, Celd In tba Head, te. Wauoriae Cocea, Violent C'eugba te aa. GaaraaaL DaaiLirr, l'byalcal Weakneaa....f 17 Kinaar Dtaaaaa B9 m. Naaveca DaaiLiTr. Jtoe an. Uaiaaar Wataaaaa, Wetting Had 60 St IMauaaaevTua tlaarr. Palpiutlnn li.oe Beld ny lirnrartata, or tent pnatpald en receipt of rnlcc-HUtlPUltnYb' MKDfOIHB C.V7lu Pulton St. N. Y. leb3&-lyeediw CJliV'S t'KKAM BALM. OATARRI, HAY FEVER, Ely's Cream Balm CUBES OaUrrh, Oeld In Bead, Beaa Geld, Bay rever, Oamfnaaa, Beadaetaa. EASY TO USE-PUICE 80 CENTS. ELY BKOS., Otwege, N. Y., V. S. A. hay Fever. ELY'S CREAM IIALMItnet a llqnld ttnffer powder. Applied Inte neatrllt la quickly ab ter bed. It cleanaet tbe bead. Allaya Inflamma tion. Ileala tbe terea. Uetterea the eeueeaef taate and imell. AVWCenta at Drui(laU i by mall, regUtered, ELY BB0THEBS, Dragglstf, OStVKUO. N.T. "Ae0nnlna Kly'a Crram Balm ler aala at Cechran'a Drugstore, island 1S North Queen St. Lancaster, I'a. Jyil-lyeedAlyw QUAY'S HPKCIFIO MEDICINE. Graj's Fpcciflc Medicine. The Great Engllah Hemedy will promptly and radically cure any and every caae of nerveut debUlty and weakneta, reeult or IndUcretloe, exeetaet or overwork of brain and nerveni lya tem ; la partectly harmleta. acta like magic, and been extenalveiy uaed ler ever K yean with greattucceta. Pull particular! in enr pamphlet which we deatre te tend free bv mall te every one. awTTbe SpectSe Medicine ta told by all drug gUU at (1 per package, or alx packaaet for fc. It will ba tent free my mall en reoaptef the money, by addreealng the agent, B. B. OOOBRAN, Druggtat, Nea. U7 A IS) North Queen 8L, Lanoatter, Pa. THE. UK AY MEDICINE CO., Ne. 1M Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. mant-lyeednw rjui E 8VV1KT 8PM01F1U OCt, TRIED IN THE CRUCIBLE. SSb TBADR MARK About twenty yean age I dteeevered a little ere en my cheek, and the doctor proseaaced It cancer. 1 have tried a number of phyalctana, but without receiving any permanent benefit. Among the number were one or two ipeclaiut. The medicine they applied waa like Ere te the ere, caualng Inlenae pain. I lawaatatemen In the papert telling what 8. B. 8. had done for ethers tlmtlarly afflicted. I procured tome at once. Before 1 had need the aaoend bottle the neighbor could notice that my cancer waa healing up. My general health had been bad for two or three year-1 had a hacking cengh and iplt bleed continually. 1 bad a levere pain Inmybreaat, After taking alq bottle of 8. B. a my oeagh left me and I grew tteutar than I had been ter several year. My cancer ha healed ever all but a little tpet about tha die or a hair dime, and la rapidly disappearing, 1 would ad. viae every one with cancer te give 8. 8. 8. a Mr trial. MBA. NANCY MeOONAUQHET, Ashe Greve, Tippecanoe, Ce., Ind. Pab. 16,1984. Swtlt't Bpectfle I entltaly vegetable, and aeema te eure cancer by forcing out tha Impu rities from the bleed. Tteatlae en Bleed and Skin Ulaeaae mailed free, THE SWIFT SPECIFICCO., DRAWBR 8. ATLAKTA, OA. Sarflennlea Swift' apnctne for tale at Coch Cech ran1 Drug store, 191 and 1 North Queen bt., Lancaster, Pa. u-lydAw iTJOMJI UDAJaAJITatBO. RUPTURE. eara naMIMat bp OB. t. A MA tweeaaaaaei BaMaataaaaBaa awiawtmai sy&nx$& garVawamKDKIKari lawI'l'MIJtlHxamml t-'- - - - 9ALA0M 09AMMMir, pt'?Airi-0isii''ittA P4 LAOBOrfAMIOV. ASTRICH'S Palace of Fashion, 13 MAST KINO 1T1IT, LANCASTBE, PA. We are constantly Eeeatvla New Bargains, wbleh wa Offer te enr Patron at Bargain Prleea. IUSLIK flHDERWEAR OVtL HOBBY! WHO CAM BEAT UBt Me for a flood Lace Trimmed Chemlie or aa Elegant Trimmed cambrle Cever. Our lie and tee Leader la Cbamlee. Skin with Needlework Baffle. See. Nightgown for Tic. Ten eaanet make them for lea than a dollar. SpaelalaumberataOaraatCoveTiatneandteo. Our One Dellar Skirt, It Inch embroidered ruffle and Ban tuck, worth II ta Bett teller we have I BUSTLES ! ! The "Elale." also Tayler- Peldlng Buttle la tare dlBareat etylee. All ether popular and atlafacUea-glvlag Battles at their Lewest Prleea. Tb Otm " beau them all. CORSETS I We need aet advertise any of them. We have a complete (took of ever se different style. All well tried and found te ba A one. Prices, c 7e, So,7Se,l 00 np te SS.W, Atk for "nematur what ttyle " we have IL Merine Underwear I Ladles' Uauxe Balbrlggan Ves'i.Me.dlk bound, worth 170. Sent'a Oauxe Underwear, Jlc. Bpedal Bargain, Pine India Gauze, tc ChUdran' Uauxe Balbilggtn Veata, ll ten cu atllKc OUB STOCK OP GAUZE UNDERWEAU Has never offered se many Bargains. It 1 really no wonder that we sell se.many. BOYS' CALICO WAISTS Pleated fi out and back, made up In bett style. We had V dozen made un for our own trade; retail atSScaplece. Nobody can tell them lea than tic. LADIES' APRONS Large, geed mutlle, wide hem, lzjf-e. Jutt think of It I Our 19e Lawn Apron, t pleats, extra large wide hem. Gingham Aprons inc. Pine Aprons, X, SO 17 ank is!- STAMPED LINENS. Tidies at 5, 7 and 10c Knotted fringe, at tnche, ltattamped. Memml cloth-1 tamped U, and 48 eta. SPLASHES. Stamped 10 eta.; with fringe 11 eta ; knotted fringe IS cu. Memenle cloth, SI, SI and 4S eu. Sideboard Cevers, stamped, M Inch, Jl, 17,61, 71 Inch t 40, SO, 7 cts te tl.!S, TRAY AND STAND COVERS. China allk Tidies, atimped, all colors, U Inch. B0e;71lncb.;sc. Lace Tidies, 8c up. Sham a and Splashers, tee up. MOVMMVMMUHtMV MOOII. QAXL AND HKK -THE- ROCHESTER LAMP. Sixty Candle-Light t Beau them alL Anether Let of CHEAP GLOBES leruas and Oil stoves. THH PBRFaOTION" METAL MOULOINU ANP BUBBEB CUSHION WEATHER STRIP Beau them aU. This strip outwears all ether. !2H"OB.t..th eeli- Step ntlUIng el window. Bxelude tbe duat. Keep out mew and rain. Any one can apply It no waste or dirt made In ap plying It. Can be fitted anywhere -no holes te bore, ready for use. It wflfnet split, warp or abrlnk a cushion strip U the most perfect. At the stove. Heater and Bang store -OP- Jehn P. Schaum & Sens, 24 SOUTH QUEEN 8T LANOASTBE, PA. w M. A. kUUraA ALDUS O. BCBB KIEFFER 8c, HERR, WOULD CALL SPECIAL . ATTENTION TO Fuller & Warren Ce.'t (TKOT.N.Y.) mm, HSATESSL FURNACES AND B1N6ES. We aak no one te ran any risk with "PUL LER A WABKENS" Ooedt. We guarantee them te gtve.BatUfaetlen. AaaHeaurHTHEBPLKNIUD"ba. nerivai. being a thorough bes base, nb part of thl. stove remains cold, evei y Incb et it radiates heat. As a Smaller and Cheaper Heaur the "BKIQHT DIAMOND" has eaubUabedltaelf tntharreal ranks. The menu et the H8PLENUlU"andMBB10Hl DIAMOND "censtat la Beauty et Construction. Perfect Control of Draft. Cleanliness, no Dest. Bfltja and Eoenomy et PueL darcall and examine for yourself. 40 EiSTlciNO ST.. rarreuza oedat hetjsb. tMaa naiAuea ajuts. TJtOR rent. JP...T0 or 'enr room la Brlmmar'a Maw nSndVnsa-" fcas-tfd BtUatallaVBMVaaT OPPICB. 3V0R 8ALK OR RKNT-BHICK STABLE C and let, lTxat) feet, en ObrteUaa street bf- twen HMt iD ." "e etreeuTcan be easily changed (ute a machine shop or ware- neui.,!,,Sr tenn' " UUUBABKB. alttld Atternay-at-Law. HOUSE FOR RtCNT OR HALS. lien wttb modern ImprevamenU and team beat. Large lawn and jrard. A vanity of trait tntea and grape vine. BatBtBerUUme straab Apply te "" EZKA P. LANOIS. aptt-Ud . Ne. M Mertt Um street. PITHB LATEST J D8T TflttTTHINO JL-LDni?'J!-BurP0??-? ,obavie twaaty diaerent SSa5!wSe'JS: naUama. Pap a.t taw a rill and eaetbem. Afaintaaet SultlBg at medarau uta: ' w-avaw -DEALHBS tit- HonsefernishiDg Goods ! ' - 5 J. a- aa-a H AMAXTUI CHINA HALL DMBRELLA STAND. A Neatly Hand Paintad Umbralla Stand, -AT- $2.50 EACH. earths Bart ever offered In LaaeuUr at the the price. Only a limited number en hand. Don't Mill a Bargain. Iiglipiiin 16 EAffTKINQ STREET. LANnaSTgR. PA. MXOVMklumm. E X0UKS1ON8 AND PICNICS. HT. GRETNA PARK reit EXCURSIONS AMD PICNICS. Thl Park la located In the heart et the Seuth Mountain en the line of the Cornwall ft Lebanon Railroad, nine rel'e teeth of tbe City of Lebanon, within eeaydtsuneeef llarrttbnrg. Beading, Mmeae ter, Colombia, and all petnU en tbe Philadel phia A Beading and Penaaylvanla Ballreda. The grounds are large, covering hundreda el acres, and are FREE TO ALL. tax cexvBxmcaa aaa A LaltQE DANCIN8 PAVILION, A SPACIOUS D1NINU HALL, TWO KITCHENS, BAOQAUEANDCOATKOOM, While the arrangement for amusement con sist of CBOQUET and BALL OBOUHD9, BOWLINtt ALLEY, SHOOTING QALLEBT, QUOITS, Ac, AC, Ac Tables fir Lnnebers, Kuatle SeaU and Benchee are scattered throughout tbe grounds. A new attraction U LAO (MEWAGO, oevaiing nearly twenty .acres, en which are piaeHi m numeer or elegant Hew ueau, and along the banks of which are pleasant walks and lovely scenery. Observation Cars will be run en the line et tbe Cornwall A Leba non Ballread. or will be tent te different points, when practicable, for tbe accommodation of tx tx curalen partlea. Tbeae summer excursion ears have been built especially for thta purpose, and are se conttrueted that they will enable the ex cursionist te enjoy fully tbe beautiful scenery of tbe Lebnen alley en the one side or the conewage Valley en tbe ether. They are aafe. pleasant and convenient. Parties desiring it can procure Meals at tbe vision eMC M. BOLTZ, or tba Lxaaxea Vauav Hecsa. Tbese wbe with te spend A D.Y IN THE MOUNTAINS can find no place se btanil. S,iSw0erflln ,0 mncn Pleaaure as MOUNT N9 IbUxIcsUsk Drinks Allowed ea the FreaiUes. aarPer excursion rates and general Informa tion apply te NBDIBI8H. my7 smd pt C" I" BUrea oanen, fa.' BOOTS AND SHOKS. MPOKTANT NOTICE. A GREAT MARK DOWN -IN-; Shoes! A Dpn't talk about Price. Tbey'll Suit Yeu, Come All I Come All I HIEMENZI NO. 67 HORTH QUaTBN ST. PARASOLS. J B.AH, LADIES ! See "Tba Drive" In our West Window SATIN LINED PAKAeOLS at 6Se. , A PINK LINE OP PARASOLS At Prices 1 bat Defy Competition. SPWI INVITE EXAMINATION ON OUB, STUCK. R. B.& H. 14mAatKlee;8t. apl-Smdt ItJOTIOE TO TRESPASSERS AND JS IUUNNEKS.-AI1 person are aeraby bidden totrespasaen any of tba laada of tha Cornwall and SMidwellesuua in Uiianomer Laaeaetar ceunllTsT whetber laoieeed or una una eleaed. eltbar ler tW purpose of ahoetlBgw BiB'.' .. i! ! Senary wforead yilJtTH7T's Mfc?" Una ettha hsv - 94i- mH II. 11,1 I...... I. Q MAT BAXOAIMS I METZGER & HAUGHMAN HAVE AT THEIR NKW STORK, Net. 38 and 40 Wtt Kduj gtTMt, A OeMawAraanaa at 40e OeaaUrpaaaa atSOe,, Oeaatarpaaaa at 7aa., Oomatar Oematar paaaaat M.OO, OcmatArpaaaa attl.as. ManaUlaa CteutaraaMa at ai.80. a.OO, f a.OO, IS.OO, MOO, and Oraad Oaaa at W.OO. OxummtaxiaOufithmtLTlnmtLt6wm4. Wa 111 erdara ter Uam frocaaurreuadlaB tewaaaad ettJM. WagTuaraaUa thaatte tlTaaatta tlTaaatta tlTaaatta faotlea. METZGER5d HAUGHMAN'S CHEAP STORE, 8 aad 40 Wert King St, (Opposite Ceeper Hern.) QARPKTS, MATTINGS, Aa CARPETS. Mattings. - Oil Cleths. RUGS. All the Above Goods la Large Quantities and at LOW PRI0E3. ' R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te tha Court Heuse, JMWBLM. r7AUM'S CORNER. ZAHM'S CORNER LANCASTER, PA. Beepened under Ita Old Management with a Mice Asserted stock of . WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE AND JEWELRY. AB" Careful attention given te Pitting SPEC PACLES for Defective Sight. We have new tbe Beit Fartiltie for Plrat-Ulaaa Itepalrlng. 8PKOIAL-WI hent a small of e Sitter PUUtd FOrki let ovtrrem our safe, wAlth w w crt. vry low. ZAHM'S CORNER, apraVlmd JEWELRY AND ART. lifTinnTiflQ WirtphfiQ ART WORK, French Clocks, Bronzes, KNIVES, FORKS AMD SP00MS, 6H0I6E VIENNA AND PARIS NOVELTIES. Prices Are Very Lew This Year. H. Z. RHOAD8, Ne. 4 West King Street, - Lancaster, Fa. OAMMIAVMB, A MOTTO THAT ALWAYS WINa Honest Werk at Honest Prices. PHILIP DOBRSOM'S (OLD BELIABLK) Carriage Works Neb, 126 and 128 last King St. Tbe Largest Assortment of NEW AND SECOND-HAND Buggies, Carriage, Fbajtens, Market ana Basinet Wagons tbat ba ever been Bbown te tbe Public II Ten Want a Geed and Plrst-Clae Pbsten, GOTO DOBRSOM'S. If Yen Want a Nice Comfortable Patnlly Carriage, OO TO DOBKSOM'A If Yeu Want a Buggy Yen ean Select from Pllteea Different Kind et Springs, If you SO TO DGEKSOM'S. . If Yeu Want a Nice and Neat Business Wagen, GO TO DOEBSOM'S. if Yen Want a Durable Market Wagen, HO TO DOEHSOM'S. u . it Yeu Want a Geed Second-Hand Pbsten. Buggy, or Market Wagen, GO TO DOBRSOM'S. if Yen Want te Buy a P IrtUClaas Article at a Lewer Price tban any etber plaee in tbe city or oeunty, OOTO Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Curiae Works, NOS. 186 AND 128 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, FA. tg-FACTORY US A Ita WFFLIX STREET. marMydAw CARPET BARGAINS ! eSHIRK'S CARPET HALLt FOR WILTON, VELVET, BODY BRUSSELS, Tapestry, Iugraln, Damask and Venetiae, Rag and Chain Carpeti, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, fc. Wa BAva tba Largaat and Baat Btoek In tha Oity. H. S. SHIRK & SONS Cemer West King and Water Streets, LmctsUr, Pa. gsneiA , T ERISMAN'S. New Spring Neckties AT EBISMAN'B. Tbare la no garment concerning tha lit et wnioe m man uwn piarueuiar wan a DBin. anlrt Cutting u a fine Art, Te fit comforta ble a anlrt most ba ent with tbe proper anotoni anetoni anoteni leal eurvea. the workpeople must be practical skirt-makers. Having had an experience of year, wa elalm te have tha beatflttlng, best made, best material and most durable SHIRT In the Market (Mr the Least Possible Meney. -AT- ERISMAN'S, Ne. IT Watt KlasT Street, Laneastar, RUfTURK-ODRK enARAMTKBD BY Dr. J. B. Mayer, ail Are street, PaBadel BUa.Pa. aaaeatonea. NoepanMloa mrbaal- ajawaaxexaswaiawaaaaaaaaaaa Laneaatar, Pa. LANCASTEB, PA. Jeiifplrif JIIUIUJIUOJUUUUUIIU, BUVHIM. SO. HALLS. BARGAINS I &kaATlii7 atU KiBda of Lumbar and OetJ. . avYaaat ma aa Bera watat aat raata atiaaiAawivaiAmeaiiaMiaMtar. aa-ivw T3AUMOARDNKRII JKFyKRIJES. GOAL D-ULERS. a , n Oraiea i- Na IS NeHA sad Jte. Its Kertb Prtnee st reet. -jm,. YAaoes-NerUi Prlaea SwMayawar uenet. auplfttM LANOASTBE. PA. E iNOLKTRM STOOst FAKM. staadard-Brat smlllea ta Bervtaa. 8TOAJS 8UJM (twl)... ..i. seete. Tawn.a-, MM (Slis). ...... ...,...,.,, ,f,., tw Mew Catalog; Aa'i.w.BjiaLa. .fiHr.1 Wtm9 agaAABBwaAAamtaBh "MMaP faalaWaBBBxaaBxMl KryvVIJSC f. '' IBAIMt LxSTi aWASUrwvZ; 'SX TJUUUtf JLMATj aejAJaWTTaatl VBAIM8 LAATB , 8. (tVaaaa fatjatatsa aat Uasaaa at &4tAM. Pna . i wrl rttwanyvBM a a.1 TBA1M8 LBAYB PAUTOa . It ""- -- . ,,, w tswarrrvBia at Let m. u vaiisa taa LAAta uaAJreV: rwr i aneatner 'asm. mm ?2?51&?Sr& eemm atm riiMTaiamaxSAi mvi aaaLabaaea, ass trmemwTe m au t A. M. W11AOS, Jim pxamSTIiVAHlA RAIUIOAD Train taava Laaeaama aad leaveaaAl at Phlladalphla a rollewa i "" WBSTWABU, ftetEe azpraeat Mewa Bxnreett........ rfcnSWi Up.l 440 i iai Way Paetengert. ...... Jtaatraln via Mt, Jeyf Ml aa i aau naiDT.,,,,,, vmcelumbt I TraOa-Ba. VMtraxajBitJieei....... aupsvaa.......; vtedbiamha. UAa.aa. aata eeesetdaa viaoeiamBta i IaUQMtaVAOOOa I vtaxft. jet- aBeUTUDIIlV AOOOBlea QOlllBlblwV aA00OBIa MjunlabM jazprMf.a , WMiatn ugVwttttti wI fc9i CMnux. aveava BAITWaUU). Paala. BxpraaaT......,.j Pact Ltnef...... ........ Mi.a. 8:10 a.m. aumseurg axpiaa. . , Laaeaatat Aeoem ar.. ealnmbm Aeoem .kse a., anaaawiv aiapiawi..... nl anadayMau.. DaW mZDlmlBTaataattaai AArrlsburg Aeoem.... I RMB.a, I ThaLaneaater Aocemmoaaaon Ma varg at taa p. a, ana arnpe at akxa. Xha Mazlatta AAeomaeAaUaa aiai bta at t!e a. m. and raache Marietta at leava ucaamma at ue A m. leaablna' Marietta at lata aaA Marlatta at MS p. m. and arrive! U oeii awi aimnaTiaHuiasaanina BTTtYoakAOemxaodaUoai laava na aaut arrtraa atlAneaataralfeO with Harruburg Axpree at ttw a. au Bag at Laaeaater with Paat Line, i SV. wui ran taxeugk te Predarte. Ceiajaaaa aTlass aaA lasshss I aai P.. xraaavar AeeommedatkML. waat. Laaeaater with Niagara Express at MS wiu ran uuvuga w auuaevav, aaauy, ran Uba, wert. ea Baal Will atop at Pownlngtewn, i tmrg, MX Jey, 5UabetbtT tna only Ualns Tblck rai Banday, wn. !! thtiwn and Ml l trains "SiSr vT train waat ruS br way of OntnJ Ji B. WOOD. Genei-M tJ'SJpt OHAS. B. PUM taeaawai . aa i HrvBJ rElNlTBH'B FURNITU1 - LOOKIHG GLASSES? We new Invite your attention te ear took of Leeking G las tec in Walnat, Cherry and Oeld. Thl U our Tntl SPECIALTY, and ha been for year. Wa thl week received a large Invoice, aad If yen are or will be In need of a Leeking Glass for c te 891 we have them right ta stock te show. Just the thing te Oil up that space between the window. HEINITSH'I Furniture Depot, J Ma 27 A SOUTH QUE1N STBEBT. We make Picture Prame te Order. W XDMYKR'S FORN1TDRK BTOBJa, V J. . WIDMYER.; FURNITURE i A Fall Stock, Deelrabl Qoedp, Lew PrieM, NewtatStylMfl WIDMYER' rURNTTUBM STOaaaa, Oeraar amat KIac lOMOABZaaarA, MOWMBB. AC. aATA nLf I ufi "7 - , wa nave Anumrjarei uoeaswajABi luK m BeaaeD.ana wbu.ewiAK sat KtYlnc apeebu attantloe, we eaa eamri laaueeaaenta. " PennsrlYAnlA" Lawn Mei aniuJ. Thaaa waj naaka aaai have aa geed Lawn laewanatataiBl Bianec rer VO.W ana B7.ut. Baby CtwrJArtr-vftaairjraffi nriatua in atsmk. Thaaa amaas i own apeclaj and our liaajaiaJaaBy Bafrteeraters an bow aaaaaaeA-. &vO!irazB!g. .k. -- . It ,. Ceal OH Stevat TBta fa gaaia ealA Geal Oil SteTeaihsai.xBf tAiBA BSaaUfBAWaTaa. ASBA-B BBBBJ iteaSr Ull jen kaew wba ye; Mai iaaCnamftwMwn aai Waaw " veu eaa buy alawat aajwlaww, aataBil "fv aaw aaW aw vabwb awwrnw BBBmmmm 11 rmaaBA. a - t; Lawn TtBAMAjtwHa, OaaalaagrJ AttiaarUafOwHat s4 j it-tjT. xaaa-aa, XASS.Ba, AtCaa, ;ai.aa. iswaTEL ; aawsvaaa.j taZ-,l awaasSI muaiaaAaaa. riL.r w 49 m .m V VM m aAalaagwwiklea, W awaaasTBUi '3?iMAiLoaiiie. aiwsvaiwnai awaltal iw aaaB8Basfa m9 4waPaTJ nvswBj . W J ViW"vJV jj Bbb?bbbI ".i i' " ,y, a 2. f"fl-tL jT'," 1 iiuiiv" -ts. i ti i ithaftft i TBABTtaBBBmrnmal Wrf r4s2 'E l!aSA I L- iihaillrfiytiffmiaaftAlBBWBtmBtmmal jrtfsmYan ai j"--' .r.frfi$Mi&. i t,.w,iV( .?' .fJkJZL ..lr Q4 '?