Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, May 18, 1887, Image 1

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volume xxra-NO.
rata eaaiUAWtveiatw mtrat a bibb
. rairara aactWAL.
rattea Opera Heeee Crowded by Meads et
the rrrirnr Win Liberally Apptead
TMn- OtM MUM ter Nw Star-
Fulton opera house was filled Im4 evening
by the elite el tbe elty te hear the Oeelltea
society la lis recital or the gems of the world's
bai author. All gathered there apea Invi
tation, anil tha m of happy faeaa baton tha
perforator Inspired tha seventy lira stagers
anil tha dUtlngulsbsd oherlatar, Prat W. B.
Hall, te tha geed work they aoeompllahed.
There waa ae apaea vacant opea tha stags
f n floral or ethar decoration, bat tha varl varl varl
oelored gsrtnents eC tha arttata crested a
vary pratiy scene, Tha utbara found their
aervlewi oenaludini at eight o'clock, aad at
that hour tha pregramme waa opened by tha
society's oreheetrt. In aeleotlen from Marl
Unas" and when ttaalaat atrataa of tha maate
Bad tiled away tba spplause waa baatewad
qalta liberally. Mr. K. W. Haas latha leader
ofthermeleot orebeatra, and every number
It played was finished with volume and secu
red'. Next lollewed " Come Oeetla Spring"
by the chorus, which waa exceedingly
rleh In melody ; " Ruaset Lsavee" by Frank
B. McClatn, whose Hue tenor volee served
te Klti hi in hourly plaudit ; a reverie
by J. H. Reth, violin H. K. Zk, flute, and
F. W. Haas, violin, ahewed thatr perfect
Biattary ottbedlilleult piece: Mlasaa Amy
and Ktla Ball esng "Twe Merry Qlrla ara
We" In pleasing manner ; J. B. Beth and .
W. Haaa en tha violin and piano, rendered
tha " Flower Heng" try acceptably. In tha
laat number of part flrat fifteen lad lea
ware heard In " Speed Thee," a compoat cempoat compeat
tlon full of interchanging notes, which were
brought nutadmtrably. The participants were
Kile Mu-Mtr, K.I la Hall, Mazle Leeber,
Margie llelnltah, Kllen Tbeekare, Allea
MeManu, llernle O'Neill, Jennie Harri
son, Mary Haner, Maggie BallMll,
Kate Kyan, Manila Etebela, Llllle
Helley, Beitla Cochran, Bailie Sehaubi',
After a brief Intermlaalen tba aaoend part
efttie pregramme ww bejrun by a medley of
lively patriotic air by the orchestra. Tha
audience did net expeat " Hptlntera " te be
ae aharp a they proved te be, and the dealra
for the aeleclleu te ba repeated aeemed te be
general. Next name tba aeclety In Watch
ing ever Iarael," conducted by Prof. Bauaman
The aole which here followed by Mlai Kate
HMrk wm given with much effect; her (light
Inte the high note producing One results;
The 'Bobolink Mchnttlsche" by the orebeatra
and aole en tlu teby S. K. 7. ok waa another
excellent performance. Mine Klla Muaaar
and Mary Sner aaeg The Fortune Teller"
In geed volee and were rewarded by hearty
applauaa. The beat aeleclloe of the orchestra,
HJaaperene Walizja," wai than given and
tha avenlng'a entertainment clnaed by the
.aeclety rendering " Triumphal March" with
excellent effect,
Thla talented atnoclallen rneeta weekly and
In practice read a niuale of the hlgheat
authority. Kverv exhibition of lu aklll ae
far given baa been atlendrd and enjoyed by
large audiences.
THI LAHOlmm H4ffWUftf7.
Kraals; of Ouarurtl at HI Boueda
lUunu't Hoeina,
Tee Lancaster ilarmonle Mualcal aoclety
gave a most delightful aeiree lau evening at
tba rernna of Mr. Walter Bauaman, above
Rbewla' Jewelry atere, en Waat King atreet
Tneroema were crnwdiJ with the membara
of the aecleiy and tbelr gueata, who liatened
with rltterlni( attention te the following
varieJ pregramme :
rABT (.
Mrnddunhn " I'rleal'a March."
Hlai-mrah lliitnraud Mli l irv Kiafnuin.
nirein" .oeengnn."
Mr. Jen.
6 ma Air Varle.
Mr. Hewuiau
" Anijul Serenala."
(With riutnuljli;ate )
MIm ilagar.
UIm Kate Haver
Da Il.Tlet.
....ihidoi8eu(( from "Dluerah."
Ml 1'etH.
Kevin .
Jenaen ,
(Villi Violin Oblluilu )
Hill Appel.
....' Begual."
The Baglar."
Mr. Jeuea.
" "' 'mu 'iecaieiaV
Ml'V ktary' Aautman
" "lir.'iVu'uiuaa.
Itenaliutll .
Mia f etu aud air. Jeuai.
Tha flrat waa a piano aelectloe, and waa
given with careful tlnlab, marking at enee
tn' igh atandard of tha inuale of tba even
ing, wnlcb waa well auitalned by Mr. Jenaa'
tenor aole and tha beautiful and dalleata
violin playing of Mr. Bewman. Mr. Bow Bew
m in reap inded te a hearty aucera, and la oar ear
talnly an acoerapliahod viellnlat.
Braga'a "Angel Harenade," by Mlaa
Hagar, with tlu te obllgate by Mr. .William
Ilagar, waa given with mueb care and re
finement of eipreaelen. Miu Sarah Uager
playing tha aioempaniment In Sdhubert'a
"Impromptu," Mlaa Kata Ilagar held tha
oleaa attention of the audlanea through a
loeg and difficult aeleotlen, and tha
."Shadow Beng" by Mlaa Petta In awaatae.
piV-e, waa received with the warm applauaa
whtau' It rlehly deserved. Though evidently
ufferiDkT from a aevare oeld, Miaa Petta re
sponded te an enoere and repeated a dlflleuU
part of tb "Shadow Beng "even better than
M flrat Tha aerenade by Mr. Klbelbert
Navln, thegenUaman who, It will ba remain
i bared, waa beard In tha same rooms during
Iba winter, la a beautiful composition and
waa given perfect Joatlea by Miaa Minnie
Apple, Mlaa Lettie Appal playing tba ao ae ao
eompanlment Thla waa vigorously and
persistently encored. Miaa Apple alnn with
expression and aoeuraoy. Mr. Jenaa did
wary well In the next aeleotlen and Mlaa
tecbteld'a " Beh Ira " In contralto volee waa
aaajulalte. She sang with great ease and
power, calling forth tumultuous applause.
Fer an enoere " Farewell " waa given and
Mr. Bauaman played tha accompaniment
Mlaa Mary Kanfman'a playing waa also vig
orously applauded and thoroughly deserved
ft. Mr. EtbUman'a basso song "The Bugler"
t "tawed the atreng and dear qualities of bis
' and waaaflectlvely rendered, while the
lL eleoUen ehewed, that Mia Petta aad
jjJi'jcesere a rare musical oemblnatlon,
gl.'ght rira Te-ay.
At neon UWIef flr ,rn WM Uuek
freaa box 42, at Leen aad Mulberry aUeeta
Itwaseauaadbyaare lathe roefoC a two.
atery brick dwelling ijeuee at 410 North Mu 1
berry atreet, which 1 poeaptod by Harry
Leng, aad owned by leiae Dunn. The reef
la of Bhlsglea aad te enppesed te have caught
freaa a spark eeaalag freaa tha smoke ataek
of Weblaem'a ataalag gUk A hob) about
fearfeataqaarewaabaraedla the reef, and
thedre waBexKagalahed by the people et
tha neighborhood with bseketa of water.
The buUdtag te laMred aad the less will net
be heavy. Tha dreaaee were very preaipt
la naehteff are, esaetdettag the toot that
May ware ealled at dlaaer hear, whleh te a
Taaadsy afteraeea, Constable Samuel
ttelui arrested la Rehrerssewa a saaa named
eha Duffy, who waa beeavUg ta a very
4rnBfcea aad dlaardarljr laaaar. Dalwaa
, tweaght te tewa, aad eealeaaed by a Herman
'lauaaan iaifVBBw)snwMBM
lib ami. AjtMsaaan nawuAtma.
The Ohaagaeair Hareaait DaairX a ateks ta
the Oeereiea will Bejeasafl.
Thetlebatela tba Heaaa of OoaaBtena ea
the eoerelea Mil waa reauaaed Taeedey evea
lag. Blr Wllllaei Vernea Haroeart aaevad
aaaaaaadeteat exeaaptleg freaa secret la
ajalry all areeeedlaga ralatlag te publleBtaat-,
lag or agrarian movements, laeledlng oem
Maetieae te ebtala redneUeaa of rent. lie
aid that II the government were eoateat te
direetiaqulrlee autherised aader tan bill te
each enenesses murder, arson, M moonlight
lag" aad muillatlen et esttle the bill night
pass. The bill would tBen deal with actual
erleaea i it would nut be a measure ereatlag
effiaiia. In !ta present form the bill might
apply te matter never before recegnised ae
elements of Incrimination. The Heuse ought
net te allow a measure te pasa for tba pur
pose of repressing crime whleh really had
another ebect
What waa tha government's Intention T
Did they propose te nppreaa oemblnatloaa
agalBM landlords T Waa a breach of coo tract
te be made a criminal offense? Would the
government give te Irish tenanta theaame
assnranea of protection sa was given te labor
era In England? (Cheers.) Would they
make It clear that tha tenanta' rlghfef com
bining with regard te land, the cultivation of
whleh waa their industry, would be plaeed
upon tha footing with the rights of English
workmen with regard te tbelr labor? If
there waa a land trades union In Ireland,
would tba bill suppress It? (Cheer ) Ir
se, en what ground did the government die
tlngulsb between an Irish trades-union and
an Kngllsh tradee union ? (Cheers.)
Mr. Balfour, eblel secretary of Ireland,
beld that the offense embraced In the mea
sure bad been sufficiently defined, and that
the amaedmMi', if adopted, would simply
reader tha bill tattle, leaving out nearly aft
agrarian eftansea, He said that the oompar eompar oempar
laon el a trades union with lha Irish ooospl eoospl oeospl
racy te pay no rent waaobvlenaly absurd. Tne
law of oensplracy regarding wages bad a
distinct history from what was new occurring
In Ireland.
Tbe bill dealt with conspiracy te defraud
landlords, with conspiracy te prevent tba free
exercise el private or public righta In matters
of trade and ether form of boycotting. Aa te
tba suggestion that tbe bill would be allowed
te progress If lha government oenoeded tbe
amendment, "be would distinctly Intimate
that tbe government would net yield te ob
struction anythicg they refused te argument
Mr. Dillen eentendtd that unlaaa the
amendments were accepted tba government
would ba able te imprison everybody who
might he politically obuexloua. Iandlerda
who bad net received their rents might swear
out an Information of conspiracy, causing all
aorta et persona te be brought up for a bogus
Inquiry. If tbey reluami teanswer questions
aueB persona might be Imprisoned aa long aa
tbe government obeau, (Cries of "Hear,
Mr. (Iladatoee aald he regretted that tbe
government bad failed te recognized tbe
Juallce or granting the Iriah tenant tbe aama
protection they afforded tbe Regtlab .work
man. Aa te boycotting, tha government
must explain what waa meant by that term.
Waa Intimidation Included, or only boycot
ting leading te exclusive dealing? (Here,
bear ) Wnen Mr. Balfour aald tbat the
government refused te yield te obstruction,
the oppealtlon's reapenae was tbat tbey bad
the right te raluae te yield te tyranny.
Blr R. K. Webater, attorney genera), aald
the bill solely alined at dealing wltb criminal
oensplracy. It waa Impeaalbie te give tbat
exact definition of boycotting which Mr.
Olsdstene demanded. It would surpass tbe
wit of msn te define what tbe developments
et boycotting might be, but they knew the
offense, and there was no danger that Justlea
would be dena In auppresalng It
Themas O'Connor said tbat oemblnatlona
of landlord te keep rack rents al tha atarva atarva
tlen point would bt permitted, while tbe
combination of tenanta te defeat extortion
would be made a criminal cflense, (Cries of
" Hear, bear.")
Ha aaked If tnere waa tba allghteat chance
that the measure would ever be used against
n oemblnatlon of landlords.
Tba amendment waa negatived by a vote of
aroma, of the Order ana the nsaente Dl-
pBMd Parade of Palrlarcba Mllltaat.
Condition el the Vhsrtty Hern.
Tbe sixty-ninth annual aeaalen et the Urand
Ledge, I. O. O. F. of Pennsylvania, assem
bled In the Academy of Musle In Scranton,
at 9 o'clock Tuesday morning. Mayer
Hippie delivered an address of welcome, and
Grand Master Charles W. Ridgway, of Phil
adelphia, responded. Four hundred and
twelve past grands were admitted. The full
number of delegatea will be preaent te-day,
when the rcll will be called. Urand Master
Kldgway reported tbat the membership of
tbeerdsr In tba state ie steadily Increasing.
Tbe Heme ter Aged and IndiganMBdd Pel
Iowa and the erpbans' home, he aglS, make
flatterlna exhibits.
a rand Secretary Nichelson reported as fol fel
lows! Membership of tbe order in tbe state,
81 49e ; Increase during the year, 050 ; num
ber of past grands, 2 1, 527 ; working ledges,
032 ; Increase, 18. His summary of tbe relief
report waa ; Members relieved, 11,851 ;
widowed famlllea relieved, 1,051 ; paid for
relief et members, 1302,054.61 ; for widowed
families, 7,0J8 69 t education of orphans,
11,676 27 ; burying tha dead, 184 975 23 j ape
Clal relief, f 10,39177 ; total, (400,959.67.
Tberellefamountdtefl,114.90perday, or
140 40 per hour. During tba past fourteen
years tbe order In Pennsylvania baa dis
bursed for rellet 15,375, 117.03. The assets of
tbe working ledges are 12,032,835. The
flnanee committee of tbe grand ledge re
ported tbat the reeelpte during tbe year were
120,811 48; expenditures, (17,298 24. Thereto
(30 413 74 in tbe bands et tha treasurer. The
aaaeta of the ledge are (24,305 60 ; Increase for
tbe year, (3,329 20 s asseta of tbe orphans'
asylum fund, (20,061 60
In the afternoon there waa a parade, In
which nearly 4,000 Odd Fellows took pert. A
brilliant reeepUen and ball, under tbe auspl auspl
eea of tbe Patriarchs Militant, waa held at tee
armory In tbe evening.
Grand Patriarch Levergood, of the grand
encampment, named the appointive officers
and committees, and they were confirmed.
Among the appointments made by Dr.
Levergood, grand patriarch, were W. F.
Hambrlgbt, grand marshal, and K. J. Kris
man, a member of the oemmittee en creden
tials. Mr. Hambrlgbt attar hla Induction
Inte offlee took ebarge of the large parade.
A MreDse aiataa of OeUsx.
Indianapolis Ind,, May 18. The mon
ument erected by the Odd Fellow i of the
Catted Slates te the memory of the late
Vlee President Schuyler Colfax, la oem mem mem mem
oratien et hte aervleae la establishing the de
gree of the Daughter! et Kebekkab, waa for
mally unveiled thla afternoon wltb cere
monies. Oread uanaell of Bed Msn la Besalea,
The grand oeunoll of Improved Order of
Bed Men of thla elate were la aeaalen la
WUkeeberre en Tuesday. Among the great
chiefs el tbe order who are la atteadaaee are:
Sachem Jehn W. Carle, of Pittsburg j Senior
Sagamore Rebert P. Morten, of Philadelphia!
J nnler Sagamore T. D. Tanner, of Eaatea j
Prophet Joaeph P. Yeung, of Philadelphia j
Chief of Ktoerda Oharlee O. Oenly, of Phila
delphia! keeper of wampum, Geerge W.
Kreemer, of Philadelphia aannap, Frank
LamontefPottsvlllO! misneuewe, Alexan
der Coulteo, of Philadelphia i guard or wig
wam, Emll Hank, of Pittsburg guard of
forest, Geerge K.Hwaln,PhtladaIpbla. Gen.
Wm. McCartney delivered the welcoming
address te nearly 1,000 visiting eons of tbe
forest who are there Iren almost every town
In the state, and who partlelpated la a parade
under the auanleee el the tome tribe.
Ta ravage ea Mesaeral Day.
At tba regular meeting et Washington
Camp, Ne. 27 P. O. R of A., held last even,
lag. it was deeided te participate la tbe
aannieaaddeeoraUea eeremealte ea Mon
day the Seta teat Tba committee ea ar
reagemaaw eoaetet at 8. 8. Steele, A. M,
Albright, W. H. Wear aad J. K. Beyle,
M taWy W1U iaU tawtr IhWawewlt MW iaf
mm waAKt mh reaoare abb bomb
raatBaa te mataat bib.
Aa laetyteM Mab Oever Tfceaasstraa With tMa
gvaee, Bat twsy Be Met gcfteasly Uter
is With the ggaahars alsktag It
Warn far Lard I esswas.
Haver In the worst days of Belfast disorders
waa aseeee et mere dlegreeefnl rewdyism ex
hibited than tbat shown Tuaeday afternoon In
Qoeen'e park, Torentolawheu a crowd of To Te Te
eoneo Orangemen attempted te aterm the plU plU
feraa, and, falling la that, te choke of all P'js P'js
elbllltyef Mr. O Brian being heard by keeping
up a continual dla of groaning, hissing and
cries of "Ued save tbeQueen" and "Hula Bri
tannia." It was 4 o'clock when the crowd had
abeuttully oellected, and It then aeemed a fair
estimate te set the number present at
19,000, although people kept pouring In In
eucb Heeds Irem all quarters after tbe business
had begun tbat there were times when 20,000
persona would net be an overestimate. Many
of. tha banks la tbe elty were oleaed, and the
students In the university were 1st loose.
Many of these, with crowds et deaperatf deaperatf deaperatf
loeklng roughs, whose only glory In life
aeemed te be a row or riot, were erganised In
a compact band, but excited little ausplclen
because they said never a word until tbelr
tlmeeame. The first demonstration came from
a solitary man at tbe left band of the plat
form who atoed upon the stump of a tree and
began groaning at the meeting and at theaa
en tbe platform aa though hla life depended
en the effort Near him was a woman waving
a green branch In her hand, and no sooner
had aha aeen the obstreperous Orangeman
than aue ran tba butt et tbe twig down hla
threat, whleh effectually choked off tbe dis
turber, amid a rear of applause from tbe
crowd and cries of "Ged save Ireland." A
rush waa made for the woman, but aba waa
among her friends, aad a aurgtng wave of
thousands drove back her would-be assail
ants. At thla moment Mr. O'Brien entered
tbe park in a carriage aoeompanled by a train
el carriages, In wblch were aeated, besides
Evicted Tenant Kilbride, several priests and
the officers and members of tha National
League. Around In the field and closely
packed en every side of tha platform waa an
Immense audience of well dressed people,
composed of crowds of tbe beat cltlnna of
tbe lrlib element In Terente. Oae hundred
and flfty policemen, In ebarge el Lieutenant
Colonel Qraasetf, were scattered through tbe
crowd or drawn up in niev en the outskirts.
Sergeant beymeur waa In charge of a sqnad
of mounted men and when the disturbance
and attempted breaking up of tbe meeting
took place most determinedly took their
place and remained there from tbe beginning
te the end of both Mr. O'Brien'a and Mr.
Kilbride's speeches. Mr. O'Brien said :
I am net at all aerry that the gentlemen of
the Terente corporation have broken their
contract, as Lord Lansdowea broke hla, and
have refuned u the beapitallty of Ht An
draw's hall. There la one hall, thank Ged,
from wblch tbey cannot shut us out, this
open vault of heaven, which tbe great Archi
tect et the Universe he built, and we have
a tale te tell which we need net be afraid or
ashamed te tell In tbe free air et heaven and
in the open light of day. One thing Is new, I
think, eertalu, and that Is tbat tbe Canadians
demsnd an answer te the specific and ter
rible Bocinatlen we have made against
him. An answer there must ba, or Lord
Lansdewne stands condemned; an answer
very different from tbe vague platitudes
with wblch he fill his letter in the Terente
papers te-dsy. Groans. Refusing us tbe
use of a public hall and boyeotllug ua la
netan answer which will satisfy tbe Intelli
gent public oplulen of Canada. Threatening
ua with vlolenee if we dared te exercise the
right el free apeech en irea seu is net an
answer. 1 think nobody realize mere
keenly than Lord Liosdewne te-day that
the frothy declamation et the orators at Sat
urday'a meeting I net an anawer which will
save Lord Landowne from tba condemnation
of enlightened and Uberiy-levtng men.
1 am net at all dispeaed te deny tbat Lena
dewne enjoy In a very liberal measure the
confideneeof the Orangemen In Terente, or
that he deserviw It, but that does net con
clude the controversy. If I de net mistake
very much, tbe same language and very
much tbe same forces were pressed Inte the
serviee of Kev. R. R. Kane, wnen he came te
Terente en a mission of calumny and mis
representation some time ego. Groans.
These gentlemen thundered as venemently
against home rule a they have against
me, Tbey passed very bleed curdling
resolution agalnat home rule Just as
Mayer Uewland telegraphed from Satur
day 'a meeting a vote of conndanee In Balls
bury 'a government tbe government of coer
cion and repression In Ireland. But I would
like te point out that tbe resolutions of tbe
Orsngsmen of Terente en home rule did net
Brevail with tha Canadian Parliament or the
anadtan people. Applause. Tbey were
rejected aad reversed by Canadian public
opinieo, and se I venture te think that
the orators of Saturday fall new aa
lha Rev. Mr. Kane failed then. Time
will tell tbat tbe upshot or Saturday's
meeting wee a vote of oentldenoe In the
Tery coercion government Lord Salisbury,
that government whose eruel and abomina
ble coercion bill ha Just been oendemned by
tbe Canadian Parliament by a decisive and
overwhelming majority. A vote of oentldenoe
In Lord Salisbury I Could we possibly desire
mere convincing proof of bow completely
ere our opponents out of sympathy wltb tbe
van masses or weuanaaian people t iney
are a highly respectable minority, no doubt;
but a minority tbey are, and 1 venture te
tbtnk tbetr turbulent plea ter Lord Lans Lans
dewne new will be rejected by tbe Canadian
people as decisively as their oplntena en
home rule, notwithstanding ail tbe elo ele elo
queneaand rhetorical thunder et Rev. Mr.
Kane. Apnlauee.
As for the epithet Geld win Smith blues
has been pleased te shower upon myself
well, se far aa my bumble personality la con
cerned It Is of tbe smallest consequence In
this matter, lam oententto be judged by
my countrymen, who knew me and can read
every thought el my heart Applause.
Judged by tbe announcement from North
east Cerk In tbia tnerntng'e cablegrams
renewed epplauai , they don't seem tesbare
Mr. Geldwlnamltb'a opinion or ma I am
quite enntvnt te aat the opinion of Arch
bishop Oreke aide by side with that of Gold Geld
win Smltb, and let tbe Canadian publlejudge
for themselves which Is mere likely te be
the unbiased Judge tbe great archbishop or
the angry and disappointed professor. 1
think we msy Barely leave tbe orators at Sat
urday 'a meeting te be crushed under tbe
weight of tbelr own adjectives and under tbe
ridicule of their own organ. I oenld net
possibly desire te eay anything mere severe of
them than their own eru-ana in tha nraaa aav
et tbelr vlolenee, extravagance and froth.
upon Brether oceasion I should be willing
enough te eater Inte tha defense or ourselves
and of our great movement, tf, Indeed, any
defense la needed at this time of day of a
movement whleh has wen tba great heart and
mind of Mr. Gladstone, and te whleh the
whole energies and tbe whole future of the
Liberal party In England are new pledged.
Loud applauaa But tbat la net tbe ques
tion. The question la-end Lord Lsnadewna
sad bis frtoaes shell net be allowed te sscepe
from It until they have answered It If snswar
It tbsy ean whether Lord Lsnsdewns te
earrylng out a most erusl aad rnbumaa
system of evictions la Ireland rather than
yield oebosssIobi which were euggested
nd reoeintneodod by arbitration autherised
by his own agent and until that issue la Hen.
estly and squarely met Lord Lsasdewne
aad bis friends are shrewd enough, new at
tha last moment at all svents, te peroelve
that bis oeurse will be simply damaed by dis
plays of physies! aad tateiieetuaj rewdyism
and Intolerance. Leudspplause. I don't
blame the Oraagamea of Terente for tbelr
foolish threats a bit 1 de bleats the Londen
rtste groans and Datlw TtUgrapk
Iteara aaa Weralrtart.aBd I held that if the
i arueawj mv iuiwh invivMawwss 10 VIO-
guilt end upon the beads of the otter gentle,
men la Caaada who did aet blush te appeal te
tha worst nsssleas of Igaeraaes aad ssotartea
bigotry te eeverths weakness of a bad aad
aaametaleaass. Applause. Ioaaaethelp
thlaklagthatltwsae little ua fortunate sled
te have ehessa thla jpertleular Juaetura for
hte vtalt te Terente, thcugb I psreelvs from
eertela demonstrations tbat greeted him
beta yesterday that even Terente has
net turned eat qnlte ae smoothly sa ha an an
tletested. It the bleed-thirsty antlotpatleaa
et the Timet have been balked, it the fiery
orators of Saturday have assamsd a tamer
aad a gentler tone, we de net havs te thank
the moderatiea of Laesdewne'e friends, but
he strong seass of tbe Canadian people aad
their strong determination te stand no non
sense aad net te allow the liberty of speeeh
of Inte free lead te be strangled In ths Inter
ests of s gang or Irish rack-renters. Loud
aad prolonged epplauss.
New, whet have Lord Lsnsdewne'e frltndi
te say for htm and what baa hs tessy for
himself? First, tbsy say you have no busl
nese te criticise Lord Lsnsdewns at all, tbat
It Is something like treason and blasphemy
net te aoespt sverythlng bs ssys and docs
wltb unmurmuring reverence and awe, a It
be were sent down from heaven te govern
you. That la n theory se antagonTstle te
British constitutional law that I wonder tbe
gbests or ths men who built up tbe British
constitution de net rise up from tbelr
graves sod pretest against It. Loud ap
plause There waa one thing thoroughly
Hibernian snout Ssturdsy's meeting, and
that was, slthengb ths meeting was called te
Insist that nobody bad any right te prr.
neunce upon tbe fitness of any governor
general sent from Eeglsnd, the very first
resolution tbsy themselves passed was
a most sweenies expression of their nnlnlnu
of Lord Linsdewne's fitness, thus doing tbe
very aame thing themselves which they In
sisted nobody Te Canada bad a right te de
laughter, and Lord Lansdewne writes
tbem a letter In tbenewspspers te-dsy thank
ing them and declaring them quits right
Ltugbteraadapplsuss Ittbe gentlemen
in the Qaesn's Perk Inuersed the coercion
policy of Lord Salisbury tbey are welcome
te tbelr opinion. It tbey think tbat Lsna Lsna
eowna I a rack-renter, and has, thereby, ad
ditional fitness te be governor general, they
are entitled te asy ae ; but tbe people of
Canada are equally entitled te differ with
tbem loud epplauss and te declare tbat
the man who tramples upon the resolutions
or ths Canadian Parliament with respect te
Ireland la no longer lit te govern a nation
or generous and freedom loving men. A p.
plsnse. l
Tbe Terente papers speak about " the Irish
nuisance." Ged knows it pains ns te tbe
heart te be obliged te worry yen with tbe
sorrows of our peer people, and subject you
te auch a test of the sincerity of your sympa
thy wltb Ireland. But It Is net we who
bave Introduced "Irish nuisances" Inte
Canada, Loud and prolonged epplauss
Tha ether day in Montreal I steed at the
piague apei wnere e.uuu trim emigrants
fell victims te ths greed of Irish landlerdism .
Groans. The-survivors and friends or
these people are In power In Canada te day,
and tbe teeantry or Ireland can no longer ba
Hung out te starve and die without a tear or
pity ter their late. Ne matter hew great, or
strong, or proud tbat tyrant may be, publle
optnieexto new strong sneugb te track blm all
ever the glebe and make Lord Ltnsdewne
reel the weight et publle censure here In the
land where his father'a yletlms could Ued
only a plague ahed and a grave. Loud
cheering and waving et hats.
A signal te Interrupt by groaning and sing.
Ing" Ged Save the Queen" waa given en
tbe appearance of Mr. J. A. Mulligan, presi
dent et tbe local branch of ths League, as
chairman or the meeting. But be beld out
sturdily, as did Mr. O'Brien and Mr. Kil
bride, and In the end tbe following resolu
tion was passed triumphantly amid an out
burst of cheering from the tbeuaanda and
groans of dissent from email group el Or
angemen :
That thla meeting et citizens of Terente
warmly aympatblze wltb tbe mission of Wil
liam 0T8rien, M. P., In Canada, and take thla
opportunity of enterlpg a bearty pretest
agalnat tbe unjust and eruel treatment et tbe
tenant at LugKseurran by Lord Lsnsdewne.
Dennis Kilbride also spoke and arraigned
the action of both Lord Ltndewne and the
Orangemen In severe terms.
Mr. O'Brien was then driven from the
park, the earriags being escorted by a body
of mounted policemen. He was cheered all
tee way.
TheDatrollOleb Give Yeung Dan Oaaey a Lea
eon In Sluaglsa In fnlladelphla.
The League game el yesterday were : At
Philadelphia : Detroit 19, Philadelphia 10 ;
at Bosten : Bosten 11, Pittsburg 9 ; at New
Yerk : New Yerk 2d, Indianapolis 0 ; at
Washington : Washington 14, Chicago 0.
Tbe Association game were : At Bt Leuis:
Atbletle 4, St. Leuis 3 (ten Innings) ; at
Louisville : Louisville 11, Baltimore u ; at
Cincinnati : Brooklyn 11, Clne'nnatl 10.
State League games resulted as fellows ;
At Allentown : Allentown II, Wilkeabarre
9 ; st Reading : Reading 9, Scranton 0 ; at
Johnstown : Johnstown 11, Wllliamspen 8 ;
at Bradford : Alteena 10, Bradford 2.
Ever alnee Casey and McQulre were re
leased by Detroit tbay have been angry, and
tbe former is always anxious te go Inte tbe
box In two games out et tbree agalnat the
Wolverines. Yestsrday Daniel went In, and
the way that bs was pounded will make him
remember Detroit for some time te come.
Dan -Breutbers, Detroit's giant first base
man, waa tbe here of yesterdey'a game In
Philadelphia. When the score waa four te
nothing in favor of tbe borne team In the
firth Inning, Dan aent the ball ever the right
field fence and brought in tbree runs. He
had a tbree bagger in tbe aeventb inning
whleb netted two mere runs, la the eighth
Inning be made three bases en a double and
brought White home. Duniap and Rewe
alM hit bard.
Irwin has been playing ae poorly at ahert
for Philadelphia, tbat be Is likely te be
released. Tbe management tried McCarty
In the position yesterdsy, and he did well In
tbe flrat part of the game. After tbat
he had hard luck. McCarty ta a much
greater favorite wltb tbe people than
Irwin, and tbat la a great deal.
With tbe score standing 11 te 0 agalnat tbem
In Reading yesterdsy the Scranton club re
fused te play longer without giving sny
reason. The umpire gave the game te the
home team by 9 te 0.
Harry Rash caught hla first game for
Wllllsmspert against Johnstown yesterday.
He had a two base hit, five put outs, one
assist and no errors,
Celeman, MoKlnnen and Berkley, of Pitts
burg, bad bems runs In Bosten yesterdsy,
Merrill's drivs of tbe same kind for the home
team wen tha game.
The Louisville batted Phenomenal Smith
ter ten runs In ths first Inning yestsrdsy.
Gere had five errors In centre field for New
Yerk yestsrdsy. Patssy Cablll pitched for
Indianapolis and that was the eauae of the
heavy bluing.
' White" Gibsen s-ees te Lvnn. Yester
dsy Manager Mnrpby, of that team, was In
Philadelphia trying te buy his release Irem
Harry Wright Tbe latter aald be would net
release him but ba oeuld go te Lynn until he
may need blm. Gibsen will get mere money
there than hs sets In Phlladsibhls.
Laneaater was largely represented at tbe
Detrelt-Pblladelphlsgameyestsrday. About
thirty gentlemen Irem here were present in
cluding many members of ths bar, wbe era
attending suprsms oeurt
Butnoten will try te face tbe Detroit alug
gars te-day
Many Corporations Chartered.
The following corporations bave been
granted charters at the state department :
The Black Grant Belting company, et Yard
ley, Bucks oeuntyt capital, (20,000. C. Beusr Beusr
tern Brswlag oempsny, et Bennett, Alleg
hany oeuatyi capital, (100,000. Rochester
Moter oempsny, Beaver oeuutyi eanltal.
(1,000. Tbe Lackawanna mills, of Hnranlen,
Lackawanna county s capital (100,000, Tba
Laekawanna Electric Power oeiipany. of
tscrantent espltal, (25,000. Tbe Bewmaa
Bassar Electric Ltaht and Power oemnanv.
et Oxford, Pa. leaBltal (10 00a Yerk k Peach
u uaNre, n, i Bssaaw iv uwu. xera
Bettem Blate Msnureeturtnw oesarjas
,riwi aawsnasinaiansewai
Psasfcias have beea greeted te Geerge w.
Flndtey, CelnmbU ; Jehn Jamisen, Oak
Hill- aatfjaal TTbbs gg A Bssawtaw Y .A.. 1
arewa)7aaaie. wesaUwed JetalTshK:
MAY 18, 1887.
BBAMavaa WBira waamuea urn mb
twanttatB aovae.
They War ae Kxhaastsd at tbe Last Baaanater
That tha ran 0 tha SI. Jes Kid "
Was OkMmsa sag Allewe as a
real by tha Barer.
Hammexd, Ind., Msy 18,-The fight be
tween McGregor, or St Jee, snd Bradburn,
or Chicago, for (230 a aide and a purse of
(1,000 came off laat night near thle pleee. It
was a bloody battle, fought wltb belt kids,
Marquis of Queenaberry rules snd waa given
te Bradburn In tha twentieth round en afoul
by the St Jee kid. Up te the fourth round
Bradburn seemed te bave a little tbe best of
ths mill. In that round, however, the hid
gave Bradburn a terrible left-handed blew
In the meutb, splitting his lips snd sending
forth a gnsh of bleed. At tbe end of tbe
sixth round Bradburn began te show his
punishment, while the hid looked fresh.
Tbs former, though, get In the first clean
knock-down tbe next round, McGregor telling
like a beef btlere a terrlae right handed blew
under the ear. Fer a taw aeoenda It looked
aa It the kid waa out of the fight, but be
managed te get en hie feet and face his antag
onist In a dazed oendltlon till time was ceiled.
In the tenth round tbe men clinched snd
both tell, McGregor with bis besd under
Brad burn's arms. In tbe eleventh round the
men clinched and fell again. Frem this
lime till the twentieth round both men did
Utile real flghtleg. They both ahewed their
lerrmie punishment and clinched snd fell
.mply because tbey were tee week te stand.
In tbe twentieth round McGregor, wearied
and dated, almost fell upon his antagonist
and tbe latter, being also week, was easily
borne te tbe fleer and there the two men lay.
McGregor's aet was most deliberate and erles
of "foul" cams from nearly every threat.
Tbe referee allowed the claim end gave the
tight te Bradburn.
A Cathelle Editor Smashes a Status Because
el BAseeale Batnlam.
Ban Astosie, Tex.,May 18. T. T. Ceyle,
editor of the Seuthvsttt Chrenicte, a Catholle
paper published In thla elty, crested quite a
sensation yesterdsy alternoen by going te
tbe Alsmo with a sledge bsmmer snd smash
ing te pieces statuette of St Theresa. Tbe
statuary baa atoed In the Alame sines 1807.
On the breast or tbe image wasaMeeonle
emblem, consisting of square and compass.
This Is what gsvs offense te the editor, who
Is a very devout Jesuit, snd who was In the
Irish company or pontifical volunteers during
tbe Garibaldi war. Ceyle was arrested and
waa Interviewed In Jail by your correspond
ent He said that tbe statuette was an offense
te Catholics and se intended. He had written
Governer Rees te bave It removed and that
official replied tbat he oenld net order its re
moval without consent or tbe city of San
Antonie. He stated that It waa hla intention
te Mew up tbe Alame with dynamite If he
could net otherwise secure ths removal of
tbe objectionable image.
Welcoming Mr. aiadsten.
Lutcetx, Neb., May la -The following
message waa aent last nlgbt by President
Fitzgerald, of the Irish National League, te
Gladstone :
Lincoln, Neb,, May 17, 1887.
Te St. lien. n E. Uladitene, lleuf of Com
mon; Londen :
Learning from Londen eable dispatches
thst there Is a possibility or your visiting
America during tbeoemlnitBUtumn, I hasten
aa president of the Irish National League te
tender you the respectful end oordlalhoipl eordlalhoipl oerdlalhoipl
tality or that body with the warm-hearted
greeting of the 15,000,000 Irish-Americans,
and as an American citizen te assure you of
such a welcome from the great freedom-loving
people of tbia land aa has never before
been accorded te a visitor te our shore.
rreaident L N. L. A.
Trrrlbla right en Beat.
Evans vi ll,' Ind., May 13 The steamer
Jehn 8. Hepkina arrived here yesterday af
ternoon from Paducab, Ky., bringing the
newa or a terrible fight whleh occurred
amongst tbe deck bands Monday night
Tem Smltb came Involved in a quarrel with
Charles Hedge end ths latter stabbed blm
te deatb. Jim Bennett then struek Hedge
ever tbe bead with a club snd killed blm,
and the ether reutters Jumped en Bennett
and nearly beat him te deatb. Many or the
parties are new under arrest Tbe pasaen.
gera en tbe beat passed a nlgbt of horror.
A Triple Killing Frem Liquor.
Tahleqcau, L T., May 18, Newa has
Just reached here or what may turn out te be
a triple killing In Flint district, about thirty
mile east or here. Jehn Blair, Jim Christie
and French Christie were returning from a'
corn-stalk sheeting, where tbey htd Indulged
very freely In liquor, when Jim Christie and
Blair fell out. Christie shot Blair In tbe aide,
mortally wounding blm, whereupon Blair
shot Jim CbrisUe through the head, killing
him Instantly. He then turned and ahet
French Christie through tbe shoulder, seri
ously wounding blm also.
An Explanatory Boek.
Kemb, May la A memoir of the Irish
college In Reme, entitled " Ireland as It Is,"
has Just been published, it explain tbs
polieyortbe Psrnellltes snd epoleglzes for
tbe sttltude sssumed by tbe Irish bishops,
especially Archbishop Walsh, et Dublin.
Tbe tone et the volume Is Arm, but entirely
free from evolutionary sentiments.
Tbe pope Is much displeased at the attitude
or the German OatboUe press in rslstten te
the recent negotiations between the Vatican
and Germany, which his holiness regards aa
obstructive te his ro'ley of peace.
He la Bull In tha Franeh Banle.
Pabib, Msy 18. M. Sehnaebeles hss been
permanently relieved from duty as oomls eomls oemls
aary In Alsace and transferred te a similar
pest at Laen In ths department of Atene.
Tbe German soldier Hastier, who was ar
rested st DIJen yesterdsy, bsd In bis poises
slen besides lists containing tbs names et all
the Alsatian living In tbs vicinity or DIJen,
accurate maps of various Frenohtertlfioations
en the German frontier, and memoranda
showing tbe strength of the garrisons as
signed thereto.
A Remsrsabt Death.
Caire, Ilia,, May 18 Aa Jehn Reacbell,
Lewe Hopping and "Beb" Boyd, all colored,
were plowing en Smltbland Island, sixty
miles ebeve here, In tbs Ohie, all la a line
aad separated Irem each ether about twenty
feet, lightning, whleh cams from a email.
fleecy cloud In a clear sky, struek these aad
tbelr mules senseless. When Bopping aad
Boyd recovered they found Reeehsll, wbe
was la tbe middle of the plowing proeessloa,
stone dasd. Tha mules recovered.
Whet apesalBtlea WUI Cease.
Londen, May 18. Thla moraine's Stan.
darti in an article deaouaelag tha wheat cer
ner la Cbloage predicts that Australia and
India will supplant Amsrlea In the European
grain trade within a law years aad aaserte
mat ua rookie system or speculation oom eom oem
pUwsd of wUll tbe direst means of bring
lag about tba change.
Te rerary Her BMrasn.
Brussels, May 18,-Tbe military oommlt eommlt oemmlt
teeof the Belgian Chamber of Deputise yes
tsrday reported toTessbly a bW Jgeldlng
fe, tha Immedtate and Itsmagk i&tUeaJlea
of tee treaties along the beak ef the Mease
mate at bb raem tmata rate.
Tha Mayer aad OranHMi sad what Tea
flaw la Wllmlagten.
The mayor, water oemmittee, and sewerage
oesumltiee, who left Lancaster for PhllsdTi
pbts and Wllmlsften, Tuesdsy morning,
hsvereturaed from therr visit We learn
that they were met In Philadelphia by Messrs.
Crocker aad Williams, of tba Croeksr Alter
ing oempsny, who aoeompanled tbem te
Wilmington, Delaware. Arrived at Wil
mington, they were takea te Jessup A
Moere's paper mill, ua the Brandy wise, tha
largest paper manureotery la tha United
States, where they were shown In operation
Crocker's altering sppsrstns, whleb Alters
for the uss of the paper mill 1,260,000 gallons
of water per day. The apparatus appeared
te be or simple construction, very effective,
and easily manipulated. Tbe paper mill te
teat It had originally put In a small flltersr,
and ware se well pleased with It thst they
afterwarda ordered the larger one.
The visitors afterwarda went te tbe Wil
mington city water werka which they found
In geed oendltlon. There la a Wortblngten
pump In use of 6,000,000 gallons dally capacity
and a pump of another construction efsn
alleged 10,000,000 gallons dally capacity. The
former werka admirably, while the latter te
scarcely ever needed. Tbe reservoir from
wblch ths city Is supplied with water holds
about 40,000,000 gallons of water, and thus
there Is no necessity or everpumplns Inte It
any water when tbe stream thst supplies It
tine nranaywine) is munay.
The Lancaster visitors were verv ceurte
eusly treated during their brier stsy In Wil
mingten. Tbey left that city shout neon.
returned te Philadelphia, dined st tbe Blng-
nsm neuse ana cams home some or tbem
In tbe evening and ethers In the esrly train
tbia morning.
The Baglne el Pacific Kiprtsi dive Ont at
lb Big Coaaatega Bridge.
Pacific Express, wblch Is due here at 1:25 a.
m., was evsr two hours lata tht morning.
The cause of It waa tbat something about tha
engine broke Juit before the train reached
tbe big Coneatega bridge, east of tbia city.
Tbe train waa stepped en the bridge and It
was Impeaalbie te get It any farther. Finally
s frefgbt engine arrived and tbe pasaen ger
engine was run In upon a aiding. The
freight locomotive brought the train
te this elty where tbe putenger engine which
li kept in tbe heuae at Htrriaburg turnpike
crossing ever night was hitched In and took
the train through te.Hrrlsburg. The train
had en beard a large number et Ltneastrlana
returning Irem Philadelphia and wbe would
net walk under any circumstances, Tbey had
a geed time for two hours. There were two
car leada or emigrants en tbs train, and
the railroad men snd ethers were pretty
busy Bt times keeping tbem Irem dropping
Inte tbe Coeestoga. Oae big fellow was
about stepping from tbe platform of the ear
when s brakemsn caught bold of hla coat and
pulled blm back. He did net knew where
the train was standing and would have
stepped off the bridge into tbe stream. Aa
tbe dlstanee down la aemewhere between 50
and 100 feet, and there la considerable water
beneatb, he might have taken his last step.
Murderer MeUah Ktespas.
W. U. Hansel, esq , appeared before tbe
Beard et Pardons In Uarrlaburg en Tueadsy
te argue for a rehearing In tbe case or James
P. McCabe, convicted of the murder of
Themas Rellly In Henesdsle, snd under
sentenee et death en Msy 20th. There was a
probability thst the rehearing would be
granted. Mr. Hensel te-dsy received tbe
following telegram : " McCsbe escaped from
Jail last night"
Jacob M. Riet, serving a term for forgery
In our Jail, who petitioned for a pardon at tha
meeting of tbe beard en Tuesdsy, was re
fused. m
Quay Uoe Through.
Senater Quay paased tbreugbrthls elty te
day en tbe 8:10 a. m. train for Philadelphia.
He was met st tbe station by aeveral Repub
lican politicians.
Train Wreckers Executed In Mexico.
Merblia, Mex., May 18. Mexican
authorities are showing great zeal In crush
ing out tbe untrlendly spirit toward railwaya
In thla country. Lately a Mexican waa
killed near this place by a railway train and
no arrest being made, friends of bla re
taliated by wrecking tbe train. Gendarmes
were aent out with Instruction te bring In
all auspected of any complicity In tbe work.
Thirty-three Mexicans were arrested. The
crime was fastened en three men and
under a recent law they were sentenced te
deatb. Tbey were shot yesterday morning
at sunrise. Tbe execution was public.
Te Ferm a New Cabinet.
Paris, May 18 President Gravy will
consult with the presidents of tbe Chamber
of Deputies snd Senste te-dsy with a view te
the formation et a new cabinet, with tbe rs
t rntlen of General Boulanger as minister et
Fer Jostles Weeds' Shee.
Austin, Tex., May la The governor,
state efflclala snd many citizens have for
warded a petition te President Cleveland,
stklng for the appointment et Chief Justlee
Aaa H. Wilis aa Bssoelsts Justice of the
United Btstee In place of Justlee Weeds, de
ceased. m
fatally Subbed Hla Wife.
New Haven, Conn., May 18. This morn
ing Mrs. Martin Feeney while en her way te
work at Naugatuck, waa fatally atabbed by
ber husband, from whom abe bad been
separated about four weeks.
A f remlnent rrancb Pbjalclan Dead.
Paris, Msy 18. M. Edmund Alfred
Vulpten, dean or tbe faculty or medicine snd
a prominent physician, te dead. He was
born January 5, 1820.
A Maw Censul Osnsral.
Wanuinoten, May 18. The president
te day appointed Jared Lswrsnes Ratbbena,
el California, te be oensul general of tha
United States at Paris.
TrueoRsAUie taps.
Sumner Kverlugbsm A Ce., a Chicago
Denru ui araue uaiu, iniieu iu umj
Ex-Governer Wm. Smith died at hte resi
dence In Fauquar county, Virginia, this
morning. He had beta twlee governor of
Tha Missouri Vactne rsilwsv hss developed
Us plsBB ler the Invasion of Nebraska terri
tory In the lest few days, aad tha oeatrsota
have besnolessd ler roastruetloa.
Near Shelby vitle, Ky., yestsrday morning,
nine oeavtots ea their way te work, made a
rueh for liberty. The guards ahet one white
man te death.
la Obteagi', Eugene O. Race, tbe restaur
ateur, oenfeased Judgment yesterday In the
sum of (10,427.
Jehn L. Sullivan has agreed te flsbt Jake
Ktlraln for (3.000 and tbe diamond belt
offered by Mr. rex; tiueensesrry rues, mu
or six rounds. .
The Duluth, Seuth Shere 4 Attontte, aad
the Manitoba reads, will fll?r,,
together ss a through tran,tJ,Bu
iLt Hlghmere, Dak., .- lMa.
wlfs polsbesr, in Jail, hanged himself ten
croBt-bsrefhlscsH, ?,.i. r
Otear Myrtle, a trader of eellBft W.
Vs. who recently weal down the river with
(LOOO te eash aid a Aa geld watehj la re re
gerud te have beta murdered aw Oetaaa,
ok-Ms, Iowa, Mrs. Lettie WhBama,
an eestosseteyouBg Sdy, shot herself hi tha
breast Meadsy alght with a melver. Mho
At HUtohero, Tex., Monday ateat Ira
kiAh i Hiahaltanfa draat aanra
hy the ovejttaraagatateBJ ewaliif m m,
AtBaaratAfiBB itm
mmavmaar rAmamm MM
neaaa iiiim .!
Allew the Chllavea'a
Babbubdbe. Msv M.-T a
morning tha general aptwarlstwaTl
xvpsnaa wins smenumsats
eggregate sapnyrlatlea abeut:
following Heaaa bills asssad Am
tha liesase of wbotesais dealers la?
tag liquors ta etttes of taa IreV
uiiraeiaasswai snee, HI 81
boroughs IBM M(a t.
Bottlers' liesaaea ara pteeed at 1
we ersi, second and third
ether places i aDorenrUtJna- an
tbe celebration of the osefsaalal
ei me Federal oenstltutioa j i
marriage license aet ae aa tat
intending msrrlage te make i
iu.uoe ei me peso or Bidermaa M
orders, checks, dividers, oeupoaa, g
or ether psper representing taa,'
-.m.uui no employs net rSdM
dsys. The bill was pasted finally a
uH vuu,uuu mr me purchase of I
pma ueuse et Refuge. '$
" u". Dw. no Henate apperl
bill was amended bvThnmnana. r i
by supplying tbs Itthiwsrd r whins, t
emitted) ler the purpose or killing M. I
te thus orewd It out Tbe follewtagl
wnrepamuunauy J ApprepriStlBg (!,
the erection of a menumsat ever thai
ei uoverner Minim ; sppreprlsssaw
for monuments at Gettysburg, tetsnti
ery ei neaa ana Hsnoeek. Tad l
propristlen hss passed third i
The Heuse this morning oeaeoratd -,
eenaw amanamenta te the plitwaM
The concurrent resolution Previdian; ;
ppumuneui ei a commission te MS
tne leaalbiuty of establishing
oneoi was spprevsa, ry i
The Senate amendments te tha-
ereasing tbs appropriation te thai
riendiess children In Laneaster n
te (5,000 were oenourred in. Thai
fused te oenour la the Senate i
te me wneiesaie lleenss bill. V4
Tbe smendmente made br that
tbe bill for the Improvement of ths)
were net concurred in by a vote elm
70nsys. "M
aaias claim $4fie,90mrM
The Oevarnmant Alleged: te Be 1
Wealth rrsnehaaaa,
PniI.ADEI.FHIA. Mav 18. A I
instituted by Miss Jane E. Haleeil
gemery county, x's., ana ner tlrV I
the United States for (4,000,000. They-J
uw jboed ueuaven, a wealthy
ei wnem tbey are lineal de
who lived near Norrtetowa, P.,
revolutionary times,
government a half atV
topsythaeeloe. tieesa.
Dart of thashJUBSBT-WI
thmr aav aa avS BMatdt Bin
claim was allowed by-H
there were no lutids with w
Between 1850 and IBM a awn
prlated te pay tbe debt, 'but a da
wne were the proper claimants
payment et the money and tha civil t
a atop te further proceedings la tha I
Tne sum with interest new ama
000.000, and Miss Hals snd her i
thst they ean prove that they are thai
neirs or Mr. veusven who died i
M- ... . - .-. .tt
rSi iW IB HUH, iflyfS
uitv ei Mexico. My is. Hews:1
irem Mszatisn, that two Amarleaaa i
nated Enrique Nassau, Bssnagerf
Hacitnaa TemiL The Americans
rested snd brought here te await trials
Manuel Sanchez, of Pacheoe,
dalge, fell In love with a married
that mining camp, and aa the wife ;
fslthfnl te ber husband, tbe lever a I
of 20, eeugbt te remove the
path. On aeelng the two together'
euaiy pecsms aroused snd ruahlaaT i
husband, he plunged a knife Inte 1
The wife struggled te protect hswl
ana was severely weunaea. Tha;
surrendered and from hla own
seems he hss been guilty et i
. ms
Shet ta a Ceari ateeae. V'Vf
lecisvillb, Ky., May 18. "1
ex. deputy United States marshal i
perate man, waa ahet at
Monday in the oeunty oeurt r
started te run down aplrs and
reiiea aewn tne steps into the
room. Court wss in session and a I
took place. Scott died in n few atlai
ent uttering a word. Tbree
Dewell and "BUI" Blinker ai
ledge were In the room where thai
was done. All were arrested aad) I
Indicted. It la supposed Beets
because of a fight with Blinker laid i
which the latter'a eyca were ehatthI
Blading Bllvar-Ba lag
Tuscola, Ills, May 1& Heary.J
old experienced miner who has aaa
years In tbe silver mines of the.
been prospecting for silver la tha
of Camargo, five miles esst of thai (
sometime past HuseerehhMbewal
by finding an inch vin of stm
quartz, wbleh he ssys will aaa I
aomely. He te ee entindaat tha
money In working th s veto that MJ1
nins acres ei tne nuts en tae srflg
English for a tern et years. Tha
has made quite a oem etm ta thai
aaolatleae BYess
Terente, May 18. Mayer
eelved a etrealar yesterdsy treat ,
Drugs, tewa ours or uaaua, i
oeunouofthatplaoe had pamed
whteh were forwarded. Tha
stated the gensral oeadsmaatloai
bereua obarsetsr of tha filnrsaast'l
Luggaee aa estate, aad taa
apea all Oaaadlaaa te vladteaM I
of tha oppressed tsasate ajr,.
eathastssue wsioema te tha
eate, William O'Brlsa. Thai
tee late te be made puNte
mayor has dlreeted tha
resolutleaa. .,
Mats ta:
Terrible Aesldeat te SaaassaS a
NnwreBT, R. I, MayMfl
aebak, after-bar aesdswBsd
aad while vhnslagaatai
oempsny la tht tf
flight of toarteea safMk'MM
arm aad badly btABBAB BBf
Tsea-Meat wiueeaae the aha
srat . -.
GAtLireMs. Ohto.
at tbe sawmill at Bats
yeateraay, wreeklag tha.j
aa ihtaa -
eae-arwed aeldter, wttlf :
ehHdriBf tetely ftraas
la tha aat as t
V wmBsawaAfJVg
.,". ,.V'
. '-.ii-.ttj. a, , r ' T . L. , i
saaaaVTSHr-a 'PiM '&Z&
r, rrv
tl. -R.A
rj;.-f A.if.4t- ..Ji
1. if f..!&V.. -. ' - .'i.