A MliMllMMirMI, latertstlag OTmrMim at Ml. Mar, 4 aha A. lit. Key. Jehn A. WeHarsoe, CatfceHe lilshep of Columbus, Ohie, who he & frequent visitor te l.sjieaater, hae returni te Londen after an eight month' te through Karepe and the Hely " " will leave ler hi home anna. A New Yerk ieniM Interview reveal eeme tacts of hie trip of general Inte'f t t .... . Ilhihnp Wetterwm JtiSL STSSm t)tbolleSUhop freii the tlnlted HUtMteTl.lt the Hely 1110-, the ether being llUbep Hialdlng, el raerla, 111. llelim an ecijempll!'! horseman he wm enabled te delutlae te the undertaking and ZkiuieUnira. pMban few bl.hep. have made It In eenlnrle. He ktudled the tope tepo tepe cranny of ancient J eruealem In It relation te the modern wall", awuied tiy old map and recent ebarta. He neught ler the renU made In Hie recke of Ualvery at the time nf the death of Christ, m reoerdod In the Sert pluree, and put hla hand Inte eeme of thme llesuree. He earetully atllled himself that what la new venerated aa Mount Calvary the autben Unity nf which ha been denlrd by anine waa miuide tin1 anrlenl walla, and la really the llelgntha of the initie. "1 was atruek every where throughout the continent by the absence of drunkenness, though there la, te be aura, no lack of drink ing. I attribute thla te the tiea of wine, which the poepta are accustomed te from In fancy, and te the fact that tbey aa rule de net una these stronger liquor common In Northern countries aud In the United Mutes. 11 1 mid mas In the chapel of the, Hely Hep ulchre and wan obliged te aleep In the church all nlghl te tie able te de an, aa the Turklah eeldlera clese It at a certain hour In the even ing and will net allow any one te enter until certain hour In the morning. "1 then went en te Nazareth, through Ht marls, taking the country route every wjifre, ter etherwlae one mlssea many very Instat ing location. The only evidence of afjedern clvlllrsllen 1 could eeeln Uie Hely Land waa the telegraph wire running between Jafla and JeriiMlnin and between Jerusalem and Naztreth. Otherwise the country la Juat aa It waa two thousand yeara age, aa lax aa pro gress la concerned. "Ker my whole four weeka In the Hely I.tml I could aee nothing te Indicate that the cradle or Christianity enjoyed ever ae alight ahare In It Inheritance." Wlille In Jerusalem lllsbep Watterann and anether prelaUi assisted the patriarch of Jeru aalem In a ceremony tendering te the young I'rlnce el Naplea, tlie Crown i'rlnce of Italy, a religious reception Inte the Hely City, which the young man, acoerdlng te custom, entered the city en feet. 1 1 waa a great eight, an linmenae proceaalen of monk and reliij inuri accompanying the patriarch and the bishop." m s A l.ucSy llrlus. Thare recently occurred In Moravia the marriage el a young lady In whom the (ler man emperor baa taken great Intereat alnce he made her acquaintance at Uaateln some six year age, Kvery day during that vlalt the emperor, Kitting at the window of hla hotel, noticed the young lady, who la the daughter or a cloth manufacturer, at the win dow el the opposite hotel In the Ntraublnger 1'latc Ne It happened that when one day the familiar face wax inlMlng, the emperor aent an adjutant te Inriure the cause. Thua the little romance began, and the aged emperor never ceaed hi Interval In the Irauleln, who waa a clever, well educated and lively girl, but net a beauty In the ordinary aenae. The emperor ad dressed her whenever they met en III walks, anit from year te year be pressed (or her premise te come again the allowing season. The monarch further ob tained a premlsn from her that If he should become betrothed she would let him knew. Till happened last winter, and the lady thought pelltencMi required her te Inform the rmtwrer of the day el nor wedding with llerr Kllhtn, a merchant of Iglau. The conaa cenaa conaa queuce wa that there arrived a large parcel from iinrlln containing a bracelet richly aet with diamonds, a Jewel-box adorned with the Imperial crown, accompanied by a letter rrnin the Ihht court chamberlain, saying that the emperor hlmJelf chose tbla present and that bndiwired the bride te wear the bracelet at tlie ceremony. Tbla waa only ac ac rempllnhed with semedlfllculty, aa the cue cue tern house dllclsls viculd net deliver the Jewelry tiutll It hud received the Austrian ball mark, lllirh personage had te Inter fere te enable I'rauleln Kern te wear the em peror's present during the ceremnnr, which took place In the Jewish synagogue at Iglau. Ageny la t'Aiirtnl Hy pcren wliu, AtlnrLul liy a mild form of rlH'umillm, n-i;l(ct te iicl irumt rclnf. ttubaniucut torture N prevented y an lm meillntc ri-.nrt ti lle'li'tli r' "luinvh llltltr. bllstit ceiirc, an errailuiitl draught, will lirgrt till palntul malady, n here there la a lrrllotltlen te It In Urn UhmI. It li net illfflcull te arrcfit tlie troiitjle at tlie outlet, but well nliili Impoellilc te rraillrate It when iiiatnrel. Se evlilene In relation te thU titperti bleinl ilcpurent l mere poltle than Hi it lilii i til.llhi' lm iltlrar) a a pre pre tentlve ami rtmcily for rheiimillim. Net, only U It IhoreiiKli, hut aafe. whleh thflvige thflvige tahle anil in"" ral pnWeiii, utlcn taken a ruratlvi el tlie illnra.e, are net. lleildci ci pellliiKtlip rlii'iitnatle MriM (rem the alrin, Itiiterroine (en'raml ai(UC, billoulueM, cou ceu cou ttlpallen ami d) prpla. TUP. NATION It, COWft.tNT. 5JI Wr nrv rnwT 'Ttissr. N. V., reh 7, li. 'or thn lii't jrnr I li:ive at tl in had very nevum alttckiel dyp'p,tv ac'eiiipinleil with wtnd and pit in In Uionldnandalemach. Kvery tl Iutt 1 ate dUagrred with me, and I Ien iten dally. Internal medicine only atreriteit me tern pernry ntllef, I thtm cemmencud applying All (xkk's reams 1'nnrann, one en the pit of the stomach nnd ene bolew.Jiul abeve the navel. In a tow tieura my pains very much aluted. In tw day my feed appealed te agree with ma. At thn end et n wt-vk I win nearly well but I still centlnun weartnit thu I'laateraas a precau tion. I l.uve med nltoKetber all I'laatera, and must say they nre the cheapeal and beat medi cine ever Invented. THOMAS J. UlbkV. We ave the atlrictlnnet hearing from sev eral "urce, ttut l)r IliiU'a Ceiinh dyrup li all It claim te be- itenulnely troed prepnntlin I'ulil. Mellv - ark, Teulon, 111. " Oh, It la excellent te have a giant's strength" and walk the Mirth free and hippy ajraln was what the man aild when hn had cured hi ten- Sear rbfiimatuin with a bottle of .Salvation OU. I cents. mrmutAt, mutivm. A Flo Hit. When the proprietors of Wunter; Bleed Hit. teri putthl roiiewnod medicine en thi market they hit tl uxaclly. They hit dyspepala, Indl Indl gestleii.and llverand kidney ceicptatuti a bard blew. Iretn which tney will never recover. or sale by 11 U Cochran, druggist, 137 aud lfc) .Verth ijiieen street, I.ancajUr, A flood Thing. I sometimes wish I cenld tike held e' ttie sale et STTiekkk' JCclectrie Oil feri tell yi n I is a frand thing, and I am conscientious in aa inic could de a iroed work." Bey. K. r. O ana. Cerry. Ia Kclectrle oil uurrd this irei tie nan of qnlnsy of many years atandlUK. rer.sj by II. li. Cochran, druggUt, U7 and 1W H ,rtb Uueen stmet, lncastr. Kvsry fsrsuu luliia Ksi nuui sa In this life must bvrn a specialty; that Ih, must concentrate the abilities of body and mind en some one pursuit. Jlurtleck Jlloetl Bitter i have taetr nputlalty an a complete and radical cure of dyspepala, aud liver and kidney affections. Wat sale by 11. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 fiertb Queen street. Lancaster. Truth Clashed te Kaitb. Is bound te rtae. Crowd down snd smother the truth as you may concerning Themnt' JCe ttctrie Oil yet tlie fact will rise up tha. It la one of the but remedies ler aches, sprains, and Pains that has ever yet b en luvented. rer,ale yH.ii. Cochran, druggist, 13J aud Ui North Queen street, Lancaaltr. Brief ajsiitlen. "I have useil Burdock Bleed BMOrswIth great beneai for ludlgestlen and coustlpatleuof thu bowels." C. U. Kasten, llamllteu, (Int. Fer sale by II II Cochran, druggist, Ul and li) North Queen street, i-ancaster. What We Want. Give homeopath his pallets, Allepath his pills; but for rheumatism, for aches, for pains and sprains, nemas' Kclectrle Oil Is Ineffably supe supe ner te either. It has benefited as many peeilie eti2i h?.VnE!h,, .' d'ugglt self It. ptetkerel Hetharsil euserall Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a ilck child suffering and erring with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth T If an! go at once and gat a bottle of MU. W1M8LO W ftoenuNo umvr. n win raiteve thil new USUesntrerlmmeOiately-dapananpenlti there at ke mistake about it. There U net a mntw atwke has ever used It, who will net UU yomaaeacettetltwUnsraiautbabowela. ana IM (eat te the mother, and relief ana health te SMa41o.epraUng like magic. It U parftseUr aaJtUtheprascrlpUonef oneef the eldest Deat festal phytlctaas ana nniMe In tke Ui MMfA, 0MTM7WBt, MaWabUa, i , Hi iir,.nr1nllnn nfnnanfn i tM & z 3 aae. Ualte Z&& it?-H.r . Ziyii 'Jti- " y TOOtm HAMsAFARlLLA. Purify Your Bleed Ooed health depend! upon pare bleed tbera tbera tbera fore,tekeep well, purtry the bleed byUklag Hend'e aarsaparllla. Tkl medicine It peculiarly designed te act upon the bleed, and tkremgh that upon all the organs and Mesne of the body. It ha a specific action, also, upon the eaereUetu andezcrallan, and assists nature te expel from the system all humors. Impure partleles, and erTabi matter through the lungs, lifer, bowels, kidney and skin. It effectually aid weak, Im paired and debilitated organs. Invigorate ;the nervous system, tone the digestion, and Im part new lite and energy te all the function of the body, A peculiarity of Heed's etarMpullU Is that It strengthens and builds up Ue system while It eradicates disease. t must say Heed' araaparllla I the beet medicine I ever used. Last spring I had no ap petite, and the least work 1 did faUgasd meever e much. 1 began te take Heed's naraapartlla, and seen 1 felt aa If 1 could de a much In a day a 1 had formerly dnnalnaweek. My appetite la veracious." Haa.H.V.HavAtJ,AUaatle City, K.3. N. B Ifyeu have made np your mind te get Heed' Raraaparllla de net take any ether. Heed's Sarsaparilla anldlivatldrnnlat . II six for fk rrenarad i by CI, llueli cu., Lewell, Mass. I pared by at. Uueli ce4 Lewell, Mas. 100 Deaea On Dellar 1 100 Dem Ob DeUr Genuine Heed' aarsaparllla for ssle at Cochran' Drag Stere He. 117 and 1J North Queen St., Lancsster, l'a. i: ........ ri " v -. . z " .; BARXUM'N u NITKD HIIOWH. Lancaster, Saturday, May 14. BARNUM & LONDON United Shows ! TEN TIMES LARGER AND BETTER, Capital, $4,000,000. Daily Expanses, $7,000. Augmented and Increased by the Most Marvelous feature and Attraction. A TltlTLY OUrJ AT AND WONDERFUL gXlllDlTION. TRIPLE ALLIANCE CIRCUS IN 3 RINGS. KI.KVATKIi bTAOB l'lllFOUMANCBS. Grand Reman Hippodrome, With Th tilling Raees. TWO DOUBLE MENAQEMES WITH RARE BEASTS. Immense Misenm of Living Weaden. HERDS OF ELEPHANTS. DROVES OF CAMELS. 6O0 Horaes and Pentes. JUMBO NATUUAIi AH MKE, AND CHEAT 1VOKY BONED BKELETON. ALIGE-Jumbo's Widow and Fermer Oompanien-ALIOE. KING THEEBAW'S Remarkable Hairy Family, A newly iltscorered type of hnrnnn beings, secured In Burmah at the expense of lOO.eoein Geld CAPTAIN PAUL B0YTON, The Unriraled AqnanaiU In his Wenderful Anunttc KnlertAinment, perfnrmea tn a spclaUljr coeitrncUA lk of Crystal Water. 100 SUrtling acd Seul-Stirring Acts. 300 Phenomenally Expert Performers. THE FLYING GYMNASIUM, I'erfennlng en the Trapeze, while riding at SO mile an hour. Thousands of Attractions te Bewilder and Oharm Everyone. iiMivr.LovsKXinniriessoy traiskd ax walk P. T. BARNUM On c mera among his millions of llttle friends,' and presenting the GRANDEST SHOW OF HIS LIFE. 2 Performances Each Day, 2 and 8 P. M. DOOBa OPKN AN IIOUK KAULIKH. General Admission te Everything Only 50c. Children Under Mine Tears, 25 Cents. GREAT FEEE STREET PARADE, With It rm.aoe worth of rare animals and ehlects en the morning nf the arrival of the Shew. 4frt'er i h accommodation of lhen wUhlnir te avoid the crowds en theicieunds an eltlce has been established at HKUK'tt IIihjK sreilK. IS3 NOHTH QUKKN HTIlKRr, where reserved n urn? tiered tlcaeu can be purchased at ihe regular jirtce and admission ticket at the usual slight ad- EXCUR8ION RATES Wll.I, KXIIIIUTIN YOIIK MAY 10 XVVJtllUK0. njXCUKS10NH"AND rit'NlCH. MT. GRETNA PARK reu EXCURSIONS AMD PICNICS. This rark Is located In the heart of the Seuth Mountain en the line of the Cornwall ft Lebanon Railroad, nine miles south of the City of Lebanon, within easy distance of llarrliliuri. Heading, Lancas ter, t'eluiiibls, aud all points en thu PhllsdeN pbla A steading and Pennsylvania Katlr.iads. Ihe grounds are large, covering hundreds of acres, and are FREE TO ALL. TliaeOHVKMIiacM AS A I.AUGE UAKCINS PAVILION, A SPACIOUS DIN1NO HALL, TWOKITC1IKK8, U&UQAUBANOCOaTKOOsf, Wolle the arrangements ler amusement con sist of CHOQUKT and HALL QKOUN1IS, BOW LINO ALLKY, SHOOTING QALLKKY, QUOITS, Ac, Ac Ac. Tables for Lunehera. Ituttlc Heats and Benchea are scattered throughout thegreuads. Anew attraction I . LAKE COBEWA&O, covering nearly twenty acres, en which are plaeed a number or elegaut New Beat, and along the banks et which are pleasaut walk and lovely scenery. Observation Cars wilt be run en the line el the Cornwall A Leba non Uatlreail, or will be sent te different points, when practicable, for the accommodation of ex curslen parties. These summer excursion cars have been built especially for this purpose, and are se constructed that they will enable the ex cursionist te enjoy lelly the beautiful scenery of the Lebanon Valley en the ene side or the conewage Valley en the ether. They are sale, pleasant and convenient. Parties desiring It can procure Meals at the Park, as the Iitntngllalil will be under the super vision of K. M. UULTZ.er the Lmumem Vallkv Hen. These who wish te spend A DAY IN TI1K MOUNTAINS can find no piaee se beauti ful or aflerdlng se much pleasure a MOUNT UsUTNA. Me Iatexlcitiig Drink Allowed en tbe Premises. Wi"or excursion rates and general Informs, tlonapplyte NsHilKlMI, Hupt. C. A h. Hallread, Lebanon, Pa. my7md N' OTIOK TO THK8PASHKUS AND UtlNNKHfLa.AH twtinni Am hnrulii, fnp. bidden te trespass en any et the lands of the Cornwall ana epeeaweii estatus la Leba. nea or Lancaster counties. whether ineieea or unenclosed either for the pnrposeef sbneUuandflshtna-,astha law wUl tierurldlyeuroreed against all trespassing en aid Una of the undersUined after this notice. WH.UJ1.IMAN rKKKMAM, B.?Kstur ALDBN, ' mm AVtWaWMehWiQeJieaatVa Haifa U,JlH1L..S' ;',T-.tiVLii'.'iLiii fSfSSf VMAAMNHMMMMMMA MowlatMHtaeteMrllyvhebteod, for at no etksr la the body ae tuseepUWetebenedt fraamefletM. The peculiar Bmrlfylag and re viving qualttle of IIcd'lajMBrllki an last what are eetdsd te expel dleeeee aad fDftlfy Ik ystewt agtlast the aebUltmttngefMsf of mild weataer. very rear laarea tan pepnuLntr of Heed' Saretparllla, for It lut what paepie need at this aen. It U the Ideal prlagKdt elae. if you have never trtsa it, ae te, aaayeu will be Venvlneed of It peeullar merit. iienr Baraapaniia Ba anv ea we potaen from my bleed, aad though 7, I feel active aad iron a at Ce." vT. M. tJaoaiaaea, Brooklyn, lyn, J. T. BpriacKeyllelM. " 1 take Heed' araaparllla ter a tprtag madt etnandlflndttJntUBthlag. Itteaeaepaty syttsm and make me laal Ilka a dlSsreat waa, My wtfataksi It for dyspepsia, aad aha derive great benefl t f rem It," nun O. Ttratraa, Boek latdder Me, t, friend treat, Bcetea. Mtfeadaaltrhenmeamylertarm three yean, intTartag Urrlbly i It altaett dlaabtad aaafreaa work, t tetk three bottle nf Hoed'danaBartlla, aad the salt rheum ha entirely disappeared." M. M. Miua, 71 rreach Street, Lewell, Mas. Beld by all dracatsts. til tx for at, rra. C1UCVH. 100 OagM and Chariots. ON ALL RAILROAD8. ni.79,ll,1Mnw lJUirt7JIAW TITIDMYEK'S KUBN1TTJRK BTOKK. J. H. WIDMYER. FURNITURE! A Full Stock, Desirable Geed?, Lew Prices, Newest Styles. WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE, Cerner taut King and Duke 8ts LANCAnTBU. PA seDtS-lTdAJUmw pyKlNtTHU'M FURNITURE DEPOT. Leeking Glasses! We new Invite your attention te our st eca of Leeking Olaase In Walnut, Cherry and Qeld. ThU I our Largest SPKCIALTY, and ha been for yeara. We UU week received a large Invoice, and It you are or will be In need of a Leeking a las for JBc, te we have tbem right In stock te show. Just the thing te All up that space between the windows. HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, MO. 27 ti SOUTH qUKIM STKECT. 4arWawlMurFfBMeteO4r. M hyii.-gmMri.YJ.u ',.A . ,ff. .U- jWiiA'sjls4iS)l wiiswMasisaai eTi-raMa . Dealer Hi Uftes, Mat' ramteatag Oei.i, TX i eaU aad ezaaUn bai We. ItNerta Onera street leeea Street. ABrller epea evry .eventag naut further ptse-iyd IT BRB RATHJrOH. G. A. R. It' net tee early te talk el Grand Army Soils! We're ready with geed stock of them. $9 and $13. Are tha prices, with Twe Bet of Bolten. EVENT SUIT GUllANrEED FAST COLORS. Th Nicest and TaatUst stock of Ready-Made Gletliing, -AT- Decidedly Lew Prices. We two price here for tne same geed. One PJtee te every one, and that a low a geed work will allow, SPECIAL 1NDUCKMP.NTS FOB MEN OW MOUKKATK MEANS. Plentj of Clotbieg at Lew Prices. Myers & Rathfon, LEABUG CLOTHIERS, NO. 12 EAST KLNQ STREET. LANCA8TBB, PA. N' OW RKADYI Our Ready-Made Stock -or- SPRING CLOTHING. STOCK In Heady-Made Suit. Our Assortment U Larger than ever before, and Price Lewer. We have taken special eare te a-et np (reed and Attractive Salts for the SPUING THAOB, and we feel satUded ear efforts have been success ful, tall and gl ve u the benent of your opinion. Oar Custom Department I i Stocked with all the Newest Noveltle In SPIVS'"! wnch we win Make te order in the Mil Biyie. FIT GUARANTEED. BURHEE & SUTT05, Tailors aad CUtfalen, NO. 24 OENTRB SQUARE, LANCABTBK. PA T UANHUAM BKO. 68.-LGansman&Bre.-68. NORTH QUEEN STREET. We have new en band the Largest and Most Complete Stock et. Men's, Beys' and Children's Clethisg Iver offered te the puhlle at Prices te Dery Competition. e HFia.iui iuuu, umy a inw or our price te give panle an Idea what It wUl cost te wear ttrsl-CLaia Clelhlnir Wa ,.... W ...- - m . . Men' All-Weel Business Sntts tl 6 00 W.nla .11 Ol-u-t IVa.a .... . a j ... Men' All-Weel Fine Checked SulU AtttO.eu - ,. "WJI . UIIUUDUIU JIL a UU Men's All-Weel Kngltsh Worsted Suits' At SliOO Stan, ' All-Weel riue Ueuhle-Ureastad wlr tliih. it.iiiw sreca suits. .Atlll.00 Bey Scheel Sulu at K se. 13.(0, ct no. II oft, JJJ'i' '!:w"1 re SuluatlL5u,.i,ere, It uloe'iS ea?'U U ,l ,l "' ,! ""' WM' M 00' Lduxent Assortment-lowest Prices. L GANSMAN & BRO, Merchant Tailors. MANUrACTUKKKS Or Mfa'i, Bv gad Children's Clethlaf, e S. X. COB. N. QUKKN A OKANUI STS, LANCA8TBB PA. The Cheapest (and Kzcluslve) Clothing Heuse In the Cli ibjr. l'ARAHOl.H. R.a AU. LADIES I The PARASOL SEASON Is upon us, and we offer ter your Inspection a very line line Indeed. Yen will nnd prices remarkably low, andWK WILL UU Alt ANTKR that you cannot buy the same grade of geed ANYWUEBR ELSE for as little money. Our assortment Is the largest, assort ment the most varied, and prices lower than anywhere else. A visit will con vince you. Parasols mad te order te match Urea Goods. r He pairing and recovering done. R. B. & H. 14 But King St. apMmd ir.rcss. TyATCHKS. Witch, Clocks Gbains ud Jiwilrj at lest ithan aucttea prieee nntil Jaauarw i, litr. 'altham ui Mefeaat t Watakaae? aad ether Jeweirr S ttaut by MUfsaak Bally, tally L. WEBER. . IBM M-K. M hHil eVIMMt. AU !&'")' (Aarerafarw ttrat-CUaeswi sins wk .1. , BtSiB vj l QOUJmWPAHaM. METZGER & HAVK AT THEIR NEW STORK, Net. 38 and 40 Weit King Street, OranterptriM at 40e OeanturpuiMi at 60e Odtaaterpuaa at 78e , Ooaatee paniat1.00,OeuBtrpaaaatil.flS. Marawlllaa OenatarpaaM at II BO 2.00, ia.00, 13.00, B4.00, aa4 OraadOaM at IS.OO. Oar Beat BtMBa Ourad rewthwa are la craat daaaaad. Wa fill erdara fcr taam fromaurreundiBg tewaaaad eltlea. WarJuaraaU thamtocmaatU thamtecmaatU thamtocmaatU faetloa. METZGER&HAUGHMAN'S CHEAP STORE, 88 aad 40 Wert Sing 8t, (Opposite Cooper Heiie.) w iilTK aoeoa. White All that la new and deslraWe In Plaid, Plain ard Figured, for Ladiaa' Dreecea, etc., etc One Oaae 600 yards Fine Plaid Naineoek at 12 1-2 cte.; never before efifered under 26 cts. Alse White Embroidered Robes, Embroidery and Laces, Ladies' Silk Mitts and Glever. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuse, jmwmtMt. KTAHM'H CORNKR. ZAHM'S CORNER LANCASTER, PA. Uoepenod nnder 1U Old Management with a Nice Asserted Stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE AOT JEWELRY. AW Careful attention given te rittlngBPKcrACLES for Defective Bight. We have new the Best Karliiiles for rirsMilaa Kepalring. SPECIAL-W han a small foil of Sitter Plated Ferki tet ever from our tale, which tve uiit ru ery low. ZAHM'S CORNER, aprZl lmd TJ & RHOADB, JKWELER. HOUSEKEEPERS Will Ond TABLEWARE et all the Standard Grades In our stock. Spoons, Ferks, Knives, Ladles, Sugar Tongs, Berry Spoons, Sugar Spoons, Butter Knives, Salt Spoons, Mustard Spoons, Crumb Knives, Crumb Trays, Ice Picks, Ice Tongs, Beet Tongs, Asparagus Tongs, Individual Peppers and Salts, Card Waiters, Cup Walters, Entre Dishes, Vegetable Dishes, Egg Boilers, Water and Milk Pitchers, Biscuit Jars, Baking Dishes, Tureens, Bread Trays, Salad Bowls and Sugar Baskets. H. Z. RHOABS, Ne. 4 West King Street, - - Lancaster, Penn'a. ST It you want Repairs Well Dene bring your work te us. OAMMidMf, A BaOTTO THAT ALWAYS WINS. Honest Werk at Honest Prices. PHILIP DOBRSOMS (OLD BKLIABLK) Carriage Works Nes. 126 and 128 East King St. Tha Largest Assortment of N K w AMD BKCOND-H AND Buggies, carriages, Phatem, Market and Business Wagons that baa ever been Shown te the Public If Ten Want a Geed and rirst-Class Photon, UO TO DOKBSOM'8. If Yeu Want a Nice Comfortable family Carriage, UO TO DOBKSOITS. If Yeu Want a Buggy Yeu can Select from fifteen Different Klndet spring, If yen QOTO DOBKSOM'S. If Yen Want a Nice and Neat Business Wagen, GO TO DOIBSOM'S. If Yen Want a Durable Market Wagen, HO TO DOBUSOM'S. .,. It Yeu Want a Ooed Second-Hand Pbmten. Buggy, or Market Wagen, GO TO DOBBSOM'S. if Yeu Want te Buy a rirst-Class Article at a Lewer Price than any ether place In the city or """" BOIO Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, NOS. 186 AND 128 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, FA. r FACTORY lie & US MIFFLIU CARPKT HAKGA1NH I X1SH1RK'S CARPET H ALL -FOR WILTON, VELVET, BODY BRUSSELS, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian. Rag and Gbaie Carpets, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, dc W bavs the Largest and Beat Stoek In tna Olty. H. S. SHIRK. &, SONS Cerner West King and Water Streets, Lancaster, Pa. UU4X. T RMAKTiN," nasuu w nvaa raaua ra All Kinds of Lumber and Geal. aWYaani Ne. North Water sad Prtne Street, aoere Lemen. Lancaster. nMrd gAUMOARDNERSA JEKKEBIKS. GOAL DEALERS. Ka,?Sc.1h,uee,l8ttwt'Ma Ne- YAu:-Nertii rttee Street, near Beading Depot. any lttfd LANOASTKU, l'A. RUPTURE-CURE UUARANTKKD BY Dr. J. M. Mayer, rai Arch (treat, rhlladal phla.I'a. JUaeatonee. Ne operation or bnsl- nH S.I.. VknnunAiAf im it SlllvatOSia ssena aging, ra a eatnruay 01 era .bmi s wiweiraBUra. Acrwetrw. wntT i - v aifej .. ., ...... -T' ; a. t , " HAUGHMAN Goods. Laneaater, Fa. LANCA8TIB, PA. Bvaaimr. STREET. tnarMydAw IIALL8. BARGAINS I aTsriejra. AT ERIBMAN'a New Spring Neckties AT XIUSMAN'S. Tbare I no garment concerning the fit of which a man Is mera particular than a Shirt. bhlrt Cutting u artne art. Teut comforta ble a ahlrt must be ent with tne properanotom preperanotom properanetom loal curvte. the workpeople must be prac Meal shirt-makers. Uarlng hd an MPrlnceef year, we claim te have the besl fitting, beat made, best material ana meat durable SHIRT. In the Msrket for the Let resalbi Meney. miSMAN'S. Ma 17 Wt King Streen IAncMter. "WASaTSmn at ence.ee yery lUaml JUISMS sJT-4AW MlwTl, r(a, i. ..vygWM! t,v - ?TTftT' am m ' ' Ta - i , - .. - m CHINA, GLASS, r,m & ? tfA m QUEENSWAR ,W,v2 A BottMkeepn XnUratt rm- ny .. . ..... -'-i eumj cnangM are necnnea.ui ttwTf.ya Department of Iletisekeeplat mmtk epnnir iiouse-cieanirur. Ola Ad CamAtH ant mnlamrl hw tuisr unssl 7 IUrmenyin Music is rjleaaln Ia tkai se Harmony in Furnlshine; a HevmI Pleasing te me eye. Crockery latM,! tuing neeaiui ler untrermlty la H KeeplDB. New Mantel f)rnamnta your Farler, Decorated Toilet Seta for ' wasnstand, Cut and Pressed Glasm for your Sideboard. Ornamental ('Mm the China ClnaAt. TVmrntAil Chin. ' ' m uT. i 'TJT"!. Z"'"Zrmil2 ur adb eem mr uming or rea Table, ara .t.1l.l U..V.I .1., it, . .. ..... .,( .uoxu.iueuuauuii.iaji tri nxaier we rktteaaB je wHIl alnravs tu. fnunA In T.dmuI r..HAl.lM ... ..-j.. wv .vruuu .u uiuiiv V(UIIUUSSWe fl ana at tne lowest ressibie Trices. 15 EAST KINa STREET. bANOASTBB. PA. MevamwBHKuaiMm mueB, ' qaiTand bkk" -TBC- ROCHESTER LAMP, Blxty CantHeLIght ; Be&U thtm U Anether Let of chrap a LOBES terau i UU store. THH " PBRFBOTIOM " MKTAi, MODLDINO AND BUBBXK CUSHIO WEATHER STRIP HuaiiaM sal Tlli t sat as lai fiiilissas asll " " - tiipMiirtini Keeps out the cold. Step rattling of wtndewi. . Bxclutle the fluit. Keep eat mew ana rain. Aar -.,.?- one can apply It no waste or dtrtmadetmaVit elvlnslU can be fitted anrwhere-ne aelae M W bore, ready for nse. It will net spllvwarw ," thrlnk a cushion strip Is Uie most perUe, tae evere, steaner us awuaw nsw - -OsT jem p. m&m 84 south Quimr LANCASTtK. F A. w M.A.KlSnrKB. AiDUSaHWUII KIEFFER 8t HERR, DUUU IN- WOULD CALL BFCCIAL ATTKNTION TO Fuller & Warren Ce.V (TKOY.N.T.) STOVES, HEATERS. FURNACES AND We aak no one te ran any risk with Housefumisbieg Goods ! LBR A WABUBN'8" Ooed. We gnraAwj them te sire Satisfaction. ,"5i As a Heater " tarn BPLKND1D " has i being; a thorough het base, no part of this I remain cola, ereiyincbet nraaiatesaeat. , , AsKamslleranacluianerHea.tArthaUBKiaMV ; nimniiD" ku BstahlUhed ltaelf lBthajMM raahs. 7' Tbe merlU of the "SPLENDID" and "BsUBMTS; DIAMOND " consist in lieauty or con uu raj ea, "4 Perfect Control of Draft, Cleanllaeae, ae Dws nlae amwasl HAAnAtttV Pit snl. ts'W ": -""-""'""... ijsfei aawSanai 1 BJia aTimina rnr imiii t- 40 EAST KINO ST. (OPPOBITA COOKT BODSB V5Ua, WJNE3 AND LIQUORS, pURE RYE WHISKY. Old Greff Spring Distillery. ' niinitiaii im Kut Oranse street, bate Orange and chestnut, one square east of war IbaTeJusterectedanewdlstUlery wit alfec the latest linproved machinery for dlatUllatlv puna kvk wuiskY; . . $& a. a. BitsajrrjbH, i.nninenai.a- i'W This Distillery ha been erected at taw Old aroffstewn Spring, which ha its nlanteens and untalllruT snnnlv of uv est water. At It our grandfather drank they were boy, and lthaa neyer been kaewa te iwmia lv run dry eren in tbe hottest weather. Pre l ,V spring all the water need la tbe dUUlleryM e' ;i talned, the pump drawing from It twenty. are S-l niiDiu m uieuw. Beside my own dUtllled Whisky, I also haadU UruilM, Olni, Yilnm, c Sf Call and be convinced. A. H.BHKAPPKR. DlstUlar. BTOUa Ne. 3 North yueen Street. ST. SVuniRN havfnir vend BsmhSSl Ji nnn ,si1g aiin for It at thaatoraer cUllenr.. Highest eaah market prlee paid for a jead as4 ela. aprlyMr J BOOTS AXD SBOM0. rMP OKTANT NOTICE. A nPBIT ara uiiaar m MARK DOV7J -IN- Shoes! t tar Don't talk ahewt PrlaafTheyll Mt 1 Come All! CeuteAUl 14 -'- JJ HIEMENZ , 1 tfT2, 1 HO.S7 k u -a" Jt:mtti. "rSrfi ! - a 5 - ..' ''u-)ttir'rtu3mM m wi2W m -X !P-c $. -, s