'"iflSi fly- ' "S SKillWi tr rf . VV - a" Sljje Xattfagtei? -nmi us iwiiatAimifi' .v; ra vwHHHHnffiAi " A? volume xxin-NO. TIIK MUNICIPAL BILL. thm miixa ratios a4ai auir jr u Armer LtHOAuiMm, Alllh Am.ndm.nts Alkad for tiylba LanrasUr Committee lac erpnralea KirtptOns An latareatlng lilieaMlen of a Uml I Jrl liirNIMm HMtlm, ,Mfyt, i a I The tmy meeting of I he Lancaster Beard of Trade Was held en Tuesday evening with President Hager In the chair. The attend ance wa net a Urge a at the former meet ing, of the Imard. The report nl the treasurer shnwed a balance In hie hattda (if fisi.tl. Dr. Wickeraham, of the committee en municipal atlalra.repirted a te the legislation at llarrl.burg atta'tlng Ltneaster city. In company with Mr. Ilrnalu be went te Har rlalmrg. The committee en municipal affairs of the legislature gave them hearing and agreed te ceitalci amendment proposed, which, If adeptnl, and it la probable they will be, will remove aeuie of the objection te the municipal bill. The general act allow one select and two common oeunollmon te each ward without regard te the population. The minimum number of taxable te constitute a ward la ana The Heard of Trade'a oemtnlttee auo aue cueded In (retting an amendment te thla ec Una providing that rr every additional COO taxable there shall bean additional common oeum'llman. ruder the amendment Lan caatur's reprea-mtatlen In common council will be about the name aa at present, except In the Kirat ward. Anether objectionable feature In the gen eral law la the aeotlen providing for a light ing and water department, managed by com cem com lulaslener. Ily theamnndment propeaed It i. dtscrellutmry with ceunclla te create aueh department. The hill aleoprevtle that all aeweraand water malna ahall be laid at the expense of the preperty owners, en the llneet aueh ewer or pipe extension. This aeotlen was alae amended by leaving the entire matter In the hand of councils, aa te who shall pay the cost of such Improvements. Tun most nbjeclletial feature was the pre vision In relurence te the opening of new streets. That was amended by Inserting a provlne lliat the law In force In all cities of the state nllctti by the till I snail sua remain In force. Under the law Lsncsster city pays for damages te buildings by atreet openings and the county for land taken. The feature providing for a city controller eel'Jctlmiable, but the committee Inalated en lu Insertion In the bill. The beard's committee made no ellert te change the swtleti Iti referenre te the mode of awemment e( property, as It was thought an Improvement en the present system. Dr. Ickersham also reported that the bill taxing corporations would In all probability pvs. Willi the section specially taxing manufacturing corporation stricken out. KI.KCTKI) MKMBKU. It .bert Merrow and Win. J. Hese were premised for tnembttrsUlp. The latter 1 tllvlilcn frnlglit agent and lives at Harris bur, in his lolter Heeklug inemberahlp he nut It en (ua ground that the Inlereats of the railroad company and the city are Identical. A quoatlen wu raised a te hi eligibility, he net imiiiica resldeiil el thlscity. In Mr. Housten's Judgment it wai net liellcy te elect eltlcer of outside corporation as menibeni or una nearu. It. Frank llrenuinau favored hi election. He lis charge of all the freight buslneaa affecting Lancaatcr' shippers, come In con tact Willi LamMsteiV buslnet men, and he would makes geed member. Tne rules worn suspended, and both appli cant were elected. THK IIIII.I.V NTKAV-IIKATINH SY1TBM. V. - Mener said l)r. HUbep, of Leck pert. New Yerk, a representative of the American District company et steam -beating, under the Helly ayatem, wa at the meeting, at hi request, te explain the working of the system. A charter was granted a few years age te a company of l-anea-iter ir.en, but they did net consider it prudent until new te urge the Introduction of the syatem. Already noarly-ene-thlrd of the capital required hed been autwrlned. Dr. HUhep was introduced and he ex plained the workings or the aystein. He was aware that new methods were received with great caution and they should be, but the Helly syxtem is net a new one, aa it has been established beyond a doubt that steam can be generated at a boiler beuse and sent any distance. In Iockpert they have tix milts of pipe and In home uther place the mileage of street pipes runs aa hlgn as thirteen. The aystem wa Introduced Inte Wllketbarre in November lest and the people who have taken It are well pleased. The system wat etarted there with lour eubscrlbera ; the sea 'in ended with tblrly-elght and new they h tve 150 applications ler next season. The doctor went en te ahew that ateatn can be carried, by the Helly system, te the satis satis factien of subscribers and profit te the com pany lurutablDg It. In Springfield, Manna chusetts, last year the company declared a dividend of 117-10 per cent; in New Yerk city 12 per cent, and every place where the system is In force a handsome dividend waa reallrsd. He also argued that steam heating meant an enhancement of the value of the property in which it la used, and that It could be supplied at the aame cost as ether beat la new furnished, with the advantage of doing way with the dirt and dust Incident te beater area. The steam Is carried through theatieela at s uniform preaaure,and one or two pounds Is all that la required te heat home. It enters the house through regulator, there la an electrical manager governed by a ther mometer and a house can never get cold. If heat la wanted at all times at 70 degrees the Instrument la aet for that figure and aalt werka automatically the temperature of the room Is kept at the same beat all the time. A number of (mixtiens were put te the doctor in reference te the system, all of wbleh be anawered. The first one waa by Mr. Middle ten aa te bow the Joints were uecuied, with reference te the contraction and expan sion of the Iren pipes. Tbe nest question waa by Mr. Housten who wanted te knew whether tbe ateatn furnished te these long distance from tbe boiler house waa of tbe same beat aa close te It, and thla waa anawered sffimstlvely. Tbe doctor in answer te tbe next question aid It waa possible te lurnlah steam beat for engines and boilers, but It would net be pol icy te de se nalaaa there waa sufficient de mand for power te pay tbe additional expense of coal burned necessary te keep up tbe number ei pounds of steam required for such purposes. In answer te a question aa te what becomes of the condensed steam In the beuse, tbe doc tor said cooling cell waa placed at some convenient place and tbe ateam passes through thla end then paaaea oft aa oeld water Inte tbe sewer. Mr. Qelaenberger wanted te knew bow the charges were made for beat and tbe answer waa that a meter was placed la every eon een aumer'a beuse and be was charged aocerdlaa te tbe amount used. He was alae Informed that a person could give tbe system a trial and quit It at any time be aa proper, bat be never knew of any one giving up the system after It bad been fairly triad. la answer te another query be aald there) eeatd net be any explosion, but there night be a breakage It tbe tbe steam fltUng la the boom waa badly done, W.Z.BseMKBaidbUebjeetlabrUglagtk) paMv befera At MMtlag we te lTt U 214. publicity, tie would like te aee many anb anb serlbere te the stock of tbe company, lie had faith enough In It te put 960,000 la it, If he had that ration te Invest, and believed la three years a dividend of T per eeat would be declared. Whatever is dena aheuld be done quickly and the pipes laid daring tbe coming atimmer se that tbe ateam could be turned en la Heptember. He argued that It wa tbe proper beat te adept for all aobeola and churchee, beeauae It removes a possibility of Are. In answer te a question as te noise In the radiator, Dr. Hlshep aald that difficulty could be overcome If the ateam fitting wa properly dena Mr. Hener announced that be wa ready te receive subscription at any time. After tbe meeting some nl the stock waa taken. TIIK COUNCIL OKMHUKKD. Mr. Hener called the attention of tbe Heard of Trade te the nllerta made by a member te Induce an Iren Industry te locate here and that be was very mueh discouraged at tbe action of ceunclla as te water rent, In Increas ing rates. Mr. Mlddloten ssld hlxpsrlene with the city waa that tbe rate were doubled every few year. Mr. Fred. Hener read from tbe last report of the water committee ahewlng that meter were ordered te be put at the I'enn I ren work and Watch factory and censured tbe action of the committee and councils In singling out these Industrial Institutions, for tbe pur pur pur poseof making tliein pay additional water rente. In hi Judgment It meter are te be putat one place, they aheuld be placed at alL Theclty could bolter allerd te furnish water free of charge than te charge double rate and drlve manufactories away. The matter wa re'erred te the committee en municipal allalra te report at tbe next meeting. Adjourned. rua fur im emtmm umiLie. X V.rdlct of Acrl.l.nlal itaalh Arrived at By lha Jury The Tactlmeny of Trainman. The coroner's Jury Impanelled te Inquire Inte the death el l'eter Uelllg, whose body wa found along the track of tbe Pennsylvania railroad In ML Jey,Tu-adsy mernlng,flnlshed it labors In tbe sfternoen. There are still persons In that town who are net euro that he came te his deatti by the railroad cars, a tbe Jury found. Thl wa undoubtedly tbe caws however. The point where Helllg'a body wa ruund is immediately in tbe rear of I'nlllp-A. l'yle's let and Juata short dls tance around the oerner from the Kxehange hotel, kept by Jacob K. I.erah. Against tbe wall at the bottom of Mr. l'yle's fence stands a box which 1 faatened. It is but a couple of feet from the railroad track. Frem the manner in which the body was lying when found, and the wounds upon 11, It la almost certain that Uelllg wa sitting en this box when be wa struck by the englne of a western bound train. He waa knocked against the stone wall at the bottom of the gate, where a considerable quantity of bleed wa found. The man'a neck and Jaw were broken and there was a badly contused wound nn the right aide of the bead and a slight one en tbe the left aide. Tbe train which hit him must have been running slowly and it is believed te bsvn been the 1'acinc Kxpress, due something before 'J o'clock, which does net run fast there en account of taking the aiding te Isy ever, for the east bound train due In Lancaster at -:Ti. A far as has .been learned none of tbe men en west bound trains knew anything of striking a man en that morning. Theaiippoaltlenlsthat while Helllg sat en the box be fell asleep and leaned ever tre far te ward a the track. In this position he could eaally bave been hit by the large cress beam of tbe engine. The empleyes of the train which discovered Helllg'a body arrived at half past two yester day afternoon and at 3 o'clock they were called before tbe coroner's July In thecenncll chsmtier by Deputy Corener Charles sllers. Tbe tlrst witness wa A. M. Haines, a brake man. He testified that all he knew of the altalr was that eoen after leaving ML Jey station en Tuesday morning the train was stepped ; he went forward and saw the dead body of Helllg lying along ths track with bis face towards tbe wall and ni feet against It The body was then quite cold and the man mail have been dead several hours, aa the bleed wa clotted en hi face. A. C. l'aynter, who wa condnetor of tbe Fast Line that morning, testified that after leaving tbe station the train wa stepped ; be get out and saw the body which was taken te tbe station, but knew no mere about IL Geerge W. Htrauas, tbe engineer, testified that be aaw tbe body by tbe side of the track Just aa he was quietly pulling out. He stepped tbe engine and sent the fireman back an J informed tbe watchman at tbe crossing. He knew no mere about It a be did net aee the body afterwards. Jeseph I'ennypacker, tbe fireman, corroborated the engineer, and stated that he went baek and aaw tbe body lying theie. He knew nothing mere. U.J. Wilsen, flagman, was sworn, but knew noth ing additional. Mr. Jacob E. Lerab, proprietor of tbe Kx Kx ohange hotel, testified that Helllg was in bis hotel for some time in tbe evening. He was talking politics with several ether, it wa after 11 o'clock when they went out of tbe barroom. Alter talking a short time outside, Helllg bade all geed night, and walked across tbe street towards Heller's hardware atere, which lain tbe opposite direction from tbe place wbere the body was found. Heme time before during tbe evening, while Helllg was In the barroom, one et the party went out te the water closet When be returned te tbe barroom be said that be had aeen three men en the railroad track who ran away when be approached them, alter that witness thought Helllg seemed restless. Twe ether witnesses testi fied that after Fast Line bad stepped they aaw the body of Helllg. Dr. J. V. Zlegler explained tbe nature of tbe weunda and aald that he believed they were made by a engine. They could net well have been made by a atone. The Jury found that the man came te bta death by being (truck by a railroad engine of the Pennsylvania company while sitting along tbe traek, and they attached no blame te any of tbe empleye. Helllg spent considerable of his time around tbe Exchange hotel where be attended a gentleman who la an invalid. He was a vary carelul fellow, and bla frlenda think that after be beard of eeme men being In tbe rear of Mr. Pyle'a let It worried blm, and be fore retiring be went around te aee that all wa right. While there be may have eat down and fallen asleep, Tbe funeral will take place from tbe reel reel denee el deceaaed'a parent en Thursday morning. The Latest Oremsllen, The body of Mrs. Cynthia A. Knapp waa brought te Lancaster Tuesday afternoon In tbe 2 o'clock train and taken te tbe Lancas ter crematorium where It waa at once cremated. Tbe deceased waa (II year or age, a native of New Yerk, and a resident of Philadelphia. Her buaband accompanied tbe remain te tbta city, wa present at the orematlen and will return te Philadelphia this evening. A Splendid flirt. The gift or Dr. H. D. Cogwell of f 1,000,000 guarantee te California, at Ban Francisce, one at tbe finest aobeola of tneobanle arte In thla oeaetry. It will be open te boy and Erie, la connection with the meehanlaal tmaterle will be denertmenU for weed- eamag, saeui-earTlng, eewlag, cutUagand " ww.jae Basest or wa girl atadaai ita. '-Vwau m ireanwii e ua beurl et true. .BJBB LANCASTER, DOWN IN FLORIDA. BtUKfL jr. aTfmv, or rata airr, re- DiHI MM UMIMBm OttW. A Nee lahaMtM by Akaal Twealy raaalllse. Laaa eaeest aa4 eraage Onrves aurase That will Beea Be la Bearlag-rUatr I Oaaae aa4 riah te he . Mr. F.. R. Klndlg and wire, who left their Lancaster borne last November te spend tbe winter In their Heuthern home, at Haines City, Flerida, returned te Lancaster a few day age. In going Houth they went from Lancaster te New Yerk by rail, theuee by steamer te Havannab, Ua, thence by rail te Jacksonville, Flerida, tbeoee by steamboat up the beautl fill Ht Johna river te Hanford and thenea M miles by tbe Houth Valley railroad te Haines City, In Polk county, Flerida. HsInesClty Is a new settlement, the tint beuse In It being built about two year age. It new baa a population of about twenty families, consisting of fifty or sixty person. Tbe new city 1 lsld ent in street and avennee Intersecting at right angle. Tbe avenue lettered from A onward run east and west and are 80 rest In width, and tbe street running north and south are named First, Hecend and ae en, are 01 feet wide with tbe exoeptlen of Tenth street, which baa a width el bO feet, tbe same aa the avenue, ma ruTuna iiemk, In this new city, almost In the centre or tbe great Flerida peninsula, Mr. Klndlg pre poses making bta future home. In It be baa two tracts of lands, one of them containing 100 acres and the ether 80 acre. He ha al ready built upon his land a comfortable win ter residence wltb tbe necessary outbuild ings, and baa planted bundreda of young orange tree. Within a few year be and bl neighbor expect te be able te ship te the markets north of HalneeClty, erangea,llmes, lemons, guaves, figs, pomegranates per per slmena, bananaa, and ether tropical trutta, te aay nothing et early vegetable, which grew luxuriantly. Kadlahea grew In the open garden all winter ; onions, lettuce and pota toes planted In December and January, were ready for market many week age ; turnips, cabbage and beet are planted In January, and cucumbers and beans In Februsry and March, and mature rapidly. Mr. Klndlg planted only a few strawberries In hi new ground, but these were doing well, and when he led Flerida, a week age, he bad watermolena a big a a man's bead, and almost ripe. HOW TIIK LOTS SKI.f,. Town leta In Halnc-a City, 0 feet front and 100 feet deep, sell at from 20 te f 100, accord ing te location. Mr. Klndlg baa laid out bla lets en a larger scale, M) feet front by 225 feet In depth. Land adjacent te the new city sell at rrem f 5 te 15 per acre. What la known aa "hammuck" land, la for the most part covered with all klnda of trees, including hickory, live oak, pine, magnolia, cedar, palmetto, the Indian rubber tree, and many ether valuable varieties. Then forests are stocked with deer, rab bits, partrlde and ether game. The Hem I note Indians bring Inte the seltlemente venl eon of superior quality and aell It at five cents a pound, and .It can be had at ten cents from the atere keepera. There are tbree small lakes Tracy, Klsa and Kva adjoining Haines City. They are connected with each ether, and run eif, when there 1 an overflow, into Peace creek. About two mllesetr i Lake Hamilton and four miles Lake Marieu. These are much larger bodies or water and abound In fine flab, audi a bass, lake trout and ether va. rietles, weighing from one te nine pound. Anybody can catch them without difficulty or buy them for five cents pound. DKI.IOIITKtri. (1I.IMATK. Mr. Klndlg says tbe climate In and about Haines City is delightful, and tbe Inhabitant, composed et both Northern and Heuthern people, of a superior class. Tbe city I lo cated aeme fifty inlles south of Conestoga, where a settlement et Lancaster people waa started a few year age. Of course tbe greater part or Halnea City Is aa yet en paper ; but tbe Houth Flerida railroad runa directly through It, and has built a convenient rail road station ; there are express and telegraph stations, and twenty or mere comfortable dwellings, and dezena of young orange groves. The site of tbe city has a better ele vation than meat places in Flerida; It Is almost beyond the reach of ice tbe only ice formed In open veesela laat winter being about the thickness et the blade of a table knife. The orange and meat ether tropical fruit will stand a much lower tem perature than thla. Mr. Kindlg'a orange grove contains about eight aeres. His tree are alt budded. The second year they will begin te blossom ; these blossom will alt be pulled en te enable tbe young tree te make weed. Tbe third year there will be mere blossom ; these tee will be pinched eH. The fourth year tbe tree will be filled with bio. sems and a few of these will be allowed te remain and come te bearing. Tbe fifth year tbe trees will be allowed te bear aa much fruit a they can without Injury, wbieh will be mere than enough te make them profit able. When Mr. Kindlg'a grove comes Inte prnflt It Is bis purpose te build himself a sty 1 lab residence en the most elevated part of bta land, from wbleh he can leek down upon hi own and his neighbors' orange grevea In and around Halnea City which by that time be expects will be a very Important and a very beautllul settlement A riMM MUTmMAUtMKHr. Br ths Yeung foepls's Muateal Beesty of UtirUi'a Kvangsllcal Church. Yesterday tbe Yeung People's Musical aeclety el Cbriat'a Evangelical Lutheran church, en West King street, was a year old. In tbe evening tbe event waa celebrated by an entertainment in the church. There waa a very large attendance, and tbe affair waa a great aueces In every particular. There la a great deal or talent In thla society, and the young folk a take a great Interest in their work. Tbe pregramme waa aa fellow : r-ABT I. Prayer. Addresa by I'wKJent-WIUIam Bchautn. Dheru-" IU1I Hmlltng Hern " aaaSrssnLtui.l,w"i.T;'.uert'8'8 aaiep'" "mm Mr.r2.rr'HuVb,er?Th?,U lUr T-n,n'-" SlleJl,,r" Tna "y u Advancing." KmtiyMarfiw n r """ "lU" ne'" M,M Cheru.-" Patriotic Ulee." nte Ktetr'r0' ""n0' tn" "ecetary-ktlaa atln Lui5ernKeeSU1 "10" BUa' ' tue Woodland," linfi?ber'!"Bee In the Garden," alia Chorus-" te, the Bright Crimson." TART II. Cheru.-" Away, the Mern la Creahly Break- Hecitatlen-" Keeping Ills Werd," Harry Bletcntir. ' rheru-" Welti Seng." Kecltatlen "Curfew Mult Net Bins To night," Uertl Swenfc. " llr cberua-" Hall Ifatry Queen." Beading "The J Inert." Lather D.Bsed. Ueneral Honiara, by the faater Bev. B. I. Vecal Duet-" t Ring Because I Leve te Sin." liaytuUWerandKellSalzlger. "' Bocttatien "Help Me Acress, Papa," A. Adam.. Inatrumental Sole-" fresh Life," atlas Emma Adams. Chera " Khren en the Balae." Uoxelogy. Where Mas aad Railroad ateek Agree, from the Mew Yerk Herald. CbeaUsU tell a that ninety per cent of a bub la water, tee la meat of tat railreaa PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY rata harm Jamm sea-jur. An Baalseat eateage Contractor Who Wa Beta la Btraaberg, fhla uenaly. The Intki.liebncrr ob Tuesday con tained a brief allualea te tbedaath in Chicago ea Monday et Cel. Jams Oewen, aa ami aent contractor who went te Chicago from Htraaburg, this county. He many year bad alapeed since bl departure that the recollec tion of tbe family had almost died away, bat careful Inquiry among old resident reveal that tbe deceased wa the third eon el Daniel Oewen, who waa a Htraaburg aboe abee maker and tbe father of a family of ten children, four eon and la daughters, allot whom were born In Htraaburg. Tbe family left htrssburg and went te Gettysburg about 1832. Frem there they removed te Harris burg, where a married sister still Uvea, tbe ole survivor of tbe family. One of tbe sister of tbe deceased, Harsh, waa a woman et very remarkable beauty. Hhe died unmarried In Qettyeburg. CeL Oewen did much extensive work In tbe mason contracting line, Including two mile of tbe read bed of tbe Northern Cen tral read, from the old Dauphin te the Ileckvllle bridge, coal ahute In tbe Patapaoe river, at Canten, Maryland, and tbe government dam at Harper' Ferry, Va. which wa abandoned at tbe outbreak of the war. He assisted In tbe building or tbe two mile tunnel under lake Michigan for Chicago' water supply. Mere recently be eettled down In the pineries of Montcalm county, Michigan, where be founded a thriv ing little settlement which new bear bla name. The father or Mr. Oewen was a brother of the father el Franklin B. Oewen, ex-preal-dent of tbe Philadelphia A. Reading railroad company. The brother came from County Tyrene, Ireland, and were strong type et tbe tugged, forceful men who have done ae much te build up thla country. It I prob able that the tltle of colonel which wa given te the deceased waa honorary, a he I net known te have bad military tervlee. Tbe house that he wa born in waa purchased from bla father by Hobt Spencer, father et Wm, Spencer, who new resides in Htraaburg. Deetb el Uarbwt Bletter Blbs. Herbert Metter Hlgbee, eldest son or State Huperlntendent K. E. Hlgbee, died shortly before 4 o'clock en Tuesday afternoon. He bad been ill for a long time from consumption and hi death wa net unexpected. He waa In bla 21st year and before bl health be gan te fall waa a atudent at Franklin and Marshall college, where be displayed a great aptness In classical studies, fore fere fore abadewlng like talent with these et bl eminent father. Eighteen months age. In tbe hope of Improving his health, the young man went te California. Thence be went te Oregon and get a position en the Northern Pacitie railroad. While there employed, be waa hurt In a railroad accident and went te Heaver Dam, Wis., te recuperate and finally was obliged te go home. Last winter be started again for California. On tbe way out hla train ran off tbe track and waa de tained 20 hour a In the enew. Yeung Hlgbee waa much exposed during this time and when he get te California bis physician ad vised him te teturn home, as death waa im minent Tbe young man came home in January and has ever since been very ill. Tbe car bonic acid gas treatmenl for consumption wa tried upon blm and gave blm consider able relief and undoubtedly prolonged his life. His father waa unwearied in bia devo tion te bla eon, and all that medical Hkill could secure was used in hla behalf. Tbe funeral lll take place en Friday in Kmtnitt burg, Maryland, the funeral party leaving Lancaster at f..--7 o'clock Friday morning en the Pennsylvania railroad. Death of cutis Klao Werat. That death love a ahlning mark was ence mere exemplified in tbe sudden demise of little Newton Kelto Worst, youngest son of I. DUIer Worst His death occurred en Sat urday morning, after a very brief Illness, at tbe residence or bis rather, at White Herse, Sallabury township. Although only fourteen years or age, be was far advanced In bis stud ies, and was noted throughout the eastern end of tbe county for bis excellent scholar ship. When twelve year of age he received tbe highest honors at Cedar Oreve secondary school, in East Earl township, then one of the best ecboels In tbe county. In mathe matics be waa particularly bright By hla amiable disposition and gentlemanly man ners he wen a large circle et frieuds and ac quaintances, who loved and admired blm for bl many sterling qualities. Hi funeral took place en Monday afternoon, and waa attended very largely, notwithstanding the inclemency of tbe weather. Ills remains were Interred In tbe cemetery at Ht Jebn'a Episcopal church at Cempassville, A Keim.r Wsll-Knewn Lancaatsr Man's U.ath In Kansas Oily. Werd has Just been received In thla city or the death et Edmund McCatlerty, formerly or tbta city. He died in tbe hospital of the Histers of Ht France In Weat Kanaaa City, Missouri, several weeka age, and the cause of bta death was dropsy. He was a son of tbe late J ames McCatlerty, who resided en Vine treet, and waa about 33 year of age. He learned tbe trade el a woodworker in tbe carriage shop or D. A. Altick. He left Lan caster about ten year age, going te Phila delphia where be worked at his trade for a time. After that be received a position as conductor en the Uirard avenue atreet car line. Upen leaving Philadelphia be went te Newark and Jersey City, where he worked at bl trade for several years. Finally he went te Alaska en a whaling voyage and thence te Han Francisce. He also traveled through New Mexico, Colerado, and ether part et the Weat and Southwest Uls friend bad net beard or blm for aeme time and were greatly aurprised te learn of bla deatb. James Mc Catlerty, a brother of tbe deceased, 1 a printer In Philadelphia, where tbree sisters also reside. Death el an Octegcuerlan. Mrs, Agnea Kluge, aged bO, who died in Bethlehem, en Hunday, was a niece et Itev. Leuis de Hehweinilz, father or Kt itev. Ed mund de Hehwelnltx. Hhe was born In Sax. eny, andwa by birth a Van Panacb, her rather being a nobleman who was obliged te leave bla native country in 1312. Mra. Kluge, then a young girl, came te America wltb tbe family or her uncle. In 1829 she was married te Charles F. Kluge, and thj couple celebra ted their golden wedding In 1S71. A year later Mr. Klugh died. They bad five child ren. Cat Ball Ills Nees Off. Daniel F. KHz, plasterer, who lives at Ne. 131 Nevln street, met wltb an accident en Tuesday morning while working ter Charles E. Broeme, who la doing tbe plastering work at Clarence E. U en woeb's beuse en West orange atreet between Charlette and Mary etreals. Rita wa using a trowel en a scaffold. Tbe latter gave way and Itltz fell upon the trowel face first and out half hla nose en. Tbe wound U a aerleu one, but It is believed tbe nasal organ can be restored. He lest a great quantity of bleed by tbe accident Dr. D. K. McCermlck attended tbe sufferer. failure Blamed en tbe New Law. Sherman .t Marsh, barbed wire manufac turers, et Chicago, made an assignment Tuesdsy. Liabilities, (118,000; asset, 250,. 000. HcbnabeWt Ce., of tbe same city, alae barbed wire makers, were rerjerted te hava failed later in tbe day for 1303,900, wltb 1175, 000 of aeseta, A member of tbe firm et Hber man 4 Marsh attributed ita failure te the in-ter-atate commerce law. Happy. Jeseph Londen, alia liuaeu, of Salisbury, waa granted a Maatea durla the peat weak. laTOaaawMrijaa Charlaa KeaaW Ua. ge.Barry'aLNUBlay, Ml Jey, had LeTu 11, 1887. MANY BUILDINGS BURNED. tKTMuAL ABBIOV JTBM MM OUVntMW AMD ABHVAtt. rati A Nsw llampihlrs Village Visited By tbe D- atreilng Kltmsnt-A Kallreed uepet la Minnesota With IM Oenunts Ce. samsd-Leuss Eleewher. HAVEitiiti.t, Mae., May II About mid night last night a fire occurred at Newton village, N. II , In the livery stable of O. H. Uerltt Owing te tbe delay In getting the Ore engine rrem Haverhill the fire extended te the Twilight bete), Crall'e meat market, II. E. Uallferd'a beuse and carriage factory, all of which were totally destroyed aa well a about 20 ether buildings. The less will ex ceed t23,noe, A Western Betsl tiara ad. Hieux Citv, Iowa, May 11. The Mer chants' hotel, one of the eldest hotels In tbe city, burned yesterday afternoon, the lire catching In the oil room from aeme unex plained cause. A geed share et the furni ture waa aaved, but tbe building I a total wreck. The less Is felly covered by Insur ance of 17, 000. freight and Paa.rjct Depot Earned. Owatek.na, Minn., May IL Owing te tbe extreme dry weather, the spark of an out-going freight set fire te the reef or tbe Chicasa Milwaukee V. NL Paul mmmiih and freight depot Tbe book and tickets I and baggage were aaved, but the freight was all burned. The amount of less could net be ascertained. Village and Hamlets Dcatreyed, Vienna, May 11. Tbe village of SoeJteer In Southwestern Hungary and Tepllcza In Keuinania, andaeveral hamleta In Haxen and Transylvania were partly destroyed by fire en last Friday night The fires originated in the forests. Knitting Werk and Creamery In Aahaa. Nashville, Toen., May IL At 1 o'clock this morning lire destroyed tbe Dyaa Knit ting company 'a factory and Rebin Jenes' creamery. The Merchant exehange wa also In flames, but waa saved with a alight toss. One hundred horses from McArthur's tables, In rear or the burning buildings, were stampeded, causing a panic, but ae one was Injured. At 2 a.m. the fire waa under control. Total iesa about (40,000 ; Insured. KMNTSVKt BAFVBLICAIM. , O. Bradley te Cemr.t With Oen. Bnckntr. Rpllntsra Frem the Platform. Leuisvillh, May 11. The atate central committee of tbe Republican party met laat night at tbe Filth Avenue hotel and discussed the platform. The policy meat generally agreed upon was like this: Favoring tbe Blair educational bill ; against convict labor and denouncing tbe Democratic party for net properly beusing convicts; favoring Immigration ; a conservative plank en tbe dependent penalen bill, and if any thing, te positively Indorse it; favoring a pro tective tariil strongly ; a demand for the re modeling of tbe state constitution. There was much interest manifested in the general all-around talk en tbe platform. On the question et temperance there waa a geed deal et discussion and the opinion waa almost unanimous that the temperance ques tion aheuld be let alone in the resolutions. State Issue are te take the place of national features. Tbe Republican conven tion will meet te-day at neon at Masonic Temple. A large crowd or tbe talthrul are in the city and were busy last night In fixing things for te day. W. O. Bradley, or Lan caster, will be nominated for governor en the tirat ballet having no opposition, and General Jehn I'eland, of Uepkinsville, ha a sure thing for lieutenant governor, if be will accept Nomlnatlena for the ether offices will be warmlycentested ter. The Republican ex pect te make a strong light in Kentucky this year. They claim that the Prohibition and Laber tickets will take 30,000 votes from the Democratic) party, and they are greatly en couraged by tbe strength they displayed In tbe fall elections, when they carried tbe city of Loulsvllle by a small majority. A LOMDUM fAPBB'A BBHSATlOl. Calls In ailllbank PrUoe Balug Prepared, It I. Alleged, for Paresmias. Londen, May 11. The rumor published In yesterday's Issue or tbe rail Mall Gazette that the government contemplated tbe arrest of the most active et the Parnelllte members of the Heuse of Commens and tbelr Incarcer ation in Mlllbank prison baa created a verit able aentatlen, and In aeme quarter positive alarm. Although tbe rumor is derided in official circles, It I known that extraordinary preparation has recently been made in tbe prison for tbe accommodation of tbe grade of prisoner known a " first-class misdemean ants," in which category grievous effendera against tbe dignity of Parliament are placed, and no one believe tbe refitting and furnish ing of sixty contiguous cells te have been done aimlessly. Tbe theory upon which many person seek te account for this sudden activity en the part et tbe prison officials is that the government, enraged and humili ated by the superior tactics or tbe Parnelllte leedera in the Dlllen-Timci affair, and goaded te tbe point of losing their bead by the masterful tight of tbe Irish leaden against tbe crimes bill, clause by clause, have reached the determination te evade turtber battle with an enemy numerically weak, but intellectually strong, by seizing tbe first pre text presented te threw tbelr tormenters In prison, heedless of tbe exhibition of weak ness and cowardice their act would bold up te tbe world. IlDula Incrsaaa Impert Datlsa. Londen, May IL Tbe new Russian tariff schedule which Increases the import duty en Iren and steel went Inte eflect yesterday and manufacturer throughout Europe and mere especially In Germany and Eegland must of neeceealty, seen reel tbe burden this impose upon them. Many contraeta for the delivery or Iren and ateel at Russian ports yet remain te be filled, and most or these must either be abrogated or carried out at heavy less. Sinking vTsavara Berrsndsr. Wakk, Mass., May IL The weaver em ployed In tbe O. H. Gilbert manufacturing company's woolen mills, in GUbertville, who (truck en April 20th because they were refused Increased pay, surrendered un conditionally this morning and a majority returned te work. Tbe company will net take back the leaders of tbe atrlke. The lea te the village by tbe atrlke la estimated at 110,000. m Killed Wltb a Hee. MoNTueMEitr, Ala,, May IL In Elmere county, Haturday, Re Powell, a highly re spectable young man, bad occasion te crea a field where Mr. Fallln and bla two sons were at work. In a short time be waa found dead, bl skull crushed wltb a boa. Fallln escaped, but bla two sons have been arrested. Tbe origin or tbe difficulty la net known. Striking coke Workers Desperate. Greensdube, Pa., May IL The atrlklng mlnera and coke drawers from tbe Mam moth, tbeUecla and tbe United coke work, te the number of five hundred, vlaltedthe Mutual coke werka between 3 and 4 o'clock thla morning and drove out the man at work at the latter place. April's KmlgraUen from Ireland. Dublin, May 11. According te the re turns made te tbe department of statletles for the month of April, 1L8M pereeaa east aPsaWtffOBi IxieadtelJBaUBiaaataiaad tO AVVOBBO JOBOAB. Jane W. Hratt, of Ceaasetleat, Apstelatsd tnltad States Treaaarer. WAHttmaTOK, May IL The president to te day appointed Jaraea W. Hyatt, of Connecti cut, te be United State treaturer.Tlc Jerdan, resigned. James W. Hyatt wa bera In Norwalk fifty years ego he studied In the common eoheola until he wa 13 year of age, and an began an active buslneaa life. Htep by etep ha rapidly advanced, and rren 1800 te 1872 ha waa a trustee eieric witn tbe banking arm of UOrand.Loekwood.tCoi, of New Yerk, He returned te Norwalk In 1873, and was elected Justice or the peace, and also vice president el the Danbnry . .. Mew"t llred company. The latter office be held until 1881, when be waa elected president In 1874 be waa elected president of the Nerwslk Hene railroad company, and haa been re elected each year since. In 1975 and 1870 be representedftbe town of Norwalk In tbe lower branch of tbe state leglalature,and served en the Heuse com- S.'.li?Lonn,V?ainl87eaolr' Ingereoll.p Ingereell.p Ingereoll.p peinted him bank commissioner te fill )h1 ?n17 'U,?J bJ tne "IfCnalleB of the Hen. Geerge M. Landers, who wsa re re ,ur.n6ll..te Uenkres. This office be held S5i,ll.JSbrHr3r J?87' "'Inn been reap pointed by Gov. Hubbard, Andrew, Blge Blge lew and Waller, discharging its duties with rare fidelity. In 1883 he wa elected te the Mate Senate, but re signed after two months' aervice, a be found that be could net well attend te tbe duties of the two offices. In February or thla year he wa appointed national bank examiner for Connecticut and Rhede laland, whleh office he new held. Mr. Hyatt Is a straightforward Democrat, I and 0DB 0 tn old school. no ei ft ner vpu temperament, a man or positive vuBiKwr, jmca. te reseive ana act, and a discriminating atudent or humsn nature. He la strong and loyal In his irlendsblps, and bl popularity la shown by hi election te the state Senate in a district ordinary Republican. He will bring te the new office te which he has been called, mature Judgment, and tbe reault or long ex perience In public and buslneaa lire. BATABVM AVBOBtXIOM. A Canadian Official Deas Met raver HI plan Fer tha SatUcmsat el Miner OUpntes. Londen, May II Hlr Alexander Camp een, k.. v. M.U., lieutenant governor of tbe province of Ontario, visiting Londen te at tend the colonial conference, said in refer, ence te the fisheries disputes: "Mr. Bayard, en behalf ct tbe United States, has suggested that dispute arising In the Interim before a final settlement should be referred te two officer, one belonging te me American navy ana the etber te ours. The objection te this would be that disputes would be left te a court composed of referees who would find it extremely difficult te meet Dispute may arise when the officers composing the court were hundred of miles apart Besides we think that disputes should be dealt wltb by the tri bunals of the country In which they anaa Canada baa been extremely careful in instruct ing her officials te give no offense and cause no annoyance te the United Stater. Dispute have arisen through American fishermen neglecting te comply with Canadian harbor laws, many of them seeming te think themselves above the law. Whether an Interim arrangement might net be ar rived at en the basis of putting an American juageoneneoi our men-ei-war with power te aaiuageaiapuiesweuia be worth consider ing, but that Is merely suggestion. The United States government have behaved very well In tbe matter. They are willing te have a Joint commission deal with the question and a presidential message waa aent te Congress te mat effect, but no action wa taken by Congress. The Impression Is that the pre!- aent ana nis caninet are anxieua for a settle ment" The Democratic Stat Committee. llArtnisiitiKu, May 11, About 100 mem ber of the Demccratie state committee met at neon te-day in the Beard et Trade rooms for the purpose of fixing tbe meeting of the next state convention and te act en etber business. Dallas Sanders presided. Tbe committee agreed upon Wednesday, Augusts!, a tbe time ter holding the state convention at Har risburg. m Ifali Prices tbe 8am aa Bafore. PiTTsitune, ia, May 11. Tbe Western Nail association met this afternoon and re affirmed the present card. Trade was re ported dull. NKW8 AT A QLANOK. Governer Hill, et New Yerk, baa vetoed the constitutional convention bill. Martin, alias " Fiddler" Neary, once a pop ular prize fighter, ia insane in New Yerk. Jehn U. Kankln, et Reading, haa been ap pointed master car builder et tbe Philadel phia &. Reading railroad. Jarvls Griffin, colored, waa abet and killed in Philadelphia, Tuesday morning by Gee. Duval, also colored, in front of a liquor atere at Twelfth and Lembard street. Duval and Warren Williamson bad been gambling. At Princeton, N. J., tbe aeventy-filth an nual commencement et the theological semi nary waa Beld Tueaday, when fifty -seven student received their diploma te go out and preach the gospel. In the oil conspiracy trial at Buffalo the New Yerk defendants, Jehn D. Archbald, Henry H. Rogers and Ambrose McGregor, were discharged, Judge Halgbt directing the Jury te find a verdict of acquittal a te them, saying that tbe prosecution had railed te make any proof against them of tbe crime charged in tbe indictment Monre leg Fer Qsrnardt. Jee Gerbardt left tbe Pole grounds yester day Just aa tbe sixth inning wa being played. He bad a bundle in bl arm and a tear in bis eye. The New Yerk Sun say: " A be came along with his bundle tbe crowd saw blm. Never In tbe history of tbe Pole grounds did a player get such a recep tion a he received, and the cheer continued long alter be waa out of algbt" At the aame time Ewlng waa being booted, and be be came se auury that be cursed the occupant et tbe right field benches roundly. There seems te be difference of opinion aa te tbe alze or the crowds that were at tbe Rnadlng-Allentewn game yesterday. Tbe Herald aay a 700 and the Timet and Dispatch runa the figures op te 1,800. m llarnum te Hoj lb rreneb Crown Jaw!, P. T. llarnum went te New Yerk te com plete arrangement for tbe purchase at auc tion or the French crown Jewel. He aent an agent te Pari aeme time age, accompanied by an expert jeweller and a member of a I New Yerk banking beuae, te ascertain tha I exact weigut ana vaiae ei ine jewels, ana be ha te-day received advice by cable of tbe estimated worth of tbe collection. Ha haa Instructed bis agent te proceed with the pur chase U the Jewela can be obtained for 16 ptr cent In advance of tbelr real value. raying te Broken Premts. Franklin Hewell, a banker et Borantea, Pa, waa en Tueaday aued by a Pittsburg lady for breach of premt, she claiming 176,000. About a year age, a Borantea lady brought a similar ault against him and he paid bar 110,000. He ta aald te have compro mised his latest ault for 150,000. There are doubts aa te tbe aanity of Hewell. Felic cases. Maze Tayler, who baa figured en a number et occasions In police circle, waa arrested late laat night for ber usual etreuae aruna enneasand disorderly conduct In default of bail Alderman Barr committed her far a bearing. William Davie, a professional tramp, wa accommodated wltb quarter at the work house for the next 30 days, by the mayor. A farewell Bweaad. Je K. Smith, who ter aeaie time past has beaa connected with tha faneastar Ceuaty hnnaa. rasbtaad that position ea Saturday te accept one as clerk for J. K. GoedoMaattae Ualen house, Reading. Laat evening tha Wales's Island dub, of whiehMr. tsasttak a har. with their baaa am hits sv -p.. .. PRICE TWO OJ HIGH LICENSE AWKI ar. raaaajrara v $$M ram mtam IWIttwrlff, ft. stvr Barbara's Bahama Bat at Tae Oeaeral atavsaa te Cen reran Bill Net atediflea I VI, J M 2:5L:a At Taeadaya aassiea the 8i I ceeded te the oeaslderaUoa of Ua high lleenae bill. On motion of Oemb vote by whleh it passed aecead malaai reoenlderd, and tbe action la Mtvar a( rennaiwny amendment for a peeal N waa reversed. The vote waa yea Ml 10. Sraaten Mylin aad Stehasaa vata tbe minority. The vote te atrtka Ml amendment waa yea 23 ; naya 17. ' noun ro-eonaiaerea tna vote a? uioneimo out previaing iet aa i law Judge of Chester county waa ana men peasea it finally. fry xiAHHiauuHu, nay it in the B aay ueuae bill were rennrtai fa' regulating the practice of homeopath! "uj, eatauiuuing county Deard of providing for civil right for persons tea of race or eread. Macfarlane move the elevated rallwav bill t mi. t,. .. order for te-day, te morrow and Friday. IUV-; burn and Grady onneeed the mntrn. JZlL: Ing that there waa no necessity ter Bavtaatt-. the bill considered out et order. MaefarlaaaaC - -" u..u luigm crew n i out GradvaaM IHapa n it..t. . a. &V passage of the bill, and Maefarlaae'a aaeva- ment would create the impression that than iV m iK.im.UIam . !... .. .... . .,"v order motion wa agreed te yeaa 30, naya t:i uoein eiierea, and the Senate agreed la. KM concurrent resolution dlrecUnar thaadlaaaaai? general te orenosa medal am -.-- ' mem te aoneraoiy discharged Penaay.vxsBv soldier In the late war en the Davmeat at a -'i fee of one dollar. The Senate insisted em MK 3 amendment te the general revenue bill aaeY-5;h a committee et conference ordered. fyli Tbe high license bill having been naA.1 Rnhnm nftiMit .. . .HhalliHi. Li- km -fi5 vlitlne tn Ih. I..n. ll V. 'V,1 - B .i nil u. uuouaea BnOST BBA'J dlreotien of a commission tn ha .nmiaui a-wil the atate treasurer at a salary of 14,000 a TtBfcfn ineiuDsiHuie was aereated yeaa lLaaMt m. uruner enerea tbe bill, atetlng that aV'Sv was aimply traab. The bill naaasd final!- 3 yeaa 30, naya IL ijgHJ ,. et.ub lia.aMHI JJ.....17B. w. u.a.u Lafceineni. 8rrsaBBaBvriv! -.--.. m u,w.K .u D.u.iinnnm Bsai'j-mvfl displayed a number of book bought for Hi 'X ana fw wnicn ne claimed should hava beaa "-i purchased for less than a dollar. Wherry Xm and J-aunee replied thst tbe seller bad effaresl JM te take back tbe boeka at a greater price thaB&'.- uienawuUiHUlur UIOU. i OB HOUBB 111111 BB r Investigation Inte the alleged extravagaaee r of the state librarian, but the Senate iavi-i featad it -JjL .. .7 tur. 3ietzger euerea anameaaaaeastai distillers', brewers' and bout- bUUBSW In- that tha HcenaaS-ln S Me et the Bret, I end and third clasaea be tMsJKTmcrmm'' and in boremrha. S2rM aa.raxUL. " - ships, ioe. The amendmeaT aeieatea, yea 18, naya aa every distiller, brewer, bottler, i and agent of foreign firm dealing in tatai tate win nave te pay a yearly license et WM if me bill passes in its present shape, Tha Heuse concurred In the Senate amendmaaai te the high license bill by a vote of 122 veaa te37nav. Mr. Mackln aneka amlnat a. 'fi amendments. He aald they were tha ira dnct of a scheme between high license advew catea, temperance apostle and the asaaar from Delaware, Cooper. "Tbe latter" aafct he, la new en the fleer of the Heuse whip ping tbe member into line." Tbe concurrence of the Heuse la tha Senate amendmenta leave the measure practically In the same ahape aa whea it passed the Heuse en April 12. At that tlaw tbe full text of the measure was printed ta thfl ITRr.MflRNfKB. Hmn.nr iha Haul ! amendments te tha bill maria nn TnmmAmmfii'-Si . L . .. 'r , vnra n nvnnwn inuMiH & . i - j hotel, inn or tavern" in tbe aeotlen WBaBsfp nrevldea that ' anv hetiaa. rnrtm n. r1mn hH V-V.W. .1 A.V-MU.U, lUWIIUI. IU. wbere liquors are sold or given away la vhp .mwu v. .. aunt mv ymiuw By Macfarlane making it a mil for a physician wilfully te as a beverage any Intoxicating liquor te a person ei Known intemperate BvHennlneer that Delatiens for or. tbe granting of a license shall be baaed OBMsal necessity of tbe saloon. Bv Tavler aa amaarl l ment directing the mercantile appraisers h fc (.ItlAfl nl IhA nrat Alse tn Mim . th aIW "A" ihm AAlll-t rtt nnmrtMV .wlnn. ttia H.mH jjlk. Hti.. hw ww. w. -, H. wm ,.. MV UUB1 V. WmW lifi vputa ui luiunuHu aaiuuniL, mm! irqwraag && the district attorney te prosecute tbe TlnlattrB p ui uis law. ay iieiK-r, wai uoeasos VUUBK "& previous taws anau agt ne grantea later ImMMiii, j nne se or tnia vear. tub Dili new anaa sat i the governor for signature, and be will - ., .- ,j ably aign it Ees. Intelliekncmr, KBBXVVKl'S BBBBW. A Great Crowd at tha Itaee The Traek ta I Condition, Leuisvillk, Ky., May 1L The opened bright tbla morning with a law.1 scattering clouds and tbe weather preas! te de an mat oeuta ee aesirea. The I in fine condition and the sprat wm Kentucky derby will be an avast ti mere than usual Interest this season. Tha M atreet cars were crowded aa early aa boob,' 'gS and tbe reads are covered with vehicles am-'&l route for the race, and an immense thfOBBic-.l win ee en nana te aee tne apert retemaavs .... . ...... . ..-3 Ht Valentine have been scratched. UaAaw m slight indications of ralaClariea la davaaf .j-fe ins lute a mud horse and will ha hhJ"r freely. Lucky Baldwin U backing hla BBlry Jf, Pendennlt heavily In tha boeka aadaae- -?J, tlen peels. Under agreement bet we tha ., boekmakera and jockey club there will b a 5s anntlnn tmnla anlff tfwlav aft Hi ImaI mmA 4hua V 22 bookmaker and tha mntuela will1 Ilia. In all tha money. 'A peel at neon at tha Tart flf exehange aeld aa follewa t Banburg 80, Fas Ai riannla BIIL flnM Bt.1. Junhln 1 In Vu .! 120, Montrese 5, Clarien W. A Town BaaT.rlas rrem rise. Ht. Jehn, N. a, May 11. Tha alnnv lha Mt. Jnhn rlva e-mara afwat. VeaaUtl erlcktewn la in darkness, we gas being submerged. Tbe school sad are all closed. There la great i flooded districts, and the aent one of tha Frederiektewa beat te assist ta removing tha lira a the high land. Melting saew aa tha i at Tnhn la faarilne? tha nana. ..-H'.- . . -"fs. 3 " ."HtlS1". i . Al M -r- Ghioaeo, May iL-uaAHasa, wows www ni Indletad OB fOOT eaaB ensjaaj saw velvfng ,0fl0 or ttgft fr?'.y .-.. .. Hnerdaf Traaa a wheat bb V., " - - - - . . . m - m - i i oenfldeatlal oeoa-aT- ! mJm$s JedgeTuiey "- "ey-yn ssaiieaesa " J" " "u,,,," """"""afW; k. nthan balsa JiSSllSSItli .; " .law Oatnajea Ai Pksth, May L-AaJwlsh curred at Kejelia, Mefavia, aad at navUtacUv. yesterday. Maaaaa aaeked aad Jswa BBhJtattl avBty efladlgally. aSXR 1 sTaTAralBJi jfWMItawa J P WiBTOsrswa, p. q, May ttHB TvtM wa s)sawsr mSSnI aW waBBBJ aBBBBBBBB) ..ymammmm 1 M WWWfMMftM ta Ml I ,.:..-i.-' hs , . crl.rf. .i .aa-fetaa kJ:-S" W-5W. 5"' "" 'i? ...f&t&J