Ww9?GfTfW&fy&M m?&tti? m Lsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsb m. -m. bbw m sms! maw saV BBaBaW ST-bbbm, "m , 'V KSIffi VOLUME XXin NO. 210 LANCASTER, PA., FRIDAY, MAY , 1887. PRICE TWO HWW- ANOTHER NEW SCHOOL HOUSE. th nvii.ni!u te fia bmbetbu At VtlBMBB WAlBVt ABB MABT Te lis Itesdjr tr llrrnpanrr li eptnibr. sim Chang la ihesSaan el lottrsjsaeM In lli uitr MckiMiiirtia Hru Which Arc la II IH.centlnueeV The Msy meeting of tli Lancaster city school Uwrtl wm held en Tbursdsy evening In common council chamber, with the follow ing member present: Mmif, Bernard, Bell Mux, llruiieinsti, llyrne, Kherinsn, Erlsmsn, Kvan, Grl.si, .llsrtman, .Lletity, Marahall, McCemsey, MuCermlck, McKlllgntt, Ojh, Owen., lUut., Hlugwalt, Hehwsbsl, Shirk, Htiieyeh, Wartel, W Inkerahaui, Wohlsensed Dr. Levorgend president The inlmittsi or thu April meeting one read niul itevihI. IIII.I.H TO UK PAID. Mr. Kvsti, of the finance oeinmlttee, read Iho fallowing kill, whli'h were nrilered te be paid : llsumgardners A JefTerl, oeal, I l(V 12; Gee. K. Keeil, dividend en check, flLU7; Jehn Rest A Hen, repairs, I1L08; Kste Hhlrk, night school tuition, fl37.fi0; 1'rete 17e isr, itdvertlsliig, W ; Mlaugh A Hen, tsbln, fiv.'i; 1'iluii A llreneman, sundries, tlOAW; Wm. J. Smith, repalrs, tl2tV; Lan caster rity, .water rent, 1178.00; Xew AVrt, advertising, til 25; LancMter city, extra water rent, tl0 Charles U. Ilarr, supplies, I7.S'.. Mr. Evan also ettered the following, which was unanimously adopted : lleielveil, That for the year commencing with the tint day of June, ISS7, the rate el taxation for school purpose. In the Lancas ter city school district, thai I be sasesaed tSrte mill en the real and personal estate of tliu district, and en all ether subject) of taxa tion, at the ratu fixed by law ; and te all liraeu who shall pay their taxes, en or be fore the Unit day of August In said year, an abatement el three per cent shall be allowed, suit after that date, until the II rut day of Sep Sep teinlxir following, the full amount will be re quired ; and te all taxea remaining unpaid at that ttiueti-e per cent, shall be added. HKfOIlT Of TEXT-nOOK COMM1TTEB. Mr. llyrne prevented the fallowing report el ttm Unt-lioek oemmlttee : Te thi itrttUltntitnJ vwmbtri of th l.nne(ltlr tiehoel (Mird Oknti.kmkn The rules of the beard make It the duty of your oeuitnlttee te report at thl meeting any cbangea In toil book or In theceurae of Instruction which In their Judg ment may tie deatratila After careful Inquiry and after Riving the subject due consideration, your committee believe that by making a few change the course et Instruction oeutd be materially Im proved and thcrelere respectfully recoui receui recoui ineud . I Tint Iti teaching physiology the use of a text book In the secondary schools bodlscon bedlscon bodlscen tlnued, niul thst In all schools below the grammar school grnde the subject be taught orally. 2. That the city siijrlntendent be re re (iuetml te in ike future oxatnlnatlena In pnjnlnlegy In the grammar schools el a mere elementary chsrncter. 3. That the study of trigonometry be dis continued In the girls' high school. 4 That the stuuy of moral science be dis continued In both lilfcli rchunls. J. That p ill In l))th high school be al lowed te Ik gin the study of German In their Ornt your. Itcspvctfullv submitted. J. W. IIVIt.NK, ItellKHT M. llOI.KMl!, M. V. Hal' li. AcvempM) Ing the report was a printed copy of the iiiiesitens asked by the superin tendent In his examination el pupils In the grammar cu"H : l'hysloley . (Iraniiuiir fclioeln, clas"! A, girls, M.itch 10 Iv7. 1 l)-rilxj the theiax, e'peclilly reariH Uie tienun Z. He de tnvnlutitsry inuclc llrTr from eluiitiiry mueIe in their action? Men tion at linl three pititlcuUr Illustrate with a drtwlnu the changes which take place lu a tnii-Hx whu It expauils and oeiitrduLt. 3. tilte thrie reasons icAy the muscles Hhuuld be exercised. I Duscrlbe the oeurKO of the hloed b-glnnlng where the chyle enters the eln and ending where the aert.i begins Illustrate with a draw ing. ! Hew and '"j what are the teeth fre quently li'Jcuel ? l)ritwarc'.lonef an Incisor toetli, and ntiew and nsme the inrts. li Kx plain the process of lneUilng. That Is, tell why the Hlrenursand leaves the lungs, and what It cllwts while there. 7. Dpwilt the nerves hs regards their structure and action. 8. Name tlren Httmubints uswl lu this city and Ute hew or why they are Injurious I'. Kxplalu the pria'ssef heurlng. It). Draw a stvlnti nt the skin, naming the put and their um, lnsiiligy : nramiiiir s;lioels, alas A, Iwys, Mare'i l'J IM7 I I) iserlUe the wrist, esp-ulally as legnts tliH Iniiies 2 Hew de voluntary iiiu'les itlllxr In structure from lnelutimry inu-cles ? Illustrate your an awrr Willi iiilrusiiig. 3 Why should violent exerclw net be tukuu directly aftir full uieiil 7 I In Khit respects de veins dllldr from arteries 7 Why du they diller In these reswut 7 & Hew does opium sllect diges tion 7 hxplsln lu full. II, lu what particu lars dots sir te Ih Inhaled (llir-r Irem that which Is exhslml 7 What Is the cause of the cbsuge? D'ncrlcm ihe tiralu. 8 Whstelfect has tlm use or nicetic) en the brain and nerves? U Whnt, adtantages result from bathing ? 111. Dmw a section of I tie eve, showing and ntiulng at least four parts. Tell the uses el the part drawn. A motion was made te adept Iho report of the ceimulttte, but the chair ruled that the ahanges recommended altered some of the rules of the betrd, and that could net be done The report was, en motle.i el Mr. Hartman, received and tiled. Heme discussion followed In reter enoe te tholntreduatloaof the text book en physi ology In the secondary aobeols, participated in by Messra. Hartmtn and Warlel, after which it was deelded te take up the recom mendations of the committee serlatuin. The Urst was adopted by a unanimous vote. On the motion te adept the aeceud-, Dr. Hsub referreJ te the questions put by the superintendent te the pupils et the grammar schools and said no severer testa were applied te graduates In medicine. If the answers te these questions were In the text book, the book was of tee high a grade for pupils or that school. He doubted whether there were three physicians of the city who could an swer all or thorn without studying the sub ject. The work Is tee hard for children of the age of these who attena lue grammar schools. The rule should be changed te sdapt the study te their age. He concluded by a referenee te the cramming process, which seems te be the rule. Dr. Wickersbam agreed with all the gen tleman bad aald.but It was net tbe fault of the elty superintendent that that grade of book la In use In the secondary schools. The roenmmsudatlon et the committee was also adopted. Recommendation Net. 3, 4 sod 5 Involve change of tbe rales, and tbe amendments te cover the same will be ollered by Mr. Byrne at tbe next meeting. TUB MUNICIPAL. MIX. Dr. Wickersbam, from tbe special oommlt eommlt oemmlt tee en legislation, reported that all legislation affecting school bad been stricken from both Heuse bill Ne, 10 and HaeMe bill Ne. 00, and be was certain that one or the ether bills would pass with tbe school features stricken OBt He also reported that there Is bill pending In reference te a uniform system of text books, but that there wm no possibility or its passing. BULB 37 AMENDED, Mr. Hantaan amendment te rale 37 was called up for action .The rule reads "no teaebsr shall be employed In either high sobeols, un its possessed et a teacher's stele or perauaeut eutlftaata, ana found oeapeteat, em du smi&aUem te (4Mb all tt brushes a it department for which he or she Is an appli cant." The proposed amendment was te strike out the words "possessed of a teaeber'a state or permanent esrtlflsU." Mr. McUeraesy was opposed te the amend ment, and oeuld see no geed reason for lis adoption. Mr. driest said It would leek te the public tr lbs amendment wss sdnpted as If the beard was lowering the standard of qualifi cation of teachers required In that school, and be proposed the following as a substi tute : Let the rule remeln ss new In force and add te It Provided, that nothing In this section shall be a mstrund te prevent the employment of a competent specialist In either high school." Mr. llartman accepted the substitute. Mr. MoUemsey said he was npppesed te specialists. The rule was made by tbe beat and wisest men tbst were ever members of this beard, It wm In ue many years, had been restllrtned by this Isisrd. The qualifi cations for a teseber In tbe high school sre net tee high. If this amendment I adopted the bars are let down and there I no telling what the result will be. ir specialists must be employed they should be possessed et the quallllcatlens required by this rule. Mr. Hartman said the lew had been y lelated en mere than one occasion and teachers had been elected who did net have the certificate required by law and there I new a teacher there who does net held the required certifi cate. Mr. McCemsey said Prof. Mali can hardly be called a specialist. While be does net held a permanent certificate he holds s valid certificate. He only knew of one ether viola tien of the law and In that case the teacher wm a failure. Mr. arlesl's subetltute wm adopted with only two dissenting vote, these of Mr. Mo Me Mo Oemey and Dr. McCerinlck. UITV StSPKRINTKNDBNT'S HKI'OHT. Following Is tbe report of the city superin tendent for the month : Lancaster, I'., May !, 18K7. Te (A. Heard of A'eAoef Director $ Orntlkmkn. Your city superintendent submits lbs following report for tbe month of April : The whole number of pupils In at tendance sm2.1I In the blgh school, 345 In the grammar, Ml In the aaoendary, 40 In the ungraded, 792 In tbe Intermediate and 1,39!) In the primary ; total, 3,391. The number In average attendance wm 237 In the blgh schools, .102 In the grammar, ItM In the sec ondary, 31 In the ungraded, fS3 In the Inter mediate snu j,iMi in me primary ; total, 2,013. The number of pupils never absent during the month wm 1,081. Tbe average percentage wm . The number of visits made by tbe city superintendent wm 113, The number of visits made by tbe director wm 19, m fellows : J. W. Ilyrne ), N. F. Krlsman 2, W. W. .tlrlest 3, Dr. J. Lever- feed I. Charles Heturehel, Joen McKllllps, 1. H. llreneman and W. O. Marshall each 1. Very reapectrully, Your Obedient Nervant, It. K. IU'kiiiu.k. A NKW HI MOOt. ni'IMMN'O, Mr. Warfel etlered tbe following : Hetelved. That the committee en building and grounds be directed te erect the present season a four-room school building en the let owned by tbe beard en the corner et Wal nut and Mary atreeta. He did net desire action te be taken this evening, aa he wanted te give tbe members time te think ever the matter. Mr. Marahall had also prepared a resolu tion en tbe same subject. Hy It, however, the oemmlttee wm sutherlrsd te enter Inte a contract forthwith for the orectlen el a build ing en that let Mr. llartman said he had devoted half a day In looking up the necessity or a new school building In that section of the city. He found st the Cbsrlette street school 70 pupils enrolled, snd lack of accommodations for that number In the temporary room rented ; at Miss Hener's Jsmea street school 70 en tbe roll snd t! lit attendance, and the ether rooms in that building tilled In about the same proportion. There Is s pressing necessity for a school In that section, and In two weeks' time a contract can be awarded and the new building be ready for occupancy by .September. If ac tion Is postponed for a month, the work can not be se well done. It will be but s few years until new building will have te be erected te take the place of one-story aheds. Six of these eleven one-story school house are barely tenantable. After the wants of the northwestern section are attended te by building en tbe let purobMed, these old buildings can be replaced In a few years. Ne mere sites will be purchased, m tbe old sites will be very desirable for new structures. Mr, Marshall's resolution wm unanimously adopted. TIIK OBItMAN HTRHKT 1KWKII. Mr. McKUIgett etlered the following, which wm adopted : WuKitKAs, The school beard of Lancaster city ewna considerable property en Kaat German street, snd pmiierty owners en thst street are moving In the matter of construct ing a sewer, and tbe taxpayers along aald street deem It Just and pieper that the school beard abeuld pay part of tbe cost of construc tion of said sewer, therefore Ileseheil, That tbla matter be referred te the property committee of tbla beard with power te act Vl.tlleg GeininlttM. President Levergood announced tbe fol lowing visiting committees for Msy, June snd July : Northeast Division. Dr. K. M. Belenlus, chairman, Philip Iternard, Jacob Hhlndle. BeutbeMt Division. Dr. M. W. Kaub, chairman, William Hhlrk, W. W. (Iretst. Heuthwest Division. Geerge P. Hprenger, chairman, William Wehlseu, Oharles J. White. Northwest Division. Dr. D. It. McCor McCer inlck, chairman, Charles Hehwabel, H. J. Owen. Adjearned. rather Fela Kaad a Paper. A publle meeting of the Catholte Historical society wm held Thursday evening In Phllo Phlle patrlan hall, Twelfth street below Walnut, Philadelphia. There were about 100 people present Rev. J. C Peln, of ElUabetbtewn, read an Interesting historical paper upon the life or Rev. Leuis Berth, who wm one of the pioneer priests in this stste. P. S. P. Con Con Cen eor read a paper en the early Catbolle regis ters or Pennsylvania. Before the meeting adjourned copies or tbe records or the Amer ican Cat helle Historical society, wbleb have Just been Issued, were distributed te tbe members. The rather of lb Brlassr Uaekardi. Frem the Itt Jey star. Rer. MatthtM Brlnser, the father or tbe Ilrtnaer denomination et Dunkarda, and who resides a few miles eMt of Middletown, will be ninety-two yeara of age en tbe 10th or May next Rev. Brlnser is still In full pos session et bis faculties, and Is quite a sprightly old gentlemen. He Is In all prob ability the eldest man la Dauphin county. Purehaaad Preparly. Frem tbe Blliabolhtewn Chronicle. Mr. J. B. Bueh purchMed 'Ay, sores of lsnd a short distance west of town, from Mr. Jeseph Helsey, en private terms, J. a. HtauOer hM sold be seres of land which new contains tbe weeds recently be longing te tbe Beyer estate, te Mr. J. C. H, Uerst en private terms. Dr. A. M. Kalback hM purchased a tract of weed-leave of Isaac Brandt, In Mount Jey township, and commenced aawleg en Mon day. Belldlag HrUk at DMVSr, trew the Kphrata Kevlew, The building boom has begun with the opening or the season. Already Ave houses srs in course of erection. One of them la te be a large three-story building In the central nart et the town. Dart or which is te be used Ma publle bait Several business enterprises WIUV lesatstf la this buUdlng when It Is irtntw, KENTUCKY'S NEXT GOVERNOR. 'aBBBBBSBsW BBBBBBbBPI fBBBBBBBB B ' lBBBBBBBk bbbbbbbbbWbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHRbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI BBbKIP VaffsMiBBBBl BBBBBPv.-. sVvTCx&BBBBW wBflaV . lM ' -j.SBBkeSSiSBTSBBj' aasBBBBBjr'llBBBBBBBBsl eBBBBBjBwBBfyjpMUBAaM &3BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWBB95I UBlt. BIMUH B, ItOCKWBW.AUUMHVAtB OB WAIT PUIBT. HI Msrtlres In lh Mexican War and In It Kblllen-Th K.msled.r el lbs Ticket CarllaU'a Bpswch en lh Werk and Pre- I.mIoe. of lb Dmeratle Parly. Leuisvtt.r.i:, Ky., May 0 Tbe Deme cratic state convention here completed tbe ticket last evening. Hen. James W. Bryan, of Covington, wm nominated ter lieutenant governor; P. W. Hardin, of Mercer county, for attorney genersl ; General Lafayette Hewitt, of Hardin, ler auditor ; Richard Tate, of Franklin, for treasurer; J. D. Pickett, of Fayette county, ter superintendent el publle Instruction '.Themas Corbett, of Me Cracken county, ter register of tbe land e flics. Ihe head of the ticket, 8 1 men Bolivar Buckner, wm born in Kentucky in 1823 snd graduated at West Point In Bit He entered tbe army, where he wm made cemmlsaary of subsistence lu 1852 with tbe rank of captain. At the outbreak of the Mexican war he wm an assistant professor In tbe West Point mili tary scademy, but resigned te take part In the struggle. He mw active service at Vera Crut, Cerre Gorde, Han Antonie, Chapultepec and the City of Mexico. In 1865 be wm su perintendent of construction of the Chicago custom house. In IS-'iT be wm appointed colonel of the Illinois volunteers for the Utah expedition, and In 1840 became Inspector general commanding tbe Kentucky horse guards. At the outbreak el tbe civil war he Joined the Southern army", and wm in com mand of Bowling Green, which be evacuated en tbe capture of Fert Henry, falling back te Fert Donelaen, where he wm besieged by Gen. Grant, and en February 10, 1642, sur rendered te tbe latter with 10,000 troops and vast stores. He wm a prisoner et war at Fert Warren until August, 1S2, when be wm exchanged. He oemmaudeda division of Hardee'a corps, in Bragg'a army, In Ten neasee, and wm major general, wm assigned the 31 grand division, engaged at Murfreea Murfreea Murfreea boreand Chlckamauga, and wm included In Klrby Smith's surrender te Gen. Canby, May 22, ISej. I'ARMHLK'S srCKCII. Upen assuming the duties of permanent chairman ex-Hpeaker Carlisle said : Fer tbe rirat time in a quarter of a century the responsibilities of government are en tbe Democratic party, and It must meet them in a spirit of brave aud unselfish patriotism. If Uever had prejudice, it must forget them. If It ever felt the spirit of faction, It must silence It If It is euiharraaned tiy dlllerenees of opinion among Its inemtwrs, It must recon cile them, If possible ; but if that cannot be done, It must deliherately pronounce tbe judgment of the majority en all vital ques tions, and let each man go bis own way and cheese bis own political associates. This pre scribes nobody, coerces nobody; but it bases party organization en principle and makes party action honest and respectable This Is net an appropriate time or plaee for an elaborate discussion el political questions, and 1 shall net attempt it That will be done during tbe progress of the canvass you are new about te Inaugurate, aud 1 hope it may be In my power te take any humble part In It net as a candidate for any elllce, directly or Indirectly, at the disposal of the people, but simply aa a Democrat, profoundly con vinced that the best Interests of tbe state and the whole country will be promoted by the combined ascendency of Democratic principles and Democratic methods. Great applause. I believe, gentlemen, mat a large majority of the people of the United 8 tales are looking te the Democratic parly te protect them and tbetr property from tbe encroachments and spoliations of what la called paternal government en the one side, and from the threatened depredations of sgrsrlanUm en tbe ether. It is tbe only prac tical organization that has witnessed and helped te promote tbe wonderful grewtb and prosperity el tbe country during the whole century of the government's existence. It Is the great conservative force of tbe country, andlt Is stronger In numbers te-day than it ever was before, while Its purposes are as patriotic and Its pelltlclal fruita m sound m they were in the days of JeUeraen and Madl son and Jacksen. Continued applause. If tbe people cannot rely upon the strength aud courage and prestige of their party for tbe protection of their rights of perseus snd properly and the preservation of their politi cal Irancbiaea, where shall they leek for safety T Can they trust tbe Republican party, with Its loose and dangerous theeriea of con solidation and governmental supremacy ever all the sllalrsel Its citizens? That party hM thoroughly demonstrated Its Incapacity te govern a free people in times of peace, and it must go tbe way et Its Federal progenitor. I Loud applause. Gentlemen, Is It net a singular fact that a strong feeling of sympathy should exist be tween these who wanta paternal government sua these wue warn no government Be tween these who want tbe government te de everything and these who want it te de noth ing? While one faction advocates govern mental Interference In all the utlalrs of tbe people, another faction opposes governmental Interence ter any purpose, eveu te preserve the peace and protect tbe lights of property ; snd yet their reasoning, lu tbe abstract, Is substantially the siuie, aud If followed te its logical conclusion would produce substan tially tbe same results. The man wbe believe that It is the right and duty et the government te take the earnings et one citi zen, by taxation or otherwise, and give them te another differs very little from tbe msn wbe denies the right et property altogether. Cheers and applause. If tbe government msy rightfully compel you by law te give any part of tbe proceeds of your labor or your skill te another man, why may It net, with equal right compel you te give him Jeur horse or your laud ? Tbe fact that this i done indirectly aud under tbe guise et taxation deea net In the slightest degree affect the question of right or wrong In volved In tbe transaction, but It greatly In creases the danger te the people, because they are less likely te detept and. resist the spoliation when It is committed through this Insidious process. Aud If the government may rightfully collect money by taxation, and then divide it M a bounty or subsidy te individuals or corporations engaged In par ticular Industries or .enterprises, In order te make their private business profitable, why may It net also collect it and distribute It among particular classes of tbe people lu order te equalize their fortunes, and thus ae- oempuau an mat neciaiiam ana uemniunuun are demanding ? There la se little difference In principle snd In practical results between paternal government and mob government that It Is net worth while te ex preM a prefer ence for one ever tbe ether, We must oppose both or we must abandon all that our party hM ceutended for In tbe DMt and relinquish all It hM hoped ter In tbe luture. With regard te party lines Mr. Carlisle said: Tbe Democratic party stands Pledged in I tbe most solemn manner te revise tbe tariff, reduce Us menus and lighten the burdens of the people. Upen this pledge, dearly and distinctly mads, It appealed te the people In 187ft, and secured a popular majority of mere than 2&0.000 ever Its Republican adversaries. Upen this pledge It eleeted a president In 1884, snd It Is bound by every consideration of party policy, of ths publle Interest and or geed faith te tbe people te stand by that pledge. Great applause. Referring te Mr. Clsveland Mr. Carlisle aald: The country will be very fortunate If It can always secure the Mrvlees et an execu tive se thoroughly devoted te the real Inter terests of tbe people and se lust snd Impar tial In the execution of the laws m the pre ent one Is. Addresses were also made by Mr. Green O. Nmltb, president or Ihe IndlsnsstateHsn ste f Dr. K. D. Htandterd and ethers, After tbe speeches tbe band atruck up and a num ber of ladles walked Inte tbe convention. Behind them came a nurse bearing a hand some baby. One of the ladle wm Mrs. Gen. Huekner, and the baby wm the next gover nor's son and belr. The applause wm tre mendous, and tbe baby wm greeted In the most enthusiastic manner. " Hurrah for Betty and tbe Baby," yelled soma " Bring the baby down here and let usseeblin," shouted ethers. The shouts continued for some time, but the baby wm seen bidden In one of the boxes. a Senater Kletd In tt Virginia. The West Virginia legislature met In Joint assembly, Thursdsy, for tbe purpose of electing a United Htatea senator, with 89 member present The vote resulted a fol fel fol eows: C. J. Faulkner, Detn, 48; Flick, Rep., 31 ; Barbae, Greenback, 0 ; Camden, Dem., I ; R 8. Brown, 1 ; Whlttaker, 2. Mr. Faulkner, having received the necessary number of votes, wm declared elected. Judge Faulkner Is ibe younger son of tbe late Charles Jame Faulkner, wbe repre sented a Virginia district in Congress before the Iste wsr snd a West Virginia district after tbe war, and served m minister te France under President Bucbsnsn. The senster elect wm born In Msrtlnsburg, W. V., where be new resides snd Is about 40 years old. He is by profession a lawyer ; wm elected Judge of the Thirteenth Judicial circuit, and has held tbe office up te this time. He is considered one of the ablest Judges In tbe state, snd lsextremely popular with all classes. Bate Hall Nawa, The League games of yesterday were : At WMhlngten, Washington f, Philadelphia & (stepped by darkness) ; at New Yerk, New Yerk 0, Bosten 0 (ten Innings te darkness) ; at Detroit, Detroit 5, Indianapolis 3. The Association games were as fellows yesterday: At Philadelphia, Baltimore 7, Athletic 5 : st Brooklyn, Brooklyn 10, Met 13; at Cleveland, Cincinnati b, Cleveland 2 Bosten showed up very strong In New Yerk yesterdsy snd plsyed the Giants finely. Kelly and Nan each bad borne runs. People are beginning te think Bosten means busi ness this season. Greer played for tbe Athletics yesterday and wm released in the evening. Tbe Allentown and Wilkesbarre people are very foolish te allow their clubs, wblch be long te the same associations, te play to gether before tbe championship season open. They will have plenty or lime te de their work. Tbe Allentown club seems te be quite strong, snd tbey easily cleaned out Wilkes barre yesterdsy. Horanten defeated tbe Cuban Giants by 10 te 8 yesterday. Detroit and Baltimore are new tbe leaders In tbe respective association. He far Chicago hM only wen a single game. U BAT AD Ml'iaCUl'ALIAHB. A Contest Oterth Question of lh Trial of Of- r.ndleg 0lrc7tnn. Within the consecrated walls of old St Luke's cburcb, Philadelphia, where tbe Protestant Episcopal diocesan convention is holding Its snnual session, a turbulent scene wm witnessed Thursday afternoon. Rev. Dr. Goodwin, the venerable chairman of the com mittee en canons, innocently launched the convention Inte a racy and acrimonious de bate by leaking a rtquetit that bis com mittee be granted an extension until next year ler making a report en tbe changes proposed In tbe canon pro pre vidlng fertbetrlsl of offending clergymen. Ne sooner bad tbe words fallen from Dr. Goodwin's lips than Rev. Rebert Ritchie was en bis leet, vehemently protesting against such delsy. He said that as a member et tbe convention he felt tnat be must unburden bis (soul. The present canon wm altogether Inadequate te meet tbe cases of several offending ministers. Te demonstrate hew dofectlve tbe canon is be cited tbe caws of two clergymen, members of the convention, one of whom bad tied te Kurepe with another woman after abandon ing a wife and several children who are obliged te sbltt for themselves. The ether case waa that et a clergyman wbe was charged with having procured a divorce from bis wife and wbe wm new living in a union net sanctioned by cburcb law. This caused heated discussion. At the morning session a ballet ler trustees for tbe ensuleg year resulted in tbe election of Rev. K. Y. Bucbanan, G. Woolsey Hedge and J. W. Robins, Alfred C. Harrison, J. Vaughn Merrick, Hen. M. Russell Thsyer aud Fred crick Fraley, Itead Viewer. Appointed. The court has appointed Fred. Andes and Christian Charles, of Fast Uemptleld town ship ; and James Symington, of Manhelm, viewers te change the route of a read in Man helm township, laid out but net opened through lands of Andrew K Lane ; and they will meet for the purpose of their appoint ment en Tuesday, May 24 tb, at 2 p. ui. Tbe court bas also appeluted tbe stsndlng beard of viewers te assess damages in city street openings te assess the damages arising from widening Strawberry street between Mulberry and West King ; and from tbe ex tension or Buttonwood, lu'the Eighth waga. Mrs. Fanne.teck's Funeral The funeral of Mrs, U. K. Fahnestoek took plaee from her husband's residence, 2.19 East King street, this morning. Dr. C. F. Knight officiated, and tbe interment wm made in Woodward Hill cemetery. The pall-bearers were Geerge Steinman, Hen. William A. Morten, Dr. W. N. Amer, li. K. Slaymaker, li. i: Carsen and B. Frank Sayler. A Lancaster Deg Takes I'rlis. At the deg show of tbe Westminster ken nel club, New Yerk, yesterday, tbe English mastlll, " Neble Caution," owned by Jeseph Trlasler, of this city, was awarded tbe second prize lu a very large class. The prize is a handsome silver medal. Fell en th Btrsst. Wednesday as Silas Wright, formerly pre prieter of tbe Grape hotel, this city, was walk ing en Market street, Philadelphia, be wm suddenly attacked with vertigo or paralysis and fell heavily te tbepivetnent, striking bis head against tbe curb snd sustaining a aevere cut en the forehead. Mr. Wright, after recelv Ing medical attendance, was taken te his home In Parke iburg. Clllmers'. Large Band Coming. P. H. Gllmere's great band h been en gaged te appear at the King Street theatre, en Monday, May 23. They will give per fermances both afternoon and evening, with entire changss of pregramme, Mlas Letltla Louise Frltch I the prima denna, wbe ac companies tbe band, m Sent te Prison. A stranger who gave his name as William Hughee wm arrested hut night by Special Officer Burns for drunkenness and disor derly conduct He wm committed te jail this morning by the mayor ler thirty days, m Charged With Bsabsutemani, Frem the Beading Herald. Ellas B. Haaker, or LaneMter county, erv lereu pan ueiere Ataerman Denhard te an swer tbe charge of embezzlement aa agent, preferred by S. M. Epler, dealer In agrtcul. tural laplatatBtBi DISHONEST OFFICIALS. tUBBB MB WBO BOB BOMB BBAtOBB BBtBAtBU TBBIB tBVAtt, A Baak Cashlsr Resign Atur Lesing TftOOO ler the lastltntlen-Hls Aeceanlste be MM by HI rthr-A Collector tot a Chi cago Oeal Uslr Stasia 1 1,000. Jet.iRT, Ills, May 0. The resignation of Henry Knowlten m cashier el the Will County National bank recently ha caused a scandal In financial elrclea here snd an In vestigation of Ihe books of the Institution Is In progress. It Is admitted that there Is a shortage of 170,000, but claimed that Knowl Knowl eon Is net a defaulter, and that tbe apparent deficiency Is due te his eareleM management It Is understood tbst Knowlten's fstber hM tnrned ever property sufficient te make geed sny deficiency snd tbst tbe bsnk will lese nothing. It Is ssld that Knowlten Is In Tor Ter Ter oneo, Canada. niei au.oeo. CntuAoe, May 8 W. J. Leve, employed m a collector by Walter H. Begle, oeal dealer, la In the county Jail In default of bend of 112,000. He Is chsrged with the embezzle ment of nesrly 111,000 during the pMt two or three months, much of which be Is thought te hsve squsndered In dissolute habit. It I ssld he sdmltted the defalcation. Th Thll Captured. GnAND Rapids, Msy a Poateflloe Inspec tor A. M. Jsmes, of Chicago, arrested last night a carrier In tbe Grand Rsplds office nsmed Jsmes L. Harry, en a charge of rob bing tbe mails. The decoy letters containing money were found en him. The thefts hsve been going en for two months. Letters te bsnts snd business beuses were rifled, tbe total stesllngs reaching 0,000 In CMb and drafts. Twe Yaara for Hmbstiltng. Chicaoe, May 6 Judge Blodgett this morning sentenced Cel. Bolten te two years in tbe penitentiary for embezzling funds from the postefHce while In charge or second class mall matter. Bolten's wife wm In oeurt A number et prominent lawyers were present. rive Tear for Fergry. Tiffin, Ohie, Msy 0. The Jury In the ewe of J. H. MeWllllsms, charged with uttering forged checks, brought in a verdict or guilty this morning, and Judge Pendleton sent him up for five years. m BBVBtOB OF Alt ABMt AUOIBTT. President Clavsland; te Attsnd the Masting In Saratoga la Jen. Saratoga, N. Y., May a Gen. M. T. McMaben, the president, and Cel. Truesde'l, the treMureret the Society et tbe Army or tbe Potemso, srrlved In town last night te make arrangements ler tbe reunion for mem ber or that society, which will be held In Saratoga en June 22 and 23. The gentlemen are the guests of CeL H. 8. Clement during their stsy here. It is probable that the com ing reunion will be the most successful ever had. President Cleveland, Gen. Sheridan, Gen. Sherman, Gen. Sickles and ether dis tinguished men, besides several military organizations of the state, such m tbe C9th Regiment, tbe Old Guard, the Albany BurgeM corps and Derlng'a military band, of Trey, will be In attendance. Tbe bead quarters of the society will be st Congress hall. Tbe citizens executive committee will meet te-morrow evening te appoint sub-corn' mittees and prepare ler tbe event Three Men Exchang 21 Bell.t.. Tallequar, I. T., Msy 6 Tuesday nlgbt Deputy United States Marshal Msples from Bentonville end a party of friends, en route te Fert Gibsen, camped near this city. Dar ing the evening Msples and Mr. Jeffersen walked from their tent when an unknown man stepped in front of Msples snd fired a bullet tbreugh bis chest Notwithstanding tbe itertal wound Msples get up and fired three shots st his assassin without effect, after which the assassin fired eleven shots In rapid succession at Jeffeisen, who In turn fired six at blm. The assassin having emptied both bis revolvers plunged into the brush and eacaped. Maples died the next day. Jeffersen wm unlDjured. Crep, in Ohie. Cei.umul's. O., May 0 Tbe following es timates are based en returns from about seven hundred township correspondents re ceived up te Msy 2 by the beard et agricul ture : Wheat, condition compared with a full average, 70 per cent ; wheat, drilled, 96 per cent ; wheat condition of drilled, 72; wheat, sewn breadcMt, compared with a full aver age, 15 ; wheat, condition et breadcMt, 59. Barley, 75 per cent Rye, 80 per cent Oats, acreage, compared with last year, 100 per cent ; eats, condition, 92 percent Clever, average date of sewing March 22, olever, average, compared with last year, 91 percent Tbe present prospect for tbe wheat crop of 1887 shows a shortage of 80 percent Faver, able weather may Increase this estimate. m around In Cog Whls. Younustew.n, Ohie, May ft. At 2 o'clock this morning Griffith Phillips, aged 30, was oiling machinery at the Hubbard Ohie roll ing mill. His band wm caught In the cogs, dragging bla body Inte tbe machinery until, becoming clogged, every wheel in the mill wm atepped. HI bead was severed from tbe shoulders and fell te one side. Workmen In vestigating the canse for stoppage were horri fied te see tbe bead grinning at them from tbe ground and tbe body a sbspeless mass. Phillips leaveaa wife aud two children. He wm a son-in-law or Richard Barclay, the cel ebrated horseman et Churchill. A Disabled Steamer. Halifax, N. 8., May 6. The steamer Dracens, at this pert from Oporto, reports 1st 45 deg. 13 mln., Leng. 31, 30 spoke tbe steamer Milanese, from Bosten, April 15, for Londen, with her crank pin broken. The Milanese wm proceeding eMt slowly. A Mind Marti. rer. Tiffin, Ohie, Msy li. A new trial lu the Ganea murder case wm refused. Gaines wm sentenced te state penitentiary for life. This Is probably the first case In history where a totally blind man has been convicted of mur der. WBATUBB tmlllVATIOK. Washington, D. C, May (. Fcr Eastern Pennsylvania: Lceil rains, "accompanying thunder storms; varia ble winds, generally easterly snd veering te southerly In the southern portion ; stationary temperature. m STATE MOTES IN A LINE OB TWO. Antonle Gstz wm fatally stabbed In a scuflls In Uazleten en Thursday. a. j. urexei win erect a ten-story marble freutj office en the site of the old postetBce building en Chestnut street below Fifth, Philadelphia. AtTlenesta. en Wednesday evening, tbe house of Jacob Wagner was entered by five robbers, who forced Mrs, Wagner " te tell where the money was," Wagner and bla son appeared en tbe aeene aud one of the roeuera wm aiiiea. Canen BmII Wllberforee, of Winchester cathedral, England, delivered an address en "Total Abstinence," In tbe Academy of Music, Philadelphia, Thursday evening. After the addreM a number of persona took th e total abstinence pledge. Thursdsy wm class-day at Lincoln univer sity. Rev. L N. Randell, D. !., president of the university, msde an address te tbe elaaa, W. E. Harris, Baltimore. Md., delivered the Latin salutatory ; J. R. Barrett, Danville, Va. Iiuv ui.ui.ui.uwi ursiiwi Aensj-Me young men will graduate 1st June. A MAT BUOIABtB. Plessaat Kveal by ths trldsy Klg easwlag Otsss Li Kvaalsg. The May sociable of the Friday evening dancing class, which wm long looked for ward te by tha beauty and fMhlen of this city, took plsee Ust evening at Eshleman's building. It wm a conspicuous success In every particular. LsacMtsr'a fairest daugh ters were there la abundance, aad a goodly cohort or hsr fashionable young wen, besides representative from Reading, Mount Jey, Columbia and Bird In-Hand, Seldom I It the privilege of anyone te gaze en a brighter or mere snlmsted scene than that whieh met the eye when at 10 o'clock the opening wall te tbe strains or Knight's orchestra took place, and thereafter ths glowing hours were chased by the flying feet or tbe gay dancers until the early morning. At 12 o'clock the tables were spre id In the rooms et the second flaer, and en them ware heaped all tbe dainties or the season. Again and again were the tables titlel and emptied with the gay empsny who kept coming from tbe dancing hall. The dressing el the Isdleswas remark able for Its richness and beauty, and the sparkle of diamonds and glitter of Jewelry under tbe bright ga light lent te the en chantment of the scene. Tbe " wee ems' " hours had been reached when tbe Ust strain of music died away and nothing but praise oeuld be beard en sll sldss from the parting guests of the efficient management that had made this social event a notable uccess. Following was the msnsgement: Fleer manager, F. B. MeClaln, H. B. Llebley; committee of Arrangements, F. B. McCIaln, H. a L?lbley, U. R. Smith, D. Sherman Smttb, Wm. M. Maxwell. Anether Bep. Lt evening a May hop wm tendered William Andersen, residing en Seuth Queen street. About thirty couple gathered at the residence et Mlas Mary Neudorf, en Cones Cenes togs strest and marched te Mr. Andersen's. Tbe yard was Illuminated with Chinese lan tern and presented a beautiful appearance. Tbe evening wm pleasantly spent with mmiCjdanclng.Ac. Among these present were persons from Baltimore, Washington, Pitts burg, Alteena and Newark. Th Closing sociable Lt Evening. Prof. E. C. Hall gave the closing reclsble of hi dancing schcel at Schiller halt The attendance wm very large and Bteey's or chestra furnished the music. It wm an en joyable affair. m 1HB MABT1BO BKAUOB. Over Three Hundred Brought te Market Ed win and Charles MnsMUnan Oe West. Marietta, Msy 6. The favorable condi tion of the water In the Susquehanna hM given a new Impetus te rafting. Many pleMure-Bsekers are taking advantage of the occasion te enjoy themselves by a ride down the river. Over 300 rafts came down this season, wblch is Just closing. Edwin and Charles Musselman have gene West Edwin will engsge In buslneM at Omaha, and Charles will return te his claim at Hyde Park, CeL, where his brother wm killed by a oyclene a lew weeks age. A. R. Luty, one of our Jelly old widowers, and Mrs. Mary Knell took a pleasant little trip te Camden ana were married. Tbey re turned home te spend the honeymoon. The reception they received left Mr. Luty out of pocket a few dollars. The schools will close this week. Cel. D. B. Case is en a tour of Inspection among the companies of his, the 4th regi ment st Reading, Allentown, Pettavllle, etc. The brlgsde Inspector accompanies htm. The rumor that J. W.Kelly, candidate for commissioner, has withdrawn In favor el Hartman, Is net true. Mr. Kelly wants It te be understood that he will remain In the field. DIBO OB APUfLBXW. Jeseph Funk, a Wall Knewu ItU.rman, Taken ratally III en m Halt. Jeseph Funk died very suddenly en Tbursday at the Susquehanna house, WMh WMh lngeon borough, which is kept by Henry Werfz. The deceased wm one or the men employed en a raft of Warren Brown, which passed down the river. At Safe Harber, Funk wm taken very HI, and he wm given intotheehargeofa msn who took blm back te WMhlngten. He received the necessary medical attention, but died about one o'clock in tbe afternoon. Apoplexy wm the cause of his death. Funk wm about 33 years old, and for tbe pMt twelve years had bearded at the Susquehanna house. He followed tbe river, for a living, and tbe only relative that he bw Is a niece, who reside In tbls city, and a slater in the Weit At ration Opera Bees. Jane Eyie, or an Orphan'a Trials, " wm the bill given by the Ida Lewis company lMt evening, at Fulton opera heusa Again the audience was smsll, but the people were pleased. Miss Lewis plsyed the part or Jane Eyre and W. H. Cooper that or Roches ter. This evening "False Celer" and "A. Rough Diamond" will be given. There will be a mttlnes te-morrow after noon, wben "The Lightning Flash " will be produced. m Charged With Sorely of lh tac. Peter Hill wm returned te oeurt a raw days sge en tbe charge of surety of peace. The complaint wm made by Benjamin Miller, a neighbor, whom Hill threatened te kllL Yes terdsy Hill sgaln msde threats and he wm again locked up. m rrer. Hall Cbotse. Prof. Wm. B. Hall has been selected te take charge of the chorus en the evening of June 14, wben tbe centennial orations at Franklin and Marshall college will be de livered. Tbey Want te 8 lb Dames. Cleveland, Ohie, May 6 The male pupil of the Prltcbard street school have notified the teachers tbst unleM tbelr hours of stud v sre se arranged m te admit of their attending base ball games after Monday next they will strike. Careful inquiry discloses the unanimous determination of the parents of the boys te strike also, If the threat la carried out. Grt Oil and OM Wella. Cleveland, Ohie, May 6. A special te theJYcMlrem Llms, Ohie, saya that Wm. Fee's oil well Ne. 3, en the Rtdeneur farm drilled Inte the aand this morning and is flowing steadily through a four Inch pipe at the rate of 3,000 barrels per day. Anether natural gat well flowing 6,000,000 ouble leet dally also came th this morning. Great excitement prevails. BUeksl SO MUM AhMd. Philadelphia, Msy 0. At 2 o'clock tbe score In tbe pedeatrlan contest sicca : Stroke!, 428 miles; Albert, 408; Hart, 401; Elsen, 370; Noremae, 388; S. Day, 345; Newhart, 316; Tilley, 311; Williams, 306; Adams, 264. Hughes hM uet appeared en tbe track te-day, and It Is generally believed that he baa withdrawn altogether from the een est Ths OevrsnMt OhJt. Londen, Msy 0, The Mandard publishes a dlipstch from Parlsstatlng that the govern gevern menlhM Prohibited further pKlerBOMces te Paris of Wagner's "Lohengrin". Ceatlaf te Thl CUT. from tbe 1IUU gecerd. Mr. Sam'l Delbe sold out bis shoe store and natures te Daniel Bewman. Mr. Dslbe will remove te Tstscsster about the Arst of Jans. THE REVENUE MKJ ' iriuasBi t ? . j DBtBBTtB WOtB, tv Tsxe Maaay attateeest. Mertgag. M avtaau, in U OeaattM sa rails Jsssaa . ssa Appoints OrrteMO iJ. llAnnisnuiut, Msy 6. late I jp, day tbe Beuse general rsveaae pasaed finally yM 29. nay L i I by Hennlnger, of Leblgh, in walea J it m bis opinion tbst the prevlstea i tnat tee moneys derived freea mm I moneys at Interest, oerperatioa mertgagee, eta, be equally dlvMeel me suite and counties was ateM MeLaln, of WMhlngten. vetei bill. The principal featnre of tee) Ml ft J imposition or a three mill texetttMl judgments and .mertaaaea of which escaped taxation under the eat ef j rne diii is expected te contribute t) I ireMury m much M did the CI notwithstanding the oeuntlsaara e I me tax en moneys at Interest personal property. The general appropriation bill w without amendment, mwm Henna I venting the sale of Intoxicating UaMHKt Decoration Day. Isf Tbe representative apportionment Mil passea nnany-yeM 27, nsys 7. H Democrat, of Clarien, voted with the iicans for tbe bill. MeAleer enteteAkei test sgsinst tbe apportionment aa i ruiiaueipnia. j-c': A message wm received from the I announcing tbe appointment of Jeeeffe ft. r ergusen, as associate judge or tMI erpbsns' courts or Philadelphia. Th nation wm con firmed. 'ft' 1 a portion or the lnter-mnnlelpal bill reau wnen tne senate adjourned until J day evening at nine. giM ine neuse aid nothing et impenaneg aa uay. ids diii giving cneter oeaiuy Mr additional law Judge wm defeated, ewtc:B3 me smsti attendance, a. call et tee wm neeeMltated at one atage et the which bsrely developed a quorum. Of I absentees 30 were Phllsdelphla membM I dui a ei tne delegation. Aajeuraea Mendsy evening. t'onvenuen of Baptists, Louisville, Ky., May A. The I uaptist convention, the largest body In the Seuth, assembled lathe wsy Bsptist chureh at 10 o'clock tela ' Ing. It is composed of delegates I slensry societies or the Bsptist deae in various rmrtx nf tha tTnttad RlaUa. i delegate representing 1100 received by aa') treasurer or the beards en or before tbe tMI ' dsy of April In the current year. "''. The principal object of the convenUem M H promote foreign and domestic mlastese'kejl ether Important matters wUl also raaarea. consideration. The denomlnatlesal hM grown se large that an effort Wttl ., made at tbla session te increase wstMss representation ve euu tax eu mmtfmm,' s--.m mia -H. TOO WO lUM. Chicago, Msy 6. The i Js of the' Steel company, at Bridges down, and about 760 men are eat at i ment On wednesdsy the chlppsrs; pliers, 16 In number, who took the ttllB finished them m tbey cams Ireea rolls, and the drillers, numbering IS SM quit work because the company refused accede te their demand ter a tonnage isle sv' stead or 20 eents per hour. In order ts ktsMi sny further trouble Manager Fersytes de; elded te shut down tbe mill for s flew days fch'3 the hope thst tbe matte r would be settled. 1 Beth tot Thalrl.lv New Orleans, May 0. A dlspstek I Jacksen, Miss., te the Picayune says t fatal sheeting sllray occurred street last nlgbt between CeL Jenes 'sV Hamilton, the lessee of tbe penitentiary, l R. D. Gambrell, editor or the Aeertf Shield, el this cliy. Mr. Gambrell shots In the head killing hiss Instantly. Cot Hamilton la wounded, having been sbet threagh tMfj Deey. An article in ineotcera ana i reflecting en Cel. Hamilton's prlrasS'l I'uuue cuaracier, itu te uie auair. -;r,- ).-! Killed DrnukM Ms. iS- Beardstewx, III., May 0. Jehn wm sbet and killed here hwt svesbag uewis ttnining. tee cause ei tne was that the deceased had been Rhlnlng's wife. Bosten get drank, te the house of Ruining, and d Mrs, Ruining make a retraction. Tbe hi ordered htm from tbe plaee, baths Thereupon Ruining sbet him la Ikv After tbe snoeting Rhlnlng made Mi Inte the country and has net t$$'i Th Jp rail te Ceat, Detroit, Mich., Msy 6. The w mstch between MoMaben, of this Matasada Serakachl lMt night, was s At tbe outset the Jap declined te less snether referee wm chosen. Hews, second fall and then refused te oesttSM eintest, whereupon MoMaben w the victor. Attendance about 600, A Bey Kllld by Dghtabtg. BiNeiiAMi'TON, N. Y., Msy ft, 1 B. Merey. 17 yesra of sge. a son of CI Meray, of Brown street wm struck by nlng during a heavy storm this mentiae; Instantly killed. He wm aslMp la Mi wben the belt struck blm. xus which rested en s cbslr at the feet of wm stepped st 2:45 a. m. m rer HI Mrvlees. St. Petersburg:, Msy 9. asaeral M Mr dm been presented with 100,000 by tbe czarina aud the cxar has txed bis sien at 0,000 reublM per annam as s res pense ter bis Mrvlees la sppprebesdlsg i srreaUng the NlhllUta Implicated la tk eent attempt en tne czars ilia. . a Parau Wants lavaetisaiisaw Londen, May ft. It la stated that Mr. . nell hM consented te the lnelusle of I Timet forgery among tbe ether nlnifsa est considered by a special committee, one be selected. .". - An EaslUb MeveMM DeM. . . M j Tnwnnw M. A M lUM ?. 'I """"""I mj - -- i novelist, is deed. He wm bera at! August 1, 1822. TELXOHartsiu Tars. u.-.-; At Akren, Ohie, William BtiuAftBtBi lnent citizen, wm killed bytaWsMi Chicago Is excited ever Mas i lisverie r.pisane isuwsjs. At Rlnnlnnall QSUWO r IgffiS&t'ffi double bsrreieu sMsr-. ii.;.,. Andwaen wm has :? eorre. N. M., sad Tbesdere. gar, Ceifcs ceusty. miikImWI. At Inastraell. Ont. Jl in tnalthar wtth fl.006 te W.' wbestsfad a large qusatity sf aa burned last nlgbt Tee tcal Mat: 120,00a ,' Ths president tbls srtiiasai Martin J. Kuasat, of Thern, of Baltimore, la Wast Point military General Palmer, e Illlsest, of Ifarvlaad. Itnllat Jobs TH. WardweU, whs seeee la ths iltlaatlsa tw the property w new lore, assa as Uuamsrslag J1! fAsasv BttttaaaUr1 ami' I BBaasVl 'f. 1 M 'V-" A'JT t , - . A:4- JvMfe, .., .-vJ-.mU ,&.? -arjJ&r-s'frte JM$fe&fi's ' .'w v . .,-,yH?a:?jfc'-''v