Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, May 03, 1887, Image 1

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ji . - -.-, ,it .--w ,.- wr" '"VjiaJK5'"
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volume xxm-NO. 207
th AaicvLTvmr. aucimtw talk
waib ahii mrmmwAt. umrmnvm.
These Dim Paver or Oppose ladlraet Tata-
llen-A Healed lllaeotslea en the Attar
l'loe lh Pair Aaaeclatlaa It-
pari, an CiepBay lead.
The May meeting of (he Lancaster County
Agrlcuturat and Horticultural arclety wh
held In the Y. M. (!. A. hall en Monday after after
neon. TaMuectlng wa net a vary lama one,
but what IT lacked In number It made up In
enthusiasm In the discussion of aeme Irrele
vant mattera.
The fellow Ing named memberaend ether
were :
Jehn II. I .vull, president, Mlllersvllle t
Jehn C. Llnvllle, (lap : M. 1). Kendlg, Creas.
well ; 1. Aldus llerr, Weal Lampeter i Prank
K. Diilemiottter, city ; Wm. Chandler, Drtt Drtt
mere: Hlmen llershey. Wert llempfield,
Jehnsen Miller, Warwick) J. M. Jehnsen,
city ; Jacob 11. Hippie, city ; A. II. Hummy,
Manhelui ; Samuel Shirk, Kaat Karl ; Isaac
II. Hbaeller, Earl Wre. 11. Hrealua, Drtl Drtl
mere ; Peter H Hel.t, Lltltx; Jacob I,. Bru
lieker, Kaat Uetnpdeld ; Jacob MeAlllater,
Faquee ; MarUn Wenger, Weat Mm peter,
Jehn (I. Rush, Weat Willow ; II. It. Fulton,
Lancaster , 8. I, city i l.vl a Relet,
Oregon j Kph. H. Hoever, Manhelm ; Dr. J.
l Wlckeraham : A. 1'. Werth, Colerain.
Samuel Shirk, el Kaat Etrl, and Haiuuel
' II. Hhaeffer, of Karl tewnahlp, were elected
tuembera of the aeciety.
cosniTieN of tiii: ohem,
Win. II. Breslus, Dnituere, aald the wheat
crop la much Improved In appearance alnce
last month, though there will net be full
crop. lbe graaa la coming en finely under
the prevailing wet weather.
Johnaen Miller, Warwick, aald the wheat
looked rather poorly ; he don't think there
will be halt acrep ; where pheapbateree uaed
the wheat looked better; the graaa la abort;
the peach treea are coming Inte blossom,
with pretperta of a geed crop ; a great deal of
tobacco I allll unanld, principally Havana
Win. Chandler, of Druutere, aald that bla
experience anil observation waa different
from that or -Mr. Miller. He bad noticed
that where phoaphate waa med the wheat
did net leek m well a where barnyard ma.
nil re waa used.
M. I). Kendlg onderaod what Johnaen
Miller aald about the Improved condition of
wheat where phosphate were uaed. Mr.
Kendig aald hi Cuthbert raspberries had
been lre7n down. He asked whether any
ether member bad autlered In the aame
A H. Hummy aald he had never bad bla
Culhbert's te frerzd out. They were re
garded aa qulte bardy.
The following paper waa aent In by Caliper
Hlller and waa read by Uie secretary :
The canker worm, aspeclea of caterpillar,
In some section or tue country nas very
seriously Interfered with apple culture by
destroy lug the leavea of the tie.
Of late yeata an eflectual remedy baa been
found In spraying the tree with water and
I aria green. Hy the iim of the mixture, H la
aid, the dlacevery ha been made that It la
alue ellectual In Ueatreylng the ee.ll.n moth
and curculla It ha hitherto been held that
thepolenaarefUl only te tbeae Inaecta
that are eater or the foliage, and aa neither
et these ha any reputation that way, they
could net tie deatrnyed by them.
During the pail year experiment hae
been made, and the general result appear te
etinw that the remedy ba merit
We have report from dlllerent eectlens, In
which the experimenter cUWn te hae
raland 70 or mere per cent, of clean woruileai
apple, whorehrretntore their fruit wa nearly
ail knotty and wormy, Last spring I sprayed
Oral, Urge apricot tree, from which we
rarely get ever a dozen fruit ; the result waa
nuarf c liuahel of line apricots. Hacend, a
yellow gage, with a result of a moderate crop,
which was heretofore nothing but failure.
Third, one aide of an apple tree Thl showed
quite a perceptible iuipreement ever the
aide net aprayed.
The application ahnuld be male at een
a the fruit 1 the Mrs of a niimII pea, and
aheuld be repealed In a week or no.
Londen purple 1 preferable te Pari
ftreen, It lieing mero soluble, requiring but
Ittle stirring arter being mixed, Pari green
la heavy and aetlle te the tioltem no quickly
aa te need one te atir whlle the ether 1 using
the force pump.
Persona using the stull must net forget
that theyarelmudllnga deadly poison, and
there must be no pasturing under the tree
until after a geed ahewer.
Hall a pound of the purple I sutllcient for
barrel of water, mere might Injure the
fruit or lellaga
F. It. Dltlenderfler agreed with what Mr.
Hlller aald; he had med the purpte aa recom
mended by Mr. Hlller, and had also used
with great aucees a wash of whale oil snap,
which bad killed all the Insects that Inleated
hi Irulttree.
Mr. I.lnvllle ald that spraying would net
Iwayaklll tne curculin, but It was certain
death te InsecU of ether kind.
Hew would the repeat et the Internal
revenue law affect the farmer?" lathe ques ques
Uen that wm set down for general discussion.
The discussion took a wlde range, and all
aorta of arguments were offered pre and con.
Wm. Chandler did net think the repeal of
the internal revenue lawa would ba advanta
geeus te the larmer ; revenue mutt ba
raised te carry en tha government, and It la
much easier te collect an indirect than
direct tax. The internal tax waa confined te
whisky, beer and tobacco, and aa these were
regarded a luxuries they could bear tha
A. II. Hummy raid the Internal revenue
lawa were bringing Inte the United Htatea
treasury mero money than was needed. Ha
would favor the continuance of the law, If
the revenue could be applied te local Instead
of national purpose.
Wm. U. liresius favored equal taxation en
all klnda el property ; It was net fair that the
farmer should be taxed and the holder of
railroad, bank and ether stocks and bends
escape with little or no taxation. Ha favored
a reeeal of tha law.
Jehnsen Miller, of Warwick, argued that
the repeal of the internal revenue law would
Injure the farmer; It would disastrously
affect the cigar manufacturing Interest which
la an Important interest In Lancaster county.
Ua hid learned that nearly all cigar manu
facturers wera in favor el the law.
Wm. U. Brealua took an opposite view.
Ba believed that the tobaecco Interests would
ba greatly Improved by tha repeal el the law.
Under It a comparatively few men can afford
te engage In manufacturing cigars. If It
wera repealed every one who chose te de se
could engage In the business and tha tobacco
farmer would have twenty customers where
ba new has one.
J. Hartman Herahey could net aee bow It
waa possible te help tha farmer or any one
else by taxation. He favored thi lepeal of
the taw.
F. It. DiffendertJar aald the large manufac
turer s favored tha tax en tobacco and cigar
and the small manufacturer oppose It be
cause It put them at a great disadvantage
with their rleb rival. They could net afford
te take out license and keep books, and glva
bend for aueh workmen aa the rleh could
l'eter H. Relst waa undecided aa te whether
tha law ought or ought net te ba repealed.
Ba rather thought It aheuld be repealed and
direct taxation ba resorted te. lie spoke of
tte Immense expensa or running the na
tional, atate aad county office, aad aald that
great and waataful tipwdlterw would
never lie tolerated If the taxpayer had te
reach Inte their peckataand pay tha taxea.
Jehnsen Mlller aald that ler eemayaar
past the aeciety had Ulkad about holding
'air. Ha would Ilka te knew what was
going te I dena thl year. Tha Ianeaatar
Fair aaaoelatlon has already taken measure
te held a lair. Ha thought tha association
whleh represented Lneaater county ahenld
take a leading part la any fair that waa In
landed te represent thl great county. Ua
did net think tha ralr should ba run In tha
Intercut of a few men who wera net farmer.
Wm. If. Brealns explained that tha Lan
caster Fair aaaoelatlon waa net organized
until after the Lancaster county agricultural
aaaoelatlon had positively declined te held a
fair, although Mr. Meflrann had offered them
the meat liberal term mere liberal than ha
bad given the Fair association.
A. 11. Hummy 'denounced the management
of tbe Fair association In the most vituper
ative language and declared that It waa run
In the Interest of "a one horse railroad " and
the "nark beer saloon." He charged that a
eecret meeting hail been held In Lawyer
Montgomery 'a elUce, at which "a emart
little broker ' and two "great Duke street
lawyers" have eat up a Jeb In their own In
terests, and bad given no notice of tha meet
ing either te film (Mr. Hummj) or te many
ether member of the Fair association. He
denounced the management for permit
ting poe'.aclllng and beer-drtnktng en tha
fair ground and for licensing snake ahewa
and fat women exhibitions and ether im
proper aide-shows, and especially the beer
Mr. liresius tried te explain te the Irate Mr.
Hummy that the Lancater County Agricul
tural aecletv. the Fair association and tha
Agricultural I'ark awnclatlen were three dla
tlncterganlratlnna. Mr. McUrann, the owner
of the park, bad secured a restaurant license
Irem the court. It was his purpose te rent
the park for fairs, baae ball games, trlalaef
speed, or ether purpose. The leasee waa
bound te furnish meals and drink te tbeae
who called for them. The lessee were net
In any way accountable for the license. At
last year's fair the Fair association did net
receive one cent from the proceeds et tha
beer saloon, nor would tbey receive scent
from the saloon at the coming fair.
Aa te the "one horse railroad" which
Mr. Hummy bad tried te ridicule, he
reminded that gentleman that he a a stock
holder or the Fair ataoctattea, bad made
money out of It the railroad company hav
ing given 80 per cent, of It pretlta te tha
Fair association. Mr. llreslii wlihed te Im
press his hearers with the fact that the Agri
cultural aeciety bad nothing at all te de
either with McUrann'a park or the Fair asso
ciation, and that the uncomplimentary re
marks made by Mr. Hummy were entirely
out et order.
Mr. Hummy persisted Iq hi assertion that
the ralr were being run by a few tricky In
sider In the interest or the beer saloon. He
waa opposed te the aale of beer and the pre,
enee or mountebank show at a county fair,
and held that the fairs aheuld be conducted
by farmer and net by unprincipled specu
Mr. Chandler was oppessd te the aale or
bear at a county ralr. Farmers want te take
their wives and daughter, and they cannot
de se if vulgar and drunken men are per
mitted leatagger around the ground.
Jehn C. Llnvllle aald he was one el the
manager et last year' ralr and he had aeen
no drunkenness or bad behalnr that aheuld
call for aunh denunciation aa bad here been
Indulged in ; and It there had been any
drunkenness hew were we te knew whether
It waa caused by the beer sold Inside or the
whisky sold at the two Uverns just outside
the park T Thl society could have had the
park en the most liberal terms aad have
held a ralr under such regulations aa It
chose, but It did net have the nerve te as
sume the responsibility or nTerlng pre
mlums and Incurring ethor expenses. Itdld
net become the aeciety therefore te tlud fault
with the management et another society that
had assumed the responsibility and made
their fairs a Bucceas.
H. P. Kby, eq , said he wished the public
te distinctly understand that the 1. monitor
County Agricultural and Horticultural aeciety
had nothing whatever te de with the Lancas
ter Fair association.
After some further discussion, Including an
anti-beer apeecb by Jacob McAllister, Htmen
Herabey asked whether the society could net
secure grounds outside or McU ratio's park In
which te held a county fair, and in which
there would be no beer, no peel Railing and
no race.
Mr. Hummy answered that there could be
secured a tract or 25 or 30 acre, with a lease
or five or tea years, and that a better ralr
could be given than was ever given In the
J. Aldua Uerr aald he bad planted some
cherry treea, that were new thirty test high,
but they have never bloomed. He asked
what he aheuld de te make them bloom.
Jehn U. Rush aald he aheuld root-prune
tha treea cut ctl two or three prominent
roeta and thua atop the rapid growth or the
H. 1'. F.byaald a friend or his who bad
some line persimmon trees, girdled the
limbs when the sap was Mewing, rbr the
purpose or making them bear. He cut en
tirely through the bark, opening a space as
bread aa the back or a pruning knife.
Mr. Llnvllle aald the practice was an old
one, but bad never been very favorably con-
Dr. J. P. Wlckeraham asked for a remedy
that would prevent the borer from killing
hla peach tree.
Heveral remedies were recommended ; tar
paper tied around the butt el the treea ; a
free use or the knife and a wire In the hole
or tha borer ; a piece or tin thrust Inte the
ground, and wrapped around the stock or the
tree; waab the trunk or the tree wltb whale
oil aeap, and tie atreng paper around it ; apply
nrina or waste tobacco te the tree at the sur
face of tha ground.
" What la the beat method el June bud
ding 7" Referred te Henry M. Regie.
H. K. Fulton offered the following :
Jittelvetl, That a committee el five mem
bers be appointed te ascertain whether suit
able grounds can be procured within a con
venient distance from the city for holding an
agricultural fair, and te ascertain the coat or
annual rental of the premises, the ceit of
building, race track, A j. ; tbla committee te
report at a meeting te be called by the presi
dent. Anether angry discussion followed and
nearly all the membem et the aeciety left the
room. Tha resolution was Unally adopted by
the tew who remained. The chair appointed
M. D. Kendlff. Jehn McAllister, A. II.
Hummy, II. K. Fulton aud Martin Wenger
aald committee,
Mr. Kby offered the following :
Resolved, That the Lancaster County Agri
cultural and Horticultural society disapprove
tha holding of a fair at whleh beer U te be
aeld, and where betting la te be allowed en
horse races.
After geed deal mere Intemperate lan
guage by the temperance men, the resolution
waa modified se as te reneat the Fair asso
ciation net te allow beer te be aeld or peels te
ba aeld at tha ensuing fair, and In tbla form
tha resolution waa adopted,
J. Aldus Herr, or Weat Lampeter, pre
sented te tha Beclety some very fine speci
men et apples. Tha nrat la known aa
" Herr'e Preline " It la a seedling that has
bee, growing en tha farm of Mr. Herr'e
father tot thirty year past Tha trait la
Teryparfeetb. ahapa, of a yellowish green
olef with aligJtl Mat tint wahiTfry
pleasantly acid. It nema Inte naa about the
let of March and will kaap In geed condition
uaUl July or even longer. The ether apple
shown by Mr. Uerr were soma very Una
Pannoeka, the Yerk Imperial, UrlaaVa Win
'ter, aad the Unseat Theae apples, Mr. Herr
ef'd, were wintered In hla cellar, In the ad
joining apartaeat of which, separated only
by a beard partition, waa a heater, used te
heat the room above.
tAt iwmvAAmvmMB.TA.
Ida Mwte'OsapeayBtraltMi-epaialirat the
King sireet-The maters' Ball.
An andlanea of about four hundred waa In
Fulton opera house last evening when Ida
Lewi opened ler a weak In " Tha Hea or
Ice." Tha atar Is well known here, but the
play, whleh I crowded with patbetle and at
time exciting scene, ha bean aaan ae elten
that the public Is tiring of It The play ter
the remainder et their engagement
are net ae familiar, and they all
are worth aeelng whan In the
band or the geed company thla la. Mlsa
Lewi leek tha characters of Leuimle .aa .aa
ceurt and Ognrita, and her work waa very
aatlsfartery, the audience upon nnmereua
occaalena applauding loudly. W. II. Cooper
In the parts et Carles and the count fita
them te perfection ; and there were geed
people In the miner characters. Tha cos
tume were handsome, no ether company en
the read playing te low price having finer.
This evening "The Lightning Flash, or
Htrleken Blind," Is the pregramme, and
these who attend will surely be delighted.
Hptrtalty at the King street Theatre.
At the King street theatre last even
ing the All Htar Specialty company from
New Yerk appeared, and will remain
all week. The abew opened with a mln
atrel first part, In which several ballads
were sung by ladle. One of the best fea
ture or the olio was the alnglng or Charles
II. Duncan, the well known vocalist, who
does his turn In the Teny Paster style. Jehn
Daly, lata or the Shamrock Four, who I a
line Irish comedian, doe some capital work
In a aketch entitled "Oddities" with Mlsa
Annla Devere. Aathe big Irish woman he
maaea leta or fun. Chase and Daly did wall
In acrobatic song and dance. Other features
or the entertainment were the duetts et the
Mlsse Oil mere and Uorden, aeng and say
ing by Geerge Barlew and the aerle comic
singing of Kosie Dally. Thla evening a alml
lar pregramme will be presented.
The Printers' Ball.
The printer of the town were happy last
night when the Lancaster Typographical
Union, Ne. TO, held a ball In Mienneroher
halt It was a my large attendance. The
ladles were brought te the ball In cab, and
the number present waa unusually large.
Tayler'a orchestra furnished the musle and
there was dancing the greater part of the
night The affair was very pleasant and was
a big success In every way.
Jtallread omens dieted.
These railroad companies htld their an
nual meetings en Monday and erected the
otUeera named :
Yerk A. Peach Bettem Itsllread Company
Prtwldnnt Cnarle K. McCenkev. Direc
ter. K. (. Hinyser, Jehn H. Hmall, M.
Hchall, Harry Ketser, Jehn Humphrey,
Ueerge H. Illilmver. Tue president' report
shows the earnings for the past year te have
been 54,78'J ft'i ; expense, f.15,170U; net
earning. fl'JiiOS3i.
Kaat Brandy wine .V Wayneaburg Kail Kail
read Company President, Jehn Cornog.
Directors, T. M. K ter b, Ames Dlller, B F.
Kinrer, J. N. Dulitrry, Wlstar Merris, O. B.
Rebert, I'rofemter James McClune, Kdmund
Smith, N. P. Hbertrldge, Jehn P. Clreen,
Henry D. Welsh, Josepb C Davl
I'omerey A. Newark Railroad Company
Directors W. U. Wilsen, Kdmund Smith,
J. N. Du Harry, J. P. Wetherlll, Henry D.
Welsh, Wlstar C. Merris, N P. Hhertrldge.
Liwlstiurg A. Tvraue Railroad Company
President, J. N. Du Birry. Directors 1.
H Ketierts, KJmuna muiuu, visiar .Merris,
Kli Hlller, James P. Cebnrii, H. C. HtewarU
Catawlas Railroad President, M. P.
Hutchinson. Directors I. V. Williamson,
Emmer Weaver, Ueorge C. Canen, Kdward
H. Buckley, V. K. Shipper, Jehn 8. Urabam
Heading, Marietta A Hanover Railroad
Company and Dauphin A Berka Railroad
Company President, Austin Cerbtu. Di Di
receorsAustin Cerbln, Geerge deB. Kelm,
a A. Caldwell, A. J. Antete, Themas Coch
ran, Jehn Wanamaker. Secretary, Heward
Hancock. Treasurer, Jehn Welch.
Schuylkill A Lehigh Railroad Company
President, Austin Cerbln. Director Aus
tin Cerbln, Geerge deli. Kelm, 8. A. Cald
well, A. J. Antelo, Jehn Wanamaker,
Samuel R. Hhlpley. Secretary, Heward
Hancock. Treasurer, Jehn Welch.
Klect.d Orsnd Patriarch of Ihearand Ledge of
the I. O. O. P.
The teller selected te count the vote re
cently cast In the auberdlnate ledge ler
eiucer or the grand ledge and grand en
campment el Pennsylvania find the follow
ing result :
Fer Officer or the Grand Ledge M. W.
grand master, Jehn W. Uaney, D. G. M., or
4 II, Plltaburg ; R W. deputy grand matter,
James P. Rebblna, Q. W., or Ne. 100, or Phil
adelphia: K. W. grand warden, Rev. David
Craft or Ne. 803, Wyalualng ; R. W. grand
secretary, James B. Nichelson, el Ne. 100,
Philadelphia; R W. grand treasurer, M.
Rlcharda Muckle, or Ne. 3G, Philadelphia ;
It W. grand representative te 6. O. L , Fran
cla M. Rea, et Ne. 89, Philadelphia.
Officeraer the Grand Encampment Grand
patriarch, Jehn Levergood, G. H. P.. et
Ne. lL Lancaster; grand high priest, Reu
beu Htedman, G. S. W., et Ne. -l, Pblla
delphla ; grand aenter warden, M. D ,
Wiley, U. J. r., Ol no. "t A!lV(UDUjr ,
grand scribe, James B. Nicnolaen, P. U.
fi., or Ne. 61, Philadelphia; grand trass.
urer, Jehn H. Uelss, p. u. p., ei no. a. run
adelphta; grand Junier warden, Ames H.
Hall, P. C. P., or Ne. 'u, Philadelphia ;
Brand representative te sovereign grand
ledge, M. Rlcharda Muckle, P. G. R.. et Ne.
TheeiUcera-elect will be Installed into their
respective positions at the annual suasions of
the two bodies te be held at Hcranten during
the third week In May.
A Streng asrrnan Uatliutlc Surlclf.
Ht Peter'a German Catholic Beneficial so
ciety connected with HU Jeseph' parish,
held it stated annual meetlug last evening
and elected the following named officer te
aerve for the ensuing year : President,
Adam Finger, vice president, Peter Dlehl ;
secretary, Geerge Rebr ; treasurer, Bernard
Roekenateln ; standing committee, Jeseph
Henwende, Rudelph Walter, Cbas. Neb war r,
Antheny Matt, ar., Andrew Kray, J. W.
Trees, William Keyaer, L ml Buhner ; mes
senger, Jehn Kirsh.
The aeciety has a membership or 275, and
la In a flourishing Unsocial condition, having
a capital of 17, ISO. During the past year
11,652 60 were dUtrlbuteJ ter luneral and
sick benefits.
Te Bagta Were Te morrow.
Mr. CenstanUna MeGlnnl and F. R
White, contraetora of Manhelm, have re
ceived the contract for the grading and
building or new railroad from Duncannon te
New Bloemneld, a distance of about eleven
miles. There will ba nfteeu bridges en the
line creaslng the Llttle Juniata creek. They
will leave Manhelm te-morrow te atart the
work. The total amount of their bid waa
Andrew earntgla a Crametlenlat.
The annual meeting et the United Htatea
Cremation aeciety was held in New Tork en
Monday, and among the directors elected
waa Andrew Carnegla The corporation la
reported aa being In a geed condition. Hlnee
the building el the crematory at Freeh Pend
there have been 103 Incineration.
Appelatat e
Jehn K. Snyder, attorney-at-Uw, bas been
appointed oemmlaatoner of deeds ler th
state of New Jeney, ta this eity aaa county.
tmm markbt ram havama runtvee
tmrmoriKe aemmwhat.
Dealers Oetherlag the Choice IMA aad Cern-
plaining f White Vela aa Dsad Leaf.
Ltgat Bales et racked Heeds-Trad
Itepettt rrem Other retnta.
The only aalea of old tobacco we bear el are
the following : Hklles A Frey bought CO case
and sold CO; Kendlg A Hen bought 40 and
sold 172 D. A. Mayer aeld 30 caeca In small
leta te local manufacturers.
There I a little mere activity In the
purchase of new tobacco than there ha
been for aaveral week past The dealer
having pretty well disposed of their seed leaf
purchases are paying mera attention te
Havana seed, but even yet It gees off slowly.
A number of dealer who have been pros
pecting during the peat week, complain tbat
they can und but little Havana that aults the
purpose. They say there la a great deal of
white vein In the crop and a great deal of
dead lear, untitling It ler wrapper ; and It
tendency te ret make It a risky article te
Oar Washington correspondent send u
the following :
In and around Washington borough tobacco
I moving oil. Heme lew sale or Havana
have been made both te Lancaster and
Wrtghtaville purchasers at figure that will
pay tha grower. Heme offer have been
made te parties who aay small difference
between them and the dealer remains te be
adjusted before sale can be effected.
Our geed-hearted landlord or the Washing
ton hotel telle ua ba la done growing the
weed, as kind Providence, during the Ice
flood, remembered him ae kindly a te allow
the element te take down the Hniquebanna
h I drying abed at a lean or flOO or mere. He
Andy aay be la done growing the weed. By
the number or car leads of manure which la
unleaded here dally ler the Improvement or
the aetl we expect about the aame acreage te
be planted this year as last
The seed beds ler the '87 crop are coming
en finely, and at far as we can learn the pro
portion et the seed leaf variety will be larger
than that of last year. Farmer are new
busily engaged In preparing their ground
for eata, com, potatoes and ether crops.
After tbey have finished these the tobacco
plants will be attended te.
The Naw Tork Market.
from the U. 8. Tobacco Journal.
The market Is bright and active. Manu
facturers are experiencing a spell of geed
business, and their purchases consequently
keep abreast with their activity. The feeling
in the trade la excellent Tobaccos of the 'sO
te '63 and even '81 crops are already spoken
or as thing tbat were, and the 's5 stock ia
dwindling ae rapidly tbat profits en '8 In
vestments are being looked upon a Inevita
ble. There certainly exists very little te mar
the splendid prospect, especially as, alnce
the opening of the week, a transfer or a pack
ing or '80 Connecticut ha taken place. The
packing consisted et 400 cases at 11 cents.
The apparently low figure places the te-
uacce in tne category ei interior graue,uever
tbeleaa leaving a profit te the seller. Se at
least Initiated ones claim, While thla was a
benafiile aale, ether aale et 'sS tobacco re
ported In the market this week cannot be
traced te the foundation. Thl la the time
when holder or new tobacco love se well te
bear or sales or crops tbey are vitally Inter
ested in, and consequently easily take for
granted many fictitious reports.
Sales or old tobacco took place In apparently
larger quantities than these openly reported,
entailer leaf houses evidently having aeld
mere than the arms who flirt with greatness
and superiority and are bristling with fine
reputation. Thusa large manufacturing firm
bought this week -V) ruses '8.1 Pennsylvania
from a comparatively obscure, but enterpria
Inglearnrm. 'SI and 's." Ohie la evidently
getting mere popular dally. It Is generally
bought for binders hut mere generally used
for wrappers. '8T Wisconsin holds it own
In price, but though It is pretty well cornered
one firm alone holding near 300 cases It
ahowsne "stiffening" teany extent 'tO state,
everybody like te buy, probably everybody
or hardly auybedy haslu 'si Pennsylvania
and 't5 state seem te go band In band, appear
ing weekly with Hales of about 100 cases each ;
price also keeping within 10 te hi cent; '81
and '&" Connecticut are alie en the regulation
Hit wltb about '2M cases each at from r te 25
cent. Who can be detinlte here? The
grade vary se much that it actually place
figure Inte a matter of choice. Old tillers
sell merrily at 7',' te 17 cents, according te
alze and smell ; ullera without these require
menta are languishing for buyers ; 4 te 5 cents
can chain them.
Sumatra Active. The report or the nrst
sale or new Sumatra was hailed with every
expression of aatUfactlen en the part et Im
porter. The tobacco Is claimed te be supe
rior te any irep ever raised, and the prices
are blgb. This is certainly a variation in the
usual pregramme; formerly the first reports
or the first sales Invariably gave a " black
eye" te the tobacco offered. It waa thought
te Keep out competition; uui npur ui uiu
figure obtained were never missing. Wby
should any one Interested In the ateck,
whether buyer or seller, speak et low figures.
It would be something Immaterial and un
businesslike. Sale vl the week were 350
bale at (1.20 te (1 75.
Havana Very acile. Hales 60) bale, at
SO cent te $1.15.
from the Tobacco Leal.
The market the past week has been cbarae
terl73d by a steady running business. A
noteworthy feature waa the aale et Have
meyer A Vigellus' packing et 18SG Connec Cennec
ticut, consisting or 41 lease. The price was
private, but it la understood tbat between
12 and Us per pound was realized. Thla sale
I looked upon by tbe trade as a precursor or
a lively movement In the new tobaccos. The
fact tbat there la an undoubted dearth of
available tobacco ha stirred up buyera te
give tbelr attention te tbe new goods. About
2,600 case constitute tbe entire stock oleld
tobacco, the bulk being lts! Pennsylvania,
wnicn is neia Dyiwoer inree urius. i.w
quently, tbe time is ripe for a movement in
tne new tobacco.
Sumatra Tbla article ha been quiet
Sale, 200 bale at $1.20 te $1 60.
Havana Has been quite active, sales
amounting te 800 bale at from (Oe te ?l. 10.
aans Wl7 Il.perl.
Sales of seed leaf tobacco reported ler the
I.STKi.t.KiKsehu by J. 8. aans' Hen A Ce,
tobacco brokers, Ne. 131 Water street, New
Yerk, for the week ending May 3, 1887 :
U0 cases 18Sl,'18S2,18S3, Pennsylvania tillers,
9j ; .160 cases issi,:i882, 1883, Pennsylvania H.
andC, 12Cil4e ; 100 canes lbVi New England,
8K10e; 411 case 18SG common seed lear,
p. ,t ; 100 cases 1S85 Wisconsin Havana, 8
10c; 150 cases auudries, GQHj. Total, 1,'Ul
Philadelphia Market
Heed Leal Dealer inlear suitable for cigar
purpose continue te confine tbelr business
largely te retailing, except an occasional fine
quality let of binders and Ullera Is ellared,
which will command attention, wltb corres
ponding figures. Firat-clasa wrapper are
needed, but tbe market is very short et that
kind or ateck. U ettered, It Fa closely scru
tinized and must bagtlt-eJgad. What would
de two year age will net fill the bill, for
Sumatra leaf la new held as an example of
wrappera. Figure obtained generally are
net nrnlltabla nor aatlsfaoterv.
Sumatra Well, It gees without publishing.
Havana Always wanted, II it has the
proper aroma.
Baltimore Mara.t.
While there I a constant demand ter geed
grade el Maryland tobacae, transactions are
limited by theacarelty or desirable sample.
Receipts continue very light, and the
market Is firm. There baa been little In
quiry ler Inferior and frosted. Ohie la stag
nant and In tha absence of aalea the quo
tation are nominal.
Mr Thermaa AMraelagly lit
ThA wlf off az.MenalAV Thnrman. who hut
I been allghtly 111 for several weeka with
.. .-w - w - -I .
I bronchial affection, la announced aa alarm
I ugly 111 la Columbus, Ohie. Hbe
1 memty-twe yean old em Moaeay,
3, 1887.
Moent Nawa.
Mount, May 2. On last Sunday the
M. K. Sunday school, of thl place, elected the
following officer te serve for the ensuing year t
Huperlntendent, H.O.Htevensen ; assistant su
perintendent, Jesse Walten; secretary, Alenzo
Rrubaker ; treasurer, Jes. Kngles ; librarian,
Harry F. Clark. A aeciety called the Indian
Missionary aeciety was also formed. Quarterly
meeting will be held In the M. E. church en
next Sunday, the 8th Inst Preaching In the
forenoon at 10 o'clock by the Rev. Swindells,
presiding elder. Leve Feast In the afternoon
at 2 o'clock under Rev. Swindell and the
pastor, Key. G. Read.
Mr. Clayten Erb narrowly escaped death
en last Monday afternoon white leading lega
en the Tucquan hills. He with some ether
waa leadtng a leg en the wagon, when the
apperta which held the ether legs en the
wagon gave way and Mr. Erb waa caught be
tween them. He wa almost unconscious be
fore be could be extricated. He was taken
te his home and Dr. Yest summoned, who
found no injuries beyond a few brulsea. It
waa a mlracuieua escape from death.
Mr. Jehn Patten Is seriously 111 with In
flammation of the bowels, at the residence of
hi father, Mr. Geerge Patten. Dr. Deaver,
of the Buck, I attending him.
Mr. Jehn Erb is building a barn en the
Hide property.
Mr. Jehn Balr I rebuilding the beuse that
wa burned last winter at Yerk Furnace
Shad are being eatight along tbe Susque
hanna In small quantities.
Common Plea Court.
The Rice ejectment suit is still en trial be
fore Judge Patterson. The plaintiffs are new
examining witnesses te show tbat Daniel
Rice was of unsound mind when be deeded
bis property te hla two son, the defendant
In tbla ault
The milt of Jehn Hlldebrard vs. Jehn Sny
der wa attached for trial this morning. Thl
1 a scire acuta te revive a Judgment given
rbr f02 63. Arter offering the Judgment In
evidence the plaintiff rested. The defense
wss that the Judgment was paid In full and
tbst Snyder thought the same was satisfied
until this suit was brought
The Jury found In laver of plaintiff for
f 111.60. D. O. Esbteman ler plaintiff, J. B
Kauffman for defendant
The suit of Jacob Pancake and Ellen his
wife, In her right ler her use and benefit vs.
Simen Ackerman, waa next attached for
trial. Thl waa a ault te recover en a policy
of Insurance under these circumstances.
Mia. Pancake took out a policy fort 1,000 en
the Hie or her mother, Sarah Hprenl, In tbe
U. B. Mutual Aid society or Lebanon. Seme
time afterward ahe aeld tbe policy te Hlmen
Ackerman for (30, and be continued te pay
tbe aisessments en the policy until Mrs.
Hpreul's deatb when be waa paid (1,000, the
race value or the policy. Thla suit was then
brought by Mrs. Pancake, arter the decision
el the supreme court that a person net hav
ing an Insurable Interest In the lire or tbe
person Insured could be sued for whatever
sum wa received by such person. It waa
shown tbat Ackerman did net have an insur
able Interest in tbe life or Mrs. Sprout. On
J. Martin Hub3r waa appointed guardian
et Mary Hastings, miner grandchild of Levi
Huber, deceased, late of West Lampeter
Hate Ball Maws.
The League games yesterday were: At
Philadelphia : Boaten 12, Philadelphia 6 ; at
Pittsburg : Pittsburg 8, Detroit 3; at Washing
ton : New Yerk 5, Washington 4 ; at India
napolis : Indianapolis 9, Chicago 1.
There were but three games in the Associa
tion and they were as fellows : At Philadel
phia .- Athletics 17, Brooklyn 0 ; at Cincinnati :
Leulsuille 8, Cincinnati 7; at Baltimere:
Baltimore 15, Meta 0
The Pittsburg club Is surprising everybody
by it great work. Yesterday the Detroit
were taken into camp with Baldwin in tbe
box. The celebrated pitcher was hit bard,
while Jimmy Galvln did very well. Carrell
bad a home run, a triple, a double and a
Mike Kelly wen tbe game for Bosten yes
terday by going behind the bat at a critical
point of the game.
Tbe Athletics pounded Terry, of Brooklyn,
badly yesterday.
Tbe bitting that Tem Burns Is doing for
Baltimore la astonishing.
Baldwin, one of Chicago's new pitchers,
waa net atreng enough for the Indianapolis
yesterday. Uenny Beyle pitched a fine game
ler the latter.
St take's Sunday Scheel and Picnic.
Tbe annual meeting of tbe officers and
teachers et Ht Luke's Sunday school,
Marietta avenue, was held en Sunday. The
pastor, Rev. Wm. F. Llcbllter, Is txoMcie
superintendent of tbe Sunday school. Tne
following additional officers were elected :
Assistant superintendent C Ernest Wagner ;
secretaries, Jehn F. Witmer, Samuel F.
Bauer and Carl T. Streeble; librarians,
Cbarles H. Metzgar, Francis R. Hammend
and Geerge K. Hcbaeffer; treasurer, Cbarles
A. Hammend.
St Luke'a annual plcnle will be held en
Thursday, August 4, at Pen ryn Park. The
picnics of tbla church are largely attended,
and tbey cordially Invite their many friends
te accompany them en this excursion.
Presbyterian Minister at Oxford.
At the aprlng meeting ei the presbytery of
Philadelphia, of tbe United Presbyterian
church, at Oxford en Monday, Rev. David
Andersen, or Otorare churcb, was appointed
nreabvterlsl Sunday school superintendent
Rev. J. H. Lelper wa received Irem tbe
presbytery et Muskogee. The discussion en
"Hew Can a Pecple Best Be Taught te Leve
Their Church ?" waa opened by Rev. W. M.
Gibsen. Rev. A. H. Cresble bas resigned
tbe pastorate or tbe United Presbyterian
ohureb or Oxford, after a term et about six
years. Hi resignation waa accepted.
Funeral el ft III lain T. Oangherty.
The body of William T. Daugberty, -who
died In Alteena en Saturday, arrived in this
city en Fast Line at 0:10 thla morning. A
party of about twenty-five person accom
panied It, Including a committee el Mountain
City Ledge, Ne. 837, I. O. O. F. Tbey took
breakfast at the City hotel and at 8:10 started
for tbe Gap, tbe former home of deceased,
where tbe funeral took place this forenoon.
When Mr. Daugberty'a deatb, which wa
audden, occurred, hla wife was attending the
funeral of a niece at Gap.
Before the Majer.
Annie Bruder, a girl of 10, was arrested by
Offieer Pyle en Monday evening for atreet
walking and the mayor sent her te prison
thla morning for thirty days. One drunk waa
committed ler 24 hour and a bum was sent te
tbe workhouse for 30 days.
The Htreet Committee.
Thi afternoon the atreet committee met at
the mayor' office at 1:!0 and started out In an
omnibus te drive ever the proposed exten
sion of tbe atreet railway In tbe northern
section of the city. They de this te determine
en making some changes in the grade et
several streets.
Mere Accommodation..
The director of the East End Passenger
railway met en Monday evening and decided
te purchase two additional horses and put en
two summer car.
Sued for Desertion.
Philip Fleer, Hying en High street, has
been complained against before Alderman
Dennelly, of the Eighth ward, for deserting
hla wife. Ball bas been entered for a hear
ing. Company c laspeetloe.
a I
Jamea Coryell, Inspecting officer,
- 1 wUl visit the armory of Company C, of
waa I city en Tuesday evening, May 12th, aae in
at. j. mmmvur mm-mimoTme.
Oenaty Directors ta Convention slet
flaaertateadeM of schools.
The triennial convention of school direc
tors of the Bounty was held In the court
house this afternoon, The convention waa
made up et director of all the district In
the county except Lancaster city aad Colum
bia borough who have their own euperla
tendenta. County Superintendent Breebt
called the convention te order. Simen I
Brandt, et East Denegal township waa
elated president of the convention, A. B.
Reet, of Mt Jey borough, reeding clerk and
Eugene M. Haines, of Fulton, and Lemuel
Witmer, of Kpbrata, recording clerka. B.
F. Museelman, of Htratburg, nominated M.
J. Brecht for re election. There waa no one
else placed In nomination and tbe roll wa
proceeded With, ah the director present
cast their vote for Mr. Brecht and be waa
declared elected.
The number of vote cast wa 103. The
attendance was netaslarge a In former years,
It being known that there was net any op
position te Mr. Brecht' re-election.
Superintendent Brecht waa called for and
he stepped te the front. He thanked the
members of the convention ler tbe con II
dence reposed In htm and pledged himself
te faithfully devote himself te tbe cause of
tbe publle schools of Lancaster county. He
realized tbe burden Imposed en htm and
aald he would make a great effort te advance
the grade of the schools. He would be ae
tlve, faithful, progressive and lollew a
course the true object of which wa tbe
growth, popularity and future excellence et
the school. He referred te tbe one question
tbat must be met In the near future closer
supervision or our schools and argued that
it would pay for these entrusted wltb school
management te give It closer attention. In
conclusion he aald he hoped that he would
prove worthy In tbe future or the renewed
confidence reposed in him.
At tbe conclusion et the professor's address
the convention was declared adjourned.
The city Convention.
The convention of director from tbe city
will meet In common council chamber at
7:30 thla evening te elect a anperlntendent
for the ensuing three years.
xamwtum DBPAmtmrnttr.
An Official Visit te the Several Fire Hen en
Monday Afternoon.
Monday afternoon the mayor of tbe city,
the chief engineer of the tire department and
tbe fire committee of city councils paid an
official visit te tbe several fire companies In
the city.
They first visited truck A and tire en
gine Ne. 3 en East King street, near Mid
dle, where everything waa found te be In
first rate condition. Next they visited Ne. 4
steam engine, where tbe premises were
found In geed condition, but the company In
charge ask for a platform en which te vsh
their hose. It was also said that the engine
needed overhauling, and tbe company en
gineer wa directed te make out a statement
of the repair needed.
The officer next visited Ne. 1, en West
King ireeu mub premises were iuuuu iu i
geed condition, but aa a matter of security I
against fire it wa proposed tnai tne inree
windewa en the east side of the beuse,
which are net needed, be walled up.
Ne. 2, en He nth -Queen atreet, was next
visited. The premise and apparatus were
found te be In geed condition. The company
asked tbat the alley en the south aide et the
house be cemented.
Having visited and Inspected the several
companies, tbe officiate drove out te
the Children's Heme en Ann street, where
they struck fire alarm box Ne. 71, without
any previous notice te the companies. Ne. 3
arrived at the Heme In three minute; Ne.
2 In six minutes ; Ne. 4 in seven minutes,
and Ne. 1 In seven and a halt minutes. All
tte companies made very geed time, con
sidering the distances they bsve te make.
Nene of the steam engines were put into
service except Ne. 4 which was tested with
two line of hose with satisfactory results.
. Parlermed la Lancatr-Th Mether Die
and ths Child Living.
On Friday afternoon last a meat difficult
and dangerous surgical operation was per
formed upon Mr. Annie Eberly, wife or
Geerge Eberly, who resides at Ne. 548 St
Jeseph street It was the Cesarean operation,
one of the most dangereua In caea of con
finement Tbe child was removed by tbe
cutting through the abdemen. Tbe opera,
lien waa performed by Dr. M. L. Herr, as
sisted by Dra, A. J. Herr, 8. T. Davis, F. G.
Albright O. E. Netacher and two et Dr,
Herr's students. It waa a success wltb very
little lese of bleed, and the woman was left
quite comfortable after tbe work. Frem the
time of the operation until 6:30 p. m. Monday,
when the weman'a death took place, Dr. M.
L. Herr, or some ether physician, was with
her constantly. Her aystem, however, never
rallied completely from the beck. She had
no great suffering and no Inflammation, Tbe
child ia well and atreng and will live. The
mother was 28 year et age.
Lattsr. Granted by the HegiaUr.
The following letters were granted by the
register of wills for the week ending Tues
day, May 4 :
Testamentary William Miller, de
ceased, late et Elizabethtown ; Fanny Brill,
Ellrabethtewn, executrix.
Jeseph Schransky, deceased, late of Earl
tewnahlp ; Abraham S. Schransky, Earl, ex ex
ecueor. -
Rudelph Myers, deceased, late of Cones Cenes
toga township ; Jeseph UarnUb, Pequea, ex ex
ecueor. Elizabeth Cox, deceased, late or Lancaster
city, C. F. Eberman, city, executer.
Careline Yest, deceased, late of Warwick
tewnahlp ; Isaac Yeat, Warwick, executer
Administration JehnM. Eby.deceased
late et Earl township; Jacob H. Uoeber,
Earl, administrator, c t.a.
Gee. P. Colwell, deceased, late of East
Denegal township; J. Harye Raymond, Mt.
Jey township, administrator.
i i
Rew ou Uarnary ileaat.
A First ward lawyer and a Seventh ward
politician had a lively tilt en Barbery Coast en
Mendav afternoon. It grew out of the asser
tien by tbe First ward lawyer that Republican
primary election in the Seventh ward were
net as honestly conducted aa they might be.
Tbe belligerent called each ether all the pet
name tbey could think of. There waa quite
a crowd collected by the time theae politician
had exhausted themselves, alter which the
spectator retired te the Snapper Bex for re
freshment. Received aa Presbyterian.
Rev. Francla Moere, a brother et Samuel
Moere, Jr., and Harry E. Moere, of thl city,
haa been admitted the Presbyterian church
by tbe presbytery of the Philadelphia Cen
tral. Rev. Moere haa heretofore been con
nected with the Philadelphia conference
et the Methodist Episcopal church, hla last
charge having been the Haw avenue church
of Norrlstewn.
Accidentally Shet
On Monday evening Cbarlra Hertx and
Jeseph Grlflee, residing at MarUnadale, were
playing with a target rifle. The weapon iwas
accidentally discharged and the bullei en
tered the aide of Grlflee. Medical aid was
aummened.but th wound lnflleted Is a very
dangerous one.
There etlU remain la theoraeo of the dark
of The quarter aaalea th commission of
ilYbt euperywer elected la February,
deuaeheuu Ufl itUmjt one
an tm Mdtst wl
tnrrnra Twn nvsrvtLm
..v . ,. VM,
tirnntr nn mnn trrivnr .mnnss"
niirtn. up nni.rut .lai
a t.Auam uvunmuvr jirtLS vAmmm Jl
i Bttm BUAnemmt. 'HS
Aa a mtndmeat Mad te u Kivaae Miasm e. ''
TheArttoiacKaaetfceeommeMleaei VM
Prisoners Paaasd Vlaallf by the
I! OHM-BUI That! .Pall,
HAHntanune, May 3 In the Bene I -eif
day tha bill renaaline all lawa nravldlnw t &
the election or appointment of tax colleeters
wsa Indefinitely postponed. Heuse blue
were passed finally aa fellow : Providing for
Increased rat of tells upon bridges la ewMei
where the Income doe net realli alx pec
cent ; fixing the pay for county auditors Ht 3
a day for time actually employed f teregalahi
tbe practice of pharmacy and aale or peteens .;. ::
Hiv.uiwDuiu.niiuu.iciuiiiu m iwrnmim tfl
of m mtlrar.t Anllana tn hava thraa mi,1 ,-vri
practice et medicine before engaging la Ik -5
drug business; authorizing council te -fc
auctioneer' licenses; te prevent mutllatlea, , it?
uesirucnen or removing snow mils, etc; If
ther empowering courts te direct the re
moval of remains rrem burial grounds.
Senate bill te protect farmers, gardener and
fruit grower against the less of basket and
ether packages waa defeated.
Macrarlane amended the general revenue
act se as te give .corporation credit for the
amount of tbelr capital stock, that Is, deduct
ing it Irem the amount of tbe bends, mort
gage, etc, taxable at the rate et three
In the Heuse the following bills passed
finally : Te provide for the support and
maintenance of associations formed for the
control of lire and tbe protection of life and
property Incase rt fire In first and second
class cities ; defining the limit of tewnahlp,
boroughs and cities bounded by any
of the navigable streams of the common
wealth ; te provide civil right for all people
regardless et race and color ; te establish
county beards of health. Thla bill glvea
the State Beard et Health the power te ap
point a health physician In each county, aad
tbe said physician can appoint a deputy, all
of whom will receive pay. The supplement
te an act empowering railroad companies
te employ police force passed tblrd reading
and tbe bill authorizing the court et quarter
sessions te change tbe boundaries of Incorpo
rated boroughs, ae a te exclude farm land
from aald boroughs, was defeated en third
reading. Hoett, of Philadelphia, offered a re
solution that tbe president of tbe United
States be requested te take steps te promote
the commercial union between Canada and
the United State, it was net agreed te.
The act increasing thecommutatlen of aen
fence of prisoners passed finally in tbe Heuse.
The amendment te the act te enable
mothers in certain cases te appoint tes
tamentary guardians and also rela
ting te eertaln duties and. rights et
husband and wife and parents and child
ren also passed finally.
A communication waa reoeivee, irem saw
governor last fT0iS
naa sianea me dui ier an Banair--
court Judge In Philadelphia.
The oath Brekan In Texas.
Feiit Wei...r,Tex., May 3. Reports re
ceived laat night from thirty-two point abew
tbat copious rains have fallen within the past
24 hour throughout Northern, Central and
Western Texas, extending north te Indian
Territory, and aeuth beyond Austin. In
some place In this territory net enough rain
ba fallen at any one time within 18 months
te settle the dust The report Indicate an
average of eleven hour hard rain. Ia
several localities tbe rain was preceded by a
terrlfie windstorm. Many outhouse were
demolished and a few realdencssare reported
wrecked, with some people hurt Ne one
was killed, and (50,000 will cover all the
miner losses.
A Yeung Man Commit Suicide.
YertK, May 3. Leenard Kable, aged 18,
operator for the Bankers & Merchants' tele
graph company, at this place, entered a
stock car that wa standing in the switch at
Smyser's coal yard, at 12 o'clock last night,
and shot himself through the left lung with
32 calibre five-shot revolver. He died at S
o'clock thla morning. It Is supposed the
suicide waa caused by a love disappointment
Queen Kapielanl, of tbe Sandwich Islands,
arrived today In Washington.
Casper H. Bergeaa, Catholic bishop el De
troit baa resigned.
Mrs. Charles Martin, et near Grand Rapid,
Mich., poisoned beraelf and two children last
At Watertown, N. Y., Cbarles Merrow,
while drunk, klUed hlmseirand his wire last
The boiler of an engine exploded at New
Haven, Conn , tbla morning, weundingaevea
men; railroad's less (20,000.
Tbe American Bridge work In Chicago
were burned last nlgbt; less (400,000, and tt0
men thrown out of work.
Last night nine men were wounded,
some them fatally, and ether mere or lesa
seriously by an explosion at the North Chi
cago rolling mill, at Seuth Chicago.
In New Yerk Hugh Regan and MlkeBrea
ltn fought a prize fight at daybreak tbla
morning ler a purse of (300, Queenabury
rule. Brealin wen easily.
Sir Jehn Brennen'a ault for libel against
Wm. Rtdgway, publisher of tbe Piccadilly,
bas resulted In 500 damages for plaintiff.
Mr. Parneil naa nemmatea air. wiiiiam
O'Brien te succeed Mr. E. Leamy aa Heme
Rule member el Parliament for tbe north
eastern division of Cerk.
In Philadelphia tbe schooner Grace K.
Green sunk at tbe mouth et the Schuylkill
river last nlgbt
In Milwaukee, Wis., the hop house belong
ing te Philip Best's brewery waa damaged.
(25,000 or (30,000 by fire laat night
At Eau Claire, Wis., a terrlfie hurricane,
unaccompanied by rain, prevailed all day
At Baltimore, J. Bart & Ce., foreign traits,
Ac, have failed ; aaaeta, (25,000 ; liabilities,
The westbound Atlantic A Peolue passenger
train leaving Albuquerque N. M., at 3 o'clock
yesterday morning ran off the track 15 miles
Irem Coelldge, N. M., and waa badly
wrecked. Heveral person ware killed ana
several wounded.
Beetera Pennsylvania: Generally
cooler, fair weather, variable winds,
generally westerly.
Reading baa a colored policeman, Jehn A.
Slpple by name. .
Lebanon expects 150.000 stranger WfeM ,
.L....i.ii; :j
tbla aummer, . , e,.iiij. vi;Il
Teller Jamea N. Taggert ruUaMjmVB, , $
It 1 learned, lei a,oeu ires i w ffi
i.w?3'jis' m
b"" ?E&..rci!ChahtJww,
baegd "hrliTa her garret ea Meatfar J
MHSnter Quay tblnka that lb BlkM ;
MimnylyanUIla bad abapeat Ike 'Aft
'' r " w
Pieraineral NerrU and HaejtfMratf
of internal Affair Stewart asaamed aawtf
mna en Monday. . . Jmm
Hiram y. Kaufman baa been espelawt &?
receiver el the Maiden Creak boa eeaapeay,;.
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