SiiS771 .KVItKVE"; HBBM Mrvnan. " ti,rf .. .j ssississPwisrsiA? : -' '"ll&ZSiZ a T'WfiVffUAii.!?, vyW;;j;77 M ffrsfl? '"iv w "rf5 -V '' - 4a& T&Wcifa E?'Rbbbbbbbba Stye futma$ttf .. k?.A3's! - ts?i i W sw! ' Kfl , A I ,. WttiJffl . W veLmiE xxm-NO. TOBACCO DKALKRS IDLE. tmb " , bbvvbbb aud bataka balbb t.tmt, rmit Preparing rer tha Cealsg Crep, Thy InUud ta draw MM Last Owlsg la ths DmMNd t)maed Perltsveaa-Ths Aereag ta B Ltss Thes Last Int. There It nnt maeb te be Mid about loetl tobaeoo affair. Ths packer who bought up the seed leaf crop el 1886 bar nearly finished packing It. Seiuu or tbem bar entirely finished and doted up their picking houses. Net uitiflli Is bains done with the '80 Havana. Small let of It are being bought ana brought te the picking honest, but It U bandied very gingerly by the dealer and ttie greater part of It remalna In the banda of the grower. llseause of tbe disappointment el farmer In disposing el their Havana eeed many will discontinue Ita planting the com Inn teven and return te the old-fashioned teed leaf. A. m)ertty of the f.rrner hT their seed bedalngoed condition, and come el them report their plant peeping through the ground, under the protection of beg brittle or muslin screen. There will probably be a (mailer aereage planted In Leneaatet county the coming aeasen than for aeveral year past owing te the low price at which It wan neld and Iho difficulty cl dltpeelng of the Havana part of the crop. 8k lies .t Frey report the aale of 200 cawjs 85 P. Havana and 60 ewe eeed leaf, and B F. Keudlg & Hen "00 eaaee teed and Havana Theaatne firm bought 40 caaee of the aame varieties. 1). A. Mayer report the aale of a fewcatet every day te local cigar manufac turers. The cigar trade In Lancaater ta reported dull, with a great many elgarmakera out of work. Nw Yerk Cigar Lwl Mathtt. Frem the 17. B. Tobacco Journal. Increased activity spread throughout the market In the main this we attributable te an Improved condition of thing amoeg large up town cigar manufacturers, number el whom visited the market In quest of geed, principally wrapper. The supply remain se limited that very little or no attentlea I ImliiK paid te nsuieef crop or year of growth. What are wanted are wrapper that are uet auy tee thick. The old time fastldleuinrsi regarding size aud oelor bat been almost totally knocked out by the scarcity el the stock In general. Altogether tbla Is a vary healthy market, nothing existing te mar the line prmpecta ler a splendid year'a business. The 'M tobacco are Improving In the band of packer the extent el Improvement g o e erally keeping pace with the quantity n hand. A little warm weather wilt permit a baiter Judgment en thlt crop, belong winter having kept It In a very raw condition. The mini of the week were as fellow : 250 ciwl 'ST. lYim-jlvatil, 13 te l.Jf cenU ; 310 caiee '.Vi state, II te 1(5 cent: tee case 'Ki Ohie, 0 te t) owns ; act) rases '83 Wisconsin, 7 te IDctmn i 3UU esse 'Bi rannsjivan., mm cents ; 2tW wm old l'eunsylvaula, 10 te 15 cents. Sumatra Lens acllve; an unaccountable, but surely a temporary lulL The stock en band Is dwindling fast. Hale, 230 bale, at from 11.20 te II 7 Havana Moderately active. Hale, 5C0 ba!e, at Irem 80 cent te ft 15. Frem the ToUecoo Leaf. Cigar Lsaf The market bat remained quiet ter want of sultsble stock ta make se lections freui. Dealers who are betdera of new geed feci that they are taking the amount el tobacco tit for tiller and binder purpose In sight, aud the probable require require require uieuUofiuauuiacturerafer the coming year In a very slreug position. Pennsylvania seed leaf of the lsl crop I being held at Irem 10 te 11 cjiii, and t many, liootisid lieotisid lioetisid ereii ttie mini itvaiUltlu goal '"" thh ueuls of our uuuufm urar-t, m lar It lern are co icernu.1. lVe-i-ut llinles of this tobacco pMeilajtytMi'ayieM at Sii.UOO cae, which la much Inn than 11 W4t supposed te have been when otk-tiUtlens were matte Istt Jan uary. Ohie, which is wmtlally a tiller te tobacco, Ucrnll'fd with 25,00 case, and Irem tbeea grewih-i iiMUiilacturers mint draw supply of fllletc. tl-tvaua Tuls nurket continue stealy and firm, and Importer are, genally fpeak tng, NAtUded wltu the pre.. I be sates for the wk ttgrega'e UW bile', at prices raiiKlng Irem 00 cdiiu te tl 'it Hututtra A little mero lite wa nitlcealile, but buyerx are helaltig oil at muuh as they cau uutll they hear something detlulte from aaren the Atlaiitie about the new geed. Tue salei lejt 230 h.le. Uaas' Wkl7 liepert. Hales of seed leal tobacco reported ler tbe Intkluukxckii by J. S. Oaus' Henil'a, tobacco brokers, Ne. 131 Water street, New Yerk, ler the v-tx-k eudlng April 25, 18S7 : 100 ews ISSe, Pennsylvania, ll13j.; 100 caatiil&ll. t'etinsylvaula, I'iQilie; 1 50 case 18.4 1, is. 144), I'rtiiutyivaui, ii;ia) 100 cases 1445 New UateUnd Havana, n. t ; 100 canes 1885 Wlwinulu Havana, 710e ; 150 cast suudrles, CQlSe. Total, 700 case. I'hllaiUlpbl Marktt. Heed Lear Sale the past week have been confined largely te retailing, and then most ly of tbe gr.tJwt of binder aud tiller. One let or 75 cases of strictly wrapper changed band at a very agreeable margin. Such goods are, however, limited, and It abewn en the market are quickly picked up. Old stock of desirable quality bat become caree, i that a better figure la new easily obtained. Tbe Urst four month of tbe year 1887 have proven te b3 much mere satisfactory In amount of business accomplished than tbe same period of last year. Mumatra oemmanua tne uuai inquiry. Havana Damaed ha no limit, If tbe quality meet tbe requirement. Ualtlmera Market, The demand for tbe better grade of j Mary land, which hai been regular for months past, baa been somewhat mere urgent this week, but such stock U light and tbe receipt are meagre. Hale of geed grade have been made at lull price, aud alto of about 200 bbde bbde ef the long neglected, Inferior and freated atutl fur home consumption and expert, at Briee ranging from l 00 te 11 50 for 100 lb bio tobHOeo continue dull and In light de mand. Tbe sale reported during tbe week are 40 bbds te local manufacturer. Ohie. Frem the Mlamtiburg Ualletln. Buyer are en tbe real dally, and ware ware beuaes and depot were crowded during the week. Popular prices rule, but buyers are critical, aud tbe aggregate of transactions fall below that of tbe preceding week. There la fine stock yet 111 tbe baud of planter, and It 1 tcadlly changing hand at the prlixa Jirevalluig. We quote Ztmmer'a Bcaulshat 5 te 20 cent, Little Duteb at 5 te 8centa, seed leaf at e te iu cent. Connecticut ValUjr Last 'Market. Quietness In the tobaeao trade ta every where noticeable. The enew 'of tbe winter 1 mostly gene at far north at tbe tobaeoo district extends ; or rather sueh was tbe fact until the snow el the 18U Inst, again burled our whole valley with aeute six or eight Inobeaef mew, and brought with It an ley, wintry atmosphere. The snow will aoen be Kne. Heme el our grower bad their eeed da and many ether had thing nearly In readiness ler sewing tbe seed. Our frlandt neeaneiDe uisoeuragea yeti seeaume ana harvest have entirely Tailed yet, Tbe acreage will be lea thl year than laat year by at least one-tenth, perhaps evens quarter, dltlereoee. And It la also true of ether lecalltlM, a we learn from tba tobtvee papera of tbe various state. The old tobaeoo It rapidly being absorbed by tbe elty dealer, who are constantly looking out for it. Oat la Wtossejila. Tbe Wisconsin papera eeanplaln that the '87 crop It going en very alewiy at prlees rarely higher than 7 cent and generally m low as D, wiiu uivia uuwe hj a iss a ussist. The aalea of cased '86 leaf aeUatlewiy atprleM no better. ' Bedy Bblppaw. The body of Pavid Ulmttead, the turn, whowahUldbytherat afeuntrHU e stetmrdayaMnasg, wMhlpp4 by wfctai OU OUT M l0 M Tfsttaf, 201. Large Orewa M ttsth Heatee Utt Braalsg, asctahf aawl DraasaUc rsrlsriaass. The auaMgenentef the King HUeet theatre decided eeeae time age te play no mere dim natle compute, ee la the futare Ue hesta wilt be devoted te tbe variety and apeetalty business. Last night the flrtt party of tela kind that bMbeenat tbe theatre for aeaeUm opened. Tba weather oeuld get have been ueh were, as rata poured la torrents from early la the evening until late at atgbk Thl dldnotateatebave a bad effact, however, for the audtenee wa large. Ths oempany la tee treageet of tbe kind yet seen la the house, and the majority of the people play la the leading variety theetrea of ths United States. Tne popular Dilators Bitten, who have Just returned from asuo asue estslul trip through ths Katteru oeuntry, mads their eeoend appearanee this ssasea, giving their very popular songs, danees, ta, and Introducing .a number of new feature. Tney did two " turn" and the beya gave them a royal weloeme. Cenner and Collin, a a break-neck song and danes team, have few, If say equal, and their set set the people wild. Their hard falls and rough treatment of each ether were astonishing. Later CeN tins wa seen In a tingle specialty, aemt thing after tbe style of Prank B. MeNlsb, In which bs Introdueestots of clever acrobatic and contortion business. Geerge and Marie Nelsen appeared In a ketch. These people are no stranger te Lancaster folks. Years age when Franke'a winter garden wa In operation tbey played an engagement of several weeka here. Since that they have been here with aeveral com bination. Tbey area very clever pair, and Oeerge make a great deal of original fun In their act, while Marie alnga and daneea aplendldly. Hhe le a fine dresser and makea a geed appearanee aa well a a strong Im pression. Jehn H. Burke played upon a number of harmonica and gave Imitations which were really wonderful. He seems te be a matter of the Instrument Prof. Montag ate fire and swallowed swords a yard long by the dozen. Thta evening be will wallow red-het pokers, Ac He doe a very het act, and It mystifies tbe people. 8. Wil liam Howe, late of the Hese Lisle company, appeared In the opening and closing sketches and alto did a specialty Iu which be Intro dueed leta of fun as a darkey oemedlan. The company appeara te night In tbe earns MIL Tbe abew Is a geed a any one need wish te see, and tbey deserve te draw crowds every night. The Attraction at rulten Opera Hedm. The Melville Hlsters' dramatic oempany opened for a week last night In Pulton opera beuse. They are strangers here, but the very Urge audience that ventured te witness tbe Initial performance came away with geed opinion or tbem. Tbe play wa "The Oalley Slave,'' although aa given last evening wa net strictly In Hee with the composition el Hartley Campbell ; It, however, waa greatly appreciated, and at timet tbe audltera were very demoeatratlve. U. M. Markbam in the character of Sidnty Soreett abewed blmselt equal te what It demanded. HI acting the partet tbe betrayed lever was exceedingly atreng at interval. Henry U. Carlten aa the French baron had "u" dialect in geed command. Phil H. Urelner, the Impetuous lever and an admirer of father-in-law and metber-ln-law, wat capital as Jehn Frank lin Mis. Tbe principal female part was admirably taken by Rese Mel ville, who abewed en all occasions line dramatic power. Ida Melville, tbe deserted wife of the baron, wa geed In her part, and Busle He, the oemforter of Villi, aesUlned tbe character ably, but was net very graceful In her gesture. The whole cast wa strong, and these who aee "Tba Octoroon" this eve ning wilt without doubt be delighted, for In a play of that kind this company Is sure te show te geed ellect. During tbe evening little Kva Melville aang and she received loud applause. Tbe cornet soles by Harry Hardy between tbe third and fourth acta were exeellent, and be was recalled several timet. Cbeckt were distributed te all attending last nlgbt'a show and this evening the first draw ing of silverware will occur. These ticket have a chance en all the articles te be given away during the week. A BsmereU Changs. There la new talk or a big ebange at tbe King street theatre. One of the beat known manager In tbla country, who ha tneatrea In a number of different cities, is talking of purchasing thlt one,and It It quite likely that be will. If be does, be will tit It up In Hue bape during tbe summer. BB VVUUr TU KHO V. A Severs Arraignment of tba salvation Army by Una of Its Msrabsrs. from tbe Kxhester Democrat. Kebert Van Brunt, lately a prominent member of tbe Salvation Army, 1 under sen tence ei death at Rochester for tbe murder of young Rey. Our reporter said : "I wish you would tell me something about tbe true Inwardness or tbla Halvatlen Army te which you belonged." Vsn Brunt, who la only 23 years of age, meditated a moment, eyed hi questioner curiously, and laughed lu a peculiar manner te himself. " I think," be said, after a little, I think there are a tew geed people yet In tbe srmy ; I mean people who really want te benellt mankind, but I tell you most el tbe soldiers. and officers particularly, are thinking mere el womankind. " I ought te knew thl Halvatlen Army," continued the endemed murderer, bia tell tale face adding atrange emphasis te bia can did words, I ought te knew them ; I have been there myself, and the otSeera bave talked with me about It Tbere 1 a claw of young girl drawn Inte the meeting," be went en, " who are easily sneush InHueneed bv tbe officer, and are controlled by tbe offieer and men rer their own purpe-es, and rer bad purposes, aud these sre tbe girls they are after. 1 don't knew at I can Just exactly describe tbe in in ttuenee tbey have ever tbem, but It Just con trols them, and let of tbem have this Influ ence. " Heme geed people get Inte the Halvatlen Army, but tbe enthusiasm weara off In two or three week, and they get te be as bad a ths rest If ths Salvation Army altogether waa awept from tbe earth It would be better ; better for everybody." Het Timet te the Hew Tevk Beasts. IntheHensteefNaw Yerk Monday even ing the governor's secretary appeared with a vetoed bill, and drew from bis poekst an executive message which formally withdrew tbe nomination el Messrs. Baker and Rogers and reneminated Msssr. Buekbee and Armstrong. Tbere were no comments en the message, merely the formal statement Mr. Rles waa listened te with profound attention. It was ths first tlms the private aeeretary bad ever -read In person a menage te the Senate, tbatduty being usually performed by the Henate clerk. As eoeu as he bad concluded and retired, Mr. Marpny (uemecrat), new xera, meied that the Senate go into open executive session te oensldsr the nominations. Mr. Pitts (Republican) objected and stated that there waa a grave doubt whether tbe private aeeretary'sannonnesmentwaalegal. Lleuten antnnvarnnr Jenes twles directed the clerk te read tbe nominations, but tbe latter made no reply. Mr. Pitta moved te table tbe mes sage, and the motion wat csrrisd, 18 te 10-a party vote. Alter soma further debate tbe message sent la by tbe governor latt Friday waa read aad tabled, aad the Senate then adjourned. BsesMeg Daws te Werk. front ths Hsppnsr (Ore.) Sssstt. Mies Carrie DUlea wUl teeeh the school up Beat Galea thla spring. ' Csrrta Is bow develesiag bar atuscls with a palrjef dumb batla and aroaeass te subjugate old Tem OaMsVsfrssUafobeyUslMaaste break Mabaik,aad swnawfeia old tern Utm later- LANCASTER, SUIT BROUGHT FOR DAMAGES. J WaflOM rata VIT Ur LtKOAtTBM IB MAUBl tmm BBWBMBAHT. at rarastlse Tewathtp, M Tarawa rrsss HM Beggf T rils at atones tat Street, Mass Leg Brakes eaS las thsOity-4lifeereste Tried Is Oesrt. Ths rait of Jacob Butt, r v. D. H. Martin was sttaehed for trial en Meaday afternoon bslersJudgs Livingston laths upper oeart room This was a anlt te recover ea a Judg ment note for YKO, dated July is, lass, pay abls en April 1, 1884 with psr cent Interest Ths slgnaturs te ths nets was admitted and plaintiff rested. Tee defeats was that ths esntnes " Walv- plag all exemption laws," which appeared ea tbe note, was net en it wnen Mr. Mania Ignedltandtbatract was sworn teby Mr. Martin and his son. ,ln rsbntlsl tbe plaintiff proved that It was la ths handwriting of Mr. Martin t that It waa net put en when ths nets wa aignsd aa waa alleged, but that Martin put It en attsrwarda at Mr. Butt's request, ths understanding being that it was te be a waiving net and Mr. Kutt did net discover it wa net until bs went borne, and when he dlaoevered that It was an ordinary J udgment nets hs went back te Martin and then Martin wrote that clause In. Tbe Jury found In favor of plaintiff ter 81,049 76 and cost, the full amount of the elalm. Brubaker and Frltchey for plaintiff B. V. Davit and Heuser for defendant. the suit or Aldus Patterson vs. the city of Lancaster waa attache 1 rer trial this meirij leg. Tbla 1 aa action te recover damage under these circumstances, aa detailed by ptalntin'a witness: "On tbe evening of November G, 1885, Aldus Patterson and Jamee Miller, of Paradise township, left their home te drivs te this city. Tbey ar rived opposite ths reservoir about 7 o'clock, and net noticing a pile of atone In the street the buggy atruck the stones and both men were thrown out Patterson' aplne wa In jured and he bad a leg broken, and alleging that It wa negtlgenc3 en the part of tbe city authorities In allowing tbe atones In ths street, without any signal te indicate that there wa no obstruction in tbe street, he brought tbla suit te recover damage. At the conclusion of the plaintiff's testi mony, counsel for tbe defendant moved for a non-suit and that motion wa argued at tbe afternoon session of court, Bsfer Judge Patttsaen. Tbe suit of Jacob L. Uarber vs. David and Geerge Cenrad, of Penn township, waa at tached for trial in tbe lower court room thl morning. According te plaintiff' witnesses tbe defendant made a bargain with plain tiff by which be was te deliver 1,000 buabela of lime, for which be was te receive 10 cents per bushel. A Iter every thing wa In readiness te burn the lime the order was counter ceunter manded for the time and a raw weeka after ward plaintiff was told te go ahead. He did se, but tbe lime burning waa net a success and the defendant rerussd te take It He then brought this suit te recover for hi labor and tbe miterlals used lu preparing for the burning. At the conclusion of plalntilTa testimony defendant's counsel moved for. nen-iult en the ground that no contract bad been proved. Tbe court sustained tbe motion, ordered a non-suit and granted a rule te show cause wby the non-suit should net be stricken off. Jehnsen aud Hall for plaintiff; Reynolds and McMullen ler defendants. 4 CCnnKSTT T1USINK8H. A charter was granted te the Methodist Episcopal church of Pleasant drove. Viewer Appointed. Jehn B. Caldwell, Abiabam It. Kurtz and Jehn N. Weed a, Leacock, viewers, te widen tbe read leading from Falrvllle te Martin dale, beginning at a point en the read leading from Cburcbtewn te Keamstewn,and ending en tbe read leading from Muddy Creek te Veganvllle. Geerge 8. Fry, O. K. Jehns and A. K K Reyer, viewer, te lay out a read In East Cocalleo tewpkhlp, from a point en a private read leading from Hwartzville te the read be tween Adamstown and Keamstewn station, te a point en the public read between Adamstown and Relnbeld'a station. Samuel M. Leng, Jaoeb M. Swarr) and Wlltner P. Bolten, viewer te lay out a public read In Drumore township, from a point en tbe read leading from Chestnut Level te Peach Bettem and te end at a point en tbe publle read leading from Centrevllle te Fulton Heuse. Jehn Fulton, Jehn B. Krelder and Jehn Kandlg, viewers te report en tbe necessity of the erection of a bridge ever Mill ereek in Kast Lampeter township, where the aald creek cresses tbe read leading from tbe Old Philadelphia read te the borough of Btras burg. H. 8. Detwller, Samuel Wright, Jacob B. H trine, James A. Myers, Gee. H. Richards aud Jeseph Black, viewers te asses damages caused by tbe proposed opening el Cherry atreet aud Sixth street, in Columbia bor ough. Jaoeb H. Htrlue, Henry N. Kehler and Jehn M. Cenklln, viewer, te vaeate a read and lay out instead a publle read In West HempQeld township, from r point where Mauer atreet Intersects with tbe eastern line of Columbia in Stickler's lane te end at a point en the read leading from tbe Lancaster and Sus quehanna turnpike te Lehman's school- house, in Mauer tewnsuip. B. Frank Breneman, Hamuel B. Cox and Kdward Kdgerley, viewers, te vacate Pearl atreet, Irem Columbia avenue te Maner atreet, city, aud lay out In lieu thereof a atreet from tbe junction el uoiumeia avenue and College ateuue, and extending south ward te Maner atreet Wakeman Weiley, Jacob M. Swarr and Themas S. Cellins, viewer, te vaeate a read In Pulton township, from a point en the read leading rretn the Unicorn and Peach Bettem read te a read between the II n loom and Ful ton Heuse, and te lay out another in lieu thereof. Samuel Kvans, A. N. Cassell, Henry Kokert, Charlea J. Rhede and M. 8. Meta ger, viewers, te assea damage cauted by tbe proposed opening of Pearl ttreet and North Duka atreet OeBOraaatlan Abselut. Of a read in Kphrata township, from a point ou tba Readleg read and ending at a pelnfan tbe Clay A Ulakletewn turnpike. Of a read In. Brecknock township, begin ning at a point en tbe read leading from Bewmanavllls te the Plew tavern, and end ing at a point en the read leading from the atate read te Allegheny chureb. Of a read in Coueetega township, from a point en the publle read leading from Cole Cele manvllle te Harntab'a sswj mill, and ending en tbe read leading from Oonestega Centre te Rurkbelder'a ferry. Of a read In Fulton township from a point en tbe read leading from New Texas te Penn Hill, and ending at a point near tbe crossing of Conewlngo creek, en tbe read leading irem New Texas te Pleaaaut Greve. Of a read in Provldeuee township from a point en ths read leading from Willow Street te MeCall's Perry te tbe read between Stras bura and Martle Ferge. Of a read la Provldeuee township from a point near the Clearfield school heuss, and ending at a point wh the read leading from Breneman'a mill te Hickory Grev hotel. Of a read la Manbeim township, Resa a point ea tha read leading from tba Lancaster MdBphmtapiktt9 U Laadia VaUsy aad PA., TUESDAY, APRIL Millport read sad eadlag assr ths leads of Hsary L. Lendle.aad Jeseph Leng, de- Ofaresd la Msaaetat township Irem a point ea ttt read landtag from ths ; Manbeim township te the Pstsrsbarg read aad ending near Jehn Qlagrleh'a mill. Thn report of vlswers approving ths bridge ever Mill cretk at Ksaslsr's mill. Ths report of oemmfctsloners adverse te ths division of Kpbrata township Inte two or mera alscUen districts. WBO WOVLB BBA MBBWBB1 Hs Make Mac Meast , Bat He Has te Bera very Cent of It. ' from the rrovidenes Journal. Ths Nsw Yerk brswsra sold about 4,000,000 barrels of beer la 1888, se that at tbe eat! mated profit of II a barrel they made 14,000, 000. Thl divided "Beaey among tbe eighty of this neighborhood gltsa 150,000 splecs ; but while fsw msdese little, many made a great deal mers one having sold nearly 400,000 bar rels,and three or lour having mads ever 200,000 barrels or dollar, Many of tbem live quit grandly, ths mansion that ens ha built fronting the park being one of the finest homes in the city, and of course they don't de any manual work in fact, many of them have bad tbetr riches forced upon them, end haven't the ability te de the work of the humblest of their clerk. Tbere 1 a college la town for teaching brewing where lour beya a year get that education free. Tba business will grew at ths oeuntry grows and has grown, se that borne of tasirmdaate may be regarded as certain te be very rich men. la thla a chance te reoemmend te a youth te alri ve for T After a long acquaintance with many brewer I y decidedly no. I would net put a boy in tbe business nor go into it myself nader even the meat advantageous circumstance. In insny respects their riches are earned the hardest of any meneya made In New Yerk. Tbla la said net from a temperance standpoint, but because of tbe Uvea tbe brewera have te lead and the thing they have te de te make their money. Fer instance, tbey are obliged te drink like tbe suction pips of s steam engine. Whenever a customer beglna buslnass, or opens a new saloon, or refurnishes an old one the brewer most come and spend money like water and drink like a Uah, It la Just tbe same when the customer baa a wedding or a christening or takes a partner, or deee anything that furnishes an excuse for Inviting the brewer around te divide a portion el bia profit. He would be stingy if he didn't spend tbe money nd disre. pectlul it be didn't drink, and In either case be would lese hi customer. Fancy a man at the bead or a great business aud pos sessing great wealth obliged te get drunk four nights s week te keep bis business. True, s fsw don't de It but employ hall fellewa te take their places, yet most of these fellows bad te de exactly that in building up tbelr business. Then, again, tbe average New Yerk brewer I at tbe beck and call of tbe ealoon ealeon ealoen keeper In many ether way. They are ex pected te lend money en every aert or pre tence, te se ball for their customers when ever tbey are arrested and whatever It may nw ier, iu go w leeir weuuiug diuiiwuiui ball, and te subscribe money for every de vice that a liquor dealer can Invent te beg for. SUB1B TWaatT-aiKTB BBAtUH. Ths Lancastar Matanercbtr Ushsrs it In With a Fin BaUrtstnmant Tbe Lancaster Miennercber began tbelr twenty-ninth season laat night, when tbey held an operatic coneert Despite tbe bed weather and attractions at both theatre tbere wss a very large crowd present, and the people were delighted with tbe entertainment Part first or tbe pregramme was a coneert wblch began at balf-past eight o'clock. Tay Tay eor' orchestra furnished the music, and Harry Dracbbar'a aole was a feature. Tbe pregramme of part tint was : Wetngarten-xtarch-." Oallunt Hrlgade "-Or-chpslra. Max von Welnaterl Chorus "Lacrlmae Chrlstl "-stionnerebnr. jb JJattlKer Meilley tlvertnrn Orchtra. w naecxea " jier imuuivi uui uiue aui.uuu r.imenf II. Drjchti&r. gerunade-Uernet sole-" Utnnllug Waves" J. KlllhetTer. in the second part the operetta entitle! "Dornreescben," which contains geed music and fun, was given. The singing was ex cellent and It Included duetu by U. Schmidt and Miss Amy A. Ball and a aole by H. Ottbeffer. Tbe Mionnerehor were beard te great advantage In the choruses. The char, aeters were distributed as fellows : flerUt Onrn Mm tVeRLsssr. Aweaser KipjnU II. t-CHMiDT. Uornreescuen MwAv hall. Wlne Agent lelTerkein It. urruersn. Policeman 0. Vattkk Cltliuns, Chorus. Tbe entertainment wat a great success tbiougheut, and great credit is due Prof. Matt, who for some time bad been kept busy rehearsing tbe operetta and making ether preparations. After the operetta daecing be gun and it waa an early hour this morning when tbe pleasant affair was ever. a man wiruuur a mmmemw. Singular Affliction el Wrallby Mlchlgander, Wrte Uet tort In 'lennsss. Jebn Stadler, aged 55, a wealthy farmer of Rlchvllle, Michigan, went te Tenneasee le purchase laud. He was accompanied by Max Burgermaster. Near Allardt, Tenn., Stadler left bta oempanlon who, after a per severing search, returned home without him. It waa supposed be was foully dealt with. Stadler la subject at limes te a remarkable afflctien. He suddenly loses bis memory, and cannot even recall bit own name. At tbe time el his disappearance be bad en bia person a large auin in money and drafts for ether large sums, and as he wa supposed te bave been cured of bis ailllctlen, tbe theory of murder wat accepted. When he left hi traveling companion he wandered away aud traveled until be crossed the line Inte Kentucky, wbere be stepped with a farmer, who tinally heard of tbe strange disappearance nud wrote te bis friend. The addressed letter was left en tbe table, wbere Stadler aaw It and read tbe ad dress of his wire. He Instantly came teblm- aeir, told tbe farmer about uts trouble, ana wanted te hasten home, but tbe farmer would net permit Stadler te go out of bit alght ter tear of a recurrence et tbe disorder, aud pre vailed en blm te await tbe oeming of friends. Stadler, while in tbla singular condition, eats, drinka and acta aa uaual, except be has no knowledge of who be I and no Inclina tion te engage in any work or amusement. Klllsa by a Orspe Used. William Watklnr, a New Yerk actor, was well and atreng two weeka age. Last Men day be grew HI and en Tueaday the consult ing physicians decided that death was almost certain. Tbere was a alight cbanee of saving life by performing an operation. Tbe young man waa taken te the New Yerk hospital and Dr. R. F. Weir waa asked te de what he oeuld. Tbe operation abewed that a grape seed bad ledged in tbe appendix vermlfor vermlfer mis, tbat little sack at tbe begtnulng or the wending oelon, whose olllee In tbe working or the human system no physiologist has ever divided, causing an Intense Inflam mation, sn abscess, and a perforation of tbe intestinal canal. Mr. Wat kins only lived two bears after tbe operation. He was burled en Sunday. Th Held Oatitad by CJUvetaud'a Marriage. WaibtogtenCorr. Baltimore Bun. Tbere was a geed and very striking illus tration In a recent lue of a pictorial weekly representetlng Mia, Cleveland carrying her hutband into tbe White beuse for a second term in a large cletbea hamper tbat she bera upon ber back. Tbere Is a great deal of loree In this suggestion, and among ths masses it will be a bard matter te break down the bold that Cleveland' marriage has created. He b breuabt closer than aver te every flraslds in the United States, and every visitor te Wash ington gene away te electioneer for him after caning at tha White heuss, m Net law Wresg. Frem tbe Hew Yerk Trlbnae. Tba aid lady who read tbat there was a great deal of 'gaseous belli" la Kureps wasn't as TtT b wresg aftec all. 26, 1887. THE SECKEf OF THEIR AIMS. ejrjr tarn aeatAttara emupeam be BmrmmAL wbabb bbbeb. te TkT Ksptet te Bs Halt a Millien Itrssg la ISM arsvs rrsdletlest ter Beras. Threattstag te Salt ths Bats of . the Amsilean Oevsramsst. Chicaoe, April 28. A few dsys age tbe United Pre contained a report about a pro jected combination of ths three principal So Se So clallstle organizations la this oeuntry the Red Internationalists, the Black Interna tionalist and the Boclaltstle Laber party. Whlls the alms of ths laat two mentioned are widely known, but little Is generally known of the Red International, or International Workmen association. This association was founded in Ban Francisce in 1835, and la said te bs wall organized in all tbe principal cities throughout ths western states, it la an nounced in documents furnished their members that an uprising la ex pected in 1880. The document sayt the present crisis wlllsppreach a cllmax.but con tinues that tbe time ia net yet ripe for suc cess. Te ttrlk thlt year would bs te use lessly slaughter our beat people and put back tbe cause 100 years. We must take ad van van van tegeotltferagltatlonandeduoatlononly. We must spesk much sad act net at slL One year or panic means a tripling of our foreee st the very least While with our present 100,000 American Seclalats forcible action Is impossi ble, with 400,000 (whleb the next pante will give us If we msnage wisely) we bold tbe game in our banda We have perhapa until 1889 In which te perfect our plana, Tbat year In Europe will aurely bring grave results. In America, 11 figures lie net another psnlc greater, deeper and mere widespread than the preceding will be upon us. Then, sod net till then, may we risk a cast of tbe Iren dice. Then we msy atrlke and atrlke te win. Tbe probabilities are In favor of our having in 1889 in tbe United State at least half a million earnest Socialists. Tbe panle comes, ths publle Is excited, outbreak occur, tbe large centres revolt, tbe places wbere but s few Socialist exist are made points ter rallying of cenaervatl ve element. In these small places it should be made tbe duty of tbe Socialists tbere presiding, secretly and with all tbe aid of science In destructive warfare, te raise sufficient turmoil te keep the conservative busy at borne. Meanwhile in large centres bold measure should be taken. Our people should bead, lead and control tbe popular revolt ; aheuld aelze tbe place of power ; should lay banda upon tbe machinery of government Under that regime the pro pre pro nunclamente declares that private title te lands will be abolished, rente shall be un un kuewn, record books shall be burned, tbe title te machinery shall be vetted In tbe com monwealth, tbe present owner te turn their machinery ever te the atate without oompen eompen oempen aatlon, and all business stocks shall be con fiscated. This Is the organization which con template the formation of a union with the " Black " or adherent of Johann Meat and with the moderate members of the Soclalltle Laber party. hb mb ameuutiiZKD. A Gambler With ths Sullivan Combination Who Live fast With th Mousy of Hlgh-Tened Oleb Mso. Cnicaae. April 20. A San Francisce special te tbe Tribune aaya : A story la going tbe rounds here quietly which la likely te cause some trouble In high-toned clubs In San Francisce, China and Japan. Whsn the Jehn L. Sullivan combination came te this city It was accompanied by a swell, dapper, middle-aged man with a short, Iren-gray moustache, and the general air ei a broken down Irish landlord who bad come te griel en the turf. He sported a trim black-thorn stick, alwaya were bit snuff-colored overcoat buttoned close up and walked aa ir rheuma tism were bia constant companion. He cut bia figure in the business transacted by Jebn L. and Pat Sbeedy and it was thought tbst be wa some sflluent Chicago sport who had come out for health and pleasure. Soen it became whispered around in certain quarters tbat tbe quiet-mannered stranger was an ar tist with a band of card ; then tbe Sullivan combination disappeared and tbe dapper gen tleman also faded from view. Lately be has turned up again around the hetela and some club-rooms, and It 1 said be baa oeme back from a very pleasant and pro fitable aojenra among thn aplrlted English aud American clubmen In Heng Keng and Shanghai. The atery la that tbe purser of a splendid steamer running from Han Fran Fran ciseo te Heng Keng Introduced the dapper gen. tlemaa te the Heng Keng club as a popular Han Francisce stock broker in quest of health. The paeude dealer In shares was seen a geed many thousand dollars ahead of tbe Heng Keng club, and be then proceeded with tbe credential at band te pay hla respecta te tbe awell club of Shanghai and Yokohama. He la much better off In fundi alter bia Oriental trips, and moves among fast livers, but tbe anecdote of his recent adventure it spreading here. - Protecting PrUeusrs groin a Meb. Leuisvillk, Ky., April 20. A dispatch saya a rumor reached the Jailer at Frankfort Ky., wbere Turner and Patterson, tbe assail ants of Jennie Bewman, are confined, Just after dark last evening tbat a great crowd of people were gathering te mob tbe prisoner. Jailer Williams at once called for assistance and obtained guns from tbe arsenal. Police and citizens were called upon and responded, ureat crowds collected en the coiners snd discussed the situation and a leader waa all tbat waa lacking, or else tbe negrees would bave immediately been taken out and killed. In tbe meantime the efficlala took the prisoners from the Jail snd, escaping out et the back way, took an east-bound train aud, tup tup pesed ly, took tbem te Lexington ter sale keeping. a Floods la Indiana. Evansvii.le, Ind., April 2d. The river hat been riling rapidly during Ibe past few dsys, and last nlgbt at 9 o'clock reached tbe danger line six leet en tne gauge, a. large portion et the bottom land In tbla vicinity Is covered with water, and tbe river ia still rising at the rate et ever an Inch an hour. Newa from Jasper aaya the Poteka river ia at an alarming belgbt and la still rising. Tbe mills, factories, lumber yards, and many dwellings have water In tbem from one te four feet deep. Tbe Louisville, Kvansvllle A. Ht Leuis air line railway depot is sur rounded by water, and the oeuntry between Jasper and Huntlngburg 1 one vast island. Gnelsra Ket Prevalent. San Francisce, April 26. Leuis E. Tor Ter rez, the governor et Honors, Mexloe, sent tha following dispatch te the .DudeMn yesterday: 'Reports about cholera tn Mszstian ana uuyamas entirely unreunded ana aesura These ports have never been In peer sanitary condition. Will trace originator of sueb false and malicious reports and prosecute blm be fore the oeurla te tha full extent ;et tbe law for damage and harm Intended te our com munity. Btrlklag Metdsrs Dtrmled. Chicago, April 26. The managers of the Chicago stove werka stste that, with tbe fifty non-union molders new at work enough castings are being made te keep tha establish ment running la fair order. Tbe St Leuis work was finished soma dsys age, but it is expected that another order will be shortly received. Tbe strikers seem rwy determined, aad say they will stay out all summer if AvroBtieHBmT nttta. A Heat) tNtyst la th float Over ths Lagu- letlv gfssssrs WhtaB raatse-It Alts Aceastt th Oengrasslsaat llABBUnuae, April 20. Ia th Senate petltiena for aad remenstrances against the Bllllagslay eU pipe bill wets presented. Oa motion of Harlan, a rssolutlen was adopted autherising tba governor te appoint a com mission of five persona te azaaUaa aad make report en the sabjeet of forestry in the state, Tba following Wilt were passed finsllyt Extending tba provlaea el the mecbanle Ilea law te debts contrasted for work done or materials fur. nlahed for tba oenttruotlon or repair of en gines, boilers or machinery j authorizing companies Incorporated ler tbe manufacture of lumber and weed product, acids, ete, te held real estate necessary for manufacturing purposes ; regulating tbe right te vote at tbe election of meadow companies. In tbe Heuse tbe Senate bill teT prevent and punish the making and dissemination of obscene literature and ether Immoral and in decent matter passed finally. Tne congressional apportionment bill pasted lletlly aa did the further, aupptement te the corporation act of 1874, authorizing tbe formation of association ler tbe prevention of enmity te children and aged person. Tbe representative apportionment bill caused a long discussion en third reading, Paanee attacking Hen constitutional ground. During the discussion Stewart of Philadel phia, asked Mackin te keep hie mouth abut, and tbe latter being refused recognition by the chair asld: (Referring te Stewart). "I will make old lengjaw apologize outside," Fsunce hsvlng made the point of order that tbe bill waa unconstitutional, Speaker Beyer submitted tbe question te the Heuse which decided against' Faunee and the bill passed finally. Tne decision of tbe court in favor of Rep resentative Warner, Democrat, of Cameren county waa read. Kx-Repreeentative Ber. day wa tbe contestant By mutual agreement tbe Bllllngtley bill waa allowed te pass second reading without opposition. BOLDIBBB CALLMD TO AVtlOK. Tbey Ar Ordered by Ohie' Governer te Dis pert a Riotous Met. Columbus, Ohie, April 26. Telegrams were received by Qev. Fersker te-dsy from residents et Defiance asking for protection from a mob. Edward Squire telegraphed particulars or tbe reservoir destruc tion in Paulding county last night, and sasnred the governor tbat military protec tion was necessary aa tbe county was in tbe banda of a mob. Gov. Feraker at once tele graphed Adjutant General Axllne te report for duty with a company of militia from Henry county. Tbey were ordered by tele graph te proceed at once te tbe aeatef trouble. Telegram were alto sent te sll Northwestern Ohie troops ordering them te be In readiness. Tbe governor laaued a proclamation recit ing tbe action of the mob and referring te tbe inefficiency or unwillingness et tbe Paulding county authorities te take any ac tion. He therefore ordered lu the name of the atate of Ohie, all rioter and evil minded persona te desist from further depredations and te at once return te their home. Tbe proclamation further warn all auch persona that any attempts te prevent repair or tne canal or reservoir prop erty will be done at personal peril Tbe governor proposes te put down the mob if every soldier in Ohie has te be called out He haa alto telegraphed C. A. Fllckleger and ether te begin repairs at onee and premises military protection. The sher iff of Paulding county haa net yet made a requisition for troops, but tbe governor haa requested blm te de se at once. Klllsd Bis Ulster's Lever. Cincinnati, April 26. William Baxter, aged 22, struck with a poker Saturday nlgbt by Henry Lewis, died last nlgbt from what was supposed te be merely a scalp wound. Baxter was tbe beau of Lewis' slstsr. Henry did net approve of tbe courtship' Tbey all live in tbe aame beuse, 74 East Seventh street, and wben Henry Lewis entered bis vaister'a parlor en Saturday evening and discovered Baxter be became enraged and dealt Baxter a murder ous blew ever tbe bead felling him, cutting the aealp.alter wblch be fled. Baxter went le Dr. Dunlap, wbe pronounced tbe injury a scalp weucd. He continued te grew worse, however, until 10 o'clock last nlgbt, wben It waa discovered tbat Baxter'a akull wa trao trae tured. An operation waa deemed necessary, but before It could be commenced he diee. Hla betrothed is completely prostrated with grlet Lewis baa net been captured. All concerned are colored. Diplomacy Bull In Pregrat. Paris, April 28. At a cabinet council held te-day for tbe purpose of discussing M. Sehnaebelea' arrest, M. Flourens, the minis ter of foreign affairs, read a long dispatch irem M. Herbette, the French ambassador te Berlin, describing an Interview with Count Herbert Bismarck. Fresh orders bsve been wired te tbe French embassader In view el this interview with count Blsuurek. m Te BsmIv aa Order. Vienna, April 2a A diplomatic reception Is te be held te-night, at which Count Ka Ka neky, the Austre-Hungarlan premler.'wlll te decorated with tbe order or the Gelden Fleece. Hen. Chauncey F. Black for OlsvsUnd. Frem an Interview In the Philadelphia Times. "He Cleveland has my meat earnest approval in all tbat be baa done, snd wben the time comes be will bave my meat zealous support, bumble as It msy be, Tbe politics or tbe party in tbe atate among tbe rank and file Is In geed shape, and I believe tbat tbe difference el some or tbe leader are mere Imaginary than real. I de net believe tbere U a thing among them which would cause even a ripple el opposition te a unanlmeua delegation in auppert or the president' re re re nomtiiatlen and mere than a full party vote in the sUte. He baa many friend euulde of bis party In Pennsylvania. I knew it The Republicans might as well be careful In cheesing their nemlnea It i net alwaya tha noisy fellewa who get In the work. i I de net take auy intereat In all this hub bub sbeut the president wauling or net wanting a nomination. As a geed Democrat i i.ka ii for granted tbat be will de whatever is for tbe best interests of the Democratic party, and in my opinion mat ia te nominal htm and run Mm again, I de net think that It It lu tbe providence of thing that James e. Blaine will ever be president of tbe TTnited Htatss. ThU oeuntrv hsa been car. rted through many trying situation, and I think It will be carried, sslely ever any such misfortune as tbat Yea cannot judge the polit ical drift from aimply studying tbe situation In Pennsylvania. 1 denbt whether we oeuld de it with a new man. but with President Cleveland 1 think our onsuee are tar better in New Yerk, Connecticut, New Jersey and Indiana, and mere than ever In Michigan, ... Til AflHMaA.a. a.a.lna, M - RlalfflA- I In my farewell address te tbe Jeffersen asso asse 1 I elation el Yerk I elated my position then and r I I will say new tbat tbe Demoeratlo party I must win en preaiaent uieveiana- r-w net at all. He can be reneminated if be cheeses and I think he will be,ud will bs xe-eleeted. Tsrrlbl Accident te a fcltus Oil wrnb1mUSthrW oeuld attead her. a raw si Tats. Orabam Pett, O. A. R., of Raadlag, bald ,...iuik. ThedrawteMsnaeaaead 1 Meaday abew tbat KBoekmyer, of tbla eHy, is entitled te a pur tsess, PIUCE TWO 01 Ifeughttwenti-fivei $' a MBBfatB BATTLB OMBBB BaWt te tar tfnats , w,Bw snB ' i aeHHH ION WSSfM Of HW Ww Jssssy Isg aa Are Over att A Owpsrsts Naw Yerk, April 28. A arise place early this morning a abort dl the Hudsen between Jsek Haggis, f city, aad Mlk Cashing, of niswtfcasae,t' J., tha amateur light-weight eassmatBg f Nsw Yerk sad Nsw Jsrssy. TbataMUtata for 1250 a side aad aa added paras 4 !).. tha winner te take all. Beppar wat H-r" dared the winner at the aad af round when hs knocked Cashing is 31 years old, MT feet five and a half 'Si height and weighed 123 IS Hepper Is 28 years old, stands S inches and weighed 130 pounds, looked the picture or health -wa entered tbe ring. Frank Stevenson referee and two reporters as lleH-l The place selected for the contest was a leg pavilion and tbe man fought by of eight dimly burning kerosene TIria u ntllfut at 9.11; m m Tfc right te work, Hepper leading with abtew sat f Cushlng'scheek with his left aad sttaksyssHlD en tbe bedv. Cusbtna planted htalasV - " --" - -- M.. OT,V OTWV .1 solidly en Hepper's ribs. Tbe round ssksM? with honors sbeut even. In thsseoeadrassst V- Cushlng bad the best el it, landing OBsstfV- in.f. f&MM bm4 Jlhaal fa. MMlauW bbbubu. , wwuu auu uhiui -,2, ffiwuw tmimaMt The third round wss opened by HepparMssV lng for Cutbing's face. Ths blew Ml and be received a heavy facer for ais A rush followed during wbleh C slipped and feu. Tbe round ended in Hepper's favor. Tbe fourth round mostly give and take, Gushing kept plsjlstjp en Hepper's ribs, while the letter made alar i for Cnshtna' head. Ths fifth reaad was': ssssajgesj -, ui . tr 3B3S&JA tAmmBBm "MiWJ lgsBWV-r3 wafting opened by Cusblng landing a heavy Mew ssi Hepper's forehead which ha quickly swVt'fcv lowed up with anethsr en ths same spot, sat) - then landed two blowaen Hepper's steaaV& lh. 1atAv-afallallntnn rTnahlntv'M nht a -V-Y ""--"- "' -- ----""- 7 " -- Ay. inwifau sa uui vuw vm saws ssaawsxaassjgj vV making bis teeth rattle, In tba round tbe fighting was bard aad Cusblng slipped en tbe fleer twice ntilnklv ranlnart his fL While rials fl nnAAfthMa.llnfl llnnnw ftt-fMAlr Mm ftlAaMl ,-1 11 .a wa. .in. A fnnl warn AlalffiaWl hmk l-wrV MV -,,.- .j r . . ..w- -"-"fj net eiiowee. tteunus 7, e ana v were .--'?; hard and fnrlens. both men rtllTitaa"- ' sledgehammer blows. Cusblng get waMsM-A bleed. Heeper set in several heavT,.'i'j blows en Cusblng's face, and at tha aad af yfi haOth vnnnii Clnahlrttf'a laft ava waa AlsaAaS.?? L nlnaAH. RnnnHa 10. 11. 12. LI and U na''l - -"- i i - uu .. MnAtlllnnanr thA TirAnAfllnff thl-AA. nuaSW r?,V Imnt nlaaltitf mi HnnnAl-'a stomach. whttS. .?. ,-- ,- j- m j-r" w Hepper confined bit attenttena te wi damagea.eye. Tne iota reuaa t ffiMhlna- lanAwta.hU left heavily f Jaw. Gushing foilewld VM-LPP 7 lng te reach Hepper's abort Rounda 16 and 17 eme het exchangee and ellnebiag. a niMt a. MMMta Kln-v aft hla BMftaAWMWla BUB?; aMU.W W-ntm a.WW a.. Ha.aMaapaM-1 -- JJ 1 ....l. .. ..,. .....-,.. a.aa.4 1 1 aA lfj uuua UUD Ul IW .IKWWia AUia naaaj htm Vmitiil la nnia4 tmmmMml At tbe end or tbe round Hepper's nose waa??:? spilt wnue it waa ieudu was uussuesj - kj kj breke two small bones in hU right wrist la M rounds 19 snd 20 little execution was Hepper slipped in the 20th round I regaining bis feet Cusblng planted blew I blew bath with tbe broken right aad ' bis left banda en Hepper. Rounda 21 1 Hepper bad tbe beat of the fighting la I rnnnil. It wa new nlalnlv aaen that CaaB fvt lng would be beaten, beUi eyes were nearly ifx Alnaa.1 Ttinnri "1 rtnahlna. M-nvlaAA' atSn friends by rushing Hepper te tba reass . snd planting several blewa en tbat Utter' face. Hepper reUllated by several,, upper cuts en uusmng's eyes, ne-usa; 25, and last was fiercely contested. CutBBMt, : tried te force the pace, and swinging bia lsV?J Jured right, landed en hla opponent's bssj, with such forea tbat be again broke It aMfV- tbe wrist, smashing tl tbe bane la tba i and shoving tbem through tbe skin. u iiruAil Inirn In and finish hla nn. wtJABtX.i ne UlU ey enuing iu m ion wita tasneatr. r force en tbe point et Cutbing's jaw, kaaaB-r- lng bim out He was unsble te retpead utaFM call et time and Hepper waa declared ,ess) winner. Tbe fight lasted one hour aad M minutes. rire elbbk aaaroeAtBB. Tsrrlbl Ritalt el Flra Is a O f "JtBU Injured by Jumping Premt BalHasgi -:y -PtTTHitiiRn. Anrll20. At 1:LS tbla bbaVB lng fire broke out in tbe lour story BtUkl'Zr a-..ll.,l tnrillla ItMa avwviaM niip-i YaOW..43 UU1.U1UKUI " .. v-, ivw.- aaf -- cock snd Crsig street, Aiiegneay VWB.7 Eleven persons were in tbe building. TJals)4 of tbem were seriously injured, one by Jaasf. ing from a window aud two Dy suneeassB and anethsr, it is feared, haa been bursts! t smothered te deatb. Tne flames were net extinguished 3:30 o'clock. Mr. Willis estimates his less gsW tie.000 : fully covered by insurance. P The deed sre: WHUam Sobeos. aged mVTk clerk, suffocated ; Bepby Beles, clerk ta grocery iwrv, uuwmvwi .a The injured are: Wllium Krersaysr.i . e.,., ....1 v ar. rtnaaiiiiaai -- AUlUUjr Mrivwivuw mmm " -T4, who juinpea irem im viuuiug, uuuuaa, Everanyer will probably die. Bis skull wsa fractured, spins Injured snd internally hv tha falL i.j 1 1 r.s The aix ether eccupanta of tha were rescued by firemen snd earrtsd tbe ladders. An explosion of natural gas la tba ment Is supposed te have caused tba it. 100,000 .bees by Mr. Chicago. April 20, Tba prtatara a...- ., nlaAtt-Alwnlna, aajalillaliaaaMl mBW UUUa-J AUM pi.ia. i-. aa.ia. ., . Schnledenwend fc Lea waa almost tetsUf: destroyed by lira last evening. Tba inaj carried a stock vaiuea at isa,ew, waiea ww-,; be nearly a total less, iasnraaea 1 70.000. The building wss damaged 1 912,000 1 Insured. It is thought tha sslvagt'i nt tha stock miv reduce the less te ptrssaa- 1100,000. Tbe firm did a buslnass of wj $350,000 a year ana empteyea ea mu Dr.PsraWVlttl Londen, April 26. Tb Rsv. Dr. he received se many letters dspraxswk Beeeber memerUl serviess la Juaa mtd count of the excessive beat prevaumgss season of tbe year, that be baa iwMltt postpone bis visit te Broesiyn aaswj He U innueneea in una na--i that If be visited Brooklyn ta n be Idls nearly thrsa mm - HV la-lnaM hat Tb friends of tba ar. Dr. rmmmm -mild, bseanse of etber M""""1 ! would, bsesnse Ahiatestwadtaa If it took ptee ! JTiJj; tbat be will receive aa appreciate In OJteber. jK Their Uatla Z&l Dublin, Apru as taunssst , Uble wbe bavs rresawy plaess ea aeoeuat of tba dswa el tbslr datlaa wUl saU Ht Wednesday. . 3fc vjur SsP WAasniBTaBiaX IV varteAwa. F', 1 J ;$r s-- Sfi-J Est . 71 7 1 Pt 'ii Uk &.' ml r&A .-, iaMl,. 'j; . 'aitfiWV' -lIl.