iiwwfi Jfpwi SKsW f i3 ,.!.' ipw W$P . FT7.fd?JKTi THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELUGENCER, SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1887. iwY'wnsjtf - v ' , 0- - C-n L sM Lf x y m m F SV? i.ivr rMMJM MUMM rtAMtMBMt Mji Maai ananas. rtT'7w"' AW Wkath rpuw TMfmirwfM'i amwiH rr- iw lef farsuissscsa IMHA, Apr .-! pupils el the WinMliaanwj se het punt I BH7 wtn pUtsftl prirately d ur DilHf MM) UMTBOOa IM KbOOl I Iktir axweteM. About 112 i wan BtaMM by Uw different l M aiaMat ararr atnat In town. The kallkaaiwara planted en Locust Wal Varaa Baeeael Hd Third streets. Tee 1 aaoeBdanr wara aaalned te Metlea. The oelored achoele 1 law la Ua aehoet yard and one In I at tka Ml. Zlea A. M. K. church. In aaa aokeol roenw. from liae te 2:30 ptfwattk. vary appropriate exereteae were held, palaiHO'alafli,raellatleB, ate. After Bw.aoadaakmetthoeeexerclaea the pupUe I te the places aaMcsea tuem. I ta lea Bigs school were net lanuoaeraraa hour, but reflected atadM -pem these who participated. prociematiea waa reaa ty I seec, "Woedtnan.Spare That , aaboel: The Effect Upen the Climate 'af'tfca Wanton Destruction of Tree" wu araudwcaiaea ey tuny zamer,t ier wise, 'May May, Albert Bnavely, Harry Hyde, I Hlnkie, LUlMSIaat, Haggle McManus, -MoCnlleugh and Edward Hbemler ; 'a "Fereat Hymn" wm recited by r Wllaen: Frofeaaer Heffman portrayed I Meet Upen a Country of the Unrestrict- A Aaa4tfl4t nff 1S tf Mil timA mnnnm - - 'sat mttar demolition of natlena. Alter the MMHMnM MMHHM j MMfe s' UMilO ! r'aaanlmlnn of the exerclaea the pupils pre- ,aaaded te Eighth and Locust streets where ' :-t atx tree were planted In a aklllful manner, iJf .iVahaa Uluatratlna: that they were net devoid rt aiWvAalAilM vhtnh la tint- AniwmiMHul ftv w their books. ;t: -.t The exerclaea In the grammar schools, s1 "(W.. ifla Anna Browne nrinclrjal. and Misses pti- r . . : : r . . . f s, auma it ttonreeaer ana lore rreutz assist. i. sat were held at 130 o'clock. They were K about one hour's duration, and of a very in- tareatlng character. The following pre irs raiding of the governor's proclamation, Jehn H Frank ; recuauen, "reresi song," i-.uwoea Cooper; laatena from history, Palestine, Kata Oruger; Spain, Emma lleldler: (Italy. Minnie Renter; Germany, Minnie Greer, and United States, Xlisie Velght ; reclUUen, Maple Tree," Gertrude Goodwin; reading, "Story or the Beng," Bailie Mailer ; song, Weedman, Spare That Tree," school ; assay, Why We Celebrate Arber Day." Nellie Patten ; lessens rreaa nature; B. Class, Bessie Fitzgerald, Branar Hershey, Nettle ldnee weaver, Frank Shear! ; aoeg, "Swinging 'Neath the Old Apple Tree," school; lameua trees in history, C. class, Clara Evens, Grace Jackser, Annie Y eager, Frank Febea, Deery Stlteler ; raeltatlSn " Weedman and the Tree," Jeseph Hele ; song America, " acboel ; sddress by JUr. Wm. P. Evan, who gave a vary prac Meal talk en tree planting. After the con clusion of the exerclaea the pupils preceded te North Eighth and Walnut street, above Seventh, where several trees were planted. A Lutheran Society Meats. The "Yeung People's association of the Second street Lutheran church rjcJd a meet tsg last evening at tha.x9BAfiaiee of Mrs. A. SSJ,,, 5SJIV-Ina following pregramme " sfjgglfWf ilesdlng, Percy Wilsen ; vocal duet, Mlsa May Richard! and Kdward Sbemler; reading, Harry Zeamer; recitation, H. Dickinsen ; instrumental aole, Abby Powell; debate, "Resolved that capital punishment should be abollshed,"tllrmatlen A. R. Burkbelder and Kmlly Wilsen ; nega tive, Kev. Wm. P. Evana and Lizzie Hlukle ; recitation, Kallle Mullen; reading, Elsie Vheneger , referred question, " Which Is the eldest college in the United States? f Charles Helllnger; instrumental aole, Cyrus Strlckler ; charade, Alies Penee ; referred , queatlen " What Is the object et Arber Day, and what is the chief objects of trees T" Charles Deetem ; sentiment roll, members ; charade, Jennie Smith. Rev. C. D. Rlshel, pastor of the Church of Ged, will preach en Sunday morning en the aubjecf, The Perseverance of the Saints ;" the evening subject will be " What te De With Jesus." A society for Christian endeavor will be organized tbia evening in the Presbyterian church. Town Metes. ' The membership of the Columbia Mioener. oher has been Increased eight members, snaking the total eighty-five. 8. B. Clepper, commander of (Jen. Welsh Pest, Ne. 118, G. A. K., has announced the committees ler Memerial day. The Melville Sisters' Dramatic company presented " Separation " In tbe opera beuse last night te a geed audience In a tine man ner. Ticketa were distributed te tbe ptr ptr ptr Boes present te vote for tbe uemeliett mm la tbe audience. Tbe result was announced at the cleae el tbe performance and tbe prize, a etlk bat and a dude cane, was awarded te Albert Pancake, who received twenty live , Tetea. " The Salamander " will be the play for le-nlgbt. Mrs. Geerge Crane and Miss Katie Uesaler are visiting friends in Brooklyn. At a meeting of tbe LandlsvilleCampmeet. leg association Mr. E. Hershey, of town, latlgned as superintendent of the grounds Mr. Henry Shubert, of Lancaster, was elected te the place. Tbe campineellng y, 111 be held commencing July '.M. MAT11HI BUUUK TMUUT. Tk Proprlfter of UeUl Lancaster Eutertalns a Mumbsr el Bl Friends. C. O. McMlllen, proprietor or tbe new and elegant Hetel Lancaster, adjolnleg tbe Penn sylvania railroad passenger statldn, enter talned some or his frienda and el tbe promi nent citizens et bl home, with a most de lightful supper of brook trout last evening Congressman Ulestand occupied the aeat at one end of tbe table, spread in tbe large front dining room and ladles' parlor of tbe new hostelry ; and Mayer Morten sat at the ether end. Among ethers present were Editor Gelst, of tbe Nete Era ; S. 8. Spencer, of the Conestego cotton mills ; Protbenotary Jehn D.Bklles; President Jehn B. Illtneref tbe Fulton National bank ; Kx-State Huperin teadent J. P. Wickersham ; Messrs. II. ' Banmaardner and Jehn Keller ; Counsellers J, L. Bteinmetz and W. U. llensel and tbe beat himself, the embodiment el hospitality 'aad oeurteay. Tbe fellow menu was served : Oysters en Hair Shell, , Turtle beup. Mountain Trnnt. Chicken fJrennaltefl. with Pau ?fe Chicken balad. . . Lebster Salad i rencn earatnes. TanUlalce. cakes Asserted. Mutt. Fruit. aalslns, R ea. venee. M,; tm vuume waa or the higher order, at- ?;;AaaKiaf the exeellenca of Mr. McMlllen'a mmm t auari tlia flmvnlne rlliih nf (ha .vinln. BAKji ,fist inns mw v.ju waivia ut iue lursui 'if bewb ireen asa strong irem me oeaun eeaun ; -ml aprlng at Mr. MeMUIen'a old home, V,YfweBiBj aueiwa ine nigneai oommenaa eommenaa oemmenaa ':tyttm They were indeed a novelty in Lan. K&tTT' .. . ... . fj:-7 -raai wmiaaHai mtuifi m innmnin lniiwra nn nr tf".c".TwJ.T"j ...i Trz :rrr .. ;::BBf stw imuiuBK sail sta una appuiuuueuia. i fjVjTaaa paasuiwu w garret 11 ta nniaeea wim sasj aaa us anna cuipaiaBt j saw earpeta, rtemamitmr. fvlaaa. allvar. Ahlnatrarl llnatn , mnti K-amttmu liaattena wara drank "te the man Jria kawwa bow te build a hotel, and te tbe WM aiewi bow te keep a Betai." r Ktakadayaaaaraa. iWllltaaa Leenard, fcoraeahear at Nelty'a kawaa Waat Oraacaatraat, waa kicked and Mly avslaatt by a aaaiw wkiefc ba waa ear. taraaaM. tu h pretty badly iBpbytkaaaatdaait. mam mmr. . . m. bebbimb AfanserMaeasasr atfeaallst raster saadsnly Birtcksa M Askarf trk. The Rsv. Dr. J. B. Djbblas, pster of ttie Twentieth Street Methodist Rplsceptl church of Philadelphia, and a member of the Oee.n Greve Catnpmeetlng association, dropped dead at the railway station at Asbury I'ark.N. J., Friday alternoen. He bad been visiting frienda at Ocean Greve and gene te the station te take a train for New erk. where hi wife la visiting. On reaching the sutlen about 1:15 p. m. he took aseat, but in a lew minutes rail heavily te the fleer. Dr. S.wtiel Jehnsen, who was Immediately summnneil, found that Dr. Debbins was dead. Ileatb waa caused by apoplexy. IT. Debbins was sixty-eight years old. Dr. Debbins wsa pastor of tbe Duke street church, Lancaster, from tbe spring of 1ST te the spring of 1S77. He was a popular preacher of grest learning and a man or great dignity of character. He waa a widower with two unmarried daughters and while pastor of the Duke street church uiarrlM a second wife,. Miss Bruner, or Columbia, who sur vives him. Dr. Debbins with bis wile left hi home at 152) North Twentieth Street, Philadelphia, en Tuendsy te visit relatives la New Yerk. He expected te be absent a week and bad arranged te have bis pulpit sup piled en Sunday by another preacher, lie owns a cottage at Asbury Park which he usually rents out duting the summer, and bad undoubtedly gene te that place irem New Yerk ler this purpose, and was about te return when death overtook him. Dr. Debbins wu one or tbe ablest preachers in tbe Philadelphia conference, tie was a native of New Jersey and served many years as preacher and presiding elder hi tbe New Jersey conference. Mr. EllJ Kerloet. Mrs. Kllrs Kerfoot, relict of tbe lste Dr. Geerge B. Kerfoot, died this morning of pneumonia, at her late residence, Ne. 3e3 North Queen street, aged S3 years. Mrs. Kerfoot was the eldest child of Mr. Rebert Keed, a native or Londonderry, Ire land, who came te America In 17iy, and set tled In Lancaster. Mrs. Kerfoot was born In this city In 1S)4, and lived here during her long and useful life, a great portion or which was passed In the Kerfoot home stead, a three-story building adjoining the Intkluukscki; offlce en Seuth Quen street Mrs. Kerfoot was as widely known snd as blgbly esteemed as any lady In Lancaster. She was a most pleasant and genial woman, whexe features were never darkened by an expression of anger or discomfort, and whose temper was never ruMsd bypassing annoyances. She was a true Christian woman, ter halt a century a member of tbe Duke street Methodist Episcopal church and from the time of tbe organization of the Dorcas society was one of its Ulthtul workers and liberal supporters, as also of the Y. M. C. A. Mrs. Kerfoot leaves live children : Geerge B, a merchant In Philadelphia ; William 1)., in tbe real estate business In Chicago ; Miss Louisa and Mrs. I). G. Ksubach at borne, and Mrs. llervey N. Hurst, cf 'J! Sblppen street Her sons bearing cf her illness hastened te her bedside a few days age, and as she appeared te be improving in health left for their homes Geerge about a week age and William en Friday morning. Death el Iuac Zimmerman. Isaac Zimmerman, who for; the past twenty, tire years has been farmer et tbe large county property, at the almshouse, died this morn ing at 2 o'clock. He bad been sick et pneu monia for about six weeks. Deceased came originally from Scbeeneck and after serving one year as tbe county taruier was re elected by peer beard year alter year up te tbe time of bis death. He was one el tbe bwt el far mers and geed cllizans In every respect He was a member et the Mennenitechuri'li. ml besides a wife leaves tnroe married daughters and two single sons and a daughter. He was about VS years of age. A Freight Wrrck A wreck occurred at Hillsdale, above Conewago, en the Pennsylvania railroad, last night about 11:30. A coupling no a fast local freight broke and three or four cars were badly broken. Tee track was blocked and travel delayed for some time. Tub financial statement ettha Kqultuble I He Assurance Society, recently pulilNheJ, thened that en the 1st of Jamnry lat the ceuipiny had become one otthe laigest and ttroageil lntltn lntltn tntlens of lta kind In the world. 1 s progress during the first quarter of the present car his been unparalleled and It new reports entttand. lng Insurance of $3U,uO("i, and an Increase of 7,UUP.(M In new business for iLr, ijiurturever the corresponding quarter of last ear. It wrote 1111,0 u.iuuef new Insurance last year, and at the present rate el Improvement It win write during the present jear llio.ijue.ofn. .Vru' l'erk Timtt. for Insurance or Investment, uddrets the agent, Mr. J. L Butler, gluteus Heuse, Lancas ter. M&HHtur. Hew vara ntrim Yerk. April . YUnxr market steady June, i'J OutNe. l white sute. rsv,f3a Vic ; Nn. 2 Mixed April, 3IKc ; lit), ej?t; rvi;uipu, .','uJi inipuieuis .u. aye dull ; Western, &btv , auto, SIXQVhz. Barley nominal. Perk dull i new mess, lis ou; old lmws, lis ue lATd Mav, 17 41 ; June. 17 H , July, 17 .VI Molasses linn at ISjfc for boiling aloes. Turpentine firm at 403. Koeln dull ; strained te geed, II I7HOI 30. Petroleum dull t Berlned, In casen. bkr Butter dull i WHstern Cuwmwry. Jiflile-, Elgin Cmamery, ilQiie ; state dairy, ball nrkln tubs. lQ?ic Cheese steady i Western riat llOIAMe: geed te choice light Bklms, llXQUXc rancy White, 1SU ttlSc; state ractery, 1Q14C IggsllrinerttUiia). 134c; Western. 13c. Sugar steady : Kenriml Cutleat, tiui 3 16c : braiuilatiMl, 5 ll.lC(-,;c. ' Tallew dull -. prime city, 3!(c. Ulce nnmlual ; Carolina, fair te geed, 343JKC. Cnrran tlrin lair rargena, it.'ie frelgbudull; grain te l.elth, !!. nraiu and itotihieih. rnrnlsbed by S. K. Vundt, Uieter. Cuioaeo, April 1, 1 o'clock p. m. Wheat Cern. Oat. Perk. Lard. April May SHi S.K iX .... 7 11 June N'i! 40'? ;.. . . 7 j July W 412 70 August fljj 737 September. Sli t3 Dtcembur B4i KucelpU CarLni. Winter Wheat Spring Wheat j;e Cern 1 4 Oats w Sy Barley Oil City. Crude Oil (3 Head, tteoetpu-llegs ti.tne Cleulng Prles-2 o'clock p. m Wheat Cera OatB. Perk. Lard. tU -.'K Utii 27Ji2lW 710 June i 4e(J ,,$ M JS 7 ve July 8! 41 iwjj .... 7 Jj August eiJ 4!'? ..' .... 7 eeptember Q jjC .... ' " December elK .. .... Oil City. n cmdeetl raj. Obleage rrudeee BUrkM. uaioAee. apni -J, 1 w neat stay, etc Cern stay, i-iii uaia-nay, s?e 1 June, irie July, tJA, Lard-May, 17111 June, 7'J)j July. 7. Bhert Hlbs-ilay, 7 J7H t June,7l4i July, otvesiaa. reeat-pril,83J0 May, BIKct June, tsle July, trjKc corn prll. Wci May, 3niB3i4-c. June. IKciJuIy.llJCOtUic 7 ue eat April, tiii t May, fcc 1 June, ?&ic 1 July, ttyle. Perk-April, 30 M 1 May.r73t Juue,J0 75. Ird-Aprtl, (7 10; May, I7 1iii June, 7XOJuly,i7!t7W. klb-aprll, 77iXt May, ir77Hl June, 17 W Juiy, asw, Live ateca; aura. Caioase, April 21 Ta Drevcrt ' Journal re- Bertai Cat wws- iwieaipia, nwaw 1 xupmenir, 3,000 1 markat ttreag 1 K I sajpiHiia; sMjars, seu ut looker and feeder. SI 90 iuisa, ssvas M U0 new, bull 00. oew. bell and mixed, J00J 00 j bulk, H 70U 10 1 Texas cattle, ta 40. Mega Keeatpta, l,ew bead; ehipBteate, ,0W NSW nit?. . -ui w: euiH-riuin. ft mi u tefancv extra stie.ai7.)auu-. ruiinnenini. !!a"'I! ?'r,?"'2 extra Western. U 'XQ 1 us." itaentT a Wheat-Ne. 1 ned SUlte 'i7ci Ne. I de. Llrled mwl "i'n'r 9lc; .i ttcd. Winter. lay r:r; June. Wic. t"ea V or juiv.99iKct receipts, s,aj tms, th puieuu, turn .Heerti J.-.;;."".;".'.;"."...:'.;;...:;::":: "inrri Hn 1 tnlTnrt rABh. .M , . Sta.. Kiln . .lrt 1 erk V a. lt receipts, 4,'JAI uui, hhlpments. ...... ........ 3H' ' June, sanea lower I rough and mixed, (5 oeajs w km and shln- pine, as jj9 t iigni, w tk!P.MPea)t. Rheep Heeeti lints. STOO lieadl hlr"nenu. t.wut market stead; I native. T i Western, 1.1 t03 70 1 Texann. n hj ju 1 uuuds, 4 t9.i t shorn s&eep.lW X w. Kiev LUBaw.-CatUe-lteeelpte. headt shipments, none t market steady i prime. NI n as i r ilr te Heed, W nt M I comtue. t tftf ISO! shipment te Nnw i erk, none. Hotfi-Hreeipt. IWU head i thtpmenU 4,Trtl head i market firm i ,rhlldIphla, as neeV wi Yorkers. 1 4OJ -: common te light H ine)5 a i nlirs ti;sf3n; thlpmenute Hern Yerk, IS rats Sheep-Receipt. U hmd t shipments, !Si msrkpt steady I ptluie. f oeejfS) t llr te geed 1 IXH9) 7i rotmnen, 11 Mitt : ; lambs, H Seaj IWl wool tliiH-p net wanted. m 9w Vera ateca. Maw Yebb, April it, 1:30 p. m. Meney leaned at Spercent. Kxdbange steady, l WHdt sK sK sK UovernmenU steady. Currency 6', II 2it.bld;' Coap, tu SUM bid t 4H's de, II PA bid. The stock market opened trreiiutar, but In most caes prices showed slight Indvancra, but before ttie ttrst call a gtMierut dccltne of H te H percent. tMk plice. JTtits w wholly recovered litter en under the leadership or Union 1'acltlc and Delaware, Lackawanna A Western, both of which were freely bought Since (midday, hew ever, an unsettled feeling has prevailed and prices at the present writing are dull and lrrvg; ularly changed from these et last night Bteca Marasta. VJuotatlens by iieed, McUrann A Ce., bankers Lancaster, in. nsw TORS LIST. Canada Pacific 11 A. I Sr. m MS 6V. CC.U.11., Colerado Ceal Central Pac Canada Southern CM. St. L. A l'gh Den. A Kle. U 1XU.L.A W ne Brie, 2nd Jer. C....................I K.A T Leu.A N L. Shere MlcruCen Heck Valley Missouri 1'm.lfle H.V N.l'. frcf N. West N.Y. C kast Tennessee C Umaha Oregon Transportation., Ontario A W Pacific Mall Utchmend Terminal St Paul Tex. Pac Union Pae Wabash Cem Wabash Pref Western U West Shere Uends Mew Bngland raiLADStrau. list. Leh. Val B.M. Y.APhUa Pa.lt U- Heading Leh. av lies tenv. Pass P.A K N Cent Peeples Pass Udg. (ien'ls (Ml Phlla. Traction Market slew aaa 4 4I.S 41S 4D SIX MS eiS i!" si" a5 13S 13S 153 SJi 3S ! sti .si s; i' siii j: i e:s ? ; J4 s n.'.S 34 SlH .... H4 lS iS ei, sij. bi l.l'i Us- li m iw, n.i'I si" i'". AJ '. S.vJ J4K :::: iv "i i'ji ni 91 us ' at s".i 5ii 6iw bi, 62 ik sin. ac, 35"? 3JW 3S TtN 77 TbX S fs-i I'". V."4 101 . tsy. 103 t;iS K1S lluuseheld Market DilRT. Creamery Butter IVfJc HntterV A i-Kjiec Dutch Cheese V lump MjlOc recLTRT. Spring Chickens V pair II cnlcKens y rati" (lle) JOtJ'Siic Chickens Y piece (clonned) lij3ec MUCXLLASSOUS. Apple llntter 1 ql lc Kggs fdez Ibl7c iluney ) A c tardV & '.10c CldHrVgal 30c Sauer Kraut ) qt Ac Walnuts per X pk c FBCITS. Apples V H pk flic lunanast) dez.. iHtSe Coceanuu. each , ..5J10C .i ttxc 30C 15C .00073: Lemens V dez Oranges fi dez.., U'hltH (irape V & Crauberites f) qt strawberries V box VXCLSTABLKS. Cabbage, head 2tVc U-ets,l bnnch S2c Sweet Potatoes ft Kpk leQ-Jilc Turnips, V H pk mine PetatnesV H pk Sf lc New Potatoes yi K pa j;ec onions, r1 Hpk 310 New Onions, V bnnch Sc llend alad, V) head Qi lladtshus t liunch ie Carrots. Vt bunch .Sc Celery, f) bunch loe Heminy, V qt 15c Cucumbers, each ISc Tomatoes Y quart Sue VLOUB ASO 8RA1S. rieur bbl is.10 fancy Keller Fleur iSte Wheat JV: OaU HltX Cern (shelled) SSc Cern, X pk 43iuc Kve SSO'iitc Buckwheat per ft .Sc l'leur per quarter ... i (J75c UKASSXS. Hay ten I1J01S Clevered W bus l-VOjts.ri Timethy ybus r.'.-eli.V) Herd Unus bus 1,V) Orchard Urass f) bus tLli Mixed Lawn Urves Vbus H.UI Hungarian Urass V bus ll.te Strawy ten II: Jlaxsuud)) bus t'-2 fish. Haddock ft ft 10c bmelu W ft like Cattish ft ISc White (IshK ft loe fresh Herring fl dez oemc Shad (tuch) iicftfjOG stake Ced,ft UJic Halibut lie .Neva Scotia Herring, Y a loc falmeu He Keck, ft 15Q-JW Pike. Y "lie Perch 10c Oysters, Y IW OcQH SATS. Lamb ft Hfllc Mutten Y ft, Sli.c Veal Y lOrllrc lieefV ft riJlGc BauuguVlft lualic ruuuintr Y ... 100 134JIRC C 13C 10c 2c ICO 10111 RKLKJIOUH HEKVIOKS WILL UK held In the following churches en Sunday, In the morning at lu-Ju, In the evening at 7.15. Sunday school at 1-43 a.m. When the hour Is different It Is specially neted: Uracb Lcthkrak. Cerner of North Queen and James street lie v. C. Klvln lleupt, patter. Preaching ut 10 30 a.m. and 7 Up. in. Sunday school at 1 p. m. Strawberrt Strsct African M. K. church. Preaching at 10H a. m. and 7 p. m. by the pastor. W. W. Grimes. Prksbytkriaii Memerial CnracH, SeuthQueen street. Services by the pister at the usual hours. All are welcome. Christ Lcthkhas Chcrch West King street, E. L. Heed, panter. 1)1 vine services at lir.JUix. m. and 715 p.m. bundaysuhoel at 1:(5 a. rn. Derwart Strut Mission Sundsy school will he open every Sunday afternoon at 1.45 p. m., sharp. CHCRCH or Goe-Corner of Prince and Orange. PreRLhitig at luj) a. m. and 7 p. m. by the pastor, faabbath school at 1:45 p. m. Ssxdnu EVAxaxucAL ( Kngllsh ), en Mulberry street, abeve Orange Preaching at 10-JUa.m. and 7.14 p. in. by the pastor, bunday school at 2 p. in. elivet lUtriBT Ciicrcu. Y. M. C. A. Moernj, Preaching at P:3)a. in. and 7:15 p. m, Bunday sct.001 at 1:45 p. m. KnutT Haitist. Services at the regular hours illuming auuuveuiug. rreucning uy tne pastor. liuv. j. . r-elwell. Sunday acl :noei at 1 p. in, p. in. bt. I'ACL'sllireBJizii-services tnthemernlnir. Preaching by llev. K. V. Uerhart D.D. i(hcxl at 1:45 11. in. bunday St. I.ckb's UsreRMiD Marietta Avenue, Hev. Win. K. Ltchlltrr, pastor. Divine services at 10 3u a. m. and 7-15 p. m. Sunday school at 1 p. m. Mr C K. Wagner will officiate tn the morning and;Mr. s. U. Hitman In the evening. bT. Jeiisi'a HsreRMKD (German) church, cor ner Orange and Mulberry streets, llev. Jehn Kuulllng, D. D. pastor. Divine services at 10.3 J a, m.anu 7.15 p. m Sunday school at 1.15 p. m. riRST HsruKMBO Chuhcu. Kev. J. M. Tltzel, I. I., pastor. Hurvices tomorrow atle-.Ija.ui and 7.15 p. m. Sunday school at 1:45 p. in. Cate chetical instructions at 3 p tn. Trikitt LnrusRAa. By reason of an exchange of pulpits tbe services in Trinity church te-morrow will be conducted by the pastor's father Hev Dr J icebrry, of Heading. Dr. fry will be presuntat the Sunday school In the alternoen, as well iu conduct the church service both morning and evening. PassukTiKiAi Preaching In the morning and evening by the pastor, llev. J, Y. Mitchell, D. D. St. Jehn's Litherab, The Sacrament of tbe Lmd's supper win be administered morning and evening. Pennen in the evening by the pa-ter. llev. Hylvanus Stall. Bunday school at 1.15. (ietwald mission school at 2 p. m. St. btaniBs'sdtir.) Chckch Collseb CiursL. J'rv,(J", services at 10:30 a. m. Sermon by Kev. St. Paul's M. K. Cucrcb. Preaching at 10:30 ?.'iV' "V.tVI.P' m- "y " pastor. Kveetng ub uii. . .. u ''tar related teearntst OhrU. tlanliy." Sunday school at 1:45 rj. m. Prayer ."udyiMirm "Tenln" WO. Slb"5 1 u.IirV--0, Max ,Iar"t Pter, lo-se a, m. ev,enn7.mr(v,ce!P ' -"Wlchoel , 7.1J "irt M. K. Cai'RcH Preachlnr at 1030 a. ui. snd 7.15 p. m by tbe pliieF.'liH n. m. bunday school. 8 p. m. young people' prayer. ing0an.Ktnu4 L' V' "' Aabt Missieb.-M. K. Chapel-J p. m. San- day school. 7.30 p. m. Tuesday clsis meeting. 7:Ju p. m. rrlday prayer meeting and Bible Wshtir M. K. Ciicrcu-Service Sabbath: meruiDg at b:30 a. m. and 7:15 p. m. by Bey, J, II. Harvey, pister. Sunday school at p. in Tuesday evening prayarineetlng at 7:30. Usitid UasTUKss cbbiit (Cevsbakt) West Orange and Conceid streets, Kev. J. it funk, pasuir. Preaching at 10-.au a. m. and 7:15 p m. by the pastor. Sunday school at l.t5p, tn. Olive liraaca eeelety at liU p. n. Ai.iu,ui'n JMMBfJMJ Uasel Ramm At the residence of the bride's parents, Man helm township, April n, 1SB7. by iviii., nmuiviiu uiwii,nii. n)nn U. iiv,, vr ev. Jesenh H. Tavlnr 44 rar. Mr. Hiram . tlahni ... .,: . ....T"' .t--- iw. v iwim n. layier u ray. air, iiiram si. uim tu ni9R waggiv ii. namm. ltd dim rite. Kr.sre.rr. -In this city, en the SSd Inst, Mr. KIU11 Kerfoot, widow of the late Dr. Ueerge 11. Kerloet RgcdH years. Netice of funeral hereafter. Psrsas. In this city, en tbe .'M Inst, Mildred Peters, aged ) years. The relatives and frtendi of the tsinlly are re spectfully Invited te attend the funeral from the residence of her father, Jacob U. Peters, Ne. 41 North Prluce street, en Monday alternoen at o'clock. Interment at Uelermed church cenie tery, Mlllersvllle, Pa. Ilsxpxu In rhlladelphla, April it, Mrs. Mary C . widow of A. Itendel. funeral Monday next at 2 o'clock, te proceed from Lancaster station te Lancaster cemetery. MiLLSR.-Aprlltt. W. In this city, Mary K, daughter of hlltabeth and the late Jonas Mllltr. The relatives and friends of the fandly are re spectfully Invited te attend the funeral from the residence of her mother. Ne. AS West Chest nut street en Monday alternoen at 2 o'clock. Interment private at Woodward Hill cemetery. rVLlTlVAU JgW K COUNTY COMMISSION KK, HCNHY llltACHIIAIt et Lancaster City. Subject te the decision el the Democratic convention mar.-.i ttdAw F K COUNTY COMMISSIONKK, J.W.KKLLY, of Marietta. Pa. Subject te the derision of the Democratic Convention, lour Influence solic ited. 11130-ttdAw P K COUNTY COMMISSIONKK, SIMON 1. 1IKANDT (ramier), Of Kast Denecal tiwnshtp, Subject tethe do de do ctsleu of the Democratic County Convention. 1 our Influence nspecttully solicited. mlitfdAw B10B COUNTY COMMISSIONKK. SOLOMON ZI1HEU, Of West UempflBld township. Subject te the Decision or the Democratic Convention, mart)-ttdAw TOOK COUNTY COMMISSIONKK. JACOB W. LKUKK. Of Kphrata township. Sublect te Democratic rules. mail4-UdAw TOOK COUNTY COMMISSIONKK, A. Z ltl.VGWALT, Grocer, Klrst Ward, City. emtie rules. Subject te Deme. al-tfdAw FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. At the request et many friends 1 announce myselt as a candidate for County Commissioner. Bubjecl te the decision et the Democratic County Convention, lour tnfluence respecl fally solicited. IIENUY r. HAltTMAN, mUtfdAw Kast Lampeter Township. TOOK COUNTY COMMISSIONKK- KLI BATTEN, of Upper Les,cock township. I announce my self as a candidate for County Commissioner subject te the dechiten of the Democratic County Convention. Your Inftuence respect fully solicited. Was a candidate for County Commlsslener belere the last convention, and at the request of my friends withdrew In favor et the candidates from the Southern district tfdAw KLI BATTKN. SEW AD VERTISKMESTS. B AKINO POWDKR. ROYAL BAKING POWDER. Absolutely Pure. THIS pewdar never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. Mere economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test short weight alum or phosphate powders. Held only in cans. Kotal Uaxisu Pewdbr Ce I0H Wall Street New Yerk. may.T.lvdAw TrlRICASEK BEEF IOK LUNCU TO- A.' night at the M r.NEKCHOBnOTEL. UNCU- GRAND SAUER KRAUT unch this evening at Kxcelslur Hall. last King street. Kehler's I Ulj ager Ueer nn tap. C. VOUT, Prep. it' CAUEKKKAUTFOK LUNCU 4-T Till KVKNINU. et Klnir street opposite King street theatre, llelker and Sprenger's beer drawn Irem the keg. It JOHN B 111 jSINUHU, Prep. GENUINE SNAPPER SOUP FOR lunch this evening Ulster's and Ilochrs Ilechrs txrandlbe (Jelebrated Menatry lieerfrem St Vincent's Abbey, at the Keglc Hetel, N (jueen and orange street A. C. HMlTKrt. it" Proprietor. MOCK TURTLE SOUP FOR LUNCH thlt evening at the Heffman Heuse, Ne. 211 and 21G West King street lileker's and Haeffner's Bear en draught. Lunch every morning and evcnlne. It WM. KBIIM, Prep, MOCK TURTLE SOUP LUNCiTtIIIS (Saturday) evening at '3)6 and 2US West King street Ilethweller's Hall. 1 he best Ueer In the city en tp. It CAPT. JOHN PONT, Prep. WANTED-A OIRL FOR GENERAL housework In a family or two. Apply at It 414 NOItrU UUKKN STK&KT. HANDS WANTED TO DIG TRENCHES ler water pipe. Call at It 415 KASTBrKAWUKBBY ST. Ol'lCE-THE WATKK DUPLICATE Is new In the hands et the City Treasurer for collection of water rents. An abatement of d percent, win ee maue ier iirem ir prompt payment J. U.KATlirON. AprJWwWASd City Treasurer. NO T 1 U E. P E O P LE'S HU1 LDING Lean and Deposit Company will meet this (Saturday) evening) at 7 o'clock, at A. C. Beln (shl'a eftlce, Ne. 44 North Duke street. Saleef money at 'i o'clock. Borrowers get full amount. ii A. S. V1LLKK, Sec. THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING of the American Mechanics Building and Lean Association 111 be held at Solicitor W. II. Iteland's Office, !0X Seuth Duke street, en next Monday evening, April '.IS, at 7X o'clock. Meney te lean. It JOHN B. BBUM, SccreUry. EW STOCK, AND NEW STYLES OF Canes. Orange Weed, English Hazel, Bam boo, Ac , at all prices DSMUTH'S CIOAU 8TOKB, 111 Kast King Street Telephone Connection. jalVWASBtid A W. WOODWARD. 'pianos and organs. NOS. 28 A 30 KAST KINO ST., Lancaster, Pa. apra-lyS THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING of the Union Building and Lean Assncla Assncla ien win bs hldat Mr. J. K. Snyder' Oftlce, Ne. 1 ,2 Ksst King street Monday evening at 7H o'clock. 8 Ue of money at se clock. Nomination ei encers. A. U. BALL, secretary. PUHLIO HALE-ON TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 18-8, will be sold by public vendue, at Ne. IDS Kast King street Lancaster, the fellow, lng property te wll: Parler Suite, sideboard, large tot of rloer and Stair Carpet geed as new. Bed Spring, Mattress, Feather Bed, chairs. Clocks, screen Deers and Windows, let of Kitchen Utensils, ete . etc. prB-rtd V. t BOWK, AucUeneer. ESTATE OF MARYA. BARTHOLOMEW. Late of the city or Lancaater, deceaattl. Letters of admlnlttratlen en said estate having been granted te the undsrslgned, all persons In debted thereto are requested te make luime 0lt payment and these having claims or de mand against the same, will present them with out delay for settlement te the undersigned, re siding lu the city el Lancaster, Pa, JOHN A. POWKBS, Administrator. Jebb A. Cetib, Attorney, aprlMtda ELECTION OF CITY 80PEBINTEN. DKNT-NoUee I hereby given that Ue triennial convention of tha Director of tha Public schools of LancaaUr city will be bald la Common council Chamber en Tuesday even l?"l.."1'r 8?,.. JM o'eleck. ler tbe purpose of electing a city superintendent for Ua ' three succaedlng school years and tiling Ua amount of compensation te be paid said Cfflear, laeald the couversUeo daurmln te elect en. JOHN LBVKttGOOD. President LABCAiTss, April a. jt4as,ieWA,mM 1J1U1.TON OPERA HOUSE. One Solid Week COMMENCING MONDAY, APRIL 25th, THK SUCCKSSl'l'L DKAMATIU 8TAU8, "The Melville Sisters," HUPl'OKTKl) MY TI1EHTRONOKHT KKPKKTOIKK COMPANY EVER OIUIANI,KI). ADMISSION, STHKATS .VA'ir AD VKRTlSKStKSTli. WANTEl.-AGlKLTOI)OUENER.L housework In a tamlly el two. Must be well recommended. MltS. WM HKNDKUMIN, ltd Ne. 17-hlppeu t 1 eel. "WANTED. 1(0 SaliMuien nt once en rerv liberal terms racllllles unsurpss'ed. IIIIOWN HIIOTIIKUS. ml7-3uidA w Nurseri men, ltechester, M. Y. TWKNTY-l'lVi: CENTS WILL III'Y A bux et 1-idU' Toilet Powder, stindartl make, and a Metal Purr llei. Call and examine, at HUULBY'S DUUUSIeKb,, an West King Street tM nOn1'011 A F1NKK AND HKT &LyJWVJ TKIl CHAMPAGNB THAN Due de Montebello. AT KOIIItKB'S LIUUOB 8TOKK, Ne. 'ii Centre Square, Lancaster, Pa. P'UHLIC -SALE OF "llOUSKHOLO (ioetlson TUKsDAY, APRIL ;, at Ne. North l.luie stree. one p trier and one bedroom suit, tatiks, stauds, carets, parlor and ceuk stoves, bedsteads, reirWerater, tin, glass and (lueenswarc, together with a general assortment et household gmtds. Sale te couimence at 1 o'clock. Terms by JAMK JOUNSOJ. (t terse III Ts, Auctioneer. II. u K.VILKV, Clerk. ap23 Hd prm.ic SALE OK HANK STOCK. ON MONDAY, MAY f, 17, wilt be sold at public ssle, at the Leepard Hetel, Lancaster city, I'a., ten shares of Lauraslcr County National Hank stock. Auredltet thirty days "111 be given. Sale te commence at 2 o'clock p. m , when terms HI be made known by AHKAlIAM 11 KI1Y, ISAAC 11. E1IY. Administrators of Henry Kby, sr , deceased. Jesx L. IIaixbs, Auctioneer. spSeOuiTd M .i:nnekcuek kink. This (Saturday! Evening. Dancing from 9 31 Skating from te 11 o'clock. te tf JO. ADMISSION lOCKNTi. aa Don't forget the Grand Masuerad Hall Thursday, Kvunlng, ApUl !Sth upr.-.'.td TpRT:rETtv"E YeTnT'cLOTHINll MY PACKING IIIKM IN TAR PAPAR! Net Sticky but Clean and Nice, and sold by the yird. Campher and Pure Insect Powder. Ab solute security for Seal Skin Coats ts secured by packing them In TAB, HAG), TOR BALI AT Cochran's Drug Stere. NOS. 137 A 133 NOBTU Q.U KKN ST. marglyeedll Lancaster, Pa. T ADIESi Anether New Material 1 would Call Atten tlen te. Crown Sheeting, A Thin Silk Material, heavier body than Hott Hett ing Cleth, and much preferred for embroidery and painting. -AtSO-New Canvases, Kmb. Chenille, Plusbe,, Eng lish Crewels, Arascnes, Satin", french Wersing Cotten, ri09etes, snrahs. Killing Silas, Tinsels, Pelts, Kmb. Silks, Fancy Braids, MRS. E. M."W00DWARD'S, MO.Wk K.f'T KING ST. mlydAW c AH1NKT PUOTOaUAPHS. Best Pictures for the Meney AT- NEW YORK GALLERY. CABINET PHOTOS., $1.50 Per Dez. NO. Kti NOBTII gUEKN STBKKT. aprtJiwdll TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS X of Lancaster Cennty. AllRAHAM G. IlEKR, ST. At, ,,0( r, October Term, lh). NO JS. VS. JenK G. llBRR, BT. At. r dt partitions taciende. Tha undersigned auditor, annelnted te dl. tribute the money ruled Inte slid Court In the above case, te and among the several parties legally entitled te receive the same, being the net proceeds realized by the sheriff of Lancas. ter county, en the sate by order of said Court of the reul estate belonging te the heirs of Mary llerr, latn of West Hempfleld township, de ceased, will sit for that purpeie en TUKsDAY, MAY 17, In17, at In o'clock In the forenoon, In the Library Beem of the Court Heuse, In tbectty of Lancaster, where a'l persons Interested In said distribution may attend, U. C. HBUBAKKB, apr2S-ltd9A4tw Auditor. HLORI9T AND SEEDSMAN. Plants, Seedsaiid Bulbs. I would like te call the attention of the public te the following The Popular rAIBMOUNT PAKK I.AWN BKKD. The best ever offered In this city j '3V. pernuart. My Unrivaled Colledion of CHUYSANTUK KUHI, SO varieties, II 00 per dozen New and Hare Greenhouse Plants, Bedding Plants. Braes. Ktc. Ktc Choice riewer and Vegetab'e Seeds. Pearl Tubero-es,'bleomlng bulbs, 5c. each, bladlelas an elegant mixture. ayi; reenbeuses open tn visitors day and even lng. Illuminated y Kdlsen's alectrtc Light lelephoee connection. Bend for Catalogne. W. C. PyrKB, Florist and seedsman. It Ne. SS West King Street. J AST OF THE SEASON. GRAND CONCERT -OF THK- Lancaster Msennercher -ON- Monday Evening, April 25, -AT- MiNNERCHOR HALL. The Operetta "DABNKOSCHKN " will be produced. aprfl '.'td B. B. AIL UMBRDLLI AND- PARASOL HEADQUARTERS. I4UatKlBSt. api-sad ItMW 'ADKMtriUKMKXra. FULTON OPERA HOUSE. One I CAN ME SKCIRKI) WIHIOIT EXTRA rAIIM'.S CORNER. AJ ZAHM'S CORNER, LANCASTER, FA. Ileepened under Its Old Maiiagomeiit with a Nile As erted Stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE AO JEWELRY. ar t'nieriilalteitl"li given te Fitting SPKL Best Karl It1 for rir.t-Llim lieimlilni; SI'KCIAI.-We hittr n inuill let e Silxrr u ii, .rn irry luie ZAHM'S CORNER, Aprtl-llm! jrair AHMKTiiKMKHfn. WAM'ED-FINE SEWERS TO WORK at Dressmaking at Mils I, CiHII'l.lt'.', pr:i-3td Ne II l.i-t (ii.diK'oetiT, t Reems ker ri:ni Mw Uirge mid email Hihuds, fiuntshed, can be had at p l(lld NO. UN. PKI.NCK St.CITY. INSTALMEN T 1)KLERS WILIK1ND Jut hat they need A lull lint, et Instal ment doeds told euly te the luilaliueul Trade by ddrt'44ing INHTAI.MKN'T DKA1.KUS SUPPLY CO.. aprWJuidru.ThAS Krle, Pa R Ui'LEY A HOaUDMAN. DKAl.KIUl.N ALL KINDS Of FAMILY COAL. orriOK-Se 27 Centre Snuaru YABD-Ne SMeuth Water street alfiTtll PU1ILIU SALE. On MONlnY, APKlL2.lNi;,at the Mnrrl inc Heu.e. Ne. 115 North Prlnen street, will be old at publlasaln. aCarlriul el IOWA IIIH14K, fit for general purinises. several of themare geixl feeders, sale at 1 o'clock ; terms made known by a-:t (. KO III, K 11 UO S3 St AN. THE LATEST JUST TllK TIUNO for business punxviea Scotch Cheviot Trousers. Wp have thetu In twenty dlrrnriint patterns. Fer mvxr they cannot imexcelle-l. Call and see them. A full line et Scotch Chel rm suitings at moderate prices. BOSBNaTKlN'S rt.N'K TAH.OUtNC, Ne. 37 North yueen Stie.it DividenTTnetk-i:. The directors of the Kastern Market Heuse Company have declared a dividend of lour per cent en the capital sleck, pa) able May I, ut tbe ofllce of the uudfrvlirned. KVKNINU MA11K1. rs.-Afier May 1. Satur day Evening markets will be held at 4 p. in. Stalls tree te renters of alalia ter morning mar kets. ALLAN A.HKUlt.Treasurer, aprt'-Jld Se. im Kast King St TsKDlfATION OK THE UUAl'EL OK XJ SI. Jeseph's Hospital. THUR8DAY, APRIL 20, 1807. Dedication services will begin prtc'.ely al nine () o'clock a. m. General adiiitsilen (for boneOlef Ilipltal) Mceuts. tickets te im had at Hospital Hern the SNters of St Jeneph' Scheel, at Miss U Klvnn's boek.toiv, V. West King street and at Mr Bradel'x cigar ."tote, corner Mary and West King streets ape Jtd.'.it'.tiJ u SE MANHEIM Reller Fleur! Janll-SmdKeed rjRAND KA1H AT EXCELSIOR HALL BV Blue Gress Gemmandery, Ne. 5, KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN EAGLE, BeglnnlngSATt llOAY, AI'ltlLtlth and Contin uing Until THlllMAY. Al'lUl. ZM, Inclusive. Kach purchaser of a ticket is entitled te a chance in a VALUABLE WHITK ASH BID BOOM SUITE. TICKETS, 10 CENTS. Mr A. Band of Music will be In attendance every evening. apllltdtl TIONKSTWOKK 11Y AKIRM Thit Will Stand by Their Wrd. MOKK THAT SI'KiKS 1011 I l.SKl.F WILL ALWAYS WIN, And the place tiuet thit kind of we:k Is frcm the Old (tellable ft nu et NeTueck & Miley, FiM:t'AititiA(u:mii.iKits, ATTHK- "Yellow Cerner," CORNER OF SOUJH DTJKB AND VINE 6TS., Where will always be found n large stock of Carriages and Buggies te select Irem. We ham them In all styles and will build any kind or wagon te order, following Is a list el wagons that we build and have en baud : Klllptte Spring IMane Bex Buggies. Brewster spring Piane Bex Buggies fparrel spring Piane Bex Buggies. hlng Spring Piane Bex Buggies. Dexter Spiing Pline Bex Buggies. kdward Mone Spring Piane Bex Buggies. llmkln Spring Piane Bex Buggies. Crown Spring Piane Bex Buggies Corning White Chapel Buggies. Concave Cevering Buggies. Pamlly Carriages. Uermantnwn aniLVniter Wagons with and without front pest skeleton aide doers. Jenny Line, klllplleand side bar springs. Pbtelena el all kinds, standing top, falling top and closed tops, suitable for physician. Hurries ler tour passengers, with alllptlcand side bar spring, top and no top. Mccaul wagnnsand Dayton Wagen In natural weed and painted. Business and Market Wagen suitable for family use, shining seaU. held four passengers DeubleBeated Phielens, Carbelei Phiiiten, fall and half top, with and without platform springs. sYWeempley none but the best mechanics and have the labilities te build any design Car riage desired. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Prices Reasonable. Norbeck & Mley, CASniAQE MANUFACTURERS, Oer. Seuth Duke and Vine Sts., LANCABTKB, PA. I aprB-lyOSsUmw Solid Week ! 10 AND 20 CENTS CIIARdK'. rACLl for Detective Sight We have new the ifufril VrAi Itt virr from our nitc, uAlcn u LANCASTER, PA. -VA'H' Alt I'KltTJSKMKSTH. OUR CIOARS, MIA IR'ERIDA AND linlden l.len nre CI.KAIl HAVANA FIL I.Kit hand made, V, KALII In bems of tu's and I0U. L'KMUlll'SC'lll lltSTOMK. , , HI Kst King -tteet. Telephone Connection. laiilVWASKtld THE RECULXR MONTHLY MECTINti of the West Km! Itulldlng and I.imii Assn. elation, will be held at I tie Luw Ofllce of T 11. Hehihan, esi . en SAt'UHOAY KVKNINU, Al'lill, tld, ut 7 3.) o'clock. Moneyteloan. New series et stock erm for sub.erlptien C. v.LICIITY, aprtlJtd Secretary. S. OIVLERA UO. NKW "KASO.VAIILK Dress Goods 1 SILKS. M:w lMttMJ 1IOS1KUY. Kid Ulevt's, New Miatlec. NKW JKB-.KI-. New Oarpeta and Rugs, CHEAP KOll c.u. JohnS.Givler&Ce., Ne. as East King BtrMt, LANCASTCll, PA T II. MARTIN A CO. Carpet Department! WK AUK CONSTANTLY BKCEIV1NU LAU(,E ADIU'IIONS TO OUBsTOCKOK Carpets New Bedy Brussels, Mequetts, Tapestry, and Ingrains. ALL PRICES. Special erfurlnus In MeyUKTTS will last for u short time only. IWst Quality Smiths A tlarlferd, all 13 per yard. TAl'KHTKY BIIIIX4KLS New I'atturns-Spe. ctal Line- lie. te I tic, weretlJ I c lNOUAI.V, CHAIN, BAU and VKN1T1A C'AHPi:i.s. WALL PAPER At Prices tltttt will Interest Yeu. BOMB SPECIAL PKICKS THO" WILL BB POUND NOrVUKBKlILsK. FOUR, PIViS AND SIX OBNT3 -reu a- New Line of Patterns TIIATUAVKBEKNI'C KAULYIM THK SKA- Qeld and Satin Papers, Fine Decorations, Borders, &e. TWa have occutledeur New Bales Beems and have new the Largest and Best Lighted Carpel aud Wall Paper Salesrooms lu the city. J. B. Martin A Ce., Cor. West Klftg k PrU BU, &. -. j ii-iS'' MJXiHiniJ&ii&'Ss aisaiii nn n i i r iM.2l&fri&t (,iv.-t.ag?L ., ,1' flAti . HW.-J ?N,wvKjV'y-,,H J !v(-i .-, , ., w i