53wirATSEsrsvrjp 1&7 ' vt ww.-mvjiariv sip. .. HMKHVHBiHHVfOTHHHElVTOr? PT Kt.W1?KaMBVlMmaKHHHIB ,v'v:lipw 7W9WTrnwwsWHrr . I'amiMiHfflnKS sTs sfjr jJsJssa !SaMssMssaBSsMsm 'aw I'awVtjHa a. ,(. '.k. ,: OD atJBswi i Y r '-" ''YA",' rttSSjyr IT. .' n ' " irinaraisswaawsMvrswrwTi t,w;wir- w?y .X - "' a AGRICULTURAL CIIKMISTRY. A Few Practical tllaM M FnrsBBCSBwd Osrdstl. srs-Aaalysl el Oh.ll rsrtlllsws and Farmyard Mssurss-llew ABtlllerut. May Tartly Increase TMIr Profits. for the UTtmi Tlie prluelple f chemistry, h applied te agriculture, Is te fully understand what the oil require te preduns eerUIn crops te learn Juat what the article they apply te the oil oentalns, and te study what amount or and what kind el leinsuts are carried oil by certain crepa. These are all things of whlali the nvtre farmer loldem thinks. Thirty years uke science aud oeutieotlon with agriculture wi se little underatoed ttiat formers hail no ether gulde thau the old , practice et their fathers, who by ex tierleuce and oumrvatlen had been taught that tlie am or farmyard uianare InertiVMHl the productive!!) a of their farm. Natural kiiiiie we then (Uncovered, wblcli lucruet'il the yleld or orem te Hrt extent, but lliat wai limited, which led aeleiilllle liieu Ui lnvitlMBtu and try te utilise by con cen con ctuilrHtleu ami manufacture Inte oerunierclal ferttllzarn the wasle from the large cities and tlin elUl from the slsughter heuwc Tlila censtated el bleed, bone and want, which, by oeiicnnlrallori, produeea a higher gredn aud itore cHldem and aurer fertilizer containing Iruin 15 per cent, te 18 per cent, of phoephorlo acid and 4 per eeut. of am iiioul,wlileli am the elemeuta mostly ueeded In the plant. Next te that cornea petaah which Ik rtitilred by the plant for Ha aeed or grain, and phosphoric acid fur Ita stalk, with audi mineral element aa allax, soda, Hue iuKiitl, Ac,, nnd for Ita roots, pstaab. Now,ue xiicli natural lertlllzercan be found having such artlclui of nutriment In propor tion, except the plant ltaelf, and highly con cen con eanlratod animal bjiie ferllllr.ir Cern re quire the lreu a te ou tit or pitasli and nitrogen, nnd lliroelliiieaaaiuucli phoapherla acid at whrat. Thl tact ought te convince the farmnr that le produce a tine corn crop he must manure til cornfield te a much greater vxtutit tliHti tin would were he planting wheat or eat. Iloilden, the corn crop baa only :i or I month le mature, while the wlnt crop ban It) mentha In which te de the me work. Tlila applies te tobaeoo In the Ratlin propirtlen. Te ralae 1,'JjO petinda of tobacco from an acre, It will require 108 pound of potash, HS peunila of lime, lit pound et iiiagueiila, -I pounds or phosphoric acid, 17 poiiiutneraulpliur nnd K! pound or nitrogen. Mew can any enu put this In the aell by using Urm-v aril manure? Why It would require soiueT- oiie-heian Ie.vIh te a alngle acre, mi would of ceurutt de the work and leave the aell In the aatne condition an It waa before thnrrep wan roiuftlgWlileh Hlietild lm denr, except tint thorn would lie some undocejipon-d xtraw anil tiKutnl)le nutter which would lie of ben etlt te tun following crop. Hut leek at the work and exenMi. TIIK HLCIIKT Ol- Ht'L'I'Mt The great art el saving and uuklng iiianure li the principal aecret of auccm In farming. Till consist In retalnlng and applj lug te the beat adantae thoie eluule and gtaneu iKirtlena that accumulate te auch a great extent en every farm. Probably one third of all the material which exist Intha uiuntry I totally leit by net attending tithe drainage e( the ataule aud farm yard. Ah neon m tlir It any water accumulated around a firm yard, it Htietild be llltnreJ with atraw, a.twduit (when w mill are near) or by tlia frequent coating or dry awauip muck, or drltd pent, of wh e'l there la plenty In our country. That will absorb tlie inanurliil portion et the water, aud held the nuiiniiula and imtaiti Iti atore for plant feed. TtiiiloHnet in inure, by tlin eicapa el Kit-, I etteu ery great. The prac tice) el uiany farmer ahew hew little tliHV are aware of the hun dred they are losing by auflerlug tut meat alUAUle element el tnuir farm te epv. Indeed, there are aejim whoearo-, fully and Miry lugonieutly, a they auppene, place their biniK and ritlln yard in auch a manner ou the Hide of hlllathat all the drain drain age may nn oil out or the way Inte a neUh (Hiring stream, he at te keep their stables arid yard i lean and d ry. One farmer In particular, Willi preeminent tirwdue, built hi lira, wn directly wres a little stream that Le inlght at nnce get the cleaning waalied away and pretunl ttielr auoumulalien. Ot oeurae he Hticcwded in lilt wish, but be might, with almost equal propriety, hae built hi granary acrefl the stream se a te ahevel the wheat and coin Inte the w.tter when It lncreaaed en bla hand. All neat, nil protlhvble ami fsUitc'ery farming dopeida iikiu the uireful sav n( id manure, and te m tke every particle of i go table uutt r nvaitatile, and work It lu'e the anil a early as peasitile, and the si.ne with m mure. It Is true ttiat by letting manure lle a long llme It tHi'emcs mere soluble, but by noilelng it 1 'using a portion of Ita meit aluble mtt)r, Htiinienla. Let fresh umuiire be tlioreiignly ground down aud worked Inte the ground tiy repiatul harrowing and two or three il lwlng, and Its Inlliiiiiici will be like nisi;!'!. Hut It is seldom, indisaj, that an aiitqiiKlu supply el lids mtnureia found en a farm ; and II Illinois, the farmer should lietrilend upon It entirely, but te Insure hi crop tlie an lienimtly uisde chemical nnd bmt- lerlllirer, aud buy only the beit, re meuilMirlng Hint a cheap artlcie Is alwaya ex pt'uslsu In the end. High graie conceu cenceu trated cliemlctl furtlll7')rsare new roceiilxid as he Important a Inctnr in the agriculture et all clvlli7ed ceuntrKs that a discussion of their tlllcajy en various crepi lerm one of the met luemliii'iit topics of converaatlen among lariiierf. Se Indispensable have these urllhcUl manures li-oeme, aud he requisite are they te the prolltable culttiroet the soil, that their maeuUcture and sale have us Miimtd enoriiieus proportions, Involving Kiich an amount of rap.tal, acieniltle skill and expetieiKe which te these unacquainted with the tact would seem Incredible. MJMK MIsAI'rllKlIKNStONS We frequently heir the tanner express blmiell in this way : ''My grain always letlge belore It 1 lully uutured, and by adillu phosphate It will be mere se." This is net the lact. Ttiere 1 a waut of magnesia, oxide or Iren, allax, soda, Aa , which are the only elements that make the stalk, and If the soil isdellclent In llieni, the plant can not fully mature, and will be blown ever by the first storm. If there la chemical manure applied, which centalua all the Hlsne elements, with sulllclent petaib, there will boa large, healthy and vigorous root, that must nnd will develop perfection In a crop. The meat Important thing, however, for the farmer te bear in mind, la te be sure and buy tbe beat gi eds, and aave the freight and handling en a let of cheap geed from which he rtcelvea no benetlt. I'arm yard manure (Irish) contains 70 per cent, el water. Tula leaves'.!! per cent, of uiaterlala that will stay In the Mill. One ten of unfer metitcd manure, would yield ISO peunila el solid matter, which cesta from f 1 M) te li 60 This (enialt a about ! pounds et ammonia. tl pnuiidH or phoxp&erla acid, and 4 pound el (Hitash. ' buy these elements in the form of salts would coat about ft. 12, and Ilia much easier te handle, and uioreHoluble te the soil. One hundred poundaef pure bone phosphate, at a coat of 1 Ml in KIT!-!. ceiiIhIiis 1H neunila of nhes tihorleacld, 5' isjtinda of ammonia, and 0 te 7 peunila or oxide or Htasslum K. '2 O, Thla will convince all which is the cheapest and tiesL ItHcentBiitaare all soluble In the soil, and will dissolve In the chemist's solvent In ae minute. There la no free acid in honest bone fertilizer te destroy the mineral ele ments lu the soil, aa It Is almost neutral. Natural guaue, ou account et Its large per centage of phosphate of lime and carbonate of lime In chemical combinations, with lb) alkallue sails made by Nature's laboratory, Is a geed fertilizer where phosphoric ac'.d la required, but la net a complete oue by any means. ri.AIN C'HKMIHTUY KOIl PAItMEHS ANlt CIAHUKNKIIH. Nitrogen occurs In various forms and ta tea. Organic nitrogen Is the nitrogen of nlmal and vegetable matters, generally. Heme forma of organic, nitrogen, hi that of mood and meat, are highly active aa fer tilizers ; ethers, as that of hair and leather are comparatively slew In their etTtet en vegetation. Ammonia and nltile acid are the results of decay of organic nitrogen In the soil and manure heap, and are the most active forms of nitrogen, exeeptlng these of Milts and chemical. Seventeen parts or ammonia contain fourteen of nitrogen. Helublu phosphoric acid Implies phos phoric acid freely soluble In water. It Is the characteristic Ingredients of supar-pnesphate, in which it la produced by aetlng en In soluble or reverted phosphate, with oil et vitriol CO pr cent surphurie sold. It Is net readily taken up by the plants, bat It Is distributed through the soil by the ralnr. Once readily Incorporated with the soil, It Hheitly become reverted phoapherla acid. Reverted phoapherla acid (rsduesxt or pre cipitated) means strictly phospherlo acid that was one freely soluble In water, bat from abenieal ehang! has become laaelabla u Km liquid. It la freely taken up by strong oiatlea of ammonium c Urals, which 6 tasfsfers) utsri In analysis te determine tat qnsntlty. "K verted phospherlo acid" ! Ellas phosphates that are readily aaslmllatsal y crops, but have less value than selubls phospherlo acid because they de net distrib ute freely by rsln. Insoluble phospherlo acid Implies various phosphates net freslv soluble la watw or ammonium citrate. In some eases the phos phoric aclil Is tee Insoluble te be readily available as plant loed. Much as la reek. The phospherlo acid of raw bones la nearly Insoluble In this sense, because or the animal matter el the bona which envelops It, but when the latter decays In the soil the phos phoric acid remains esantlslly In the reverted form. One hundred and titty five part of phosphate of lime contain seventy one parts of nhoKpherlo acid. I'etatn signifies the substance known In eisiiiUtry aa potassium oxide," which Is the valuable fertilizing Ingredient of pet aihea " and In potash salts." It Is the most oestly In the form of sulphate, and less In the shape of muriate or chloride. rtittTii.UKHH vK.nat: MAWttnK. These are the elements of all reliable and heneatty made bone and chemical fertlllrsrs, about which I have ssld enough te convince the average fanner that he ought te begin le experiment upon hi soil with something eheapar than lariii-yard manure. These are the rule el agricultural cham latry. and such like rules hnuld be spplled lu all things oenneo'ed with the farm. The best grades should be purchased, even If the cost Is somewhat greater. In animals they ehentd select, net " fsney animals," but these geed for use and profit. Cows should be productive or milk with a form adapted for beef. Hbeep should be kept tine by never selling the bask Mwlne, net the largest but these fattening en ;the least reed. A Hark shirs weighing S00 pound, fattened en ten bushel of corn, is better than a " land pike " fattened en 'M or 40 bushels or corn. Like wise In seed. Always sell the Inferior seeds of all kinds, and especially or iKiUtees, be cause It Is a law of nature, '.hat " like pre duces like," and this principle It a correct lu reference te seed and pluits as It Is te mail aud anluiala. There la alwaya pre lit In the lust, and by an observance et the princi ples above elliuled te, there are untold mil lion of future wealth fur the agriculturists of our nation. ClIAItl.KS K. Mll.l.KH. IjAM'aitkii, la. I'Herumt truiHu rum nmrmnii. A Cenaret of Attraumnr4 Autmlill In fart far sn Imparlsat I'urpa. Frem the New Yerk Bun. There 1 te be a oenzmst of as'.ronetnsta In l'arl thl month, chlelly for tlie purpete of perfecting a plan of photographing the heaven Although celeattal photography 1 upward of half a cuulury old, the moon hav ing been photographed by Dr. J. W. I)rap9r In 1810, yet within the ptst tw inr thru years It ha beoetne alineat a new art. Its progress ha been se rapid that It ha the effect el a freah discovery. There I new no longer any doubt that the hope of astronomer In tht direction can be reallaad, and that the photographic earner can be inade te take the place, and In some respects mere than take the place, of the eye In telescopic work. Kxcellent photograph. are new obtained net only or the aun, the moon, the brighter stars, comets snd nebulae, but situ of the spec re el many heavenly bodies, and of phenomena, such a taint atara and Invisible nebulie, which the eye cannot detect at all, even when aided by the me', powerful telesenps. A neUbledl- jpvery of this kind ha hxm made in the familiar group or aura called the I'leladrc. Apparently connected with one et these atari, which ha been known for ages uuder the name of Mala, Is a strange nebulous maaa, which Is clearly seen In photographs of the l'leladew, taken In the past two years, though no telescope shows any trace of it te the eye. Photograph of the heavens also show stars whose existence would hsve been unknown te us but for the marvelleus powers of the photographic plate le catch and held the Im age et objects tee obscure te sensibly affect the human retina. There are two ways In which the citnsra has an advantage ever theeye. First, It can a.-cumuUte Impressions that I tessy, It Is able by continued expjsure te obtain an lin age el sn object which iniy be no faint that a shorter exposure would glve no linage. This of course Is a power that the eye doe net posse. It I equivalent te helug able te see plainly by long gazing what cannot be seen at all by a brief Inspection. Then the photographic plate 1 sensitive te the se-called actinic rays, which de net produce the Im pression of light, and consequently de net street theeye. Thus photography furnishes astronomy with an Improved eve, capable of ranging nobody yet kuewa hew far Inte the abyasea of the universe. The recent progress of celestial photog raphy ha been se great that It has created a new branch of observational astronomy, and, a In the usoef the Hpeotrescope, It haa been found that specialist are needed te fully de volep IL Achievements In the way of meas uring, sounding, and mapping the visible iiiilverse, which astronomers a generation age would hardly have dared te dream of, are new clearly within the range of iiesalbln accomplishment It la regarded a entirely practicable te obtain within the short space el ten year a aerie or photegrapha Includ ing the whole heavens, and containing mil mil liens upon millions el atara that canuet be seen with the naked eye. The value of such photegrapha te luture astronomers would be Innatlmatile. Showing the true place of se many atara nt the date when tbe photographs were made, they would render It easy te de tect any changes or place among the stars. Such changes are known te occur from var ious cause In all quarter of the heavens, but the dllllculty ha been te measure them. !!y the photographic method, H'-ar emotions can be studied wtth ahlghdegreeet accuracy; and through auch study astronomer can ar rive nt a tar mere complete Knowledge than they new pesaesa of the lerm nnd structure of the universe et sun, In which our own sun shines only a a luminary of a miner rank. " Whcnsmne deep and liumedlcahle wound " takrs jour breath away sunil forMlvatlen Oil. ' When the swallows humeward tty," Is the time whim coughs and colds betclti teapiHiar. I)r Hull's Cough syrup cures every ease, f'llte '& eents. Dr. David Wars says : " Dlicestylln Ms the most effective remedy for Imperfect digestion thatl liavaever seen. Sold by alt Druggists, 11.00 per bottle, or VV. r. Kidder ft Ce, Manufacturing Chemists, &t Jehn M., N. Y. MfmvtAi. jrericijw. Kicked Out Hew iii my people ttiercHrowtieareatruggllnir tn rise lu this world that nra kicked down and out by envlnii rlrula Tfiemat' Keltctrie Oil never "Kicked nut" Us pillion. It la true blue rer threat airecttens, asthma nnd catarrh It Is a curuitn nnd rapid cure, rer sale by II. U. Cech. ran, druggist, 137 nnd UI North CJuoeii street Lancaster. Mems Hlreng-Mlnded Weiusn Can regulate their hushinds amazingly fast, should Ihuy net de their duty. Burdock Bleed Htttert are n Reed regulator of the ulrculatle n They are exclusive') a bleed tonic, and conse quently atrlfce lit the root or many serious ail ment, rer sale by It. tl. Cochran, druggltt, 137 and IX) North gueen street, lAiicaater. fat Upen HI rest "bet up In bed and ceughed till the clothing was wet with perspiration. My wife Insisted that I use Themat' Helecirle OU. The drat tea tea tea spoentul relieved uie, and two bottles have cured me. I cau honestly recommend It." K. II. t'erklns, Creek Cnntru, N. V. Fer sale by It. U. Cochran, druggist, 137 and UN North Queen street, Lancaster. ' Ueme Sweet Henis." This song Is very geed In Its way. but Is there any sickness In the household? If se, home can not be always pleasant. Wn take especial pleas urn In recommending Burdock Bleed Blutri, a bona tide and certain cure for dyspepsia, and all diseases el the liver and kidneys rer sale by II. tl. Cochran, druggist, W and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Don't be Falnt-hstrtsd. If you are In trouble leek up, held en, give the blues uoed by. If en are In pain, luve alauiu alauiu ne. a, have an ache of any kind, go te the drug gist and us htm for 1'Aenuw' JCeleetrle Oil. It will de you geed every tune, rer sale by II. 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 13U North Queen street. Lancaster, Bearlllm, 1 feel new. I was mulcted with sick head ache and Keucral debility, but Burdock Bleed Bitttri brought about an Immediate Improvement lu myteueral health I consider tuein the best family medicine In the market " Adnlpb bailer, ilutraln, N. V. rer sale by II. II. Cochran, drug gist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. JUHT AH UOOD. Dent allow anyone te make yen believe any ether remedy la just a geed ter sick headache aa Dr. Lealie'a Sneclal Presort ntlen. for It I net true. Thl l the only remedy In the world that strikes u the root of the disease and drives It out. Ulveltatrtal. THAT HACK1MUCOUUU can be se quickly eared by Shlleb's Care. We guarantee lu Beld by H. k Cochran drugjrUt, If os. U7 and Us North Qusea it,, Laaeastsr.Ya. (i) mmmt9AMm A TULOPUOBOS ITOR RHEUMATISM. i Ruled by Prejudice. Few persons realise bow tkttreaghly they are oeatrolled .by preiutles even te their own ols els ad vantage, rer many years the trsUaeetef rhsnmstUm, neuralgia, sciatica and heeds cae bss been by some eutwa'd application, and therefeie. without stepping te think that the erisin of these trenblns mutt, from necessity, be Internal, tb weiry sufferer continues te rob, rub and find no relief. Athiopheros Is taken In ternaqy, and aa a proof that thla la the correct principle. It cures surely and quickly. The staterntnt of these who hatt b$tn cured ought te convince ths Incredulous. C r. Ilraee, Mstaeben, M. J- says i My mother had the rheumatism In hgr heart and wasenredby Athlopheioa. flhe says there Is no medicine like It." .lames W. Keed, tall 1'enn Ave., Pittsburg, fa., says i "Mr mother, attheutb 77 years or age. was entirely cured by ths use of Alhloph Alhleph Alhloph re." Miss Carrle ratten, Kagle Village, N. THssyss " my mother wai nearly a cripple In her arms, net having been aide te dress nor scare I y being able te feed he rse 1 1 for three months, being In severe pain most or the time. The acute ptln ceased after taking three bottles of Athiopheros, hut the continued te take It until allslgmef rheumatism were gene i having taken 17 bottles In all She ha net taken any since last May, and can use her arm as well a ever. A num ber of friends have taken It, and In every esse It his given satisfaction In caie of s'ck head ache. It give almost Immediate relief." Jehn M. Wolcott, I'lrTard, X. T says : " 1 get a bottle of Athlophero for a friend. She at once gained rapidly, and ha net been troubled with the rheumatism ilnee." very druggist should keep Athiopheros and Athiopheros rills, but wbsrs the7 cannot be bought of the druggist the Athiopheros Ce., He HI Wall street. New Yerk, will send either (ear rlage paid) en receipt of regular price, which Is 11.00 per bottle for Alhlopbero and 60c ter Pills. rer liver and kidney diseases, dyspepsia. In dignation, weakness, nervous debility, diseases of weraeu, constipation, headache, Impure bleed. Ac, Athiopheros Pills are unerjualed. aprls lweed Q1MMOMH LIVKK KKUULATOK. TAKB Dr. Simmons Lt?er Regaliter. It Will Cure All Diseases Caused by. Derange ment et the Liver. TheHYMl'TOMBnt Liver Complaint are a bit ter or bad taste In the mouth i pain in the back, sides or lelnts, cfien mistaken for ltheuinatlsm I sour steinaehi less nt appetite; besela alter nately costive and lax ; headache ; less of mem ory, wtth painful sensation el having tailed te dn something which ought te hive been done ; di b'llty s low spirits ; Uilck, yellow appearance et the skin and eye ; a dry cough, often mis mis laken for consumption. Ne attempt Is made le hunt up out-of the-way or unknown places teltnd names te endorse this medicine. 11 1, recommended hyllen.Alex.il. Stephen. Ht, llsv. Jehn W. tleckwlth, lllsbep nrua.,Men J no. II. 'lurden, 17. 8. Senater, Ml. lit. lllanep Pierce, lien Jno. Ulll Hherter.J. fc Jgar Th .mpsen, Hen, R. II. Hill, Hen. J. C. llreckenrtdge. frer. David Willis, D. D, Chief Ju-tlce Hiram Wsrner, (el Us., Lewis Wunder, As.'l 1. M. fnllad'a, la.,and hundredsef ethers Simmons Liver Regulator Is an Invaluable Kemedy rer Dypspsla. Cnnstipalle'h, Jaundice, Bil ious Attics Slcav llealsche. Celic, Depnitelen f rtplrlta. hick Headache, Heartburn, MALA Kill. Dtsi: VSKS. kte J U. KILLS' AT CO.. Proprietors, uprsn eedftw Philadelphia, Pa. CAFE, HURK AND HPKKDY CURB. O Knpture, Varicecele and Special Disease of either sex Why be humbugged by quacks when yen can find In Dr. Wright the only Bsao Bsae lab Pavaieus In Philadelphia who makes a specialty et the above diseases, and Crass TaaaT Crass Ueasastssd. Advlee rree day and evening. Strangers can be treated and re tain home same day ernce private, DM. W.ITWBIOUT, Ml North NteMi street. Above Mace, P. O. Bez 7S. Philadelphia. lania-lvdA TMPROVED CUSHIONED EAR DHUMH. CURB FOR THE DEAF. eck's Patent Improved Cushioned max Drains perfectly restore hearing and perform tne work et the natural drum. Invisible, com fortable and al way s In position. All conversa tion and even whispers heard.dlstlnctly. Send ler Illustrated book with testimonial, rKK. Address or call en W. lltscex, su Broadway, Mew Vnrk. Mention this paper. InnelfltvendAtvw mi) WEAK MEN Buflertnir fiem the effects et youthful errors, early decay, wasting weakness, lest manhood, etc, 1 will neiid a valuable triatlse (sealed) con taining full particulars ler home cure, t MM K of cnarge, rendb a MiitHndld mellcnl work : sheula tie vevniv mn who is nervous and debili tated Address. ru.er. r. c. re wli.u, mlS-tiindAw Moedua, Conn. l.KIt. HUTU) UK. ESTATE OF ADAM F. HAMHHIOHT, late of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters et admlnlslra ion en sn'd estate tuning been Kianted te the undersigned, all persons Indebted thereto are requested te make Imme diate payment, and theso having claims or de mand against the same, will present them wtthnit delay ter settlement le the undersigned residing In said city. CUD. M. ItAMHUIGHT, miVf.tdS Administrator, D. b. n. c. t.a. ESTATE OF JOHN KINO, LATE OF Lancaster city, deceased. Letters of ad ministration, with will annexed, en aald estate having been granted te the undersigned. all per son Indebted thereto are requested te make Immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the under signed, residing lu Lancaster city. UEUIHiKPO.T7, Administrator with VI HI Annexed, U.r Dams, Attorney. nS-utdS ESTATE OF ELIZABETH M. HAM bright. Inte of Lancaster City, deceased. Letter testamentary en said estate having been 5 ranted te tbe undersigned, all persona In ebted thereto are requested te inake Imme diate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same, will present them with out delay for settlement te the undersigned, re siding In said city. GKO. M.IIAMUttlCIIT, m!16tdS Kxecuter. ESTATE OF A. N. IlltENEMAN, LATE of the city of Lancaster, deceased. The undersigned auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining In the hands of A. N. llrenemau, Jr. executer, te and auinng theso legally entitled te the same, will sit ter that urpess ou Tuesday, May 10, 1;, at 10 o'clock a. m , In the Library room et the Court Heuse, In the city of Lancaster, where all person In- lereMeu in saiu uisiriuuiien may niieuu uK-nds WILLIAM LBASIAa, AUUltOr. A HNK1NK1) ESTATE OF JOSEPH E. is. Delchlerand wife, of Lancaster city, Lan caster county. Jeseph K. Delcblerand wife, of LHiitasUircltv. Iiavlm: hv deed of velunturr as signment, dsted Aprils, iNft.asalgued and trans ferred all their sutn and etrects te the under signed for the hem nt et lue en ill ters of the said .lustph K. Dtlchier. he ther-feie gives nottceto all persons Indeb ed te said assigner, te make paymeutte the umlerslgned without deiay, and these having tla ms te present them le JOHN L. 4ILI.K1:, As Irnee, Itcsldlngln Lancaster. I'a. II C. fniuAKEii, AUernty. up'jetdS tKBUHAUVK. 1ITLE INSURANCE ANDTRU8T CO. Trost, Safe Deposit and Title Insurance Company, of reading, ra. CAPITAL (Full Tald) . . CHARTER PERPETUAL. 9850,000. GEORGE BROOKE, President. ROBERT H. COLEMAN, VICE PRESIDENT. H. T. KENDALL, Treasurer and Secretary. WALTER M. FRANKLIN, Trust Officer FOR LANCASTER UOUNTY. DMMBVTUIMU Geerge Breeke H. M. North, Rebert H. Celeman, R. T. Leaf, Tmes. S.Merritt, W.D.Smith, Cyrus Q. Derr, J. H. Cheetman. Gee. D. Stitzel, D. R. Miller, A. B. Grubb. EXECUTES Tltl'STHOf EVERY KIND. 8netieBd by tht Oetrti of Lucuttr Oeuty te receive the appointment of Kxecuter, Ad. uilulstruter, Uuardtan, Assignee, Receiver, and Trustee within said County. lKBi'ujca Titls te Real Estate and Mortgages. Messt te Leam en drat Mortgage at lowest rates. IsvssTirsHTS made and Interest collected with out expense te the leuder. WALTER M. FRANKLIN, Attorney-at-Law. Trust Officer for Lancaster County, we. w last King 8U, Lancaster, Pa. Jan W uaMkw I HAUMaVU. I mm wssMMsl. I A M010I1,1I I Wonderful Pepulavrliy of the Ho He Downed Medicine. Tke arealeatCaratlveBawM arihe A A Velte Iraa tke Peerle. e medicine Introduced te the poblle ha ever met with the aaeeess aceerasst te Hep Bitters. It stand te day the best knewa enratlve article la the world, Itt nurvslens rsoewa tsaetdue te ths sdvertlstng It ha received. It tsfaaieas by reason of lu laksreat virtus. It doss all thatl alarms tern. It Is tke most pewsrfal, speedy sad effective agent known (or th build ing op of dsbllltaUd system. The following wltaesset are offered te prove this t ' What It DUfcrH Old Lair. CbtAeefen motion, If. Y, Dee. H, laM. Osrrs: A number el people had bean using your Bitter here, and with marked effect. In laet, one case, a lady of ever seventy years, bad been sick for years, and for the past tan years 1 have known her she ha net men able te be around half ths tints. About six months sge shs get se feeble she was helpitii. Her old reme dies, or physicians, being or no avail. I sent te Deposit, teny -five miles, and get a bottle el Hep Hitters. It had such a vsry beneBelal effect en her that one bottle Improved hsr se she was able te dress herself and walk about the house. When she bad taken ths ssoend bottle she was able te take care of bar own room and walk ent te her neighbor's and baa Improved all the time since. My wife and children also have derived great benentlrem Ui.tr s..wBHATiiAWA Agt.ll. 8. ax. Ce. Aa Eatkailutlc Eadsrsesseat. OerAam, -V 7, July IS, 1M& U Birrs : Wherever you are. I don't knew.but I thank the Lord sad feel grateful te von te knew t hat I n this world of adulterated medicines there I one compound that prove and does all It ad vertises te de, and mere, rrrnr year sge, I had a slight shock of palsy, which nnnarved me te auch an extent that tie least excitement would make me shake like the ague. Last May I was Induced te try Hep Bitter. I nsed one bottle, but did net see sny change ; another did se change my nerves that they are new as steady a they ever were. It used te take both hands te write, bnt new my geed right hand writes thl. New, If you continue te manufacture honest and geed an aetlcle as you de, you will accumulate an honest fortune, and confer the gnsatest blessing en your fellow-men that was ever conferred en mankind. TIM BURCU. A Ilnsbaad's Testlmeay. My wife was troubled for years with blotches, moth patcbe and plmnle en her fare, which nearly annoyed the life ent of her. She spent many dollars en the thousand Infallible (?) cures, with nothing bnt Injurious effects. A lady friend, of Syracuse, N. Y who had had similar perlenee and had been cured with Hep Bitten, Induced her te try IU Ode bottle haa made her face as smooth, fair and soft as a child's and given her such health that It seems almost a miracle. A MsMnsser Can a hum Fasxiahsst. A Kick Ladr'a Experience. I traveled alt ever Europe snd ether foreign countries at a cost el thousands et dollars. In search of health and found It neu I returned discouraged and disheartened, and was restored te real euthful health and spirit with less than two bottles of Hep Bitters I hope ethers uisy profit by my experience acd stay at home. A LADr. AUGUSTA, MB. avdenulne Hep Bitter for sale at Cochran's I rug Mere, 137 and 139 North Queen St., Lancas ter, fa. PALACE OF FA8H10X, s PRINU OPENING. ASTRICH'S Palace et Fashion, 13 HABT KINO STREET. LANCASTEB, PA. Our latest Effert. Im LES3TII AN COST OF MATERIAL I TOUR TIME t NOW IS COME QUICK WHILE TUET LAST I THIS QBEATb ALE WILL COMMENCE MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 25, And will last until all the goods are sold, which we expect will be In about FIVE OR SIX DAYS. A8 THE GOODS ARE CHKAl', WONDERFULLY JUST NOTICE PRICES ! Corset Covera Ladles' Chemise Ladlea' Apron Children's Blips Ladlea' and Children' Diawers... Ui Ida Waists ...IV ...1ST. ...15c. ...l'c. .. 15C ...15C. Ladles' Trimmed Gowns lfc. Ladles' Trimmed chemise! tucked) 25c. Ladles' Hamburg Viounce Drawers 'J5c Tucked Princess Skirts tc Hamburg Corset Cevers (Cambric) SV: Children's Needlework Dresses '24c. WE ASSURE EVERY GARMENT GOOD MU8. LIS AND Or BEST MAKE AND rimsii. NOTICE. On account et the XXTRRUK LOW I'KICK et these geed and the llmltedjquantlty, we re serve the privilege of selling but One Uarment eta kind te each customer en the same day, thereby glvlug te all our pit run an equal chance te secure some et these URKAT BAR. UA1NB. We ad rise all te call early and 'get the best styles as they will certainly go off the quickest. Our Stere is Oeen Every Evening. pKNSIONB. SOLDI KRS who were disabled from wounds, Injury, rupture, exposure, piles, deafness, or who were, la oenseuusnos of their mUllary ser vices. Incapacitated for manual labor, whether trem wounds or disease, ara entitled te psnslen. WIDOWS, miner cbudren, ana dependent rel atives et soldier who died of disabilities een treated In the service, are entitled te pension, and by Act of Congress et Jan. 188 J. soldier of the Mszlean Warare also entitled te pensions. 1M0RKA8R. Thousand of pensleeers are sn UUed te a higher rating. Re fee unless sneccas ful. (lan refer te sua anoeaaafnl rJ&lmni. e is) unless i r successful el oMiuers, is wui easts , eest yea nothing te write ue, It grsally te your advantage. BCD. BfUL.IL Pn . AttTv. ana it may resaiii Tft nTlll Ijnwtr Cannt.'Pt. llMiliw ' Mis Underwear. mkn, JAOKBTO, JtaRBBYB. WAM, JACKlTa, JEkSiTS. WRAPi, JACEETS, JERbETS, WRAPS, JACKETS, JERSEYS. WRAPS, JACKETS, JERSEYS. Wraps Jackets. Wraps, ALL THE LATEST STYLES IM SILK CLOTH AND BEADED, AT LOW FRIOEa R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Nzt Dwr te tke Gevt Heatw, Ltieuter, Tauftu R EMEMBERTHAT METZGER & HAUGHMAN HAVE RKMOVED TJTIIKIR NEW STORE, 38 MD 40 WEST KING STREET! (oppebxtb mm oeophb heubf.) Bargains In Black Cashmeres from 12He. uptell.B, Black Henrietta, Black Armures, mark Bebastopels. Black Nun's Veiling, wtth Berder for Veils, Black Silks from lie. up, Black Rhadamea, (legant, at 11.00 and U.K. Yeu can see what yen buy In the Lightest Stere Roem In this city. METZGER & S8 and 40 West King 8k, JBWMLMI, H. RHOADS, JEWELER HOUSEKEEPERS Will flni TABLEWARE of all the Standard Grades in our stock. Spoons, Ferks, Knives, Ladles, Sugar Tongs, Berry Spoons, Sugar Spoons, Butter Knives, Salt Spoons, Mustard Spoons, Crumb Knives, Crumb Trays, Ice Ticks, Ice Tongs, Beef Tongs, Asparagus Tongs, Individual reppers and Salts, Card Waiters, Cup Waiters, Entre Dishes, Vegetable Dishes, Egg Boilers, Water and Milk Pitchers, Biscuit Jars, Baking Dishes, Tureens, Bread Trays, Salad Bowls and Sugar Baskets. H. Z. RHOADS, Ne. 4 West King Street, ' It you want Repairs Well rVBMlTVBB. This Space Reserved reB- HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, 37 k 29 8. Q,uecn St , LascasTsa, Fa. CLOThJ.SU. N' OW BEAD X 1 Our Ready-Made Stock -or- SPRING CLOTHING. W are prepared te show our New SPRING STOCK In Ready-Made Suits. Onr Assortment 1 Larger than ever before, and Price Lewer. We have taken special care te BfVup geed and Attractive Suits for te 8PRINU TRADK. and we fuel satlsned ear efforts have beensucoeu beensuceeu ful. Call and give us the benefit of your opinion. Onr Custom Department Is Stocked with all the Newest Novelties In Buttings, which we will Make te Order In the Itestniyle. FIT GUARANTEED. BURGER & SUTTON, Talltrs art Clothiers, NO. 34 OMNTBl BQUAR1, LAJ.GASTBK. tA. rOMBAIMOU MMB. TPOH RENT. JD Twe or tour room in rtmmer's New RuUdlnjr, Ne. ink North Queen street. Beat and gas Included. Apply at Sttils-tW RsUsaAfcaVBLlVBRTOFFlCR. 170R 8ALK OR RBNT-BRIOK 8TABLK mi siid let, itxk sset, en can tween Ksst Rlnst and Oman easily changed Inte a maehlna shop or ware henss. Kasy terms. U. C. RRUHAKKR. aie-ua A ttemsy-at-LB w. TTOUBB KOR RKNT OR HALE. mjL Uoesb wtth modern Isaprevements and steam heat. Largslawn sad yard. ATarlstref iruii trees ana grsps vines. He. tW North Lime Hiwh ppiyiu aprt-ttd KZRAF LANOIO, Ne. ua North Lime Street raOK HALB-A GOOD K8TABLIHHKD J! business. In the best loeaUon at Harrts bnrg. Ft, en North Sd street, sve Market, petft require mueh eapltaL flood r.ssen ler iusi i3 Lesast Ba HarrMhsri. Ft LesMtBtsUmshsra. P. WR1P8, JACKET, JIRSITS. WRAPS, JACKET, JKHEtB. WRAPS, JACKETS, JERSEY. WRAPS, JACKETS, JKRSITB. Jerseys. Jackets, Jerseys. HAUGHMAN, (Opposite Cooper Heuse.) Lancaster, Penn'a. Dene bring your work te us. miAMMWAMM. riQH A MABT1B CHINA, GLASS, QTIEENSWAEE. Heusekeepers Interest. Many changes are necessitated in every Department of Housekeeping through Spring Heuse-cleaning. Old Furniture and Carpets are replaced by new ones. As Harmony in Music is pleasing te the ear, se Harmony in Furnishing a Heuse is pleasing te the eye. Crockery is the one thing needful for uniformity in Heuse Keeping. New Mantel Ornaments for your Parler, Decorated Toilet Sets for the Wasbstand, Cut and Pressed Glassware for your Sideboard, Ornamental China for the China Closet, Decorated China Dinner or Tea Sets for Dining or Tea Table, or the Plain Substantial Ware for the Kitchen will always be found in Largest Quantities and at the Lewest Possible Prices. 15 EAST KING STREET. bANOABTBR. PA. O B.MABT1B, wreubau am maA wui n 411 Kinds of Lumbar ved OeaJ. ssTTaus Ha ISO north Watw as ranee BUsatA. abeva lewirm, Laneastsr. n-lv OAUMQARUNERSA JEFFERIES. COAL DEALERS. Oirtei t -Ne. IK North Queen Street, and no. BM North Prtnee street .. Tases -.-North Prtnee Street, near Reading BOKUtfd LANCASTER. PA. S1.000 Fer any esse of stldasv Tjrej. bTes.'Nervens OehUltr. MenW and rtysMaJ Weakness thatiROTANlO NRRVR B1WRRB falls te cure. Beld by "fWifMROca, Ne.UN.uuWjrkWPs. BWUIrenlarsfrasv swTsS-lveeBw EVAN'S riOVR. Levan's Fleur TBI BMT. M.TMsB MAM HiMmtiR, lit.. IJw.i1m1Jmsj i sVS1sf1 raMM BMTMM. V .v tl li e GRAND OPEN I -or- Beys' and Childrens ti. m, XV nti . srcaii innraasa snae we !SfmHmlk ilMBMBnl te give te the MtTbR rOt.RB UBlA u.j-. u. u annw our snpstB mtri adTantavM ih ..Li ..ii-.-lS'f We SMTBtasst r such a perfect sssertmsst et Ban. !$ m Litui mid's emu in All btjlea, ., : Little Min's Suits in All OjtitAltj,g Littti fa art Suits is All Shtism. M tun U 0! I ...S-n-fA uitic mm a euiw m aui nNflaTask' (Mil pr Our Increaaln trade In this denartsssait aMi V'K'.-J us te understand that we bad Bad n a Cmbn Buccea. ana nnwea ns inst we esa-s room. Ilavinc dlsDesed of all en rows ra enauifiu iri miw quo ui wis finest Kzb'iiitiens et $h BOYS' AND CUILDRIM'S Spring and Summer ever lean In this cltv. In ths larrest assaaaA li Mothers, you need net bother with Trmr B4M '' wmnwy wmii.nmu e QSl ena IHSBB 11 WBt we can fit them out at a vary little OOSttlfifl tend I hem beme with a smiling eevjrtSssnlK aud looking like a Ult'e major. - . Wn extend te you a cordial lnvltaUew t) and Inspect the goods et this department. Hirsh & Brether, ONI PRIOl MBBOHANT TAILOBf, -AMD- Clothiers and Fumlfiliflri, 0OR. NORTH QORRM BT. AsTB SOU ARR. ISJf CABTRR. FA. w ILL1AMSOH FOBTJEH. CALL US BY TELEPH0NI. WILLIAMSONS FOSTER. Don't Be Misguided, PLACE CONFIDENCE -1N- OUR ABILITY FIT YOU IN A SUIT -or- READY-MADE f I ATU IIUAei bV.Vs i n in us - j 3 THAT IS FULLY RQUAL TO CUSTOUMADR AND SRVRR1L LARS LESS IN PRICK. Children's Pleated Tunle Butts, II 00 Beys' Sack aud Cutaway Ceat Baits. Oents' Prince Albert frock Ceatantta. four-Butten Caraway Ceat Suits and Frent ack coat ults,lo.eo upward. . Uents' Light-Weight O veroeaU, 01.00 The Originality of Styles In Onr SILK NECKWEAR, Attrnet the Attention of all Well uemen Mew Styles-SCe. Upwards. Light and Medium-Weight Underwear. Mere'tles In Can and Peles (or Rote "; Children. i PliuuiauueHuiuiBi m u. v Hwm.v.OT VX UCUWVU.CU. New Shapes In Light and Dark BUST or Kelt Hats. A Very Large Assortment of SUMMER STRAW HITS. Beets and Shoes thtt have earned for 1 salvus m. ItsatlniF FA Is II 11100 fOT MbUISbssssI li..-..,lll... T'fr.' New Fashion In Ladles' lUnd-HasW Tlsa) $? Kisailnnnrsand ualier. - . :.?( Hiiui' UnTwm flaltara and V afllssT ftsmasMS $&& Kid Ualtera. ' & Children' and Bey' Shoes. Qssts' irssaROalr, sun irmsuiwn, in uu.grau sumi e moral. The best qualities and lew BttSSB. Traveling Rag, Valises asdTrnnks. W1LLIAM50H A FOSTER, 32, 54, 36 uid 38 Eist Klag t, LANCABTRR, PA. srstere close at 00 p. uu sxeept and Saturday. BOOTS ASP aneMB. TlM i as!!' N KW HHOE STORE. HIEMENZ'5 -NKW- - "--SfJ Shee Sterejmd Kactery, lrl i.s'i FUe Laes Baess. BUB. Men's Heavy Sewed Army Mm, ft m .14 Has'lBW-nau eiwfctv Rey' Lace Shee. e . s Bt go Ladles' rms w asM-sewsai MUsss' Flaa Rid Sprtsg. stasl. Child' nasi Boiar th ssssas, chUdj'tJoedPsobia atatssp. Ussss Scheel shesjLSOl sllase' Bpiiaa M3lM ws have rsmevsd two t W M0 MKOlTMVIlBlfl, ani-tM iimmi r Lf Infant RW """S2' "SI ESS Pebble Butten, a ilsism itdlS' Best PsDb.' RsHea, nmmtW . ... ass..j. asBLs "1 .Wy.'1. f ?.M ra -M m Im &s xl j afeja -tl . sSE ffiS ," u 1 VJ .ri ft. -C-'Zr, - r IV ., ttiSa 'imS'il&i6SJjji..U .t;K rff . 'a, lv i., , e?aiid1taWaatt jlJ, iiM &syyaH irtttlra