MSI ISjl HII ! ! 1 III SSTOB iakSOAOTKH DAILY IOTELIJ M( toer? mil sis EiwHOWtSt. :. " ttXsV ' -' VWW iS. O" r ".J. ' las a WM mi ma a teas, start fttm aa aassisias iw iipu Mia, Haj is :tc '!e ll CM H hi sat in Sw tss its a i M .IK 1080 MSM1SS8 USD M MM UM USD BID ilS 88 Kgipn moo MMta HOD sssssassss a att mm !'( Intelligencer tVlinr: WCDNUMY MOMMM. OmUUOINOlR. Leaeaster, Fa. CatuaftaimtUigtitttt LAHOASTEK, AFBIL M, 1887. WhewetheWM. , i tjw nuHuia trim u uuuuira uci NwDMBOontle assault en Mr. Randall. It sbbbw nftktf J&t W E-Saaa Ib w al a4 ab lit te a free trade blizzard that has him: or pretends te think se; jwAably it knows better. It is Itm that Mr. Randall is net in Sfttpatby with the majority of his Vartr en the tariff issue, though the party .fesa much opposed te free trade as he is ; itswn no eas ueeu uuwmwg hi uwcub iu u tm-la. HBSei SB Mem Lf 1.1 ilMIMMnMiM ours e m, mv MWtMiMiiHiiiainRMWcrnl in Htim. tu ajwiauua tima WMMmnmiunuinri Lv '1odiflcatien of the tariff duties ; and their "Is Modification is undoubtedly the paity's de- But there has for years, and ever i parties have existed in this republic, l great latitude taken In the malnten- I of dlTerse opinions, inside the parties, i this question, which has never been .lb. sole dividing party issue; and Mr. Baadall might have been permitted te ex. Mbii, without serious damage te him. litt, even the very great obstinacy -in Nsfcitinx party accommodation upon it -Wslch he has this winter shown, if he had J&lhiasi otherwise wise and acenmmndntinir. re&liiit he has been quite steadily recalcitrant WpBnA baa shown no proper dlspesl- ftHB te fellow the Democratic .leader, ,.WBem me sense or roe party recognizes in ?3te official head, the president. Fer soed or evil, and we have no doubt Igikat It is for geed, the party is led by the tCfrttident, and all who cannot keep step te fUi$kjk WMnalM .... .... r- T......1..1, Ul. seedless! v. se far as nnhlln nhsprratinn K gees, voted te pass the universally con- Mf denned soldier's pension bill ever thepres. ?.. Meal's veto. It would take a very neat man te de that safely in the present Dem- nmll- tamrrr, Ti'wTrrnif-,-'-1ft mil de It ' Reasoning Shoemaker. The shoemakers of New Yerk and vi- enlty te the number of about 6,000 threaten te withdraw from the Knights of Laber because of the quarrel of a foreman named Prank Campbell with the leaders of the turbulent Assembly Ne. 49. On Sun day 300 of the malcontents held a meeting and organized a protective union after listening te Frank Campbell's story of the tyrannical conduct of Master Workman rat?.)nlfin Tfn a.tM tfiaf. ha haii Avantmt .. SS"" . . "7 " -" contract between nimseir and hu employer wkich was sanctioned by the Knights of IXtaber, and that he was ordered te strike nreaK tnac contract Dy a man who JW peen only two years in the business. M Md s a workman, did net knew a shoe iei new a shoe I a.,.., . ..,. i .1, ji, ., .i . L I flresB a watcb, and it was time that work. I ,. Bt .... .. I (,'' PUt down tnese men." I tJi;tTbre Is a vast amount of sagacity in i"jU remark, and whenever there is con- "fsslten in the mind of a mechanic as te ther a shoe is a shoe or a watch, lie aaltAilj4 sAffa1s1T t ttur ilnnrn In tlwv n,r,J! pineal records as a specimen et cress-eyed SLanta1 nlalnn ?f But, seriously, this man Campbell ha? a tf rial grievance ; for because of his refusal te 'SJ'.break his contract, te which honor bound .,,wSmii, ue was ueuuuuccu ea - a acau ana ruireatenel with boycott. Laber men P490W that such a threat from an officer of . powerful labor organization means a tP treat deal. Wherever he went tbe brand J5l'ef traitor would fellow him, and he would :&? .Ifea tctmpA intn t hn rAnk of nnnmlaa a organized labor, his friends would forsake . him while his enemies rejoiced. This is a t .!-.. ....... . . .. u auiguvy weapon, ana inat it is trusted te a ;fw irresponsible men is a grave defect in p&tlia ey8tem of the Knights. ' t !! 1.4. V. 1.1 n tbt. On PrHav tievt-. avarv nr T vlvanla should either nlant a troe hlmuif per assist some one else in be doing. It will .tm aidqt uay ana it eugnt te be made the PvVaaett successful in the history of tbe insti. K tattoo of this day of forest preservation. i;. 'f This nuestlen anneals net-, nnlw tn i.e Btimental but the practical side of man's nature. It there Is extensive tree nlantlne- IgHe mpply the great annual consumption of ukw, me spring iresneta will net be se Ufxasaauuus, luerewuioeamere equal dis- .svanemmn ei ram anu a general temperature ltere equable. gj 4" e uuiy , ew 01 tne reasons for 'tetfrplantlng en the practical side. Th in a landscape view, as a place of , uw uuuie ui uuub anu ail varlntv lateresting animal life, has a world of te the man of rcsthettc develop. Fractlcally and sentimentally it ,t wisdom te plant trees, and they os) pianteu uy menunared thousand next Friday. i s s r Deaiiliikei Brewster. Justice Agnew sends te tbe Ma Prtu a very clear exposition f MM constitutionality of the high license tVvawb Brewster, ex-attorney general (United States, hat found tebeun- ittlOML The very high authority Agnew will quite outweigh that r. Hnwster, and tbe simple and lucid ttf bjte expositiea of tbe constitutional I involved wUl leave few te doubt I uivuif tu wm leave rew u aouet I tsMM of his position and te real. I (W mm baa net yet diminished I of bla judicial judff lla IllHlMlnl I..J I t.Aitrw jiwfv sua) uia CUB. I m ejtwe BBpreJudleedi he la net In Itmmw, me of aay lteenae law; (sstMOTssMUft .setese jaw- pax. Wmieeeble m posisenlag tae lUMlsTOhU44ieaaBaybave atrial. Wfr US'. TilMfss wlT Mt I" pacttevariy inter. M lathe legal objections ratted by Mr. Brewater and demellabed by Judge Anne w. being content te knew that they have been demolished. The license law is net a revenue measure nor does it lay a tax ; it Is passed te regulate the sale of liquor, and the payment of a license fulls only upon these who cheese te sell the liquor. The tlUe of the bill gives fair IndicaVieu of the purport, which is all that the constitu tional requirement demands ; and the clas sification of the licenses is as constitu tional as the classification of cities. We have net lately noted a cleaner wiping out of a legal opinion, than Judge Aguen 's of Mr. iirewster's. Csise Fer Alarm. An interview with Senate Clerk T. 11. Cochran, elsewhere published, shows that a municipal bill is most likely te pass the legislature this session. Is Lancaster prepared te accept without change, legislation framed without regard te the interests of this city, and with no knowledge of its needs 'i Such will result If, despite Lancaster's disapproval, a bill is passed, te the previsions of which Lancas ter will be subject. Would it net le the part of prudence for representatles of the city councils te go te llarrisburg at tbeir earliest convenience te learn the true situation of this legislation, and te act for the city's best interest ? Mes.ri. Bres'us and Wlckeisham are the gentlemen te whom the Heard of Trade has delegated this great duty of watching the municipal bills. Is it net time for them te be stirring themselves ? w Tin: New Yerk Sun call It (uskerdelphla. Pxtti's six New Yerk performances brought In receipts of f63,0u0. Ai a ducat gatherer the leads the world. Tiif. combination which has been evident for some time between the new Reading management and the Pennsylvania railroad has been further evident by the new dis closed fact that the control of the Jersey Central railroad has passed Inte the hands et these Interests, Including the Lehigh Valley railroad, which has long been In harmony with the Pennsylvania, It Is said that the Pennsylvania hu net directly be come a purchaser or Jersey Central, and Its directors de net figure among the proposed directory el the read; but there Is little doubt that it is in the combination in some substantial shape and has taken a hand in the ctpture of the Jersey Central elephant. We may net leek hereafter for much com petition In railroad management in this state, when the great railroad interests after much ebullition and ferment have anally been com posed into a step keeping march. m m Hkrr Most declares that all rUcetnen are "loafers, butchers and murderers," and that "Freemen must substitute bullets for ballets in this country." Most ought te be condemned te wash himself regularly, and te drink only one glass of beer each day. The Historical Journal, a monthly for preservation of the local history of the West Branch valley of the Suinuehanna. the Juniata region and Northwestern Pennsyl vania, has made Its appearance. Jt Is from the pen of Jehn F. Megtnnes, or Williams Williams pert, an old Lancaster ceutit tny. The tlrat number Is et high premUa ami it worthy of Mr. MeelnntBV reputation a au earnest. painstaking and forcible editor. Steaker Peel shed tears at the lack of dignity in the Heuse of Commens ou Friday when Saundersen was made te eit his insult ing words concerning the Irish members. The tears were probably el the genus croco dile. A eiieat many pteple criticize the literary work of W. S. Gilbert who, with Arthur Sullivan's musical aid, has wen feme as a librettist. They cjii scarcely dedne exactly where Gilbert's merits end and bis taulta begin. Fer this reaien they will be grateful te a writer in the Contemporary Renew who thus voices the seutiuieui-i et a large number of the cnlicH. His " hints of beauty and meaning," the writer Ky, "are frequently destroyed and rendered unintel ligible by the author's apptrunt desire te burlesque his own Idea ie show you a beaulllul thing, only teexiilalu the imnes .ihm.f ,.. r. . ' . .v "" . r """"J " " eii'iruw, uriue weakness Ol I in nhini.i Tk.n...i.. i . . I "" - w na.iie q UUl I QOVI , KfU I teanv definite nlace : It nnrf.a.1. .rT.h, and occurs when It Is net wanted, as well as when It Is consistent and necessary. We feel inclined te ineie nil our intellectual furniture out of theau'her'i way, much as we should de with our actinl clalrtaud tables, it we were talking tr a man who might without warning threw tbak comer, sault in tbe middle of his convocation." James MuXIanks has announced that he Isagalust Blaine ter the presidency In lbs3 lie has found out that the cat Is net gulag te jump that way. i J5. II. Raucii, tbe aenier editor of the Mauch Chunk Democrat, his begun. In that paper the publication or hisrocjllecilens of the workings of "The Underground Rail road " from 1310 te 1S55. A Mr. Hiuch was an active figure in these troublous times and, as he possesses a facile psn, he iiojpauleef making a uieit interesting story. The original intention of te veteran editer was te present tbe story in dratnatie form, feel ing that it would have a chancoef attaining equal popularity with "Uncle Tem's Cabin," but after mature deliberation he concluded te write the story for his own newvpapar. The Century magazine has absorbed tbe Southern Bivouac, and we may expect mere war sketches. rULlTJVAl, HLANU. Senater Jehn Hharman Tails About Leeking Altar KcncM and Laying flpea. rrem the Cincinnati Enquirer. "Well, hew did they treat you In the Seuth, senator T" Hlendidly ; splendidly, indeed," and there was a tone of unusual enthusiasm in hi voice as be Bald it "You're going horns te leek alter your fences, el course?" Tbe senator laughed heartily. "Dj you knew," he Inquired "hew that expression originates T Ne I Then I'll tell SOU. While I was secretary nf l he tra.ii i came home te Mansfield ler a few days at one time. As seen as 1 get there there was an influx of newspaper cerrespjudenta from all parts. Heme of tnem anneuueed that I was getting ready te run for governor ; ethers that LWW.1rklQ,5,u, bx,u l"r the president al nomination. One el them came te me and boldly asked me what I was deln iu Oa?e It Just happened that ou that day I bad con traded with a man te repair aeU,e leuces en my place that were In a tumb;ed.dower?n. Ultlen. Be when that uewspapsTm.n'L l, me what I was doing in Ohlel tow him that Inadoeme home te leek alter my lencea! lie published what I said; the tIvitZa was taken up by the papers and went all eve" It has even been used en some occasions in In the UrlUsh Parliament It'i ftuwy hew these political expressions originate. lit some city Just before election the Democrats em. pleyed an Immense number of laborers te lav water pipes. That's what gave rise te the ex. preaslen iayln' pipe.' Yeu remember that at one time the Democrats were called Loce. fboea. During a Deuiocrutle meetlna- in New .TSSL"10 participant grew se turbulent that u became neeetaary te extinguish the lights. The participants, left in total darkness, pulled . .. ., .t-i . . . ouUe000OiM' S?.ib.s d'(ttened matches ""-- w- w.w .M. HWUVWUlf eatea. " Ar Iders AequMUa . The Jury is the esae of Jean Arsnsderf eharged with the murder etRs v. Qeerge O. Haddock, at Hleux City, la, dlsagrswf aad were nnauy aueaargM by tbe court Seadsy. Theyatoedelsvenforaoqulttal and eae for OOS ViOtlOB. nMOMAX Ex CniKr Jistick AtiMKW says the high license bill la constitutional. PrkswkxtW. K. HuRK.efthe Plilladal phia Commercial Exchange, died en Friday. Jens C. Jknmnoe, late superintendent of the Cornwall A Lebanon railroad, haa been appointed general freight agent or the Mis souri Faclrte railroad. AsmiKU Caknkciik admits that lie Is te be married en Friday next at New erk te Miss Whlllleld, and that oil the follewlug day they will sail for Kurepe. Maihi: Mi-ANCHAitn's suicide at Vine land, N. J., was nut caused by Ue troubles, her Irleuds say, but by her opposition te the parental desire that she should enter a French com enL Kranch Scott Kkt Is te have a monu ment in Uelden Gate ptrk, Sat! Francisce, while Maryland and its monumental city, tlaltimere, are apparently tee peer te de him U-ls reverence. Mr. HAOrtARn't graplile story, " Jesa, " finds an unloeked-lor critic In TAt Christian Intelligencer, the organ et the Reformed church. It declares that Mr. Haggard baa iu that story misrepresented the Deers and de fends them with many assertions but lew proofs. Chikt JrsncK P wtn K Carttku.eI the supreme court of the District of Columbia, died .Siturilay night of cancer of the stomach. lie was knirii in Jttlersen county, New Yerk, Iu lSli Caief Justice Canter was appointed from Ohie by President Lincoln iu lMU te the position which he vacated by his death. Pkittt Kk(ihti:ii N et.K, of New Yerk, declines te register certificates el Hebrew marriages performed by rabbis. He holds that they sre net priests and net ministers of the gospel. The dictionary definition of the weni rabbi Is " expounder of the law," Net being mentioned In the new law, he believes they have ue power te solemnize marriages. Hrsui.v, than whom there are few mere careful Mudeuts or human nature, say a: "Children in their weakness are net fitted te de our work, but they prepare them selves for it by doing their own work, bringing Inte it all the energy of which they are capable. Play is but the childhood of earnest lifework. It is through play that nature develops In the child all the faculties of body and mind In a safe and healthful manner, and when properly guided he ac quires habits or Industry, perseverance, order and punctuality, and he learns tbe nature of things, if play means se much, la it net worth while te guide and direct it te Mil it with mighty influences instead of toellsh, worthless toys?'' At'KILTO MAY. 1 am speeding away; Se, my lair daughter May, Th3 earth will seen be In your keaptng. You'll find everything sew And In u ery geed form, In thoalrsteraiot dew, And the n In Jj softly warm Te coax up the creiuse, peeping. leua 111 find ten hll's green, And la alleys between Wild violets telling the s ery Of he 1 ciresieit them Mthsnu-waves and shower, And ltd them and dressed them, les, every smUl flower Thil sruUcs in its bine-purple glory. And my dearest child May, If you find things delay Like bud, which oft linger brown-coated De net worry or tret, Uut wait gently awhile ; Ihit a frown never yet Did the work of a stulle Is something I often have noted. Jane AVfu Jey, in bl. Jt'ichelai or Juy Parents, de net fall te give Dr. Hull's Conge Syrup te the little ones for cough, cold or croup. IJumpudfrem a car and sprained by anile, Salratten Oil the great pain extinguisher, cured 11 In thrett days. It Is new as weUaaevtr. MfMVUU. MUT1VMS. H. U. Cochran, Nes. 137 and 13) North Queen street, Lancaster, t'a, Is selling SlULOU'S LOUiill CUUK as a guarantee te euro all threat and lung troueles. (3) The Kxdtement Met Over. The rush at 11. 11. Cochran, druggist. Ne. 137 North Queen street, still continues en account of pnrsensanllcted with Cough, Colds, Asthma, Urenchitla antl Consumption. tnnrncnm&hnttlA of hemp's HaJsam for the ThriaU and Lungs, wnica is sum un a guarantee ana is giving enure satisfaction. It la a ataud&rtl Uuilly remedy. Price 3U cents and II. Truil tutret. elMwdaw Da. Uaeslsb Webm Strit, Purely vegetable pleeaant te take, will expel worms If any exist, no purgative required alter using. Price, 25 cents, ny ail arugguu. b8-3mdMWAr WHY WILL YOU cougnwhen ShUeh's Curt) win give immeumie rcuui. Price 10 cu , 60 cls.. and II, Jfer sela by II. B. Cochran. DrugsrlsL (tris CO Ne. 1 J? North Quben street. CauUuu. We would caution the Public te beware of Dealers eitrliig hemp's ItUsam at less than the regular Price, W centa and JI, us oftentimes Imi tations or lnicrterartlcles are sold as the genuine In order te enuble them te wll rhenniv ll tt Cochran, druggist. Ne. 137 North Quern street la our agent for Lancjjtur. Sample bottle given I ..'. -;-- niiwa Brace L'p. Toe are feeling depressed, your appetite Is wtjt, juu am uuiuDii-umui aenuacnp, you are HC :ety. nervous and trenerllrmitef sort, mil an no uraceup. uruce up, uutnetwitn sum ulnnta, spring medicines, or bitters, which have for their bails very cheap, bad whisky, and which stimulate jeu for an hour, and then leave jeulu erw condition than ueiere. What you want Is an alteram u that wiU purify your bleed, start hetdthy action of the Liver and Kid neys restore your vitality, and give renewed bealth and strength, bueh a medltine you will Hnd in fcltctrtc hitters, and only SO cents a bot tle at II. B. Cnchian's Druu Mern, 137 and 1331 -North tjueen btnet, Lancaster, fa. (3) TUB BEV. GEO. 11. TUAVEB, of Bourbon Ina , says : " Beth myneli und wife ewe our Urea teSHILUlI'S CO.NSUMPTIO.V CUUK." rersale by H . B. Cochran, UrnggUt, Se. W North Qneen street. (gj Most Excellent. J. J. Atkins, Chief of relice, Knervllle, Tenn . writes : My family and 1 are beneficiaries of I our most excellent medicine, Dr. hlnx'a Jcw dacevery for consumption J haMnir round It te baall that you claim for It. desire te testily te lu virtue. My fi lends, te whom I have recom mended It, ptulse It atoeryepportanlty." Ur King's Hew Discovery for ConsutupUen u g-uaruntucd te cure Coughs, Colds. Bronchitis. Asthma, Croup und e ery affection of Threat. Chest and Luns. Trial bottles free at Cochran's Drug store, 137 and IS) North Uueen street. Lan. cusUir, l'a. Large size, 11 uu. (3) NEVEBOIVKUr. If you are troubled with nervous or sick head ache, de net give up your case us Incurable. untU you have tried Dr.Tusllu' Special Prescription be the testimonials In another column. di-lw Uucklen's Arucst salve. The Best Salve In the world for Cats. Bmlsea. Seres, UleerB,S8JtBheum, rarer Beres, Tetter! Chappnd lianas. Chilblains, Cema, and all SMn Bruptlens, ana peslUvely cures Piles, or no nay required. It Is guaranteed te give perfect saUs saUs r&rrien, or money refunded. Price cent bar tex. Fer sale by H. B. Cecnran, DrugglsCin nfl isa North Qunen strw.u Lancaster, fa. .. . .. " f . . -.- . T aUlLiUll'B UUKE will ImniMllafAlv mii. Immediate' Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. Fer eping I . Cechri sale by II. B. Cochran, DruggUt, He. 117 North Uueen street 17) Us Bettls KrvaeTS A Cuaa. Mr. Oscar K. B. Kech, of AUentewn, l'a waa bedfast with In. Hammatery rheumatism In the winter of 1883. Doctors could de nothing te relieve him. He commenced using Gress' Uheumatle Uemedy Uy the time he had used halt a bottle ha could leave his bed; when he had finished the bottle hu was cured and has net had a return or the disease since. In his own words, M 1 leel better than ever before." Price It, by all druggists. JebS-jindHwer We Caution Against Win. The unprecedented success and merit of Ely's Creuu Balm -a real cure ter catarrh, hay fever and cold In tbe head-bad Induced many adven turers 10 place catarrh medicines bearlugseme resemblance In appearance, style or name upon Uu market. In order te trade upon the reputa tion of Kly's Cream Balm Don't be deceived. Buy only Ely's Criam Balm. Many Ineurlm- datlen of lu a pinlcle is applied Inte each ueblillj no pain; ugretuble te m. PrlcefO eta. all 2wdeedAw Mothers b Metbsrsll Hetbsrsll Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by as ck child suffering and crying wIU. the excruciating pain of eutUng teeth ? lT act go at once and get a betUe of Mils. WlNSMnTS MOrutNQ BiBUP. it WUl "Ve thee? UtUe snffer lmmedUtely-aepend upon It , tSiS U no mistake about It. TheU ncTa'i.etnS en eatth who has ever used M, who wiU net teU you at once that It wUl regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and reltel and health te the chUd, operating like magic. It I perfect! safe te nse In all cases' and pleasant te the taste and lathe prescription of one of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Beld everywhere. K cents a bout. mayw-lyaaw Uiniuw UTuriura ler sick haedaeh tarpld liver, biliousness and Indigestion, amall aa4eatyteswUew. onepUlaleso. Prtc,9c yailssrHMeta. fMBdTa,TM MtDtCAL. a TULoPuemoa for khbumatibm. Ruled by Prejudice. Few persons realise hew thoreachly they are controlled by prejudice eon te their own dis advantage. Fer many years tbe treatment of rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica and headiche haa been by some entwatd application, and therefeie, without stepping te think thttthe erlatn et these troubles must, from necessity, be Internal, the weary sufrerer continue te rub, mb and And no relief. Alhiopheros Is taken In terna'ly, and as a proof that this is the correct principle. It cures surely and iiulckly. The ststemtnt of these who have been turnl ought te convince ths Incredulous. C F. Uruce, Metuchen, N. J., says i "My mother had the rheumatism In her heart and was cured by Athtopherna. She says there Is no medicine like It." James W. Reed, lu Tenn Ave., rittsburg, l'a., says t "My mother, altheuih 77 years of age, was entirely cured by the use of Athloph Athleph Athloph re." Miss Carrie ratten, Kagle Village, .V. Tsaysi " my mother wat nearly a cripple In her arms, net having beenable te dress nor scarcely belug able te feed herself for three months, being In severe pain most of the time. Ths acute pUn ceased after taking three betUe of Athlopheros, but the continued te take It until all signs of rheumatism were gene ; having taken 17 bottles In all. She has net taken auy since last May, and can use her arint as well as ever. A num ber et friends have taken It, and In e ery case It hw given satisfaction In cate of stck head ache. It gives almost Immediate relief." Jehn M. Wolcott, fiffard, X. Y says : " I get a bottle of Athlopberos for a friend. She at once gained rapidly, and has net been troubled with the rheumatism since." very druggist should keep Athlopheros and Athlopheros ruis, but where they cannot be bought et the druggist the Alhiopheros Ce., Ne. Ul Wall street. New Yerk, wUl tend either (car. rlage paid) en receipt of regular prlee, which is ll.oe per bottle for Athlopheros and sec. for PUls. Fer liver and kidney diseases, dyspepsia. In. digestion, weakness, nervous debUlty, diseases et women, .constipation, headache. Impure bleed, Ac, Athlopheros PUls are unequaled. aprl Iweed . T WEAK MEN SutTerln from the effects of euthful errors, early decay, wasting weakness, lest manhood, etc., 1 will send a valuable treatise (sealed) con taining full particulars for home cum, FBKK of charge. A splendid medical work ; should be read by every man who Is nervous and debUI tated Address, rUUF. F. U.FOWLEU, mtsemdAw Moedua, Conn. TMPKOVED CUSHIONED EAB DllUMS. CURE FOR THE DEAF. eck's Patent Improved Cushioned Bar urums penecuy restore neating ana perform the work of the natural drum. Invisible, com fortable and alwara tn nosltlen. AU mnnm. Hen and even whispers neardjdlsUnctlr. Send for Illustrated noe with testimonials, FBXB. Address or caU en F. UlSCOX. SM Broadway, Maw Yerk. Mention this paper. InnalMvencUslrw QAFK, SURE AH D SPEEDY CUKE. O Unpture, Varicecele and Special Diseases of either sex. Why be humbugged byqnacks when you can find In Dr. Wright the only Bsoo Bseo Bsoe lab PHvsicua In Philadelphia who mikes a specialty et tbe above diseases, and Cvaas Tamut Ccua Ucaaairraae. Advice Free day and evening. Strangers can be treated and re turn home same day Offices private. DB. W.1C W BIGHT, Ml North Ninth Street, Above Uace, P. O. Bex S73. Philadelphia. lanlUvdAw QUBK UUAilAJiTKKD. RUPTURE. Cars guaranteed by DB. J, B. MATES, gase at once 1 no operation or delay rrem bust eess ttested by hundreds of cure. Main efflc. sn AKCU STM PULUA. Send fox Circular. Rd.1t.w RU1TUKE CURE UUAKANTEKD BY Ur. J. B. Mayer, 831 Arch street, PhUadet phla. l'a. Ease at once. Ne operation or busi ness delay. Thousands nf cures. At Keystone Heuse, Beading, Pa., 2d Saturday et each month. Send for circulars. Advice tree. marmvd tlttSX XUTAVMM. A' S9IGNED ESTATE OF FREDERICK Vellmer, of Lancaster city, Lancaster county. The undersigned auditors, appointed te distribute the balance remalnlngln the hands of Geerge Kuss, assignee, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that pur pose en TUESDAY, MAY 10, lxjj. at 10a. m ', In the Library Beem of the Court lleu.e. In the City nf Lancaster, where all persons Interested In tald distribution may attend. WSt .N Al'PKL. G.BOLSULXMSV, aprll 4ldU Auditors. ESTATE OF HENRY MILLER, LATE of Lancaster city, deceised. The under signed auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining In the hands of Mary A. Miller, executrix, te and among thee legally en Itled te the same, will attend for that pur pose en Thursday, the 5th day et May, 1-S, at 10 o'clock a. m , In the Library noem of the Ccurt Heuse, tn the City or Lincaster, where all per sons Interested iu said distribution may attend G It 1 11 KStll.Vtl IV all ltdM Auditor. AS-IONED ESTATE OF CASPER Krehlerand wife, of Lancaster city. Lan caster county. Casper a ashler and wife, of Ln. caster city, having by deed of voluntary assign ment, dated April 11, lsir. assigned and trans ferred all their estate and effect te the under lined, for the benefit of the credltors'.et the said Casper KieHler, they therefore give notice te all persons Indebted v said ssslgnur, te make pay ment te the undersigned wlthent delay, aud these having clalmstepretent them te MICHAEL HABKKBUSII. VALBNriNKSRElD, Assignees. . , Residing In Lancaster city, Jens A, C01 lx, Attorney. aprll etdU lLMMttAm. flQH A MART1H NA HALL CHINA, GLASS, QUEENSWARE. Heusekeepers Interest." Many changes are necessitated in every Department of Housekeeping through Spring Heuse-cleaning. Old Furniture and Carpets are replaced by new ones. As Harmony in Music is pleasing te the ear, se Harmony in Furnishing a Heuse is pleasing te the eye. Crockery ia the one thing needful for uniformity in Heuse Keeping. New Mantel Ornaments for your Parler, Decorated Toilet Seta for the Wasbstand, Cut and Pressed Glassware for your Sideboard, Ornamental China for tbe China Closet, Decorated China Dinner or Tea Seta for Dining or Tea Table, or the Plain Substantial Ware for the Kitchen will always be found in Largest Quantities and at tbe Lewest Possible Prices. uiaisiDNasfrBEEr. LAMOASTU, fsV, Cll HMiiTtii, VlUt. K EMOVKU. Having remove my Ceil and Kladllng Weed Yard from the corner of south Water and Andrew street te tbe corner et Seuth Water and Fllbristreel.tethe Batenslve Trestle and Ceal sheds, erected by P. Lebselter a Ce., 1 de sire te tnfern my trany friends andthepublle that 1 am prepared te rurnlsh tbe following grades of Ceal : Lykens Valley, Shaniekln, Schuylkill end Lehlali of all s1ae. Thanking the public rer their liberal patron, age In the past, and hoping they will continue te favor me with their orders at my new place of business, 1 remain ery Respectfully Yenra, HKNHYSMKTCll. Orders ten at 115 Seuth (Juren street promptly nttnuuvu iu. Telphunn connection, aMmd R KMOVAL I REMOVAL I AFTER APRIL 11th, 1 will be pleased te see my Irtends and custo mers at my NEW STAND Nes. 145 and 147 North Queen St Where I will hare better faculties and will carry the uiejl Complete Line of Paints, Oils. Varnishes and Glass, IN TUB CITY. URMKMIIRK-Thls Is the only store tn the city that makes aSPKCIALTTur PAINTS. and by se doing can compete with Philadelphia house, call and see the kBWSTOUB. JOHN F. HEINITSH, MX llSAlK.NOUTH. QUKF.M ST., LiJcisTXR, Pa. aprt tfd QALL AMD 8KB " -TUB- ROCHESTER LAMP, Sixty Candle-Light Beau them alt Anether Let of U11KAP GLOBES ferUas and OU stoves. THB ' PBRFBOTION " METAL MOULDINUAJIDUUHBIBCUSIUOH WEATHER STRIP Beats them alL This strip outwears alt ethers. Keeps out the cold. Step rattling of windows. Exclude the dust. Keep out snow and rain. Any one can apply tt no waste or dirt made tn ap plying It. Can be fltted any where-no holes te bore, ready for u.e. It will net split, warp or shrink a cushion strip Is the most perfect. At the stove, lleater and Kange Stere -OF Jehn F. Schanm & Sens, 24 SOUTH QUBEN ST., LAKCASTKH, PA. WM. A. KlK"KKit. ALUD8 0. HKKB KIEFFER & HERR, -DEALEUS in-: Hensefurnishing Goods ! WOULD CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO Fuller & Warren Ce.'s (TBOT.N.T.) STOTES, HEATERS. FURNACES AND BAN6R We ask no one te run any risks with "FUL LKU A WAUUEN'S " Goods. We guarantee them te give Satisfaction. As a ileater " TUE SPLK.NUIO " has no rival, belnjc a thorough het base, no part of this stove remains cold, every lnchet it radiates heal. As a Smaller and Cheaper Heater the "BKIOBT DIAMOND" has established Itself In the front ranks. The merits et the "SPLENDID" and "BBIUHT DIAMOND " consist In lieauty of Construction, Perfect Control of Draft, Cleanliness, ue Dust, no Oas and Economy et FueL aWCall and examine for yourself; 40 EAST KINO ST., f OPPOSITE CODEX HOUSE.) aaat-tMAw rum MALM UM MM. -CIOR RENT. C Twe or four rooms In Brimmer's Mew Building. Ne. 1MH North Queen street. Heat HU gM mciuuea. Apply ai febls-tfd UalMl IMKU'B ) LIVEBY OFFICE. TjSOR RENT A FARM WITH 8 ACRES A! of Land In a splendid condition en the Strasburg Turnpike, about 4W miles from Lan caster and 1 mile from Millport. Fer further particulars Inquire et MBS. ELIZABETH BAMP, apt-tfd Ne. SM West Chestnut Street. HOUSE FOR RENT OR SALE. Meuse with modern Improvement and steam beau Large lawn and yard. A variety of fruit trees and grape vines. Ne. tSO North Lime street. Apply te EZRA F. I.ANDIS. aprt-tfd . Ne. &u North Lime Street "RtOK SALE A GOOD ESTABLISHED SI business, In the best location at liarrts burg. Pa., en North Id street, above Market. Don't require much capital. Uoed reasons ter selling. Address, O. W. E. ae-lind iei Locust St., IlarrUbnrg, Pa. - OSAX. D & atsVBTia, wwef.astf astd as an, ssuxsa ra All Kinds of Lumbar and CPeaJ. aWYaas: Ne. 40 North water and Prtnea Street, above Lemen. Lancaster. as-lvfl T3AUMCa.RDNEItSdc JEFFEKIES. GOAL DEALERS. Orric : -Ne. 129 North Queen Street, and Ne, 164 North Prince street Yasde: North Prince Street, near Oeadlna Oeadlna Depet, ang Utfd LANCA8TEB, PA. OAJIJUAWaW. S' TANDARD WORK. Edw. Edgerley, OARRIAQE BUILDER, MOB. 40, si, 43, 45 MARKET STEEBT, Hear et Posteffloe, Lancaster, Fa. 1 have la Stock and Bulid te Order Bvery Ta rtety et the following styles : COUPES. BUGGIES. CABRIOLETS, CAKKIAGES.VIOTOUIAS, ' BUSINESS WAUONfl, "T" CASTS. MeCALL WAGONS. SUEKIE8, "", MAUEKT VTAUON8, PUACTOKS, KXPttESS WAGONS. I employ the Best Mechanics, and have radii ties te build cerecUy any style of Carriage Osv sired. The quality, Style, and FlnUh of bit Werk, makeelt decidedly the CHEAPEST 1st THE motto ': Fair Dealing, Honest Werk at Bot Bot Bet eom Frtees." Please give aae a calL ReiaJrlag Freaiiitly Attsti.e. Tt. FBI0E8 LOWEE THAM ALL OTHEEa. . AW-On Set of Werkmen aspselally SBpleysd for that purpose. TERRORS OV THB DBNTAL ORA1R DISAEMED. Teeth extraetad by the ass of alaetrletty per SseUy sais ana aamleas. My SMS Ml SSS? "" t uatailaitkaa 1 aaa amreaaaa. MU ft lpt4altv. .filw; .wiLr I V tWJsj txiAAAwu .-.,.,., vaJsasw, I sa,, a a svtv- ..,. m,m ,a si,ivMa,WM.aa,JvJM H AUKK A HROTHBK, Window Decoration ! AN ART. The display of Dress Ooeds by the Messrs. 1IAGER & BROTHER, 25 and 27 nest UigHt., Thisfmernlns; Is unique and Intended te show ths varied character of their 8prtns; Stock. The large Centra Window. Is filled exclusively with Silks or French, Japanese and American Manufac ture, soma costly, ethers of low price; the West Window Is filled with light wool Fabrics suitable te the early Bprlna Season; the East Window Is filled with French and American Satlnes of the most varied designs the whole producing a combination extremely attractive and well worthy of examination. s PR1NQ DKESS OOODS. 33 and 35 SeBta QaerH Street. (OI'F. FOUNTAIN INN,) ABE OPENING TO DAY, LABOE LOTS OF Spring Dress Goods In the New and Desirable Shades. One Let of Cashmeres at 5c per yard. An Elevant Llna nf lllairnnal VfV.w,. ., ,n and llKc iter yard. At J6c we show an elegant aaanHmainr ..iW.htT.eUJ8b,t.,ine of All-Weel Tricots, In Plain. Mixed or Plaid affect, at Bec. a yard) In HM ... Special Bargains -IN- REMNANTS! OPENED THIS DAY. One Case Wamsutta Muslin Itemnants at su0 per yard Alse N and M Bleached Pillow y.m-m jnutius,ana lu-t meacnea eneetlna Muslin at less than cost of manufacture. H The great demand for our Carpets, oil Cleths and reatbers, Is owing toenr pilces being the 33 aid 35 Se.ll. (Jaeei Street, (OFF. FOUNTAIN INN.) 'marlSdydAw B LOSTON STORE. Grand Opening OF LIGHT-WEIGHT SPBIH& Am SUMMER Dress Goods -AT TUE- BOSTON STORE, (OUT GOODS AUTUOBITT.) Nes. 26 k 28 North Qaeea St. (Between rostefflo and Centre Square) Saturday and Monday, APRIL 16 a 18. Bueh a Collection of Seasonable Draw Goods has Never bean shown la this city. We will show everything THAT IB NEW AND PRKTTY, It will de you geed te see these goods, even if you de aet wish te bay. Wl WANT TO SHOW YOU THESE GOODS And will spare no fort te convince you that our Style and Prlres are Unequalled. Fancy colored Plushes, Satins and Flask Or. namsnU for Faaey Werk, a specialty, at enr Original Lew Prlee. StammBros.&Ce. bard t Mcelrey bard 4 Mcelrey H.U1VLEKACO. NEW GOODS! .(NEW STILE Dtsm Olngtaama, Mew Ratines, Me w Drears Goods, NEW HOSIERY. uiup?' Bey Me,,,r'. e, aa. Se, ion, itefup." """' X ae-, se, Ma, AW-Cems and leek at our Banalna. cheap ter cash. '" "aains, MnS.Givler&Ce, iMt sTJ aysrStM, LANUA8TBB.FA N KW YORKBTORK. Efery Day Brings Beniethliuc New -TO TUB- New Yerk Stere. The Latest Additions te our Immense assort ment of Few Spring Dress Goods Ate Nove. Dutflgn. an Colertngt In enr well known Fine Saxony Suitings, Forty Inches wile, at 5e Cunts a yard. New Colorings In our Famous Mix and Weel Combination Suitings, Forty Inches wide, only te Cents a yard. Fllty InchSUlLLCUECE BU1T1N03, 370. a Anether case of ysrd wide ALL-WOOL BPKINU SUITINGS. Lfght and, Medium SimV., only SJe. a yard. ' ' We open today (Saturday) s'veral esses or PLAID ANDSTttllH.1! NAfNSOOKs7fSaitbe recent trade sale In New Yerk. These will be found tone the best value eter shown In these goods. Alse three let of CttEAM AND COt.OUKD CUETAI.N BCUIMS at special bugaln price. EMBROIDERIES. TO MATCH. oteurowa special ImporUUen at very low price. WATT & SHAND, 0. 8 ft 10 EAST KLNO ST., LANCASTEB, FA., J. a MARTIN A CO. Housekeepers Wanted Clean Carpets. DO YOU KNOW That Cleaning C'ariwts by the hand, or rather trying te clean them, ruins them ? DO YOU WMT Yettr Carpets dragged ever the ground and tbe life clubbed out et them by a man who thinks bT i cleaning them. NOT IF YOU KNOW IT We thought net. If you want te avoid it, try tbe new process. LANCASTER -STEAM- Garpet Gleaning Works. Carpets cleaned by the New Precess; and returned same day, whether ralnlnger net, and guar anteed perfectly clean and free from moth Injured. If in jured in any way we 'willgive you a new one. Steam drives ;the ma chinery and does net enter the carpet. Our machinery is the latest patents, and besides cleaning it restores the colors, and makes them as bright as when new and thoroughly aired. Send for circu lars. PRICES REDUCED. Freight Charges Paid one way en Oarpets out of the elty. CABPETS BELAID PROMPTLY. "OKDEKS TAKEN BYfj Cer.Wiwt Hag ftPrlaw lis, isaatusTas. rv W Tatspaeae QeaaatllWi J. J. 6. Martin & Ce., S4 ,a ?X l! , ,-iAZLcii&iiZi 'J2&ii&&l&&&!XKtel!l,lJ ki afrtJaA