PMJf5J'JTtV.'" M nr3r?T7VT?r?7TTT TtJtW ... . v " kr - i- f TtflT.. li 1 V . M V, IMMM BWn Ml IIIM B M WaTt, iBBraaaeatHteFaet, I'mUUfl In ptwtenete pratee that injM Butwewatfltilerthnalgn of lilt '"t'''t,(WllAlftBieaaiilKmpurbloeli there- Wbentar a nualUi of pltr rail boHeb a wound nt & mnm. Lb3HiW.I1jc palng up te nireechei te WhATOr sprln ( 'heallM1 16 '!!(!.';,?. ajaaterUHsan Indeed I ' "'' "" Whererlh ego ana f ariWth1irwwed A llurat forth fr knn in tliit liOTin el tha nlaht i fWirtUNIiAM'teflMMl'fhltantAil of " recrae, iilj. And truth win a ini or a kingdom the Muter larlaenlndiKd I There' a world moving annwbaatid Ua&ward, ye am called te the front 1 je mint lead I Behind are the arave and tha dukeHii lha , ffs&Sa&fHi "'"''ywftw "" aVw WfgeHlag ma Uallaa at Mia ratty at .. nvttif te 4 . f lWf. imT tha Kentucky Deinecratlaclub In Cevlngfcd, Mr. Cdrilaltfuiae1' abort apMeb, from which the fulieadng emtiaet la.taken : , i ;MutlWrfaVT Wilt rDamieMlltlU1 1 wnuldr ba Unworthy of our. name If we al lowed any number frMditHw te dUbeartan tie. Tha arnwlh of the Damocralle uartr In thelMtjeaihW.bafikrendkrfjiV At tha oleae of the war wa war entirely out of power-,' we nad mo-mHes "or patrthafa,' and ware practically eatraclted fremjaienara.lB the affairs of the government The IltaiM raev had a political, faith founded en the ixlnrlp 'Inleeef JHieraen, and they feui I i gallantly ftakeut Antr-eq ramM. T T There haa never bean a time elnee 1870 when the majority of the people. Mere net in favor of the principle of the Democratic party. I aencv. and at all election, no matter hew a mall ataaaaweaciaraantitbey raay aain te he. Me parly can beaucceaaful In any country uaiaaa-ltkaaprtaetiae taponwhtek -it will aUkelwarlatenMbareM'bia pebple. Thla oeiintry la futlht'fagkrlea'bn the power of gavernuenL ..Hee.,waut it te become, a Kraal eleakiaaybary laatluitlen lectha tre n everybody ; aeme want It te ptrfCUaaaT tha rallruadaand telearaph llnea: apma.want It te InSfiinr'wIffl'the peeplenf 'pflV'alS tual. &"" aftme w,auUt te lean ujepey toindlgaet peefn, .It la impeaalbie te enumerate -tea acbetneete rob the taxpayer for the benefit el aomebedy elae. We muat eareroetaeUaa Hoclallalle tneerlea abroad In the land, ww Uiuat aland atety where (et the pioteeUon.of both .aapfiaU and labor. WeUnwati ataad avery wei far tkelgbUef tnan te'dfj butf butf haaawllhihelrewji money lathalrewaiway. irtDaffteWWWifty Joea net dethlalt wejrhtawweiloaaaete eilat"-- . A Oeatamplalaa mat aewalat 8bdkere.; " rroai'awreUtg'ajVtltr '. - Richard T, lieaf,; lnmbr.f the E.4'0,' Breeke Iren, company, .of IHrdabern, de claraetkat the iron Werk et hie valley were novdelng-M) per cent of the buelneaa.'tbey dldjijxty day age. Then orders Went beaj gltijb because no 0110 could lilt them. New loe Iren men go Ixfauiri Ht5iathere ana noerderi A iiMrketiMtiuet bnfeunil ter the production en ncceimt of exorbitant ratna el tiaiiaerlatl m. llerKtnh re tha charge en rnl'n li)Clilen; wnaten cent per hundred flKhl; new u rait;s'fTini twenty eight te forty cunt Tne llroekii nail work will abut down next vreek. Tula will threw aeeral hiinilrtal men iMit,e( pm ploy uieut and para Trouble Vf Ith lha Currlcolem r rain tha Uiuatia Y erld. Flrat Omaha Dame Hew I your aen get ting en at kgf ...... Heoend Omaha Dame Nplenilldly, but I am atrald be ntudlea tee hard. I get a pri- Iatefjele 6) hfM rfcema aving jnef tfc iiikfi nlr aj'i'JaeFialwaalieKknlug li tea) areiAnrnllh J aiM aVa Inaki add f blui ' "Dear me!" ' Yea, Isn't It awful I I have written te the faculty.teuk tuiu te ixuae the peer ley from any (urthac attendance at the lecture en r xlpjfy. . j Wbfl II He? from UiaJThlludelphla InnHtrer. it bKBingular. that the VVuatern Union ebeukl be ae reluaUet te lay It aire under ground, when It la ae ready te put them under water. In Tew and faealef. The aeeU of Intermittent aaitbtllnu remit tent Jferer (tcrjnJuMe'mml bear evil frail. Sn reramunlty hn altogether etesped It. In populous ward of large cltlti bal aewage caue It, and la their tuburbt ttagnanl peala In fanVen loll breed It. There It at once a remedy and a meant of prcTcntlen. It name In Het tettcr'i Stomach Hitter. wilchl, with out prra(liTnturel'the;nnst,petent antidote In exlifencctethc raaarhtl rtnia. Kerttiled with thlflnremparable, iatlng rpcelde, mlsmatle IntTttenrcj may he encountered with atunlute Impanltj".' JDKOrdcrref the ttemach, )Ur and l)0eI,"liclfett(?h by inlasma tainted water, or any ether laune, lurrumh te the beneficent corrective named, and rheumillc, kidney and bladder treutili a are mrclr remnt able by Ita ute wbiu it lglteua pcriUteut trial. . . :ii.ln-gi -I! iTftill III navar falla te irlve ullfaciten. North anuth Kaaland Wuit, Dr. Hull's Cough eyrup 23 cents Mr H. 0 ItblDy.'er rtirtlfitnllable Aaaurance Becl'ty. of N. v .status: Tht h w cured of luuibagoJiyjiaiteUen ulllUialuura- mPBVIAI. .fiOTlV. A tlaptlat Minister' Kxperlenea. 1 ana a ItunlltiiUilnlster. and llirel uvea jHa-ff f uiU a cicf aijkiaii l kautiU4lU dlcfna. but left a lucrative nructlce for mv tA auei pn.sent profession, forty yar age. I we for Butay.yuars Jt.umnir -tBeai.aiilusy- Thewuit' Kctectrie VMcurvdine. I wa also troubled with hnHrMMiOBS, and lAemai'' Kehclhe Oil alwuy rollevmtuHk Wy-wllka4blld awldlphtBaHa; and ITietnat' Kctectrie (ML cured tbuui, and If taken In tlme It will cure seven times out of ten. 1 am confident It Is a cure for the most obstinate cold,ercouKh;atldlf Wtiycnfc'WIrl takeKiSnal teasiioen mid 1ml f nil It with the Oil. and thfei S lace the end. of the poea-ln-onenoslrll and rfB-ttl Qti out e the apoen into tha bund, bx ulfflna a Jfedajs ibex v-an, nutll tit (MlTalla ever lute (he threat, and praetfte It twice we)hJ;fj,1nIt'c,lTe,howeB0ra their bend wonder te tnycertAln BnewfadKaTinafE only inedlcln-deed patemt-Biedtctna-'tharl have leus te afle ItTntivtfry place, for rwllVeulhat 1 wevi Burvp wiauifnvjb'uT-err-xiQiaaB.Bnf' Pr t. Craae,Cerry.iav - - '. :". rer sail by II. ll-Ceehran, drugt1i W aadf North llnoen atreet, Laucutar. &v ., ,..... (Mad !' "Fer several months 1 enduffda dnlt 'pun lemuia iny iiiiihb aiiu suumucrsj iifsb iny rptrlts, appetltl eoer.'aao) eauld with diflk eu'ty rewale from my bed. My prvsent healtaV Inl condition I due te Burdock Bleed Bitter m" if.Gddirraai)4ngKTtTl lireeit ineauir. , tf .. .. I' . ' '. teW-Uedge BtWkV I J" Thla gentleman Uvea In Emporium, Pa, and aays, tine of itrrnWn7MnY'Lwl4. while work mw::wwEmm morning lhaven v never let aeen ae aoed a medl eine rer sale by It: B." Cbehran, drugglat, MT aaavia.NeBh wiihiii SUSB14 assswiaarsir c ' aKrwIajfjayiki. owl.' ' eipehnTXtS.wWiKafwe! rea'mircel'in ertbless umdl. KS ft.9-M!ffl ve never ihvi 'i"""" riiraaenieeelad elrenlaUone m'hl rJS?J r0!SV.laau 'aVirkiabaT ' ?i22,,,2P,,rt u' D& ls Werth Quad atreet, lnaaatar a -j . ! j. r m i or by us i nei a It, aoed Let'i glsandVflaaclg.; 'drug si&rHalSSSu Of the BlM , JRaD4tlarteraeaauialyj)Mat) sleek are aeaa i''.""'-"!. . aTea ei V9a?l?iaK WaMiM nru T ll'llwr . mU- 4-i4 ulXi-4. ' nitl Mif.) iniwtil"lti""NH(Hfci11 , tf ) m twef i4i rxwupm niLi.iti.1 iw. .n i v 4 cr Cu i je ulnlil 3i ffMtta .- rt. " I Hi1 u, uu ivcrt Purify YeurilM- tefceea well. Barlfr lha blend btakl..a Heed' Banapafflla. TkU medicine ft-MtaMUM designed te Mt apen tba bleed, aaa threagl ad tcretlfcifaaSifciFamoiteWltalfta the aptem all ha mera, Impnra partlelea, and eawte MtUraaleach th lung, llvar, bowel. kMaapvaaCakln. It effectually aid weak, Im paired and debilitated ergane, Invigorate ta ion, ana inv C7hrSyP2IIil" " function aswtflkaTBtNw '"" WtMttVttftrfnYflkenV ewSf VM6llkpteWfWM L while It eradleate disease. I mail iay lloed'a aarupanua ia uw nan :ly?Minssm ealkeata aanata laaslla a veracious." at a M.v.iiaYABn.auaniieuiiy. .J. nt d ii rt', M. B'-lfynu have made up your Bind te get BiraapaHiyie net uas eay einer. .- i l-aTlBBri'C Iiu.l'l odte leaf fVf aVai J Bmd by all nrnggtita. It i afa fur Ckf by ul.iluuiCArCJk.waii, alaaa. ... ..W -flfitt'i ".IW.i v;;i r-iaat.i.rna.M mui.i ii j..j -. k.Ha(sfetiaVr " StMMONHIilVKK i II An i !' IMMONHMVI RKUUL.A.TOK. 11 IN1U Itunl'lfl s ...f iv - -' .: r. .tti i a r.iji i.h..,!5 .ij-J J J -, '.;; u r :t Simmons Urer Regulator. HMUi Vital feT7T trial I &. I Mlf ' (!anM 'Ike gamnaeh 'and Vlna)atn Vsaei tch'ae whole' disordered and the wkeiaayatilVUjJtfCfr freut debtliry'ln sir arnica? timmttnr I ri.ivvr a eg. ulaeer give wtrmipt relter. "Fer soma time past in ay I illy nau neen nut ei orear ana i.ieu feneraiy reed for nothing. (' was tnaaeeqta ry Mmmnn Mver ttegulaler It action wai quick and thoreuk,.aud. u Imparted a brisk soe vigorous leeiing ii is an ezceneni remaay.' .". IJrl nn'i "I ant a nractlrlmr. nhvslclan at thla Dlaee. tltluic physician at this place. and find Hlinuiens MegulaUir te be excellaotle and nnaaimmeus KegulaUir In be excellaotle rt via a -tone te ke itttwai and tvewlauwg-tbe liver p- "B.U. gLDaa. at. i. , i .1 II. ZgII.I. ACO.l'roprtaaeTsV" aprlteedatw l'hlIadelibta.Pa- . as uMiunaiBi kW m tl'OXBOl'A1 I ,,,ll TOs,u iI'EOU'ICH. IIR-llDAfUkkYSl I v ' Itoekol All IMMtMM, Cleth and Held Binding, Kllt Tagei, with steel Kngravlng, MAILKlJ.rhJtlC. , . ... , LUtef Prlaclpal Ke. Cure. PrlcM 1. r avian, CnBgesttmif lnflTnrnat1cms.r..:....2S 1 Worms. VVpnn rt.Tyr.Werm Celic 53 4, J)aaaaaoiie.erchlldren.1r kdulu a. Dvmtsar. UrlplnK.iaileus Cqlli...v..."j.a a Cbelxrs atcRars, vomiting. ..;.. ::..;. ..'.ST 7. Colen, Colds, nrnnchttls , SS sManarta,TMV!ant. kpwIw ...... a. llsDtHas, Sftk lliwduhe, vertigo 13 lu. Dvsrvrsr a-. -titikiBteiDnch.M-:. -.-. a 11. SDrrHBMBDOr PaisvtL rakrei a 12. tvniTB tee Fmfus ifarled...,....r...3 IX Caerr, i;nugh, IMfflunlt UrvatbiagT....,. flfTSa ii. 1-alt aMii-if. Jcnsipelaa, jtrupttenr.rr....;.ta 15 KiiacBTaHnvuiWVlalVliJ.s.w. .,--..! la. ravaaaan Anca. chilli. Malaria Jtr 17. ilLB. Illlnd or llleedlnif no 111. I TABaHr4nrliieua, Culd lnthailead......50 se. WHoerfBircdraaT violent Oeaghi..:. in si. Ubbbbal Daaiurr, l'hyalcal Weaknea....M 17 KibBBV liiaBAaa...... 91 a) NBBVOUB IIBB1LITY BLOO an. Ubikabv Wiimm, Wetting lied 54 Q ".!!" or a-BBHBABT.rai piaauep. t..ausa rMfbm 'trtrnRfaaTval AureTaiii j''7i I of nivea.- rnltenat.N. Y. teb-lyeedAw rj.Ka.Y'8 8PK01F1U MKD1C1NE. THiJkAkk&nitti4iKrlMAl un falling care for Seminal Waaknes. Kpermater rhea, Inpoteney. and all Ultaaaea that foUew : aaiti0flcirrarxmse.'aVLoak'ef Wiinery. Unlvrrstl Uuslluda, l'atn In the llack. Dullness of Vision, Premature Old Ageuwd many ether dlaaaaeathatlead te' Insanity or C'ousuaiplleu and a Prematura Urave. 0f rull pirtlcnlars In our pamphlet which we destra te sand Iraa liv mall te tiverr one. dsTTha afiacine Medlclna la sold by all drug. Klats at II per package.' or six paclaiie for lv.Pl wilt Iterant frua iiiv mall en tba recoptef the money, by addressing 111K UttAY atKDlCINa: CO, lutTale, N. Y. On account of counterfeits, we have adopted tha tallow Wrapper ; the only genuine. Uuar anteraef cure Issued. Beld In Lancaster by II. H. Cochran. malV-erlAw T UK HWlrT 81'KCIKIC CO. aHa'fei -CUltKH- Cancer, . . Scrofula, Eczema, Ble.?MPin (aria, Ulcers, And All DUease Caused Frem r foul wlal aaTuBcar ati the a near the tareai. The nun vn Inceaaant. cana. Ing less of sleep and producing great nervous prostration, accompanying this trouble was rheumatism, lthadpaaaad Irnmthe abeulder and centered In the wrist of one hand, sbe almost losing the use of It. hatwran tbe suffer ing of tha two, Ufa bail grown burdensome, by tha me of a bottle of Mlfi's Hpuclnc shi was entirely rellnvrd and restored te health This was three years age, and theie has been no ruturn of the dfaea. II. L. MIDDCKIIHOOKS. 8patta,Ua., June 5, I486. arTreatkN en lUecland UlOsTJUeafe Mailed THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., .itfrnWirTttMii. nivdAw 1S7 W. fM ST., N. T. JCILY'ri OBKAM BAl.M. OATARRfl-i'HAY' FEVEB. ELY'S CREAM BALM CLKANSK" TUB UBAD, ALLAYS INgLAMMATlOR, UKALS TUB HOItKS BK8TOBE8XUkSKNbl;ier TASTC, SMELL, II BAKING. M kkkLvlltB.,i: matL reglaUtred.TK) ct. Clrculsja free. LY BKOS, UruggUta, Oiwege,N. T. inlySS-lyeedatlyw tJAFE, HURK AN I) HPJSEDY CDKB. kJ atnptnre, Vanceaelejuid Special Disease of either sex way be numouggee eyquaca when yen can And In Dr. Wright tha only Kaoo Kaeo Kaoe lab Paraieua In Philadelphia who makes a apeclalty et the above dUeaae. and Ccaaa Taaait Ccaaa Ocababtbbd. Advlee Free day and evening. Strangers can ba treated and re- T. O. Bes en. Philadelphia, lania-lvdaw TMPHOVKD CIWUIONED EAR OKUMH CURE FOR'THE DEAF. aek'a Patent improved Ctuhtened Bar Draeu pertaetly reatera hearing and perform tk wert el tba natural dram. Invisible, com fortable and alaravatn nealtiOB. All eon van. iuneuy.jaa TwaMlyw liil) Ma li nm WW a amy wr. wu mpwnmu wtOUtlUftefl wiiuiTanwiiiMii DearaAau wstmmtib&xmff .3UJAV fll3HT ItfVnt y f 4 jiAvitiNiuu' a mm .Mralatfke cVMth waaaaatt. - Jraairr yaatr.faen of Heed a nraaaatlllax ftcUJ) laat.vl aaadattkltaeawn. IIUYMMaBl'Mr elaa. If you have never triad It, de te, aad will be oenviaeaa ur ltd aaaaiwr raanr. fiem my blttTaMIWaWlMWel aeUva aad atreng aa atte." . . . W. M . waoaaaaea, )',k, Brooklyn, M.T. aine, aaa I ana ujajt mtaa aad aiakekai w2SSS UMtaerne. i, rnaaai Hlbadaaltrkaaaa antetlng eaaalaaytfj work. 1 te k thi ea ti WTftX w. ,..!: tJtrj3 fitti:'Wat r'P & WmBSSBSBOS Umik 'Vr'tkl drdigtela. HI ali . Pre pared by 0. V HjeTT UO, Lewell, Maaa. nvtMakf) Q HDtal n ttmt NUMBk. JH.OIVLEKACO. ABB nuawiMe .1.1 1 . .1 li. II. I I I. Ill li nejr-i j Hi 40arpets tfcOil 4mSas Me. for one vard wide t eee. for tweyartanaav' j-j" u Tfcrae bjtoeI. atrlpn.agaurpa,ealy 'aibrrfKrinnni WrtaiiAFkaiat aJt ) .n.i,i ,b i Jtlxtere. u. i- .a bteatn cot ad reathara, warraatad rCTaan-tiOOorll,enlaae. ' '-Kawoedfn-vert IHeartateMt.-1-...iiu JraiytkuvgCbaapferCaah. - ... ., U Oeyu.Marked lp.Flaia.ruam.. , ' JeM& Oivler&'Gei,1"" - n. tatah.Dry. floedaACarpeAHeBeaj i - t. '-mOi-aBt ateM'aUatk MrMt,u ' " ... 1 1. UaJtbAetiiVrl ... 4- ...I . I a . il. , i . j . . B. MAKT1N A CO. VI H -7. iv li U J. B. MiRTIN & CO. NOTICE! If veu need anjihtngln our lines while rernr ntsblnir pl-asa bar u In mind and de net for get te call ou us. 77 Oarpetp, Mattings, a.',.... ...... xi.Wall.pere. Decoratieos, Rugs, UpheiBtery, Ourtaln, Draperiee. ViHi4-Hf,-'lfl.:l Oortleene, OU Oleths. Obina, -,Expeit paper.nangen, Uphehuai ehjali (UnJara lrniukailv and all1 rremViuy and lully guaranteed. Alta irara anal erkddasa Altering aad nciaying varpeia prnmpuy uene. ORDERS TAKEN -reH jux- A!KLGA'S,T:'ER STRAal- Carpet Gleaning Works. eMull JiiJI ,lfi Llt.M i.lfilii,Civ1 g a. f a .fter. Wewt KlBg- Prtaw8tV ' ajai.phMn' JJJ,i SB - '" r".'1 11 i -...z RUHTURE-OURE QUARANTKKD BY Dr. J, , H Mayer, Ml Arch atreet, PhUadel. Phla, Pa. Baaeatonea. Ne operation or bail. Send ter circular. Adrtpetrae. marl-lvd RUPTURE. Irere" III telisth a.HvC - 4iaa'1 I ,.ira TPKUAtTMlKD' VITAXlTtr ' - rtrrTTr ,s, i,mt$ 4 taaayj -s-l I 44r1 ' EXHAUDITiUTT TBBBCIBMCBOr Lira, the great Medieal Werk of tba age en Manhood, WarreBa and rhnlealDabUlty.Framatnralaaaliaa Brroreef UBia wis am ubiamis Hawiw aaaw for the next Be gave: iflrassi i TAaMaa. Baitaak iSaat, ateaaa. TiNTaMeNr J A,uliJ ici.1 f)L f.u IIE-IC e-r; t s u i im X.fl,M.. fclt r.3 i s . ! ,fiV aaawntw iaa aiuasx, aar at ae sSSKMJSSSisS-. arawa, auaaua. a ai aaa; laaa jkiai jtum yaajfa, aaBratei ajaBBBaaaaaaal n SPEGIAL eUe'te:w:,.V.M ,' -alATBM. a at once ymeripBi aaaju or' BeMa fttlat boil. wnwasaiBaaia IrffrSH fJKSMz!!0! jTaraBrfMafBpBajBaaBH PB.Hr.aT sr .Ji'TwiriiT EHTEK-TlDE iUm's oJiPEUillrreck Sails la Black cerkaeraw aaa Dlageaal. flH"iWrff,rra' tatlaaMlxtana, la PaakJeaabla rour-Betton Cutaway. SUITS All Style. YOUNG MEN'S SACK SUITS, e iil"4tPTWclA QWTHMIN&' BPRINO TROD8IR3, All Sty'ea. if'fjsii . ;. i" - iv---tr!-- tr r ,'f?,w, V 'J - a 1-3 HA' 'J! -ltrJV.IJI" Myers & Eathfen! r'f t rti' hr t I'Sic-t' i. i " ' LSAD1SQ ClOTHreWt' . NO. 12 BAST KINO 8RClaT , t rsUL y 1U ilv f,w lf nl f'WOdlTB.'PA. ,". hKADTI 7 .a 'J 5 Our Ready-Made Stock' 1 . , -or- ' SPRING -CLOTHING. W are nrekraAJLr laowenr Saw 8PBINU STOCK rq Keady-Made flnlta. Our Assortment I Largdr than ever before, and Price Lewer wenavaiaBenspeciar csuv wasispsiiinasQ i am AttrscUve Salt for. the BPBtaU. TKAOB. and we feel aatlaOed ear effort have beenanccAnv ful. Call and give a the benefit of your opinion. fill! I I 1' U I Jill I l-l Oar Crittem DpartiHeflt . , 1 Stocked with all tha lewett HevelUe in aulUniVArBIcU we W1U Make te Order In tia BaatBiyle. m , " PIT GDARANTEED. a,n ' t T (f BBBBBBBBaBW , BUfiQEE & SUTrOBi ya v,f 1 nir. nft I Tmlltrt gasi CUUIert, CI NO. 2at?JalNTlMS9pAM. LAMQ&MXWA. A Ml pTAQER et BROTHER. Spring Suits, 0"i&frirg Trblisers, . is '.Spring Overcoats. nr ! .I '...("..' . ' I B. a W. LlRMIf COLLABS AKD COrr, GOLD ANUBILVBK8M1UTS, KIDAK1) Y p?Lpr a NEW NECKWEAR. Kew BeadjFull Llnee of Eegllsb and American -Saitiegs. Culmere and Wonted. Banneekbnrn HAGEE & BEOTHEE, Ne. 185 Weit KIdk Street', " LANOABTEB, PA. f4 It I fkl -H ' CLOTH ING, We are stew Ready-wlth CdmaidtaiLlne e( - SprtDg Oiethtug. T DtrttKBtrfBillfs,' ' ' """ " ' " DBEsS SUITS. HOTS' SUITS, CHILDREN'S SUMS. "-""- 1 Moderate Prices. andUnlaundrledahrrti, Cellar and Cuffs, Uo Ue lery and Neckwear. i rj. i ii rs n Hager & Brether, Ne. 35 WIST KINO 8TRMBT, . 1.1I.JI "I iJ-.IU j LANCASTBV, r"A. BOOMS. E ABTErW48l7 SOUVENIRS EISTDR SBLSON, ..; ' Choice Novelties. EASEK"Bbdits. ATTBB BOOUTOBBOr t ..1.UI1. 1 I ..- . ,l 4.l,liMl JOHN BAER'S SONS, a wa. . I -,, liuClJlMttqatMltrtet.- - zz'zrL mmmv niiTHiT.! rM uunuvnnuiiu vuviuinu i a lis ri t. ..a iai ' . ''!' S' Tltt.t I'J1 pMn;; t.t BEM Metzgerit .: f DRY:G00D Are New IThelr MMB4Q . , (OppefOTM saU4eaw, A MOTT(j.THA.'Al4WAlrcl'.WIa".-:i w - J -w I flW-(bSsiil Henest: Prices. II " -J ill Msll a lUkilwili J .1 . t t! m jl a aara '. :-e. Old EeMie"Cirriag' Works. li08::it6 i!.D US aUSt'KlNjl STftEEt, LlNrJl8?pBi' Va ' " ;i t Bh PJbsBteDS, Carnages, Bti itVsVATijrlejraUfW MEPAiniNOP&Cflfm't ATTENDED TO. 1 -- aw-' -ata a. - Philip Doersom's Old D Z. IHOAD, JBWELKR. HOUSEKEEPERS Will And TAUL"E WARE of all the Ferks, Knives, Ladles, Suga,Tesgs, Knives, Salt Spoons, Mustard Spoons, Ice Tongs, Beef Tongs, Asparagus'Ten m -5. Waiters, Cup Walters, Entre Disbesi.V ' .Milk Pitchers, Biscuit Jars, Baking Du and Sugar Basket. - . H. Z. Ue.j4 ,WeBt:;King Street, ".If yeti want Kepalrs Well CAKPJIB BARGAINS I JSHlRK'SCARPETHALLtx ' F)R WILTON, VELVET BODY BRUSSELS, Tapestry, IflgraiD,: Damask, and VJenetJaD, Rag and Giiile Carpets. j a ' OUl'CLOTflS, yrtl'DOW SHADES, Ac. W have th IsBrsest and Bet Bioek In tha Olty. H. S. SHIR Cornet Wast King and ''"i' t SUIfB. VATBtSO. 1UE LEADERS HAVE j TV r . t -; Just Received Y Id , Tbe Lateat Mevelttea In rt.'V tJ HIE SILK BATS, FINE STIFF BITS, ? FnqBPO0KBT3ANDCRU8HBB8. " J Sele Agent for u K u Kwx'i .Werld Rwowecd Silk ud Fliff Bits, ' S-AD TUB- , K ; Original MBosIeb Beauties" -IB- !., Stiff, Pocket (fcCiusli Hats; ;.'-i TRUNKS' AND TRiVEUNQ BAfil;'-? - r IK a- Fine. Medium and Lew Grade, STAUFFER&CO". 81 ud 83 North Queen 8fc ;'- , " LAHCA8TEU. PA. """ B. & MART1B, I waccaaau abtb aar, 'AnsaAuani aU .Kind of Ltambar and OeaL gafiraaat'lla an Mera Water en, frtnea traeta. abere Lamea. Laneuter. Bt-lra t TJAUJIQARDNERS & 4EKKEKIE8. 'GOAL DEALERS. Omea : -Ne, ISP North, Queen Street, anA aft BSI Nena Ynnce (treat 'I YABDai-Nortn.rrlneB 8tjatnar. .Beading Depot, ngWfd . - LANOASTBB, PA) irarejgi Wiki'CiJkaMiJewiljy atleaa.taananetleaprtWnnUl JaaaarrLUni rina iev ei aunga. ae. Alie, Blgla, Waltnam KrgaaVaaV Li &d.w ,arOerreet ." TaHfraaa Dally, only Baaaaiitr. - ' 7 " - gJMal J Ja?WvWataWgaijlJ( aava IBM Hera Oaeea at. Hear raaa-a B. B.Dapaai JXWfhX!u" f-- :-f 1'-.: .. n ..j. iff, ti efll ill 4 iv.lU I t m ,a tailuU ) aughniana: fcl iviuUl k 4,) NewfterelfHWlis, a ! . afae I n 1 . let J ' - sjlas.ltaall 4t -4 U a I EST KING ST. i . .-n dotirMiDfenjiij a . .: mvmmn x, A; 4,i ,m kx) f. .1-1 t ...: UAm44 J( at jm t -vl i HIS ieMle Carriage Werts. II y 1 ; m V"Ali V Jl Tf-'- aa.t ,,lij MJtii rsa -.J -. I Jl eaUi t, M TT - si J 4 t I r I I a" t I- a t I a ift , SrUaftRiE fSpe. j I M War" I I ffiEICDERSOMS mW$LBW, w-v-ai Standard Oradrfia'dUr stock. Spoons,' Berry Spoons, Sugar Spoons, Butter C remb Knives, Crumb'Trays, Ice Picks, , Individual Pepptn. aad Salts, Card . .. igetable Dishes, EggBeUers, Water and ies, Tureens, Bread Trays, Salad Bowls . Lancaster, Penn'a. Dene bring your work te us. HALLS BABQALV8 1 K & SONS Witer Stmts, UccisUr,,Pa. mmucMwim. AT WIANTS. OOB OBOtCB cerrEEs AND JTUIgat )reBM03A. OOLOMQS AMD " 'IMPKUIAL TBAS we gtlimitfta for fine flavor ana geed drinking BttEAKl'Aat COCOA AWticnOCOLATE. rANCY GBOCKiKIEs. Try enr Ulgh Grade r AMtLY FLOUB. OafO. WIANT, aea-aJ-lvd- aTa U Weat King street PARASOLS. B. SATURDAY, APRIL 16 ft - - . . . -OCR ..Spring Opening PARASOLS! AW A cordial lnltarlen la extended te all In In teretd td all and aztmlDe tba large and vailed lloewulch will ee dUplayed. ROSE BROS. 4 HARTMiK, ':; ".U:t:;iB Streak. .,;?,- BATURDk ittBXt'.'ipBIt. 10. apl-imd nmneTAu, TJBMQyALJ REMOVAL t AFTia APRIL. llUir rarfllttaplaateaee-my Irtand and caite. nan a$ aay aiajn axavaiu. 1(5 ui 147 North Qafta St- ; Where I will have better taanltlai and alll carry be bkmI Complete Llae el PBlBtsT, OU),- VaWBtehaaj IMTBXCITT.' j - - ; atftrat fa - ii' elty that maaea aarjBOl ALTT or house. laUandaeetheNBWSZOBaU . . ..-. . - ' f - - .- 4. .. .M : w .. i. .w - -- ,.. a a . m A JT0ri tumm n - "" 'a .., r j;jt4 '' i "" " i k. ,, r..-, .J, ...i, ., f.i, w .,..j n 1 a at nat 1 .. ff OataatMa aaal Uaamai M1 loeaaaaaiaa. r ft- Z 'winwxiaW ftLtttittS for Laaeeater at U a. Ba. aa3i SS ESS,1" ",0 " m- " Ba I a wn . a. s'aais. ai ret lattasandlta.: ainw aiMyei Kj.'S: .iSfitXW'Mfffr for LateasS. "yaaai for QBrW?lf( ItVWI ft iVMtiaa alCV i (igrftj.1 . I ali aa .-.. iGM9 t i.1 l..a a'?T."i avaBamiBBiBa .BBjmBBi Tat A3aVBBBaBBBalBtaaBB 4Ba. - ataaVBasakS, aQBirtiieMaeaava.. r-"4i .J ( TMH JaatTPAnUaa)al iamR&aT. Air Kaattag liter XeeAe B.BB. .. rorenarryrlua ga...u .v rWJtftjm,Ba,.1..u it "itt. aW fcaj?Vri2fllTW'; for quarryallle at MTt. saTS"--". a jjar sanneaueB. aa. ueaamaaai Ven, Lancaster Janetlen. iu aaa Lebanon, see time table at all -,.- ,.. A, H. WlaaMN.aaW Mk-ka DENMHYLVAKila. MAII.IUtAI.I fiSwis ViifVaaaariliy. at PMlaiHHphleaB loie-fi " TZzOZTllW. ! eMiadaS'aW ' WWAJM., raetfle gipresjt.... New Bzpresit Waj Paaengn. 11-s.p. aa. La.aa. aMa.aa. aau train ru fttu Jeyi 7-oea , , moeraaaW n HunuaiM.i.t Niagara Bxpre.... fjaaeTer Aeoem...... rait 'Cfnat rTTT. . r;!i. .r TteOpMaSati rraaarteh Aoaem..,..4 U3HI. saTL BarrUtrarg AccSm!!!' omaaibaaAeeeni.iiti' aMDB.BB. UOpaV. aarrUDtirgJUpreaa.. Tatern czpree....'.T CeSve -.. BAaTITABLU-t raMaS?:::.':-:: HatTlsearg Bxprese.. v Laneaater Aeeemar,,. Columbia Aocem JSaTft twa.aa.- fcoea.m. ikatpaa. Seaahere Bxpreaa. rhtlaatalphla Aaceaa. innew lav a... Day Kzprewtr 1.. Jlaartshaag .Aceem , The. Lancaatar Acbenu Otrrg at lad p. m. and an tb, IUrJw eta at fcte a. m. and reaehea assrre ueraniDui- ar u:e) raaaaing aurlatta at -las Marietta at sk p. m, and arnrea at me t also, leere at 8.hd arrlraa at sarae i or a Aoeoumoeauoa learaa WO and arrlTe at Laaeaataraiaaa with HarnsbaraXXDraaaats-iea. a. ' Tae rreanrtea rjnnintm .1 i . tag at Laneaater .with rat.Llne.iwaat. p, nx, will rnn threngh te rrederlek, .iiSilt aaa tiwnus acamuunauinL aeea. aBBsasB' Columbia- at. II i aad reactas luaiiaaejal ., Lancaster U1 tBT." STaa. (..u- . . . .du.KH. .. nf a . .. . . .. aiu atonal Dpwningtewn. ceataaTUI burg; aft. Jej. laizabethtiwn and V trheenl) tmtns which rue dallyv x XM Mall trala waat ran bv wv et J. uV WOUU. aaaarul I . a. wuuu, aeaanu rasseegar ' uu.'i, runs ..... ..ri'rrzr? : Qanerar Manager. ', STA' H lOHavlUS ARAREBARGAINi BBaBaBB? in aSZ-aV Wetil BBB)aalBMi 1 fa,.fi,is , 2e ' : '" arjm.Bg1' " a - 'V'BaaBiTaBBaaae, ea "Saan I aVsnlwaV wawL-' MaBHlBmwavA . 1H K2fe- M-.'. -M&.'aa4aMXC ,J nandaBam, iBaWwTaawaBm ? aT&SaawWni, !1 lalliaa leaiaanBaBaa M Mafleteaat WSHU 1 l-aaal-aaaL .aaS' 'J OOjBaBHBBlBa " bSUmii- - 2 t..1 v Tl aasaaskBky . i? StS ajj-eaj.ji-. . .. ta.t.'vaa .. ..L .rTjaalaiiaBBaai---K z rM . I . . ... . i . iv. J ' ' ji - ?? ivs .. : . i; :. .. iz && irtauca ediis auu reppu a .. "Vr.f WITH TUU'LR-PL.TKISlLVEBTOPBAatBTf UUOUSTKLBg.- "i-JTS --.... inifl at- rj'iS .. 13-CENTS .EAPH.S1 J i. ,KtiJffi3 T1IBU TEa BOUdrjT AT Ai s ..4 .. t.f. SqCRIFICE PRIG2 . , ' ... And we will give our customer thTbahiM. S SecuraaeuM befere tnerare alt goat, n "T ,$ -r ; vi 99 r-iisfffi iri "1 aasa v ay ir ral "f MlMfll aaa -a tlTT. 1 Bfl'SiAl 111, aaaff J I ,.-' r , - i. h-es1?i icm cam tB-rara rsTnwrjaai; rnf ,; , id iiiiei nonueja,isW : I,ANCAaTaU.krA. OAataUAaa. 1 ! a aaasassssisia' alaaia vwaXa QTANDARrWORK. Eawv:Edgeney, J ... J . J. v OARRIAQK BDILD1R,- HOS. 40, 41, is, MAaUtBT BTaWBT. - Keerer reeteeiee,- - -uaBBBBBBr,rB. iharala8teek'c'andJBuUdV Order ijranjjll'fe.. - v----rbtremieTeU6w,tagitylaar " $ OOUrSfl.-BUaiilBS.OABBIOL-BTa, TvV ; IB MeCALUWAtiONJ.' StTBBI i.M.aiuiv'iilmiBl" - "if JlABBBX.aYAaOBSi.Ea x. JIB.J .ft I nmntnv the Beat ateefeanl ties te build cerecUyanyatyl tot sirre, . The - 1 tnahea le deel HABBBT. iLTvnw.iwjm&m W.Arsrisir?!??', BwlriH'Vn!!' PBICBS WWIBWaa am gtreaaaWar W ec that parpna.'i l.i Mill gisk. st JI rjtv tfc wbakiibh; anwarln rreaa RSS ss'r.ttffL talasagtnllr.llt: ?Ji rSiTy aaiaisslAT- -." '- r? . i,,,nuai4.iwjiiJti , j.h ,..n-i i,M A-i ,.,.-,.!.-. v,.-.-. ijiim"' ' m j imim ? 'tnj 4trI'l,' MtWWAt if .ttZKzm .. dZfr K PK- iaM'f J -.. 1 i?i .Kjj B-";i3 Hirt' i m ?m K 441M 1A . iiw A jJ f.USi.1 ei ," L .V& '41ai-.7!'.-,H .a'Tj.yj fa& &t lafelwi ...i' .-a."i... . - iaSibualU-VVSa ig,F'hi