TO WXv-v W '?"' ' .fV raSTssrWS i i' k .fA a miiw nitrv "rvTtirwytYAilBMnWO' OT5ST)A Vi XUVWVAOAJjH .IxnJLlJl juiimaiiWJwyjeiii w - '!& r FA IP ? sa j;w W ; -Hf tV-Mt" ICSKCfiR B4T.M nBTBAB a tub, tim iruamiiu Mm SaKfU te RT iaw j.Vf I mm us bjhimis pp' a ' bbhbbE! iM IB) m in its PafaK.... ii sSM TM 10 BO UK) WW MBta.. IM BWIOOB 1180 1700 MM lmmSEZ.. IM TBMUOO 1800 MOO MOO HBSp... IM MOW 1100 MOO !00 MOO UKmii. IM uebImm moo mom med IBSmKTT.. 100 HOW MOO 8800 44 (DBS 00 jJBhTwr..".... um H tH moo moo mm lib Weekly Intelligencer Ivmy: Wionueav tfOBNINB. MflUjIUlNiiaienBi OLD or m, lAMAOOSTsaaiw rawn nnwi" oueim e imr fat cvrai rir. til tiomen umu ns te n waits uinr, XssMrs Ml migrant urnauamawR. sileing, Lancaster, Pb uj s rtCKB r i-i-fr MUsJM Us." bbVjMbVj AtHBh r eevtejMMCB ;J ; .(MMIMI inw I vMMMif rife - Hjtljc ftttcartet InteUtgenat WS" -r "LAXCABTKlt, APRIL 13, 1897. t)jf-i"l It Halt Be Defeated. f,-f ' Vrrwn the remit of the nroeeetllnors of i3 tb Beard of Trade it is learned that there langer of the passage of Heuse A MU Ne. 18, relating te cities of " the fourth R:i riaam" In which are cemnrehended these l4liAtn In tvinulntlnn leaa than llilrtw i-f .. r' ,,.,.. , ;. '-f3j ueuaana ana exceeding iweive iiieusanu." J"' i It is the worst kind of a patchwork measure in its present shape. Lancaster will nave mere than 30,000 epul ttien at Uw next census. What will then become of it under this new municipal dispensa tion 't As the 1ntelliei:nci:i: said eC tliis Nil en April 0: ' It makes the terms of select councilmen three years, and the members of the coin coin wen branch two yean ; the mayor is te be chosen for four years and ineligible te sue eted himself; the city admluistratien is elaborately divided into departments et pub ue aaieiy, cuuue -wetkb, water ana utus cuy treasurer, city controller, law and educa tion; with directors, commissioners and ether features that are unknown te our municipality. The previsions ter Irentage tax for street, sewer and water improve ments that made theSenate bill odious te our people are contained in this Heuse act. The entire school department is put in charge of six controllers, two elected every year upon a general ticket, Instead of our efficient system et thirty-six directors en the minority representation plan. Assessments are te be made by three assessors appointed by the court Many ether radical changes, ail Innovations upon our present system, are proposed by this new law. It is Idle, te say that a measure se filled with faults can be successfully amended in the closing days of the legislature. It must be defeated. Twe High License ltelhcrauces. Twe important lUiugvieiherauces were made.rjnTm?siy. Governer Hill, of vew Yerk, vetoed the Cresby high license bill and the Pennsylvania ileue passed the uroeKS iiign license measure uy tue very large vote of Vli for te G:i against it. Governer Hill's veto of the New Yerk measure is se much affected by his view of tl local beariun of the measure that the principle of high license is net touched iilcu. lie declares the bill te be stecial legislation in that it applies te only two cities of the state, Xew Yerk and lirook lireok liroek lyn. lie recites the fact that an amend ment was offered in both Houses applying the previsions of the bill te all the cities in the state, and another applying them te several of the principal interior cities, but each of these amendments was unhesitat ingly rejected by substantially the same vote that passed the bill. He further de clares that the bill was adopted against the pte tests of nine-tenths of the representatives of New Yerk and Brooklyn and was imposed upon these two cities by representatives who refused te accept its alleged beneficent previsions m behalf of their own localities. The governor in the same line of argu ment presents figures showing thai of the twenty-seveu cities of the state in twenty of them the number of licenses is greater in proportion te the population than in the city et New Yerk, and iu all but one of them the number is greater in proportion tithe population than in the city of Brook lyn. Finally the governor says thatuclause of the bl is in cenilict with the organic law of the state in net recognizing liquor as property, the sale of which may be reg ulated but which cannot be ceullscated. It will be observed that there is no pronuu prenuu pronuu clameute against high license, the inherent defectiveness of the bill weighing it down. In the Pennsylvania instance the big vote by which the Brooks' bill went through, presages its passage in the .Sen ate. The pitfalls in which the New Yerk high license eople fell, seem te have been fairly well avoided' by their Pennsylvania brethren. The main hitch has been en the amount of the license fees. It will be in teresting te watch if these will be further reduced in the Senate. The rceplc AnakeelDK. We are a long sutTerini? aud patient peo ple, until an Issue arises en which may be fixed our wrath, and then we carry that like a battle Hag straifiht te the very citadel et the eueiniea that we have suffered from se long In silence. Fer many years we have borne w ith the Insolence and tyranny of corporate power; we have passively aud peaceably watched the steady growth et corporate monopoly, the weaving of a spider web of railwajs under the soulless control of a menev power. Wise men and patriots have given frequent warning tliat this vast accumula tion of wealth aud power boded no geed te the country. With alarm we have watched (be growth of a false aiistecracy under the control of railway kings, and using its TMt wealth te forge the chains of monopoly en our greatest industries. They have taken oil; they are claiming coal; they Are scheming te enslave each staple of our psunerce. Hut like Gulliver in the toils of the Lilliputians, the nation is beginning Ce atir and te strain the feeble bends. The interest in the struggle ever the inter-state .K. commerce act is the first symptom of an C-. SlWHaUUlK HUtk IS UlCIIUtUlC. 4J01O OUU i are impatient men who exclaim t tee act, but the large body of in- Mligeat citizens see tliat the railroads which bare wilfully and maliciously mis interpreted this law, are alone responsible for the hearr iacrease of freight charges, ; and the vexations and outrages put upon pMseneer travel. , TaenllrcadbavetbfsBnriletoetoamong and wHk nottew nphMky of then are building arguments agalait the Uw en the angry exclamations of manufacturer and mercbanU who are suffering from the outrageous policy of the railroad. But after wrath comes reason , and men nre reading this terrible act that the reads have charged with all the trouble. They And that net a word is ald iu it en which common seuse could basu the great increase of freights; that as clearly as words cau say it the act provides for the retaining of the commutation and mileage tickets; that the most probable effect of the natural operation of this law would be te put an end te tlie unjust disci iminatieus that have enabled railway ieti.irchs te build barriers of monopolies around their thrones. The people will see this ami from It will take an issue. The time of awakening Is rapidly approaching ; the deem of monop oly may be cenlldently foretold ; no bri bery of the press can avert it; no power of money can avoid the trial of strength. And ballets are stronger te-day than any power under the sun. m m Oi'R local funeral refei titers will le inter ested In the information tint creuiatieulsts will bold an InternaUeual congress at Milan next September. Tiikkk are some peculiar feature Iu the Khede Island election, a knowledge of which shows the great dilllculty the Democrats labored under In their recent successful struggle. Under the property qualification embodied in the state constitution large num bers f working people of foreign btrtb, oper atives of mills and ethers, are ptactically dis franchised ; for, small as the property quali fication Is, the necessity of moving about In search et work prevents them from fixing their home In any one place. The capitation tax Is another bar te a free ballet, while the system of registration Is se arranged as te exclude all voters net registered en the tlrst of December of each year, no matter whether the election takes place a month or a year after that date. The vote en Wednesday was the largest ever cast in Khede Island, t (XXI mere ballets being cast than Jast year, and out of 35,W0 votes for governor only 32 were scattering. It is net well, however, ler Dem ocrats te count tee much ou the late victory, as Republican interneciue UghU bad much te de with IU AccoUdine te the latt quarterly report el the statistician of the treasury the total con sumption of distilled spirits, wines and malt liquors in IsjO was T3T,'Jtei,55l gallons, or 1'Z.tZ: gallons for each man, wemau and child of the population. Each parson's share in this grand " nuille " would be mixed as fol fel lows : Wines, .38 gallons; dUtllled spirit?, l."l gallons ; malt liquors, Ills gallous. It will new be In order for souie iudmtrieus statistician te discover the number of drink ing people In the country aud estimate the snare per capita of each en a I.mcaster would rank high in a list of cities arranged according te tbe consumption of beer per capita. W hat need is there for a legal holiday ter "werkinginen"? All men who de their part in life are werklngmeu, and If they have the means and leisure te take a holiday wheu they see lit, none may object Therefore it seems that a geed bit et the spirit of the dem agogue is secreted in the Information that Governer Urien, of New Jersey, bai klgned the bill making the tlrst Mmnliy in 'i-qiteiu-ber a legal holiday for the wuiklnguiiu. Mip Attci: Siesi: Ili.i'KWKt.t., writing against the apparently general belief that the work of a woman cannot be worth as much as that el tuan, and that the best-paid pusi pusi tlens in schools must ba reserved for men, makes a geed point for her cause by this story of a New Jersey farmer : lie had alighted from his wagon, In which were his wife, a basket of eggs, and ether breakables. Ills young horse started nil lie was lame and could net run alter tlie team. He shouted at the top of his oice : "Sep that horse! Step that herse ! Wlnte man step him, fe ; black man step him, 00 eentr " (Jlaiistmk is no new cemert te the home rule caute for Ireland. He told .! ustlu McCarthy that lie favored it eight years bke, but was waillug ter the time Iu be tiie for IU Osuel the interestiug features of tint semi centennial celebratinu el Carrell county, Mil., at Westminster ou Monday was a precession of old citizens that Included veterans et thee ajres : Solemon .spp, 77 years of nge ; Lawrence .spp, "-; Jesse Yiiiirlinir, 77 ; .Sel Lawyer, 77; Murray Ylngiing, 7J ; (lea Shaller, 7i; Jacob Kchadl.r, 77; Vm. Lawytr, 70; Daniel Hurn-., 70, (.. O. Ward, 70; I). A. Mulder, 7t ; (Jeerge II l)N, 7i; Lll Ithb, 77; Augu-t Kner, 77; limepb Schatller, Te; Jesse Trl.-ll, fi'.i, Nicholas liwe, CO; Jehn 1). I'ewiler, trr ; Ambrose llayden,70; Cel. LenKwell,?!); Cel Maulsey, 7. ; GeerRO W. Manie, 7.'i; Jeseph M I'arke, 77, Dr. Swope, W); Ep. llitchen,(e ; J.N. Halby, 71; Frank Warner, e0; Henry Metter, 61 ; Henj. Harnes, 7J; N. 1. Oirsu.'h, i.S ; James A. Steele, its ; James lirenne, ill; Sam'J U. Harden, 71; 11. T. lUrtbelew, 70; fleerse W. Gorsuch, te; I) miel F. .Shower,' 70; Jes. S. Gilt, 71!; Ju'lj;e Isaac Utile, CO; Hecry Iliie,77; Jehn Smith, m); V Sbrlver,' 77; Geere Illizzard, SJ; II W. Il-nnett, 7S ; Ileury Wuuiplur, 75 ; Themas Slevenseu, 77 ; II. K. Morelock, til ; Samuel A Lawyer, t; Themas t Shepherd, 71; Julius IS Ilerrtt, PEHSONAU lJu.s. Cii t ni k l Ur.Ac k bas retired from the presidency et the Yerk Jtllerscu association. Hk.naieii Hkcic Bays that Cleveland and Allisen will be the next presidential contes tants el the two great panic." l'iti:ii tn.NT Ci.i:vi:i.mi has scusptul an Invitation te attend the 1'iedtinmt lair, te be held In Atlanta, lu October next Kev. E. 1. Hen, the novelist, has already received fT.WO In royalties en Ids latest book, "He 1'ell In hove with His Wife." Mitw. Wmr-i:y has denatnl Ki.noe te the HU Jehn's orphanage lu Washington, u uoinmeinerate the christening of her infant daughter. (j kg IK in J. f! in Waynesboro', Tuesday evening, et consumption. He was elected te the legislature last fall, but was tee sick te take his seat Qckkn Victeria Is much pleased with a photograph recently taken of bertelt by a new process, which la described as making the picture leek exactly like an etching. HiiHliiSA Maehai.kna, daughter of Might V r.uiiiunu ue ncnweiiniz, was married te 1 rank II., bon et C. O llruuner, treasurer of the llethleheui Iren ceiupanv, lu the Mo Me ravlan church, llethleheui, ou Tuchdayoveu Tuchdayeveu lKi by Kev. Charles Hhultr. Hev. J. Max Hark and wife, of this city, weroamejij the Hut r.iiwAiiit TiiouMreN, formerly the Hrltlsh minister te the United Htate has been accredited as couitniiwiener by the foreign heldeia of Virginia bends te meet the commtsNleii appointed by the legislature of that state te discuss the debt question, with a vtew of agreeing iiieu a oasis of settlement, and will Hall for this country Kunye.v has granted an Injunction against the city et Newark, N, J., restraining it from using the Old Kim church burylng-grnund for market purpose, -piie decision aitecU 2,000,000 worth of property, en which some of the leading business houses of the city are located. The chancellor Hays the greuud cannot be used for any etherpur- pos luau uuryiug gruuuu. Tin: i.atk Jehn T. Raymond wm kept en the stage by financial necessity. Ills physician warned him he could net llve a year longer if he persisted iu playing. The late comedian was a sixteenth degree Masen el the Scottish Kite. It is believed that he carried Insurance pollniesameuntlng te about 130,000. Under Manager Dicksen's macsgo macsge ineut Mr. Raymond realUsd the following sums during the seasons speeitied : 18Sl-t!2, fel,000 ; mi 83, 135,000 ; 1883 Hi, 130,034. VIM MM MNM4T M BMltraa. Dr. McGlynn arrived In Cincinnati, Ohie, Tuesday morning. Heme of hU frlendi de Ired te lntroduee him te representative buil neaa men of the chamber of oemmoroe, and te that end aaked Majer Jehn Hyrne, of the Chesapeake A Ohie read, te make the Intro duction. Majer Myrne declined! saying that an a Catholic, loyal te the precepts and au thority or hU church, he had no sympathy with Or. Mclllynn's position, and as a Reed cltlren he oeuld net In any sense reeejiulze tbe false theories which the doctor was at tempting te propagate As a member of the chamber of commerce the same views com polled him te decline. Others who were ap ap pealml te took the same position, and thus Dr. Mclilyuu was net a visitor en 'change. J. ItebtiiHt el Her TresaM. A young Pittsburg lady named Shaller, who was the proud possessor of a luxuriant head et hair reaching almost te her knees, was found Tuesday evening at her home, en Wharten street, Seuth Hide, lnseuslble, with her hair cut close te her head. When she was restored te consciousness she stated that while alone that attemoen she was assaulted by an unkuew n peddler, who eve' nwered her and then forced her te inhale chlorelorm. Several days age a man called nt the house audellered the young lady f 10 for her hair, but sue reiuseit te pari wmi tier ueauiuui tresses. The peddler who assaulted her Is believed te be the same party. fire no the SOMiuetuuiiis Hills. Frem the Oilerd Press. An engine en the Columbia A Pert Deposit railroad set tire te the young timber en Williamson's Point, l'ulten township, Mon day night The lire was seen for tullee around and numbers of rabbits, foxes, coons and birds lelt their homes In the blazing weeds te avoid cremation. The Point is a very high eleatieu and the blaring trees and showers et sparks msde a spectacle beautiful te beheld It Is said that about 00 acres of timber and underbrush were burued. Playing With Itetimers. David Matter, U years of age, was shot dead by his brother Charles, aged 10, at Leck llavsn, Pa., en Monday. The boys were "playing with revolvers which it Is supposed nere net leaded." SI'ltlMt. Tree from tlietr prisons leip thecrysbd streams Once mere tlie meadows feel their pulses stir, Tlietr arfulnls conscious of the whirr Ol feiithered jockeys racing with their teauis Along the courses et ttie sun's golden Rleauu, And Time, tliat enuer-niaking conjurer, sleeping Nature comes, una, touching her With his light wand, bniks through her death like d. renins. "Awake," he cries, "awake, for new the snows Have lelded te thu hea ens' glorious klrg; The wind pajs fragrant aounge as It blows i The brooks and blrd In tuneful concord sing ; And in the weeds the pale arbutus shows Her blo-'euu-llhts te gulda the steps of Spring ' FranK Hnnpittr Slitrmtn, n JlroeKhin M tga m Tbe Tevw Tribune ny' "The late attnoj attnej pheric irt'hnes his brought en tntny cnes of cengti. and cold, and lr. Bull's Cough syrup Is tn great demand " What wound did ever heU but by degrees" The thousand cases dally cured by alvaUeu Oil. WHAT A WKMrKMinit lUSsrAUBA. T KEKI'KK SAY I 132 Uneuwiv, k Iehk, March ll,lv5 Seme weeks age 1 took a vere cold, which settkd en my luns. I suffered irreat pain, con slderable fever, and, worst of all, found myseir witharucklnceuiih. In theeenlni? 1 went te uiy bei e( Allcock's Pereus Plasters, Intending te use theui en uiy tlirait, chest, and back. L n fortunately my wife hid given all the Plasters away, and the consequence was that 1 spent a sleepless uUht. The next day I applied an All cock's Pereus Plaster te my threat, one te my chest, and ene between my shoulder blades. By Uo'cletk uiy breathing was much easier, ceuirh almost stepped, while a genUe p"rplratlen In dlraled that the teer was almost none. In two da s 1 was entirely cured. J. L.JONKS. ifBOlAl. Milium: bllll.OH's COUbll nnd Omsuinptlen Cure Is Mld by us en a truaruutett. It cures Con Cen Con suiupllen. Mild liy it. II Cochrin, drtiL'Ktst, 'os. 1J7 aud l.'J North (jueea SU, huncuster, t'tt (J) THAT HACKING COUGH enn be seUlckly carinl by Shlleh's Cure. e guuruitvu It. Sold by II. It. C'echrun drutrslst.-Nua. lJTand 1JU .North yueen St., Luncuter, 1'a. (I) A Very Narrow (cap. "les, I had a very narrow escape," said a preuiluent citizen te a friend. Ml was confined te my btd for a ear and my friends trave me up ler a cmiaumpllvu's gnive, until 1 bt'tran uslnK Kemp's l!alam for the Threat and I.uns, ana here 1 um, sound and hearty." Price Sue and II. for sale by II. U. Cochrun, l)rugtJlst,.Ne. IS!, North (Jueen street, Lancaster. SLKrJfl.ESs Ml.HTS. made miserable bvthat terrible cough. ishUeh's euro la the remedy for ieu sold by II U. Ceehran, druggist, Xej IS and Ii) .Sert h Uueen St. Lancaster, riu u) Kxclteineut In Texas. Great excitement has been caused In the vi cinity of Paris, Tex., by the remarkable re covery of Mr. J. K. Corley, who was se helpless he could net turn In bed, et raise his head ; everybody said hu was d fng of Consumption. A tnai uoiueei vr. ivmg a new uiscevery was sent him. Hiding telle!, he Imught a large bet tie and a box et Dr. Kin M'W Life I'llli the time be Ilk I taken two beves of 1'llNuni two bottle et the IM-ceery, he ua well and had gained tn flesh thirty Mx pounds. Trial Hollies of llil.l.rvut In-cevery for Con sumption trt e at 11. It. Cochran's lirug store, 1J7 and 13.) erth Queen street, 1-unuuU-r, l'a. C) Us I'.jttls Ktrsers a ccBs. Mr. Oscar K. J, Kech, of Allentown, l'a, was bedfast with In tlammatery rheumatism In the winter of ISO. Doctors could de nothing te relieve him. lie commented using Uress' llheumatle Uemedy Uy the lime he had used halt a betUe he could leave his bed; when he had finished the bottle he was cured and has net had a return of the disease since. In his own words, " I feel better than ever before." Price II, by all druggists. tetuMmeMWAF Hie Verdict Uuautinetu. Teu are feeling deun Med, your appetite la JKHir, ou are bothered llh Headache, ou are fidgety, nervous, und generally out of sorts, and want te lruce up. Unite up, but net with silmu lants. spring medicines, or bittern, which have for their bants very cheap, bud whisky, and which stimulate you ferun hour, and then leave you In worse condition than before. Whut you want Man alteram e mat win punryyouruleou, start healthy action of I.lver und Kidneys, re store your vitality, und give renewed health and strength, buth a mudlclne you wlllnud lu Elec tric Hitters, und euly U cunts a bottle at II. 11. Cochran's lJrug bteie, 137 and 1J3 North (jueen street, Uincuater, l'a. (i) The Impending Danger. The recent statistics of the number or deaths show thai u large majority die with Consump tion. This disease may commence with an ap parently harmless cough which can be cured In stantly by Kemp's Ualsum for the Threat and bungs, which Is guaranteed te cure and relieve all cases. 1'iite 5i cents and II. Trial Hie ret . rer sale by II. U. Cochran, druggist. Ne. 137 North yueen street. eb-lwdAltw lluckJen's Arulc sls. The Hest Salve tn the wcrld for Cats, Braises. Seres, Ulcers, Salt Uheam, rever Seres, Tetter, Chapped Ilands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures i'lles. or no nav required, it Is Kuaranteed te (five perfect satis satis tactien, or money refunded. Price A cents per cex. rer sale by 11. U. Cecnran, Drugg-lst, 157 agtflst,! inu ISA norm wae.ui iiiwi, j.ancasteri lis. lUcsisB Werk htbcp, Purely vegetable pleasant te take, will expel worms If any exist, no purgative required aiUir using. Price, 26 cents, by alldrugglsts. bsindUWAr Ws Caution Acalnst Illin. The unprecedcnled success and merit of Cly's Cnuui llalin-aruul cure ter lever und told In the bead-bad Induced many udven Hirers te place catarrh medicines tearing seine resemblance lu appearance, style or name upon te market. In order te trade upon thereputa thereputa tlea of Ely's Cream Halm Don't he deceived, lluy only Kly's Cream Halm. Many lu our tin uitdlate locality will testily In highest common cemmon commen dutlon of It. A purtlcle U applied Inte each neaull; uepaln; ugrwuble te use. Price AOcts. ullSwdeedAw Mothers 1 Mothers 1 1 Metnsrtll Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick cMld sutfertng and crying with the excruciating pain of cutUng teeth t If se, go at once and get a betUe of UUS. WINBLOW'H SOOTIIINO BVUUP. It wm relieve the peer lltUe sntTer Immedutely-depend upon It l there Is no mistake about It There Is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who wlU net teU you at once that It will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating ilka magle. it u perfectly safe te use tn all cases1 and pleasant te tbe taste and is the prescription or one of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Sold everywhere, n cents a iHittln. niayll-lydAW A U UK AT DISCOVKUr. The greatest discovery of the nineteenth cen. turvls Or. Leslie's Sneclal l'rescrlntlen feralrlr headache, which Is the discovery of au eminent physician and used by him for ever thirty years before giving It te the public, and It stands te. day without a rival, bead advertisement 1b another column. BttiDAh aim. E. CALDWELL-it CO. Bridal Gifts. Historical, Classical and Myth-nlea-lral eul'JecM for Drawing Kooms. l.lbmrH'B, Halle, Ktc. sutiu'iue and 1'vdestAl Pieces. Bronzes Pedestals -AND- CellimnS bio anura Tables Sijiiarti ami Ueutiil With Tops of Mex lean Onyx. CLOCKS & CLOCK SETS Cabinet, Ormela, Batrltolre, Onyx, Boudoir, Marble, Ball, Bra, Carriage, Enamel, Console. Crystal. Styles Seventeenth and lUMeenth Centuries. J. E. CALDWELL &CO. 902 Chestnut St., run.ADKi.fiiiA. nmnivAU A' TULOPUOKOS FOK RHEUMATISM. Heartless Cruelty It Is te delude a poersuflererlnto the belief that some worthless liniment will cure rheumatism and neuralgia. Honesty Is the best policy In the manufacture of proprietary articles as In all ether matters, and the tact that the proprietors of Athlopheroj have never claimed ler It even all Ita u.ertt would warant has net a little te de with its wonderful popularity, and the thou sands of grateful testimonials recclved by them show that their policy has been wise as well as right. Kxpoilence has amply demonstrated that mere outward applications are worthless. The disease has Its seat In the bleed, and any remedy te be successful must deal "lth the obstructive acid which poisons and Inflames it. Athlophems acts en the bleed, muscles and Joints directly. It takes the poison out of the bleed and carries It outef IhOByslem; ttlnvlg. orates the action of th muscle and Umbers the stiffness ottheJolnU. It reaches the (liver and kidneys cleansing them from Irritating sub stances, and, if followed up alter the rheumatic conditions cease. It will restore these organs te regularity and health. Wsst Chazt, N. Y , Ang. 1, 1S5. Yours of August II, la at hand, and In reply would say that Alhlopheros proved the most effectual remedy for neuralgia In the case of my son that 1 ever used. After using halt a bottle he was net troubled any mere for six months. lit. SHY 11AUK1 Mt ruusAST, 1"a., Ang.10, 1S. I am thankful that l tried Athlopheros. 1 had theumatlsm seven yean, part of the time could net move but te day I am well and hearty. I write this hoping soma ether sufferer may try tt. W.S. rLEMI.SU. Every druggist should keap Athlopheros and Athlopheros rills, but where they cannot be bought of the druggist the Athlopheros Ce., Ne. Hi Wall street. New Yerk, will send either (car rlage paid) en receipt of regular price, which is 11.00 per bottle for Athlopheros and Wc for l'Uls. for liver and kidney diseases, dyspepsia. In digestion, weakness, nervous debility, diseases of women, constipation, headache. Impure bleed, Ac , Athlopheros Fills are uneiualed. aprll-lweed rpe WEAK MEN Suffering trem the etfects of youthful errors, early decay, wasting weakness, lest manhood, etc., I will end a valuable treatise (sealed) con cen uilnlngfnll particulars for home cure, ruKK et cnarcu. A splendid medical work ; should be rid by every man who Is nervous and debili tated. Address, riier. f. C. IT OWL Kit, inI5fimd&w Meedas, Conn. TMPKOVED CUSUIONED EAB DUUM8. OURE FOR THE DEAF. eck's Patent Improved Cushioned Kar uremi penecuy resuire neannR ana penerm tne wers 01 ue uaturmi arum, invisible, com- tertable and always tn position. AU ceuversa- ued ana Ten wnisp ners heard sflHUnctlT. Send ler Ulnstrated book with testimonials, FKKa. Aderess or call en W. UUCOZ, sHSreadwajr, aw Yerk. Mention this paper. lanallMvsedaMyw jijii' a oe vs. N KW YUKKHTOKB. SEASONABLE GOODS. WATT & SHAND, 6. 8 & 10 EAST KINO ST., LANCA8TIB, PA.; Offer te-day the Largest Stock and Best Assort ment of New Spring Dress Goods Kvcr Shown In Lancaster County. An Immense Varloiye! New and Serviceable DUISS GOODS At 3, i, s and S and 10 Cents a yard. One morn case 811k Mixed Dress Ooedi, only SXc a yard. New Lustre Checks, 17c a yard, made te sell ats:c. Thirty eight Inch Spring Suitings, only 30c a yard. Forty Inch All-Weel Suitings. 25c a yard ; real value, J3c. rerty-flve Inch tlemespnn Saltings, Light weight, 23c. a yard. Bilk and Weel Mixtures, 40 Inches wide, OTKc a yard. All-Weel Spring TrlceU only S7H-syard. All Weel and 811k and Weel Stripes, Checks and Mixtures, for Combination Salts. Party Inches wide, 60c. a yard. Allihe Popular Shades In New Spring Tricots, 10 Inches wide, 50c a yard. Prench Poule Beiges, U Inches wide, Men yard. Hair Line and SUk Check Cleth Suitings, M Inches wiae,7Sc. a yard. Pin Checks and Mixtures In Kngllsh Cleth Sultlngs,M Inches wide, lie. a yard. Everything New and Desirable In ladles' Dress a oeda at Popular Prteea -AT T1IK- New Yerk Stere. E NaLKTKEE HTOCK FAKM. Standard-Bred Stallions in Service. BTOUM KIMQ (1111) 3 Keoeid.4 years, ... HI BBNBT (Ull) we SO Bend for Nsw Catalegns; ,. ... DAN'L O. BNULsX. apllmOAv MartswlVPi. wvmamwtm. -tmimYKH'8 jrUHNlTUKIC 8TOKK. WHAT WED0N'T SAY -AND- What We De Say! WK DON'T sav yen cannot buy furniture at ether Sterts. WK 10 say that our furniture will Hire satisfac tion 1 there Is nena lwttr. Wt HUNT say that you cau net buy Furniture for less money. . WK 10 say ou can tme money by buying from us, WE UON'X say thill ether stores have net large stocks. W I PO say that eir stock, rer Bits, Design and (Juallty, can't l bcaU WK DON'T say that our Houses are charging big prrirtU. WK DO say that ii are selling at such ericas as Ui allow ussome prod's, ami yet we set mere for yourdellars. WK DON'T say dei't call en our friends Iu the business. WK DO say that you will be treated cordially, and will tlnd a large, well-selected stock and get the beat for the least money at WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STOR1, Cerner Bast King and Duke 8ta LAHCASTKB, PA. MPtMVdAJ6-3mw H OUSKSJT1KKH. HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot. A rKW WOUDS A1IOUT Parler Suites, Lounges, General Upholster ing and Repairing. We soil Parler Suites In Hair Cleth, Plush, Ac. Prices range from WO upward. e use no KX CKLSIOU In our work. Lounges we sell trem sk.90 upward. We make Picture frames and I-oeklng Classes and will put te your order all kinds of Mirrors, either pier or mantel, In bronze orgeld,airva sonble price. We de all kinds of Repairing at short notice and reasonably. Will call for the smalleet arti cle ana nxn up qun satisfactory. Yeu can have work Uepalred new and Deliv ered after AprlL See these 1)2.00 Suites In Cherry ; came In this week. NOS. 27 & 20 BOOTH QUEEN BT. HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot. tfUVaMWUMHlMMUIV WOODS. rXAlib AND HEE " -TUE- ROCHESTER LAMP. Sixty Candle-Light j Heals them all. Anether Let of CI1KAP QLOBBS for Gas and OU stoves. THE " PERFECTION " METAL MOULD1NO AND KU1IUKK CUSHION WEATHER STRIP Beats them all. This strip outwears all ethers. Keeps out the cold. Step rattling of windows. Ixclude the dust. Keep out snow and mtn. Any one can apply It no waste or dirt made tn ap plying It. Can be fitted anywhere-no holes te bore, ready for u-e. It will net spilt, warp or shrink a cushion strip is the most perfect. At the stove, U eater and itange Stere -or- Jehn P. Schaum & Sens, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTKB. FA. w M. A. K1KPKKK. ALDUM U. UKKB KIEFFER & HERR, -DKALBUS IN: WOULD CALL BPKCIAL ATTKNT10N TO Fuller & Warren Ce.'s (TKOY.N. Y.) STOTES. HEATERS. FURNACES AND RANGES. We ask no one te ran any risks with "rUL LKK WAKKKN'S " Ooeds. We guarantee them te give Satisfaction. As i Heater" TUB 8PLKNDID" has no rival, being a thorough het base, no part of this stove remains cold, evei y inch et It radiates heat. As a Smaller and Cheaper Heater the "BUIQUT DIAMOND " has established Itself In the front ranks. i The merits olthe "SPLENDID" and "BKIQUT DIAMOND " consult In Beauty of Construction, Perfect Control of Draft, Cleanliness, no Dust, no Oas and Economy el tTuel. BarCail and examine for yourself; 40 BAST KINO ST., IOPPOSITB COUKT HOUBBJ uUUf J'AKAaOM. B. RAH. SATURDAY, APRIL 16. -ou it- Spring Opening -or- PARASOLS! WA cordial Invitation Is extended te all In terested te all and examine the large and varied line which will be displayed. ROSE BROS. & HARTMAN. Ne. 14 East King 8treet. SATURDAY NEXT, APRIL 10. apl-lmd e UHK UUARAJITsUU). RUPTURE. tiara guaranteed by DB. J. B. MATBB, Base at once laseatoneai no operation ec esiay nrei au i tKMtnl b hnntndisf CBISSU Mai irmucni vt isy irvtm www ni SBBHS) VW Bfl n AKCH BTh PJULA, Saaa ter Otremtar, rsi -DDfTUBE CURB QUAKANTKED BT 11 Dr. J. . Mayer, Hi Area sussi, rnuaeei pala,Pa. Baasatones. MoepsraUon e basl nsssaslay. Thousands of cans. At Bsystems Heass, Beading, Pa., M Satoreay et sweb mpnj BnecUmUAis. MTletliwa. tutlit HensemrnisliiDg Goods ! nrntutif. H 1R8H HHUTHB. ATTRACTIVE DISPLAY -or- We propose te inakn the WOOL KLY this week tn our MKUCHANT TA1LOKINII llhl'AUTMKNT. And why shouldn't set We have the LATKSrNTYLK.Mhe IIKST UUAL UUAL lTY.thellANIlStlMPMTPATTICKNs, and will give you a MOOKL FIT ter theLBAsr MONKV. Our entire stock of Sl'ltlNU 'W0lt8Ti:il and UIIKVIOTS consists et all the LATKST OVKLTlKM lu reHKIliN and DOMKsTlC OVBK COATINU9. 8U1T1NUS and THOU3 KHINU8. We are always en the alert, always up te the tlmss-a Utile ahead, If pos sible. What did you sayt you are hard te please T Yeu most of all we can satisfy. OurTUlUMINUSfer our CI'STOM MADK are the IIKST and riM'.sT that can le produced. Our workman. hlpcanuetbe excelled. We knew we can otTer you such In ducements us will both secure and retain your patronage, and ask you te accept tills as an Invitation te call and examine our LaUUL and VA MED STOCK. 1'KICKS VEttY MOUKUATK aud SAIISTACTION UUAKANTKKD. Hirsli & Brether, ONE PRICE MERCHANT TAILORS, -A Nil- Clothiers and Furnishers, COB. NOUTlt QUKBN ST. AMD UBNTKB SUUAUB. LANUASTBK. PA. w I1.L1AMMUN it r-OSTEH. TELGPU0NE CONNECTION. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER. THE PAST SALES PRESENT DEMANDS -reu ec it- Superior Fitting Light Weigh -AM)- FULLDRESSSUITS -AUK- EVIDENCES -THAT- Our Honest Endeavors -TO- Supply Nene but Reliable Goods -AT THK- Lewest Prices -18- Appreciated by Oar Pitrens. The Very Ltest Pashlens In Dress 811k Hats. Stltr and soft Pelt llals, Children's Caps and Peles, Bilk Neckwear, Cellars and Cuffs, Hosiery and Underwear, Dress Kid and Celt Skin Ulevss. A Very Dressy Shee for I.sdles or Genu ; the Best that can be found ler tbe money, II M Bee It and you will agree with us that there Is none better for the price. Traveling Bags, Valises and Trunks at the Lewest Prices. N. B. If you cannot call, by sending your name and poaienico address, we will mall you a package of our Urand Prize Pumpkin reed, WILLIAMSONS FOSTER, 32, 3, 36 and 38 East King St, LAN CASTBB, PA. W Stores close at G p. m. except Monday and Saturday. JIOOTH AND HUOIta. TKW SHOE BTORE. HIEMENZ'S -NEW- Shee Stere and Factory. Infant Kid Butten Bhees. He. CH Ids' Spring Heel Bhees, coo. ..., aes' High cut Pebble Butten, 11 te t, ll.e. Res' Pebble Butten, ataplendld shoe, ti.oe. BMi ebble iJattOQi round or iure teft .. ' Musi T.sbASI RtlfTWUl. BtLK. mi M..::SoW5!,Lea Lrn.Sffinn&an,boe.Lea, MUutes' Pins Kid Hnrteg llsel 8hoe. II 13. Cbllds' Hesl Selar Tip Bhees, 8 te 11, no. Chllds'OoedPebbls Butten, Spring Usel, 75p. Misses' Scheel Shoes, solid leather U te ll.oe. Misses' Scheel Misses' il.nrin. Hl Hnttan Shee. 11 te X. WUC. shrM or all kinds made te eraer. stememrjer ws hvs rsmeved two Beers above the old stand X0.57N0BTBQUEEN BT. a.l.tM JOHN HIIMIHZ SPRING NOVELTIES. Overcoats, ir SyKNlNO UK FLOOR OIL OLOTJM, 33 mad 35 Kenth ueea Htrwt, (Ol'P. rOUNTAIN INN,) Are offering Uie beat Fleer Oil Cleth, yard wide, at '. cents; 2 yards wide at 60 cents, ttiat ever was sold at the price. Window Shades, with Spring Fixtures, 2 yds. long, only te cents. Cocea Hugs, euly Ge cents, worth 75 cente. Our Ingrain Carpet at 20 cents Is etitial te any sold at ' cents; every grade from 6 te 10 ceuts a yard leas than regular prices. Our line of ttome-raade Itag Car pets cannot be beat in iuatity and price. Carpet Hugs taken In ex cluuige. The beet steam Cured Feathers, guaranteed sweet and clean, at a lower prlce than ever Beld at be fore. 33 and 35 Seuth queen Street, (OPP. FOUNTAIN INN.) uiariHydAi J. 1L MAKT1N A CO. J. B. KARTIK & CO. SPECIAL NOTICE! If yen nmd anything Id our lines whllorelnr whllerelnr nlihluic lsae hear us In wind and de net for get te call en us. Oarpete, Mattings, Wall Papers. Decorations, Rugs, Upholstery, Window Shades. Curtains, Draperies. Vestibule Ourtainp, Oerticene, Oil Olethp. Ohina, Qlassware, Ac, &c. Kxpert Paper Hangers. Upholsterers and Shtde llansers rurnUnea, and all work done promptly and fully guaranteed Altering and ttelaylng Carpets promptly done. ORDERS TAKEN -re& TUB- LANCASTER -STBAM- Carpet Cleaning Works J. Cor. West King k Prince fBti , :lamcabtbb. PA. Telephone Connection. rLUMHINU. F LIMN A BKBMKMAM, UVDBANT8 PUT IN, UA8 AND WATBK PIPB8 BUM AT LOW PBICKS BY FLIHN &i BRRNRMAN. QABFIXTUBKB ATQKBAT BAKUBINS. FIJNN & BRBNBstAN. ONB THOUSAND YAH 1)8 UP PLOOB OIL CLOTH, at 23c. 3Xx, worth c tee. ONB UUNDBKD DOZBN BBUOMS at ISO, worth aer. FUNN tt BRHNIMAN. TEN QBUBS PO0KBT KNIVH8, wortbSBe. and 40c., selling at no. FLINN ds BRBN1MAN. BABY CABIM.AOKS, VKLOCIPP.DBB AMD BXPBBS3 WAGONS at Lew Prices. FUNN &1RBNEUN, SUKAT Heuse Furnishing Stere. Ne. 152 North Qumd Stmt, UAMQAim r. bard ft Mcelrey, bard & Mcelrey, 6. Martin d Ge., I Si m AY, '"'O-.A ".M J.ii'ifV'ii .jit-$ l?2i&i&i &&Jb-tM O'ASim. -jP'm J . J feiJlfii