ytx1 fig-H che -IiAycASTOR PAILY INTEiaiNCER. TUESDAY p-"T?rs?rey "'iff 12, 1807 55&sJig?S7 WW-ra p .p? , P"8 i tlLW.. sr !XV m &- Bt LCA ri sa i ri m WFT . . "' " i BE''HMUMMM AUOWM te IjSHM MMNIMMMi fry Kk.iih.nk.ittm. -jmrr HBE. 1 i ' t IHEm.. ti ! i mmI. II in T E... II n tae low K... ti fse ae uoe tin Mk, ii its he. um nte n K.. .( f uet uoe no moo 1HH..'. il wei ue troe wee DBb. MM Q MOO MOD MOO BC.M fl MM MOM MOO MOO MUD ,......! um umlj mob) meH w "' tklfatiy Intelligencer i VMV WUNfMMV MOMNIia. OLUM) 0 Wi I ermae Vr i mkm btmit r An etna au. awnmtetni irtih t tO U WACTS BA.UT. MlFsW LttHMam ntttramt f ;.," m ! h w v"i rSnUAlnc. Lancaster, re. .ttjt Cencaittt lnttUigmcs 5H LASCASTKB, APRIL 12, 1SS7. $1 A ... ..- . ci wciXBling uviriuiucui cigiui'B. .&? The quarterly report of the chief of iy-.i,W Dureaa or statistics or me treasury gfanartment, for the three months ending l-V' DafiMBber31. 1890. is evidently the result ' "; a vast amount of careful work, and the ;& tabulated statements of commerce show m swengtn or every artery or tr.iue, anu t-rMMinl the beat or the national puise tkreagh a long series of years. Special at- rf" tactien is called te the tables en liquor l, " DMiiwrtinn. products of the fisheries, ?p Md trade with Canada. Turning te the Em, fatter topic, there is found a statement of i-'v. n ttiA infal volnea rt Imnnrlg tfiti flm -. V& NIB .w. iwuvd V 'vw .w -mw ;r united states irem tne lintisu provinces, ;. and of the imports into these provinces & nemine unitea states, auring eaca year ffiAnblS50toisse. f, TAis table shows tbat,with the exception off the years from 1SG5 te 1S72, there has ,S. hannainnn Iran vprv hirers pTrra of im. V..-.. a. ", jmvh into uanaaa. y Frem Canada. Te Canada. Ezrrs. I860 .179,VO IHRlMbU M.4 9H1 IMS S7.I90 338 i9,77i2tl liTOSOl Nete that in 1830 the excess was much greater than the import from Canada, While in 1SS6 it was only equal te about one-third of that import. But this propor tion varies widely in the 36 years. The in crease of the volume of trade, and the proportionately slew growth of the excess, shows the growth of Canada as a nation, and at the same time the figures show that a trade that takes nearly fifty million dol lar's worth of our products yearly, is net te be despised. It further compUcatlen,.ctThe fishery troubles should cuGS this commerce at a BlSirMerB' 'Rduld, no doubt, be a geed deal of groaning ever the amputation , but with a total of 8713,403,413 of experts, as shown in another table, the United States could statd the operation. Hew about Canada V It would probably kill her. The British provinces of North America would exist only in history after se sudden and radical a change. 'Whether they would become an independent nation or a part of this great country no man can tell. But the report gees further, and in an other table compares the Canadian records of trade with the United States accounts. These show a difference between the Cana dian and the United States account of ever 115,000,000 In the total value of merchan dise, coin and bullion imported into Canada from this country. Of course a large pre portion of this is caused by difference iu valuation, but it serves te show the mar gintbat must be given all these figures. New the total value of the products of Canadian fisheries is reported by the Cana dian minister of marine, at only $17,72,074 in 1865. The value of experts of Canadian fisheries te the United States for the year ending June SO, 1SS0, is placed at $2,400, S10. Se for two and a half millions they are imperiling fifty millions and their na tional life. A Great Irlh Demonstration. The friends of Ireland throughout the world will long remember Easter Merula) of JSS7, because of the great English demonstration in favor of justice te Ire land. Even the most sanguine promoters of the Hyde Park demonstration in Len- den never conceived that there would be 'inch an outpouring of the masses where Trlsh sentiments were applauded te the "echo by 150,000 et the English working men in the very shadow of the Tery Par liament. Ner, was this an exceptional occurrence Jn.,the"hene of Irish coercion measures. 'Three hundred political meetings iere , held ( throughout the land attended by JS'.OOQ.OC'O of people, and it is estimated that 2,500,000 of these went te listen with vsymyathetlc tears te the story of English , tyranny and Irish shame. 'When the English workingman turns in te cdndfmn the coercion policy of the Tery. government, it is evident that the bridge et injustice new uniting England "and Ireland will seen be broken. Stan4 by Karly CIeslDg-. ybe Beard et Trade meets te-night and eae el the main subjects for discussion will 'be the early closing movement. This public-spirited body should sustain vt1v clnsincr hv all thn moeno in it. .. lIt has been proved a success; it furnishes ..vast advantages te the help of the stores In giving them four evenings of the week te ' themselves ; and it relieves employers from the burden of their business several hours Mener than heretofore. Don't be a clam or a crab I But stand n by the early closing movement I .."""I.- " A Weaui And Stranger." The body of the 'murdered girl at Itah. iijr, N.'J., was Jaldln the grave en Mea. idiy,JndJtp ceiflb lid contained only the sMlandiignlQatnt legend "A Wem4n'and a Stranger." It is a mournful thought that this yeumr Kj jV1, uM'l nave ueen se ruiniessiy cut -& j,,4ew.tVttli Jiwe tq play the part of .the .,h shwt.s, je auwrea, no friends, net even H-afnuaintaesse wems te have brightened vJ,1ljto'jeungiirt, doubtless dreary exist- 3 ' wee. The Uend who killed her, nondeubt, ,'t i kaew all litil and fait dnnhl ss. ln 1.1. "jfcl J DW W ' SD UW visZ. enwuw ueea stampsa eat of "-1'HmlKt the ' worm hn Uu vNinmi nil .. -'ti'ly -Jrtwwforenene knetri' AWyet (W. k probably .aeawwhera walking mm bee of Um Mrth a brute who could blra this dreadful mystery. It he have 'any tpark'ef humane instincts left, his re maining yeara will be clouded with dreams mere dreadful than these experienced by Macbeth when he murdered Duncan. Te kill a man Is frightful enough; but te murder a woman, that fairest ami sweetest of Ged's creatures, bem Inte the world with u tender relUnce upon man, is a crime the darkness of which pales the noonday sun. The Philadelphia A'icmim.' Jlnllc tit Is forty yeara old. Leng life te It 1 Hr.SATOU I.KLAMlMTANl'ORIi, llO milks among the railway klnR a prelilciit of the Southern l'Aclfle railway, presents tUe old familiar argument In favor of making local traflle pay for the through freight. He sajs : "Tne through freight buslutws Is net mere than fifteen per cent, of our whole carrying trade. It Is upon our local trade tint we de pend for business. Through busluexK, een at the low rates at which we lm e te take It In order te compete with the ocean routes, con tributes towards paying the cxpeim-a of tbn read, and te that extent operate In a meas ure te enable us te uiake loner rates en local business than luiulit otherwise be peslble." lie complains that If the Inn is entcrced, tbey will have te give up the through busl nens as they cannot ailerd te low cr the local freight, and water couiputttlen keeps the through freight down. This sounds very plausible, but It amounts te nothing mere than a declaration tli'U his read does make a little money by hauling merchandise long distances for lts than It charges for very short distance". As the cost of the short haul Is very much less, the infer ence is that the preflt en it Is very much greater, and the substance of the whole argu ment l that the pretlts of the read are abner nial. Of course no Just law can be exrvted te perpetuate unnatural and unjust jinliu that have been established by thefalte J stem of charging a great deal mere Ier rt (..., ex- pensive service, and collecting le charges for a mere expensive one, simply bfcaue thre Is competition in the latter which will uet permit higher charges for It. The senator Intimates that if they are com pelled te sacrifice the through tralllc they will have te make up the less by a lery en the local tralllc, and this excites suspicion that the local trallle may have been taxed en similar Hues in the past and is In urgent need et the protection of tbe commerce net. Qrvr is drawing two salaries since March i. lie Is a thrifty soul. The great Kngllsh Journal A'i!iircni7 presents some figures relative te the manu facture of steel projectiles that de uet place the English navy in an awe Inspiring posi tion. Experiments with steel projectiles Lave lately demonstrated that in atiy natal engagement the chances would be In favor ei ships able te fire the chrome steel pnjec tiles that can pierce the strongest armor alleat. The leading manufacturers of ch-eme steel in 1' ranee have orders for I'rance and Hussia which by the end of 15S will give these countries 9,000 and 12,000 tens el projectiles. England will then only ha e CeO Hew many has the United States t Tut: Yeung Kepubllcans of Philadelphia gave banquet en Monday, at which the mention et Blaine's name evoked faint ap plause, while that el Jehn Sherman cilled forth a round of cheeris Ii the Plumed Knight's popularity In this -tate en the wane 7 Mn Rlainc'h present illness was brought en by talking tee much. His presidential lallure was due te tee much 1-tter writing. HnDSTitEET's report that tliere are eer 400 000 mere industrial empleyes at work new than lu 1S?5, and that hours of labor and wages have again reached the level et 1SM Si The total number employed InSJcitles is placed at 1,450,000 In 1W, atjilust 1,140,000 In ISsj, and the Increase et prosperity has been ceneral excepting lu the hoot and shoe trade where labor troubles L iv oeue a great harm. On the whole, It is that the era of dullness has cone te an cud, and that we are entering uju.i a miu of activity. Tun ben way te ratse straw terr.ta the hand te mouth pre es. Ii by PEBSONAI. t'Aiti.y i.f.'s home at Cuelfea is ttill euijity and for t-ale cheaji. C0L.Q1.vy Is in Harrisbiirir am! siys (hat high ltceiise must pass the legislature. Samikl St.Mrse.v, a brother of Oeneral L'. S. Oram's mother, died .Mmvlnv at liantauj, Clerment county, O., agta til y ("art llKV. A. C WlTMKII, Ol Ltlluaster, ptrtlcl pattd In the Ksster hiinday srvlei x Inst. Jehn's Helermed church. iliumsp rt Kni.N S. STKtitNs, pMMdtfiit or tbr I'enn I'enn esste Nermal college and r el the L'nUemlty of tbe hjuth, died al Na-btiile, Tenn., Monday. Doueriir Haivk, the little 1 immtbi-eld daughter et becietary at.d Mrs. yviutney, was christened Monday at St J jbn's Kptsco Kptsce pil church, lu the presence et u notable as seinblSKe. Tin: rn.sti)LT has a-ceptfd 11:1 Imita tion te ret lew uu Monday 111 t a prue-sien of colored people ou ibe .-,-aii m el the twenty-tilth aunltersary uf the eiiMnoliiatteti if slates lu the District et Columbia. bKNATOR .SlIKRMAN sa)Mtiat the prts. deut sueiild by all metnsca 1 a ses sion of Cengrei, te centtnn as arly as October. The senator tbeugut bv .1'injg this the president would be able le'brlnu about theuecessiry lerfislatleu for the sn-jd el the country previous te the lniin liate H.ijireicli of the presidential cauva-s of 1 -.-). The Emblems el ths Festltal-ilew Tliry are lijed aud lieieratsd-luy Kggi. Frem the IUltimere vJun Te the little ones eggs are a necessary ac couipaniiuentef faster. An e;less Uaster te them would be llke a Cnrisimas without toyaera KeurtU el July minus sipiibs and burnt thumbs. Se an ey, the emblem of future premises, the condensation et Irultful ness, it a Uttlng symbol of the ae that leeks upon it with pleasure when It Is red, and el the springtide season, when It isivn as an Easter eilering. Ne one cau tell whit the following summer may bring forth. Ne ene can tell the possibilities lu tee yeuu child receiving the otlering. Nobody Luewa what's in the tgg. The practice of picking eggs, aud of dyeing and zchaui!lUK them, isel great antiquity. The Uermaule nations bequeathed the prau lice te us thieugli Kuglaud aud the Anglo Angle Anglo caxeu, and it has bum strengthened by the great inlltix of (iermsns. It Is ntiil Iho cus- tern 111 h,ugiaud for boys te roll eggs down the hlllKldea .J1!'.?8"""" Ufire contlnue praticularly the habit et git lug colored i-ggs 1', children, r.arly en Kater meruing the (ierinan fath- reeelt e the geed prlesi'a bleH,i,g, rtt,u ehertlv thereatter the tittle ones taint up all VheiV aunts and uuulta and collect ihelr ilii Other tauilllw tell the children ou th previous te make uests of straw, k. that tl i huase," or rabbit, can lay the eggs 1, Vho in" Uase" has been corrupted by Kiigii"l (.faking poeplea te "hor-e," anil this has git en rise te the old term, lludlug a mare's Yeung America, after reaching a certain age, tosses aside the dyed egg as a gilded bauble unworthy of his genius, and he picks with raw eggs ter sordid gain. Picking eggs he prove uet te lie a game of chance, for a geed picker cau tell te a nicety by bating a tattoo en his teeth Just hew much "foul" he may show the ether fellow en ihiIius or tmtta te win. The cracked eggs are worthy their J'uue ueuuiitrrgUOTrjr, wuu young Allier- Im knows IU Jle knew that guinea hcus' eggs art harder than chicken eggs, (bat duck egg 1 are weak, but that geese eggs are the hardest of all, especially ler base ball nlues. The dyeing et eggs may be made qulte In teresting, especially as It cau new be e cheaply done. Formerly logwood and erchiueal werettm'uuln oelorsuod. 'Ihe termer wad a dark purple color and the laUnr-a bright, red. Ureeua.wM't also em ployed, but they.,wetefre(iueutiy arswilwl, and a alight .opening In the shell would en able the albumen" te take up a large and dangerous amount of the color. This fa changed new. The cheap aniline colon pro cured from coal tar, snd etTerlng plgmenMef cndlew variety and shade. Including even Kid color, have revolutienised dyeing, and ge quantities sre sold by druggist at exceedingly low price. They are net poison peison poisen oua. Hut these who eaunet go even te the expense el purchasing ter fifteen cent the three primary colors roil, blue aud yellow can obtain a number of tlne etlects from com monplace articles at hand. Ued onion sklus will produce a rich jellow-brewn ; any piece et common calico, with tleetlng color, If wrapped ateut an egg anu immerwu m nn water short Units will tinge the egg. Old attlticlal Hewers are geed ler the purpose, and they eiler a great variety of beautiful tints, A geed purple may lie made et ordi nary anlline ink. Tiie rggs may be Inscribed with designs by scratching the shell with a needle or penknlle point, or by drawing upon them, alter being dyed, with acetic acid; or, the design tnav lis drawn en pre, vleusly with wax or paraillue. The egg Idea et Kster has been developed into many pleasing conceits. On every bund in toy stores aud confectionery estaousn estaeusn ments everything Is subordinated te theeval shape. Kgg-shaped baskets containing sweet meats,nest-shaped baskets tilled Alth colored straw, In the midst of which are tiny sugared eggs and chocolate egg shells In two sections se as te form bon tsin boxes, ornamented with filagrees of whtte sugar, till all the win dews. On prominent thoroughfares In Bal timore the conlictlenersits in bM window with a little cone-shaped paper bag, through the apex of which he squeezes a thin stream et w hlte sugar mixture, w hlch he deftly lays en the egg In sinuous designs. A sign at the deer informs the paer- bv mat names wm oe put en sugar eggs wntie you waiv i"f all tbe world like the man who blocks your bat or the barber who cuts your hair under the same conditions. In the toy and tieieltx linewe haeathou haeatheu sand sorts et fancies. Here Is shown while ostrich shell decorated with ribbons and ex hibiting en its surface some lleral or scrip tural decoration, and there we Und a yellow chick iulng from its white prien into a world of politics aud railroad deals. There are German eggs containing colored pictures and ethers brightly gilded. The most popu lar of all are the American china eggs dyed Ii: mottled colera This Is also essentially a IUltimere Industry. Seme years age the method was the Mwret or a Pennsylvania manufacturer. A llaltlmere man discovered the eeret of apply lug the coleyi in spirit vrulh, and he sent this year out of the city 600 gre-s, besides supplying the home trade. The eggs retail at five aud ten cents apiece. Kaster eggs have their uses. The small boy en the succeeding day has elten an Inward unrest and perturbation of soul from the hard-boiled eggs he has germandized. Yet this proves only that seeming sorrows are but blessings In dWgule. The boiled egg Is the early fruit that prepares the small boy's stomach for the deadly J uue apple aud ether summer delights. Hut ter the touching aud beautiful custom et allowing the urchin te fill himself with as much as lie can held of this delicacy, many a luture statesman would euly be be'beru mewed down as grass when the green peach aud the watermelon start en their de astatlng career. Suit Agslnil Mr Wtuaiutkrr. Maggie It Scott, who Is the nurse et Mrs. William Cook, who lives at the Continental hotel, Philadelphia, was In Wauatnaker's Grand depot last I'rldayand purchased a small package of goods. The saleswoman, or the person whose duty It was, neglected te take off the tag which showed that the goods bad been patd ler, and, when Miss Scott was leaving the establishment, she was arrested by one of the special detectives for stealing, and, although she protested she bad paid for the goods, she was marched down Chestnut street, In the care of an etlicer, until tney rencbed the Continental, where It was found that thn story she bad told was true. She new sues Mr. Wauamaker for malicious ar rest. Mr. J Schroder, Ne 11 C.ennau street, lUltb mere, Md., " btlle cs In salvation OH ter rheu matism "' Otten ths fondest mother's f".iTO ts no protec tion against coughs, colds and hoarseness Ir. null's Cent(h ferup should be kept In readiness. 25 cents BVMOIAV XurlVBS. Slttt.OH'S COUOll and Consumption Cure ts sold by us en a guarantee. It cures Con sumption, 'old by II. II Cochran, druggist, .Nes. LIT and l.'J .Serth 0.ueen su, Lanca-ter, fa. (3) THAT II tXKIN'G COUCSII can be oe,utckly curt-d by Shlleh's Cnre. tte guanutwi It. i-old by II It. Cochran druggist, ea.l37 and 13U North (juien St , I.aucaster, l'a. (I) A Very Narrow Iratit. "les, I had a very narrow escape," said a prominent citizen te a friend "1 as cendned te my bed for a year and my friends gave me up tera ceiisumpllttt's grave, unit! 1 bi-gan using Kemp's Hals nu for the Threat and Lungs, and here I am, sound and bt-.irty " Price S"C and 11. rersalu by II it. Us-hr-an, Uruggtst, .N e. IJ7, North Qaucn strutt. Lauca-ster. SLKEl'LKas U.IITS, made miserable by that terrible ceuh. ahlleh's Cure Is the remedy for you be'ljy II. II. ceuhran, druggist, Nes 137 and 1X1 Nena Ciueen SU, I.ancastur, l'a. (2) COl'OH, WHiiOl'IVti COI Olland UrenchltU Immediately rellet id by s-htleh's Cure. "eid by II 11 tecnrn, druggist, Nes. 1J7 and 1JU North (jaecn St., Lancaster, l'a. (1) Kxrttemeut lnTetas. Grt-at eicttement has been cati'id In the vi cinity et Paris, Ter , by the remark ibln re re re coterj'ef Jlr J h enrley, whewas se helpless hu could net turn tn b d, or rulie his head ; everybody sild he as dtin of Consumption. A trial botlluet lr. hln 1 New UUcevery waa BfDt him. t lndtn rt-llt-t. he bought u large bot tle and a box et-I)r. King's New i.lfe l'llla ; by the ttiue hu had talcen two boxes of 1'tlls and two bottles et the UUcevery, he was well and had gained In lli-sh thlrty-stx founds. 'lrlil Ilettlus et thUeruat Uicevery for Con Cen Con sunitlen tree ut 11. 11. Cochran's DruK tore, 1J7 andiJU North IJumui struct, Lancaster, l'a, 2) W Cauthfii Agalmt III111. Ihniinpn-cedented success and meiltef Lly's Ciiiiiu lltliu a n al cjre ler catarrh, hay lutn nnd telil In the beid had induced many adven turers te place citarrh medicines bearing some It sernhl uicu In uppuarance, stylu or name upon t ii market. In Older te tradu upin the leputa tlea et k)'h (.ream lUlm Uuu'l be deceived. Uuy enlv hiy's Cream Italm Many tn our tin uu dlalu lectllly will testily In highest commen dation or It A pinlcle Is applied Inte tain uesliil , no pain; ugretuulu te use., t'rlta ti) en. all IsdeeJAw riONQL'EUS PAIN ST. JACOBS CO.SQUKU3 PAIN. OIL. nr Allur a lapse of years statementa confirm ing thu citlcicy of .t. Jacobs uU and Its perma nent cures, uru gl un bulew. Kx 1'KtJT 1 Jeiia BarriST Fee, 1532 yiuskegen, Michigan Michigan Michigan Holngnneof your patients In the use of St. Jacobs Oil, lu aci.u of chronic rheumatism, 1 cau ricemuicud It tully, as my pilns are ceasing and 1 1011 using a third bottle. NAPOLr-OM MJHMANDIS. t rem Sami; 1 Vzaiu Later iluslti-gen, Mich , Nev 2, isfO hutrered years llh rheumatism In thulegr. fcaw many doctors und neihlng did me ant ant geed. I tried a lev bittles el HU Jacobs (J 11 The rheumatism entirely disappeared JfAl'Ul.KO.N MIUUVMUN. As Kuiien s scrrEiue-OcT , lvsi. llioeuilngton, ill 1 have had rheumatism In my ankle ler many years and could getnerudet Thite uppllcillens el at Jacohs Oil has almost in tlicly cuiLd 1110. I'l.KCt A. FOLSUM. rneu SAMS 0 Vkaks Later-Ccrsd llloemlugton, HI., Oct. It lsS4. I think It waslulsSiHt Jacobs OU cured me et rheumatism. 1 had It all my Ufa and Utuituld tit myuukle. Could net walk with out a caue inougnteno bottle and used It. In a luwdaya thu pain was gene,aiid tethli day 1 have net hid a touch et It 1'UttCT A. tOLSOM. a ltiiecMATic bnrrKiisR Cured Irenton, Ohie, Nev. 8. lK-fl. tour years aije 1 tias troubled with rheu; matlsin In arm and shoulder. 1 used St. Jauibs Oil and covered the parts with flan nel. 1 continued lis ue until 1 no longer felt the rlummutlstu. I have never beun betheud with It since. JACOII WEDDLK, Late Cel. Vels. V. B. A. THKCIIAULK? A. OIi"kLKII CO, HalUmore a,Z?i-. Pens cbisu St, Jacobs Oil or Ked Mar Ceuiili Cure, will by tundlug a two cunt stamp and a history of thulrcase, retelvu aevica Red Star Cough Cure. FUKK FUOM OI'IATKS AND POISON J. tlAFK, 6UKK. i'UOMl'T, 25 OE5NTS. AT UUU(.18TH AND DKALKUS. TUU ClIAItLKJ A. VO'IKLKUCO. UalUmere. Md. ' RUVrUHU-.CUJtU.OUAKANTKeDlty Dr. J. II. Mayer, kit Arch street, l'hlladel. phla, l'a." Kase at enea.' Ne operation or bu.l- uiws usMjr. iiuiuiMuiiiii luiua .l A0ysiene I Heuse, Heading, l'a., 24 Saturday ej each month. I Sena for circulars. Advice tree. niarhrlvP ataauMi. rpHK NEW QUININE. KASKINE (THE NEW QUININE.) Ne Bad Bffrets, no Headaene, Ne Nausea, Ne Ringing Ban, Cures Qulekly, Pleasant, Purs. A POWERFUL TONIC that the most delicate stomach will bear. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, AnA all Ucrm Disease. ltollevno Hospital, N V., 'Universally sue- essini. St. rruncls Hospital, N. Y.-"very patient U ited with Kasktne tuu beeu aiscnaniea cui' !.' Iir. L. B Whtte. V. . Examining Surgeon, writes " Kasklne Is the best medicine mail"." Dr. L. M. Ulessner, SO." Ksst 111st St., .New . erk City, has cured ever 2W patlsnts with Kasklim after quinine and alt ethor drugs haU tailed, He sajrsi "It Is undoubtedly the best medicine er discovered ." . l'ref. W.r.llolcembe, M,1.,M East SSth St, N. Y.ilate 1'ref In N. Y. Med. College), write s ' Kasktne ts superior te quinine in lisspeciue power, and and never produces the slightest In Jury te the hearing or constitution llev. Jas. Ij Hall, Chaplain Albany Peniten tiary, writes that Kasktne has cured hts wile, alter twenty yeare suffering from restarts and nervous dyspepsia. W rtte him for paritcutsfti. Thousands upon thousands write that Kasktne hascuredthemaiterall ether medicines Hlled. w rite for book et testimonials . , Kaskme esn lx taken without any ipeclal medical advice. Ii w per oettio. eem uy B. B. OOOHRAN, or sent by mall en receipt or price. h. ASKt.N K CO.. M Warren St.. New Yerk JODM lyeedAw URIDAhUIFTS. CALDWELL A CO. J.K Bridal Gifts. Historical, Classical and Myth !-... olextcal Sutiirct for Drawing olegtcat putijrct for Drawing Reems. Libraries. Halls, ate. DIUIUC9 Reems, Libraries. Halls. Stc. Statuettes and Pedestal 1'lcces. Pedestals AND- Columns MithraS Tables 9JSaT With Tops of Mex ican onyx CLOCKS & CLOCK SETS. Cabinet, Ormela, Bstrltelre, Onyx, Boudoir, Marble, Hall, Braae, Carriage, Enamel, Console. Crystal. styles Seventeenth andBUhteenth Centuries. J. E. CALDWELL &CO. 902 Chestnut St., PHILADELPHIA. PLUMB ISO. P LINN A. BBENKMAN. IiYOHANTS PUT IV, (IAS AXD WATEB PIPES ItUN AT LOW PBICE-! BV FLINN & BRBNEMAN. GAftFIXTL'BKS ATOBKAT UAUGilNS FLINN & BRBNBMAN. ONE THOUSAND Yalllb OF TLOOB OIL C LOTH, at ac. A 3)c., worth ICc. & SOc. ON'B UU.VDBGO OOZKN BBUOMS at 15c., worth c. FLINN & BRBNEMAN. TKN 0KO5S POCKET KNIVES, worth Mc. and 40c, selling at ISc. FLINN A BRBNEMAN. BAHV CAJtKIAOKS, VKLOCIl'LDKS AND E.XPBIS j WAUON3 at Lew Prices. FLINN & BRENEMAN, Q BE AT Heuse Furnishing Stere, Ne. 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTBB FA. PARASOLS. R. K t H. SATURDAY, APRIL 16. -OUB- Spring Opening -OF- PARASOLS! r A cordial Invitation I extended te all In terested te all and ezsmlne the large and varied line which will he displayed. ROSE BROS. & HARTMAN, Ne. 14 East King Street. SATURDAY NEXT, APRIL 16. apl-hnd BOOTH AXD MIOK8. N EW bUOE STORE. HIEMENZ'S -NEW- Shee Stere and Factory. Infant Kid Butten Shoes, JRc. Child' MprlDg Ueel Shoes, We. Misses' HlKh Cut Pebble Butten, 11 te J, 11.21. Ladles' Pebble Butten, atplendld shoe, ll.ue. Ladle' Beit Pebble Butten, round or square tee. i te. Men's Fine Lace Shoes. I1.2B. Wen's Heavy Hewed Army shoe, 11 00. Mea's Ueb-.Nsll hhees. 1 it). Beys' Lace Shee, 75c. and II 00. Ladles' Fine Kid liana-Sewed Turn Shee, UOO. Chllds' Heel 8elar Tip Shoes. 8 toil, nc child.' uoed pthi. mi;' lri.f."i?-, - U !:i2; Site! 8.?fri,f.w 'S. u te , ii eu: nisses' Bprlng HMl Butten 8neU te lide, 'iyw ui aii aieas made te order. Kemembei we have removed two loers abev tha old sune M0.57NOKTHqVEEN OT. aplUd JOHN HICMBMZ, MEDICAL. MKDICINK. Mere Facts. Stsrlise, 111 , August ii, lw.V We feel we must wtltu something of thn suc cess et Hep Hitters. Their sale Is thrlbl that et any ether article of medicine. Ilencowe feel It but Justice te you and your Hitters lessy It Is n medicine of real intuit and virtue, and doing much geed aud effecting great cures, leurs, J. r. A II. II. UTLtY. llAVKsvnta, Onte, fob. II, 1)4. 1 am very glad te say I have tiled Hep Hit ten and never took anything that did me as much geed, 1 only took two bottles and 1 would net take IliX) ter the geed they did me. 1 recom mend them te my patients, and gel the best of results from their use C. H.MEKCKK, M. l, Nm Havic,Cesk , Sept. IS, lssj. We take pleasure In giving you a notice and a nice, strong one, as It (Hep Hitters) deserves It. We no It, aud we knew It dosenes It. 7i litgiit -. llmiNKtiu, Feb. 11, 1-tsJ. Hei- ItirriRs Ce Mrs 1 was gl en up by the doctors te die of scrofula consumption. Twe bottles et your Hitters cured me. lhey are having a large sale here. LKUOV UKKWKK. ItRiiNWicH, N Y., Keb 1J, !. Hep Hitters are the most valuablu medicines eMjrktum. I should uet han any mother new but ler them. 1IKMIY KNAIT. Less Jack, Me , Scrt. II, !, t hae been urlng Hep Hitters, and have re cvUed great beneitt from thmu for liter com plaint and malarial let er. They are superior te all ether mediums. 1 M. HAHNES. hALlMAIX', Mlill , reb.S,lssi. II or Uittir-s Mre. Ce. 1 knew Hep Hitters will bear recommendation honestly. All who use them ceuter upeu them the highest encemlumsand give them credit ler unking cures all the proprietors claim for them. I hate kept them since they were first offered te the public. They took high rank from the first, and maintained It, and are morn called ler than all ethors combined. Se long as they keep up their high reputation for purity and uietuluess 1 shall contlnue te recommend them-semelhlng t hate never done before with any patent medicine. J.J. HAHCOCK, Phi stclan and Druggist. Kaheka, Me, Teb. C, 1J. I purihased live bottles et your Hep Hitters of HlshepA Ce last I ill. ler my daughter, and am well plevscd with the Hitters. They Old her mere geed than all the medicine sbe has ttken for ill years. WM T. McCLUUK. The abete is from a ery reliable farmer, whose daughter was in peer health for seven or eight years, and could obtain no relief until she used Hep Hitters, she U new in as geed health as any parson lu this country. e have large sales, and they are making remarkable cures W. II. UlsilOP A CO. gLY'S CKKAM HALM. CATARRH, HAY FEVsIL Ely's Cream Balm CUBES Oatarrb, Geld In Bead, Rese Oeld, Hay Fover, Deafnesa, Uoadaeho. KASVTOl'SE-PittCE 50 CENTS. ELT 1IB03.. Oswego, N. V., U. S. A. HAY FEYER, ELY'S CKKAM HALM Is net a liquid stuff or powder. Applied Inte nostrils ts quickly ab sorbed. It cleanses thu head. Allays In Haul illa tion. Heals thu sores. Ilesterus thu senses of taste and smell. -M Cents at Druuijlsu -. by rnall, registered, w Cents. ELY BU0THEKS, Druc-ists, JyUlyeedAlyw OSWEGO. -V. Y. TMI'ltOVED UU.SHIONKD EAK DKl'MS. OURE FOR THE DEAF. eck'a Fatent Improved Cushioned Ear Urnms perfectly restore hearing and perform ue wera 01 tne natural a mm. Invisible, com fenable and alwavs in nosltlen. All ennrnru. Uen and even whispers beardidtstlncUy. Send for Illustrated book with testimonials, FHK Address or cell en F. HlflCOi, US Broadway, .aw su.m. HVUUU1I Ulll PSESir, I n n nl (VI twwi A 1 sw fUMMTUMB. TyiDMYEK'SKUHNlTUKE STOKE. WHAT WE DON'T SAY -AND- What We De Say! WE DON'T say you cannot buy Furniture at ether El torts. WE 1)0 say that our Furniture will give satisfac tion : there is none tM,tir. WE DON'T say that you cannot buy Furniture for less money. WE DO eay you can ai money by buying from us. WE DON'T say that ether stores have net large stocks. WK DO say that our stock, ferSIze, Design and Quality, can't he beau WE DON'T say that our Houses are charging big profits. WE DO say that u are selling at such nrlcei as te allow usseme prod's, and yet we set mere for your dollars. WE DON'T say don't call en our friends In the business. WE DO say that you will be treated cordially. and will find a large, well selected stock und get the beat for the least money at WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE, Cerner Bast King and Duke Sta LANCASTER, PA. eeuS-lydAJS-Smw H OU8E3T1KES. HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot. A FEW WORDS ABOUT Parler Suites, Lounges, General Upholster ing and Repairing. We sell Parler Sultea In Hair Cleth, Plush, Ac. Prices range from M0 upward. We use no EX CKLSIOB In our work. Lounges we sell from 18.50 upward. We make Picture Frames and Leeking Olauea and will put te your order all kinds or Mirrors, either pier or mantel, In brenie or geld, at rea rea senble price. , We de all kinds of Benalrlng at short notice and reasonably. Will call for the smallest arti cle and fix it up quite satisfactory. Yeu can have work Uepaired new and Dellv ered after April. Bee these rU-oe Suites In Cherry i eame In this week. NOB. 37 30 SOUTH QUMN 8T. HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot iiir aoepB. TKW YUHK HTOKB. SEASONABLE GOODS. WATT & SHAND, 6. 8 & 10 EAST KINO ST., LAMCASTKK.I'A,, Offer te-day the Largest Stock mid Hiut Assort ment of flew Spring Dress Goods Kver Mm n In 1 ancustvr County An Immense tarlvtyel hew and ten let able DKESS UOOHS At 3, 1, S and and 10 Lents a ) ard One mom case Silk Mixed Hrws floods, only SHc a yard. New Lustre Checks, 17c ayaid, inadu te sell al2!c Thirty eight Inch spring buttings, only tc a yanl. forty Inch All Weel Suitings, ite. a yard , real value, SJc. Forty five Inch Homesnun Suitings. Light weight, 'iV a yard Bilk and Weel MUtures, O Inches wide, 37Ke. nyard. All Weel Spring Tricots only SJXe. a yant. All Weel and Silk and Weel Stilpca, Checks and Mixtures, ier cemninaticn suns rerty Inches wide, Mc. a yard All the Popular itiidmbt .New."prlng Tricots. 4u Inches wide, (no. a yard. French Feulo llelgus, 41 Inches lde,Mia ) ant. Hair Line and Silk Check Cleth Suitings, M Inches wtdc,;se u yard I'ln Checks and Mdiure In llugltsh Cleth 8ulllUjs,M Inches wide, 75c a yant. Kterytblug New and Hestrnhlit In 1 adlss Dress Goods l Popular t'rtivs -AT Til K- New Yerk Stere. e PKN1NO Ol' ri.OOlt Oil. CLOTHS. 33 anil 35 b'eulh (jucen Street, (Ol'P. FOUNTAIN INN,) Are offering the best Fleer Oil Cleth, yard wide, at 115 cents, ii y.irdswide ut 50 cents, tli;tteer was sold ut the price. Window Shades, with SpritiR Fixtures, 2) d. long, only -10 cents. Cocea Hugs, only M cents, worth Te cunts. Our Ingrain Carpet at 'M cents U equal te any sold at i" cents, every gr.ide from 5 te 10 cents a yard less than regular prices. Our line el herae-niade Hag Car pets cannot be beat in quality and price. Carpet Hags taken in ex change. The best sleatn Cured Feathers, guaranteed suet aud clean, at a loner price tliau eer sold .it be fore. 33 und 35 Seuth Queen Street, (Ol'P. FOUNTAIN INN ) uiurUMydAw aeuamMVHMiauiita wuuh. rALL AND HEK TUE ROCHESTER LAMP. Sixty Candle-Light ; Beats them all. Anether Let of CHEAP O LOBES ferOas and UU btevus. THB PERFECTION " METAL MOULDING AND KUBBEB CUSHION . WEATHER STRIP Beats theinalL This strip outwear all ethers. Keeps out the cold. Step rattling of windows. Exclude the dust. Keep out snow and rain. Any one can apply It no waste or dirt made In ap plying It. Can be fitted anywhere -no holes te bore, ready for use. It will net split, warp or shrink a cushion strip Is the most perfect. At the Bteve, Heater and Bange Stere -or- Jehn P. Schaum & Sens, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LAMUASTEK. PA. w M. A. K.1KKKBH. ALOUH O. HKRR KIEFFER & HERR, -DEALKBS IN-: WOULD CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION tO Fuller & Warren Ce.'s (TBOV.NjT.) STOVES, HEATERS. FURNACES AND RANGES. We ask no one te rnn any risks with "FUL LER WABBEN'8" Goods. We guarantee them te give Satisfaction. A a Meater" THE SPLENDID" has no rival, being a thorough het base, no part of this stove remains' oeld, evei y Inch ei It radiates beat. Al a Smaller and Cheaper Heater the "BB 10 HT DIAMOND " has established Itself In the front Tanks. Tee merlU et the "SPLENDID" and"BBlOUT DIAMOND " consist tn Beauty of Construction, Perfect Control of Draft, Cleanliness, no Dust, se 6m and Economy el rneL scell and examine for yeurself: 40 EsAST KINO ST.. rorreun oeumr metwmi UIINIW BAUD el MM, bard & Mcelrey, Heusefurnishing Goods ! Mr MM. J KQlVliKKttCa Easter Bargains ! tlenf Three fly l-lnen New Btyla Urllars, 10 cents. Culfs, t cents, New Spring Scirfii, A cents. Men's milts Made te Order st Short Notlea. Ucnieandteeuur Rargalnt. Etery. thing Cheap ler Cash. JohnS.Givler&Ce., Dry OoeJi nd Mtrehul Tailen, Me. AS Baat Klaa 8tret, LANCASTBK.PA B OSTON HTOUK. Stamm Bres. & Ge. Ne. UU 28 North Queen HI. FOR TEN DAYS We n 111 Offer the Following UKAUkl) IIKKSS FltOVTi, MhRKS. HI.ACK CASH. Black Dress Silks. BLACK HKNK1K.TTAS, SUKA1I I)ltES (Al.LClH.OUs) SILKS. And a Utrgn and Kleasnt Assertiucnt of HI'KINC. COAT. JACKETS AND WHAt'Sat Prices that wUl be the Talk of the Town. Our New and tiealldeitng. Assortment of SPRING HOSIERY Is Ualnlng Faver. Have Yeu Seen Our New Spring Seersucker Crinkles. W e are OtTerlng Hare Inducements In HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Anether Fitly Drien Let All-Linen Towels, eitra site, HHe. each! worth ,ac. each, ethsrs call this towel Heugh and-Ueaily Ost Meal, but wecall them All-Linen. De you take the hint t Twenty flve Pieces Leem Table Linen l'Hc a yard.; Visit our store and you will get Bargains every time. BOSTONSTORE, (Between I'ostrniee and Centre Square ) J. a MAHT1N A CO. J. B, MABTIH & CO. SPECIAL NOTICE! If you need anything tn our lines while relur nlshlnir please beams In mind and de net for get te call en us Carpets, Mattings, Wall Papera. Decorations, Rugs, Upholstery, Window Shadee. Ourtains, Draperiee. Vestibule Ourtains, Oerticene, Oil Olethp. China, Glassware, Ac, &e. T- Expert t'.per Hangers. Upholsterer, and Snide Hangers surmsnuj, auu Kit wins wan promptly and mny guaranieea Altering and Belaying CarpeU promptly done. ORDERS TAKEN -FOB TUE- LANCASTER -BTEAkt- Carpet Cleaning Works, Or. Wert Klig ft Prlwe 8(1 , UIOiKII, FA, 4V TeUpkWM COBMVtf J. B. Martin & Ce., SI 1 ,.'i. . . Wj. jrlrf- . ' -jrj t ' ., -s . idr-s ij..' .i?4rjas t.:f ,sa..- 3i- ,,Y ,., w yj,., '&&Ji'i!&ifa'rjlrl tWL --M tjlO eS.