1 T- 1 i' 'I"1TO.,'W1 JT3 . J ."J ft. L'--a JJ - . 'J .n- ..e lphiHnr" '"--' r m . ' yvij 'r1 vvr-xssi'i ,.4101 HLaaaav C5w J 114' - -",- ' r&l3B t uwtfapte? fnxewrKHi j?t5 T.fcJ -'... 'sa' k'i.' ,". kwJO sTiX'", VOLUME XXffl-NO. 187.-S1X PAGES LANCASTER, PA SATURDAY; APRIL 9, 1887. SIX PAGE-PRICE TWO' '.'W .f4"!iV 4 .vr Y ' T sf v".T'n ..;? "W'l ". THE FIRST SECRETARY. me. J emx k. iwBtt abbtivba te rma t.AtieAataaavHUUt beabb. neMter, lawyer, Jaage n Mgutrte-A PMIaMhtemiltMaaul Pallshed aeatlaasaa. Captain ! the raclblM,aaurtulUeB ate: te IMtDwiMWl la rallUe. Jehn King Findlay, "Midler, lawyr, J edge end stag letrate'wM lite Oral Moratery of th Lancaster afthoel beard. BU oonno eonno oenno lion with lb beard nay be told la fw word Ha wm en of the twelve dlsUn gulthed clllaen cbeeen m member of the beard In June, 1838, when the city Aratar. ranted the common eoheol law. When the beard met for organlaatlen en the 14th of June 1838, Mr. Klndlay waa eleeted lu flrat aaereUry. We are net qatta aura that ha waa neteecretary of the old LaneMterlaa eoheol beard, for the minute of the lent meeting or the old beard, held J une 2 1 and Oth, 1838, are la hi band writing. Be thla a ltmay.be waa the Oral aeeretary of the beard erganised under the aotet 1830, and kept a clear, finely written mlnut of the proeMdlag from Jane 2. 1838, te February OUi 1839. There la no reoerd that he ver received a cent of pay for hit valuable aervleae. On Auguet 22, 1838, team. Hume, Ilager and lungerleh were appointed a committee ' te Inquire whether the beard have authority te oempeneate the eeeretary for bla services." On August 20.h "Mr. Uager from the com cem Bltte en allow ing compeeeatlon te the sec retary reported that they had made aeme pregreaa in the dlsebarg of their dutlea but ware net ready te make a full report" We fall te find In the tnlnutea of the be-ird that the oemmlltee made any future report AM OLD TIM VI MUTE. On tha nth of March, 18J0 we tlnil the fol lowing minute: Te the Beard e Dtreeteri 'of (A Common HcAoelt In tM City a Utncatter: 'Having recently bad the honor te be elected president of the oemmon oeuncll of the city of Lancaster, which make me ex officio a member of the beard, I beg leave te tender my resignation of the aeal I held aa one of the director elected by the people, and the office of eeeretery et the beard. "Whereupon the realisatien of Mr. Kind lay aa a director waa accepted, and bla reelg reelg natlen aa eeeretary waa refuted." On the 3d of April following, Mr. Klndlay again tendered hU resignation aa eeeretary and It waa accepted, and Jehn W. Ferney waa unanimously elected In hi stead. Mr. Klndlay remained a member of the beard during the year that he was president of oemmon council and then permanently retired from It A SKKTCI! OF 1111 I.IPK. Jehn King Flndlsy was born In Mercera burg, Franklin county, Pa., en May 12, 1803. He waa a near relative of Hen. William Find lay, the fourth governor of FenntyHanla. U waa educated In the military academy at West Point, graduated In 1824, and waa com missioned a second lieutenant He took part In the Hemlnela war In Flerida, aa lieutenant of artillery, but In 1823 he re signed hi commission and oemmenoed the study of the law. lie was admitted te the bar at Uarrleburg In 1811. S xm after wards he removed te Lancaster where he success- fully practiced hia profeaslau for many year. Oathe Ch or My 1911, he was commit atoned by the governor of the state recorder of the mayor's court or the city or Lancas ter, aald court at that time being a ecurt or reoerd. His commission ran only te the and of the next aeaslen of tbe state Senate, On the 1Mb of February 1312, he waa reoemtaitalonad for ten years. He aerved only three years el this term when he resigned te accept the appointment of Judge of the dUtrlet court or the city end county of Philadelphia, lis waa also eleeted and aerved as president Judge of the Third district court of common pleat of I, high and Northampton counties from 1V7 until 1801. iv reMTira. In politics Judge Findlay waa a Democrat, and In 18M) be wat elected one of the police magistral of Philadelphia, holding court Ne. 2, with bla elUce at 1121 Henth street Ula term expired In the spring of 1M3. He died uddnly en Hunday, aeptamber 11, 1885, at .Spring Like, N. J., where lie had bwn spending the summer with his family. He left a wife ami one child a daughter. Several or Judge l'ludlay'a associate at the Lancaster bar are yet living. They de crib him aa a handsome man with fine bead and race and very dignified carriage. He wai net especially brilliant aa a lawyer nor remarkable for bt eloquence, but he was vary careful In the preparation or bla case, wa thoroughly honest In their prosecution, and generally carried hi clients safely through the meeheaef the law. His practice at th bar wa net ae large at that of aeme lnwyrel lent talent; ler at one ei nis em associates aald the ether day, "he wa ae high strong and Independent that b wouldn't walk across the etreet te secure a case." Aa a Judge In the courts ever which he presided ha 1 held te bave been able, Impar tial and Incorruptible, and be waa beyond question the ablest and meat popular pollee aaglatrate that ever held court In Philadel phia. AS A HOI.IUEn Aa ateted above, Oapt Findlay received hi military education at Weat Point, lie wa net only an accomplished aeldler, but one of the meat soldiery looking men that ever were a uniform. In 1839 be organized the Ltncatter Fend bias. Copies el the by lawa and mutter-roll ottheeompany printed at the iNTaLMdicN can otnee, In 1811, are yet extant The oem. missiened oflleer of the Fenelblea at that Mm were : Capt Jehn K. Findlay ; Flrat Lieut Jehn II. Duebman ; Second Lieut A. F. Osterloh ; Third Lieut D. A. Dennelly. Of thla list or gallant otlleers net one la new The muater roll or the Fenclbla In 1811 numbered 118 (Including active and honorary membera)andertbesethe following pamed are the only aurvlvera: Active , mambera-Hwry F. Benedlet, Jehn Camp bell, Dr. J. A. Kbler, Andrew Elcheltz, Christian Oast, Dr. Jehn MeOalla, Hen. D. W. Patterson, Jehn H. Pearael, Jehn Hese, Jehn A. Bchauranbrand, Henry Hwentzal, If. J. Weaver, unnauau rrmuiyer. Honorary members J. a Atnwake, Tbe. Baumgardner, H. 8. Gara, Jehn R. Bussell, Amea Blaymaker, Ueerga D. Bprecher. Te these should be added Thaddeu Henry, the efficient and Indlipen table waiter, who accompanied the Fenelblea en all their drills, parade and excursion. NO XQ.UAL IN MILITARY TACTICS, Ask any of tha utvlvlng member or the Fenatblea what kind of a aeldler Capt Find. ' lay waa, the Invariable answer la that In mil itary taetlea be had no equal j that ha wa the beat drilled and beat looking oflleer that aver aemmaadad a company or volunteer, and that tha Feectbiee wa tha bast company that aver paraded the etraeta of Laneaater or con tended for military honor abroad. Tha Fenelblea were net ealy proud of their com mender, but ha waa proud of them ; and well aa migni ne, roc in we ran or bla oom eom oem stay were score of the meat prominent eitlsea of Lancaster men who made their snrk lu almost all the walk eflli. Under Oapt Findlay tha Fenelble ware net a oom eom oem May of mare parlor eeldler. They aaw earn rTi inamrt'g"'"! la ' aneampmant and MVLtmyZZiti deriai tha Nattva AsMrtaan part of tha troop that warn celled npen te ter order la the Quaker City, and right gal lantly did they acquit themtel vea. I m Wmr IB It OBVAlBBf reeple Waat te Knew Why the Balldleg at Ik New 0aar rrlasa la Met Magsa. "Why I the building of tha new county priaen netlwgunT"la queaUen freqneaUy aaked. There doe net appear te be any geed reaaeawhy arrangement aheutd net bav bean made long before thla, at least looking te the preparation et a plea for tha propeaed aaw structure. It took along time te get the favorable recommendation or two suoeeeaive grand Jurtee, The queatlen of a new Jail waa Qratreoemmendadafawyearaagobyagrand Jury. Tha next grand Jury however tabled the project for the reason that butlneu wa depressed and It wai net policy te oentract ae large a debt when It kept people busy te keep qtura. Tha matter el a new Jail wa net allowed te rest and after aeveral grand Juries had In tha strongest term condemned the present structure, the beard or public chart tie Impeded It They also were of unani mous opinion that anew building waa a ne cessity and they eaid e In a communica tion addressed te the commissioners. The prison Inspector, who knew better than any ether of our offlelal bodies tha need or a building te replace the present dilapidated one, Joined In the prayer te the court for a newjatt It was pretty smooth aalllng up te thla point and the next atop necessary waa the consent or the county commissioners. It waa known that (Jingrloe was opposed te the erection of new J ll, bat bit arguments were of no avail, the ether membara et the boardeutvotlnghlmand when the petition reached the J udget It bad gene through all the stern required by law. Whether the J udgea would also favor tba building of the Jail waa a doubtful queatlen, but after deliberating ever the matter for anveral weeks, the pre Jeet Anally reeelved their approval. It la aald that Judge Patterson only af ilrtned the meaiure upon an atauranee re ceived that the building would be erected en the county farm a abort dlatanee aeutb et the Philadelphia turnpike. It Is generally known that It never waa the Intention or these hav ing that aelectien te erect the priaen at that point, but across the ere, en a let or ground which the beard or charities aald waa the proper and only place en the county farm te put It Homebody la going te be cheated aa te the site or the proposed priaen. The county commissioner will have the aele aay a te where the priaen will be located. Aa before noted, Gingrich la op posed te the new build leg.and he will hardly vote en lis location. Suppose Uartman favors the site across the creek, and Myera Judge Patterson's site, what will be the re sult T The answer Is that no prliea will be begun during 1SS7. Commissioners Myers and Hirtinen -had a talk about the new prison a few daya age, and the conclusion reached was that the pre Jeet ought te be started. A a preliminary atop Mr. Myera Intends writing te the Heard of Charities for the location or prltena that they would recommend our commissioners te visit before aaktng ter plana. Upen the receipt el a letter a route wilt be laid out and atrip taken and upon their return from that trip it It likely that tbe project will be nutted. Taw AMBBlVAlt MBVaAMC'. Installation or Ufllcars-lnerssM el Msmbsr-Milp-A Mains et Washington. Conealega Council, Ne. 22, Junier Order American Mechanic, met Thursday even ing, and the officers elected a week age, were Installed by District Deputy J. I Hbtllte. Tbe meeting waa a very large one. Several new member were elected. Tbe report of oflleer were read, the trustee report allow ing that during tbe paat three month the funds of the oeuncll wat Increased about 1200, the assets being new eef 10,000. Peter S. Uoedman, wbe bad Jutt been Inatelled chancellor, announced that it was bla purpose te start ler the Seuth en Monday next and would probably make Chattanooga his home. It was with regret tbat be left bla Lancaster associates, but as there were a number of member of the order lu tbat city be premised that he would try and unite with them and start a sister council before long. Several members lespended feelingly te Mr. Uoedmsn'saddreeaand expreased regret at tbe leaa of hi valuable services. District Deputy Shllite, atalsted by aeveral member et the order, installed the officers et the council located at Manhelm en Wednesday evening. Thirty new oeunclla have been organized in tbe western part or the state during tbe past year. A number el ceunclla In Pittsburg and Allegheny have taken meaturea te erect in the Allegbeuy park thla aprlng a f 10,000 equestrian statue or Washington. raw wbmb tbw book uvbtwm. A Garrpoadset Beya Ins Cem et tha Ntw Bjsura trenld Met Ksessd au,300 Ths Pint t'aar. EniTens Intkixkiknckr: II 1 rightly apprehend tbe atatlstlcs presented te tbe school beard by Ita book committee, tbe prlee per pupil ler books under the propeaed free book system would be mueh lea than two dollars, thepr lee stated in Friday'a Intrl i.ieKNuan. That figure la tha estimated average coat te each pupil at the present time. But II the beard bought the books at wholesale rates, a It would el course In the event of tbe adoption or the free plan, thla average would be redueed net less than forty per centum , which, upon tbe 3,500 children new In our schools, would eileet a total Bavins or f2,800. Tbe book which new coat ui 7,000 could then be bad for t,200 These figures are some what atartllng ; but tbey are, nevertheless, pretty close te accuracy for the flrat year. Alter that there would be a atlll greater aavlng for the reason tbat one book la likely te eerve It grade a longer time than one year. However, netwlthatandlng the great cheapening of doekb tnat weuiu fellow tbe city's shouldering thla burden, the iNTKti.iuKNOKR'M opinion that It would be well "te proeeed experimentally in thl matter" aheuld be heartily concurred In; and without a doubt It would be best te make tha etart In tba primary grade ler a year ; tbna teatlng by experience, before going tee deeply Inte the matter, whether the plan will workaaaatlaracterlly here as I knew It te have done In town and tewnablpa elsewhere. Bate Ball Nswt. In tbe seoend game between tbe Chicago and St Leula, played yeaterday, tbe latter wen by 7 te 4. Pyle waa pounded very bard and hi delivery wa wild. The Philadelphia club hit Miller, of the Athletic, very bard yeaterday, and wen tha gameby tbeaoereoi in te iu. nuivey, ir wln and Lyens, each had four bite. Among the game yesterday were tbe fol lowing : At Baltimore : Bosten 11, Baltimore 10 ; at Washington : Washington 7, Buffalo 4 ; t Plttaburg : Hter el Syracuse 5, Pitts burg 4 i at New Yerk t New Yerk 15, Yale 4; at Indianapolis : IudlanapellaO, Leuis- Till 2. Tba Syracuse club stepped In Pittsburg for three dy, and they were beaten ae badly en Thuraday tbat tbe Smoky elty newapapera made great sport or them. Yes. terdaythe representatives from New Yerk waat In with determination and wen by 5 te 4. Sela Don't Oe Oaee In Tbat Period, rrem the New Helland Clarien. Beckle, n 15-year-old daughter of Michael Header, el East Karl, ha attended tha BrldgavUla Sunday achoel every Sunday ter . Tkklns? tha weather, read and ether thing into oenaldaraUoa, thl tea . thing tete conaldarauen, thja la kgMyjaadraMid te THE FLOWERS OF EASTEH MOMB Or TMOtB Mar Witt, MB IB BBMAt WATOB WU-MBBBOW. The BeearreeUea gaaaea Baa a TIH teg Er ie Vpea th ttatrseealatlvse et the rieral Ktegdtta-WbM They Oeet as Their Vsijtsg atags ef repahwHy. Katter 1 becoming mera and mera a season et flower, and It premise thl year te eclipse all prevleu season In that respeet Florist ll ever the country report a con stantly Increasing demand for flower, and Lancaster florist all declare themaelvee ae filled with order that the upp!y cannot equal tha demand. Heme of theeheuge In tha popular teste era worthy of note. Tha l.lllumCendldum earns te have aupplanted the Llllum Long Leng Long rierum, whleb waa long the popular Raster Illy. Philadelphia prleea for both these varieties are 60 cent for each bloaaera en a plant, and vary from II te f2 a desen when out Callaa are from CO eente te II par pet, or 23 eente each cut Htnall atandard Im ported axatea U for from 12 te fa according te the Ite et the plant. Hydrangea, rang ing In prlee from fie cents te 18, are another Batter fancy. Then If you are after leeeer flower, you may have your pick of Mar guerites, apltwa, marigolds, mignonettes, pantlee, geraniums, Keman hyacinth, for-get-me no!, eta, for net a great deal of money. out pi.ewnns yeT Mticn uskd. One of these fashions, the origin or which Is hard te trace, Is that which prescribe that cut flowers, at Easter, are net aa geed form aaplanta for display or gltu. Yet many very fashionable people cling te out flow er In the abape of Lt France, Jacque Jacque mieot, Mermel, and ether rote. Tulips, daffodils, lllllea or the valleya and Narclsaut, are f 1 a dozen. Violets, panales and forget me-neta are 23 cent per bunch. Carnation long stemmed, range from 35 te 00 eente per deten. Mignonette rangea from 23 te Wcent per deten. Flower tblt year will make their meat gorgeeua display In the ehurchea. A promi nent New Yerk flirltt la quoted a aaying that 1 100,000 will be paid out In thl way by the different metropolitan oburehea, while the amount appropriated by Individual a voluntary contribution will probably be a mueh mere. Grace church alone ha pur chased 11,500 worth of flower ; but the deco rations of St Tbemaa and tbe Church of the Tranallguratlen, It J aald, will beoenalderably beyond that In Ltncaater, while theae large flguee will net be reached, It la aafe te aay that the display tc-morrew will be et a very notable character. (1T0TT0 OP THH nK-IURtlECTIOX. Ilelew la presented a magmtleent floral design that will adorn a Philadelphia -S3-.'fejersw church te-morrow ; lt la entitled the " Grotte of the Keaurrrctlnn." It presents a meat tasteful combination or Easter flower and the tomb or tbe Saviour is shown In hewn rock with the great atone rolled awav from the deer. Tbe cress, the arch with Ita legend, tbe palms historically ac curate and carrying the mind back te tbe time when Jeseph or Arlmathea laid Cbriat In bla own tomb, all make an effect tbat la atrlklngly realistic. The lace or tbe tomb la covered with cut resea, and tbe aentence " He la Klaen " appears In beautiful flower. High above tbe tomb la a great cress, covered with Easter lilies and lltlea or tha valley. The whele grotto it tilled with azaleas, hy drangeas, acacias, resea and calla lilies, upon whose white surface water Mile rrem a golden fountain. Vines oever tbe face or tbe rocky cliff In whleb the tomb 1 bewn. a palm neusK. Florist will recognize In tbeaccempany ing cut a tine presentation of a palm Louse, the cultivation of the palm being one of the growing floral hobbles. In the picture may be aeen all aorta of palm and ferns from seedlings te towering trees, wbesa leathery tops bruth the glata root and drip with moist ure. Ofoeurse, these graeetul denizens or the Seuth have only a het house exlttenee in our rlgoreua climate. Their fragility make them all the mire lovable. William J. Florence, the actor, I a great (lower-lever, and he ba a geed auggestlen te make when be advocate tbe establishment of a regular flower market In New Yerk. He explaina tbat It should be In a central location, eaay of aeceta by rail, and aay a tbat it yenns, neat, and otherwise attractive maiden were te attend tha atall, the business would be enormous. He cite tha aggregated vast commerce et the numerous scattered flerlat bona of the metropolis, and suggests that direct competition would increase th beauty and novelty of the offering, partiou partieu lary In th way of wadding and funeral de sign, and for ether special purpose. The extenalve display, with It wealth or bright color, would In Iteelf bring multitude te th gay ahew, and It would bv an educational effeotalee. Ha I te leave for Europe en the23dlnat,and propeaea te pay a vlaltte Pari, where auch place are numerous. He premise te make tha matter a aubjeet or close etudy, and upon hia return will giva tha result or hi observation, with a view e routing th lntereet of the rich and cul tured. LlYBlt ArBH tlMBB. Many fsepte la th CMy aad ghepkeapers Ueteg a irg Baemsta. Tbaatreetateday bav presented n very lively appearance. Our country cousin are V " W VflfiflBBBBKBBBaP9wv3HBBWViV a tewMpacple are net bahlad bar In fere maaing taatr nnai naawr pnr th grant fetlvl Tba tore bav been doteg a big bnaiaaaa In all kind of Katter geed and If to-naerrow b a fair day thera will be een npen the etreet and la tha ehurebe a nnar array of beautiful oettumea than have aver before bean aan la I an e ter. A Beaatiral eras. A large and beautllul oreaa, about four feet In height, oempoaad of white Immortelle tha top and each arm of the crea being tipped with red Immortelle wa sent te Laneaater te-day by Richard Jenkina, eq , et Camden, and will be placed In ML Jama obureh te-morrow The orea (tend en wire bat filled with meatea and living vine and flewara, raastea Weak la the Maravlea Ohareh. Tha almpl and Impreeatve ervleea that have been held la tha Moravian church every day during thl week are a feature that originally wa peculiar te that denomination, though In recent year tbey nave been widely adopted In ether ehurchea. All through th week theae aarvlee hay bean attended by larger audlenee than during any prevleu year, and with marked and In creating Interest The number of person wbe partook el the holy communion en Maundy Thuradsy evening wa probably larger than ever before In the history of thl congregation, the aeatlng eapaclty of tha church being severely taxed te aoeommodate all tha communicants, fjoed oengregatlona were also present at tbe aelemn aarvlee, morning and afternoon, of Ooed Friday. Mnsdal aervleta al Old Trinity. The K tater muale at Trinity chureb will be very line, and at the evening aervles at 7 o'clock will occupy tbe chief place In tha worship, which It ean net de In the morning en account el tha large oemmnnlcn. Tbe magnificent " Te Deum" by Warren, "Praia Ye the Lord," by Murphy, and Why Seek Ye the Living Among tbe Dead," by Greene, will be rendered by hundred et voices, ac companied by Prof. Tberbabn'a full orches tra or brass, reed and stringed Instruments. The choir gallery, In addition te the ether two, and all the paws along the walla of tbe ground fleer, will be for tbe congregation ; all the rest of the pewa will be occupied by tbe alngere and inatrumenta. The aermen will be preached by tbe pastor, Rev. Cbaa. L. Fry, and the alter aervlee conducted by Rev. J. K. Plltt, of Philadelphia. Bsglonlec el ths Paasertr fcatltat At aunset Friday evening tbe Hebrewa throughout tbe world began the celebration or tbe feast or tbe Passover, tbe season of unleavened bread. The feast commemorate the miraculeut deliverance or tbe Israelite rrem Kgyptlan bondage, and I ebaerved for eight daya. Tbe flrat two and last two day of tbe least are marked bya strict abatlnenee from all labor. Services called Seder are held In all Jewlab bemea en the first two night or the celebration. The atery of the deliver ance of tbe people from slavery la narrated, together with aaylngs of the sagea. Un leavened bread and bitter herbs are partaken or, and wine drunk with tbankaglvinga te Ged for bis bleaainga. Impreaalve aervlcea are held dally duriug tbe eight daya or the reaat te all tbe synagogues. The Ghsaapeska Bay Cleb 8raaadlns On Wednesday last Oliver Wilcox wa married te Mlaa Emma lleas. The groom la a member of the Cheaapeake Fishing club, and bla fellow members determined te serenade him. Between seven and eight o'clock last evening twenty-alx of the club gathered In Centre Square, and headed by tbe lrenvllle band marched te Mr. Wllcex'a resi dence en West Lemen street Tie band played aeveral aelectiena alter which the boy a ware taken te Johnny Sny der's where they were entertained by Mr. Wilcox. Tbe band furnlahed mere music, songs were sung and a general geed time bad. While at Seyder'a an election of officers waa held and resulted a fellow : Preaident, Jehn O. Warfel ; vlee'prealdent, Qraybill Leng ; eeeretary, F. D. MUey ; treasurer, A. N. Burger. The club will meet In two weeka te decide what time Ibey will take their annual trip. Tbe Weat Point. Cadetahlp. At 10 o'clock this morning County Super intendent Hrechr, William Leaman and W. U. tteniel, the committee appointed te ex amine the applicants for the vacant Weat Point cadetahlp, met aeveral aspirants for military fame in tbe orphans' court room. The contestant for tbe honor are : Daniel S. Miller, ally, aged 10 yeara; Alex R. Craig, Columbia, 18; J. M. Grett, New Providence, 18 ;H. If. Apple, city, 17; Charles Sumner Sweeny, colored, Columbia, 10; Harry L. White, Manheim, 18 ; C. O. Strlckler, city, 2a The das were examined in the aeveral branches required by the regulation of the Weat Point academy office re and tbe ex amination waa net concluded when we went te press. Arretted on.Hatplclen. Officer Hellly en Friday night arrested a young man who gave the name et Cbarlea Cleans, en ausplclen or being a fugitive fremjuetlce. A few weeka age a man an awerlng Oleana'a description wa at Celllna' Station and endeavored te get a party living In tbat village te rob a store there, lie waa unsuccessful and left the village but re turned a lew daya afterwards and while he waa In tbe village tbe atere waa robbed. Thla stranger again disappeared. Parties rrem Celllna' Station came te this city te-day and after looking at the man in custody aald he waa net tbe man wanted, and be was dis charged from tbe station beuse. Going- te Tenntstea. Peter S. Geedman, the well known cigar gent et thla city, will leave Lancaster Sun day night for Chattanooga, Tenn., where he purposes eatabllablng a branch agency for the ale of elgata manufactured at bla father' factory In thla city. Tbe Goodmans have already secured heavy trade In tbe Seuth, and It la found necessary te have an agency at a central point, and Chattanooga baa been (elected as being a live town and a railroad centre peRseaalng facilities for travel end eaay transportation in all directions. Mr. Good Geod Goed man'a wife accompanies him te hia new home. A FagltlT Caught. A warrant ba been out for the arrest et Harry C. Welchana foraeme time, encbargea et larceny m bailee, and being tbe father or an Illegitimate child. He waa arreated en Friday evening and looked up. The chargea were prelerred against Welcbana by Mary A. Hall, who new reside at Conestoga Centre. The larceny m bailee charge I for a geld watch, which aha claima he appropriated te bla own uMand he allegea that he gave bar the watch. The matter will be investigated by the court and Jury at tbe April aesalen. Te Ha Triad Neat Weak. The case et J. P. Angney, wbe 1 charged with enacting hi; bretber-ln law, come up for trial In United States court In Washing ton, D. C, next Wedneaday, Deputy Mar shall J. A Uelllnger Is new tubpcanklng the witneaae. On Hia Peat Again. Ex.Polleeman Roadman, or th Sixth ward, wbe for twenty-two week hM been confined te bla bed with rheumatism, ap peared en tbe etreet en orutehM thla after noon. On peculiarity et hia case 1 that bla right leg which wm meat Mrieualy afraeted 1 new nearly three lnehM longer than tbe teft. Orgaaltattea of OsaacU Cemaaltte. Th etty property committee ergaaltad teat evening by tha election of D. K. Leng, of th Ninth ward, aa ehalrnua, tad Jet THE COURT KEPT BUSY. BureattMQB or a labbm amevm or OVBBBKV BVHBBBt. Jae-g g-attey, r West Chaster, Agreed Cpaa te aaatle the asvanUi Day Bputt DIMeaMy. f tha osteen at tba teakaag , ef geuabethtewa, approved. Court met at 10 o'elock thl morning for tha tranaaoUen of eurrent bualnaaa. Dr. Flak, of Adamatewn, waa appointed guardian of tha miner children et Abraham Trcatle, deceased ; Jehn Keen, guardian et the miner children of Mary Qoebanour, de ceased! Isaac Weaver, Karl, guardian of miner children of Benjamin B. Krelder, late of Watt Karl township; C. K. Bembwgar, Raphe, and Heward H. Gingrich, Manbatm, guardian el tha miner children of William 8. Connelly. licenser TRAifsrannat). Tba following llcenae were tranaftrred : Benjamin Fritz, Bart, te J. K. Alexander ; Leulaa Langer, Sixth ward. city, te Jehn Ranking ; Cuba Myers, Fourth ward. city, te A. F. Fulmer ; Julius Bturgla, Warwick, te peter F. Ringer ; Jacob Bummy,Eat Hemp field, te Jehn H. Landla ; Kite R. Brown, Weat Coealloo, te Daniel M. Bertolett ; B. F. Dally, Maner, te Amea Heak ; Jehn Kepper ling, Ninth ward, city, te William H. Delch- ler ; Geerge F. Bewly, Earl, te Henry Sel veiling. TUX BKVXNTH DAT BAPTIRTS. There la a probability et tha Seventh Day Baptlat difficulty, which waa reviewed at length a few weak age In tha Iktkllidk.n cer, being adjusted at an early day. Judge Patterson this morning announced that hi colleague bad suggested te him the name or two Judge from which te make a aelectien or a Judge te determine tha matter, and rrem these name he had selected Judge Futhey, of Cheater county. Argument of the eaae will be heard en a day aatlifactery te Judge Futhey. BANK OPFICKRS' BONDS. The court wa called upon this morning te appreve tha bend of tba otBeara of tha Ex change bank, of Ellzabetbtewn, an Institu tion recently chartered by the atate autheri se. The act of 1870 provide that the officer of state banka aball give security for tha faithful performance of duty and in coerd anee J. Hay Brown presented the bend of tha preaident caabler and teller. That or J. H. Rider, president, wa In the aum of $20,- 000 ; Adam Ream, caabler, 120,000, and Jeseph K. Eahleman, teller, 110,000. The court approved all or the above bend. OTHER CURRENT BUSINESS. The court made an order for tha opening or Elm street, from Cheatnut afreet, north ward, a dlatanee of 150 feet Emma O. Rete, city, wife of Jacob E. Rote, waa granted the benefit of tha act of assem bly, et April 3, 1872, giving te married women the benefit of their separate earning. The recognizance of Catherine Cunning ham, convicted of larceny, which wa ter felted, when aba (kipped out, waa respited upon the payment et all tha coats in tha criminal eaae agalnat her and In th civil eaae brought en tba recognizance. Lizzie M. Gocbeneur, city, waa divorced from her husband, Levi M. Gocbeneur, en the ground of deeertlen. The Ball Mads Si, 000. Jehn Pentz, the defendant in the Blander case brought by ex Special Policeman Jehn GUI, appeared In court thla morning. B. F. Davis, counsel for Pentz, moved for hi discharge en oemmon ball en the ground tbat no effenae had been aet forth In tbe affidavit, en which the suit wa brought, and that lt wa only an nference of GUI that ha wa alandered. Messrs Brown A. Hansel for GUI argued that If the charge made by Penlz were true, GUI wa liable for Indictment The court decided tbat as special damage were laid, they would net discbarge en oemmon bait They fixed the amount of the ball at 11,000, which Pentz entered, hia father becoming hi security for hit appearance at the April term of common plea court. Death of Mr. Jehn Qandaaar. The Davenport, Iowa, Gazette of April 5, chronicles tbe death of Mr. Jehn Gundaker, whose husband went tbither rrem Lancaster 35 yeara age. She bad been III a fort night and died of pneumonia. Betide her huaband abe leave ellit children te mourn her less, Bbe waa 40 yeara of age. Mrr. Gundaker ha three brother In Lanoaa Laneaa ter, Geerge, Jacob and Kmanuel and tbree later, Mrs. Jeseph Welchana, Mrs. Suaan Kepner and Mrs. Emma Cogley. Tbe fun eral took plaee en Thuraday. All a Ooed Werd te Bay ter Them. Frem the Mew Helland Clarien. With the exception of Barnum, proprietor of the greateet ahew en earth and Prince or Humbug, no aggregation, corpor ation or buslneaa firm or any kind what ever, hM reeelved m much free advertising m the new law firm of Brown A tientel, Juat formed in Lancaster city. All the newa papera In thia aectlen of tbe Union, from the greatest metropolitan dally te the amallett country weekly, have noticed tbe partnership and have bad a gced word te My for the mem ben of tbe Arm. Ne doubt the pluck and affability of tbeee gentlemen hM wen for them all theae geed word. Accident te the " Ze Ze " Oar. The ear containing tbe baggage, aeenery, Ac, or tbe "Ze Ze' ' company wm In a aUght wreck at Reading thla morning. The car wm being ablpped when It collided with a locomotive and wm badly broken. The com pany carrtea two large hone, with whleb tbey de their own hauling. The animal were cut and brulaed e badly tbat they were left In Reading In charge ei a veteri nary aurgeen. Tbe company, whleb la very large, It atop ping at the Steven house. for th Carman Tramp. Thl contribution hM been received for German tramp today. cash .. M Previously Acknowledged.... tn BM. Ha Btole a Ride. Edward Murphy, a tramp, came Inte town thl morning at 1:25. He wm a " tank and baggage" passenger and Oflleer Rey ar reated him for the larceny or a ride. Thla morning Alderman MoCenomy aaat him te the building with a shaky tower ler 10 day. Daatlt of Andrew Heech, rrem tbe New Helland Clarien. Andrew Heuck, aa old and wall known citizen of Earl tewnablp, died at the real, denee et bla eon, Parmer, en the Welsh mountain, la th 73d year of hia age. Before tba Mayer. Tba mayor heard two drunka and four ledger thl morning. On of tba drunka an old offender, wm aent te Jail for 30 daya and tbaMsend discharged npen payment of coat. teglatered m a rayalataa. Dr. Tbaddeua Irving, of Christian, graduated from Jeffersen Madleal oellag Tuesday, hM registered m a phyaldan at prothenotary'a otnea. In Tew. Dr. A. Bant Hlrah, aen of Herman HIraa, I who te praetteteg bHHIii ta Pailadalakst, UaWllalMraw a caaaata M Oslata wm wet tiwi wim ta ami rrehlMttaateta. OALvaeTON, Taxaa, April 9 Tha AnU AnU AnU Prohibitien! have called a maatlnn for tha 30th " te sat forth clearly and universally the time-honored arlnetplea of Demen raey fa ita oppeaUlontoallform of maiptaary lagtabv hob." ad i ewj tD-eay paouaeaa an e letter rrem senator Jehn h. magna rpi; te the Invitation of the commit te at tha coming meeting. Raagan'a latter wlU proenoa aganniaa nwiien in wapeuHeiai world of Texas. Ha oemee eat aquaraly la favor of prohibition and daala tha opposition nema herculean blewa from n Demoeratie standpoint Twe year age Mr. Reagan atoed bawd senator Coke, Gov. Ireland, Congressman Mill and ether prominent Democrat In strenuously opposing th growth of tha pro pre pro hlblUen Idea. Reagan' complete aotner aetner aault en thl point auprise even hi nearest friends. After picturing at length tha wretchadneaa and dlehoner te be noeuntered In every community r. ultlng from tha uae of liquor, the dlatingulened senator aayi " l mutt x pre my regret that any effort ha been made te make a party queatlen of prohibi tion, and eapeelaUy de 1 regret that Demo Deme crate aheuld aask te Identity that great and grand hlatorle party with tha fortune and fata or the whlaky abep, drunkarda and criminals." Viewing tha queaUen from a JefTeraenlan standpoint the eenater con tinue : "There are bread ditterencea between lawa which interfere with legiti mate trade and with auch as would inter fere with the purchase and aaleet necessary feed, drink and raiment, called sumptary lawa, and lawa which have for their object the prevanUen and punlahment or crlm and tha preservation of publle morale and de de eency, and I think It hardly Jutt te tba mem ory of Mr. Jeffersen te atsume tbat be would net have recognized thl distinction." BUM XLBOtjOK IB BBOUB MALABO. Democrat Have a Majority el Ten ta th Hen and Expect te Control th Sanat. Providence, R, L, April 0 Th new legislature will net meet until May 31 and the vote en atate officer will net be canvaased and declared till tbat time. Lieutenant governor and secretary of atete, who failed of election by tba people, will then ba eleeted by tbe legislature en Joint ballet Intbeaupple Intbeaupple Intbeaupple menUlelectloeabeldalnceWedneadaythe Re publican have elected one representative end the Democrat baya elected one aenater and three representatives, Tbe Republleana have new 18 aenatera and 27 representative. Tne Democrats have 14 aenatera and 37 repreean tativea. Thl eecurea te the Democrat con trol or the Hen and a onanee for tha Hraate, Tha lieutenant governor hat a vote in tha Senate, and lt the Democrat elect tbat offi cer and all tha aenatera whleb remain te ba eleeted, they will have a ma jority of one. The upper Heuse la mad up of 30 senators; the lower Heuae of 72 representatives. There are atlU four aena aena eora and eight representative te elect An lectien for one aenater and three representa tive 1 In pregreaa In Newport te-day and for one aenater and one representative In East Greenwich. The remaining elections occur en Tuesday and Wednesday next. Democrat here feel confident of securing control of both branches of the legislature. There are aavaral member elected a Re publican who will act with the Democrat en atete queatlen. A Mente Bssasts Capter. Cameren, Taxaa, April 0. Intelligence reachea here from Stockdale, this county, of a latai ngm Between omeer or ine law ana a noted deaperade named WlUlam Jacob. Jacob wa wanted for murder, and Deputy Sheriff Pickett, Peele and McCall with a posse went te arrest mm. wnen tney ar rived where Jacob waa Mopping ba appeared with a Winchester and gave battle. Peel wa killed and McCall badly wounded, and one of the posse piebably fatally ahet When Jaoeba' repeating rifle waa empty, ha drew revolver and though followed by a abewar or bullete ba eacaped te th weed. He I being cleaely hunted and ir captured will be lynched. m Imported Vetara In Michigan. Mahquettu, Mich.. April a The bitter neat or tbe local fight en prohibition In Gogeble county aeema te nave caused the most reckless voting ever perpetrated. It 1 stated that the authorities are Beeking legal advice and are determined te threw out the vote, lt is reported that men were brought In from Wisconsin by the wsgen lead te rote, and voters were openly purchased. It 1 net believed that there are 1,800 voter In tbat county, although tbey claim 2, 200 agalnat the amendment That wholesale fraudulent voting waa carried en there aeema te be ap parent, and If the county la thrown out the atete ha certainly carried the amendment. Awfet Charge Against a Fanner. Columbia, & C, AprU 9. A telegram re re oelved here atete that J. T. Antheny, a well-to-de farmer el Plekena oeunty, belonging te a reapectable family, baa committed a criminal assault upon two of hia daughter, aged respectively li and 17 year. Much Indignation waa caused by tha perpetration of the revolting erime, and threat of lynob lyneb ins were Iceelv made, but Antheny waa ar- rested and committal te Jail. Ha waived tha preliminary examination before a trial Jus Jus tiea. HI two daughters, son and wife, ap peared aa witnesses agalnat him. Shet and ratelty Woendad. Hamilton, Ohie, April 9 Sharif! St Clair wm Msulted in tha etreet yeaterday by Jehn Hebner, Jr., who atruck him ever tha head with a dub. St Clair dropped back a lew paeea, and when Hebner ad vaneed again, draw a revolver and fired twlee, sheeting Hebner In tbe breMt The wound will prove fatal. There 1 great excitement ever tha affair. Tha trouble date back te the elecUen, In which Jehn Hebner wm defeated by Sheriff St Clair. Tbe son took up the father quarrel with the above result Booting Oat Socialism. Berlin, AprU a The pollee have begun an active campaign agalnat Socialist In many of tha larger German towns and cities, with the result el discovering and seizing n Urge euantltv of Socialist literature and arresting many persona holding Secial democratic At Mannheim, Keggaburg, Hamburg and Stettin the headquarter of SoelalUt were raided and In each case every person found en the premises wm arrested. Among the documents seized were the pesters of numer ous Seciallat organlzatieua and every psraen who name appear In tbe Hats captured will be arreated or placed under urveUlanca. 100,000 Damage te a Mia. Birmingham, Ala., AprU 9 One of the nnnrini in the Pratt mine alx tnllee from thl city overturned a lamp yeaterday morn mern morn ine nii snentheenUre abaft atrueture wm in dame. A great aenaeUen wm created aa It wm believed a large number of mlnera were In danger. They all eteaped unhurt, however, and alter aeme delay In getting n tire engine, the flamM were subdued, after burning everything oembuaUble above tha ground. Tha lern is estimated at 1200,000 ;la. aurea. i m TBUBUttAPHIO TAW. H1lM.ai illnaaanai la tg mtitnlnav. Gilbert Flab, aged 10, killed blmealf with n revolver In New Yerk thla morning. in Cincinnati tna J . wautu Brewing com- pany'a tabubmut wm atatreyea ny or thla morning ; leaa. 150,000. A body auppeaea te be that ei matk f. Feraytb, of 080 Want Adam trt, wm taken from tha lake off Llnoeln park, OhW oage, thla morning. Mr. J. D. Tayler, wife eT Cengreimta Tayler, et tba Seventeenth d 1st riot, died at her rtdne In Cambridga, Ohie, thtaaem. Wlaoenaln farmara. report a damage efat leant 60 par cant te tne wneai crop vj uwm- Thn praaldent today appointed ateahaU Parka, of Virginia, teb Inspector of ataaaa VMMl forth Third dUtrtet, Eugene rtempl. of, Waahtegtan ," hMbaaa appefa ted, ay.F ? w?watfU te mm ta ane-c-inrrMad eU al antetiUragteg. who en tba SBBIBABMOWB. WAaniiaTes,D. O, Aprtt 9.1 liisHMsjjany Tha THE VOICE OF GUI " MaVU WBWvMM. mutamvt ABewr op., -in.-- u '7J I-aata. Ikeata atemig,, na tewgnjianj eetre-aeeaang at anaJMM m Londen, April a. 1 new vans at te aw Monday next te MUntoaiiaaatel IngamlMldwLend). air. Gladstone te4av I latter, which aaaenat a n Northern mlaara, who an lowers ei air. uiaaetea I "I cannot refrain front amnnajr j uen te we n i mig wane a ta Hyde Park en Monday an i understand '- -'" - of Londen Intend anarenaty In 4 Dutiuaj. u wm etst wa n ntllen werklnaman te tatal thl la th Mm. It hi law- wnn n coercion bill, ir Pad by Kaeland'a vote a voleMofBootund, Ireland and' we am mam wnen aucn n out 1 mated under th aancUen of he large never enfranchised belbra tne) neus, via i ! ana issa it M IM coercion nas nam propewd Wl attempt by tba ministry te ahew knew they cannot ahew, Mate uenai, nagrant or growing crime. v mV ii jcngiana I te run iiiiunlni ireisna eanrapiymat relatively te tne I tkm aha ba let crime than England. opinion tne rejection ei in oearetai even mere needed bv England than land. Fer Inland it 1 a aueattea nt Ing, and eh knew hew te suffer. Far land lt I a aueatlen of ahama and dlak WasnttV latantfc or tean and te east away ahama and dishonor fet nrst Duainee or a great nation, in meetlnc of Londen werklnaman An effectual force te tha movement for which breuaht about tha election May th meetlnn of Mendsv next death -knell of tbe went, meat laanil meat eauaeieaa coerden bUl ever anl PariUmMl f - -4 COWDITIO OB 1MB CaOm J? Wheat gesr and Hall Pafeata Tsar Heavy Lata of Bwlae sTratn Warhinoten. Anril a Tan raoeti af I department of agricultnn for AprU ratenHM a conaiuen ei wmter crsin ana healtbtuln of farm anlnala. Tan i bow that tbe condition or tbe aell at I efaaadlng wheat wa aemewbat unfav in tn ataus et the Auantie ana enir owing te the drought during th lata i mar ana u;umn, meai vr in of Pennavlvanla. in Marvland ai ginla and In parte of Tax aame unfavorable oendltlona in Western Missouri and In If tnat. Tk,; continued dry weather made plowing danW 1 cult, seeding late, and In loealltlea wajatw ay - ws unDreaen wnen winter aei in, minauen wa aiew ana ine rail email. In tha creat wheat atetea central weat from Tennaa te aeurl tha aeed for tha gnater of tha area waa in feverabl ana and with local exoeptlen. th plant aeSAi wwdoieto neian ihwj tera. Onl slop tka early I Urn wa dry. 1 whela breadth theuah aemewbat t Tha covering of mew dsurnaffj vswiy pviuua ui sne winter w nsw usual ever a targe pan ei ma wnen I thera are from many Motion oemi canty nrotectlen durlntc vary Irvine i Ine February 15th. Tha month of wm tha meat vn f or a MrlM of yaarn. I temperature being below the avvav cjvar ' tha whole wheat area MtefthaMtertanaf rlvar, and alternate freezing and thawing wrougnianrreoa uamag te utuw ntnta -peelaily In bottom and poorly drained 1mh' ' Pennaylvanla, Virginia and Ohie unrtm everely from this lnolemeney. . Tbe general average or condition la 8a, tha) aame a tn 1881 and higher than at tha nan date In 1883 and 1885 when lt wm 80 and 7 napeeureiy. Tn Apm conaiuen et bb' year wm 92 6 which wmbUU further Impraynt ' by tha favorable weather durinn tha i The average for the principal atate are t M - xern vi, rannavivania tv, ssaryiane aa vi ginla 79, TexM79, Tennessee W, Kentnagy I uniOTU, Mienigan vz, inaiana w, iiuaete t Missouri a, nansaa bj, uauremia ws, vr us. tiamaga rrem me zteaaiae ujtmt uviy unnoueea . ih presene m i In from one te four counties Inl Tex, Tennessee, Ohie, Fannaylvnaan 1 Rye hM withstood tba untavenbta.g teoreiogioai conaiuen eanar tenat tna average or conaiuen eeing ws, i at the same date a year age. ,''Vv. The return of condition of fan aaahn bowaleMor awina smeuntiag ta lAtVl cent, or ever 0,500,000, and ladltanagj oenUnued widespread prayalanea afM Ioeuior fcana. cooler, -ine ieaaea ei nDi cant, et cattle 4 3 10 par m of cattle are tha I tha Seuth and en tha raanaa of far Waat from five te nlna utrawkl In the aeotlena where ahalter 1 provided! eetter car taxan, it ameunss te eniy m a-half te three per cent Tbe lea nerae, a usual, u -very mmmiit forth whole country te lea tl tenth of one ear cant. ? , ' T , IBOr AJfZJ KilLBB A BVMmAB A Fromtnaet Haalnata Man of Jateaa T, Meats a FaalvalB WhMa-' BSWTIBg BIS Jjg Jamestown, N. Y., April ft J bunrlara have been braaklna nttv dencea for th east tan daya, Thia at 4 o'clock burglar triad te enter tha I el Mr. A. H. eatun, n preminaM I man. aar. vauin arc ai Intruder cllmblnn! threuch room window; ba took np n rlntV And i tha hnralar taa?ard te th gH the heuae and fell dead npen tba lawnv: ball,:erx2 oaiiere, caving aavaraa tsmja vein and panted upward through tfenj Th dead burglar wm raeegalaad an. CI W. uraan, an en weumnuer nean ai McKean oeunty, Pa Ha had tnat arrived rrem tne unie ou nawn i at the AUn heuaa. uei fanatve eltlaaa. Tba methwr of Obaatar W. Grn, bnrarlar who wm ahet bv Mr. OaUtm I morning, Mm Margaret Green, Uvea Mlnnaapella, where n ntarrted alater ahw i ldaa. Upen th dead burglar bad tj found tba photograph et Mhw Mnwia ' Boyd, bin-alee, alae mvt1 U hr ddrMd te "My Darw Among hia affect wm a receipt let jm oarbeUted glyewrla. aa exptealva tlmaa mera powerful than nitrfrgljaMhi bU nota-DeoK ureen naa.wnitan ina LUite and Klttla Davy, havteg lafl ler winaem, am. xna uutiase thin morning wm andad by the J tna a vardlet of Justifiable body, new lying in th atom viewed by baadred of yttmU, boom near that of Mr. OaUtaw.wnfJ at th aame beer thla aaarnl gang, oneel wtMuntrrtei m nana ana n duub-ejw isbi Th polio re looking nw Friday i beywraaWtaana aieancraafe. At i ben in thai te4ymmiUaBBmmm taawgatnanlllh1t ttteyatlytatv "FriU" GratwaM had nteraAldrManB or age, wall drea ana nna mm body wm takan te tha mergn and held. Mr. Catlia, who dMtha atv maji about 50 yxae(am and n t rl ananamadi : mm imttmm;m iIImiitm laann am ana am 9mQ in, ';j" MtntBB) ta assaMsansswMptfw ft n .W A JtyfaSw ' aattelnlf Twgam wye .' fCatnA .b'-?M&M $&$$ -V.i- ltM . rlSfti 'AM --uiSi a -i 14 , iwij tM a vOi