Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, April 08, 1887, Image 1

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Ar b - j t rf .i. .w .- j1 t . t " -!" - i " . -wiTt c . ? v. f- 11 -."
j ".,& -' -" w. h"yrrw i'VJf .i.VhfvTiS&ai;
eijje 3uta$te
AW ' ' ' A l T ' ' ' M JTT IW a ta 'ki5 f.sMri1 " r ' "! '
,f r' ?:xv-
A ( fW1jt
It J .t. ' t
T J. "a
J La i
J 4
, 1? ,
turn HiiuH nr ran vummtr-
Tha Oast Ik Oitf It Ik New aj.t,m (less
lata OpereUea tnrnlmnU te the
Half, la Oanf Ieta K(Tt Iba
rropeMd Change.
Tha April meetlug of the aoheol tard wai
held a Thursday evening In common oeun.
ell chamber, with the following membera
present: Miasm. ISaker, llernsrd, Heleulus,
llreneieaii, llrewn, llyrue, Cochran, Darin,
atetter, hberiiiau,, Ktana, (Irleat,
Llcbty, Marshall, McCeineey, MoCermlok,
McKlllgett, McKllllpa, Owens, t'enU, Hsiib,
Ktngwalt, Hchwebel, Hblndle, Shirk,
Hiueych, Snyder, Warfel, Wk'kerabatn,
Wehlsen anil Levergixxt president
Tub minutes uf I lie laat slated uieetlng were
read and approved.
II 1 1.1 Jl TO UK I'AIII
Mr. Kvaus, or Hie llnanee committee, re
ported the lollewlug bills a having been
examined and found correct, and en his
motion the treasurer was directed te par the
aame: Charles II. Hsrr, stipplles, (1177;
Ivl Fowl, leber, f 17 SI; Kate Hucklus,
sslery night school teacher, (11S7&;
Henrietta liarkln, night school teacher,
(HAM); Win. II. Lovergoed, night school
teacher, (55; It. H. Gates, night school
teeeber, IV A. It. Stemy, night school
teacher, tl.v. a7 ; J. 1. WIcRersham, ex
psnaes te llarrlsburg, (0 H5 ; James C.
Gable, night school teacher, fill); Slough .V
Hen, tables, 1 15 j Dracuber Ures,, brick
laying, MM); Jehn II. Jerdan, night school
Janitor, (IG; Aune.V Thorns, retelling Iren
fence, ( ; Jacob K. Limits, two leads of
cobs, (d ; Ilauuigardner, Kluruian A Ce.,
lumber, f II 10 ; Gas, Light A. Fuel company,
gas for male nlgbt aoheol, (J0.M ; W. V.
Franclscus, bricklaying, fj'r; I'nlllp
Iebzelter, leail of weed, f I ; Intki.i.iiik.n.
ckii, advertising, (la 10.
Mr. I Wans also reerted the loltewlug eatl
mate of receipts and expenditures :
TelSr Heard e Director m of the CVninen .Sclioelt
vf iMtttitter City
Vourceuiiultiaaof llnance, as reuired by
law, respectfully nrnnnnt the aunual etlmat
of the probable rcedlpls aud expniidlturvs uf
the schools for the iiimlng year, with a tax of
thirty cents te the hundred dollars tatuatleu.
ariHiTsu ssrsir-Ti4.
lioeoivAlinil.u M ttmw mills fin ni i
eiaUspriiirUU0DS tITVlel
Tuition 7iei
l'rtiuslila nmeuiit friiin County Coin
inliilemur ou collrcilen u( niuta unit
county tai JiiDdl
l'roliible blnce lunu I, li H3i
tHHT, 10
Pay tuition ..ll,vm mi
Nlsht tullleu Nl Ml
rnnclptl ou hMni . . . shkiiii
InUMI'slen I411I14 il filial
VehI and klinlliiiK ... i,lueui
llixikisud ktilluurl) t0()
lail . ja li
Um lillln ) ue
Water rent Kiui
Ueptlr I vi) (e
Janitor .. ?,3ej ui
Abtlenicnl i) ii
Krreni snitOAoiiniatleti. ... ... 5ieui
CouiuiUtlent torcelluctluiM . nuui
CeuUiigenclu. ;tuui
I0 973IM
sfik'eiir aimuiittee are of Um opinie i, that
fixing tti rate of lis a 0ne HUtetI, at
thirty the bundred dollars, will lis
sulllclent te ctrry en the opwrlleus of the
beard, If economy I iMtxl lit tbeiiunsguiuuiit
for the coming year.
Theduptlca'oe! uupild titx'itfur ls", due
by tenants and lngl mail, when placwl In
thehaodaef oellrvtor amounted te K,"I'J7J.
The amount collected te date ('.Hi. 1, leav
ing unpild according te duplicate fO,IM..
Your committee refer the matter te the
beard for consideration and Instructions.
We have examined the treasurer's account
and tlnd he received flO.'JJI Ul, and paid 47, leavlns n btlanre In his bands due
the beard of V,'J K, en April 'J, lsa7.
lteni:iir A. K nm,
NMihi. K. I.h ii r,
IlKNH) .Smi.i ii.
Mr.Ilyrnr,cbatrman of the book committee,
submitted the following report.
7lhe J'rrMltlent timt Member! of the Umemtcr
hehoet Beard
Uk.NTLi.MhN : A resolution of the beard
adopted at lla last meetlug Instructed the
oemmlttoe ou text books and course of In
struction te report at this meeting en the ad
visability of supplying te the children In our
schools free at cost tbe books which are new
provided by their patents or guardians.
Your committee tlnd that the plan of fur
nishing free books, although a new Idea In
this community, is net an experiment It has
been In operatleu In Ibe city of New Yerk ler
50 years, and lu Newark, N. J., for forty
years. The system bat grown old In uiaay
of tl.e cltitm ami towns of New Kiigland. It
la still rapidly extendiug throughout the
Ksstern states, and Is new very lamlllsrin
tbe atatra or tbe West In our state the
city of Philadelphia has been furnishing
free beska ler many years, and tbe city of
Chester has been lolloping its example for
ten years.
Hlnee tbe passage of tbe act of tbe IMnn
sylvanlaleg alature, alllruied Juue'JI, lSvi,
authorizing school directors te purchaie text
boeka ler free use in tbe public schools, a
a large msjerlty of tbe districts In llucks,
Montgomery, Cheater and Delaware coun
ties have availed tbemselvea of Its authority
and are new furnishing books and station
ery, free of all cost, te tbe children In their
achuela. O.her count leu lu the state have
adopted the system, but net se largely as tbe
counties named.
In the investigation of the subject of free
books, your committee haa examined a geed
deal of printed matter from dlflerent sources,
and besldes,entered Intocerrespondenoe with
the school ollleers et various districts in
Pennsylvania, and It may beaald without
reservation whatever that the reports from
uvety source are strongly In favor of the sys
tem. Your committee's correspondent at NorrU NerrU NorrU
tewn says : Yeu msy rest aure thst II you
adept the system of free books your
teachers will be able te de bstter work and
that it will meet with tbe approbation et
your cltltena Tbe average cost ou number
et pupils enrolled is about 70 cents te each
Tne report from West Chester is much
stronger. Itsaya: "We consider it great
advantage te community in every way.
The Increased taxation when the system ia
fully established la inappreciable, while tbe
burden of expense which iathua lifted from
these unable te bear It causes general relief
and rejoicing. Children are net se early
withdrawn, Intelligence la mere widely dli
fused and kind el aatlsneU feeling pre.
Knewing tbe business ability and high
character or tbe president of tbe beard of
publle education la Philadelphia, your com.
tulttee were desirous of having his opinion
en the subject uuder consideration. Tbe
following extraeta are taken lrem a letter
dated March 10, 1837 : ' While the city of
Philadelphia rinds a greater demand upon Ha
treasury than It la able te meet as It would
desire, I feat aure that nothing would lu
due the city authorities te atrlke out
the appropriation for boeka and atattou atatteu
ery and thereby make It necessary
ferpuplia te purebaae their own. The pur.
chase el boeka by tbe city authorities places
u,?JlxY))w UB(,,r trdl of the school
author II lea and anablaa tha tjnhra m in.
struct pupils In the eare and preservation of
their boeka and .papers, wbteh disciplined
order and nicety laoee el the highest duties
of choel work. The cost of this claw of
supplies in Philadelphia, eaUmatlDg tha
whole department high schools, normal
schools and manual training schools, is about
one dollar per upU per aauum."
The cost In Lancaster under the present
ayatem, of boeka alone, ia eatlmated at
about two dollars par annum for each pupil
enrolled. Tnlaeeiimate is baaed upon sta
tistics obtained from all the schools in the
oily except that of Miss Curtis' nod deea net
Include bookkeeping In the beya nigh aoheol
nor la the beya' grammar school.
In view of the unquestioned aattsfaeile
whkA I4M pUn of furnUtaiBg tree books baa
Batata WSrtTtr It baa 'been ettepte, a
IteMlsltraataeMsJuUeaadwlt, eftlM
redueed cost te the enmmunlly at large and
of the ftual footing upon which It nteeea all
pupils entering tbe publle schools, your com
inlttee believe thst Its adoption by this beard
would lie advisable and wlte, and therefore
recommend that section 130 of the rtilea lie
e amended that tbe ayatem msy be put Inte
operation at the commencement of tbe next
school term. Heapectrully submitted,
J. W. Hvhmk,
M. W. IUuh.
' The committee obtained from tbe teaebera
of the severs! schools the number of books
In use In their respective schools, and the
following I the aggregate : Hpellera 1,1 lilt
first readers, 4(M second readers, Illi
third readers, 777 ( fourth readers,
l.trjil ; II nil readers, .I7.ri ; ropy books,
l,7l! ; Drawing Ixxiks, Ne. I, 1,ikh) ;
Ne. i!, suit Ne. 3, lillt Na i, 'Jie; Union
arithmetics 7.11; written arithmetics 141;
mental arithmetics 1,H.: ; elementary goo geo goe
grsphles I nit; complete geographies 3SH;
grammsrsS ; physlolegim H7I ; song uollee
tlens I,l'i7; histories tM; Urst Herman
reader 77 ; second (lerman render uut third
Oermsu reader liVi; fourth (leruisu reader
'."J; Urtb (lerman reader 21; translators 111;
(lerman ipy lioeks 1 1 1. Tetsl coat of above
books 7,1011 .10 ; cost of high school books
l,WC .10, mskleg a total of f-i.'Jl oe ; allowing
tl,eLfp") for second hand boeka, and for
books carried from olio clans te another, and
taking 3 Wh) for the iiuiiiIkt of pupils en
rolled will give an average of t- for tuch
Dr. McCermlck, of the committee en lurnl lurnl
tere, reHrted that MIm Curtis' school was In
need of n movahle black-beard and be moved
that the oeiumltteo have authority te supply
the same. Thodeilred poniiliwleii was given.
Dr. wickersham, of tbe special committee
en legislation, reported the progress of tbe
municipal bills new pending at llarrlaburg.
While the committee could say that .Senate
bill Ne. 1U waa killed, se fsr as school sltalrs
was concerned, Heuse bill Na HI, which also
streets htnesster, takes Its place te a great
extent, and it lias si ready pawed tbe Heuse.
While the bill Ne. It) does net Interfere with
the number el our school directors or the
manner of their election, it uiskes seme radi
cal change' which will allect us. Among
them Is thst lesture providing for the city
treasurer te be collector el the school taxes,
and thst no money can be puld out by tbe
treasurer tinless the warrant is counter
signed hy tbe city controller, au olllce created
by the bill.
Mr. Cochran moved that tbe committee
apK)nted te leek after leginlstleii keep track
of this and all ether legtMittieii allHCtlug our
school txurd and prevent II ixmltiln the ni.
sge or any such bill. Tne ni'jtleu wan
Mr. Ityriin, tinder unlliilnhed bimlnem,
called up the report of the bjek csmmlttee
and meed Its adoption.
The chair ruled that as the report caiitalned
a prevision for the amendment of tbe rules
be would decide tbe motion out of order.
Mr. Ityrne said such was net the intention
Intended te be cenvejed. Tbe committee
desired te report In favor of free boeka. At
the suggestion et tbe president the last sen
tence of the roert, "rei-emuiendlng that arc arc
tleu 130 of tbe rules be se amended that the
system my b put In operation at the com
mencement of tbe next school term," was
stricken from tbe report.
Mr. Cochran noved te uy the report of the
committee en tbe table. The motion was de
lealed by the following ote :
Metwrs. Hsker, Drewn, Cculirau, Kvanv,
McCeuisey, Klngnaltand hmejch 7, eted
Mesnrs. Ilnrnard, lllmilii, Ilrmimnan,
Ilyrne, lUrinstetter, lltierman, lrlnman,
(irlest, lilchty, MarHhall, McComne, McCor McCer
mkk, McKlllgett, McKUIIpn, Owens, 1'entr,
Hull), Sahwelwl, Shiudle, Shirk, Nuider,
Wlckers'iam, Wehlaeu and I.eergoed -I,
Mitud no.
Mr. CechrHii mewd te recommit the roert
but withdrew that motion and meei that
tbe report Imi n-ceUeil. The latter motion
wai adopted, without a desientiug tote.
Dr. Wickersbam, ler Mr. lireniua, pre
sented the follewlngamoudmentH te the rules,
which are made necesxary te enrry out tbe
tree boeg system :
That section 1 10 be amended se as te read
asiollewa; "All books, paper, slntes, pens
and Ink necessary for the into of the school
shsll be provided by the benrd."
That section 111 be amended se as te read
as lollews : " All m hoel bixiks and supplies
named in tint foregoing section shall be
kept by the city miwrlnleudent at his ellh.e,
and at the beglnnlug of each school term,
and from time te time thereafter, shall be dls
trlhuted by him te the several schools as
their need requires, and at the end of tbe
term shall Ins returned te bis etllce "
That section 13 1 be amended se as te read:
"All hooks slid school supplies lurnlshed by
the beard shall be tbe property thoreel, and
shall, when practicable, befere leaving the
superintendent's elllce Ter use In the schoela,
be marked or stamped with tbe words,
1 Property of the Lancaster Scheel Heard.' "
The amend menta under the rules come up
for action at a future meeting.
Vlijr Hup.rlDl.nU.ul ti.iiart.
liANCAsiKit, Pa., April 7, 1&S7.
Te the Heard oAcheol Director t
(Jkmi.i.mi.n Your city 8Urlutendent
submits the following report of the public
schools for the month of March :
Tim whole uumber of pupils In attendance
was 'Jul In the high schools, 3.'7 In tbe gram
mar, ettl In tbe secondary, AU in the inter
mediate, r lu the ungraded and M5 lu tbe
primary, making a total of 3 I'll. Tbe aver,
age daily aUeudance was 2I" In the blgh
schools, 310 In the grammar, Ml In tbe sec
ondary, 700 In the Intermediate, 'tiln tbe un
graded and 1,1 J7 In tbe primary, making a
total or 2,H
The aerage percentage of attendance was
87. The number of pupils never absent was
1.01 i. The number of teachers who attended
the teachers' meetings was 0. Tbe number
et visits made by tbe city superintendent
waa 138, these made by tbe directors were
Ul, as fellows : J. W. Ilyrne 30, Wm. Me
Comsey U, T. K. MoKlllgett and Hen. J. P.
Wlckerabnui. each 10, Wm. Wehlsen, H, W.
W. driest 6, Dr. J. Levnrgoed and Dr. it M.
Roleelus, each I, Hen. J. It Warfel and S J
Owens, each 3, J. 1. Uartuian 2, and Dr. D.
It McCermlck 1
I desire te call tbe attention or the beard te
tbe governor's proclamation, herewith Hub
mil ted, designating April S2d as Arber Day,
and calling upon "school directors, teachers
and scholars' te unite In making It a day
ler the adornment of tbe grounds surround -lug
tbe schixil houses throughout tbe com
monwealth." I leth moral and utilitarian
considerations seem te demand that the day
be observed by our school., and I aball be
glad te carry out any instructions aa te tbe
observance of tbe day wblcb the beard may
see tit te give. Judging from the number of
pupils who presented tbemselvea for examU
nation in physiology with a view te promo,
tlen Inte the high schools, there will be room
enough te receive all prepared te enter next
Our secondary and grammar schools merit
greater attention than they receive, espe
cially aa regard a tbe pupils who de net pasa
from tbem te tbe higher grades. A long
step In this direction was taken when tbe
Ingle-room ayatem was adopted. Tbe next
step will probably be te elevate tbem above
tbe sphere of mere preparatory achoela for
tbe grade above tbem into independent
schools doing a work or their own. Te bring
Ibis about, tbe reputation of schools and
teachers must be bjted net se inueh en tbe
number of pupils promoted, or what la worse
yet, en tbe blgh average obtained, as en the
apirlt of mental Improvement displayed by
tne pupus, ana we uarjita ei inuustry auu
conscientious discharge of duty acquired
while tbsre. Hucb a course while greatly ad
ding te the usefulness of these schools aa lac.
ten In eeclety, will alae meat eltsclually de
way with with whatever of cramming or
crowding may atlll exist there, notwithstand
ing all the eflerta hitherto made te elimi
nate it
Very respectfully,
sear oeeaient aerraai,
K. K. BenmnLB.
fa, mhiuhtm or LMKum aunwMmtten
hulu Mr HAMmiamvmm.
Oraad Master Werk man fewtfrrlr Speaks
Veea the Ubjscts at the Meellsg-Tfte Br-
forts ta Beare 1-egl.lallsa That Has
Been tltmandsd for Worklagin.e.
In response te a call Issued by Urand
Master Workman Terence V. Powderly for
a convention el Knights of labor from
various parts of tbe state, the first meeting
took place Thursday at tbe Knights of Laber
hall, Uarrlsliurg. At 3 o'clock Master Work
man Powderly leek up tbe gavel tad called
the convention te order. A permanent
organlritlen was effected by electing Gen
eral Treasurer Fred. Turner president of the
oenveptlon and Edward Paluter, Columbia,
Tbe convention remained with closed doers
until an hour previous te adjournment at
which time tbe doers were opened and tbe
proceedings made public Tbe remaining
sessions will Ins open te all who may come. A
special committee waa appointed te Invite
tbe membera of the legislature and Dever.
nor Heaver te attend. Previous te adjourn
ment In tbe evening Representatives llother llether
sail, of Philadelphia, chairman of tbe
Heuse committee en labor, came into the
convention and upon Invitation gave the
status of the various bills In which the
meeting Is Interested. Mr. Uethersall offered
his service te the convention by way ei aid
ing It lu procuring any information it might
dealre. Committees consisting of live mem
bers each were apixilnted te consider bills
bearing en the following Industries: Bitumi
nous coal, anthracite coal, iron, oil, lumber
and agriculture and elate. A committee te
consider general labor bills was alsoappelnted
and consists of seven members. These com
mittees are all In meeting and will ays
teuiatin tbe convention's work, reporting all
bills and making auch recommendations In
regard te them as may seem prexjr,
All tbe leading Industries et the state are
represented, and all are mere or less clsmor clsmer
cms ler the passage of certain measures wblcb
have been Introduced for the bandit el these
whose livelihood depends respectively upon
them. The leaders, however, are advising
tbat the convention recommend In an esixjcial
manuer only a few, say six, of the bills, and
that all efforts be concentrated upon their
linal passage. It Is then Intended te select a
committee te remain there during tbe re
mainder of tbe session el tbe legislature te
leek slier these measures.
I'OWDfcltl.V'n MI'hbClt.
At tbe meeting in tbe evening In tbe hall
el tbe Heuse of Kspresentatlvef, Mr. Callrey
Introduced (irand Master Workman Pow
derly, who made a stirring speech upon the
duties in hsud :
It I with a reeling of pride that I address
a meeting gathered lu the Heuse of Hepre
xenuthes of my state en tbe question or
labor, net only as it relates te werKingmen.
hii' ! a broader sense ts it relates te alt I
fil It my duty, therefore, te speak In regard
te the convention here. 1 called It te bring
our organisatien together through Its repre
sentatives, te meet with chosen repre
sentatives of the people regardless of Party ;
te ceuter with tbem en measures te benefit
our state. We are charged with being lobby
ists, a labor lobby ( Mr. Powderly here referred
te an editorial lu a Philadelphia paper
which makes tbat charge) ; lebbylsta were
here befere us aud will be here when we are
gene, but we are net here as lobbyists. We
came here te say te the representatives of the
commonwealth, "such a measure is geed,
ethers are net" liefere every election candi
dates wk the working people u vote for
tbem. 'Ibey say, de se aud se and we will
render an equivalent Having made this
premise we certainly bae a right te come
and see If tbat promlne bas been lultllled.
We are charged with being Anarchists and
favoring meaxuren that tend te anarchy. As
chief of our organization 1 can xay that noth
ing of anarchy linds an abiding place in our
midst, but uioneKiliats want te make people
believe the contrary. Ne matter wbaterrera
we have committed in the past, we have
always aimed at doing right We have pur
sued a line el policy aud leund out things tbat
are right and wreug, but we always kept
clear et one thing that brings odium en our
country anarchy. lu his afternoon xeech
Mr. Powderly rejoiced eer the deleat el tbe
Anarchists' candidates In Chicago. J
la is net mere honorable te come here like
men and confer with our repreaentalitesas
te what ought te be done, aud go away and
say we bsve rather aided than retarded
work ? 1 was proud te meet the delegation
tbat came here today. It was larger than 1
exx3cted. 1 saw in that delegation a sign of
hex net a mii was under tbe Intluenceef
liquor. I spoke te many anu all told me
that they neither tasted nor touched or
baudled liquor. Of all our officers, net one
leuche, tastes or handles that which de
grades tbe eul aud damus the body.
As Mr. Powderly concluded there was a
storm et applause. He then Introduced Mr.
Charles II. l.ltcbman, of Massachusetts, gen
eral secretary el tbe Knigbta of Laber, and
afterwards Mr. Ueaumeut, of Washington,
also spoke. Ills remarks were directed
agatust corporations aud against the laws
creating tbem. lie claimed tbe same privi
lege of combination for tbe werklugiuan.
Jehn U Butler, of llarrlaburg, was then
called upon. He pleaded for the passage of
tbe bill belere the Heuse te prevent tbe em
ployment el children uuder fifteen years of
age lu tacteriea.
Mr. Powderly tbeu adjourned tbe meeting
with the remark tbat he hoped all would
give the Ideas suggested by the seches tbe
thought which they deserved.
Knights Vunlldent uf Nueces..
U MiHiHiiiiiici, April 8 The Pennsylva
nia Kulgbta el Laber conenllon met tbla
morning. It was expected tbat reports of
committees, appointed te discuss tbe
legislative bills In the Interest of
labor, would 1x3 made, but tbe im
portance et some el their deliberations
was et such oeusequeuco as te render it Im
possible te tlnlsli their work this afternoon.
Mr. Powderly and otber prominent
etlcers lull ter Philadelphia at a late
hour last night, business et Importance
requiring their prtsence. Mr. Pow
derly expressed himself aa greartly
pleased with the reception accorded tbe mem
bers or tbe oxecutUe beard during their stay
in llarrlaburg. Tbey freely conferred wttb
senators and representatives relative te the
bills new pending, and felt certain tbe labor
ingclaa-e would receive Just treatment at
tbelr hands. The beard mut agalntbisafter agalntbisafter agalntbisafter
noen at - o'clock and heard the reports of
committees and then adjourned.
Three Killed and Three lujur.d.
Parkkhniiuiki, W. Vs., April a The
boiler of William Merris' saw mill near Har
riavllle, exploded yesterday, killing J. Soett,
K Lindsay, 3. Williamson and an unknown
man and injuring three ethers.
Aueib.r Msw Pe.lma.tar.
WaHitiNOTON, April a The proaldenHo prealdenHo proaldenHe
day appointed Wm. H. Drawn te be post
master at Newburgb, N. Y.
Uedsr sserstary for Ireland.
Londen, April a Cel. K. H. Klngllar-
mann, Conservative M. P. for tbe isle or
Thanet, Kent, baa been appointed under
secretary for Ireland.
round a fockst-tteok.
While crossing Centre Hquare Thursday
Israel P. Mayer found a pocket-book which
ceutalned f 80 In money and checks and notes
te tbe value of (COO. It waa the property of a
man from Hale Harber te whom It was re
turned. Police Oi
Henry Deman and " WhlUy"Htapleferd,
were beard before Alderman Deen last even
ing en tbe charge of being druuk and dis
orderly, and each were aant te Jail for 10
Jehn Brown and Andrew McCurdey, two
colored men, were arrested last nlgbt while
ridlDg en a freight train of the Pennsylvania
railroad at Marietta. Alderman McConemy
are them mob 20 daya la prison.
Hvviituu" Lnr mkhihu.
ocean's Largs Oempaay Appears Before a
Uoed-Sissd Aadl.nes- la fulten
Opera Heaae.
1,1st .evening MeCaull'a opera company
appeared In Fulton opera beuse In Ullbert fc
Hulllvan'a Kuddygere," which bad net
been seen here before. The company, with
a few changes, waa the aame that haa been
playing at the Bread street theatre, Philadel
phia, for some lime past. The audience was
of geed sire, but the house was by no means
aa lull aa It waa expected te be. This waa
no doubt owing te Ibe fact that this Is Hely
week. Quite a large number of seats bad
been secured, but beyond these few were
old. The gallery did net contain ever lllty
Much bas been said and written about this
last work of the well known Kngtlsbtnen,
and there are many differences of opinion.
Tbe story el the opera has been described in
the papers day alter day and It is lam I liar te
all levers of amusements. While tbe opera
msy net become aa popular aa aeine ethers
written by Ullbert and Hulllvan, it certainly
contains a great deal of geed music, wblcb
appeals te tbe popular taste. The Urst act la
much the latter df the two, and tbe ending is
decidedly queer.
The company of last night Is an excellent
one sod, with musicians, contains almost lllty
people. It la beaded by Dlgby Hell, the pop
ular actor, who In the character llehin Oak
itpj'lc, the here el tbe opera, Is given an op
portunity te display his wonderful talent
Ills singing was very effective and the fun
he created was almost unceasing. 11. Mac Mac Mac
doneugb bad tbe part of Jtichartl Dauntless,
the sailor, and fats tenor voice was heard te
advantage. Ills hornplpe In the Urst act was
very nimbly executed. Miss Annie Myers
as Jleic Mayhud was charming and she sang
welt Mrs. Laura Joyce Bell, who In former
years was a great favorite in Lancaster but
has been seen here but little of late, was very
tine as Dame Itannalt. The music la
adapted te her voice and her acting Is
capital. Miss Bessie Kslrbalrn, who last year
was a star In one of BannettA. Moulion'scom Meulion'scom Moulien'scom
panles, was warmly received when she ap
peared In the character of Mad Margaret.
Hhesang and acted very well. Tbe ether
membera of the company did their work
well. A numbeT of tbe soles, duets and tries
were repeatedly encored and tbe audience
seemed greatly pleased with the singing as
well as the acting.
The opera waa put en In tbe best of style,
as the company carries Its own scenery. The
scene in the picture gallery of Kuddygere
castle, In tbe second act, could net have been
better. Ibe costumes or tbe ladies were very
handsome, while tbe soldiers' uniforms
were ery rich and tbey repre
sented one of each English regiment
Tbe company went from here te llarrla
burg where tbey appear this evening.
"Kalka" will be played here by Mr. Mc
Caull's ether company en Wednesday night
ldaShnbert fauna LIvlDg With e lU.pectable
Faintly In Sl.ellen.
Officer Keilly, who accompanied Mrs,
Mary frhubert te Kabway, N. J., yesterday,
te ascertain whether the girl murdered there
en tbe 25th ult., was Ida Uagan, Mrs. H Hu
bert's daughter, returned te Lancaster at 1:35
this morning. He sajs tbat after learning
tbat tbe dead girl waa net Ida Uagan be and
Mrs. Sbtibert returned te Philadelphia, and
at once sent Mrs. Sbubert home te Lancaster.
Tbe officer then visited the "dive" of Harry
Keep, en Arch street, and a ranch kept by a
Mrs. Brown, en Callewblll street, where be
bad been told Ida would probably be found.
He did net find ber, but received information
that a girl answering ber description bad
been at Heep's, but bad gene te Wilmington
te take part in a six day's walking match
at Carrell's casino. Olllcer Keilly went
te Wilmington, and making known
his business te Chlof of Police Dough
erty that elllcer and Police Sargeant
McVey showed hi m kind attention and
piloted him te the Casine and ether places
where it was supposed Ida might be found,
lie did net tlnd ber, but learned tbat a girl
answering ber description bad been there
but had returned te Philadelphia " te see a
uiau " and would be back In Wilmington en
last nlgbt (Thursday; midnight, and that
she would be entered In a walking match te
lake place at tbe Casine next week. Klgb
teen girls he said were entered ler this,
match. Their pay is te be (10 per week.
Officer Keilly says tbat siuce tbe " dlv es "
have been broken up in Philadelphia, many
el their proprietors and patron s have lied te
Wilmington aud ether cities, where they
hope te escape tbe rough treatment tbat has
been laid upon them by tbe new city govern
ment or Philadelphia.
Ida Ilacaa In a Kc.pcriabls Family.
Te day Mayer Morten received a letter el
which the following Is a copy :
HOUOtJtlll Ot'blKhl.TOX, Pv. )
Council Ciia.mukk, April 7, 1887. s
Jits Hener the Mayer of Lancaster City :
Dkaii Hut 1 notice an article in the Uar
rlsliurg iiiil7)cmfeiit or this date stating that
one Mrs. Mary 8hubert, residing en Duke
street near Lew, claims the murdered girl at
Kahway te be her daughter. This 1 am glad
Ui say is net tbe fact, aa Ida Uagan, Mrs.
Hhubert's daughter, is In our town, living
with a respectable family, but she Intends
stepping here only long enough te aceutuu
late tbe wherewithal te take her further. 1
await your pleasure In this matter or tbe
command of Mrs. Shubart
Yours most respectfully,
Jes. a. DuitNiiAtreii,
P. O. box iU. Chief et Police.
Harlisr Flath Kelsswd.
BnoeKiAN, April 8. Jacob Hath, tbe
barber who was arrested yesterday en stispl
cien of having some knowledge of the Kah
way tragedy, was discharged from custody
te day. Detect iea stated that be was slightly
demented and had been haunted with the
belief tbat the lUhway murderer was alter
Postponing the Iuii..t.
Kuiwav, N. J., Aprils The Identity el
the murdered girl is still unknown. The
Inquest, wblcb was te be held this morning,
was again postponed for oue week. County
Corener Tyrell, after tbe adjournment, held
a consultation with Prosecuting Attorney
Wilsen and Chief of Police Tooker, after
which Corener Tyrell notified Sam Tice, one
el tbe coreuer'a Jury, that be would be ex
cused from further attendance as a Jurer.
This announcement created ue little excite
ment among tbe spectators present aud is
the cause of much comment about the city for
the reason tbat Tice ia livlug with Hill
Keech's brother Geerge's wife as her hus
band. Tbe citizens believe tbat the police,
are new trying te fasten the crime en Hill
A Change at tbe Klug Street Theatre.
William A. Ualbach bas disposed of his In.
terest in tbe West King street theatre and no
longer baa any connect leu with it Frank
Dietrich will manage it for tbe present On
Saturday etenlng, theUeldens, who are still
in tbls city, and several home artists will give
a performance for the benefit et Mr. Ualbach
and Geerge Cummlngs.
Next week tbe Kigbtmere a Hart, dramatic
combination will be the attraction at tbls
Cerner-stone Laying at Urlck.rvllls.
Frem the Lm z Kecerd.
Tbe corner atone for tbe new Lutheran
church at Brlckervllle will be laid next Hun
day afternoon, ltsva. Lewara, Fensler and
Aaay will take part In tbe exercises,
Oave Ball.
Stephen O, Muaaer, aued by bit brother,
H. Lincoln Muaaer, for alander, gave bend
la the tarn of 11,000 te tbe sbsrlU for his ap-
paaraaee Um April common pleas court
Dmutmun m rum uhubhaiwa nr
The Bvilr or Kites Bennestlsl found In the
lllvsr at Msrlatta A Theory as te Hew
lis Lest Ills 1.11s A Lad Drowned In
tha Hwatara at Mlddlstewn.
Maiuktta, April a Late en Thursday
afternoon as Jeseph Clinten was crossing the
.Susquehanna river, he discovered tbe body
of a man ledged against some bushes In tbe
river, about twenty leet fsem tbe shore, near
Thuma's grocery store. It was taken te
shore and was Identltled as tbe body of
Klias Behnestlel, a man, about eighty years
of sge. Deputy Corener Tbuma was noti
fied and he empannelled aa his Jury Prank
Thompson, Geerge Ltndsey, Christian Han Han
r.el, W. II. Deckard, K. K. Krause and
Jacob Hengmaster. A number of wltneasea
were examined but no light was thrown aa
te bow tbe deceased get Inte tbe river. He
was a vine dresser by occuxU!en and tbe
supposition Is tbat he was gathering wlllewa
with which te tie vines wbf n be fell In tbe
river and was drowned. The coroner's Jury
rendered a verdict of accidental drowning.
Deceased leaves a family ; one of bis daugh
ters Is Mrs. Fred. Hchlutbauer, of Marietta,
A Bey Drowned at Mlddlstewn.
IlAitiitxiiuiie, April 8 About ft p. in.
lasteveuinga number or small beya under
12 years were standing en tbe aqueduct
bridge which cresses tbe Hwatara creek
at Mlddletewn. A canal beat came
along and passed Ibe bridge. Tbe beya were
told te get out the way of the tow line, width
was dragging en tbe side bench el tbe bridge
Twe of tbem ducked tbelr beadaand escaped,
but Cbaa. K. Kyler, aged 10 years, was caught
and flopped into the creek twenty-five feet
away. He was rescued in live minutes tut
life was extinct
A WU Plays Ophelia.
Pottmtew.n, Pa., April 8 .Seme time last
night, Ella, wile of Daniel M. Kngle, of
Pottsgrove township, arose and dressing
scantily, walked te Manatawny creek near
by, and dropping ber shawl en the bank,
Jumped Inte tbe water and waa drowned.
Tbe body was found floating In the stream
tbls morning. Mrs. Kngle was recently dis
charged from an insane asylum.
Tbe Jury at Fault In Finding He Died of Con
gestion of ibe Brain.
In accordance with tbe directions of Dis
trict Attorney Weaver, Doctors M. L. Davis
and Jehn J. Stewart, made a pest mortem
examination of the body of Geerge Welsh,
wbe was found dead in Hcheenberger's
park en Wednesday morning. The second
peat mortem was made at tbe request or tbe
family, wbe bad every reason te believe tbat
deceased had been foully dealt with. Tbelr
chief reason for tbat belief was a wound en
tbe back of the bead, which had net been no.
ticed by the coroner's physician when he
examined the body.
Corener Henaman, Jehn A. Ceyle, esq.,
counsel for the family, and District Attorney
Weaver, and a few ethers were present at
the pest mortem at the beuse of deceased,
which was begun at 5 o'clock en Thursday
evening. Overan hour was consumed In the
operation. Tbe result reached was that Geerge
Welsh's death did net result from violence,
but the conclusion of tbe physicians is tbat
death did net result from congestion of tbe
brain, as testified te by tbe coroner's physi
cian and se found by tbe Jury.
Tbe examination was made by Dr. Davis,
wltbDr.btewartasblsasslstant Tbey found
en the back or tbe head two scalp weuuds,
each about one-half inch in length, but tbese
wounds did net penetrate te tbe skull and
consequently could net bav e caused his death.
Tbey teund no congestion or the brain beyond
tbat which would be produced by alcoholism
wblcb, with exposure, in their Judgment,
caused death. The wounds were such as
might have been produced by Welsh railing
en a couple or small atones.
Dr. Davis says the family were Justified In
demanding that such an examination should
be made as would determine tbe true cause
of death, and forever settle tbe doubts wblcb
might exist as te the cause of death. The
wounds en tbe back of tbe head were sus
picious circumstances, and their full extent
could only be axeertalued by athoreugh post
mortem examination. That has been made
and the family are new satisfied.
It is due te Corener Uensman te state tbat
be is In no ways te blame for tbe necessity el
tbe second pest mortem examination. At
tbe inquest his directions te tbe physician
were explicit He instructed Dr. Compten
te make a thorough examination of tbe body
for marks of violence and when tbe physi
cian reported tbat there were none except a
row bruises en tbe race which were no doubt
received through a fall, be did all that was
required of him.
The aecend pest mortem cost tbe county
an additional ?J0, which could have been
saved had tbe Urst examination been a
thorough one. If tbe lessen learned by tbe
after developments of tbls inquest are heeded
tbe county may be saved such additional ex
penses in the future.
Tbe funeral of Welsh took place this alter alter
neon at '1 o'clock from his residence, Ne.
551 Green street. The circumstances sur
rounding his death had tbe effect of attract
ing a very large crowd. Tbe Interment was
tnade at St Mary's cemetery.
Huty Weds Slxtseu.
Ciiu'viie, April 8 The twice delayed
weddlngef Nicholas Moere, thesexagenarian,
and Annie Deyle, the sixteen-year-old girl,
who bas been for eight years bis victim, took
place in the Armery police court this morn
ing. After tbe tiatoe last evening, caused by
tbe child's whimsical refusal te respond te
the necessary interrogatories of Justice
Meecb, tbe parties talked tbe matter ever
and agreed en au amicable settlement by
marriage tbls morning. Ne consent of the
aunt and guardian of tbe girl bad been ob
talned when tbe license was secured. The
ceremony was decorously and (decently per
formed, though It was with dlllieulty tbat
the assistants could be drilled by tbe Justice
into treating tbe matter with due respect
Clothespin Fsctery llnrn.d.
Luiiinoten, Mich, April a The Bowi
ng clothespin factory, belonging te Aldrleti
t Hrayman, at Cusler, Mich., burned last
nlgbt Less fJO.OOO ; insurance f 0,000. This
was tbe largest clothespin factory lu the
world, its average dally output being 150,000
pins. The mill will probably be rebuilt
A Bey Kltlaa Bey,
Wasiiinciten, April 8 Willie Russell,
tbe 14 year old atep-aen of Mr. Frank
Wheateu, waa fatally abet tbla morning by
Harry Adams, another boy, wbe waa show
ing him revolver. The Adams boy did
uet knew tbe weapon was leaded.
Blaine III,
Hr. Leuis, April 8. The Glebe. Democrat
prints the following this morning ; Werd
waa received in fit Leuis last nlgbt te tbe
effect tbat Mr. James G. Blaine waa seriously
III at Fert Gibsen, Indian territory, and tbat
physicians bad been telegraphed for,
P Washington, D. 0 April a-Ftr
Kaatern Pennsylvania! Slightly warmer
fair weather: variable winds, generally
I shifting te southerly.
Effrrt el the later-Ssste Ceramstes Law Ces
Frstgnl Traffle-AceMaat te a Lttue fey,
Manmkim, April a The banka of the
borough are closed today and the poateflloe
opens only between tbe hours of 7 and 0 JO a.
m; 1230 and 230 p. m., and 0 and 7 p. m.
Services will be held In tbe Reformed,
Lutheran and Kplaoepal churches. At the
Reformed church tbe rite of confirmation
will be administered In tbe evening. On
Sunday all the churehea of tbe borough will
observe the Ktster festival, the above named
celebrating the holy communion. Children 'a
services will also be a feature or the day ; In
the Kplaoepal church at 0JM am.; In the
Reformed atfl p. m., and In the Kvangellcal
at 7 p. in. The Aural decorations In the
various churches will be preluse.
Mr. Chas. A. Kline returned from Heading
yesterdsy afternoon where bn bad been In
attendance upon tbe annual session et the
Grand Castle of the Knigbta or tbe Gelden
Kagle as a representative of Stlegel Castle,
tbls borough.
U. M. Harman, a medical student et Drs.
J. M. and J. Francis Dunlap, graduated
from the Jeffersen Medical college, Philadel
phia, last Tuesdsy. The many friends of the
young M. D. extend congratulation and best
Tbe new pastors, Kv. G. W. Llgbtner, or
tbe Ueited Brethren, and Kev. J. P. Miller,
of the Kvangellcal churches, upon their
arrival were given cordial receptions by their
congregations, who manltested their wel
come in tbe lerm of liberal donations. We
welcome tbe new ptitera and wlih them
abundant success In their Isbers.
Twe car-leads or cattle were shipped from
this place te Philadelphia yesterday morning
tbe one by B. Hepe, and the ether by L.
Under the new rates In force smce the
enactment ei the Inter-state commerce law,
tbe cost or tbls shipment was (10 higher than
tbat under the old rates.
It Is thought building operations will be
quite extensive during the coming season,
aud surpass even theie of last summer. Al
ready work hascemmenced en several build
ings. Mr. Jehn K. Fisher la moving bis large
clgsr factory from bta let te tbe building line
of Ferdinand street
Mr. Kpbratm Bear has commenced tbe ex.
ravatien of tbe cellar for a two-story build
ing. The beautiful residence or Mr. Carsen
Obetz bas Just been completed and It is a
valuable and attractive addition te Stiegel
Charley, a seven-year-old son of Samuel
Plasterer, of Ibis borough, while playing
along the banks of Chlques creek, fell frac
turing bis left fore arm.
Mr. Jehn Fulmer has Impreved his sad
dler shop by placing a show window in tbe
front, in which he displays a tine let or
A stereopticon exhibition will be given In
tbe town ball en Monday evening by Kev.
G. W. Traser or tbls borough. His exhibit Is
very geed, bis instrument and viewa or the
best, and a large audience should greet him
en Monday evening. These who attend will
be pleased and Instructed.
On Wednesday evening Rev. J, A. Wirt,
t Newvllle, Pa., who lee A "re last year,
111 deliver m. tAinnAm' .fnrA In ft.
Lutheran church, op Tu ? jTrenlng next
On Tuesdsy, April 10, an eLlIoatleoal con
ventien will be held In St Paul'a Reformed
church, en wblcb occasion visiting clergy,
men will speak en various subjects pertain
ing te church work. This will be tbe fourth
or a series or conventions held in various
boroughs of this county during the whiter,
tbe last having convened in Columbia.
All Keady New Fer Oparatlens Fer the Knsu
lug Tear.
The water committee met for organization
last evening. Majer Morten, ex-olllcle
chairman, presided.
Charles H. Lehman was elected clerk In
place of Henry D. Stiultz, wbe declined re
election. Bids for plumbing and making con
nections with water pipes en Duke street
from Walnut street north were opened
and read as fellows : Jehn L.
Arneld's bid ler making each con
nection was (1 25 ; Jehn P. Schauta A. Sen
(1,10; Ktetler.V Herr, J140; KlInn.tBren
emau, f LOO ; L. Bacbler, fi.W ; Chas. Gable,
A 50 ; U. It Bucklus, f 1.75. Tbe contract was
awarded te Jehn L. Arneld, the lowest bid
der. James I'ellenbaum was unanimously
elee'ed engineer at the city water works, aud
William llelelne, assistant engineer.
Simen C. Leng, supervisor et Philadelphia
division of the P. R. R , presented a commu cemmu commu
nicatien lrem the company, requesting city
councils te extend the 8 inch water
main, en Lime street from its present
tenulnui te tbe Pleasure Read, thence north
eastwardly te the city limit te furnish a sup
ply el water ler ten years for the locomotives
en tbe cut-off of the railroad. In considera
tion of which tbe railroad company offers te
pay te the city an annual water rent of (500,
and also te advance te tbe city tbe entire cost
of laying tbe water malu as seen a it shall
be completed, which money se advanced
shall be credited en the future payments te
be made by tbe company for water rents.
The following communication from J. J.
R. Crees, of New Yerk, hydraulic engineer,
was read :
lien. irilHam.l. Morten, Mayer of Lnncailer,
Dcvu Sin: As I am informed by Mr.
StauUer that there is a misunderstanding re
garding the memorandum lelt by you at my
office some weeks age, It seems proper for
me te say that I understood that you would
write me concerning tne making et certain
examinations relating te tbe water supply
et your city, and I tberelere waited for such
a communication.
Since, heweter, It appears that the com
mittee expected me te write first, I take this
occasion te say tbat my terms for visiting
Lancaster, spending two days with your
committee In examination of tbe ground,
tbe projects proposed aud the needs or tbe
town, and then making a preliminary repeit
en the same, would be f 100 and my expenses.
If you should then decide en construction
of works, I would prepare lull plana and
specifications for (1,000 for my own services,
tlib city te nay In addition tbe cost el tbe sur
veys, examinations and incidental traveling
expeusea, Tbe necessary aurveys could no
doubt be made by local englueers, under
my geueral directions.
Very Truly,
Your Obedient Servant,
J. J. K. Crees.
The above preposition will be considered
at a Joint meeting of tbe water committee
and the special committee appointed by coun
cils en Wednesday last, under Mr. Riddle's
Organization ul Finance Committee.
Tbe llnanee committee organized yesterday
by electing Jehn Baumgardner chairman
and DuBela Rohrer clerk. Tbe committee
audited tbe boeka of ex Treasurer C F. Myers
and adjourned.
The PrUen Tewsr,
On the lttb et March the oeutraot was
awarded for the taking down of the- prison
tower te TbemaaC. Wiley, at (050, he being
tbe lowest bidder. Mr. Wiley failed te file
bia bend ler tbe faithful perforiwnes ofeon.
tract, and the commissioners decided 1 te
award the contract te ibe neat lowest bidder,
J. H. Kurts, at (058.38. He baa also declined
te take the contract, and the next bidder en
the list Is Jehn HtaufTer, at (1,137.60, and if
heroes net take It Jehn GUI A Ce. will come
next at (1,800, wiU get It the matter will be
Anally determined ea Monday,
A Tsasmsat Hawse ta Me Tartl
strayed Ban lis Oeaasjeavaj
riam.s-Taesaas is at
Crowd ATaasd II
Nkw Yerk, April 8. Tee Ire '
curred In the tenement house He It I
Essex atreet last nlgbt
putting all tbe tenement resMewteef
Kast aide in a lever or exejasiMBtvi
polies tbla mera leg bad their mmmtm Pf
Keeping away aoeui iv,uw peusss
aieged the burned tenimeat ;aM
streets. Although there U ht
reported se far lrem the Ore M te 1
new many el the bnrned will
thelr Injuries. At the scene of Mm turn I
morning tne pence bad thoroughly I
um uunuing anu ascertained tbat I
no dead bodies In the ruins.
some of the morning nenera. iJ
Nearly all the victims will be milnial a1
uj ier me iney are principally WW
and children. One of the victims, m MU
j ue luuuniug is ine iiit or IM vtswaM a
.... .uuuimiu, ngeu mj, ueaa i Mary aHs
mann, 40 years old, mother of the gMb
is very badly burned about tbe bead i Btmm
Hchuman, her I year old child, bnrnart aiaaxV
hands, head, chest ; Sarah HchurjxanassBeSAstt
daughter, 11 years old. badlr- burned attasA
back of head aud both leas, will rjrebhlvaHsvV
Rtcbel Schumann, or the ssme family, mlkfid
years old, burned sbeut face and badly B J'1'1
figured: LSI Kntknfl. M vaara nlif. all tM'7-M
akin burned oil ber bands and lower mtBB
Her face anil hd ar hHI imMimli T.rft:
Zimmerman, s years old, bnrned aaeaat?' '
her bead and arms but net, awlaasi "J
-rf I i-w ...uuv -UO).,. ME IWOi-BBnl.'
. . ' . " - B
eiu cnnu, burned about face and
will probably die ; Jacob Kerske. is
old. scorched about nt hn-it,i k.ji'
down tbe legs, condition serious l Desav'i
Kerske, bis 10 yesr-eld sister. aUfnatwfftl
scorched about face : Hahanu wi. aa-2
. ., . V -" ..w. , la ,
jresrs, uauiy uurnea aueut bead and -SsaVj-f-ij
will probably die. Sbe lies all wrappesiiwfsl
in a ret beside ber 17-week old child naasw.7
who escaped without injury; Ida WeWC'
uu.uer uauguier, h years eia, suffers I
Durna around arms and legs ; Merris
eerg, Durneu sbeut bead and hands ;
Kepinskl, 10 years old, head and m
verely burned; Adelpb Koelnskl. har S
old son, burned about bead and arma. i
rsaasa. yf
ream -
eusly; another son burned about fees eavl .7 1
arms; another female child unknown Ilea hi "i
the hospital. Sbe is se badly burned that H
is impossieie te luentlly ber, aud bntlMM $iS
frinriA la -in... ... I ., a 1... .. v . i. . W
ui., oureiMiuni ui nor reu irery; rxirns j'M
Clarksllahtlv.burnful! irarrvMunh.i-aluhtl H'a
burned.and Michael Sunbar, burned eltghtly. d3
Th ejadg Strlk-s an Imkiii sad Sinks-Five at Z
.-..jpj-- tlrsw -wast. !
U ALI l-AX AIaVWJPrtlettlai-l Of Bj
destruction or tbe Newrbunaii
susan, uspt Hyan, from 8t Jehn te
does, have Deed received here. The 4-eT
occurred at neon en Saturday last r CX4
vessel was attempting te clear Tanxvsw- &
Head, NewfeuudUud, aud the bark wentdew. 'i
se quickly that but for the timely arrival . ''B
another etsel, tbe barkentlne Muriel. Causa. &3
Jey, uet a soul could have been saved. She fl
waa beating close by, and lti ten minutes waa 4
nt. Ik. arwi- ... r...l.-1-l.. .. ,k. - H- .H
vu uv .jivi fl-uu ifuiu-.-jr ivcuueul Uia ISHWS i
survivors. The Susan waa attempting te &
weather an iceberg off Cape Bitryle '?
wuen tbe accident happened The tall
ure of the vessel te weather the
berg Is attributed te the failure of Um
sails te Werk. The halyards were frozen 1st
their blocks and neither the main sail or
spanker could be lowered se ss te let the
ship's head fall clear in time and sbestreek
Iiai.iI nn l.ilrlnc uliit.iat Tkai
Susan had a crew of seven all told. Ta.S2il
drowned are : Michael Kvan. captain, of M. 'i
Jehns; Jehn Gaul, mate of St. Jehns ti;
Themas Millard, steward, of Ireland i JahmA?.
Anniery, seaman, of l.agland, aud FwisT'5
h!lnn UlnuliA-.l Mawlnnnrf J -TlJ
1111 Enured Fer lbs Boedlera. -? X'
Ciiliunn Anrll tt l lz.ha.kl fl afMfVMMlVV
- - t." - ...-w v. nvvvHMi;y
appeared tu tne criminal court this mnnng " I
ns snretv nn the hnnris nf Ax.CnmmlaaasMa& -
Vanpelt aud Ed. McDonald for S15,0Masaf
0,000 respectively. There are ten Meuttsapr,
Indictments against Vanpelt for
.ml nnfttfir hriharv. Mil. MrtrWinalif 1
new indictments against him. nlpnrssswT .."
Walker also uave bend te-dsT for Lean sav.?l
one Indictment for conspiracy, and CmtUjfcM
ITnoltlne hnnilait In fL' nm nn lila . il illllifl " i
finnanlm Inintmanl . V .. 4
arraigned before Judge Tuley en Monday Wfj
xue inuiuieu euuuu uuuuie ksbbt bs vb bsv r.
plead. Tbe date for trial Is also te be tueew
WttA -Ifn. .via. la ha ,tm - t. a-iaaXa .
auuei.u.-a wai. vj ... w j. lan.nw av . fci,
thnnutea te an earlv trial aeamed te ausasa iS
Oi-Aurn I Iim l.rvullAra Inte B rV-v.irla.ti saial af $ji ThAV linlil nil, ,1.1, .Ilia .MIMMIllSSi 'r'
vwv ...-. ..vj -.. -.. w- w- aay)
tlens with lawyers yesterday. Many of tm'M
. w.j i j -r.
uuuuiwb wcta uin.ueu, aim nuavu Si si VA
trip te Canada would be a relief.
a, Ji.v.
Tbe Uitliena wild aritn, Kicltaansat. .''i'i
Waiivhii, Ind., April & Natural gaa waife
struck at seven o'clock last evening at Joeeey'Vt'
HrArl fAAt. ThA tlnw f vrv atrniiff. ihm bbbM
Iuiiia nHH nnasMt as aw ilAntk j-kff waleaaa. a.aaDm a-rv;
preasure being fully 300 pound, aad 50-V-
BlAUtl tuiilDaaiui auh uauHMwe0 wwstw
is brilliantly llsbted by tbe escaping gaa,
tbe people or Joneabero are wua Wltn
ment. Tbe drill in tbe well In tbla Otty
down one hundred feet, and the preepeeM
Very ltspld Werk.
Grvne Kai'Ids, Mleb. April 8. M. J. Dana,
or Detroit, beat Bart Harrington, of thle
city, in a match for (100 a aide, at Powers
opera house last evening. Dunn turned Mt M
horse shoes in one hour sad thirty three aa4 ;
-.-! -mI-...-- XT- I . k. A l-a-laa rMi
snees ou. nail aene. uunn geea w um vm
clnnatl te-day te meet William Cats for Ki
(500 a side. ig
A Lake of tNire Ceal Olt '
St. Pktehsbube, April & The lBtark.
uepariment is iniermeu iiui an iswsaws
IUUUU.AU W. ivuuivuu. .vwa.a wwi.wa waa. w
tne sarin near tne town et Beau ta usa:i
province or that name and Ha flew haa .'
tinned without slams el SUbsldlnC I
In the formation of a great lake of f"-.;;
filial hw H ntllBSSO I
St. Jeh.n, Calusa County, CaLi Afrtl
A Chinese cook in tne asrvwe es s
Dillen shot and killed mat bmj
Ue also wounded anesssr
-.un- hut m swaae la Ml
of htm. Much aMliM.fl I' '"" 'J,-1
inuiuDirr wmiawi .a a r.
i a , - ts ,
Te a sx-i"- -----" -r
n ii sn ia staled n
MUerity that Mgr. GaltaibelU. who
coeoludedssuooessful mtimtm te i
JillVe tatarest of the Vattcae, wlH be
te the cardinaiate ana hmwm
secretary or staxs.
Ne comm Halt i aa let,
tViaitmriTeic. Aawll & ThO Otel
ment baa aa yet bad aw eatresfeevewh
Great Britain w leieissna. sv saw
ualast Hsvtlaad thO DflTTB
advisability of eoterteg Bfrn
enoe en this m
ana we rarnar awa-xsasssawa aw
viewed. J&i. fe
, .TT &?'''
4 .
. - VV