5HS i.v .jawr. rwBsaw'V'- h.f'B.ri "wss ."7 jmbupbw t v...'iTi.kA...diii..i.... ill t:tt, fr, 1. faan 11 M i - r-. ixr'LMKi: J!NiT: rrf BWR'T'"- tf?- 'Afj'ffv'iS'-'u" u v - v v-r , urzjsr -& aj -T'iTi . ". .iwyvrM'Vi'i..i .'.:., j" 1'jiiv 't, jr - 'T-it- is v 'i ' .-Ttri. wvaw ,; !. . . i?.y . t - .s. Tf st-t.asW'v? T" " " ' . 2 - ?:i .aiLt : :--- . 'IL 'ip!?,. '4feM tfc vJinEA, ' A miPtW ?&- THE IiANOABTJKli PAAJx mxjajuawvjim patukuai; wt Bwes . s WMTrr-' W?. at KS 6t iS" sss . 3W' r m m H& ? Wfe -VV R3 w. 1.. W9 ,r MIMftMit JllilBli m9me htelllgenMr ta$.r A ; iUtMIMIIIIMI mwmtuah MllWffrMMM nTBLUQWKOWB, Laaeaster. re. ttjefenctiJtaJmtittgmcix & LAS0A8T1B, APBIL t, 1887. Seme Xallreai Qtesttens. HR,Wwr; WSaWSBSMV " 4- mltm m WB1 , m,Th6lta(lvay World ftttacbes great im . MffttMMi ta & TMntrlr nt JnAm fVn1iv. of , -J sS, a. - - S Iknf : (Mm vuuuucrce wjiuiuuaiuu, uw list business would probably be con- ef an application et reads of -..Xerteckr and adiacent Southern states for 'il?nsBotlen from the long and short-haul atsvas et the law because of water-rate hlsi snanwtltlen en the MississiDei: and. in- j.ifr.Aa. awu.h nnlteatlnn tins alrnailv hwn i?rv.'",,,j ..rr..-.w. --., --J?' The Importance of this question is evl- eVnt, for the law leaves it te the discretion v,v at we commission te autnenze reaas te (s$J- etarte less for longer than for shorter dis- W --.1.1- 1.1 . A I .. ua Bnuuu vnacs , nuu, u. uie tuw or aBMBwn ueciub vast water competition win l-&inetlfr evasion of the law. nearly every &Xftm& in the country will be able te discover one competition of that kind In long Gulf, lake, ocean or river cempeti- ' t'w'liMMMIM.W.N'lHBin COT HUM. UUU v? "4 SlftA JW.f.W .Nil th. M.J. HA Ji.hU .niuit yV'Vfc " wi J , auu vug 1WHU W UUUUk DAICVfr 15 ;. v vami. m Hicae uuis ui kuc lit w at tuts Liuuit. tjj, vwMrnaBuasquiiaiis piausieie wiu ee fiyf?' wgeu " luaea aeeaing special ezempuen & zzean the act, and this application of the ;.;M;jLstucJry reads la but the entering point iVft ef wedge that will drive an immense mass X&lM - it- .-. .. . iV a wen. upon uie commiiwien ana u net IMft-fiS 1 wUldoemtteUwtofauure. .U eiW WHIIIIlflDIUU DUUVf sUU ICsUb UIBIHJ31' tkm te make the law flexible at this peig UlgftMi 1 inm irk ISa e. mar nt annU zr 7., r. "." Sr tiens an uncuu excmDiien wi'iL. e eventual COBClniien that long and short-haul abandoned. AU depends upon the firmness and Judgment of the commission. Tbe action et the Chicago & Grand Trunk railway la withdrawing from the Central Traffic association la in opposition te tbe general course adopted by the reads 'which have sought te maintain some features of the peeling system net for bidden by the law. It is feared by the railroad people that this action will be followed by rate wars whereby the higher rates established under the act will be broken; whereat tbe public will rejoice. It must be remembered that the new law relieves the reads of a burden of no mean proportions by the withdrawal of free passes, and, as the local traffic is awtaller than the through traffic, tbe tendency of the act te cheapen local and i;.ii aaaraaaethe coat of thrnutrh traffli must - add te the profits of the railroads. It is jjX. ftigaed, therefore, that the act will help ?pzr the railroads and will net benefit com- V leerce. but we fail te see the strength of the reasoning. In a natural condition of btswuess, what helps the one should help the ether, and it is certainly part of a natural condition that less should be charged for a shorter than for a longer haul. 5:j.(Tf amd vuuuuciiMi nuuu, ui nuitu tun Sjjt''" Nftdiareapart, Is new suffering under a ?,- ftiassssry surgical operation which, if suc 'Mv? eaaeful. will elace matters en a mere nat- i5.vm. - - . - . .- - . . - &ftftl iwais. Jiut the reads, being the H ateaBfjeat thremrh onranizatien. take care that all the cost shall fall most heavily upon ethers. Time, however, must bring itUef, and business will net endure an enormous increase of rates without any Just reason for it. ImprlseamcBt Fer 'e Crime. It is with no special desire te reproach tbe administration of Justice in Judge Pat terson's court, that the Intelligencer iwftlls publle attention te the cases of six " tramps," sent te the local penitentiary for three years, for what lacked every element of crime. Tee Injustice of this proceeding has been discussed before; and it must be laid, no doubt, te that blindness of Justice which is proverbial. At least It was a glaring Judicial error, ob stinately persisted in, and for which no reparation has been made, except, per haps, the lessen et wiser discrimination for ether cases which it taught. That these unfortunate men nave Buf fered grievous wrong from tbe estab lished powers of the community can hardly at questioned ; ana tne present considers.- (aea is whether the public mind can be fr&ftWakened and the publle conscience -(K.eralakened te a aenae of It. it t riltw them, at the very least, that, having jifBjaaa AmnrlvaA n9nth1r 1IHaitv a ki. years, they should bare a fair start and a me eppertunity. The case of tbe worthy isjseji who comes out et prison has received Mention in some ether points of the ry man cere, usually be Is without tmmtf, chance or respectable reference. ,V g If be drifts it U net entirely bis own Ja aUryland and some ether states societies bare done most excellent tat the waj of looking after this class, satisfactory results ; and uner bat spontaneous relief never bad objects te begin its operation here M the eases under consideration. '. AKew Law first. ?1 ' nsacsi ear cordial geed wishes te law arm et Brown & Hensel, Itistteitonisteeoe Monday. Lan- taWB'tauslred lawyers la practice tea few firms. Tbe ef ttttBrn that has last organ. sjjgsji sittsifiMiilslhBl i Ill mil te Hsjsjjasa gtjaa .MBQifJIfJHlflf uusmue mmmmmmmm m kradtk ta tat. ii glfcjt ud HNf SBBBB RHMUI BBBBli OTA MfaiMi upttiwl rtfltty, wake. Mk taeir inwMiXHm attetUt Btaeftfcst (MNltiUt. fclthefwlll out sceed swfhalee. leg! eerd" ttaAmbtefl, Bird tort they win carry tbe fttmeotLan fttmeetLan taster lawyers abroad te also equally beyond, question. A SMl'fnJfet. The eoamunlcatlen f rem a correspond cut elsewhere advocating better railroad communication between Lancaster and four Important townships In lower Lancas ter county, will strike a great many people as a most sensible and practical project. Lancaster ought te be the mart for all of tbie county's productions. As water runs down hill, se should all the commerce et this county flew Inte Lancaster. And when such condition of affairs does net exist, It is a wise community that takes measures te speedily bring it about.' The Christian Advocate has heard a man remark mieerlngly, "Tell me why there are se few smart men In the ministry 7" The feel-killer ought te start right after this que tlener. Slowly but surely the French people are recovering from their Insanity eyer Victer Huge. M. J ales Lemaltre,ene of the cleverest crltles In France.cen tends that Huge's dramas tire out the publle as well as literary people, and gees te far as te predict that before tne l end or the century the poet's theatrical I ni.arinnnlt.viiiituinmnTdnnimtnlii I The final verdict may net be se severe, but I 1 . . I though Huge may rank among tne nrstei French poets, he cannot stand en the level et Shakespeare and Goethe. It has been suggested that the wives of presidents ought te have their portraits hung up with these or their husbands In the White Heuse. It would make the whole collection vastly mere beautiful. Ax entertainment given In the Bosten mnseum en Thursday afternoon for the bene fit of tbe Longfellow memorial fund was signalised by an almost complete group, ing of American authors, WMttier being the only great literary man net present At the extreme left et the semicircle extending across the stage was the Rev. Dr. Edward E. Hale. By him sat James Rustell Lewell, beside him the familiar form and genial face of Dr. Oliver Wendell Helmes. On the sofa behind the doctor was Colonel Themas Went worth Hlggtnsen. At the extreme right was the humorist, Samuel L. Clement. Beside him was Geerge W. Curtis, and next were Tnemas Bsiley Aid rich and William D. Hewella. Tbe entertainment consisted of readings by the famous wits and poets, and the proceeds were estimated at about f5,000i Tbe Teries are weakening In their brutal coercion policy towards Ireland. Already publle opinion hat forced them te abandon the clause In the criminal law amendment bill which provides for the changing of venue from Dublin te Londen. Miss Hewsll, who sustained spinal In SXeTlXl. lrsrTeb. 21. and Ash Wednesday wsa I nsherejl in Veb. 23, no Lent dancing moral I can be enjoined. I m I A rnoxeTios that carries with It a 1 leaacned salary It one of these beautiful anomalies teen in the government employ meat. Second Controller of the Treasury Msynard glvee up that easier office with a aalaryef5,000a year te take one of greatly Increased respensibiuuee with a salary wee lesa It It no wonder that most able men want te keep eat of the government service. A Chicago correspondent of the Inquirer says that nnder a high license law there are 400 mere saloons in Chicago than previously. Ay exchange remarks the almllarlty be tween a carpenter and lawyer. The latter can flle a bill, split a hair, chop logic, dove tail an argument, make an entry, get up a case, frame an Indictment, empanel a Jury, pat them In a box, nail a witness, hammer a judge, bore a court, chisel a client, and ether like things. The governor haa almost psld for his first jear'a salary. He has Issued 305 notary pub. lie commissions, the total feet for which were 17,625. Caxada has already feand that her posl pesl posl tlen en the fishery question Is going te affect her Interests disastrously. According te the report of the minister of customs, in 1884 there entered Neva Scotia ports, inward with ear. gees, 293 British vessels of 335,393 tens regis ter, with crews numbering 12,193; 2,398 Csn adlan vessels of 314,150 tens register and crews of 19,150; (89 foreign vessels (mostly from tbe United States) of 276,761 tees reg later, with crews of 14,720 men. Fer the year Just ended the figures show an Increase of 36 vessels ct British register, and a falling off of 198 Canadian vessels of 1,729 98 tone of regis ter, and 206 foreign vessels 01162,617 tens register, the harbors most generally affected being Halifax, Oaysbore, Sydney and Pletoe, In Mew Brunswick tbe figures show the fol lowing decline : In Canadian vessels 145, of 5,293 tent register; In United States vessels 218, 4,265 tent register ; the perta most tuflsr. Ing this lese being St. Jehn and Hlllabore. Maw Jxarar will net enact Pennsylva nla's marriage lieente law. This Is a great compliment te Italntrlnale merit TniT the oyster U nutnciens, Quite exquisitely delicious. Is a statement that can never be denied. Bat be saCdeely grows vicious t Toward your stomach quit malicious, When he's fried. It la no April Foel's Jeb that Secretary Fairchlld buckled te en Friday. SsvsxTr six years age en the 1st of April, William Buckneli, of Philadelphia, first saw tbe light, and it was well for Bucknsll unl verslty, Lewisbnrg, Union county, that snob an event occurred. On Friday Mr. Buckneli gave 160,000, te be need by the trustees for Improvements te tbe university. This gift makes 1142,000 given by Mr. Uecknell te this University within the last foer yearn, Of this turn 110,000 It being need for tbe construction or an observatory which will have a tea-lach equatorial and be ready for work by next Jane, PsaaeNAx Blaiiik's platform it the same aa et old. It Is at tbe rear et the car. Tub fbksidkkt Is said te be a flrat-claat &om"'hCela.'riOCkU,aWln,i0a,0,R,pnb Pbbsidekt Clbveland takes daily exer. else In a gymnasium recently fluad no in the White Beuse. HehasrfcsdiisTsetaia pounds of fat off since Mr. Meaning's break down. Mr O. Qallaekbr, ofOreeen Hill, Va, hired a colored woman. Mary Robinson, for domestic servlee. A dsv or two um u.p. announced tbst she was a rich wemaa and gave her mistress a beuse and let, Quxbn Victeria at her drawing rooms personally receives the flsrt eighty ladles who enter, and at toen aa the It Informed that that number has passed she leaves the room and tbe Princess of Wales receives the rest. Hydrepbsbla BYeae a rat Dag Bite. Jamas H. Carlisle, aa Influential cIUssb of Abbeville, & tt, died Thursday freaa by. drepbebU. AtoataraeatbagohewasblUea byapetdeftbat eaflered be lacenveeieaee from it until tares days age, when e etear ease ofhydrepiwbiawBSMvaioped. Tee eight of water would threw alas iate senraWeea,sBi luMtstferebUdtaU he tags at ssaaa aad bark. Hts frltada traataa la take Uas at Dr. iMeeLlaXew Yerk, bat.aJe eesswsa sjbj IssAthsasweseJgssesswTtBl. DRIFT. Ksarly every one Is looking around J eat ew for some something pretty and appre, prlale in the Hat of Easter girt And It la by no means an easy task te find what an swers one's purpose, unless, Indeed, one It satisfied with the conventional Easter card, or booklet, the roost et which bear tee et. t m.rk of bslns "mde te sell," with tee much of a straining after novelty, te be either letthetlcully ssUsfyleg or thoroughly appropriate In soy ether respect. t Tnanu are a few quite pretty cards out this year, and several booklets and ether de vices that are net without merit ; while, of course, of Inferior stuff there Is any quantity te be had. Among the prettiest, however, Indeed, according te my Ideas, the very urettlcat by far. and the one that comes near est te my Ideal et an Easter token, Is a little book that has Just come from the Riverside Press' of Houghten, Mllliln A Ce., of nosten. It Is a dainty volume of scarce two-score poems by that delicate literary artist and devout Christian woman Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney and Is entitled simply i)ifK. dils. When my eyes tint rested en 1', It gave me a start of genuine pleasure. It was as though I had heard the first spring note et the blue bird, or had caught the first faint breath of the real daffodil's delicate perfume In my garden. I don't believe even the fastidious firm which publishes se many of the best and most perfect specimens of Ameri can book making, has ever produced any thing mere thoroughly artistic and exquisitely twantlful. Round in narehmant and daffodil cloth, the cover alone, with Its dslicate and n-rfecuv blended harmony of colors, the allken IutUe of the rlah daffodil yellow set nr bv the nure lverv.whlt parubtnent. and k.w. ..k !. ... I. .... .. !.. .ntllna. of a single daffodil In geld oe one aide, with the gilt top and gilt back and aide titles, the combination and proportion of colors alone are adellght te the eye,in artist's study, mere truly beauUlul they seemed te me than all the elaborately designed and colored cards dlsplsyed en every hand. Net the harmony of colors alone, however, lslhe book's chief claim te artlitle beauty; but the farther harmony of this exquisite binding with the character, the tone, the daffodil perfume, of the contents, from cover te cover breathing a lowly clinging trait, a brightly up looking hope, a warm, sunshiny love, a real Eatter spirit It Is because of this spin', suggested by the growth, color, perfume and whole bJiug el the daffodil, that the Uermans with their aeep poetic lnslgh have name! it Osier btume, the Kaater flower. And Mr? Whitney has caught these suggestions and sweetly expressed tneni In her motto poem, or dedicatory lines "Te the Wayrarer," as delicately gracelul as any thing In the velume: M Straight te the shlnlne henrei the daffodil llercup detb held ; Asking and gxtberlng the sworn lljhtnntU It brtm with Beld. Then, though tbe under-skles be dun and gray, Earth cMd acd cran. With ehangele mien she sits there brave and gsy In the mi-ek grit: Showing her tr.iphy of a fairer day Te all that pass. If any little reaching upward ie. Above lue His Hava feand the o'er-breoaing summer whesa great glow Te gladness Alls Ucart-bloems fir nm -pirtake them M you go, My daffodils." Ir Mrs. Whitney's poetle gifts, critically considered, are net such as te place her in the very first rank or American female poets, she has one gift which is by no means com- men among poets, male or female, and that Is that she is clearly conscious et her limits. tlens,and seldom or never attempts anything beyond them. In ether words, 11 she is net I " uuuukiioe ui u cwu iuh, the Is Mrs. Whitney, and Is bravely content te fulfill Mrs. Whltney'a poetic mission. Her deep spiritual Insight never leads her or her reader Inte mere vague and fermleaa mysticism, bat ever gives clear expression te phases of truth that may be aeen by the average Christian, and that bring comfort and help te the believing heart Her fervent faith never degenerates Inte the religious tentlmentallsm Inte which, for example, Mist Havergal te often fell ; but it is always strengthening, invlgersting, Impelling te work while waiting ler the blessing of the Lord, knowing that 11 wherever tbe pleughshares run. The clouds run overhead ; And ttmelithat wensand leuln ttusun, With water Is al ways led." As I handled and caressed this lovely vel nme, for it is a pleasure merely te tee Its beauty, nud leel Its soft, creamy paper, en which the letters He like flowers in a bed of mess, I could net help wondering and de ploring that te many still waste their money en mere ephemeral picture cards, when for leas money (tl 25) thsn any decent Easter card costs, they could get such lasting "thing of beauty," whose presentation te a friend would be a gift of permanent value, and whose enjoyment would ever remind the recipient year In and year out or the geed sense as well as the esteem of the donor. 1 am sure, however, that aa we grew In knowl edge, and aa our tastes and sensibilities be come mere refined, books like this one, geed and beautiful books el every kind, will come te be appreciated among ui mere and mere aa the most sensible, useiul and appropriate gifts en all occasions where friendship's offer ings are called for. 1 am glad te knew that already this is the case among the meat In telligent and cultured people. And it Is it self a chief meana of spreading intelligence and culture among all classes. Tms latter, by the way, Is one of tbe most Important alma te be kept before us here at Lancaster, and especially Just at this stage of our city's progress. It is, 1 think, evident te all that there has recently been a great and most wholesome awakening among our business men. The reorganization and liveli ness of our Beard of Trade Is patent proof of It ; net the cause of It, but a causally reacting effect et the newly awakened public spirit, Lancaster It probably about entering upon a career of unprecedented eemmerciar and la duetrtal growth and presperty. Everyone must rejoice In this, and certainly none deee se mere than L Yet I tee a danger ahead. We dare net put all our vitality, all ear meana and energy, Inte, one kind el activity only, or our growth will net be symmetrical, will be one-sided, partla Imperfect, aud possibly harmful. Let ns posh our city's industrial and oommer eommer oemmer clallnterestsall wecan. But don't let us push these Interests alone. The lire of commu nity doesn't oensist only of its business pros pres perlty and money-wealth. Parallel with Its business growth, It must grew also In Intel ligence, in scientific, literary, artistic eulture. These are fully as Important as the former. Thi y are necessary te the beet nse tnd enj oy ey meat of Its material prosperity. What Guliat In bit History of Civilization asyt Is true of cities aa well at of nations : If any one sphere or department of life la pushed, te the neglect of tbe ethers, while In that one the nation or city may become rapidly pre-eminent np te a certain degree, this very pre-emlnenee, or rather the neglect et the ether departments, will Inevitably become a cause et dissolution and decadence, if net of speedy and utter rain. Ancient ureses aevetea ait its energies te art alone, nsclsotlec oemmeroe. manufactures, neli tlr aad all else, Greece accordingly in a few centuries rose te an unparalleled eminence la art. She carried art aa high as It could then be carried. Then suddenly she fell and utterly collapsed, Reme devoted herself wholly te military and political pursuits, pay leg no attention te art. literature, beat. Bess, She became the mistress of the world. Then aha tee fell, suddenly, Irretrievably, Let Laacatttr, Indeed let America, take warning t Don't put all we havtinte the one department of buslneta Don't let all ear means, time, energy be given exclusively te money-making alone, neglecting the arts, Utsraiure,snd til general eulture and spiritual growth. What It the geed of being big but slunldT Where it the ad vantage of being rich but Ig norant and boorish T Hiss and wealth are no benefit, but mere likely tn evil, II net Joined w aa..ain.w, .uuiuui, UIU UUB CUIIUM. I wbitb this aet because I think our com cem aaualtyle la special danger of such a one ene sided, crippling, and eventually fatal dtvel dtvel esmtati fee I am happy te believe It is set. Along with our awtktelng In business mat ters,! ate signs of a fresh starting np of energy aad Interest In tbe ether spheres of our social life as well. The geed Influence of oureel. sad theological temlaary eaaaet be ever. Batata la takt antler, ear eiak si MBBsMataastarsergeed. laaeth tfaftsB awssrstttitysevsVV at siliatUi and llksr. uy ealtare Usee tcere ever was tassre. la this aaate dlneatea .aweh saneesa. Mews at the venerable Ltaeiem aceiety tne Cllotephlc, and the Hlesetieal aeelety an wall as ear several pvMIe libraries are working with geed sflsct, aad these never were mere active aad prospateae than they are new. In the fine arts we have a number of amateur painters and draughtsmen, whose work, talk, end mere presence cannot fall te nave an educating ana rsnaing ibiiusbes id the community. The same It true of motto, the department, In which, perhaps, we have hitherto been mostlteklna. I say hitherto, because 1 am convinced that at present there It a palpable and wholesome spirit et musical revival abroad, tee. If 1 had doubted this before, even after seeing hew large, Interested, and trpreela- Uve an audience gathered a few weeks ego te enjoy the high elate music furnished at tbe Sherwood concert, all my doubts would have vanished alter enjoying the privilege et being one of the select few. seventy- live or eighty, who attended the almost Impromptu concert et tbe Mendelssohn club complimentary te Miss Maggie l'etts, In the rooms of their leader, Mr. Walter Bausman. The character or the musle there rendered, and the strict preci sion and well-nigh perfection of Its rendition, unlets 1 am much mistaken, were a source of gitd turprlse te mere than one of the delighted auditors. Te me It was a revela tion of undreamed of ability and talent la enr midst ; and better yet, a prophecy and premise of areat thlnn ler the future. Besides this, of course, it wss a meat grace ful 'compliment te Mist Potts, one et the sweetest singers Lancaster hat ever had, and whose departure from our city Is a source et deepest regret te a multitude of her friends and admirers. The singing of the soprano sole In tbe InjiammatMt of Rossini's grand Stabat .Vtife'rmade one realist why Lewell wrote that " Likening (Isd'r bend the angels even Te hear a mortal like an angel slug." I could feel them bending down te catch up the glorious tones and bear them up at holy Incense te the Throne. The ,'prerhscy and premise I tee In the concert it this : first, It was demonstrated by the Intelligently appreciative audience that the highest class or music can be under steed and er Joyed In our city; there la a musical constituency ei rennea tastes ana sufllclent Influence and strength te sustain and support and orewn with success any honest eflert st real Improvement, true cul ture, and tbe attainment et till highest Ideals of the noble art, In our midst, Secondly, ine aienueirsenn ciud, only six wests eia, rendering se excellently a pregramme strictly classical and of the highest order of merit, showed that there Is geed material In our city, which neads only te be conscien tiously snd psrseveringly cultivated te raise up our musical standard, and the whole tone et tbe community te heights worthy of se sncient, rapidly growing, and Intelligent a place as Lancaster. There Is talent enough te produce tbe bast musle ever written after a while. Finally, In Mr. Bausman a leader hsa been teund with high and unselfish alms and ideals, with artistic taste snd skill, te te use our material ss te resliss these alma, and with independence enough sternly ter ur use te psndsr 13 any lower tastas, te aim for any. thing lower than the highest and beat In the srtte which se enthusiastically be devotee himself. Ne doubt he will have net a few difficulties t3 enceantsr and overcome s the temptation ti yield te " popular applause," and te prostitute " music, heavenly maid" by using her merely as a meant for money getting, It Is net always easy te resist it. Msny attempts ta de it have tailed In tbe pa. But it can be dena It must be done. And I hsve high hopes, especially sines last Wednesday evening, that it will be dena Stand nrin Mr. Btusman 1 Your opportunity Is before you. It Is a grand one. Patience aud parseveraree in se geed a cause must win you the victor's crown at last, tbe ben efacter'a crown, mere preoleus than all ethtrs. Uxcab. When beset with headache or ether rains nse Salvation oil, the greatest cure en earth (or pain. A monument should be erected te the memory of the late Dr. J. W. Bull, discoverer of tbat wonderful remedy, Ur. Bull's Cough Syrup. SPATOXAS, AOIMCJ The Best Salve In the world for Cats, Piulsst, Beres, Ulcers, salt Bheum, rever Seres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, aad an BkUt eruptions, and positively cues riles, or no pay required, it Is guaranteed te give perfect saMs tactien, or money refunded. Fries SB cents par box. Fer sals by H. a. Cecnraa, Druggist, 11 ana 1S Werth Quean street. laneaster. rs. WHY WILL YOD eengb when ShUeh's due will gtve Immediate rellet. Price 10 cts., SO eta and SU Fer sale by It. B. Cochran, Druggist. He. 1S7 North Queen street. S) All medical autbetltlee agree that catarrh la no mere nor leu than an inflammation of the Hale mnmbrane of the nasal air passages. Nasal catarrh and all catarrhal affections of the head are net diseases of the blced, and It is a se rious mistake te treat them as such. Me consci entious physician ever attempts te de se. it u held by eminent medical men that sooner or later a speclfle will be found ler every disease from which humanity suaers. The facts Justify us tn assuming that ter catarrh at least a posi tive cure already exists In Bly's Cream BUm. mrM-twdsedAw AN VNrOBTONATK PKBSON. The most unfortunate person tn the world Is one afflicted with sick headache, but they will be relieved at once by using Dr. Leslie's Special Prescription. See adverusemeat tn another column. () A Stemarsratits Ooedzfaa Is he who attends te the comfort of his family and will net let his little ones suffer with affeo affee affeo tlen of the Threat and Lungs, whereby their lives mav be endangered, but who should at all times give them that sovereign remedy, Kempt Balsam. Price 60 cents andAL. Trial tUt frtt. Fer sale by U. B. Cochran, druggist, 1ST North Queen street. () T UMBAQO-LAME BACK. ST. JACOBS OIL. LUMBAGO-LAMB BACK. SaT After a lapse of years statements confirm ing the efflcscy of at. Jacobs utl and Its perma nent eures, are given below. Frem a. Lukiaoe Scrrsass, If asca, lstl. 101 Prince AU Mew Yerk. H. T. I hid a very severe attack of lumbago i could hardly walk. 1 tried a bottle efst. Jacobs Oil, It relieved: I tried another, tt cured me. 1 would net be without It If It coat 1 a bottle. U. U. BUAYMB. Fseu Bams 4 Ysaas -ats Ccssd. Ill Pilnce St., New Yerk, N. Y , Nev. 1. ISM. I cheerfully confirm iny statement! was completely cured. Mt. Jacobs OU Is the standard. I recommend It for f smtl v use. C.CSUAYMB. A Lcasise Sevsjura -Acinar, lstl. 5l M-dd'esex st, Lewell, Mass. About two months sge I had astltch In my te leave my house. ukk, auuareu Niraueniiii, uv wasanaDis 1 u tried Bt. Jacobs uU. Less than a bottle cured me. DAVID LAWBBXCI. Fae Sams 8 Yiau Latsb-Ccsbd. Lew ell, Mass Oct J9. ISM. Several years sge I had a severe attack of rheumatism. 1 tried St. Jacobs Oil and In a taw days was cured. Have net been trou treu bltd since. DAVID LAWBBICB. Fscic a Suvraaxa at fti -ezrrxxtim. ltn. Btrasbnrg, Tuscarawas Ce , Ohie. I hsve been afflicted with rheumatism for several years and get no rellt until I assd Bt. Jacobs oil. By the use of two bottles 1 wss greatly relieved. JOHN DirFBBBACHBR. Fee Sams 7 Tsass Latsb crase. Btrssburgh, Tuscarawas Ce , O., Oct. tx, ISM. I continued nstng your Bt Jaeebi and tt cured me of severs headaeha. JUUM DirFBNBACHBB. THICdABLM A VOQILBB CO., BalUmers, Md. Str All persons rsise St. Jacobs Oil or Bed Star Court Curs, will by sending a two esat stamp and a history of their case, receive atviea Fata. Red Star Cough Cure. HIE FBOM OPIATBS ABDPOISOBS. SAFC. BUBJL rftOMrT, 25 OINT8. AT DBUaaUTS AMD DBALBKA. TUB CUABLBS A. VOQBLBB CO. BalUmers, MA. ftl sfstfsl REWARD. spXeVFVAJ Fer any ease el bias. Nervous Debility. Mental Weakness that BOTANIC NBB' kUlsteeurs. SeiabydrnaTtsta,ISeesits. . Re.lBII.Utt ew- tjTraamvw www. CENTRAL HOUSE, t w a:Zl'Blk.vroprlater. -L5!!?b.T Jrytg-jsy Jrteads aad the aablle la r,.Ap H.B.M aMaA . T.' ... ""w.""i euuai aaa wast Blag street, aadaxtsad aa lavtlatten te all W vfcsM sSlm my SMtwq Barters. " " Msauvuibsssrvseat all hears, c very style. ftverytsiiMtesesMsv A statiwg vr, mruuB, rirarajt It SJtv II 3I sVaVruVjflatBtBtaty 1M " Nil IrllavuSevhA m, M n e FINGER-MARKS and dust en chairs, etc., cannot be removed by the use of a chamois alone, se if your furniture has a dingy appearance you can easily restore its freshness by washing with Ivery Seap and luke-wann water (under no circumstances should het water be used) ; use a soft brush te wash out the carving, etc. Dry with a soft cloth and then rub well with a chamois, and your furniture will "leek like new." A WORD OF WARNING. There ire many white seipi, each represented te be "lust at geed at the ' Ivery t" they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeit!, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for "Ivery" Seap and Insist upon getting it. Ceprrtlht tM, bjr Procter 4 Gamble. BMW ADVXRTiaKMKHTa. AYER'S BaRSA.PARIL.LA. Scrofula Is one ens et the most fatal teenrgss walea aflttet mankind. It Is eftan lnbsrttsa, bat tsar bs the result of Improper vaccination, saerenrtal poisoning. aaelsanUasss. and various otter ceases. Chrenla Seres, Uiesrs, Abacas tss. Ota. ctrens BomeTs, aad, tn soma eases, SmaesaUea, aad CoasnmpUen, result from eserofoloaaeoa eserefoloaaeoa eserofeloaaeoa dltloa of the bleed, lbs disss esa be eared by ths nss ef Ayer's SampertuA. I tnhSTttsd a seref qIeds eoadlUea of the bleed, which oaeasd a dsrantesassu of my wbde n Um. Attar ukles; lsss than foer bottles of Arefs Saisapartua I sat Entirely Oertd aad. for the past ysar, have net fenad ttasese aary te bm anr medlsine whttsvsr. I aaa new tn bsttarhaalta. and strengar, ttaa avsr before. O A Wlltard.luTfmwisv.BtosteiJa1ase: was innniia mu aeronueas aerss ter are lananarllla. the tam haalae.ana 1 kin mnm ( DBl,Hlwuk raw DOCVSS ei AJST'S geed heaJtlu-BlUabeik WaraeZk, M Apptelea street, Lewell, Uses. Bems m-raths age l wis troubled srtth Scrota Ions Beres en my leg. The limb wss badly iweuvd ua iDmaiN,saa tss sem mstittiasa large quantities of offensive matter. Bvery vs manor, every Avars SanaparUla. t.tats saaSlelts the Ued. and say asslta ismNj wiee, snui i ussa A' Bv teklne three bewtlea or i sores nave baen antlraiv aln w ihiit imnwi. a an BTimi ser ia boesi t raedleln haa flnnanjt Mn. li ivbi.. tn. ' Sullivan Su, Haw Yerk. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, frsparsd,bTDr.J.e.AysTrJa, Lewell, Mate. swusDyauuruggists. rnee si I six oeuisa, SB. ewtd & MARTIN 4 CO. A SALE OF -AT- J. B. Martin & Ge. We have placed en our centre counter in main store a variety et nlcknacks, from China Depart ment, at bargain prices. 00 BarbatlM Vases, large and small Bites, at 25c. apiece. One let et Carlsbad Flower Slippers and Beets a novelty, at 25c, were 60c. A large quantity of Crackled Glass Finger Bawls, at 6c. apiece, worth 26c. French A. D. Coffees, at 2.60 per dozen. English A. D. Caps and Saucers, 11.60 per dozen. 60 Fairy Lamps, at 22c. apiece. Cat-aiassPetime Bettles, Im porter's samples, at one-half price. Umbrella Match Safes la hob. nail glass, at lie. apiece. One let French China Individual Butter Fads, at flc. apleee. One let Dresden Pepper aad Sails, at lie., worth 26c.; femerly sold at 26c. and 60c. One let Decorated Bene Plates, at 24c., extra value. Car. Wawt Ilig MMt It., va. BAT TOO Fiags NEW J. B. Martin Ce., TtONT OBJIW BWlUfsl WM M-v aaasBaaraaaaea ar aaaHia lwierBte sawaaawiaataaVTS m aHsWBaMal I aBVaBaHsVaBV flHaatsAaBW SBsawVLslBk t 9mmPmm$m ntwwMKk jrasy Aerasirsa'siairva. Q ANKERS. KUHN, LOEB&CO., BANKIBS, tOKASSUAST, XaWTOBK, BSVI COKBTAWTUT OW BARD A BBLBCT10K. or CHOtCB UVftSTMMT BscuaiTiaa. Oovvatpendi ssterstausti idsnee ef Bank rs. Brokers, and la Jsuissdra.TaaB R. B.4H. LADIES I Watch for notice of our Spring Opening of PAKAftOLB, Nete tbe date aad kindly favor ua with your presence. We knew you will be amply repaid, for we will show a re markably handsome Une. Tours Very Respectfully, .EL. H. & 5i, Ne. 14 Mast aUng Street. tpMBSd . BTRIOB'S PALAOK Or FASHION. During the "Months OF APRIL III -AMD- JUNE ) far Stere Will Be Open Bvsmr- AMD EVENING. UTtlCI'. Ps.le.ce of Fashion. Wednesday Mini f arji stSiAa AOeitisi ssss-stsasMSirfisvssasjastaagtaasjs. G rUMDOPKMIMQOr Bard & McElrey't NEW DRY GOODS SIRE, M time SI Stl. Upturn Btmt, terr. fountain ink,) On Sttediy, April 2d, With aa tattre Mew steak er MIY GOODS, Carpets, Oil Cleths, FMATHBW,Aa,ee. p.rraStiia?P,, "U- 0- iNOiAiaeaaPBTS.M e Werth Its. INORAINOaaPKTS St e.....WarSlSM. iN-KaiHcaaraTai e.. wmSaK IMOKaiNUAKPBTslsTWe WtttteM. Ixtnaelj Lw Trie. OtM case bast Calleeea, ss. OtaOaselaatoe calssess.Se. . Os Baii entasUaTyare wtSa, see eevertaa tobaeeebsaa, atsejsjraIdirMraUrpttes,ss. TSs bast Skaass-Oana raataars i evaey twaaft taasaesUtyaadBeleesvaiaasss.. "" QSL'gSSafi " -epartsitat. OaUaad BARD McELROT, SS ui S5 8Mtk Qm sMmt. (OPP. FOURTAltl UltT.l ttarsS-ttsAw rAQKB BROTHKIt, lager & Brether BAVAVMOWOPBN CARPETS -M TUB New Spring Stjles and Gt leriigs -AT- LOW PRICED. TAFftSTBT AND BODY BBUSBBLS OABPsTTS OF STANDABD QUA LITT, FBOM BBST EBOWB BtANUFACTOBBBS. MOqUBTOAJtPBTF, VBLVBTOABrBTB, BBSg-FLT AHD BXTBA SOPgft WOOL CABPBTS, MBD1UM AMD LOW-PBICBD 1K8BA1N OABPBTS, MAS AND CHAIN OABl'BTS IM ALL QUAL1TBS, OOOOA AMD CB1MA U ATTIBOS, AST SQUABBS, LIKOLBOM AMD COBTICINB. FLOOB OIL CLOTH, BUGS AMD DOOM MATS- All of SttadardQaaUtlse aad Vary Lew la Prist. Me. as KMOr atTaansT, LAMOASTMB, FA, TWiAjrra. OOst CMOICBOOFPBBS ABO FIMBST FOBMOSA, OOLOMSS ABO IMPMBIAL TBAB weajtBtaasaesarlMaaveeaad geed esiaksag BaBAKr AST OOOOA ABO OHOCOLATB. FAHCT OBOOBaUBS. Try ear Bigk araae FAMILY FLODB, ObX. WXsUrT. aasTssiTa BTeusi ,T BUMKna, ANOTHBB CERALINE BAKE!! TO-MOBBOW (SATDBDAT.) Het WaSsat, Ortddie cakes, rieqaettsa, Oeta- ifeFsaaiag,ae. LADIB1 BSPBCtALLT 1WVITBD te aaa see aew tas geea taiaae are Cakes, Be gtveaaway.a BURSK'S, NO. 17 saaVST ONO ariaaDT, LAB0ABTBB, FA. TJBOBSJBN SjSSrS: 'a'kdlKlV ." as tsar reesas ta Jfew SSSlBW, USf stena UVBBTOFFIOB. HAGER i BROTHER, TJOTJgSJIORBBlHT.--BtUCH ntHT.t. . JX lHOHOnSB,MaSnNerttQMs simsl Alsetkrse-siejyKinrsUligIK7N saM4wd 5"TOJrgbaatwSfk, BwassTissdlsg. Fa.MaatusBwsBMlk. Bene aw atresias. AaylNawtT asataHveT a.BwaBBKBBJaVlBvaaaBBvME?? -t ft Ti & j-. . N" fiiiUVnr