tewm3! .cwrttrwr?1 s??i!i?p ...y. rt -- ,-v v -,fl ' ' ""$ f' ""fVj TOE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGBNCE11, FBEDAY, APRIL V 1887. '"BR H5 l-4Cjlaaiea.a.e.a.aiia(H iss. is;r SST h& W H "iji. Kt K?t. rsr W4 2?f rfci r-Jv i.rr itrcM i maaaa. VIM DMlNfMk m rianuiaca AftH 14 wary dtaMtreui I SlalBIISB IWIM en WMM Ik iMMtlMM goods Mm kanied from te Ma MW home en TM tMM et lit. Jesse Wolf wMta tan organ and ether lftltMlftfloe( Frent street, the i.huj ""v? :. "?:- " -i. JMBSIIVI OtUlDB sew - VMMl''ihMl lh kene became frightened JT,Mte MM.as; along tue ueium- fy,rt Deposit railroad and oeum MftwyeUM. mmmumwivm .. aaawamu mubhw"'" - ?VjtHftWbMr. Palmer wae wrewu .. ma,' Mr. Wolfs still kept his held, BBSS wB"aa . . !.-..- rrhAtaam 'asaa was awwunepm ! ..-. -BBBtsmasWiiEnUlread and eoen en. pS of ties. The horse ran tkesa tat the wagon was IB. The organ was thrown out and at ea the tits, making the lnatru. PfM4MBBSM aMest mmi pMsMtsasi avasay JlsWtJssSMB nm1n Hetea. aaHBSaBaaatBBBl .'ie almost total wreck, i-ruit PvsV!1 -a ... ..,,. worn muthAit Inte jan. an" """i """ -- " a l. fc..l.la..a .A a Ml.. '?5A.bs1' pieces. ate uwieu.uh ..-- bV.e af air. Palmer was aamagea ana a una ' tf' kt .WW- , . ir-wtafoeat much tern. The organ waavaiueu r! -siiK .nrt.hnnt tioe will be required te 'W uiuii..vvinrHr. The horse was stepped E- &? m. mktat while after neltiK ever the tie". rf v .Minis Palmer and Welle were semewhat ,.,':?-. DMdtTrlhaTIa. 11 of Ked Men elected !1V 'tttt following officers lsit night: rrepuei, sy8L M. Donsker; aacbem, Jehn 8. "Newier; h:i'My-m auunere. Jehn W. Weln; Junier sagamere, Armer D. Bell ; chief of record, 8, B. Clepper; keeper or wsmpum, F. G. Jehns ; trustee, James Rewan ; represents. tire, B. F. Mann. r. B. II. Oar Movement, Sering the month of March the following aara were handled at Columbia by the em em peoyes of the Pennsylvania railroad : lAJTITitD. Xutnberef trains . " Xeadedcars.. "::.::....::.... r amply Total VISIVARO. Xnmberef trslni ' leaded ears Mtapty .. W,2T5 .. 791 .. 14SS .. 81,721 Total "'- Orand total W-3 This la an increase e( 25, 163 cars ever Feb ruarr, 18S7, and an Increase of 21,942 cars ere March, 18S6. This is the heavleat move ment en record. Change of Employs. A. J. Leenard, late or the Reading freight warsbense, accepts the position of driver of tn Adams Express company. C. J. Ziegler, also driver, will be in the express office. Daniel Heek, the baggage master at the Beading atatien, will go into the freight warehouse and Henry H. Meyers will nil the position as bsggsge msster. These changes took eirect te-asy. Town Nete. M. M. Beurbeer went te DozaMffiTewEt today, te take temporary chasatsfSfl he Perm sylvanla railroad effiaMgnjut place. iifiBShi. of Lancaster, piano uever, was In town yesterdsy, and moved a number of piano. , Yesterday and te-day the banka have been very busy, cenaequent of the first of April. Mr. Cyrus Bbertxer and family left town laat evening for Lancaster, where they will make their borne. A special meeting of council was held last evening te make exoneration of borough taxes from the duplicate new in the bands of W. G. Duttenhefer, collector. The exonera tions et single men and tenants were heavy, but of real estate owners am all. The amount of exoneratiena will be given te the auditors for their approval. ,The Hidden Hand" was given in an ex eellent manner last night by the Walte comedy company. The "Oeld King" will tie rendered te night The caster was drawn by ticket 8,699, held by F. Mutzabaugb, the toothpick holder by ticket 0,490, held by Mrs Louisa Delner, and the napkin ring by Miss Louisa Pinkerton, holding ticket 'e. 8,075. The "Donkey party" held In the rectory rooms or the St. Paul's P. E. church la.cve Sing was an enjevcbls affair. The colored folks had; a geed time at the - fapsrty in the armory last night Injured By Fall. Charles Helinan, who is employed by C V. Rete Ce., manufacturers of Iren fences, te. i en Fast Chestnut street, met with an accident this forenoon. He was at work en a ladder which was leaning against a scaffold. The scaffold gave away and llelman fell te the fleer, adUtance of about ten feet. He had one arm badly bruised and his chest In jured. He was removed te his home en East King street. A Dangerous Fellas. Frem the Ephrata Bevlew. Mrs. Andrew Greff, who until lately re sided en what was formerly known as the Bewman farm, adjoining Ephrata, was badly bitten by a cat en Saturday last, while at tempting te put it in a box preparatory te moving. The cat in its struggle te become free bit Mrs. Greff terribly en the hands and arms, inflicting painiul wounds. m A TJense te Drumera Burned. This morning at an early hour a tenant house, belonging te Jeseph Penrose, and Situated in West Drumore, near Flte'a Eddy, was destroyed by fire. It was a leg building and was occupied by William Richardson, a colored man. Hew the fire started no one seems te knew. In Town. H. E. Whoeler, advance agent or the "Zoxe" company which appear here next Baturday night, was in town last evening making arrangements. Held Fer Court, Ann Charubers,whe Is charged with larceny bj Mary Chambers, was heard before Alder man McQllnn lait evening, and committed In default of bail for trial at court. People National Bank Stock at 818. Jacob B. Leng, broke r, sold yesterday private sale, 10 shares Peeples National bank at 1128, and 7 shares First National batik at 1205. A Msw Line of Uuslnes. Cyrus n. CeIvId, who baa for se many years carried en successfully the livery busi ness in this city and who during that time Jim enjoyed the reputation of having the beat horses and atyllshest turnouts that money oeld buy, retlrea permanently from the livery buslneu te-day, and will henceforth give hla entire attention te buylegand selling psatlsmen'a read and driving horses, coach tenns, matching horses, dealing in Une ena, harness, and everything pertaining tetheatable. Mr, Celvln'a long experience, ateallent Judgment, fair dealing and wide ntusunwics wun uerse lanciera renuers cer tain hla succeas in this bis latest business Tsature, and he cannot fall te be a valuable Nvawr mail wnealiall need anything in hla ana cmee win be at the City .hotel Ajnr subscriber te the Dailt or Wsistv I. JS??2?!l.c?.f',,,,Bre,iaenc6 ""I Pitaseno Pitasene BWrWass " 0la M weU M tte AOHAMMnva Vtwv.nn , JiyisW peepia, aren aneug these' who ap - - muaess 01 we genulu tChsmEMgaw wines have a correct Idea of swoanaMaeuettiiaa with which the f&r U eaa of ta rtsaatTaaa r, ' jf. " 4lV rz F SR . WGBBWaaaaV wafia, Oaaataa S reset en the aetata of Messrs. Beuche- Is Ce, at JtafseUarT i thai laelnfles a remarkable plaea et property named "tee fOtMee," whlek can be shown te any foreigner traveling through Franea, as an Ulnitratlen of the Ideal aeen.pllnmeBt of a Champagne vine, yard. s United en a hlllalepe," says enr friend, with the beams of the sun freely lavUhlng frost dawn te auatet their beneficial warmth en IS ihU vineyard seems te enmnlate all the qualities reqntred for the production of per fect grape. It! surface soil gives the fruit the fineness and bouquet, while the heat of the aun is counterbalanced by ue iretnnrM ceniianuy drawn up from the lower ground by a network ei roots, which spread themielvca In a bed of chalk.1 There 1 a great deal et this product In thoBeuchoeeoChampagno, whleh eaplalm lt peculiar flnenett and aroma se much renowned among the connelMeurs I but amateurs dettreui et obtaining the wine coming from the ' Gol Gel ttt " ettate only would have te ask ter the Uou Ueu cha fJec extra. BothefUiee wines are sold ox ex Clutlvelrby U. E.StATMAKEB, RElGAKt'S OLI1 WINK HTOKK, ) KAST KINO STKEET. Tbi WssatrfsiTst.ueBscss.lf paid a year In adrance. can be hid for ll.W. Hundred have taken advantage of thl te iecure their ptper and toire one-fourth of the former price. Beth tbetuiLT and WxaatT are gaining rapidly In circulation. 1 hey contain all the new ; and that U hy the list are en the Increase. m i AtnuMtnenta. Tfie Champien Coming. Jehn L. 8ulllvanU maklni; hit fitrewell tour et tlit country pre. tens te his departure for Australia. He Is stop step ping In each town for one night only, and he will reach Lancaster en Saturday afternoon. The audience here premises te be very large, a the peeple are always anxious te see the cham pion. Eulllran will have a bout with Jee Lan. non nnd win wind up with Steve Tayler. " Jluditvgere" Xezt Thurtdau. The opera of "ltutlilycere" will be given here by the Mc Caull ejwri company with the same cast ex actly tht hat appeared In It at the Bread Street theatre, Philadelphia Lancaster people will always patronize the geed class et entertain tucnts, and the best evidence et this Is the large audiences which have turned out this scisen te meet the One companies that have visited us. The ene coming Includes such well known pee ple a Dlgby Hell, Edwin W. Huff, Misses Lily l"eU. Aunle Meyers, Mrs. Laura Joyce-Dell and a full orchestra. The Big itmitrtU The minstrel company of Mc.Vlib, Jehnsen 4 9'avln, which appears here en Weducsday evening next. Is conceded by all te be one of the finest ever erganised. It In eludes lorty-twe people, headed by the gieat Flank ilc.M.h, the originator of the act, en titled tllencc and run." lteb Slavln and Car Car eoll Jehnsen, frank Uewanl, the peputardnger and composer, are atnecg the vocalists, and the great band and orchestra are big features of the hew. Skating and Dancing. The large attendance at Mmnncrcher rink every Saturday evening shows that roller skating Is still popular. To morrow evening alter two hour skating there will be two hours dancing. UMATUM. GissxR-In this city, en the 31st Inst , Cenrad Ga-f it, In the 5.M J ear et his age. The relatives and friends et the family, also Teutenla Ledge, Ne. 16:, K. et P., and Lancaster Lltderkranz, are respectfully Invited te attend the funeral lrein his residence. Me. S3 East Orangn street, en Sunday afternoon at SH odeck. Services at 8L Jehu's Reformed church. Interment at Lancaster cemetery. Std r-rMCiKR.-MHrch St. 1S37. In thl city, Mary L., wlfHiit FhlL L Sprecher, aged 41 years. 6 months and 10 days. 'the relatives and friends cf the family are re spectfully Invited te attend the funeral from the residence of her husband. Me. 317 East Walnut street, en Monday morning at 10:30 o'clock. Interment at I ancaster cemetery. AtsaieBT.-March 31, 137. m this city, Ellen, wtuew of the lauj r, s. Albright, la her 77th The relatlxeg and friends of the family are re-spfcJtaHj- Invited te attend the funeral lrem e residence of her son-in-law. U. Q. Heniai!. se sjj.-erxn uucestreet, en Monday morning. April 4. Service at the house at.S 30 j afterward te proceed te Marlettx for interment. Service at Marietta at 11 a. tn. BcHAiSSTI-il March SI. 1537. In Linrutsr tewnsbtp, en the Millertvllle pike, Jehn O. cluiuuhuui-, u euiuer tn company jkt itetn i."gi ment, l'ennsylvunta Volunteers, in his ath year. The relatives and friends of the family, alas the old soldiers, are respectrully Invited te at tend the funeral, from his lata residence, en the Ml lcrsvtlle pike, en Mendav afternoon at 1 e'clcck. Services at Stephens' Lutheran church at 2 o'clock. Interment at Lancaster cemetery, en the So'dters'let, MAUHMla. Philadelphia Produce Markst PniLADsLrHia, April l. Heur market steadr : siles.W) barrels s Minnesota Bakers, 13 7JQ4 U) : Pennsylvania Family, S3 6 OS SO! Western de 4"4S); Patent. M 4535 0J. " """ ue' Bye flour quiet, ri as. 91i'teat plUl WA'ic-' "Ti MX: June, corn-April, 4fia; May, 47Hc: Jnne. 47Xc Oate-aprll, S5J,c j May, 87c; June, STc. Mew tersi aurast, ,Msw Tess:, AprU l.-Fleur market dull ; Fine, 12 9i03 luj Superfine, K 70OJ SO : geed te choice extra Western, S3 ese5 0j) ; geed infancy extra stuie.3mQ4 00; common te Soed extra western. WIOQ i (WT """ ' a" Wheat Me. 1 Ued State, MVci Na de. cune, "" WUlWir' " "' "3 KsssaAfsriSSr1 "" t"-" Mye dull ; W esturn, lOSec ; Bute, 57VO990. Barler nominal. ' """" Per Oullt new mess, 115 00; old mess, 115 CO Lard June. 17 73. Molasses quint at 198'9c for boiling stock Turpentine Ann at Mc. -". Bestn quiet; strained te geed, tl 15411 se Petroleum nominal ; Kenned, in canes, eWc f relghu dull; grain te Antwerp. itXd. " Butter dull j Western Creamery, s:O30e: glglu Creamery, ZlQXe ; sUte dairy, luUtrTrkln tUUS, 14aj22c Cheese dull t Western Flat, HOUci geed te f.h,e,0ea1.'Dtk,m' "KailKe. Fancy White, 1! 14Xc; 8tat Factory, HHlt4Jic , " weak 5 "tate, WHOUXci Western, ISXQ sugar quiet i Beflned Cutleat, 0 lies: Granulated, 5Jc. Tallew duit ; prime ctty,4c. Mice nemtual ,- Carolina, fair te geed, tmZXC Cetfee hrin i fair cargoes. 15c, ' ma' Ououtlens by Beed, McQrann A CeM bankers Lancaster, Pa. jawveaausT. lla,, list. Jr. at f.?,? J"cUle 8JH -J 1K Colerado Ceal 2U 41 411' Central Pac ual 40M se Canada Southern tk BAi etj. urn. or., u. a rgn lWi lvti 1 len. A Ule. u au Si at; uei.u.mn ii4j isj 1J4 ?"t"" iw 1UI 1UI Jer-C. 71 7iJ4 7H4 Leu. A M tevj 08 wji L-here sni at SfijJ Mlch.Cnn. irjx 9.3I w2 Heck Valley 7 jjj Missouri Pacific ll K8 li4 M. P saw 2j& S M.P. Fref uG eel? u J. West. is laifj ije)i JJ-Y.O 11$ n.jj jJ Bast Tennessee O .... W,l Omaha.... (7 tTV 61 Oregon Transportation S3 aiB IVA Ontario A W.!7. ..?. l3 Pacific Mall , eiQ Blchmend Terminal 41 lisi iu st. Paul vAi a n2 Tea. Pac ty. se S8)2 Union Pae eiv Ik 61 Wabash Cem M lwj lM Wabash Pref rjjj j0 ml West Shere Bends vim New Xngh:nd es UK OH rmuDairHiA usx. Leh, Val S5V B..M.Y.APhiia ..:: :::. if Fa.BB- Uli W.i UU heading 18 11-16 llttt 18)2 fh. Mav aeS He.tenv.Pas E-f ' H people Paas Bdg.iien'u :::: l0i,4 ?hurTVa-ctien:::::::::::::; j araia ana rronsiens. Furnished by B. K. Yundt, Breker. cSi?.ABO APrU lit o'cleok p. m. Wheat, Cern. Oata. PerkTLar April May June July ,,., August Hepuimber,,, Dtcember..., T.se 7.S7 7.47 7.W . Becelpu Car Leta. """ --" '" e BprtugWteeftt , Cern..... .....................,,,,,,,,,,, l.s .............................. ...,....,, B M fG 111 njrw... ......... Jtariey.. Oil Cltv, tsas stestees Crude Oil lllIMtllMllIMll u2& 11,0X1 KosUts-Hefs 'tgeaa4t4)tt Closing Price-1 o'clock p. sa. wheat, Cem. Oata. Perk. Lara. T.SI 7. 1. 7.60 " Hll II aj t.uu M UU ..stvj 4 j a ..l 41 &X ..bU 42 .,,' ..K) 42!; .... iv rsray S4L uiu .....( May , m June s July bMm August mit avspisunber sum 3Pf! "W OMeags rredasa atat-aet. uatoiae, April t.-wa. nu Marset opened. Whe-aprll,;tOi May, wxetJune, tlXfl. JCere2iCprll,M?ieiy. W(ct Juun leet JV'u-Aprll,23,'iOM0 May. c ; Jun SKO Silica iork-Marnnd.tune.IJl fi lKrd-MK),i;2ii Jne.7 'OJ '"'& 82M Short Klba-Uity, tl 2 I June, (c) SIHOS 3X uuatae. Wh.t- AprU, ;;;c s Ur. W.e J une, SIHe 1 J?iTr'n.Cpril. M.'.ct May, SViO3. Jun AMic 1 Jtl V. 410. iiu-ai.iii.i'c i Mar. ; t June,'(e.l I'erk April, r.M :5 i May. il m i Jun. ell ea. l.ura-Aprtl, t? 4 1 lny. : M t June, IT Sa Kli.- prll, t; 12 ; tiny, IS -VS June, S NX ; July, 13 3;. Live mera Market. Cbicaoe, April 1 The Mrevers' Journal re ports : CaUlti Uew'tpt, -KM) head : shipments, 40001 markt stiadlert shipping steera, tN te 1, S0Is., I41V1Q5 15; steckers and fetvlers, IS 0) iai cows, bulls andmlved. tin-Qieai bulk, r:V-03 SOI Texugrnssers.S root M. lings Kecvlpts, 16.uu hiu) i shipment. &.C1X) head i market slew and steady ; trough and mixed, SS 9-370; packing and shipping, H 9P4J 590illght,)i)&i! skips, S3.VS ou eseep ueeeipis, Miv nena i saipmcnix, inv headt market strung t natives, S.1 UOt We.tcni. 3 (Ot Tuxana, IJtJl St); lambs, S4 W5 73 kssr Lisbktv. Cattle Receipt, SU head t shipment. .Wi market fair; prime. ."J.i 'U; lvlrtofje.xl, ItMOl 75 : cotumeu, (401 25; ship ment te New erk, none. Hogs Hecelpu, Tun head t shipment SOO head : market tlntr ; I'htlaitelphlas, t6 txWt 1 I 1 erker. Ml J 71 1 common te lltfht. li On-J j pigs W7.'U5t). shipments te ewYerk, Ucar. sheen KectlKts. 4tu htMid : shtnment. 401: market Utr; prime, K4l tit prime tf geed, S4 i5tl 71 1 common, 13 .'.J t ; lambs, Hgs. Mew fork stock. Maw Yebk, April 1, l:.w p. m. Meney leaned at 'ifi per cent. Kxchange. steady.ll QI 87X 87X Gevernment firm. Currency ' II 3i bldt 4s Coup, II fi- bid 1 4)'s de, II 9', bid. The stock market this morning opened strong and prices advanced en buying of St. I'aul, Lake ehore and Vnten l'eclflci te H percent. After the first call a raid en Western Union weakened the entire list and the advance was fully lest by midday. The decline from the best prices at thu hour ranged from i te 1 per cent At the present writing the market ts strong aeln at the best figures. Lecal stucas anit BcpertedbyJ.il. Leng. Bends. Par Lat value, sale. Lancaster 6 per cent., 1SJ.... no 107 r, is' iuu " 4 " Scheel lean.... let) " 4 ' lnleriOyear. 100 " 4 " InlerMyeM-s. 100 " 4 " lnlOer-JOyears. lt0 Mauhelin ItoreuKh lean 100 mm stocks. lJt) 103 llfi 103.3 110 1W First National II ink farmers' National lUnk Fulton National Uank Lancaster County National Bank... Northern Natien 1 Hank Peeples' National Pank Columbia National Uank Christiana National lirak 100 30 100 30 ICO UU 10) 100 no 100 100 1 190 100 lue se ICU 100 UU 110 se 90 JO se M 100 JB . 10 100 100 611 as B0 50 60 90 100 100 100 inn 60 0 117.90 1 117M 153 IM 1 lil.90 140 161 IS SUXS0 130 1U ISO 138 JO 110 120 113 .25 1.11 65.M ett 3B 100 as 11 fte.23 SO. 10 1.05 IS te 60 (8 50 103 101 114.75 107 1,3 Ennnita National Uank. First National Uank Columbia First National Kank,Stniaburg First National Uank, Marietta First National Uank, ML Jey Lltltz National Uank Manhelra National Uank Union National Uank. Mount Jey... New Helland National ilauk Gap National Uank QuarryvtUe National Bank SUlzabethlewn National Bank ucaixasaecs stocks. East Braudywine A Waynesburg.... anarryvnie K. li.. .Ulersvllle Street Car lninlrlng Printing Company Gaslight and Fuel Company Stevens Heuse (IJencls) Columbia Oa Company Columbia Water Company Susqnehanna Iren Company Marietta Hellew. ware Stevens Heuse Millers vUle Mermal Scheel Northern Market eastern Market Western Market Lancaster City Street Hallway Ce.... (las Company Bends Columbia Boreuuh Bends Uuarrwllle B. H Tu. KeadtnsT Celnrabta K.. 11.. Edisen Light Company.... . S's.. TraxriKK a-rnrz Big Spring A Beaver alley Bridgeport A Horseshoe uu Columbia A Chestnut Hill se Columbia A Washington ,.,, , at Conestoga A Blgbpnng 2S Marietta A Mount Jey a 800 U.S0 26 24.06 SO Si 30 una, auzaoeuiiewn iltaaietewn. Ill) 7u Lancaster A Frultvllle 50 57 Lancaster A Lltltz a 73 Lancaster A Wtlllamstewn lb 110.00 Lancaster A Maner , 50 155 lAncaster a Manhelm go 4270 Lancaster A Marietta a Lancaster A New Helland lne Lancaster Susquehanna. HO 900 Lancaster A New Dan vUle 11 Columbia A Marietta M 59 Maytown A Kttzabethtewn all 40 Lancaster A Ephrata 3 43 Laniasler A W Ulew Street 53 4S.06 Stratburg A Millport ss 81 Marietta A Mayuiwn '25 ee tOLlliVAL. psOR COl'NTY COMMISSION KK, HE.VUV DltiCUBAR, et Lancaster City. Subject te the decision of the Democratic convention. mantlttdAw pTOK COUNTY COMMISSIONER, J. 1V.KELLV. of Marietta. Ta. Cubject te the decision of the Uemecratl J Convention, lour Influence solic ited. mJO-tfdAw P I0R COUNTY COMMISSIONER. 81MOX L. BUAMDT (Farmer). Of East Deneiral tiwnshlp. Subject te the de de culen of the I)eme ratio County Conveatlen. Your Influence respect tully solicited. mlJtfdAw WOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. SOLOMON ZEAMEB, Of West Hempfleld township. Subject te the Decision of the Democratic Convention. maru-tfdA F OR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. JACOB W. LEBEB, Of Ephrata township. Subject te DemeeTatlc rule. xnail4-ndAw OR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. At the request et many friends I announce myself as a candidate for County Commissioner, (subject te the dtcUlen of the Democratic County Convention. Your Influence respect fully solicited. I1ENBYF. IIAUTMSN, ml3 tldA w Last Lampeter Tew nshlp. pOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, A. Z BINGWALT. Grocer, First Ward, City. Subject te Deree al-tfdAw tiauu t uies. pOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER ELI BATTEN, of Upper Leacock tewnthlp. I announce my self aa a candidate for county Commissioner, subject te thu decision of the Democratic County Convention. Your Influence resrect tu'ly solicited. Was a candidate for County Cotumtfslener be lore the last convention, and at the request or my friend withdrew In favor of the candidates Hern the Southern district tfdAw KL1 BA'ITKM. XEW AD VEIi USEUEXTU. B AKINQ FOVYDER. ROYAL BAKING POWDER. Absolutely Pure. THW powder never varlc. a marvel of purity, strength and whoiesemenes. Mera oenomlcai than the ordinary kinds! aid cannot be sold in competition with the muHltudaSi low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. JWdj snfy can. Meral Maaiaa Pewnaa CeZ US Wall Street. Mew Y erk, maynTiyeAw E8TATEOKCHAHLOTTEBRUMOARD, late of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate baring been gran tad te the undersigned, all persons Indebted Tharete m requested te make Immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the earns, will prevent them without delay (or settle- WANTED. AM ENOINRKR. APPLY te Aimtr.muLLr.it, ltd No.He West LementtmL WANTED. m Sitlennien at once en very liberal terms, racllltlvs unurped. ml7-3milAw Nurserymen, Hochcster, M, Y, T3K)K HALK OK KENT TWO 2 HTORY JB Hrlck llomei", Nei. Uand 17 Uaxel street. linuioill;iie,inwP8lon. vplv te II li.i I. I iir.iivf i.i., ltd' Ne M Merthljueen Street, STOKE KOOM FOR KFNT. stete toem. Se. ss Vast )nng strett, l'o l'e l'o sesMen given ntter April 15, 1S37. Onuef the nnesl rooms In the city JOHN r. II r IN ITS II, mSl'tfd He K. Orange 8L 1TTANTKD-A SITUATION BY TWO v Salesme Salesmen In Dress Ooeds, l.tnens and Iemetlc, or cs. or Clntnlngana Uent' rurnlshlng Ooeds four years tn New erk and I'htladel ntilAlleuiM. falarv noeMect, Address in raLi.iUKNCKU erriCsT, tn50-3td Lancaster, l'i THE MEMBERS OK Til K LANOAHTKK Llederkrant are nvjnesH'd te uect at their hall en Sundiy. AptllS lssr, at i o'clock p in, teattend the luneial of ttelr 'ate fellew-mem. ber. Mr. Cenrad Uasset. kKNif lteLIIsi, al-Jtd eecreury. KOl'OSAW WILL RE RECEIVED for plumbing work en North Duke st'eet, from Walnut north, according te specifications tebesrertat the mayor's ottlee Alllitdstebe hsuded In before 6 eVliwk April 7, HS7, at may or's offlce J CO II 11 K L H AC tl , aptlltd Superintendent Water Works. TERRORS OK THE DENTAL CHAIR DHAKMKl). Teeth extracted by the ue of electrtctty per fectly fn and htrmless. My SS.00 leeth made or the best matettal that 1 cau purchase. Filling teeth a Specialty. AH work guaranteed. W. L FISHKK. lientlst, apr27-lyd Me U North tjueen St. TcX NNEKCUORRINK TOMOUB3W, (SATURDAY) EVENLNQ. Skating from 7.30 te 30. Dancing, 9 W te 11 OU ADMISSION 10 CKNTS. al-td E9TATE-OF GKORQE It. UARTMAN, late of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters of administration en sail estate having been granted tetheundenlgncd.all persons Indebted thereto are rvnuested te make Immediate pay ment, and these having claims or demands against the stme, will present them without de lay for se'tlement te the undersigned, residing in Lancaster itty. LEWIS S. HAHTMAN, feb36tdr Administrator. USE MANHEIM Reller Fleur! JannmdBeed WE SELL COSD1UV8 LETTUCE Seap at Wanamaker's price 90 cents a box (three pieces) One et the flnast Toilet 5wpi In the world. Philadelphia ladles are wild ever It. Fntle's Easter Bggs and Dyes am the best and brightest in the market. Six different colors, lleautlfal Cuter Card given away topurchisersel Dyes, rKAlLKt'sKsSTEND PHaBMACr, .. ...-.. (Oppejite Katern MarkeL) 8-3mdM.W.Frl JJOUND AT LAST 1 A Sure Cure for Coughs and Colds. COCHRi.VS.COUOH CURE nees the Werk BVEUY TIM I. Guaranteed te de se. or the price wlllberettindtd. Large bet- Cochran's Drug Stere, MOS. 137 A IS) MOUTH QUEEN ST. mn caster, I'a. a" Try It and you'll never use any ether, man lyeedu N EV SHOE STORE, HIEMENZ'S SEW SHOE STORK AND FACTORY. SHOES NEVKBBEFOKE SO LOWINPK1CK. BEAD THIS PBICKLUT OF BIIOK3 Infant Kid Butten Shoes, 25e. ChUds' Hprlng Heel Shee., 50c. Chllds'Ueel Selar Tip Shoes, 8 tell, 75e. Chllds'UecdPcbblH Butten, Spring Heel, 75c. Misses' spring HeelButtonabee.il tetl.ttts. Misses' Scheel Shoes, solid leather 11 te J l 00. Misses' High Cut Pebble Butten, 11 te 3, 11.45. Ladles' Pebble Butten, aTunlendldshee. II 00. Ladles' Ktd Bntteu Shee, ll.js. Ladles' Best Pebb'e Butten, round or square tee, II 5a A Geed Man' Laee Shee. 9"c Men' Fine Lace Shoes, 11.25. Men's Ueavv stewed Arm; Shee, II 00. Men's Heb .V.ll Shoes, It 10. Beys' Laee Shee, 7Sj and It CO Ladles' fine Kid Hand-'ewed Turn Shee, II 00 Mljses' Fine Kid Spring Heel Shee, II it. These aie all first-class new goels shoes of all ktnds made te order Bememberwe have re moved tw e Coers ab.ve the old itind. NO. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. It JOUX HIEMESZ. p R A IL LADIES ! Watch for notice of our Spring Opening of PARASOLS. Nete the date and kindly favor us with your presence. We knew you will be amply repaid, for we will show a re markably handsome line. Yours Very Respectfully, R H. & B., Ne. 14 East King Street. apl-7md e AK HALL. Feb Little and Bie Beys. What can be mere Interesting Sphixe at this particular time than our Suits, honest through-and-through and stylish Suits for Beys and Chi. Spbine dren ? Such a bountiful let of It Suits. It as you'll search In vain for out side of Oak Hall, and geed beyond any we ever had up te this Spring. Four things about it te think of : The true qual ity, One style, easy lit, and admirably low trices. Little Beys' Suits, all geed, at $3.60. Better qualities, II 60, $5, (7.60. Suits for Big Beys from 3 upwards. Loek out what money you spend for Beys' Clothing until you see what's here, if you want te get all you con for it. Wanamakxb & Brown's Oak Hall, Southeast Cerner Sixth and Mar. kbt Sts., rO.LADSLFB.IA. (ANKERS. KUHN, LOEB&CO., BANiFRS, V NA8SUA ST., NEW YOBK, 1IAVE COM8TAMTLY ON HANI) A BBLaCTION OF CHOICE INVESTMENT BBCUHlTlaS. Correspondence of ttanktrs, Rrekara, and In vestors solicited. lebt4mdru,TbAS fiWTATE OP WILLIAM H. DAVIB AU late etsadsbury township, decsssed. Let ter of administration having been granted te I?Un5T!lln. JJ Persons Indebted thereto srataijeisaj te make immediate paymen and thpsa awmsf claim or demands against the 2SftrtUfe&T,ltoet,toU'torirtu JOSEPH E.DAVIS, '- rlWLL.Dfvbirr',,- MMW ADVMHTiaMUKXTa. ANTED-A OOOD emirATTHK Western Hetel te assist In general house heuse w.irk, corner Water and Orange street. ltd KMILHKCK, , PPRP.NT10ES WANTED AT DRESS. making by Una by It last MISSL. A. COOI'RK. Orange sireet, Lancaster, fa. mar-ttd WANTP.D-AN AOENT, MALK OK temale, tn Lancaster and adjoining towns te give out work te ladle te be done at their homes goods delivered free no eanvaaslng m vui.ivuivv , hikm whpi j Ptx weeaiy. Addreu, vuMt.ae ususi nu Lancaster. T.ITANTED-A UIKL IN A HMAI.L ST family. Uoedwage. Apply at apri-ji MO. 019 NOH HUIlUKBsr. VVANTE D-Fl FTY SALESMEN IM- VT MIliaTKLY. lnsruhlithullwmr month and nxnsnsea Stock complete. Many seetaltle. Me refer. dqcv ueuueu. amilv with stauin. alvlnv aA. tn '..v-,...... ir."iz"-' aprlltd i. w. a.llf c ., nunnrjiuiu. 1 uiikijiurui l'atersen, S J, PUI1LIC HALK. en MONDAY, ArutL4. 1S7, at the Merrl mac Heuse, North l'rlnce street, et a carload of IOWA HORSIB. First Class Workers and Drivers. Rale te com mence at 1 o'clock p. m, when terms will be made known by UBUltttK UUOSSMAN, .Alse, constantly en hand, a let of Canada and Western horses at private sate. ui30-ltd JJPR1NO, 18S7. A New Denartnre for tatieatjir In rinaTat. ertng. Impertlrg direct from the best makers et Flue Woellens. 1 haejnt received through the Boiten custom house, a large Invoice of tur own Importation of SU1T1MU, IFUINO OVFRCOATINU AND inuuatntAU, The like of which, for style andnnsJlty.hu never ben equated In this city, and cannot be surpass ee. A st)clal Invitation Is herrli extaadMI mall tn want et spring Harmeuts te call early and secure Chelct, ntterns Workmanship the very beaifand price lower than sver. II UKKHAtlT. mar.-lydll Ma 43 North Queen Street, L. UANHMAN A BKO. 66-L. Gansman & Bre.-68 NOR H QUEEN ST. Mere Bargains! We have been se encouraged by the demand for the bargains we erTerrd last week that w have added ann!hr tine let et Neat Checks In the piece, suitable for Suitings and Pantaloons. Ten different styles te select lrem. Suits at the low price of 115, te order. Pant at the low price of 15 00, te order. These goods are strictly all wool and cannot be duplicated for double the amount. We make this Spring a specialty of Suit te order from 111 te 115. and have arrangement made te fill all orders at the shortest notice. The faculties In our Custom Department were never se perfect a row ; hence our present ability te meet your want promptly and cheaply has never before been equalled. We don't talk In the Mr, but wa give a price and show net merely ene or two, but score for choice. L.. GANSMAN & BR0 Merchant Tailors. MANUFACTUBXBS OF Men's, Beys' and Children's Clethlac, S. E. COB. M. QUEBN A OUANUK ST3., LANCASTEH PA, SW The Cheapest (and Exclusive) Clothing Hense In the City. TyiLLIAMSON k KOSTER. Call Us by Telephone. WILLIAMSONS FOSTER. Combination Suits FOR BOYS. Particular attention has been given te our selection of Dark suite for Beys! that would be suitable for confirmation. PBICESR1NOEFR1M S 00 TO 111 00. FOll GENTLEMEN A Seasonable Overcoat, 8 00 TO lS.OO. Beys.' Drees Stiff Hats, 60c. AND BIOO. BOYS' DRESS SOFT HATS, 33a. TO fiOc GIMTLSMKN'S DRESS HAT3 -1N- Silk, Flexible Derby or Seft Felt. A SPECIAL ASSORTMENT Or SILK NECKWEAR -fob- BOYS AND CHILDREN -IN- Knets, Pulls, Windsors and Bews. BOYS' COLLIES AN UCUrfS. WHITE DRESS SHIRTS AKD SUSPENDERS. VINE DBEU (ILOVIS. Fer Oentlereeu In Celt Skin, 1'IUble Eld' ana Deg Skin. Children's Black Bibbed Hese, PAIUJ EOB Sc LADIES' AMBBICAV KID BUTTON 81101 S, Sqnare and Opera Tee, 1 !.&.. I1.7J and SS 00. lieve- itttkaa Blluas, Butten or Lace, II 10 and l 2S. SAMPLE CASES, Trunks. Valises k Traveling Bags AT LOWEST FHICBS. WILLIAMSON A FOSTER, S3, t,M aai t8bit Uig tH., LAB0ATBB,rA. mam ABrmaruaamnn. i . .i ,.,i 1.., ..m JWAUNEHTOOK'H, NEXT DOOR TO TUB COURT HOUSE. CARPETS. - CARPETS. ODE LAIGE STOCK AMD LOW FKICEB Hftve contributed te our UnpNeadentcd Bala of Oarpeta for tbla Biaaea. OUR MOTTO t " SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK SALES." Ingrain Oarpeta at 90, 08, SB. 40, 48, SO OO, 08 aadI78 eanta. Ball and Stair Oarpeta at lO, 18. OO, 88. 30, 40, SO, OO and 70 etnta. Elegant Ruga at 70e , tl 00, tl.aa, tl OO, 1,76. ta OO ta 60 and 13 OO. RAO OARfBTS-Aepeclal feature In our Oarpat Deparlmen " htoWasiea. Upwarda of 80 pleeca In atoek at SO, aa. S6. ae aTfVas mmmm and 75 eenta. R. E. PAHNESTOCK, Next uoer te tae veari ttmm AnramtiitmttmtiTf. K NOLETREE STOCK FARM. Standard-tlred stallions In Service, BTOItMKIMOdlll) alOOO Keceid, I years, 2 47. at nBMBT(ini) aioeo ar tend for Mew Catalogue. DAK'LU. RNUI.I, npl SmdAw Marietta, I'a. JjjlULTON Ol'ERA HOUSE. Thursday Evening, April 7, 1807. flllbert and Sullivan's Latest Opera, RUDDYGORE. Presented by the McCanll Opera Cemique Ge. JOHN A. McCAULL .Proprietor and Manager. with the same cast new plavlna playing at McCanll' Ojiera Heuse, Philadelphia, Including IHgby Bell, Edwin HetT, J, DeAngelea, Bills Byi livse. ljiura Jevre-ltell J osle Kuapp, Bes.le It air- b.lrn, Adlee Drew, Magnificent Costume. Original Scenery from McCanll' Opera llonte. MeCaull's Opera Orchestra and the Composer' Original Orchestration. PKirKS SCO., 75c A II 00 BESEKVUU SF. VTS 75c A ll.U) Hrale of seat HllIeien Monday morning, Apt 11 4, atla tu , at opera beuse. al-Ctd H lRSH A BROTUEK, GRANDEST DISPLAY -OF- Piece Goods -FOU- Clothing Hade te Order. We display te-day the rnsttltsef the best and Newral ldcms In PlLv,L WOODS. If yna ilrslra te see the llrlght.'st and most Tasteful Style and Design of PI KCK OUUDs, Just take a glance In our North Queen Street Windows. Your wish for a certain kind of Sprint Salt or Pantaloons will be met herein style, quality, fit and price. We have put mere bralra and pains Inte this department than ever, for we have made this department a specialty In our business. We have never had, nor, tn fast, has there been such a iltaplay of Piece Ooeds shown In Lancaster, as we are showing IVUaiy. We have never disappointed you yet. but ir you call and see our reeds te day we will give you an atfrreabfe surprise. Ne matter what quality, what .style, what color et goods, what way icadn, what price, we can salUfy you tn all cases. We are making a Specialty In aline et goods li make te order for $15.00 The style and nsallty of these ceeds have never been seen here before for the money we are asking. The trlmmtnn of the hese goods are of the finest material, and the workmanship cannot be excelled. W VISIT U3 TO-DAT.-W Hirsh & Brether, ONB PRIOB UBROBANT TAILORS, -AND- CHetMera and Fumialiers, 0OB EOBTH QUEEN BT. ABO CBKTBB U ABE, LAMCABTBB. FA. "1RAND OPENING OP Bard 8c McElroy's M DRY GOODS STORE, 33 and 35 Eeuth Qneea Street, (OrP. FOUNTAIN INN,) On Saturday, April 2d, With an Entire New Stock of DRY GOODS, Garpets, Oil Cleths, FEATHERS, &c., &c. We would call especial attention te our Car pets from Auction. INSBAIKCABPET8,. e IJertbJBe. INQKAINOAltPETS.W O IJeiH;!!8 INUUAINOAUFET8.B1 e Sert It- INOBAlNCAUPfTS.JJHe 2J5K;- INUBA1NCABFKTS,40 e JJ"5'S?- 1NOBA1NCABPETS.M 0 Werth 860. In Hetne-Made Baa Carpets we snow one or is best lines In the city at the beat Extremely Lew Prices. one Let Smyrna Kun.larM isis,extra quality, rromauetlonatss.!; werti 16.00. One Case beat Calicoes, Se. one Oese Indigo Calicoes. Se. one Bale of Muslin, yard wide, for covering tobacco beds, at te. a yard i regular price, 6c. TaeOest Steam-Cured Feathers t every pound as te Quality and prles guaranteed. 4lrleealnaTsrydspartmenL CaUand sesf or yourselves. bai k Mcelrey, SS aU U SetUk (Jmp Street, I'"' fWWAW IINI ' ' ' ' ' iieaaw, uuieMtAr, rnui'a. KWAiraHTUMMaiinr nR. RAKER HAN RRMOVRD HIS lint-.. ... . a. ...... a a - ,,...vw ,u Ne. 4 MOKTII LIU K HT mV) tld Cerner of O rant St. HU It L E Y ' H TOOTH ACHE DROPH glve prompt relief 10 cents a bottle, at UUBLEt'd ituuuatu . aswtMinsitBl IjlOR HALE OR RENT-MTORM ROOal A? with dwelling atlaehed, corner Beutll Daha and Church rttreel Newly painted sndrseUtasl. Suitable for any geed lufnw-s Inuntraef PHILIP LEhsLTBH, m .7-7td It al erth g ueea Straet. M finfs1 FINER AND BET (VUU 1KB CUaMPAONB THAN Due de Mentebsllb. AT BOBBER'S L10.UOU aTOBB. Me. Si Centre Square, Laoeastar, Pa. St'KCIALTIES FOR THE NEXT FEW WRKKS-llaudseme Spring Overcoats an Order lined with silk for We. Beeteh Cheviot xnits te elder, elegantly made and trUamee, for Flu. Pantaloons tn order from sa up. Btamaa ler these price will only be ler a few weeks A. 11 BOSENSTBIN. Me. 17 North quean street, Lancaster, Pa. A UCJTION Of the Oalance of my Fine Stock et BOOTS & SF0ES TO CLOSE IlUJIstESS, THIS EVEN1NU AT 7 O'CLOCK, WEDNESDAY MOUSING AT IN) O'CLOCE, . AND WEDNESDAY EVENINU. JOHN B. SLOUGH, matrd NO. 14.1 NORTH QUEBB BT. Amatmmawrm. T7-INO HTRKKTTUEATRiC SSF-ONB WEEE.tB C0XXEACIAU MONDAY, BIRCHES, '87. Birnty Rryaeldi All-Star CiiiViuliM, Frem the New Theatre Cnmlnue, Philadelphia. Ilradtd by the Ureal PE IE McCOT, Cham Cham peon liexer of the World, and the llroeklyn Ulant,J)llN FALLUN. ' Speclaltv Artists The Great OREKRT and sutu, i.iiu rtiasy t.uaaras, The Ueldens, Mcllrlde and Walten, Jennings and O'Drlen. The Twe llees. Illake and berttam, llUly Ueldea. Barney Beynelds. ADMIlMinN ..10.a)andJOCBIITII. sarMatlnera en Wednesday, Friday and Bat urday. Admlssten, 10, ai and JO Cents. JJSUL.TON OPKBA UOUHK. AsTO.Vif UKJXD El'XXT.- SATURDAY, APRIL 2d, -887,. FatewellTouref the Champien of all Champions, Jehn L. Sullivan, And his Star Combination Under the Personal Management of P. F. SIIEEDT. Uead and remember this la positively your : UUI) I..U.UVD Hi SOT Jehn L. SrtLivas, Champ, et thq World. (iBO.LBULASCUB The Marine. J as. CaaaetL, L. W. champ, of N. E. PK1CE STsva Tat lob, ; Kz champion. ! Jes Lasses, of Bosten. : ISOD 1CE.1BCIX. uf New Yerk, j ...... CO and TSCEMTS. s BEskUVKD SKATS. ...7SCBHTB. Star Fer sale at Opera Heme. mSO-ttd TMAB AMD VUWWMMM. -pi.KA.SE NOTICE THAT CLARK'S Tea and Coffee Stere, NO..0CENTKE8C1UAKB. is net a branch of, nor is It In any war con nected with any ether store in this city. Alse notlee that we Intend te and will have a last share of trade In our line. If fair dealing, low prices and strict attention te business will ac complish it ; and the fact that our numerous customers en Opening Day, and every day stnna dent proof that our goods are giving satisfac tion as te qualty and prlee. Onr sue. and .Be. Coffees are doing It. wis guarantee te sail as cheap as any Hetall Heuse In Lancaster. sarDen't forget the number, at CENTBB BQUAKE. mas-tldAW JOHN A. CL ABE, , T CLARKE'S. Marvin's Superior Crackers, Wholesale and Ilea tall, by SAMUEL CLABKE.Ne.12 W. Blag Bt. These Crackers are made by n They are second te none In quality and finish. Try Marvin's crackers once and yen will always use tbem. Extra Itemlly Oyster Craekers.en. per pound. Eagle Butters, tc ; 3 peuada for tec.; CLARKE'S WHOLESALE AND KETAIL T1A AND COFFEE STORE, NO. Si WEST KINO BTBEET. 49-Oppeslte Serrel Herse hotel. MUM AAMM UM UMAX. "OR RENTj Twe or tour rooms In Brimmer's Maw Building. Ne. IMX North Queen street. Meat IDO BSUS IDHUUVUi Annlvat fSblS- Ud BsUMMEB'SLlVEBTOFFICB. HOUSES FOR RENT.-BRICK D WELL 1NU HOUSE, Ne. 837 North Quaen street. AlseUuve story Brick Dwelling Heuse. Ne. ta AIBOU11VV BWJSJT SnK UWWUU ., U. aaaa. East orange street Alse two story Brick Build- tn. aiiitmbla for shen or raoterv. He. SB North suitable for abep or faotery, Ne. MNertb Christian street. Possession of all given tame- auteiy. -sppiyuj L. BTBINMETZ, Attorney. 58 North Duke street. mts-lwd AMUfaMA. pERSONS WlSHlNQTOaCAKEMONKY STOCKS, GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND OU, BHOULU INVESTIOATB LAUBIB OO'JI YSTEMOFDEAL1NU IB SMALL OB LAMUE LOTS ON ONE PEE CENT. CASH MAKOINS. Ten Dollars will, for example, cover tea MM Shares, or 1 bushels ex Units. Bxplaaater famphlet Fiae. ' QUOTATIONS WIBBD. OraersandaUrgins received by Telafrasa LAURIE & CO.. STOCK BEOEEBS, ALSODEALEBS IN EOBBIUN BZ0BABS& 860 Br0sv4w7s MW Tork. "The msmbsrs of the Bra are. ..fin of uperlenea and high ataadlaB a and block Cornmlaalea bnalBsss...!aM.aj atr!&zr&z& vht. . W . W-SS SBlBBy4mWSa SSBtBSBBB ail ffMtiHtttfttriiiiiffttfttt m 0W '48&&&&&i IsBsBSHsaaBXw i '-' , 4. s&aa I 4SS&reiSS W " n,n I 4 1