B"W mwmm4Mm 'sV"' WK33B THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIG.EyOI FRIDAY, APRIL 1,1887. m t. w m i itt' EM" itanr 5' tfi m MMiriUMM n tat Vwimh nrr um MtfillMMUMfNn s HMMMIMRK ar-jj'LL'LJj.1..1 ",':,'.; issbs'BWBBJBBxwsT BssWBBM iffiffi MM U IS SI IT ! BM MOO sssa He MOM MOO R SBB " MaTMrrrAtTrvm lUiMmen UTTMB Tl Jlfi te rma waits basest. as) TWsi 1 1 oraBLUOKteaB. Lancaster, re. Xenwfttt InteUigmcKC t A X.AMCA8TSB, APBIL 1, 1837. 5"f" BmmH b CItII Service Reform. iOa tlMSOth of April, 1880, the executive BwaMalUeeef the National Civil Service Bjkm League resolved that a committee ' ,'(pmB should examine into the operations ' Jet aa civil service reform law, the princi- -ilia aad methods of the present adminis- fjnetea In filling the offices,and the general ' iMflNMi of civil service reform. '??TWi committee has just published a vel- 1y, iii.. ft WmUt Intollkeaeer M'MMVf .WUMMV Mewm. Ml W0I0I0T1 KtM 00 TM( u W - .'MMleeue report, se extensive In fact, that I .$!HB tew will have the patience te read it, :'?jet npperted by the signatures of men l::'WWm national reputation commands av ijs MMMen te anvuuns? inev mav nave 10 sav. William Curtis, Carl Schurz, F;fe.WayiMac"Veagh, Charles J. Bonaparte, KCMMi A. Codman, Charles u. Allen and fc iWimam retts, are men or brains.wiiatever Kt -'.T-SMSB' NVRIUV1 tlUVAA lUUR H UIUU;i J ff,3elr report deals Qrst with the test of it'itJMMrnee reform In Massachusetts and "ViJTewYerk, and arrives at the conclusion 1 &' 1U success depends mainly neon the tW executive officer, who mav baffle the KM xsnxwm laws if se diarjespd. "ITe is rnn. '.Sitantlir beaeuaht te make exceptions te the " -. ll nnll... -- . VnilVliMM M iCUOlO ttlIUUlUba 11UU1 IUUJ3' en the ground that the heads of BIS 1KDVUUB1VIC lUr UIO HUM Ol BUU ;ftlaates. But this assertion shows a com- .(nletoMUswpprehensien of the law, which mines responsibility for itself by provid ing methods of appointment independent of the head et the office, except in certain, tmfidentlal positions." . On the whole the cemmlttep. gjcuj. aged by tta iwpnbttlfr-ttB, of clvU laMMVlmmin TsA rt atetaa namei only ones that have given it a trial. Proceeding te the national government, they quote liberally from the expressions of President Cleveland en the subject and remark that eversawrulne friends of re form and adherents et the spoils system both misunderstood the position of the president. "The president's position was friendly, but it was net that of the League. If this had been clearly understood extrav agant expectations would have been avoided." They then proceed te investigate the facts and criticize the policy of the admlnistra-tten-and it is te be regretted that in several instances, notably in that of Postmaster . V-W --""i " -riuuKiwjima, iney nave per- Ast. is xaUtari natipfnhnh1lnifwl hii.ttl...nn, f ---- -..-v. uj uuj.ii.iunu T sw by local reform Pharisees. ?MfcH PhjIVmifillrv fia!t. Artnil.m ltnH . U jTft. . J t"'""J " WUUCU11UUUU Ul IUC L'"' failure te enforce their extremn vinn-s r ,f , dtil errice reform by many hearty tributes Jpf'te President Cleveland's honesty of purpose WjHki by a clear exposition of the difficulties ,s tHBuw wwcu ue ulueib. as a ruie nis only fiiiy'awreeef information as te the fitnessef an pn affUeant for office is the congressman from kU HM Olstnet. "Te establish an independent tft'fatiBi for obtaining such information is gm&HMM Of the most important, and net the RW . ' i '"""" w ""lira uja l-V Mterm administrfttinn." . They warmly commend the administra tion for the enforcement and success of re form in Washington. " Nowhere is the farUaan and personal pressure for change i concentrated and constant. But the i show that the rules in general have I eattki11 aW..j .. . '.c "-" " " wiccu. udiernaira v:m asHarT nave thern iwat, an tan- nmm..i. in ISlW "--- iil, -. "nraiivinum k'Kr, en wuum ice same time upon a V,TLUMa0 aamlnlstratien, and the snasBTvuce or me rules ana the condition Of the service in the departments demon demen atratea once mere both the practicability and the benefit of the reform." p? rf 4U" severely criticise the policy that aaa eeen rouewed in ether parts of the euntry and especially in Indiana and Vanland. the enen ennnsltinn nf B.in. V HllM. I 1I..1-.1-. ., , W ' Zr wr 8iaie "C'ttag their Jatttent wrath. Thev are hard nn rhe e,v ataWratlen of the Indian bureau, though SK&2&E? d0 net fpeak from But "upon the showing of this report, jrkh has neither concealed nor extenuated tha most injurious facte, if e..r ..... sSaMw. uejust, the adminUtrtinn ",.1 - AL. .U...11 . v-MUiBWUi iF&wmm enormous disadvantages .m . hilMaxltles has accomplished much for the ; twferm of the civil service. Great public le)Ve which hitherto have been mrtin I -lBaadquarters, have been transformed into aawKMj uusuiess unices. sei rer half a Munm liea 4I.A-U. t.n i ;lj"" " """ w.we uccu less OOneXlOUS pj," mMnj euiuuj; umceueiuers." tyintj think that the administration U sMH popular in localities where civil wr. '4M twferm has been most signally enforced , tit in oencuisjuu they say that it has only te, adhere te the purpose manifested in of Its most significant acts, and con- te tne principles of the president's te oeceme Identified with the most ,c Jaaffartant and beneficent reform in our history. c a.tu. i..j.x . . , " juujuuBUfc or men wnese rererm 'I ; sKeUiiwhas been considered rather extreme .this condemnation with etrenir may de considered quite a feather in it UleveUnd's can. for hn has tO be a practical bualnear.'ikn and aa such they mark him, ? i TkaBeatliarRu.. Ut of one who caused many a smile """" wnnaiea nrew of care has Mints death et Jehn Godfrey fsataadhumersH. He was net giM.awaia of moving hta MHUeal JFmifaea of life'a stoat in a manner rertiac aad lnetruetlre. Bm late yean wen clouded with a decline ciBeaal and phyiJcalbealtk, which made taw nuaerlst one of the moeteaelanchely of en. Ills death will probably give a new Incentive te the tale of his works, and after that boom, they will settle down te the place that will be assigned them bythe unbiased literary generations te come. m m Ferest Preierratlea. The public lectures en forestry before the scientific eeclety of the University of Pennsylvania, are attracting widespread interest. Bernard Fernow, chief of the Forestry division, U. 8. department of ag riculture, was the latest te contribute te this excellent feature of the University en Thursday. After referring te hew the removal of the forests from the hillsides of France bad caused the French government te spend 50,000,000 in twenty years te re store them, the lecturer told hew the de nudation of UioAdirendacks.lnXew Yerk, had left the Hudsen less navigable new than at any time in its history. Mr. Fernow gave some points that are ever ancient and ever new when he said, " Taking into account fires and the waste of lumbering, our yearly consumption of weed is net less than twenty-five billions of cubic feet. Te produce this amount re quires an area of five hundred millions of acres, se well stocked with trees as te yield fifty cubic feet of new weed annu ally. The area reported as forest four years age was about five hundred millions of acres, but much, if net most of It, hardly deserved the name of forest, It was se thinly stocked. We are using probably, twice as much weed as grows yearly upon all our vast domain, and thus squandering the patrimony of our children." It is net tee much, as the lecturer sug gested, that the country's face be sternly set against the sale of the seventy million acres of timber land still owned by the United States. Let them be withheld from sale and kept under government pro tection te the end that some beginning may be made in the fight for forest preservation. s The Memphis Appeal bis Issued sixteen page paper te show bow a live newspaper can reflect the life el a live town. " Rcpd'.oere" Is te be taken oil the Fifth avenue theatre stage in New Yerk, aa it baa net been a financial success. The Gilbert & Sullivan vein of comic opera is pretty well worn out The New Yerk Sun says editorially that Jehn L. Sullivan la at present "a monu mental walking temperance sermon." Mrs. C. B. Lemuels, of Allegheny, Pa., la probably one of these geed souls who will never be satisfied until ahe has every one else in the world as geed as herself We are In receipt el a communlcatIejyfrom her which says: "I will lesar tree of peetalandall charges tosjtftyfjfyeur readers as will prom prem ise a OHTSfui reading and te nay return pest- (-"age after reading it, a book which in Inter esting style shows the Bible te be aaelf Interpreter, and Its teachings grandly har monious, viewed in the light of aanctlfied reason and common sense. I want te put this book Inte the bands et all the skeptically Inclined, as an aid and guard against skepti cism. It la net dry, musty reading, but truly ' meat In due season' te the truth-hungry." Arnit, violets and April snow flakes are net congenial bed-fellewa. Tnis will be a foelUh April for some of the hepelul Republican candidates. Mateu Smith, of Philadelphia, gees out ofelllce en Monday, and In his last message te councils he get rid of this small amount of venom : Geed government and the best Interests of the people were lest sight of amid the ameke and tire or partisan vlndlctlvensaa and un scrupulous pergenal veegence. The recorded actions of the city councils of 1SS0 abundantly prove that they cared mere for the destruc tion of a man than for the welfare of the peo ple or the fair fame of our city. Their parti san ambition could only rise te zero level of pretended "impeachment," then, having gained by political methods their disgraceful enjeci, iney suuaeniy lea te tne lowest level et public contempt Whereat councils promptly and rightfully returned the message unanimously as con taining language unbecoming the chief exe cutive of a great city and Insulting te coun cils. Eail Cadee an bss Introduced a landlord and tenant bill for Ireland. It will be no panacea for the Irish trouble unless It abolishes the present form of Irish land land eordism. Captain Samuels, the skipper of the Dauntless, blames Mr. Celt, the owner of the yacht, for its defeat. It would appear that the beet ought te be en the ether leg. m m Tue New erk legislature has passed the Cresby high license bill, and their fennsyl van la brethren will likely de the same for the Brooks measure. PSBSONAU Secretart Mannine, according te Eng lish advices, is very ill, and bis ocean trip was tee much for him. - Cel. Heth W. Starkweather, who waa three times mayor of Wtlliamspert, Pa., died Thursday, in that city, aged 03 years. Themas Stevens, the. here of "Around the World en a bicycle," will be in Soranten en Tueaday, April 12, when he will be the guest or the Soranten Bicycle club, Benjamin F. Peixotte estimates le a recent pamphlet that of the 4,000,000 Immi grants te the United States during the last twelve years 133,003 have been Jews, one third of whom or 46,000 have landed at Castle Garden within the past two years. Fatti ia quoted by an Interviewer ai say say leg that she was called the " Queen of Seng" net because she was the greatest singer, but because she bsd many gilts. I am net beau tiful," ahe said, "but I pass for pretty, that's one j I am tolerably graceful , that's twe: I am a geed dresser, that's three ; 1 have a way with me that is piquant, that' four ; I like my public, and that's live, for my publle like me because 1 like them, and that's six ; I Lt0.. .b?w. t0 lD5 very w-my way, that'a "p 8, l laye knew my music, that gives """'"'j vu aumsnee ana may count as nfiIt;iVWy weU tne "' Ing, test" nine. What mere could one want In a slngerr . ?.-T; JJ"VKB. ' Pennsylvania, has made a handsome response te the request of Gen! Terry, wbe cemmsnded a brigade 1? Pick, jti'a Confederate division, for the use of the tenu of the Pennsylvania' National Quart or! the occasion of the visit of the aurvlvera of Pickett's division te Gettysburg lnjuu ?7e5t at the invitation of the Philadelphia firUadi aaasVwIaltlnn. Ilrtf TtAaavA. fc- - li ATrV?TW w- ..w. - wTva wjb ii tuenu nim p SSur?. My.'b e request can be oonT eonT oenT plied with, and In order that the Confederate aurvlvera may be put te no Inconvenience in the matter, he wilt have a detail et the Penn sylvania National guard attend upon the grounds at Gettysburg te pitch their tents and remove them alter their use. Bab mum tt mm lumxi Ne Tracts of a Brlds Wbe Was In the Lssteula Train Wreck Last Wssk. Mrs. Charles T. Watsen, the three-wetka' bride of a Mew Yerk builneia man, Is missing. The case is a mysterious one in many respect and la a sequel te the Fert Wayne wreck at Ietenia,0., list week. Chief of Police Blaokmere, of Pittsburg, re ceived a letter Irem Mr. Watsen, whose home is at Ne. 409 Madisen avenue. It reads as fellows : "Sir t Will veu klndlv nsa venr lafluasw and endeavor te ascertain rer me the whetea 52S.LS?J wUf Weteen. laataavlj ? wltfcaaxiety ever her dlsensssHaiea, mAm-tmt-xftr, u, taJajta-TiTaU point et the country have elicited no Infer Infer mallea whatever In regard te her. 1 have, however, received a telegram Irem Chicago a'ating that alia left that city In the rtitaburr, Fert Wayne & Chicago train en March 21, which 1 am Informed was subsequently wrecked at Lestenla. 'We were married at Sterllnjr, 111, about three weeks age. Ilualnea auddenly called me te New Yerk and 1 loltaleue for that city. She was bv previous arraugement te meet me at the Hetel Andersen, In l'lttatiurg. 1 fear tout play a, In addition te valuable biggage, she carried a large sum et money upon her person as well as a very large and valuable opal ring set with twelve diamonds, which always attracted attention. (Mr. Watsen here gives a mlnute description of bis wire.) Hhe wai te register at the Hetel Andersen, but my telrg'am was answered te the etlfct that ahe had net done se. She was of a very nervous temperament and the shock of the wreck msy have unseated her reason, l'lease exert yourself te ascartaln her where about. Meney will be no object In this nutter, and 1 inav that you tnwF be able te relieve luyanxletv. Yours, eta. CitAnt.:sT Watsen." Inquiries made upon the iecc.pt et the let ter showed that there were only three pas sengers, all males, en the sleeping-car, which was partially demolished In the wreck. II Mrs. Watsen was upon the train she may have been In one of the pasenger coaches. The hour of the night at which the accident oc curred and the confusion would eally ter rify n nervous woman traveling alone, and It Is supposed that she made her way tretu the coach she wasln te the ground, where she might have been left when the train resuuicu its progress te l'ittsburg. It la easv te Imagine foul plav under the circumstances, as she might either have been left by the train or wandered away from It, only te fall Inte the bands of some et the numerous gangs of tramps who make the railways their highways irem one town te another. Chief lllackmere Is taking steps te unravel the mystsry It possible. MOK IU MUnMD3tAS. A Med of tutting Graprt Frem Cutting That It Werthy et Consideration. J. S Woodward glves In the Sural 2ftu Yerker a mode of raising grapes from cut tings, which with a little variation is like thst furnished us net long since by a corres pondent. We give the eubatsnee of Mr. Woedwsrd's mode as lurtber corroboration of Its value, as he sUtes it was quite success ful In an experiment which he witnessed. The cuttings, two buds long, and made in autumn, lied in bundle, and burled top down tn a dry place, all Interstices well tilled with tine earth, a loot deep. Enough litter Is applied te exclude I rout from the cuttings. In early spring, the earth Is removed se as te leave only two lncbea cover the cutting, and sttawy manure placed a feet or two ever them. In a few weeks they are taken out, with roots beginning te form, and planted three inches apart in a suitable trench, with rich mellow soil, the roots covered with two inches of seli first, add mere gradually after wards tin ine irencn is iitiee. They were then mulched with manura They grew se well that many made canes ten or fllteen feet long that season. rear Ul'ght. Prof. J. C. Arthur stated at the last meeting of the American Pomeloglcal society, that te test the contagious character of pear blight he drew a knife through diseased branches, and then cut of! healthy limbs of ditlerent sizes with the knife, in no case did he com municate the disease except en a very tender twig, tie arew tits Knue tnreugu diseased pears, and cut eQ limb) with the same results. it is, tberelere, net necessary te disinfect the knife, lie cuts a feet below the lowest point where the disease appear. Our rule has been, when practicable, te cut two or three feet below, l'ref. Arthur, In answer te a question, said he did net see hew any wash- leg with lime and sulphur could have any eflect en the blUht, as applied outside It could net reacn tne Daciena wumn. e have seen bad cases el pear blight en trees which had been previously well washed all ever with lime and sulphur. Kales for Pruning Orchards. 1. Prune at et near the outside, te let In the light en the large thrllty leaves. S. De net prune In the Interior, leaving the iellage thick en the outside. 3. Pruning may be done at almost any time of the year if sparingly per formed. Heavy pruning, te make trees mere vigorous, should be done early in the spring. 4. But if the trees are quite hardy and the winters usually mild it may be done in winter. 5. Heavy pruning of growing trees will check growth, t). Large wounds at any time should be covered with paint, tar or grafting wax. 7. If done often and moder ately it is better than heavily and rarely. 6 It is better If done be often ihatne limbs need removal wbich may net be done with a pocket knl.e. 9 Fer pruning a large orchard and employing hired men the owner should precede them and mark with chalk a line for every saw cut and allow no ether. 10. If the heads el bearing trees have become tee tblca and brush like tbln out at equal distances all ever and particularly toward the outside. Cultivating- Lima Beans. from the GermantewnTetegrapn The lima bean ia generally considered the meat desirable of all the beans grown, and one that requires no little amount of skill te bring it te perfection. Failure te secure a crop of this kind of beans deters many from making the attempt te grew them. As a rule the want of success Is largely attributable te tee early planting. It does best in a warm temperature and should net therefore be planted until tbeaeasen h somewhat advanced and the soil thoroughly warmed. Successful growers recommend that planting be deferred until the first week In June, hiving the soil thoroughly pulverized and sufficiently dry se as toaveld any danger of Its beoemingcrnsted ever ae as te impede the coming up or the bean. They should be well fertilized; some recommend a liberal use of superphesphate; ethers a heavy manuring with horse manure, but we Imagine It makes little difference what the manure is, If it Is used in profusion. There must be enough te push the growth of the beans. The best success we ever had with lima beans was with the uaeef brush for tbem te run en Instead of using poles. When they get te be four or five feet high clip off the ends ae aa te cause the growth of laterals and te Induce an early blooming. With proper attention there need be no reason wny the beane sbeuld net de well. Early fotatess. from the Germantown Telegraph. If it is a luxury te have early fresh grown vegetables, prevision must be made for their early growth, Early potatoes surely cannot be grown If they are net planted, and In order te aid their earllness et maturity they sbeuld be brought into a condition te be strong and vigorous te hasten their growth as seen as placed in the ground. Te de this bring some seed Inte the light and in a warm room; they will seen begin te develop sprouts which will Increase In vigor If the tubers are kept properly:melstened ; let the sprouts grew te some length and as seen as the soil is suitable plant in the ground. Tne advance thus made will be surprising. JUHif auvmsr hmxb ukjd. Tbs Peet and Humorist Ksplrss at Ills Herns In Albsny, Nsw Yerk. Jehn Godfrey Haxe, the poet, died at Al bany, N. Y., en Thursday. The burial will take place In the Greenwood family let In Brooklyn. Jehn Oedlrey Haxe, I.L. D., waa barn at Ulgbgate, Vt., In 181(5. He graduated at Mlddlebury college In 1839, and was admitted te the bar in 1813. 'He commenced practice at BL Albans In his native state, and contin ued there until 1S50, when he removed te Burlington, Vt, and conducted a newspaper r?- V" mw1""m e uwciuwy carrieu nrefeulnntt. ffla Iai.iii. were crowded, am! &t vaviAn. ..... .... mi 2iiS!SHS?,0,.'uw" "terney and deputy SSi,.tS?J.,.esUfuV""1 an(1 h8 " also Dime. r. StSd wifS ew t Vermont. 5.1.h!l.puyUhe?.MTerl collections of trTiVi ? "" .. ""'"a "Humorous and Satiric! Poems and " The Menev KinS and Other Poems." His beit knewTLR lectures area are "Progress; a Satire hstuV1 "The Kane et the I.mlr flurrtn Proud Mlas MeBrlde (ISIS) " and " Liters, tureand the Times risiM." itMii. ,hJi Tim he published " The Masquerade and Other Poems" In I860, and "Tile Time, the Tele graph and Other Poems," also in 18Ce. Mr. Baxe was a writer of sparkling and coca. alenally pungent wit ; his verse is uerveus and generally highly neisbedand Invariably attained the effect desired. Among bis latest works Is a translation of " Tee Clouds el Aristephanes," air. Saze has also contri buted ' te the Kniektrbecker, Atlantic Monthly. Qrtat Bepublm Monthly and Mvtftrt Magmiint. hleh inniS"0 Wi0rkJ'.r ave J6" tel Erthat teTrtble dlsiasi : CensumntuTn.' "iieed which be added continued literary oentribu- k the warning and check tt tn lu nrst stajfei by tiens te magazines and lectures. He pros- ru,8PromPtu'ee'K,mP' Balaam for theThreat pared In all his nrefaulnna. m iAi',,r I and Lungs, warranted te cure and relieve all MINTJTSn WttBt THIS Win. All men try te get the ear'Ji, but the earth gets them. This Is net a Jek e; It Is the grave truth. WaiMnglen Gritie. A brother who stammers arose In his prayer meeting and aaldt "Yeu all knew I cannot t-t-talk. but Ued can bless tt-teara." A'leA A'leA meml Jltligieut llcrnltU Hhe (et Hosten ) Are the art galleries closed In New Yerk en Sundays, Mr. Connoisseur. lie (of New Yerk) Wel.rwtenslWy,yee, but 1 never find any trouble getting In at the side deer. .Veie 1'erA- Sun, Bishop Warren, of the Methodist Episcopal church, does net believe in gentle preaching te rich sinners. He saja there are some pas tors we go at It In this style: "llrethren, veu must repeut, as It were, and be converted, in a measure, or you will be damned, te some extent." Xew Orleans Tunes-Democrat, " MAitum," said a small boy the ether dav, " de little boy augela wear shoes aud stock Ings In summer time?'' "Ne, my son." "De they go barefooted ?' " Yes." "Aud de they atav out alter sundown?" "I presume se." " Well, don't the stars tickle then feet when they twinkle?" The tend mother waa non pulsed. lYtiliulelpMa Call. "The Ills we have in this world, my dear friend," said the minister at the bedside of a sick man, "are largely due te themselves. We have no mere rlitht te defy the laws of nature than these of Divine 1'revldence. Tn what de you attrlbute your present Illness ?" "I caught cold while being immersed In the river," replied the sick man, feebly. Xu lerA. Sun, One Hundred Iran Old. Moses Dtuer, who was born April S, 17$?, in Schotten, llesse DirmstaJt, Germany, will celebrate the one hundredth anniver sary of his birth en Sunday next at the real. deuce of his sen-ln.law, Jonas BesthetT, New Yerk. Notwithstanding the great age he has attained the old gentleman en en Jeys excellent health and except for the less et bis sight about four years age possesses all his faculties perfectly. He Is still active and comparatively vigorous, and walks te and from the synagogue regularly every Satur day, rain or sulue. Mr. Bauer is the eldest ei eleven children and all his brothers and slters sre still ltvitik'. He waa married In l:l, when 37 years el sge, and is the father et eight children, all but one of whom are new alive. He served In the German army during the Napolennle wars and waa also through the revolution of ISIS. He eatne te this country thirty-one years age- A stlrcterj Appelntnisut. Viomthe New Yi.rk Independent. We are pleased te hear of the appointment of Mr. Oscar Straus, of this city, as minister te Turkey. Mr. Straus is a member of a large tlrui In this city, importers of glass and china ware, and is an author of repute. He U a Hebrew In race and religion, and liberal In his views. The leading American mis mis slenary societies engaged In propagating Christianity in the Turkish empire, had to te to termatlon of bis prospective appointment and expressed their satisfaction, lie is likely te make a faithful and honorable successor at the pest worthily tilled bv such men as May uard, Beker, Wallace and Cox. Mr. Wains Sxtela Themas Jtfferten. Hen. James a. Blaine, Thursday, accepted an invitation te visit the Mechanics' ex change, St. Leuis, where he made a flve minute speech te an audience et about 2,000 persons, in which he alluded favorably te the Mississippi river as a means of transporta tion, the magnitude and great commercial Importance of the Louisiana purchase by Thomaa Jetlersen, and said the merchants ought te erect a statue In St. Leuis te that great statesman. Mr. Blaine will leave there en Siturday for Kureka Springs, Ark. The ertlntin of an nld And wall knnvn mAr. cbAtitU slven In tew words, vlt "I thtnk lr Ball's Ceuh vrun lithe beat ennuh mndi. cine IhlUj nude." LUTuEUU. lll.ACK. Seima, ma. " Diseased nature oftentimes brnaks forth In strange eruptions." and the remit of It all Is p.i'n. .Vew Salvation Oil will send this very piln te the rightabeut at the trifling cost of only JJ cents. armciJLL mutiems. Mothers I Mothers 1 1 Mothers 1 1 Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick cMld safferlng and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth t If se. go at once and get a bottle of MBS. WI.SSLO W'S aOOMISG 8VKUP. tt will relieve the peer little suffer lmmedlately-depend upon It ; there is no mistake about It There Is net a mother en eaith who has ever used It, whewlU net tell yen at once that It will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te ths child, operating like majrlc It Is perfectly safe te nse In all cases' and pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the "eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Sold everywhere. S3 cents a bottle. maySMydAw COUGH. WHOOPING COUGH and BreichltU Immediately relieved by Shlleh's Cure. Sold by II. ll. Cecnrn, druggist, Nes. in and ISi North (jaeen St., Lancaster, Pa. (i) Dasdblius l.rvR ratxsrrs for sick headache torpid liver, biliousness and Indigestion. Small and eay te swallow. OnepUladese. Price, afic By all druggists. f68-JuidTn,Th.S Bncklsn's Arnica salve. The Best Salve In the world for Cuts. Bruises. Seres, Ulcers, Salt Uheuin, Fever Seres. Tetter. Chapped Hands, ChUblalns, Cerns, and all Skin Brupllens, and positively cares Pues, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed te give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price cents nr box. rer sale by H. B. Cecnran. Drntriist. LI7 and 139 North Uneen street. Lancaster. Pa. All medical aolberlllss agree that catarrh Is no mere nor less than an Innammatlen of the lining mnmbrane of the nasal air passages. Nasal catarrh and all ca'arrh! arfeclinns of the head are net diseases of the bleed, and It Is a se rious mistake te treat tbem aa such. Ne consci entious physician ever attempts te de se. It is held by eminent medical men that sooner or later asnecinewPl be found for eveiy disease from which humanity sunera. The facts Justify us In assuming that ler catarrh at least a nesl. tlve cure a.ready exl,U In lily's Cream Blm mrai-iwdeedAw BUDNsTt TBOUBLM Case of Many Tears Standing Cured Witt BU Bettles, Is a ataa SO Tears el Age. ALunrrew-, Pa., May 8, 188B. Dasdslies Brrraas Ce. Gents : I had been troubled with my kidneys forannmberef years. used almost everything without much benefit intll I tried Dandelion Bitters. 1 nsed atx km. ties and am pleased te aay I am entirely rid et wre biuuejf uuuuiv, veatues my system beliuf toned up se that I feel like a different person. cheerfully recommend the same te all afflicted nyii,l . JACOB MU8CHLITZ. ble-XnKlTu.ThJI Bared Bis LIU. Mr. D. I. Wllconsen.ot Herse Cave. Ky., says he was, for many years, badlv affllcu-d with Phthisic, also Diabetes; the pains were almost uuDuuuiaumBuu wuuiu pijiueuinei, almost tnrew him Inte convulsions. He tried Electric Bitters six bottles, was entire! uu gut iviiei iruunni ueiue ana arter taking rely cured, and bad gain nds. says be positively re died, had it net been f ed In neah eighteen peu be- lleves he would have the relief afforded by Klectrtc Bitters. for bottle by II. B. Cochran, OruggUt, 1 North queen street, Landuter, oeiaat miy cents a Deme d; xses-uiana ra. () The Population of Laneastsr Is about 30,000, and we would say at least one half are troubled with some affection of the miijenuu LiuiiKs, as inese complaints areao areae areao cerding te statistics mere numerous than ethers. We would advise all net te neglect the opportunity te call en ns and get a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Threat and Lungs. Prlee ??c2n.,J JQ Mi T151 ,, '- BespectfnUy, U. a Cochran, druggist, U7 North Queen street! reu-rutiis. Of our American people are afflicted with sick headache In either Its nervous, bilious or con- Restive forms, caused by Irregular habits, high vlng, etc., and no remedy has ever conquered It untU Dr. Leslie's Special Prescription was dis covered. Give Ha trial. Bee advertisement in another column. (j) A Sad Misfortune. cases. Price GOc and SI. for aala h H Cochran. druggUt, Na U7 North Unesa street. Trial tiurt; () WOTiUMB. WHY, NO ! It Dsad Te, Bat It's Oiffbrtat Nev . Trade does net end with Christmas by any 5?S'iS:-..0!iw'iM,?D,Un tne facttbit en? "edday 'TJdj' has been an ucpreeedentedpne. S?-i BPrij Stock et renr-tn-laand anaetSer style Neckties, silk Mufflers, Handkerchiefs, susjenders. Gloves, Ctflar?Culie7canlU& pSKIW" . Half Hesh1ru7c'lgsCs5ei! Pocket Beeks, sleeve Buttens. AeL hsabsainrl: plealsbsd, soluble ter u wu1 " RETURN GIFTS. .E.2 iHSLK the Lewest J same grade of goods. Lewest forts E. J. ERISMAN, ssws tf wasra avastsy srasausxc. Is te raise 'a nice family of boys and girls MB104L glMMOMS U VKR HEQULATOrT -TAKE SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR. J&XS. ?isms !?--. .!'r te I '"'-.HMHiuBi'iimnn ine Liver ana this is espwlalljr the rue with Chills and rerer.In. termlltmit revert and Malarial diseases. Te save a doctor bill and ward of? disease Use 81m. niens Liver llegulater, n medicine that In. f I?,i? ." .'"Polarity each year, and has become the most popular and beat endemed. medicine In the muraet for the cure or Liver and Bewel dHeaje."-Telcgraph, Uuhuque, Iowa. The Best Family Medicine ter Children, for Adults, and for the Aga. a..,, te take in any condition of the sysveui. .. -, - J. II. SIMMX a CO.. ttiar&vcedaw rhtldelphla. Pa. A VEK'S SAKSAI'AUIULA. A Creaking Hinge Is dry and turns hard, until oil Is applied, after which it move, easily. When the joints, or hinges, of the body are stiffened and Innsmed by KhenmatUm. they cannot be moved without causing the most excruciating patns. Ayer's w-. -,-..., u. Ii4 He-nun en U1A MlMl Vllw this condition, and restores the Joints te soed working order. Aver's Sirsapartlla has effected. In enrcltr. Shift KSSLi.?""018 cnrSTa number of which baffled the etTetti et the meat exnarl. eneed physicians. Were It neiSJJS. iSm R"" i?" J,"" .rman' Individuals who have T.iik..li "'n mis medicine, in my own me or certainly weraea wendsrs. relieving me of Rheumatism, after bslng troubled with It for years. In this, and all ether dlscasts arl.lna fnm. Vi.iS'iS bleed, there qualnted, that affords such relief m Avar's japarma.-li. 11. Lawrence, M. D., jfilun j no remeny wiin which 1 sm ut. Sar- tlmere. ayer's Sarsanarllla cared ma of Gent and Bhcumatlsm. wnen nothing else would. It baa eradicated .every trace et ilUease rrem my vs iXwel!. Mais. Unler lleleX "elment. r,1rW,'l,iT,.nl.mnyjmen,h' anffersr from chronic ..heuiimtlsm. The disease afflicted me grievously. In spite of Ml the remedies I could and, until t commenced using ayer's Banana rllla. I took seveml bottles t this nrepiratlel?. ?Sw.,.K!2u?..,'lewd l0 htUh.-J.rream-. MMi. ysumiuv Si Ayer's Sarsaparilla. nUBteapl QA.PCINK PliASTERH. 85 XF.D1LS AWARDED TO Bensen's Gapcine Plaster ! THk 11KST IN THE WORLD. Cures Pleuilsy, Bheamatlim. Lumbago, Back ache. Weaknes', Colds In the Chest and all Aches and Strains. Beware of Imitations umtar similar sounding names. f'.f -k !al n,,D son's and take no etter. decU6tneedAw Q.RAY'3 SPECIFIC MED1C1NK. THK GKEAT ENGLISH BEMIDT. An nn- falling cure for Seminal Wasknuu. n,.in.. the. ImpetencT. and all Diseases that fellow u a sequence of Celt Abuse; as Less of WemnrT Universal Lsltude, l'aln'lntheBack. " ullSel. S! lH,in.VPre,maiure .ela . and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave. v.iiyuim . " 'uU partlcularslneurpamphlet which we aei!!XJP ,ena ,rw) bv ""H' te every one. -The Speclfle Medicine Is sold byall drag. ff,.,T,t ,l PejPackage. or six packages for at will be sent free mv mail en the recent efthe mousy, by addres.lng ecepei us THlt GltAT MEDICIKK COU On account of eeunterfelU, weBhaveadepTea the Yellew Wrapper; the only genulneTtfaar. anteesefennt Issned. """ .liiVtic"U!r ' u' a Cochran. mars-oedAw riOHK OOAKAUXKKD. RUPTURE. Cnre guaranteed by DK. J. B. MATES. Easeatonee: no operation or delay from bull 2AtW.tnnnarea enreT'ialSesicaT en ABOH 8T PHI LA. Send for CTrenlar. MwflAw rpe WEAK MEN Suffering from the effects of youthful errors, early decay, wasting weaknes. lest manhood, etc.. I will send a valuable treatise (sealed) con. talntng fall particulars for home cure. PKEEef charge. A splendid medical work ; should be read Dy every man who Is nerveus and deblll- UUH . ?$"!' raur. r. c fewleb, mlimdAw Moedna, Conn. CAFE. SUKK AND HPKEDY CITHK. . Kpptnre, Varlcoeele and Special Diseases V, SlUWI A. TWO when veu can find Why be bnmbugged by quacks - iiti4ii in rnnaaeipnia w&e makes a specialty el the above dtseasea. and Cpaas TasMt Ctraas Gnaaarrsre. Advice Pree day and evening. Stranger, can be treated end rw- Inm hnma aavnsiAa." IMMk. -; sae.s asjf p n erUNSS ytriiTaneaace, r2iffili PhiladSpBa, muAummAmm. riGH dt MARTUI. LL ARAREBARGAIN. Dresden Salts and Peppers, WITH THU'Lr-PLATtDStLVEB TOPS AND GOOD ST r LBS, -AT- 13 CENTS EACH. THESE W JCBE BOUGHT AT A SACRIFICE PRJCE And we will give ourcitteniers thebsnsflt. Secure some befure they srj all gene """ 16EASTtINQliTiiEET. CHINA HA hMi K oefta. JROIVLKRatCOi flEW GOODS. Ladies' Jerseys. WKopenedenRATUHDAT.MAHCIl SB. r ttli Line of New style Jerseys lu Medium and Geed qualities. Mew Line of LADIES' COLLARS and CUffs. WlltTK GOODS, KMIIKOIUKUIBS. LACES, KlllBONS, Ac. PLAIN STRIPE SBEBSUCKHES and CltlNKLESEBUSUCKaBS. NEW DktbS UOOUSandSUMMEK SILKS. It will nay persons wanting Dress Goods andsiika te leek at our goeJs and prices. JohnS.Givler&Ce, Ne. 00 asaat Kiac Btraai, LAXCASTEa, ra J.R MARTIN A CO. An elegant s'eck of these goods at moderate prices, consisting of JIA W SILKS, TX1WUUI, REITS, TArESTfilES, TURCOMANS, JUTKSAXV OTTOMAN'S. ALL SHADES Or Deuble Faced Canten Flannel. ANEW INVOICE OP NOTTINGHAM LACE CTTRTAINS at prices lower than than were ever sold, rang. Ing Irem M cents te fa) 00. a Special Bargain In fltty pairs of Taped Kda e Lace Curtains, Cream, at El oe a pair. MADRAS OTJRTAINS. A Large Number of Patterns te Bsleet rrem. CURTAIN SCRIM, In Cream, White and Colored Strips. Six dif ferent natterns In I urtatn Hnrlm. that ra manufactured te sell for 11 cents, we are selling at lllennta TABLE COVERS. Haw .Ilk, Jute, relt and riannal Table Cevers Tln.led and In New Colorings, Tinseled Jute Table Cevers. CURTAIN POLES. Brass. Ebony, Cherry, Walnut and Ash Poles of all lengths, with or without Brass Trimmings. Cherry, Walnut and Ash Poles, brass trimmed, at SO cents apiece. CURTAIN CHAINS. rirty different patterns te select from, rang ing in price Irem 11 cents te akoea pair. J. 6. Martin d Ce., Oar. West Kiig ft Priue 8ts , USOiRU, PA. Telephone eonneettou. QTANDARD WORK. Edw. Edgerley, OARRIAQB BUILDER, NOS. SO, U, O, IS MAEKET BTBEET, Bear of Postefllee, Laneasur, Pa. I have tn Stock and Build te Order Every Va riety et the following styles : COUPES, BOOOIES. GABBIOLET3, CABBIAQES,VlUTOBIAa. ' .w. BUSINESS WAWONX mTh mtnn m.J.1. faVAnraatai aitatDtsiB CABTS, vysissw vssswnps DUaEl0, afABaTlfV urannaia nrV sssh , .. KiPMESB WAGONS. IemnlOTthS flASt lffAehnlA mm !.... Use te build oereeuy any style of Csxrlaride- slred Tne Qnalltv. Btvle. and rint.Si w Mt mskM U declOedy the CHEAPEST IN TH tJ?f2i H DU.,D Henset Werk at Bot Bot Bet eom Prices." Please slvesM a eaU. Beaalritg Prea-tlj Atteaviei Te. PBICE8 LP WEB TH AM ALL OTHBEB. awOne Bet of Workman aspaelaUy empleye for that purpose. ectaa. B. a MAKTlal, Ail xinda of Lembtr and Geal. Taaai R& ax Merta Water aaa Frtaea ism easier. bvivw T3AUMaARDNKR84 JEFFERIE8. COAL DEALERS. etvicb : -He. m North Queen Street, sad Me, U north Prince street Taee:-Nerth Prinee Street, near Beadlag Depot, uglllM LAN04STBB.PA. OEITTBAL BOUSE. A. P. PULMBB,wropTteter. I areevBSity asy ineaas aaaiaeneDiieia xaas i ve saaea pnassssiasi et use usnTsiaii aui'si, ra Banare aaa West Oeraer Ceptre aqeare aaa West Elua street, aaaestsaa aa Uvltattea t aU te vl SM BMIXt Mr UPHOLSTERY GOODS. w.afg&tajl.atau. avarrstrsa, Twrytktaf MBswlw, BasMB, OMlsswla Atjevetat, m.t,WnMMM. BmWmBBBt, J3-KWTOKltBTORBi ANOTUtH CARLOAD OF Hew Spring Goods Heeslvsd Tuesday, at the New Teric Stere. An ImmsnM Assortment of FMENCH AND AMERICAN PRINTED SATINES. In Latest Styles and Celntlnga, Iscladlaa Malta, trope, the Latest Voyeur" Everything New and Desirable la Orlnktad Baarauekar, Oantury Oletha, Draaa OlachaaMi, Maw Oallaeaa. AT LOWEST C1TT rEICEB. A Choice Line of BILK MIXED Combination Dreu Sultlngi. The Very Lafst. Cheeks and stripes te Mateh. One Let Black and WhlteTj Summer Silks Only 25c a Tui WATT & SIAND, 6, 8ftlOMAST ENQ ST, LANCABTEB, PA . JTAOKK .t BROTHER. Eager & Brether UAVS NOW OPEN CARPETS -IN THE- New Spring Stjles and Colorings -AT- LOW PRICES. TAPESTET AND BOOT BKUSSELB CAEPETS erBTANDAEDgUALITr.rEOMBBST KNOWN MANUPACTDEEEB. MOQUETCABPETft, VELVET CAEPETS, UEEE PLT AND IXTBA BUPEB WOOL CABPBTS, MEDIUM AND LOW-PKICBD INOBA1N CAItl'ETS, BAO AND CHAIN CABPETB IN ALL gUAHTES, COCOA AND CHINAMATriNOS, AET BQUABKB, LINOLEUM AND COKTIC1NE, rLOOB OIL CLOTH, BUUS AMD DOOB MATS All of Standard Quantise and Very Lew la Price. MO. 9S WttST BUNG BTaUT, LANCASTBH, PA. OSTON STORE. BOSTON STORE, Nefl. 26 ft 28 North Q-eei 81. aarBetween Posteffloe and Centre Bquara.-ca NEW We are showing a BeauUfnl stock of NewBDrtng Dress UoeOs at Lew Prleaa. MBW BPBINGAOOiACBBTa. WBAP. At Prices sure te Please yen. DBBB8 BUTTONS at Lew Prleest DBBSB BUTTOMB at Lew Prices I Bpeeial Ofsrlngs et . BLACK DBBasBILES, BLACK. CABBMBBBS, BLACK UENBIETTAS, BBADBD DBBsa PBONTB at Bxtraoretaary Bargains. KewBATINESJsaaBBBBaUCKBBSIa BsaaUfal Dt signs aad Colorings. Ou assortment of rancy Celers of Plush aaa Saline apllqaa flowers aad Plush Oraa- aaeaUatLew Prices am U stagnated. BFBCIAL INDUCEMBNTS IN HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. lft Dflaaa AII.L1 nam Towels, at Inekaa mM 41 Isciss losg.enly it He each, worth tee eaea. rtfty Deasn All-Ltnea Damask Towels, extn else, he each, worth ale each. """ MJayap.' ,te0- IaW ""' T,ry fwa Tea Pleese Table Linen, tee a yard. Twenty-ave rtsese Damask Table Llaea. ale a BteayartL0- HnaLoem OermaaTable Ltaea, viry"LwPrtos,te,t,, F1Uew mruUM 'A TBLLINQ BLOW jAt mpoMttea aas beta straek. aaa we sjro sjre SSf.if,' Uh aaveesiistwS use riagte Stamm Bres. &Ge. HAGER BROTHER Spring Dress Goods! f I m M .&! FKi m frfei :.teW;$m )!' Ut-jM )'-.. f,i1,iiS.-iJ-'SMdS tb.?ujS4tS im ai . . '?,iv -rw'2li VLZHaa..!' : wisrsr-a r Tj-jfjiri