. rf TJi?. IVSTsEffiKOTf .CTRWwRfr374W3?V!li .JIJUH m pmp z. ijtye Dtfa$te JfnteUxeeft r,7i wr MI'iMB.IPJ V AYmaWIejBBBBBBW?Brt 'BEVilliiHCRwWRMMMMiSMSsj' VOLUME XXni-NO. TUB BIG SETTLEMENT DAY. mctr wtmm at tub babkb abd thb ceamt huvbb. At Oreid ea th Street Ursplie the Ueleaaeat WMttw-TM Kallread Train All Bring Mrf e Crowds te ths Clly-eeeaee anil lecld.nu el th Day. Te first et April opened rather gloomily tba aneir that began falling yesterday con tinual te fall lightly all night anil thla morn nit, though In thla city It did net attain an Inch dapth, melting almost aa fast aa It foil. In the southern township tbe lall waa much greater ; In Drtimnre It waa net laaa than ftvelnche Tbe threatening condition et tbe waather mada the country people alew te coma te town, and at 10 o'clock a. tn. there were net hall the number el country car riages aeen en the atreeta that have hereto lore been aeen en the great annual aettllng day. All the Incoming tralna en ihe railroad, however, were crowded, the betela at which the country lelka are went te atop were eoen filled, and but I new rmtter were talked of among the guest The bank were alae thronged with cuatemera almeat from the hour of epenlng.and the preapect l that a big bualneaa will be done at all of them. A noticeable feature at the banka ta the unusually large number el "plain" people In attendance, with their long hair, bread-brim med beta, and buttenleaa garment They all appeared te have money and te be ready te wipe out el 1 aoerea or a Id aemelhlng te former depe.lt Tba two tralna from 0.uarryvllle thla morning brought te Lsncaaier between 600 and 700 passengers s greater number than haa been carried en any prevleua Brat or AprlL, Tha down train from Keadlng brought only about 150 passenger All the tralne'en the Pennsylvania railroad ware crowded, and an extra train from Lea man I'laea and Intermediate atatlena brought In 2S0 passenger The MUleravllle railway company ran extra ear all day. Inquiry at the banka ahewed that money waa unuaually plenty and that the depeetla at every bank exceeded the withdrawal Meney lendera were anxleua te place their aurplua capital and oBered it aa low aa 4 and & per cent and they had difficulty te Inveat It even at these figure A vl.lt te the aeveral banking Inatltutlena at 2 o'clock thla afternoon ahewed them te have been In full blaat all day. The officer could net at that hour eatlinate the amount of bualneaa done ; but theae we could reach report bualneaa satisfactory with plenty of money te lean en geed par. A HOUND TIIK COURT HOUSE. The prothenotary and recorder, with their corp of clerks, were kept buay all morning, but at the time of our vlalt It waa tee early for them te make any eatlmate of the day 'a transaction It waa believed the number of Jtulgmenta entered and aatlatled would be bent the name aa laat year. The lawyer are of eiurse busy with cl lenta and bobbing around actively between their office and the court house. Heme of them aay the bualneaa of the day will be much llgnter than uiual, because many people who have bualneaa te de en the II rat of April new attend te their notes, Judgments, .ti, a few daya In advance, and thus avoid the ruab id eraab of All Foel Day. Up te 3 o'clock the number of aatlafactlena entered waa larger than a year age, and the nnmber of papers Died ler record waa about the eame aa a year age. Plcapecaat Speti.ri. The first of April In yeara gene by waa alwayaa bensnzi for pickpocket The es tablishment of banks In the towns through out the county did away with the payment of money en that day and the result haa been that the city has net been troubled with many of these light-lingered gentry. Occasionally a few of them have dropped in en us, but tbey did net steal enough te pay expense Three pickpockets were seen en the atreeta te-day, but they left town by the flrat train when tbey saw that the offieera were en te them. Tbe Klag Street Tbsatre. At the King street theatre the audience waa very fair laat night, and tbe performance waa very geed. At one o'clock te-day tbe band made a short parade, and at 2 o'clock matinee waa given, which was largely at tended, eapeclslly by country folks, who had finished their first of April bualneaa. There will be another matinee te-morrow afternoon, whan boxing will be emitted, and In the eve tng tba company close Ita engagement, Tbe theatre will be cleeed next week, which la Hely week, but will be re-opened en Monday, April 11, with a big variety attraction. On Tuesday evening tbe orchestra of the theatre, which by tha way la a tine musical organisa erganisa organisa teon, will bold a ball In the theatre. There will be a concert from 8 te 0 In tbe evening, and dancing will fellow. Arrested for AasaaJt and Battery. William Qulnn, David Ohie, William May and Jehn Eberly, were arrested yesterday afternoon en the charge of assault and battery. It appear that tbla crowd haa been In tba habit of leafing around tbeatableet Patrick Cherry, en Seuth Water etreet. The owner baa tried te keep them away from tbe place, but wat unable te de aa Yesterday ha or dered them off, but they refused te go, and instead caught held et Cherry and bandied him roughly. He at once brought ault against them before Alderman MoCenoray. Qulnn and Eberly furnished ball, but tbe ethers remain locked up. The relatives of tbe men are trying te arrange the case by having Cherry withdraw the suit. Badly Itjertd by a rail. Mr. Isaac Maaaay, of Rawllnsyllle, met with quite a painful accident en Tuesday. Ha waa driving the team of A. Uouebnauer (with whom he is hired) and hauling a lead of furniture for Mr. De Leng te New Provl Prevl Provl denee, when a large table en the wagon be be eame loeaened and fell upon him, knocking htm under tbe wagen. The team became frightened and ran off. The wheel paaaed ever Maaaay 'a arm, breaking it between the elbow and aheulder. When picked up be waa unconscious; He was removed te Mr Gecbnauer's, where Dr. Yoet aet tbe broken limb He la new doing well. A Mew Cemetery for Uttu. rrem the Ileoerd. Tha committee appointed by St. Paul'a Lutheran church te purchase ground for a cemetery bar bought from Jehn Bellinger two aerea of land along the Lltllxand Lancas ter turnpike, opposite the lane leading te Joaeph Bellinger's farm, which will be fenced aad laid ent In burial leta. It Is the intention of tba oemmlttee te go te work a early aa possible. The elte la an elevated one and just about far eoeugb from town. Lata Friday tba bodies of Rudelph Ranch and two daughter war disinterred at the MoTtJKTVwdw,dte' Lancaaur ad interred in the Lancaster cemetery. Tbe termer had been burtad ght fas7the two latsV thirty and forty Veari. Saatatteal Beetle asouihse. Dr. J.&lUh,dseniat, of this city, sad lateaMsBheretteeSd Pa, artillery, who baa beam wriaag a series of histories! sketches of tbe service el the Id artillery far Iks) Miller Miller ten Adteeatt, Tiega eeunty, Pa., has r estred a noticed that h "eketehae take lea MsMSly." Many of the old rote ia thleatly aad esantr sw Maw umk f umt with fee 180. BLBCTIUB OB OBMOBBM. Ssvaral ledges In City Md Oeeatyaeleet OB OB etate ferTbetr Dlrectlea. This Is the Urns of year that many of ths aoeletlee elect their officers, and many bare already bean chosen. Belew quite a num ber will be found Ths loliewlng officers of Red Jacket Tribe 44, Improved Order et Had Men, were chosen laat evening i Haebem, O. Ottandor Ottander fer ; senior sagamere, Oust. N suder f j Junier sagamere, Lenbert Klehl; prophet, Cbaa. Bebn chief of records, Frank Zlegler ; aaalaUnt chief or records, Will. Getten! Keeper of wampum, Franz Neuderl trustee, Oh. Blumoneteck representative te great council of Pennsylvania, Adam Schub. Lancaster Ledge, Ne. 07, 1. O. O. F , met Thursday evening, and elected the following efficera: N. O , Ira K. Herman s V. O., Jehn F. Hilten ; eecretary, Frank D. Mlley ( assist ant secretary, I). H. Mearlgi treasurer, Gee. Oundaker i trustee, W. O. Bucbtnlller; chap lain, M. J. Weaver. The following offieera of Kelah Ledge, Ne. OW, of I.O.O.F., Manbelm.were elected Thure day evening: N. Cl.Wra. Llneaweaver; V. O , M.M.I'suir '.secretary, llM.Ensmlnger; Asst Boe, Jaejb Buel; treasurer, C. A. Dunlap. Mr. Enamlnger hat been eecretary alnce April, 1879, and was re-elected by a large majority. Earl Ledge, N 0.113, of OJd Fellows, elected the following officers Thuraday evening t N. O, Samuel Jacobs; V. O., Albert Mwepe; secretary, J. II. Weaver; assistant eecretary, William Orlmley; treasurer, Henry Negle; trustees, E 0. DUler, A. U. Sutten and Theodere M. Sterk Tbe following were elected aa officers of Coneatega Council Ne. 22, Junier O. U. A. M., en Tbuuraday evening te eerve for the enaulng term : Pant Councillor, Jehn 0 0 Hwepe; counciller, Peter 8. Geedman; vice counciller, Cha Uerrncht; A. R. Hm, Win. NL Hbsrr; conductor, Jehn II. Kubna ; war den, W. D. Weaver ; lnsldn sen , Jehn Dom Dem mel ; outside sen., Oeo A. Leller. Next Thursday evening these officer will be Installed, and tbe report of tbe trustee) willahew an Increase el membership, also a financial gain although the amount paid out for relief baa been unusually large. Tbe following are the officer elected by Cocallce Ledge, Na 408, I. O. O. F of Reamstown : N. O., Jacob M. Hchlegel ; V. O., J. U. Reinbold ; secretary, R. B. Schlott; assistant aecreury, J. Martin Kline; treas urer, Jehn S. Heyor ; representative tegrand ledge, E. D. Ulbel; trustees, Jehn S. Nolde, E. R. SUrk and B. D. Ulbel. The emcera elected by Kneculske Ledge, Na S74, 1. O. O. F , of Rawllnsvllle, areas fellows : N. ., James ft. Oil en : V. O., S. J. Ankrlm ; Sec , S C. Stevenson ; Asst. Sec, AbramReeae; trustee, F. Brenneman. lUaban tlotten Again In Troebte. Between 10 and 11 o'clock en Thursday night Reuben Hutten waa found In tbe yard of Julius Lederman'a residence en Walnut street. He waa nnder tbe Influence el liquor and the supposition Is that he Intended te commit a robbery. Officer Hellly arrreated him and he spent tbe nlgbt tn the station house, A charge of drunkennesa and disor derly conduct was preferred against him, aa there waa net sufficient evidence te make out a case of attempted robbery. He had net been long In tbe station house when he broke every window In bis eellaud waa se noisy that he was treated te a shower bath which had the effecter quieting him. Alderman Fordney te-day committed him for a bearing. A Sttlka and a CoiapremlM. Twenty clgarmakers and five strippers employed at Rel.t t Ca'a union factory, In Reberta' hall, atruck ler higher wage en Thursday. The clgarmakers bad bean re ceiving 3 per thousand for their work and they made a demand for l, an Increase or 1, which the firm refused te pay and all bands quit work. Late In tbe day Simen Sblssler, or the arbitration committee of tbe Lecal Assembly of tbe Knights of Laber, called en tbe member of tbe firm te adjust the difference existing between them and their workmen. After talking ever tbe mat ter tbe firm offered an Increase eftirty cent per thousand and that offer was aecepted by tbe workmen. All bands went te work again this morning. Loeklog for Jaka Buii.nl. Chler Smith and Officers Leman, GUI and Beechler spent all el Thursday en the Epbrata mountain aearchlng for Jacob Buzzard. Tbe chief had received Informa tion that Bustard was en tbe mountain and could be captured. Tbe efficera left tbla city early In tbe morning and arrived at Ephrata ahertly after 0 o'clock. Diligent search waa made, but Buzzud could net be found, and from reliable parties they learned that be bad net been en the mountain for aeveral month Buzz vd'a home en Jehn atrtet waa searched at 2 o'clock this morning, in oensequenoe of Information aent te tbe station-house that Buzzard waa aeen te go Inte hie house. It was a falae report, a thorough search falling te find any trace or the fugitive. Posted Th.tr KaU. In accordance with tbe requirements et tha Inter-state commerce bill the Pennsylvania railroad company te-day posted up at tbe window of their tleket office In the passenger station, books giving the rate et fare from one station te another en their line. Parsons desiring te consult tbe books for Information can de se, but tbey must net be taken away from the window. In case a change In rate la made ten daya notice must be given by tbe company. Broke Bar Hip. This morning Mr Catherine Moere, resid ing at Na 622 Middle street, met with a aerl aerl eua accident. She was walking along Seuth Queen etreet, below Coneatega, when ahe fell upon the pavement, breaking bar left hip. A lounge waa procured and ahe was taken te ber home, where Dra, M. L. Davis and B. F. W. Urban attended ber. Sbe will bs con fined te ths house for some Urns en account of ths accident. A Olaat facb.la. Mr. W. C. Pyfer, the florist, haa new In bloom In hla green house, Na 238 West King street, giant fuchsia which defies descrip tion and abeuld draw many visitor Several large branches leaded with flowers reaeh up te the high reef of the green house and ItU no doubt the largest plant of tha kind in this part of tbe county. He alae ba a rare orchid with two blooming atoms. Correction. In our local yesterday, In regard te tbe election et Metamora Tribe of Red Men, a mistake occurred. It was Jehn MeOulley, who la elected chief of records, and net Jehn H. Brown. Mr. Brown was elected assistant chief. S.nt la JslL. Themas Brown and Charles Dally, arrested by Constable Merrlnger en Thursday for drunkenness and disorderly conduct, wsrs oemmtttsd te ths county Jail te-day by Alder man Barr for fifteen days each. At tbe Station Hen. Ths mayor disposed of thrss case tbla morning. Ons professional tramp was ssnt te tbe work-beuss for 30 days and two ledgers wars discharged. i saigas mm awetenhlp. Rst. K J. Kssllsg, D.D.. has rsslgnsd ths of Bt, Htssssn's P. K. eamreb, Hm r ius sgi, LANCASTER, GAY DEMOCRATS DINING. AB imrOBTABt rmilABBtPHIA VLVB BOW OVt OB II WBBBf. The Aaaarteaa Clab Celebrates Its Twant'eth Aaalversary-Mr. Randall, epeeeb Deals With the Ooed Werk Dene at th Laat Saaslen el Congress. TbsAmerlcua club, the meat prominent Demecratln organization of Philadelphia, celebrated Itfl twentieth anniversary at Ress ler'a restaurant en Thursday evening. All tha bright I Ighta of tbe party In the Quaker City were present, and there was a geed time around the banquet beard. There were several speeches, lien. Samuel J. Randall responding te tbe Cengreaa el tbe United Slate" A round or applause greeted tbe an nouncement and It broke into a cheer as tbe congressman rose te hla leet, which waa made three times three In response te a nail trem Jehn Uuggard. Mr. Randall apeke slowly and plainly In these werds: " Tbe banquet committee et the Amerlcus club have selected me en this occasion te re spond te tbe toast of 'The Cengreaa or tbe United State' They might have given me an easier one, but It Is a tople I will treat fairly but briefly. William E. Glad atone, ths greatest orator and auteeman or modern time has said: ' Aa the British constitution Is the most subtle organism which ba proceeded rrem pro gressive history, ae tbe American constitu tion ! tbe meat wenderlul work ever struck off j at a given time by tbe brain of man.' uur governmental pewera nave ueen eiviueu Inte legislative, executive and Judicial and or these tbe legislative Is tbe most Impor tant. Itexpreaaesln the Senate tbe wlabea or the atatea and tbe people at large speak through the Heuse of Representative Therefore, aa tbe Senate represents home rule ea exhibited in tbe state legislatures anil tbe Heuse the opinions et popular oonstltu eonstltu oenstltu end It must fellow tbat Cengreaa la the reflection et Ibe oendltton of tbe people tbemaelve And se, in faet, It Is and If there be unrest, clashing of Interest, fieree contention, opposed views as te what la beat te be done, we must net lerget that auch Is the nature of freedom and tbat tbe principle la of little worth that will cot come out purer and brighter for tbe ordeal It haa undergone, Noraheuld we forget that our geiernmental system was tried by an unfortunate civil war, which strained it te tbe laat degree, but proved It had a capacity for aell protection and at the aauie time ba demonstrated the possession et reserve power for defense and attack auch aa te secure the respect of all foreign nation "Out or tbla war the country baa come with new lite and vigor and everywhere the surprising signs of progress In all the mate rial Improvements of modern clvlllzitlen are beyond even tbe meat exaggerated ex pectation It la natural, therefore, te find in Cengreaa tbe atrugglea for mastery wblch we have seen, but I knew from long service in Congress that after tbe smoke and dust have cleared away and results can be plainly aeeu It la generally found tbat tbe right baa triumphed and the wrong ba met with de feat. The Congress which hss expired re cently baa bad pretty severe Judgment at tbe handa of tbe press, but It waa net alto gether deaerved. it did some things I did net like and It left undone ether thing I would llke te have seen done. But when we consider what was threatened and wbat waa within the peaatulllllee we ought te be thankful It did no werae. It did well In many respect it curbed the defiant spirit of vast monopolies. It reatored te tbe pub lic domain millions of aerea of unearned land grant" Mr. Randall then rapidly sketched tbe varieua Important acts passed by Congre, Including tbat prohibiting the contracting out of the labor of United State prisoner prohibiting the Importation and immigration of foreigners and aliens under contract or agreement and legalizing tbe Incorporation of national trades union He then con tinued : " It best of all atayed Impolltle action, which probably would have caused distrust among tbe eeple and perhaps led te panics and disaster, but certainly would have delayed If net altogether destroyed the life and motion weaeeall ever the country premising yeara of prosperity. It disap pointed hordes el public plunderera who of course are all the mero vindictive tbat their fend hopes et profit have been defeated. It has, In a word, dune much geed and avoided doing much evil. And finally, and te conclude, when It had adjourned strong complaints were uttered against It for having left the country defenseless. Then It was that Pennaylvanla Iren establlahmenta came forward and offered en reasonable terms te make all thesteel needed for guns and armor and relieved much oppressed cabluet officers from parexyams of apprehension Under Democratic administration there hss been honesty ; there has been freedom from scandal ; there baa been real reform. Mr. Randall closed hla remarka with a brief and eloquent tribute te tbe Amerlcus club, Individually and aa an organization. Evsry Tab Bbeatd Bland en Us Own Bettem Frem ths fhtlidelphla l'rc.s. The Inter-munlctpal bill has again been changed In tbe Senate and another classifica tion of cltlea made. This measure new makea aeven classes or cities, while In existing lawa there are but five. The Increase in the num ber or classes Is made te render It less diffi cult te get the pending bill In such sbspe aa te be acceptable te all the cltlea whose Interests it will affect. Ne enlargement et tbe elasslfi catien, heweyer, can satisfy tbee cities wblch have never accepted the Wallace act, notably Lancaster. The matter Is rapidly getting In auch abape that nothing abort of a classifies. tlen which shall put each city by Itself will answer tbe put pose. Tbe legislature may about as well de tbat as te go en aa It la new doing with this bill, and then every city can get wbat It wants without compelling any ether city te have what it doesn't want lias Ball Nw The Athletic club opened their season yes terday, and played a game In tbe snow with the Pennsylvania Uulverstty team. Tbe for mer made a narrow escape from defeat. They did net score until the eighth Innlntr, when tbey made five run Tbe University team made three during tbe game. One half et tbe Detroit club defeated tbe Savannah yesterday, by 7 te 2. Tbe ether half wen at Charleston, by u te 3. The Stars, of Syracuse, stepped In Cincin nati, yesterday, and defeated the Association by 0 te 6. BaStlan and McGuIre, who have been hold ing out, yesterday signed centractu with the Philadelphia club. Casey Is expected te sign. A Swindler Trapp.d by a Turk policeman. A special dispatch te the Intklmeknckr from Yerk aeveral wefka age gave an account of tbe arrest by a Yerk officer or a bunoe ateerer named Oenrge W. Miller. He waa taken attbat time te Ufcgerstewn, Md,, te be heard en a charge et swindling there. Twe years age, it la alleged, be relieved a farmer living near Uagerslewu of (1,000, and at tbe preliminary bearing en Wednesday the evi dence waa se strong that the Justlee held htm In 13,000 ball te appear for trial at tbe May court Miller has te answer similar charges in this state. roll With Bs Egg This morning a man from tbe country was walking up North Queen street with bas ket or eggs in each hand, which be intended te leave at the Orape hotel. In front or Stamin Brethers' dry goods store be slipped and fell heavily te tbe pavement, breaking nearly all tbe eggs and painting the pave ment. Te Werk On Big rarm. Measr Henry O. Ehrbart and Geerge H. Klnkle, or Wlnterstewn, Yerk county, have gene te Marietta, where they will bs em ployed by Mr. Janb Leaakt, manager et Colonel DuBy'a farm. What It b Fer. rrem tha Philadelphia Frees. Ths Lanesatsr Beard of Trads ssseas teb OTfBUslatftexMkalteU njsjaj, PA., FRIDAY, APRIL 1, MBMerAL ib mr. jet. sverat Balldlags Obaaglng Tenants Large sodas te tbe Wset-Ledge Ofleers Klsctad. Mount Jey, April 1. There will be several changes in town te-day. Phil. J. Dieter wilt move from Na 40 West Main street Inte Bepp'e building In tbe rear of ths La Pierre beuse, en Manhelm street, where bs will ksep a restaurant, Aa, In the build ing formerly occupied by Gee. W. Parker. Percy Uelllg, who Is carrying en tbe barber Ing business st Parker's old stand, will move Inte De Leng's block, en Market etreet, new occupied by J. K. Mentzu'a pbo'egrapb gallery. J. K. Mentzsr will move bis gallery Inte the building en East Main street, opposite tbe filar effica L. P. Uelllg will move from the aerner et Hopewell and Man. helm atreeta Inte the Kriner property. Tbe following persons were ticketed te different psrtsel the West en Tuesdayel this week by J. IC. Nlssley, passenger agent of tba P. R. Rat Flerin : B. F. Geedman, ML Jey, te Hepe, Kansas; Illester C. Gulp, te Holten, Knt; Samuel Grelderand W. 11. Htrlckler, of Rtpbe township, te Holten, Kan ; Jna G. Hamilton, el Salunga, te Terre Haute, Ind.j Simen Whlsler, wire and seven cMldren, or Bachmansvllle, te Halgler, Neb.; U. Denham and wife, or Lsndlsvllle, te be yond Dea Moines, Iowa; Wm. Shepperd and family, of Msytewn, te Helena, Mentana ; Mr Sutten and daughter, of Marietta, te Dns Melne., Iowa ; Miss Anna Kendlg, of May town, te Les Angeles, California; Jehn Stum, Wui. Stum and wife, of Mavtewn, te DesMelnea, Iewa: Rebecci Lareab, of Man helm, te Pekln, 111.; Anna Boyd and a friend, el Lltitr, te Dayton, Ohie ; W. A. Esbenshade and family, of Strasburg, te Keokuk, Iowa; C. Hohrer and daughter, et Htrasburg, te Kansas City, Missouri ; Win. Meek and wife, of Ephrata, te David City, Neb. Mr Jehn Geed died very suddenly at the borne of her aen en Wednesday morning. Tbe following are tbe efficera of tbe O. A. R. drum corps recently organized here: President, A. Haines ; secretary, J. '. Htielly treasurer, Frank I'ennel ; Instructor, E.U Shlckly. Following are the officers of Mount Jey Ledge, Na 277 1. O. O. F., elejted Tuesday evening: 1L O , Jno F. Pyle; V. O., Gea E. Marb; Sec , f. O. Pennell: Ass't. Sec., A. K Martin; Trea, L. Rlcksecknr; trustees, Wm. Kubn, J. V. Leng, Wm. Dierolf; Rep. te G. L , U. I- SUger. JS IT CUNHTITUTlOHALt Will a Six Yean' Mslarw) Apportionment Stand the Test et the Lw f Frem the Scranton Truth. It is mere than six years since the last United States decennial census was taken, and according te the constitution of Pennsyl vania, It became the duty of tbOBtate legis lature, Immediately tberealter, te apportion the state Inte senatorial and representative district This duty was flagrantly neglected, and net only tbat, but It has been tinkered with ever alnce without result, owing te the desire en both sides te secure partisan advan tage and shape districts for the personal gratification et aspiring statesmen. Thus tbe Important work of apportionment hat been put oil and tbe clear mandate of the atate constitution disregarded. The ques tion new arises is an apportionment maue at thla time conatitutlenal T Tne letter and the spirit of tbe organic law clearly Indicate tbat this Is net tbe time te make an apportion ment alnce tbe legislature is net In posses sion of tbe facts necessary for tbe Intelli gent performance of such a duty. An apportionment must be based en population as ascertained by the official census, and this being the case, any apportionment made new would be unjust te Scranton, aa the population of this city has almost doubled slece the last census waa taken. Whst Is true of Scranton may be equally true of etber communities, and we mention It merely te ahew the absurdity of passing any apportion men law at this late day, that is based ou tbe population as ascertained In 1SS0. The language of the state constitution is clear and Imperative en this point. It eays : The general assembly at Us first session after the adopMen of this constitution, and immnfiaftfj after each Uniletl States Ueeennuil census shall appor tion tbe state into senatorial and represen tative districts. Surely, the word immedi ately, read In this sense, means at the first session after tbe taking of tbe decennial census, aud at no etber time. The reason for this ts obvious. Te apportion the state new Is net making an appor tionment immediately after any decen nial census, but rather immediately before one, as the census et 1S00 will be In order three yeara hence. Surely this ts net the sort of apportionment contemplated by tbe constitution, and there would seem te lie no wsrrant for making It. The work of appor tionment properly belonged te the first legis lature tbat meet after tbe taking et tbecensus of 1SS0, and having neglected te perform Its aweru duty in this respect, we de net think ita negligence can be atoned for by such an Imperfect apportionment as would be made new. If tbe constitution means what It says, and we think It does, neither this nor the next legislature can lawrully enact an apportionment bill, because the tlmespeclfied for the performance of such a duty has long alnee passed, and there la no official data at band upon which te base any apportionment tbat would be Just and fair te the people of tbe entire atate. But one mete legislature la te be elected before tbe takiogef the next decennial census, aud we wish te call attou atteu attou tlen te the faet tbat the constitution does net ssy that an apportionment is te be made Im mediately before, but immediately after each decennial eenau HVUHKS VAILVHBH. Turee Tbensand or Thein Ocenr During the First Quarter of tbe Year. The mercantile failures for the three months ending with Thursday, as reported by R, O. Dun & Ce., New Yerk, are 3,007 in number as against 3,C03 for tbe same quarter et 1S80. The liabilities for tbe first quarter of the preseut year are f 3.2,101,000 aa against 29.631,0O0 for tbe corresponding quarter et 1SS0. Tbe geograpbleal distribution of tbe failures ts somewhat unusual, tbe liabilities In tbe middle states amounting te (12,000,000, abewlng an Increase of ever te, 000, 000, as com pared with 1880, and in New Yerk city tbe liabilities for the first three months et 1887 were (5,000,000 as compared with (2,700,000 In tbe corresponding quarter of last year, Ic all etber sections of tbe country except the Mid dle states, tbe failures are much less In num ber and amount than In tbe average et yeara for tbe first quarter and tbe total result ts much less than in previous year In Canada tbe failures for tbe first quarter of ias7 are 391 In number, as against 3VJ ler tbe correspond ing quarter or last year. The liabilities ter tbe quarter Just closed are (3,002,000 aa com pared with (3,442,000 ler tbe aame period in 18S0. Te-day'. Lectl Failure.. Andrew Tangert and wife, of Strasburg tewusblp, aaalgned all their prefierty for tbe benefit of creditors te Jacob Hlldebraml, et Strasburg borough. Merlin B. Miller and wife, of I'rowdeuco township, tnade a almilar disposition or their property te A. II. Uersbey, of this city. D. S. Stauffer and wire, of Manbelm town tewn ahlp, have asilgned their property te B. Frank Etbleman, for the beuefit of creditors. Advertising tba Circus. Advertlalegcar Ne. 1, el Baruuru'e circus, arrived in Lancaster at7:10 last evening. It ia In charge of Henry Hedges, who bas twelve men. Amengtbem is Tem Dally, et tbla city, who baa been with the show ler aeveral sea sea aena, Tbla morning six team of pesters wsrs ssnt out te advertise tbe country. Mr. Daily and two men remained in town and oeTsrsd all tbe beards tbat Mr. Yecker oeutd spare. The printing is tbs finest ever put up in this city by a otreua. This evening tbe ear will go te Yerk. Terntug Baew Under the Farrews, Frem the slanhstm sentinel, Faraaeta art plowing they commenced 1887. CHARLES STEBBINS FAIRCHILD. TBB MUCCMBHUB VB MABBIBO TO IBB V. B. TBBAaVBBBtBtf. Ills Ai.l.tant Itaac It, Xfaynard. Alse Frem New Voik BtaU A Brltf Sketch el Testr Careen Other !fwa fresh ITem ths Federal Capital. Washington, April L The following appointments were made by the president te-day : Cbarlcs S. Fatrcbtld, or New Yerk, te be acretary or the treasury, vice Manning, resigned, and Isaac H. Maynard, et New Yerk, te be assistant secretary of the treas ury, vice Falrchild, promoted. TUB !f KW SF.CRBTARr Charles Stebblns Falrcblld was born at Cazjnevls, New Yerk, April 30, 1812. His rather was for many yeara the attorney for tbe New Yerk Central railroad and la one of tbe eminent men of Central New Yerk. The eecretary of the treasury received his early education at the Methodist seminary at Caze Caze nevlaand entered Harvard college in 1859, being graduated from tbat Institution with tbe class et 1863. He then attended the Har vard Law school and was admitted te tbe bar In 1S05. He joined tbe famens firm et Hand, Hale, Swnrtz & Falrcblld, one of the meat successful law firms In the state. In 1874 he was appointed deputy attorney general, by Attorney General Pratt. In tbe ensuing year be was nominated by the Democratic convention for tbe attorney generalablp and elected. He served in this capacity for two year In 1878 be visited Europe. Upen his return In 1SS0 he engaged in the practice et law In New Yerk city and continued till called te the assistant secretaryship of tbe treasury In 18S5. nil ASSISTANT. Judge Maynard, the second controller, baa been appointed te fill the vacancy caused by Mr. Falrcblld'a promotion. As assistant sec retary el tbe treasury be will get tOOO less than as controller, tbe pay of tbe former office beln g en ly H.MX) a year, while tbat of the lat-1 ler Is $5,000, His preference for the new pest tlen, however, is easily explained upon the ground of its greater Importance and the chance of making a record which la but slight In the position of controller. The as sistant secretary, who la In charge et tbe customs case wields great power. His de cisions Involve yearly millions et dol lar There are lew prominent bualneaa houses which are net at one tlms or another compelled te transact bualneaa with the assistant secretary. Next te tbe sec retary he Is prebsbly tbe most Important offi cer et the treasury, though the salaries or ethers exceed hi In tbe matter or appoint ments the position offers but little, though that was probably net considered by Judge May nard when he accepted tbe place. As controller he bas made an enviable record, being uniformly praised for bis ability, falr-mtndedness and at tention te tbe duties et bis office. Judge Maynard had been first deputy attorney general of New Yerk. Twe yeara prier te bla appointment te tbe Federal service, be was the Democratic candidate for secret try or atate of New Yerk, but was defeated, owing, it is aald, te bis prohibition record. His la In Delhi, New Yerk. Tbe President te Rid Horseback. Wasiunote.v, April 1. Many of the pres ident's friends have lately been urging bim te take active outdoor exercise, as seen aa the weather would permit Te-day's Baltimore Sun refers te tbe subjeet aa fellows : The president, It ts said, bas yielded te the advice of his friends and will take te horse manship as a meana of exercise. Secretaries Bayard, Limar, Whitney and Falrchild have described te him the benefit tbey derive from equestrianism, and he has consented te Jein tbem in some of ;tbelr galeps acres country. Mr Cleveland Is said te be delighted with tbe idea of ber husband taking te horseback ridmjr. The president's seal browns sre net well adapted ler saddle horses, and early ad ditions te the White Heuse stable may be looked for. Te investigate Chicago's Posteffle. Washington, April L On the 12th of April, Civil Service Commissioners Lyman aud Edgerton will meet in Chicago te conduct a thorough investigation of tbe workings of the posteffice In tbat city, and te examine In. te the appointments made by the pestmsster. Tbe postmaster will be previously instructed te have all data In relation te appointments, dismissals, etc., prepared for Inspection, ae that as little time as possible will be con sumed after the arrival or the commissioner Bad News ter an Army Officer. Washington, April L General Stewart Van vl let, of the army, returned te the city last nlgbt, Just In time te receive newa of the death et bis mother who was sged 90 years. Her sons were Brevet Majer General Stewart Vanvllet, U. S. A., and Colonel Frederick Vanvllet, who la new major of the Tenth cavalry, Werk Fer tbe Land Office. Washington, April L There are new before tbe general land office 30,105 easea awaiting adjudication. During tbe past week, 1,208 land patents were approved. One Clark selected. Washington, April L Majers. A. Jenaa, of tbe interior department, has been detailed temperar lly for clerical duty with the Inter state commerce commission. Many Agents Needed. Washington, April 1. The bureau of labor haa new 20 special agents in the field, Investigating atrikes and lockout Bale el a tV.it. rn Railroad. CuiiAii ItAi-ies, III., April t The Illlnele Central has purchased tbe Iowa Falls & Sioux City railroad, paying (50 ler the stock. The deeds were made out and algned here yesterday. The lease of the read baa expired hence the purchase. Many Beldtsrs Imprisoned, Tit'Lii, Apill 1 A military conspiracy has been discovered in the caucus Involving a large number of efficera of all branches of tbe service. Many arreata have been made, the Tillls garrison alone contributing 100 efficera te the population of tbe prison. What Qladsteue Is Assad te De, Londen, April L The Mundarit say that strong pressure ia being put upon Mr. Glad stone te formally and publicly declare tbat ny Liberal members voting for tbe crimes bill shall be considered te bare no further connection with tbe party Opposttten te th Land BUI. Lonpen, April L The Parnellltes are vio lently opposed te tbe government land bill introduced In tbe Heuae of Lords last nlgb and many Liberal-Unionists Insist upon lis anoalaeattea la sua- respsets before (Mr wUHMtlenVTsM. SBBBBBBBBBBBsiil iBXeSBBBBBBF?' Jvt l SpOSBBBBBBBBBPY t- iXv m P.-'t.. Sk BBBSXBBBKK i -;-.-. I tTtssssssBssWr'Vu B SBBBBBBVM i aiaBsall Ex&i jjKsjfwpf. ;; J tLi? $' ''- V-ssssssssssyi .sT'v-flsssBBaKuTssf eBF4F"BBBBKFH as MAItMOAB KIBBB MBIBMltBIBB. A Belief That Tbey intend te Bttead the B. A O. te Alabama's Irea Field Birmingham, Ala, April 1 President Garrett, of the Baltimore A Ohie railroad, slipped In hers by tbe Georgia Pacific read from Atlanta Thuraday night with friends, sod went eat en ths Queen and Crescent " te Sprlngvllle, about thirty miles above here, where they spent yesterday looking at ths Iren ors properties. Ths nsws from there last night was tbat tbey will net corns back until tbla afternoon. This vlalt Is aecepted aa ths premise of a great scheme. It ts con fidently thought tbat ths Baltimore A Ohie is te be extended from Clllten Ferge, V, by way of Aahevllle, N. C, te Dalten, O; thence te Carteravllle and through te Spring, vll le, scooping the Little East and West Alabama, running thla way from Cartera vllle. The visiting magnates aeem te be bent en leading up en mineral properties before the sebems Is authoritatively given out The ethers In the party besides President Oar. rett are O. Rldgeley Geedman, of Raltlraere . L. M. Green, J. M. Green, J. K. Garnett' Clavlus Phillips, J. L. Hammend, C. C. Hardwlek, of Savannah, and Chler Engineer Jehn Postal, of ths East and West read. Messr Green and Garnett are dlreoteraof the Georgia Central railroad. Brutally ttnrdered Rf Wife. MoNTOeMBnr, Al, April 1. Particulars of s horrible crime have Just come te light Last Tuesday Tarleton Steele, (colored) living near Ada, thla county, quarreled with bla wire and stilled ber with an axe handle. He than took ths body and carried It off te lonely place in the weeds about mile from home, threw It In a gully, piled trash and straw en it, then poured kerealne oil en the heap and aet fire te It He then returned horns and left the body te be eremated. Wednesday he went back and found that the body bad net been entirely burned up. He tried te conceal the remains and fled. He waa captured tbat evening and ledged In Jail He made a full confession. AFraud-HuntsrFlads It. Ban Fbancisce, April 1 B. F. Bergen, special sgent of the general land office at Washington, who waa aent out last year te inveatlgate tbe Redwood frauds or California, in Redwood and Humboldt counties, reports tbat he has succeeded In unesrthingthe most complete system of Jfraud that baa ever been known. During the hearing new In progress before the register and receiver two hundred wltneases baye been examined. Their testi mony revealed the fraudulent practices adopted. Mr. Bergen states that the report he will furnish the land office will undoubt edly result In tbe esteppel of patents te the land They are, it ia estimated, worth 3, 000,000. The Fees el Coercion will Campaign. Londen, April 1 "Tfcvcemmlttee of tbe Liberal federation baa arrangi&-tp bold a aeries of meeting for the purpose etmgtiH against me coercion nut in Londen and 17 various cities and towns throughout England ana tjoeuana Earl Spencer. Mr. Jehn Mer ley nd ether leading Liberals have consented wj wiuresa me garnering it is asserted that the prospect of demonstrations furnishes one of tbe most urgent reasons for Lord Salis bury's pressure upon Parliament te ait dur ing part of the Easter recess in order te reach a second reading of the crimes bill, and It Is alae stated tbat Lord Salisbury baa ae ad mitted. Anether Western Railway Dal. Tbrre Haute, Ind., April L It la re ported in this city, and there are greunda for tbe statement that tbe Atchison, Topeka fe Santa Fe bas purchased three-fourths or lbs stock el the Chicago Eastern Illinois rail way at (110. Thlagtvea the Atchison read the desired entrance into Chicago with un equaled terminal facilitle A preliminary aurvey made by the Atchison engineers will doubtless result In the location of a line seresa Illinois, tapping the Eastern Illinois read at the most convenient point Mnrder Charged Against a Censtat) L, ALnuqusRQUE, N. M., April L Wednes day evening Sheriff Lslrd, or Grant county, came te Belen village, few mile south of Albuquerque,and arrested a constable named Hughes en a charge or murder. It trans pires tbat Hughea waa constable at Plnea Altes, and about two weeks alnce bad a dlf dlf fieulty with Mexicans, and, weapena being drawn, Hughea shot and killed Matlnex and fatally wounded Gometz, coming out of the con tl let himself without a wound. Hughes claims that bs used bis pistol In self-defense. A Large Part Fer the Ben. Dever, N. H., April L The will et the late Hen. Hiram Barker, of Farmington, dis poses of property worth (1,000,000, invested principally in Western real estate. Ths tes tator lesves the entire property in trust for his only son, with the exception or (30,000 in cash and (2,000 annually te bla only daugh ter who la unmarried, beside few small private bequest It Is expected the daugh ter will contest the will, which will be of fered for probate en Tuesday next A Deable Tragedy. Nashville, Tenn., April 1. Jack Tayler and J. D. Dougherty, cousins, quarreled and fought with pistols at Cot bin station Knox county, Kentucky, last nlgbt Tayler waa shot dead and Dougherty fatally wounded. Thla makea tbe ninth murder in tbat aectlen within two months. Tbe New Postmaster Tab Cbarg. Harrisbure, April L B. F. Meyers, tbe new postmaster, assumed control tbla morn ing. He haa retained nearly all the former empleyes, and will fill their places shortly. Mr. Ziegier, bis assistant, la being Instructed aa te bla duties. Bopatel Oamecratle O a Heek. Washington DUpatch te the IUltlmere Sun. A Demoeratlo congressman, who keeps bimseir pretty well posted en national poli tics, remarked te-day, while at tbe treasury department tbat there Is new very little ground for Demecrata te com plain tbat He publican officials are net being turned out of tbe government servlee fast enough. He aava be baa given tbe subjeet considerable attention, and he finds tbat nearly all et tbe Republican postmasters have been replaced by Democrats, and tbe same can be said of collectors of customs, oellectore of Internal revenue and their subordinates, and el nearly all of tbe etber branches of the publie aervlce. He predicts tbat before tbe next presidential election rolls around there will hardly be a Republican in any important government position exeept In the departments at Washington, and they can be et little or no assistance te their party, aa their auperler officers can prevent tbem trem taking an active part in politics by almply saying when they requeat te go borne te vote tbat their aervieea cannot be spared from tbe office at tbat time. He alae takes a very cheerful and hopeful view el tbe political altuatlen from bla party stand point He aaya the creation of the Interstate commerce commission will be of Inestimable value te tbe Demoeratlo party in Ibe next campaign, as It will bsve the administration behind It and therefore exert a powerful influenceever the railroad oerporatlone whleh bare heretofore been the baae efjrapply gr tbe Republlcana la "Uenal eleetteaa se long aa the Rtpubllcana were ia FJJff1" raureads were 'willing WjPjtbToenbol of that tbey And tbe Dinoerii oeottoior 3Yirn there la no nsesssliy for them te eca tributaberSr tot iUpoblleeB out. palgnfund. Ugb Mesas la Hew Yerk. The New Yerk Senate has passed the Cresby high license but Tha vote was 18 te a fwoTUpuUleaaa yettaf with tha Deaa. esraMtatteBesjaUrs. ThaWU wUlBOWge ethaiQTetavar. PRICE TWO TO THE BAR Of J 5,4 i9BBB9rcmt9A99i Bits HI. jilSI . "-v.L.J.'rt3i J Theeesrt Wsatsd-TM tJ Ckicaqe, April L-A nMBr xL, aictsa men mads their flHmlul Miri tklM .iu wwi OTVTBOT. by their sureties. Abovtteae'elaBsU MsuMm uaeeuMsa uim M ssaU KM i capiases, none MrMf I ins court roeot waa dieted parties and thai Antheny announced at 'if: he would remain te teke'J an hour, returning at sMM was sny smeunt et gossip sbetH ejjaf name "en the Hit" The tots revised list or men against wheel I are returned': Commission artel Csaselman, MeLaughrey, Oliver, ' veriy ana macuenaid; exl ieiuen, Uannlgan, Oah Lsnsai. peit, and Wassermani WaressM. Oarlgle, Varnell, and FreyjvSl UU.U nipper; narawai Seckup: Grocer CentraMn. Furniture Contractor Baraalan Contractor Kelllna t Sewer Centra 1 Beiler Contractor Schneider; Cleth!; " jiijjweu; Axcntirei facer; Off contractor J'lek; coal ConUaetora and Coateilee; Produce Contractors and Smith ; Engineers Ed. MoDeaelaV Kavanagn; Contractor Harley dlan Phillip Pattrs Assailant Convicted. San Francisce, April t Dr. uoege was arraltrned bar charged with exploding a bomb in tba opera house en tbe nlgbt of Febtai during tbe performance of Mas. Hedges, when placed en tbe stand, i testimony freely and aald tbat be hat te tbe opera house with tbe latOsVstlaV taxing ms own me wnnepattl se tbat he "could de ber pare In tka i land." He was found guilty -fit -mull 1 ubcu tuixjuimit muruer. Bnscb te Live atcCab te Dt. M . . .. - - JA M.Rni.nnpn tti, . 1-i.a - - - " pardena recommended tbe oemmutatlsB' tne death penalty of Wm. G. Buses, of county, te Imprisonment for Ufa. killed bis brother In a fight and was la banged April 7. The beard declined fere with the execution of the death or Jamea McCabe, of Wayne oeunty, (a uaugeu April -l. fe -e.. v 'f 'r"-r"TnnllTnltiBsgslasst, ; Washington, April L Tha Asm Artuxep OassuaejaJM ib TTTaeVPtaiee et ataxia. Maa. surf i'allSssBMssflisBs1aT- I consul general of Slam, atJ Uahway.N. J April lO. H.E14 Brooklyn, came here thla mernlnc . Itlvely identified the dead girl as Maty J uey,wuu wit uianeuae en YVnnniSnsTI iug. TELEGRAPHIC TAPS. Fire at Greenville, Michigan, last night aa$r tcujruu coe,wu ui property. ; -?33 iipi. j, u. moere, tne aisiinguisned man, died at Crab Orchard, Ky tbla a ing. 'jjjfffl Reuben Hargate, a puddler, whipped Wm uenaia, or uroekiyn, ler a (300 pause, Youngsten, Ohie, thla morning. '4 vr. m. dements, general manager of I crie express company, uaa been eppt general manager of all the lines of the mere z Ohie .railroad company eealaCI Ohie river. WBATBBB IBDlOAXIOMm, ,4 Washington, D. 0., April sa eastern rennsyivania t Fair slightly warmer, preceded aay '41 ram uu tne oestsi, norweny WHMS I te seuineriy. ?; dp AMrj nesisr THKwasrsL -V ? Renewed natural gaa preDSOtlaTaajai en at Sharen. ISj" In Allentown. Ell F. Mlnntesvlav yeara clerk with A. M. Springer 04 niiMiug uuw inuuuajr. r Harry Detreab. a oenduotor en th' rreignt train en tbe East Pennsylvsa read, waa Instantly killed stResdlag, uajr eveuiDg. H. J. Hsyden bas been appeiataaV Intendent or general supplies of tha delpbla & Readlne- railroad, with be quartera in Reading. Tbe positlea la ; one. Theodere Beaument'e large bam. ing ten horses, twenty-fire cows aaa three sheep, was burned early XI morning, at Deven. Net one of tha wasaaved. Tbe barn bad a '.med stb mm attached., ana waa alone vaiuM at i Large quantities or hay ana grata atreyed, together with farming tmt which wlU bring the total less te 111 Mrs. Eatelle Brown Niohei et Wj who sailed with ber husband, Utt. Nichols, at Christmas, 1835, front New te Ountoer. lndl where thev were B duct a mission, bas just reached besBtW return a widow, ner nususnaeav fever at hla mission In tbe Ort months age. The case bss soma sad feature aa the couple were i a lew daya before Bailing. The h settled In their ner horns whoa Mr. fell a victim te what proved a tajai t, The Lecal Death Bssaii. Mr Ellen Albright, widow et tha .: s. Albright, died ea Thursday la year. Funeral ea Monday with In Marietta. Jehn O. Schaanatine, member of J A. loethrealment, P. V died at bla the MUlersvliis pike, ea Thursday, IB r0th year. Mrs. Philip L. Spreeher, wife et tha keeper at the oeunty prison, dld ea dav In her 40th vaar. Trying te Kill Bis Wile. This afternoon at3:15Mr OeerfeEl who keep a bearding boese at Na I Prinee etreet ren into the mayor's out of breath and asked that : officer be at once sent te ss one of ber boarders bed ethers out of the house, aad aha would kiU bis wife as be was In a shameful manner. The i officer te Mr KlOCb'S h writing he has net yet lejeaBsaVg r y v r I Ma a l iifc-' a s. Biakley, llrlssj m i . ar.ruihs ia the Karri bad three veieeble tarkeya stetea est- deyhf"' , $: Csssssaral Benjamin Shee, of Moeat or, yesterday oemmiuea ser a asasass of ths pease aad for draalitB aad ... . . a. A oeadaet, waa thla eealaf N derasaa Baamtr, wears i drew tha seasslalat,aad thai meaaysMsUoreessa. .,,. BaBSBBBiaa-SBSSSSBBSBBBBBBSSy & fMsWMsVWgB Titaaaiflaraacl today by aw 'Wn ?.-. vJJirrp : life! ,, ,, xieM " v ft.,rt T ... Pitit-r tes&y&MZ IS. aswvM FJt