3 Dmfe$te iSnUliiQimm .. . i e KFJ VOLUME XXffl- NO. DEBATING HIGH LICENSE. rata bill mmara roaeiao armamtLt Amman tewabdb pauaum. ease AmtadMSasa Thai Were MM la II en Wedaeeday uia Nat Hand Hash Whew Ik Tim Gam ler Vettag I'pea Thsra-Mr. Nell Did Net Vete. The high license hill wu taken up lath Beese en Wednesday nd Motion 10, te drat te be acted en pawed quickly without oppo eppo oppe Itlon. Mr. Capp (Lebanon) than moved te reeoe elder the vote by which Motion 8, oenUlnlnn the eUum giving the oeurU power te revoke licensee, wm passed. He aipUlnad that ha desired le offer an amandmant merely giving the oeurU tba pewar te impend lloeeae during tha trial of dwler (or violation of law, and If tha dealer abeuld be proven In In In aoeaot than bla llcenu abeuld ba reaterad te him. Mr. Faunce moved te lay Oapp'a notion en tba Uble. Agreed te yeas, 97 nay, 72. An eioltieg aptaeda oeourred before the vote wm announced. Mr. Breeke Mid that tba name or Mr. Nell (Lebanon) wm re corded m voting " no," whan Nell wm net la the Heum. Mr. Capp auggMted that Nell had voted and gene out. but a member from Allegheny Mid Nell bad net been present during the day, and that eomebedy bad voted en hie name. Mr. Fannca then moved that Nell'a veta be atrlcken from the roll call, wbleb Mr. Capp loudly preleatad agalnat Finally Mr. Dearden atated that Nell want home yMterday te remain two day, and the apeaker put Faunea'a motion te atrlke Nell'a name etT, which wm carried almeat unani mously. Hectfen 11 et the bill wm than pawed. It ErevldM that bend for 12,000 rauat be filed fore a lieenM aball Issue. Section 12, providing for an examiner te whom petition, for license .hall be referred, wm adopted, m wm alae aectlen 13, provid ing that constable, .hall make return of all pl.eea where liquor la aeld. Hectlen It, requiring oenatablM te vlalt every liquor Mlenn once a month, led te die die die cumIoe, during wblcb Mr. Mackln declared that "In Mayer Fex', time tha policeman who entered a aaloen after nlgbt waa Instant ly discharged." Mr. Souder wm en hia feet In an Instant, and aaked : ' Hew about polleemen in Mayer Fex's term being In banks after nlgbt r The Heuse shouted ever this reference te tha KensloKten bank affair and pueed the aectlen. Section IS, requiring licenses te be framed and placed in a oenaplcuous place In Ibe room where the liquor Is aeld, came up, when Mr. Hickman offered a proviso that an applicant aball publish the applications, with the names of signera and bondsmen, at leMt twice before tbe license shall be acted en, aayleg that he wanted the bill te be pro tective. fir. Fauece Mid that this wm net meant In be a local option bill, and Mr. Koblnaen, (Delaware) Mked Mr. Ulckman why the temperance people of Cheater county didn't attend te the work of printing the algneraand bondsmen. "Because tbe oeurts have decided that wa have no light te copy them from tbe records" Mid Mr. Hickman. "These papers are matteraef public record, and no court in the aute can debar a citizen from seeing them," aald Mr. Koblnaen. Tba Heum than proceeded te the considera tion of tha special order, and passed finally tha bill le pay the expen.ee of the Inaugura tion of tha governor, and passed en second reading bill making an appropriation te re re atere and confine the Delaware river te tbe original channel in Wayne county. Alae, with amendment, tba bill te enable boroughs te adept and eoaatruet Mwage systems, etc. Consideration of tha liquor license bill wm resumed at 3 o'clock, and there wm a long struggle en the parts of lta opponents te amend the fllteenih aectlen, m proposed by Mr. H lek man. Mr. Hwarti aald that this amendment, If adopted, would WPtgb down tbe bill and probably kill It. It wm In tbe Interest of prohibition, and he wm opposed te prohibi tion. Mr. Hickman aald that he wm sincere In offering the amendment, and If the bill wm se weak that It could net stand tbta amend ment it abeuld falL Mr. Cbadwlek Mid that this wm a scheme te defeat tba bill, and would be austatned by tha friends of the liquor interest, net because they favored the proposed amendment, but In nepM of dividing tbe frlenda of tbe bill and thus leading te lta detest. The amendment wm rejected Yea, 40 ; nays, 110 and tha aectlen wm agreed te. Tba etxteentb section, fixing tbe punish ment for the aala or offering for sale of Tlneaa, aplritena malt or brewed liquors, wm agreed te without amendment. On motion of Mr. Burns the folio wing wm eabatltuted for tba MventMnth aectlen te the word " provided," In the twelfth Una : That druggists and apethacarlM aball Mil ae latoxieeata exeepl upon tba written pre pre scrlpUen of regular registered physician. Any en violating any of the previsions of this eeotlen aball ba liable te tbe same penal Uta M are provided fog In tha alxteanth aec aec teon. Pr. Walk moved te atrlka out tba eeoend proviso In tbe seventeenth aectlen. He Mid that this section, with the second proviso In, would Invade the eeareey wbieh abeuld sur round the relations of physicians and patient and would open te public Inspection three fourth of tha prMorlptleni filled In the drug stores. Tba motion te strike out wm agreed te and tha aectlen adopted. Mr. Bmltb, of Lancaster, offered an amend ment te tba eighteenth aectlen forbidding tbe playing of cards or any game of cbauee In any place licensed te soil liquor. Tela amendment wm opposed by tba frlenda of tha bill and supported by lta opponents ler tha amine reeeene m these presented for and agalnat Mr. Hlekman'a amendment te tha fifteenth aectlen. Tha amendment wm voted down and the Mt Ien agreed te. Tba part of the proviso in tbe nineteenth aeotten reading "That In prosecutions under this aectlen tba common wealth need net prove a aala or delivery el any of Mid liquors where the room, bar or plane appears te ba open or lighted" wm atrlekan out Mr. King offered an amandmant te the first paragraph Inurtlng tbe word "Saturday" for tha word "each," ae aa te make it read: 'Every bar, place or room where spirituous, vlaeua, malt or brewed llquera are aeld, offered for sale or given away aball ba entire ly closed or ahut up at or before the hour of 13 Saturday night," eta Fending consideration of tbe amendment the Beem postponed further action en tbe bill until Thursday meratng at 10 o'clock. ObargM having been nude tbat there wu bribery practised In tbe defeat of tbe bank azaalnar bill, a resolution or investigation area unanimously ordered by tbe Heuaa. Ziffle, of tbla oily, wm among theee demand 'lay ft avivivm or mew, r. v. mat held. The Bs-Uaatsaaat (Jeveraer el Mlasearl Throws HhaMll Dewa aa Elevator Shaft. Bea. Thee. U. Rejnelda committed suicide at tbe custom.beuM at Bu Leuis, en Thurs day afternoon, by plunging down tba eleva ter ebatt from the i tnira noei I fleer. He fall a dls- taaea of eighty feet and crushed hie skull. The ebum ei me nan aet wm mental da- raagemeat auperiadueed by baliaoleatlooe tbalbawaa about te become Insane, In bis Jpeltetwaa found a latter te hia wife elating (hat be intended te end but life. TheDsasO. Rejnelda wm born In Charlee- ally of Virginia aadoencluded hia education iBOermany, greseetug at HaWeiburg in W "- " , WHIHWi H 1 te the bar la Virginia in itt. aa was aaeretarr of the I failed BtaiM tegauea te Hpala ta 188 and Ma. In 18W be ljud aTStSl In MUhe wm elaetad Ueuteaaai governor of Mtsaearl en tbe mm ticket wits DnmJ OUfcfe Jeekaea aad la tha civil war aided with tkJm MM hateagw a dael wMh & Otais raWBnWlaa IWW a aw aaaai 179. BBAtm or vokbade Aaam. la OeealM Oaaaed ay HsasrihBg-A Well ttaewa Baslaaes Maa of This City. Oearad Gaaeer, a well-known resident of Laaeaater, died at bis home, Na S3 Beet Orange street, thla morning at 6 o'eloekla the 52d year el bis age. Ba bad been Buffer ing from dyspepsia aad a pulmonary affsotlea for two years or mere, aad thla morning had a Mvere hemorrhage which terminated fatally at tha hour named. Mr. (lesser wm born In HebafTnauaen, Swltterland, In July, 1835, and eama te Amerlea la 1862. Ha iMrnad abeemaklng with Mr. Krelter, of Lltlta, and afUr finish Ing bis apprenticeship, came te Lancaster, and worked at bla trade for Allen Hick. In 1800 be married Phoebe Heuser, a Bavarian girl. Their children are alx daughters and four sons, of whom only one, LUrle, the eldMt, ta married; abe is the wife of Leuis Belbert On the 9th of March, 1801, Mr. OasMr en listed mb private soldier In Oapt Hbm' Ce. K. 77tb regiment Pa. Vet Vels. He Joined tbe regiment In Tennessee, and aoen alterwards went with It le tbe BeuthwMt te leek alter tbe rebels who were even at that late day belligerent wMt of the MMeslppl. Arriving at New Orleana tbe regiment camped en tbe ground made memorable by Jaokaen's vie. lery. Tbenee by steamer tlTe 77 ih went le Indlanole, Texa, arriving July 27, 1800, and moved tbenee le Camp Nlantey en the Uuadalcupe river, where tbey remained until December 8, 1805, when, having received erdete te return home, they embarked and arrived at Philadelphia, Jan. 10, 1800, and ware mustered out or Mtvlee being tbe very last Pennsylvania regiment te reeslve their discharge. On returning te LancMter Mr. (leaser en gaged for a abort time In the restaurant busi ness, and In 1870 opened a ahee findings snd leather store Na 0 East Orange street, and did a auecessful business until about two years age when be wm compelled te retire by reason of 111 health. He wm a geed business man, and acquired an euy competence by hie Industrious habits. He wm a member of BU Jehn'e German Re formed church, of Teutenla Ledge, Ne. 105, Knlghta of Pythias, and et the LaneMter Llederkrans. Mr. Oasser's funeral will take place Bun day afternoon at 2f o'clock. Interment In LancMter eemetery. A Preailaaat OIUim of White Oafe. Emaauel Keener, of White Oak, Penn township, died Ibis morning, aged about 09 yeara. Hia death resulted from a growth under one of ble eyea, which eventually re sulted In cancer. Mr. Keener wm a farmer by occupation and wm one of Ibe meat use ful citizens In a general way In bis neighbor hood. He wm known te all, and being intelligent and of geed Judgment he wm appealed te by alt claases who had dlsputea or troubles about money or ether matters, and be never failed te give geed advlee, which generally resulted In avoiding expensive law suits. He wm a lifelong Democrat, and almost always a delegate te Democratic county conventions. He sought no etUce, but wm for manyreara elected supervisor et tbe township in which he lived ter tbe PMt thirty-five yeara. He leaves a wife, three eons and a daughter, all of whom are married. One of hia eenr, Jacob H. Keener, la United States store keeper nnder Collector MacQentgle, of thla Internal revenue dlsiilcL Mr. Keener'a funeral will take place Hunday morning. a aeauan ram $17,000. J. Edgar Hell BarprlsM Pbllait.lphia bj Play, lag the Part el a Salndlar. , A warrant has been issued for the arreet of J. Edgar Hell, a member or the firm or It. F. Hell A Ben.agenta of the Riverside distillery, Philadelphia, and manufacturers of Bitter Mall Tonic and ether preparations for drug gists, at Na 82t Walnut street, charging him with passing forged paper en tbe Independ ence National bank. On Tuesday, March 21, Mr. Hell deposited a draft fort 145 against Leenard O. Neyea. a druggist or Warren, Pa, In the Independence National bank, Chestnut below Filth street. The draft bore tbe supposed signature of Mr. Neyea M aoeeptor, and Hell get tbe money. He and tbe firm of B. F. Hell A Hen bad been doing business wltb tbla bank ever alnee it opened, three years age, and m all piper bltberte pre sented bad been properly eared for there wm no suspicion of fraud. On Monday last tbe draft, wbieh bad been sent te warren for collection, wm returned wltb tbe Informa tion tbat Mr. NeyeV elgneture wsa a forgery. On Tuesday a warrant for Mr Uell en tbe charge or forgery wm issued by Magistrate Durham en oemplalnt or Klchard L. Austin, eMbler of the Independence ban k. The war rant wm placed In the bands or the Pinker Pinker Ien detectives, but Mr. Hell bad left tbe e.ty and hM net yet bean found. Tbe sheriff bu taken poaaeaaien et the premises at 824 Wal nut street. Counting the notes already specified tbe bank belda about 117,000 worth of paper en wbieh money bu been advanced te Helt, Thla paper ta signed by different persons (druggists) In at least hair a desen state, and until it fall due tbe bank will be unable te determine bow much bu been forged. In an event. Cashier Austin says, tba bank Is Mfe, for It holds from 836,000 te 840,000 el collateral, the nature of wblcb Is net ststcd, but be aaya It la known te be geed. Be far u la known B. F. Bell la net affected by the forgeries, u the psper ta all algued 'J. Edgar Hell, agent." Tbe elder Hell who hM been mentioned u a candidate for tbe United BUtM marahalahlp, II vea en tbe south east oerner el Thirty-fourth and Uaverferd etreete, and J. Edgar Hell and family lived with htm. Tbe father wm announeed M "net at home" but evening, and et the eon It wm reported "he hM gene away, and we don't knew when he'll return." B. F. Bell wm formerly a resident of Lan outer oeunty. He lived at Meohanleaburg and Intercourse, but moved te Pulledelphla many years sge. wirm man killbe, A aeries of ratal AecMenia lUperled Prem Altoenaand That Viclulij, Wednesday hM been a day of fatalltlM In Alteena and vicinity. Albert Emlgb, a miner, raiding at Portage, rode te Ben'a creak en a caboose. In attempting te alight while tbe train wm running twelve mile an heurhewMBtruck inthebeed by tbe run nlng bar of the pushing engine and burled under tbe wheels, Be wm very much muti lated. HsImvms wife and tour ehlldren. Three hours later a deaf tramp, named David Rlee, wm atraek by the limited as. prMS wMt near Creeson, and ground te Albert Rutledge, aged 17, mine driver, wm ernshed te duth beneath tbe ears In a mine at QalUuln. . A young Hungarian, name unknown, wm caught underafall el coal In tbe mine or Helt A Chlpman at Oeoeela and wm killed In stantly. JeMpbOrlner, an Italian, Is lying in Alteena hospital, bis brains oexlng through his frac tured skull. The unfortunate man wm caught under a fall of atone in a quarry at Putney villa, Armstrong county. He will probably die. Natl Surrendered. Lewis Ibsrt, a boy, wu arrested some time age en tbe charge of stealing f!0 belonging te his grandfather. Be then gave ball before Aldsrmaa MeOIInn ter trial at court. Yes terday ble ball surrendered blm and ba wm arrested and committed ler trial Me ObMrvsoee Here. Wednesday wm the Mveeteenth annlver aary of the adoptlea et tbe fifteenth amend ment te tbe constitution el tbe United Btatee emaneipatlng tha colored race. There waa be apceUl ebae rvaaee of It In this city. 100L The aaacsarlaUen eemml Waa of the Heuse haa agaju te ifiwrtfcTOfably a bill glvleg LANCASTER, PA BRITISH POWER RECEDING. mxnemmm ardmtmt wtama tmm maa- mama abb rmmavm zva ter. s la Aaiaasd That agllsh Statesman Allew These Matleaa aMeaeaelyef Trade.-ats. peatlag ta ataaah Ksala Bey, te Whom BeMsf IiWm DIajtehMI. JtoNDeir, March 81. A letter from U. M. Stanley, under date March tb, bu Just reached Londen. Among ether things Mr. Stanley mys that he Is completely bewildered at tba cenetant yielding and abrlnklng of British power and Influence In Africa. In the wmt and north France and Portugal bava made audeeleua inate te exclude British trade. At Zant ibar tbe British float bM given wsy te the Oermsn wbeM traders there already largely outnumber tbe Eng lish. Tbe Oermsns are ominously sggrM slvs m well m haughty and overbearing. Tbe natlvMtoek en and wonder at this changed state of affaire and tbe British are superbly Indifferent. Zanstbar wm all ready te drop Inte the pale of British belongings, but at tbe first sign of the approach or a Oer man gunboat tbe Idea wm abandoned. Mr. Stanley deeply regrets tbat English states men are ae easily vanquished. Referring mere Immediately te the object of bis preeert expedition, Mr. Stanley says that be found Tlppoe Tib with tbeusanda of Arabs under bis command ready either te fight or work. Be oheae that Tlppoe abeuld de the latter, net ae much for the purpose el helping blm te reach Emln Bey, but chiefly te enable him te bring away 00.000 worth of Ivery. Tlppoe hM been appointed governor or Stanley Falls at a regular Mlary. His duties will ba te repulse hostile Araba, de feat alt raldere for slaves and abstain from tbe alave trade blmseir below Btaeley Falls. If Tlppoe commits a breach of contract bla aalary will at once eeaaa. Tbua far there hM beeu no hitch In tbe pregrete el tbe expedi tion; everybody expressing tbe utmeat sym pathy and rendering assistance. Mr. Stan ley further Mya that he bM succeeded In no tifying Emln Bey of tbe probable date en which he will reach blm. Tlppoe Tib hM ordered all his people te concentrate at Stan ley Falls. IXPaOTM VO tCVVBBD. The Oommusleaer et Agrtenltere te T.st a New Precess ler Seger Making. Waiuikotem, March 3L Commissioner of Agriculture Celman, who bM returned from his Southern trlp,wu at hia desk In tbe department te-day. Tbe object of bla visit wu te select a plantation upon which te make experlmenta In the. extraction el sugar from cane by tbe newdlffuslen process He hsd a conference In New Orleana with the Sugar Qrewera' association, and, at hia re quest, that association appointed a committee of eight te Mlect tbe plantation. Tbat com mlttee, with the commissioner, traveled all ever Louisiana and unanimously concluded that tbe plantation el ex-(Joverner Warmouth wm the beat adapted and that selection wu made. "My reception there," Mid tbe commis sioner this morning, " wm most gratifying, and I never knew exactly what Southern hospitality was, until I made this trip 1 wm banquetted frequently and bad a meat enjoy able time. In regard te this experiment, I anticipate a aucceuful outcome, and If I am m successful m I expect, tbe sugar trade el tbe country will be revolutionized. The sugar mill of te-day will be a tblng of tbe put, and about 40 per cent, of the preaent leas will be Mved by tbe new process.". Bharldaa and KodleettOood Friends. Washinutex, March 31. Lieut General Sheridan and SUIT have returned from tbe West, and were at the war department to day. Tbe general selected a site seven miles from Denver for a military pest, and the paper relating te tbe transfer et title will be submitted te tbe attorney general. General Sheridan Mya there la net tbe slightest foundation for reports or friction between Secretary Eodlcettand himself en any cause for disagreement. The Lest siMm.r exploded. St. Jeiikh, N. F., March 31. Tbe latest reperta tbat have reached here wltb regard te tbeleM of the ateamer Esgle are that tbe veaael wltb her crew of two hundred and fifty men ran en the shoals near Funk Island off Benavlsta bay, and tbat her boiler exploded completely wrecking her. Seme of tbe debris, such m deck ladders, tbe lerecMtle deck and cooking gear with tbe steamer's name en, bu been picked up en the lee. Partleulara of tbe dlsuter are lack ng. leUrnal lUv.nae Bfgalatlea. Washington, March 31. Commissioner el Internsl Revenue Miller baa tasued directions te collectors te the effect that net mere than two members of the ume family, ( each family te be regarded u Including all lta relatives by bleed or marriage), aball be ap pointed or retained In the Internal revenue Mrvlee In any collection district Charles Uamble. Dead. I'im.ADKLiilUA, March 81. Mr. Charles Camblea, tbe yeuug banker of thla city wbe married Lillian Conway, or Brooklyn, tbe well-known opera slnger.dled at St Jeseph's hospital thla morning. Mr. Camblea hM been In 111 health for some dsys. Ooee West. Christian Kehrer, of Struburg, a well known farmer, lift Lancaster at 2 o'clock thla morning ler Charlton oeunty, Me., where be bu large land Interest, and where one of bla married daughters retldee. Farmer Rohrer wu accompanied by another daugh ter, Mary, wbe will remain in the weat a year. Mr. Rebrereaya tbe section of country he la about te visit Is well weeded, well watered, bu a rich deep soil, excellent rail road accommodations, and the land tellaat from 85 te 840 per acre. Charged With Laresny, Ann Reeh bM been arrested and committed te answer the charge of lareeny before Alder man MeQllnn. It appMra tbat en last Satur day a little daughter of Mary Chambers, welding in tbe Seventh ward, wm en her way borne from down town, wltb a buket or previsions wbieh some kind person bad given bar. She wm met In the street by tbe Reeh woman who took held et tha buket and emptied the oententa alter wbleb she carried off tbe buket. Blectlea el Officers. Metamora tribe Na 2. of Red Men. or thla city 1 eleeted the following officers last nlgbt ; Prophet, Geerge Kauffmsn ; aachem, Jehn W. Wslsgsrvsr j unler aagamere, Charlee L, Ebler ; Junier asgamere, Lereax Qulgley j chief et records, Jehn H. Brown t kMper of wampum, Jebn Craabaugh 1 trustee, Jehn L. Ceyle; representative te QrMt Council or Pennsylvania, Jebn M, MeCulley. BU-lck.D by CoBsdeae. In the president's mall, Wedneeday, wm a letter postmarked Brooklyn, N,Y.,addreaaed te Hen. Grever Cleveland, etc., and contain. Ing a 8100 geld certificate and a aeteMylna tbat " tbe money la ter custom beuse duty." It wm sent te the treasury department and placed te the credit of " Conscience," m Death el a Tretter. Oummlnga Brethers, of Harrlsberg, lest their great mare, Bessie M, ea Wednesday artaraoea. Bhahedartoerdot 2:20 and wm .ThlttrttffMM. THURSDAY, MARCH At mumm auaim. The Walla at the Mew Ooeaty Prison at etaiet- harg sMgtaalag te Oiew. from the Philadelphia Bulletin. Contractors R. A. Malene A Ben have re sumed work en the walls of the proposed new oeunty prison, at Helmubarg, opposite te the beuM of correction, and expect te bava their portion of tbe work done before Sep. Umber. The great circular prison wilt surround twelve acTM of ground. There will be four walls, each ever nine hundred feet long. The foundation bM an average depth of 8 feet and la ten feet wide. The walls will rise te a height of thirty-five feet above the foundation line. They are ten feet thick at the bue and will gradually taper until they will be but Z rest wide at tbe top. There will be 32,000 yarda of maaenry In Ibe walla and It will re quire about 74,000 tens or atone te de tbe work, an average of two tens te every yard. Stockton brownstone li being used, and many of the blocks wslgb ever three tens each. Tbe contract of It. A. Malene A Hen Is for tbe building of 23,090 yarda of tbe muenry, requiring about 60,000 tens et atone. Ma Ma tene'a men build about 180 yarda of maaenry a day, and about two thlrda of the founda tion and a small portion or the walla have been finished. During the winter they were unable te de any work en tbe great walL The een tract for tbe remaining portion of the wall bM net yet been given out by tbe prison Inspector, but tbey will probably seen mske a contract for the completion of the entire wait The plana and specifications for the tall have net yet been .approved, and It la net known when the ground for tbe building win ue oreicen. ler this year 8200,000 hu been appropriated te continue the work. lbibmlbw Baremm thbjvdqb. the Court rises the Ballet av.000 for Bla Ap. pcaranca at A prtl Court. Alexander Lelbsler, In Jail for stabblne Qeerge W. Pentz, was taken before Judge Livingston in the orphans' court room tbla morning, wltb a view of admitting blm te ball. Dr. H. B. Foreman was called u a wit- neu te prove Pentx'a condition and he test). neu that I'entz wu new out et danger. The court fixed 82,000 m tbe amount of tbe ball. that being tbe fame amount demanded by Alderman Barr. In order te admit him te ball, Lslbsley having been committed for a hearing, It wm necessary for a hearing te be waived. The alderman wm aent for and Lelbaley formally waived a hearing and wm committed for trlat There wu a dllllculty In securing ball after Ibe amount wm fixed at 82,000. T. Park Uutbrle, of thla city, and Owen McManua, of Columbia, agreed loge one-half or it and after they were Justified u te their property and their recognizance wu taken for 81,000, Lelbaley wu then Uken te tbe atatien house and locked up while hia friends were endeavoring te find a bonds bends man for the additional 81,000. He had net secured ball up te neon and wai still in cus tody. Lelbaley'. frlendn were unabl te get the addlUenal 81,000 ball and tbe prisoner waa taken back te tbe county Jail. Base Ball Mews. The Athletics open te-dsy with the Penn sylvania University team. Tbe Wllkesbarreclub baa thirteen players algned. Ktldle Sales and Pat Wetzil will attetiit te de the pitching. The Baltimore club opened their aeavm yMterday by defeating tbe Pennsylvania University team. The score wu 7 te 3. Tbe Detroit club split up in Savannah yM terday. One nine went te Charleston and defeated the club or that town by 7 te 1. The ether .remained in Savannah and did tbe local team up by 21 te 1. The Wolverieea have made a great showing In the Seutb, and much la expected et them. We have received from A. G. Spalding an advance copy of the Official IUw Bill Guide for 1887. It is tilled wltb the most interest ing kind or matter for ball players, mana gers and levers or tbe great gamn. Ithu correct plcturea or Kelly, Cenner, O'Reurke, Breutbers and Ansen, the great battels or tbe League, wltb sketches of tbelr lives sod rec ords. The new rules are fully explained, and the averages or the players In all tbe leagues and associations are given for last sea son. MOBBBBIBH AT MAMBTTJ. Tha 8(ero et Jehn Ceble Kntered Abratn Heminy Ylatted The Cfdone Victim Harlad. Marietta, March 3L Sometime en Tues day night burglars entered tbe store or Jebn Ceble and atele goods, consisting otaheea, oletb, silk, soap, Ac, te the smeunt et 300. Tbey effected sn entrance by unlocking tbe deer and forcing tbe deadlatch with a jimmy. Tbe goods were Insure J in the Thett Insur ance company. Tbe thievea also entered Abram Summy'aceal office by unlocking the deer. They opened the Mfe, but found noth ing worth taking except aeme rare medala or tbe campaigns el Van Buren and Harrison. The remalna or Geerge Musaelman, the young man who wu killed by a cyclone In Colerado a few weeks age, were brought here lut evening. The body wu found eighteen miles from bis house with his skull crushed. The horses of a farmer while plowing fright ened at aeme object and upon examination the corpse of Musaelman wu found partly covered with Band. The funeral took place from hia metber'a house at 11 o'clock te-day. Id Jail ler Breach of Premise. Seme months age Judgment wm obtained in the court of common pleas against Lyman Bltzerfer damages In a breach or premise suit He paid part el the Judgment but left unpaid a small portion of the claim. On Wednesday, Martin Sblrk, father or the girl who bad brought theaul', Issued a1, fa. and ca. aa., Bltzer wm arrested and ledged in tbe oeunty Jail by the sheriff. Tbla morning hta counsel made application te Judge Living aten for bla discbarge as an insolvent debtor, by being unable te satisfy tbe Judgment Biizer filed a bend, wltb security for bis ap pearance for examination en a day tebe fixed aa te hia property and wm released from prison. m Barney Kryoeldk' Company, At the King street theatre there was a large audience lut evening, when the pregramme wm the same m given before. Tbe attend ance at tbe matinee yesterday wm net large. Te-morrow afternoon another matinee will he given, and aa there will be a great many country people in te-n they will have an opportunity of aeelng a geed show at low prices. Helera Ih. Majer. Ames Albright wu drunk yesterday for the flrat time In a year. He wm arrested by Chief Smith, and spent tbe nlgbt In tbe ata ata teon house. Tbe mayor discharged him with a reprimands A young man of geed appear anee, en hlaTead home, wbe wu aoeninmo dated with lodging, wu discharged. Commuted Pera Hearing. Benjamin Sbee, of Mount Jey, arrMted en oath of Jehn B. Martin, of the same place, for drunken and disorderly oenduot and surety of the peace, wu taken before Alder, man Spurrier, and In default of ball wu com milted for a bearing en Monday next at 12 o'clock. Changed Their Uasrtera. Camp 27, P, O. & el A., bava changed their Iqeartera from Keplere building te tba room of tba Junier Meehanlea, la tha laqelrar bttlldUf, 31, 1887. CARDINAL MANNING AGREES WITH OABntHAL VIBBOMB OB TBB BBBAT QOBtTlOM Of LAHUB. Hearty ApprSval or the Assatleaa PretaU'e D.I.OM of lha Kalghta-TraelBg the Origin of Oetids Bach te AaUqally-A Notable clerical Ueliveraace. Baltimore, March 31. A special dispatch from Reme gtvM the following m the text of the letter of Cardinal Manning, archbishop of Westminister, regarding tba Knlghta of Laber, te a prominent divine of that city i "Archblthep't I touts. n-Mtmiruler, Jionden, March 21, 187. My diar lord t 1 have read wltb great assent Cardinal Gibbens' docu decu rant..,n relation te tbe Knlghta of Laber. The Hely See will, I am aure, be convinced by hie exposition of tbe atate of the new world. 1 hope It will open a new field of thought and action. It paasea tbe under standing that officious persons should be listened te rather than church efflclala. Surely the episcopate et the whole world la the meat powerful and direct Instrument In tbehendaerthe Hely See for gathering correct local knowledge and enforcing its decisions. Wbe can knew the temper or Amerlea, England and Ireland m they who have a finger upon the pulse of the people T Hitherto the world bM been governed by dynasties ; henceforth the Hely See will have te dMl with tbe people, and It bM blaheps In deee dally and personal contact with the people, The mere clurly and fully thla is perceived, tbe stronger Reme will be. Never at any ume dm me episcopate Deen se aetacnea from clvle powers snd Uiilted In Itself, and se well able .te see, te realize and te nse Its powers. Failure te see snd tiM these powers will breed much trouble snd mischief. My tbsnks are due the cardinal for letting me abare in the argu ment. If I can find a copy et my lecture ea Tbe Dignity and Rlgbu of Laber,' I will Med It te blm. It will, 1 think, qualify me for knighthood In the order. Brentano some years age published books en the guilds, In which be proves tbat tbe association or labor and crafts geea back te antiquity, but there Is tbla notable fact : In tbe English and Teu tonic lawa tbey were recognized, favored and chartered ; In tbe imperial and Latin laws they were rigorously prohibited. We are at thla day u a church, the mother, friend and protector or the people. Aa the Lord walked among tbem, ae Hia church Uvm among them. Tbe cardinal's argument is Uresis table. DaturHr-srjiicKsj tbxab. Caltl. Dleg aad tha People ea tha Brink of Starvation Pallers el Creps. Sa. AifTO.ftA, Texas, March 3L In many portions et tbe territory tributary te this city the suffering from drought Is severe. In Ataaca oeunty the people bave been robbed of bare necceesarlea. All crops are a failure. Milk and butter are scares. Lean klne are u common u fat ones once were, snd unleu It rains aoen tbe people will be brought te starvation. North and weat, in Medina county, the cattle are dying ae fut their ewnera cannot akin tbem, and though in aectlns larther west the mortality la net ae great it la very large. Tbe number of dead and dying cattle can be beat appreciated by comparison of the hide market here. It Is always a large one and active, but new It la overstocked and prleea are dropping hourly. There la In many portions of the country ab solutely no range, and would net be for some weeks though It should rain te-night Texu grass is bard te devitalise but the months of drought bave proved tee mucb for it There la consequent uneulnesa in stock circles. waah ma run aura. Dlabarrsd Prem Practice A rfember el Naw Presidential Postmasters. Washinotev, March 31. James E. Rob inson, of Farge, Dakota, wu tc-day dia barred from practice before the Interior de partment Tbe president te-day appointed the follow ing named pestmuters: Frederick Hever, at Uelten, Kan.; A.M. R. Fitzslmmena, at Reading, Mich.; Jas. A. Canavan, at St Josephs, Mich.; Otte Kaupp, at Blue Earth City, Minn.; Oliver H. Soett, at Hebren, Neb.; Lafayette My era, at Grand Island, D. T., and T. M. Davie, at Alfred Centre, N, Y. Tbe newly appointed third assistant post pest muter general, Henry R. Harris, of Georgia, te-day took tbe oath el office and will usume active charge of tbe office te-morrow Tbere are new 2,340 presidential postefilces in the United Stales. Since March 4, 1SS5, changes from old te new pestmuters bave been made in 2,140 of these efUcea, leaving 200 of tbe pesimutera wbu were In office March 4, 1SS5, still In olfiee. The president today appointed CbarlM Hubbard te be collector or customs at Hart Hart eord, Ceuuectlcut atill A mtarmHt. The Mard.red O Irl at Kahwah Thought te Have Been IdanuOad. The body of tbe young woman murdered at Rahway, N. J., en Friday night hu at lut been Identified. Superintendent Harrison, of tbe Newark City Heme, who visited the morgue, has recognized the body u tbat et Mary Mallbri, an orphan, who bad been an Inmate of that Institution. Sbewu given leave of absence recently and went te Eliza beth te enter tbe aervlee of a lady named Winana. Tbla lady wu brought te Rabway rind alae Identified tbe body. At one time she went by the name of Kennedy and kept company with a man named Byrne, Rauwat, N. J., March 31. The solution of tbe murder mystery of this plaee la u far away u ever. Mary Mai by, whom tbe su perintendent of the Harrison City home, of Newark, wm ae positive wm none ether than tbe dead girl, la alive and well, living tn Newark. She presented herself at tbe Newark police beadqurters this morning m proof el the fact Antelne Knell, tbe tramp arrested In Jersey City with the bloody knife In bis possession and bleed atalna en hia clothe, wm discharged this morning, the pollee having become convinced tbat be ta in no way connected with the crime. nis Pelar Eipsdltlen Abandoned. Winnipeg, Man., Mareh 3L Alex Mo Me Arthur, wbe left here about a month age te find tbe North Pele, hM returned. The newe oftbemevementaoftbe Eskimos whom b expected te meet wu diioeuragtng. They will net be en Hudsen bay till the fall, and m the only ether route wm tbat which Cot Glider found impracticable, he decided te abandon tbe trip ter the present He aaya he will make another attempt next fait Col Cel Gilder, Ihe ether Arclle explorer, Is still here 19,000 rer Killing liar Hnshend. Da.nekiu'ikld, Texas, March 8L In the diatrlet court yMterday tbe jury In the case of Mrs. Cellem against tba East Line railway, a branch et the Missouri Pacific, for damsgM for tbe killing of her husband, a conductor en tbat read, brought in a verdict assessing tbe damagM at 112,000, f 0,000 for the auppert of henell and 3,000 each for the support of her two children. The evidence adduced ebewed tbat the accident wm caused by a defective engine used by the oempany. m Paying Their Baspeeta. WABniNaTe:, March 31, Interstate Cem meree Commissioners Ceeley, Morrison, Bragg, Walker aud Bhoenmaker called at tha White Heum te-day, and were shown into ue prMldent'e library where they were received by blm. Salutations were exchanged, and a little informal ebst Indulged In . At neon the commissioners left the executive mansion. Their visit, tbey say, wm simply te pay thelr nepeekv A J.I from the auaaalaer. Ai MTiaaliliajBgiWlwaamTtsawNetas.'' auvaaa cmAttmiaw wmBaata. OaasMerabla steviag Hetag Deae-HlscMsa et Ledge aad Church OMeers-A aXMlay lave Werka Capiat Isjated. egnlar Correspondence of Iarrauiasscaa. Columbia, March 3LFer tbe past Mverai dsys moving hM been very brisk la town, aad will oentlnue until after.the let of AprlL The first day of next month la the annuel moving day here, and ever year a great many families change residence, Tha row of crick houses erected by Msssra. Beehmaa t Ferry, at Third and Market streets, have ban rented and famlllM are already taking possession. In every street teams can ba seen heavily ladened wltb household furni ture, etc, The large number of new heusea lately erected, bave found tenants, and every desirable dwelling house In Columbia will be occupied within the next lew days. K tactien el encers. At the regular meeting of Orien Ledge, Ne. 876, of Odd Fellows hsld Ust evenlng.the following officers were elected te urve for tbe ensuing term t Neble grand, JamM A. Allisen ; vice grand, S. W. GullM ; eeretsry, Jehn L. Purple ; assistant secretary, Martin IL Smith ; treasurer, Geerge W. Sohreeder; trustee for eighteen months, A. O. Brunsr. At a congregational meeting of the mem bers of tbe Church et Ged, held last night, the following officers were eleeted : Elders. Jeseph Strawbridge, Wm. ,L. Beltlet, Gee. k. mi pie; deaaene, G. F. Htelnhelser. Jehn J. Temple, Sampson Snyder, Blmen Brown. Simen Null. A Narrow Kaeap. Albert Ltllte, employed In the cleaning room of the Keeley Steve oempany, while at work yMterday afternoon, bed pieced a wheel barrow et outings en tbe elevator, which be started tn motion. After closing a deer he made an an attempt te Jump en the moving elevator, but wm caught In the beams and machinery. The young man sus tained Mverai Mvere bruises about the legs and arms, and his face wm somewhat cut octal Gatherings. The Ladles' Working eeciety of the St Jehn'e Lutheran church will held a sociable this evening at the residence of Mr. Geerge W. Flndley. The members of tbe Mount Zlen A. M. E. church will bold a pink tea party tn tbe armory this evening for tbe benefit or f church. A very novel affair called a " ' Party" will be held this evenir8' rectory room of the St Paul'a P. E. t for the benefit or the Brotherhood of 1 Andre wa. The M. I. eeciety will bold a meeting en Friday evening at the realdence of MIm Emilie Bucher, corner Sixth and Locust streets. Town Brevities. The Waits comedy company presented " Tbe Black DlamenCL" In the opera house lut nlgbt te a very large aUclence. The fel lowing partlM received gifts 1 Tfckei Na 8,903, held by Samuel Sarbaugb, drawamlaidM fiiunr Tnnii wa b7 nlh butter dish ; ticket Ne. 9,287, held by jSaSaJJ10 ?jt 4 n.ecn, roreiTsu a cream piicner, ana IICKM Ne. a.E60. held bv Jehn Allisen, tha nanlrl.. rlna. II Th IIMitan R.nrin m k !. te-nlBht The friendly concert between the Wslte band and Ironville band will take place en Friday afternoon, at ISO o'clock. A special meeting of council will be held this evening In the council chamber, for the purpose of making exonerations of tbe borough tsxM new in the bands or Collector Duttenhefcr. ServlcMwlU be held en Frldsy In the St Paul's P. . church m fellows : 10:30 a. m. subject, "The Atonement for Shi ;" 430 p m. subject, "Of Recreation ;" the evening Mrvlce will be held at 7 o'clock. Tbe hardware atere of Messrs. Heckel St Paine bM been greatly Improved by tbe placing of two handsome bulk windows. Tbe room hu been enlarged. A pair of apectaclea were found en Seuth Fourth street which can be hsd at Dr. Markel's drug store. naw mvLMa mom xam b a at xr ab t a. The area! Read Getting la Shape ler the In-ter-State Bqair.m.nts. The Pennsylvania railroad company will mske publie te-dsy Its tariff under the Inter. state commerce bill. The main points are that one general classification will be used for all bustneM passing ever the sys tem, and the ume classification will be used by all Hum north et the Ohie river and cut of the MUslsslppL There Is a great change, taking the place u It deM of twenty-Mven different ciaaeinoa ciaaeinea ciaaeinoa tlens which have up te this time been In use. Tbe same rale will apply under the new tarlfls in either direction that the goods are shipped. An official el the company stated that they had made tbe readjustment net alone te comply with the terms of the bill la order that the bill may be obeyed, but that the bill bM been oenatrued literally and ap plied te all 11dm local and etherwUe ae m net te charge mere for the abort haul than the long one. In a majority of cases the new raise will ahew a decreaae from tbe old. The Pennsylvania under the new manage ment is te be divided into three branches, namely : Lecal, which embraeee all points eMt of Pittsburg and Erie snd north of Rich mend ; coal andceke, which pertains te f nsl en all parts of the system ; and through freight, which covers businem going off tbe Pennsylvania llnea Inte New England, Canada and the WMt Tbe bituminous coal association agreed te make the nrlee of coal at the mlnM SI per net ten. The Pennsylvania bu made the rate te Bosten, delivered, 12.75, and the prlee of the coal added te this will make the cost at Bosten 13.75 per ten. m Trim te Cremate H.r Landlady, Atlanta, Ga., March 31. Seme time age Mrs. Annie Flnley, wbe claims te ee e sister of Frank and Jesse James, reaenea mis ciiy and obtained lodgings with Mrs. Rem Lee. Tuesday Mrs. Flnley became angry at Mr Lee for some cause, and preceded te take re venge. She built a fire in the eteve, and kept it up until the stove wm red het Mrs. Flnley then grasped Mrs. Lee, and was In the act of laying her en the eteve te rout her when a servant entered. Mra. Flnley la new In prison, where she attracts much atten tlen. Met Pleased With Mrs. Petter. Londen, Mareh 31. The Standard mya : Mrs. JsmM Brown Petter Is at present net an actress. Whether ahe will become one Is a quMtlen for future yeara te decide. She Is no doubt earnuU but the experiment of giving te amateura the principal characters of plays is net te de oemmenaea." Mlteh.U salt, for America. Londen. March 3L Charles Mitchell, tbe pugilist, Mlled for New Yerk today aoeom. panted ey nis who. it is nu inteuuuu tu enter the pugUUtte arena Immediately after bis arrival In America, and ne win sees a match wltb Sullivan at tbe earllMt oppor tunity. i m Ne Beeeaa Wanted. Londen, Mareh 3L Tbe Morning Tint Mya tbe government lntende te Mk the Beuse of Commens te alt during tha Easter holidays In order te carry tbe crlmubUlte Its eeoend Teadlng. Knlghta ef labor Tleiertea. Rutland, Vt, Mareh SL-1 the usual vtiiuaaieetioevMtsrdsythe general ticket WMeanled by tbe Knlghta of Laber by a majority of 76 w a vote et 1, 148. wbabumb AMMumAnma. sMani WAanwMwsT, D, C., llaNk IL Vex majt PRICE TWO SCORING Til na mmwam mm 4Brta a attanmwu "s5 s4'l. HABRiaacaa, MUkTahSi,-tttaaf I esyreuersea, 01 nHsaMfkaV iwiewing, watea waa aaiaew :., . vvHaTBaua, TveBfiusaa has under ecwMaefatlM as 1 into enact a eecenes ana visions and la teat am a , tlenal llbert la lralaaa awdTI freedom ertbe press, u right at and thesuspsnsloaef WtJeTjatJ eat reasons only. Tmmnmm!N- Acoivee, xbm tae ueaas) . mt 1 "" nsroey .enters na a rill enforcement et aneh heartleaa an uiws upon a people etrag wung yese or a rendel ara onneraoiy MSB ing a higher tonemy, aad that wa extend ai;n-eiiand their su pperteraaaw bleeding and down-treddesT Irelead 1 H-"j w uwireeana presaefvM waaaea VVBMeAlUU-nBBfUbias i - 8hawe,Foete, Kauaee,LaffeTt Mali -,Bj,puiiiiBu a committee te lav cnargu or blackmail, la com Dana examinere bill. -t; urns were passed sppreprlatlag oennne tbe Delaware river te Mai ceannei in Wayne oeunty 1 te 1 eughe te adept a sewage system of thai cm paasea second reeding; nqttlrlaf v brokers te pay a lleesM of MMl asaTa prlatlng $200,000 toward the oemzeetiea WMtern penitentiary. $, ini nign license mil DM 'PsaSM ssssl reading In the Heuse te-dsy by eves at j yeu te &3 nsys with the amendmaat 1 out requiring tbe olealng of lit at or before midnight Peeples, and Baldwin voted in affirmative 1 Bmltb and Kemper in negative. A MB BAILBOlgf h?Btue'.M. arrtvasat BVTB. The Marietta AoeemmodatJos Mai ass at 1:40 a. m. and reaches Marietta at leavM ceinmeia at u:a a. m. aaa rnsriTilns Marietta at 1M1 ana hM. Marietta at 146 n.m. and arrlvM at Cel MB t also, iMves at SJsand arrives at Me. The Yerk AeconuneaaUos leavea MarM MO ana arrives at ijaneuMratsmc thh.-miiarlcf AAoemmodAtloa. wast. ""XiXviJtti&ar M! raaneauu Aeoemmoaatlon, aastMvas. capital stoat aad rmenw laassatat Masai, Inte ahsTM et '4tten west, hu been formed xprees at MS directors u fellows : Obs." president : Ellsha Atkins, vluvhem U Ames, 8. R. Callaway, QoreY . 'r,,..! nmiV-r wl't WSsRSt. J-. VCr, J Uly 8th. JOk beta ta net fcnewn- By the Coalville ahert out fat abandoned. . Ing te the articles of incorporation uM la te build from the Wyoming llae ' te; ; Platte river, thence via Muddy Creek te Grand river and up tha Grand valley! eait Aiaxe uiiy, witn nranc&aa u Colorada" a Abandoning Its kvsaw. .'J'l dubuque, lows, uareh SLia view the compllcatlene and lltlgatlcn that arisen ever the struggle for tbe masatty two oearas or airecters, ue lllineta bM surrendered Its lease ei the Dabaqaa i hieux city reaa te use enect at tha azp tlen of Its twenty year lessanext falL decision will oempel the lllineta Central t build a parallel line a distance of 158 : from Dubuque te Iowa Falls, toeonneot J a line It already owns running from P.II.IaOIaiiv .! rZL. ,. apmakbb vABLiBiar eeimimmvi na Think. Sh.imsn'. NashvUle Sassssi i tains Sema Pacnllar PMtatea,, vVc Cincinnati, Mareh 31 Speaker A arrived here this morning; Wheal he had noticed any thing peculiar Mil Sherman's NsshvUle speech aa M i the se called "bloody ablrt" Carlisle aald: "Yes, certainly- quite peculiar. Why, he took bloody ahlrt and faced the TTirnlillt " right about en tee quMtien of IM Interferenee by tbe national state affairs." sm: it en tbe assumption of preteetlag list i ered cltlMnsin tbelr exeielse of thai privilege T" Ym ; It proclaimed a decidedly i conciliatory policy." "And wbat of bis financial idseaT" "I see nothing new la them, whatever. Be talked te win tha eel lew manufacturing peepte aewn tamaT.t--a That la pretecucn for Hontessatl triMT" " Ym; bnt tbe doctrine will met itself te the maaaM of tha Beuthera Harrlaea May Be InSaesd (a 1 Chicago, Mareh SL Tha talk at emtie headquartera this mernleg la' Carter B. Harrison will yet head the I Tuesday. It la believed that ble mud tf 1 areeeeUve condition and that ergs sufficient strength are alone needed te i !.. ....M.A It la tmtmmt AnlalAM aad MH-' UIIU IBWIIW am Mvw. w - ww vw.w.q mayor once mere. ; jf-' jl ThecommlttMef nveDemoeratai at Uat night's meeting te Mlect a caadMl for mayor called en Mayer BarrieeaisatC. dueed him te accept a nominauea mr I A member of the oemmlttee aald as ! tbat Mr. Harrison bad accepted and positively make the race. &i Mssasehnsatts reaets Qa Lawbeneb, Mass., Mareh SL Oa Owl inat the Sunday Telegram publlehad? eernlcg the Bt Femora day parade) I eua, Illustrated article, which tM , 3'mei In a bitter editorial deaeda reflection en the Irish people aadaaUati tha Irish seclsUM te boyeott tha sfsa1 Ancient Order of Blbarelaaa hava convention et all Irish eeclettaa aeatl te oenslder the proposed boyeott, Tat' gram publtahers offer, laeaaa tag declared, any amount of peetera i tbeaotlen free of ebarga. Other attf.i papewwlUtekeahaadhstaalgM. yt- eoe atrikete Gala Tfesa resae,(V7-j naw ie,mraiim Hina 900 men ueiengmg te vsnoea wwasas In completing the aew wlag at aat ' ble Lite AMuraaea aeclaty 'a k lnr from the emolevment of I workmen, employed bytUTJawaM) Illuminating oempaay, The non-union maa w the mea returned te work. .'. ...,i!- ; Clear aad CeM ne el AkVsV Wabbinqten, MaMhlU-TM.i vice efflclala nay that ta I general ea the AUaauet Itia aamsag ear, aeme rata aad ela alght Te-swirrawtttwi sasaaV. WABHiaareir, mmmm 1 Is Osaaesnaa saa -' '"'' aha Cthmee AevygajaaJMa, CeeaayHiBahanv laaQasMM --? aaaTBamr amsamsa! : aeameaeVv aw vi ,,.,-.. t-lte :?(., .r"n WW M ami imwaal lAmmmmk JUeMMpi aV- Hii l????? sm f Lit . !Lt-laat.liAJJ.u-v.i.. .... '-tltA I'l i - ''" ... ?at,v sy..dLKJukrf-.kLM L-k.rt &-J fhi fi rj&j&A:?& si rtSiV3S&2 .Otun..i-ri - Sffl". ..'W-.m,J