B.i IMH. la KVB K iw"J.t rTSi. JTTf. frs7viw ;,-; -W" tSiW.l!I5!i;jiJ': ' TMS t juwr&per it v ', r 'jt" - fifc&i " 4 ttkKj '. i a i" - SaBhBa. il t A " OT i if 14 CLU IMMJXtf f l, v mr---waBk ivf? r aWaWaWasw . AmaTamwmW flBi bbbb .af bbbT bbbb. bbbb aBBsT aT. bbbbTI (. t I 'j'r '"i ',& : VOLUME XXm NO. A PHILADELPHIA CRASH. rtam or JAaaa j jeajr mVMTMU JIOFMMMr BV1BBB. DlmmlNnMXr UU la Mm BeHSIThat Jam. Baaler Barged rap te tae Aateaat f a gaerter ef Mllrlea Deusra-Tne Uasksr City alaeh Biclted. S,Y Tb development already brought te ilfkt In tbe affair el tba firm of James A Jehn Huntar, Philadelphia, the positive charges of forgery wade by various bank tba appre benaleathat tba werat n net known, and that Other Irregularities might ba brought te tba surface all theaa oemblned Undad te eraata aanaatlen la flaaaelal elrclaa Wednes day and among butlneaa man generally. Tba attachment laauad by Kean, Bedlna A Ce. waa bat the precursor of atmllar proceed proceed leg, and tba lawyers were kept buy la is suing them and reeerdlng mortgage! and oenveysnoes of tba firm's property. At the oleao of the flaanelal day tba sett mata of the amount of tba paper laeaed bear' lag tba firm's endersemente varied from 340,000 te 9400,000, about tbraa-fenrtba of which, it la supposed, wss of a fraudulent character. There baa been traced about 1230, 000, all el which. It la alleged, la forged, al though some of It may be duplicated In the d liferent account, but It la autherltattrely atalad that ever 1200,000 or paper bearing Ibe name of Jamee Leng ba been examined and pronounced te be lerged. An unexpected fact wm develeed, namely, that tba name of x Jehn Field, et tna tlna of Teung, Smyth, Field A Ce., had been forged te three note, two of which are held by the Klghth Na'ienal bank and one liy the Independence National bank, each net being for 16,000. Hew many mere of aucb notes, if any, are In exUtenee la, an yet, unknown. A. te tba whereabeut of Jamei Hunter there wa no light thrown during the day. lie bad net returned Irera New Yerk, and It waa rumored net only that be did net Intend te return, but that be bad gene te Brazil, but this could net ba traoed te a positive authori ty, and an opinion waa expressed by a oeun. eel In the esse that If It were net true James nunter was, at lasit, In biding mm. where. An assignment for the benefit of creditor of the Orm of Jsme A Jehn Hunter te Jehn Field waa executed en Tueeday. jeiim riBLn'a statement. Jehn Field, In anawer te Inquiries, aald that thl wa a aurprlae te him, and be could net underatand It, The werat of It all, be aid, I that all the family placed wbat they had in James Hunter's bands, and bs feared that It la all swept away. He bad all that hi wire Inherited from her father, William Devlne. Upen being Informed that there had Ju.t been recorded a mortgage In truit for the wife or James Hunter for some 131,000, Mr. Field said : ' 1 am glad el that ; that wa about what ahs get from bsr father, and thl Wm. De Tine null be her brother. It 1 Imneasl- ble te aay what the assets are. It will take eeme lime te prepare a atatement from the book., and 1 have no idea or the amount or the liabilities. Mr. Jams Hunter wa one el the eweeteat tempered men one oeuld meet, and waa kind hearted and gentle In bt family, and from my knowledge of kla cbaracterlitlca hi. action In thl matter I a uivstery te me. The only explanation I ean Had I that, In order te escape from a tempor ary embarrassment, be took the flrt atep In tula direction, and having done It success fully he bt gene en and en. 'Jehn Hunter knew netblng about It It waaaamuch aaurprlietehlm when be heard It as te anybody else. Of oeuree he heard that matters were net going en aa they abeuld, but he did net knew It until two or three days ana Wben the attachment was mad and ibe notice was served upon him yeter. day be waa at 111 mere surprised. It I a ter rible blew for Jehn Hunter, who la a In no cent of wrong-doing a anybody can be. He is Incapable et any wrong. James Hunter attended te the busmen, and Jehn gave hi sttenllan te the affair at the tax offlee. Jehn Hunter bad the meat Implicit confidence In James, and, m a oeueequenoe, he did net give the business sny attention. Fer eeveral years past Jehn Hunter has net been devoting any time te the aflalra at the mill. I never wanted him te take the office. It was against my judgment Nobody knew hew 1 en deavored te persuade him from having any thing te de with It. Fer aeveral year pMt Jehn Hunter ba known netblng about the business. He can sy nothing, ixetuw he knewa nothing, and It la Impossible for blm te explain anything." As te where Jsme Hunter 1, Mr. Field aald that no one knew ether than that be had gene te New Yerk, net even members el the family, and his wile was ytry apprehensive about blm. JOHSf HUXTBH'S STATBMEXT. Tax Kteaiver Jehn Hunter la te-dsy almeat hopelessly ruined through the perfidy of hi brother, In whom he always placed aueh Im plicit faith. But the lea of all hi worldly poeeeealena baa net been as bsrd a blew aa the criminal conduct of James. Mr. Hunter when seen at the tax receiver's offlee bore evidence of much werrlment of mind. He looked cru.hed and disheartened, and his speech was alew and anecung. Held ne : I am as much In the dark as an outsider. I de net knew the extant of the Arm's obliga tion nor the amount or the paper which my brother plaeed en the market, because 1 have net gtveeitne business my personal attention, my duties as ux receiver having occupied all my time. It is hsrewhsrel have made a great ml.take. Wben I entered the offlee alx years age te work for the interest of the people et Philadelphia I thought myaelf a rleh man. I believed I waa worth 1200,000 clear. I placed everylbleg in my brother's hands and fall content te Intrust blm with ike entire business because be was always oerrect la hi. dealings I neglected my private affaire te attend te these of the public, and this I bowl nave been rewarded. lam walling or tbe figures, se tbatl ean see where I stand, and these I hope te have within a day or two. I de net knew where my brother is, but I hope be will return. 1 de net knew who forged tbe notes that were negotiated. I knew nothing of the exUtenee of forged piper until 1 was served with tbe attachment or Bedlnedc Ce. Jamee Hunter'e dlaappearanee has been the .ubject .or much speculation. He left home en Tuesday morning, ssylng he was going te New Yerk. It Is believed by many that ne took paaaage en a eteamer that after after neon for Brull, where be may ba able te Jein the rapidly Increasing colony el Philadelphia fugitive. The greatest wonder was expressed by these acquainted with the firm and lis bual. ness aa te wbat became of the money raised by Jamee Hunter. It Is asserted en all aides that be did net lese It in tbe business, and the only theory they held Is that It want for ether purposes. He lived modestly and in expensively, end we noted for bis domeatie habits. He waa net known te nave .pecu lated, but tbe hundreds of thousands of dol lars bare disappeared aa mysteriously aa aimseir. Where It has gene te Is pusxllng the entire family. A POaUaU BBQIHNINOj OF THBTBOUBLE. The general Impression among these Inti mately acquainted with the member of tba firm I that the present difficulty started with a land speculation of Jamea Hunter several years age. At that time James became Impressed-with the Idea that Spring Lake, a fashionable watering place upon tbe northern coast of New Jersey, was destined te become a popular summer resort. Ha accordingly bad conveyed te blm a Urge tract of land la that vicinity for speculative purposes, la payment for which ba !" ."2 i? M payable at different periods. Spring .Lake tailed te attract the pnfnlaee, ae waa expected, and when tbe KS "SS. a " WM U any, of the met which Jasasa had - - (Li k "M M5J,.!r,?!Ute "Met his oblige, liens, The tax receiver, who had attemnful aafflalent money te save Ji nun. All the available i hank. tbeeeaMparpescbesrtthaarmwMssfthi enppiea aenaiuae uvea waasa n Mr. Jehn Field, a brethar-Bvlaw at Jaha Baatar, aald ha oeold soceaal terJaatas JTaa asfeasttew BasMr. Th aawsswssst asUMM em ae etaer ffiaai taaa av tr. Themaa'awhef tt had. ! wa u wiiipw m wmet lives nana, we land aabeme, was appealed as, and reeaeadsd by permitting aim V nee the faaaTef the rm. beside mertaaataa nt.s.m an mi 173. wlfa were aeted for charity aad geed Werk a Mr. Field reared Jehn and his family would be Involved la ruin unless the creditors should provide for the sale of the Wast Philadelphia property by leta. Mr. Field reared that James Hunter had left the oeun- FT. satstaMHBlkNrsg, PBicanaLratA, March St-Tha ltahtll ties of James and Jehn Hunter are aew estimated at 1191,000. Alltheoemptomlelng papar bears the aame of James Loag, presi dent of she Union Traat company. Mr. Leng says ha dose net yet knew en hew much of the psper bis name baa been forged, but the forged paper baa been estimated aa high aa three-fourths et tbe entire amount. A large amount or paper la also supposed te be afloat bearing only Ibe firm's name. Nothing 1 yet known el the wbereabeuta of Jamee Hunter. rmmeu arssisaesr araaear. Defending tke K..leMastleal BUI la the Ober haasBaipsr William, The German Oberhaus, Wednesday, la plenary session, began tbe dlsousslen of the ecclesiastical bill. Prlnee Bismarck made a long speech In defense et the measure. He said : In regard tetba question of religion orders the chief point te be determined wss whether Catholic eitlssns nsed tbe orders. 1 1 Is cer tain that Catholics believe In the value el tbe orders, and their sentiments should be eat I.Hed in harmony with ths legislation of the country. Tbe tate naturally had an Interest In the geed training or priests. Hueb train leg they could acquire aa wall at eemlnarlee as at universities. Tbe bitterest enemiea or tbe government oamerrem unlveraltlee, net from ssmlnarlee. Referring next te the law requiring eooleal eeoleal eoeleal astlca te sire nntlee te the state of aoeolnt- menta, Prlnee Bl.marek declared that be bad net attached special Importance te tbla provl prevl provl Ien, eepeclally In view or bis experience thst eoelestsstlos who ter years hsd exercised their functions under the very eyes el ths government changed their dl.poaltlensaaoon ssthey became blabepa. The government hsd net made tee large oenoeaalona te ths Catholic nor had It glvsn up sny of Ita sovereign rights. Hs hsd never desired a lasting strutrgle with the curls. As early as 1875 hs hsd called Cardinal Antenelll'a attention te the danger pre sented by ths fermstlen or a special Catholic political party, and ever elnee the curia had manirsetad apeaeerul disposition. He bad prepared a pregramme or pesos, te reallts which he bad new worked for ten Esus. Through the proposals before tbe euee be hoped te obtain a lasting peace, ir that expectation should net be fulfilled tbe measures new propewd oeuld easily be rescinded. It waa necessary that the Centre party, which entered Inte relations with all the elements thst were hostile te the elate end empire, be deprived or sll pretext for opposition. It waa out et regard for the unity of tbe nation, and became or tbe denser threatening that unity, that he Initiated the preeent eceie.la.tlcl bill, doing se with a full recognition of hi. rmneelblllir. Whether or net tbe bill would lead te the eetabliib ment or a religion, peaee oeuld net yet be known, aa the leadere el the Centre bad S laced themselves In opposition te tbe pope. Ie less dsngereus tnan the Pregressists were the subversive tendencies or the lewerdergy, In whose removal tbe pope end emperor have an equal Interest. If tbe pontiff and the em peror were at ne tbe opposition of Wind Wind tberat and the Centre would have no further significance. In conclu.leu be urged tbe whole Heuee te adept the bill with tbe com cem com mlsden'a amendment. Minuter Ven (Jes ter then (poke, after which the Heuae ad journed. The emperor' proclamation te the Oerman people thanking them for their expression or devotion and Jey en the 90tb anniversary or hU birth Is oeucbed In words allowing the profoundest emotion. Tbe document oentslns a long re view of the emperor's Ufa. The ksiser dwells en the experiences of bl. youth and tbe wonderful help Qed hss vouchsafed te him, and prsys thst he may be able te pre serve during tbe short remainder of his life tbe blesalnga or peace. sea-a bbatt tirm mmummm: A Ut of rremlaant rbllad.lphlan. In.ared Wit tbe ftetatlve HeMleg. et sacb. Tbe Spectator Company," of New Yerk city, have Issued In pamphlet form a llat of large holders of life Insurance In tbe princi pal cities of the United Htates. It Is tbe meat complete lUt or prominent insurers ever com piled and cannot fall te be of value te these Interested In tbe eubjeet of life Inauranee. In the list the following Phlladelphlans ap pear : Alllien, Je. AllUen, WU W A.hbroekJ ArrUenJ M Hally.JeelJ Barker, w Blackburn, F Blaichler, l hariea U Drewn, rrea.. Beut, Rebert, Jr Carr. Jams. B CaMiar. i-swl. c Cb.ua., Oeerge W CemegT. BTI Cramp, wm A Sen. Varltngton.Je.epb U I 60,000 eo.euo 40.(03 011,000 79,000 1(0,(00 00,000 100 000 8U.O0O 100000 toen 50,000 10O.OJO 75.000 100000 1OI.U00 600,000 110,0(0 14000J 10O0U) 110,000 100,000 soeoo S90.000 90,000 eo,euo , ivoeo 84.000 MOUO 130,090 eo.uue , 180 0.0 ltt.O.0 73.000 100.000 , in.oce MLUOJ fusion, siunuiea OlMten, Wm Hitman, JnaepbO Debblnf, Uicbsrd J Uolae, Thee F1.M. SUnley Q A Ce Ougnnbelm, Mejer Harding, Oeerge lUralegW w" Hastier. Wm f Her, David , 11111, Oeerge W HUlnutn. J f Uned, Benbrlgbt A Ce , Helm, Oerxe dSB Kelley, Oeerge King-tier, J a Lloyd, Wm J Laeat, Jehn.. MaaKellsr. Bmlih. A Jerdan ale Michael. Morten, r slulfenl.BE etar.en, ij J Petsneu, Richard , Patenen, Thee B PUtt. Cbwle. Raaiiter, I Layten Rebiru, OT... Keb.ru, Perelval, r Rudelph. Philip Rudelph. S a... Bank, Vk sbsw. Wmr , Bbeppard. I.aMs A Shoemaker, B II , SteUoe.J B 8turt,U H.. Hweatnian, V C , jriere. Wm I yanaxam, LeuU u Waumak.r, Jehn IUI.CH0 71,000 100 aw 100,000 70 000 115,000 eo.ieo te 000 M.600 75.00J ZU.000 7U.0O0 iisun 100,000 515,000 0,000 75.0UO 60,000 0 1,000 eoeooj 100,0X0 60,000 SJO.OOO wanamaxer, s , Weelpper, S ZteglerVBres ., sees Aaemer Pkes te Bstermlaata Oroaad-aega. Prem ths West Chester Maws. A farmer up in Uwehlaa who elatma te nave an extra large stock or ground-hogs en his farm, and baa tried many expertmente te get rid et them, does net have faith la tbe gunpowder remedy, having tried It. He thinks It would tskssbouthalfakegorRock tskssbeuthalfakegorRock tskssbouthalfakegerRock rend te reach the extremities of nema of their burrewa. Hs has been most suoessarul with sulphur half a pound In an old paste board or ether box, Ignited and thrutt into the hole aa far aa possible, and when under full headway, all tbe opening closed and packed, will nearly always de the bualneaa. Ne need te dig te find If they are dead. If they de net open the holes in two or three dayaltiaaafetoeoaoludethat tbe occupant have gens Inte a etate of eternal hybernatien. Hulphur fumes are certain death te animal or vegetable life. m Dted a HU Wile's general. There waa a sensational ateppage te a fu neral la Decatur, I1L, en Wednesday after noon. Mrs, O. E. Houek dlsd en Monday, aged aeventy-eeven. Lsrkln Honek, aged ninety years, wss bar husband. He was In feeble health. WhUe tbe pell-bearera were haarlBf the ramalai of the wife te tbe hearse te he taken te the church the husband, who waa tee feeble te leave the boese, died la his haw. The unexpected episode crested a gen eral aemaMttaa. It was arranged te held bosh faaaialg tegethir aa Friday" Orabh, whole eaarged by hat wife rassVaMhaaa aaM te hall by Al- ss asaWes a. asasw wtthasaa LANCASTER, NEARING ADJOURNMENT. Ma cewwmmmavm or tmm atarsiesiar miMutmmM iwrmitABmirmt, What Was Dees at Wseeare aiaw.s The Matlesai Oeagicgatl.n hsklag rev fends st the DUsslved Martewa Chans, If II Is Met Iteergealses. The alxth day'a aetelen of the Philadelphia annual conference of the Methedltt ehurcb waa opened Wednesday morning la Philadel phia by Bishop Randelph & Fester. The oemmltlee en tbe book concern reported thst tbe aale of books and periodicals wss larger last year than ever before. The total sales amounted te 11,898,200 65. The aggregate sales of the two oenoerna Kent and West amounted te 13, 160,442 02. Bl.bep Fester announced the tran.fer te tbe Philadelphia conference or Rev. H. P. Appenteller, missionary In Ceres, from the Newark conference. The report of the trus tees of the conference was then submitted. It etatad that tbe deeds el Hammertoe chureb and Williamson's ehapel, of tbe Seuth Phila delphia district were In tbe hands of tbe trus tees, with a request that the conference be autherised te mske a conveyance of tbe prop prep ertles. The report recommended te tbe con ference thst In ease the Mavtewn church, r. csntly sold, should net be re erganised within five years the beard be autherised te hand ever the money te tbe Marlstta ehurcb for tbe payment ei ins parsensge. noeay Mill church has been abandoned and the beard recom mended tbe sale or the property. Rev. W. C. Robinson presented a let of ground at Chsdd's Ferd, Delaware county, te tbe oon eon oen fereooe for a church building. The report or tbe North Philadelphia dis trict was called for. The names or the effec tive elders were called and their characters passed. Presiding Rider Jeseph Welch read the report The onurenes hsve generally en Joyed prosperity. Tbe class meetings were well ettended. The Infirmary of the Heme for the Aged was oemplsted. Tbe mortgage or 11,000 has been raised en tbe Columbia Avenue ehurcb. and a debt or 11,110 waa paid off en the Franklin church. Improvements, ameunUng te 14,000, have greatly beautified tbe Mount Zlen church, Mansyuek. A large brown-stone sdlflee Is being erected for ths Park Avenue cbureh. Trinity church will uuiiu hiv euapvi una year. The names or the effective elders or tbe Beuth Philadelphia district were celled and their characters passed. Presiding Elder William Swlndella reported that the mis sionary collections were larger laat year than for eeveral previous years, Tbe smeunt saked for the sustentstlen fund was 91,300 ; ,u waa inuHnDW ; j,ih person, con fessed oenverslon during the year. A new chureb edldee hss .been erected st Seuth Chester at a coat or 114,500, and the West Chester church wss remodeled st a cost el 111,000. Tbe report urged tbe putera te the dl.tr let te co operate In raUIng fund, for the hospital ; 933,473 wss paid out In church Im provements, snd old debts were liquidated te the amount of 98,889. Rev. James NelU announeed that last Mon day', collection, ter the hespltsl fund amounted te 91,198. making the total oontri eontri oentri butlone 131,400. At bla own request tbe rela tion et Rev. W. U. Rlllett waa changed from effective te superannuated. TbebUbep waa requested te leave Re v. A. F. 8lndelU out of an appointment thl. year In order that hs might prosecute bla atudlea st Drew theologi cal aemleary. Rev. Dr. A. J. Kynett .poke In the Interest of tbe beard of church exten sion, and Rsv. Oeerge W. MscLaugblln ad dressed the conference en bebsll of the Penn sylvania Beamen'a Friend aeclety. Rev. Jeseph Masen preelded at tbe afternoon see see slen. Tbe oemmlttee en education recom mended DIoklnsen, Drew, Pennington, Cen tenary, Wllllam.pert and Wyoming colleges te tbe patronage el tbe conference, and Rev. Dr. J. A. McCauley, president et Dickinsen college, made an address In tbe Interest of that Institution. Resolutions were passed te held children's dsy before tbe opening of each sobeol term snd te preach ou tbe ad vantages of Christian education. HB KILLBD T1LLIB SBTtrf. Janitor Tllu, HU Death Sentence commuted, Denfene. the Crime. James J. Titus, who murdered Tlllle Smith, the Hsckettstewn, N. J., servant, in April laat and whose death aentenee wss commuted te Imprisonment for life, has made aoenfesilon. The confession Is te tbe effect that for some time before the homicide hU relation, with Tlllle Hinlth had been or an Improper char acter. On the night or the murder Tlllle no- tinea mm mat ane was going te the party wbleb aba attended, snd that she would net be home till late. She saked blm te let her In when ane returned. He told her te go te the matron and get permission, but abe re fused te de se, ssylng that it was sgslnst tbe rules. After persuasion he con sented te wait for her snd let her In. Hs did admit her return. She oemmunlcated te him her fears thst she was lu trouble Irem which he endeavored te dissuade her. He was notsneasmfnl, however, and she finally told him that ir aueh aheuld prove te be tbe case she would expose htm aa the author ether ruin He protested sgslnst thst course, and ahe in sisted en it tlll.as he say a, he in anger grasped ber by tbe threat and bsld ber ler a me ment. Hs hesrd a gurgling sound, and think ing thst something serious hsd happened, went for a light, and wnen he returned found that she was dead. HU oeofeeslon then de scribe bow, struggling with the body, be pertly esrrled It and partly dragged It te tbe place where It was ieund. A Slie store Beb bed. Medst Jer, March 21 On Tnesday night eeme thieves broke a lsrge piste glass In tbe show window or Wengert A Blerbewer's shoe store and took therefrem several pairs or beets, se. There Is no clue te tbe robbers. The aame night tbe cooper ahep et S. P. Beckley was broken Inte at present writing we are unable te learn If any thing waa taken from there or net Tbe Salvation Army offletal are busily engaged In preparing for the hallelujah ban quet te be held In tbelr barracks en Tuee day evening, the 29th ; one of the principal objects of the evening will be tbe presenta tion of the new army oelora te tbe 13th Pa, oerps,by Oan. Themas E. Moere, who will be accompanied by the erusader band, Ne. 2. Majer McDonald and wife will also be In attendance with efflaera Irem dltlereet oerps. There will be a grand march led by Gen. Moere. The banquet and Jubilee will be from 5:30 te 9:30 o'clock p. m., and tbe meeting at 8 p.m. Abbey's Deuble Mammoth Unele Tein'a Cabin company la billed for De Lengs ball en Tueeday evening next. On Monday of this week Cbas. H. Zeller sold for M. Hlldsbrant at bl yard, In tbe rear or tba Washington house, a number or fine Western eattle, horses, heifers, cows, 4a, at geed prices. The aale waa well attended- Wvau BenebMler. The New Orleans Acaaune announces that the handsome amount or 930,000 has Just bean given te Increase the endowment of the Christian Women's Exchange, already one of the meat auoeeeslul benefaction in that city. Tha genereu oentrlbntors of tbla fund are Mm Heward, rsllet of the late Charles T. Heward, who gives 920,000, and Mrs. Whit ney, widow of "tbe late Cbarlss A. Whitney, w2 7 .,1Aoea Tn- ays addet The city et New Orleans is being placed nnder ever Increasing obligations te its noble women for thslr public spirit and their phil anthropic works. Tnsrels nothing weekly sentimental la the benehotlens of these ladies, All 1 thoroughly practical and te the point. Frem Margaret, the Bread Giver, whose white monument etanda where It ean be dally eeen by tbe erphaaa whom for ae many years she freely fed, te tha women whoendew charities and found libraries and oellegea, the record la magnificent The day appears te ba near at band when the most distinguished and noble meauments of beee beee beee flosnes la New Orleans will ha due te OtdObeetast. Prem th be and Leather Jtsperter. Tat aleBang of tha aasslfaa awy ba asfewtaJXeall, PA THURSDAY, MABCH 24, 1887. UB BBTBHUB BILL. say Pi mm tfemataa Against the Oleaes Taxing staashMterts. Ever slaes the Heuse passed tha reveaue bill, after defeating tha clause exempting manufacturing corperationa from taxation, members et the legMatnre hsve been fairly deluged with letters protesting against put ting aueh a burden upon growing ladustrlea. Representative Lead has received aa eepecl ally large number of theaa pretests, and he aald Wednesday night be wenid de all la hie Kwer te seeure the reinsertion or tbe eUuse . the Senate and tbe concurrence of the Heuae. Tbe bill waa considered Wednesday after, neon by the Senate finance oemmlttee, be fore whleb arguments In Its behalf were made by Rufus E. Bhspley, Cyrus Elder, William E. Littleton, Jobu Nnrrls, M. E. Olmsted snd Auditor General Nile. On motion or Mr. Maefarlsne, tbe oemmlttee voted te re insert a el.use exempting net only manufac turing corporations from taxation, but also limited partnerships engaged In manufac turing. On nsxt Wednesday Jehn O. Jehnsen and M. E. Olmsted will appear before tbe asme committee te argua In favor of exemption from taxation the stock et trust companies. A Lecal Petition. A petition la In circulation with regard te the above as fellows : Te thl Hen. Amni If.MjUnand th Iltn. JsAn M. Hickman, Htnateri rem Lancaittr County i Gbxtlbmen The Heuse et Representa tive, hss stricken out of bill Ne. 200, gen erally celled the Revenue BUI," the section exempting manufacturing ceuipanlee from tbe payment or atate Ux en tbelr caplUl stock. If, therefore, the bill abeuld pa the Senate In thl shape, such ecmpanle will hereafter bs subject te a tax which we con alder unjust and Inexpedient for the follow ing among ether reasons : isl Msnuraciuringeatablisnmentsirewned by Individuals or Arms pay no atate tax; if owned by a corporation formed by a number et persona the tax la Imposed by bill 90, new before the Senate. In ether words one rich man or aeveral rich men may own a menu factory and be exempt Irem taxation J but If many men of limited caplul oemblne tbelr mesne and own a eliullsr establishment they are required te pay an onereua tax. ThU discrimination we consider unjust. 2d. A stste tax en manufacturing corpora tions will prevent tbe estslillsnment et man ufacturing Industries among ua and tend te weaken and denreaa these that at nraasnt ux. Ut. 3d. Surrounding slates de net tax manu facturing corperationa. A atate tax here will tend te drive lndu.trle.et thl. character out of the atate and thua badly cripple our prep erty. In view of these considerations we re pectfully aak you aa aenater representing thU county te restore the section stricken out by the Heuse or Representatives In Heuae bill Ne. 200 exempt ln manufacturing corpo rations from stste taxation, Yeurs respectfully. J. P. WlCKERSUAX, President Inquirer Publishing Ce. Gee. M. Fbanklix, V. P. Keystone Standard Watch Ce. R J. Houstex, Preaident Helvetia Leather Ce. Lancaster Cuemical Ce. 1'emn Iren Ce , Limited. Lancaster Steam Radiator Ce. CONKBTOOA ClUAIl Ce. TBE BILL REPORTED FAVORABLY. IlARBisnuKO, March 24 In the Senate to day Heuse bills were reported favorably te amend and consolidate the revenue laws with an amendment exempting tee capital stock of manufacturing corperationa; for organization and relation or tbe national guard a and te pay teachers while In attendance at annual county institutes. The Senate bill authorizing tbe condemna tion or turnpikes, reads or blgbwsys con structed wholly or In part in any county for pubiie use free from teiu snd tellgstes, was passed finally ; also Senate bill was passed finally appropriating 95,000 for a pedestal for a monument te be erected in Fsirmeunt park te the memory of tbe late Prealdent Garfield ; alaeSenate bill providing ler the payment of expenaes Incurred In making aasassmenU under th general revenue lew. DlfCCSSIXO) LICK.NSES. The Heuse held under consideration the Brooks high license bill until adjournment. An amendment by Cbrltzmnn wss sdepted for tbe license In cities el the first, second snd third clsss at 9&00, in ether cities 9300, bor oughs 9150, snd townships 975, wben tbe sub ject waa dropped. An amendment by Leeda wa under consideration fixing the licenses according te sale. Speaker Beyer's bill appropriating 9375,000 for capltel Improvements was passed second reading. Interesting SiMlleal facts. Cel. II Kyd Douglas' Address in Baltimore. There are In the United Sutea net lea than 90 000 physicians, 20,000 mere doctors than lawyers ; or one te every 850 Inhabitants. The increase et physicians during the last decade ia at least ten and a half per eent greater than tbe percentage et increase of population, and yet inaplte of thla deadly advance the average of human lite remains st 31 years. Wben 1 remember that there are 2,750 different ways of writing a prescription, I am aoeszed st msn's ingenuity, but I can not bUme tbe outraged workmen for boycott ing tbe tower el Babel. Net only In num bers, but in Importance of position, the rank or medicine ean no longer bs questioned. Originally barbers were surgeons, or sur- fieen were barbers, yet medicine new, like sw and Christianity, take ita highest plaee among tbe most enlightened people," m Pert Dape.lt LoeBlug Cp. Pert Deposit, Md., Msreb 21 Although tbe damage te property In Pert Deposit caused by tbe recent Ice gorge was very great, the town Is again assuming Its usual proportions, the repairing et buildings, lencea, Ac, baa been rapidly prosecuted. Tne buildings wblcb were curled from the fish ing shore of Mis I. L Buck it Ce., st tbe lower end el tbe town, bsve all been replaced en an extended scale, comfortable stables erected for the accommodation et heraea, and all tbe necessary arrangements made ter catching tbe finny tribe. Thla ahere la noted ler the large hauls or abad snd herring which sre dally landed, and these who bsve never witnessed It should avail themselves of the opportunity or vUltlng the shere tbe coming season, te see the sight aa well as te purchase tbelr supply or fl.b. m An Obliging Gu.at. A resident or tbe provinces bad oeme te spend a raw daya with some relatives In Parle. Beoemlog Infatuated with the capi tal, he remained until pstienee en the pert of bis beat ceased te be a virtue. Toe polite te openly remonstrate, they threw out a hint : Don't you think, my dear fellow," they aald te the bore, "mat your wife and children must mias you T" Ne doubt Thanks ler the suggestion. I'll send ler tbem." A Street That Need. Repairing. At the corner et East King and Duke streets tbe Belgian blocks are In bad condi tion. Last till a aewer was built In the treat which I uew settling. At this crossing tbe block are about four Inehe lower than the street ear tracks. I f repairs sre net made carriages will be wrecked or bones injured at this point. DIM Very Suddenly. PnibADRLPUiA, Msreb 24. Mrs. Theresa WeUt died quite suddenly at ber reel, denee, 1,639 North 24th street, this city, early thl morning. Her death la aald te have resulted from fright oeoaalonsU by a street ear oenductor nsmsd Adair break ing Inte ber room at a late hear last night and attempting te assault bar. Adair waa arrested and la held te await the result of aa lavssUgsUen. m Adveaee ns Betes, Philadelpbia, March 24, On and alter April 1, aa adveaee of 20 par eent, will be made by tha Peaasylvsnla railroad com- pavuta restate quarterly ewamnlattea THE ROLL OF THE DEAD. tttrmtau kbbbbbt, a rmemtwaM OirtMBB OB BAUBBOBt 99WMUlFk aeaat si a taaaUy as Which the ateeaef theBerl efOarrlek Plews-Ds-aalse ef Jeha Meftadea ana Mrs. st. rswDersaUth Sylvester Kennedy, a highly Intelligent and widely known farmer, died at hU home at the Osp, Salisbury township, about half past 0 o'clock, of a general breaking down of tbe physical system In oenseqeaoe of pulmo nary troubles. Mr. Kennedy bad been In declining health for eeme time past, but did net take bla bed unUl about three weeks age, wben he began te decline rapidly, aad hie death resulted aa above etatad. The Kennedys claim deseent from the Earls of Carrlck, In Ayrshire, Soetlaad. The Immediate ancestors of the family la thte oeuntry were William aad Mary Kennedy, great grandfather or deeeassd, who came te America about tbe beginning et the last cen tury and settled In Bucks county. Thslr son, Jsmes Kennedy.remeved te thle county, and settled In Salisbury township. Hlalaea, Maxwell Kennedy, bad aeveral children of whom Sylvester and Wlnfleld 8. were beet known in this county. Sylvester, the de ceased, wss born January 2, 1818, en the old homestead at tbe Osp, snd for tbe greater part of hU Ufa followed farming, though for a abort time, about 1852, be waa engaged iu me transportation nusinee en tbe Pennsylvania railroad. He married Martha A Klnter, daughter of Henry A. Klnser, of Kinzer'e Station. Tbelr children are Max well and Herace E., new engaged In the grain trade In Cincinnati; Oeerge C, the well known lawyer of thla city, at present solid selid selid ter Ie the beard of prison Inspectors, snd TJ. a commissioner for thisdUtrlet ; snd Alenzo Petter, or tbe steel works, at Pittsburg. Mr. Kennedy wss regarded aa an Intelli gent farmer end florist, an active and well Informed man en all matters et general in terest, a geed neighbor, a pleasant companion and a kind husband and father. DB4TH OB JOBK M'WADDBW. Be Complains or HU Heart Wedaaasey Bve alng aad Die Boen Alter. Jehn MeFadden, a well known citizen, died at bis borne, Ne. 202 West Vine street, en Wedneedsy evening. Seme months age he suffered from a paralytle strekssnd never fully recovered ; although he waa able te be about On Wednesday he waa down stairs as ususl and took a walk in the yard. Be tween 7 and 8 o'clock In tbe evening, after going up atatrs, be began te complain et hU heart. He called hte brother James te bis side and In a few minutes wss dead. The deceased waa born in Denegal, Ireland , and at the time et bla death waa 64 year of age. He came te thla oeuntry ever forty years age. He learned tbe trade et a brick layer and worked at It for some years. After wards he waa em pleyed by S. 8. Spencer In the oettou mills for fifteen years. Seme years age be lelt the mill and engagsd In ths livery business, having a hack line en tbe streets. He sold tbla out and has been living retired Utely. He wss a bachelor and lived with bis brother J smee and alster Sarah, both of whom are unmarried. Hi ether sUters are Mrs. Patrick Cherry, of this city, and Mrs Patrick Burke, who resides near Buck. Deceased waa a member of St Mary'a ehurcb, St Bernard's society and the Cenes- toga Beneficial society. He was a quiet, un assuming man and had many friends. Mrs. Anna Bterta Cen Denial tb. Mrs. Anna Maria FenDersmltb, relict of ine late aenry ten ueramltb, died st her resldenee Ne. 307 East King street Wednee dsy evening. Mrs. FenDersmltb had been In precarious health for eeveral years past, which confined ber te ber home tbe greater part or the time. On Friday last she suf fered a oengeative chill and sank rapidly until death relieved her. Mrs. FenDersmtth wss a meat estimable woman, known and beloved by a wide circle of friends. She was a liberal dispenser or charity te all deserving objeets j wa a life long member et Trinity Lutheran church, and until impaired health prevented her was a oenatant worshipper at Its altar. Her children are Alpheua, ChsrUs A., easbler of tbe Farmer'a National bank; J. Lucius, teller In E. K. Smith et Oct's bank, Cel urn bU ; G. Luther, proprietor of book store, this elty ; Frank R, clerk In A Rhenda' Jewelry store, and Miss Evs, at home. funeral el Br. Begeaer. The funeral et Mr. Catharine Hegener took place thla morning from her husband's realdenee en Seuth Queen etreet and waa very largely attended. The remalna were taken te St Mary's Catholle church and Rsv. Dr. MeGullagh eelebrated a requiem mass. Tbe Interment waa made at St Jeseph'e cemetery. Tbe pall-bearers were Daniel A. Altlck, Jehn Ranting, Charles Bucklus, A. J. Harberger, Jehn Breck and H. R. MoCenomy. Wbat President Oarrett Bald te tbe Majer el Baltimore. That tbe Baltimore Ohie railroad com pany has been merged with the Interests represented by Messrs. Henry 8. Ivss and Oeerge H. Stay nor, el New Yerk, Is no longer a matter et speculation, but Is an assured tact The city of Baltimore being a holder or Baltimore A Ohie stock te th extent of 32,000 shares, and the fact that the Interests of Balti more city and the Baltimore A Ohie railroad are In many respects Identical, lad Mayer Hedges te call upon Mr. Rebert Garrett en Wednesday te learn, if possible, the true state of affairs with regard te sny nsw arrange ment Inte wbleb the Baltimore A Ohie had entered. President Garcatt Informed Mayer Hedges thst the "deal" wssanaoeompusbed fact, snd thst be waa waiting until certain In cidental details were arranged before prepar ing a atatement for publication. Tbe nature et tbe deal or with what read or reads, oem- Cny or syndicate tbe srrangemente are made r. Garrett did net designate ; but be assured tbe mayor that no Interests of the city of Bal timore would be In the remotest mannsr Jeepardised. The headquarter of tbe amal gamated properties are te be located ia Balti more. Parden, ler Twe. The pardon beard at Ita meeting in Harris burg en Wednesday recommended pardons for William T. and Leuis J. Ladner, Phila delphia, em bezzlement The following ease were held under advisement : Clayten Meyer, Crawford county, aassult and battery with intent te kill i Alexander Steele, Montgomery enunty, voluntary manslaughter i Geerge W. Fink, Lehigh county, aaaault and battery ; Samuel Cehen, Lycoming county, burglary. These continued until April meeting are : Christopher Dennelly and Michael O'Brien. Schuylkill county, con spiracy and aaaault and battery i Harry Wil Wil eon, Lawrenee county, larceny ; Jehn T. Cox, Northumberland county, manslaughter. Tha cases et Jamee P. MeOabe, Wayne ceuntv, murder la tbe ttrst degree, and Wil liam O. Bush, Elk oeunty.murdar in the first degree, were held nnder advUement until March 29, These refused are: Solemon Brown, Allegheny, eed notion i Milten Wes Wes eon, Allegheny county, voluntary man. laughter ; Justus HeOmaa, Luserne county. manslaughter i Fred. 8. Warren, Bosque- nsnm wwiifi utuiuec ia Bin iiajna Twe Tessas OellMe. Tbla meralag tha milk wagon of Mali lager dalry,en tha Willow Street nika aad tha bore aad buggy of Jeha Beat eame into eoUhaeB at Chestnut aad Plum etrashv Tha milk whemwsahaUeMafMa leaVa taa JBBW BAH.BB tO AWBBB, They Are I Brass Pawaer Oeesldeta Men er tne eteary one. After havlag been la oeamltetloa etneeil o'eloek Taeeday Bight, tha Cleery Jury la New Yerk anaeuaead Wedaatday afternoea that they ware aaable te agree, aad were die die eharged from tha farther hsarlag of tha ease. Thejury had seat la for certata doeameatary evldenea,butJuetlee Barrett rafeeed, refer. ring them te tha wevttlea of the criminal cede which requires la eas of disagreement te have such Information given la open court before eeuasel for both aTdea, aad u eases of felony In pressnee of the defendant. The motion was nude by tha district attor atter ? 'PI un&w.1 ( Osai, and It waa fixed at Jeurned irauiu Usui, BW.UUU, TUB court tnan art. till Friday. After adlnnrnmnnt Judge Barrett sbbUUX a-a-. mi m .. . ST . . T - a weugnt ue jury would acres-.nght te agree. uverytning inai oenia ne none tr tna nmmiin .. done, and the defense lelt nothing undone la behalf et thslr cllsnf The jusTie did net of course, lad teste hew the Jury should have ff" .tfabewed no feeling in tbe matter. Cleary'e friends made a rath for blm and warmly congratulated htm en the result I7f" of TerT!d into hUeyee, and the smile en hie red face waa gennlne for the first time la tea daya. Mr. Dougherty was net present Immediately after thejury went out be (repaired te bis hotel. H was net seen about the court Cleery waa taken Inte Sheriff Graat'a offlee te escape the crowd. Later he went before Justice Patterson, of the suprsm court, and waa admitted te ball. His former bondsman, Jehn Dellard, quali fied, Cleery at once lelt the court house. Hla i progress through the streets wa hindered bv manv friends, who atnnnmi tn shake hands with him. Wsat Abandon tke dear eas. New Yerk, March 24. There la no prob ability that District Attorney Martina will move for a second trial of ex-Alderman Clesry for several weeks te oeme. Beth the district attorney and hla assl.tsnts are com pletely worn out. Mr. Nloell la confined te bla bed te-day with nervena prostration. The district attorney informed a United Press re porter te-day that he had net yet determined what oeuree te pursue regarding Cleery. "Tbe result of tha trial la a aurprlae," ha aald. "Our case waa certainly aa atreng against him as against any of the oenvloted boediera. I shall net probably move for a retrial of tbe esse te-morrow, although I have by se means oeacludsd te abandon it" ABBBM WOiAOkVt ATBAMBB CABB. A Pretty BUger Wbe i aald te Ba Held by a Mew Tatk Doetor. , MhB Agnea Folsem.ths sweet and talented alnger, who hss probably been beard In every city In the land, is new figuring In a aensa aensa tlenal escapade in New Yerk. On the peti tion of Henry M. Folsom an application for a writ et habeas oerpua was mad en Tueedsy by Lawyer WlUlam M-Mundsy before Judge Patterson, In supreme court chamber, de- tnenrifntf the IXfllllam SJ- m .-ftiltM .k.a-. v ---. --7 r ---- produce Mias Agnea Folaem, late or the Ca- I -0,X?ES?7 4? "ff0 a.?-. . -. . I uuvHciau. 01 ne.ai vvaei-.aaQrin(inf-i Tbe Mtitlenet aileces that AaxtasFcan-a was his danghter) that Dr. Cats bad taksst her away from her iBBibah ensreed her Inte livlna- with him. i.liini Tiasslha rlsht et ee- Ing her narente and held htTvesn-lLB-Sv at no. 838 west Fllty-elghth street Tba1 waa granted by Judge Patterson and made inuiuiuie weunesaay morning. Inquiries made at Ibe Casine elteted the fact that Agnes Folsom bad glvsn up bar engage ment with the Ermlnle company four months age and that her parents, who had oeme from Bosten te seek her, were at preeent living In a bearding house en West Forty-ninth etreet In "Ermlnle" she created tbe part of " Gavette, " the maid of the Inn, and Invariably drew forth rapturous PnUbac "atSg. lVUM W V "" T' " DID HOT PRODUCE HER. New Yebk, March 24. Dr. W. ht, Cata dld net produce Miss Agnea Folaem, tbe young opera singer, in supreme court cham bers te-day, aa ha waa commanded te de by a writ et habeas oerpua procured bv Miss Fel. sem's father yesterday. Instead he brought William Allan, hla lawyer, and tbe lawyer told the court tbe doetor did net have Miss Folsom In his pos pes pos len and denied generally the allegatlena made by Mr. Folsom. Lawyer Allan read an affidavit a worn te by Mia Folsom In which she says ahs la 24 years old, and that It la utterly false thst she Is under duress at tbe bands of William M. Cats. She says she Is able te take care of herself and that ber relatiene and position toward the petitioner, her father, and te her mother restrain her from show. Ing te the court the true reason for this un warranted procedure and attack en herself and Dr. Cat. Further consideration of the ease was adjourned until te-morrow. Mr. Folsom stated te a reporter that his daughter's statement as te her auppertlng tha family wa untrue. Her salary waa $30 a week, and with thla aha oeuld barely sup port herself. Mr. Folaem stated that he was a distant relativaefMra.Claveland, but ha has never followed up the rsUtlenahip. Hla counsel's reply te the affidavit waa te ba filed with the clerk of supreme oeurt chambers before tbe doss of lbs dsy. Mrs. Folsom did net ap pear In oeurt A United Press reporter ehertly afterward obtained an interview with Mis Folsom. She laughed at tha allegation that ibe waa aet In her right mind. vaa baketa bloed: Aataa Sera On a cakeef tee VleaUag Down tbe Stream, Bat Be Aid Wew Hlaa. Bismabek, Dak., March 24 All attempts te break the Sibley Island gorge with dyna mite are unavailing. A man waa seen last evening riding down tbe river en a cake of Ice frantically calling for help, but It waa Im possible te assist. Twelve families near 811 811 811 vonlea had a meat thrilling experience. After being co tbe reefs or tbe heuae, a thin crust formed ever the river and en thla they walked te tbe ahere, two miles, some breaking through aeveral time. Fert Llnoeln army ofSeera here are till of the opinion that tbe people opposite tbe pest, en tbe low land south of the city, perished la the flood. Tbe belief ia beoemlog prevalent and as tbe reports oeme In from remote river dlstricte tbe story of suffering and less of Ufeislntensltlnsd. Twe Ballreads Mortgaged. Shelbtvillk, Ind., March 24. Th Cin cinnati, Indianapolis, St Leuis A Chleage railroad company yesterday filed lnthere lnthere lnthere oerder'a offlee hers a supplementary mortgage bus venirai atus oempaay or Hew Yerk, te aaouratheleaaof 110,000.000 ler which they gave a ttrst mortgage laat August Tbe sup plementary mortgage oevere property a qulred elnee tha first one waa filed. CesHOCTOir, Ohie, March 24. A mortgage given by tha Palnesvlile, Woeater A Ohie railway oempaay te the Mercantile Trust oempaay of New Yerk, securing a lean of 15,000,000, wa recorded hare this weak. The document oevere thirteen page la the record book. ssaaerkU gsrvleas Ter rrssMeat ArHiar. AtBAMT, N. Y,, March 24. Memerial exereleee in honor et the 1st Prasldeat Arthur will take place In the asmmbly nnamper ea the evening or April 2a bx bx Atterney Geeersl Brewster, of PbUsdalphla, aad Ohaaaety at Depew will aeUvar ad- Wasbihoteb, Marsh fsTh fnaaMeat WMBftarwioaaayemlKl Oasar M. Btraas, of Hew Yerk, te he lalatir la lwrkay. OiaenrBATt, Mareh iJad'ge Iaaae a. I T l WaBBtBaiiBaVOBBaB.t1 Msaaaawaitaasaiteahal far asaier ay I I asBhiBsaBBBils BBtMBBWBasBBnTWSBSSM I BBlWeaBWSWaBBBHSJWaBgBi ' PRICE TWO A SUPPOSED iPAI 'X 'i.v ti-sTM raraa aatava. - . . . ..y- u -- mmmTmumWf aittaa mm BAti slate Be i-ve e2li.Sfl "KAt w v . -a .. - v . aw iubk, aaaieaaniaT MUbehaagedia IheTeatha May 64h for the murder at Ji ananas, or aasag aty ef area a enme, aaateiy the .awiaaef he year heron ha ahei " n Tat have haaai ! But - wa..M t - - - u -- - -Z??iL tery. Smlth'a father was fswntttrt "KwniBg m aaa aataw Wbsb); kept hie heraea, with a halts aaaTia ' ansa, it was Believed at taa committed salelde, bnt It la inst tne eon killed him far thai ei oetaining a few theei which the old man had atnL hte father were slwava nnmitM. adda eoler te the belief new lalirtalmi regard te the latter'a death. $y .it. MCBBBBBB A A BBB. tvtfWri! asBMBi -SZL&11 stare, ef jaha BBBBBsatisBsip Bhsedy tragee la a bbbbbb! lm tmt i -( T Oat Begra at as BMafll' P. With n Bella. . g. Ji CatOAnn. Memh 7A -"- -"-- - -t Vi MSI Clark street broke np la a bteedy ttmi early thla morning. ThegsthermgwaasafasMt w nuu oeior. ismieg wiiiiasaa aaau Jim Stewart are oelored, Charles Tayler aaaV Jehn Kearna are whltei ae are Llsste IteahV', uuaea jimmBBtswsrt Thsywarai la tbe basement All hsve nellaa i A quarrel started between tweenleawstri Stewart drew an alht-lnn kiii-iu, v Williams nine ants, nn tmm, nt khk -T"JT have alone proved fatal. Ameag tawaesaBl Of hU TiTlnantInn b.m .h l .k-. t-M. - ..- - J aalaah acren. tha fkna. bmIi .J7TTS :??. lsft shoulder cut, the r-1rmin piihaawsf the right haad almost ssvsrsd, and Tssafi? - acreaa the right breast Keerae waa alas aaalf j iinnen, awiuniauj, itia tBOagaBj Alt', i tha partldpante ware arretted sxespt WUV llama. The plaee leeks like a betehar aaeavf ! wise seara. sfaanaaa te Death. -W, j Newark-. Ohie. Msreh " " & night Jaoeb Bread and his wife had a fsanj? quarrel. Tba woman aealded bar haahaena ey uirewug netimg water ea him, tmmBmmftn him lntanan ruin. The . .iti'-- &. burned and he waa a sickening eight Taa S" uwa uugerna in terriDie agony aatll laat'"' night when he died. Ne person wm alie was. :I ie enter tne neus. The woman la rssawaaa V. new aa beings maniac after seelBg tha tar I -hl Mmtl t T - a . i ..---.w wiiiw, j.t e lunaa nn ""T te keep her looked In a room te prevaatf .- -t her oemmlttlng violence te ether. She wlU 2' r3 lwnntll, ti -rra-l-il fPk k-.t.- . -" 4 --. -. -. -..mw, w i-iieiwu-q at sw new uermana and had net lived waswar. a. suit br her fat a reeently niad against hlaa. Va WS?3P snaa Brean Ha iaslsa."tw Biarea melted with an axe a week age, dfc injuries last evening. Themas vita hsr husbsnd,ts serving a aentenea of eaa : m ue neus ei correction for iTmnltlaa aa3 ....i. The Passer. Muiine- Iwdianapelis, March 24,-Although ae.WJ -- r.-s -wM v uvumc niatie ret IBB yCz opening et the base ball season, none of the mi Pleven have vet ranertad. Thla i. . ,V'.-' Ing tbe management considerable embsrnaa; '&'! ment, as the first game la te be played eaaSjij week next Fridav. "'- -- akr'i. Tuesday night, bnt did net oeme and only :5 Denny, Shemberg and one or two ethers era TJfefll anewn te de ea their way. It te prehabla -SSH that PMMlftAnft VAnns will h. -,t. - a- i j Issue Imperative order te tbem te report at -'?i uuu. aii ei uietu are neiuwg OS for Mrgar ". v,;- """l wmuu, it in aniu, tney WUl BOt Bat? 5, and they will either play here or aet at all, Ki-i xt is preDSDie thst McKeen will aUja wttav f the Indlanapelia clnb within a dsyertwev''' He thinks be wlU be Just aa effeeUve maaawfA the new rule aa he ever was. V Katsaanig iu H.wirpea-s Ptaa. ,$ BneOKtTir. N. Y.. Marsh 2e.Tfc - r . .... " rrr 'Z.'T "r j u jmiiq Mrewieuuu una punuaaaa a OBana. I of a million dollars' worth of areaarty one site tbe new posteffloe building ea Waaahaai ' ten street, Including the site oevered hytaV'' uiuueiju unaua nna we uUHwaaOB BSBaV'' Harry Miaer'a theatrical lease will aet ebbbbtlI ler two years, at the explrattea of whhai'fi whhai'fi peried one of the largest newanapar eaaat - u. .u uvuum wut iiivt-auiy eiviae BBaMSaV! -31 with the uberbUuetur new la taa aasBaafe'-'-j w wNuw iu pwi purpeBSBV 4 ($. A Train tjeeis Tkreash a Twslla. IS-I ViMCBWMKs, lad., March 24. A ftlsai Muu ifiuuaw uuvua f.i wu. eat sae ...-) uiMUTiwuDi, mum mv gmw TmmnBm r S yesteruay near ue waeean, river, ea Indiana side, totally wrecking two etrewingtnem about la Several passengers la tha coach had uieua eacspes. A brakamaa named waa probably fatally Injured. Thoi leaded with whisky aad tobacco, aad wans' hurled seventy-five feat from the track. -?- Awardea B0,soe namags. ' ,,?.' YonnaTewic, Ohie, March 24. JTehB?c Alexander, age 19 years, of Pulaski. Pa,:';" laat night waa given a vardlet bmrntettmU'-f 200 against tbe Pennsylvania railroad assaV pany, for personal Injuries. Se vetal yeassi, 5?i-- a age, while employed a water-boy aa (bsb'5,-. vi en u. rimuuii raureau. A4axaBar..maBivi ordered by ths oenductor te help TTiiTtt . . A car, and aa he bearded the tratB, he was SI inrewn en we traek, by a aeddaa atorugef the loeomoUva, cnttiag eS hla right leg. Tha S vsrdUarsneUredteUalaantisnnnii. .-. asasaaaalaklal tan BBaas - a- -. - Jtl.JF: "" an erassa- Blllllia BWmMW9l r. HratnariEtD, Msm, Mareh 24.-bprlag '? awi iu ue niiaassiiu ia we BasaaBlV.. Laaa-na ball asannlellini aa iilil. wl-'' ! laa been narfeetad last nlaht M '. Mbw Havbw, Conn., Mareh 24. A Mill hat wan wan fl-haa flAstsiallaHt Wu. ." T ".. f" " mmmnmm, MOMaSBB,. league irem wia city. Diraotenaad nrliwsj VM of the Mew Haven club were chosen aad aahvP'4 gnwa wan etaetaa laa Bigos w ateeaa BW JLj league convention here te-morrow. . f Traat. Ottawa, Oot, Mneb 24.-Mr. Vaa feUfwa)' iwaS of the Canaelaa Paelae railway, tralna are bow running regularly CalgaiTyaBdtbaPaawoeBes. Hei tha past winter has been STwentleaallr enew slides a wpuu berthemBrssaat least 30 Tear' nrewth, 1 ataad the test well. t& tteaaaa. anaaesai BaalaBBti n - Ottawa, March V2f3L?. flaaaelal mlaBajr t Oasaasa prlBted bat wlU bes aa a-aae BaMte Anrtit. TaeCaaeaamaaaaaBtataBBi by bs Charles Te.BseissaaM bh ie he la a had ahapc, TaWBBaMaJ uerasrtlLOae.09. aBlaessaaaaf oral I e tee last ! year. ,JUW; Ut m iai of One ateaT Bar 9mA, rv.V Loaaeir, Mareh i The awakat Wat la f illeeannl baa beam aaABesal trnl - "" 5"7i4JjTS: mm j '-Jli-wi'v . S&f'X -J M-MHaWM. I WBAaauha AaBsasttJhBBBaV r vi mLM:t:i .JMtJUrJ 'Sg4!J!2jxiB&&&ti ,e?l-iti.,&.ti 4. JAf lffijk!&'ab .,.,....-