'.CT 1lfl,'r,t'" .an i V'V"B riA'A, U1 s?PsaB3 wsgs W.'"- VT.MsW?.r2. ' !Uitfij.?.zr h& TS A, w'isri V', ' OPHE LANCASTER DAILT INTELLIGENCER, TUESDAY. MARCH 22,1887. t ! t If" - X jfj.1 1v 5Z fnl iSfif ;? ;-N!i.w t mx- ''..vTe- vix -' lis. N 'I II 'I fr . yMymiiMiiiiiu,Mit Bk sssmaxvt evaxasssa amawsb te r., (PL ?-?'... r ewiip rin EM& J UN IT M IIR MM 10 uw beds w MM 5 00 M M MM MIS M se atoe oseo oe -AvnMMwa&tvi rik.i t.i ii. w. eta. 9 is 0MM00 On MOO DM MOO OMMOO OOtUlt '' W jDMWstUy Ihtelligcnoer frmmm wmr. ttummwt mob, OMtfliiRTMill PSBB0BS1 OtIIBt W NHMMMOMMMMMManiM(TT'JlTCTn gaCgBAEw OMWf. AAJBUBOB UiTM SkWaMMBtMMiunienr, m mmmtmmmtrrwmm v m mauwuanuani taaeaatar. re the IVwifflfttr InteUietiudEi jbbVS1"" oB'wMreMFpnr mmt bspsbbbwsb lajieabtbb, march n, vm. She lateeXiaMial Bill Te-IUgkt. J? -j 4. -,,,' ao)wwpeeao)csior we government 01 ' llt1t4Uet the state outside et Fhlladel- - .irvi ifr4.iu. aa aitv...... vui. u a ,- fBiast arsMBinug; suns Aiicgucuy, nuicue tu V M euscussed at a public meeting this even- i-lmm- la wnlnmlnnna jn11nMtlnn nf unapt. i Tm. -.- ..w.. -- ----- i mm ssesing te cover everytnirjg mat a fiiHy'saay seed te de or have, and like all ItsMatlea of the kind will be found te be "jfcrlessceBaplete than its compeeers thought BMTSlt. It la net by descending te the detail In the srantine of city charters that the powers and duties of a ' ;mttnlctealltv mav be meat cemDletelv de. m w . The very minuteness et the legisla- SUea defeats Its object, In creating contra ft 'dletlens and causing emissions te be im Ti "flatailt tliat null! nnf tiA ay If fhani vns f, ,1M Ml. WWMAW MUW WW W U nW :'kssBi a naaifestpurpese te stipulate a course ififararsry contingency. The charter of this .viey, much briefer in Its expression, is yet JS-saeel. clearer In its definition of the city's &Mmm aad duties. !&A ' We de net see in this elaborate law. after ,,r- laboriously wading through it. anvthins te f3i .tempt the people et this city te exchange VSvL (OP It thftlr nrmuint. ohnrter Ttie lortre me fe'iorttyef its sUpulatiens are geed, though I JMUer than what we have ; some are BBK BOW aitt batter. Tha latter bfa in iMr SkA&WMIAJA aAWIlAM knf ama. i T.-t la the prevision In estimating the 'dam. ir Him for opening street and like public im. prevement, the benefit te adjacent private .T .... - 2ffi!T .""!! Sf0 n?lderatlen' no remedy whalerer A b 'pifMsmtuci property. There is newneYZZ--..- tlonet the justice et sucbj sien, and it shoe ier provided that the cost nring or macadamizing streets here after laid out may be assessed against ad jacent property, at the request et the ma jority of the property owners affected, or by a two-thirds vote of each branch of councils, without such request from the parties af fected ; and also that the cost of gas and water mains hereafter laid in the streets shall be assessed against the adjoining properties. We de net believe that this is a just regulation, in our city, where the mains are laid se extensively atid se many of the streets ere macadamized. The out lying districts should net new pay for tbeir v , Improvements, which are net altogether for sL tbe benefit of the property they cass bv : and '5Q la tha rase of the iraa and u-.ifr h vnt W.' mZ . . ... 7 . ,.'xim. hip iitiyimcmcut. u ymyciiy cuuecieu as -"?'OW in the enneral eaa and vratcr ratps. .Tet stipulation as te the gas mains ''may be Intended only te apply vvwnen me city supplies tbe gas. ' 5W"de net see any great Improvement ever '.-,-,. an iratATri In ta oletlnn r (l.n ntt rV mwiua ujr vue jtajjne; nor uees mere r? w sem hi ee any greai neea wnn us 01 a con- :ife trailer, who is te be chosen by the people ; :,A. aer aBT adva&taffa in liavinir fnur rammh. f- t if .-liiiiii.M nf tlin .lK1ln wnvlr. .nliAnAftAV. (yf """V. av fUWA4W nuiRO VI UU U1I3 WJ UC ,'SS wected by councils. Councils should $Sv aoeae the treasurer, and the ilaance and f;&atmet committees are as competent for 71taair work as the substitutes provided for f-i umbe may m expeciea te De. ip The new law gives cities the monopoly v et light and water supply, which tbey S-, iheuld have; but also glve3 them the && power te let this monopoly away for ten , year periods ; which we de net suppose our ;m' citizens want our councils tn li.iv an tn the, S'ft-'vMMltaT fhO llehl-. aiinnlslnenrlnltann I. ... n-sSUi "O" rr'B j""rb' ' """ -ia etlier nanus, and the city cannot ob-;-i "tain that moneply, of course, without Js pDrehasinz the existing riehts. Jf Thenew law gives councils power te lav $ a tax of two per cent., one for seneral fc?'" purposes, and one for interest and redemn. CV' tlen nf tlin Apht. It mm nlan ts aiitlmrl-re ipt tbe levy of a special tax for the purphase of apabllcpark. WedonetthinkourDeonle .J;dialrete extend the present limits of the 8'iA taxmg power or councils. &9 -T- e. .1 i.i... e wrej u3iy ie uesire that tne "ttjtax shall be spread ever all personal A;iy VUi VQe state taxes, and the real i' ."" ual' """ tuuuvy Mixes, as nny beheld If f jttUthe object of it under the clause em- ejBOwenngine levyer a city tax upon all rvxareMrty taxable ter state and count v n,,- ..'iCL.- ... it. . : - BMHa, nor wm iney care te nave every ec- .UVUJ nun, ju cll,y puj inere is a runner prevision for a. 1 en all persons," which we de net and, as there is a subsequent nre- I for a poll tax of a dollar, and we de vfcaew what further previsional tax I be wanted. k law provides for the division of the ray councils into wards wh'ch shall net a'Ctty or the fourth class exceed t; oeeaeiectana two common ceun- I te De cnesen from each ward . the leeanciimen te serve ler two years Hm talent for four, as declared in one I, though it is declared that they ler two years in another sec- .Certainly there Is no improvement our present system. Such at could readily be made by iwaraa into election districts. taaerethan three huudred voters giving each election district 4a la the common council. iwafda te be represented in select -Taawaaeuldbe a different and r'far a select council- 1 1 aad eaa aaaa te Una bundled Is net npraaaatatmef tha people in ceuaeil i aad tart hundred- iMaatifateM aoattieadk- Mat. Cmmm mmmIImb eskjht te be Cketn eTtryycM, Md tkrea yean la along eaeugB. tam ler kwmbet et the elect ebmH. OTm echoel pretista la the bill iss6 laBenllydiaapprered that we understand M la agreed that It shall be stricken from it. Ream Far Imprereaent. Seme years age the late Senater Kennedy Introduced into the legislature a resolution providing for such amendment of the state constitution aa would abolish the tax re quirement as a voting qualification. Gov. Fattlsen consistently advocated the aame measure. It was net, however, taken up by the Republican majority in that body ; and the party managen.whe are supreme there, starved the subject te death. They aeem te take a different view of it new; and Senater Cooper, who is also the Republican state chairman, has succeeded in having such a bill passed through the Senate as his measure. If it is acceptable te the caucus management it will no doubt also pass the Heuse and be signed by the gov ernor ; since all legislation at Uarrlsburg this w inter is shaped by party council and trade-marked with the Republican brand. There will be few te regret the abate ment of the se-called pall tax. There seems te be no geed reason for its establishment, no sound practice in its enforcement, and no justification In morals or economy for its continuance. It has been impossible te get voters te pay their own taxes ; it has been impracticable for courts te decree or for legislatures te define that what the in dividual can de for himself he cannot de through another agent; and consequently the law has utterly failed et its purposes. In this city, for instance, as many as four- thousand voters have had their taxes paid for them by the political parties ; in Philadelphia the number lias reached 100,000 and the purchase of tax receipts has been one of the most forcible pretenses for raising the large sums of money whose collection and dis bursement have demoralized and cor rupted our politics. It is te be hoped, from every point of view, that the poll tax and every form of tax requirement as a franchise qualification will be speedily abated. It is true, as the Philadelphia Prus sug gests, that the adoption of this amendment should net be allowed te break down the legal requirement of registration or similar safeguards of a pure ballet. Adequate means should be provided and the present previsions strengthened for determining in advance of election day the qualifications of voters. Sixtydays residence In the dis trict ought te remain a requirement ; and the list of lawful voters should be made out and judicially determined before the day of voting and by a mere deliberate and better qualified jurisdiction than the ordinary election beard. Fer often its decisions are ill-considered and, partisan; ana me canuiaate wne is cueated et nis election by the exclusion of" fair votes has CU. blUil 11 M Llin ITAlTUIIIIIllll I ballet unjustly er be get into the count. In some states the right of the voter is fully tested in advance ; his appeal liei te the court; the lists are published and purged, and every man's qualifications are soberly and fairly passed en with regard te the law. The perfected lists are then sup plied te the election officers, and they have no authority except te be guided by it. There seems te be no geed reason why this judicious arrangement should net be intro duced into tbe 1'ennsTlvanla law. Kim: la tbe city In Pennsylvania that ranks next above Lancaster In population, accord, lng te the census of IsSa It was then enum erated at 27,377, while our population was counted at 5,769 ; l.'rle new claims 35,000, and Lancaster Is safely estimated at 30,000. In Erie the present system of water works was established in 1Se7, and It la managed by beard or three commissioners appointed by the court ; one member of the beard re tiring every year, and the appointees serv ing three years. Jl. Whitman, the veteran editor of the Observer, journalist, politician and man of affairs generally, la president of the beard, and takes great pride and Interest In Its work. The municipality gets his ser vices (or tbe nominal salary of 700 per an num. Besides tbe commissioners, the city pays a salary te the secretary and treasurer of the water beard, a superintendent of atreet work, inspectors, engineer, two as sistant and tour firemen, making a total expenditure en thta account of 110,769.18. The entire outlay of tbe Erie department for one year istl3,&3 7C,ef which 129,840.32 is charged te construction, (1,'9C41 te extraordinary re pairs, and ? 17,211 01 te current expenses or maintenance. The total miles of water pipe In that city is W, in Lancaster SG. The yearly pumpage in Erie is 1,117,369,075 gal lons, te 1,411,570,930 here ; our dally supply la 3,873,790, te 3,003,423 In Erle-an average consumption per capita In Lancaster of 129 gallons, while in Erie it Is but 87. I) a William A. Hammend rise te tbe defenae of tbe new drug, cocaine, and In re ply te the severe criticisms of physicians who thought his warm advocacy et the drug un warranted by tbe facta and misleading te the public, be sajs that tbe se-called cocaine habit is a jiytb, that he baa uted cocaine for several months at a time in mere than three hundred cases. 1 aee It produeea the meat beneficial results, but I have never known It te cause tbe least deleterious effect or In a aingle Instance te lead te the formation of a habit. The patients step It at once as seen aa they are told te de se. I wenld like te aee a pure case of tbe 'cocaine habit,' and 1 will thereupon pay the expenses from any part of tbe United HUtea te tnu cuy u any victim' who will come here will authenticate and allow me te examine him, and I will then pay his way back te bis home." He does net refer te men alresdy wrecked by opium or whisky, although be clalma that cocaine la a valuable remedy for both if properly admin istered by a physician, lie denlea that he ever said it could be taken Indiscriminately by any person, butsaya that no deae that baa yet been administered has caused death and that large deaes can be taken without Injury. Theae statements directly contradict these of bis assailants who named and described sev eral cases et death from the use of cocaine. Tbe doctor ascribes all their annlmeslty te tne natural repugnance of men te anything new. It will net de, however, for him t compare men of science et te-day with these narrow-minded pedants who opposed the In traductien of Peruvian bark. He has tbe bad taste te attempt this and b?glns his defense of cocaine by facts from the history of this great auoeveryoi iue uesuiis. Apart frejt the argument for cocaine theae facta are very Interesting. Tbe medical fac ulty opposed Peruvian bark ae atrengly that In Hpain it was net generally accepted until tbe pope had sanctioned it. It was denounced as a poison and deaths were constantly re ported from lla use. An English medical man, Talbot, waa ae persecuted by the college of physicians en account of hla using the remedy in his practlea that ba waa obliged te appeal te the king for protection, aad a mandate waa Issued forbidding the collage t) interfere wun mm in any way. Buooe Bueoe Buoee quently Talbot went te Fraaea where he cured tbe Dauphin and ether noblemen of the ague, and then Leuis XIV. rewarded hla, as waa his habit, Bugelaeaatly. After this It gradaaUy mads its way. MPBReaWtr.t.iAK la ninety te-day. Aa he may net have another birthday annlrer. aary, this one ought te ba made a Jelly one. . . . . . m Dr. I,kwh II. Stsiskr, of Frederick, Md., well known In aesUl and college cir cles here and the centennlal aluml orator ter the next cemmencemennt et Franklin and Marshall college, has published bis an nual report aa librarian of the great Knoch l'ratt fro library of Baltlmera. Frem this It seems that the library and Its branches new hare en their shelves 45,109 volumes, and that last year cards were issued te 25,003 persons, who took out an average et 15 books MCh during the year. About 75 per cent, of the volumes borrowed are fiction and Juvenile ; next came history, miscellany, science and art, travel", biography and poetry and the drama, In the order named. This Is the most extensive tree library ever founded In this country. Don't be a clam, but go te the Heard et Trade meeting te-night, and bear the muni cipal bill discussed. raasuNAU Thk Litis Husax Hinxev, of Philadel phia, left F2s,oeo in charity. William H. Mahtin has been chosen successor te Reaunn in the Second congres sional district of Texan. JuDOEStMONTON, of Uarrlsburg, Is te tie pressed by bis frienda ler the Republican supreme court nomination. The Peru has approved tbe plan of the new Caibolte university, which la te be lecaieu in waamogien, u. v. Ex Governer Ccrtin and General Sheri dan, it is said, are about te a Jd te the stock of personal reminiscences of the war. Cardinal Vannutklli has been defi nitely appointed te succeed tbe late Car dinal Jacobin! as papal secretary et state. Charles A. Dana, editor of tbe New Yerk Sim, presided ever a meeting In New Yerk last evening te pretest aitatnst the con tempiaiea coercion diu ler Ireland. ARcumsner T.vcn. of Terente, says that tbe reign of Victeria has been made no table by ae manv evictions In Ireland that It ought te be known as the Evlcterta reign. The criticism Is net unftlr In ievv of the facts. E Attekne Ge.nki; l L. C. Cassihv has been for years subjected te no little an noyance through the erratic performances of a man who bears the same name as himself, and who Is continually doing thing ler which the well-known lawyer Is accorded the credit, or, as Is usually the case, the dlscredlL Justice CittTTr, of Londen, recently heard a case concerning some agricultural Implements and household furniture. One of the lawyers was very prey, and after talking about tbe implements until the court waa nearly asleep, aatd : " And new, my Lord, 1 will address myself te the furniture." 'Yeu have been doing that for an hour al ready," replied Mr. Justice Cbltty. The lawyer sat uewn ana tne etner siae get tne verdict. Mr. Pearce, one of tbe few members of Parliament competent te discuss naval atlalra with the authority of an expert, makes tbia aignlrlcant admlsalen In a letter of the Lon Len Lon eon Tunes: "Is it net preposterous that Great Brltatu, with ber magnificent commer cial marine, has net a single ship of war that can cress the Atlantic at full speed 7 In fact, I cannot recall a slnsle British armor clad that could reach New Yerk at all under her own steam power." Mayer Harrison, of Chicago, gives some singular reasons why he will net be a can didate for re-election. He said : " 1 am 02 years old. A lire of quiet for a few years mayglvemea happy and vigorous old age. A terrible strain during the uext two years may make me a decrepit valetudinarian. I cannot get any mere honor In this ofilee. 1 may set dishonor. One of my officers mlttht become a defaulter, and 1 would receive ihe blame. My fear Is that we will have some terrible trouble in thia city in the next two years if the supreme court elves tbe Anarch ists a new trial. Judge Gary has told me tbey could never have another trial. Tbey could net get a Jury. These men would give out that tbey were vindicated, and tbey would cause trouble. On the ether band, it iney were nangea we may nave convulsions. MUSDAfafUUCMEDiKUH. Tbe Mctbedlst Cenfrcc Adepts Insela tien Atklnc lbs Legislature te Add a PioTltteu te lbs License Law. The fourth day's session of the Philadel phia annual conference of tbe Methodist Ep'acepal church In Philadelphia, was opened with prayer Monday, by Rev. William L. Gray. Bishop li. S. roster presided, Tbe Kev. J. L. Hurlbut, D. D , addressed the conference en behalf of the Hunday (school uniun. 'Ihe Kev. W. H. Griffith, who was introduced as the piste of the only vteiBu aieroeaisicnurcn in tnis country, ad dressed tbe conference In behalf of bis church, which is looted at Utlca, New Yerk, and Is in need or K.,000. Tbe Kev. Dr. Themas Hanlan spoke in behalf of tbe Pennington seminary, which, he said, had en 1U rolls tbe names of S0O candidates ler the ministry. The Rev. B. T. String, of tbe Temperance committee, offered the following resolutions, which were agreed te, viz : Jleselied. By tbe Philadelphia conference et the M. K. cburcb, composed of nearly 800 ministers and representing nearly 60,000 cburcb members, that we reapecttully re quest me senate ana ueuse or representa tives of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in general assembly met, in tbe passage of any acts te amend tbe license law of tbe com monwealth, te Incorporate with auch enact, menu a prevision se that license ter tbe aale of Intoxicating liquors in tbe cities of Phila delphia and PiltHQurg sbill be granted by the same authority as in ether counties of the atate. Jteselveil, That the Rev. (J. K. Merrla be requested te visit Uarrlsburg and present tbe above resolution te tbe legislature new In aeaaien. James GUIinder, president, and Rev. W.J. Paxaen, D. D., secretary of the beard of trus tees of the Methodist Episcopal church, pre sented a report outing that of tbe f50,000 recommended by tbe conference hut year te no raiaeu, euiy ,.e nau ueeu secureu, ana that the time designated as the limit within which tbe conditions of tbe will or the late Dr. Scott Stewart,bequeathing about (231,000, may be met, will expire in lets than eleven months. Tbe trustees requested tbe conference te recommend "that tne second Sunday In May be aet apart as Hospital Day, and that a col lection and aubscrlptlens be Uken In alt our churches, te aid lu the establishment and maintenance or the Methodist Episcopal hospital. Tney also requested the conference te re appoint tbe Kev. Jatnta Neill as iu financial agent Addresses In behalf or the hospital were delivered by tbe Reva. W. J. Paxson, D. D , Charles W. Buey, James Nelll, Measrs. Jamea GUIinder and Strpben Green. The report was adepted. The committee en heaplul reported a aeries of resolutions commending the enterprise and recommend ing the establishing of the second Sunday In Mayas hospital day, en which day tbe people are urged te contribute te the beapiui, which were adopted. Tbe Revs. Geerge Cummins, J. 8. J. Mo Me Mo Cennell and J. H. Hargts and Messrs. Peter aautu, Dwueu uimu, ,uuu viaiiagau snu Jehn P. Keene, were elected members of the beard of trustees of the hospital. Tne Kev. U. K. Creeks, D. D , of Drew semlnsry, addressed the conference in behalf et that Institution. The Kev. Jehn Ker, D. D., of the Irlth Wealeyan conference, delivered an address In which he aaid Ihe Xrlab were better fed, clothed and educated than formerly. The land bill of 13S1 bad done a great deal of geed among the Irish Methodists, m tbe majority et them are farmers. There are about 300 Metbediat preachers In Ireland and tbey all have quite enough te da A subscription for tbe benefit el tbe boa bea plUl was made and f 1,035 waa pledged te be paid In one month after 50,000 is subscribed. Tbe conference missionary sermon waa reached in tbe afternoon by Kev. R. W. lumpbrtas. In tbe evening tbe 6Q'.h anniversary of tbe oenlerenne missionary society was held. Mr. Colaen HsUkell presided, and addresses ware made by the Rev. Geerge Gaul and tbe Rev, J. M. Tbeburne, a missionary from Cal cutta. Treasurer L. B Brown reported that the recelpU laat year were fv3,313&i. an In. creese elll,2aJ overlay,. ' ' Colsen Helekell, L. D. Brown, Themas Adams, Geerge II. West, Jebn K. James, M. D, Samuel Shaw, W. Q. Speneer, Themas A. Harris and Geerge W. Server were elected managers for a Urm of three years. s M Veleat-u Hupantauaatsd, from Louden Life. The fell In casta of valentines is shown by tbe posteffloe returns. Last year 216,000 aleattaaa Gassed through the omeoj tfcla jut taan wart only in,eax iiime, siepnen ureen, jenn nanagau and TnKM V ITuAn. WA-A .ImI. .nam....... .. . .. - A very raaaarkaMa eult waa filed la the common pleas court, at Cincinnati, y eat at day. Albert Rese auee te raeevar 110,000 damages from Ada Burnett, a aarlo-eomlo singer, with a company at the People's theatre. Sunday night Resa attended the performance and when Miae Burnett sang the long "A New Dude In Town" aba pointed directly at Hese, who waa seated In the balcony. 11a arew very angry at onea and she requested him te mile, but he ten tbe house In a rage. In thta petition Kese alleges that he was harassed and held up te ridicule. It la the brat case of the kind ever brought In the United States. Mlsa Burnett, who Is a handsome young woman and eue of the liveliest kind of actresses, was last seen here with the Hall Hall Hall llloedgood combination, when ahe sang "A New Coen In Town" and several ether songs with great success. Sums Walcklag. from the WlllUmipert Sua and Basilar. 11 Bunce Harry " aaye that the authorities of a dczsn counties are keening an eye en him. They want te watch hi in cteaely or he'll outwit some of them yet. The Chronic Bill Beard. rreui the Washington Critic. A fashionable weman'a cheek makes a line bill-beard for cosmetic advertisements t'OSSIBLG AND IMPOSSIBLE. I make a friend leek weary. If you say te htm : ' What's New tfl drive ietas from tbe parlor, by a in.. ...nj warbling " reek a Boe ;" ion "niuritMmja.jter, iike Donevan I you Jump, I run a big nitu dairy, with a slmp'e v. water pump. .'always be thought runny, when seu I ring a chestnut bell. I make it any warmer by tne eatb : ou can' 1 " ii s ceia itj as wu i ; pass your 3 cent pieces en as dimes in buying beers write such " ret " as this, If you try a toeusand years, Prem tin Ceilar JiapiJi (Jentp. W hat's better for a wound than Salvation Oil t Kchn answers. " IrtU" We answer Noth ing." "se say we all et us, se say we all f'Unly tt tents. A txxir unfortunate In Milwaukee la said te hsve stiefiedbliuself te death Alasl poerrrea- tute, ItvliiK in the light of nineteenth century ana nev-r cearu ei iir. ddiii wnuKa :-; N ell, this Is mera than Egyptian daranes HI'MOIAL HUT1CM8. Methml Stetbsratl Moment! Are you disturbed at night and broken of yenr rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain et catting teeth t If se. go at ence and get a bottle of MBS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SMtUt. It will relieve the peer Uttie sntTtirluimedUtcly-depeadupenlt; there Is no mistake about It. There Is net a mother en eaith who has ever used It, who will net tell yen at once that It will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It U perfectly safe te use In all cases' and pleasant te the taste, and lathe prescription of one of the eldest and best female physicians ana neies in the united States. Sold everywhere. 26 cents a bottle. mayU I)dAw An End te Hen Scraping. Edward Shepherd, of Uarrlsburg, 111 , says " llavlngrecelM-dsemuchtwiientlraiu Electric Bitters, I teal It my dut te let suffering human tty knew It. Have bad a running sere en my leg for eight yuars i my doctors told me I would have te have the bone scraped or leg amputated. 1 used. Instead, thrve bottles of Electric Hitters and seven boxes llucklen's Arnica Salve, and my leg ts new sound and well." Electric tltttrea are sold at fifty cents a bottle. and llucklen's Arnica Salve at 85c. per box by H. IS. Cochran. Druggist. Nes. 117 and IM norm Vjuec-n sirvei, umcaaier, ra. (9) THE UEV. GEO. U. TUA1EB, of Bourbon Ind , says " Iteth myself and wife ewe our Uvea te S1IILOUS CONSUMPTION CUBE." Fer sale by II . 11. Cochran, Druggist, HO.H1 worth yneen street. (31 AN UNrOKTONATE I'EItSON. The most unfortunate penen In the world Is one afflicted with sick headache, but they win Us relieved at once by using Dr. Leslie's Special 1'rencrlptlen. bee adverusemeat In another column. () Tbe Excitement Met Over. The rash at It. B. Cochran, druggist. Ne. 1S7 North Queen street, still continues en account of persons afflicted with Cough, Colds, Asthma, Urenchltls and Consumption, toprecureabottle of hemp's Balsam for the Threat and Lungs, which Is sold en a guarantee and Is gtvtngenlire satisfaction. It la a standard family remedy. Price se cenu and II. JVteI ixitrtt. elS-lwdA w H. a Cochran, Nes. 137 and 13) North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa, ts selling 8111 LOU'S CUUUH CUKE as a guarantee te cure all threat and lung troubles. (9) KIDNCT TBODHIXS. A Case of Many Tears Standing Cared With Blx Bettles, in a Stan SO Tears el Age. AtuTOw, Pa , May 8, 1335. DaKDiueH Ilrmu Ce. Genu : I had been troubled with my kidneys foranumberer years, nsed almost everything without much benefit mill I tried Dandelion Bitters. I nsed six bot bet Ues and am pleasad te say 1 am entirely rid of the kidney trouble, besides my system being toned up se that I feel like a different person. I cheerfully recommend the same te all afflicted in this way. JACOB MU8CU14TZ. ebl0-3radTu.Tb.S SUILUU'S CUBE will Immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Urencl gb and urenchltls. Ter ran. Druggist, no. ui Nena Queen street. (7) Tbe usual treatment of catarrh ts very unsat isfactory, as thousands et deapalrleg patlenU can testify. Un this point a trustworthy medi cal writer says "Proper local treatment la posi tively necessary te success, bnt many. If net most, of thi remedies In general nse by phyat ctana afford but temporary benefit. A cure cer tainly cannot be expected from snuffs, powders, douches and wash-a " Sly a Cream Balm U a remedy which combines the Important requi sites of quick sctlen, specific curative power wttn petlect safety and pleasantness tn the patient. uuuS-swdeedAw UaansLiea Livsa Pbixbts for sick headache torpid liver, bUlensness and Indigestion . Small and eay te swallow. One pill a dose. Price, 26a, By all druggUU. UbWmdTu.Th.8 OTHINO LIKE IT. ST. JACOBS OIL. T0KM4N AND BBAST-TUK BEST BEMUD V. Tss Hist ter Heb-s Cekflaixts .Sew Yerk club stable-, 1317 E. tsth St., ( New Yerk, Oct 2). ls. j It gives me great pleuure te add my testi mony te the great curative qualities of St. Jacobs Oil, having used several caseaeftbe OU In my stable, and can safely say It Is the bestllultnenl. CALVIN II. PlilESr. Ths Best Evsn Used hhstam.es. Ueullemen's Saucy Livery, Sine Horses, etc., ( Lancaster, Pa., Oct. 23 1&6. j Aa te the nsetulness of BL Jacobs Oil, I will say a, much as any man. for I well knew It ts the best t ever used In mv sUbles. CYUUS U. COLVIN. It Nivxa Pailiu lit a StietB Ihtascs. van Diege, Cal , Oct. 29. IMS. Gentlemen : It Is a satisfaction te recom mend a geed thing, and auch a thing 1 be lieve yenr St. Jacobs Oil te be. 1 have used It for years tn my family, as well as In my kennel and stables, and It has never filled In a single Instance te dneverythlng that could oeeson&bly be expected of any turned? e! IU class. W. li. UOLABIHD, Gcn'l Agt. Coronade Beach Ce Pkex a Hekskuas-Lame BacxCcbsd. Mluesha, Wis . Oct . 2, 1888. Your letter all tight. St. JacebiUll Is just what you said about It. It cured me entirely et lame back ; a'.oef sprains. It Is the finest thleg ever used en horses, or for man or beast A.GstANQB. Orisiea or a Pialeb ii Hesses. 1 rexlertewn, Le high Ce . Pa. I recommend u Jacobs oil as the best thing In the world for spavin en horses. It Is a certain cure. MILTON A. 8CHMOYBB. TUKCUARLKS A. VOUELEH CO , Baltimore, MO. JV All persons csixu 8L Jacobs Oil or Bed Star Ceuxh Cure, will by sending a two cent sump and a history or their case, receive Aevica FKBB. Red Star Cough Cure. MKB rEOM OPIATES AND POISONS. SAFE. BUHE. PROMPT. 26 CENTS. AT DKUQOISTS AMD PIALBttS. illK CUAIlLES A. VOUELBKCO. Baltimore, Md. QONTKAOTOR AMD BUILDER GEORGHI ERN8T. OABPBNTBB, OOMTBAOTOa BULLDBB. Baeldenee Ne. MS West Etna; street, ahep mwi, snii wttwwt, wpiKJwi stanaiMB aw fOOOBN MANTELS ABD 0BXBBAI, I WOO WOKE A aVrBtMAltrT atauMBaa, GIMsIOHS ZaVKR RMiULATOR. -TAKB- Simmons Lifer Regulator! A. Taluble BeMmrce for tke Hick. .wA.7,?n"T thf ""y resenrees which medical skill has made ayalfable for the stek and debili tated, none rank blgber than Simmons Liver Regulator, a comprehensive remedy for .,hfnr Complaint, Dyspepsia, Constipation. Chills and fvr, Debility , Nervousness, sick Headache, and ether aUmenU attributed te bil iousness. PUKELY VIUKTAULB. ,i.'S",,,,2 Ue bwels without griping, purifies a bilious breath and completely relieves the many indescribable symptoms watch torment sufferers from Uyspspata, Liver Complaint and Kidney Troubles. H also effectually removes tbese nervous symptoms telt when bile ts tin perfecUy secreted or misdirected. J. II. ZB1L1N A CO . t'renrtatnr.. maris cod w ruiiaaejpnia, fa. uk-...-.T . . . QHERRY PECTORAL. Your Children Are constantly exposed te danger from Colds Whooping Cough, Croup, and diseases peculiar te the threat and lungs, for such ailments, ayeri tnerry recienu, promptly administered, affords speedy relief and cure. As a remedy for Whooping Cough, with which many of our children were amtcted, we nsed, during the past winter, with much satisfaction, Ayer'a Vheiry Pectoral. Fer this affecUen, we consider this preparation the roost efficacious of all the medicines which have come toenr knowl knewl C?" "." f arkhuret. Preceptress, Heme ter Little Wanderers. Doncaster, Ud. My children have been peculiarly subject te attacks el Croup and 1 tailed te ana any effec tive remedy until I commenced administering Avers Cherry I'rcteml. This preparation re lieves the difficulty of breathing and Invariably cures the complaint -David y. eurks, Chatham, Columbia Ce , N. r. 1 have used Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral In mv family for many years, and have found It especially valuable in Whiieplng cough This medicine allays all Irritation, prevents Inflam mation tremeatendlng te the lungs, and qntekly subdues any tendency te Lung Complaint J B. rialevltle, Mich v I end no medicine se effective, for Croup and Whooping Cough, as Aer cherry rectors!. It was the meansef saving the lira of my lltue boy, only six month old, carrying hlmaarxly through the worn case of W hoeping Cough 1 ever saw, Jane Malene, I'lcey riaU. I'enn. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prepared by Pr .1. C. Aver A Ce.. txiwell. Mats. Sold by alt Druggists. I'itcell, six bottles, ai mlKtea QAPCINK PLASTERS. BENSON'S POROUS PLASTIES. WINTER EXPOSUKE CAUSES COUQUS, Colds, Plenrlsy, Bheumatlsm, Pneumonia Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumliige, Backache and ether ailments, ler which Bensen's Capclne Plasters are admitted tn be the beat remedy known. Tbey relieve and cure In a tew hours, when no ether application Is of the least benefit. Endorsed by S ou i physicians and druggist s He ware of Imitations under similar sounding names, such ai "Capsicum" " C'apslr In," or "C'apalclne" Ask sua Uehseb's abd tabs e OTHiaa. Examine carerully when you buy. All . , M SEAUURT A JOHNfcOW. OltSmdeedAw Proprietors, New Yerk. jyOESTYLIN. KIDDER'S DIGESTYLIN. reK Indigestion and Dyspepsia. A POTENT REMEDY FOR indigestion. Acute and Atenic Dyspepsia, Chronic and U astre Intestinal Catarrh, omitleg In Pregnancy, Cholera Infantum, and In cenva lescence from Acute Diseases. Over SO0. ph slclans have sent te ns the most flaturlngoplnlens npen Dlgestylln as a remedy ter all diseases arising from Improper digestion. rerSuyearsne have manufactured the Diges tive Ferments expressly ter PHYSICIANS' use, and for the past year DIGESTYLIN has been by them extensively prescribed, and te-day H sttnds without a rlal as a digestive agent. It la net a secret remedy bnt a scientific prepara tion, the formula et which la plainly printed en each bottle. Its great DIGEsTIV F'OWLttts created by a careful and proper treatment of the farm en tain manufacture, it l very agreesble te the taste, and acceptable te the most delicate stomach, for the reliability et our statements we would respectfully refer te all Wholesale and UeUlI Diugglsu, and PHYSICIANS gen erally. PrlcetLtM Sela by Druggists. or WM f KIDIOCHALO. Manufacturing ChemUU, 83 Jehn St . N. Y. marl lyd iu me WEAK MEN Buffering from the edecu of youthful errors, early decay, wasting weakness, lest manhood, etc . t will send a valuable treatise (sealed) con taining full particulars for home cure, PRE of Charge. A splendid medical work; should be read by every mm who is nervous and debili tated address, PRur. r. C. ITOWLEK, mlSGmdAw Moodus, Conn. QDBE QTjARAMTBBlT ' RUPTURE. Cure guaranteed by DR J. b. MAYER. Bam at once i no operation or deUy from busi ness : tested by hundreds el cures. Mala oaes. an ARCH aT PHILA. Sand (or Circular. ne-lvdAw worn ma&k am mmmt. fJHJR SALE A FULL SET OF BAND A3 instruments. Alse a large, denble Baas Violin. Apply te W. W. WEIDLEY, mlt-lwd Strasbnrg, Lancaster County, Pa. TJtOR SALE. Ml a Twe Herse Platform Spring Wsgen with top body. Geed as new. inanlreer PHILIP LEHZBLTEB A CO, fM-tfd asi nene ijucen euceb FOR RENT STORE-ROOM AND BASE MBNT. with Dwelling attached, situated Ha ttl Nerth Qneen street. Inquire of PHILIP LEBZ ALTER, mars-twd 241 North Queen street. TJtOR SALE OR RENT-PROPERTY ON MS Cerner of Duke and Church streeU, con taining eight rooms and largs store-room, oeod locality. Inquire of PHILIP LEBZELTEB, marS-tfd Ml North Qneen atreet. -ntOR RENT. A! TS Twe or tenr rooms In Brimmer's New Bntldlnc Ne. 1UK North Queen street. Heat and gas Included. Apply at feblStfd BRIMMER'S MVEBYOrriCB. -HOOPER HOUSE FOR RENT. KJ The cooper Heuse, one-half square from Centre Square and Opera Heuse, and near both railroad depots. This Is one of the largest and best beuses In the city. Large Bale and Ez change stables, all OrsVclass. A-ossesalen en AprtTlst. iactHtd WM. J. COOPBB. MAX, vat, mm. IRUNKSANDTRiVELINO BAGS. STAUFFEMCO, Leading Hatters. In connection with their FINE LINE OF HATS Shew one nf the largest and most oare eare fully selected stock or TRUNKS AND TRAYEUN6 BAGS IN LANCASTER. All PrieM. All OradM. W. D. STAUFFER & CO., MftaM Werts. mmmtvAu alKDlCIMB. Story of a Postal Card. I was affected with kidney and urinary Trouble - for twelve yeats I" After trying all the doctors aad patent medi cines I could hear of, I used two belUse of Mop Hitters i" ' And I am perreally cured. I keep It ail tbe time I" Hespectiuuy, u. r. uejth, santsbury, Tnn., May 4, ls&S. Usinrean, Pa., May 0, ISM. It hss cured me of several diseases, saehae nervousness, sickness at the stomach, monthly troubles, etc. 1 have net seen a sick day In years, since! took Hep Hitters All my uslah uslah bera use them. Mas. ramus ukaaa. AsMRcaxusM, Mass , Jan. It, IM, t have been very slek ever two tears They II aavs me un aa Mil cure. 1 tried the meat all gave me up as past cure, skillful physicians, bnt they did net net reach the worse part. The lungs and heart would Oil up every night and distress me. and my threat hi waa very bad. 1 told my children I should never die In peace till I bad tried Hep Hitters wnen 1 had taken two betUes thev helped me very much Indeed. When I bad Uken two mere bef. Us 1 waa well. There waa a let of slek folks here who have seen hew they cured uie, and tbey used them and were cured and feel aa thankful as I de that there U se valuableamedl cine made. Touts truly. Miss J cm U. Cishike. $3,000 Lest. " A tour te Europe that cost me 13,000, done " less geed than one bottle of Hep Bitters I they "also cured my wife el fifteen years' nervous H weakness, sleeplessness and dyspepsia," Mr. K.M, Auburn, H. l. Baby Saved. We are se thankful that say that our nursing baby waa permanently cured et a dangerous and protracted constipation and Irregularity of the bowels by the use of Hep Bitters by Its nursing mother, which at the same time re stored her te perfect health and strength The Parents, Rochester, N. T, aarUnhealthy or Inactive kidneys cause 5 ravel, " llilght's disease, rheumatism aud a order f ether serious and fatal disease, which can be prevented with Hep Bitters." If ukea In time. " Luddlngten. Mich , fob. J, HM I have sold Hep Hitters for ten years, and there" Isnomedl Isnemedl ctne that equals them ler bilious attacks, kidney cempiainu, aue an aiseaaes incident te un ids 1 art al climate. II. T. ALUABDSB. - Menree. Mich, SepL K, 1SW. Sua- I have been Uklng Hep enter for Inflammation "et kldnevs and bladder." It has denw tne "what tour physicians failed te de -cured me. ' Tbe effect of the Bitters seemed llke mag te tn me. W. L. CABTEk. Gbxts : Tour Hen Hitters have been of great value te me. Iwatlaldup wltb typhoid fever for ever two months, and could get no relief until ItrlHi your Hep Bitters. Te tho'e suffer Ins from debility, or anyone In feeble health. 1 cordially recommend them. J. C. BTOETtBt. CM t ulten street, Chicago, III. Can Teu Answer Thta? Is there a person living who ever saw a case et ague, oiueusness, nervousness or neuralgia or any disease of tbe stomach, llrer or kidneys that uep sHttere win net cure . My Mether stys Hep Bitters Is the only thing that will keep her I mm serere attacks of paraly sis and headache. AM. Otutge Hun. " Mv little sickly, puny baby, was changed Inte a great bouncing boy, and I was raised from a tick bd by using Hep Bitters a short time " marSSmeedAw A lets. Satin. BAmUAiKB- L3PRINU TRADE. ASTRICH'S Palace ei Fashion. NO. 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Monday, March 21, 1887. JERSEYS ! JERSEYS I JERSEYS I Twenty Are Deaen Ladles' Jerseys for 29c apiece. Fifty Doxen Boucle Jen eyt In Black and Col ored. Plain Jerseys I Ceat Back Jerseys I Pleated Vest Frent Jerseys I Pleated Frent Jerseys, beaded I Embroidered Vest Jerseys I Ladles' Merine Underwear. Twenty Doxen Ladles' Summer Merine Vesta, long sleeves regular caffs (worth 50c ) slightly soiled, selling at ate apiece. Twenty Eve Doxen Ladles' Fine India Ganxe Vesta, long and short sleeves, high neck and low neck ; also Sleeveless Vests, at c apiece. Ten Dezen Fine Oanxe. long sleeves, fancy finished neck (worth 7e) attSc Fifteen Doxen Fin Balbrlggan Tests, faney finished neck (worth tlej at 7c apiece. Twenty-five Doxen Beat Balbrlggan Vests, silk bound, pearl buttons, silk stlteted (worth BOc) at oe apiece. HOSIERY! Twenty Ave Doxen Ladles' Mede and Tan Colored Cotten Hese, full regular mate (worth te) at 10c a pair. Twenty-five Doxen Genuine Balbrlggaxts, fin est game (worth from tee toteci atSBeapalr. Twenty-five Doxen Ladles' Extra Fine Black Ingrain cotton Hese, extra long (worth JOe) at Twenty-five Doxen Children's 'Wide Derby Bibbed Black Cotten Hese, full regnlsr made, superior qnaltty and finish. These goods aie worth 90 per cent, mere than what we sell them ler. NOTB THE PRICES: s. K 7. tx s, ex 150 170 80c Zte LINEN GOODS! FlftJ L Dezen Ladfaa' Fins Llnan HanAa-arnhlara. hemstitched and colored borders (worth 10c apiece), selling four for SJe. Hew Linen Cellars and Cuffs ; se different styles In all sixes. New Dress Trimmtega! BEAD PASSAMBNTBRIBS AND ORNA MENTS. BEADED BETS. CHENILLE FRINGES. MARABOUT TRIMMINGS. FAMCT DRESS BRAIDB. New Combination WORSTED FRINGES. TUB BEST LINE OF New Drets Buttens ! Over a Thousands Styles at t", It. IS and at Cente a Doxen. NEW AND DESIBAB'.M GOODS IN RVERY DEPARTMENT. Reck Bettem Prices! gsTOALXj TO 8BB US.tj rmoeeAAts. TkTOTlOE TO BRIDUE-HUII.UEK3. Proposals will be received at the office of the Oennty commissioners Lancaster. Pa. nntll aoea, Tnasstay. March ffi. WW. ferrebulldtng the raWUBB WlwWf M Basil Its i Bu DM& petaea op stream axtoTle leAged la bridge alt The asaaiai aaeTwe aaparstnieiure i la Cnatiactnc Bsnst f the Oaes above the The naaiarr must ba repaired aneribe aaparstnieiure rebuilt la its erlglaal fefss. Contractor ssust fa mlsa all maUrulex. eept these parte ettha eMbrMjawhl wsidi ww as I te be deter. itTflimsmlartmrara or thalr sgwBt The OnoBBsleolosioio laserve Uts Wfht te erataBjeraUbMaMA1,ti.w , jemb aiNUiuKr' UIHlvV.lsilffHAtf. V eflsBjaaMkaAy BMamfAEm-sM Attastt wun mmmm3L -mJkM ar aaai aArfwaxWsuWatSBaasl B OSTON BTORK. BOSTON STORE, Net. 20 & 28 North Qmm BU Between Posternoe and Centra Square NEW Spring Dress Ms! We are showing a Beantirel atoekef NewSprUg Dress UoedsstLow Pries. NBW Sl'KlNO COAW. JACEBTS, WBAPI AND el lUBTBf At Prices sere te rioaeo yea. DRESS BUTTONS at Lew Prices! DEBSS BUT rONB at Lew Prices I Special Offerings of BLACK DRSss SILKS, BLaX'K CASBMBBM, BLAUK HENRIETTAS, and BBADED DRESS FRONTS at Extraordinary Bargains. NswSATINESndSKEMUCKER8In kVealiful Designs and Colorings. Oar assortment el Fancy colors of Plash aad Saline apllqne flowers and Plush Oraa menu at Lew Prices are tlaequaled. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. rty Doxen All-Linen Towels. M taeaee wide, com lesg. only Itsjo each, worth S0e aoea. rtfty Doxen All-Linen Damask Towels, extra els e, 17e each, worth tee each. Twenty Ave Pieces Table Linen, Tery geed, ISe a yard Ten Pieces Table Linen, M a yard Twenty Ave Pieces Damask Table Ltaea. tie a yard. Ten Pieces Hand Leem German Table Ltmaa, SSeayard. . Muslins, Sheetings, and Pillow Muslins at Very Lew Prletew A TBLLINO BLOW At opposition has been struck, and wa pro pose te keep en. We bare enured tbe ring te meet all competitors, and as our training u In theae hoot of Economy and Square Dealing, we are bound te win. Stamm Bres. & Ge. stwTelephene connection. fAQKR A BROTHER. SHITE GOODS. Eireideries riQOE WSI.T8, FRESCn SA1SSOOK.1, ESQLlSll SAISSOOKS, 1SDIA I.ISKN, LIXES LA WS, VICTORIA LAWS, SA1XSOOK CHECKS, SWISS SETS, NAIX800K SETS, CAitBRlCSETS, BART SETS, XAINSOOK EDOINO", CA UBRIC ED OIX OS, KAINSOOK IXSERTINOS, CAMBRIC ISSKRTINOS, FLOUSCISOS, k Me. 26 WIST UNO 8TJTOT, LANCASTER. PA. N EW YORK BTORK. Astonishing Bargains -IN- DRESS SILKS. WATT & SHAND, 1 6, 8 c. 10 BAST KINO ST LANCASTER, PA., Msde a few clearing purchases from tbe Silk Importers daring ths past week. Staplers A Bea's Famous French COLORBD DBBSS BILES, 19 Inches wide, oely U easts a yard. These goods havjs never bean sold for less than 7f eents. tl-ltCHCOLOBBD DRESS BILKS, 79 OSaUa yard t uraal pries. 11.00 ALL BILK flATIN RIIADAMBS, S3 laches wlds, new spring eolers, ii.oe a yard i real value. ILtA tt-IBCU BLACK DBBSS BILKS. STUeaaUa yard t the usual OLCO Bilk. COLORBD BURAH BILES, si inches wide, bcautlf al shades, 75 cants a yard I regular price, S7X eents. BLACK SILK RHADZIMBB, SB Inohse Wide, 11.00 e, yard j wenld be cheap at ILSA. Just Opened a New Line of Htskeirs Black Dress Silks Fer which wa are tela Agents, at It ca, .w aad SI te a yard. Belter value cannot befeaadla aarelty. The gaaraatee read as fellows t - This BUk U warranted net te break, creek or shift, aad wa will aeaka reed sar inatldsbta .clatsas auda within sis month from data of pHiwaaee ' IgBOO, HABKBLLBIIJICO. New Yerk Stere. HAGER BROTHER, .& ... .'!..:- " Mf- JBif U'l,',iL- "a.A? -liSi n e1 !-"aajiekii-:(- . . .i: I iir J?r a?"!!": J f;-f ' - 4fkL f.- . & -t: v. fii .ts!4 , "'