-,, TT- VI re '.Y.rU . 'iiVPl? iltfisUS - PW, 'T( w 1.? Y -Wt v-te-- J ' 3-., ' ggg mamwiM VSlfl VOLUME XXm-NO. VERY SUDDENLY CALLKD. HtAHtLIHU VBATH Of A WILL MKOWM i.jnvAtram meTKi-KBBPta, Oserge H, Klllinger, el the afaaaasreher HeMl, Retires la ttd ea Batata iy Might U Oeed Splrl aad Never Uira ti Allv-Twe Large raatrate Sand Alieraoea. Geerge IL Klllinger, proprietor of the Mionnerebor hotel, North Prince street, died rather suddenly at kla home laat night The deceased had been complaining of rheuma tism for aeme tltafj but otherwise bla health wae geed aud he waa oenstanll y around. On Saturday night he retired te bed, after bul neaa hours, apparently in geed health and in the best of spirits. About 1 o'clock en Bun day inornleg he complained or feeling tick and began vomiting. At 0 o'clock he became unconscious and remained In that condition until ibertly alter eleven o'clock In the eve ning when bodied. Dr. B. T. Davie and A. J. Uerr attended blm and the eauee of hie death waa congestion of the brain. William 1). Heller, proprletor el the Hetel de Paris, Uerrlsburg, who waa a warm friend et the deceased, was at bis bedalde with the family up te the lima of his death. The deceased waa born In Lancaster and waa a aen of the late Frederick Klllinger, who baa been dal many years. Hla mother, who la new 60 yeara old, I atlll living, and baa been making hr home with him. Geerge learned the trade of silversmith with Wil liam Krelner lu Lebanon. Upen returning te this city be worked ler several years en the Ice wagena of Jacob tiartuitn. At the break. logout of the war he went te the army and asrved three yeara a a wagon-master. Upen returning home he enlisted In Company D, 'JO lit Regiment, In which he aerved a year. After the war he took up hts residence in Harrlsburg, where he started In the truck business. He rented the Rby hotel and kept It for seventeen years. Karly In December last be left that house aed returned te Lan caster, having rented the Mronnercber hotel, where he was doing a geed builnessattbe time of bis death Deceased has one brother, David Klllinger, who resides In Illinois. Besides wife he leaves two son, Geerge II., age 17, and Roberts., age 12 years. He was a member of Ledge 09, 1. O. O. F of Uarrlaburg; Feet 110, Grand Army el tlie Republic, of the same place, and the Lancaster Mwnnercher. He waa In the 4tUh year of his age. Death ela Wall-Known Acter. M. M. Flake, of the Cerlnne opera com pany, which has been playing In Dayton, Ohie, for the past weck, was found dead In bed at the Faluier house, Sunday morning. Death was caused by heart disease. He had been an actor ler ever forty jeers. Hla home waa In Providence, ft. I. Mr. Flake visited Lancaster eeveral times with Cerlnne, and he waa quite a favorite here. It was he who made a bit by singing the song Such Nlee Old Man." He was the father el Marlen Flake, the actress, HIM Seddaalr la Meant J of. Mrs. Herjjamin Stehman, of Mount Jey, after eating a hearty supper en Friday eve ning, died shortly thereafter. 8 be had been sufferer from asthma, and was about CO yeara of age. two la mum rtiMBMAie. Janevabse Bleaeraatl Marina H. Kline Burled at Woodward tllllvemetsrT. Tbe luneral of Jeneva Lee 8tener, who committed suicide en Wednesday nlgbt by taking " Heugh en Hats," took place en Hun day afternoon, from ber mother's residence, (1 West Grant street Tee membera of St. Lake's Reformed mission Sunday school and the employee of Sbencktt Lederman'a cigar factory, where she was employed, at tended In a body. In addition there was a large attendance of her neighbors and frluda. The luneral precession was several squares In length. The services at the house andgrave were conducted by Rev. Win. F. Llehliter. Interment was made nt Wood ward Hill cemetery. Iiefore this funeral lett the cemetery tbst of Bertha U. Kline, of Ne. 20 West New street, entered. This girl wai employed at tbe Fulton cotton mill and bad a finger crushed a few weeks age ; no, taking tbe proper care of her Injured hand, she caught cold and lockjaw ensued. Her funeral was also largely attended. Hev. Houpt conducted tbe funeral services. HL Patrick Frem an Kplicepallau Htandpetnt. Sunday morning, Rev. C. F. Knight, D. D., rector of Sf. James Protestant Episcopal church, preached a aermen en tbe life and labors el RU Patrick, the great apostle of Ireland. Tbe sermon wss listened te by a crowded congregation, net a few of whom were Catholics. The learned preacher opened with aeme lengthened remarks en tbe com memoration of tbe holy saints every where observed lu all branches of tbe Catholic church. He then gave sketch of the life el St, Patrick and bis labors among the heathen Irish people. He discusaed several points of doctrine and usige In which tbe early Irish church dlflered from the present doctrines and usages of tbe church of Reme ; and dosed bla discourse with a glowing eulegluni upon tbe special virtues and holiness of the great apostle of Ireland. A Noisy Deg. List evening aa people were passing lha building of Sklleed; Frey, en North Duke street, they were atartled by a meaning noise. They at onee concluded that there waa aeme parson In tbe building that bad been hurt and a report was circulated that It waa a man. A crowd of boys gathered at the place and word waa aent te the station house. Several police etficera seen arrived and upon Investigation t ley found that the noise waa being made by deg. Tbe animal waa mad because tbe church bells were ringing and he showed hla displeasure by howling at the top of hla voice. A Fermer Lancastrian la Lues. William Lewry, who was appointed land agent at Des Moines, Iowa, by President Cleveland, last week, was formerly a resident of this city. He waa a son of the lata William Lewry and brother of Mrs. Mary C. Qulnn. He left Lancaster in 1855 and has lived In Dea Melnea for many yeara. n was twice elected city treasurer and aerved three terras as county treasurer. He was also city mar shal for aeveral yeara. He Is atreng Demo Deme Demo erat and prominent politician. m Unclaimed Letters. The following Is a list or unclaimed letters remaining in tbe posteffloe, Monday, March 21 1 Ladle? Litt Susan Brennerasn, Cat ha- SJf'i Ml--!0 Ann' Martin, Emma Merris, M. E. Reland. anW List. Monsieur Jehn Baustert, James Blldell & Ce.. H. M. Butler. O. Cbamberiln, Jehn U. Cele, Harrv Da Le Harre, Dennv A Tnmllnsen, Harrv a. Dougherty, William Ferree?3lmen J. Fer .1AmJ!?iJ?-U,,iB,en'nB' ,rl". Bmuel Kelly, Nelsen King, Parker lie?. Christ Banter, Charles Walten. ' nu Flung Wide the rrtaea Dears. At Fends, N. Y County Judge Westbroek en Saturday ordered tbe thirty prisoners In ibe county Jail te be brought Inte oeurt. and he then discharged them. Heaald he wanted te see the Jail empty onee. Off Fer Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Stelnmaa, their little daughter Ellxabetb, the Mlaaea rMeuaaa and Mr. A. H. Peacock, left today en the fast lis for Alabama and aFierMa, Mn real Hear will accempaay;thBi jar a part efthedietaace, 170. rat MaUaf Mfjfsr VUrMBHC0. Third Dsy el the ceataaakal Meating of tae MethedM snalalers Tha Saturday's meeting or tha one hun dredth session of the Philadelphia conference et the Methodist Kplsoepal church waa bald la tha Wharten street ehurcb, Philadelphia. There waa a fair attendanee at the devotional exercises, whleh were oenduoted by Hev. William B. Weed. Blabep Feiter called the meeting te order, and, after tba reading of tbe minutes, the first business was the com pletien of the list et atipqrsnnusted preach era The names added ware Revs Antheny Atwood, Peter Hilllwell, J. D. Leng, J. N. Watsen, S. M. Cooper, William Cooper, J. Shields, P. J. Ces and Jeanph Carltle. Rev. Mr. Atwood apeke of his age and long ser vice. There waa no dNcussien about him, but when a letter from Rev. Peter Halllwell waa read explaining bis condition, Hv. W. T. Magee onteeted. He said : " I don't see why we should luske any Ulllerencfl In Mr. llalli. well'a ease and that or Prernamr Trlckatt'a. Mr. Halllwell has a farm In Iowa from which he gains a support, and 1 Hunk he aheutd be dropped." Ilia name wax retained by tbe conference. After Rev. Dr. J, M. Buckley bad spoken en tbe work of a church Papr tba follewlne- ware hIbcImI titnra O K. Stegden.G. Rlekley Burns, U. H. Illck, II. J. Smyth, W. W. Ceukinan, A. Heehner, U. J. Barn, Jehn II. Pike, O sorge K. Kleenbenn and J. E. Uranley. The following were elected te deacon' erdera : Geerge S. Bon Ben sail, 1. C. Klrknalager, K. V. Linn, W. H. Llndamntb, It J. Uaxter and Themas Ogle. Much excitement wss caused by the recem. mnudatlen of Jeseph Miller for local Ider. Rev. J. B. Dabblus objected te the accept ance or the name, and aaknd Rev. W. Hwfn dells te withdraw tbe name. Mr. Swindells said he knew of no reaaen for objecting te Mr. Miller, and be would net withdraw the name. Rev. J. M. Debbins again objected, aud abated that Mr. Mlller did net have tbe qualifications necessary for such an cfQee. and basldea he wa net In harmony with tba ministry and church. Several spoke In laver of Mr. Miller, when Mr. Debbins made a stronger statement, Insinuating that be was In possession el certain Isctaef a disparag ing nature. Tbla caused a grsst disturbance, which was Increasnd bv a motion of Rev. W. S. Hldgway that Mr. Mtlter'a name be with drawn. Bishop Foater Milled the matter by appointing a committee of Investigation. The csndldstes for admiaaien te full orders then presented IbnmH-lvra and were ad-" dressed by the blahein Hen ated that the ministerial elllce waa tbe meat sacred and holy en earth; one thtt requires as far as possible the surrender of every secular thought or secular pursuit, We are min isters by tbe appointment of Ged," aald he, "and we are minister with a purpose. We areeiien lu daer or thinking that we are called for our own accommodation. We are caiiea te aacrltloe everything te stve souls I want te empbaaUi the Idea that we are called te work. One of Ibe perils of the dsy la that ministers seuietimM leek upon their work aa If It wai plsy. The result is the entire failure of the mltiUtnr." The bishop did net think that persons! piety without work would make a minister eUectlve. He said that ministers were lead ers In the churches, yet must net exhlbitehe spirit of masters, since they sreservanta,lhd humility Is the chief requisite for the suc cessful follower of tbe Lord. " Many per eons," he aald, "think the church has been building eighteen hundred years Juat ler them. We want te be noble men, we want te be honorable men. Ged calls us te msnll neaa, net te a mean,craven spirit. Tbecburcb has a right te demand that the minister who tills the pulpit lu the city or tbe country shall be tbe nebleet exponent of humanity. Our work is te save aeuls and tbe cbnreli should be kept elite by the constant recep tion of new soul. The nilnlatrv must Imi an awakenlng ministry. I pity the church that baa a minister tbey are compelled te carry all tbe time. A mlnla:cr la wanted who will preach tbe truth, but net aonsalienal trash. Cbrlallanlly la net emotion." Tbe usual disciplinary questions were asked and the following were admitted te full memnerahlp: T. P. Newlwrry, J. K Raymond, C. B. Johnaten, A. F. Tayler, E. O. Coxsen, U. C. Bantwlu, O. W. Parkin Pine, G. H. Lerab, L. W. Magee, A. M. Straybern. Tne committee in tbe case el Jesepb Milts repoited that there was nothing te prevent his application for eloctlen te Ibe local elders' orders. The report waa adopted. Arter the announcement or tbe committee en public werahlp the coufereuco adjourned. OIUUNATIONS. Oa Sunday morning at Wharten Street church the following persons were ordalnej deacena by Blahep Foster : lteva. T. P. Newberry, Jamea K. Raymond, Uenry O. Binlwin, Geeme S. Bonsall, Richard J. llax- wr, J nemas Ogle, Jr., 1. C Klrkealager, Gee. H. Lerah, Alfred T. Tayler, Frederick O. Coxsen, William II. Llndermuth. Alter the ordination tbe blahep preached a sermon en Hetuana I, SO. In the afternoon, at Kbentzer church, in CbrUtlan street below Fourth, the bishop or dained as elders the following : Revs. O. L. Siegden, G. Blcklev Burns, Hiram J. Illlck, David T. Smyth, W. W. Cookman. Alrred Ueebner, Geerge J. Burn, Geerire K. Klein benn, Jacob E. Grauley, Jeseph Miller, Jehn H. Pike, "i he sermon waa preached by the Rv. Prof. Charles J. Little. Tbe anniversary et the Coaference Sunday school union was held en Sundav eveulng at Wharten street church. An address wai delivered by Rev. Dr. J. L. Uurlbut, of New Yerk. Tne cenference anniversary of tbe Penn sylvania Blble society was celebrated at S'. Paul's church, In Catharine street above Sixth. Mr. Colsen Helskell presided, and addressee were delivered by the Rev. James Merrow, D. I) , corresponding secretary et the society, and Hev. J. O. Wilsen. MOKArtAN MIIUM$. Departure or Tbree aiiaelenarlea for Ibe rfllda el Alaaaa. Twe thousand people gathered In the Me ravlan church, Bethlehem, Sunday evening; te bid farewell te tbe mlaalenariee, Rev. F. H. Weltr, of Hopedale, Pa., hts wire, and Mlts Mary Huber, or Litltz, who start en Wednes dsy ler a uilaaleuary station which was founded by Rev. Mr. Wolff at Nushagak, In Western Alaaka, about air months age. Thla la tbe second station started In Alaska under tbe auspices of the Moravian chureb, Ibe drat being at Bethel, en tbe Kuskekarin, where there are two missionaries, Rev. Messrs. Klllhuck aud Welnland. Dr. Shelden Jacksen, the United State i agent of education In Alaska, who has Just retained from a long sojourn lu that terrl terrl tery, was present, and delivered meat In teresting missionary aidress, reciting the hardships and difficulties In tbe way, the course whleh tbe government Is new taking te aid all mtaalen euterprieea, a history of the missions under the charge of Episcopal, Methodist and Presbyterian denominations, and the obstacles wbleli are thrown out by the Greek church in tbe southern part et Alaska, where it has a very strong foothold, having been plan ted by the Ruaaian govern ment te many yeara age. The mlaslens uuder tbe cure eftbe Moravian church are among tbe Eskimo population, tbree of theotherdenemlnatlona being among tbe Aleutians, who are semi-clvlllzed, and tbe Indiana. The Moravian foreign mission ary sTclsty expect te lollew up tbla second establishment with a third one in tbe course el a year and will continue tbe work until theentlretieldln Western and Middle Alaska la covered. A Touting Janitor.' Tberellread ticket agent at West Cheater, A. Brown, had been missing money from his offlee from time te time, amounting ia all te about 1H. He lay In the elflce en Friday nlgbt, and at 4 o'clock en Saturday merulna; Janitor Jacob Devaugbn entered. Devrughn waa charged with being the peculator, which be acknowledged, and aald that be had been taking SO cents and f 1 at a time. Ha was discharged from his position, but will net be prosecuted. Death of Twe Valuable Dogs. On Saturday slternoen two raluableyeung gray bounds, owned by Jehn Schaum, one of the proprietor of the City bete), died aud aud deely. They war taken very sick and their deaths seen followed. They were probably poisoned. areata. MHteawMgraatadiB Washington en BatardayteMary, widow of Jehn Maurer, WuMa LANCASTER, MARCH ARGUMENT -COURT. AH VSVDU At.tr 1.A.M0B i-ltF OF CJflW rit-una tmajeBumi. Twcaia-sis la Uommea Flaas, FIReea la Or. phaas'.Oenrl aed Tweaiy-eaa la fjaarter asaaleaa-lae;Letavr'lOeaivlcted el Adaltery, Flasd OIOO aad Oests. The March tenn et the argument court was opened at 10 o'clock tbls morning with Judges Livingston and Patterson ea tha bench. There are en Ibe common pleas Ust for argument 'M cases, en tbe orphans' oeurt 15, and In the quarter sesalena SI, making a total of 02 eases, tbe largest list tba court baa had te dispose of at any one lerni for tbe last lew yeara Tbeaoeountsoflon executers, admlnlstra ters and guard lans, 15 trustees and 32 widows' appraisements were read and confirmed nlsL Jacob a Krelder, of East UempQeld town ship, waa appointed guardian of tha miner child of tha miner daughter et Abraham Houder, lata of East Hempneld. Tba tavern license of E. O. Eby, Sixth ward, city, was transferred te Ulratn Skeen. and the restaurant license et Jehn Frttcb, Fourth ward, city, was transferred te Jehn Fonts. Petitions were presented for the opening of Dauphin street, from Duke te Lime and Elm atrmit for a d Manes of 150 feet Win, A. Atlw) accepted property Ne. 1, be longing te bla father' estate at the valuation named In the appraisement, 110,600. The properly accepted la the homestead of the late Dr. Jehn I,. Atlee, at the corner of Duke and Orange streets. David Craig and E L Dyer were granted renewals of their soldiers' licenses te neddle goeda In tbe county et Lsncvter. CbrlatlanGelb, who served a term for being the father of an illegitimate ehlld, petitioned te be discharged uctler the insolvent law and tbe court fixed te-day ler tbe hearing. Counsel ler tbe girl be wronged alleged that he concealed his property arter ault was brought against blm. He denied It under eatb, and as It could net be proved he was discharged. The rule te show cause wby a commission in lunscy should net iaue as te Wm. W. Way was discharged. Isaac Lefever, convicted at tbe last aeaslen eftbe quarter seaslens court et adultery and who was refused a new trial, waa called for aentence. Hts counsel made an appeal te tbe court for clemency en the ground that he naa a wife and a number of email children dependent upon blm and that he abewed ae excellent a character. Judge Patterson eenteuced him te iy a tine of 300 snd coats or suit. The costs amounted te K0920, mak ing his bill f&oaze, which waa paid and Lefever lett ler hla home In Paradise town ship. The sentence et Henry Hershberg, for peddling without license, waa postponed te the laat day or the argument oeurt. There were no casee ready for ergument this morning and court adjourned te 2:30 o'clock, Mlta MAtTKHIk'A LAW-iVIT, n.r Claim. Agalnat tha Mew Tork Hpscalaler Mere a KsScrss-aar. Saga Fails te TssUfj, The suit of Miss Sephia L. Mattern, formerly of this city, sgalnat Hen. Russell Sage, el New Yerk, te recover aeveral thou sand dollars alleged tebe due her aa tbe re sult et certain stock gambling operations, la till dragging along before Granville P. Uawes, thx referee. A number et letters were read at the bearing en Saturday written pre and een between Mr. Sage and Mlsa Mattern, aud tbe latter gave some additional testimony ; but the new points devel oped were that Mr. Sage was given discre tionary iKiwera te buy and aell for Miss Mattern, and net te wait for ber te give orders ; that at that time Mr. Sage was buying and selling ter her and her brother ; that In February 1SS3, she requested Mr. Sage te lean uer Vb te ceuie te Lincaster te see her father who was tery ill, and that Mr. Saae at once lent her J 10, for which she thanks him. Writing te Mr. Sjge Feb. 11, 1SS3, she eaj a : Everything Iceks as dark as Erebus around me new. ily father is be be yeud hope. I was net home mere than tweuty - lour beura when I get a telegram that my brother was en his way bore from New Orleans very alck In fact seriously and en the same steamer were the remains or hla partner in the sugar business, Samuel Hedgers, who died suddenly of pneu. menla. 1 don't knew but what he may have the aame disease. With these troubles there is still another Rochester t Pittsburg stock. I could If it waa necessary te sell It save (8,000; et course that is but a small part of what was put there, but if the ateck la te be sold down, it Is better te save II." In another letter te Mr. Sige, spraklng el the Rochester A Pittsburg stock, Miss Mat tern ajs: "As usual,my brother hasconslder hascenslder able of It, and the most at 3J and 33. I hope you will understand him about 27. I knew this la asking a great deal of you, and 1 will try berearter te stay out of Wall street, as I put my money In and lean it every time." A letter from Mr. Sjge te Miss Mattern was read lu which he claims that that lady ees him a balance of f 7,528.71, leaving en hand 100 shares Wabash common ateck and 100 M. K. V. T. common stock. I also aend statement of Leuis Mattern'a account which you directed, showing a balanee due me et lj,7U00, with 200 ahares Union Pacific en hand. Tbla ateck has bad a meat disastrous uuuitne, and ought te recover, in leaat." part, at An expert accountant who examined Mr, Sjgb's accounts testified that in certain con. lingecctea (which be did net mention) Mr. S4g would ewe Miss Mattern (7,190.21. Mls Mattern'a counsel declined te submit the case te tbe referee until Mr. Sage waa called as a witness. He probably will be en hand next Saturday. Thus far be has ab sented himself rrera all the hearings. A KVMOAt HIUHT tlHB. Twe Htablra la XfTIUa Ueatrejtd An Alarm Bueudad la Tbls CHJ. An alarm el tire was sounded laat evening from lox 49, at North Queen and Clay streets. Tbe lire was In Neflavllle and, although tbe light could be plainly seen In tbe northern end of tbe city, there was no occasion te strike an alarm. The bright light was caused by the burning of two small barns In the vllUueerNeffaville. The are started In some mysterlens manner la the bam owned by Fraucle Wagerman and occupied by Jehn Gless, who was te move out today. It rapidly spread te tbe barn of Jehn Landls, near by, and both were seen consumed, aa there waa no means et extinguishing tbe fltmea. Gless was a wheelwright and need the Wagerman barn as a ahep. Several wagons, Gless' tools and soma hay were buriKd. The building waa Insured In the Nellavllle company ter (300, which will net cover the less. Gless bad an Insurance en bla property In the barn In tha aame com pany. There was very little In tbe Landls barn, whleh was Insured In the Pene town ship company ler I1M). Maaalaa Epidemic In Meuat Js. Fifty bnya and twenty-six girls are In bed with the measles at tbe Mount Jey aeldlera' orphan school. Intervlewa with a number of Reading physicians disclose tha fact that there la no diminution whatever In the aeaalee epi demic In that city, Casaa continue te multi ply dally and there la apparently aa In In ereased number of deaths. PA., MONDAY, MARCH rum BA$m nut. vLAvmmi. Vlelis Willi Which Thf Are Oeaaeeted aad What la Nsw Concerning Team. Larkln has algned with the Athletic, and Matthews is the only player who refuses te put htsalgnature te a contract, Bebby will be an effective man In the box under the new rules. Ha feels aggrieved at the owners el tbe club becauae be was net paid for all of hla time last aoasen. Barney McLaughlin Will captain the Charleston (S. C.) toxin, and Johnny Grady will be one of the players. Manager Uackett, of Newark, Is certainly a hostler, and be has get together another line team for tbe coming season, Bets and Avary hare algncd with the Salem club eftbe New England League. Harry Spenne, manager el the Portland (Me.) club, was married recently. Pat " WetMll his signed with Wilkes barre. Keefe, O'Hourke, Dugan and Buek Ewlng atlil remain unsigned. Beb Emslle, the pltctier, lias signed with Uaatlnga (Neb.) Ansen writes te Spalding that he Is much pleased with Pyle. Dicky Pierce will be one of the Inter national umpires. Tbe greatest difTlsulty that tbe msjerlty of tbe pitchers will encounter, under tbe new rules, will ba te keep tbe ball " In sight." Tbe correspondent of tbe Sporting Lit writing from Savannah says : "Gibsen made a very satisfactory exhibition behind tbe bat. and hla throwing te bases, second In particu lar, was exceedingly geed. The way tbe new men are ahewlng up leaves no doubt that the club will bs very atreng behind tbe bat tbls year, and all tbe catchers can also be counted upon te de tbelr full share of tbe batting and base-running which was net always the caw last year. A writer from Het Springs who has seen Pyle pitch in practice games aaya : Pyle ha. the command of geed Judgment and never lese hla head, especially in these critical points where tbe pitcher must keep an eagle eye en the biaes. Allentown will put a club in the State As aoclatlen and play en tbe fair grounds. Temney lead the Syracuse club In Uiie running last season. Michael Tiernan, the excellent young pitcher who signed with New Yerk, is lying se seriously ill at hts home In Trenten that it ia feared he may die. Billy Keczleand neifert have been algned by Oiwege. The latter will play first bane and Virtue will be one of tbe pitchers. II. C. Fisher, manager or Scranton, Is doing a great deal or writing for the news papers about his club and ever his enn sig nature. Tbe Athletic club will prove a strong one wun tne stick. Larkln, Keseman and Stevcy are uaeiy te sicken many et tnepitcbcrr. Burdock signed with Bosten en Saturday and will likely play secend time. He prom prem isee te let rum aloue and if he does the Boaten people Intend doing the uoble thing with blm. It he plays secend base It .will be hard te place Ulgglus. Here are the big salaries that the Detroit players get: llreulhers and Richardson get -n,wweecu; Howe and White 83,500 each j Bennett, fj.eOO; Bsldwln, ?2,800; Hanlen, 12,200 ; Thompson, the big right fielder, ti, 100; Gefzein, f2,000; Daulap, f',500; Ganzal, $1, 600; Jimmy Manning, who had an arm broken en tbe pole grounds last Decoration Day,tl,000; Smith, pitcher, l,800 ; Conway, 2,200',)Twitchell, 51,200; allien, catcher, Jl, 000 ; Snlndle, tl,000 ; Watkins, minager, .', 000, and Secretary Beb I.eadley, $1,000. Helland, formerly of the Lancaster club, plays in Lynn (Mass.) this eeaien. a viamTHoea uvuawat. Twe Wcl.'-Koewn Yeung Man Severely Hurt en Sunday Mornleg. On Sunday mernlug Isaac Hartuian, son of Jehn I. Uartman, and Harry Stener, son of Jehn K. Stener, started out te take a pleasure ride. They were drivius- a herse owned by Mr. Uartman's father and the ani mal was hitched te n buggy. As tbey were driving along tbe Philadelphia turnpike. near the almabouae their horse frightened at some teams, with which the read waa tilled, as people from the country, who had been te town attending ehurcb, were returning te their homes. Tbe hone started te run aud the young uien lest control of him. He dashed out tbe turnplke at a furieua rate or apeed. Between Rohrer's green heuaa aud Knapp's villa both young men were thrown from tbe buggy and in some man nor tbe top or the vehicle was tornetr. The horse kept en down the hill aud the parsons who were en the read with teams at the time drove te the sides of tbe read In order te escape collisions. Ia front or tbe villa a horse owned by Harry Myers, who Uvea la tbe country, became frightened and began te kick. He get one of his legs ever the shaft or tbe carriage and then fell down. A lady who was lu the car riage was thrown out and foil heavily te tbe ground. The herae ran across the bridge anil waa finally caught at tbe tell gate en tbe ether aide, but net befere he had ruu Inte and broken two carriages belonging te country folks. The buggy te whleh the runaway animal wai bitched was almost completely wrecked. Mr. Hartman was badly cut about tbe face by being thrown from the buggy and Mr. Stuner was bruised. Beth were covered with dust and were brought te town by soma friends, who hsppened te be driviug out that way. The horse wm uNe brought back te town. Notes Frem College Hill. Prof. J. E. Kersbner is atlll cenllned te bis room, but expects te begin hla work regu larly next week. All bis friends will be glad te see blm out again ; his pluce in the oellegn faculty ia a dilllciUt eue te lilt. The professor has steed tba long centluemeut well. The lecture by Dr. D. E. KIepp en "The Three Big O's " was somewhat of a different order from what college and eemlnary stu dents generally hear ; It was, however, geed In Ita w rv. Mr. A. II. Kethermel dellvered his senior oration ou laH Tuesday morning bofero the students and faculty. Mr. Retbermel has gene te St. Petersburg, I'd., te take charge of the academy. On Tuesday evening at 7:30 the monthly missionary meeting will be held in tbe col lege chapel, at which addresses will be made by Dr. Tbee. Appel and Mr. William Hatow, of Japan ; there will also be a select reading by Miss Helen Stabr. Ufltesr GUI's Collactlen. Officer aill collected for Mrs. Stener te pay the expenses of the funeral of herdaugb. ter, whose tnigle death has been neted, fie.ts. Among tbe contributors were the following : R. K. Snader it Sen, empleyes, f5.50 ; Moere Ce., H5 ; King street theatre f 1 ; Obllnger Bres. t Ce., (5.80 ; Relst .t Ce., 15.85 ; I 11. Stebraan, f 1.00 ; Jehn F. Reed ACe., 7. The money was paid bythoofll bytheofll bythoefll oer te tbe undertaker. Aoetbsr Cate-ln. Tbe sewer at tbe corner of Seuth Uueen and Middle streets caved in en Sunday nlgbt and there la a hole near the crossing which requires the Immediate attention el tbe au thorities. He-Appointed Notary Foblle. A. F. Bbenck has been re-apnplnted a no tary public. Hla commission received at the recorder's offlee this morning bears date Mareft 23d, and le geed for tour yeara, 21, 1887. A CROWDED CHURCH OX FIRE. WHILBA TKM'MH AHOm MMtiB IBM PmUUHBHB JT IB DIBVUrMMBD. A Itmh Fer tha Oeerp, Bat Nobody Betteaalj Irjured Tea FMaaes Bnbdaed aad Search Msde Fer the Incendiary. Cottages at Chatauqea Ucatreycd. Helly, Mich., March 2 1. The Methedist church was completely tilled with a large crowd or citizens laat night who badasetuv bled te listen te an address en the prchl tien amendment question. The speaker, ., A. Tayler, et Lansing, had proceeded with hla subject, but a abort time when It was discovered that the church was en lire. At the alarm the people rushed for the doers and a scene et confusion at onee en sned. Several ladles fainted during the ex citement and a panla seemed Imminent Tbls, however, was averted and the room was emptied without serious Injury te any of the audience. The tire was caused by a lighted ball of rags aeaked In kereslne which some mis creant threw under tbe church fleer after tbe audience had gathered. The flames were ex tinguished with but alight damage te the building. A vigorous eflert will be made te hunt the lncendlary down. It ia charged that antl-Prohibitienists knew something about the diabolical plot. umfjiMtr-ptrm vuttaemb jicmmbv. The Chataeqia Itr.ert Tlsllcd by a DestmcllTe Mlaia-Tne Leas tOO.OOO, Jamestew.x, N. Y., March 2L Trainmen en the BuMale, New Yerk &, Philadelphia read report a great Are at May vllle, en Chau tauqua Lake, which threatens destruction te a large portion or the town. When the train passed, the summer hotels and surrounding buildings were In llimcs and the Ore was still spreading. 10 a. m. It was 5 o'clock tbls morning be be be fere the tire at tbe Chautauqua assembly grounds was under control, exactly fire hours after tbe flames were first discovered. The tire broke out in the Curtis cettage en Whitfield avenue and was caused by a defee the Hue. Tbe flimes spread with great rapidity from cottage te cottage, and at 2 o'clock the entire length of Simpsen avenue waa in llamee. There are 800 cottages In all en tbe grounds, but during the witter only about sixty families remain there. These residents fought the tire with great vigor, but owing te the meagre facilities made little or no headway In checking tbe tlames. At 3 o'clock seventy-five cottages had been destroyed, including a dozen large bearding houses. Among them was tbe Parkhurat Place cottage, one of the largest en the grounds, which was built last year at a cost et (15,000. It was only by the most strenuous efforts en tbe part et the residents that the Hetel Athenaeum waa saved. Tba total Irjss will reach (100,000 at the lowest cal culation. All tbe cottages destroyed were furnished, aud owing te tbe rapidity with which the flames spread nothing could be saved. The burned district Includes Summerfleld,WhItlleld and Simp Simp eon avenues. The latter was swept clear from theauditenum te tbe Hetel Athenieum. Tbe nearest town, May vllle, live miles distant, has no tire apparatus, and no assistance could ba obtained from tbat place. Ne casualties are reported. Tbe burned district at the assembly grounds was one of the most sightly en tbe lake. Tbe Simpsen and Summerfield aven ues ran parallel with the lake front and a beulevard and park divided them from the water. Ail the large shade trees have been burned down and the tire will take away much et the charm and beauty et Chataurjua, The burned cottages were owned largely by New Yerk, Ohie and Pennsylvania pee- rie. NOTUINQ TO FIOIIT THE FLAMES. The tire was discovered shortly before 11 o'clock In Curtis' cottage, which was occu pied by a family having charge of It. The buildings were built of dry pine, and burned rapidly. The family lest all their effects to gether with the furniture. Within ten min utes alter the tire was discovered the cot tage was one mass of tlames and halt a dozen ether cottages had taken lira The residents could de nothing te prevent tbe fire from spre.idlng owing te alack of tire apparatuses. During the summer months a pumping en gine is kept en the shore of the lake te be used in case or tire. The flames were pre ented from communicating te the Hetel Athentcum by a number of cottagers tearing down several Intervening cottages. Efferts te obtain aid from the fire departments in tbe neighboring cities proved fruitless. Ne lives were lest, although several men were slightly burued while endeavoring te save household goods. There ia very little insurance en tbe bnrned property. Tbe losses fall wholly upon tbe cottage owners. The less te the assembly asoclatlen will be small. The reports telegraphed from Erie as te the extt-ut of the Chatauqua tire are wholly in correct Nene of the large assembly build lugs or hotels are burned. OWSKRS OK TIIK UUIt.DINOH UURXED. The cottages and bearding houses were owned as fellows : Dr. J. Beland, Bradford, l'a. ; Ecker .t Parkhurst, Pittsburg ; Mrs. Judge Wetmore, Warren, Pa. ; Wm. Mar tin, .Mayville, N. Y. ; Mrs. W. T. Baker, Akren, O. ; Mrs, Ballard, Mrs. Curtis, Dr. Curtis, 1. ii. Humaglu, E. L. Ailing, Akren, O ; tbe Fex cottage, tbe Warquitte cottage, Mrs. Siegfried, E. B. Thorpe, Mrs. Thern p. seu, et Buffalo ; Mrs. Coekelder, Wiu. Rice, Anna Cummiugs, Rev. Mr. Bewers, Wm. Garnett, Mrs. Brlnatell, Rev. W. W. Painter, Mrs. Capt Payne, Rev. Thee. Floed, Mead vllle, Pa. ; Wm. IL Casaellman, Rev. J. IL Pease, Hev. Dr. Chapln, Philadelphia; J. O. Soetleld (two houses), Rev. Mr. Moere and ethers. The cottages et Mrs. R. R. Jen nluga and Mrs. Wagner, en Simpsen avenue, were the euly buildings saved en that thoroughfare. The summer residence of Hen. Lewis Miller, founderof the Chatauqua assembly, was saved. The Ecker A Park hurst heuse cost (15,000, and waa built last season. Uettreyed by Fire, Tnev, N. Y., March 21. J. Ouderkirk's waste warehouse and the Grand Central thea thea tre were destroyed by fire this morning Ouderkirk's less la (12,000 ; insured ter (4,500. Less en building (1,000; Insured. The less en tbe Grand Central, owned by .sph, F. Maglll and leased by Peter Curley.ls (10,000 ; insured for (3,000. While tbe theatre waa burning two loud explosions were heard, probably caused by chemical In the property room. It was reported tbat two men were misiing in the tire at tbe Grand Central thea tre, but there la no truth In It A ei3,00O mass In rhUadetpbla. PuiLADKLriiiA,Marcb2L Fire broke out In the hay left of tbe Thirteenth and Fl' teenth street car stable at Filteentb aud Cum! the building and contents te tbe extent or (ta,oue; paruany insured. There were 500 horses in the stable but they were all gotten out In 'safety. Foreman McGeeban and Hesemau McCready, of engine Ne. 27, fell from a ladder and were seriously Injured. A California Tannery Burned. Napa, Cal., March 2L Themas MeBalns' tannery was destroyed by Are last nlgbt Less ever (50,000 ; partially insured, Narrow Kacspe of Hetel Una.ta. Livermerb, Ky., March 2L The hotel owned by Hugh Fields was discovered te be ea fire early yestirday morning. The tire spread se rait that the guests bad barely tlae J te escape In their night clothes. The build ing and IU contents were destroyed. Less, Id, C00( Insurance, (1,000, at WtOKZD ,ruuHB captcmbi). Whelaaale staid la the uhlasee Qaartrr In rhlledsiphie aa SeaAey. The vicinity of .Ninth and Race atrecU, Philadelphia, was Snnday night the scene of considerable excitement and eoaraalen, at tendant upon the raid of alx e the Chinese gathering places upon both street. The raid wsa made simultaneously upon all the places, and was oenduoted by Lieutenant Walten, Sergeants Easan and Ferd. Sneelal Officers Myers and Leneir and details eT men from the Sixth district station house, aided by Patrel Ne 5, whose wagon waa brought Inte service. The warrants were issued by Magistrate Thompson, en the oaths el Specials Meyers and Leneir, charging tbe places with being disorderly beuses and gsmbllng resorts. At Hep Sing's pi see 17 were captured ; at Sam Lee's, 41 prisoners ; at Geerge King & Ce. 'a, 60; at Ung Yung's, 41; at Charley Lee'a 11, and at Hep Chlng Lung & Cc'a plane, ei Tbe total number captured was 274, the prisoners being taken from cellars, attics and wherever tbey could swarm together. Along with the prisoners were captured opium pipes, cards, dominoes, and some atrange gambling Implements, the use of which is known only te Chinamen, besides a large amount et money, aeme of which was being played for when the nollee broke In upon the games, and ceneiderable atlver uiuueyiQun uexesanu in nre proof sales. At one et the houses some et the Chinamen tried te escape through a hole in tbe wall Inte an adjetnglng beuse, but were frustrated In tbe attempt epeciai uincer Myers naa one or bis angers cut while trying te prevent tbe closing of an iron safe, and waa assaulted by one of the prisoners, who endeavored te keep blm from getting possession or gambling Implements. The plunder captured would almost fill a patrol wagon, and among It were a revolver and two or three long, sharp knives. The prisoners were arraigned in lines be fore Magistrate Thompson, and tbeir names Uken by Clerk Mount, arter which they were all committed. When this waa done the station beuse waa crowded almost te auflbca auflbca tlen, and te relieve tbe place tbe prisoners who weie net keepers of the houses were dls chsrged, and the latter were held In (COO each te answer at court One et the Chinamen acted as Interpreter, and from tbe answers given It appeared tbat the frequenters of the place were net only residents ei Philadelphia, but came from all the near-by towns, Camden, Cheater, West Cheater, Wilmington, Media, and even New Yerk city being represented. The raid at tracted a large number of people, who re mained in tbe vicinity long after all tbe pris oners bad been taken away. iHB avwana akd vhicbk. a.rgs Sales of CAcal Stocks at the Franklin Heuse Tbla .kfttrnoen. This afternoon Sam Matt Fridy sold at the Franklin house, for J. B. i,eng, broker, the following stocks, bends, Ac: Nine shares of Lancaster County National bank te Lewis atfAdy, at (118 per share. Ten sbarea or Farajav's National bank te J. W. a Bausman, st(II3tsaMsbere. five snares ei same te same, at rwu WeaBa-jjjJia Ten shares of Fulton National bank te Jehn K. Davis, at (190 30 pef share. Tbree shares of same te Dr. Walter Board Beard man, at (190 per share. Five shares et Northern National bank te Jacob Brubaker, at (133 per abare. Ten shares or same, te Benjamin L. Ilea?, at (137.95 per ahare. Ten ahares or sime, te uuie, at (137.70 per share. Ten ahares of aame, te A. It. Hosteller, at (137.70 per ahare. Twenty sbarea of same, te Isaac L. Landls, at (137.C5 per abare. Eleven shares or Kpbrata National bank, te A. W. Snader, at (139 per abare. Ten nbares et New Helland National bank, te R. U. Brubaker, at (140 per share. Ten shares of Fruitvllle turnpike te Henry Brubaker, at (57,20 per share. Twelve sbarea of aame, te Benjamin L. Hess, at (57 per abare. - Five shares el tbe Lancaster and Epbrata turnpike, te E. Kepperlies at (13.10 per ahare. Five ahares of same te Jacob Wolf, at M3 per share. Five shares or same te Hnry L. l.indl., at (42,95 per share. Ten shares or Nertberu market te E. B. Atlee, at (81 per share. Ten shares of sameteBenJimin L. Landls, at (SO per share. Twe sbarea or Western market te William Z. Sener at (53 per abare. Twe shares or Quarry vllle railroad stock te William Z. Smer, at (2.10. Twoahareaef Mtonnercher hall stock (par value (25) te A. C. Rahter, at (23 60 per abare. Twenty shares of Lancaster tV. Mllleravllle street railway stock te Samuel Oretr, at (C9 35 per share. tua vjiotacuTietr mmbtb. After Motions are Denied fur the Haleaaa of Boedl.r" Clear? Hla IMtsaaa la Uf gun. New Yerk, March 21. Tbe trial of Ex Alderman Themas Cleary was continued this morning before Judge Barrett iu tbe court of eyer and terminer. Geerge B. Powell testified te obtaining signatures in favor or the Broadway read. Charlea E. Miller testified tbat be, Cleary, paid him (11, 750 for aeme Cedar street property, of which (10,000 was In one-theuuud dollar bills. Miller aald tbat U. S. District Attorney Walker, who was Cleary's counsel, paid tbe money te him en November 4tb, 1SS5. Mr. Walker, after Clear j 'a counsel bad waived all objections te hts testifying, stated he received the money from Cleary aa Lis counsel te use for the purpose mentioned. Mr. Walker testified tbat he new Cleary for many yeara and that his character was geed. Corporation Counsel Lscembe testified In regard te tbe various Injunction suits. The case for the peeple was tben closed and tbe defense began. Mr. ShaTer moved that tbe complaint against Cleary be dismissed because be could net be convicted uuder the Unit count of tbe In dictment, be net belngastateofllcer; tbatacon tbatacen tbatacon vlctlen could net be secured under the penal oedo and tbat If the defendant waa guilty or any cllenae It was uuder the consolidation act Mr. Share moved that the testimony et Fullgraff and Duffy be strlokeneut because they bad committed perjury. Beth motlena being denied Mr. Shafer began hla addrtaa te tbe Jury. m Killed, a Hetel Clark. Omaua, NebrMarch 21 At Falla City Saturday night Frank Nebergall, elerk at the Union house, waa ahet and killed by Jehn Marvin. Nebergall had been drinking treely, and bad a fight with Marvln'a brother Frank. Shortly alterward be met Jehn Marvin and struck him, when tbe latter drew a revolver and fired, bitting him In the head and killing blm Instantly. Marvin was arreated. BU Icken With raraljala. Chrlatian Troyer, living at. Ne. 322 West Orange street, was stricken with paralysis while at Gast'a pottery, corner of Water and Jamea street, en Saturday afternoon. He was taken te bla home in a coaeh, and ta better te-day. Ue Is a very old man and hie recovery Is doubtful. He bas been a tipstaff In tbe quarter sessions court ter the past thirty years. i m ale el a rreeeny. Joel L. Haines, auctioneer, eeld at the Leepard hotel for Christian Bleir, en Satur day evening, theeeeand a-baU story brick dwelling house, Ne. 300 Chureh street, te AbramfclrsbrerHW. PRICE TWO IX DOUBLE QUICK Til r - :.M ---- "M"mvMmMMWTwmmmiwl i tma avmtmWMkr.' Orar Sis Haadrea aulas a he tjea NttNeTamtS4wFlTMBasAr-A Traofe.LyetudBlasWteLsBka,sJB at Night, onus BtsaMaM MMiaWM WJ i. v.-VC-SS- "-3 . -JW1.-.L rk Sr. Paul, Ulna, Mere 31 Is complete their line front IU western . ,.- n'.tn te Great Fall, Mentana, C80 aaUsa. east! :&.; Helena, oe miles, by Neveaabet ami limf$lH Manitoba read proposes te aeeceialisk MM-M''. mesa rapia naa extensive piece or rssaesjeav-Mjrt. N -H...Hav.v. n. .-...- m wmmm- wj.-'n may ue ercetnpiiened the Mrvlesa ,'& mere man uve meusaaa graaere wm mmsi renulred and In lavlaa, aha tmafiMamm J-:-,. . tractors propose te use a steaei tree sawaag'Vy machine and employ three aeaaraae etewaes' . k'f.: men, who wilt work eight hours a mmr,Wmmwf0 eircuiu ugnia at nigut, WDIOU, K H fttSJaWMtJlr ' will enable them te complete fire asUea efe ;', day. In tbls way this vast work wilt fee srasje) rf; and the Manitoba will nave aUaaiaH lla "" western termlnn In arltMn 7xn il aaV?:I u.. "A " " " VAW l IUO COW. jSWJ ue era wm uauoue'saiy eer aaskBes jj-'Ssy pushed, and 18S7 win have wtuesaed taw; E&n areatant nlw.e nf Anturnvlalnw mIIwm.b - w e- M tha avnrid !, h avp uftn In -ajimm .h -Vl a-radera unrt trnp.lr.lavera ! hmm nf '' "yJK will be required te build bridges, eal verts,' ?i water tanks, stations, telegraph Unas, etc. ' X$m raard tha Hlxh Water atark. ' 'HM Bismarck, Dak., March 20. 10 p. aa The Missouri river has risen slowly all day and Is atlll rising te-night an loch ea kevr, having passed tbe high water mark of tke memorable flood of 1681. All thelewlaacai are new Inundated. Theonlyheaseaflaeiag en the Bismarck aide are a few aiinalliaaa'1 anacaa. uisraarcK ia reriy rest above Water. f&;j The only method of rnmmnnlnstlnnhftlajeasi tiWi me towns or uismareK ana Mandan le Tb .f.v .s'V; Cheyenne and Ogden. Bosten ajartaasse ?J.r property, including ueur mill aad some aft residence, elevator, sneps, M4mtUftgffiH south of tbe track, Ii abmerged. Tb Vpptt Heart rlvnp ha tint wait hrrslrAn. Th Irasj IsAfWaan rtlnnlnsj as tea thl at mnMlnai Meat,., J.JiiS ,,,, . Hwuaaa-a, set) as ta a aaaaaw saava Aeauage An Vl Indications are tbat the Fert Buterd rise te "'' wuewifc aii uuaia are lim asMS, , ... Hii aa we iteriueru I'aciua warenensav lan .". river being te wide tbat tbe ice no le crowds them. Superintendent Odell eeivea telegrams from the Western dtv or the read via Bt, Paul that trains are ra nlng through te Mandan from Portland, I ether bridges being out. Arreated for the Ranenaaaira I Wichita Falls, Tex., March 21 Further particulars of the killing et Bud Tamer, the New Yerk ranchman, near Seymour, aasie that there were twenty-alz bullet holes la the aide of the buggy In which Turner sat Twei 1'drammm.it whn Mam inii.BuMim aa-3-' Seymour Hi fcesSP same evening jest before the men nema diataaee UhlKiJ IP ai-M.'uiay lusawpaa sawr. " -Tir mere aMd far Sheriff Beard, of Bayter oeuu. night arrested I.m Chester, A. D. and AL Bailey en the charge et being lmpll- cnieu in ma Kilting. m Tba Mente Waa the eanas. Gainesville, Texas, March 21. News has reached here or an accident whleh oc curred near Wbltebread Hill, 1 T., last week, resulting In the rerlens Injury et a man r named Fester and his wire, tbe killing of two ei inetr emidren and the destruction or their house. It seems that Fester and ramlly were all In their home, a email leg cabin, en a, ranch. In the corner or the room aat a can orpewdor. Foater observed a mouse come up through the fleer and run around the can. He secured a small pistol and fired several times at the mouse. Finally one shot atruek the can and expleded tbe powder with tbe result above. Imprisoned and Fined. Londen, March 21 Colonel Sandoval, who with Geerge Balrd was charged with infringing the foreign enlistment act, baa" been convicted and sentenced te a aeataVa (".jfe - . r-j .,... v. ,u.ua.uailWBiM cennecieu wun tne Venezuela ana raaaamnrrs? Geld company and hired and fitted cut with f-fi munitions of war the steamer Jnatlela la the fH interest et tbe rebels during tbe lnsurrectlesl AU' In 1835. &$ Services Fer tbe Vlettuu. ,, Bosten, Mareh 21. Memerial aervleta were held yesterday in the Methodist chnrca at Roslindale, for the victims or the receat railroad accident. The newly constructed wooden bridge at . tifM Rnallndaln hnllf In tha nluvi nt lha u r'-'j:'rM wrelriifl npaa iamtAt !, -r.-liM. tmwn I wn- ' '!&?. ...va-v.., vim .va.vu . v . v......), -wv ,wv VrS motive, weighing several thousand pounds "? eaeb, passing ever in safety, the teedera '-T,' wl being back te back. It it constructed of bard v JJJJ pine. It is stated that regular travel everthe f$ ertuge win ee resumea le-usy. nrcwers In Convention. CmeAae, March 21 Tbe national conven tion et master brewera waa called te order shortly after 10 o'clock thla morning at Ublich'a hall. There were ever two hun dred delegates present from tbe leading brewing establishments of the country. The object of tbe convention is Ibe formation of a national association. Collided Whlls at tall Spaad. Milwaukee, March 21. Twe wild height trains collided yesterday at Oak Creek est, tlen white going at full speed. The loeeaae Uvea were demolished and ten cars were broken Inte kindling weed, Involving a leea or (20,000. Tbe engineers and firemen Jumped and escaped Injury, bat one brake man who took tbe aame course was badly hurt. Tbe IUngUader el the Ceeaplraey Against the Csir. Berlin, March 21. Tbe Berlin police atatea that DeGaleff, tbe murderer et Lieut. Cel, Sudelkln, waa the ringleader or the at tempt te kill tbe rzir last Sunday. Ia Ber Eightieth Tear. Rawunsville, March 2U Mrs. Betsey Newport, wile of Samuel Newport, died at her home In tbla village early yesterday morning. Deceased waa In the 80th year of ber age, and waa a ladyel estimable eestal qualities. Death el Craigbsad Btawart. Harrisdure, MsrebSL-CralgbeadStew- art, a stockman, who is well and fcverasiy known In Lancaster, died at bis rstidoaee la tbls city at loe'dcck tbla meialef, after a lingering Illness. - ..jrsK a jgH tv.izrLzz.Amu.'mm i,i n . twi of muuallsaasrs at Tralaf, . .s a .. klllleg one el them, as a an ae a- rww-T TT'j-ia a.av.. " wm.tHaa ibm!. WAaamoTeir, D. O., Marsh -T-tm' I W Eastern Pennsylvania s Light raaasvw becoming eoeler, variable wiada, afcts- Inv In north wester IV. . .-',,i. i. 5 gtsm mm-mmmm,mm,m. ., j ,3 The Dunaara oetiren a Banaio, Kasjaajs. v-J as blown te pieces laat aht '& was Four membera of the framing ship I are reported drowned at Trinidad. Harrv L. Adams, bookkeeper " -wmmm w 1 TumiUj !, udbMMt itoet iiaaiaiaeaw Washington Mining star, lasfatae aa v-?- . . 1 ,v.' smu Af.JS lfcM t Ut-iS WfSJ - ?vTB -.rJ " JT' J-i rss tn ;ri NTi 'it '.N V aVS & ST: 1 a -i,-t- 1 u -, y; i (!&& 5i Wir giiift H'i -t yifJBfcT. r4wW: k . . 5,. -,iBLr. r-l -? T"'S, 1