HL25 BQ teSaav.. s . -wcl r iV volume xxm-Ne. ige. LANCASTER, PA.. SATURDAY, MAHCII 19, 1887. PRICK me THIRTY YEARS TREASURER. ML'"-ji!'"'i nmm Ar j MrNNiijt or rm tvirr avmeuL iuiku ruHre iuamb. HstslBg Longar as Director Than Any He- terlug When the Puhllc Icheal flysUru Wm Adapted In IMI-UU Iramlly i Heal- na, Charitable and lUllglens Werk. rater McCouemy was one of the first twelve aobeol directors elected June 8, 1838, the data en which Lancaster city accepted the common achoel ayatam and remained member of the beard until January 5, 1877, when be died. During the thirty-nine yeara he remained a member of the beard he took a meit actlre part In IU proceedings. An Inspection el the mlnuteaahewa that he aetdem mleaed a meet ing and that hla vote en mooted questions were alwaya en the aide which aeetned meat likely te be In the lntereat of the schools. On the nth of My, 181 he waa elected treaaurer or the beard, at a salary or ISO per year. In 1HS1 bis salary waa Increased te f 75 and In K'.l te tii'. At the last named salary be continued te serve the beard until November, 1S74, when be declined a re elec tion. Mr. McConemy net only served aa a member of the baard uninterruptedly for a psiled of thirty-nine je.it, (a longer term than any ether memtier baa served) but he Birred aa treasurer for twenty-nine yearri mere than twice as long aa auy ether treas urer served ; and In all these years, except the last, be was elected by acclamation. But "offensive" partlzanshlp" had crept Inte the beard, and In 1S71 the political parties each bad eighteen members, aud each bad nominated a full ael et ollleers. When the beard met for organization, two or three Democrats were slew In coming te the meet. Ing. The Republicans were all there, and bad no trouble In electing Jehn W. Jacksen president and Charles F. Kberman, secretary. Before the vote for treasurer waa taken the Democrats bad arrived, and Mr. Geerge K. Breneman, a Republican, but a warm per. aenal frlaud or Mr. MiConemy, retired. This left the Democrats In a majority of one, and Mr. McConemy was re-elected. tub ncrunMCAXt IKT CONTROL. In February, 1S7I, tee Republicans, proUt preUt tng by Democratic example set some yeara previous, elected aeen of the twelve new di rectors, giving them a majority el the beard which bad the yetr before been a tie. Prier te the orgsnlzillen of the besrd (Nev. 5,) Abram Shank, a Democratic tnstnber, died. This left the Democracy In a hopeless minor ity. The Republicans nominated a full list of candidate, Including Wm. 11. Wiley for treasurer. The Democrats named Mr. Me Coeoiny for the tame position, hut that gen tleman declined the honor, stating that he had served as treasurer of the beard for nearly thirty yeara; that during that time nearly 1700,000 bad passed through hi hands and bethought he bad honestly accounted for every cent of It; but under exiting circum stance be could net consent te li candi date for re-election, lie cordially thanked the beard for tlie cutitldeiicu me long reposed In him. Wm, U. Wiley was liien elected treaaurer without opposition. Daring Mr. McConemy' long term a treasurer, It frequently happened that there were no funds In the treasury with which te pay the teachers' salaries and ether Incidental expense On such occasions Mr. McConemy advanced bis own private funda te meet the deficiency. Up te the time et the collapse el the old Lancaster Havings institution, the school beard funda had been deposited therein. A few daya before the failure, Mr. McConemy'a suspicions were aroused that all was net right with the Institution, lie withdrew the school beard funds and thus prevented heavy less te the achoel district A DHIKF HKKTOIl OK lAMIU HISTORY. Peter McConemy was born March 30, 1801, en Last King street near Shlppen, this city. He received a fair English education In the private achoel then existing In the city, lie waa apprenticed te the sbestnsking trade te hla rather. Nel MoCeuomy, aud became an efficient workman, and It may be mentioned as a very unusual clrcumttauce that be car ried en the aheemaking business for a period or forty-live yeara In the same store, In the MoCeuomy building, Ne. 17 West King street, new occupied by K. J. Erlstuau. Mr. McConemy was married en the 15th or April, 1328, te Rebecca UudlsllU Thirteen children were born te them, or whom only four are living three daughters and one son Mrs. Anastaala Kheads, or this -city, Mrs. Chas. J. Gillespie, or Pittsburg; Miss Rebecca McConemy, at home with ber mother, and U. R. McConemy, the popular alderman of the First ward, or the deceased children, Ambrose and Peter, bankers, Augustln, a priest, and Htephen,a printer and soldier, were well-known te hundreis of our citizens, TUB KBOlIaNtcV 1.1 lilt A It V ASSOCIATION. Mr. McConemy was one of the original members of the Mechanics' society et Lan caster," organized July 8th, 18), and char tered May 20, 1831. The aeclety prospered for a time, built a geed ball en Seuth Queen street, opposite the Fountain Inn, and largely Increased IU library ; but from 1815 te 1855, Its patronage fell oil", and It would have dis banded bad it net been ter reier Mcuonemy and a few congenial spirits who kept It alive. The"Mechanica' ball having been sold and changed first Inte a Presbyterlan church, and subsequently Inte a place et business, the library was removed ' Intotheseeond story of the MoCenomy build ing where It yet remains. Its title was changed te "Mechanics' LlbraryAssoclatlen." It was opened aa publle subscription library, and has been quite successful up te the present time. Mr. McConemy was for many yeara IU itbrarlan and secretary, and since his death bl son, the alderman, baa ec cupied tne position of president. HT, MARY'HOnrHAN ASVLUM, Te Peter MoCenomy may be given in geed measure the credit et being the father of St Mary's orphan asylum. David Dennelly bequeathed fund te be used toward the es tablishment or an orphan asylum In into city, with a prevision that llUteasylam wm net in operation within twenty years then the fund with IU accrued Uteres waa te go te Ht Jehn's asylum, Philadelphia. The Cath olics el Lancaster at that Uaae were tee peer te build an asylum. SLMary,awathealy congregation and it worshipped la ta eld steae church. Mr. MoCeaoay had somtrel or the Dennelly bequest as trustee, the years were slipping away aud the fund would be lest naless something was done for tea orphans. In this emergency Mr. MoCenomy found four orphans sad found a teacher for them In the person of a geed woman, Mrs, Uyltlard, who took them Inte ber own beuse where they were bearded and educated at the expense et the Dennnlly fund. And this was the beginning of Ht Mary's asylum, which with a geed many tips and down la Its history new standi tcitlli In beautiful architecture and Willi n lull corps of teachers en Vine Ureal, oil tlie kite of ilia old stone church. MR. M'CONOMV AN A POLITICIAN, Mr. McConemy took an active part In poli tic all bis Pis. lle'wss an ardent Henry Clay Whig, and adhered te that party until It was nearly rultind by pruacrlptlve Natlve Natlve Amerleanlsm In 1811, and ruined entirely by Know-Nethlngtsm In KVI Tneii finding no ether party that recugriliel the t-quat rights of elllzsns et all creeds whether of native or of foreign blrtb.iie allied blmstlf with the Democrats, and became an active worker In the ranks. He sought no political preferment, but served as a councilman from the North west ward In 1802-3. Te Mr. MoCenomy was Intrusted the set tlement of a great number of valuable private estates, and bla correct and systematic busl nees habits enabled blm te execute bla trust with promptness and fidelity. TIIK OIIII,l)IIKl'K 1IOMK. Mr. McConemy was also one or the Incor porators or the Ueiue for Friendless Children which was Incorporated by act or Assembly March '), 1800. When the Incorporator met for organisatien Mr. McConemy was chosen one of the trustees and was an active member of the beard for many years, lie lived te aee the home grew from a precirleua existence in a small private house In rear of the central market In 1858 te its mere com cem com medlous quarters In a nineteen room beuse In Houth (Jueen street in 1801, and thence te Its present sdnitrsele quarters ou Houth Ann atreet M r. McConemy did bis full share In further ing the interests el the city. Besides giving a helping hand te all worthy enterprises be engaged In some extensive enterprise en bis own account lie built nearly a score of houses, some of them large one, en Kast and West King streets, Kant and West Orange and ether parts cl the city, using excellent judgment In their construction. Mr. McConemy wax a Catholic, a deveted member el .St Mar' church, known te and beloved by every member of the parish. He waa one of the meat liberal contributors te the church aud school funds, but did net confine bl charities te bla church ; bl banda were open In all direction ; he was aa well beloved by Protestant as Catholic ; hi gentle, genial uature tnaJe him the friend of all and hi company was Bought by all. IMI'RKSSIVK FUMIIHAI. HKHMChS. Mr. MiConemy died en the 5th of January, 1877, of dropsy et the heart, after a abort Ill ness, Ills death created a profound sensa tion and unusual grief among all classes of people In Lancaster. The Lancaster achoel' beard called a special meeting te de honor te hla memory and passed a series et highly complimentary resolutions which were or dered te be entered upon the minute. The beard attended hi funeral lu a body. His funeral which took place en January tltb was one of the largeat seen In Lancaster. Archbishop Weed, Bishop Sbanshan, and a score or mere el priests occupied places In front et the altar High ruaxa was said by Bishop Hbanaban. The sermon was preached by Archbishop Weed. The seminarians of Ht Charles Dsrromee chanted the music under the lead of Mr. K J ward MacGenlgle, At the close of the aerJfe the funeral pro pre cession was reformed aud moved te St Mary's cemetery whero the body was Interred. tii AUKBar or a ruiKr. Hiv. father K.ll.r, or County Cerk, Ireland' l'taceil In Ooateey. Father Keller, of Yeugbal, County Cerk, was arrested en Friday. He had twice de clined te receive summonses ordering him te appear In eurt and answer questions re specting his alleged cuttejy as trustee under the plan of campaign of moneys belonging te the tensnts en the Ponsenby estates. When Fattier Keller reached Cerk In the custody of the police, he was met at the depot by the mayor of the city, the municipal coun cil and a large crowd that tilled the street. When the priest alighted from the train he wasgreeted with a great cheer, followed by music from the band engaged for the occa sion. The mayor and council then, en be half of the people of Cerk, presented Father Keller with au address, Jehn Dillen, In the Heuse nf Commens, K Bleated against the arrest of Father Killer. r. Balfour, chief secretary for Irelaud, de nounced Mr. Dillen's violent Isngusge and hi partisanship In ancuslug the Irish police of misleading the magistrate In the case and goading the people te resistance. Mr. 111 four declared that the Irish airttaters were really responsible for goading the people of Ireland Inte rebellion. Iterating Mr. Ullleu. Londen, March 19. The Daily Sites strongly condemns Mr. Dillen' unjustified hindrance of business in the Heuse of Com Cem Com eons last night by bl speech protesting sgalnst the arrest of Father Keller. Committed ter Ueetrupt. DtTiii.i.s, March in. Father Keller was arraigned in court here te day and committed for contempt. Thejudge In committing hlui said that If the prleat'a action In refusing te receive or nuswvrsummensea of the court was allowed ti go unpunished the whole machin ery of tlie bankruptcy law would be upset After Kit her Keller has been committed, be was conducted from the court room te a cab in waiting in which he was placed te be taken te Ktlmalnham JalL The scene out side the court building Is without parallel. The streets were crowded with sympathizers or the reverend culprit, who yelled them selves hearse In cheering the prisoner. When the prisoner had entered the cab the crowds unhitched the bersea and dragged the ve hicle all the way te the JalL Archbishop Walab, William F. O'Brien, editor or United Ireland, Le;d Mayer Hulllvan and Mr. Timethy Harrington, M. P., followed In car risgea. Along the entire route te the Jail Father Keller was given a perfect ovation. m A Milkman's Kenawaj. This morning lbs horse of Andrew Berg man, a milkman, residing in Manheim township, frightened at aeme object en Orange street With the milk wagon, be ran through Jeffersen alley te East King street He turned down towards Lime atreet and the wagon came In contact with another. Beth shalte were broken from Bergman's wagon, and the bone, becoming loose, ran te Centre Square, where be was caught The front glass of the wagon was broken out and the greater put of the milk was spilled In the street. The ether team was net Injured. Utvetvsd Inte a Sisterhood. Miss Careline Dennelly, daughter et the late Peter Dennelly, of this city, and who baa ler the past Ave years been a novice at the institution el the Misters of charity of mo me mo Hherrystewn, Adams county, Pa., waa re ceived into the sisterhood te-dsy. Many of ber Lancaster friend and relatives sre In attendance at the interesting exercises. Elected Editor, At the monthly meeting of the Lutbersn beard of publication, bald in Philadelphia en Tnssdsy, Her. Bylvanus Stall, of this city, was sleeted editor el the "Lutheran Knoy Kney Knoy clerrodla." It will ba a book et 1,000 pages, with ever 800 contributors. Ths work will require about tour yeara Uma te oemplete it Mr. (stall's aeeeptaaca will depend upon some ttlaer details et tk work. OCEAN VESSELS COLLIDE. BOMUO0M i. a. rmemnuw atrnvc i r turn arasMMB lbLmmtt,: The Boheoasr stake ass Ihrse of Her Crew lrawnd-Tatlr lledIM Net Bseevered. The detain K'seecd With Bl Read 8pm i Op.a-lla It Oenrred. Winkirli), L J , March 10 The steamer Idiswlld collided with the schooner A. W. Thompson oft liere this morning.' The acBCOier was sunk and three lives were lest. The collision between the steamer Idle wild and the schooner A. W. Thompson oc curred at 10 JO this morning. Twe of the schooner's crew are known te have been drowned and another Is supposed te have been. The captain waa picked up by the Idlewlld with bis bead split completely open. The captain of the ill-fated schooner cannot live. Nene el the names of the ere w could be aseertslned,ss the beat that put out from here te the rescue failed te reach the Idlewlld before abe started for New Yerk. A witness te the collision says the schooner took a abort and sudden tack across the ateaeier'a bow and had acarot acaret ly done se when she was struck smtdshlp. The schooner lies In mldcbanneleff Willett'a Point Part of ber bull and bowsprit abew above water. The bodies of the drowned men have net bet n recovered. iMCJtKJftiM tHM VitiTAL BTUVK. The r.slon.len of the Lancaster Htreet Hallway te ba Mullt N.xt Mdntb. A meetlug of the stockholders el the Lan caster city street railway was held at the Hlevens beuse en Friday evening te con sider the advisability of Increasing the capital stock l the company. By a unanimous vote It was decided te Increase the stock from (11, 000 te aio.eoo. The (20,000 will be used te extend snd equip the railway through the streets In the northern part of the city, which councils gave them permission te use at their last atated meeting. A greater portion of the stock has already been taken and a limited amount may be secured by calling en Jacob B. Leng. Arrangements have been made te begin work en the extension et the railroad next month. The yellow pine for the ties has been ordered, arrangements bsve been made te secure a rail similar te that used In the construction et the Kast End railway and the cars will tie contracted for and be here by the time the extension Is built The route of the extension Is from the corner or Duke snd Wslnut out Duke te New, te Prince, te Ieinen, te North Queen, te Waluut, te Duke. Applicants for Permanent Oertincatas, Tbeexamtnatlonsef applicants ler perma nent certltlcate la being held te-day In the secondary school building, corner of Prince and Chestnut street. The applicants are all ladies, as fellows : Misses Lizzie Bear and HadleRea, or Paradise; Ida M. Llnd and Bella Wetzel, city; Kate McCreary, Raphe; Annie McComb, Drumere ; Bertha C. Ober Uu; West HempQeld ; Susan Mentzer, Earl. The class waa examined in the branches named by the following teachers : Natural sciences, including physiology, as tronomy, botany and philosophy, Mia Ida J. Batdertf, Manheim borough. Geography and history, Miss Clara B. Uuber, city. Theory of teaching, including psychology, methods of teaching, and school economy, Mr. U. J. Reddy, Manheim township. Mathematics, Including arithmetle and algebra, Mr. C. A. Peter?, East Hemptleld. Language, including grammar, reading and literature, Mr. I. K. Witmer, New Hol Hel land, Frem alx te ten questions en each of the studies named were presented te each pupil In printed form. Their answers will be for warded te the department of education, and It a sufllctent number et the questions are correctly answered permanent certificates wlllbeHsued. (II Intore.1 te foesloasr. At the meeting of Geerge II. Themas Pest, Ne. 81, G. A. It., en Friday evening, It was decided te appoint a committee en pension?. 1 be duty or this committee la te report all violations of law, as te charges of pension agenta in the securing el pensions. This committee will also report te the commis sioner of ponslena the names of any soldier new drawing pensleu, who Is net entitled te the same, when any reputable citizen reports such parties. Commander Denues will an nounce this committee at the meeting of the pest en next Friday night Usm Dall Ketes. At Savannah, Ga., yesterday, the members or the Philadelphia club played a six Inning game among themselves. Henry and Gibsen were the battery for eue team, and Webllng and Dallas ler the ether. Mix Inning were played and Uenry'a team wen by 11 te 8. Tne batting was heavy snd both Gibsen and Dallas did Hue work behind the bat Rjth the Philadelphia and Detroit clubs have a HiilUclent number of meu with them In the Houth ler two ulues, Hudsen, of the Ut Leuis Browns, fell heir te (eO.OOO en the death of his father, which occurred last week. Th Uang.r Thejr 1'as.ed Ihtencu. Speaking of the danger that the sports en countered in sttendlng the cockfight Thurs day, the Marietta Register ays : 'The wind was high during the day, and the creasicg of the river did net seem te be appreciated by many, who wero greatly alarmed during the paswge. One skltl crossed from here In the morning with fourteen in it ; the least wash of the waves Inte the skltr, with the heavy welKht aboard, would have foundered the beat ; but the oarsmen were careful and these aboard kept their seats, benee no accident occurred. " Ueian Fer panper Cblldreu. The beard of peer directors met statedly In day. Mra, Gara, Mrs. Htelnmsn and Mrs. Reugier, representing the Lancaster branch of the Pennsylvania Chlldren'a Aid society, appeared before the beard, with Mr. Jereme, or Philadelphia, the representative or the State society. Their mission was In reference te adopting some system by which all the children wbe became Inmates of county slmsbeuses may be provided with suitable homes. The directors premise te give them all the aid in their power tewarda assisting the society In their labors, A White Olrl Harness Nsgre. Aitoena, March 19. William Johnsten, the colored giant of this city, and Frances Benner, a young white girl, were married by a Helldsysburg J ustlee te-day. Johnsten is a veritable giant, being six feet five inches high. He came here direct Iretn the Wast Indies and still wears bugs rings in bis ears. The marriage la the result of a strange in fatuation of the girl for blm. She says it was a cara or love at first sight Teacher's lastttate rer starch, This month's session of the Sunday Scheel Teachers' Institute will be bald la Trinity chapel, en Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock. There was a unanimous Tet at last month's session against ths motion for a spring as well as summer vacation. araated a r si . Darleg the rjswt weak a paaatea fcaj baaa granted te Israel Cunningham, cf this) eity. Bumm Bvntimm vuAnuti. Tke Mosnevats That Will Take Place in the t'emlag April Se. en. There will net be as many removals by business men this first el April as there have been In the past lew years. There are quite a number of vacant store room en the prin cipal business streets and card "Fer rent" are en a number that are new occupied. Dwelling beuses sre plenly, snd you can net walk half a square In almost any direction without seeing ths auuouncement 'This beuse te let" Among the business uhauges aru the fol lowing : Cuba Myers retires from the management eltbe Central hetel, under Locher'abank. A, P. Fulmer will keep this hotel next year. Jehn Ranting ba removed from the Iimb hotel, en Houth Queen street, te the Stock Exchange hotel, kept for many, years by Mrs. Lsngan. Ex-Sheriff Howe will remove from Lampeter Square, te the hetel vacated by Mr. Ranslng. Ulram Bkeen has taken chsrge el the Stock Yard hotel, kpt last j ear by E O. Eaby, aud Mr. Eaby has leased the Park hotel of Harry Myeis. J. E. Hele will romevo hla photograph gal lery from the Shober building, te the rooms formerly used by Frank Illemenz Mr. Illemenz needed additional facilities and be moved bla factory te the DinenderiTtr building en the opposite side of the street Jehn Ulemenz will remove his store from the Inquirer building te the large store room occupied for many years by Phares W. Fry. The Champien Blewer and Ferge company have purchased the foundry of Jeseph H. Uuber snd removed the material te their works en James street MlssSallle J. lrvln will remove her trim ming store from Ne 10 West King street te Ne. 29 or the same street, new occupied by Miss E. J. Hbultz A Sister. The latter firm will move te North Queen street above the railroad. F. A North A Ce's musle store will be re moved te the store room belonging te Jehn VF. Stelnman's estate en Mfest King street which has been remodeled and will be hand somely fitted up. The room vacated by North A. Ce., In Balr A Shenk'a bank, has been leased by Jacob F. Hheafler who wilt move bis liquor store there, The store room occupied at present by Mr. SuaeUer en Duke street will be taken by Henry Bewman, of New Helland, who Intends carrying en the same business. Benjamin Uirsh has leased the livery stable, In the rear or the City hotel, kept ler a number of years t-y Cyrus H. Celvln. Charles Erisman, son or Capt Geerge Etls mau, new el Columbia, formerly of this city, has rented the Tremont house, kept for many years by Fred Weehrle. Mr. Weehrle will retire te private life. Wm. U. Deichler, the blind man, will be come the landlerd of the Washington house, en North Queen atreet, en April 1st. The photograph gallery In Ulrsh's build ing, kept for many years by Themas Gum ming, will be opened en April 1st by Eby & Hess. Mr. Cummlugs has fitted up a gallery at bla residence) en West Chestnut street. W. J. Rhodes, baker, ha removed from 522 North DuLe Btret, te the corner of Duke snd New Btreeta. Jehn A. Clark has opened a tea aud coffee store in the room In Centre Square, occupied for yeara by the American Tea company. Theodere Beck has leased a room en East Orange street, adjoining Waltz' cigar store, and will fit It up for a barber shop. I. Batlzell A. Sen will open a music store at Ne. 215 West King street, en April 1st The restaurant en West King street, kept by Jehn Fritch for several years, has been leased te Jehn Pentz, and lie will take pos session en April 1st. Jehn E. Weaver, grocer, will remote from his present store-room te the opposite corner, where Dr. M. W. Raub is new located, and Dr. Raub will remove a lew doers below ou King Btreet J. Frank Heist, grocer, will remove bis store te the room new occupied by Jehu K. Weaver. Julius F. Hturgia, of IMHt, purchased lu this city from Oliver Sturgis a bakery and two dwell lugs aud will take possession en the first et April, intending te bake bretzMs. On Tuesday of this week Messrs. GreU A, Btrelil, or Ephrata, took control of the Eph rats foundry. It Is a new firm. A New Finn. Benjamin F. Bard and Benjamin McUlrey bare rented Julius Leeb'a store room, Nes. 33 and 35 Houth Queen street, where, en or about April 4, they will open a new diy goods store under the firm name of Bard A MoEIrey. They will deal in dry goods, car pets, oil cloths, leathers and notions. Mr. Bard was a mmber of the firm or Metzger, Bard A Uaugbmau, and has 17 yeara experi ence In the dry goods business. He Is at present with R. E. Pahneateck. Mr. McElroy was six years in business at Cresswell, this county, and live years lu the groceries and dry goods business en High street Beth are geed businessmen, natives or Upper Leaceck township, and have bright prospects et suc cess. Mr. Leeb will remove ,nte the old Schaum building which he recently pur chased. HutxMalul Uurs Surgery. About two years age a valuable sorrel horse belonging te Mr. Kendig get Its near forefeet caught in the track while crossing a railroad, and had the muscles and tendons se badly Injured that the horse was permanently lamed, and the tendons of the Injured leg contraetod se much as te draw the hoof Inward, and ceniel the borse te stand en the point et his tee. The horse was condemned as being only tit for the glue fac tory, until Dr. 8. E. Weber bought him, and operated upon the Injured leg. The con tracted tendons were entirely cut off, and the leg straightened into Its natural position. The operation was performed ou the 17th intt The horse new stands with his loot list en the ground, but et course leans no weight en it. In six weeks It la bolleed it will be en tirely well, and the injured limb us strong us ecr. The Ollosepntc B.clsty, The fortnightly meeting et the " Clie" at the residence el Gee. M. Franklin, esq , en Friday evening, was well attended. The paper by Rev. J. Max Hark was a discussion of the development et the family, through ancient, middle and modern civilization, and a contrast et the social and legal position et women in the old and later times. The ensuing discussion was carried en with much spirit by Rev. Drs. Apple, Tltzel, Ktahr and Dubbs, and W. U. Hensel, J. W. Appel snd ethers. The next meeting or the association will be beld at the residence or Mrs. U.Feltz, en North Duke street, aud Prof. Gee. P. Mull will read the essay, making a compari son el the morality el ancient aud modern civilization. Closing the Week. The King street tbeatre bad another good geed sized audience last evening when A Bex of Cesh " waa given with ue changes from ether evenings. Te-night the oempaoy close their engagement, and as there la no attraction at the opera beuse they will no doubt draw largely. Bailie lllnten opens for a week at tills beuse Monday evening. The Striker Ht paired. The lira alarm striker of Ne, 3 engine beuse, which waa damaged in the lata are and seat te the Gameweli company te ba re paired, baa been returned and will be put in place at enc. THE BUFFALO CALAMITY. mtaut t'uuptm metr kkewm te h Arm war rmmim ttrma. The IMIiri. te Be Bxsaslned Whea the Re- ssalas of Olhsr VlcUma Stay Be Dlseovered. Twenfj-S.rioe.ly injarsd sad Plrts.a Sligblly-Sem Narrow fcMapta, Bun-Ai.e, N. Y., March 111. Little can be added this morning te that already known of the result of the disastrous Richmond hotel lire el yesterday morning. Te the question el "Hew many are killed V only an Indefinite reply can be made. The number actually known te be dead and missing Is nine, but ten mere el the survivors, new ledged at the hospitals and at their homes, must be looked upon as precarleua,and ttme only will decide whether they are te be numbered with the living or the dead. The survh Ing victims, whose nsmes fellow in the hospital list sre mere or less prostrated by the sbockerthedlsaster, from which some will rally who have vigorous constitutions. But could one see the suQerers swathed in lint and cotton bandages, meaning with the Intense sgeny el their scorched and calcined flesh, he would number the horrors of the fire at a greater total than the death list Every one who wss burned by the Intense beat, If bis skin wss net actually licked by 'the llames, hss suffered by exposure te tbe air after the burning. Before tbe physicians could dress tbe wounds they had begun te swell snd blister, and In slloasessuppuratlen Is fesred, while with many It is inevitable. Heme will lese the flesh from their bands snd feet snd amputation will be unavoidable. If pyaemia does net then ensue It will be miracu lous. The critical condition or many victims Is, therefore, alarming and despite the most careful nursing snd painstaking surgical at tendance several of tbe hospital patients, It is feared, will die. At the present writing it is impossible te gauge the fatality or. this holo caust, but It no mere than twenty It can be hardly less than twelve. TIIK KNOWN DEAD. The following are the known dead : Wil Wil eon Purcell, a resident broker, formerly with IU G. Dun A Ce. He wss killed by Jumping. He belongs in Canada. Kate WeUe, a servant at the Richmond. She was found In tbe rums of tbe frame structure destroyed. Henry Brumsey, of New Yerk, died at 1:15 o'clock this morning at tbe Fitch accident hospital. He was terribly burned, his body being blistered from besd te feet He would have escaped with slight Injuries had he net gene back te save little Jennie Mann. The list et missing wbe sre believed te have perished are as fellows : Mark B. Osberne, day clerk at the Richmond. lie is supposed te hsve perished while trying te save tbe ether empleyes who slept, en, the upper floors. Katie Kent, a servant ary Welsh, a servant Her cousin, new at the general hospital, says she saw Mary Jump and that was alt J. B. Acker, a Delaware, Lackawanna A Western railroad ductal of Scranton. He was expected te arrive in this city ontTbura entTbura day. Mall was received for him at the :Rlch :Rlch mend where he waa te atop. It is net known whether he registered there or net A telegram te his home at Scranton elicited tbe information that he was net there. He may possibly have net reached tbe city. Otherwise he cannot be accounted for. Minnie Kelly, a servant Inquiries at dif ferent places in tbe city have been made in regard te her but without avail. She is probably lest AT TUB IIOSrlTAI.S. The following are these at tbe hospitals this morning and their condition : At tbe Sisters' hospital, Mary Nelan, servant, badly burned about face, bands, feet one leg and portion of the ether aud hair burned te scalp ; very critical. Maggie Mulrach, servant,' face, neck aud breast burned, arms scorched from shoulder te finger tips, legs burned from kuecs te soles of feet; a serious case. Fanny Harvey, a servant, burned about lace, hands and feet Net serious as ether two, but very painful. G. F, Mlcbaeis, commercial traveler for wholesale furniture house In New Yerk, unkle sprained and bad coutusien of back caused by fall ; net serious. General hespital: Nellie Welch, sonant, burned about face and hands; net serious. Minnle Neller, servant, burned face and hands; net serious. Mrs. Kate Pierce, ser vant, most badly burned of the three ; con dition Bcrleus. Clinten Bidwell, resident ageut for tbe Dupent Powder company, regular boarder at hotel. His escape was given yesterday ; quite seriously burned about face, neck, bands and arms; badly prostrated by; shock ; considered serious. Matthew Shannen, houseman at the Rich mend, bands badly burned, also face, aud head slightly; net serious Fitch accident hespital: Frederick K. Moere, Cleveland, severely burned about face, bands and feet; serious. Wm. A. Uaen, Helena, Ment, chief engineer of tbe Northern Pacific, burned about face, bands and feet aud suffering from shock ; serious. Edwin A. Fiuck, bcranten, Pa-, Buttering from pslnful burns about feet, bands and face. C. M. Dubois, general agent of Com mercial Iusurauce company, Syracuse, se vere burns, cover almost bis whole body and he la In a critical condition. Jacob Kabn, of Kabn A Seu, wholesale drygoeda merchants of New Yerk, spine fractured by fall, also burned about the extremetles ; will proba bly die. His wife has been sent for. Mary Witt, Mrs. Stafferd's maid, palntully burned en arm and face; net serious. Emergency hespital: Barry Davis, corner Canal and Greece streets, New Yerk, se rieusly burned. He will lese one feet If net his lire. Edward Wbeeian, traveling sales man, New burg, N. Y., badly bruised by fail, fingers burned off and feet and ankle burned te bone. UU life hangs by a thread, n. B. Smith, Insurance adjuster, Syracuse, pain fully burned en legs, feet and hands. Win. J. Mac U ay, Insurance agent, Niagara Falls, Injured by Jail, net serious. The following were taken heme: Mary Conners, servaut, severely bruised by fall, as related yesterday, aud badly burned; serious, Mrs, W. J. Mann, wile or one or the propria prepria propria tern, severely burned. Mem: or Tin: injuiiki). The following were taken te the Tifft beuse : F. H. Weed, el Chicago, badly singed about face, lets for borne yesterday, C. L. Beggs, New Yerk, whose thrilling es cape was ohrentcieu yeateruay, is eaaiy burned, M. Dahlman, of Rochester, Is prob ably latally injured. A. N. Merrlam, resi dent boarder, a broker, serious burns en face and bands. Mr. E. H. Wimplhelmer and wife, of New Yerk, bad a narrow escape. Bald be : "My wire wexe me up, having beard the alarm bell, and asked what it meant It didn't take long te Hud out. Soen we beard the shriek ing cries or tire and springing out of bed we rushed down stairs te the parlor fleer. The main stairway was In llames and we lied into a room frentlug en Main street Fortunately it bad a balcony window and we climbed out en It I decided te J ump and taking my wife In my arms I did se. We were only slightly bruised by tbe fall. I bad en only my trousers and nlgbt clothes. I lest (500 and my wire lest some valuable diamonds." Tbey were cared ler at tbe Manslea beuse. Mr, J. M. VauNerman, photographer, liv ing in tbe wooden building en Main atreet, aald that bla family would have been beraed up but ler tbe fire alarm arousing them. A man Jumped en bis root and entered bl room. Beeb another man Jumped. Tbey were considerably Injured, one being usable te walk. Tbey ware let out et the front deer. I am positive," aald Mr. VaaRor VaaRer maa, that I aaw at least Urea people go through tbe skylight te tbe rear of my rooms who never stirred afterward. Tbe bodies will be found la the ruins." Anether maa missing la Ulram Bsnedlet, Jr., eon of Hiram Benedict, of tbe Lubrlca' Ing Oli company. He arrived here Thurs day nlgbt aad intended atepglag at tbe Rich mend. It la thought be eame la late, wsa given a room la tbe upper awry aaa penaned in tbe flames. A friend here wind Bene dict's family, but they had beard nothing of bis whereabouts up te last night a mes sage received from Loekport at 11 o'clock this morning says bis family have gives blm up for lest WinUS 1UNDKR TUX VIRRMEN, Mr. Rebert U. Stafferd, tbe senior propri etor et the hotel, gives tbe follewlngacoount of the origin and progress of tbe fire ss re lated te him by his empleyes. Ssld hs : "As te the origin of the Ore, sit I can give is from my night maa; that Is.that the lire started la tbe cloak room. There were two palls of wster en a shelf en each fleer el tbe eleva tors, which tbey need en the Are at tbe start, but it. did net have tbe effect of putting It out There waa also a stand pipe running into the fifth fleer. On each fleer waa attached 100 feet of hose. Tbe statement that the water would net run la erroneous. The boss would threw water 60 leet above the build Ing. Tbe fire was se near the elevator thai It was Im possible te use 100 feet of hose without get: ting kinks In it and these kinks, in my opinion, prevented the flew el water. Wbea Night Clerk Alpert found that the hose would net work be pulled the Are alarm system of bells which connected with every room in tbe boese. Tbeu be rang In an alarm te headquarters. While the fire waa progressing, guests were making their es cape and many came down the stairways We supposed we bad the most perleet arrangement in the case of Are, and I think that the Richmond was as safe as any hotel net built flreproel." Mr. Stafferd strongly condemned tbe network of wires that sur rounded tbe hotel which, be ssys, prevented the ladders from saving a great many from thewlndowawhe were otherwise forced te flee through the flames. EIOllT KILLBD AND 25SXnt0CHLT INJURED. The neon edition of tbe Evening Sews ssys: "Tbe story of ruin and desolation told yesterdsy needa only the Utter details te-dsy te make tbe thrilling chapter complete. Eight persons were killed. Twenty-five were seriously Injured. Fifteen were slightiy hurt The ruins have net at this writing been searched. What bidden aterlea or additional 1 misery and less et Ills these piles or smoking debris will reveal, no human Intelligence can foresee. The shaky wall will be thrown to day and search will begin." At 1130 o'clock a body baa Just been taken from tbe rums, supposed te be that of Mark Osberne, the day clerk. SOME OP THE MISSINO. The following are new Included In the list of mlsslntfY ill. Jehnsen, of Terente, a rail roadman. He vraKPertad aa missing yta tsrdav bnt his nsme wtESsSBmeved from the Hat. m thAm waa anmii dnnKnwBSBssllilBJt la the hotel. It Is new believed that he wss Jeseph Sayre, of Erie, Pa; J. C. Pratt, el Al bany. The last named was known te have been at tbe Richmond and has net been heard from since the fire. Mr. Leuis Zendman, of 29 Leepanard street, New Yerk, one of the survivors, states that when he lelt bis room there were seven persons In it and all he aaw escape waa one man and one woman. It la hla belief that the ethers lest their lives. Tbe body of Henry B. Rnmsey, of New Yerk, who died at tbe hospital this morning, waa given in charge of hla brother-in-law, E. C. Edgerton, et Fert Wayne, Ind., and a friend, EdwlnMead,Jr.,ofNewYerk. The deceased was 47 years et sge and connected with the United States navy. His wire snd daughter reside at Fert Wayne, Ind., where the re mains will be taken. lie has a son in the United States navy. 1NVKSTIUATINCI A FIKSDISU ATTEMPT. The police this morning sre Investigating the startling report el a fiendish attempt te bum the Williams block at Virginia snd Oak streets, occupied by about a dozen different families, it new appears tbst one of tbe ocecupsnts sent her daughter Inte the cellar te get a pail or coal about dinner time. Ou the way the child noticed tbe smell of smoke arid, proceeding te the coal bin, found a pile of kindling weed, partly saturated with kereslne, blazing rather briskly among tbe coals. She with ether children who ac companied her, succeeded lu putting out tbe tire, burning their hands quite severely in doing sa Tbe material bad apparently been arranged and set en tire by an incendiary wbe could only bave commuted the deed a few mementa before tbe discovery. There are ether rumors el similar incendiary at. tempts, but se far ha e net been traced te re liable sources. Arresting Nihilists. St. Petersburg), Msrch 19, Arrests of suspected Nihilists have taken place In large numbers at Crenstadt and ether garrisoned ; towns. A gang et Nihilists were arrested at explosives, bombs, tool for manufacturing bombs, revolutlensry pamphlets, etc , wese csntured. Twe girls, students, who were among tbe number, were Hogged until they became insensible. Car Drlvsrs Allowed Tbalr Demand. Cincinnati, March 19. The Newport, Ky., atreet car drivers, through their com mittee gave notice at 9 a. m. te day te Supt. Williamson that tbey would all go out at 10 a. m. unless their demands were agreed te. The men bad said tbey would accept f 1.75 a day and 12 hours, snd a compromise was made en these terms at 10 o'clock. The com pany were net willing te stand snether strike. Tbarmsn's Vi.lt te Washington. Washington, March lft Judge Thur man, who leaves Washington for home te dsy, ssys bis visit at tbe executive mansion yesterday was of a purely personal and friendly character, and bad nothing what ever te de with pending appointments. Tb Kallread Track Fer a Pillow. Evansmlle, Ind., March 1ft Sherman1 Kratt, a brakeman, waa discovered In aa un conscious condition yesterday allernoen, with his bead badly mashed and one of bla arms under a wheal of a freight car at the end el the Louisville A Nashville tracks at tbe feet of Flfthavsnue. It is supposed that while asleep the ear slipped down upon him. He la still alive, but cannot recover. rrsmlsrBalUbary III. Londen, Mareh 19 Lord Salisbury Is suf fering lrem a alight Indisposition and in con. senuence a council of the ministry waa held at hla private residence te-dsy. Ue wss able te preside, however. m ' Cat OB Frem the Gesst. Trieste, Msrch lft Tbe entire Adrlstie coast extending toward Feume la isolated from tbe interior by heavy anew storms which still prevall. Btead Prices Advaactsg. Paris, March lft-Ia os,na Imposition of tbe own dB7 SV, Naatea have raised the prtee f lh aU aU peund leaf of brd ea peaay. wMAtmam . Cwiuntta. . O, Mar, W. -r I!., isamylvaaJa t Qeaarally fair weather, waratw, aerthwlywlada HANDY WITH HB r . i wbaitut nxm rt AHBKitas9mmmi - "" 'At 7 v f - Mad Asaty t Overshtrge a sTarsaer, Sal are KesseVdi Vacle Asm MM Ms. Tux arkaea, Tex., ataeftlaV1 age waiter HMgeiey, I 20 mllee north of here, ahat aasl Hhrryraea who were trying te teat charges out or ant Leie patting blm i the drunmer'a part. The I him for tale aad swleaiaia tat weapons, whea HMgeiey aesa dead. Upen examiaattea BtdgeUy wM charged. Jeba Marfy,aBBsxa)srejrj tbe men killed, aad aa aaete et tmni swore te kill Kldgeley est I Rldgeley, en horseback, from a neighbor, and OsUBsartaga woeas waa area en rrent eew fell deed, but Its rider eseapi rolled ever en the opposite aMe of te that from which the Bflai two would-be murderer, wke and brother mentioned, thlnkhsg ley waa dead, approached. Wat about ten feet Rldgeley suddealy, and shot both assailants dead la thetr Tbla makea four men thai killed ever a simple ferryboat J-J JIS. i . V v- t. M.n Killed y a BeHavl Van Wert, Ohie, March 10-Th I O. H. Paessler'a aaw mill expMed : day snd killed two persons. Taeswwaa strike la tbe mill aad a velutasw asjtst eg - banda were getting out lumber te au , a sas tract. Thomllllsnewslmosta Matl The hands were leading a oaf. aad I injury, but Sam. Millar, a alavehalt i and Frank Burtsfleld, a school ssaefeei In the building aad ware Instantly kHai ten of Millar's head waa blewa off i waa mutilated beyond reoegaiUea. neia'sssuii wascrusnea, bib were broken and be waa otherwise i - " .sm Cetlaaee of Balldbts; Assesses S j. St. Jehn. N. a, March 19,-11 la that the St Jehn Building aoeletyaati under, the cause being the failure with which the attetaty aad Mai counts. Tbe president of she latssri baa overdrawn Its account 130,(80, hat , bad 130,000 Of tbe society's security. Tbe society had real eatat valued at between 100,000 aad tM,M could net be realised upea at eaesv: waa ample te pay all If time wefeaUeweeV !? Prarlsa Fer Kala la Ttxasv ?i I.......... TWra U.mk In SSfc?". tlnued drought In this section, whisk i A0. ..,, All .M., m.w . wmwJ ruined tbe farmers la 1883, aad waMal talrtennlsh the Jeb during law, ntngtehaveamarked effect upea la Meetings are being beta as ohurehsa la the elty te meeunaa bstna bald eing oeoawy. rti ,. .. j h -.t.r.ziX1 J:V i Milwaukee, WS7 Hinckley, proprietor of cbsnge, and Jehn Featherateae. a' saloon-keeper, shook dlca Thursday and whan tney get tnreuga uiaets lestall bis cash and 250 shares at Point mining stock worth 96,350. Y be bad Featherstone arrrestad in recover bis stock, but the autherltlaa unable te compel its return. .;v, .- L ... j' Vf lu nei nf areraisw seu. ra Wasihnoten, March 19 Secresary: State Bayard la In receipt of a dlefasiaaij Mr. Pendleton King, charge d'aflalreaadl terim at Constantinople, dated Febraery saying tbst in order te give aaaiueaai te its measures relative te th circaiattsa't foreign silver coins In the empire, thai ernment of Turkey win absolutely en and after April 13, 1887, allferelgai coins from entering any of Its oasteas I or poateffloes. All such coins will be I te the place whence tbey came naless 1 lently enterinir. when they will be' cated. ' MA Peoria, Ills., March 10.-Lswt;'taTalt coal operators m the local mwhsar ' imported a colony of necrese fresB' Creek. Hla, te take tbe places et waMil leg miners. Yesterdsy the aeaBJ struck for tbe same advance waaMa tgM men. Before doing ae tney a aj buddIv et previsions from I hucksters and are fully equipped aw if siege. Tbe white miners are aaw tadsssj in the lauirb. at the exneaaa of the 4 UhmmsiI AaaSBSSktasmahsmsaV "Jru Washington, March la-Ta' have it that the president I point Hen. Wm. R. Merris, ! (Deni.) ; Judge CoeJey, of 1 snd juuae urasKs et T members et the Interstate mission. Ne informatiea personnel of th oematiaaioa wttt ljj the Willie xieusa unut in uss asss Kills la Aa stsplsalaa Baltimore, March W Aa Dlaee this afternoon In en et th Baltimore United Oil oempaay'a.t th corner et Second .atreet aad avenue, Canten. Jacob Hi vears. was killed outright, Una-ten received fatal lnjeriaa. Tea) Peter Connera and Christopher K dangerously hurt Tbey hesDltal. Three or four el lejureu. .,?.& . . " " Ww-M. "" i " Ti-n An Editor stsysstss BST I Mansfield, Pa,, Mareh 1, Th the Advertiser, tb only paper 1 bovcetted by the ladle of tats i persisted lu vuuwuai wimj.. menla, ' 12, ii , iS, Oat UU VieUsa-s Has tsaV-, Knexvills, Tenn,, Mareh n l per and Bud Carr, two preawea i Moereaourg, quarraiea ta trivial affair, whan Use lera threat aavarieK hla head from Mel murderer ta at large, with presBHsH ing whan caught ",'? Aetea aa sVswla te fli.tr.4nn llfanh 10-M "Htraaaler" Lewie have cant aulbbies and concluded I Battery D, catch as ealsh ssaaj falls la five, three pelatfl t for 15.000 a side aaa gen ta arranged for April It is- Tbe sixty sUta:eaBBl, ibePhuadeipeie sjussibji" held la the Aaadsas m M The leltewtaa JaaaaaA. MtthaV n.-id a. IsatassV Jnhm P. Lsa'liBd tar, WIMUsattBTV lsssBSMaasaiweswsi aad a I wdiaereatl Tate I mfcz &y . w &JJUiu- fcJft.lJ ,Jt y&&&&i&i8N&f 4 f.i i&i l0$&h&UJ& ju tjiLrtiU. -Skmmf