WjKf " " " j,W.w V NVpWHA'iMV',- w"jhtywi) jiY.r L'TVPrwur' jitmti''. srr i,aci'w'!iintf,f u ir4i.iHr i sjv lc T3V FSJiwfl Sfj?i2),' iyt '-'-M"-r fgg F4 Tint TANnAITM t)AItY nrfELIJGENCER. MOOTAT. MAKCH 14, 1867. rrY; . t ..-vijr r.i' n W-Vf'C -. - " r ""r rjvrs; H jj '. '-i 14 tss, m 3S4 fv5?" tm. ;m' Wi" I "a vvi ."5E .& 3 l. 7j'J' Mr r-.,aaiiasjB vmhi I .at ilUlllHM :r 1 .T, I IIMWM 'mugf Bather. hMt MM MMfClRM MWHOftfU Xkt fallowing pre- nttfMlMlaali YeluEtary, ', IMF, B. V. UrUBMa, Binsr- I, a. W. mui ueu ; C. W. SNTMiMa ; aniit- M4Mr.O Mia HaMM Wwbtngh; forts ef ManlMfttrMBurar i ia.ihj.IOB. GMent Yeung i MbMl, npeitef JaTMUaaiHleetrjr iM4m int. unawi singing, Va4m hmi f ramatES, J. W. F. wmm WHB a naoasema .2tMn.IL J. Wright with pnlifHH TM uwatowdeMd with Um nhartl Sands? sheet held JaetliBi laf ealcere en Beadajr ajternoen, Ike Mjwim reeeii i sbpwu"i V. NewHal saaaml, V. W. uaruey ; ', ClSVlas 'esassssi I aeawiam, wiu I sreetpresi ussac xtenmau , tiuriau, i BitMlf. O. K. Bank, B. M. BUpe, aj'fewtiaT, Percy McCauley, Bamuel I SSIOtawaT, v. v. emawm ( aaaiat- aasVOee. M. HU1 organist, Mrs. T. J. Wifcht Baslatant, Mlaa Oracle Felk. 'jXlMBflkoyBeheolot the Methedlat Kpla sjeaei ekareh held their foreign missionary SBaaaawwiw peuv mwjuuuui . .- MWKag pregrajBBMi Hinging, Boheot; ad- A.U.UOUes; auging, scnoei j aaareea, 'YOVBlt iMibs, Rsv. E. C. Griffiths ; 'mIHiiHhb el the mlaaioearv funds by the f-ssakawt asngkag, school; secretary 'a report, rtvla: the total of the collection for the day frMfn&9 and ter the year aa $233 61. ji aMaaH mmm !" y$ mm UmtnvAmrv tit fffct a eiinnrt raa plrru. ? iaWaAoattewnto the effect that a murder i cemmlUed and a son bad killed bis The report was believed by many Vfteat. eased eenaldenble effect Frem lnves ' 'algaaternHhae been learned that fight took itJeBee betweem Jobs Lawrence and his son KjtO,.mr their home In Rag Town. Tbe -X IsaarV iran itrr- by tbe aen and rendered f i'SMaWaawMe. Be waa carried te his home for '"ed BjaH NTlved after come time. This was Jl j'-- nl the remit. Hnlt haa been entered ii'V'-'1 'uaiaat Jair Vwranrtt at thBOfflosef 'Sentre Saater aaaault and battery, but he baa net yet been arrested. fif Dtatks aa reaerala. ';,s:'charleB a Keecb, four-yeareld eon of ! .,ff tkelaae WlUaua Keecb, died at hia home en 'jjiiBBTienra aueet, eat isunaay evenmg. xne ;VTJaamavaa viu ue jural us xueauy aiiuauua at 8 o'clock. A alx-montha-eld daughter of "Erwln Shrackdied at Us home en Walnut atreet, rMWi truth, rai Rntiriav jrejmlnt. Thn ,$ff ftuteral will take place en Tuesday afternoon .WalSnVlnnk-. t jT-rv?.The faneral of tha late Mrs. Cenrad Swartz $;took place en Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Aaatd was verr largely attended. Services were, held in the Second atreet Lutheran oherch, ", Jehn Pink, who met hia death in a horri ble manner en the Pennsvlvanla railroad $;& tlB Friday night, waa burled tblwhrn,5wtJ "" were cem in uie jajeiy Trinity church. "ftawlT inni A. VerxHBPMfe atiflljinfvi wra In IhA ntwra TaatSiturday night when the "Gypsy's lh" waa presented by Miss Ida I.flwia and company. Tbe company closed a successful engagement A public sale of real estate took place at the Franklin house en Saturday night. A let of ground, corner Fifth and Chestnut streets, wss purchased by H. M. North for (2,000 ; a house en Seuth Fifth street was purchased by Geerge Ulppey for (2,235. The house ou North Second street, belong- tDg-te the estate of E, K. Bslce, was with drawn at (2,000. A car was being pushed en the siding of the Columbia rolling mill this morning, when It jumped the track. Tbe ties snd read bed were badly cut up. Tbe car waa seen replaced. A. concert will be given in the Mount Zlen A, M. E. church en Tuesday, 'Wednesday and Thursday evenings of this week. A long and varied pregramme will be given en each evening, consisting or singing, recitations, dialogue, etc. BemmWnm riertda. Mr. Samuel Zahm, who baa been prospeot prespeot prospeet lng In Flerida for aeveral weeks, returned te Lancaster Saturday evening. He Bays he had a very pleasant time In the land of flowers and oranges, lie visited net only San Au guatlne, Jacksonville, and ether fashionable places, but struck out Inte tbe Interior and the went coast of the'penlnsula,much of which la a sandy desert lu tbe dry season and pretty geed for beating In tbe wet season. Mr. Zabm states that most of the paper cities in Flerida run by northern speculators, are frauds, unworthy of patronage. There is geed land in tbe state, but tbe paper cities In which speculators are selling town leta don't ' own any of 1L Mr. Ztiirn made a small pur chase of land In tbe peninsula, and thinks he will buy mere. As It Is in Pennsylvania se la It in Flerida geed land aelia for geed prices and peer lands don't. Mr, Zibm thlnka tbe coming orange district will net be la tbe vicinity of Jackon Uie or hsn Augui Augui Augui tlnoen tbeodStceaitot Flerida, but will be two hundred miles fu.-tbnr south and fur 1 ther Inland, If net tbe western coast, where tbe temperature Is net se severe as te kill the erange trees aa tbey were killed a few years age in the preaent orange district. Mrs. Mary Fester, daughter of Jehn Mc Manug, of this oily, wbe resides In San Fran Fran ciseo, but has been east en a visit, left for her home this afternoon. AT XUm TUMAtMla. " I he Lights O' Londen" Greeted by Large Audlcnea-The Variety Company. Saturday night the very papular play the "Lights O" Londen" was given in Fulton opera house by a cetnpiny under the manage ment e( Lltt & Poere, The audlence was large and the people were pleased, as the members or tha company, which is a very large one, were strong in their parts. The eharacter of Squire Armytage was well Uken uy eir. unarlcs a. 1'oere, and Archi bald Fester did well with tbe part of Hareld Armytage. Bam ltemnie, the nenular comedian, bid tha character et Jeseph tf ariw, aiucuwun piayeu ever WW times The scenery uaed In the nroductlen nt h fi plsy was very line. .JttM Tha .iaw, .nla.l.lnn.... a. 41.1.. U... ... tjif v.iwmiiraiiu U'lUtO Will p. "w ieu wuiwiua uigui, waen oaiieury s hf, Troubadours appear In "The liummlmr 3lrd." ''r.trS- Tee King Street Thaalra. ,'J ? The May Adams Burleiaue cemnanv had ,; m large matinee en Saturday and in the even V Idsf thev daaad their eniraimmnt in nn.,,i pffi tbe biggest audiences or tbe week. The ;'- show gave tbe usual satisfaction. On Sun . "!' day aiternoen tbe company left for Waiblog Waibleg r jeL; Ien, D. U, where they epsn this evening. 'X. A 1'n.nlirht Ktilth HlncUIr nun, tnr e w..u r B "Alias of Cash." Beleraed Heur, ' Cbarlts Hata bright, of Omaha, M. A. Ham. farlaht. of (Vuinell Tllnfla. Inara. awhn ha rTt. ,1L3 . tm la. T..ma.ah aIhaa .fc. ..t. ., l K v"'" " """""" iuwa iui ueaiu ui lueir ,;rieber,lelt for tbelr Western bemee Sunday, ?'AWllebere tbey Fisted a large number of Via irieuaa. S y V; Made aa Aasigsaaeaf. Jeaeb a. Kreider and wife, et tlpuer Lea. ftek lewhahlp, tcadeaaaaslgeaasut of their l!t,,ty J r the becefit of creditors te .. .yj ' . SWlBSslgUHeisgas Greene, March It Oer woheol directors W " te IwjM bw school house at Chaetnut Level for that dUtilat, tha old one having baaa cendttaasd. m unfit ler use. Thsy bow have thair sseoiaeaUeaa ready for contractors. The building la te be frame. It la te be hoped tbat the directors will net In dulge In tee much economy in building. B. ft Huber, of Falrfiald, had a sale tut week and baa moved te Uirrlsburg. Tbe flitting season has opened and tbe (inters leek raelully at the terrible reads. McSparran V Ce, are making preparations for a large pack of corn next season. They have about 250 acres engaged te be planted, and have already bought about 300,000 cans. They report tbat while com for Immediate delivery la high It is dlfUcutt te place "futures" at a higher prlee tbsn last year, many leading brands being offered at tbe sania. . . . S. C. McSparran Is doing a goad business t Benten In grain. Tbe steamboat en Peach Bettem ferry thst was disabled in tbe Ice Is new In running order. THKltUtAL AKVAKVSt. aetlBg el Uie Grand Council In American Mechanics' nail This Week, Tbe Grand Council of the Royal Arcanum ' of Pennsylvania will meet In American Mechanise' ball, North Queen street, this city, Tuesdsy morning at 10 o'clock and remain In eesalen Tuesday and Wednesday. Their meetings will be entirely secret, all members of tbe order ex cept past regents being excluded. There will, however, be a public meeting In the court bense Tuesday evening, te which the public In general are Invited. Vast Supreme Regent el the United States Duller will be present together with all the grand officers et tbe state and about two hundred delegates will be present Their headquarters will be at the Stevens house. Quite a number of them have already arrived and every train brings mere. Trouble In Africa. Bamuel Tlghman, of Fieglevsvllle, has entered suit before Alderman Deen against Edward Hunter, a neighbor, whom he charges with having threatened te sheet bis head efl. Hunter is a well-known character who aomettmes preaches In tbe Faegleys ville church. Tlghman is a powerfully built man capable of thrashing several men like Hunter. He saya however that he does net want te touch the preacher, but aned bim for the purpose of teaching blm a lessen. Edward Is very anxious te have the case set tled, but no compremlaehas yet been effected. Tighman says that Hunter and his wife de net get along well together, and that baa something te de with this trouble, as Hun ter livery jealous. Killed by the Kcelpt el a pension Drart. Mrs. Ellzibclb Sinttb, colored, of Kist Not tingham township, Chester county, Saturday night received a draft from tbe government for (3,600 back pay and pension for her bus band, Henry Smith, wbe died In the army. When tbe paper was put Inte her hsnds she uecams se excueu mat sne uieasuaaeniy. Her only brlr is a eon. She had been living with Ellis Watsen about eighteen yeari. Screred an Artery. Frem the Lebanon Times. Mr. Samuel Cox, et ML Hepe, Lancaster county, cut a terrible gosh In his left feet and severed an artery. His Injuries are considered serleui and bis condition critical by reason et protuse hemorrhages. A physician from Manbelm Is in attendance. YawMatlenal Banks. Tbe following national Muuvjs en Sat urday authorized te beglu business : "ine Lincoln National bank of Chicago, capital (200,000; the Cerslcana National bank, of Cerslcans, Texas, capital (103,000, and the Greenville National bank, of Greentllle, Mesas, capital tiuu,uuu, Mayer Filler' Cabinet. Tbe announcement was made in Phlladel phla en Saturday afternoon that Mayer-elect Filler had decided upon the appointment of General Leuis Wagner (or director of public works; William b Steklny ler director et public safety, and Philip C. Garrett ler presi dent of tbe beard el charities and corrections. A Uaj't Arm Ilreken. Hareld, a slx-i ear-old son of M. M. Lleb, of ML Jey, (ell ou Saturday and broke one of bis arms. Tee Hirer In lulling Order. The river is new In capital condition for ratlins and hundreds of tleets will past down within the next two weeks. Tbe Soup Heuse. The number of rations distributed at tbe soup house during the past week was 1,557. A CONVICTED rAUIFIEK, Hubert lielmes, el Heading, Penn'a. This agent of the Mutual Lire, with Den Quixote obliquity, again points his lance and rides his well-worn hobby te another lilt at the Hqultahle. 'ihla comparison 1 net tee courteous te the chlvalrlc here of Oil liLu' quaint creation, but It li -the moral. Having read "a sharp attack en tha Equita ble," I can say, without learef contradiction by any tell respecting Insurance elllclal or agent, that It ti by lu apccleua falsity und distorted de ductions unworthy of a berleua reply, except te this enu bold questien: " J' Mere Anen' (tbe anonymous nn.cn et this man) urn guilty of altlleatlen uhy cfnf net Mr. Sptaal (inyielt) nrere (All from the official record and thcnlrand himataiililfltrt" Myuaswerls that hejilng Uobert Helmes would see his error and mend his ways, I did net wish te bu harsh by remind ing blm tbat he is by the special rtcurdset the Court of Quarter 8f salons of UucVs county, Pa., ( Doylestown, September, l&sJ, a convicted "falsi fier,") for, by that record, llubari Helmes, of Heading, agent e( the Mutual LHf.ef New Yerk, was arrested, tried and loundgnlltyet "libelous misrepresentations " of a llfu company In geed standing. Knewing these (acU, and that, Qveyeirs later, the CTirontcle.ef New i erk, August 27, Ibai, one of the leading insurance papers et the country, had published " Helmes, pilloried ler pub 1c oentempt," Ha "a atudieus and persistent com piler or writer e( abusive and delusive leaden, circulars, und pamphlets," It waa net necessary (or my pen te brand him aa u (alsldLr " or te take further heed of his reprehensible practlcji unless the eQcers of the Mutual 1.1 ic aheuld un un un dorae his (also assertions by their slleut acq til til esence. lly a happy celncktsnce, " A llutrty Tribute te the Kqutuble," and the 'jrth asscal sTiTKMiCiT of this seciXTV nppqaied lu tbe sau.e lisuu with this "sharp uUuc-,"arrl are aulre evidence of the unequalled strength and geed standing e( tne Kquluble In Lancaster Alt policies Issued by the Equitable ure Incon Incen testjLhlR Hfli.r thren n.ira It I m,it.n,nui. (or an ngeul of the Mutual Llfa te charge any ether HloLem puny wlthcontes ling death claim . especially In Lancaster, whele lea have forget ten the action et the Mutual Llfa with the estates or bencacUrlua et tie lalu Jacob F. Frey and the late Majer II. W. Shenlc, 6ee Ian tuner Dull) Examiner, March tj, ZSU. itisaatrlouaerlmetoltsel uud mlsropresent .. -.v i.,,uiarui et a gruxt IKoassur IKeassur IKoassur aneo society. The 1110 N hindel the law "has already convicted" a. lalsiaer.and may de se egaln wltbull penalty, y The i chirier e( the Equitable stys The insur insur ance bujluosier thecempanjihall be conducted en the mutual plau" 'InU charter la easily In ve.tlgaUd by any policy holder In fc, tntlretJ tntlretJ uet by mullluffd eitracls. tiri- Apropei el this, an editorial in the New Yerk OsmmerrlaJ J?K(ln, Jan. 17.1W!,Baya' " Vnv rival agent who tudeavors:temakeiupliai for himself en se slim a foundation ua thla.tiruvLa ...v... - ... UUUH,C, uiuuinaurance wurk. MUrepresenlaliens, us a gcneial thing, miaeu very pr foundation for permanent iucce,s This h been proved true In lite Insurance bu siness especially. And the use el mlsrepre.ei mlsrepre.ei tatten by uu agent or the attempted procure ment e( business by inch practices must, In the end, react disastrously upon tha munagemeut and credit e( the company." The Equitable, by its agent', well knew the penally (or success. The reuctlve eifect et ma Ikieus misrepresentations are well shown by tbe official rocera-tbutlheKqultablo baa passed and leads a'l competitors by unequalled Sur plus, Income and Amount el Uuslne.s. andiu unappreucbed record for premptttuda In pay ment of claims. Its " Nen-t orleltlng " and "In "In "In coutesteble" Tontine system Is the most popular and productive. Tbe dlvldeuds paid lopelloy boldersel Is year Toatinepelleles In the Equita ble, ler example, are larger than these paid by any ether company en any kind e( policy issued at or abeat the same time. Ttepowesslenoflts Bed Boek " by any ether than aa agtat of Uls Society Is an evldeaee of lis. being stelsn prop erty. Ne Insurance nian ibenld lerteutty or del slvcly demand that any tnturmnce cetnpsny iheuld held preeent Cash resoureta equO te In surance at rfttj-er. should account Cash dis bursements equal te Insurance terminated, by veluntarlly relinquishment. Ai te Keberi lloltnes, of Reading, Pa., the agent el the Mu tual Life, of N. Y..allialr.relndeS people will endorse my declining any further notice et a .convicted " laltlfisr. " J. L.1IUTLEK, (.pedal Agent, Equitable Lite Assurance Soclety, Stevens Heme, Lancaster, I'd, m Ctit a Proprietors. As will ba seen ettewhere, Henry Bechtold his old his Kent' (urnlshlng atom. Me. M .North Queen street, te B. 8. rettcrly, who has been In Mr. ltcchteld's vuiplcy (or several yean. Amassment. -4 Uie King Strtct Thtatre This evening Kdlth8tn:latr, the popular young scire., opens at this house In " A ttex of Cash." She U sup ported by Kd. M. Faver, a favorite Itlsh come dian. The play It highly spoken et everywhere, and songs, dances, vie, will be Introduced, Speaking of a recent engagement et this com pany In Teledo the Bet says 1 " This play Is one of the funniest en the read, and Is performed by one et the best companies ever visiting Teledo." The IVotitecfourx Salsbury's Troubidenn will be at Fulton opera heuse te-morrow even Inr, when tbelr new comedy," The Humming lllrV will be.plajed for the first time In this city. Tha party Just closed anengatcincnlct several weeks In Mew Yerk, where their piece was very success ml. It serves te latreduce the famous artists in all e( their well-known specialties, and fun reigns supreme daring the presentation et the play. Penens desiring te attend th performance should secure reserved seats at once. TMt Exening Thetnbject for the lecture of Mr. Henry 11 Uagan at Fulton opera house this evening Is "The Khtne and Swttterland," and a large audience will no doubt be present. VMATMM. UirrL March 12. 1S3T. In Mount Jey borough, Jacob Hippie, aged 67 yean and 5 diya. t he relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully requested te attend the funeral with out further notice, at 1.30 o'clock en Tuesday afternoon. Services at his late residence. In terment at SprlngvUle cemetery. ltd IlARTMAJi.-lIarch 13, l'ST, In this city. C.raee M. llartuian, daughter of Daniel and Kate K. liartman, aged 1 year and II days. The relatives and friends of I be family are re spectfully Invited te attend the funeral from the p i rents' residence. Ne. IS) North Lime street, en Tuesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Interment at Lancaster cemetery. Decs March 18. 1M7, In this city, Alice May Duck, daughteret Jacob and Julia Beam, in tha 15th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectrally Invited te attend the funeral from the residence of her parents. Ne. S7 Uerwart street, en Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Inter ment at Woodward Hill cemetery. JfAJUCMTA. Philadelphia Produce Market. PBiLiDSLrnta, Match 1L Fleur market quiet; ales, 9iM barrels; Minnesota Uakerv, Wf-HIl SO; Pennsylvania Family, S3 S'Oi SO; Western de, 4 euJ4 M ; Patents. M eiKQ IS. Hye flour quiet, UiU Wheat Maicb. e)Kc; April, 90c; May, SOVJe; June.SCic tern March, 4ftc; April, 10c.; May, 47c; Jane, 47He lau Uarch, 35fc; April, 56c; May, SJ(t; June, 37c m Hew lets ataraat. Niw Tors, March 1L Fleur market ateady ; Fine, V 373 10; Snperflne. r. WQS JO: geed te choice extra Weetni. S3 6JOS oe : geed te fancy extra state.S3 fegi oe ; common te geed extra Western. 13 1S83 oe. Wheat-Ne. l ted Bute. &3es Ka I de, 03c ; Ne. t Bed, Winter. March, ua&Kc ; April, .c s May, 01J.C ; June, 9UJc, Cern .Ne. t mixed cash, WKc; March, l.'c. Aprtl. 43c ; May, 43.c Oats Ne. l w nit mate, ss)e ; Ka S de, X'ic ; Ne 2 mixed March. S4Kc. - Bye dull ; Western, tiQMa ; Bute, STKOe. Barley nemtnaL Perk dull; new mess, 115 0D; old mess, lis 2S 0U " uara atarce. u ni auni, m n ; Jiay, 7 ,2. MelaSkesudU 3.1 190 (or boiling stock. Turpentine eay at S3Q33e. Bealndull; strained te geed, II OOejl t;w. Petroleum dull ; Ueflncd, In cases, Hc Freights dull ; grain te Liverpool, Id. Butter firm: Wwitern :Cr,mery. I23(3ic; Elgin Creamery, iTSXc ; state dairy, hall Urkln tubs, lieyHc Cheew dull 1 Western Flat, 111112c 1 geed te choice light aklma, llMfJ13c Fancy White, 1JK (JHc; Suite Factory. lJJt"- sggs dull; state, KGlTKc; Western, 17 O c. Sugar steady ; Kcflne.1 Cntleaf, Cic; Oranu lated, m. Tallew strong ; prime clty.lQl l-31e. Bleu nominal ; Carolina, lair 10 geed, 3t?3JC. Cotfce qulei : lair targevs. HXc ChtcAge Produce Market, ( RtaAoe. March li.e 30a. m. Market opened. Wheat March, 7u'c; April, 7t,);e ; May, Mc June, it c. Cern-uarch, S3;; April, SSc; May, !e. June, tHc Oats May, Ve : Jane, iKc Perk May and June. IS) .') Lard May, 17 M) ; June, t7 80K. Short Klbs-May.Hl.'Ki June, Si:x. oiearsre. 73.C April, 75ic ; ; Wheat March, TVaC April, 7l,'ic; May, tljic June,S0c. corn March, !5Xc; April, sr.'ic; May, tOXc; June, tjJic Oats March, 2c; April, 21c; May, He. June.2S;,c Perk March, 10 ; May, r SO ; June, S20S0. Lard-March, S7 tlfi ; April, t7 (x) ; May, 17 SJH: June, 7 CO. Itlbs-March, as S3 ; May, s 05 ; J une, IS 07K- Oram and rrovuiens. Famished by S, K. Tundt, Breker. Chioieo, March It, 1 o'clock p. m. Wheat. Cern. Data. Perk, l.ard. March iv-i 7,41 AptU -.VL flK !3fi .... 7 5 Mav 8l 4ek li .... 7 57 June teii leyi s;; :u se 7.14 July b Xej?'.4 l feptetnbcr. eiW December ilX Uecelpu Car Lets. Winter Wheat Spring Wheat l: Cern 1,1 OaU ?l Uya HI Uariev Oil City. Crude OU ft Head. Receipts Hogs , ui.coe Closing Prices 2 o'clock p. m. Wheat, Cem. Data. Perk. Lard. March 7iflK W. U 20.10 7 i A01U 71iO: J 21 .... 7 50 May eiOH VSOii 20 59 7 57 June ii 4 S8 a) Ui 7 13 July. 80 al, ;.., September & December eiH Oil City. crude Oil r... cS Stock Quotations by Ueed, McOrann A Ce , bankers Lancaster. Pa. niw yekx LIST, 11 A. at. Hat. Canada Pecillc WK ten a. c. c.ai .... Colerado Coel Central Pec Canada Southern CM. St. L. A Pgh Den. A Kte. O Del. L. A W Erie Erie, Seda Jer. C....... ....... ...., K. A T Leu. A N L. Shere Mlch.Cen Mtaseurl Pactne N. P." p'rei".'.'.'".'.'.'.'. .'.'.. N. WesL N Y.C East Tennessee C Omaha Oregon Transportation. Ontario A W 1'aciflc Mall Kech. A P SLPaui , Tex.Pae Union Pae Wabash Cem Wabash Pre( , Wasturn V Weal Shere llenda New England , . vniLADairaia list. Leh. Val KSadimV-.v.v.v.v.r..-:.-.::: Huatenv. Pus'.'.'. ".'.'...'."" p, a n N.cem ;:.."::;";:. Peeples Paas Kdg.Oen'la " " Oil '"" W ?a eJii MSW Ferk eteeata. New Yea, March l, 1 je p. m.-Meney leaned at idt per eent. Exchange steady, si tuvai aa. Oevernmenw firm. Currency 8's.M bltV 1 Pa coop. 11 mA bid H' de, n nn bid. The stock market this morning opened Ua K per cent, higher than Saturday's dealna en (Jielgn baying, after which tbe bears made a r.ld en Hecking Valley en I sports that tb com pany was In trouble and the price broke m per cent. The remainder of the Hat became weak and declined M te IX per cent (romepenlas quotations. Tbe list continued weak at further declines of KejIX per cent uetu neon, when there was some covering which caused a reac tion, prices advancing from H te 1 par cent. I P.M. 8 37U r,y. 37 .... cex &i 672 17 .... UX .... 13.H 11'S 131 .... )i U)l 33 98U .... 63W VJ iU .... si'4 a 3e .... eat eii m;2 .... IH M. M .... O .... tfJ4 .... KH 1U7!J 1W .... 5J f?J br .... IIS 115. 1I5U .... lltii 113 Hi !."- .... i'-tVi is 4s;i .... Hi tin H .... 17 I7'4 173 .... WiJ HH SjJ '.'.'.'. m'r'i il'ii aiji .... 2c;2 x'i id .... 174 ..?. ns .... 31 51 SQJiJ .... HH 75 75 uiy. .... 63 WVi 1.. 1CH .... tm bIJl Mil .... IK 1, 18$J 60 .... .... .... ,,,, Caioise, March 11 The Drewrs Jeumat re. aorta i CauieRecwlpta, wee beast t shtpmeBls, 5. (X i market active I hlpplnt eteen, sea te 1.9IOB, aiJ00 stock n and reodera, ve se SNOOieewa, bell anmtjtl, iMJi0 bulk, feteej ! threuKh Texas. H cue 10- Hecs keeetpu. 7,M hwt shipments, t.oen head t market slew t muh and mixed. asiMi naeainsand shlPMna.Ks. e ei uthL as ias t sktiw. a) aea 90 Baeep keevlpta, t'JO bead (hlpmenta, X) eadt market len nailvn, fa vmi iui Wmtern. H90C4WI Tmans, .' OfXIOt Umlw, aioeajiw Bast Ltsaarr. Cattle Becelpta, 131 head i shipments. 111 i market f lr i prime. Si :iit 10 ! tatr te Reed, N .VJT5 common, I J IHJIi ahlpmeata te Mew Yerk, Iran. Hen Ueeetpta, 2.SOJ headt shipments luoe head i market active i Phllailelphlaa,! 5HH Yerker. S5 H) M) ! common te 1 Ight. as t ;s pUr 15 imbs M i shlpmenu te Mew Yerk, J cars. BheettailecatDt. 4'MU headt shlemiiuta. l.euOi prime, as Mat 7S; tulr te ; common, ).) W) lambs dull ti6. m Lecal Btecaa and Reported by J. 11 Leng. Bends. Par Last alua, sale. Lancaster f per cent, !.... ... nv HI lii les 1M 1RI.S ll 1W " I " Scheel lean..,. 4 m inlerSOynan. " 4 " In Serai years. - A - in 10 or wy ears. Manhetm lte rough lean aaaa BTetyu. Ftrnt National Bank Fannera' National Bank , Fulton National Bank Lancaster County National Bank.... Northern National Rank Columbia National Bank.... , Christiana National Itrnk Kpnrata National Bank First National Bank, Columbia First National Bank.Strastmra' Flnt National Bank, Marietta First National Bank, Uu Jey Lltltx National Bank Manhetm National Bank union National Bank, Mount Jey... 1(0 HO 100 ltu 100 100 se no 50 UO 100 1(1) no no , no no . ISO , no , no , M , loe , te , te . te . te . . ion . . 10 ii? w it 117 90 l!fi 14.-4 If SO 110 llii lXt u.se 190 va 1W hi 138 JO .M 1.11 tA BJ H ll aewueuana nauenai liana snacauanera Tecaa. Bast Brandy-wine A Wayneaburg.... UuarrrvtilB K. K... MUlenvUle Street Car Inquiring Printing Company., Gaslight and Fuel Company.., Stevens Heuse (Bends Columbia Ua Company Colombia Water Company iasquehanna Iren Company.., Marietta Hellew-ware.. Stevens Heuse at 11 210.10 l.us la te CO (II M 1U3 101 SlO 11 11S.7S in E 40 J 4S.C0 00 1 5 110 110 1H IX) 100 100 te MUlenvUle Nermal Scheel as Menbem Market....... ,... .......... se Eastern ataraet de Western Market te Lancaster City Street Hallway Ce..... 90 ttaa Cemnanv Bends.. 100 Columbia Borenah Henda. Lancaster Susquehanna. Lancaster A New lUnvUle QuarryvUle B. H, Tu Umdlna Columbia H.BVs.. Columbia A Marietta Maytown Kitzabethtewn Lancaster A Kphrata Lancaster willow Street 100 3U a 100 ion 26 a Ii 100 no no 110 strasburg Millport anetiAA Mavte- Edisen Light company Map National Bank quarryvtlie National Bank...... Ellzabethtewn AatlenalBank.. Northern National Bank Tuaariis srecxa. Big spring A Beaver aUey t.00 liridgepert Horseshoe 13X JIM Columbia Chestnut UU1 'JJ ' Columbia Washington ie 24.06 Coneatega A Big Spring 1SS 9i Marietta Mount Jey 2S aS0 Lane., Eltrabethtewn Mlddletewu. lu) 7U Lancaster Frultvllle U) 57 Lancaster Lttltx 75 Lancaster WUUamstewn B 110.00 Lancaster Maner se lis Lancaster Manhetm SS i70 Lancaster A Marietta 33 s Lancaster New Helland UO s: rOLlXlOAL. TOR CODNTY COMMISSIONER. SIMON L. BUANDT (Farmer), Ot East Denegal township. Subject te the de cision of the Democratic county Convention. Your Influence rcspectlully solicited. mli-tfdAw gvOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. SOLOMON ZEAMEB, OtWest Hemjilleld township. Subject te the DectMonef the Democratic Convention. mai9-t(dw jyOR COUNTY COMMISSIONEU JACOB W. LEOEB, Of Ephrata township. Subject te Democratic rules. warlt-tfd&w XEW ADEERT1SHMESTH. OAKIMQ rJJWDEH. ROYAL BAKING POWDER. Absolutely Pure. 1IIIS txiwder never varies. marvel et I purity, strengtn and wholesemenesa. economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot de aeia in competition wiiatnemniutuneei law test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Held only in cans. Kotal Basiss Powess ecu. 108 Wall Street, New Yerk. may27JvdAw WANTED-AOIRLATTHELEOPARD Hetel. East King street, 2td WANTED-A GOOD COOK. APPLY at this office. ltd PUBLIC HALE, MARCH 15, 1887. AT Ne 501 West Lemen street, of glassware, queentwsre, tinware and notions. Alse work bench, cigar moulds, and a graat many articles net mentioned. Sale at I o'clock. ltd fTTORK WAHiTED BY A M1DDLE- V aged, sober, Indnstrlens, steady man. either (or sawleir weed or anvthtnsr. Call or send word te .. . .- .. u-7u.. A. ZflQlBU, ltd Ne. 10O Oerwart Btreet. LOST NEAR THE CORNER OF Seuth Queen and strawberry streets, a Stem-Winding Hunting-Case Celd Watch. A liberal reward will be paid en the return el same te the It INTELLIGENCE!! OFFICE. TJtOR SALE A FULL SET OF BAND JC Instruments. Alie a large, double Bass Violin. Apply te W.N.WKIDLET. mlt-lwd Strasburg, Lancaster County, Pa. D ESIRABLE DWELLING FOR RENT. Frem and alter Anrll 1. 1S87. Tbe daalra. Three-Story Brick Dwelling Heuse, Ne 43 Seuth Duke street. Centrally located. AU modern conveniences. Bent low. Apply te H. CAKPENTEB, leb7tfdM Ne. M North Dnke street. PUBLIC SALE OF HOUSEHOLD AND Kitchen Furniture, en WEDNESDAY, March Uth. at 1.30 e clock, at 611 West Marlen street, consisting of Beds, Chairs, Table, Car pets, Llnan, Glass snd Crockery Ware. Large Walnut Marble-Tep Centre Table, two Elegant Chamber eults, covered with marble, and many things net mentioned ; also, a flnt-class Driving Uerae, Phaeton and Harness, JOHN P. GOOD. Joil U. IlAisas, Auctioneer. inlt-Jtd fVLD SIORE, New Proprietor aid New Goods. Uavln Goods li lng purchased tne Gent's Furnishing store lately owned by Henry Becbteld. Ne Id North QnMnatnat. I nsrabT extend an Invitation te my friends and tbe patrons of the e'd Arm te call and see me, where will be found a full line of Uent's Furnishing Goods at the lowest prices, ltd B. S. FKTTEBLY. ESTATE OF JACOB H. W1TTMER late of Lancaster City, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having bean Srantatd te the undersigned, all persons In stated thereto are requested te snake Imme diate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same, will present them with out delay for settlement te either of tbe under signed. JACOB L. WITTMKK, Marietta. Pa.. OrOKO. M.HAMtHtlWHT, ........ Lancaster, Pa, (eblietdU' Executers. JjJVERY PERSON WHO HAS USED 'Ooehrtvn'a OeughOura MysitUthabastthsykaveevsrnsed. Guaran- -- w . VW. ewfaaaaavsj AVV !( OVvWVs VOKtsiU AT- Cochran's Drug Stere aalwl " ,,0TH WM" " JKWAD VMMTiaMMttirTB. TO IVIIOt.KSAl.K DKALKR8 AMD A. JUBHKKS. The underaltfned will nreet thla anmmar the finest and larxestlinlneiahmisln llarrlsburg, beat locttlen In the city, en Market street Tlie second, third and leutttv floors, each lutes feet, wlltliaferrxnt for wholesale purpose. Kleva ter, Mrara Heat and kdlsen Blectrle Light. A splendid opportunity te locate where unsur passed mil tin it tuiutles cm besecuted. ler parllculan, nddrec K. L. WALLOWBR, matlblwdU lUrrttburg, Pa. 1TANTKU ri000 IN AMOUNTS OK IT tl.toeaudnpwarda.for which drat mert Bai?Ami i ltv nal I'mIaUs will ItA itlVHa. Interest, Ska. 0 nor cent. .t." """.. :..-.. ... r . ..;.. Apply te Aiiitufl a.uaaa, U11J3U1H Ne. lee Knat King StrceU WANTKD-lllGHKST CASH PRICKS paid (or Hickory and Ash In leirs or plank. Add trirms, ALFItkl) IMI.LBM, lit) W. Lemen htrvet, Lancaster, Pa AHl'l'.OlAL URADK OF TOILET PAPBH. nne nnd soft. In texture and standard quality. In wlto-leopcd and wrapped packages, 10 cents a pack, nt HUBLaVa DKUO 8TOBB, S" West King Street. P IOR 11KNT MAHKET HOUHK ON Heat hlnrr street, and aalelnlnit M Iver's OITIce, will ba leased (or cltherone or nve yean. Bids for the nine will be received at the City Treasitter's iirnen. until S o'clock of Tuesday, Match is, p;. Market Committee reserve the right loreject oil ulda lir order or ' mamstd MABKKTCUMM1TTKK. WANTKI) A KKI.lAHl.K H1NQLR man (Herman n he can speak Knallshrire. (erred) te take cam of pb) stclan's hentu 1 retervnee reuulrvd. lmiulie of mlttdAw liOXlS,Ceatesvllle,Pa. ClOAKS WANTKI). l'attlfa ruvlng Cigars, In lets of one. caw and upwards, whnwlh te sell at low flgutea, can Unci a cahbujer by calling en I. A. Klch, Stevens Heme, Lancaster, en Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday, March ttielMb, lCUiaml ITtn, from 10 a. ut. until 3 p. m. marll 3td A TL ANTIC CITY. "WETHERILL." Ocfftn End el Kentifky Aveuun, Atlantic Clts.M.J. Upen Match 1. P. U. Ilez, II JO .MUS M.J. SChKKT. (rormcilyet theltadnur.) (cb2l':uiM,lhAS TJEMOVAL. Lancaster raper Bex Factory 1US BUS KIllO SO TO 28 EAST KING STREET, Hiving greatly Increased (aclllttes w are new prvtmnd te tnrn out work promptly and at reasonable prices. uililad R EMOVEO. REMOVED. CLAKKK'STKA AND CnFFKE STOIlK.hu been removed (rem Ne S3 Hest King St., te Nes. 50 and 63 West King Btreet, (UOYElt'SOLl) STAND) Opposite the Serrel Herse llotel. Call and see me In my new quarters. JauS 1yd ESTATE OV ANNA M. ESSIO, LATE ottbe City of Lancaster, deceased. Let ters toatamentarv en aald estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons In debted thurete alu requested te make Imme diate, payment, and these : having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement te the under- sik-ncu, reaming in tne city or Lancaster. si. i I1IKUUUSU. B.1LLKKU. Executers. 1aui;ldM J. A. CetLs, Attorney. F OK SALU OH lir.NT. FINE CITT UESIDENCE. Ne 143 Seuth Duke Street, with all the modern conTenlenccs, altuated In tea heart et thettty a most averable location ter a family dealrcna e( a comlertable home There la nothing deslra deslra ble that cannot be leund : It Is handsomely fin lfhed and turnlahed ; and It cannot be excelled for accommodations In the neighborhood. The terms will be rct.enabla and can be made ac ceptable. A pply at the residence above specified. Offers open till April 1,1S:7. niarT.lt.tC A KAKF. CHANCE. A 1!U Uednetlens In Knr lieaver and Melten Overcoats. All our OJ, 135 and W0 Overcoat re duced te M0. Made te order In the very best style. Only flrst-claas Trimmings used. Suits te your order from 113 np. This large reduction Is only for a few weeks, In order te make loom (jr our spring stock. A.H.KOSENSTEtN Ne. 37 North Queen Street. TT GERHART, Fine Tailoring. A Beductlen of 25 per cent, en all Heavy weight suiting and Overceating te make room (or my large Spring Importation. This reduc tien is rer casn only. Mf Material and Workmanship the Very Beit. H. GERHART. Ne. 43 N. QUEEN 8T Opposite the Postefflee dUmarZ7.lv IF YOU WANT A GOOD IRON TONIC, reliable, sate, and pleasant, take Fralley'i Hitter Wine of Iren. Price U) cents a b"ttle. Fralley'i Uloedroot, Wild Cherry nnd Uore Uere Uore heund Is the best ter Coughs and Colds. Tfce samples we dlitrihnted brought us leta of ens ens teaiers, all testifying te tha extraordinary merits e( the Syrup na a Cough Cure. It con tains no opiate. Price 1 cents a bottle. FBAILEY'3 EAST END PHARMACY, (Opposite Eastern Market.) WmdM.W.FB TqSl MANHEIM Reller Fleur! lanZl SmdBeed e AK HALL. Odd Coats at One-IIalfandLess. Yeu knew hew closely we abide te plain and dependable speech. About C00 or less Odd Coats, left out of Suits broken up in sizes, and custom gar ments uncalled for , from $2.50 up. They are as geed as any Coats we have in the material and making, but ends of lets, and net te be held, any mere than you tolerate driftwood in a river. There's nothing net a cent in the prices for us : less en every one : for ycu, double value ; in any coat that fits you. Get tbe right style and size and you keep tbe half or mere of an ordinarily just price In your pocket. Youths' sizes te extra large. Spring Overcoats at i about at an end. Tbe SpriDg Clothing is ready and excel lent. Wanamakkb & Brown's Oak Hall, Southeast Cerner Hutu and Mar ket Sts Philadelphia. WVM MALM UM MMHt. TJK)R SALE. n a two ut a Twe Herse Pisiferm Spring Wsgen with top body, Geed aa new. ea as new. inni jnouirenr PHILIP LEBZkLTKB CO, flS-tfd Ml North Queen Street. FOR RKNT-HTORE-ROOM AND BASE. MNT. with Dwelling attached, sltnated Ma Sll North Queen atreet. Inquire of PHILIP LEb.LTKB, mart-twd XH North Queen street. FOR SALE OR RENT-PROPERTY ON Cerner of Duke and Church streets, con talntngelgbtioemiandlargistoro-room. Geed locality. Inquire of PHILIP LEDZELTEK, mart-t(d ztl North Queen street. FOR RENT. Twe or lour rooms In Brimmer's New Building. Ne. 1MH North Queen street. Meat sua pa wemuea. a feblS-tfd ilttIM Annlvat laikK'S LIVEKT OFFIC1. 1TOR RENT-FROM APRIL L 1887. J! A Flrat-Clais Farm et 80 Acres, two miles from the city. Four acres ef.Land en Eeckland street. Feuracres of Land In tha Eighth ward, small Stable, no West orange street, mail Mouses en East Orange, Frederick, Fulton, Church and Jehn streets. Terms reasenabla. Apply te HIMH as BROTH. SNOOPER HOUSE FOK KENT. j ns cooper Heaaa. ?" "" ip Oantra Benaraand Onsra Hoeaa. and Bear both railroad depots. Talalaonaef Uas urgjsM aaa baaMlieiisas'latk elJF. Larga JaadiU I akauan staMaa. aU dart lass, irmmifw 'drr WM. 1.QQQTM. xawADranTmMMMnm W" ANTKD-A 0000 KKMALK COOK ler a hotel. Te a (tillable pennn goetl wages and a psrmanent situation. Apply te .. . . II. L.IHtCHRAN, uiarliaid Uonsybreok, Chester Ce , Pa. PUBUO BALK ON vVKTlNESDAY. MAUCIt 10. Its, will be sold at Ne. ;cs North Mullwrry atreet a let et Household and Kltctien urniiurn, oensisuag or liens, ueddinff, lmMxaii. chairs. Ae. Bate te cemumnee at one o'clock l m. 1'AVllJ MILKS. Azeciller. Juvntli itukzr, Auct. mlist rpllE FINEST . UNFERMENTED WINE (or faeramental or ether pnrpeaea, at.00 a dozen uuart bottles, te eenta alngln bottle. qu v BUIIHKH'M llQUOHBTOUm, Ma si Centra Suuare, Lancaster, Pa, rlUAUti MOO OKA. OHAULMOO ORA. Have Jnat received another lote( Dr. Rover Rever een'a Medicine. It baa proved te 1m tbe beat medicine t Have ever sold Fer sate, only at KAUFl'MAN'S imLHI HTOKK, Ne. M North Mueen Btreet. BF-Flve doers west et the poiteillce. sill 'lt AMVBMMBlrfi " JO. 4S NOUT1I lUEKN 8THKET. roll BUUUT KKABUN UN L.I. COMMENCINO MONDAY, FF.flUUAUT W. Miss Millie immar's Novelty Troupe, AND PllOF. SCOTT'S Bebemian Glass Blowers, Everybody gets a Handsome Week. Present this Don't tall 10 aee Miss Millie Amiuer, Mlsa line and theUlass lllowera. Deers open from l te 10 p. m Duautl (ul Crystal Presents (re te all. KKA.NK MUllltlS Manager. (ehlwd F ULTON Ol'KRA UOITHK. TUESDAY, MAROH 15th, 1887. The Famous, Furious and Funny Salslrary's Troubadours! In their Latest New Tork Crate, "THE HUMMING BIRD." TIIBEEACTSOF FUN, WIT, MUSIC. ADMISSION S9, 60 ATS CENTS, UESEHVED SKATS 7SCKNTS. AaVChart of Reserved beats new opened at Opeia Heuse Otflce. mlestd TriNO STREITT tueatri:. N03. i.-0-yn WEST KINO STHKET. W ONE WKEK.-VS COXjIEM'LNUXO.NDaY, MAKCH 14, '87. EDITH SINCLAIR LOMKDY COMPANY, In the entirely new Thn-e Act Mus'cal Comedy, entitled 'A Bex of Cash" r rem the Pen of Prank Duineul. A COMEDY E4KTHQUAKE. ATOHNADOOr LatlQHTKIl, A CYCLONE or FUN. The beautiful and accomplished Actress and Sweet Singing Soubrette, Miss EDlrrl sin. CLA1B, supported uy America siireatest utiar utiar arter Acter and tluglng Cemedhtn, MU, ED. WA11D M. FAVOU. ADMISSION. ..IP, mandS) CENTS. 'Valine,. Wpfliieariav and Haturdava. lfw-. Beserved Seats en sale at (lox urllce DBF 0UODS, J S. C.1VLERACO Special Netice, TOTHE LADIK3: We have Just re ceived a NewAaaertmentnf LaDIKV FOUK AND FIVE 1IUTION KID GLOVE) In New Spring Shades, Plain and Embroidered Kacis. Alse Nuw Line of IILACK KIDS In All Mifs. About Five Dezen Harris' Seamless Twe Unlten Eld (Moves at 60c a pair; this la a bargain worth II te Aerdii assortment of Ladlet' lllack and Col ored Kid Ulevesln all sizes and colors at Special Prices. Ladles' and Children's Hosiery at Bargain Prlcea. White Goods, Fru Fru breideries and Lares at c pedal Prices. Embroidered Flannels at Lew Prices. New Line or American Salines and Crinkles. Imported Crin kles and Frttncn Satlnea Printed Centusry Cleths, 28 Inches wide, ele gant wash goods, loe a yard. New Spring Calicoes. Hkst Qtrati ties In Light and Medium Colorings. at Popular Prices, fheetlngs and Muslins at the Lewest Prices. JohnS.Givler&Ce., Ne, 20 Bast Kins Street, LANCABTEB, PA J. B. MARTIN dt OO. Curtain Department, -AT- J. B. tfaxtin & Ce.'s. A great many numbers e( our Draperies we have marked at very clese prices, and are lower than same goods can be purchased In Philadel phia or Mew Yerk. Nottingham Lace Curtains. Of our own Importation at all prlres, (rem f9e te tiOOl a pair. A Special llargaln in a Lace Curtain, Tapped Edge, Elegant Pattern, 11.00 a pair. MADRAS CURTAINS. In White, Ecru and Celers. New Patternr. Banging In price (rmn75e te 117 OO pair. An Ele gant Pattern, worthy of Special Mention, li sold at $S. a pair. Heavy Draperies, Bulgarian Strlpea, AppUqu Lae Ourtalns, BnuMla Oartaiea, Itlsh Point Ourtatna. CURTAIN POLES! Patent Extension Poles, with Brats. Nickel and P?Mh MunUnjrs ar-' the Lstest Novelty, Prieas rang from ft te M pole. Large BtecTk of Lew Priced Pelea in WaTnut. Ebony, Aih. cherrr and Brass. A Brass Trimmed Pele, Brass KndS and Kings, In Walnut, Ash or Cherry, at e' apiece. . FORNITURI COVXRINO?. Jutes. Baw BUki,Iapeitrles, Cretonnes, Fur. nlture Llnans. Alse elmps, Binding, Tacks, Aa, for Upholstery Werk. J. 8. Martin & Ge. Ctr.WMt KlBff atFriMe Bts. LAMOAJTBB. PA. m own" aHtraat . Mrtwa iaAAVhaaAM aaaJVNwVW'Ja N KW YOHK HTOHE. NEW SPRING GOODS I n ovary department el the flew Yerk Stere. .Latest style In Fine Cheeks, Pin stripe ant Mlstaresla All-Weel and silk and Weel Hew Spring Dress Goods, Rich Combination Colorings In 8ATIM HTeUPED SII.K VELVET" Fer Dresi TrtmsalBfs. New Spring Celers In All-!Uk MS SLBAHS AND SATIN RHADAMAS. lll.ACKSIl.K BUADZIMEKS. IILACK SILK MEKVELEAUX. ULACK BILK UUADAMAS. A lull line el Black Dress Silks. Uuarantecd toglveaaUsIaeUon In wear. New ImnnrUtlen of Finn lierlln Made J lit BET WAISTS In all alias and many qualities. NEW BPUIMU STYLES IN Btecktnette Jaeketa. Diagonal JaekeU, Obeeked Jaekta, At Lewest City Price. WATT & SHAND, 6. 8 & 10 EAST KINCr ST., LANCASTER PA., H AG Ell A llUOTUEll. T m -AND- SUITINGS. Standard and New Styles In Men's and lkJS' Wear, new ready (or Spring sales. -ALSO- Beady-Hade Clothing -1N- Business Suits, Dress Suite, Beys' Suits, Children's Suite. UNDERWEAR. Oauze and llalbrlggan Underwear, II:slery, Gloves, Neckwear, at popular prices. " Geld" and "SUver" Shirt, E. St W. Cellars and Cuffs. Hager & Brether, Ne. 26 WEST KINO BTR1BT, LAN0ASTEB, PA. B( OSTON STORE. HELLO, LITTLE 8PU1NU ! Tell me what the New Styles will be 'and when, te get tham I OO TO THE Bosten Stere, 26 ID 28 NORTH QUEEN ST., And you will get the LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST PB1CES. Don't Walt I Our Beautiful Spring Goods 11AVE COMB, And you will be Delighted when you see them. BILK AND WOOL MIXTUUES In Cheeks, Plalda and Stripes.' , . TltlCOT CLOTH In Plain and Mixtures. In fact everything that could be found In the best markets in the country. SPRING BARGAINS. One Hundred Pieces Drars Qecdi SJge ayaid. Firty Pieces Dress Uoeds, se ayard. Beventy-nve Pieces Dress Goods, se a yard. One Hundred Pieces Spring cloth, yard and quarter wide, lie a yard. sixtyflvePleees spring Cleth, Si Inehes wlce. Me ayard.! Black Dress Silks At Wonderful Bargains. BLACK CASHMEBES AND BLACK BBMBI JtTTAB. We make Black Goods a specialty. Newbern in tha city is tbe assortment se complete and h prices se le w aa enrs. Extraordinary Bargains In Kemnants et Black Cuimerw te Black HinriitUs, Upwards of Ona Hnndred Styles of JERSEYS, Jersey WaUti & Jersey Jackets, Combining Btyle, Quality and Elegance, wltb Prlees Strictly Fair. ga We are anxious te show yen our soeds. Onr Wonderful Spring Stock will mass friends, eutiklae rivals, win victerias and sail itself en Ha merits every lime. Stamm Bres. & Ce. Bstwaam tka rettaalesj and Ceattw (qurs. Kl 'vf-r . i i .jvm -Ztt v Ux ?&h ?$& - K.Tfr "? 'l.l ,V