V .sr-'L.6 rStff'ftJ,.", Will w'WWl-i A'M.. CTfcTTf. :.J "-, liwf'. -141 sm,- s" li ("-- T-j-y tj VOLUME XXinNO. HONORED AT THE "HUB." vMBtutm mbmakb mb boiteb te ah BKTBVBIABttV AVBMMBVB, ItosseerarJ, He Bart, Mm. Stat Right lid Hern Hal, as Against Otrdralltttloe, U Only Tenchti Inrldtntallr ea th gunUea el Jlsvena Ksrertn, Th Ray HUta club, Ilia most ImperUnt Democratic organization In Maw England, entertained number of distinguished gentle man at their annual dinner at the Keren deum, Bosten, nn Raturdsy afternoon. Uhlel among the guest was the lien. Jehn O. Oar I ule, speaker of the Houseot Representatives, who waa the orator of the occasion. Alter ei pressing bis thank ler hi cordial recep tion, be Said : Yeu mutt permit me In tender the alncsre thank of the Keatuekr Dimiejraay, net only for what you hare done In the put, hut also for what they knew you Intend te de In th future. Yeu will net permit Massaohu Massaehu Massaohu aettate remain alway Republican state. Old prejudice are passing away. Massachu setts I nlready moving towards the Detno Detne Detno cratle position, with the Hay State club id front, and your brethren everywhere hope te sen her en the right ofthe line In 18iS. (lentlemeu, lu the very nature of thing thl ceuntrv uiuit alwaya be governed by pa llllcal parties. We need net be ashamed, gentleuien, te be known aa " party wen," If we honestly belleve that the principle and politic represented by the organization te which we are attached will beat proineto the Intewsia of the nation and welfare or the people. Thl la tee only true basis for po litical parties, and any party organized upon a foundation lea bread, leu patriotic than thl will een degenerate Inte a mere faction, and ceae te command or dewrve the reaped of Intelligent cilizsna. Every attempt te make a aingle Interest or a Mingle class, te tte excluilen of all ethers, the basis of a political organization will fall and ought te fall. Frent the formation of your constitution down te the present time the elut of Irrcoencllable difference between the Democratic party and all It silver ssrle ha bean a te the nature and extent of the federal pewer. The prin ciple of local self-government Is tbe vital part of Democracy. Tub amendment te the con stitution declares that the powers net dele gated te the United Ntstrs by the constitution and prnlilblted by It te the state are reserved leth states respectively or te the iwople. Ne power can be Justly claimed unless It I granted In espies terms or by necessary uuplicitleu. It nnsuchgraut et power cau bs found, and If Its exercise by the atate I net prohibited, It belongs te the state and her people; and thus tbe whole doctrine of states' rights I defined In thst article. It does net sanction secession or nullification, but It Instructs the several state and thelr people as te the boundaries of ail legislative, executive, and Judicial pewer net delegated te the United Staler, by a ftlr and returnable construction of the constitution. Jty this constitutional doctrine et states' rights the Democratic psrty of this country standi to day as it always lias steed, and an. I trust, It will stand forever heresftur. Loud ap p'aate.1 Twenty five yeara age the tendency was te csrry this dcctrlne te a daogereus extreme. Hut since that time the daogereu extreme has threatened from quite an opposite direc tion. Ureat and powerful Intercuts, tee pow erful at most te be aucctssfully resisted, axe constantly pressing against the barrier of the constitution and demanding the exten sion of the federal power te a degree never contemplated by the mett extreme Federalist In the early days. It Is quite common new te hear gentlemen, able gentlemen, In Cen. grees end elsewhere, contending for the exercise or power by the general government ever particular subjects, simply because the states refused te de no, or because It Is thought that the state legislation might net be entirely effective. Tbe argument 1 that whatever the states wilt net de, or cn net de, must be dene by Congress or the depart ment of the general government, and that, independently or the specific Krantset power, it I the right and the duty of a govern ment te exercise a general supervision and control ever all the concerns of the people. Mr. 1'realdeut, this Is net Democratic doc trine as I understand It, and It never was. I Tremendous cheer It means centraliza tion first and inevitable dissolution after ward. Ne part et tbe Union U se I tally inter rated in the preservation and tlie mainte nance Intact of tills local authority as the New England states, and In no put et the Union hate the beneficial results attending the maintenance of this doctrlue been e thor oughly domenstratod. Your town meeting II th most Democratic Institution In this country. Cheers. It has never endan gered the liberties of a slogle human being. Tbe town, tbe state, and tbe general govern ment, alt bave their appropriate powers and duties, and se long as these are respected and maintained, neither encroaching en the do main et the ether, there will be harmony anil unity In enr cemplex system of government. Fortunately,;we have at last been permitted te Inaugurate a Democratic national adminis tration, and mere fortunately still, that ad ministration, by Its conservative and pslrietla course, by Its honest and faithful execution of the lawf, and by lta regard for the rights of all classes or men, has given abundant as as auranee Ibattheexecutlve peWer cn be safely trusted toeur bands. Thlsceuntry waanever better governed than it Is new cbeera, and it was never mere tranquil aud content than It is new. It Is true that abuses still exist, but they were net Inaugurated by this administration. Many of them have already been corrected and most of these that remain are net under the control of the executlve de partment alone. Ill net my purpose, gentlemen, te dlscum the revenue question upon this occasion, it I tee large a subject te lis presented fully In the time at my disposal, and tee Important s ubjeet te be treated hastily. It l enough te ssy-and 1 aay It in conclusion that in my Judgment the government bs no moral or legal right te impose taxes upon lta citizens except for the purpose of raising s revenue te defray its necessary expenses and piy its Just debts. Loud cbeera Wherever it gees beyond this, It disregards, In my opin ion, the plain purpose ler which the power of taxation was conferred upon It loud ap plause, and I believe this is the doctrine et an overwhelming majority or tbe American Democracy, Ilew Ma Kill Oronnd-Heg. Frem the West Chester Mews. Mr. Benjamin, of Phecntxvllle, has been considered the greatest destroyer of ground ground beg in the county, having killed mera of them than any ether man in this section, wbleb he doe with bis trusty rifle. A rival te Mr. Benjamin ha put In appearance In the person of Tayler Smith, of Willlstewn, who I making great havoc among them. His method et operations, however, Is entirely different. Instead cf sheeting them, as Mr. Uenjsmln doe, be blew them up. Ill method 1 ss fellow : He fill porter bottle, or one no lee in size, with powder, letting a fuse run through the cork. He then places the bottle In the ground-hog's hole, with the fuse projecting outside, taking care te pack the earth tightly at the mouth et the bole, and olese up firmly all ether holes leading te the home et the ground-beg. Alter every thing la in readiness the fuse is tired end the result Is tbatll the ground-hog In the bole are killed by the concuss ten. After the holes have been.uug out they have been found te contain two or mere ground-begs, which' were found te have bleed oozing from their mouth, ears and nose, showing that uoucus ueucus uoucus slen had done Its work. rerallare factory at WUlianupert Berasd. The large furniture establishment In Seuth Wllllamspert, formerly the properly of the Luppert.V Kline Furniture company, lately operated by Ueerge lappa ea lease, was burned jy Sunday morning. The less is given at about 176,000 en the building and machinery; insurance, $11,000, Um ou stock, 115,000 1 Insurance, 110,000. An Anarchist' Wife's rarL The funeral of Mrs, Nsebe, wife of con cen demned Anarchist, la Chicago, took place (Sunday, and was attended by about 5 000 people. There were short orstlesa by the Anarchists Behllllng- snd Uretikm. The flags carried were draped, and the esure aflslr was ebaracterlxtd by aa extraordinary fjoabrtdeeocnia, " ;- 7 ie JUtttfa$tel 104. A tavtUBB (Iff WtmrBBAHVB. Vel J. T, teg,IKsataey, Oraaelisea Ledge et Kalgats el Hoaer. Duke street M. K. church wsa ea Bnnday night well filled with people gathered there te bear Cel. J, T. Ieng, of Kentucky, dts dts dts oeurse ea the evils or tnteRipsrsnee. The speaker la a very able elocutionist and Im pressed his auditors with his evident sin eerlty. The animus or his lecture was the support by tbe people et Pennsylvania or tlie prohlblUea amendment which tbe Kepubll can legislature Is seeking te place befete the state. Cel. I.eng Is a representa tive of tbe Knights of Hener, and at the close of bis efforts a ledge was organized In Lsticaster with tbe Intention, as the elnuel remarked, " of getting at the young men, who are meat po tent In a question of this kind." Cel. Ijeng said, among ether thing, that the great cry raised by tbe friends of the saloon-keeper about vested rights was all bosh wben these vested rights " Interfered with the peace and prosperity et tbe people. In evidence of this fact, be cited lu a facetious manner the results or the slave war, and asked whether, before that bloody event, tbe slsve owners or tbe Houth did net have honest conviction that alavery was all right, Justs the saloon-keeper think that selling rum I qulte proper te-day and did net the eeple rlse lu thelr majesty and stamp out what was te the majority a greet curse 7 With the whisky-seller te day, tbe people bad tbe same grievance, and he firmly believed that when the time comes rum, like slavery, will be thoroughly rooted out. In conclusion, be urged every citizen, exercising a f ranch Ise lu this city and state, te walk up te the b.llot-bex and record his vote lu favor of prohibition and the prohibi tion amendment. rKOKHTBtAffiaM lit CUMUTIANJ. The Itmialt of Twelve Hear Walking Hatch lu That Town Hatardaj. A twelve hour walking match was held in Christiana en Saturday. It ended at mid night, and resulted as fellows W. Mowrer 60 mile, L. Mewrer 51, Thompson 12, Him- inens 49, Uoed 33, Fitzgerald 30 Only turoe of tbe walkera were en the track at tbe uutsb. KPzgerald retlred at H o'clock and Heed at 0.30. Tlie men are empleyes of tbeChrlstU ana Mscblue company, utid tbe winner Is but 17 years ofaije. The contest was ox ex citing betwten the two Mowrers and Sim. men, there belli only 11 !! betweeu tbem at II o'clock, when Simmons met with an ac cident aed bad te withdraw. At 11:15 p. m., 1.. Mowrer waa only 10 laps behind his brother (SO laps constituting a mile) and made a desperate attempt for first place, but bis brother followed at his heel, and at a 11:30 be gave up trying for first plsce. Hq was a mile In the lead at 0 o'clock, but was taken sick snd at? o'clock bad te leave the track ; be came en again at 8 o'clock, ever 3 miles be hind W. Mowrer and Hlmmens, who were close together, snd ran mile after mile, passing Hlmmens at 10.69. He did net have tbe strength te paa bis brother and gain first place. Tbe contest was exciting throughout, and each contestant received great applause from tbe crowd. They deserve credit for tbelr efforts, aa it is tbe first time that any cf the meu bad been engagid lu pedestrian con test. Th N.ws or Mennt .lejr. MerxT Jet, Marsh II. The funeral of Mrs. Alvln D. Ilrandt, nl l'hllsdelphls, will take place In tbe Itothel Church et (led en Tuesday a. in. next. Tbe funeral of Gee. W. Parker, the well known colored barber of this place who died last Wednesday, took place yesterday morn ing and was largely attended. Deceased was burled In Wrigbtsvllle, Yerk county. The Jewell, Lletuperly and Harvey comb!, nation, of Mlllcrsvlile Nermal school, nave a grand entertainment In De Leng's ball en Saturday evenlne. The Jfes family uf musical nod novelty artists are billed for Da 1,-jng's hall en Tues day next M'lle. Ammar'rt Kurepean novelty troupe aud 1'rer. Sjetl's noheinlan Rl&ss blowers and crystal worker are te till a four day engage ment here commencing with next Wednes day. Majer Duflin Is announced te be present at the salvation barracks nn next Tuesday. Cel. J. T. Leng, of Kentucky, lectured en temperance In the M. K. church en lest Fri day. Mr. Leng is a fine lecturer and la sent out by tbe Klgbt Werthy Grand Ledge of the I. O. of O. T. C. 11. ZMIer, auctioneer, sold at public sale at Mount Jey en Saturday, March U, for PelfleyA Nlssley, 15 head of heavy bened horse. Among them were '1 yearling colts. One brought fl75 aud tbe ether fliu. The highest bona brought f-5- aud tbe fifteen averaged 201 60. This same auctioneer during tbe year 1SS0 sold in Ibis borough clese te twelve hundred horses anil cattle. Attacked It litgbwajmen. Levi Hallstock, tbe porter at J. B. Martin tc Ce.' store, had an adventure en Saturday night which be will net seen forget. He wss driving towards tbe city, and when en tbe New Helland turnpike, a short distance from the city, a man grabbed tbe horse by tbe bridle and two ethers who ivere near by ran towards the wagon. Hallstock atruck tbe horse, and in Jumping tbe man who bad held or the borse was thrown te tbe ground. The wheels el the wagon passed ever him, but Hallstock never stepped te ascertain whetbet the man was hurt Robbery is supposed te have been the metive, and tbe parties who made the attack are supposed te have been tramps, who were seen a short time before loitering en the turnpike. Yeung drain Bulned. .Novertlnk Cerr, of Beading Bagle. The recent thaw and oeld wave lias played aad havoc with grass and grain fields. Tbe frost lifted tbe young grain right out of the soil and the winds blew It away, leaving the fields almost here. Grass fields also leek very bad. This Is exceedingly discouraging te fsrmers. Timethy hss net been raised se much, but clever is ruined. Fariners how hew ever, will allow it te remain as It Is. Many farmers will plow up their wheat fields and plant corn. Fine grapes and early fruit are also damaged. m i Will Opsn la ait. Jejr, Tbe company that for tbe past two weeks drew tremendous crowds te their show in tbe store next In tbe posteuloe closed en Haturdsy. Tbelr business was very large both afternoon and evening. He mueh glass ware was given away by tbe company dur ing tbelr stay here that they sre obliged te ley eft for a couple of daya In order te allow the glass blowers te get a stock ahead. On Wednesday they open in Mt, Jey for three days and next week tbey will be In Colum bia. YoeogTIffaajr lltssrt Ills llrlds. Yeung Burnett Tiffany, the son of Cbnrles h. Tiffany, the New Yerk Jeweler, whose secret marriage te Bertha Pierson has msde a great deal of gossip In social circles, ran away Saturday en the French line steamer Laaasoegue for Havre. The departure el the young man waa effected with great secreey.'sndltUsaldhewlll bellberally sup plied with means se long as he shall remain abroad. Enursd nail. Benjamin RutnmsU, charged with being the father et aa Ulegltbnat eblid, entered ball before Judge LiTiagstea this afternoon for trial at Ue April court of quarter sessions '171 :pfz,: ZF LANCASTER, PA., MONDAY, MARCH ANOTHER CATASTROPHE. Or MB TUIBVt rABIBKUBBH KIU.BB ABO MMt ttVBB IKJVBBD. A Trala oe th Hest A rrevldtaee Railroad Wracks at Hetllndale, Near Uostea, by Urasklsg Through a Bridge OrsatUe DfMrlpllee nfth Awfsl Dteaitsr. Bosten, March It. The most horrible railroad accident that ha occurred In tbe vicinity of Bosten alnce tbe holocaust at Kevere, happened this morning In the West Kexbury d Is trial. The 7 a. tn. train ou the Bosten A Provi dence railroad crashed through a highway bridge ever Meuth street, between Ferrest Hills and llesllndale stations, the accident re. lulling, se far aa learned at present, In tbe death or 33 persona and Hie Injury, In many esses very serious, of forty mere. Most of the Injured are said te lie women. Tbe crash of the falling brldge and cara was heard some distance and tlie Inhabitants Hocked te tbe scene. The lire department was also en tbe scene almost immediately and prevented the crowning horror of cremation. Docter and ambulances were sent for lu every direction and many seen srrlved. Their services were put in execution at once at the dead and wounded were taken out. Most of the dead and these of the injured who sre able te be moved were sent te KerIIixtk'a or Dedbam. Tbe train was In charge of Conductor TUden, who met a torrlble deitth. He was found en the bank with ene leg lltnrHlly tern off; his abdomen separated and bewtls protruding. He was slse ether w If e Uvlly mangled. He died a few moments nfter lln found. A mounted policeman la also reported killed. A FIIKIIITI-UI, SL'F.ME. The Qlebc'a extra accident edition says: Kleven persons are known te be dead. Hlx of these were young girls going te work. Over thirty persons are seriously injured, many of them fatally, and some lying new in terrlble agony. Conductor Myren Tilden was killed en the spot. Assistant Conductor Drake is dying of hi Injuries. Sergeant Naylor, of the West Kexbury division of po lice, we killed. On last Saturday he re newed a I3,oue policy en his lire. Allce Bur nett, Kealludale, was killed. Geerge Lord is badly lcjured. P. S. Harvey, bsdly bruised. Drs. Uawes, Dixen, Noyes, Deblois, Hub bard and Tarbell were summoned te tbe scene of the accident Dr. Hawes describes the pcene as frightful in the extreme. When be monlleucd the fact of the six dead girls being found lying In their bleed, the strong men cried. He could Rhe no unuiea. The bodies of tbe dead were left amf the injured cared for. Seme were taken te tbe MavsichiKetls ethers te the city hospital and some home. The excitement at the Providence detiet is Intense. Crowds are standing, eagerly waiting for news. All are inquiring for relatives orfrlends. Kmpleyers were asking for empleyes. Bryan At Norcrea were looking for oeme of their girls from Ded ham. nix CAns Tunoueu tub unman. The wrecked train Is one ever the West Kexbury branch and tbe scene of tbe acci dent Is a third of a mile abeve Ferest Hills station. The only ctuse as far as known Is that the Bussey bridge gave way. There were nine passenger cars en tbe train all heavily leaded. Hlx cars went through the brldge. W. I. Wbltu was the engineer and Alden Iho conductor. Officer Ley ler, of di vision 1 1, was one of the killed by the acci dent. 1'rank Irving said when be came along en the next train alttr the accident, be saw 17 dead bodies Ijlng near tbe track. The wounded will iiumtxr a very great many and most of them are fatally Injured, One ear caught tire but was extinguished before any damage wns done. Wrecking trains and a large nuuiber of surgeons and policemen are en tbe aeone. Till: OUH 1IRAVII.Y f.OADUU. As the Dfdhaui branch train which leaves Dedham ut":0j a. til. and which Arrives In Bosten at 7:10 reachud the bridge tbe tbree rear cars wero tn eome way thrown from tbe track aud piled promiscuously down the em bankment which at this point 1 30 er 35 feet high. Tms bridge cressos tbe marsh which lies betweeu Ferest Hills station and Hoslln Heslln dale and la approached en either side by em bankments which were filled In when tbe read was constructed. The train I ene of the largest and heaviest en tbe morning list. This morning as usual the train was heaUly leaded and tbe three last cars, the ones that lelt the track, were filled with passengers who bad taken the train at Ded ham and the stations intervening between tbere and Ferest Hills. Aa Boen as the acci dent occurred word was sent te tbe nearest station and the Buperlntendontefths read was notified by telegraph and mossengers sum moning surgical aMlstauce was sent out en horseback. Surgeons wero at once lu attend ance aud tbe wants el theso passengers who were Injured received prompt attention. In the meantime a force of meu set te work te relieve theso who were pinned under the wreck and a wrecking train was made up and at once sent te tlie scene. A hundred and filly mattresses were obtained at the city hospital and seut te the scene of the accident by special train which also carried a large nutuber of surgeons, together with friends of the pasHongers. A gentlemnu who left the scene at 'J o'clock said that wben be lett soine twenty bodies bad been taken out and that two et the persons who were Injured bad been removed te the city hospital and died after reaching there from the effects of tbelr Injuries. Tlie number of persons injured was very large. TWESTV-TIinEK KILE, Kb. The brldge where tbe accident occurred was one ever Seuth (street and thegeutlemau Kays that tbe accldent was due te the giving way of the structure uuder the weight of the tralu, owing deubtles te sonie hidden fault la the construction or the material used. The newssprcad like wildfire and people thronged te the i-cene by thousands. In a short time the place w as crowded with people. The Herald' a neon edition bjm: Reports from the accident are varied. Seme of tbem aroef tbe most horrified character. One report states that '1 persona bad been killed outright and a large number Injured. Anether re port says 10 bodies have been taken from tbe wreck. Oee man who arrived in Bosten at 10 a. rn, said he; counted 17 bodies beside the wreck. HUH another and the most startling of all says i.7 persons have lest their lives by tbe ace'dent and that a large number are se rleusly Injured. 10:50a. ui, A dispateh from a UcraUl re porter at the scene, Just received attbla office, states that 23 persons are lying dead at Ros Res llndale. VAVUMO Bt A. BUUKBH XBVOK, Tbe Wreck Catches true, Hut the Flam are Soen Subdued, Tbe accident occurred en the Dedham branch et the Bosten A Providence railroad en what is known aa tbe Bussey park bridge, Tbe five rear ears or tbe train went through tbe brldge, tbe ether two passenger coaches, baggage car and engine raised ever In safety. There were seven passenger coaches in all. The last car of the train waa the smoker, and in its fail, a dis tance of some thirty feet, it turned completely ever, railing en tbe top of tbe ether coaches and crushed them out of all semblance. Tbe bridge la a comparatively new structure. Tbe accident la attributed te several causes, but It is new stated that it was caused by a truck nnder en of the ears be be cemlt'g detached and striking Bgsnuithe RBfiZZ abutments or the bridge. Almest immediate ly after tbe smoker fell, flames began te pour out of th window. The ear bad taken fire from the teve, Tbe lire department, hew ever, was promptly at the bems aad seen extinguished the flames. Among the killed se far as ascertained are tbe following : Conductor TUden, ear ear geantef Police Naylor, W. K. Snow, Alice Burnett or Kesltndale ; Msble Adams and Frank Nerrls, or Dedbsm. Injured i Harry Grsy, mortally, dying ; Frank Plum mer, Nellie Palmer, Mrs. Ames, Geerge Lord, L.A. Carr, Mrs, Llppenoett, Cassis Smlther, Drtske, Gee, May, Fred K. Schreeder, James if. Dayton, or Dedham, right arm fractured i Edward Cooper,of Ded ham, Internaltyt Webster Drake, of Dedham, assistant conductor, serleuslyiH. C. F.Drake, slightly; O. H. Hammend, of Dedham, right arm fractured; William H. Jerdan,. Roslln Reslln dale; W. H. Hmltb, brakeman, badly hurl; R. Hprane, bsrber, of West Kexbury; Wil liam Krecklee, or West Kexbury; J. C. Clearney; Geerge Waldren, of Resllndale; Hawkins, of Resllndale; Packard, of Resltndsle, badly; Chss. Msy, fatally; Harry Gay, mortally; Wm.T. Bewman, of Dedham; hip and back; Frank Yeung or West Box Bex bury. A. Webster CIspp died In tbe Ferest Hill station. Tbe engineer el the Ill-fated train kept right en te Ferest Hill and gave the alarm. TUB KILLED UOnnlnLY MUTILATED. Tbe officials of tbe read are at tbe scene or the disaster, and are doing all tbey can te al leviate tbe sufferings or the Injured. The bodies of the killed are horribly mangled, some of tbem having been decapitated. Many ethers are fearfully crushed and muti lated, and their Identity will be Impossible unless some clue is found en their persons. The scene of tbe accident Is about one mile from a place called Jamaica Plain, where tbe main line or the Bosten & Providence rail road brsnehea te the lett, Te tbe right runs the Dedbsm branch in a sweeping curve. It is built through a valley, and the embank ment Is very blgb. Houth street runs diag onally under tbe track, and It was Inte this cut that tbe cars of tbe train plunged. Among tbose reported killed are : Con ductor Myren Tilden, of Dedham ; Alice Burnett, of Rosllndale; Wm. Jehnsen, of Resllndsle ; Mrr. Cardinal, of Resllndale ; Mr. Clapp, of West Roxbery ; Miss Nerrls, or West Kexbury ; Kdward A. Neirla, or Dedbsm ; Edward Snow, Spring Street sta tion, West Roxbury ; Walde V. Laller, po lice officer, Spring Street station ; Lizzie Mandevtlle, et Dedham ; Lizzie Walten, of Dedham ; Webster Drake, conductor, Ded ham ; Metcalf, of Dedham ; Wm. S. Streng, internal Injuries, died after removal te Cily hospital ; Wm. C Durham, badly crushed, died after removal te City hospital. Mem: or Tim killed and injured. Up te neon Ave bodies, three of tbem men and two of women have been taken te the city hospital mergue and are new there await Ing identification. These are additional te these who died at the hospital. One of the bodies, by the buttons en tbe coat, is be lieved te be that of one of the conductors of tbe train. The authorities at the hospital bsvemadone examination of tbe clothing for papers or cards, leaving such matters for Dr. Drsper wbe Is memently expected there. The following natned are also given ss among tbe killed : Mrs. Kills, of West Rox bury ; Ida Adams, of West Resllndale ; Cbas. Snow, of West Roxbury ; Stephen Houghten, of Resllndale ; Mrs. Kennard, of West Rox bury ; Frank Nichols, of Dedham ; U. Hum. phrey, of Dedham. The following were also among tbe wounded : J. W. Uedgklns, of West Rox bury, slightly. The following were tsken te the Massachusetts general hesplstal : Jehn II. Drayten, aged C3, cabinetmaker, Dedham, compound fracture of the right arm ; Edward Capen, son-in-law of Drayten, employed as bookkeeper at 33 State stree', sprain In right ankle ; C. M. Schtanane, et Resllndale, aged 32, large ecalp wound. These remaining at the hospital are : G, A. Lord, W. Drake and J. II, Drayten, tbe ethers going te their homes. Mary F. Yeung, of 105 Fast Union Park, Bosten, arm cut but net badly ; Herbert Billings, wounds en back of head, and ethers, TMrtj-tRu Victims. 230 p. m. The following is as correct a list of tbe dead as can be given at this heur: Adams, Miss Ida, West Resllndale; Bur net, Miss Allce, Resllndale; Cardinal, Mrs., Resliudale; Clapp, A. Webster, (conductor); Dedbam; Durham, William Win. K., Resllndale ; Utile, Mrs., West Rex bury ; Gay Harry, Roxbury ; Gates, Reslln. dale; Houghten Stephen, Resllndale ; Hum phrey IL, Dedbam; Uarklne, Miss, Dedbam; Jehnsen Wm., Resllndale ; Jehnsen, H. F,, Bosten; KenmJrd, Mrs., West Roxbury; Lsller, Walde V., West Roxbury; Mande vllle, Lizzie, Dedham; Metcalf, Gecrge, Bos Bes Bos eon; Muryhy.Uannab, West Roxbury; Nerrls, Miss, West Roxbury; Norris, E. A., Dedham; Nichols, Frank, Dedbam ; Price, Miss, Brook Broek line; Ryan, Mr., Resllndale; Streng, Wm. S., Seuth Bosten ; Snow, Charles, West Rox bury ; Smltb, Wm. F., (brakeman) West Roxbury ; Tilden, Myren, (conductor) Ded ham. Besides tbe above (27) thore are five bodies unidentified at the morgue. Death ul a ller.a. Jacob W. Gruel, confectioner, of 100 North Queen street, lest a valuable horse Sunday morning. The animal bad been unwell, but yesterday Mr. Gruel started out for a short drive. Oa Duke street about the railroad bridge the liorse fell down and Injured him self se badly tbat be waa uuable te get up. He was killed lu tbe street as quickly as prs. sible and hurried te Lam parlor's glue factory Hits Pertytha CeiuIdk. Samuel Alexander, representing Miss Kate Persylbe, 1 in town arranging for the ap pearance of this talented actress In this city ou Tuesday and Wednesday evenings et next week, when she plays Faithful Hearts" aud Marcelte." A SUght Car.-Iu. This afternoon a slight cave-In occurred en Orange street between Lime and Sbippen Btreela, Twe firemen el Truck A were rid ing tbe horses of the company along the street when the earth gave way under one of the animals. It sank te tbe depth of several feet and the horse was somewhat Injured. Bal of Hersss. Samuel Hess sold en Saturday for Harry C. Llntner, at MUlersvllle, 14 head or West moreland county herser, at an average prlce of (108 per head. One of the let sold for (307. m Went ea Datjr. Henry Babel, the turnkey appointed at the station beusn te succeed Geerge W. Pentz, resigned, went en duty te dsy. Tbe new ap point oe will make a popularefllcer. A afasenie Vi.lt. Charles K. Francis, or Philadelphia, most puissant grand master of tbe grand council of Masens of Pennsylvania, accompanied by several ether grand officers, will pay a visit te Goodwin Council Ne. 19, of this city, en Wednesday evening next. Small Fire In I'revldsnc Tewu.hlp, An old, unoccupied rickety house en tbe farm of Geerge Beck, in Providence town ship, was burned early en Saturday morning with its contents, an old wagon and a bundle of tobacco, Less about 150. Bitten by a Ueg , Harry Arneld, residing ea West Orange street, bad his hand badly bitten by a deg en Saturday, Dr. McCreary cauterised th wound. TMMMW J BB SB A bbbbw .. - .a an a 14, 1887. THE JURORS WHEELED OUT. raesa who itn bbbtb ib turn VUVMtB MUUK XOaOBtBBM. Ustef theoraadlaiiaest aad Us r Mil Jarers Who Wre Drews for the Qaartet aw. steas-Tk Men Whs Will Detsr- mlnecaeesln Commea Pleas. Judge Livingston, Sheriff Tomltnaen and Jdry Commissioner Dilter and Ilyus this afternoon drew the following Jurers te serve in the April and May courts. Grand Jurers, April IS. Andrew Sberlcb, cabinet maker, Hast Hempfleld. Mathew Weir, clerk, Columbia. Samuel M. Leng, farmer, Drumore. U. D. Milter, grocer, Manbetm borough. Bamuel P. Lytle, dentist, Mt Jey borough. Isaae H. Ilrubaker, hotel keeper, East Lampeter. Henry' Sludenrede, clgarmakar. West Esrl. Valentine Andes, merchant, Upper Lea cook. Tobias B. Lemsn, farmer, K. Lampeter. Jonas Ksuflmsn, laborer, Manhelm, twp. Jehn Z. Uertzler, farmer, Caernarvon. Ed. D. Uuber, prlnter.lst ward. city. Jehn H. Reyer, tailor, East Cocaiteo. Gee. W. Harris, carpenter, 4th ward, city. Stephen G. Muster, coal and lumber, East Denegal. Jeseph A. Eck, miller. Columbia. Gee. H. Skiles, carpenter, Leaoeck. James A. Hamp, butcher, Leaoeck. Isaae Differ, drover, Paradise. Jehn Scbanm, innkeeper, 1st ward, city. Christian B. Kabensbade, farmer, Man helm twp. Alfred A. Ceble, salesman, 8th ward, city. Benjamin F. Myers, builder, 6th ward, cltv. Henry Uackerly ceaebmaker, East Hemp field. Petit Jarers, April is. Frank Demmerllng, baker, Epbrata, W. L. Carpenter, cigar manufacturer, West Coeallce. ' Frank Mettfett, grocer, 0th ward, city. J. C. Sbuman, laborer, Maner. O. W. Clark, clerk, 3d ward, city. Christian H. Bemberger, farmer, WarwlcW Jehn C Clark, bank cleik, Columbia. Frank B. Grean, Justice of peace, Mt Jey township. Henry Kelse, wbeelrigbt, Little Britain. Frank Reeser, farmer, Salisbury. Jebn SSwepe, merchant, 6th ward, city. Samuel Heller, supervisor, West Esrl. Sherman E. Swlngler, clerk, Columbia, Harry Ranb, salesman, 7th ward, city. Jeseph Leber, barber, 7th ward, city. Abraham K. Bru baker, farmer, Raphe. James Boyd, farmer, Penn. Nathaniel Davidsen, farmer, East EarL Abraham Metzler, gent, Paradise. Jeshua Lapp, farmer, Salisbury. Dana Graham, Jr., grocer, 9th ward, city. Hugh Cellins, farmer, Celersln. Jehn Uertzler, farmer, Raphe. Jacob Bitts, auctioneer, Conestoga. Gee. S. Fry, Justice or peace, East Coeallce Kdward Reyer, farmer, Weat Coeallce. Meeno M. Geed, auctioneer, Brecknock. Samuel McLaughlin, farmer, Conestoga, Jehn H. Hrltten, farmer, Paradise. Euaene Baker, farmer, Celersln, J. W. Byrne, merchant, 9th ward, city. leun neiser, mercnani, j&est uocaiice. Christian SUffel, gent, 5th ward, city. J. B. Swartznelder, carpenter, Sua ward, city. ' Jehn CbaUant, laborer, CelnmciaV--' Jehn Heese, carpenter, West Lampeter. Jehn Welker, cooper, West Lampeter. Jes. Breuemsn, carpenter, West Hemp field. r B. I". Sides, physician, West Lampeter. 8. S. Engle, watebmaker, Ephrata, Gee. K. Sample, sand man, Columbia. Daniel Helm, merchant, Providence. Henry Wertz, hotel keeper, Washington boreugb, Jebn B. Relet, farmer, Penn. Gee. B. Wilison, farmer, Lancaster town ship. Jacob Bellinger, farmer, Warwick. R. D. Yundt, teacher, Earl. r.lliett Haldeman, laborer, Ceney. Common Meat, April 23th. Wm. Creamer, carpenter, Upper Leaoeck. J. W. Andersen, machinist, 4tb ward, city. Lawrence Falk, tailor, 4th ward city. Jebn Fergusen, farmer, Providence. Christian H. Kauffman, iron master, Col umbia. H. M. Mayer, surveyor, East Hempfleld. Jebn Lelbley, butcher, 4th ward, city. Henry G. Sabm, farmer, Penn. Jebn B. Denllnger, farmer, Paradise. Gee. A. Geyer, farmer, Mt Jey township. Y. W. Benes, farmer, Conestoga. Lewis S. Uartman, gentleman, 0th ward, city. Samuel B. Geed, farmer, Conestoga, 11. F, Hamilton, tanner, Kapha V.. S. Reyer, liquor dealer, Ephrata, Jebn A. Helser, clerk, Ephrata, J. W. F. Newlen, tailor, Columbia. A. J. Zercber, cabinet maker, Conestoga, 1'. A. Hippie, tobacco dealer, East Denegal. Jehn Amnions, farmer, Salisbury. Samuel Harris, cigar maker. Maner. J. W. Jehnsen, clgarmaker, East Denegal. Aaren Landls, farmer, East Hempfleld. Benjamin B. Mylin, farmer, West Lam peter. Jacob Welker, wheelwright. Straaburg Andrew Baker, Inn keeper, Ephrata. Henry S. Boek, tobacco dealer, E. Denegal. Levi Pierce, produce dealer, E. Coeallce. Ghaa. E. Uaverstick, cigar manufacturer, Ephrata. 11. C. Lehman, c'.erk, 1th ward, city. Henry Swope, potter, Upper Leaoeck. Jehn A. Strine, farmer, E. Denegal. James K. Reddtg, auctioneer, Elizabeth. Heward Ksbleman, printer, EarL Jacob G. Bewers, farmer, E. Hempfleld. tiee. newp, laruiery- raraaise. Je. D. Hastings, farmer, Celeraln. Henry Mullen, clerk, Columbia. Ellas M. Htauller, farmer, Drumore. Win. MeCeinsey, gent, 1st ward oily. C. C. Lapis farmer, Salisbury. Christiau B. Howery, stage driver, Cones Cenes Cones tejts. Samuel Slead, plasterer, E. Denegal. Jacob S. Eaby, farmer, Upper Leacock. A. D. Grean, carpenter, Manhelm borough, Albert Gicber, brickmaker, E. Coeallce. Henry C. Keller, grocer, 3rd ward, city. J. V. Wise, brickmaker, 6th ward, city. Peter Lemlnger, mason, Brecknock. Jacob Busser, hotel keeper, K. Hempfleld. Common flew, stay 3. IHvid H. Miller, farmer, Conestoga, II. M, D. Erlsman, clerk, 5th ward, city. H. E. Andersen, overseer, 8th ward, city. Abraham J, Heckaneld, farmer, We.it Lam peter. Christian Fralley, assessor, 8th ward, city. Evan Flery, farmer, Weat Coeallce. Philip Doeraom, carriage builder, 3d ward, city. Rebert Glrvin, merchant, Paradise. Jacob D, Kebr, farmer, Manhelm twp. Samuel G. Keller, farmer, Penn. II. K. Sberfz, saddler, Salisbury. Win. A. He'.lig, manager, Columbia. M. 8. Hallacber, tobacconist, Warwick. Jes. F. Witmer, farmer, Paradise. Henry A. Uain,tolaccefarmer,KDonegal. Aaren Morten, brick maker, East Denegal. Jehn M. Greff, farmer, Straaburg twp. Jebn O. Klser. farmer, Clay. Samuel Lirzilere, clerk, Marietta, Jehn G. Hoerner, farmer, East Denegal. James M. McSpsrrsn, fsrmer, Drumore, H, O. Lescbey, merchant, West Hempfleld. Gee. L. Buckwslter, gent East Lampeter. Jehn Flera, reefer and painter, Celeraln. Slater B. Morgan, farmer, Little Britain. Thee. McDonnell, bricklayer, 7th ward, city. James Ceyle, abeemaker, 7th ward, city. 11. S. MeLtne, clerk, flth ward, city. Gee. H, Shirk, farmer. Upper Leaoeck. Isaac Bradly, farmer, Fulton. Jes. Miller, lumber merchant, Marietta, V. Q, Baker, tobacconist, Columbia. Ellas Eaby, farmer, Rspbe. Gee. W. Cormeny, blacksmith, 4lh ward, cltv, J. H. Brandt, cashier, Marietta. Jehn Sblllew, sr.t butcher, Marietta, Jehn Jerdan, blacksmith, 7th ward, city, Rebert S. McClure, farmer, Bart Gee, B. Owens, farmer, Upper Leacock. James Ebllbare, plasterer, Salisbury. W. 8. Smith merchant, Ceney, Henry Sineyeb, coal dealer, 7th ward, city. Gee. MeNabb, clerk, 21 ward, city. Christopher LUler, barber, 0th ward, city. J. Walter Reed, clerk, "tn ward, city, AlmusM. Brubaker, sadder. Maner. Richard V, Regar, farmer, E, Coealioo. UXUUIKTC TYaak Carpenter, aalssasa. 7 ward, elty. A. K. Bemberger, hardware dealer, War- David Weldiey, tinsmith, Drumore, m 'mb moKOBerrmm imam. MlehtaUag tfee Aaatversary el Bt Aaswiss se rewsr-Oatrsdlettag BUs B- LeWDOW, March It, Tha Rassiaa ehapel waa crowded with a dJstlBgatebed andleees te-dsy, who came te participate In the ser vices in honor of tha anniversary of tha as cension of the cur te tha throee. AUthe members of tha Russian embassy were prev ant in full uniform. Mutusl congratataUens were Indulged in ever the fact that the ru mored attempted assassination of tha esar was without foundation. Tbe representative of tbe United Press to te dsy called en Baren De Steal, tha Russian ambassador, with regard te the dlspstch pub lished In this morning's Standard stating that aa unsuccessful attempt bad been made enthecrar'slife. The baron aald he placed no credence in the etatement Ne telegram from his government hsd been received by him stating that suchsn attempt had been made and ha was certain that it it were true he would have received a telegram long before new. In conclusion tbe baron aad : 'I am going te attend service at the Russian chapel te commemorate the czar's ascension te the throne, and If such Important nswa was probable It ia net likely that I would leave the embassy." The&anrfarrf, commenting en the alleged attempt te kill the czar, aaya that aucb aa event might suffice te turn the seals In the direction of war, and declare that from this point of view tbe outrage is of tbe gravest possible signlflcaaea. Bt. Pjetkbsbcre, March It The czar, csarlna and csarrltch left thl city te day for Gatschlna immediately after the memorial services of his father Alexander III who was assassinated by the Nihilists March 13,1881. AecMsatally Shet la the Read. Habbisbcre, March 14. This morning Samuel Dunlap, Wm. Corcoran and two ethers started for tbe country te sheet On their way Corcoran playfully raised his gnn and pointed it at Don Den lap, when the weapon waa discharged. Tha lead entered the young man's head Just above tha left eye. Dunlsp was taken home and lies In a critical condition. The Kegre Are Knights. Peoria, Ilia, March 14 The colored men from Grape Creek say the coal operators brought them te Peoria nnder false pretenses, claiming that tha strike waa ever and that there was plenty work for honest workers. On their arrival they found the men en a strike and many of them, being Knlghta of Laber, hate te enter the mines. They are here penniless and would net be reengaged it sent back te Grape Creek. The trades as sent bly appointed a committee te collect funda for their aid. All bands are quiet, but tbe situation la critical. The auehlgaa Strike Over. gnrJe,tlBt snd hs left at BOea fat. MARQtJBTTB, MlCh., MWasTltrU"te!Vl.MOStBW JSSWB CM et lahcKsaseBveitrancn terminated I Jhe enjeyaat et tha sar fW-ssy. About fifty of tbe leaders and mere troublesome strikers were ordered out of tbe camp and obeyed. AU ethers, to gether with the new men, begin work te-dsy at the old wages. The presence of tbe sheriff's posse of armed men and tbe deter mined front of the contractors overawed the het-headed, who wisely withdrew and blood shed wss avoided. Colored Btea ia New Harnei. Qalksbdre, 111., March It The colored voters of Galeaburg, ever two hundred strong, organized a " Douglass political league " Saturday evening. It is a strictly secret organization. Tbe members are pledged te act in the coming city election with a view te securing proper recognition of tbe colored people in both the official and labor departments or the city. Seme or them favor putting up an independent ticket of white men, and have already asked leading citizens te run en it Strlkleg for a Premised lacrosse. Yerk, March 14. All the Knlghta or Laber employed at A. B. Farqnnar's agricul tural works at this plsce wenteut tbl. morn ing en a strike for an increase of ten per cent premised them seme time ego. The advance was made In one department but net in another. There are new about 200 men out and but about 100 left te work In tbe shops many of them apprentices. The heat mechanics are all out A Bedy roeod in Mew Yerk Bay. Fert Hamilton, N. Y., March 14 The body of a man haa been found In the bay which from papers In bis possession sppears te be tbat of Henry B. Stewart,Sansom street, Philadelphia. He U about 60 years old. He had evidently been sick for some time, and la supposed te have committed suicide. Pettmastsr Buyers' Aaslstaat. Uarribbure, March 14 B. F. Meyers, the new postmaster 'et Barrltburg, baa ap pointed Richard B. Zeigler his assistant Mr. Zeigler has occupied a responsible posi tion in the Western, Union telegraph office in this city for mere than SO yeats. ,.; . The Heasianf ItSIasd 6n Ball. Sofia, March 14. M..Karaveleff, Tzsnew, andNlkiloreflVwho were arrested and. Im prisoned en tbe charge" of being Implicated in the recent uprisings s Rustchuk and SUestrls, have been released ea balL i BMATBBB MBBMVAX1UBB. r-ri Washington, D. C, March, 14j F.cr, jV Eastern Pennsylvania: Light snow, 'followed by fslr weather, colder.-ner.lh- westerly wlnds. , -r , ' f TELEOKttrene taps. Tbe 7tmes libel suit bearing la PHIHdM phia has been postponed until to-merrdwl Tbe president te-day appointed Pe.ter ,F Cegblll te be collector of customs. at Peter burg, Vs. , - - , . Mayer Hewitt, of New Yerk, has selected Mr. Jsmes C. Bayies, editor et the Iren-Age and Metal Worker, aa president of tha beard of health et that city te aueqeed Gen, Shaler,' removed. ,, Tbe Increase of from 8 te 15 per cant in tha wages et tha empleyes of the Philadelphia it Reading railroad will begin te-day. BUI taEe.anra'lled. Philip D. Baker filed a bill In equity in tha court of common pleas this afternoon against EllEshslman. If sets forth that as the at torney et Eshleman he collected certain moneys dusThea. J, Davis aa district attor ney and paid tbe ssme ever te Eshleman, and that Eableman claims tbat there is an srrer In the account He therefore prays the court for a subpoena en Eshleman te come Inte court se that a full statement et the moneys received from Davla and paid te Eshleman aball be made. sM a Let. Mr. Henry S. Franklin, has sold 42 of the 00 feet of the tine let wast of his residence ea West Chestnut street te Myers A Kathfea, wbe will erect houses thereon. Met aM. Ths property of the late James C. Carpen ter, 49 North Duke street, offered for sals ea Saturday eveatBgjwa withdrawn attar f0,8&0 hsd been bid. BMssr the raraea Basra. Tha ease of Andrew Shssaa will ha breaght before Ue pardon beard, sitting ia Harris burg.eaTaesday, rAai, a bbbbt r ft"--.r"'' 3WTf ' .Mki "lAX!)'r i'l.rf . v--i . , ( i wSfai 1 Jt-4tpi- .A ia .MVlS-J'tfl Jt PRICE A NntfnfllWallaaT - WAS WWVJM1mlBamM. I Hm . i ... t , a wen 47, Daesst sjialsi Jssata sirens, a Henry Whits, agaiM morning MtaUiaat a'sissfe) denoeef his daagatsr Mrs. OMMsha enrwt, widow or tha lata Oa Ma 6SS West Oraags strati a isDermg asaa, aa ter assay worked far teasers aa eiaara la saa orRehrsrstawa, Ha was vary a few months past aad ae eaa supposed him la a MalaVtt hisbsblt te walk frtejasaiy MmmtBtm town te t&a city, aaa nsmx Us wss tha father at lana Hal daughter, of whom only Seschrtet survives, HteseaJsasa, unmarried, was a soldier la taa laM died in a military hospital. His was married, bat died ateatsiaM without children, Hla son Jasea, a ii ana coma muter, aiea mr ye leaving three children, tha etdsat af tha wife el J. e. Houghten, drank, aai second the wife of Jehn K. ZiIb'Mbb uii cy. .?-. f" . Old Mr. White leaves firs grsaaasllta and four KreattTaadehllarsa. ZW:. Tha funeral wUl take htaes TTilaiilsi ' morning; tbe services M hte lass ifstteaaV West Orange street will taks plaaa aV-f o'clock a. m., ana the funeral will tbenes te ths old Mennenlte Turing? atldadlsviile, where tha flaalssrrU latarmsnt wiU ' take ptaee, Mr. Jeiav baker will oendnot tha ssrvlesa aai tha funeral sermon. .; s vk--t'.'- Dsaalse.el Jaesh mifBtKf jboed uippie, aa eta ssstsssw as a aiea at ni nema ea Hatarday, paenmenia. us had been bad since last Tuesday. Mt Jey'a best known ttlaa1a DiacKsmiih ey trade aaa far assay i: carried en that business, Ra alas tobacco. Besides a wife Itr. Hlaala three children. His son M Jaseb B. I et tha Examiner, eaa daaahtar tBi Albert Harner and tha ether Is Ms. Mat resides at home. Ha was ft? yeata at asm The f unsral takes place ea Tmsilsj. ' ? WaI,.I., YaI,Va a tmmmm ..,1 I,, J m wvujMiuu aivum, m Mtww iMNHfj jsertvuie, in west Kan township, was dead this morning. He arose at his lima and before breakfast went te MM te feed his horses. Remaining away at eual length of time one of tha members gti , family went te leek for III ul ftiaal assi dead at the corn crib. Werd was seat St 1 nty Corener Bnrkhelder, but that ecUst W in this city. He received a mssssrt'itlBBlKU leaves a widow sarata a NtiM9aV2","T Frem the Heading Times. Daniel Hender died Sunday Reading of general debility, in tha 7Ma or hi age. He bad been 111 for shot months, but had only been oenflasof te M tea for a week previous te bis death. ff was born in Lancaster county aad JlJK a : rtsiiTin!. tsjui mif ,;R .'-jyss,' ' f x . . lZZiM Reading when quite a yenng man. Darsat ti; UW . V W, IBUVUUAI UV SUIHWI1 M WBVgT 4 Seventh Pennsylvania cavalrr. and aavaat!i ... , . - r. .. . ' T 7."i unm no was noneraDiy aiscnargea. Fansral of Mary ulttrteh. The funeral of Mary Dietrich from h dence,Ne. 146 North Mulberry strestes day anernoeo.was largely attended. I were conducted by Rev. F. Smith i Internum! M mnrln at flhrAlnev'a MBAtW-.J, M. -T. Wesrar. T? H tlmtmrn nrm rintxt . wmu uww.gw ,,. tuU TCOtO IU f4U-HBB)IVIW,-lU " itsuw raastmi. xneoeay or Jacob tr. Keller, who tfcM at utoeiien from sn soeident arrived la J ter at 85 this morning. It was taken te Ja -i residence or William Smith ea Lew i from which tha funeral took place this i neon. Among these wbe attetuMdti number of members et Ledge 80,1 Pythias, and the old Shlfflar flrs at ThrMChUdnaBaraeat r'TTa.'!!:- A fire occurred en Saturday ,alga(Vaf ' eia Kaighn'a point Ferry betei, at J Kalahn'a avenue. Camdaa. eaaaad. aw 1 plosien of gasoline oil, Tha tHtlMsSft i uipr, waa euuupieu ej two ISWIISSs M nern, wne Kepi tne neiei, whb ast : etcapeaunnun, nut unsries S3, and bis wife Mary, aged 85. war Injured, their children. Carrie, asaa i Albert aged 2 were slightly lajereayl Charles, aged 12 FrederieiTsgea V Emms, aged 2 years, were ukeaftas-! uuiiuiug uvwi, uaTiua; vwmm burned. The less ea ths ha Ing te about 15,000, la covered by VaclataMd LoMen. "Iff. m ii - n-i-" tub jouewmg u a iwt or anmaiaisa I remsinlng In the poatefnoe. Mtrasar- W: . .,....-.,, -vfcS' LaditVLdt! Mlss'Smlly "V s i r BehsMas,' jsuza nnrKDOiaen jtrar Maggie UN Mra HanaahiFuratoen. Miss BUa ... ..... . W Ti. ft,,.. TL 'uu- feil ,' w-. aumm aiua eeajr, miap Vf WSSPt Welland.' Minnie Whfht " Gents' UsUM. JUiK WarrsarBaw T. .Donaldsen, iPhmp.,ifaltey. U. sT Csrety, Rsuben R. Rewsn, Dan B-, I eremian xayier, una s. wooer, v?"' e, 'VV i .Pq" BHBBB,mwmmmBrx? Father, LeuM QxetaBASsr,! gv catneiic cnurcn,m nis nduoeed' bis tritendSd departure te taw i ofblslldneodtoracnftfcssWBB, Hal uemuffeettonatetwrsat aad swaa return te than with 1m asma haalati sat falL Jit leUier New Yerk this atenlaa i will sail lit day or .two . for Oermaay, - bhsiVilshsa tA his mlny anrlshienws aai I cWzahs et laVieaster g withUlm ea bal an , 4 . I hi I ll , . ,NotaChlge(taohlBloek. J. J Frem the UarrUbum Telearsnb, ,;:' . Speaker Boyr' fither ia aa ardent 1 crat, who resides near Norrtstewa, gemery county. Tha yehagtr saaa away from tha political, faith of his I andwhUatheeldestlesMa la Tsry. of bis son ss speaker ef.the Heassafl atnlaUves, yet he dessa'l revert te MSI politics and would soensr be wars I uuk twJUMivaa yviwu, l Bsfere th Marer. ,-i The mayor disposed of two draaka sM a dozen vagrant this morn lag. a esva tha name el Fred HsBSSM 1 helplessly drunk by Osassr tVawaagvl lucky for him that ha was aa fWlnhUpeckstwhiehha salaM A seoead drunk was ssat aai Uti two Tawanta wars seat te taa waa four wars dttwhargeA f ?? m-uf. Thuaultefl ths late Jaba issiiwaraf tMs Han. RaassU sstaate rssewar I aays Mr. Baaa awes aar sMawaasj him, was rsBamia saKatr "aWswl day TMrafamtriHsstsMI' feajdayayaalac stzettaaaa'a avatar stastelate hail M,UPstealwhaia1sa1 Sfe". ,w ', ,.i .'1 . ' wVyfs,-.," MJ&.tjV.el it.- "..?'. &:lfg''Z& l3J f