wt IfTOW in "ft ,- iwi'v" ' fr -; jjtj "T,Ii: f f?y TIRI kflWW -a" muuwt M.aa,a. WbM.likutatMterM, the people, rale fey l jretd, OiM eat aloud, ob erary aaad. " Ok, tied r for a true Bad it '" Tfcay leuad In yew whet ! eubt A bub tMkoBMtte b beaikt, abb by UeH wiw. ? Frem arur up te rraaldent. Ana wn you took th ehJr et Stat, The nation's lint grand Magistrate. Tbe deadly cur el party trite llad paralyted eat natleB' lift. A tkreat'nlng eua wa heard afar, The. " undanwall " of civil war. The wound had oleaed for many a year, It at left the deadly virus there. With brasen front en every hand, Corruption etalked throughput the land High offleea of pntille trust Were stained with frand and shameless luiti Moneyed power, e'reng and vast, Held legislation Brm aud last i And tiy tka atagte power of geld, Our ruling nen were beaght and told. Twa then you took your noble stand Te weed coriuptlen Irnm thn land i Te bravely faea the com lug storm, And Intredude all true reform i Te give new strength te the nation'! Hie, And heal the weundt el civil strife. And though thewerk you undertake, for country and your oensctsnoe's etke,' May earn for you, from tongue and pen. The curie of bad and teiflth men I Though narrow teula may marl and qutik. And son geed men mlijudge your were i Though friend may frew n aud fore deride, Tat Ued and tight are en your tide. And, Urerer Cleveland, stand thou Ann I Thy work (hall proven fiultrul germ Of publle geed when thou art rene Te countless million yet unborn, And te thy eaine mere honor bilng Than evercrewned a ctarer king l , It. clay Vftuil in Jlnlllmere ttutt, i'MlAi.tlMm r ULMHKmUlff. A Senater's Story of Hie Became from Keullne Office Werk at Washington. Waihlsgten Cerr of N. Y. Uerald. A newly elected Democratic representa tive trem tee Vet In dlaewriguiK a bright young man, a constituent of hie, from leak leg a clerkship In Washington told him the atery be heard a Houtuern aenater tall In Waahlngten. "The aenater," aald he "In hli early youth, after leaving college and going back tohlabetna In hla tale, hail been greatly ex eltad (aa ha related) when told that the member of Cengreaa from hla atate had de cided te let young men compete In an exam ination for a cierkablp In a government department at Waahlngten te which clerk hip the cengreaaman waa te make tha ap pointment. " The aenater raid ha bad never alnce en tared Inte any centeat with half the eager neat ha did Inte that ; he waa freah from hla book, and It aeema te him he mutt win. Hla chiet competitor waa a bright young fellow, who bad alae Juat returned from college, and who waa aa desirous of aecurlng the prlzi aa be waa himself. The examination waa con eluded en a Haturday, and the senator aaya Itaeemed te him he would net wait until Monday te hear whether he had pawed tha list or net, but the Judgea took tbe paper and premiaed te give the rlvala thelr decis ion en Monday. The aenater aaya he could scarcely aleep for thinking or it, and terrlble waa hla disap pointment when told at laat that while both young men had paaaed a highly creditable examination the ether'e average waa a trlde higher than hla own, and that the cierkablp would be given te that ether. However, he managed te pluck up courage te begin promptly the atudy of law by tha time hla auoeeaaful rival waa fairly Installed In hla cierkablp In Washington, lie waa very auc ceaiful indeed, and iu the course of tbe yeara that have alnce elapsed ha has become a mil lionaire, haa been district attorney and gov ernor of hla state, and la no w a senator. " Wheu In hla Brat term In the Hen ate be hadoccaalen te go te tbe treasury depart ment, and when hla uauie waaaunouneed, with the title of aenater attached, In a cer tain room where hla buslneaa took him, all the clerka looked up from their deaka, and each waa only tee anxious te serve him In any way possible, and his buslueaa waa quickly finished satisfactorily. Aa he waa about te leave the room a weazned, gray haired old man sitting at one of tbe desks atepped blra. Why, , ' he exclaimed, calling the aenater by the abbreviation of hia Cbrlatlan name, by which his schoolmates used te call him, ' don't you remember me T I am , who beat you ever thirty age In the examination for a clerkship, and I well remember hew disappointed you were and hew triumphant I felt, but here I have been ever alnce, and abatl be till 1 die, while you think or tbe honors and fortune that have coma te you. 'The two men shook bands most cordially and renewed their long Interrupted friend iiblp, but the senator, who delights te tell tbe atery, aaya no young wan whom be can In fluence abatl be encouraged by him te aeek a government clerkahtp." It la believed tbat Henater Joe Brown, of Georgia, who haa recently made J,100,000, It la aald, Is the here of this atery. Wretched, Indeed, Are these whom a confirmed tendency te bil iousness, subject tothe various and ohangetul aymptomtlndlcatlveof liver complaint. Nausea, slek headache, constipation, furred tongue, an unpleasant breath, a dull or sharp pain In the neighborhood or tbe. affected organ. Impurity of the bleed and less of appetite, signal lie Haa ene of thamestdlslresilng, asllls oneet the most common, or maladies. There Is. however, a be nign tptclfle ler the dl.ntsn and all Its un plvaant manifestations. It Is tbe concurrent testimony of thn public and thn medical profes. slen, that HestetW Stomach Kilters Is a medi cine which achieves resnlls speedily fell, thor ough and benign, llmldes rectifying liver tits order, it Invigorates the fecble, conquers kidney and bladder complaints, and hastens the con Talescenceef these recovering from enfeebling diseases. Moreevcr.it Is the grand spcclfte for faver aud ague. nation We have the satisfaction or hearing rrem sev eral sources that lit Hull's Cough eyrup is all It claims te be a genuine geed prepa'Otlen. Vub. Melly Slark.iou'en, 111. " Oh t It Iseicellent te have a giant's strength" and walk tbe earth tree and happy again was what the roan said when he had cured his ten 5 ear rheumatism wltha bottle et solvatien oil. in cent. Living ea lha IUyotatlen of Others. "Take everything that I have but my geed name; leave me that and 1 ram content." 8e said the philosopher. Ce say all manufacturers of genuine articles te tbat horde of Imitators whleh thrives upon the reputation of ethers. Tbe geed name of Alloeck's Pereus Platters has Induced many adventurers te put In the mar ket many Imitations that are net only lacking In the best elements or the genuine article, but are often harmrut In their eficels. This la net only theft, but night well be ;called malprac tice. Such a thing ought net te be. The publle should be warned against these frauds, and, when an external remedy Is needed, be sure te Insist upon having Allcecb' Foaeca PUkrriR. The name Hassan Nature. Many vain attempts are made te repeat the remarkable success of Bensen's Capctne Plaster. This splendid remedy la known, sold and used everywhere, and IU prompt action and unrival led curative powers have wen for It hosts of friends. Imitations have sprung up under similar sounding names, such as " Cupslcln," M Capsicum," etc, Intended te deceive the care less and unwary. These articles possess none of the virtues of the genuine. Therefore we hope the people will assist us te protect what are at oaee their Interests and ours. Ask for Sanson's Plaster, and examine what Is glren you. and make sure that the word " Canclne bout In the middle of the plaster Itself, and the " Three Seals " tradesurk Is en tbe toce cloth. Any reputable dealer will show you. the safe guards without hesitatien: If you cannot re member the name lionsen's Capclne Plaster cut this paragraph from the paper. mPMOIAV metiOMM. Mothers I Mothers! I Mothers 1 1 Are you disturbed atnlgbt and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with tka excruciating pain of cutting teeth T If se, goatenoenndgetabotUeofMlW. W1N8LOW8 SOOTHING: SYRUP. It will relieve the peer little suffer linmedlaUly-depend upon It; there is no mistake about It. There Is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you at once that It will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magle. It U perfectly safe te nsu in all cases' and pleasant te the taste, and lathe prescription of one of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United State. Beld everywhere. IS cenu a bottle. mayJMydAw AKeaaarkable Geed Man . S3iwh3tY2a 5Si JS. oeafort of his family Wnnh0.tltti.,itt0.,, "er wlthaifee. tlen el tha Threat and Lungs, whereby their llYMmay tendanwrsd.whosheulUatall Kemp'i Fer sale by U. V. Cochran, druggtstlMllei forth queen street. It! Be -Ittl nu. I waa sfflleUd with sick head ache and general debility, but Jfurd Mlavd Bitfri brought about an Immediate tatplove tatpleve ment In my general health. 1 aeaaMar taam the beat family medicine la tha saaxket." Adelph Lalloz, Buffalo. N Y. ' or talebTV B Cochran, druggist, 1J7 and 1M Menk Queea street. Laoeasur. WHWI. TTOOD'S BAlwUfrAMLLA. MOODS BAR8APARILLA baBaellarMgletaa. It Is earefnlly ateaara tram areapartUa, OaadelleB, Mandrakw, eeM, riealisewa, Jnnlper Mrrtes. and ether wall wall kaeWB and valuable vegetable remedial, by a pecnllareomblaaUen, proportion and process, giving te Heed's Barssparllla curative power net possessed by ether medlelne. tt ateeta t t markableenrns where ethers fall, HOOD'i BAHSAPAKILLA Is the best bleed purlOsrbsfoTe tha publlp. It aradleatat every Impurity, and enrea icrefula. Bait Hkeum, Bells, Pimples, all Humors. Dye pepsla, Biliousness, tick ileadaebe, Indigestion, Uensral Debility, Oalarrh, Rheumatism, Kldaey and Liver Complaints, overcomes that tired feeling, ornate aa appetite. HOOD'S BAR8APAR1LLA Has mat peculiar and unparalleled saeesssat heBM. Huch haa become IU popularity In Low Lew ell, Mass., where It I made, tbat whole neigh neigh neigh borheodaarataklagltattbesetnellmei Lewell druggists sell mere of Heed's larasparlllathaa of all ether sarseparltUs nr bleed partners. Tha same sueeaas la extending all ever the country, HOOD'B gARSAPARlLLA Is pecnllai In Um confidence It gains among all classes of people. Where It Is one used It be comes a favorite remedy, and la erten adopted aa tha standard family medicine, De net be In duced te buy ether preparations. Be sura te get the Peculiar Medicine. It Is sold by all druggists. II i six for kV Prepared only by C. 1. UOOD A CO., Lewell. Mass. 100 Deses One Dellar (0 DYHFKl'HlA IN A DANOEHOUH AH well as distressing complaint. If neg lected, It tends by Imparting nutrition, and de pressing the tone of the system, te prepare the way et Hapld Decline. FkyilelMS Bad Dragging KecaMea4 BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! AS THE BEST TONIC. It quickly and completely Cures Dyspepsia In all Its rerms, Heartburn, Belching, Tasting the reed, etc. It enriches and purlBns the bleed, stimulates the appetite, and aid the assiinlla- uun ui lutiu. Uav. T. J. Reasmm, the honored pastor or the First Iterermed Church, Baltimore, Md., say t " Having used Brown's Iren Bitters for Dyspep sia and Indigestion, I take great pleasure In recommending It highly. Alse consider It a splendid tonle and Invlgorater, and very Strengthening." IIos.JeesrnC.8crr, Judge or Circuit Court, Clinten Ce , Ind , says : " 1 bear most cheerful testimony te the ufllraey or Brown' Iren Bit ter for IiyspentlA, and tut a tonle." Mas. C. A. fceKWAT. slirrtll. Wis., says ! I suffered for two years with Dyspepsia. Used many different remedies without benefit. My physician advised me te try Brown' Iren Bit ters. Three bottles cured me." The genulne has Trafle alark and crossed led lines en wrapper. Take no ether. Made only by BUOWM CIIKM1CALCO., Baltimore, Md. (J)mlS-lydftw H UMrilKEY.S'. 1)11. HUMI'UUKVS' Boekof All Dlteases, Cleth and Geld Binding, 111 l'agtn, with Bteel Engraving, MAILED rBEK. List of Prtrtelpal Ne. Cures. Price. 1. Fsvim, Congsatten, Inflammations 73 nun-vR, nennrever. worm con e S3 S. rnrise Celic, or Teething of Infants. . a . 21 .. .. ..2ft . ..a ..-it ..2) ..is ..S3 ..H ..BO ..50 ..31) . iiiAitRHKA. ei unuarvn or Aauita B. DrssKTaBT, Ottplng, Billens Cella..., A Ciiuuiu Menacs, Vomiting 7. CetmiH, Colds, ttrencbtll 8. Nsl'kaliiia, Toothache, raceachn 'J. Hbadiciiu, Sick Headache, Vertigo... HOMEOPATHIC 10. llTsrarsiA, Bilious Stomach 11. ftcrritBdase or 1'Atxrui.PaRieM It. WHiTaa, tee rreruiw Periods 13. Cnecr, Cough, DlRlcnlt Breathing .... It. alt misim. ttrytlpelas, Kruptlens... 13. Hiiscmatism. Kheumatle Pains in. ravaa xne antra, chtilt, Malaria.. 17. PiLcs, Blind or Bleeding 19, Catarrh, Influenza, cold In thn Head., te. Wnoenao C'ernn. violent Coughs iiishs an 21. OaaiRAL Dsbilitt, Physical Weakness. ...30 27, Kinssr Dusass , si a Nsrvecs DastLiTT ttui 3). UnixAar Wiiintw, Wetting Bed Se 31. DtsxABasertHKllsAST. Painitatteu tl.ui MPBCiriCS. Sold hy Driiffitttts, or sent postpaid en receipt or ptici.-iiuiii'imaYa' medicine ci, kd Pulton St., S. V. febU-lyeed&w E LY'S L'HKAM HALM. CATAREB", HAY FEVER. Ely's Cream Balm CUBEB Catarrh, Geld In Head, Reae Geld, Hay Fever, Deafneau, Hoadaehe. KA.8rTOU3E-PUICE 60 CENTS. ELY BKOS., Os-vege, N. Tt., V. B. A. HAY F"EYER, ELY'S CUE AM BALM Is net a liquid stuff or powder. Applied Inte nostrils li quickly ab, snrbed. It cleanses the bead. Allays Inflamma tion. Heals the sores. Ucsteres the senses el Uilo and smell. M-SO Cents at Druirglsta i by lnull, teglsteri'd, w Cents. ELY BHOTUEILS, Drnggiuts, JylMyeed&lyw 03WEU0, N. V. fJUlK 8W1KT Hl'KOIKlO CO. Bleck We u i Or lllnck Leprosy, 1 a disease which Is con sidered tncnntble, but tt has yielded te the cura tive pmpertle or hwin's bractrto-new known all ever the world as 8. b. B. Mrs. Bailey, of wen -omniviiie, siftaf.. near Bosten, was at tacked several years age with this hideous black eruption, and was treated by the best medical talent, who could only say that the disease was a species et LEPROSY. . and consequently Incurable. It I Impossible te describe nor sufferings. Her body from the crown of nor head te the soles or her feet was a mass of decay, masses of flesh retting off aud leaving great cavities. Her lingers festered and and three or four nails dropped off atone time. Her limbs contracted by Oie fearful ulceration, and for seyral years she did net leave her bed; Iter weUht was reduced trem 12S te ea Its. Per- nap,BS'SS. fi? .We ' her condition can be gleaned from the fact that three pounds or Ces- mo.1tne-Illul?.nt.wero.ue1 P" wetkln dress ing her sores, finally the physicians acknowl acknewl edged their defeat by'thls BlSeS wSf. aSd com mended the sufferer te her all-wise Creater. Her husband bearing wonderful reports of the use of Bwirr a Hractrie (8. a. u.i, prevailed en her te try It as a last resort. She bisan iu use under pretest, but seen found that mi system was being relieved of the poison, a th sores as sumed a red and healthy color, aa though the blend waa becoming pure and aetlve. Mr Batley continued the 8. 8 8. until laat rebrnary t every sere was healed i she discarded chair and crutches, and was ter the first time In 12 year a well woman. Ur husband, Mr. U. A. HeVey, Is In business at 17X Blackstene Street, Bosten, and will take pleasure In giving the details of this wnuderf ul cure. Bend te us ter Treatise en Bleed and 8kln Diseases, malted free, THE SWIFT SPECIFICCO., DBAWKR 3. ATLANTA, OA. fl-lyilftw QOBK QDaKAMTBKD. RUPTURE. Cur guaranteed by DB. J. a MAYEU. aaeatoneainooperaUonor delay from bust I taatad b hnndradinf Dim. Main naii. gfi AKCiOTMPMlLA, Bend for Circular. nn-lvdAw fxanx wen thk dbak. V rekXatBt Improved Cuahlened Ear m wnwui naKKw aeaneg ana penerm wen or thenatainl drum. InvUlble, com. aaaaiwayaia poatuea. au cenvena- Mas aMaTM wbMnBaai dlatlaeUy. aead laaata-iyaaagiyw aa.iiipAj.ts AMlMuf A,ajWBAa,iai. ,$ ROCHESTER LAMP, Uty OMda-UgMi aaajg MHNB ail. ABwUMtLei ef CHsUr wLOsMM ler MM tad wu TBI MUfOTIOgt" METAL MOU LDINO AMD KUBBBB CVIB10R WBATHEH STRIP .BeaMtaem all. Thl strip outwear all eMMta. leap out tbe eeld. Btopraullaaef wtadewa. Ixelnde the dust. Keep out aaewaad raia. Aay eaa eaa apply it-no waste or dirt made In ap Mylag IL Oaa be Bttea aeywhere-ne hole te DereTTaady for cse. It wlir net split, warp or htlak-a cushion strip la tka neat aartaet. At Uaetere, Heater and Bang tera -or- Jelui P. Sehaum ft Sens, 34 BOOTH QUIBf BT LAMCATEB,PA. w L A. KlKrrHK ALDUSaMBH KIEFFER & HERR, -DEALBM IE- WOULD CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO Fuller & Warren Ce.'s (TBOT.N.T.) mm, HEATERS. FURNACES AND RANGES. We ask no ene te ran any risk with "PUL LER A W ABBEN'8 ' Ooeda. We guarantee them te give Battsrsctlen. A a Heater "THE 8PLENDID" haa no rival, being a thorough het base, no part of thl store remain cold, evety Inch el It radiate beat. A a Smaller and Cheaper Heterthe"BBtaHT DIAMOND" ha established Itaelf In the front rank. The merit of the "SPLENDID" and "BRIGHT DIAMOND " consist In Beanty of Construction, Perfect Control of Draft, cleanliness, no Dust, no Oa and Economy el fuel. AsT-Call and examine for yeurself: 40 EAST KINO ST., lOPPOaiTB COORT HOUSE.) DtfdAw rumjfivcMm. TOUKMTUHB WAKEKOOM& BUV YOUBSELP A PAIR OP.TUOSB Felding Dress Pillows. CALL BABLTAT HeffiDeier's Furniture Warerooms. They are the nicest thing out and we have Inst received another let of them.. QO BAUT KINO STRHBT. TylDMYEK'8 FURN1TURK STORE. HEADQUARTERS -yeit-i Furniture. Furniture. If you want any PUBNITURE new Br the coming Spring call and examine my stock. Yeu will dud It huge and well .elected. GOOD WORK. LOW PKICE8, AWPartles wanting full eutflts are especially Invited te call. WIDMYER'S FORNITURK STORE, Cerner Bast Kins and Duke 8ts., LANCASTER, PA. DU)-lydajMmw H 0U8EST1RKH. HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot A rEW WORDS ABOUT Parler Suites, Lounges, General Upholster ing and Repairing. We sell Parler Suites In Hair Cleth, Plutb, Ac. Prices range from IM upward. We use no KX CKUJIOBIn our work. Lounges we sell trem 1.60 upward. We make Picture Frames and Leeking Glasses and will put te your order all kinds or Mirrors, rl hT pier or mantel, In bronze or geld, at rva rva eenble price. We de all kinds et llf pairing at short notice nnl reasonably. Will eslf for the smallest arti cle and fix it up quite satisfactory. Yeu can have work Repaired new and Deliv ered alter April. Sen these ta 00 Bultcs In Cherry ; came In this week. NOB. 37 e 20 SOUTH QTJMN BT. HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot. WMMtU AMD ZJOVOMM. 29 29 -GOTO- Reigut's Old Wine Stere for. Pemmery 'Bee, Benche Boe, Piper Heldateek, U. II. Mumm A Ca, and another leading brand of lmpertedChampagne. Alie, Madeira, Sherry and Pert Wines, Clareu, Baaurnee, Ale and Btent. Bele Agent for Special Great Waiters Cham, pagne, prpduead by the Pleasant VaUey Win l.i&,l?t Amer,0, Ctampagna la the PlerldaOran Ida Oranga Wlnejtb dnaat fa tbe tgarkat. line or Brandy, Walaky.eiaa and Mums, rnla Claret and White Wine, of Napa VaT- A full line California ley, California. H. E. Slaymaker.Aa, Na BAST BINS ST., LABOABTBR, PA mOBAOOO euttinqb, herapb. bift X IN8S AMD PACKERS' WASTaTbry and Ulaan. benaht fee eaah. J.B.MOHHB, "?9VBnS.twam9sw ii sisina siesb ssssvw, urn aw rwaa aw.seaa. QBE HeDsemrQishing Goods ! VlnVJjSila-Vn tte.l thCji$iki& . V AmATKVOR. POOR ECONOMY. What peer Judgment seRie people use In buying Clothing. Nothing but tbe lowest priced anil worth less taaib. Make no mistake. Our stock Is clear of such matter. If you are looking for a geed dol lar's worth of reliable clothing, ears la the right place. A big re duction these times. UNCALLED- FOR! About fifty uncalled-for Suits left with us. Parties who ordered them did net likely have the money te lift them. Fer sale at half their value. Myers & Kathfen, Leading Olethiers, NO. 12 EAST KINGr STREET. LANCASTER. PA. URUEK A Berrow. BURGER tt SUTTOB. In Order te Make Roem for Our SPRING STOCK -or- READY-MADE CLOTHING We are compelled te -nfTsr the balance of our Winter Stock at GREATLY REDUCED PRIDES. If you are In need of any anything In Heavy Weight It will pay you te buy trem us new, while we can glve you a geed assortment te select from. or A call Is all we ask te con vtnee yen that we mean te give you a Genuine Bargain. BTJRGEB & SUTTM, Manufacturing Clothiers, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE!, LA.HCASTKR. FA. L. QANSMAW A BBC 66-L. Gansman ft Bre.68 NOR1H QUEEN ST. Special Inducements ! t Large Quantities of Goods In the Piece are dis played new In our Elegant custom Department and leady ter your Inspection. A rEW SAMPLE I'KICKS. All-WoelBuvtstoOrdorat tl'ue All-WoslChevletButt.toUrder at 11(u All-wecl rineCheckedHultste Order at.. U.ej II. Weel Diagonal Suits te Order at M ie All-Weel angltsh Wonted Bulls te order at 19 OU All-Weel Worsted, Diagonal and Clucked Suits at tM.COnuil 55.00 TANTS TO ORDER, All-Weel Pants te Order In Stripes. Checks or Plaid, at .tee. .3.M, at ea. 4joe,t)o, n.oe,cs.oo andw.oe. LAUOEA830UTMENT-LOWE3T PRICES. Mind, we hivve only Ready.alade Clothing and floods In the Piece, and tt Is apparent that everybody can be suited. See us before you buy and we will surprise you. L. GANSMAN & BRO., Merchant Tailors. MANUFACTURERS OT Men's, Hots' and Children's Clothing, B. E. COR. N. QUEF..V St ORANHK SIS., liAMiABTKtt PA. aarciosed every eve except Monday and Sat urday. 0OAI TD B. MARTIKr " " waeuaata d asran. caaLaa la All Kinds of Lumber and Geal. SarYABns Me. tae North Water and Prince Street, above Lemen. Lancaster. nS-lrd T3AUMOAKDNEU8 4 JEFFK1UES. GOAL DEALERS. Offiei i Ma UB Kerth Queen (treat, and Ma Be North Prlnee street. Yabmi North Prlnee street, near Raadlna Depot. LANCASTER, r A. aalB-U0 STOriOM. w HY, NO i It Used Te, But It's Different New Trade doe net end with Christmas by any mean. Notwithstanding the fact that, our Holiday Trade ha been an unprecedented one, ou- Superb Stock el reur-tn-dand and ether Pocket Beeks, sleeve Uuttena, Ac, haa been re plenished, soluble (Or RETURN GIFTS. V- Onr Price a Lew aa tha Lewest for the same grade of goods. E. J. ERISMAN, MO IT WEST EINtt STRRRT, LANOASTNR. 0 INTRAOTOR AND RUlfDEK. OlORQl ERNST. OARPRMTER, CONTRACTOR BUILDER. Msttdanoa-Xe. M Wert Ktng street. Bhep- ast ttrant (treat, eppcalu station beuse. W00D-ATgLAAMDO.MRALUAB atgaTa'SSS. ;rV3&8&aW?; ' & KPKTB F JtOM ATJOTIOlf . METZGER & Mm Wew Opad a Large INGRAIN, RAG, HALL Bought at Auction for Cah CARPETS AT..., IB ORBTS. UARPETS AT 18 OBBT. usxrsin at .,.....,.......w UiKin uabpbts AT..::::::::::.:.:::::::::.. cbhts. UAKPETH AT SS CEWTS. UABPBTS AT. .4 OBNTS. CAlll'ETS AT SS CEMTS. Metzger & Haughman's Cheap Stere, Ne. 43 Wait King Mtrt, L.ncMUr, P. fAbouitherintef April we will Remove (Ida el the street. f.-."ri JtA UNESTOCKH. NEW SPRING -AT- FAHNESTOCK'S, NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. Jamestown Worsted Mills. These Ores. QoedsarejuiUycalebrtted ter their many geed qualities, and these having tried them once are aura te want them again . Alse .oe yards or Tard Wide Venetlenne, imllar In an pearanee and texture te a Preneh Sauna. Price only 10 cents, These geed wire manufactured tetellaUS cents. A RARR BARUAIM. R. E. FAHNESTOCKi Next Doer te the Gevt Howe, IkaMMter, Feu's. JBWMLM1, Z. KHOAD3, JEWELER. SPECTACLES ! -BUYERS OF- Spectacles, Eye Glasses and Optical Goods WILL FIND A FULL LINE IN OUR STOCK. We give especial care te Ailing Oculists' prescriptions and set all kinds of lenses te order. OPERA AND FIELD GLASSES. i. Zi.K10AIJJS, Ne. 4 West King Street, MOWBmrvMMamam mmei Ifc, 'HIRK'8 CARPET HALU CARPETS! BEOPENINO Or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te show the trade the Largest and Best Selected Line el Carpet er.r ex hlblted In thl. city. WILTONS, VELVETS, all tbe Trading Hake or BODY AND TAPESTRY EUUS8ELB, THREE-PLY, All. Weel and Cotten Chain EXTRA SUPERS, and all qualities of IN' URA1N CARPETS, DAMASK and VENETIAN CARPETS. RAO and CUAIN CARPRT8 or OUT own manufacture a specialty. Special Attention paid te the manufacture or CUSTOM CARPRTS AlsearnU Line or OIL CLOTHS, RUOS, WINDOW SHADES, CO VERLET8, Ac, SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Cor. West King and Water Streets, LsncRSter, Pa. ..., febas-imdAw VKOVUtALa. PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED at the County Commissioners' Office, Lan caster, Pa., until the 16th Day et March. 1887. at 12 o'clock neon, for taking down a part et the prison tower. Plans and specifications for the tame can be seen at the Commissioner' office. Commissioners reserve the right te reject any or all bids. UY ORDER Or THE COMMISSIONERS. Attest : t'AK UataiT, Clerk. mJ-lltd PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED forasmuch Hard Pea Ceal, Ne. l site, aa may be required at the city Water Works up te October 1. 1687. The cesl te be thoroughly screened and of best quality ; if net tt will have te be taken back at the expense of the party lur nUhlng the same Proposals will be received for a much geed American Lead (net ever two tens) aa the city may require te April 1. IMS. Proposal will be recel red for one and one half Kreis or brass three-quarter Inch ferrules, te weigh net les than one pennd seven ounce t well ground In and te be made or goedbnus alter the model te be seen at the Mayer' Office. Proposals will be received for a many water pipes as the city may require te April 1, 18S. net exceeding two hundred tens. Pipe te be cast for one hundred loot head or water. Rids muat specify hew muab per gross ten delivered In Lancaster for lour, six, eight, ten, twelve, twenty and twenty-four Inch pipes t et the best quality, and furnished Immediately upon the order or the city. Proposals will be received for such special Castings as may be required In the Water De partment or the city up te April 1, 1883. Cast Ings te be bid ter per pound ! te consist el four, six, eight, ten, twelve nnd twenty Inch lenr way branches, and same size el T branches, sleeve, step covers, and bid. ter castings must Include patterns. Proposals will be received for a many street step valves lour, six, eight, ten, twelve and twenty incnes, a we cuy may require te apni 1, 188. Te be furnished a the city may order. Proposals will be received ler as many step boxes as may be required te April 1, 1888. The boxes te bu made et the size ordered bv the 8u. perlntcndent or Water Works of one and one half Inchgoed white ptne. lilds must state bow much per root beard measures complete, and te be furnished aa the Superintendent may direct Proposals will be received for the hauling of pipes, Ac for the Water Department until April l, l:s33. Bids mutt state bow much per gross ten. l'ronesalswlll be received ler whitewashing the fences, inside and out, around the grounds of the Reservoirs, below and en top, together with the tool house, out house, telegraph pole, etc; the contractor te de the work well, te And the lime, brushes, etc, and te complete the same by J une 1, 1887, under the direction and subject te the approval et the Superintendent or the Water Works. Proposals 111 be received at the same time ler the ue et the city water for sprinkling streets between April land November 1. 1887. Bid te be for one ana two-horse sprinkler eacn. Pronesala will be received at tha same Kma and place ler the privilege el using the grass growing en the city's ground at the Reservoir for 1887. Any grazing en the ground will have te besubjflctte the restrictions of the Superin tendent or the Water Works, te that no damage may be done te city property. " Proposal will be received at the same time and place for digging out and flUlag tn all trenches for waterplpea tn the city trem April l. 17, te April 1, 1888. Bid must state bow much per cubic yard for reek and hew much ter earth. Werk must be done under the dlreotlen and sublect te the measurement and la the ''rJS'0!"""''. 4lreetad by the Superintendent el the Water Werk. Tha trenches te be Oiled carefully back, and where plketng U removed te be replaced smoothly. The Water Committee reserve the right te re ect any or all bids. The foregoing proposals will be received at the Mayer's enlce until MARCH 17, 1887, at 5 o'clock p. m. JACOB 11 ALB AUH, .,.. ..Superintendent or Water Werk. CAFE, 0 Rupl BURK AND BPEKDY OUKK. Rupture, Varicecele and Special Dlaease or either sex. Why be Humbugged by quacks wnen yen can ana in Dr. w right the only Rmu lab FHTMeiaw In Philadelphia who make a specialty, et tha above dlaeaaa. and Cvaaa TajpjT Cetum evABAVTasa. Ad vie Free day and evening. Strangers can be treated and ra mru uuiue same aay. umeae private. W . SS. wsuussx, SURerth MtnU Street. Above Race, r.e. Boxen. JaalWvdAw rauaeeipai. liv ', '.:.i.....ri-;. , Typy i f 1 HA UGH MAN aad lteBwa)TatBHr 1 AND STAIR CARPETS, Md. te be Sold Cbaap Isr Cask. I QARPRTS AT IIU CIRTS, I CARPJTf AT M cISts! I wsr& .,.... ....... cabpits at I UAMPfTS AT.. SB UBNTC. I CARPETS AT as ciSts CARPRTS AT 71 CERTS. te Ne. tl, our Large Raw Stere, ea tfee oneotlta " DRESS GOODS! ''r 8 llett Lancaster, Penn'a. v- CARPETS! SLAVS, VAJHhmO. JUST ARRWEdT -THE- SPRING STYLES -IN T110SE- LIGHT-WEIQHT Bosten Beauties! THE LIGHTEST WEIQHT, MOST EASY jriTTINO AND MOSX DURABLR STIFF HAT MADE. WEIGHT, JUbT 3X OUNCES. WOnly place In Lancaster you can buy them. W. D. STAUFFER & CO., 81 and 33 North Queen St.. LANCASTER, FA. JIOOAT. 1887. 1887. JOHN BAER'S SONS, Boek8eller8& Stationers IRISH LLN1N PAP1R3. Whiting Ce.'s Papers -AND ENVELOPES. Nes. 15 and 17 North Qaeen Stmt, LANCASTER, PA. rxiKBHOBH Of THK CKNTAls CUAK X DISARMED. Teeth extracud by the um el elMtrteJty per. fectly safe and harmless. Sly SSM Teeti v mad. el tha best materUl that Ieaa pureBa.. ruuu wau a paewtr. u wpra uaibbiw. ""S aprw-lyd -IITANTED TUK POOR AS WKLIiAH vv the Rich te sail 3S3 meet bargain U Ladle' steakUaa. aavraUaithe Maalr rnt M aeat. aad ethi? sfcple Farassatag Weed, aUaiaslaf eat wiiMBtraaardtsagst. -., . A . j1 a , RSKiuu mm mm fwtaaaaststai rwgmarryrlla raw liaaaatraT.aia.mvaMiASw:a:fe-A yet ai.EasaMSR.s. ...2v?i-i; -rwuwaff& in esiaama aaal lisniai . traim asUvieaMfllai - mmM taiaWBAASSBL .''.h'KW aaai sn asisixwiasasw -,:. ntsiasj ammiSktjm TRAINS LSATS KU M.tUaiaaMlu 'J rcrRjadla, aad Tiw umZmStmt4 sQarrTTfilaaSslj,m't b. tiVXWH TRAINS LRATR PRUOBRft (aaWaEM tRaMlaiaadfaawtjaRaRtajMitmall w sT . -rwsBBr-wvavi PettjarryTlUatMSp.. ii&i-j Wee Laacaster at Ms a. m. sat Ml m, m, if t for QaarryvUle at SilSjs. as. i? Vtt . rer oennecuoa at OMaaiMa, l ttert. Lancaster JaaeMem, Maal aadbaaea.aMttS.'Sa ' iMftsiTH pmaaiLvsais ""W PSJfJ A7 OLR.-m etrwrt tram Jaae Ulmbi Trarn taava LAsnaiaa aad laataaati k iiiiwwiyaw nwiwws s WRSTWARD. PaclEe Bipiea.1 ., Jew Express!.. ....,, War Paaaencert , 'i ), MaQ train TlaMU Jey) Mas. NalMaU Train t vtaOalaaU Niagara Express. 7: a. at, BaneTvs; aaeum....... vwue.1 va savf ,........... uaea.. vtapelawiMs nwawMui Aoeom ,... TTaau. 4m surnsDurw Aeoeta... oelnjabla Aeeen...... Ratilatearja Rxpvaaf... Wastan sTrpps AaTWABD. Fhlla. Rzwraatt ....... XlifiBk Mtmvf ..... ........ Rarrlsbnrg Rxpree.. . aiiwwsiiw juvn sk..i Oetnabta. Aeema..... aaaaaefa Sxpre...... rkUadlpaHAeeeaa.M Saaday aaau.. .......... uay Kxpnaar ....... Rrh)bnn Aaeeat. naLaniaaterAec nn at SOS p. st. aad arrtr at aalaS laare eeiumbta u Uats a, as, and reaehtaf Martatu at UMt atuSS at MM a. at aad an ' ssaiNkia . at laei warn aaa. MKiB.BLaaaarnvaa aue, laavaa at aa aa amvas 3 Yerk AaeesamOBaiKsa 1 sea Jie aad arrtvaa at T at saw wtthHarraii Urrlabmnc (-isslssiiir Bxpraasattaea.au lac at uwaanar with East Ua. waa. p.auwlUraathrmgRterieSrill. . tb rraeanaat Aocenusoaauoa, OalnatMa at UdRaadrahalaaa p.m. Haaerar AeaoBBtedatlOB. west. - with Xtanis BIiiiism aa BAB SLawi s3i-'YJ'i- ' fJ mrfipiEr v 39 a. SVlK.'-- ; I 'RaKS,. J" aW HT ' AJ sis &&. m WfV alBa) aW 3 j-Sz , - vi'tnT S ?aJM' r, 0JBBBmBR.s ' .1 BfaBsaaa -. ' aMHiv i.: mSnmk:. cxv: ; win ma through toBaaerar, dafiy, xm9iMgM''- ay, . . . L'55, S?? .i.ii .www-, ,1 " rmM .Aa mm Kf.A. rm ibil: rr. ai wewnina-wwa, i '.HiSBMtataw J: l GBAs.B.rual I'tKaV I tBBMaU iWliaui'iJ. . pwjv. r; -,-. riQH mabtif; OUEENSWARE -AT- Wears new showing tee lArgMtUawdfS CHINA HALLg Toilet (Chamber) Sets ever offend byMJw andaslanrea line tbat you wUlrMaaAv : whrA. Thft n nal tv var tm f mm m sW-'i?1 White Granite, Porcelain te that et V0?M ten. Our t1.4A Kntn in anwWI, s'BBva. J z ::"::. :. rrjrLS?- money, luos.eeui are ei umibt bbbb'' ;; If you want tbe best In the market Ear taw ' mnnav mltlimif. AYnAnttnTi hm, ah .wuV ,...w v.wr..uu, UU wn .Bill ( ;. Eneliflh Printed 10-Dleee Sets: oetv'R Ubb. - v ited number en band. The 12.65 raBtti'j sets we nave regular. utuw.jtaaBai te Sets are old standards in price, bw fJafri' designs are new. The 15.25, M,' wt tlO, IU.0O, 15, 118, 20, 125, 135, MB Bftl in design te any. The DederstWBaV neat. :g II any et tbe colors de net matea MC ns carpets. Remember we exenaafw feaaVl until they will be satisfactory. Aj& ':& se'jsn ri -I 7 g a imrt iiiJ - v" ztfSi" 15 EAST KKGaOTalira:,! t.M.MtA-VWIL BaV. v aT?a6 - yv BUOJDU. A T WIANTS. ,?.vn. our cueicr cerrEEs .;; , .m,r. .un.n -nn..r... nn. nmnm W-':fI Anw sjh3A . vaauaa, wuvh mmwrs. 1UPBRIAL TEAS ' if wnsnaruitMi for fine flavor aad aoed drlaSaBST -: qualities. JS&53 BREAKrAST COCOA ABDCHOOOLATB, rnui uBtwustsM.. t-Jiv. Tr. n.ir ni.h flnlflK riMILT (LODt. TC' f ote. wiaurtsii Bug-mrd KalUWartEJags LT BURBX'B. mm , ' k'v ,.W8 Superior Dutch - Had ''. 5 IMPORTED EROM ROTTlBJtAJt amaBlamms I3MIB1 O nienlislaa. I In. Riah MUR ) fcs ;vjtecs S0OT0U ORAROB MAM GORDON A DlLUWOwtSJ rgaa,sLACEwiLA-Aiw. vsivsmAirvsri xryn . i sw;. BURSR' NO. 17 bUBT HVv 4 4SBBsWfATBBy""BBJ ,BsBBj ?3F RJS JW m U.? 'LS52 ... Srf "l-pljj &a -WiJ v. 3.W2.I i -m