"zTT i m mmcm aticm'i fjvbi e .."5. . .vr- Wft&W c U?WY2 me mrn- mTffffw Mr . mix VOLUME XXHT-NO. BOARD OF TRADE WORK. i rvBtie maattaa rem mnvwtnu WM MVKiCIPAL MILL. It Will BUM Twe WMIi Rwct u I aniM rufuii wiu m ran? . tUated - TH Abesthteg WMn Qae. ttea Csarat ! tngtu. At the meeting of tb Lancaster Beard of Trad, bald en Tuesday evening, the average number of gentlemen war present Tb raettogwaseildtoordtrwlthMr.J.C.Bsgsr la the ehalr, and Mr. Geerge F. Rathven, being elected secretary pre tern, raad tba minutes of Iba lut meeting. The following gentlemen ware namad aa wishing te become member i Frank Or lest, Charles White, Jehn Beat, J. P. Htermfslts, W. M. Franklin, T. a Helahan, Oeo. Caldar. Dr. Wlflkeraharn moved te auipand tba rulea and accept tba gentlemen named aamembara of the beard. Tba motion wa carrlsd. The treuurar reported a balance en band organ 7a. miroRTevooMiitTTxa en cemmbbcb. Mr. J. R. Fester read the report of tba oemmltteeof commerce aa fellow : It baa been made the duty of your commit tee te aid, encourage and protect borne In dustries. Te fully carry eat the pnrpeae in tended, your committee find It necessary te ampley an attorney te protect the legitimate mercantile intereata of the city from In terference through bogus auetlnn beuaea or unlicensed dealer. They therefore ak tbt tbaaum of 1100, (ene-balf payable July 1, 1887, balance payable January 1, 4833,) be allowed Uiein ler tbt purpose. In further explanation rf thla re quest your committee would atate that ter several yeaia paat the Merchants aaaoalatten, of thla city, hare employed an attterney for thta purpeae and It rulea bare been found or proved te be effective and desirable and aa tba Marcbanta' association baa merged Itself Inte the Heard of Trail e they deem It desirable te continue the saine protection and oversight aa heretofore. J. R. Kestbr, Jacob Rarnrei, Watt aHuand, Jehn A. Cuablx, H. 8. QARA, HBHMANliiaarr, The report wai accepted. Mr. Dreneman moved, and It wai carried, that the request be granted with the prevision that It apply te peddler and unlicensed venders," Tna COMMUTES OS MCSICITAL ArfAIH. Or. Wlckershsm reported for the com mittee en municipal affairs that they had bald aaveral protracted meetings. Tney had given the matter of water supply careful attention and bad met the oemmlttee of councils In consultation en tba matter. The committee or councils were anxleua te bare the opinion of the Beard or Trade, and any plan that might be suggested would receive careful at tention, lie was autherised te My tbat any plan or part of apian for supplying the city with water would be welcomed by the con cen mlttee, and tbat the purchase of the Hanck mill property did net bind them te any par ticular plan. Councils are very anxious te be advised by the Beard of Trade. A number et persons bad called upon him te tee if a better telephone ser vice oeuld net be secured for Lan caster, and there were many com plaints et It, though many found It quite sat sat sat iefaotery. The matter was aluiply brought before tb beard for whatever action they aaw Ct te take. With reference te the bill for the govern gevern govern mentef cities new underoonaMerailanetUar undereonaMerailanetUar underoenaMerailanetUar rlabnrg, Dr. Wlekersham bad Just returned from tbat city where the Senate commit' tee bad courteously given a special bearing te the achnel beards of Reading, Yerk, Chester, WlllUunpert, Meadvllle and Lancaster. The school beards all Joined In asking the coinuilttee te strike out the whole section of the bill relating te schools, and tbelr combined argumenta were se forcible, and produced auch marked effect upon the senator, tbat Dr. Wiokor Wiekor Wioker aham bad no hesitation la Baring It would be done. The municipal oeminltteu have earn fully examined the bill ixilnt by point aud nave given It close study but could reach no conclusion with regard te It, at the views of members of the oemmlttoo were directly op peslte with regard te Important feature of Ik It waa there (ero doeidbd te submit no report upon it, but te simply recommend Its passage. He then read a digest of the bill showing wherein It dlflored In bl opinion from the present form of our city govern ment. TUB BOABB'B DCTT. Mr. Ilenael thought thla a matter of mere Importance than the beard bad heretofore been Inclined te regard It Aa tt make one rule for all the cltlea or the class In the atate, It meat be mere favorable te aeme tban te ether, and If It la unfavorable te Lancaster It will be much easier te prevent unfair leg islation new than te repeal It If it Is alterwarda found te be mera favor able te ether cltlea et the atate. If twenty out of twenty.feur cltlea Interested have representative urging It, tt may pass, yet net Ave et u have given the bill any atndy and the amall number tbat have ex amined it could net agree about It If worthy or approval It should receive mere elaborate and positive reoeommendatlon. Dr. Wlekersham said tbat the oemmlttee of councils bad representative at both Read ing and Ilarrlaburg, and tbat they bad as anted te the action of ether cltlea urging the paaaagaef the bill. The eoheol bearda bad urged tbat the schools abenld ba aeparate from municipal control as they bare ever bean. Mr. Housten concurred with Mr. Hansel that the bill should have the support et the Bend of Trade if worthy of it, and eugzetted tbat the dally paper should be requeste d te publish the bill and tbat the beard abeuld then meet and dlacuai It He warmly praised the activity and efllclent work or the muni cipal oemmlttee Msrrlet Brealus thanked the gentleman for bia complimentary referenea te the seal of the oemmlttee and added tbat the membera et that oemmlttee well knew tbat the largest bare of credit belonged te tbelr disting uished chairman, Dr. Wlckershsm. It would net ba possible for any body of men te agree entirely upon a bill of that kind and the com. mlttee had acknowledged tbelr Inability te de se. Taking a ouraery view of it ba thought It en the whole a geed a measure as men oeuld devise. Te trend or sentiment la toward uni formity In tb government et cities, and it It deubUul whether it la possible te emit any city. Lecal option, In thla sense, it impeisl ble, but awry city In each class must submit te the legislation for tba class. It would ba laspetelbl te wake previsions te meet tbe wants of every elty, se the committee said keep your bands etl the bill; and let It pass. Mr. Henael reported tbat tbe oemmlttee en statistic bad completed their work en the book, but owing te tb delay of adver tiser In supplying their matter and te ether unavoidable delaya they were net able te present a bound copy of tb book. It will consist of two hundred page and will con tain a large mas of statistic and many illus tration. Aa edition of 10,000 copies will be ready In two weeks. . ON RAILBOAD FABBB. Geerge N. Reynolds aald that a gentleman, II vleg at Fulton Heuse, bad called bis at t en en Hen te tb het tbat tb far from that pout te Philadelphia, a distance of mites, and return was 18. 65, of which LW Is frea Oxford te Palladalpal and return, white tb far te Laseattsr, 42 mil, and rtum wag a,-, Tb aaajaaBy te dtesrtml sating aaalt Urn. 160. Mr. Reynolds said tbat en tbe Celum bia ft Pert Deposit read return trip tickets te Lancaster war net Beld and offered tb following resolution t Jtteh$d, Tbat tba committee en railroad and transper taMea be requested te onmmnat enmmnat cats with the proper cfflaiala nrtb Peeaayl. vanl railroad company aad request them te Mil return trip tickets te Lancaster from tbelr atetleae en tb Columbia a Pert Deposit railroad at a low a proportional rat a tbey new sU such return ticket te Philadel phia from station en tbelr main lines. Tb resolution wa adopted. Mr. Housten offered the following resolu tion i Bwlvid, Tbat tbe committee en railroads aad transportation be requested te Inquire Inte and report aa te tbe expediency aad feasibility e! building a railroad te connect the present Quarryville railroad wltb tb Narrow Guage railroad at King's Bridge, or some ether point The resolution was adopted. Dr. Wlekersham aald tbat there were a great many honorably discharged old sol. diera In town who were anxleua and able te work, and requested these who employed labor te give tbem a fair chance. Captain H. Breneman baa allstef tbem Including clerk, mechanics and laborers. Mr. J. Fred Hener aald be had given a geed deal of thought te the aupply or water for Lancaster he held tbat water aheuld be almost aa free aa air, and as pur. It bad occurred te blm tbat perhaps tbe present city water work property might be exchanged for the Printers' paper mill property; and the water works be moved te tbat point and then tbe elty would beau ppl led wltb pure water. TUB MCMICITAL DILI. Dr. J. P. Wlckeraham thought the beard ought te appoint two special oemtnlttoea one te leek alter the bills new before the legis lature relative te municipalities and the ether te confer with city councils relative te our water aupply. Lancaster I the beuse we live la, and If we de net leek after our own Interests, who will de ae 7 We ought especially te have a special com mlttee te con fer with city councils ; we abeuld meet them hair way J they bave taken action te secure tbe best engineering talent te formulate a plan for tbe Improvement of the water aup ply. Tbe beard aheuld work band In band with them ; abeuld give them the benefits et our vlewa en the subject. He was autherised te say tbat councils de sired tbe co operstleu of the beard In the matter. The bill new pending In tbe legis lature regulating city governments Is also of the utmost importance, and deserved tbe meat careful confederation of tbe beard. Its previsions, If It become a law, will apply te Lancaster most unquestionably, notwith standing what soma members of tbe beard and some of tbe newspapers have said te tbe contrary, and will revolutlenlio our munici pal government. Mr. R. J. Housten oppesod the appoint ment of the special committee suggested by Dr. Wlckershsm. He thought the commit tee en municipal affairs was tbe proper one te cenaider these matter. Lettheoemtntttee meet and bear argumenta pre and con en the matter, and report te the beard. Mr. S. H. High favored Mr. Uouaten'a sug gestion. Let Mr. Breslus say all be can In favor of the bill new borero the legislature, and Mr. Hansel or aeme eueelse point out Its defects. In this way the beard can bear both sldea of the question nd act intelligently. Mr. llensel thought the committee en municipal allalrs should meet and make a report te the beard, in wblch tbey would cm body tbelr vlewa en the municipal act new before the legislature. Mr. Breaiua held tbst the bill new before tbe legislature waa the result of much ear nest thought and reflection or men who bad given the matter years of study, and no com mlttoe of this beard could Improve it Mr. Uensel called attention te tbe fact that tbe bill placed tbe public schools under tbe control et city councils, thus revolutienising our present school system. He moved that the committee en municipal affairs be directed te make a report en tbe bill te a special meet lug of the beard te be held two weeks hence. A J'UJJI.IO MESTIZO. Mr. Housten moved aa an amendment tbat the uieettng be a public one and tbat all citizens tie Invited te It Tbe amendment waa accepted and tbe motion agreed te. Dr. Wlckersbam moved tbat a special com cem com mltte of Ave be appointed te confer with councils ou the question of improved water supply. Aftr dlsouaslen by Messrs. Housten, Swarr and Sener, Dr. Wickerabam'a motion was adopted and the chair appointed tbe follow ing named gentlemen the oemmlttee: J. Fred Haner, Geerge M. Franklin, Samuel C. (Haymaker, J. V. Wlckerabam, Dr. M. I Uerr. Mr.IIeniel hoped tbe committee en munici pal affair would give some attention te that part of the bill before tbe legislature relating te damagea ler opening atreeta and reads. Mr. Housten asked when tbe bill would be likely te pass,and Mr. Wlekersham answered that tbe Senate bill waa only en Brat reading and under tbe most favorable circumstance will net pass in less than aix week a Adjourned. Latter Granted by tha n.fUt-r. The following letters were granted by tbe register of wills for tbe week ending Tues. dsy, March 8: . Administration. A. T. Maxwell, de ceased, late of Hadabury township ; Will. M. Maxwell, elty, administrator. Lydla M. Moere, deceased, late of Radabury abip; Frank K. Moere, Hartferd, Conn., administrator. Benjamin Dusslnger, deceased, late of Warwick township, James K. Reddlg, Elisa beth, administrator. Benjamin M. Frlek, deceased, late or l'equea township ; S, F. Gall, West Lam !eur, administrator, c t a. Anna Grelder, deceased, late or Warwick tewnahlp ; Iarael O, Krb, Lltllt, administra tor. Careline Batr, deceased, late or Upper Lea cock township; Jehn Reyer, Leacock, ad ministrator. Geerge Llnd, devested, bite of Lancaster city; Dr. C. E. Neteher, elty, executer. William Hutten, deceased, late of Fulton township ; L C. Arneld, city, administrator. Testamentary. Rebecca Arneld, de cessed, Iste or Denegal, township ; Jehn Haines and Henry Stener, Yerk county, ex ex ecueor. Christian Wolf, deceased, lste et East Don Den egal township ; Jehn Crell, Marietta, exec exec ueor. Charlette Brungard, deceased, let or Lan caster city ; Mary U. Qulnn, city, executrix. Could Net rureUti Ball. William D. Ashford, charged wltb embea xlementand raise pretense, was held In bis own recognizance for trial at the April court by Alderman Spurrier. He waa re -arrested en Tuesday, ccunul for prosecution asking for process, aa it waa feared Ashford would net put In an appearance te answer tbe charge. Tbe court fixed f 100 a tbe amount of ball, and a be oeuld net furnish It lie waa committed te tbe oeunty JalL Bsartag Postponed. Tbe bearing of tbe oemplalnts against Bees aud Wilsen, tbe young men charged with ataalleg copper and lead pipe, has been pett pened by Alderman Deen until Thursday evening. m rateatVer Wire Stretcher. Daniel H. Bausaua baa received letters patent Ma 868,881, through D. H. Kulpt Ce., M Kt Grant trt, for an Improve Impreve BantlnwlrMitBra, Tal la a novel and iaaaatew dtTte fw laHtehlf faaa wlr. LANCASTER, PA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1887. CONVICTS ARMED FOR FIGHT. MBKmt WAtauHAHBABU UMMBK MAKB TBUVBLB ATTMB VVVBttJAtL. Tb Twe OwpmW Welsti Msantala Megf OH rest.ssfa ef lb rrtasa-KeepM's riatel Alter Tbreaiealng te Rill Ik OaMal Wltk Cluas-Thtr Vlaaav rrsadar. An affair wblcb ereated a great deal el ex citement within the walls of tb Lancaster oeunty prison, occurred there yesterday. Tba matter was kept very quiet by tb offi cer of tb Institution, but lata In the after noon Keeper Burkbelder telephoned tb newspaper office, asking them te nd tblr representative te tbe prison in order te get the true story concerning th occurrence, Tb reporter want te tb prison In tb evening and tb keeper then related tbe tery of bow two desperate convleta attempted te run tbe prison, or at least one cell of It, according te tbelr own Idea, even If bloodshed or mur der wasnectrsssry. Tha men who raised tbe row are Henry Watsen and Abraham Green, two colored desperadoes, whose borne are en tb Welsh mountain. These men are serving term of Imprisonment for larceny, and together tbay have been occupying cell Ne. 27, wblcb la en tbe eastern aide of tbe prison en the ground fleer. They were employed at weaving and bad a loom In the cell. The men have net been at all welt behaved, and have persisted In disobeying the rule or the Institution at different times. Recently tbey were betn put upon short ratlena for talk ing through tha drain piper. About alx weeka age Watsen, who Is an ill natured darkey, took It Inte his head te get mulish. When Keeper Rurkhelder went te bis cell be found hint armed with a beard. He declared be would kill the keeper If he entered the deer. Persen acquainted with Burkbelder knew tbat bn Is no coward and be waa net te be blutled en thla occasion. Although Watsen It a strong and well built man and waa armed with tbe club, tbe keeper walked right Inte the cell. Tbe darkey at once cowed and laid aside bia weapon. At that tlme be told the keeper be would be have blmaell In tbe fature but be did net keep hi premise, for be was seen back In hi old customs and in Green be round a man of hi own kind. HOW THI5V OOT THE WSArOXB. On Monday evening, between 7 and 8 o'clock, tbe keeper beard a nolse In cell 27. Green and Watsen were yelling at the tops et their voices and hammering agslnst tbe walla When tbe keeper went te the cell they aaked blm for a match. He told tbem that tbey oeuld net have a mateh until morn ing, and closed the deer. On Tuesday morn ing the keeper told Underkeeper Philip Hprecher that he aheuld prepare another cell for the two men as he desired te take them out of 27. Ills Intention wa te place tbem In a cell without a bed or loom, In order tbat be might punish them. After Bprecher bad msde the ether cell ready be went te Ne. 27 and told Green and Watsen te prepare for tbelr removal. When be opened tbe outside deer et the cell he saw tbat tbe pris oners had broken up tbelr weaving loom and were armed wltb ugly-lenk-lug club wblch they said they Would usa Hprecher went te tbe efllce and Informed Burkbelder et tbe state of affairs and both then went te tbe cell. When Burkhelder opened tbe outside deer tbe prisoners were standing dote up te tbe Inside deer wblcb Is msde or crossed pieces or Iren. Kach was armed wltb a club and said tbey would kill the tint man tbat entered tbe cell. Burk Burk eolder drew a revolver and, placing It through the bole of the Iren deer, threatened te sheet Beth prisoners walked up towards him and told blm te 3hoet and kill thtin If he wanted. Tbe keeper did net Uoslre te sheet them ; be pulled the trigger and tired one shot, but In such w way that It would net strike the men. The cmvicta scorned somewhat fright ened at this and one et tbem gave a yell. Green quickly Jumped Inte the corner et tbe cell next te tbe deer and before Burkbelder could lire a seceud shot, the revelver, wblcb be was still holding through the Jren deer, was knocked from bis bands by Green, who struek tbe barrel of the weapon with a club The platel, wblcb waa a five shooter and still bad three leads In It, tell upon the fleer of tbe eell and was quickly picked up by Green. While ibis was going en Captain Sprecher oeuld have ahet both men dead, but It waa net tbe desire of tbe keeper te hurt them.ee they closed the outside deer and went away. nOLDINO SWAT. Heveral efforts were then made te affeet tbe prltenera. Tbe pipe which carries tbe water te their cella was at once cut off and tbe at tendants were told net te give tbem any feed. A bundle or hay waa placed against the win dow of the cell from tbe outside te keep out the air and Dr. Rebrer and the keeper tried the experiment et putting chloroform and ether Inte tbe cell under the deer. In the afternoon the men seemed quiet and it waa believed that the drugs bad taken effect The bundle et bay waa taken from tbe window. Underkeeper Sprecher opened tbe outside cell deer and found both men very quiet He tried te open tbe Iren deer but found, upon exaninatien, that tbe pris oners bad hammered a nail Inte tbe lock which could net be moved. He Informed Mr. Burkbelder or the state efanalra who after looking at tbe lock tbe latter started te an an an otber part et tbe prison ter a pair et pinchers. He bad acarceiy gene before tbe men, who had no doubt been " playing possum," quickly aresa One of them drew the revolver and threatened te kill Sprecher, The deer of the cell was again tbut and the desperate men were left alone. It wai about three o'clock when they threatened te abcet Sprecher. Alter tbat aeveral attempt were made te place tbe bay agalntt the cell window, but it wa alwaya knocked down from the Inilde. Ne further efforts were made te bring tbe men te submission and when tbe Intelli OKNCEn reporter waa at the prison between 7 and 8 o'clock In the evening tbey were still holding the iert Tbey were net making a nelae, but seemed te be at work as though tbey were trying te get out The keeper bad a watch put en thorn aud their every movement waa noticed. The keeper thought they were safe where they were and tbat they would net attempt te get out ef the building, irtbey did, there would be trou ble. A Winchester rifle, capable or sheeting eighteen times, lay upon tbe keeper's desk aa be spoke, and It surely looked although be meant eeiy word be aald. WUO Till! MEN ARE. Abe Green U a member or the aemewbat noterlou family of tbat name, the majority of whom reside ou the Welsh mountain. He 1 but 10 years or age, and or tell, slim build. He basbeen In Jail several time, and waa aent there laat en November 17. 18S8. for eleven mentba en tb charge of larceny. Henry Watsen' bem la also en tba mountain and ba Is oenaldered a bad one. He la 21 years old and a stout-looking chunk of a coon. Ha baa alie been In prison seeral timea, un Apru iu, isse, ns get six month for larceny, and waa released October 20, but wsa out only a abort time until be was sent back en a similar charge for eteven mentba. IIIF. r-BISOKKRS SURRENDER. This morning the prisoners concluded te aurrender. Aa Underkeeper Murr passed along tb corridor at hair-peat 0 o'clock, they called te blm. He went te their ell wltb a revolver In bis band. Tb man aald tbey war ready te urrndr provided tby would b permitted te go without punlaaaaMt Murr told them te band out tb leaded moi mei vr, wblch tbey bad, or h would sheet Gren qulekly obeyed and banded tb weapon, butt torameat, through lb hoi te tba underkeiptr. It waa then found Impossible te open tb leek or tb Iren doeronaooountof the nail wblch hadbn driven Inte It A hammer waa procured aad tb leek was broken oft. Thmnwer taken out and Green was placed In celt Ne. 13, en tba ground fleer, and Watsen In Ne. 45 up stairs. An lHTKLUOBNcan reporter had a talk te tha men this morning. Watsen seemed te be In a geed humor and Inclined te talk. He said tbat tbe causa for hi bad conduct wa tbat be wanted te ba takes te the Eastern penitentiary. He did net Ilk th county Jail bf cause ha was net treated as be abeuld be. When asked whether It waa nethnnger tbat had driven blmte aurrender, h aald It wa net, aa he wa accustomed te going without feed at times, and It did net affect him. He was dtssatlsUed with tb prison and wanted te be taken away. Green bad but little te say. He blame Watsen ter tbe whole trouble and say that he wasv com pelled by blm te take tbe part In the affair tbat be did. Tbe prison officials believe Oreen's etatement They all say that Watsen la a bad darkey and tbat be exerted bia lnnu- ence upon Green te make blm hi toot The men will be punish ed by Keeper Burkbelder, who will place a ball and chain upon each one and give tbem bread and water only at each meat taa nvrAL bbutbbbm AtQetxxav. Ne Case stad Oat Agaleat th Canadian Prli- ener and Thy are Sent en Th.lr Way lUJelclnc. Tuttdcty AttrnoenS. verdict of net guilty wa taken In tbe case or common wealth vs. D. Bard Charles, adultery. This case baa been en the docket for seversl years. Alphenseand Louts Kossuth Duval, tbe two young Frenchmen, whene hlatery waa published In Saturday's Ixtellieencer, were put en trial for false pretense and being tramps. The commonwealth called a num ber of wltnesies who testltled tbst they bad been called upon by the Duvals In January and Informed that tbey intended establish ing a school for Instruction In Froneh and Itallau. In nearly every case the con versa versa tlen drifted te tbelr personal necessities and It ended In a bint tbat tbey were In need et money. Several clergymen gave them money, but the testimony failed te show that either of the aecuted bad made any falae representations te get the money. There waa no testimony at all te show that tbey were tramps. At tbe conclusion et the oemtnonweath'a testimony, counsel for tbe accused, Jehn K. Malene, esq , requested the court te charge the Jury te render a verdict of net guilty. He argued that the testimony was tbat they Intended te form a class, which faet related te something Initie future and consequently could net be a false pretense. Tha court In structed tbe Jury te render a verdict of net guilty, but said tbe dbpttlUefvnnT&iRa' BeaH .k .tan-M . l-l,v. ..nl ,.'Ia., .I.a. I. aH nwiiuitiueiur iurj iwuwuucu uu. , wa the.'proper thing for tbe county te pay the costs and they se directed. The Duvals were released tram custody en motion or tbelr counsel, and they appeared te be anxleua te get away from tbe court beuse as rapidly aa possible. A purse wai made up te enable them te go te Philadelphia and start life ane'. rCDDLtNQ WITHOUT LICESSU. Henry Hershberg, ene of the Russian colony, who travel tbe county and make a living by peddling, was indicted for ped dling goods in tbe vicinity of Ephrata. Twe or three person testified that they bought geed of accused in the summer of If SO. Counsel ter defense moved for and argued for a verdict of net guilty en tbe ground that tbe accuted should bave been beard before a magistrate, and if guilty been compelled te pay a penalty, aa directed by tbe act of assem bly, and In addition that the commonwealth failed te prove that the goods sold bv Hersh berg were net et hi manufacture. The Jury rendered a verdict of guilty. A jury was aoleeled te try Lyton Gibsen for felonious assault and battery, aggravated assault aud battery and resisting Officer Pyle In tbe diicbargeef bis duty, after which court adjourned te 9 o'clock en VToJnesday morn leg. Wcdnetday Morning. the trial of Lsyten Gibsen, for assaulting and resisting Officer Pyle, was resumed. According te tbe com menwealth'a testimony Officer Pyle waa sum mened te the West King street rink ou Christ, mas evening te quell a disturbance. When be arrived there be found the defendant under tbe lnUuenee et liquor and acting in a disorderly manner. The refusal of the rink managers te give Gibsen skates en account of bia condition greatly enraged him and was tbe cause et bia arrest After Pyle told Gibsen be would have te arrest htm Gibsen said be would net go with him and be struck and kicked Pyle several times. Pyle's nose was broken, bis eyea were brulsed and he waa kicked and Injured ae badly that he was confined te bed for several day and during all tbat time was under the care of a pbvelclan. Tbe defense wa that James Burns, who was tbe speelal officer at the rink, told Glt son be would have te go out of the rick. Gibsen said be was satisfied te go with Burns, but by this time Officer Pyle arrived and then Pyle without any provocation struck Gibsen several tlmea and followed It up by breaking bia msca ever Gibsen's bead. It was claimed that Pyle was kicked by a colored man, who Is new a fugitive from Jus tice. A number or witnesses who have known Gibsen for a number of years, testi fied tbat bis character ter pease aud quiet was geed. On trial. 10,000 Fer the Cblldrru'a Keine. The court of common pleas has Issued an order for an appropriation et ten thousand dollars te ThoHeme for Frlendless Chll. dren for tbe city and oeunty et Lancaster," for tbe year ending Jauuary lit, 1SSS, and bare appointed trustees and manager et aald Institution as fellows, viz : Trustees, Geerge K, Reed and Charles N. Sproul ; managers, Mrs. Jesephine L. Grimm aud Mis Alice Nevln. Mount Nebo Ketea. Mount Nedo, March 7. Mr. Jehn Brown, , a carpenter In the employ of tbe C. it P. D. it. it met with quite a painful accident re cently. He was helping te carry one or tbe tlmber used In the construction efj the bridge across the Pequea creek, when in some way It slipped from tbelr bands and struck the back of Mr. Brown's band, mak ing a very painful and serious wound. Mr. Hannah Alexander, relict of Theuuw Alexander, deceased, died at tbe residence of her son, Geerge and Elijah Alexander, te-day, from a paralytic atroke received seme time age. Mr. Lewis Massey is lying In a precarious condition with consumption at tbe rostdence of her father, Isaac Massey. Mr. James Akens it convalescing from an attack of congestion of tbe liver. Revival services dosed in tbe M.E. church en Sunday evening, having been In progress three weeks. Eleven person were received en probatlen.:.Tbe pastor, Rev. G. Read, will deliver bia farewell sermon en next Nunday evening In tbe M. K. church at this place. Mr. Jes. MeMullen started West en last Monday. He will work In tbe vicinity of Wlnteravllle. Mr. Fred. Hart sold part or hla personal property at hi father'a sale en tbe22dult. He will remove te Lancaster where he will engage in tbe nursery business, Hsrfeehet Picked. Mra. Martha Charles, of 111 Seuth Water stmt, who attended the Central markat thla m3rnljagihadhrpockVlKekUkn. Itoon Iteon Itoen Ulned thy wata, T11EB&0. ROAD SOLD. OBB Of tMB BBBATBtt BAILB9AB DBAS MTMBMABBIBTHB VOVMtBT Mr. AM ra Bally as js Tkat Has BeagM EaUre Bt d.Kxpr Battaest aad ! graan oeuiaaay-We Details ef the Tramtadea Traataetlea Olvaa. Baltimebb, March 9. Mr. Rebert Oar ratt declines te either affirm or deny th re re pert published In th New Yerk paper thla morning tbat the Beltlmer A Ohie railroad was altber sold or about te be sold te asyndl asyndl estein New Yerk. Mr. Jehn W. Davis, flrt assistant te Mr. Garrett, doubts tbat the preantheldra of tha Baltimore et Ohie stock would transfer their Interest te any syndicate net having tba In tereata of tb city of Baltlmer at heart New Yerk, March 0. It waa positively tated te-day at Mr. Alfred Bully' offlea that he bad bought tbe controlling Interest In tb B. fc O. railroad from President Rebert Gar rett, but his representative waa net at liberty te give any or the dttaii ei ue transectien. The oentrol or tba telegraph company aad expreaa company also gees with th railroad. Thl la regarded as ena et the greatest rail road deal ever mad. CUHrBBBHOB AT B ABB 1MB VBU. TnOtJetlraabUSetien KaBMfagtetk Gov ernment el Scheel te Be Stricken Oat, Dr. J. P. Wlckerabam, William McCom McCem ey and W. W. Uriest, tba representatives of the Lancaster city toheol beard, appointed te leek after tbe bill introduced Inte tha legis lature, affecting our school government, went te Harrlsburg en Tuesday evening. There tbey met representatives or tbe acboel bearda et Yerk, Chester, Wllkesbarre, Wllllamapert, Uarrlaburg, Reading, Mead, vllle and Erie, which eltte are also articled by tbe proposed legislation. Dr. Wlcker abam waa called upon te preside at the con ference. The proposed bill was thoroughly discussed, and It wa unanimously decided te ask tba legislature te strike from tbe Inter-munlclpal bill tbat section relating te tba government et school bearda, Tbe commute en municipal aflalrs heard tbe statements of the school di rector present, and from their remarks there Is hardly a doubt about tha oemmlttee recom mending tbe striking from the bill th objec tionable section. Frem tbe interview tbe Lancaster members had with tb membera or the Senate tbey feel greatly encouraged in the final auceesa of their mission. xu au xu a EMM. AMI. hst. touts Oretem y.r WIU Take a WU Earned Vacation te th rathsrlaad. Rev. Leuis Gretemyer, of St Jeseph's Catholle-oburch. will leave Lancaster en pT5TJ9ar-ftt-Wn' HI) n llaati, neeaea rest, atter nis araueu uoera in tne building of bis church. He will visit his brether and will be absent alx month. Tbe forty hours devotion, opened at St Jeseph's Catholle church en Sunday morn ing wa closed en Tuesday evening with impressive service. Tbe sermon was preached by Father Sthleuter, of Shamekln. There were present In tbe aauetuary Fathera Gretemyer, Gans, Huber, Koppereagle, Christ and Relt The precession at tb clot et ceremonies was participated In by tb clergy and sodalities. A Itatlread Horrer In New Jtrsty. An accldent occurred last night te the pas aenger tram leaving Blgbtstewn, N.J. , at 7:18 for Philadelphia ever tbe Hlgbtstewn A Pern Pern berten railroad. The train was thrown from the track at Assauplnk creek by a broken rail and tbe tender, mall, baggage and one passenger coach ploughed through the soft ground, finally overturning. The mall and bacgage car took fire and were speedily consumed. Mall Agent Alfred Perrine waa burned te death In the mall ear. Tbe follow fellow follew lng persons were Injured; Wilsen Levi, conductor, dangerously ; Daniel Rogers, bag gagemaater, leg bruised, fingers crushed and internally Injured ; Charles Oliver, of Aa bury Park, band cut and Internally injured, Hendrloksen-Peddle Institute, and seriously Injured about tbe body. Three women were slightly injured. A TldraaUs Eeglnscr te Tistl Cs. Mr. Charles Darnell, of Philadelphia, or the firm or Wilsen Bres. A Ce., will visit Lancaster te have a talk with our city fathers relative te Increasing our water aup ply, alter whleh be will view and survey the surroundings and make a report of tha most feasible plan and probable oest of Im proving tbe work. Mr. Darraeb is ena of the meat accomplished hydraulie engineers in tbe country, having made hydraulie engineering a life study. Toe Much Kau. Alderman A. F. Dennelly yesterday held Michael flelntzen for a hearing en the charge of drunkenness. Before tbe mayor, William Smith paid hi costs for drunkenness. Three bemeleaa men were sent te the work-beuse for 80 day. A woman get 30 days In Jail. m Donatien, te th Uersss. Tne Union Dorcas society acknowledge the following donatiens: Mra. Louisa Brene man, (1; a friend, (2; a helper, fS; Mrs, Win. M. Wiley, $5 ; Mr. B. a Martin, f5 ; Mm Getlelb Sener, 3 ; Mr. Chaa. A. Lecher, drugs; Mrs. S. IL Shirk, 40 leaves of bread Industrial society, IS garment. Officers Elected. Washington Encampment, Ne. 11, I, O. O, F,, en Tuesday evening elected the fol lowing officers! Chief patriarch, Win. E. Feltz ; high priest, D. S. Mearlg ; senior war den, R. A. Smith ; Junier warden, Geerge Musser ; treasurer, W. F. Uambrlgbt ; scribe, F. D. Mlley ; assistant scribe, J. F. Fisher; trustees, Dr. Jehn Lovergood, Christian Wld myer, M. J. Weaver. A Hey usa Uls Arm Sealdsd. Reah Gelter, a five-year-old son of Henry Geiter, cigarmaker, of 331 West Orange street, was badly scalded this morning, He waa playing In the yard and ran his arm Inte a bucket of scalding water, wblcb bis mother hsd left standing en the pavement Tbesktn was peeled from tbe limb and Dr. A. B. Miller attended the sufferer. Eje Injured. Bernard Wade, a son of Mr. H. A. Wade, of Elizabetbtewn, a abort time age get a steel splinter In hi eye while at work In the plumbing establishment ef'U H. Bachler, this elty. It was feared tbat bl aya would be lest, but later investigation discloses that tbe Injuries are net likely te be of a very aeri ou character. Beld Fer 73 tfer act. Frem the Oxford Press. Mr. Hilten bat sold her farm of 103 acres, near Oak Hill, Lancaster oeunty, te O. tt Hilten, of Mecbanle Greve, for 75 per acre, Charged with Lareany, Henry Effing, charged with tbe larceny or a pair of abees the property of F. M. Tracy, gave bail for a bearing before Alderman Deen, Friday evening. "" A Practical Flaw. Frem tb Louisville CourtertJeumal. If prohibition la te ba thorough it will have te extend te th manufacture of Jugs. DlTeread. EmmaO. Charles, new residing at Phila delphia, was divorced from bar beabaad D. Mra Obariw, en u greaad ofdwwtien. AM At.ABUtnW riBB. C ft. Bert's tf araHaf aad Vaaattnhtag War. lav9faBl esBBmHrsMay DVWtTVjfVsls At 10 o'clock last alght aa alarm et fir wa truck from box 15, and seen afterwards tha back tulldlag attached te a & Htrr'i rural tun nduadartsklng rooms, We. 87J Seuth QuMB aart, wa n mats of flam, aad Its oeateebinta-lydstroyd. Th room en th first fleer of th burned baUdlng eon. telaed aflae hsaraa, a platform frprlag furni ture wagon, a standing top phaeton, a oeaob, markat wagon aad aleigh. Th aasond-atery room wsa paekad with furattar, all mad of wild cherry weed of th beat workasaa werkasaa shlp. Thar wa also a geed deal efiaB0Bid lumber in tha room and about 60,000 elfars, all of wblch war destroyed. Mr. Hrr ti mates bia lern at about 14,000, which is partly covered by Insurance with Messrs. Bhsnk 4 Baesman. Tbetr policy la ter 13,000 en tbe Western, of Terente, en furniture made up and te process of manufacture. He la also Insured with Eskenrede Myers, agents of tha Howard.et New Yerk, Ktoe of whleh Is en tha burnt cigars, 1800 en stock of furniture, and $100 en household furniture. Tb fir waa discovered by Mrs. C. F. May. Ne. 89 Beuth Queen street, aa ah aad her husband were about retiring for th nigni Mr. May gave tns alarm of fire and ran te tha burning building which adjoin ma own ana attempteu te put out tb tire, but oeuld net de se. Mr. Uerr waa at the open beuse, and knew nothing of tha lire until It was almost ever. It was with great difficulty tbat his neighbors routed his Bleep ing family and rescued hi four children from tbelr bedroom In tba burning building. Tbe burnt building belong te Jehn May. It la completely gutted and will probably have te ba tern down and rebuilt The less en the building la about 11,000.' There 1 an insur ance of 1200 with O.H. Lefever In tb Lan caster County Mutual company en tbe build ing burned, and 11,400 en tbe large building which waa damaged. Tbe cause or tbe fire is net known but it Is supposed te have been tha work et an In cendiary. There waa no atev in th build ing. HAPPT MBD MBB, A Flee EaMttalarasat la ta Wigwam el Caaa argn Tribe. Seme time age the msmber of Canaaaatege Tribe, Ne. 203, et Red Men, et this city, gave an entertainment In their wigwam, in Grand Army hall. Tha affair waa auch a gnat suo sue suo eeas tbat tha friends of the parties who took part in it requested them te repeat it Tbe second entertainment took place last evening In the asm halt The membera et tba tribe with tbelr families and friends were present and tbe large room was literally packed with people. Tbe performance throughout wa excellent and tbe different acta were received with tbe greateat enthusiasm. The pre. gramme waa long and the affair lasted until sjtejrjantfoleck. The whole pregramme Is given nweT tak r. If uale-Overtnre " Canaatatege Waltz," Or' cnestra. Address of Weteame A. 8. Tlltee. Muale-" Skldmere'a March," Orchestra. Topical Bqng-,lt'a Mee te be a Father," M, Banjo Bole-r. Sutten. Itocltatlen " Hew tbe Old Bess Wen tbe Bet," If. K. Uottea. Ballad-" lhe Old Rustic Oridge by the Mill," C. A. Vlllee. Comic Beng-" Tbe Pleasures of Bearding," A. W Kelt. Recitation-" Tbe Miser's rat," W. N. Leon Leen ard. serfo-Cemic Seng-" I Knew, I Knew," B. J. Brown. rTKUritiie5. Music "Llt'le T7coeu," Keels, etc., Orches tra. rut n. Leve long-" Call Me Back Again," C. A. Til lee. Beading "Buck ransbaw's Funeral," Bee Bead. Dutch Seng-" My gal Schneider's Barty," B. J. Brown. Banjo Sole T. Butten. lrtah Ultty-" The Irian l.ad,and Wire, Mol Mel lis," W. K. itlnlten. lrlah fienjt " Pat and HI. Datrle." ft. Apperly. Sentimental Beng "aandy.Ualred Mary,".A. Helt Hesitation "His Eve Wat Btern and Wild," W. N. Leenard. Finale" llarnyard Conversation," ". Apperly and W, E. Hutten. "Tfl FltO JOHMS.- Twe Big And Fat FaTerltf. Who Pleated a Lars Aedl.DC. Last evening "Tbe Twe Jehns," a comedy wblcb baa been seen In Lancaster en several occasions, waa given In Fulton opera bout by J. C. Stewart's company. Tbe audience was large and the perfermance flrt-clas. Tbe play is e well-known tbat It it bardly nec essary te describe It There is little plot te It, but Is full of fun. It Is something like the 'Comedy et Errors" with the Johnt aa tbe Dromtet. 3. C. Stewart and Paul Dresser, two pertly men whose com bined weight Is about 600 pound, playad tbe parta or rMip ana etttr jehnt, two cousin, who leek se much silk that they are continually getting into trouble en ao ae count of the resemblanee. The make-ups el the two men are exactly alike. They are both geed actors, ana no netter pair of come dians oeuld be selected for tbe parta, Almest every move they make creates laughter and the fun is unceasing while they are en tbe stage. Tbe remaining member ei the com pany are also very geed, especially J.Stewart Cretsy, jr., aa Yeacrck Motley. Frank Rush, who played the parts of Policeman Puff and Ike, la a large a man as either Stewart or Dresser, and be also presented a fanny appearance. Tbe specialties Intro duced in the second act were well received and tbe whole presentation pleated tbe pee ple. Tb King Btrs.t Theatre. At the King Street theatre tbe May Adams specialty company appeared for tbe second time last night 'Iba audience was net as large as upon the opening night, yet the gal leries were full and the crowd down stairs was fair. 'The performance wa tbe same as upon tbe previous evening, and it gave unbounded satisfaction. This afternoon a matinee was given te a geed attendance. Te-morrow evening an entire change of pregramme will be made. Tbeoempanylsstrong throughout and they deaerve large patronage. A Wll-Bat.r Arretted. Charles Reden U a German who Uvea en Seuth Water street, in tbe extreme southern part of the cily. He ba tbe reputation of be ing a brutal husband , and ha haa been ar rested en numerous occasions for beating hla wile. Yesterday Charles waa drunk, and when he went home he gave hi wife a terrl bio beating, injuring her severely. A war. rant was Issued for hla arrest by Alderman Barr, and Officer Beechler captured htm and placed him In the lockup. This morning b was taken te Jail te answer the charge of assault and battery and drunken and diser derly oenduct m Bunke ltrr In Ferk. Twe bunke Bteerera were operating in Yerk for two or three days lut week. They bad Mr. Jacob Blessing In tow, and were making preparation te fleee blm, when tbey were frightened off. Tbe pair went te Bageratewn, where tbey were arrested at tbe Instanea of a Yerk ouieer, who wltb a ream tlen has gene te Hagerttewn te bring tbem back te Yerk. Married ta th West Tha San Franelaoe ChrentcU of Marsh S, oentalnBtha marriag netie of Llsntaaaat Samuel B. MeLaagaa te uama m. vswi tha wadding taking ntae hi Maritnea. Tba groom la aaea of Majer K. MeLiaigHi, whowaarauntadteMlaa Sarah F. Ksaaait. daughter of tb late Xasanaal C.lMfart,ef this city. PRICE TWO i . i aas-attsaata m PREPARATIONS FOR 1 tihS tMB BUB or ma. a BtAWa MB M a fwattf i aasfwarwaK 4Th a BftNtary t aaewt meath BiriMtafttla ssSSSSL liBOOKLYrT. Mate ft TBAwajw.1 balmlng th body et th law sVff.1 ward BMeMr waa almost morning. Tbawalptar taakni tha dead preacher's Mad and j f ThmbalmlR mewm will b thai afternoon and tha body wM'i prepared ler Us oeffla. tek MM4 wili ba ptaed ta Uw aairtatjBMHr first fleer. Mrs. BMhat ban BvsMB Imt bntband's body alas aba praam ana-aBaM In hi dying moment,' Mb a MaMa oempoaed nnder tba ebvaMMBBaaWIiasalaWB) wubmu ui uec jfjvuvj ew awwsawpTy. r?- immiiuiuuira ranar is te admit ae pwsen te thai mil fjjfct , body unmoved with tb aiMtniat mtSmfi' or two Intimate friMda whose aCTiwaMNiM aarktlitaslfja In iIIbii laialil "lkaa - J --aTO viurvy tuu aa fj w as awita A aaw awvasjaaav BBjaBBBny in chargeofeen. Horatio C.Klag and th etner persons praatnt Deems tb sBsWbftt V of tba family, waa tha Bav. Tir Habile W - i HSU , wm BtBBBBt bbmMb asssH eaii, rector or tna tteiy Trinity MMmmnBM7$: & church, cel. Lackner, et tb 13th rjftv my) u. s. h. x., ei wmen aar. nseaaac waa lain, called en den. King, aad bad b 1 mi w iu uiiu aj vj Mtv inw ffsisjisae'4,c,. would take in tbe funeral services. Tb rssa-V'.'i. ment will escort tb body from ta hBrnmS,' TUB rtJMMAL PRIVATE. ,& Tbe latest funeral arrangements WMM.a -S low t Services wUl b held at tha . KU-elnna lll ha Iielit tha ' '"" morrow at 0 M a. m. Taa body will than M:--? ', in atate at Plymouth ekurah -MttM,)V day morning at 10 a. as., wJtafeV fnnaral aarvlnM will ha krf. ."' '"i , ...... - . r., jrv. Tt la riMmiut ulvlaftMa ihtttfc ImI Maaht'l state until Saturday morning whan tarWb.Vt wlll be a private funiral at tnmaM if cemetery, where it will remala at tba laaajvVq i ing vault umu mra. jueenar acmB aasaijg,, a the final Ttln TJlaca. .i .s&K:i TtntvlUiBtuidln m tha nhlentlAB Mr. BiMaarvt--' " 7- .. .. .- r -ir --???"- alwaya expressed te tha display ef wmmnwatfJJM in every pan or tna euy to-eay aera or saw. .,,,;; of this aembra Insignia of death t dltniayaaVtfc Tbe City hall, court house and many avlyaatriJ TMMX DBBTBUVnrB WIBB,' -km The tSaata Fetttea el earns Olty as Aaaa. Fits aueea ta Wall walks D. " t?J ? riATjnv. nw. tr.naa. arMti a MMiLiA, worst fire in th history of GardnOtty.lir nemd vaatardav afternoon, nearly dasaVifWS' Ing the entire business portion of tba Jte'; Tb origin 1 net positively known. t mam ' lira seen gamed such headway, owing te 0-U i strong northerly wind, tbat tba errerta lbb ? in proved rruwjgn. Tba leta wiu gregatv000 , partly asujd. weesBwaseBBBF''"-'' tzzt; wall. -sw - - V'ZFj'jbjW- Fly Minnas ef BWBaBAmtmiJ& nAkb IT1.UA TT -A.JBBB yesterday morning destroyed blocks en Mali, street, between Thli Fourth, and te Hese street en th wear. tmAi block en tha north aide of Malaetrwt asmH two blocks en the south aide. TbsbaUdtaaa?!. were mostly old but In geed locality, and &; Total leaa125,000 i insurane 40,000. '?.$ Fleer BIUl aad Elavater Qeasaamt T.TTIVflTnv. ITv.. Tlfarnh ftA BrMAfjit fta ..ll pseb from Danville, Ky Bays t Tha Kellaaa M! roller mill and an Immense elevator, ears.' s'Sv.Vj tabling fifteen thousand bushels et wheat, r burned thla morning. Tb fir wa die 2 covered about ena o'clock. Mayer Jehnsen, Jn of Lextnirtan. has been telMrranhail tn Inr u 'S: engine, xne less se rar is rev,wu insurancn ,t unknown. 'W'- m Bibximeham, Ala, March &-A fatal 4M sheeting affray occurred Monday aftsneeai'J st tb coon mountain tunnel, se milt mm C ;r ,- tba city, tbe victim being aa Kagutb UiW namea wuiism stius. te snoeting wasyfr done by a Ume-keeper named Plsres, la mm- employ ei tne contractors, it is mmma mmr-ei Pierce knocked down a drunken nglliaaaj ,t , rAMtmABllil,lnMrjw.Mfm anrf vjkM,' SsTBM! .W. WVM.V MlU. .W.W-. .VM M HW II J fcg remonstrated, snot mm aeaa. rtare left the county. ,, - J8f'A, ItepaUlauisBlelBgBaatea. yv,'-!j St. Paul, Minn., Marab ftw from tbe returns from th ebartar held veaterdsy tbat tba peenl of tb v! and miner cltlea are net ptessed wltb tibaM i,. hlh ltjunatt ! mm TTaniililliM! iaAASAaall wuiw . .-r- i mmmwj- were slaughtered right aad left. Dafsaw " mayors bob up serensly in snob IfipiiMaan ' Btrongbelda aa OUwanna, Ortenvlate ' aajsl' , Rochester, and late returns oentlatM te sw , demoralltatlen in tba Republican easaarft' The N.w etpaty Atssrasy BmmmiW'tfr ,- HABBitanna, March 9 Jehn T, aalasLs son. of Bradford oeunty, I ftanutv atutmey saneraL Hla sala z:frJTi,.:.-vv?-Jzz-Liiisx? prvsseu uj uwuwuuit uravsnaes tij..j?, .- r . ,M WMArBMMAMIUOAXIUM.-r VjKy, t I WASHinaTeir, v. v., mbtcb, a.-tr I Kaatern Pennsylvania t Llgbt r -1 followed by fair weather, erly wind. -.t; . uerr ueier, we uiuuua wiujiwr, wtsw sbl r. -..- .L- ... 1. 1.. M qtnttrart vaatardav. miv ?, &i Th president te-day appelated Ikilfr! Tnn.i.rir nf'fViTU. te ba oenasl a AaaaalaaL The Western Union Tetegraf aaaBBaajf'a'f ;; M l,n.l.u tnr tha lut nntrll !! m. tatUmmVr V r r tinn nnn TTn itl.iitnfi w 1ni..i Jii 1 milium, muin . mh wj m MrvBTJfJi tlirnatanil nvaral ntliar TMranna rlnnalTf 1 wounded at a Dublin demonstration evwaW' ' resignation el Sir Michael Hteka-Baaeh. -'M- Tha atrlkera en the Baltlmer A Osle ralUS wav at Plttabura ar lealna around. Tba&! regular local freights, east and wast bensa(V?a left both Pittsburg ana cennsiisvui mm : morning. Tbe crews were composed of nw ' men. J8SV. Tbe three hundred laborers emplayad a,' Carnegie, Phlpps. Ce Union Iran iav, PltUburg, te-day presantaa a aemana arc aa) - increase in wages irem taa w . aar mmwr ' The firm will answer en Satsraay. Mm am j. vaea will probably b granted. $ A a 8rpri ratty. "f'i"r ., HnrletU Hern, of 604 Beut, queen was;63 years old yesterday, IB Mb her two tens, five daughter and' grandchildren gatbrd t her a gave her a genuine surprise. Tb. ws very pleasantly spaat aad all themselves. rnttasg a wswwity- A large fore of i Waatarn Ualea 1 town te-day at warki Tv.iiji a i WaaBaa r bt'sb . han fsati aaranaak a wire whleh art bate faj bf an j u na asvHaabte. Tat I rmtayyUtasrlmtBaiwatlt ' , a fi. FreaatsaTetkl Afyarfa tt mi Frlat ini, aannanji ttyay jpb at adjaaW. sailed 1Taa taw ma) mm laadteBNBMtb1NMWsl mn r 5V. a. ' Js m.: -:,. 4 . i-Vt 1H. Xn-i 2 . i.fill.WW t? jj ;.. ", -Jin , " - t i?te',AJL .'vaaf A ft ' Hrf-. it t,'