-KrW&wfc alFTOWWT v- - LAKCASTEK DAILY INTtiLLIGECEB, TUESDAY; MABCH 8,1887. ' ,T.2 " ' . J iiiP? LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBbbV sbbbbbbbbbbbWE,.-. , MMJjmIsbsebwbj ijmI w pMMUIMl BRbHsbphb) HwHxWbuSMS" pSSiiivDeir ---' - '- - - OTTWraMWr MMM Jfe'i-J' JO'S1! ' BZZB IHPIHII HMptttf'' ' nnmr.n. frjMjIIIIEE MABCKI.MB. r&SlEBBBBBW' BTwBBSSS a place in the ; WTkgtete with Intent He baa t Mi, wlag te the demer- ptrty by the .Irak kM beta VIibuuVs iltrft aeen of jwn ICahese r te petnteal power en a repu- wak tee SemoenUo tOftawftintOltha been iK flopped erer te r pceanaHae ana wen 'hi thaw ltahoea bad done. Idlest,- w DamwaUe governor, tc m aneeted te favor at Ua debt te the i'tXtf, 7 aaaa would, is HebeUeves IMNkaltede it; aad has called rfltea'MfWaaaia during tela wteaMwfcet.eaabe doaaabentit. -la.teaa.taa atate, yean age ifreBi bendi ineeirabla for tene: after. .that ita laraaeeadld net lAaabkittobeaortbeae coupons, aaaartoek te cancel OMltty. The United Itteevld aet repudiate its HNlwaa alaar. BatVJx- Htflaatf abaaaita aerereicntT aatttoaTelilapwBriae.aiMlitaleg- a;bean ataadily bat iaeCtetlxely. (a ajes away from. tba-Dnlted I court uni inner At the i It ajajMafiEna thla effort. i with the bondholders k than the beat settlement it twill be the wiaeat course. ib making biaaaeU ready te take tAraatae of any Democratic mistakes en Mbis or any ether subject. He thinks the rUeaaecrats are se tar puagea te contest .ktbedtbt that he can find his political upon the ether side, and be new that be wiU let his right arm before he advocates repudiation. Ivfa a calm declaration ' from the rtpudiater of the state ; but we be holds that he was never a but merely a Bead luster ; he lit favor of paying every cent the state Latter be bad readjusted the debt te i Ua.idea of what It should be. We l that every debtor who was given BrirUtM could afford te be equally IvMslCafcoeela denunciation of the lefreadjueteddebts. i strange that men who are hen. fein their private dealings tittee round in a rate com r,,ae readily inclined te re- It seems te show that the a'ldaa of honesty can only be pre- r the pressure of the law. The laaaaet be sued, and as a consequence laaas everyone 01 tnem tnatunds insufficient for ita expenses. ItM payment of the interest en its i: ana alter a lew years indul. iaatais relief, scales down or repudi- lirbOMer in part, the principal of L Tbe fashion is set confined te any f.'ilnt is the result of poverty, in useUen of the eeantry. i that have repudiated are se r that there are few who can threw Teunsylvanla'a skirts are net r dear even. But the commonness tendency does net make it any less rertby. It is bard te conceive hew I which enacts laws requiringitapee- rpay the last dollar they ewe, can de r avoid this duty Itself. If we did ism it, we could net believe that it I be done ; but observation compels us I net only that it may be, but that i will be, when the we'ght of the (becomes heavy eneuah te be I burthen. States will be honest ras their debt is light or their In. -heavy ; but when great taxes are Lle.De raueaie satisfy the Dublin r,ee ss sure te come te griel ; which 1 set seem ums very serious I te state credit, as states can fat the lowest rates of interest, and r of tee widow and the orehan is (te them, by tbe court. ;het' Pittsburg Paradise. I, net satisfied with aspiring te ;faaanufacturing centre of the also te belts agricultural I Ma dearly beloved natural gas for it this distinction. the place of tbe sun I stimulates the earth se that tee ground the green up perpetually; and the of the earth lib gathered around about vwefe the gas leaks up liaises, perennial spring 'Wte4 producers need no racMfraaMSte secure a dally LVfgetaMai. -This warming ,C aataral tag into S-fclBSi is aet of ttskliasligi Bat ViZll lafsliajiaastratleuthat iMpte PeW ?&? tsaVMepeeele MOaMratf; tmmmmmtm V"i4 -uT:.t" ha whashar utt aad lawAnaatdmav fcasinliail apaa iha priaeipte that the aatth is fee the llTiag, aad that when the mew. awtanaeaditdoteot matter te them wbather they an dead rightfully or wrong tally. 'ay Oeald aa the Peer Mas. Kew Tetk reporter has been inter. vWwLag Jay Gould and the result of It is Use laf ormatlen that it is very distressing te ha rich. The unscrupulous stock man. Ipakterle represented as saying: "After aU, whit cms any man get la this world eseept something te eat and something te and somewhere te lire? Weaitn carat without compensation. A man rich and then he's a slave. Very mis taken ideas exist en this subject." If Mr. Gould's words echo his real senti ments, it is evident that he believes the peer man's life possesses mere happiness te tbe square inch than that of a man of wealth. And te carry the logical infer eace still further, be believes the poorer tbe peer man is made, tbe happier he will become. It must be some such reasoning as this that causes the foxy railroad mag nate te be constantly at war with the em em peoyes of his many systems. The care of riches is necessarily great, but when they become burdensome, there are always deserving charities at hand ready te relieve the rich man of portions of his annoyances. Se far as the world knows, Mr. Gould does net take much ad- vantage of this mode of decreasing his wealth. While Gould keeps up his diver sions of making corners in stocks te in crease bis new vastly overgrown heard, his remarks en the intrinsic happiness of the peer man's life will deceive nobody. m m BxvATea SHiaxie U going Seuth angling for Republican delegates te the next naUenal eenventlOB. He may eaten a crab. A rawdayi age dispatches from Kansas City aanouneed the purchase of seventy BBlUlen acres of land by a ajndleate kaewn aa the Inter-state Land company. Thl, the largest land operation en record, was said te Include the famous Maxwell grant and a por tion et Ne Man's Land, in Texas, New Mex ico and Colerado, but It new transpires that the whole operation Is et no Importance, as It la based en a Mexican grant of no value. The grant was made by Mexico en condition that one hundred families should be setttled la the country for every tour and a half leagues of land, but this condition was never compiled with. m Tax InTELLKiKMCBR la called by the Car liale Herald, IntilUgent Sir, which Is net a bad play upon words, m m Am ex-cablnet minister of Austria, Hen. Ven Bchaffla, has published a pamphlet en the relative strength et the great powers and the probable coat, In men and treasure, of a great war. He ventures te predict that ahenld they come te blewv, Germany and Austria would 6e arrayed aealnst France and Rus-la,tbe combined force et tbe former being K0M.6S4, and et tba latter 6,762,400, but these ,4lxures are questioned by the Londen Times, wmen ssystnat me Austre-Hungarisn Land stnrra, a million strentr, baa net been counted by the minister. He places the coat of such a war at ever six billions of dollars, and coneludea that it would bring en uni versal bankruptcy. All this is terrible enough, but it needs no stray of figures te oenrinoe tbe world that such a war would be a terrible calamity te the human race; for besides the sundering, ruin and death that always are a part of war it would probably be followed by a BocUllatie upheaval of terrible proportions, and In parts of Europe by a reign et Anarchy and Nihi lism. In tact, the coat of auch a war is be yond estimate ; no one can tell what might fellow it and hew clvlllsitlnn will stand the strain, but it is a matter ter congratulation that there Is a healthy young nation out of harm's way that will perpetuate the beat traits of tbe peer eld world across the ccean. America may leek en with sympathy and sorrow, and taKa warning Irem tbe fate et empires thatseam already tottering te an In evitable fall. A BECZKTLY Introduced leglalatlve bill will give a man condemned te death the cbole between hanging and death by elec tric shock, bnt the Philadelphia North Amtr can points ent thst the privilege of cheesing would cause great mental suffering, and that the great majority of criminals would net knew which method et ending llfe would be the most painless. Tbe objection baa force, although seemingly it would be easy te ex plain te any man that the shock would be aa awlitacd sudden aa lightning. But It la a question whether It la advisable te lea sen the fear of capital punishment by reduc ing the pbyilcal Buffering te about nothing. It Is high time that the empleyes of rail roads and the managers cf the bame should oemo te some arrangement by which wages should be fixed for a dennite period, for it is exceedingly annoying te tave strtxes sprnng upon the community at all seasons without sufficient warning. Sevsral labor organiza tions have a system by which wsgea are fixed for a definite time, but such an arrange ment la mere vitally necessary in the case of a common carrier than In any ether ; for the constant occurrence of strikes In various parts et the railway system greatly hampers business operations, and though the means et avoiding them have net yet been reached, it should be an eaay matter te prolong the times et peace te mere respectable propor tions. The New Yerk strlke has hardly been settled, and tbe transfer system of our great est pert again adjusted, when a vast railroad atrlke begins te loom up in the West ; and, without weighing the merits of either case, it Is sale te condemn all tbe parties Interested for net having sufficient appreciation or their dety te the public te have fixed "n time for war and a time for pesee." This is the time for peace. Let them adjust their dlireroncea speedily and give us a rest from labor troubles. Five trade dellais will new pay for one year's subscription te the dslly Intelli- OENCEB, PERSONAL. Oen. Simen Camciien Is 83 years old to te haW denwd Uw' be is in enfeebled Tbaet Titus, the well known theatrical S,1i,e,1Ued,l!nB4lnriUy n,8ht Sierra Mad re Villa, Cal. lis was once the husband of Alies Oates, who died reejntly. William It. Tbaverb, the New Yerk broker Ulug In Bermuda, still keeps up his spirits, ills old love of sport cropped up tbe ether dsy when he had a oeck-ilgbt lu his bedroom. A trlend sent him a julr if gauie roosters and he had some excitement. GOD BLKSs MOTOEIi. A lltt'e chUd wtth fl tzen hair, And sunlit eyes, se sweat aad fair, Who kneels, when twilight darkens oil, And from whose loving lips there fill The aoeenta of this simple prayer : "Oe bless l-Oed bless my mother I" A yeath upon Life's threshold wide, Who leaves a gentle mother's side, Yet keeps, enshrined within h's breast, Bar words of warning, still the best i And whttpees, when temptation tried. "fled Mum i-eiud bless ray mother i" A wMtsvhalrsd ssaa who gases hack Alsay MS s weary, farrowed traek, Aad sees eae t aesv-aa Aage'.'e new; Hears words of light that lad aright. Ana prays, with reverential brew i "SM Mass 1-OeS bleaa mr tnethsr I" ww Csssr (a Brvklyn Jfagattnt. LECTURE ON FERTILIZERS. JOBW W. BICKMAM BMtOKM TBB ABtUCVLTUBAL aOOtBTT. Be CUlm Commercial rettllliara Are Oalttr Tbaa Bararard Maner Ktay en Nat Cl- tare-Crep Kpo-t-Aatl-DttcrlmUaUe te tie Ul-eaeted at tae Neil Mealies- Tbe March meeting et the Lsncsster Coun ty Agricultural and Horticultural society was held In the Y. M. O. A. bsll, this city, Monday altorneon, Prosldent Landis in the chair. The secretory being absent Jehn O. Rush, of West Willow, was appointed secretary pre tern. The following named members were present: Jehn H. Land!, president, MIL lersvllle J Casper lllllcr, Uonestega ; Abram H.Butnmy, Marietta; F. R. D'tlenderilttr, city; J. M. Johnsten, city; lien. J. W. Hickman, Cheater cauntyt Tlen. Thes. J. Edge, aecretary state beard of agriculture ; H. M. Engle, Marietta; B. E. Andrews, Providence j Jehn Warder, Eden ; J. Hart man Uerabey, B. B. Hlestand, Jehn UL Warfel, Jehn Vewen, Rev. F.I... Nlcedemus, Rohrerstown ; Jehn O. Rush, Willow Street ; Jacob McAllister, Pequsa; Abraham Btlve ly, Celeraln ; Jehnsen Miller, Warwick ; Simen K. Nlasley, Flerin ; W. n. Rrestus, Drumere; Daniel Herr; Henry Snyder, Maner ; James Weed, Little Britain ; Israel L. Landis, Manhelm;S. P. Eby, elty ; Wash. L. Hershey, Chlcklea ; Henry O.Rush, West Willow ; Harry M. Mayer, West HernpnM : Charles J.Rhedes, Ssfe Harber; Jehn Brack, bill, Strasburg ; Hugh R. Fulton, city ; Dr. J. P. Wlckersham.clty: Jeseph C. Walker, Gap ; Jehn B. Eendlg, Willow Street ; J. H. E. Rudy, city ; M. D. Eendlg, Creswell ; A. C Baldwin, Salisbury; J. W. Jehnsen, city ; Webster L. Hershey, I.sndlsvllle. Jsceb McAllister, Pequca, was proposed for membership and elected. oner nsre&TS. Henry M. Eagle reported the wheat cov ered with anew ; befere It was covered It looked W61L The fruit trees have net been Injured by the frost. The young clever that has been pastured looked well before the snow covered it. Ihe rainfall for January waa 2 IMS Inches ; ter February 4 1-18 Inches. Jehnsen Miller, Warwick, said the wheat looked bad in his neighborhood ; he thought tbe crop would tall ahert et the crops grown rer tne two preceding years. James Weed, LltUe Britain, said that the late-planted wheat in his neighborhood had hardly sprouted from the ground when the winter set in, and It was tee early yet te pre dict what the crop would be. Casper Hitler read a ahert essay en nut cul ture in the course of which he dwelt en the importance of this Industry and the neglect it had received at the hands of farmers owing te the supposed difficulty et grafting. He stated that there was some difficulty in graft ing the walnut and shcllbark, bnt there was no mere difficulty in grattleg the chestnut man tne apple or cherry tree. He called at tention t3 a ahellbark tree near Lampeter Square and a wslnnt tree near Conestoga Centre that bore wonderfully flne nuts, and he thought farmers ought te procure grafts it em mem ana try te cultivate) them. Mr. Hlller showed two specimens of chestnuts of the Jspsnese variety ; they are larger but net as geed as the native variety, but are better than tbe Spanish. Mr. Engle regarded our native chestnut as the best of nuts; the Japan tree probably will net bear here as well aa In Japan, nor is the tree se vigorous as our own. Nut culture is being given mere attention new than lor ler merly and considering the ease with which the chestnut is grafted hs thought it Inex cusable en the part et farmers net te have geed chestnut orchards. In answer te a question asked by Secretary Edge, or the State Agricultural society, Mr. Hlller said that be had grown the English walnut very successfully en tbe uplands, but tbe trees frczs out la the lowlands, when the mercury fell te 10 degrees belew zero. An An other trouble with these trees is that tbe male blossom opens befere tbe female blossom Is ready te receive the pollen. AXTI-SISSniUIXATIOX. Jehnsen Miller offered a preamble and reso lution calling upon our state aenaters and as semblymen te vote for tbe passage of a law that would prevent railroads from using un just discrimination In their freight rates. Wm. H. Ilreslus hoped no resolution would pass this body thst would in any way ham per our representatives, who at this time have before them two or three proposed sets et sssembly in regard te this matter. Jeseph F. Wltmer said he would rather trust the railroads than the politicians in the adjustment of tbe matter. Secretary Edge said the matter of freight discrimination was one that belonged rather te Congress than te state legisla tures. On motion of Calvin Cooper Mr. Miller's resolutions were withdrawn with tbe understanding that they be discussed at the April meeting. r.ECTCBE OX COUMCBCIAX FEBTILIZEriS. Hen. Jehn W. Hickman, chairman or the Heuse committee en agriculture, was Intro duced and delivered an interesting lecture en the value of commercial terttllzera as manure for wheat, corn, eats and grass crops. He illustrated his leeture by showing several charts, tbe flrst'ef which showed tbe chemical constituents of wheat, (straw and grain) as fellows : Carben. 76) Them filii mru irn Hydrrgsa a M derived Irem air sod oxygen iu.j.:)rain. soda Magnesia SalehurAcld. i hlertne) Ferrle Oxide.. silica Nttresen CCOl Total, S.HW The tell . Q.?u I la superabundantly pre- , usiiviaea wun these con . uesfstituents. which It Is erei quite necessary te add a 7s; te it. ...1611 Total, gee. These the ...0 43 seu possesses only te a Phosphoric Acia reiaa Lime iudd i unmeu extent, ana in J ....0.9 deficiency Is supplied The second chart shown by Mr. Hickman represented the growth et wheat In pets under lour different conditions. The first pet contained only calcined sand without any fertiliser. The result waa a very scrubby growth containing only 00 grains cf wheat. The second crop was fertilized with all the above named elements except nitrogen ; tbe straw was longer than that lu tbe first pet and tbe crop was 123 grains. Tbe third p3t was fertilized with nitrogen alone and tbe crop wsa 1SS grains. The fourth pet contain ing a porreot fertilizer showed a very pretty growth of wheat and straw, the grains num ber 363. Mr. Hickman's third chart showed the result of opea field culture, the land being tbesame lu each case. Without any fertiliser, 13 bushels per aero were grown ; complete fertiliser except nitrogen, 18 busbels per acre ; with nitrogen only, 22 bushels per acre ; and with the oempleto fertillxsr, (nitrogen, phospnerlo acid aud potash,) U4 bushels per aere. The fourth chart showed the amount of fertlllzera taken from the soil in growing wheat, cats, corn, ic, end tbe necessity of supplying the lese by artificial means. The filth chart ehewed that the value of a ten et clever plowed under as green manure Is only 19.76. The same ten et clever fed as animal feed la worth 7 and the manure is werlh f&ee-maklng total of 16 BO, show, ing that green clever should net be plowed down but should be fed te tbe cattle and the land should be kept up by oemmerclal fer tilizers which cost less than ball the coat of plowing down clever or any ether green crop. Mr, Biekraan rather staggered the faith of some of ths old farmers by declaring that oemmerclal fertilisers were better that bsrn yard msnurea, for most crops, and that tbe "humus" (deesyed vegetable matter) was entirely valueless as a fertlllzsr, Its only use being as a mulch, or medium In which a real fertiliser may be oeuveolently held. He nar rated several results of bis own experience In growing geed crops of wheat, corn and grass ea lands that were supposed te be worthless, by tbe se of oesamsrekl fertt. Users. Mr. Ukkmaa answered a number of ques tions en various subjects; he acknowledged that be dlda'l knew mueh about tobacco cul ture, bathe believed that Just aa geed to bacco could be raised by using a commer cial fertilizer properly compounded ss by using barnyard manure. Us suggested the following formula as containing tbe elements found In ordinary stable manure : Nitrogen 8 pounds ; pbopherlo acid 3 pounds ; potash 10 pounds. The essay was discussed at some length by O. J. Rhoads, Dr. Wlckershatu, Henry M. Engle, a P. Eby and Secretary Edge, the last named gentleman, impressing upon his hearers the importance et using high grade commercial fertilisers. It is bad policy te buy 1,600 pounds et what you don't want, for the sake of setting 400 pounds of what you de want He did net believe the analysis of the soil would show Just what kind of fer tilizer is required. He advised farmers te experiment with fertilizers in a small way and carefully note the results, and thus ob tain a knowledge of what la best suited te their farms. A vete of thanks waa given te Mr. Hick man for his Interesting lecture. President Landis announced that at next meeting the subject of Antl-dlsctimtna-tlen In freights" would be discussed, and at the meeting would be taken up the question et the effect of the Internal revenue laws en the agriculturalists. Mr.Lsndls extended ahesrty Invitation te all present, whether members or net, te attend these meetings. TrtEitt xjcarEM dk.ni ax. A dimly lighted little roein- A lever and Ms lass A low sweet voice within the gloom, " I guess we'll give up gaa." F.S if. in Harptr't Bater. Oh I love, what Is It tn this world of ours that makes people suffer se with neuralgia t" ' Can't tell, my pet. unless the average cittsen hasn't get sense enough te buy a bottle et Salvation till." Seek no farther. Try Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. 'Tls SOZODONT ths whole world trlft, lis B0ZODOXT which purifies The breath and mouth, and dirt defies. ris 80ZODO.NT for which we cry, Sweet SOZODONT for whlsh we sigh, 'Its only SOZODONT we buy. urmciAr. xettvBa. H.B. Cochran, M os. 1S7 and 13) North Qneen street, Lancaster, Pa, Is selling SHlLOH's COUulICUUKasaguaranteetecure&ll tbreat and lung troubles. IS) A Remarkable OoedStan Is he who attends te the comfort of his family and wtll net let his little one suffer with affec tion Of the Threat and Lung, whereby their lives mav be endangered, but who should at all times give them that sovereign remedy, Kemp's H&lsam. rrlce CO centaasdtL Trial r. rer said by 1L IS. Cochran, druggist, 1J7 North (Jueenatreeu (I) Hsu Him. "Ittl new. I was effllcted with lck head ache und general deMlltv, batWurdeck Bleed BUtert brought about an Ixmedlate Improve ment In my general health. I consider them the best iamUy medicine In the market." Adelph LaUes, Buffalo, N T. rer sale by II. B Cochran, druggist, sj and US North Queen street, Lancaster. North Pele EipedlUens. Price fli-rtt. lotteries, walklnz matches. and balloon ascensions are usoallyhnmenga et the worst sort. Dr. Tiomai' Eeltetris OU li net a humbug. It Is a quick cure for aches and sprains, and Is Just aa geed ter a lameness, rer sale by II. B. Coehran, druggist, 117 and IX North Queen street, Lancaster. The Dead Line." Many old soldiers remember " the dead line " AndeisenvUle. It was a mighty dangerous neighborhood. Dyspepsia, biliousness, and liver and kidney di.eaies are (nil of perils for ice sick, uui jsuraecx jsioea mueri are a cer tain remedy. Sold everywhere. Fer sale Uy H. tt. Cochran, druggist, UI and 119 North Queen street, Lancaster. Basis tbe World. That ts what n. C. Hoberman, a druggist of Msrlen. Ohie, says: Themat' Eeltctria oil beats thi world. Sold nine bottles yesterday and today. One man cured of sere threat et eluht years standing. Isaplendld ter rheuma tism. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 117 and 123 North Queen street, Lancaster. Sources of Profit. There ere many sources of profit te these who are ingenious and enterprising. Burdock Bleed miter t are a aotiree et urufit lu every war. Thev nulla up me neaiin surety, speeaiiy, and ef fectually, which Is saying a great Onal.. rer sale by II 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 and US North Uueen street, Lancaster. First Class Insurance. Insure with Themas' Ecltttrie Oil. It Is ths the cheapen and beat method of Insurance we anew or. By Its use you aie te eseape many grevleusachej and pains. Policies are obtain able at all druggists tn tbe drutrglats In the form of bottles at SOeents and SI tain. Fer tale by U. K. Cochran, druggist, U7 and 1 North Uueen street, Lancaster. SHILOU'S CURE will Immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis, rer sole by 1L It. Coehran, Druggist, Ne. 1S7 North Queen street. (7) TS usual treatment of catarrh Is very unsat isfactory, as thousands of despairing patients can testify. Ou this point a trustworthy medl cil writer says : "Proper local treatment Is pest lively necessary te snecess, bnt many. If net most, or th remedies In general use by physl clans afford but temporary benefit. A cure cer tainly cannetbs expected from snuffs, powders, douches and washes." Ely's Cream Balm Is a remedy whleh combines the important requi sites of aulck action, speclfie curative power with perteet safety and pleasantness te the patient. marS-Swdeed&w TSFLA.MMATORY KHEUMAT1SM. ST. JACOBS OIL. INFLAUMATORT RHEUMATISM. SJJT- After aJapseef years statements confirm lag the eitleacy of St. Jacobs oil and Its perma nent cures, are given below. raeu a BnimiTte Srrrsxra-lsee-CrsiD. Hamburg, Berks Ce., f (nna. 1 1 u (Tared from severe Inflammatory rheu matism for about four weeks i physlclins gave me no relief. I was confined te the Heuse, limbs very mnch swollen, and bad te erawl up and downstairs. After a few ap plications the pain was gene, and a few mere entirely cured me ROBERT T. LEONARD. CzeN Baatx S Tilts Latsa FxaxaszsTiv Ccxie. Hamburg, Barks Cew, ra , oeu 19, lsa. About six years age 1 took sick wtth In bottles of t. Jacobs Oli and was entirely eurrd. 1 cheerfully duplicate my testimony te the grand, great and geed 'effects of the oil. uelanT) t.Leenard. raex a DxrrtT SHixirr-Jcsra. lsn-Ccase. Atueboreuih, Mass. Tast May I was laid up with acute rheuma tism and confined te bed. 1 was told te try St- Jacobs OU. i did se and next day was well as ever. jsli AH C APRON, Deputy Bberlff. rxeat Saks STaaaaLATn-rxssiavsTX.TCcsxD. Attleborough, Mass., Nev,19,US. X had a severe attack of taenia rheumatism se I could net take a step i was cenBued te bed. I tried everything te no purpose, and at laat tried St. Jacobs. Itcured me entirely itud cheerfully reoemmend It. i,i aa UAjrAua, ieiiuij- eutjstu. The CHARLES A. VOOELEK CO., Baltimore. Md. r All persons rsise St. Jacobs Oil or Red Star Cough Curd, will by sending a two cent stamp and a history of their case, receive ad vies ran. Red Star Cough Cure. rKKE FROM OPIATES AND POISONS. SAFE. SURE. PROMPT. 25 CENTS. AT DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. THE CHARLES A. VOGELEB CO, BalUmetV, Mi. IOKLAND HALIBUT IN ONE POUND BRICKS. CHEAP. NEW SMOKED BLOATSKS. 1TANCY ROLLED CODFISH. SOUSED FBE8H MACKEREL la 1, and S Cant, finest In the market, rUSatt HAY LOBSTER and HAPQOOD SAL MON, ise. can. corneas, i2Wc te Me. a. choice teas, 10a.teSSc.Ka. GHANULATED SUGAR, Ss. . EXTRA FAMILY CRACKERS only 0. . CLARKE'S TBA ANUVOrrSS blOttB, , ,. NaM Wast Bins; Street. aa-Telephene. Tans 1yd JJ QKRUART, Fine Tailoring. A Reduction of per east, ea all Heavy Weight suiting and Overceating te make room I?r 9JIU,J'IP "E Isnportawea. Ihtareaua. Uen Is for oejh OniyT V Material aa Werkmsasaly thaTavy Bast, H. QERHART. Be. it N. QUEEN ST.. Ocseatta taa resteSBsa I bjuu74t mWBMOAtm ATKR'H CHERRY PECTORAL, " It Saved My Life " Is a eommen ex pre Alen, etten heard from these who have realised, by personal use, the euraUvV powers et Ayvr's Cherry restore!. lean net ssy eneuah In praise of Ayer's Cherry l'eo l'ee l'eo teral, believing as 1 de tbat.lbut for Its use, I should long atnee have dlsd from lung troubles, X. Bragden, l'aleaUna, Tex. About lx month age I hsd a severe hsraor hsraer That of Ihe Lu tic, bmuiftit en by ,a distressing naiirfh. which ilntrlrrd tne of aleee and real. I bad uied various rough baltainsand expecte rants without obtaining reller. A trlend advised me te uy Ayers Cherry Pectoral. 1 did se, and nm happy t easy that tt helped tne at onefl. Uy centinm-J use this inedielna cured my cough, and. 1 am esUtOed, tared my life, aire. K. Cebnrn, is soeouil et , Lewell, Mass. I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for ever a f'car, and etueetvlv believe I ahenld have been n my grave, had it net Mn for thlt tuedletne. tt b cured me et a dangerens affection of Ihe lungs, for which I had aluiixt despaired of ever finding a remedy. U, A. ilcMullen, Windser, rrevlnee or Ontario. Ayer's rherrr l'ce teral saved uy life. Twe years aire 1 took a severe Celd, which settled en my lungs. 1 consulted physicians, and took the remedleathey prescribed, but failed te obtain reuer unui l eegan using ajuis unerryireciw ml. Twe bettls of this medicine oeuiplotoly restored my health. LU lie M. Allen, V vet Lan caster, uhle. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Prepared ey Dr. J . O. Aver a Ce., Lewell, M ass. sold by all iirugglau. Price II; six battles, S3, mariteu TJROWN'S IRON BITTKRS. BROWN'S LEON BITTERS! WILL CURE HEADACnK, INDIGESTION, MLIOUSNES3, DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUS PROSTKATION, MALARIA, CHILLS AND FEVERS, TIRED FEELING, GENERAL DEBILITY, PAINS IN THE RACK A SIDES, IMPURE BLOOD, CONSTIPATION, FEMALE INFIRMITIES, KUEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, KIDNEY AND LIVER TROUBLES. SWIOlt SALK BT ALL UUUQQ1STS. Ths Genuine haa Trails Mark and crossed Red Lines en wrapper. TAKE MO OTHER. OlmlMydAw APCLNE PLASTERS. BENSON'S POROUS PLAbTRS. WISTER EXPOSURE CAUSES COUQUS, Colds, rienrtsy. Rheumatism, Pnenmenla Neuralgia, sciatica. Lumbago, Backache and ether ailments, ler which Bensen's Capclne Plasters are admitted te be the best remedy known. They relieve and cure In a lew hours, when no ether application Is of the least benefit. Endorsed by s oe 'physicians and druggtsia Be wart) of Imitation; ucder- almUar sounding names, such at " Capsicum " " Capsltln," or " Capslclne." Asa rea liixsen'e ad taks we mut Kxamlne carefully when you buy. All druggists). aEABTJBT JOHNSON, ai4-emdeedAw Proprietors, New Tork. SARLKT MALT WHISKY. PERRINE'S TURK BAKLEV MALT WHISKY. DYSPEPSIA. INDIGESTION and all wasting dlacsisescan be entirely curel by H. MALARIA Is completely eradicated from the system by Its use. PKUUINK'S PURE BARLEY MALT WHISKY revives the energies of these worn with excessive bedUy or mental effort It acta as a SAFEGUARD against exposure In the wet and rigorous weather. ArTAKE part of a wlncglassful en your ar rival home after the labors of the day and the same quantity before your breakfast. Being chemically pure, it commends ItseU te the med ical profession. WATOH THE LABEL. Nene gennlne unless bearing the signature et the Ann en the label. M. & J. S. PERRINE, HO. 37 NORTH FRONT BT . PHILADELPHIA, septa -emeedji rvt IRSAL-E. X: a Twe Herse Platform Spring Wagen with top body, Geed as new. . Inaulreef PHILIP LEU CHZKLTERACO, fl-tfd 211 North Queea street FOR BKNT STORE-ROOM AND BASE MENT. with Dwelling attached, altuated fltt ail nenn ucve luwi. inquire ui PHILIP LEBZBLTER, zl North queen street mart-9wd FOR HALE OR RENT-PROPERTY ON Cemer of Duke and Church streets, con talnlng eight rooms and larg store-room. Geed locality. it lnnulre of marl-tfd 241 North Queen street. TCTOR RENT ORIhT MILL WITH KN. JC Bine Power, in Raphe township, Lancaster eeunty, Pa.; three minutes walk te railroad station. Refer ler particulars, MICHAEL BECKER, ml-tfd&w Mount Hepe, Lancaster county, Fa. E !OR RENT. Twe or tour rooms In Brimmer's New Bntldlns'. no. tux Nertn uueen street. Heat and saslncluded. Anelv at febls-Ud BRIMMER'S LIVBBT OFFICE. TJtOR RENT-FROM APRIL 1, 1687. AJ A rirst-Clasa Farm of 80 Acres, two miles from the city. FouracresefiLand en Rockland street. Feuracres of Land in the klghtb ward. Small Stable. x3 West orange street Bmall Houses en East Orange, Frederick, Fulton, Church and Jehn streets. Terms reasonable. Apply te UIRSU BROTHER. snOOPER HOUSE FOR RENT. J Tbe cooper Heuse, one-half square from Centre Sguare and Opera Heuse, aua near both railroad depeta. This is one of the largest and best houses in the city. Large Bale and Ez change stables, all first-class, a'ossesslen en AnnTlst. iru u deM7Ud WM. J. COOPBB. T7IOR BALE OR BENT. TUB LAROE a! brick store and dwelling, Ne. Its and 147 North Queen street S rooms and store room, lately occupied by Charles MaeNay'e grocery store. WUI rent In parts or separately. Apply te ALLAN A.UEBB, Real Estate and Insurance Agent lwd IDS Bait Ring street stBOsrjrjU. pERBONB WIBRINQTOMAKEMONEY STOCKS, GRAIN, PEellSIOXS AND OIL, SHOULD INVESTIGATE LAURIE CO'.S SY8TEMOFDEAL1NQ IN SMALL OR LAMUE LOTS ON ONE PBB CENT. CASH MAttUlNB. Tea Dollars will, for example, cover ten 1100 Shares, or 1,(00 bushels of Urala, Explanatory Pamphlet Free. ' QUOTATIONS W1BBD. Orders and Margins received by Telegram LAURIE & CO., SB VWeTSt AVTa ASBsSBsj ALSO DEALERS IN FOBEION BXCHABOB. see BreBdiFBy, ataw Tork. "The snsmbers of the Bras are... graUesssm of ezpananee aad high standing lu tka Orala and Stock Commission business. ...asiaaaseaj thstr rafsnaeea are a aasabar sat Use leaJsaj Baaka."- Aks Tsrt ssssirsisfjrsws.'' They save a stainless rssetsL JVL raauaispatatle....TM set a: Bm ta ssseiL tmasjai ties sea I ass aesereS u re estvtag taab resfta the asswsatsBsy ass SSSBa, me nisWerwas the asaeant saaar ke?. lytssadeest Vnew swa fwssF ssirgrwas. t TTer B1TTKM.) 1 Medicine, let a Drink. HIGH AUTHORITY. linn Bitters Is net. In any sons, aa aloehollo beverage or liquor, and could net be sold, for use, except te persons desirous of obtaiateg medletnal bitters, OHKBN U.HAUM, U. 8. (Jeiu'r lutsrnal Itev. ffiuMnpfpn, D. C, Sept , lSk Dear Sir Why don't you get a certierate from Cel. W. 11. W., of Baltimore, showing hew he cured himself of drunkenness by the help of slop Bitters. His Is a wonderful cue. He Is well snows in stecnesier, h, im uy an ins unnaing naXt N.w Wean.; fac? aU r ths country, as he has spent thousands of dot lata for rum. I honestly believe his card would .. .. . .L M -, be worth thousands of dollars te you In thla and Baltimore alone, and make thousands of sober men by Inducing the use of your blttrr. I J A.W. Prejudice Kills. " Eleven years our daughter suffered en a bed of misery under the care of several el the best physicians, who gave her disease various names but no relleUand new she Is restored te us Id geed health by Uep Bitters, that we had poehod at two years before using It. We earnestly hope and pray that no one else will let their sick suffer aa we did, en account of prej udlee against se goedainedlolne as Hep Hitters." 77 Partnti Ooeil TVfnplers, Milten, Vtl , reb. 10, ls.'e. Having used Uep Bitters, the noted remedy for debility, nervousness. Indigestion, etc , 1 have no hesitation lu saying that It Is Indeed an excellent medicine and recommend H te any. one as a truly tonle hitters. Respectfully, UHV. MB8. J. II. ELLUOOl). Sclpte, .V. r., Dec. 1, IMJ. 1 am the pastor of the Baptist church here and an educated physician. I am net tn practice, but am my sole family physician, and advise In chronic cases. Over a year age 1 recemmended your Uep Bitters te my Invalid wife, who has been under medical treatment of Albany's best physicians several years. Shehasbeen greatly benefitted and still uses the medicine. I believe she wtll become thoroughly cured ether various complicated diseases by their use. We both recommend them te our friends, many of whom have also been cured et their various ailments by them. " REV. E. B. WARREN. " A young friend et mine was cured of an ln satiable thirst for liquor thst hsd se prostrated his system that he was unable te de any bus). ness. He was entirely cured by the use et Uep Bitters. It allayed all that burning thirst t took away the appetite for liquor; made his nerves steady ; and he has remained a steady and sober man for mere than two years, and haa no desire te return te his cups, and I knew of a number et ethers thst hive been cured of drinking by It." from a leading R. R. Official, Chlotge. 111. marSSmeedaw jtevuMrvMutiauuM voue. QAwTaND BEK ' -THE- ROCHESTER LAMP, Sixty Candle-Light I Beats them alL Anether Let of CUEAP GLOBES for Gas and ou stoves. THE PERFECTION " METAL MOULDING AND RUBBER CUSHION WEATHER STRIP Beats them alL This strip outwears all ethers. Keeps out the cold, step rattling et windows. Bxclude the dust. Keep out snow and run. Any one can apply tt no waste or dirt made In ap plying it. Can be fitted anywhere -no holes te bore, ready for use. It will net split, warp or shrink a cushion strip Is the most perfect. At the bteve. Heater and Range store -or- Jehn P. Schaum & Sens, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST LANCASTER. PA. w M. A. K1KKKKK. ALDUH U, HKHH KIEFFER 8c HERR, -DEALERS IN-; WOULD CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO Fuller & Warren Ce.'s (TBOT.N.T.) STOVES, HEATERS. FURNACES AND BAN6ESL We ask no one te run any risks with "FUL LER a WARREN'S Qoeds. We guarantee them te give Satisfaction. As a Heater "TUB SPLENDID "bas no rival, being a thorough het base, no part of this stove remains cold, evei y Inch ei It radiates heat As a Smaller and Cheaper Heater tbe "BRIGHT DIAMOND " baa established itself In tbe front ranks. The merlU et the "SPLENDID" and "BRIGHT DIAMOND " consist tn Beauty of Construction, Perfect Control of Draft Cleanliness, no Dust, no Gas and Economy et Fuel. S9r Call and examine for yeurselL 40 EAST KINO ST., (OITOSITB COURT UOUBB.) arrib-tfdAw WUXB AMD Z1QUOB&. 27 -GO te- Sat) Reigart's Old Wine Stere Fer Pemmery Sec, Beuebe Sec, Piper Heldsleek, U.H.Mumm B Ca, and allether leading brands of Imported Champagnes. Alse.Madelra, Sherry and Pert Wines, Clarets, Hauternes, Ales and Stouts. sole agent rer special ureat western cttam. pagne, prodeosd by the Pleasant Valley Wine ue., us anest American vnampagne la united states. Flerida Orange A full line of llrai United State. . full line of Brand v. Whisky. Utns and Ruma. California Claret and Whltn Wine, of Nana Vai. ley, California. H. E. Slaymaktir.ASf, NO. V BAST BINS ST LAMOASTkB.PA WATCMBM. wSwW ITATOHJW. WitcaiB, Clecki CkiiM ud Irwilrj atlssetsataaaetleapneesunUl Jaaaarvi.issr, Kmriotef Rings,).. Alse, Elgin. Waltham uLareta sr wkieKl am seisTXaeat). and ether aTuat-sjsnae wassjBSBBi sen ttsmmms sum. ewurj ttsss or TalssTrapk Dally, only L. WEBER, lsMMarthQswssiai,Msa rasa's. B. B. Depot, asaatssiss. Eynlsssis aaatipttfaiaoeas, au WAS at fwTrr. mOBAOOO ODTTIHQB, SOKAPS. 81W jl iBa abb racs cnsaa.besBWIsssaiu EBBS' WASTB, Dry ana J. a. MOLjiia, "Kaftw&jiWi Bfcsssreart 'iTssLsaai iaHa.1 BtW.TscB. EsssHja Henserarnishmg Goods ! ajar oust. rt .. jejsm N: KWTORKBTOR& Black Dress Qoeds. WATT & SHAND, O. 8 ft 10 BAST KINO ST., lavtts the Attention et T.adlea te their Special Importation of BLACK CASHMERES, nutaM ttjf SSSV MsJL'JJ?! MnAnfAln iirtcea. A-... ....( - - ALLWOOL BLACK CASUUEBE, 0 lathes wlle,S7Ke.a yard. AUVtOOI, BLACK CABUMEgl, St iBSjMa wide, tee a yard. AlVl-WOOI. IILAOK ClASnMERII, SMst frades et 40 Inches wide, at 2)e , 67e.,7Se.,t7)tl I oe a yard SILK WARP HENRIETTAS at 7Sc., U.00, H.SS, SLtO. ALL-WOOL SEBASTOreLS at 7SO., S7We., SIO0.S1.S5. A great variety of new and desirable weaves In Blaek Drees Goods, Bilk Warp Almaa, Batln JMquarde, Camel's Hair Buttings, Helies, Raya, Sebaatopela, At Lewest City rrlees. We make a special effeilng of our well-known guaranteed FRENCH AND AMERICAN BLACK DRESS GOODS At 714 , S7Vf- SI oe. SI ss and II.W, being the best possible value for the money. New Tork Stere. H ACER A BROTHER. WALL PAPERS! Hager tSt Brether Have new ready Large Selections et W A LL PAPNKS. Prices are exceeding low, ranging from Scents per plree for a Uoed Style Paper te the finest Dcejratlve Hangings. Fine Decorative Werk. Moorish DesUns. Stencil Effeets, Ingrain Pa pers, English Washable Oaks. Curtains and Upholstery. Lace Curtains, Nottingham Curtains, Swis Curtains, Madras Curtains, Bilk Turceman Cur. tatns and Portiere. Tapestry Curtains and Por tieres, furniture Coverings and Slip Linens. O0RTAIN POLES AND OORNIOM. DRAPERY CHAINS. O0RD3 AND FRIN013. HOLLANDS AND BHADB OLOTH. 8TANDABD QUALITY SHADE CLOTH! ALL COLORS I U 1.4 CENTS rail TABD. Made Shades, Regular sues, with Spring and Cord Fixtures. All Sh&dt Werk Promptly Executti. Hager & Brether, Ne. 25 WEST KINO 8TRMBT, LAN0ASTEB, PA. T B. MARTIN A OO. SPEOIAL REDUOTIONS -in- Na l-t3 Desen Unlauedrled Shirts, re in ferced front and baekrat Mei former price, tee. Ne. 1-10 Desen Percale Shirts reduced from ll.M te tee. Ne. S-one let Calice Bslrts, I Cellars, re. duced from OOe. te 46c Ne. 4-One let Blue Flannel Shirts re duced from I1.SB te ll.oe. Ne. t-One let of Fancy riannel Shirts reduced front l.n te ILSt. Ne.e-lfl Desen Percale Shuts reduced frosi.eoto79e. Ne. 7-One let of Night Shirts reduced from L te tee No,s-Oneletof Unlauudrled ehltts re. from We. te 90c Ne. 0-One let of Bed Flannel Bbtrts were siiaowsee. Ne.10.10 Desea Deary Whits Merine Shirts reduesd te Ke, J. 6. Martin & Ce., Otr.Wut IlH AMMt Km LAXOAKBE, fA. 0?pslts itSTsas Hsasa,: SHIRT DEPARTMENT :f li j I A rr I H In bs ts of tx St w U Ol y b p e I O) L m!ZiL&:. msyfjr!f&s&t ... ',48!im jS'A.i V AMM&kin n . : -. w jwsaiair'K-ai i&. ,,. ii"j i..rM. .i? S &'K&