ti P$ THE LACASTEU DAILY INTELLtGENCEIt WEDNESDAY;, MAH01I 2.W887. Hf W.S ,.W MMrW' U' Xi TRB MONTH OF MAHON. When rough and wild the March Wind blew, Beneath the le we . ,0 We me the tiioek begin te new. When wilder yet Ihe wild winds sing, We hark end hear th bluebird ring Hit silver trumpet of thn spring. Ne bllter lne can him dlsmsy t Though Icy eurrsnts check the way, He ace tile to-tnnrrew In le day a . He knew, that wtitthalh been shall be I Me doe uet wait a we te tee, 1 ha bloom end bud upeu the tret. Te tneMnrn outnTTeylul song t TheunU bud end bloom be hidden long, III faith I Hire, bit hope li lining. . .N'eru I'tny. THI UVKHIitM II r HOAMI, It le tety Important Cmtlrlsmtlra at the yiiml Tim, from tlie Went Chester Village KccerA. lheteaila In Chester oeunty oeuld net be much werse or farther from deserving the name of highway than during this February. Travel at a faMer gait than a walk baa been scarcely possible while the atraln upon herana and tiven vehicles baa been tremendous. Transit with heavy leads has been entlrely barred, as few farmers bave atreng enough teams te bave hauled a ten very far. IM no one suppose that this refera te reads In a new oeuntry for It refers loeneol the eldest settled communities of Pennsylvania which haaspent upon Ita reads for nearly hundred years from one bnedred te two hundred theuaand dollars vpersnclwhlehwlllspend during ths coming summer the.aame amount for what It spent the same sum lavt year. Never bave the people complained se much as this year and one supervisor told us that In his township unless something permanent was done In tie way of read making some of the reads would have te be abandoned during the winter time. The annual losses te people living In the county due te bad reads, if they could be figured up, would undoubtedly feet up te surprisingly large sums, yet mere la no im provement In the metheda of read making from year te year se far as permanency la concerned. Townships have Introduced read machine which de the work of mending reads In summer much better and mere cheaply than the old-fashioned ahevel, but the reads ae mended are Just aa deep wllb inudaud llmpaasabls In winter. Knglneer Ing aklll has made the l'ennaylvanla railroad the meat perfect In the world, while the com mon reads In Pennsylvania are far Inferior te tbe reads made by the Unmans two thou sand years age, when wealthy people didn't bave the comforts new oneyed by the poor est people In Chester oeunty. Nemethlng should be done In the matter. Everybody admits It new, but when spring opens and aupervlsera should attempt soma permanent Improvement, net many but a beginning, there would be a grand cry airalnst the Increased tax and tbe Ufa of these elllclala would be a burden wbea they went te collect the tax. There la one township la the oeunty where the supervisors red uced tbe read Ux last year, for which tbey received the thanka of the oe .11 m unity, and several residents el that township tell ua that they bave walked te the railroad station several tlmea during this winter because the reads were virtually se impassable that tbey wouldn't risk riding. If reads are only needed In summer time all well and geed, but suppose a war In Humps bad suddenly sent up ttie prlee of wheat titty cents a bushel tbe bad reads In Chester county would bave barred the farmers frum baulleg their grain le the railroads except at a coat that would have eaten up all tbe profit, and well let everyone figure for himself what tbe less would be from the ba I reads. Qoed reads are possible as aynene who has ever traveled In Kegland am certify and one needn't go that far te verify It. Down In Lewer Merlen, Montgomery oeunty, Mr. A. J. Caaaatt, formerly vice president of tbe Pennsylvania railroad, offered bis engineer ing skill te hla neighbors and they made him a supervisor, the result being that the reads are se vastly Improved that winter travel has few terrors ever that of summer. Of course the question of expense comes up, but If a tewnsbtp sets sptrt only a small portion of Ita annual lax levy for permanent Improve ments en Ibe main reads It will net require many years te make these reads se; geed tbst tbe annual expenses of repairing them will be less than no', while tbe atvlng In aetual aspense and the added comfort and conven ience of these wbe have te travel or haul will be largely added te. Jn connection with this there ought te be some way of reaching tbe railroad corporations and compelling thorn te bear their snare of tbe expense or tlie reads leading te them. Festal and Hurtful Mtxlltlars. There lift certain class of rumrdks for consti pation atiselutnly useless, llu.e arti boluses and potions male In (treat part of pndnphyltln, aloes, rhubarb, gambeK and ethor worthless Ingredients. The damage they dete thn stomach of thoee wbe ute them Is tncilruluble. They evacnate the bowels, It Is true, but always de se violently and pretunnly, and hesldrs, yrlpe the bowels. Their ntrect I te weaken both theni and the sKuusch. Iletler far te use thn sirrrn. able and sa'ntury aperient, lleittr's etemsch Ultters, tbe laasilve envet nt which ti never pre ceded by pain, or accompanied y a convulsive, violent action el the bjweis On the centrury. It Invigorates these erirans, the stomach and the entire system. As a rmans ercurlufraud pre ventlsa malurlnl feveia, mi medtcitie can com pare with It, ami It reineillns nfrvein ilenlllty, rheuinatlim, kldnuy anil bladder Inactivity utid ether lueriianle alluienis. rji ml J as. H. Murphy, M. II , Cnmpanv'sMhetis, N C, writes: "I sell great deal et ur. iii nil's Cough tiyrup, ler nrj one who tiles It likes It." iiipru mnre iiiiiii; in nevven and earth, Horatio, than aredreuintef In Tour philosophy." Ol ceur.e why, these old dutTers uD'ered hor ribly with aches ana pain, and didn't and couldn't knew that Salvation oil would cure them. The Same Human Nature. Many valu attempts are madu te repeat the remarkable success of llenseu's Capclne Plaster. This splendid remedy U known, sold and used everywhere, and Ita prompt action and unrival led curative powers have wen ler It beats of friends. Imitation have sprung up under similar sounding names, such aa " Lupslcln," - Capsicum," etc , Intended te deceive the care lees and unwary. These articles possess none of the virtues or the genuine, therefore we hope the people will assist ns te protect what are at once their Interests and ours. Ask for Bensen's Plaster, and examine what la given you, and make sura that the word " Capclnu " fseut In thu middle or the plaster Itself, and the Three Seals" trademark Is en the lace cloth. Any reputable dealer will show you the safe guards without hesitatien: If you cannot re member the nauie Bunion's Capclne Plaster aut this paragraph from the paper. BVmOlAl. KUTIVBH. Hear Hliu ! new. I was afflicted with sick head ache anil geueral duOllliv, but ITfurJec flood MUtert brought about an ImmedlaUi Improve ment In niv Kenersl hunlih m..iA..r.i.. UV Wb MIM'IJ wwiigiuB 111 w -.. .rM.Tin ..i.ri"".- r:"w"w the market. jaoeipo ajkiihk. OaDWIK IS T ITer sain h IT e cucaran, araggut, i7 a sad IK North Queen user, umeaaier. North Fele Eipedltleaa. Price flghts,' lotteries, walking matches, and balloon ascensions aru usually humbugs of ths worst sort. Vr.Themni' Kclectrie .Oil I. net a humbug. It I a quick cure for aches and sprains, and Is Just as gxnX for a iamenass. Fer sale by 11. B. Coehran, druggist, 137 and law North Queen street, Lancaster, The Dead Line. " Many old soldiers remember " the dead line " Andersenvllle. It was a mighty dangerous neighborhood Dyspepsia, biliousness, and liver and kidney dues es are lull or perils for lhaeuarbut Burdock Hlned f)wt.tn. tarn remedy. Beld everywhere. Fer sals by 11. B. Cochran, druggtat, 117 and 1W North Queen street, Laaneaster. Beats tbe World. That Is wbat.H. C tleherman, a druggist or Marlen, Ohie, lays: rAomes' ikltclrla OU beau tbe world. Beld nine bottles yesterday aad te-day. One man cured cf sere threat ei eight yean standing. Is s pie ml Id for rheums rheums M,?.JreJ,,8b.Jr1' B. Cochran, druggist, 17 aad US North Queen street, Lancaster. Beuress of Frellt, '"nmuxytenren of profit te these wbe are Ingenious and enterprising. Burdock mood ere a suuroeet profit lu every way. Tbev h!tMUy'iWitnU eying great Oeaf.; Fer sale SuiltrbLanca.rteT'il, W mNerth First Class lareraaee. Insure with FAeimis' Meltctrte Oil. It la the 1?!SPS!. S 5?i e' iBifrinee w. lormei nevuas aisoeanuand SI airh rAiii OFiMtTuEFFscnAOvasv Mr. Oscar M.H. Keek, of Ailsatewn. Fa, was bseUastwttk ta. SAauaatery rbsumatlsm ta the wtatsv crfism PssHeti oeuld de nothing te rails ve bias. aeasmiaeed using Gress' BaemsaaUe BaaaaaV ST the time be bad used salt a aeuu aawsaiA leavsaisbedi wbenbs ba aaishac kT beMaa ae was cured aad ass net adarraei tk tk Aasaasesinee. la hi own words, 1 taal bstksa laeAeverbefara.'1 Fries ix by aUdraawskZr kV flODQH. WHenriWia t USHMgaweasMai itiek'a Cars. BawlaS 3Baesuaiiy relieves 1 mmmttiAu H OOD'S SAKHAl'ARlLIiA. The Bleed ! the source of health I therefore, te keep well purify the Meed by taking Heeds Rarsaparllla, This medicine Is pecnllarly designed te act upon the blend, and through that upon all the organs and tlsiust of the body. It has a specific action, also, neon the secretions and exertions, and assists natnte te expel from the system all humors, impure particles, and effete matter through the lungs, liver, bowels, kidneys, and skin, n effectually aids werk,lmplred.aadde' lillltated organs, Invigorates tbe nervous aye: tern, tones the digestive organs, and Imparls new life and energy. Heed's Sarsap&rilla " I think Heed's Parsaparlllaan excellent medi cine for the bleed, and for debility arising from dyspepsia and catarrh. We keep It constantly for family use, and have net feand any remedy se beneficial." m. . Cruiwiv, 10 Courtlandt Street, I'revldence, It. I. Purifies the Bleed " Deven years age, while my little boy was playing In theyaid. be waa bitten by a spider. The pnltnn out ml his bleed, and sores seen broke out about bis body i they Itched terribly and caused him interne suffering. Several time we succeeded In healing the sores up, but In spite of all we could de they would seen break out again, finally we tried Heed's Sersape illla, and he took one bottle and one-third of another, when the sores disappeared. He has net a sere spot en htm new, and I consider Mm potreettyoured." tin, II. II. Wasu, Downing- tOWn, flMD. HOOFS SARSAPARILLA Sold by all druggists. II t six ler as. Pre pan d by C. I. II jOii a CO , apothecaries. Lew ell, Mass. 100 Desea One Dellar. 3) T IUK1I OUT! Ai;tlilssrann nearly every one needs tense some sort et tonic lltON enters Inte almost every plitalctsn's prrstrlptluu for these wbe need building up. Phrilclaaa m4 UraggliU RersiaHeae BROWN'S IBM BITTERS! At THE lEST TONIO. .. KVT Weaknnss.ijusltude.'l.aek of Enerwy.Etc, ItHANNOKgUAI., unci Is thn only In", medi! vmid umv ia nui injurious, n nnncnes ins iiiuw, iiiriKnniim ine nysinm, itesinres At tile. Aids KlkTMIen. It does net blacken or in. nl lllttera Is a thoroughly jroed inrdtclne. practice, and find Its mi inn 1 use It In tnv eicels all ether fnrmsnl Iren. In weakness, or a low conilltlen of the system, llmwn's Iren llllters Is usually a peimn nnci-Kitty. It Is nit that Is claimed fertu tin. W.N. VViiiM, 1119 Thirty second Street, Georgetown, I. C saja: ' llrewn's Iren llll ters I. the Tonic el the Bire. Nothing better. It creates appetite. Kites strength and Improves digestion " 1 he Genuine has Trade Hark and crossed red lines en wrapper, lake no ether. Made only bv IIIIOWN UUBM1CAL CO, ( lialtlmere. Hd. rpil KNWlrTHPKOlKlUCO. liSiSg Black Wolf ! Or lllsck l-eprnir. Is a disease which Is con sidered Incuiable. but It has yielded te the cura tive properties of Hwirr'stncciria-new known all ever the world ss 8. 8. f. Mrs. Bailey, of West eemeivllle. Mans., near Ilosten, was at tacked several years age with this hideous black eruption, and was treated by the best medical talent, who icu'3 "niv say that the dljease win a specie el LEPROSY. and consequently Incurable. 11 Is Impossible te describe her sufferings. Her body Irem the crown et her bead te the soles et her feet was a mass of decay, maum of flesh retting off and leaving great ca Itles. Her fingers festered and and three or four nails dropped off atone time Her limbs contracted by the fearlul ulceration, and for several years she did net leave her bed. Her weight was reduced from IS te IV) as. Per haps some faint Ideu of her condition ran be gleaned from the fact that three pounds of Ces- luuiiiiuuriiimiitniii worn usea per wet Kin aress tng ber sores, rinally the physicians acknowl edged their defeat by this lilacs Wolf, and com mended the sntTerer le her all wise Creater. Her husband hearing wonderful reports of tte nse of awirra frscine (S.B a.), prevailed en her te trj' It as a last resort, Hhe tMwan Its use under pretest, but seen found that her system was being relleed of the poison as the sores as sumed a red and healthy color, as though the bleed was becoming pure and active. Mrs. Bailey continued the 8. a 8. until last February: every sere was healed i she discarded chair and crutches, and was ter the nrst time In 11 years a wen woman. 11-r husband, Mr. C. A Halier. Is In business at I7X Mtackstene Street, Ilosten, and will take pleasure In giving the details or this wonderful cure. Bend te ns for Treatise ou Bleed and skin Diseases, mailed Iruu. THE SWIFT SPECIFICS, DRAWIR 3. ATLANTA, OA. ri-ly.Uw DSXliAUHTED VlTAiaTY. exhausted" vitalitt TUB8C1KNCKOF LIFE, the great Medical Werk of the aire nn aii.niiwMf mawa..- bm Physical Debility, Fremature Decline, Errors of leuth, and the untold miseries consequent thereon, aoepagossvo. IK prescriptions for all diseases cloth, full gilt, only giroe, by mail, sealed. Illustrative sample tree te all young and middle-aged men for the next M days. Address Dtt. W.H. FABKEB, Bultineb Street. Bostea, etas. mvUlveedAw JJLY'S CREAM BAI,M. " C1TARR1T, HAY FEVER. Ely's Cream Balm CUBES Ofttsvrrb, Celd ta Bead, Rem Celd, Hay Paver, Daafnaaa, Beadaehe. EAST TO U8K-FBICK W CKNTS. ELT BKOS., Oswego, N. Y U. 8. A. HAY FEVER. ELT'SCBEAM HALM Is net a liquid stuff or powder. Applied Inte nostrils Is quickly ab sorbed. It cleanses tbe head. Allays Inflamma tion. Heals the sores, Kostercs ths senses of taste and smell, sTS0 Cents at Druggists t by mall, registered, ee cents. ELY BROTHERS, DriggUts, JyXHyeedAlyw OSVYKUO. N. T. CJAFK,HURKANDHPKKDY CURB. t?..KJpt5 X5Ice?,Bwn "Pedal Diseases of either sex. Why be humbugged by quack when yen can And In Dr. Wright tbe only Beau lab Farsieuw In FW'adelphia wbe makes a speclaltyel tbe above dbeases, and Cuaas Taint Ccass OuAkASTBSD. Adviee Free day and evening. Strangers can be treated ana re tarn bems same day oaeesnnvatax 0 omMS&ytriVbevlace, mttRKOKB or THIS DENTAL. OH AS- mmmmmM fcI'j"Xn" WlW-f DTlMOMOt lAOtHflltT MN VlUag teeU speelalty. Ail weraaarsauS. SaaMt,sASiiSi s.vsmhss. jDTJMsM pUTXOK. BUEGEE ft SUTTOI. In Order te Make loom for Our SPRING STOCK -or- BEADY-MADE CLOTHING We are compelled ta efTsr tbe balance of our Winter stock at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. II you are In need of any anything In Heavy Weights It will pay you te buy Irem ua new, while we can gire you a geed assortment te select from. ear A call ta all we ask te convince you that we mean te give you a Genuine Bargain. BUBGER & SUTTON, eaabctirlK Clothiers, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANOASTEB. FA. QANHMAN BBO 66L. Gansman & Bre.-68 NORTH QUEEN ST. LARGE STOCK Fresh Goefc - Lew. Prices. It la partlcu'arly te your advantage te ex amine out large stock el - Men, Beys' and Children's Clothing Before your purchase elsewhere. Our stock has been enlarged, remodeled and BtUd up In the best of style, exclusively rer tbe sate or steady-Made Clothing and goods In the piece soluble for Merchant Tailoring, and are prepared new te meet ths wants of the public FACTS AND PRICES. Men's Belts at M.B, 11.00, M 03, tlM. aj.00, 10.00. IU co. sit oe and iisie . lleys' ButU at (1.7A,rlTt, ta 00, 1 , HOO. 19.00, snag as te and no ou. Children's galls at si fl). n.7S. si no iisn as an. sase, m.00, d.u and tste One Thousand ralr of Men's and Beys' Fsnts at 75c.. Me $1 00 ; re 1 1 val ae ler money . Spring OvereeaU from (LBO and upward Ten will never regret the rdeney spent en tbe goods we are new offering at the lowest price you have ever known. Wtntsr Overcoats at your own price. L. GAHSHAN & BRO., MANurACTUugus or MfB'i, Bajt aad Chlldrea'i Cletblig, B. It. COB N. OUBENA OBANGK STB , 1.ANCA8TKU rA- gaVCIesed everr eve except Monday and Sat urday!. M YKR8 4 RATHFON. Reductions! Plenty Of Cheap Olething. TIlgSE BEDUCTION ' TlUKs 1 Leads of Bargains Left Yet 1 Plenty have been sold ; plenty here yet. The Rrlees are low enough te J usttly a jy eue In buy buy lgfern xt winter. Ours has been u aatuiaetery reduction te us and te the trad. MEN'S SUITS AT ALL SEASONABLE PBICK4 FOB BUSI NESS OB IIBK81 WKilt. Prices ia Reach of Everyone. t won't coat yen anything te Me these Bargains, and If you don't want te buy, we'll net Insist. " Myers & Rathfon, LeadiDg Lanctster Clothiers, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET. LAMCASTEB. PA. rfBeTAMsT. F" NN tt BRENKMAN. BUY THE GENUINE OLD STYLE HAND-MADE TINWARE -AT- FLJMN & BRENEIAN'S, Ne. 152 North Queen Street, LAsTOATBB PA. QONTRAOTOR AND BUILDER OsfORQI 1RNST. OAJUfBETBB, OOltTBACTOB A BUILDBB. W00DBJMAMXItAAO eiEEBAL HABD woeb wgu a reeLaxn. HBW BTOBB. Jeseph L. Rail & Ce., THE HEW STORE: Spring Jackets and Wrips, Jersejs, Reiuj-Mtde Dnssts and Ladles' Wrappus. Whlte our collection of the above Is at this writing far from oempltto.a Leading Styles and Popular Prices at the New Stere. JOSEPH L RAU & CO, NQH. 130. 138, 140 K0ETH QUEEN STREET. NEW ATTRACTION -AT- ASTRICH'S Palace ei Fashion, NO. 13 EAST KINO ST.. LANCASTER, FA. -Wg CALL IT POSTMORTEM SALE. We have just Finished STOCKTAKING, and In doing se we have come acreas a great many floods onus and ENim.suehas we are aaz 0T11 te dispose of AT AN Y FBICK. Tbey consist of Geed and Desirable Articles for which we will and UKADY and UUIOK S ALB at this time of the year. . We have nut these aoeda nelnLOTV These lets will be placed en our counters and elAcblet maked with a large ticket telling thepHW of It. In order te dispose of them properly and In short time we will Inaugurate, COMMENCING MONDAY MOBHJiG, February q8, A SO-CALLED POST MORTEM SALE! THIS WILL BE POSITIVELT THE LAST SALE Till SEASON, We have net yet died a deOnlte lime as te hew nng this sale will last, an that depends greatly en hew fast tbe goods will sell, and hew seen tte approaching Spring Trade WILL COME IN ON US. We are net prepared te mention any price at this date, hut will de se In a low days, for the present we mention helew a few Items which will Interest you and gire you an Idea el What Bargains We Offer. Twe Leu el Infants' Cents a pair. Weel Mitts at Sand 18 One Let or Children's Cleth Olores at One Cent a pair. 1 we Lets or Ladles' Mitts at UK and 21 Cent a '!.02,Loier .L,n K'O Gloves, Spring Celer and Black at s; Cent a pair. One Let Butten Kid Gleve, 19 Cents a pair Twe Leu of cashmere Ulevei, II ai.d 16 cents a pair. One Let of Vine Brilliant Lisle Gleve, li Cents a pair. reur Let et Colored Silk (lleves. is, si, 57 and 37 lenUapalr. Twe Leu of Black Silk Gloves, It and 21 Cenu a pair. One Let of Children' Cotten lleie, Cardinal, S Cenu a pair. One Let et Children's Cardinal Hese, mil BegnlarMade, lOCenUapslr. rive Lets of Children's Black Bibbed Cotten JJeee. J nil Begular Made, UK, is, 17, 19 and 23 ceuisi m pur Other Lets renatsttng or Ladles' ilestery. llandkereblef. Under wear, Embrelderte. Ac Ac Leme aad see them. It will save your money. BOOK. 1887. 1887. JOHN BAER'S SONS, Booksellers & Stationers SHANNON FILES. Best Lead Pencils ! -AND- STATIONERY. Ita. 15 and 17 North Queen Street, LAMCASTEB, PA. jremura. w HY, HO ! It Uad Te, But It's Different Nev'. Trade does net end with Christmas by any means. NetwItluUndlng tbe fact that our Holiday Trade has been an unprecedented one. ou . Buperb stock et .Teur-In-dand and ether style Neckties, eUk Mufflers, Handkerchiefs, Suipeneers, bleves, cellars, Cufls. Camel Hair Underwear and. Half Hese, Shirts, Cigar Cases, aeivrBntu,M-c-ta' - RETURN GIFTS. AVOnr Prleaa aa Lew as the Lewest for ths same grade of goods. E. J. ERISMAN, BO. U WIST Bine STBBBT, LAMCASTBB. aTArCgfaW, w ATOHBB, Witckia, Clods Oktii&i ul Jertlrj Mleai.thaaauotteanHeasanUl Jann "aSSifcss. ytaMtaiatty, ky Ttiagrais. Dally, ettly L. WEBER, aim N EXT DOOR TO UOURT BODBK. FAHNESTOCK'S. LACE CURTAINS, CURTAIN NETS, CURTAIN POLES AND FIXTURES, Window Shading All Celers and Shades Eeady-Kada Having flttexl up a room for the xelrulTatmit) of tog- abev ioedsi, la em. neetlOB with OTirOARParT Rhem , we r prapsvgsl te off Imrf BBd ,(-trotlTBteoktVslBTLOWPWOsla, R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Hext Deer te ike Cent Hewe. UMgwter, Fen'. QARPKTS FKOaf AUCTION. METZGER & Bay Mew Opened a Large INGRAIN, RAG, HALL I - A - Bought at Auction for Cash CARPETS At .-UaBFETa- AT.. CARPETS AT.. CABPBTS AT.. CaRPETS AT.. 1 CENTS. , 1SGKMT4. .SS CENTS. ICISTB. I CENTS. Metzger & Ne. 43 West King ,. AwrAbouttberiritef April ws will Bemore side et tbe street- .TV-v . .......... a .... a "Sfcw SU jmwmvmt. He Z. RH0AD8, JBWELER. SPECTACLES ! -BUYERS OF- Spectacles, Eye Glasses and Optical Goods WILL FIND A FULL LINE IN OUR STOCK. We give especial care te filling Oculists' prescriptions and set all kinds of lenses te order. OPERA AND FIELD GLASSES. H. Z. RHO.ADS, Ne. 4 West King Street, GAJUUAtJ A MOTTO THAT ALWAYS WINS. Honest Werk at -AT- PHILIP DOERSOMS (OLD BELIABLE) Carriage Works Neb. 126 and 128 East King St The Largest Assortment of NK W AND SECOND-HAND Buggies, Carriage, Phaton. Market and Business Wagen that has ever been Shown te the Public 11 Ten Want a Geed and First Class Fhsoten, GO TO DOEBSOM'S. If Teu Want a Nice Comfortable family Carriage, ae TO DOEBSOM'B. n,aXJJyntBuMyYouea8e,eotfronl,f,nDurerBnt Klndet Springs, If you GOT liUBneilssl Ss If Yen Want a Nice and Nrat Business Wagen, OO TO DOEBSOM'S. If Yeu Want a Durable Market Wagen, GOTO DOEBSOat'B. 11 Yeu Want a Qoed Seoend-Uand Ponten, Buggy, or Market Wagen, GO TO DOEBSOM'S. If Yeu Want te Buy a t'lrst-Clas Article at a Lewor Price than any ether plaee In the city or county, r GOTO Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage forks, N0S. 186 AND 128 EAST KING BTBEET, LANCASTER, PA. 9g-FAOTORYIt6 & m MIFFLIX STREET. mewBMrvMMamant aetwav s HIRK'B CARPET HALU ! -BEOPBNINO Or- SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te show the toads the Largest and Bast Selected Line of Carpets stst ax Ublted la this city. WILTONS, VELVETS, all the Trading Makes of BOOT AND TAPESTB1 BBDUBLS,THBEK-PLY, All-Weel and Cotten Chain KXTBASUPEBS, and all qualities eflw. OBAINCABrETS, DAMASK and VENETIAN CABPETS. BAQ aad CHAIN CABPETS Of Oar ewe KaausMtara a specialty. Special Attention paid te the maautectara of CUSTOM 0 ABT ITS Alse a roil Ltaaef OIL CLOTHB, BUSS, WINDOW SHADES, CO VBBLBTS, SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, V.WtHlUMMTVtr&iU,LmuMtr,T: O TJBH aTJAjULsTTaWn, RUPTURE. '. ,. ""$""' NEAR FENA. R, R. STATION. miivem. HAUGHMAN and Haadsem Vatlety et AND STAIR CARPETS., and te be Sold Cheap for Cash. I CARPETS AT... OABPBTS AT... ................a 1K CEETS. ...W VMN-SV. SS CEXT. M CBXlfs. TS CEETS. GAKPBTS AT..., I CAKPSTS AT................. I usarsis jl-e. Street, Lancwter, Pv te He. Si; enr Large Mew Stere, ea the eppealta Lancaster, Penn'a. BTOJUlaV Honest Prices. I TUDKAT. HaaghmSdTfrfipSteie, rtonmve Orasss Bssssawaiy sassa aVa iwassSaaC BMSflB & iM n,A SI SI l f IWtqP, mmmmmmm jnntMAfUKum M svsm. llsaMlltJSasli BaWBiffli ee -- " i itl sll sis:. ? mmm 8Bi rbseFisM aawaatl itas MaSMsmaa i m&tffSS'ZSSll muumwAMB riOM wkxn; Kf. ' ..& K-l QUEENSWARl ,v"i ntaeTOBlkV ii minima wawwrAjta. iigfiseMg WMK&tWMJRItKllttltA aQasPMJ) JjWWRWjJaWaTee jwifcBsf ataayewi m& gfJ awMsXTaTJPf VeVVflfJasMlaJI 'saWwee-westW'.ptEwwaTl twaattlsJrywee JaBj faWsMWaWaf AgW-Mjt ) a JjKl IaPssfwWaWWKe VMM jSaaWaaWaaWaawS(XwawlatlM " aBaVaPa WwMsfgfal eU9lws9Mtsve M9 felfa tf . - 'lefaMp ajg gategaU, e)eEsy) ijttKff aJ"J"lJ"1 ,-22 WAK&ftkKM $B& Jf rfS a J ! W ir." ST TrT-OS -AT- l rA N !ttJI msg.: AVhlte Granite, SoBU.Percsa!r: . . .. . ... K sets, in ueia nana, rruuM mmi TV !. t 1 irilft- vwuMuwus, tu uuge assmaisiifs.i verjwwpnctM. uur S5.) DUusstl the best quaUty-ta tbe menev. Tbe te se4a an baiisrr set Includes mere pteew eai bettsi ...... . t tT. out tne no seu an gpeetfJi 12, 115 end lis sete u ef .. , -iv' sratment Bad saape. Oar I30)HI VK mA IO rj Sl.m W."...U' -,... mm mm,mmi$ ea neetetc seoenttfcma Ib tbe i where for the Beney. Thaw jaft" let fast. FartlM nmwm&M4i ?... i keeping would de well te etU tLffy wwr a '"V trtj give our tunsu EiisniBiei an j net egtlAfactery will be 15 EAST nNOSmiECT. : ' IiAHOASTsU, rs Wju rt'M '-ii waaM AT WIAMT8. t : rir. IB? s. wsasasar jassu uwuut r,r , I Three peuntu BaatgiasMsi rraaea, lslns.sse. toaraeaaasth of rieur, me., ne, me.. sse.. , Ms. i euarter. Oar High Arade CefS sbsimIts. riaaeeglraaaatftaTel OK). aaglMyd MsviiIWi ,T BUMMMm. i Zi& $k FIN! OBIAK OHIBAfLI TABMOUIK BIAATamjt BONBLiflPi V3?S? ll a m jawiesaiTia.a BA8LI BsUsW !f i mm ' ' n 1 1 I I 1 1 IT. T-i't liHlliA J1il tttm Jftr-J "Sffl, '. .1 HBEfa e. W sawslliKH Wk HmmHt ava, Ip. AflSefeaE ASSi Sj&i' M Vt f &$ ' &,: (. j-at ?e$h