&i i- Bv .. T",'JXI11 a- -rv' ' ? r volume xxm-Ne. 152. LANCASTER, PA., MONDAY, FEBKUARY.28, 1887. PRICE TWO I .i MUS.-DKUSE UANGHD. aim ufifi . riiit KVAfrttLn IIKItKlilttK, ititn TOUR. At A TWa Mnril.r el II. r llutbtuil awl th Or eat tattmttt fttcltsil liiKrery UaHr. The Weman's Ceufcaitua-fltary f ths nauseating Grim. HrnniMnn, II, Y., I'uli. 28. Mra, Druse wm hanged fur the muriler of liur husband, William Drut, st 12:01 i. in. Alterbanglng Is minutes lie was pronounced dead at 127 p. in. The morning of llie ilny flzed fur the exe exe cutlen of Mrs. ttexalana Druse, for tlie tnur tnur iler of Iter husband, dawned bright, clear and yety cold. Tlie condemned woman alnpt little during the night, Ntie did tint retire until midnight ami then ahe refuted foun feun dress, raying It wes liardly worth while aa shacxplcted te get llttle sleep. When she did sleep her inultiirlng indicated acute mental torture. At short Interval during the balance of ttie night Mrs. Druse would Jump up uiul nervously rcauuie her writing. Hie wretn totters te her friends and appeared te find relief lu tlie occupation. Heme flowers acceiupwylug a letter from ber daughter who is oentlned In tha Syra cuse penitentiary for life, which were brought te her last tilght,aeamed teallect her deeply. She wrote a touching note te ber daughter In reply. At times alie wept quietly, psttisularly when writing te Mary Druts. Iler bearing, however, aa a whole was reselute and ber resignation te the Inev liable appeared te Inorcase as the night were en. Her fear el approaching death was nev ertheless made apparent by eiccaaleusl excla excla tnatlens of despair. At llme during the night the watchers thought tlie un un un tortunate woman had found relltf In slesp, hut they wcre generally mis taken. And tli'is tlie night wero en and the tulseraMe weruiu at break of dsy was still making a vain etlert te obtain h little rest. At last finding It impossible te sleep, she arose, bathid her face and began Mak ing preparations ter the ordeal through which she wm seen te pais. Within tLe Jail preparations ler the banging bad been fully cotnpletod and everything possible had been dene toward a successful consum censum consum tuitien e! the law. There were very few per oils In town wtieu day broke, but tan early hour, teams drawing all sorts of oeuvoyaocca began coming In, notwithstanding the bad condition of the reads and low thermometer. Tbs people for the most part, especially the women, seetned te deeply aympnthlzs with theceademned woman. COCLD HOT EAT JIHEAKr.lr. Alter dressing herself In a most carelul manner, putting en a black cashmere drear, tbe murderess sat down te breakfast, but could net eat any of tbe feed. Sue was then Joined by tbe Itev. Dr. Powell, her spiritual adviser, who prayed with her and In every way tried te comfort ber. He seemed te have great Influence ever ber, and at times be soemod much eompeoj. Several hymns were sung In which sbe Joined with ap parent fervor, and hur volce could be beard strong and iUr. Tue morning waa pent lit plng, writing and tinging with new and then lij itericil periods au the psrt of the condemned. At about 11:16 a. ui. tbejurera, deputies and ether persons appointed te witness the execution were led upstairs te tlm cell of the condemned woman by Deputy Sheriff Mannlen. The Rev. Mr. Powell, It. 1. Luce, Mrs. Druse'a counsel, and Superintendent Terry, of the Uueudsga penlteutlary, were also preent. 'Iho death warrant was read te Mrs. Druse in hercell by Sheriff Cook. Dr. Suiter, who worked up tbe medical l'Kal evidence sgalnht Mrs. Oruse, then entered the cell imil took her palse, which was beating at eighty, bating e una down from one hundred in forty min utes. Mr. Druse then breke dewu almost completely, and It win fearcl that elm would hive te be carried te the gnllens She, bow ever, having received sonie cncourageineut from Dr. I'otsell, rccevircd her composure, nd tbe proeo'olon te tbe tcalield was formed. Sheriff Cook led the way, followed by the prl.ener, leaning heavily en tbe arm I of Rev. Dr. Powell. Iter face was grratly flushed, but no tears wi re shed, although an expression of utter hopelessness and rcilgnr. rcilgnr. lien, fctn despair, was plainly tlsitile. OH THE SOAFrOLt). Lfnin reaching the fatal spot Mri Druse stepped te thu middle of the beard platform built upon the ground, and knelt whlle Dr. Powell ettered up prayer, Infctlng about three minutes. Happen lug te cast her oyei upward sbe caught bight of the daugling noeso which she haJ net noticed before, and u convulsive tremor shook her slight lrame. She b1i sobbed gently at Interval At thoend of the prayer both prisoner aud clergyman arese, when Dr. I'owell, grasping ber hand, badeher geed bye aud htepped outside of the enclo sure, se m net te wltnexs the lianglng Previous te till", however, Mrs. Druse leaned ever aud whtspered te Dr. Powell a request te thank ber friends who had labored e long and faithfully In her behalf. Mrs. Druse still held lu her hand tt e lienquet wblahhcrdaughterhad eentber. These she gave te tbe doctor. The cxecutloner then stepped forward and pinioned her arms and legs together. The noesa was adjusted and the black rap drawn down ever tw fnce. iuk tutor r.tLLS, At tbU point tbe prisoner again showed signs of collapse and screamed and sbrleked at the top of her voice In a hysterical manner, but tba drop of the 213 pounds weight choked tier crles In ber threat and the body of the murdere'B, whose awful erlrne has shocked thoentlre country, was sent flying upward nbettt four feel, st.oetlng forward te the right aud nettling back te within a feet and ahallef the platform. Dm. Suiter and Kay stepjied forward and examined ttie pulse beats whleh were almost linparespttble. After tha lapie of one minute a spasmodic clenching of tlie fingers occurred, followed by rllerts te draw up the legs. Tha pulse als begau ti buU very rapidly, about 10?,altbeub very foebla This tncreasnd at 3 minutes te 110, although still quite weak. The pulsations were then lets rapid, docreailng two minutes later te 120. The heart beats at this time wero 47 per mlnuta The pulse contlnued te get slower until 15 minutes alter Ibe drop foil, life waa pronounced extinct by Dr. Suiter. The drop fell at 11:13, llfe was pronounced oxtlnet at 12.03 aud the body was lowered into tbe atreteber at 12: U, according te the watch of the representative of the United Press. A neat Imitation rosewood cclUn was brought In. Wben the black cap waa drawn back It waa found that death bad reaulted from asphyxia, Tbe neck and lewer portions of the face were much discolored aud the rope marks were plainly vulble. The coese bad cut a bunch of flowers uud temu lace which she bad worn at ber neck and loreed tbem Inte the ilesb. The body vim at once put Inte tbe celli n and turned ever te Dr. Powell, who will probably take the remains te tbe receiving tault of Oak 11111 cemetery aud leek them up until be deter mines wbat final disposition te make of them. Tbe date et tbe funeral baa net jet been deci ded en. Thus ends tbla horrible tragedy, Ibe revolting details of which have allecked the community. ur.a z.4Ar niiinr. The Legal and Hptrltnal AHvUsrs With U r aud Making ArraegtinanL. JIURXIMBlt, N. Y., Feb. 26V H. D. Luue, Mra. Druse's counsel, left here at 11 o'clock last night, having been with her from the eloMeftha Mrrlc which Mr, Powell hld. Te Mr, Iitiee Mrs. Druse expressed ber ap preciation el his Inderatlgable aervlces in ber bebalf. She says she forgives all her enemies and these who bave prosecuted her. Hbe la fully prepared te go and Is calm and com posed, ir tbe paeplu of tbe stnte want te hang her, the says, sbe Is brave enough te die, although she dees net iloservo such a fate. Mr. Luce say t ' She Is the bravest little woman 1 ever taw." Mrs, Drnseteld lilui what be should siy te Mary wben be aaw her, and nhe also said that before morning alie should write letter te Mary and Qeergn. All ber elToets, a far as possible, bare been sent ti Mary at Syra cuse, One box remain, and this Is packed, ready te go. nehire Mr. Luce left the Jail Mrs. Druse wrote her signature for hi memorandum book. The writing la a round, old-fashioned hand, all down strnUea being shaded. Mr. Luce premised te sve Mrs. Oman again In tbe morning. nECOKCII.Ktl TO HKIt FATK. Hev. Mr. Powell called en Mta Druse again at 10 o'clock, and lelt her directly after Mr. Luce. Dr. Powell say she Is reconciled te ber fate, but net as te tbe manner of her death. Hbe would net mind death se mueb, but tbe thought et hanging In an enlightened country like this Is awful. Mrs. Druse, he says, has been greatly misrepresented by everyone. On the contrary she 1 a afleo aflee afleo tlenata and devoted as ene could ask. Hlie haa Just given hi in two letters. " Loek," aid Mr. Pewell, "Is Ibis net touching?" lie held up tbe letter for Inspection. At tbe top was a lock of Mrs. Druse'a hair, Hed with a small piece of ca.hmere from the dre. she will wear at the banging, underneath were some versea which she had Just written him expressing ber thankfulness for all that bad been done for her. Mr. Luce was of the opinion that Mra. Druse would say nothing en the soafreld. In regard te this pilut, Dr. Powell Mid : "I think she will try and say u llttle something before ber execution. Hlie would like tessy a few words, but fears she would bresk down. I shall eiler prayers and read a selec tion of scriptures, and If she nays nothing I may say Bemethlng mjaell." tub ru.NEnar, AiutAMOEMr.vrs, 11 Wbat about the funeral t" " The funeral will lake place Immediately alter the execution," Dr. Pewell said. " She wanted a public lunersl, but I could net get the court buur and for certain geed reasons I de net with te a'k ler the use of a church. The expenses of tbe funeral are te be paid by myself. There will he a hearse aud two hacks. We will go Immediately from tbe Jail te the cemetery where I will say a few words. Next Sunday I preKsa te preach her funersl sermon." At ber request, she has solected tbe text which I : " Father, forgive thorn, for they knew net wbat tbey de." Mr. Druse Is nowalenewlth her watchers, Mr. and Mrs. Waterman. Mr. Terry, super intendent of the Onondage county peniten tiary, la here, from which fact It Is surmised that be may bave a mersnge freii Mrs. Druse from her daughter Mary. At 1J0 a. in. Mr. Terry brought down te Mrs. Druse a farewell letter together with a bouquet of flowers. Mary feels very badly ever tha protpectef ber mother's execution and is willing todle with ber. i tiic iieiJl i.v-.t uovarssjiev. She Tell, nlihe t'art Cnsnes lt. Tuek In Ilia isnabt.r in IteJy Humeri aud Tlisu llellnl. Heme, N. Y., ten, 2S The Sentinel' Herkimer special nays: At P o'clock yester day morning Dr. Powell re wived it rnessage from thn Jail requesting his presence at once, as Mrs. Druse wished te cee him. He im mediately went te tbe eell el the doemod woman, who greeted him tiy warmly. The attendant was requested te leuvn thorn In so se so chulen, but refused te de se. Sberlfl Cook was appealed te, and bis request was granted. Mrs. Druee thea said : "Mr. Pewell, 1 havesant far jau te make a oenfetslon, will you llttenT " " Yes, certilnly," replied tha doctor. 11 What I am about te say te you has never been undo public before, nud I assure you en the honor of a woman standing en the brink of the grave that 1 itui speaking tbe truth. The world has turned against me, but I knew I bave ene friend left and that is you. New jeurnutt promlse that you will net say a word of this until I am gouts Then you can publish It and let this cruel world knew the truth of the matter. I don't want te take any mero of your tlme than 1 can help se I win begin: I inuat take you tuck iwfnre the murder and tell of n oiiiveri;Ui'n hid with Charlea nates lu reference te the killing of Driibj. It was about Dfcoom Dfceom Dfcoem tier Ut, en Wednesday night, Druse was an ay us he usually was a big part of thu tlme. dates caine lu ami asked me It 1 was alone. Georgia and Frank wero out riding down hill and Mary was upstairs. Gates asked me If I did net want te get rid of Druse. 1 told bim I was nearly dead new and did net earn what happened. He asked me if I bad the pistol he gave me j el, 1 1 w as In tbe pantry and I tnld him se. I went and get it and showed It te him. Ha saw It was net leaded in all the barrels and he put m sonie mere cartridges and gave It hack te me. He wanted te knew If 1 could lire and I went te the deer aud (napped it. It did net go et! and I put In another cartridge and Nald : Well, you knew hew te de It and that Is eunuch.' If e then said : 'New, if auy thing happens you can depend en me te help you.' Then he went away aud cama back en Da comber 17th, Ilia night before tbe murder aud told tue te hurry up, aud take tbe first obance I get. Ha said 1 should net burn the head and that be would get the buckwheat at the sv.ne time aud tave tiny cause of sus picion. The uext morning 1 saw him coming up the read Just aa Druse sat down te bretkfast. This was Just after he bad raised the axe te atrlke me and 1 rati Inte the bultry. I get tbe pistol aud came out. Ha was killing down at tbe tabic He swore awlul about the tea and sugar uud I raised tbe pistol and shot. I bit biui In the neck and only stunned him. (Jates then shot through the wludew aud he tell te the lloer. Gate then shot again. I only snot onto. Gates shot three or four times. I took the axa aud cut the head nil and chopped him up. The bead was wrapped In paper and carried out te tbe woodshed. It vt as put In a let of buckwheat The body was all burned up and none was given te tbe pigs. That part la net true. It was all burned and tben txilled. Gates came that night and I told him what had hap pened. He grasped my hand and said 1 had done nobly. He said he would come for buckwbeat te-morrow morning, whtch be did. Ue took Druse'a head with him. It was burled one mile from Itlchdeld Springs wbore I oeuld Had It if I wished. Charles Peet overheard in talking about It onee, but be Is dead new aud can't talk. Gates Is the only one who knows anything about it. There waa another man with Ottes when he get tha buokwheat aud that was i: I weed. His name was Dill. It took eight hours te burn the body and It made an awful smell, I nearly fainted hover; I times. Georgia and Frauk Gates were there ome of tbe time, but they did net see mueb. I sent them down te the weeds and bad them carry shingles. I killed Druse because I could net stand It any longer. Ue was brute, and 1 had net slept with him In 12 years. That Is all I can tell. Gates put up Frank te tell what he did te shove It all onto me, but be will get bis reward sometlme. New, you must net tell any one this until I am gene, nd net lit It get into any paper until after 12 o'clock te morrow, i aea'i ear bow many knew It then. 1 trust te you te see It U all right. Yeu ean tsy, tee, that en my dying day I am mere Innocent of the crime than these who put me up te It t freely forgive them all all who se cruelly deserted me. There are some names en tbst petition sent from Warren which 1 oeuld cover with bame, but 1 dla In peace with every one." After she had llullhed Dr. Powell, out of observance of tbe holy day, ettered abort prayer. Illstiur at Ui Crlmt. William Onus, at the time he waa mur dered, Dee. 18, 1681, lived en a farm of sixty acres whleh was given te hint by hta father many years before, and which was situated In tbe township of Warren, In the southern psrt of Herkimer county, near the Otsego county line, and unlv about lour miles from Itlcbfleld Springs. Ue was known as a shift less, worthless wirt of a fellow, who abused his family outrageously, but wbe was always ready In helps tuilghtxir te tbeneglcet of hi own work. Iln wasSI years old at tbe time of bis death. His wile, who Is te be hanged for his murder, is new but 45. The two were married en tbe 27th of November, 1S9I, and they bad three ehlldren. Mary, the eldest, who Is new In Onondaga penitentiary under a ilia sentence for p irtlclpatlen In the murder of her father, Is new 21 .vesrs of sge; she was 10 wben the crime was committed. The next child lu age was Nellie, wbe was half. wltted, and who died at the age of 10. Geerge, tbe youngest, wbe is new only 12 yeara old, and wbe was barely 7 when tbe horrible tragedy took place, and et which be was a partial witness and even a partial participant, Is new left with no ene te leek after him, his guardian, Mr. Charles Pett, hsvlngdled only laat week. That Druse tiude Ms wife and bla children lead thn lives orilej-s there Is no mannoref doubt rrem hi boyhood up be was noted for bis uugoverniibla temper. Ue seemed te bebalf dult lu some ways. Aa tbe years of their man led llfe dragged en, things went gradually from bvl te wei se, and Druse be came mere and mero unhxarable In hi con duct He choked bis wife until she was In sensible at ene time, beat, her with a horse whip at another mid kicked and cuffed her mere or less nearly every day of her life, and rarely spoke te her without a volley of oaths. HI children he treated In mueh tbe same way. Naturally enough bla family bated the sight of bim. lie t ween the mother and children, en the ether band, tbere was tbe warmest affection, Mra. Druse was, from all accounts, a woman of by no means bad disposition. She was bernbuta few miles from where she lived, but at tbe age of 10 years she was lelt without father or mother and bad te get en for heraelfaa beat eheceuld. She worked out In the various farm houses aud in the season picked bops. It wssen one of these hop picking occasions that Druse tlrat met her. Her maiden name was P.exalanaTetlt, TUB MOnNINri OF THE MURDER. 1 1 was en tbe morning of tbe 18th of Decern, ber, the morning of the murder as It after ward transpired, that a peculiar state of affairs was notlced about the Druse house. A farmer who wai driving by noticed two things : first, that newspapers were pinned upat the Irent windows of the house, and second, that from the chimney and from a bole In the side of tbe house through which pipe from tbe parlor stove Issued tbere were coming dense volumes of thick yellowish smoke which had a vtry nauseating odor. About the premises there were no ether signs of llfe. A few days later it was noticed that Far mer Druse was net about as usual. Nobody had seeu him. Notwithstanding bis evil repute be was net wholly disliked by the people of tha country. He was always oblig ing te everybody save his own family, and he was rather welcomed in the dull winter days as a gee J, gossipy companion. The ab sence of hardly tiny ene lu the neighborhood would lie mera quickly noted than that of "Shiftless Hill Druse." The vague wonder ing at his disappearance began at length te takn the form et pointed Inquiry. It waa thought odd he should have gene awny and said nothing about It. He was always talking he much of going that an acttul departure could hardly have been ether than a subject of much conversation en bis part At lnit an Inquiry was made at hi house It was met by Mrs. Druse herself with the statement that her husband bail gene te New Yerk te leek after a patent wheel at whUh ha had been for n long time tinkering. iln meant te stay sometime, she aitit, for he bsd taken his best coat with bim. TbU explanation a accepted ler a day or two, hut it did net wholly allay tbe half suspi cion of something wrong which bad settled upon ponpleV minds. Tlie mlserable llfe the faintly led whs notorious. The suspicion grew as the days went en and Rtill no tfdlnga or Druse c line, ami at lat the demand for mere information at te his whereabeut be came clamorous and he stern that Mrs. Druse went te Hlchlleld Springs and telegraphed te hur brother, Anion l. Tetft, who lived In New Yerk at Iho tlme and at whose house she said her husband waa staying, telling Tellttoceme at once, as their sister, Mrs. Gates, was ery ill, and te bring "Hill," her husband, with him. This quieted things for the time being, but after three or four days had elapsed, ami tbere was still no new ei uruse, tha Inquiry toeK a sterner and mere dellnite slmie. Impetus was given te it by the accidental discovery near Little Likes, a short dUUinee away, of a new axe, vthhli was tndcntlllf'd as having recently belenged te William Druse, who had bought it at lltichanan's hardware store, In Hlcbtleld, Springs There wero stains en tbe axe, unluh prove-d te te bleed stilus. A nilAKTLY STOUV. A meeting of farmers of the neighborhood was held In the little town of Little Lakes, and Justice of the Peice Danlel McDonald aud Clarence Marshall bet out te make a thorough Inveatlgatlnn. Tbey did their work quick I v ami well. They went first of all te h rauk, thn youngest of the Gatea boy a, They knew that he waa much at the Druse house, uud was mero likely te talk el any thing he knew than was his elder brother, Ches'er. In the btrneu bis father's premises Frauk was kindly but, lirmly questiened, and told a story he ghastly that His hearers could hardly give It credence. Ue had staid away Irem school, he said, te play with Geerge Druse, and be went te the Druse house and rem slued all night sleeping with Geerge He (Frank) wastba Brstone te get up in thn morning, and ha lighted the tire in trie Kitctien stove, iiruse tnnn get up ana c.umi into tha Itllchen in his usual nasty tem per, aud crumble i bocause there was net a warmer lire. He then went muttering nil te the barn te de the "chorea." When Druse came back from the bun Mary Druse and ber mother had come into the Mictien. Druse at ence commenced abusing thorn, taking as bis text tbe slzs of agrocer's bill which had been augmented by his own purchases of tobicce. Over this, and nvoratbreahlng beard which h nt been cut up. he atormed aud swore like a madman. Druse at last sat down te bis breaklast still awearing and the quarrel still raging furiously, his wlle and daughter retorting te his abuse. During the height nt the baule of words, Frank rays, Mrs Drusu whispered te bim uud te Goerge Druse te go outdoors. They did se, and a tew minutes later beard a pistol shot. They started te go Inte the house, and as they reached tbe deer Mrs. Druse, In a state or great agitation, Hung It wide open. Sbe held a pistol in her hand, which she tbeved at Frank Gates, saying : "Sheet him; I cau't make tbe pistol go off. Sheet him, or I will sheet you," Farmer Druse was then Bitting In an ob scure corner of the room, en a ehatr. Illoed waa llewlng from a wound in hi neck, and about his neck there was also a rope tightly drawn, te the end of which Mary, Druse's daughter, was holding with all ber atrengtb. Drutta was struggling feebly. Frank took the pistol from Mrs, Druse and fired it at Druse until It was empty. Mary then took the pistol and tried te reload It, but a cart ridge exploded and narrowly escaped wound ing her, Druse, when bis daughter let go or tbe rope, fell te the lloer with his bead toward theheartb. lie was still living and conscious. 111 wife soemod te be In a state or frenxy, with all tbe concentrated bate gathered from yeara of abuse fully let loom As ber husband fell aba aelxed an axe and raised It aloft Druse, lying en tbe fleer, saw her and fully realized ber Intention, for he moaned out feebly : " DON'T ROXV, DON'T." " Don't, Kexy j don't " Mra. Druse bit him a sickening blew en tbe bend with the axe. It killed him aa he lay. Sbe then hacked away at the dead man's neck with the dull-edged axe until the head waa severed from the body. luring all this both Mrs, Druse anab.tr daughlersesraed te he mere like maniac or, demons than sane women, yet tbere waaae laek of deliberate calculation In thelr scttOBS. Aa seen aa Mrs. Druse bad severed her hus band's bead from the body she wrapped It In anewspiper and oarrled It Inte the parlor. Thenaue put newspaper up at tbe parlor windows, and sent tun boys up stairs after an old mattress. On this she placed her hu hsud'aheadltst and dragged It Inte the par. ler, and sent the boys te the brush for tbe new axe, thn one which was subsequently found near Little Like. Then ahe told tbe boy te go and get weed and shlngleH, and with these rearing fires were made in both steves, and en the kitchen stove was placed a boiler full of Water. Mary and bar mother were abut up In the parlor with tlie de 1 1 man's remain for several heure, und tbe boys wcre set te work cleaning up the bleed stain. It was after dark befere the work of burning up tbe remains was completed and tbe lire were all allowed te go down. The next day the asbea from tbe stoves were taken up and put Inte a box and a bar, which were placed lu a cutter. Frank Yates, Mrs. Dru-e and her daughter, Mary, get Inte the cutter mid drove te a swamp, where Frank, at Mrs. Druse's direc tion, hid the box and tlie lug in a spot which Trank Indicated te his qnrmioners and where they were subsequently found. Frem the swamp Frank said that he unit Mra. Druse and Mary drnvotehl, Frink'i, own home. This atery of tbe tragedy was In all Its sub stantial points confirmed by subsequent In vestigations. Tbe entire Druse family were arrested as were Frank Gates, his father, Charles Gate, and tlie young man, William El weed. Klwoedand Charles Gatea at the preliminary examination preved satisfac torily that during all tbe day of the tragedy tbey were engaged In chopping weed at a long distance from th Drusa beuse. They were released. The publle indignation against tbe Druse women was se great that tbere was grave danger el thelr btlng lynched, and they were removed te tbe Uerkimer Jail as quickly as posslble. OU, WIIA T A HIOUT. The Aocllmces at tbs Tii.atres Air.ctcd by Very Bad VTrather. The weather and the walking were se bad en Saturday night persons preferred te stay at home rather than fnce the storm te attend the theatres. Tbe result was bad buslnets At tbe King Street theatre the beuse was net mere than one-third full, aud the perform ance was given the tame as usual. The bad weather was net tbe only cause of peer busi ness at this place. The majority of the com pany bad been here for two week, and people has become tired et seeing several of tbe acts. The people want te see new face, and with dlflerentceminnleieich week the tbeatre will draw. This evening tbe Ham ersly opera company will epsn for a week. Of tbe company that closed en Saturday eve ning the Gilmero tlsters went te Williams' academy, Pittsburg, and Ooldle nnd Mc Mc Elrey te the nradenburghuiueum, Phila delphia, Prof. Christ Ilergcr, whose arrival from New Yerk waa noticed In this paper several days age, baa taken charge of the orchestra at the King Street tboatre, and will lead 11 during the remainder of the season. At Fnlteu Optra fleaie. At the opera house a home entertainment was given for the benefit of the Witmer ilrotbers, and it la pretty certalu that they were benefitted very llttle financially. The audlouce was very small. In tbe parquette there was but ene solitary rorsen, and that was a darkey. The circle was but ene third full, wlille the gallery contaiuedn lair crowd. The eutertulument was ene et the kind usually given by local talent, aud the acts havoeltcn been descrlbd In the columns et this paper. Thu list of performers who ap J wared iu their dlfferent hpeUaltlea included thu Wituwr Brethers, M'lle. Tit lens, Pease and Sprecher, Geerge aud Lucy Cummlngs, Cochran and Oestelln, Jehn Hlley, Jehu Car Car eol, Sam l'raukferd, and ethers. llste lull .Seles. Nick Ilradley is a llttle Iate.but he has Just signed a ceutract with the Haverhill club. Ken Deagle wants te be an umpire lu the Western League. Big Hamilton, of the Iroustdei lu 1?51, will play tint baseln Lawrence, Masa, Seme geed players have been slgne-d by the clubs of the Pennjylranli asroclatleu. The League Guide et 1S57 will have outs et Ansen, Kelly, Ureuther', Cenner nnd O'P.eurke, flve hard hitters. a The ba&e ball mansgeri are all kicking l. caue they will be unable te get low ratea en railroads owing te tbe later-ktite commerie bill. The Plttuburg litjeret et Sunday hail u plcturoel Billy Zeeher, the well knevuahcrt atop el this city, who will play v 1th and cap tain the Altoeua club the coming teaseu. Seme time age Spalding mid that Mike Kelly would eat gras ir hu did net Mull with his club. Mike wreta te him the ethr day nnd said, "I shall e it striw berry short caUe this Rummer." There have been many funny storles told In the papers lately coueernlng Dm O'Laary. The Se ran ten people might tell snme funnier ones If they cared te. Dati Is new ruiuaglni; Martin J. Dunn, a chimplen " horsesheu turner." Van llaltreu, the left-handed pltchoref San FrancUce, was recintly signed by Presldeut Nlmick, of Pittsburg. Nev the former Is kicking te get awn). It is said that Nltnlak undo the pitcher and his father both very druuk and algned the young fellow for let money thau was ettered him elsowliere. Leral etea I ruin irutle Journal. Thn Philadelphia Commercial -it' uud l'i c Current printed recently n line sketch with Illustration of the Key-tone Standard Vateb company el tuisrtty. 7-umeer, a weekly New Yerk Journal de voted te the luuiber Interest, had last week an excelleut portrait uud notlceof Dr. Wash ington Cottrell, hesd el tlie llrm or W. Higliter'.s Sens, lately or Columbia, but lien of Philadelphia und Willlatuspnrt. Dr. JUghtur resides in I'Llladi IphU, aud Is do de do fecribed n reserved and quiet iu be.iriug, making frleuds alewly but i-urely, Generous, self rcllaut aud a thorough bu3lneb man. ','7 rounds I Hullt-r TuRn (. Jacob B. Strlne, of Stewartstown, Yerk county, attended the Ynrk market en Sttur day. Whlle he had his back turned a thief earrled etl a basket containing tnenty-seveu pounds or butter which had been orderod by hiscustemers, wbe wure greatly disappointed. He say n If the party who btole the butter will return the basket and cloths next market day no questions v. Ill ba asked. Leg llreKen by a Fall. Charles Peiernum, butcher by occupation, living with hla brother, Geerge Petermaii, Ne. 438 Seuth Duke street, fell en the pivo pive tuent In front of his home about 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon and broke one of bis legs In two places below the knee. His brother witnessed tbe accident, hurried te his assist. aneaand Biimmoned Dr. J. K. Shirk, wbe set the limb. Called In the fir Wrt. Rev. A. Marcellus, ptster el the C hrUllana and Atglen Presbyterliu churches, has re ceived a call te take charge of a church at Snohomish, Washington Territory. A apo ape dal meeting of the proibytery of Chester has leen called for March S te consider his request for a dissolution of his preseut pis tersi relation. Twe Orntemilarlana Hand, Lewell, Mass., Feb, 25. Twe centen. nlarlinsdied here yesterday, PanlMoAIeou, aged 101, and Rose Magulre, 103 years, Cut Ills Threat. Bosten, Toe. 23. William A. Wlkadal aged -10, a rosldent of Canten, Ohie, com mitted aiiioldelastovonlng at the Metropoli tan hotel, by culling bis threat w 1th a po-iket knife. A K0MANTICIST0RY. 'XI rr xm. Minima nnAuttLBrr rutceir- .r-T AUD VAMH tlKUK. Ber Mnaband Fellows Itsr Up and Traett fltr Usra Where She Bsearns Oemsttlr, Tbey atcct, tJ.cems Itseencllcd and Will (je Herns Together. On the It'll of February the New Yerk IVbrfd published an account of the dump, paarauce of Mr. Minnie llraun, wife of P. W. llraun, a saloon-keeper, at Ne. 217 Man Jer ttrest, Brooklyn. She took with her 1200 of ber husband's money. The couple were married flve years. She it 21 years old ; they lived happily together and there was no reason for Her leaving home. Fer two or three days prier te her departure she com plained of feeling unwell. On the day of her departure her husband was In New Yerk en business and during bis ab sence she left When be returned home and found her geno be at oneo Instituted search for her. He traced her te the house of a frlend, but that Is the last clue be had of her for several days. II waa believed that she had gene te Europe, and the authorities at all tbe landing places of American learn ers were notified te be en the lookout for ber. A few days age the hutbaud received In for fer for mstlen that hi wife was in tbls city. Ue communicated with Chief Smith, and the matter was ptaced In tbe hands of Officer Leamsn. no located the woman at a house en Seuth Prince street, wbore aba bearded. Wben she learned that her husband knew et ber whereabouts the left that bearding heuse and went te live with Wm. O. Feebl, the Cast King street Jeweler, aa a domestic. Uer husband came te tbls city en Sunday, and she was advised by a Brooklyn friend by telegram of hla departure from Brooklyn for this city, and ahe left Mr. Feehl's place. She was traced, however, te her new place of residence In tbe southern part of the city, and there her husband bad an Interview with ber. It ended In a perfect reconciliation, and she agreed te go back te Brooklyn with him, Tbe rennlted couple will leave for their home te-night or te-morrow. Mrs. Braun Is net disposed te talk about the reasons for her leaving. She said tbey were entirely of a private nature, and ber husband was informed of thtm. thu DtfTtxnminKD rnBAVBMta. Ilr .Hitman at 8c Jehn's Latheran Ghnreb, aud Or. Williams at tha Moravian, Kev. S. SU1I, of Bt Jehn's Lutherau cburcb, this city, and Rev. B. F. Alleman, D. D., of Sblppentburg, exchanged pulpits Sunday. Rev. Allemau preached morning and evenlug and In tbe afternoon made ad ad dreises te tbe main Sunday school and tbe mission school. Tbe text for his morning sermon was the third rerse of theslxty-tblrd psalm : " Because thy loving kindness Is better than life, my lips shall praise thee." The text chosen for Ills evening sermon was : " Whereas I was blind, new 1 see." Dr. Alleman may be forty-five years old ; he Is a mail of flue physlque and Impressive man ner. Ue has a clear, distinct utterance, and keeps clese te the subject be discusses. Ue was well liked by theso who beard him in tbe pulpit, and bis discourses te tbe Sunday school children pleased tbem greatly. At the Moravian Church. Tbe Sunday morning service at tbe Me ravian church was conducted by Revs. Mosely U. Williams of Philadelphia, and J. Max UiuU. Dr. Williams, wbe is an editor of tba publication of tbe American Sunday fccboel Union, delivered an interesting aud thoughtful sermon from Matthew 12, 4t: "The Kingdom of Heaven la like unto a treasure hid In a held. " Ue compared the Bible te tbe Held In which the treasure was found aud oternol life te the treasure. Incl dentally the speaker gave a summary et the work or tbe Sunday Scheel Onion, He preached at MUlersvllle In tbe after noon uud at the Tlrst Reformed church In thu evening. 1 1I C ll.i CR'H 31 ILL VUUCUA6E. Uiicrlilleu et the rreperty That New ! lungs te the Ully, We had tlme en Saturday merely te men tion tbe purchaae of the Rauck property en the afternoon et that day by Mayer Morten for the city, and te state the prlee of the pur chase, 521,950. Thore were eeveral bidders present The flr-t bid was (20,000, and from that amount the bidding went en by small advances until the property wa kuecked down te tbe mayor for the tue of the city at tbe price above uiatud. The property consists of a large four-story brick flouring mill en tbe west side el tbe creek", furnished with first class machinery throughout in geed running order, and one euu of the finest water powers In tbe state. Thore are ever thlrteen acres of laud, ail elegant house, geed barn, sheds, wagon house, Ae. On tba east side of tbe Couestefta, opposite the mill, in East Lain peter tewiifblp, there Is atraet of land con taining sixteen acres whereon la created the old It inck's mill with tenement houses and a cotupleto two-story brick dwelling house and ether Improvements. The two tracts pur- chised contain a little mere than twenty twenty niue acrte of ground, valuable for farming purpeses apart from its value as a water peiver. Payment is te be made te Mr. It luck's ic-siguoes en tbe 1st et April uext Accidents te a Tobacco llnjer 1 rem the Yerk Dlapateh. Mr. Rouben D. Z4ch, tobacco agent, of Columbia, went through a number of mishaps uud narrow oscipes this woek whlle engaged lu his work lu this soeliou. On Monday morning as he left Willis' livery stable, and while gelug around thn corner of Klug and Geergo streets, tha wheel of hla buggy flew etl, throwing Mr, Zech against the dasher. The buggy bad Just been greased aud tbe nut was lorgetten te lie screwed en which caused the accldent On Tuesday Mr, Zech bad tha inlafurtune te break his buggy and en Wednesday be bad an upset In tha weeds of Mr. Kuukle, about three miles from town, but fortunately nothing was broken and no euu hurl. On Friday, whlle In Hellam town ship, stepping at Mr. Druck'ate bargain for some tobacco, when ha came out found bis horse lying down lu the read, aiek. lie had te leave Ilia horae at the hotel at Uellatn and returu te Yerk and get another horse, lie weut out te Mr. Leuck's, below tenn, and In crossing the narrow guage railroad came near being struck by a train, tbe cars barely escap ing the wheels of the buggy. Articles Chanced OIT. At Weldler's cigar atere a drawing for a watch, pipe and cigar smoker was held. Fer hoveral months each purchaser of cigars or tobacco was glven a numbered ticket enti tling him te n clianca for either or all the abeve articles. Tlie lucky number were 8,156 ler the watch, ti,tl for tbe plfeand 0,731 for tba cigar smoker. Up te uoeu none of thorn had boeii presented. Slight Acildrutat I'enn Iren Werk. Thore was a alight accident te the ma chinery or tbe Fenn Iren work this morn lug, causing a partial suspension of work, but tbe whole Is lu operation again this afternoon. Te Lectors In llarrlaltnrg. Mr. W, U. nensel, says the Uarrlsburg Tel- egnvn, will locture for the beneilt of the par- nonage of tbe Second Reformed chureb, lu the court house, en th evening of March 17. a or. id einemira mvme. A Big List el Thstn la an Aetlea ay u Raw fcra Life Insurance Oemasafi 1 1 was briefly noted in the Intc tttoineaa of Saturday that J. M. Wlestllug , tha re re cflver of the New Era Life Intursnoecora Intursneecora Intursnoecera pany, bad entered ults befere Alderman Fordney against some sixty of the policy holders el that oempany la this city and county. These policy-holders contend that they sre net liable te pay assessments charged thorn, as tbey allowed their policies te lsme at a date prier te that en which tbe assessments were levled. Tbe full list of these against whom suits have been brought are Emanuel Leng, Jehn M. Meadlnger, Chrlstlau Weerner, Christine Weeiuer, Jeseph Nebs, R. W. WIreback, Henry Uroemali, Isaac Evans, Jacob S. Trout, Otte Pachelbel, Itouert Clark, W. U. nensel, Samuel Brubaker, Jaoeb K. Barr, Samuel M. Myers, Jehn F. Eabternacht Wm. N. Brady, The. O. Wiley, Mary L. Martin, II. C. Martin, F. C. Ostermsyer, David Zscber, Jacob Zctier, Thes. Hum plireyvllle, D. P. Bltner, Ellas M. Sheetr, D. U. Knlp, U. K. McConemy, Gee. P. Brue derly, A. 8. Killlan, F. W. Uaas, B. S. Scbln. die, Davis Kltcb, P. E. Qruger, Thes. O.Wbif ten, A. L. Kelp, M. V. II. Cehe, A. A. nerr, Dr. A. J. Uerr, Gee. W. Styer, Jehn DeHaven, U, U. Witmer, Wm. S. Connelly, Jacob Z. Eaby, Peter Wlrth, Fred Geef, Jehn F. Reed, Dr. S. T. Davis, J. A. E. Carpenter, Goe. Russ, A. C. RelncaM, Dr. M. L. Herr, Uenry Oerhart, Catherine A. High, A. F. Relccthl, Uenry Shaub, Dr. E. H. Witmer, Llzile Davis, Cyrus Bruner, Ell Gnll, R. M, Agnew, Dr. j, M. Dunlap, Dr. J, F. Duulap, Abraham Kllue, D. W. Erb, Ellzibeth Ooes, Oottlela FInkb, Sephia Flnkh, Peter 1C. Welfert, Harry D.SbulU, E. R Lyle, Alfred H. Moxsen, Margaret A. Pullyman, James M. Duncan, W. W. Huber, Jehn Zuercber, Jacob S. Smith aud Uenry O. Rush. All tbe abeve parties are sued for amounts ranging In amounts from t30 te (300. Tbe large polley-holdor (of the company, It Is clalmd,ewe ever 1300, and these parlies will I be sued in tbe court of common plea, the I magistrate net having Jurisdiction wm. Leatnan represents tbe receiver, and Majer A, O. Relncabl about one-hall of tbe above named parties. Tbese suits have been expected for some ttme, and a meeting was held several months sge of the policy-holders and It was decided te resist payment, en the ground that they were net liable te the company. Tbe policy holdera represented at that meeting retained Majer Relncabl te represent tbem In tbe tulti wben brought a.V MAMLT MUttNMU DLAtE. An East King Strest Fire by Whleh a Family ' VTaa Nearly Scffecaud. A Ore occurred this morning In the build ing owned by Mis S.M, lirysen, Nea. 313 and 345 East King street Thore are two main rooms in the front The one en the west side is occupied by Philip Schmidt as a sad dler shop and in the ether Miss Bryton has a dry goods and notion store. The fire started In Schmidt's shop, and It waa dis covered by Officers Cramer and Stermfeltt, who in passlng'.was attracted by the bright light whleh they saw through the window. They quickly aroused the firemen in the engine and truck house near by, aud au alarm was struck from box 14 at Shlppen and East King streets. The whole depart ment responded, but their services were net required a the Are was extinguished wltb a plug stream of onglne Ne, 3. Schmidt and bla family were sleeping In a room ever the shop, and It was with the greatest difficulty that the firemen suc;eedd In awakening tbem. At one tlme It was feared that tbey would be suffocated by the meke, but they finally get out tbe back way. Howtbefire originated no ene knows. It began In tha northwest corner of tbeabep and may have started from the stove, which, however, wsa ataudiug several feet from the wall aud contained but a slight Mra. The sides aud celling of the rceai were well fllled with horse cellars and ether kinds of harness, nearly all of which were burned sufficiently te be et little value. Sebuildl'a stock Is In sured for ?2S0, but he deas net think Ihst will cover his 1ej. Con9lderablo water passed Inte (Miss Bryseu'n elde of the house nnd Bome of ber goeJs were ruined. She ba no lnsurauue en her stock, but has en tbe building. The lnslde et tbe eaddler shop was scorched, but the dauuga te tbe build ing Is slight te Kfri'HEsKvr i(r ViJtiy.vij. L'ulird Statf-s Beunter l.ucaa flats the flace Ihrengli r.nv. Wilsen, Cn-vriLF.STO.v, W. Vn,, Feb. 25 Daniel B. Lucas was te-day appointed United States eonater from West Virginia by Gev.'Wileen- Danlel B. Lucas is a lawyer, about tO ye-ara of age, residing mid practicing law In Charleston, West Virginia, Un Is a member of the Heuse in the present legislature of West Virginia, and though a professed Demo crat, baB been very cousplcueus lu tbe dis organization resulting In tbe deadlock that bas been turned te bis advantage. Ha and tbe present governor of the state, Wilsen, have been prominent In thelr sympathy with the se-called grangeraud antl-nionenoly move ment In the state ; and have made the prasent fight en Camden because of his alleged affili ations with the Standard Oil company, Balti more A Ohie railroad and etber corporations. Lucas is a man of very abeit stature, a huuehback ; and be ha neve r taken very nigu raiiK asa lawyer or siaiuaman. uia ap pointment by Wilsen was anticipated and will be alike resented by the Republicans nnd the great body of Democrats. Murdsrrd Ills llrelher. OwENsnone, Ky., Feb. 28 William Bryant, an unmarried farmer, was killed near bore yesterday morning by bis brother, Neah Uryaut. Bryant bad taken quite a faucy te Neah's 12-year-old boy, and wa taking tbe lad home with him wbem tbey wero evertaken by tbe father, wbe sbet William dead. The fratriclde Is In the lockup here and will bave his trial te day. Chekru en .ileal, Sadina, Ohie, Feb. 3. Matthias Blsh, a blacksmith or Richland, Ohie, cboked te death en a piece of beet Saturday. Ue was SO yeara old, of oxtenslve acquaintance and leaves a w He and threa children. lu Hie Weather Without clothing. Weuc'LsrfcH, Mass., Feb. 23 Yesterday morning Maggie Thompson, uged 20, of low Intelligence, was found in an out house, yes terday, tbiuly clad, halt unconscious with ber feet frozen. She says alie was driven fintu home by her father. Killed by a Mill tttack. Cleveland, Feb. 23. About 10 o'clock this morning one of the great stack at the feteel werka or the Cleveland rolling mill company fell, Instantly killing lsaae Ed wards and fatally injuring Martlu Hendersen and Michael Blttner. Six ethera were seri ously injured. The men kllled and Injured this morning were all at wetk outside tbe steel werka building. Judge llsrrett te Ha Witness. New YenK,reb.23 Ex-Alderman Cleary appeared for trial this merulng in eyer and terminer, accompanied by his oeunsel, in cluding Hen. Danlel Dougherly, of Phil adelphia. Mr. Shafer announced that the defense would like te call Judge Barrett aa a witness, and as the court could net hear Ita own testimony, asked a two days' delay se that the case could be called belore tome ether JudB8" - HMAXIIMU tHUIUAXlOK. CWashinotew, D. V., Feb. 28,-Fcr Eastern Pennsylvania t Warmer, fair weather, westerly wind, becoming variable. A BIG FIRE IN NEW TORI. &,' : V THt! MUBOAH ItTMAMtmte Xta J bvbmmb rata MOMiwim. Osttea, Hid sad Other etrefsa-Ramw Bttaae of I Tf"-inisaiaas-is aia sum" ' Tke taa sMteaatM at a auHtem. K T W ; Nkw Yekk, rev jja-Tha Morgan II sieamsnip uecas wav sstatiy atatreyM; are mis morning, xxsa, ijv,geB 4 The Lene Star, one off tha iinaian f t line, was badly damaged Ma ' leaded with oettoa war aUMMstaAs northwest wind prevailed wlLMs JM carried the flames beyond oealrol MaMl men. The pier waa leaded wMb oetten, hldes and ether merehaaalW',1 were qulekly In a blast, blinding ameke whleh greatly tbe flremeat In their tflerta W due the flames. The polio boa and the flrebeat and an army et tag,. summoned and the most desperat made te save the shipping. Th Lene Star, whleh waa lying sloegMl deck, was towed out in the atream wit 1 rigging and woodwork ablate. Bh nataly had llttle or no cargo en beard. less te the steamer by fire and water will I considerable. ,1 Chief el tbe firs department, 8 bay, ter tneatientiea et hit men te saving aflje property, as the deck waa deemed. Te I of Engine Company 27 eime very losing their lives, for some of the (park if : nitea tne cotton and tee deck Mtweta la and tha street was Impossible te pat, Th' ' gained me atring piece or the docs, and 1 taken off with much risk by a tot an hour after the fire broke out th roef.ff the pter fell with a tremendea crash. Oft h e lighter "Lerena" wts 1, 100 balsa of aetiBSj.' en tbe lighter "Andersen" 1,100 bait ajttV both will prove a total lets. Th "Leraajaf sunk, Tbe lighter and tbelr cargoes m-alnett at n miartjM. nff m tntUlisn ft. Nothing can be learned about th erlghm mty tbe ere. A TMrga Hetel en Fire. SrnittePlXLD, Mass., Fab 28. Fir out this morning In Barr' retw Northampton which waa entirely The flames spreed te the Morrison large netei, whiea wm probably est Kightao,earasof bombs Batn.Iy,' Hannibil, Ma, Feb. 28 Th tMtC truetlve fly in th hUtery et the elty, yt teraay, destroyed eight mock or inanec Mt lenglng te Dubtch A Ca, and thHtrrlMV A Cord lumber building. Less, 9300,00. p sta VHVtifisumn AVVIiVl-BtAXlWI$,m l An Extra Session or Ceaartt TBeaght t)BK -: vnavoiaaei. i-tf ashisotew, rob. xs. n Degina te as though there would be an extra Congress, At a meeting of tha Banal tnlttee en appropriations this morning member, Democrats with RepublleaaV pressed tbe utmost displeasure at th In which tbe Heuse has held back th priatlen bills, and their wrath was vlaltad out stint upon tbe bead of the Seu mlttee. Every member et th Senat inittee expreised tbe unqualified bellaf an extra session was unavoidable. 1 declared that tbey have arewn weary of. practice of the Uoute In taking month work which the Senata haa been foreed a ever again In a few hour j thattt nation of rights, and waa unfair. TxtW pressed the belief, further, that thte waV propltleua occasion for teaching th lessen. It Is believed by many that If an extra session Is avoided tt will b by.. passage of joint resolutions extending of tbe regular appropriation and Mra tha !fnn MlU In rila. ' '3 The Heuse labor arbitration bill ha thn Ranate. ADMITTING! A ROFBLKSS STRtTOOL' Edmunds, Uale and Allisen hay made speeches indicating that u cannot possibly glve the remalnlng atien bills the time necessary fat proper consideration, and that they dl see bow an extra session of CengrsM avoided te pail all tbe regular apprep; bills. 1&-5 WASHIKOTOX, FOb. S3. it la uai that Mr. Randall has already prepared a resolution te be aubmltted te th Hen. seen a it is absolutely certain tbatth oral appropriation bills cannot pass, lng for tbe extonsleu of tbe last law ether year. &'" The Heuse bill te prevent tha em; of convict or alien labor upon put ings or works bas passed tbe Senate. M 4 rru v , a an , fVfaatint ua a ter j a m as av aa lirtai a A ass nVaBfj im Tby right With Tnalr Pen la Their Which Urleg Flats te Aetieaj.. nasuvillg, Tene., ires. aj. t erable excitement was caused by an ad ray In th Nashyllljavl -.tMMrf A linn t B fttelnnlr. ' sx Muse, of tbe Louisville Cburiar-Jta who was stepping at the hotel, i tbe house. Comleg te tbe front i Jehn B. Colyar, el tbeNathvlil Onmm' stepped aside te let him enter. Mae baft.i overcoat en one arm and htastiek la tb As Colyar entered be said te Mus.,1 are tbe Courier-Journal cerretp Muse answered "I am," Colyar th him by tbe threat and struck bla ni blew en tbe back of tbe bead wltiVttM j stick he was carrying. MuHtratt but ralssed Colyar. Be tben caught- and threw him heavily te th fleer, ' which he gave bim several blew ) head with bit fist ByatandracrltVt j him up." Muse released bins. (Mil taken out aud resuscitated with oeM ' Wblte Colyar waa unoenaoton kit I took a pistol from bim. Mus I his room. There have been no i Tbe cause of the affray waa lea hand. I Dllments Mute and Colyar bay changing through their retpteUr? Cel ar BavB be will run Muse out or I i fXi Te im uprSBU4 by rrv. ;. Bobtem. Feb. 2a Ferry's Londen te tbe Herald say t likliboed that the emperors el tria and Germany will meet en of the Kaiser Wbilbelm'aBOu I czir will send the Grand Dak 1 one of the young grand duke teff) in tbe festivities at Berlin, wbllt4 M iiiatria will be reoreeented or l'rloee Rudelph. rf2,t. A Preinlnaat Lewies' Bctte, Mont,Feb28-Saterdt Attorney Qoerue C. Randelph dead In his room from an overdo' phlne. Randelph graduated in W where be practiced ten yeara. At 9 he ranked as one of the foremost tbe bar of Mentana. Lately n had J snendent and dUalpated. Btmil of the great Randelph family. . 'p snusetd ter Ufa, W Nkw Yebk, Feb. Si-Pell .t. iimirke. who waa eenvictad of n the leoend dagre for eboeUa xy Reundsman Rebert A. i day aentncd te 1U latf tctiu ky a 1 WiaCHMTB. Obi Im thlBenlBgtftMw Mints' i jcf MMrY jnrM 7 n tMaatttaHU m , s a ?, .?yiIJai- .. ML ' r-"ii "i.''.:.!&.-U-a.i.i,fti4ii VKit, tAftMMbiftiiJJil,