Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, February 24, 1887, Image 1

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.71 1
imm xxra-Ne. 149.
5'P w
Feneni Charged With The
:" Killing of Geerge Detinis.
I AM Wkn Hit SBscts Wm Leaksd Artec.
Osly Eighty Dollars Wsra Feaad-Kby
My. Keubea tlersaM, BUrtls U. Haw,
sraael BHtwutth mad Ella Hedy
Charge With ths Blh Crime.
A reporter of the Intblmubncbr received
an tallmatlen lew days age that thtrs ware
raprofrsMef development certain events,
whleb, when culminated, would atartle tbe
community. He kept a sharp lookout en the
movements of certain officials who were
working en the ctuee and finally by a hint
dropped was able te learn facta, whleb, If
trae. will aled number or people te the gal
lows and etawr te long terins of Imprison
Meat Fire partita will figure aa delendante In the
tragedy about te be related, four men and
one woman. Three are charged with murder
and robbery, one with accessory before and
after the fact te these crime, and the flflb,
the woman, will In all probability be ueed as
a wltnees te tauten tbe crime en tbe remain
In four.
The blitery of tbU crime date back te
August laat. Oa tbe morning of Auguat 26,
Geerge Dennis, an old man, a bachelor, waa
found dead at the heuae of Eby Rudy, near
Barevllle. Dennle bearded with Rudy for
eeme time prier te that data lte waa tee
owner of iractleue horse and It wa hit habit
te ateep In the atable where the hone waa
kept On the night of August 27, according
teHudy'a story, Dennis slept for tbe first
time In a bed at his beuse and the neat
morning waa found dead.
Tbe records enew that Deputy Corener F.
H. Burkbelder held an Inquest en August
38th. The Jurer were J. W. DUlerman,
Martin D. neat, Isaac Hoever, Ablltb D.
' r Krelder, Daniel (Slough and Jehn Grayblll.
y witness ee examined by the coroner were
rlea Rudy, Eby and Reuben Herman. Dr.
XL O. lfeamenanyder waa the physician. Tbe
verdict of the Jury was that death resulted
from paralyals of tbe heart.
Jae, Dennis, brotheref deceased, appears
a prosecutor of what he claims te be bis
brother's murderers. Ilia suspicions that all
was net right were first aroused en tbe day
the inquest waa held, by tbe refusal of the
Kudy a te allow him lobe present whoa the
testimony waa taken. He concluded te await
development and has been quietly gathering
evidence ever since. Ills belief is that Den
nis waa murdered In tbe stable and his body
carried te tbe house and placed lit tbe bed
where It was when tbe coroner held tbe In
quest. He says he will be able te prove that there
were black and blue marks en tbe face, a
discoloration under the eye, uiarks ou bis
body, and that tbe undertaker will testify
that when he put htm In the celllii his one
band, whleb was under the boa J in lifting
Mia te the coffin, was covered with bleed,
bowing that there waa a wound where It
could net be seen by the coroner. Tbe un
dertaker, It is also said, will testify tbe
way In which tbe head could be moved from
aide te aide would Indicate that tbe neck was
Eby Rudy, Reuben Herman and Martin
D. Heat are tbe partial charged with tbe
murder and robbery nt ilecertied, and Sam
uel Ellswerth and the young girl, id Rudy,
as the acceaserUs. Rudy is a young man
who baa figured In the quarter sessions
court About Uerman and Ellswerth but
little Is known. Martin D Hum, who stands
charged with this high crime, wm once an
honored citizen el this county. He held tbe
Important eillce et recorder of deeds for a
term. Fer years be bat been gradually en
downward -grade bis great weakneaa
a love for strong drink, while It wm
Tally believed Ibat be would resort te
curvy tricks te get money fpf rum, no one
weuiu nave oenamerou mm capsule 01 Deing
party te the highest offense known te the
Mart Hess lives several miles dlataul from
Uje home of Kudy,and yet he was ou band te
be called ta a Jurer te Inquire Inte the cause
. of the death et this man he was accused of
murdering. 01 the ether defendants Ida
Rudy, Eby Rudy and Reuben Herman were
the aele witnesses examined by the coroner.
The deceased, James Dennla says, was pos
sessed of fi,tOO te f 5,600 In cash which he al
ways carried atxut blm. After his death and
bis effects were examined only 60 were
found. It was known that he was miserly in
tbe extreme, aud tbe absence el tbe money
the allegation being that tbe accused appro
priated It, would Indicate that robbery was
tbe motive for the murder.
The deceased waa tbe owner of a pecu
liarly made pocketbeek and adillgcntsearch
waa made in his chest ler it, but It could net
be found, James Dennis Inquired about this
pocketbook and Mid it was very queer that
It bad disappeared. Ha waa told te make
another search and this time the book waa
found In the cheat, which had before been
thoroughly overhauled.
All of the accused prier te tbe 27th of
August were In very moderate circumstances.
In tact they were.never known te have tr.eney
Fer some time after Dennis' death they made
am no display of money, but ter the last few
months they have been spending money
very lavishly. It Is related that when the
tax collector called en one et the above parties
for tax owed by him he said, "I ain't get It
new.but I'll get It from Eby Rudy, and II he
don't give te me I will put him In Jail for
elgbt or ten years or bang the a of a b ."
A Han Frem lbs Nelghberboea Calls en a
I-vaeuUr FeUce Offleer.
The first Intimation the authorities had of
the alleged crime waa en Tuesday of this
week, when man named Merrow, who waa
well acquainted with Officer Helss, called ou
that policeman and narrated the facta above
published. The offleer took blm te tbe office
of Alderman Barr where be repeated tbe
lery. District Attorney Weaver waa con cen
ulted and H wm decided te have criminal
oemplalnts preferred. Merrow, who waa
net a relative, waa tent borne with Instruc
tions te send Jamea Dennis, brother or de
ceased, te this city. Became here en Wed
nesday and preferred the oemplalnta against
the parties above named.
There Is no disposition te reflect ea the cer.
ener, U the facta as narrated are true. If Hess,
one of tbe Jurers, and the ether conspirators,
who were tbe witness, bad matters se ar
ranged that tbe Jorera could net see whether
there were any mark of violence en Dennle,
tbe coroner could net be harshly crltlelsed.
It doe seem, however, that the physician'
vail at Ien should have shown tbe cause of
death there being se vast difference be
twees death as resulting from paralyile of
vl tt heart, and death resulting from murder
when violence wm used.
jF Warrants for the arrest of tbe accused were
" ptaeedlA tbe haaae of Ofteera Heist, Cramer
and Sterralellz, and they left this city at 4
o'eleek tbl ssernlag te arrest the parties,
A tetepkMt msssat wm metvtt ( neon
t4ay fteaB KlrtMtMjinj stating that
Rudy, Hee and Ellswerth bad bees rreeted
Md that the effieera were en the read te tbl
city with the prisoners and would arrive
here about l o'clock.
It wm a tew minutes after I o'clock when
Officer Hlerrafelts arrived at Alderman Kerr
one with Hess, Eaby and Ellawerlb. The
only persona at the office were Dlstrlet At
torney Weaver, representatives of the dally
papers, and Alderman Barr. The officer
handed' tbe warranta properly endorsed te
the alderman, and tbe tatter made out corn
taltmeuta, sending tbete three men te tbe
county Jail for a bearing en a date net yet
fixed. Eby and Ellswerth are net yet 21
year old Heas la beyond 60
The officers report the reads as being la a
terrible condition. They left thla elty after
the 4 o'clock report this morning and arrived
at Eby Rudy' house' shortly after 7 o'elock.
Rudy live In West Esrl township, about 2
miles from Harevllle. He and his sister farm
some 83 acrea.el laud. Mart Ueea makss hie
home here, and when the warrant were
read te these men Rudy and Heas Mked
whether the offleer had warrant for Kile,
worth and Herman. They Mid they expected
tbl eeme time age. Mere than that they
would net say.
The effieera then went te the home or
young Ellawerlb, some two mile distant,
and he wm also taken into custody. Tne
scene at the Ellswerth home wm one that
tbe officers will never forget The young
man's gray-haired father and aged mother
reeelted tbe Information tbtt their youngest
son wm charged with murder with great
emotion. The mother was overcome with
grief and her parting with her eon wm an
afleetlng eue. Tbe father left bis work, came
te thla elty and at once retained J. Hay
Brown m his attorney. Rudy has retained
B. P. Davit, and Hew II. C. Brubaker.
Herman, the fourth man, wm net at home,
and consequently waa net arrested. ;Uls
whereabeuts have been learned and be will
probably be takeu Inte custody before the
day la ever. Officer Helta went te where be
Is supposed te te en the 3:10 train en the
Reading railroad this alternoeu.
The priseners were In the alderman's office
for about an hour. A crowd of curieua people
gathered en the pavement and peered in the
windows and that annoyed young Ellawerlb
who remarked that it looked as If they never
saw a man before under arrest Mart Heas
wm very unconcerned and bis only trouble
appeared te be that be bad missed htsdlnner.
OfQcer Slermfeltz went with him te a restau
rant and when Mart returned he appeared te
be happy.
aUAtuitNe Tnr. ebave.
District Attorney Weaver will make ar ar
rangeiuenta te have the body of Dennis dis
interred and examined. Te preent any
tampering with the grave uutll tbe body la
takfeu up, watchmen will be put en duty at
G roll's Dale cemetery, where it Is Interred.
Tne district attorney and tbe counsel for
the prisoners held a consultation at the alder
man's cilice. Ball wm offered for tbe prison
ers, but tbe alderman could net take It under
tbe law, nor would tbe district attorney
consent te their being released en ball.
The alderman announced Friday of next
week for the hearing. Counsel ler tbe
dclensa ebected te the hearing being put off
se long. They asked mat an earlier day be
named, aa these u,eu 'werearrested merely en
suspicion and were entitled te a speedy de
liverance it tbe facts dldnetwarrant the cases
being returned le ceurr. Ueuntel agreed te go
before the Judges and get their opinion m le
whether the men could be released en ball
for a bearing, but the d Istrlct attorney said he
would net content te their discharge, as be
wm net willing te take the responsibility in
se important a matter. It wm finally de
cided te go berere Judge Patterson with the
prisoners a'nd the complaint te get his
opinion m te whatsheuld be done.
The Judge refused te admit the prisoners
te tall. Counsel then agreed en Tuesday af
ternoon for the hearing before the alderman,
and they alto decided te take the prisoners
Inte court en Saturday morning, when both
Judgea are en the bench, with a view of hav
ing them udinltted te ball. The three defen
dants were then taken te Jill.
frli. fur ObrjMiittiaiuuui Urewars.
The following special premiums have been
effered te be oempeted for at tbe cbryuutbe
mum show of the Pennsylvania Horticultu
ral society, which is te be held during the
second week in November In Philadelphia :
The Pembroke prlz, a silver cup valued at
iZe, by Mrs. Charles Wheeler, of UrynMawr,
for tbe best grown four varieties of Japanese
chrysanthemums ; tbe Wootten prizes sliver
cup valued at f2S, by Mrs. Oeorge W. Uhllds,
for the beat grown four varieties of Cbiurae
chryaanthemuins ; the Red 1-ear prize,
value 15, by Mrs. W. P. Uentcey, for the
beat grown three varieties et yellow
chrysanthemums ; the Wilbur prize, a silver
cup valued at S, by K. P. Wilbur, esq ,
lletblebem, Pa, ter tbe best collection of cut
flawert, net less than 100 varieties) and 3
blooms of each kine j tbe Hunnyslde prize,
value t-, by Mrs, Joel J. Rally, for tbe beat
seedling plant uever before exhibited, ter
competition by amateurs and amateur'
gardeners only ; tbe Waterer prize, value f35,
by Mr. H. Waterer, for tbe beat ten plants lu
bloom, ten varieties that have been put In
commerce ; the llteerd prize, value f25, by
Mr. William M. Slngerly. for such plants m
the society thinks meat advantageous te en
courage the cultivation.
Tlulr Annual Supper Lett Night at AL Hmilh'a
The Coucstega Fishing club, composed of
msny of tbe.beit fellows In Lancaster county,
bad their annual supper at Xl. (Smith's res
taurant, Centre Square, iMt evening. Bam.
Matt Frldy, president, occupied a Mat at tbe
head of the table. There were thirty-one
cover-. The menu consisted of oyster, en
tbe half-shell, fried and stewed; cold turkey,
ham, corned beef and tongue ; roast turkey
stuffed with oysters ; deviled crabs; greeu
peas, Mratega chips, tomatoes sweet potatoes ;
chicken and lobster salad ; cranberry aauee,
queen olives, and celery ; bananas, oranges,
apples, nuts, cakes, Ice-creams ; tea, Mecha
coffee, aud a full line of Winer, whiskies and
beers. There were no formal speeches, but
many tlashea of wit and humor thrown about
by the Jelly banquetter. Tbe festivities
ended at midnight after two hour of unal
loyed pleasure.
I'oiDtlPcafUlelata Bey.
A lad aged fourteen years, living In tbe
northern part el the city, bad a bearing be.
fore Alderman McConemy but evening,
charged with pointing a pistol at another boy
who made threats against blm. Tbe defend
ant excused himself en the ground that be
feared bodily barm at the band of tbe prose
cutor, and that he showed the pistol, (a bei boi bei
rewed one,) te care blm off. He did net
knew that be wm committing an Illegal act
Tbe law Mya that It la a misdemeanor te carry
concealed deadly weapon, or te point a gun
or pistol at any person whether the weapon
be leaded or net Tne caw la held under
Tbs Full tteault of the asrmaa Ktlsetlen.
All the first result of the German elec
tion are net known. Taking tbe uncon
tested HUM and foreeMtlng the aupplemen
tal contests m carefully m possible, the com
blued opposition group In the new Relob Releb
tag la plseedaun vote all told, while the'
government' supporter are estimated at
la one quarter Blamarek suffered a Mrieus
repulse, via, Alsace-Lerraine, where all the
candidate who were openly advocating tbe
restoration of Alaaoe-Lerraine le Franc were
elected by overwhelming majorities, te ag
gregate vote la their favor being about 45.000,
against lew than 30,000 ter the mom med
rate eandiaatea.
iLteFASjrrra ramewtamzBvt, amu
AHummtB into tmm aernvwimttt.
e relate Oat te the Ofleere Wkere tbe fjlfl-
eees Week Wat Aeeess ylltBitd Bad tbe
OIBeers Oraeple Fee slawre fat MM
W fains Wltaeet aastsss.
Ueerge H. Wilsen, the young colored man
charged In tbe confession of Hannah Mary
Tabbs with beln g tbe principal la the murder
of Wakefield Gain, wasMlztdwIthanerveu
fit at the Central station, Philadelphia,, en
Wednesday and remained u neon scions nearly
an beur. After recovering be and Mr.
Tabbs were taken belere a magistrate
and committed for a bearing en Monday.
WIlBen made a statement te Chief of Deteo Detee
Uvm Kelly. He Is a very light mulatto; in
fact, be would pass fur an Italian. He la only
eighteen years old, of alight build, wm
shabbily dressed and had a full bead of curly
balr. He looked sick and badly Beared,
though defiant In manner.
Wilsen took bis seat en lb same bench
with Mrs. Tabbs, only at the opposite end.
He seemed te shrink from hi companion In
crime. Magistrate Smith turned le Wilsen
and mid t
" What I your name ?'
Aa tbe magistrate Mked tbe question Wil Wil
eon and Mrs. Tabbs steed up, and tbe former
replied :
' Ueerge H. Wilsen."
"Where de en llve?" a,ked tbe magis
trate. "At Ne 1211 Lembard street, with my
aunt, Martha Wallace.
Hew long have you lived there 7"
" Fer about a month. Before that I lived
at Ne. 1 iHO Uelinuth street, with thttMme
aunt 1 lived there two years."
" Hew old are you 7"
" Wm eighteen en Decembers ImI."
"What de you de for a living?"
" I am a chair catier, and worked for Mat
thews tic Lee. 1 learned chair caning In the
Heuse of Refuge."
"That will de," Raid the magistrate.
Wilsen remained standing while the mag
istrate questioned Mrs. Tabbs.
When asked her name she replied .
" Mary Hannah Tatibi."
Her voice wm very low, and she leaned
forward In a nervous msnner.
" Where de you live?"
" Ne. 1,012 Richards street"
"Areyeu married?"
" Yes ; ray butband works In the Ameri
can hotel."
" Hew old are you 7" v
" I am thirty-two yean old."
Hbe also Mid that she had no children and
bad lived In Hlebards street for elgbt years.
Chief of Detectives Kelly then came te tbe
stand, and, turning toward the prisoners,
11 1 would ask your honor te bold the pris
oners until Monday next for further bearing
for the murder of Wakefield Galna en Wed
nesday last In order that lurtber witnesses
may be produced.
I commit you both," said Magistrate
Smith, " te tbe county prison for a further
hearing next Mendsy. Sergeant, remove the
prisoners te their eel la."
Detective Tate took charge et Mrs. Tabbs
and placed ber in a cell In the Central station,
while Detective Miller; placing hla hand en
Wilsen's arm, took blm out te be photo
graphed, and from there te tbe Fifth district
police station.
Wilsen must have begun te weaken m
seen m he reached tbe police atatlen, for at
bout two p. m. Cbief Kelly made tbe fol
lowing announcement at the Central office :
" About balr a hour age." Mid Chief Kelly,
"I wm summoned te tbe Fifth district, being
Informed that Wilsen bad something te com
municate le me. He made a partial atate
ment. Ueconfesaed that he did carry tbe
head and the two leg and two arms at sepa
rate times en the sen end of Callewhllt
street bridge en the day or the murder and
hid thou under the bridge. Between halt
pas', nine aud ten o'clock tbe same Bight, be
say, be rut u med te the bridge and tied tbe
three seurate bundles into one, leaded tbe
large buudle with bricks and weut out about
twenty feet from the end et the bridge and
tbrew tbe remalus into tbe Schuylkill river.
I have sent Detective Miller aud Tate te se
curu the tug KIuk, and oxpeet that the bun
dle will be bruugut le the surface this after
noon. rilK MKARCU l.V TUB IMVEH.
Detective") Miller aud Tate then went te
the Fifth dittrlct police station and invited
Wllseu te take a walk, aud be accompanied
the oilleera t the Walnut street wharf, where
the party bearded the police steamboat King.
The King wm then headed for Callewhlll
street bridge, where tbe party landed and
were Joined by Detective Crawford, who bad
been doing a little angling en hla own ac
count but bad net hooked tue bundle. Wil Wil
eon showed the officers where be had first
concealed the leg, arma and bead under
some coal dust and beards, a short distance
from tbe bridge and near a fence bordering
tbe railway track, tbe spot being
comparatively deserted even in day
time. The prisoner then led the detectives
te a spot about twenty feet en the bridge
from tbe went end, and explained hew he
bad lifted the buudle up in bis arms and
pushed it from blm Inte the water. Wilsen
wm then taken en beard tbe police beat and
tbe search cemmenced. Lieutenant Francis
bandied the grappling Irena and Detective
Crawford pulled tne beat, but as tbe spot la a
most difficult one for such work, tbe water
being lerty feet deep aud the bottom being
rocky, tbe search wm suspended at Mven
o'clock without bringing the remains te tbe
surface. Wben it Is remembered that Fri
day night was the night or tbe storm and
that the freshet caused tbe rivers te tumble
along like small terreut,ltls net remarkable
that some dim jultv should be experienced
In tbe search for Wulte Galna' arms, legs and
bead. The search will be continued te mor
row morning.
Much mystery haa apparently aurreunded
the alleged disappearance et Annie Richard
son, tbe beautiful mulatto girl, Mid te be
Mrs. Tabbs' daughter, and It bu been Ihted
that she was In some manner connected with
the murder. Mrs. Jeunie Cannen, the slater
et tbe murdered man, gave a copy of a letter
for publication Mid te have been written by
tbe missing Annie. The letter wmm fol fel fol
eows: Puii..uu:li'iii., Jan. 20, ls7.
Dk.vr Wakmv Mary (Mrs. Tabbs) baa
reported me run away. I bave net run away,
I came In the city and Mr. Tabbs Mked me
te oe me and clean tbe home. I didn't like
the girl at the beuse where I lived and that's
I he reason 1 didn't go back. Be carelul of
mother, for ahe la making threats, and veu
ifen't knew hew treacherous she Is. Fer
Ged's sake don't give me away. 1 tell you
ler your own geed, Annib.
Thla letter. by many is Mid te be a forgery,
but tbe question remains, what would be tbe
useefaucha forgery? Mrs, Cannen Is un
doubtedly very bitter toward these who bad
a hand in ber brother's murder, but out of
the many damaging statements against Mrs.
Tabbs the fact remains that tbe latter hM
frequently threatened Gaina' life, some My
because she wm jealous of him and ether
claim that it wm beeauae she believed that he
wm keeping Annie Richardson away from
her, That Annie is alive and In a safe place
there Is net the slightest doubt, and were It
net for very geed reasons the exact location
of her residence could be given.
Mrs. Tabbs wm taken te Meyamenaing
prison and Wilsen, after tbe river search, wm
again looked up In the Fifth dlstrlet station.
Corener Powers went te Bristel and bad tbe
beadlMs and limbless trunk disinterred, oon eon oen
veyed te Philadelphia and placed in tbe
t'reJsctlBg s Racing Circuit.
Frem the Hanover Herald,
Efferts are beleg made by our agricultural
society, with a fair show et success, te form a
racing circuit embracing the fairs at Lancas
ter, Yerk, Carlisle, Hanover, Frederick and
Hagerstown. If tbl schema la successfully
consummated benemen wlllhavessuoeesalon
of geed pursM te contend for in all cimms rer
five or alx weeks, which will attract a higher
grade of horses than are usually sen st
oceaty fairs.
tmm vmrMB mmmrammn.
riBtssdlBg of tae eet.rMiatflvsaJa Con Cen
trtaee ra Aaavllle, tveBanea, Oesaly.
Tbe East Pennsylvania conference of the
United Brethren church wm begun at Ann-villa-
Lebanon county, ea Wednesday after
boob. Bishop J. WMVer, of Dayton, Ohie,
presided and delivered a very Interesting
opening address, which wai received with
Bucb feeling by tbe mlnltters present Rev.
O. W. M. Riger wm elected recording secre
tary. He appointed Rer, I). D. LewryM
bis Mslatent Rev. M. J, Mumma wm
elected statlslcal secretary. The follow
ing ministers were admitted te ad
visory seats In tbe oenforence. Revs,
W. J. Bbuer, Wrn. MoKee, T. F. Buah
eng, Mlraami conference I Iter. D. W. Mil
ler, Sandusky conference! Hhv. W. H.
Uhler, J. H. Ven'Nelds, Hltnen Nffll, J. H.
Mark, U. K. Gambler, Kast German confer cenfer
ence: L. W.Hfshl, Allegheny conference D.
D. Keedy, Virginia conference t O. W.
Llghtner and Z. A. Weldler, of Pennsyl.
vanla conference, and Rev. I). D. DeLong,
D. D.i president of Lebanon Valley col cel
lege. The names of the local ministers of
tbe conference were called and their char
acters passed. The following mnmbers bear
thla local relation : Rev. P. A. Bewman, J.
Carpenter, P. E. Deltrlch, U. II. Dermer, D.
S. Karly, The. Garland, A. It. Kauflman, J.
H. Kurtz, H. Mlnnlcn, 8. Mower, J. F. Mower,
J. X. Qulglsy, H. B. Kiee, P. J. inland, D.
Strieker, Prof. J. W. HnMth, Jehn Stehman,
Jacob Stehman, J. U. Unger and T. Wagner.
Tbe names et Reva. G. A. Mark and II. O.
Sherrick, who died during the year, wero re
ferred te tbe committee en memoirs. The
following persons were presented te tbe con
ference for license te preach the gospel : H.
D. Lehman, Jno. F. Smith, Chas. E Pilgrim.
They were referred te the-4roer committee.
The opening sermon wm proacbed by Rev.
WnxMcKee, general missionary treaurer, of
Dayton, Ohle,frem Luke xv le. Rev.McKes
Is a strong and Instructive) preacher and
preached te tbe satisfaction of nil.
Washington Society stirred Vv.
Washington society hai recently been
stirred up Internally by an Incident that
shows bow faulty tbe high llfe barriers are
as a means of keeping out uudeslrable per
sona. List winter there appeared in Wash
ington a lady of the greateit apparent refine
ment and the most engaging manners. She
llved In a fine beuse and began te held re
ceptions. They were conducted with tbe
greatest success, but no one ever Inquired
about the lady's connection-. She wm taken
upon appearances. Her receptions became
quite fashionable, and Boen the secletee "
reporters began te puff ber in the papers m
a belie of Washlugten. At last she was
Invited by tbe wife of a premlneut ad
ministration official te recolve with her.
Of course it wm accepted. About this time a
f;entleinau from St Leuis Lappened in Wash Wash
ngten and attended that very reception.
Since that time there bM been quite a drop
In tbe ad miratien or tbe lady. Tbe lady with
whom she had received suddenly "cut" ber.
Halt a dozen ethers or tbe elite class alto
Joined tbe boycott Tbe matter et it wm that
the St Leuis gentleman had seen the lady In
his own city, and gave awsy her social stand
ing there. It hM since becu learned that the
weman'a sister wm the subject of a great
scandal net long since, and that it wm she
who chaperoned Miss it the capital The
woman, however, is still keeplng up appear
ance, and moving in circles that bave net
beard or would net bollee the truth of tbe
charges against her.
Dfcliloea of tbe Parden lle.lnl.
The State Beard of Pardons has taken the
following action en casts argued : Charles
Laribee, Venango, murder, reluied ; William
Kennedy, Lawrence, burglary, refused ;
James P. McCabe, Wajnx, murder, held
uuder advisement until Mxy T, , Geerge
Presteu and Jack Wylai, BeaAer,
burglary, tcfused ; Ja-ritM J. Hlevln,
Allegheny, embezzlement, refused ; Harry
Wilsen, Lawrence, larceny continued ;
James J. Me, Weotmereland, mur
der, refused ; W. C. Ilu-ch, VAk, mur
der, held under till May 13, toglvedeleudant
opportunity te take out a writ of error;
Charles U. Grant, Northumberland, assault
and battery, refused, ltehenrings were
granted te Milten Westeu, Allegheny, man
slaughter ; Jamea Newtiun aud Jehn J.
Jehnsen, riot, WMhinuten ; Christopher
Dennelly and Michael O'ltrien, Schuylkill,
conspiracy aud assault and battery.
me ruutie eij.s vuaski.
A MUcreaul In His Snutberu :Mrt of tills City
Who Needs Alteutleu.
Charles Kedeu, a middle aged, Intelligent
looking German, who resides at Ne 420 Seuth
Water street, called at the Intelligencer
effice te-day te oemplatu of u young villain
who Is giving Reden'a family Borieus auuoy auuey
ance. Mr. Reden bM two daughters, Lizzie,
aged 16, and Annie, agJ II, who work at
Ne. S cotton mill. They go te work itt 5:30
a. m., and attend night school, which U dlt
mitsed about 0 p. in. Seerul times in the
early morning and returning from night
school they have been chnsed by a young
man whom they de net knew who seems te
be under twenty years of n.m. Oa Tuesday
night he chased tbem all the way home, and
they ruabed iu breatbltsly te tell their
father. Tbe Intruder loitered about tbe
building until ordered away by the parent's
stern admonition. On Wednesday night tbe
father waited at Andrew and Water streets
for his daughters snd hliui-elf escorted thorn
home. A sharp lookout is being kept for
the miscreant by tbe police, mid it caught he
will be summarily dealt with.
Notes from coin te Hill.
Rev. Max Hark Will delier the address at
the missionary meeting In the cellege chapel
en Friday evening at ;r0.
e An educational uieetlug, lu the iuterest of
the college and theological seminary, was
held te-day lu Easteh t n lilch Dr. Gerhart
delivered tbe address,
Edgar Thompsent beu of Be v. Thompson,
of this city, took up the course of study in
Franklin and Marshall ncademy last week,
intending te prepare himself for college.
Yesterday being Ash Wednesday the regu
lar college exercises were suspended aud
services were held in the college chapel.
The sermon wm prciclKM ny President
Anether Japanese student is expected at
the academy next week. Franklin and
Marshall academy 1 becoming popular net
only In this clty,but also In Japan.
TbetKlag Buret Theatre.
'J he audience at tbe K lug street ejwra house
last evening wm of fair size, and the pro pre
gramme wm about the saiue as given ou the
two previous evenings of tbe week.
Te-morrow evenlngwlll be amateurs' nlgbt
among these who will take part lu tbe show
will be, Jehn Trewlir, musician, Jennings
and McDonald, rifle shots, Faten Mebni
allegbt of band performance, Jaud ethers.
Next week Haineraly's opera company will
be at the house, and they will be followed
tbe week of March 7th by May Adams'
speciality company.
Atked te be Commuted.
William Kaufftnan was the only Inmate of
tbe station beuse but night He is tbe man
who wm found la an unconscious condition
with his race badly burnt at the furnace a
tew weeks age. He whs at the hospital until
yMterday, wben be was discharged as cured.
His parents live la this city, but he did net
want te be a burden en.them, as he la net yet
well enough te go te work, Athlsewn ie
quest Alderman Ferdnry committed ;hlm te
tbe county jail rer ten days.
Tem Daily's Kugageiuenta-
Tem Dally, of this elty, ,wbe has been con
nected with tbe museum at Ninth and Arch
etreets, Philadelphia, all winter m an adver
ttMr, elOMd bis engagement at that heuae
IMt evening. He came te Lancaster this
morning and will leave ler New Yerk this
evening te Jein tbe llarnum circus, with
wbleh Ferepeugh's large concern will open
at the) Madisen Square garden shortly,
ermm rtrtmmn hvmdubd rmen,m
miLtmn nr tarn mimtmgvdKmt.
Tares Haedred cruabtd by the FalHag ef a
Oksna ta Which Tbsy Bad Fled Asethtr
saecs at Mtateae, Fiasco, Te-day Vil
lages Rail Frem Meastala Bldss.
Remb, Feb. 21. The details of the destruc
tion wrought by yesterday's earthquakes In
the Geneese Rlevers present terrible picture.
Over 1,600 people were killed. In the village
of Bajarde the Inhabitants fled la terror te
theeburrb, which fell en tbem, sad 800 were
killed. The destruction of property la Im
mense sud widespread.
Anether BeiloesJEsrUiqtisfes.
Romr, Feb. SI A shock or earthquake
wm experienced te-day at Mentone. Houses
were badly shaken. Villages built en the
mountain sides were toppled Inte the valley
by the shock.
Three railway trains with reed bave been
sent te the sufferers, together with a strong
detachment of soldiers te preserve order.
atvemitTt MLUPM.
The Academic Town of Etstsr, !, H., Stirred
by Scandal.
Exeler,N.H.Is a quiet and arlstocratle village,
noted ehletly for being tbe seat or Phillips
acadeny, where many sons of tbe best fami
lies of the United States acquire their classi
cal polish preparatory te entering Harvard,
Yale and Dartmouth. There Is also a pros
perous female seminary located there,
Genevieve Qulren, a young lady el eigh
teen years and a graduate of tne female aem
lnary, hM for several winters been a leading
belle el tbe region, possessing m she does a
flue figure, robust health and beauty set off
by many elegant accomplishments.
Geerge W. Ewlna-, a young New Yerker,
wm expelled from Phillips academy a week
ego rer cutting recitations, lie bad been
much In Miss Qulren's society or late, snd a
warm attachment bad sprung np between
the young people. The pair took the after
noon train rer Bosten en Sundsy and stayed
together at Yenng'a hotel until Wednesday,
since which time no trace baa been had or tbe
erring pair. Hired detectlves are en their
Tbe young woman left a note, uylng she
had loved ber student friend tee well, and
by tbe time her relatives bad opened ber
last missive she would be dead. Hsr family
are very respectably connected and the shock
te her mother snd sister Is terrible. The
high social position et both tbe eloping par
ties hM Btlired tbe town te its very depths
and set tbe gossips' tenguM madly wagging,
but the general tone of publle feeling is et
sorrow and sympathy for all the sufJereis
from tbe scandal. The student Ewlng wm of
dashing manners.
The Greem's ultilpated Brether Murders a
Han lu Celd Bleed.
At Cincinnati, O., at eleven o'clock Tues
day night, Henry Mersman shot and killed
U. J. Ricking, a boarding-beuse keeper
en Court street Mersman wm drunk
and wanted te see bis brother, who was
asleep in tbe house. Ricking refused te
wake blm up, and went back te bis bedroom.
Henry followed film In and fired, with fatal
Tbe murderer's brother, Fred. Mersman,
came here two weeks age from Chicago and
took a room at Kicking'. Since then Henry
has annoyed him greatly by coming there
aud asking for money. He hM been ordered
Irem the house for bis Importunity. Tues
day Fred, was married and bad retired te
his room afler a night of social greetings.
Mr. Ricking, who occupied an adjoining
room, was about te retire, wben Henry Mers
man entered from the ball and Mid he
wanted te see Fred. Mr. Ricking told him
te call ihe next day. Upen thla Mersman
drew bis revolver, saying: "I'll fix you
new, snd get Fred, afterward," fired, and
Mr. Ricking fell dead in tbe presence of bis
wife, who had Just gene te bed. Her screams
brought in Fred. and bis bride, but tbe mur
derer escaped.
St. Matthew's Usy,
This is St Matthew's day. The Germans
have a proverb which reads :
" M&tihlaibrlchtalce,
llatvhr aclns
Be maeht ehr elus."
Which may be read In the vernacular
" Matthew breaks Ice : has be none, he will
make one; or, mere freely translated, it
reads :
"If there be loe en Mattbsw'sdny he'll breik it
And If there be none en that dy he'll make It"
As our streams are (new free of Ice, they
must be closed again te make tbe proverb
held geed. Possibly the ground-hog, who
p-ophcsles warm weatber, may object, or
possibly the two prophets may compromise
or form a " ccmblne."
The Injunction Iterated.
The supreme court of Indiana bM rendered
Its decision in the Smith-Robertsen case, In
which tbe former prayed for an Injunction
te reitraln tbe latter from exercising the
duties et lieutenant governor, a position te
wbleh be was chosen at the general election
iu November last. The opinion refuses tbe
injunction ou the ground et non-Jurisdiction,
thur, in effect, declaring tbat tbe case must
be decided by the general assembly and net
by tbe courts.
1 m
Dragged by a Wagen.
This morning about 0 o'clock, a boy resi
ding at 412 North Llme street, attempted te
get en a wagon while In motion en Vine
street near Seuth Queen. He slipped and
due of his legs was caught between two
spokes of the wheel and be wm dragged a
short distance. He wm picked up with a
badly sprained leg, carried te Dr. Carpsuter's
ofllce and thence sent te his home.
Tralu-Jumpert Sent te Jail.
Officers Pyle and Kennedy et tbe Pennsyl
vania lallread police, arrested seven young
men who were caught stealing rides en
freight trains betweeu Dlllervllle and
Monntvllle. They were taken before Alder
man McConemy at neon te-day and commit
ted for ten days each.
reriuauent uertl Ocatrs.
The cemmittee en permanent certificates,
elected by the late teachers' institute, will sit
for tbe examination of applicants en Satur
day, March 19th, at 6:30 a. m , in tbe school
building southeast corner of Prince and
Bale et Real Eatate,
Joel L. Haines, auctioneer, sold at publle
tale last evening at the Leepard hotel ler the
estate of Charles Himmelabacb, the proper
lies Nes. 315 and 319 Church street the first
te Lewis Smith for tl 200, and the second te
James Eager for f 1,600.
" m
OerrcctluB Aassaimsnts.
The assessors or Kast Esrl, Leaoeck and
Earl townships were at tbe oemmlttloners
office te-day te make corrections In tbe m
sesiments made en property In their respec
tive district.
In Town.
H. B.McClellan, general EMtern passenger
agent of tbe Wabash, St Leuis & Pacific rail rail
read, stepped ever In Lancaster yMterday en
his way te New Yerk. He was tbe guest of
A, W. Ktusel's family.
pen't Apply te Obleeee Women.
Attorney General Garland bM given an
opinion te the treMury department "tbat
the Chlnese restriction act does net apply te
Chinese women who accompany ether Im
migrants te this country in the capacity of
nurses or servants."
OotnmUtleos Hecelttd.
The commissions of Geerge W, Baksr,
Manhelm, and Charles R. Kline, city, ap
pointed netarlM publle by tha governor, were
rMSlvsd at ths rsflerdsr's oAes te-day.
am At a d amntem mr tmm aawAra,
la Dlseatstsg Iks Meter FeWMr BrA Was la.
vsttntat OUtM creates a Bag Oftsst,
Harrisbore, Feb. 21 la the Bsaat to
day Heuse bill te secure te married wesaea
their Mparate earning wm favorably re
ported, m were the following Senate bills t
Te reduce the poll tax te ten cent ; Id pro
vide for appointment by dead of a deputy
sheriff In ths cms of temporary disability of
tbe sheriff ; for acquisition of highway ea
which tells arecharged j limiting liability of
property of religious associations ; for debt
contracted by trustees or managers j te pre
vent railroad from crostleg streets aud
streets from crossing railroads at grade j re
quiring the publle printing and binding te
be awarded te the same person and tbe bidder
te bave a suitable building for tbe work 1
enabling tire Insurance companies te IncreaM
their capital stock t te authorize the appoint
ment of cenn ty gaugers.
Bills were Introduced a fellows : Mtcfar
lane, providing that banks of discount here
tofore Incorporated may renew and extend
their letters patent chatters, corporation
rights and franchises for 20 years. Hec
ninger, te provide, through the court, for
the creation of boroughs of territory new In
cluded In cities or tbe third, fourth and fifth
classes and te adjust tbe existing Indebted
ness or the hum. Grady, providing that all
trust, safe deposit, insurance, securely and
guarantee companies from becoming security
or .acting M trustees when In tbe aggregate
el their business they have already equaled
or hereafter while they may equal tbe amount
of their capital stock and the par value of tbe
assets belonging te such company held in tills
Tbe bill te tax drummers having Leen
negatived, Newmyer had It placed en the
calendar for consideration.
The Senate had a big fight en the bill for
incorporation of meter power cempiulea by
cables, eleetrlcly or ether means, in cities
el second and third class. .Upperman offered
an amendment tbat the bill ba made general,
which wm adopted. A five cent amend
ment wm defeated. Tbe big contest wm
en a motion te strike out the clause allowing
a company te Invest Its funds In the purchase
et shares of stock and bends of any corpora
tion, leased, operated or constructed by It
Wolverton Mid tbe power conferred In the
clause mMnt the robbery or minority stock
holders. This bill will probably take the
place of the ether Philadelphia traction bills,
and this Is believed te bave been the scheme
wben It wm introduced. At 2 p. m. the Sen
ate was still In session discussing the bill.
Ths One Tbat Was Net Head at the Voeag
Democrats' Brooklyn Dinner.
New Yerk, Feb. 24, The following is a
copy of the letter of regret sent by Mayer
Hewitt te the Yeung Men's Democratic club
of Brooklyn, en Tuesday night, en tbe eccz
sien of their dinner te Gov. Hill :
"New Yerk, Feb. 14,
"Frederick R. Lee, Esq , 21 Park Place, New
Yerk City.
I have tbe honor te acknowledge the re
ceipt of your letter of the Gib instant, uklng
me te be tbe guest of tbe Yeung Men's Deme
crailoclubet Brooklyn, en the 23d Inst, at its
annual dinner. As you are aware, I am Just
recovering from a very painful illness wnleh
does net yet permit me te leave my chamber.
Aa a matter of course, it will be Impossible
ler me te bave tbe pleasure et dining with
you en tbe J, but I send my cordial greet
ings te tbe club and the distinguished Demo
crats who will be present, and trust that the
laudable object at which you aim, tbe pro
tection of tbe Union and the success of the
national Demecracy,wlll be achieved.
Tbe principles et tbe Democratic party are
en trial from anew force which hM suddenly
appeared In politics, and which will destroy
tbe parly unless it Is boldly confronted and
tbe dangerous and pernicious effect of it
doctrines and principles denounced and
made clear te the publle. The Democratic
party regards tbe individual u tbe unit of
society, the integrity of which depends en
tirely upon the personal liberty of tbe citi
zen. Jeffersen and bis associates drove the
Federal party out of power en tbl issue,
which indeed wm fundamental in tbe atrug atrug
gle which gave us our free government and
produced tbe constitution. Until the civil
war broke out no man questioned the right
of tbe white citizens or the United States te
dispose of themselves and their labor In any
manner which might seem geed. The war
extended the same rights te the colored race
M the white citizens bad previously enjoyed,
se tbat up te a very recent period every
citlzeu el this country has been free te
employ himself and pursue his hspplncn
In whatever direction might seem te him te
ba geed. Within tbe last five years,
however, a secret organization has been grow
ing lu strength and power, which seeks te
enslave tbe labor el this country and make it
subject te tbe Irresponsible domination of
men unauewa te tne peopie seu iue
net officers chosen by the people and who
are net creatures of law responsible te free
public opinion ana te ine censtuuiea aumor aumer
ities for their action. Gradually the leaders
et this body have succeeded in stamping out
ail personal Independence en the part of
a large number of workmen of this country
byreluslogte permit any persons te earn a
living who are net affiliated with tbis secret
organization. In tbis way tbe workmen
bave been coerced Inte blind obe
dience te Irresponsible power, and
the condition of these who hae
tried te remain euUide of tbe organization is
in many eases truly pitiable. They are called
by opprobrious names, are hunted Irem shop
te shop aud denied employment en tbe tearlul
penalty ofslepplngallwork,however pressing
and important Tula Is tyranny,sgalnst which
tbe Democratic party bM ever struggled and
which it must new confront and denounce in
no mistaken tones. It is true that Democrats
holding high positions bave coquetted with
this new and dangerous olemeut iu politics,
aud even attained offices by submlttlugtetbe
humiliation of an apparent endorsement
of the raise aud dangerous doctrines which
have been, put in practice at auch a fearful
cost in our imuat wunin tnis present tnemu.
Unless the Democratic party shall new
and at once absolutely disown and
condemn all organizations which seek te
place tbe individual under any control than
that of the laws and deprive the citizen or bis
right or free action, it will polish as It ought
te de.
Murderous Negro Bobbers.
Memphis, Tenu , Feb. 21 Three negrees
attempted laat night te rob the grocery store
of Henry Nabets, four and a half uiles east
or Memphis, and knocked the proprietor
senselets. Tbe uoise made by bis falling te
the fleer brought his two daughters and a
young weinau who was visiting tbem Inte
the store. The negrees fired upon tbem,
bitting MIm Mellle Tillman In the bead and
one of Nabora' daughters lu the leg. Mrs.
Nabers, who appeared en the scene at this
lime, wm also fired upon, but tbe bullet
missed Its aim. The negrees then fled. Miss
Tillman's wounds may prove fatal. Sheriff's
officers and a police posse bave gene in pur
suit of the would-be assassins.
Three Ueyt Crashed In Hint.
Trinidad, Cel., Feb. 21 A cave-la 00
curred at the coal mines of the Colerado
Ceal and Iren company at Eagle, three miles
from herp, yesterday, by which three boys
were crushed. One mau wm badly injured.
Vnanlmeueiy Failed.
Vienna, Feb. 21 Tbe Relchsrath hM
passed tbe credits for the equlpmeutef tbe
Lindstiirm without a dissenting voice.
Cattle and Ilegs KlUcd.
Wednesday afternoon, three cows snd a
number of begs owned by a Cecil county
(Md.) farmer were run ever and killed by
cat at Oonewlugo station ea tbe Columbia
A Pert Deposit railroad.
Held Hsr rreptrty,
lery dwelling of 1
Ths two story dwelling of Mrs. Mary J,
Geed, of this city, la Xsedlag, wasseld there
ytBtsrdsy for al,M0.
ratu bab ib tmm mmvtm.
TkafMaatsmsrsMsu bsmsm Asmmi
Ma SSBtlBWtSi tua OCrrtd try M
Md alHi OssMtfeaes-BMBte
7 re i
OheMB Far FHBMstit Ft na.
Washington-, Fek M-(Resu).atBf -'
sages from the prMldaat trm Brassalal. r J' ,:
turning without his apBWvBlthekltteaBaBltt1;,
leg u pvnaiun w auihubj- aBSMtuaessBBBB'
creasing the pension of ifBtgatat X. is..;
ana ijenn narrett. ana for im ibbbsf m was. ,-,
H. MerehauMr i referred. "$feti , -V: -M
iue senate uiu huumbb- MBBBSsi sjsbms)
pert el entry wm passed. ";.''- i
Messrs. Randal). Ferney and Kraal
appointed conferees oe the sundry ett I
proprtstlen bill. JJ
The sonata amendments te ths
academy appropriation bill were
in. ya
ine report et the committee ea eie
upon the Indiana contested election
wm called up and tbe resolution mtcxtesl
Was arlnntfwl wllhnnt fllvlalmi- 1ft iwvSMfte-
the rlsht of Steele te the seat tC-1;l,
Thn Mnnitii aminilniMli tn Iia ntat 3? '
fnllimt-ila innrnnriaf Inn t.lll wm. - - - - .
curred In. f
The report of the committee et tbs wltela i'-,?
en tne nenaie amenuineuts 01 the pestcnWB?,'
RnnmnnflTinn nil,, n-na f-aiifn iin. tm hmj.t:
lh-JImanilitilinlHWIirAivuifii1-.Ml Im. A"
The fourth amendment aDnronrlatlBaBKeB.. S.
000 te contract for the carrying of foreign M
malls en American vestels te Centra! sad' .V
U. nit. A mbvIm waa tint. AinitpMu1 In AaftA? at TJ V
conference was ordered, !ltji
On motion of Mr. Mauen tbe dependant f'l,X
nenalen bill with the etn nutan of thA.,f;iM
president waa called up. A vote will bs
reached at 4 o'clock. t:
liens from Grand Army pests praying for tat)!
manse or tbe dependent oension Dill nHri
tbe president's veto were presented and 114 :'
en tbe table, , tiS'i'.
Thn tTniiBA anhalftiitA fni I hM ftah-u fefatfTl
atlen bill wm disagreed te and a een fersa as '!;';
Mbiwl. Messrs. Kilmnnrts. Frt and Umia'V :
were annotated ou the nut of tbe Senate.' . ,'i
A resolution wm. adopted autberlSlBF .bbsTSI
select committee en additional Mesnamasf
tiens for tbe library te ait during the rBBBS'.s'
Mr. Van Wyekoflered a resolution dseUrji'
leg it te be tbe Judgment of tbe Senate 1
an amendment te ths constitution should. tsijv- 5
submitted te tbe people ler the eleotlen Bt'"'
senator uirecuy ujr ue luma at) aaaaem";
uiai ud nnuiuuuu w .u urer uutit. saaesfaa
row wueu ue win uia&e buuue remara upsaa rij
lt-i igf
Mr. Hear asked that as Boen M tha eleMSa-Vi h'
pneumonia bill wm disposed of the lsssMns)r;H
should take np tbe Paclfle railroad inqakry' y
resolution. He hoped It wenld be taken ,. 'f
at 2 o'clock tomorrow and tbe Mssten. ecBi',-J
tinned until it wm disposed or. ran waa.l ,
agreed te by unanimous consent The) KsbS-'?(
bill wm taken up, providing ler tBB.B-3
lnalnun, Aflanil Bmlll. ma.t-1 ha, CAHaMai itfa-t -
old the construction of railroad la KmjsjbC,'-
and for tbe forfeiture of unearned IsaaJswV-
Several amendments recommended by wV
publle lands committee were agreed te. ? Slav?; ,-,
Plumb said tbat tbe bin was general la ls:s '-
application, but be believed It would cptMsav .;
nrlni-lnallv nn lands In Kenya and ColeMaW-1. i
Senater lagallt Oheesa. . Jj-;",
cua or Republicans bM nominated Baa
Ingalls te be president et ths Senate, , vlpA; j
'ine vote sioea ; legsua 10, xmwr e, mrnr-
munds 1, Frye 1. Tbe nomination wa
unanimous. The Democratic senatersjeaa)
unanimously ae-reed te suoDert Senater Kasv
rls, et Tennessee, for the position.' ?$?
'election of Mr. Ingalls will take place ta i
session of the Senate te-morrow. rJwM-
Werk of Un Ceslttesi-vW&ir3
WAtniNQTOK. Feb. 24. Tbe Heesa
inlttee ea the Judiciary this morning '$!
ttructed Mr. Bennett (North Carellsay ; M
write a favorable report wblcb will be Blfaan; J2
by a majority of tbe commutes en .taw'.i. 3
direct tax bill pMsea recently ny ins hssbhsy ..
The bill is amended nun pnrvMtf
that U any atate refuses te accept tha aanatfj
it shall remain in the treMury, Tnefawsjav
ha ten mlnnrltv renerta. Tha tMmBBfsnsat:
will meet tmorrew te dispose of tbs btttsa "2
change presidential Inauguration aiy m
April 30. v&Wtffi
Te-day the Heuse committee en sp
liens sirreed te non-concur la all tha J
amendments te the DlstrriP CeluMMat
it agreed te insert in tne aoncienrantai aencienrantai aoncienrantai
vlsiensforone chief of division at ILI
vear for tbe pension office durmc
malgder of the fiscal year, 10 clerks of sisBBt
and 10 clerks of onus 1 ; and ta the UaMmi
tlve, executive and Judicial bill ll0.Br
clerks at pension agenetes, and 3,000 let asm,
contingent fund of pension agencies.
- -aBt-a.a.--M-. . ?
Frlghifel CeUbtea, i-!H''i.
CnctTON, Iowa, Feb. 24. Afrightrntl
end collision occurred near Red out
terday morning. A freight train paUs.
Mogul engine, crushed Inte tbs
another train standing en the
Asleep in the way car were Fraakl
Elmer Bright and a stockman nsraad Jens)'
Msrtln, of Van Baren county, Iowa.
huge Mogul engine crushed tbe way-ear i
splinter, and nearly wrecked anyj
Tbe engine and fireman Jumped taUasa.1
mve tbelr lives. McKay wm badly i
and died shortly alter being taken ontef I
wreck. Bright and Martin will recover--, .;)
lb t3
Tb Jury uiscnargeev jy-.,i
Dublin. Feb. 21 Justice Murphy?
eluded his charge te the Jury la tnejttfntj
the Traversers, m fellows : ' 11 IM ran 1,
Uevedtbat the Traversers bad HnitesVfl
agreed te urge the people te dewkattf
dlctment alleged tbe defendants ,
unlawfully, and the Jury should j
verdict accordingly." Ths Jury UMS.I
and at&:!5 p. iu. belne unable teaawasVa
discharged. 'iVS
--......... - m -A-aJLi.y-?.
3u.uuw viuii ie a a i m k t
AiOXuex, cee. xl me cngiuu
Shanghai has found npen takiBs;
ln the case that the officers or tae 1
A Oriental steamship ''Nepaul" '
te blame for tbe recent oellisioa'oC
MBI .ltli a rlhlnAMA tranamrt BSde. 'Btn
the latter was sunk and 100 itvsa
TheChlnose government claim WM
ages for the less or the transport Kf'f-7 "
-" 4'
nxaiiDBj rreHiumw . -vw
Mareukttk. Mieb, Fab. 24.-1
saloon-keepers met hers yesterday
and resolved te fight tbs proWtHtesv.
ment Men wc re appointed te sassu;
act m ticket peddlers st tbe neus
May election. A general convent
kneners will be called seen. Tttel
tbe amendment are eqeally alft,iV
fight Is certain.
Agreed t Weffe.
Londom, Feb. 2i. Tbs strlklag
Lanarkshire have agreed te
and then dlscuM tha dlffratOM
tweeu them and the mias owner. 'f
st -
Frlacs AlesfBc ISM
Darmstadt, Feb. 94-
Is suffering from
fsrer, m prsvlensly
v. V-T C-V
" Jtfr ...
ef& m'?.&$jj&'
fll -. .P-T-.J
anaag i 'LmM