: .ii .1 i W ' ,; MM ?iWV$2v "i -Mr ii mm, mmmmi raimiMiniiHiBimi ITNk M M TmH IfeM MMt I OWHlMMk AftHMtttMl ' It stag ageta Bad wMMIm I Mw II iWm lb Ment ses-Ulttlsi-Hewlttlagil nktteta,ikrtM,MJlli. U tee eraaats ei th heealeud. Ik Sa el the creek i ew H shriek mm men and ealeh tea yellow IMm In patches iw it wawia nmi aaa ever the ceraSeld end the elevt -Hewltthrlskat lew It rout. rears, rear. . la Mm Irea uudr-eaTrns, m the hollows of ths shores i ew It roan anew ant thunder. At the strong anil splits and sundart i Aad the spent ship, tatspett-drt vea, Oa th reef lie raat ana tlren -Hew It roan I Maw It walla, wal'a, wall t, la tba tangt of th wrsei eg. la th napping or th aalli I Hew It sobs away, aubaldlng, Mk a tired child after chiding 1 AnA across th greand wll rolling! Ten can hear the ball. buoy telling -llewltwsllsl BBMAtem MAtKamatiummMHr. Th Nstaae saber Wk Wa Beaten for MsBaat Vhtaaa f Mmt, Senater Wr, of Narada, wlU, la 1m thaa two week, bid adieu te tba Senate arur bla asrvles of atx year In that body. In geaera geaera Uem there bM probably bans but ea ether SBember of tba Senate who rivaled Mr. Fair la brilliant flashes) of tllenc. That number WM tba lata Abljah Gilbert, a welllode cltl cltl seaettneKeat, who, wbll temporarily In Flerida, wa elected UnlladHtatei ataaterby ta carpetbag leglalatur of that atat m a reward for a liberal contribution, Mr. Oil bart In the six yeara ha wm In the Senate aTer opened hla mouth exeept te anawar te bla nam en the roll call, and he never did thle until ha get the eua from Roeeoe Conk Cenk ling, who aatl tut aorew the alala from him. In the ala yMra new oeaclndlng that ha baa bean In the Senate the tranterlpietMr. Fair1 eenaterlal utterances, Including th presen. tatlen of petltlena and all, would probably net nil ena page of the Congrtulenal Recerd. But It Mr. Fair bat net charmed hla assocl assecl atwand the gallerle with the masks tongue of alcquanep, If he bM net bMtrewed the end 1m pagM of the Recerd with tba flewera of rhetoric, be bM atlll made himself very aelld with theM from whom be la ae aoen te part by epreadlng before them tenia which Lu cullua might have envied and which en tranced the mum II net the Intellect A Republican eenater, noted aa a diner-out, aald te-day, with a tone of mournful regret, " We will get no audi dinner m Falr'a alter he la gene. What Mama remarkable la that ex-Senater Stewart, who will coma back te the Senate m the auocaaaer of Mr. Fair, during the twelve Sear that he Mrved In the Senate Mtabllabed e reputation of being the meat loquacious member el that body. There wm rarely a saw WW SssNbbsjbjbj MM eWtMMI I Uem with remark extending In length all i we way irem inn minuiee te an neur. Alter I the fourth of Mareb, whan he will again enter ( tba Senate chamber, Senater Morgan, of Ala bama, muat leek well te hla laurel. rhjtlilans nave reead Oat That a contaminating and foreign clement In the bleed, developed by Indigestion, I ths cants of rheumatism. Thla settles upon the senilttre sab-cutaneeus covering of the muscles and Ilea, inenta of tbejetnts, canting cenitant and shift Ing pain, and aggregating aa atal callous, chalky dapeatt which produce stiffness and dlatortlen of the Joints. Me fact which experience baa demonstrated In regard te lleatetter'a Stomach Oltters ha stronger evidence te support than this, namely, teat this medicine of comprehen sive uses checks the formidable and atrocious disease, nor Is It less positively established that It la preferable te the poisons often used te ar rest It, sine the medicine contains only salu tary Ingredient. It Is alto a;tlgnal remedy for malarial fevers, constipation, dyspepsia, kidney and bladder ailments, debility and ether disor ders. Bee that you get the genuine. leblUB Tn Time Itonertd .Vcfre Damt, Jlalllmert. Mil, We hare bad arnpleoppertunttytocoavlnaa onrsslvrsef the efficacy or aairallen oil. We cheerfully submit our namea te the publlea reference, ttetpeetlally, sisters of Notre Dame. Alaiulth and Eager St., Baltimore, Md. Ne wender people have confidence when the best pbystclans ate prescribing Dr. Hull's Cough Byrup. uraeiAM, MOT1CMB. BLEEFLEMNl(3irrs,maae miserable brtbat terrible cough, Bhlletr euro Is the remedy fur you. sold by II. U. ceehran, druggist, Net 117 and MB North, queen at-, Lancaa'cr, 1'a. (2) Mathers 1 Mothers 1 1 Mothers!! Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth t If se, go at once and get a bottle of M 119. Win B LOW'S BOOTUtNO SYKUP. It will relieve the peer little anffer Immedtately-depend upon It ; there la no mistake about It. There Is net a mother pc en earth who has overused It, who will net tell 1 asyea at once that It will regulate the bowels, and xfHiresttolheniethor.acd relief and health te ' the child, operating like niagle. It Is perfectly safe te use In all cases' and pleasant te the taatn, and lsthe prescription of one of the eldeat and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Sold everywhere. cents a bottle. . mayailydAw COUUU, wnueriNa COUGH and flronehm Immedlatelyrelleved by Mhlleh'a Cure. Meid by II. B. Cochran, druggist, Mes. m and 1 North Queen Bt, Lancaster, Va. (I) Th bream of a chronic catarrh patient is beften se offensive that be cannot go Inte society 'and he becomes an object of disgust. Alter a time ulceration sets In, the spongy bones are at tacked, and frequently entirely destroyed. A constant source of dripping of the purulent se cretions Inte the threat sometimes producing Inveterate bronebltls,whtch In Us turn has been the exciting cause el pulmonary dlteate. The brilliant results whleh has e attended lis use for yeara past properly designate Sly' Cream Balm M by tar the btst and only real cure lebl-2wdeedAw NEVEUQIVKUf. If you are troubled with nerveua or sick bead ache, de net give up your cats as Incurable until Seu have tried Ur.Xeslle's Special 1'rescrtptlen s the testimonials In another column, dfe-lw sUDKCS tbeu; A see of Many Tears BWartlng Oared Wua Kx Bettles, la a Maa 00 Tear el Age. ALunrreww, Pa May a, las. lUnmues Brrrm Ce. Oents : I had been troubled with my kidney for a number of years, used almost everything without much benefit intll I tried Oaadellen Bitter. I used six bot tles and am pleased te My I am entirely rid of the kidney trouble, beside my system being toned up se that 1 feel like a different persenTl cheerfully recommend the same te all afflicted in this way. JACOB MUBCUUTZ. ebtMmdTn.Th.B TU AT HACKING COUGH can be se quickly cured by Shtleh's Cure We guartntee It, Beld by U. B. Cochran druggist, Ne. 1ST and UV North Queen St., Lancaster, l'a, (1) CauUen. We wenld caution the Public te bewnre of Dealers ;flrliiK Kemp's Balsam at less than the regular Price, W eon w and f 1, as oftentimes Imi tations or Inferlerartlcle are teldas the genuine In order te enable them te sell cheaply. U. B. n'H,0uieSSt0eUc'eaply. U.B. uggUt, Ne. 1J7 North Queen street Is r Xancastcr. Sample bottle given elMwdAw our agent for te jour. Wonderfeloure. W. D. Heyt Ce , Wholesale and BelaU Drug. stef Uome,tia.,aays: We have been seUIng r. King's New Discovery, xUectrle Bitten and Backlen's Arnica salve for two yean. Have never handled remedies that sell as well, or give sueh universal satisfaction. Thar hav been some wonderful cures effected by these medi cines In this city. Several cases of pronounced Consumption have been entirely cured by use of a fsw "bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery, taken la connection with weetrte Bitters, we wants them always. Beld by n. & Cochran, Druggist, U7 and 1 North Queen street, Laa Msfr.Pa. (i) DasTDBjea iavaa rattan for sick headache torpid liver, biliousness and Indigestion. imaU and May te swallow. On pill a dose. Price, ana. By all druggists. ftndTe,Tli3 Tba Kidteaaeat MM Over. The rush at B. & Cochran, druggist. Ma in North Queen street, still continues ea account of persons afflicted with Cough, Colds, Asthma, g&ftu itlen.- It Is a standard fsmtiv nmadv. te cents and IL Triel Htrt: elft-lwdAw Aetlvs, Peshing and Meltable M. B. Cochran, Druggist, 137 and UB North Queen street, LancasUir, Pa., can alwayB be re. Usdupea te carry In stock the purest and best ie4s,andsutafi th repuutlen of being c 18 "Ms1.; reliable, by reoemmendlng articles with well ara Benalar. Hu reil-establlshsd merit and such m lag tba agency for brated Dr. King's Me misi vna agency ter us eala. tlOB. BCiOAmnA tmamm wii iw Discovery for eensump- guaiaatM.. It wUTiuralir seiiit en apeaiuva apeali our an and every inMpnHw hast, and la erdar kWeaUaad gta -r" tt miiMir layfiniMfsii :MassaMsSjssWssssssi r;jAfyy-i a at ' i a 'vl a s - f wnatit screTuia Ittsihaalsasmtttvlalha Mil watsh. malaUac la the glaae at the aaek. ateda umtmUMw laaiM or awalllaM I whlah BalatalrMBjgsMtMarass4M,MfM wbkb mviibbm anew la te TM,iB,ar eft Maatag MladaMS or eesiaess i whltfe te the erlgta of ylaials, eaaaerea growths, er ta ataay etaer ataalfeitaMea araafiy MeHbed w "huaterer' wblea, Matealag nana the laaga, mmm eoMamfttlea aat aeata.. sWng the Meet aneteat,UM theaMMgaasral of an aieeasMM aaactleaa, ter vary tow psreeas are entirely free Mew Om It B Onrad By taklag Meed's BamparllKwkiek by the re. atarkable euree It ks aoeompllthed, efua wkea ether, sMBlelaw have failed, kas prevsa Itself te be a aeUnt and peeullar msdtclMfertMf dataas. Bem of tMsaearae are really weaaar lal. If yea inffer freta eorefnla la any of IM forms, be sure te try Heed's flarsap at Ilia, TIM FatMlUr Uwdtetna "I have running tore en ray limb ferBv fsw, m bad at limes that I oeuld net walk, nor sleep algkts. Wasa I oemtneaosd tuing Heed' BatMaarilla, t wm la pain te severe that 1 eaa net describe It, IhadneappetlUandftllaway. Bat Heeda aareapamia did ate a wonderful ameaat of geed. 1 hav a geed appetite, hav galaad la task, aad eaa sleep well. My same are almost hsalsd, and I can easuydoageod day's work." Mm. O. r. Lean, Detm.'M, H. Heed's Sanaparilla old by all druggists, n t sit for at. Pre pared only by C 1. HOOD A CO., Lewell, Mas IMDOBKBOtlM DOLLAR, QH I MY BACK. vary Strain or Celd Attacks that Weak Mack, and Nearly Prostrates you. rhrilctaM bM Drggrtitt BeeMuieasl BROWN'S BON BITTERS! AtTHEiEST TONIO. Strengthens th Muscle. Steadies the Nerve Knrtehes the Bleed. uivs New Viger Da. J. L. Mvaas, ralrfleld, Iowa, says: " Brown's Iren Bitters Is the best Irea Medi cine I have known In my 9 years practice. I have found It specially benefletal In nerveua or physical exhaustion, and In all debilitating ail ments that bear se heavily en the system. Us It freely In my own family. Ma. W. r. Baewa, M7 Main street, Covington, Ky., says t -1 waa completely broken down in health and troubled with pains In my back. Brown's Iren Bitters entirely restored me te health " Mim Liuta BaamiAW, 3MA Coeke avenue, St, Louts. Me., says i "I suffered with spinal weak nets, pains In my back and sleepless nights. 1 tried every conceivable remedy without mueh benefit, four bottles of Brown's Iren BltUrs have relieved me, and I cheerfully recommend The genuine has Trade Mark and crossed red line ou wrapper. Taxn noetnar. naaeemyby BIlOWN CUBMIOAL CO.. (8) Baltimore, Md. E LY'H UKKAM BALM. OATARRH HAY FEVER. ELY'S CREAM BALM CLKANSKS Till 11BAD, ALLAYS IMt-LAMMATIO, UBALB TUB BOKKS. BESTOBBSTHBBRNSEAOr TA8TB.BMBLL, 11 AMINO. A QUICK KKLler. APOSITIVB CUBB. A particle la applied te each nostril aad le agreeable. Price 60 cents at druggist t by mail, registered, oe cts. Circulars free. . ,. BLY BUOB, DruggUU, Oweg0,N.T. JnlyS-lyeedAlyw E XUAUHTKD VITALITT. EXHAUSTED VITAnTT TUBSCIBNCBOr LIFB, the great Medical Werk of th sga en Manhood, Nervous and Physical Debility, Prematura Decline, Krrorsef leuth, and the untold miseries consequent thereon. Boe pages bve. la prescriptions for all sealed. Illustrative sample free te all young and middle-aged men for the next M days. Address DM. W. 17. PABKKB, Buldnch Btrest, Bosten, iiiiiw, iuu giii, eaiy si.u ey maU mvn-lyeedAw 1HE SWIFT SPK0IK1U CO. TRIED IK THS CRUCIBLE. TKADE MAKE. About twenty yetrs age I discovered a little sere en my cheek, and the doctors pronenaoed u cancer, i nave tried a number or physicians, but without receiving any permanent benefit. Among the number were one or two special tits. The medicine they applied wm like fire te the sere, causing Intense pain. I saw a statement In ths papers telling what B.B.B. had done for ethers similarly afflicted. I procured some at once. Before I had used the second tettlethe neighbors could notice tkat my caneer wm healing up. My general health nkd been bad for two or three years I had a hacking cough and spit bleed continually, I had a severe pain inmybresst. A tier taking six bottle of B. B. B. my cough left me and I grew curator than I bad been for sever.l years. My cancer bM healed ever allbut a little spot about the site of a half dime, and It la rapidly disappearing. I would advise everyone with cancer te glv 0.8.8. fair trial. MBB.NANCT J. McCONAUOHT, Ash Ureve, Tippecanoe,' Ce., Ind. reb. 18, W. Swift's flpeclde Is entirely vegetable, and seems te cure cancers by forcing eutthe Impuri ties from the bleed. Treatise en Bleed aad Skin Diseases mailed free, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., DRAWER 3. ATLANTA, OA. HlT'lAw ODIIBKOKTHKDEAK. Peck's Patent Improved Cushioned Bar Drama perfectly restore hearing and perform the work of the natural drum, invisible, com fortable and always la position. AU conversa tion and even whispers heard distinctly. Bend for Illustrated book with testimonials, PUCK. Addma or call en r. uiscex. Ml Broadway. Mew Yei k. Mention thla paper -"V""w" lanelo-lyeedAlrw SAFE, HURK AND SPEEDY CURE. ttupture, varicecele ana Bpeclsi Diseases of either sex Why be humbugged bruuacks when you con l lib Pavsicua find In Dr. Wrluht tha enl v Unn. ts,a ravsieua in rnuaaeipnia who mate a specialty el th above diseases, and Ccaas 1IIS 1 liUSSS UU4.UBTBBD. AUVICO STM CSV and evening. Strangers can be treated and te turn home same day Offices private. DB. W.HTWKlunT. Ml North Ninth Street. Above Baoe, P.O. Bex up. rhlladelphk JanlB-lvdaw sTanesT. TTTHY, we l It Uaid Te, Bat It's IKltetnt Mew '. Trade doe net end wit ChrlstuM bv an mean. Notwithstanding tttfactthaf our Holiday Trade hssbeenaa unpricedentid one, en' Superb Stock el Peur-ln-Maad Indether style Neckties, Silk Muffleri IlMdierehief" BusMnderaTbleves. Cellars. Cubs, Came i Hair Underwear and lisJf Hese, BhlrtsTctaaT Cases. aeheb!b.Tr,2KJ: RETURN GIFTS. say Our Price as Lew m the LewMt ter the Mate grade of geed. E. J. ERISMAN, BO. H WBST KINO BTBBBT. LAMOASTBB. N OW TUB TIMS TO SHKCDLATK. vr v wtr es w saw m ssis awsa asvSMVaVsl'se BH Bjaaaj asalssVaswajaj eBr onpertualUa te sMCulater te auk meneyJnOraln. Blocks. Bends and Petroleum. Vremnt personal attsnUen glvaa taerderare- Prompt personal attention glvaa tc Setf br wtxy or mall. UorrMaead Itsd. Full InfonaatleB about the iiMBcesoue- ww m u ,unravua HIUUI mm BBBrBet IB ourBeok, which will be forwarded ftaaeaap- -.ailJiVfwTMrcW. iHifSsstc L GaiiMean Bra, B, W, VBr. sTsfal BJa aVI MSMMf gaj. marnmrn smAbm la the Trad wen valja ed mam maari reaAv far MksrawatMt of ear . we awe aad have, taaaf fSStiEiZftttX m te tk7Mue'lM feOewtag Bm WB1 bay a Daraale Mst'B OrereMt wtrlh jffit wBI baya flae farl p will bar riae "fisJwB bayMMwraW BaM werth MM laaker wcBaMe. MewTii-WMl CaerlatarelaiMatlMt werth seta.' BrrsVOvareeat, y, ef sMMsst,M patVe7BS's rattlllMBtMkBadMAa sea Pair Ainwoel caMlaiera raatg taUlagat WiBwMUMyeBedtMrjeaMartllwtM peyyea. L. G4HSMAH 4 BRO., MBBCHAMT TA1LOBB. B. W. Oer. N. QubsM Onaf It t LANUABTBB TA. WBet een netted with any ether Clothing Heuse In the city. ulesedavryvalasjxepl Meaday and Bstnrdar. B TJRQEK dc HUTTOM. BITB8EB. & SUTTON. In Order te Mske Beem for Our SPRING STOCK -op-: READY-MADE CLOTHING We are compelled t offer the balaaM of our Winter stock at GREATLY RKDUOKD PRICES. It you are In need of any anything la HMvy Weights It will pay yen te buy Irem us bow, while we can give yea a geed assortment te select from. i W a call Is all we ask te oeavtaM yea that we dhi te give you a Genuine Bargain, BUEGEE & SUTTON, aaabctBrlag; Clethlen, NO. 24 0BNTR1 SQUABI, LANCABTBk. PA. JLTYERS A HATHFON. Reductions! Plenty Of Cheap Clothing. TUKSK"BKDUCTION"TIHBBl Leads of Bargains Left Yet ! Plenty hsve been sold ; plenty here yet. The priers are low enough te Jus til y aay one In buy ing for n zt winter. Ours has been a satisfactory reduction te us and te the trad. MEN'S SUITS AT ALL BBASONABLB PBICB8 FOB BU8I NBCB OB DBB3S WKAK. Prices in Reach of Everyone. BV It won't cost yen anything te Me these Bargains, and If yen don't want te buy, we'll net Insist. Myers & Eathfen, Lading Lancaster Clothiers, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTBB. FA. riNarAMK F LINN 4 BRENEMAN. easasasM. BUY THE GENUINE OLD STYLE HAND' MADE TINWARE -AT- FLINN 4 BREHEMAN'S, Ne. 152 North Queen Street, LAMOABTBB PA. BTArCWBg. w AT0HE8. Watcha, Olecki duim and Juilrj at lees, thaa auetlea prlea until Jan rLlM7. s turn iu os sung, me, Anrera aav whlea I u i Alte. Bbrla. Waltham ttLm&kr&58B it-Cl WbhImbi Best MMleBaVtaU 'aw eaawswa aywiwaaaj U WEBER, lwBeTttJeMwBBgnaa'hB.B.Bft, JK?mViTiJLVmmt,:mi" u ssjsraie lawaargt 4 ''"' maVSVBT at pu - BM Ml' aaaMBABBr" HE NEW Our Extremely Lew Are Kl MM at ItlOs, .fMtesrt slU-WSl jaKsWMBBBS SMBBM avBBBMMB 9Jmt. ylwrnfaAMUKi OK Ma jreaubU Imwbbmmbb, IssfsOO -t"-"'-' I I WTMKT. WaVBUUn isTMMBtliK f JOSEPH L RAU MOg. 18fi, lt8. Mi KOWM QCllif BTKIKT, 3-ggrr ii s i i i - BABmdMMI. G XKAT BAROAIMaV A ASTRICH'S Palace of Fashion, NO. 13 EAST KINO ST., LANCASTBB, PA. TWO LOTS or ITeedleweik Embroideries i WHICH ABB VERY CHEAP. One Let at Tan Cants a Tard, and another at Twelve Cents a yard. Come ta I We will show them te you. Our Blbben Bale I ever, but Hlbbens are still Very cheap. i New Embroidery Shirtings, In Swiss and Cam bric, at 1 1 00. tl.nand nM a yard. Yeu will be surprised at the elegant quality and work. Have yen teen these Xlegant Tewel we tell fbrataapleeeT Ladlss' Bmbreldared Mali Tie at UK, la, is, Kb Hand 50 Cents a yard. I Ladles' Plaid Muslin Aprons. Isce edged, two styles, both plenty large enough, only l&c piece. 1 Twe Btylee of Nursing or Kitchen Aprons, made of fine lawn, two wide tucks and wide namuurg agings,aeanaouceuisapiees. . NlaateenCentLawB'NursIni ns wa will bavsi uiln In abent ten davs The ara hard te They a get. Ne money In' them for these that make tliera, 3 Anether Let of these Small Antique Tidies, llzll inches, at Be apiece. ( New Hemstitched Handkerehlefs. white and colored borders, prettiest we ever ha J, at 10 and IVieenUaplsca. Bertm cloths and Madras Draperies ; we r selling them very cheap. A Large Stock of Jerseys. One Thing Bpeelal Ladles All-Weel Boucle Jersers.Ceat Back.stuMB DULLAB. All Kinds of Pretty Fanev Turkish Tldlet In fink, Blue, Btc., tic, 87c, 90c. BUTTONS. a Thousand Style and All Ve y Cheap. Toweliege and Linen Crash. At Price as Lew as yen expect them, and that's low enough. LADIXS LINEN COLLARS AND CUFFS. We are M A Number one" In that line. Alt the best styles. Onr assortment or sixes most complete and price beyond competition. Just see ter yeurtslL Bavin every department we leek te your In terest. Our goods are just what von want. BAawWAJM. riOH A MABTXB China, Queensware -AT- Our assortment of China and Queens ware is larger than ever before. Our Gran ite, Porcelain and French China in White, is of the best manufacturers in England or America. Our Decorated Sets are et the same manufacture, with English, French and American Decorations. Our prices are equal te any In the market, whether original or reduced. A full line of Odd and Damaged ;Ware. Sales guaranteed. Goods exchanged if net satisfactory. 15EAOTKINGOTREET, Bargnins nULL HiMlrtin, satVIieAJTjM, FA. ""TgVfAQBBgaBrSirBBBBBBBJM -mmm ii. "" " "" "JlWflnj" ,. -... STORE - 130 - 138 NORTH QUEEN ST. Pricts en Ladies1 and Children' Cleakt eTsW.MlM WUU JBBsHaB. M. t JBBBHIB, ee.OO. WaaMlUllilli (sssaMwM1, A ZeaWi?rirBBarsnwasBOBViM MaYtartelsVsfriswea i - MaWUVsU. XOU wt)UsUB3itokyMzkWlMisBOIekaoir. Am1 MB riARPBTH. G ABPE T 8 ! FOR SPRING SALES ! HAGER & BROTHER, HATB NOW OFBX Oarpeta in tke New Spring Styles and Colorings, it Very Lew Prices. Tapestry Brussels Carpets, 80c. Tapestry Brussels Carpets, 65c. Tapestry Brussels Carpet, Me. Tapestry Brussels Carpets, 75c. Tapestry Brussels Hall and 6tair. Tapestry Brussels, 5, 8, 9 Inch Borders. Bedy Bnuseb Carpets efBtnlsvr! Qullty from Best Kiewi Huefiietirers. Bedy Brussels Carpets, 88c. Bedy Brussels Carpets, 11.00. Bedy Brussels Carpets, 1.18. Bedy Brussels Carpets, 11.25. Bedy Brussels Hall and Stair. Bedy Brussels, fl, 8, 0 Inch Borders. Mcnuet CsjiU, Velvet Cajpets,Three-Ply and Extra-Super Weel Carpets, Medium and Lew Frieed Ingrain Carpets, Bag and Chain Carpets In AU Qualities. Cocea and Chin Mattings, Art Squares. Linoleum and Certlcine, Fleer OU Cleth, Bugs and Doer Matts, aU of Standard QuaU ties and Very Lew in Price. ' HAGER & Nes. 25-27 West King St., spr: ZQEB A HAUOHMAB'8 CHEAP METZGER & HAUGHMAN HAVB ALL TBB POPULAB MAKBS OF SHEETING & SHIRTING MUSLINS At the Lewest Prices. Tickings in large quantities. Bargains la Tabic Linens. Towels svnd Map Una, Trie Bsat Het Bleat Feathera always eleaned or all impurities always instoek. j i sii ii s - ii - aw Metzg'er & laughmaii's Cheap Stere, Ne. 43 West King Street, Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel, Lancaster, Fa. TsTEXT DOOR TO COURT HOUSE. FAHNESTOCK'S. LACE CURTAINS, CURTAIN NETS, CURTAIN POLES AND FIXTURES, Window SMing All Celers and Shades Ready-lade. Bavins fitted up a room for the szoleslvasale or tba above goods, in con nection with our OARPBT Raei, we are prepared te offer a large and at tractive stoek at VJRY LOW PBIOstM. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te tke Coart Hease, Leaeseter, Pean'a, OAJUIA0M WOJUM. A MOTTO THAT ALWAYS W1NB. Honest Werk at Honest Prices. PHILIP DOBRSOMS (OLD BELIABLK) . Carriage Works Net, 126 and 128 East King 8t Tba Largest Assortment of HKW.'AHD 8BC0MD.HAND Buyglss. Carrlaaes, Pbmtent, Market and Valines Wagons that has erer btn Shown te the raUle. II Teu Want a Goeaand rtrat-Clas Pbaten.GOTO DOEBSOM'S. If Yeu Want a Me Comfortable FamUy Carriage, GO TO DOBBSOM'S. If Ten Want a Buggy-Yeu can Bsleotfrem fifteen Different Kind el Springs, If yen OO T DOEKSOM'fl. If Yeu Want a Blee and Neat Basinets Wagen, GO TO DOBBSOU'B. If Yea Want a Durable Market Wagen, GO TO DOBBSOM'S. It Yeu Want a Geed Second-Hand Phaton, Buggy, or Market Wagen, GO TO DOBBIOM'8. if Yeu Want te Buy a rirstClast Artiole at a Lewer Price than any ether place In the city or coeb'T. GOTO Pip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, NOS. 126 AMD 128 EAST KING BTBEKT, LiNCAOTEB, FA. tg-FACTOBY-m A Its MIFFLIH STREET. QHIRK'S CARPET HALU CARPETS! CARPETS! BBOFSBiHa or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te chew th trade the Largest and Bast Selected Line et Carpeta erer ez alblted la thU city. WILTONS, VELVETS, aU the Trading Makes of BODY AMD TArBSTBi BBUSBBLB, THBBE-rLY, AU- Weel and Cotten Chain BXTBA BOPBBS, aad aU qaaUU Of IB. GBAIMCABrBTS, DAMASK Bad VENETIAN CABFETS. BAG aad CBA1M OABFBTS Of ear owamaauatetareatpsclalty. Special Atttten psjd te the mauulaetar e( UOBTOM OABFBTS Alse a FnULIaeeX OIL CLOTHS, BUas, WINDOW SHADES, OOVEBLBTS,, SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Cer. West Mag art Water timtt, JseeaHsr, Fe. 9?j L ,V .. I ' . ' l!k3'MZ&lWMW&M,&' ! & 'WiVft 3Uf , - PS.'J'iitT.i'aWsVft' .". . "i , '- 'J. f- - ?'--"'!r'-v JI T.IT'jrJ S1 w MM MIB BUI .M i tM 9B & OO. KIAJt FEW1T1. . tTATIOW. ea 0BBB, BROTHER. - - - Lancaiter, F STORK. AT- IVVXi, gj "1 BBIBBBI is A, .?.' W !SSr?i jrjugw muvjs nm ?sn--:A;' Mtmukim rausnDB say. s B.BBH ret qaarry isttea Ms a, st, . ",' TBAIBB UAl UsUaeStV ft: ysyzaz?, j Bar 1 r. a&i&Sl&IE?'! BsTssawa --T7 tvesasls MBhaaSeisasaa teuewet .iti1mr.r rhOasMasaa. I1IVB.BS. MWeTJBJCptMstfseeBeti wua, siasa.m. e&a Masaaisra spnaafjaaeeei HftssMs'VW AeOOBI ! flaeataatssa KBtficgi eeeeeeeee use a. at,.. eee ee vjaoetaHM sat, ii OMamMa Aoeetn garrtsfcurg Bxprees... Wsataca Bxpreast eei -sUSTrABD. 5yt ., ElJBt..... Harrtsburg Bzpraat. . , lAaeaatar Aeeeta ar.., raUsAtiBhUAoeoai... saaaajr siaHi... ........ Anwv...... Bkxrlsbarg Aaeesa! The Laaeaatar Am b at SOB p. aa. aa antra a ttSJEZLZtilSm saaras ealaaihia as ius a. as. stasr sunaata as last saa VXittmTJgSZXS SSA OaiaaJtAisV UkSI aast P Isusaaatar srltA trUrBAtBMsaarhMBA jAst X4aa wast, ea MVMMirtram. ., X-Xf1 VMWHl' '' s TfAriiXm TJTOxUI 1TURB WAKsmOOiia, -c m,.-w.v rra ia BUY YOUBSBLT A FA1B OF .?-' ' Felding Dress r..J '. Uabs KAJaatT AX , &:lr -i! flefficler'iFiriltir.Ii They ate theaieart etag eaU teesBTsst aaessBsr set as i Mr,:. M', aossAer mn w IDsCTER'S rCRMlTURB 1 rw HEADQUARTERS v.fj1; VSR"- fcsu.ir,1 '.ian.".". "5v Furniture. Furnil if you want any rcBttlTOBB m'lJmi oeming aprtnc cau ana esaniaa say BBBV i i wlU and it large and well enieetesV iUST' i GOOD WORK. LOW 1 SBTParUsa wanUDg full oaate BBb' 1 ISiTSWIS W Wl, Ir.HVi .. m-fl .JA..' ' 3 k. -'1V--fe W1DMYER ' rt'3r;.v'3 &i Oernar svast K1m aa4 hie-?. LABOABTBB, ti m TJOUSEBTIRBH. 1 Svl "PW S f .i ,i 12 HEINITS "SiJi;. .. 'lMn xunuiure uwgmift "ia.'t ,"tt.-! i Last Week we gara yea aa Stoek by Quoting a Few This week we will ask yea Is' some of the goods ipeksa abeVa wui net pleat you, espsclally If Ing te buy a , Ar;. At ROUSES' -m& STILL BOMB SU SWP4NN ' SOITSI,BF,,tMl nea 27 ae aerjTsi of rtaniMaa sba- v- HEINITS v- Furniture ) ".rCn S-V1HwSfc-'W' a & UTABTlNi All Klnda of Lumber str'TftBsafissay ( gAOMflAKwraaa. COsAL 4K KejsaarstBeKslAS tatassBBMLasassssi "asas. JOT.' BBB sasasas. B Laaeastsr. 7l kssa.. law MS a. ta. iSi gja.a. mm tmtmmm SI BMawsa, tuK UsHawsa. TM sis. Bl 8:S: M ninSsfki tssMSl rr:'. SaaSay, ajaH wiu atop ar jJeiraiBgsewm, jeuaaas I me. wStS'cScS em&t?&'SttlZ2mri R"M 4m - JSSBB. J!LW.4 i-Wrf. laMlasai(aBMMaMa '1t ' ' &!&!Lffl& iAtiiii-g&ii .41 . 'if L?'l-ilJsaa3SBH J i K