Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, February 19, 1887, Image 1

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J)je 3Dajtfatef
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a. j. KAtirvMAir. tu, ubb u oelvm-
Dlicetaed tot the Oipnau.' Court Jadgseblp.
Lanrter, rree Hum Bail President of
the, Columbia trait company III. Bud Early Life,
It Lae always bctn the purpo.eotthe Ik
TlLnasscr.R te preen t te lta leaders
prominent local parsonages who ler one
reason or anether ara upparinest In the pub pub
lle mtud. It levies no Uz upon tba gentle
men whose features ami lives are deptctcd,
and hu no illustrating fund whereby te
recoup Itsejf for lta onterprlae. It la this
which makes the lNTCLLtatNCKn ie par
ticularly popular as a Saturday newspaper,
and It la propeiod te keep the paper up te the
high point In local and itate Journalistic
circles mat it us oenressejiy attained. To
day la presented the portrait and sketch of a
Lancaster ceuntlan who haa been prominently
mentioned for the orphans' court Judgeship,
'should tbe bill new before the legtalature
beoeme a law. The cut and sketch hare beeu
ecu red through the oeurtesy of the Colum
bia Btrald.
Tan KAcrruA.f akcestiiy.
Andrew J. Kauffman Is a dlreel descend
ant of Christian Kauffman, who, asearly as
as 17M, emigrated from Oermany and aettled
In Maner township, Laucaster county. SeO'
eesstve generations continued te occupy the
old homestead. Andrew I KaufTman, the
father et the subject et this skoteh and the
head of the third generation, was born there
in 1602. In 1839 7 he rep(eaend Lancaster
county In our state legislature. In 1&0,
however, he moved te Cumberland county,
where he engagjln fanning, and after
wards In niercaiitsK' pursuits. Iu 1SZ5 An
drew I. KaufTman tuarrled Catharine Sha
man, only daughterChrlstlau Sliumm, of
Maner township. jNuUrew J, KanUman,
our subject, was bem In Maner township,
near Washington through, In 1510. lie,
therefore, inny tiul. Ioaldle le " te the
manor born."
At the tlme if tV'n'Meval te Uumbar
land county, Audfuw was but a lad of ten
years of age, n regular attendant upon the
country school. The year 1S5I found hint In
a drug store, belonging Uijiis brether, Iu
Meebanlcsburg. Four years piswJ In n
qulring a knewledge or this busluesj. Then
he again took up hla atuJIea, becoming a acu
djntlu Pennsylvania atate collego. Subse
quently returning from ce'lege he purchased
iholntcrestofhta brother In thodrugMtereand
rem med that business. It, however, did net
provecoagonUl tehli Unes. Toe 1S92
find, hltu a.iuti, a- his books. ThU tlme he
Is a student-tvt-law Iu the ePJcn of H. M.
North, esq , Celumbli, I' J. Oj December 3.
1S8 1, he was adeilttn t te tliu tur et Lincister
county, Hlnoe tuen he Ms mtitlunad In th9
yv practice of hU prolejslon Iu Columbia.
'Aunn the nwit f.auieui aases la which
Mh Ivsutfnun h'.u hsen provisionally Inter
ested are the murder auei of Ilenry Yeung
.and CharlesSewer7,aecused of murdering the
negrees Dunmere and Merrynan, and David
Yeung accused of inurderlng Win. Ha id.
All tbe dofendnntu whom hu rcprustnted
were acqulttml. Uehai.ilvayi glveu 0p3cl.1l
attention te orphans' court prAotlce and la
familiar with the law relating thoreto. Hlnce
18C3 he hu beau solicitor of tha Columbia
building auoelitlon. Fer twenty years ha
basoccupled the aims position te the Mt.
Bethel cemetery cemiuny. Fer 13 years he
served as solteltor of Columbia borough, lie
It also a member of the American Bar aie
cUtlei. lle wis the ervnnlzjr of the first
bnlldtttg nsocUtlen In Columbia.
in eniEti OArAOITICS.
He serve 1 lu 1S3- at nocretary of the Head
ing & Columbia railroad oemptny. Soma Sema
what lattir he w tro.uurer of the Celumbli
it lirt Danetlt rallreid empany, and re.
manned se nntll the alTalrset the company
were moved te Phllndelphla. lletsuew
.president of the Columbia iron com piny. Iu
chureh life, he Is u member of the vestry of
'"St. Paul's Protestant Kplscepal church,
and has frequently been a delegate
te the dle:cBaii conventions. lie Is
o'ne of the leading Masens in tbe
statoef Pennsylvania a member of Colum Celum
- bla ledgaNa 2S0, F. and A. M., Corinthian
chapter, Ne. 22 1, Arch Masens, and
Oyrene comnmndery, Ne. 31, Knights Tem
plar. Ife bus filled all the offices in each et
these lulliHml norred as grand commander
'Cot I'euuiylvaula In 1S70 77. At present he is
' district deputy grand master of Muttons for
I.inciiter county, an sppolutee of the late
Urand Mastr E. Ceppee Mitchell.
ne la ene of the most actlve and pro pre
pounced Hepublicaua lu tbe county. Many
times a dolegato te state oeiiTontlonM, he w&i,
In June, ISS'J, alaea member of the natlenul
oenventlon held lu Chle.130. IIe U ene et
the famous ''.Wand glories in tbe hjh hjh
slen of one of the prlceltss memorial medals.
In May, 18S2, rreildent Arthur appointed
him collee'.orof Interual revonueof the 9th
district et Pennsylvania, composed of the
counties et Lancaster, Yerk, Cumberland
nd Perry, poiltlen he fllled most accepta
bly 'for a period of three years and one
Since the Introduction of the bill creating a
separate orphans court, Mr, KaufTman'a
friend bare been agitating bis appointment
for judge.
Xu June G'.b, 16G4, Mr. Kauftman married
Anna Fausset, daughter of Or. Daniel I.
Brnner, of Columbia, Pa. They bave three
;. iren, two sons and one daughter, all of
-if.i.Akrn l linmn In Pnlnmlil.
t,. ... -v.w ... --..........
Rap I it in..
Oap, Feb. W. The Pev. J, MoOey, who
tilled the pulpit of Ilollcvue Presbyterian
chureh re acceptAbly last Sabbath, will oo eo oe
cupy it again te morrow. Norvlce meriiiug
,and evening.'"
We are glad te Und that a movement has
been started in regard te the laying of a
beard walk In a oertaiu xcry muddy section
of our Tillage, and that It premises seen te
Decomo a reaiuy.
A nmhwnlniiiitH. u it... imn.. i.l
vi " " ww- -"- vu, ii, tutj U'-U IU14
Mtewn have erected atreet lamps at their
wn expense, and we would respectfully
puKucn mvf nui lurieer snow their
public spirit by patting down plank walks
in front of their places, lhe coat te each In
dividual would be trifling, and U benefit
te tbe community at urge would be very
treat. ' A word te the wlw la maiat.
THBLAtt ermmviBtMivr.
The Wblte Aers, Sall.bury Twnhlp,Klstlea
Hsiarn riled at MM
The following election returns complete the
county llsti
gall.bnrr, Wiilta llnt.
Judge t H, J, Hendersen 71), Klla KnrtcO.
Inspecters: Harry Ij. Rheada77i Uarry
Skllese. '
Aasesseri Henry It. C'olTread 73, tVm.
Denderaeu 12
Collector : Jehn A. Weaver 70, Ja. Hum Hum
llten 10.
Iteglatry Assessor : Harry Itrcker 77, C.
O. Lapps.
Supervisors! Henry Mn.isey 7, Uavld
Dembacb 9.
Scheel Directors t Jehn niKii70,Ch. Kanff.
man 70, Wm. Hamilton 12. Win. Martin u.
Constable! Hamuel 70, J no. if.
Pattnn 10.
Auditer: W. .C. Hendersen 70, 1, D.
Worst 10.
Olerht W. O. Hondersen 7H, nrlsbin
eall.bnry 0anellitaU4,
Assessor i Henry It. Ced read 8U, Wm.
Hendersen 77.
Cel I ee ter i J. A, W. Weaver 341, Jca. Hamil
ton 67.
SupervliHirs! Henry Massey 339, David
Dentrlcb 74.
Boheot Directors! Jehn High SIM, Chr.
KsufTra.n US, Wm. Hamilton 100, Wm.
Martin 102.
Constable i Hamuel Flewman 321. Jehn
Patten 103.
Auditor; W. O. Hendersen 379, 1. D. Worst
Olsrk: W. C. Hendersen 839, Ilrlsbln
The reason Salisbury township waa net
sent complete te the clerk's offlee waa a die
agreement aa te the plaee of meeting for the
purpose of consolidating the township vote.
The J ndge el the Gap d Istrlct refused te go te
the White Herse te consolidate, and the re
turns en file new abew that the consolidation
was made without that Judge or the election
returns of that district. These from the Osp,
however, are added lu the above consolida
tion. Unpiln (Kl) Town. hip.
Judge : Ilea Ultuer, 311.
Inspectors! O, Milten Aument, 131 ; C. II.
liarr, 64 ; A C Leng, 09.
Asswrt A. H. DlflenlMUgb, IM: Syl
vanus Campbell, 169.
Collenter: Jab Flawd, I'M; Christian
Vflgte, 93.
Supervisers: I), H. Dener, 302; Adam
Freeltcb, 292.
Hobeol Directers: a K. Land Is, 1S3;
Tobias D. Leamau, S30 ; Elizabeth Lambern,
63; Henry Dener, 132.
Censtable: James Howe, XII.
Auditer: Emanuel H. Herr, 190; Daniel
Krelder, 123.
Town Olurk : C II Neff, S03.
a rent HvnDMN emath.
Cearlas W.Mtr It.llrx In Uoed tlMlth aed Is
Found Itaad la Bt.
Fourteen years age Charles W alder landed
In Philadelphia from Swllserland. He was
a tanner by tradeand worked for six months
In that city. He atterwarda oame te this
county and hired with David I. Uerr, resid
ing In Maner township, near Mlllersvllle,
where he has beu ever since. Friday even
tog he was In his usual geed health and ale a
very hearty aupper. lie retired te bed at 9
o'clock. Betwen 4 and S o'clock this morn
ing Mr. Herr called him te hitch hie horse, aa
he was coming te Lancaster te attend market.
IIe received no answer, and upon going up
stairs Mr. Hcrr found htm dead in bed. Tbe
deceased waa about 83 years of age. He was
a sober and Industrious young man and re
spected by all who knew him la the neigh
borhood. Corener tloeoman was sent for te
Investigate the cause el death.
Elected Hr.ldeut 1'hr.lelan.
The beard of peer directors met ststediy
this morning. After the transaction of
routine buslncs the beard proceeded te
ballet for a resident physician te take the
place of Dr. MeCreiry, rntigued. The vote
up '.e today was evenly divided between
Dr. Kunsenlg and Dr. Neu-pher. Today Dr.
Sensenlg was eloetod by the votes of Direc
tors Geed, A. A. Herr, Ranck and Strlne.
Director Uroimer veted for Dr. Newpber,
and Director Daniel Uerr was net at the
A lr?t Uigur Naiielacturlac Centre.
Krem the Hanover Bp.ctater.
McS.'iu-rystewn, Adams county, about two
inlle weit of thla place, a village of seme 6CO
poiiulatleu, Is undoubtedly the greatest cigar
uiiuufacturlug centre in proportion te popu
lation in tbe United States. There are about
a dozeu or mero cigar factories loeatod there,
whose annnal aggregate product Is of enor
mous proportion, running way up into the
millions, and for which a ready sale ts found
in nil sections of the country. Fullynne-ball
of Its people ara empleyed in the various dr
pnrtmentM which mk up a cigar factory and
a large sum of money is paid out weekly in
wages. As a teaulr, the town la enjoying
great prosperity, and making substantial
lltrr'M Oar Uand, Uuj.
rreui the Centre Uemoerat.
J. C. Nell, son of Henry Nell, of Spring
township, who will graduate this summer
from Franklin and Marshall oellegs, has
baen elected Ivy orator by hta class. This Is
a denerved distinction, and we congratulate
our ynuug friend en his honor. He will de
tbe ivy business up right Centre county
boy a uKaluat the world, and this one is a solid
Democrat, Here's our baud, boy.
llrfire Alderman Rpurrler.
William D. Aahferd was heard before Al
derman .Spurrier last evening en several
charge. which were preferred against him by
Jehn J. Cochran, for whom he had been
working. The charge of forgery was dlsmlas
cd, but thwe el falne preteuse and embezzle
ment were leturned te court. The accused
waa committed In default of ball for a hear
ing. Jehn Mlner,fer being drunknnd disorderly
was reu t te Jail ler 10 days.
Toe urank te Walk.
This afternoon a man, who wus tee drunk
te talk or walk, was leund lying in the
manure heap of Dr. Sbanb'a stable, lu tbe
rear of tha old Cress Keya hotel. He was
leaded en a wagon by OlBcers Kissinger and
Helss, who took hlin te the station house.
He will probably ba able te tell his name by
Monday morning, when the mayor will glve
hlin a hearing.
Tlis Improve msnt Company,
A meeting of the stockholders of the Lan
caster Improvement company was held en
Friday evening at the rooms of the Beard of
Trade. The by-laws for the government et
the company, prepared by the beard of direc
tors, were submitted and, adopted, The
beard of directors will meet for organization
en Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Cerner Lestcrs te B OaptarM.
Complaint has been made te the mayor that
a xaug of young men are in the habit of con cen
gregatiugat the corner of North Queen and
Frederick streets, annoying tbe nolgbbers
and Insulting passers-by. Instructions have
been given the police te disperse the gang or
pull thorn in. There is also a gang of school
boys who are in the bablt el insulting and
annoying resident or Cenes toga afreet who
also will be looked after.
Held la tisbaaea Jail.
Chlet et Police Smith went te Lebanon
yesterday and entered a retainer against W.
II. Cadwallader, of Trenten, N. J,, who Is
bold In Jail there for the robbery of a house
In Lebanon. The charge against bin In this
city la for defrauding bearding-house
keeper. Tb aecueed is eaid te be very re
petably oeaaeeted.
Senater Coep.r frames a Msasure That emtte
the Principal Falura el 111 InUr-
ftlaie Law OUcrlralnallan Met for-
lilddsn aa te I'ausngera,
The Philadelphia Recerd aaya that when
the legislature met In Harrlaburg, a Republi
can oaueua waa held, and a cemmlttee.headed
by Senater Hutau, was appointed te prepare
and report te the caucus a bill en antldta antldta antldta
orlmlnlnatlen which would redeem the party
pledge. Tbe oemtulttoo met and prepared a
bill, but It failed te keep te the line marked
eutln the party pledge. A plaoe was wanted
for Chris Msgue en the commission which
was te be created, and It was known that Gov Gov
ereor Beaver would net tarnish his adminis
tration or fetfvlt public confidence by
appelntlug Magee. It was therefore de
termined by the Republican leaden
net te adhere te the text of the
Cutlem bill, bnt te prepare one which would
bear a alight resemblance te It In lta mean
Ingles features while stripping that measure
of the very low effective previsions Which It
contained. They proposed te push this
scheme through the Kepubllcan caucus aa
the redemption or the party pledge, but for
some extraordinary reason they changed
their minds and ordered that the bill be in
troduced lu both branches of the legislature,
their purpose being apparently te avoid Its
rejection In caucus by these Republican
members who ure opposed te railroad dicta
tion. Instead or changing tbe Cullem bill no aa te
adapt it te state trstuc, which could have
been readily doneiu tweutv minutes by In
eerliug the word "governor" wherever "pres
ident" occurred, by Inserting 'court of com
mon picas" wherever 'district and circuit
court or tba Cnlted Stales" appeared, and by
changing lnter-state tralue te trame "wholly
within the state," tha caucus sub-committee,
or rather Chairman Cooper, as tbe agent of
the railroad Interests, presented a bill which
entirely emitted three sections of the Cul Cul
eom bill, and which, by adding a new sec
tion and by changing all but four sections of
the original text, transformed what waa a
weak regulation of the railroads Inte a bill
that gave the carrying companies a great
power for evil under the guise or a legisla
tive enforcement or the state constitution.
The bill proposed by Chairman Cooper In
sures secrecy In matters pertaining te rail
roads, rather than that publicity which Is a
sovereign cure for all the evils cf railroad
mismanagement The Cullem bill applied
te passengers and freights, but the Cooper bill
sppiles only te freight The number, the
salaries and the mode of appointment or the
commissioners ara entirely changed, and the
power ei tbe beard Is diminished te less than
that or an advisory body. It takes from
Governer Beaver tbe power te appoint tbe
commissioners and gives him a choice of only
one member, who must be a railroad expert,
out of the three te be chosen. This change
was made out or distrust te the governor. 1 1
makes his administration responsible for tbe
doings of tbe commission without enabling
him te control It The olause In the
Cullem bill forbidding the appoint
ment of commissioners who own stocks
or bands of railroads, or who are In any way
pecuniarily Interested therein, has been
dropped. Tbe bill HmltMthe control of the
commission te carrying," and cuts out the
vital rerereuce te "storing, handling, de
livering and receiting." acuta out tbe Cul Cul
eom bill ruferonce te peeling. It emits that
section which required the railroad compa
nies te make annual reports. It emits that
clause empowering tbe commission te make
any Inquiry it may deem proper. It emits
the definition of what constitutes "a contin
uous carriage," and, while In all the featurta
It lessens ilie power of the commission
ever railroad, it increases the power
or tbe commission te delay and embarreM
the complaining ahlpper. It obliterates all
trace of the original purpose or the Cullem
bill and creates anew obtructien te the en
forcement et the law of the common carrier.
The Cooper bill dee net povide for any ap
peal directly te the courts, but itdecs provide
for the repeal of th? only statute that even
squinted nt a direct approach te tbe courts;
and it lurthur heu ferih that In civj the luck
less shipper, who Hud no ether cheap and
easy remedy open te him, shall complain te
the commission the determination or that
complaint shall be u bar te she pursuancoef
his grievance through the courts.
Kven the mild criminal penalty that tbe
Cullem bill Imposed ler Its violation bes been
stricken out of the Coepor bill. The oQense
of extortion " has alae been obliterated, and
the criminal penally has been limited only
te theso who "obstruct or delay tha commls cemmls commls
slen," and te these empleyes of the commis
sion who dlHclese any of the socrets of the
railroad company.
Captured Twe Foxes.
Jake Balr, proprietor of the hotel at Will Will
lamstewn, and Henry Mkiles, of Mt Vernen,
son of old Brlsbin Sklles, are amecg the most
noted fox hunters of tbe county. They had
two huuu this week and were successful In
capturing two foxes. Ou Thursday they beled
and caught one near Bellbank, In Celeraln
township, and ou Friday they captured an.
ether two miles south of that en Whiteside's
farm. The meu worked in a drenching ralu
and wera well water-Heaked. One of the
foxes was given te Jee Reet, proprietor of the
hotel at Kirkwood, another was taken home
by Mr. Sklles.
leliu II. Denul.un a Free alau.
Jehn E. Daunlseu, who served a term for
ixiiispiiacy te defraud, was released from
prison en Friday, en uiollen of his counsel.
It was atated that his term bad expired, but
thern was nuether indictment for falsa pre
tense hanging ever him which it was agreed
at tbe time or his rontence should be neil
pretieit and that he could net be discharged
until this Indictment was disposed or. The
ceuit directed n nel pros te be entered, re
marking that a heavier sentence waa Imposed
lifcause It waa then etated that tbe additional
chargei would net be pressed.
t'un.ral or J scab Oerstt
Thefuneralnf Jacob (lerett, who died at
Rohreratewn, took place In that vlllage this
morning. Gcrett lormerly resided at Thorn Thern
dale, and was a member of Windser Circle,
Ne. e., Kn)K,ts of (he Gelden Eagle, et that
plae". The members of the order came te
Lancaster this morning and took the Colum
bia train ler Rohrerstown, where they at
tended tbe funeral In a body, ThUaltsrnoen
they returned te Lancaster and left for home
Hrualer Una en tbe Dependent I'enilen mil.
from a Iiarrl.barg dl.putch.
'The men who did tbe actual fighting and
have some pride in their record as soldiers
resent tbe Idea et being pauperized. There
ln't a man In my Grand Army pest In favor
el It. 1 de net think any considerable num
ber nl Grand Army pests can be get te sup
port the movement te pass tbe bill ever tbe
president's veto. That veto message is tbe
best thing that President Cleveland has set
his hand te, and It I were In tbe Senate new
I would vote te sustain it"
Te Occupy a Lutheran tfnlplt.
Rev. D. Schlndlcr, of Lancaster, Ohie, will
occupy St Jehn's Lutheran pulpit te-morrow.
He resigned his Ohie charge January
M, the resignation te take effect June 1, He
is spoken or as an exemplary clergyman.
Tbe XwlUnsH BUI.
The new revenue bill which waa intro
duced Inte the Heuse at Uarrtsburg, en
Thursday, proposes te return te tbe counties
ene-balf the property tax oelleeted In these
Waived a Hearing.
Jehn Schlalnsteln, chsrged with commit
ting an assault and batteryen Kaslraer Llchty,
waived a bearing at tbe offlee of Alderman
Barr en Friday evening and entered ball for
trial at the April quarter etetlOM eeurt.
A Bridge CerrM Away tir a Vlelsnt Onst of
Wlnd-Rsvstal Uvea Lest
An accident occurred lit Rochester, N, Y.,
at neon Friday, by which probably five per
son lest their lives. All the morning there
bad been a wind, and coming from tbe
south, It had rutl aweep down tbe Oenettee
river channel. The result was that a gust of
inerfttbau ordinary strength anapped off two
targe poles whteh carry telegraph wires
aoreM the brldge and wero we placed In tbe
Iren trnsses that when they foil they carried
with them the two spans of the bridge upon
which tbey steed. Twe lemons In a large
offlee en the lnk or tbe rl vnr state that at the
time or Uie accident thny wero loeidng out or
a window and were liorrlfled te see n girl go
down with the wreck end plunge into the
flood. The river te very high and thotenent
carried lier rapidly away, eihur persons say
a man vas also carried away with the bridge.
Hewaaseeu going down the rlver making
rrantle but unsuccessful e (torts te catch ene
Ot tbe bridge planks floating near him.
Annie Graham, aged. 19 yrnrw, was one of
the victims or tbe aocldeut T;ree ether em em
peoyes of W. 8. Kimball . C. are missing,
and fears ara entertained that tbey were
awept down the river.
Tba Cer Proposed Attitude in Cat none
Cooties Is Fr.eipltaud.
The conviction Is gaining ground that war
between France and Germany Is inevitable.
In addition te this It Is sild that, as a fresh
defeat of France might Involve disastrous
results te Russia, the czar's gevernmen
will, In the event of war, preserve entire
Uberty of action. It will net support Franoe
aa an ally, but may by a Arm, reserved
attitude prevent Germany from sending the
whole of her army west of the Rhine, and,
even If France ahenld be defeated, attenuate
as much as possible the effects of tbe disaster.
Fer these reasons, it Is declared, Russia will
await the outcome of the different phaseaef
Bulgarian crisis with the greatest calmness,
and act In such a way aa te avoid being In
volved with Austria or England at the
moment when France and Germany com
mence hostilities.
Tbe Cress Gaittlt, Berlin, calls attention te
the fact that while the extra military credlta
were under consideration In the French
Chambers one deputy Inadvertently admitted
that an army corps was coming te France
from Algerla. The Gasttte asserts thattbls
passage In tbe deputy's speech waa sup
pressed In tbe reportaef the proceedings and
did net appear in any of the French or En
glish tapers.
btkitahv umins iir COVBT.
SMklnc ti liars the Widow'. Will Declared
Veiil-Cbargt. Agaln.t .s-Judga Ullteu.
A oem plaint has been filed In the New
Yerk county clerk'afSae by Prcsaett Hall
Butler, who Is about te bring suit la tbe su
preme court te set aside the will or Cernelia
M. Htewart, widow of A. T. Stewart. Th
complaint Is perhaps the largest ever filed.
It is compesod of 835 folios, and contains up
ward ei 39,000 words. Mr. Builer haa begun
the suit en tbe ground that Mrs. Stewart
died Intestate as regards nnehalf of her real
estate, or that portion left In truit te ex-Judge
Hilten. He holds that the claim of Mr. Hil Hil
eon la void, and he, as one or the heirs at law,
has decided te bring anil and have an adjudi
cation. The alleged codicil in tha will, the com
plaint says, giving Mr. Hilten this trust, was
obtained by fraud and was part et a scheme
or contrivance en tbe part cf this defendant
It Is also claimed that the defendant never
filed an inventory et about f 20,C00,0GO worth
of property, Including a lcrge etid voluable
collection of works el art
In Contempt of Conn Bud an Attachment Is
sued Agalutt II I m.
Counsel for J. Penrose Auibler, one of the
sureties of Jeseph S. Tewcaend, who was
asalgnee et Emtner Smsdley and wife, of
Fulton township, this morning ashed the
oeurt for an attachment for the body of Town Tewn Town
seud for misappropriating the funds entrusted
te him. IIe Is abort In bU tccennta about
11,000 and It waa stated that Atnbler'a auo aue auo
clate ou the bend had put all his property
beyond tba reach of the law, luavlug Ambler
te bear tbe blunt of the deQclency and that
Tewnscnd had his property in bis wife's
name und she refuses te join m a mertgage
te secure Mr. Ambler. The court directed
au attachment te isaue r.iul the bbcrlffat once
went lu search ofTewnaend.
Town send was arieated shortly bo.'ero
neon by the sheriff and taken before the
court His counsel endeavored te have a
time fixed for argument en a motion te bave
blm dlMiharged under the insolvent law.
The court did net fix a tlme und Towcseud
was taken te the county jalU
n4D MAtLBOAD irasvji.
A freight Train en tbe Heading A Columbia
Bead Ronslnie a Heck,
At an early hour this morning a destruc
tive wreck occurred en the Reading & Col
umbia railroad at the deep cut about two
miles north of Rolnheld'a station. Freight
train number 13, which was drawn by en
gine " Oihkeah," left Reading ter Columbia
at 2 o'clock. Upen arriving at the above
point the engine ran Inte a large reck which
bad rolled down tbe banl; of tha cut and was
lying en the track. 1'he trainmen sated
their lives by Jumping. The engine was
broken te pieces and flve leaded ears were
thrown from the track and badly broken.
Tbe roadway was blocked uutll the middle
of the forenoon te-day und all tralna wcte
delayed, The ene which reaches King street
at 923 a. iu. did net get here uutll 11:30.
The Cllosephle Meeting.
Tbe Clloaephlo society assembled at tbe
roaldeuce of Mr. Wm. II. MIddleten, ou Kuat
King aticet, and listened te a learned and
interektlng essay by Dr. J. M. Tltzel en the
"Secial Lile of Greece and Heme, end That of
Our Own Times and Country." The meeting
was well attended In apt e of the inclemency
et tbe wcather,and the essay was followed by
a protraeled and earnest dicutslen. The
next meeting of the loe'oty will be held at the
residence of the Rev. Charlei L. Fry, when
Profeasor Jehn S, Stahr will read an essay
treating of tolenceln lta iclatleua te aucleut
and modem clvllliatieu.
Information Frent a rregrefilra Ilivreugh,
rrem the West Chester liepulllciu.
There are perhaps few towns of the Blzoef
West Cbeater where the young uien play
mere billiards than de these of this boreugb.
The game is an absorbing one, and when a
youth has the fever be spends conslderable
money there.
Lti nor Belling haHuntlnsdeu Ceuuty.
A. B. Zelgter, proprietor of the franklin
teymen or known Intemperate habits, had
hla license revoked byJud0'urst,Wiutlued
825 and sentenced te the county J it! ter ten
days. He has flve days in which te take out
a writ of error.
aenaral Butler Cleared. ,
The suit of J, H. Lester against General B.
F. Butler was concluded Friday iu the United
Btates circuit court, New Yerk. The Judge
dlreeted a verdict of acquittal, which the Jury
brought In, and Lester's i-ouusel made a
motion for a stay of proceedings for thirty
days, which was&ranted.
Th Auther.' Olub.
The Authers' Olub, lu New Yerk, was In
corporated Friday, Tha InoerpDr.Uors are
Edmund C, Stedmtn, Charles De Kay, Brau
der Matthews, II, H. Boyosen, J. I'. La La
threp, W. H. Gibsen, Tliemas W. Knox.
Among the members are Mark Twain, Gee.
Wullam Curtis, Henry Drialer, Julian Haw.
thorn, Neah Perter, II. R. Stoddard aud
Cbas, Dudley Warner,
A Big Thlag Fer Heading.
The Reading iron works psy out flOO.oeo
per month In wages.
ritnr duldmabbbb.
Ld bj the Notorious Let Amltb Thry Attack a
Hsrshaut's Prepsrtr And Cempel lhe
Uwnsra te I.tave The Deposed Family
Appeal te the Qoveraer for Help.
Omaita, Neb., Feb. 19, A private letter
from Mr, Ada Stone from Tula City Arte,
te a relative living lu this city, brings the
first Information of an outrageous proceeding
by Bishop Let Smith and hla Mermen band,
which occurred Jan. 30. Edward Stene and
wile went te Arisona two years age. At a
point 200 miles north el any railroad, and net
tar Irern Tula, tbey opened en their ranch a
stere ter tbe sale of general merchandise.
Their neighbors In large part were Indians
and Mormons, tbe latter acknowledging as
leader Let Smith, who Is ebarged with being
one of tbe original "destroying angels" and
with having led in the Mountain Meadow
massacre. Mr. and Mrs. Stene with their
two servants were frequently warned te
leave tbe neighborhood by Smith but
they refused te go. One evening four
men appeared and elalmed tbe store and
ranch in the name of the Mermen church,
saying tbe land belonged te them and they
would give tbe occupants ten dsys in which
te leave. A hired man was at once dls.
pitched te Uubbell's ranch, thirty miles
away, for assistance. He did net return that
night and tbe Mormons, learning what waa
being done, returned in tbe morning, eigh
teen strong, and all armed with rifles
and revolver. Tbey took charge of the
place at once. Mrs. Stone was alone,
tbe etber men also having gene
for assistance. She saw them pillage the
house and store, paeklng everything they
wanted. Fearing personal violence she made
an effort te escape, but was detected by Smith
and at the point of a revolver compelled her
te return te tbe house. At this point one of
the servants returned with the Information
that Mr. Stene was coming up as rapidly as
possible with ten men. The Mormons
promptly captured him and when Stene ap
peared with hla rescuers sent word that at
the first signs of hostility the two prisoners
would be shot before their eyes. The
rescuing party camped outside and,
after a consultation, opened negotiations
with the Mormons which resulted In
the Hbsratlen of the two prisoners and tbe
relinquishment of the ranch and store te the
Mormons. The Gentiles then withdrew and
set off for Hubbell'a, the nearest habitation.
On tbe way a party et twenty-flve Navsjea
offered te go back and dislodge the Mor
mons, premising the support of the entire
tribe for tbe purpose. Because or a fear that
the property would be burned the offer waa
declined. Stene at once set off for Flagstaff,
and from there gees te Prescott te ask the
governor's aid. The ranch cannot be taken
without bloodshed, as Smith can call together
at least 200 of the Mormons who recently left
Utah and settled in that locality.
.Probably a Harder.
Teledo, Ohie, Feb. 19. What seemed
Thursday night a case of accidental sheeting
developed yesterday under the coroner's in
quest Inte probable murder. Jamea Cranston
aud a man named Payne, both colored, were
drinking together in a notorious tenement
and den et thieves, kept by Harriet Green.
A revolver In Payne's band went off, acci
dentally, as be claims, and entered Crans
ton's threat aud down into his lungs. He
dled in IS minutes. Investigation shows
that Granston was married te Payne'a sister,
but deserted her several months sge te live
with another woman. Payne also claimed,
In letters written from Detroit some time
Muce, that Granston bad ruined his daughter,
who recently died in Detroit Payue threat
ened that If anything happened te his daugh
ter Teledo would be tee het for Granston.
Hurled Bnath Warehouse Wall
New Yebk, Feb. 19. Tbe American cotton
warehouses at Tomklnsvllle, Statcn Island,
which were set ou tire by lightning lest night,
nre still burning but are under the control of
tha tlremen. At 8 o'clock this morning tbe
whII of building Ne. 11 tumbled ever and
Themas Garrlgan and Jamea Conrey, two
empleyes of the company, were buried be
neath the ruins. They were taken out seri
ously wounded. M. W. Stene, vice president
or the oempany, had his cellar-bone broken
by some debris of the falling tide wall. The
estmated less Is 1500,000, which Is covered by
Hen Bnrgtare Captured.
Newark, Ohie, Feb. 10, Seven supposed
burglars were captured in a Pan Handle box
ear at Hanover, this county, yesterday after
noon and Jalled. A bez of ladles' flue shoes
was found In tbelr possession. They are
charged with burglarizing freight cara. One
giving the name of Mattbewa had a medal for
niorlterlous service en the Gorden expedition
up the Nile and through Egypt In the Eng
lish army ; also one ter geed servlce in tbe
Northwest during the Rtel rebellion.
blruzcttng te IUIm Casb.
iKUiANAreLls, Feb. 19. The subscrip
tiens te tne basa Dan capital stock were In
creased yesterday te 3,075, and today tbe
commlttee will have te raise 81,900 te mske
up the required amount Since the agree
ment te drop Denny and Glasscock If ad
mitted te tbe League, tbe project Is net
looked upeu with any great enthusiasm, and
the oemmlttee is liavleg a ratber hard time
te ralaa tha required amount
Women Preparleg te Vete.
Four Scott, Kk., Feb. 19. The registra
tion books were epened In this city yester
day for the registration et women, under the
recently passed municipal surTrage law.
General opinion among the sensible and
practicil women seems te favor the assump
tion et the responsibility and it la believed
that at least 400 will register for the coming
munclpal elections.
Iteicnlng Entombed Cellier.
Londen, Feb. 19. Twenty-nine et the
minera entombed by tbe explosion in the
Catch colliery, In Rhondda valley have been
rascued, eight of whom were leund severely
Injured. Sixteen men still remain In the pit
Six of the latter are reported dead,
Fatal Accident te a Widow.
LAWncNOu, Mass. Feb. 1ft Mrs. Eliza,
bath Newaem, aged 29, tipped ever a lighted
keroslne lamp yesterday and waa terribly
burned. Shocanuet recover. She haa two
Murder audfulclde.
Vienna, Feb. 19. A dispatch from Gratza
say a that llerr Petal, a professor or chemistry
at that place, was stabbed te death this morn
ing by n valet reecntly dUbarged, from bis
nervlce. The mutdcrer then committed sul
A Coming Wedding.
rrem the Mldaletewn Press.
The invitations were Issued this week for
the marrlsge of Miss Oarrle E. MoOerd te Dr.
H. M. Black, of Strasbnrg, Lancaster county,
te take plaee in the Presbyterian chureh In
Mlddletewn en Thursday, February 24tb.
Casting Bread Upen lbs
An unknown friend left twenty-seven
leaves et bread at the soup house this morn,
lag for distribution among the peer,
xmm BAmtMAH wttt mt abibb.
Admitted te Prebata ea Tbersdsy aad Rescued
Oat Promptly tbe ITsst Day.
The suit of Ames Lw vs, Amelia Dlehl,
new Amelia Kress, was attached for trial ea
Friday afternoon. Thla was an action te re re re
oevor rent due for the store room occupied
by Mrs. Kress befere her marriage, aa a mil
linery store. The agreement waselTered In
evidence, from whleh it appeared that Mrs.
Kress was te ray 810 per month. The evi
dence was that Mrs. Kress vacated tbe atere
room en Nevember 1, and Mr. Lee claimed
tbat she was liable for the rent until the fol
lowing Qrst or April.
The defense was that ahe rented by the
month, and had an understanding with Mr.
Lee under which she bad the privilege et va
cating the stere loom at auy tlme dnrtng the
Plaintiff In rebuttal contradicted this tes
timony. Counsel for deteudant moved for a
nen-sutt en the ground that the husband was
net Joined in this suit as the law required,
but the motion was overruled. The Jury
this morning rendered In favor el plaintiff
for 850.
Tbejurylnthe suit of Catberine Bender
against the county of Lancaster ler damages
by the widening of Jehn atreet rendered a
verdict In favor of plalntlnff for 400.
The issue te try tbe validity of the will el
Geerge H. Hartman was tried en Friday
afternoon before Judge Livingston in the
lower court room. His will was admitted te
ptobate en Thursday and an appeal taken
from tbe register's admission et it te probate
the same day by Wm. Hartman, one or the
sons. Tbe testimony en the part et the de
fendant was that en the day tbe will was
made, a few days befere his death, Mr. Hart
man's mind waa net clear enough te make a
will. There was no testimony submitted lu
support et the will, and the Jury found In
favor of the defendant, thus netting the will
The Jury In the mechanic's Hen suit of Rutt
vs. Heffman who were sent out te deliberate
en Friday at 11 o'clock bad net agreed upon
a verdict when court met this lnoruleg.
Tbey came Inte court and stated that they
could net agree They were furnished with
some of the papers offered in evldence and
sent back te their rooms.
The Jury were discharged thla afternoon,
net being able te agree. They steed 11 te 1,
in favor of plaintiff from the time the first
ballet was taken.
Current Baslne.s.
Captain A. Godschalk was granted a re
newal et his soldier's license in tbe county el
Reasons for a new trial were tiled In tbe
suit of Douglas vs. Jehn S. Nolde.
Wm. Heme, who was sentenced at the lest
term te pay his wlfe?2 a week for her maintain
nee, presented a petition ter a rehearing. It
aets forth that he waa wllllDg te provide a home
for his wife and tbat be was unable te comply
with the order of the court as be earns but
83.10 per week. The matter will be argued
at tbe March term.
Rules te (hew cause why new trials should
net be granted In tne suits et Jeseph S. Town Tewn
aend'a use vs. the Mutual Flre Insurance
company or Chester county and B. F. Asten
vs. Webster L. Uershey were awnrded.
Cs te He DUpeaed Ol at the Adjunriicd Jutr
ter Se.len..
The following is a list of cases set down for
trial at the adjourned quarter session court,
which commences Monday, Match 7th :
Mendat, Maich 7. William Ferree, for
nication and bastardy, etc ; Rachel Getz, lar
ceny ; Isaac Lefever, adultery : Alpbonse
Duva), et aL, raise pretense ; Alphense
Duval and L. K. Duval, tramps; Layteu
Gib!en, felonious assault and battery, etc. ;
Abraham Hess, et al., bawdy heusa ; Henry
Uershberg, peddling without Ucene ; Jo Je
seph A. Miller, attempt te burn.
Tuesday, March 8. William U. Sweigert,
adultery and bastardy ; James H. Jacobs,
murder ; Frank Able, malicious trespass ;
William Cllne, embezzlement ; Isaiah K.
Lulz, conspiracy ; E. T. Paul, et. aL, false
Wednesday, March 0. William Moere,
false pretense ; Allen O. Pyle, folenloua as
sault and battery.
Satuiiday, March 12. Edward Thomai,
surety of the pence.
Tbe Ktug street Tbeatre soma Hems A beet
Well Known Tbtairleal Meu.
The audience at the Klug Btreet theatre last
night was medlum-slzed. In addition te the
regular company Jehn Trewitz appeared,
tie received a silver cup. A silver cake basket
was wen by Jehn Ferlch, who held the
lucky number.
This afternoon a matinoe wa. given and
te-night the present oempany make tbelr last
appearance. On Monday evening the Stan-
weed Sisters, butlesque troupe open, and the
Gilmeres, Geldens and Geld la and McElroy
will remain ever.
Geerge O. Starr, manager of tbe Starr opera
company, has leased tbe Criterion theatre, In
Brooklyn. Ilia opera oempany will open
there for twelve weeks en Monday, Feburary
28. They will then play Philadelphia for the
same length of time.
Goerge Goedbart, new advance agent
of the company, will leave It te Jein Foro Fero Fore
paugb's circus In Philadelphia en April 15th.
The Waits Company,
The Walte company had a small audience
at Fulton opera house Friday evening wbeu
tbey played "The Geld King." As usual tha
efforts of the oempany te ploase wero very
successful. Miss Neilsen appeared as Moulle,
tbe luck of the camp, and Mr. Walte as is'e
raf, tbe Geld King, A silver caster whleh
was given away was weu by Miss LIlIIeDeU.
This evening, "Hidden Hand" will be
Misfortune te a Walsh Heuulalu Fiddler,
Frem the Xew Helland Clarien.
Three weeks age Johnny Green, a well
known colored resident or the Blue Reck
eeleny, en the Welsh mountain, lay out ou
a very oeld night and bad tbe fingers of both
hands se frczen that three en each band had
te be amputated te save bis Hie. The am.
putatlen was performed en Wednesday
morning by Dr. U. O. W. Showalter, of this
piace, jenuuy is doing as wen new as cau
be expected, but this misfortune will put an
end te lua violin playing, which will prove
quite a less te him, aa he was a famous Ad.
dler and earned many a dime with his nim
ble handling of the strings and bow.
Te Consider the fre.ld.nt'. Tsle.
Washington, Feb. 19. The Heuse com
mlttee en Invalid pensions te-day by a unan
imous vote decided te report back tbe de
pendent pension bill with a recommendation
that it be passed ever the president's veto. It
will be called up en Thursday next
Kssterlng Creditor..
Washixcitex, Feb. 10 The csmptreller
of thecuironey has declared a sixth dividend
ten per coat In favor of tha creditors or the
Pacific National bank of Bosten, Mass. Thla
makes In all 40 pur cent, en claims proved,
amounting te f2,209,180. ,
Burglars Scours SO.OOO,
Little Reek, Ark,, Feb,
19 -The
Qattttft ReaevU), Ark. , special aaya t Last
night tbe safe In the sheriff's aud clerk of
Legan county offices were robbed of 160,000,
large portion of whleh belongs te the pub.
IIe school fund,
Large Clear ale.
M. M. Fry as Bre, sold te a Bettem sarty.
through M. M. Bernard, a quarter mUlte a)
J cigars. ,1
B1UV i nn nwntjn. nrfrtfiw;sWv
r.u u mu u nun. rv uuiht i;
: m
wirnetrr AUBKMIBV. 'J
After Bearing Mya tiuna Thtysssksl
Ure ana meiara With tba uteMsat
nB UHHBIBI EM BMllfe - l . r '
... . -.. ,,, f-JJ
? samw eik ia. a. haa il. i.ln
tng the Jury la the (fagwr marts! 'ttieV'
who have been looked an ever night ssjMBt
tneasage te Judge Barrett that .tbey ;
net agree upon a verdict .'VV. j
At 11:57 the jery filed Inte oeurt slJWr.P.CI
man Robinson, In answer te qtmMeai JmsKyti
Jnoge Barrett said that the Jury i
hear certaln evldence read. It inolestail
specter Byrne's testimony. After
the evldonce read and receiving' addh
Instructions from Iho J udge, the J arjr t
rer itirtber deliberations.
.', M
2:15 The Jury lust returned and
Capt TJnger guilty of manslaughter la ittfi
first degie. wa
SS7tan Ik. In.M ka.l km........ -- - - y
-vueu .ue Jlijf limi aUUUiJUUO-. MIBir 1
diet the prisoner, Unger, was called upon eJ 3
stand up. and the ludee In a raw ranaatlr.
sentenced htm te twenty yean lmprlee..fl
meat wuu nam isoer. ' '(-v
i-a Lt A
LMaaT-sTBiimrpuittLiars rtumt 1$3
. n . mm-- - . - ... t:tii
urvw rnncnas una .ca Jknieruinmeat at lawjglvjg
Ueluth.Mlnn., Th.atre. H
uuiiuiu, --UIDU-, tea, m une or IBS) wri,., k,iM'..Anl M-.ta H..l., . .. .u. .3IT
-u.vnv-i. -aUWA-wu. fs.lci u,(Ual Ul IIW1. ?!'ktl
U.D fnit-lil I..I .il.ltt .1 It-A rinlMlK .h.. .-U&M
The principals were Charles Gleasen, llght--;
neigui, cuauiiuu vi we .iuiiunuH,.aa rasssK'tf
Cencannnn. a llc-ht.srnlt-lit nf rnnntA shA haar&v
rr-rrr"' " . :: . .. 5-..r, rrr-tst&s
uusieu a uuniuer ei win. iar, union aeer; ?
.!... m. v in. r.-.! ...Ll ... "P'm
uuueu uicikiu biiu u.,w. vurur, 01 WIS asy.'''
fllAaaann trnt itiO nfrnnalsta Msf4 taarl ssatlttV aWtssfV '!
r'.r;?" ;.-." r.r..: "v. lu"? " -",.i-H
ftftvmrt Hit-itr with hla lrht nn fVtnAaMAafa?'' tH
vwu. .u.. n..Uas.. Bs via wuvaiuvai.r.,;
rthetRAnt the luttnp ihrniiah lhn rfinM. Citim,&:
cannon uiaoazed te set his feet. but another
terrlQc rlgbt bander attecthed blm Jum'Ml
bio upon tbe fleer. The end tvas ever la tira,
IrilniifiMa atirf rtlnaartn tNsrA.t swIihAnt 'gLV
--- -- ----. tv" ""? ..'
uiaicu. x. i" ine opinion ei spoiling fBBenv
thai OlAeinn tnV.a Mtnlrn nhitmnlnM II fcii
-..W.X-M . .UU K.VU4..Jg UiaiUHHI HB",!!
Tbe CenferesM Committee agrees. I'M",
Washington, Feb. m The amnnmv&tf
en me traae aeuar mil nave agreed. TJeaVK? TJeaVK?
Ueuse prevision that the dollars oelned v'-f;
Independent or tbe regular monthly piy
ehasenM been accented and all the otter'
features ei the Senate bill. '?i
The bill aa agreed te provides tbat the rewj
demptten shall net be counted In the mentadjfr'
purchase of bullion; that the trade dellassjJ
aball berecoined into standard dollars'
sldlary coin and tbat tbe redemption ahaU s):;i
at tbe sub-treasuries of tbe Unlted States, 'f-lfjB
Anether Coast UiIiiih Dill. i$.4
WASHINGTON, tOD, IB. TberowasaJietMV.'A
meeting of tbe Heuse committee en military;, 1
affairs this mernlntr for the discussion et tarn 3
coast defense bill. Chairman Bragg, who l
heartily in favor or an appropriation rer I
purpose, is preparing a bill whleh bewUllasrK :
before tbe commlttee at a meeting te be hM f. '
en Monday. It la te be a substitute for 'ihen't
MoAdeo bill, will appropriate betwesu, 'flvwj
nuu navel! uiiiueu aeiiarn ana win pioviae) ;
for the establishment era go vtrnmcntreundJjr-
te manufacture heavy guns, the location! e) i
wnicn is te de ion te a uearu icr tne n
Ul Kuun. -h
Au Old Man CemmlU Bnletde. JyjS$
Atlanta, 111., FeU 10. R. 8. GllhpetV;
master ncre, committed suicide late jsjsssbjw'S ..
day afternoon bv taking twenty trains ecv'
morphine. He received his commission udy&
His sons took actlve control of the offlee, end 2
everything was running smoothly. Ha reV'j;-.iV8
filAAfl an nmntin nflTlrnfl hv ll-n nlitta!AttOL?"&..ti
aeiug ue -I.H0U iu uivi ua miu vm ),:;
dl l.a il.k..l n ,itA IT !!.. mm AklSAirr1
place in 1853, aud was at cne time qemO
wealthy, but lest all In speculation ,MTeTfA
years age. uts termer elegant borne attM;
edge of town was always the stepping plan
et Lincoln, Douglas, Cullem, Leganr'aasf
nlliar wlmn Imrn Vn tmalllva .n.a rn'iu bl
t-t9h a-t ftn lis nfli-ArtafniMt. Tfa araa70 aMJ
. r r - . ?--a
m M
unsauure tjenoenar an mgnr, ltsi
X.CT A VAk, X H tfAU9 wwjvuii msmmmi'
Hall, bound rrem Baltimore with a cargo W
coat rer l'rovtaence, h. i., struck en itessagr
shoal in the lower bay during thq ge'isf.4
last evenlng and sank in a tew hours. Ti-?
captain, bis wife and crew clung te a i ertMevi
of the wreck, that was only partly subsj.tii'
until 7 o'clock this morning wnen tbey wssjat,
rescued by tbe tugboat Indian sndbreiMM
te this city. The Hall halls from Fall BlWv
and is valued at eiS.COO. $4
Cenvtetcd el Murder In th nt Ofgiett. lji
sienz uitt, iewa, tee. w. ine jury
the case or Geerge Trout, charged wita;,i
lliuiueiui cut uiicu, iu KBiuwiuiai ,wvmiwr H
in this eltv en tbe 3d of last Julv. returneeVV
a verdict of murder in the first degree at Il4eV
last night, and fixed aontenced at lfttJ
enment ter lire. Tbe trial has lastedtMsf-3
daw. and a large mass of evidence .baa .
Introduced te show that tbe delecdant; sfs)s J
insane, ana mat various moiuecrs et nisresBj -ily
have died insane. '?M K
Doedlo l-oer Directors,
Eric, Pa., Feb. 19. The Erie county.
of auditors created a son.atlen yen
in eOlclal circles by exposing irregul
in the affairs or the county peer direel
the extent et E10.00O. The money had
expended in excess or lawful salaries
chlnery unlawfully sold te the county
member of the beard, and (n tbe purehatsM
farm at a high figure and ler whtcH :?f
ad no legal sanction. '- v j&S-ryS
. ?;
a, ssin realtor's ubmhj c r;
Berlin, Feb. 19, Thegevemruentbaedsfc
manded of tbe federal cover nmsntv of.
Switzerland tbe prosecution or the editor af
German Hcciauai paper puousnea m
for havlne slaudered the Emperor WMil
- . .. iSf
rive Ders rerun in nir un .
ResKvitus, Ark., Feb. 10. Yastepa
morning J. C. Pendergrass resldancesji
Resavllie was destroyed by are, Duren
death hla flve renr. who slept upstair!
could net be rescued. k$ii' M
Bbulik. Feb. 19. The German
recently called out have been notified I
their attendance at their respective
depots will net be hereafter necessary. i K
rernllure raetery Destrsyest. -aJi
nAi.TtueRB. Feb. 19. Fir Kuy
atreyed the furnltnre factory et Ganthaf '& j
Fink, en Eiwara aireei Bear veutrai avvjaesje
lA&a, ijj,wv, insureu. 4 y.',:
Albaal te Make a Tear, H V-;
Bunnw, FeU 19.-Mea, AIUMM;
tracted te make a threw etw' tOtW J
many, Austria and HwedtadurUsg lit).
r- rr, - tc?.
Aa Asstrtaa Haass 3M4S Wa ;i
Viimita, Feb, 19. Henri
sent banker or arear.
yesterday. ImmH).
.. . i ' saisii j ssj-v
ieV - riVtAttf. .. i
'" - ? sLTwi'i'
'V. '
dffi.wa.-j'.rt , .,, -tfei