.-?! v: .,:amm w?a ph. TitrrnnA'r.4' - -w - 'ta- " e- - i ti r.tK'-m j, -, i--ji rjKHBlSflBR ," -m.fiw.m. -. m . . -. PiniiiiwtwM EmBmSmM sAAeWas) TC pMHMMMK IJMMWBAfiii . I tta. K ssr aasTLiaYaSr aE a). IJMimiiliii) (tee Emu . iililllHMIig HOD E...l urn mm m utt in Weekl? Intolllgeneer ?S? .MMurr. Wcenmmv Mernhsb. LaUlseanx turn et mb, i earmra cr .V HHmmnntftwi )iW wiaiwi. aia awowtwecb tamas iMtnvunuiiir. IM2lli SHUl TWi.i.m. b: fln DITKXiaBMOaB, tMHUI, Luewur, p. iCflwmtctlntdligcmqc jdlAVOAaSU. KBRUAHY 17, UR. -'A lkue BwnlHt I'irmllti. I people or tee oil region are very uwrestM in tne bill before the te nattll A rftlnrtlnn In iha mlVm charge for carrying oil. The Oil company la declared te lm tTenrsreatraofitseutof thn nrivi. I'U this business and the aid of the IS invoked te curb thplr kt. The same chanre is msuln new r atorieg and carrying oil that was made i age, wnen ine volume of oil was ten i What It is new. The business is a and it enables thn Standard DT tfl held thn nit inula Viir f tut tVirnif IJsMiuaassed, it is charged, a hundred threueh the cruahinir nf tim CODBBetitlen nrhirh it. U 1ia rml ijt the state te encourage. Senater MKTaaTS that bis reflnerlwi urn rinsed hv lenfalr and unlawful devices of this IMeorDeration. "Yfbat.k notable about these charges of Sis weir gravity, ineir stateness anu (truth; that, being true and old and W 'thAV Vt atUI. Wlitr la If f linr. In great state its people should vainly un 01 ine oppression of a business atlenV Why is it that in all these I the law should net have affnrdpii m. tte the suffering oil industries of the kte Whv should rpflnprlp hVA hpen lit by the unfair pressure of this grasping epuii ana wny sneuiaits monopoly remained unbroken? Was there net sand capital te organize an effective i opposition? The Standard's 1 millions forbad A it. llnteran Hiern ; enough, virility in the law te, forbid " t.l..1 At 1 .. .... nuiui gaiuercu tuese minions ; I net the law forbid ,the railroads te timiflfttA llAtwMm litvmara V - -v-xwvM wt:rwB ftjMowBweBBuaees. .limine law is weak -we face of a powerful company com cem nartlnita great business. Thn St.imV.nl ttl&thm te lts strength before it was detected. -'4 1 weakness el the great railroads neur--3?Janed it until it became strong enoneh tn filctate te them. And it seems te be se teigjllirwched new that it is beyond the reach K we private assailant. -The StatO i3 leUdW Clllwl nnen In moils laww te correct the abuse of the Stand. tUl. . .l , ...... ... rttW it Should seek te restrain Hum EfTfhether the demand for a decrease in pipe fBBsl charms is warrantpil u- de. nnt L-nm,- Fbit'the evidence seems te be strong that f- we cnarge is oppressive. But we de knew :J"t this company has a dangerous magni R Kale, and needs shearing. f1 It ought te be bound as tightly as the Si aaata) ram html it nr.fi Its tvilliiina t.A..i. 1f iwndered as powerless as possible, be- rfaw "" were uegetten in evil and t,aturauyweuiaDe viciously directed. Men 5 Me have accumulated fertnnAa nMi. Taitvea or foetnads arc niiin ukeiv inh. - -.. --- ... w MV TKiueus user3 ei tueir money. M great wrong these men have done i mu nag neen in tueir st flint? com. : industry and drivlm? tlm nil miin. ,','iaar business Inte nthpr stnlpi Pir,.,a,i citiiiia, which bears the oil, should have all tjpw preas ei its reuning; but it has per- rait au te go without Its borders. Se i a wrong could net have been per rd, save threueh the base cemhin.itim. laitaeads and the COrniDtinir mnnn. r Which Btrivaa te rnntrnl ll. la rur.r.e.,i &nJanreduct. "ffei- -m-m ,'j-a iiraaiaM iiaiip. K?' . . " Lf crne Senate has passed the bill directing jLt.'4UU,,:,0 w " uii et twenty Knets hrru' a C0Si 0I UIten minions. There F! a-.m OUl mir line a JlPnnni can larrfalaf n,n - !ajiWngrid et money. There will net be no surplus revenue left if thellepubli- ifienatAlinji It wav nlu-rnf wnr.Au 5 -i; It has voted fertv nillllnn.q nlrenilir fnr ikm national defense, although we have no m tuiymuuiij auu euiy a rumor or one r the Canadian fish, which are hardly iwiuiuui ureeu a war or even arc- scare. llfe doubt it is well te spend money in uui uanuuui ueienses. iim there Uy seems te be any need of headlong A abOUt it. If WB have rrnt nlnne u. -.Sr Without ihPRA fast Rlllna anil l.ni-l Owavcladsandbig guns, we probably can ".anra te se aneui trettinc them raimiv ami r Craduall v. Fertv millions is a nrpt tv rnni p Jet of money for one session et Congress te 4 ww luci ewueuung eugut te De leit for wr next eowen. uur congressmen should nber that the next cemrmnman uriii lM.vp . a like right te spend money. LflTaere has been m mnili iillr .r ....i pulH that most persons have concluded rthatittonetcomlnir.aud whpn it Hnm it b-ttMi h.. .ii k.ini.u.. K! wicai, ei surprise. xtm lime is last approaching when the i mi De let loose, we are te have the atuua year. The oeenimr nf c will be the sitrnal for th nmi, a' atuntalAn U tl.at i. v .. - T- r . uw a ICIIUU I MM Orders te march as Benn n. ll.e f'llii -permit. We reach this idea tmt mpM process of reasoning. nam taat ine irreucn people are -'wVNwi eelre for war. It lavrpottet the nation lAWee aiid Lerraine .warieeeeiim IteOlepate. ' rvHttta;femii,orupMttteteet 1H'" at 'tU'wilM and the wernm oert t kwntec than ud. Tnmti htm tWgwateei debt of any of mm He, aaa eaaaet afford te make it raeh greater before she rises te the su preme duty she has set herself of com cem wiiillng Germany te pay it for her; as Germany commanded her. If we Aft net kava war in Enren thl aprlag, then there will be a peaceful settle- aent dmhwu we nwiens mat are strain lBgaM their resources new te put their best feet foremost. Thev cannot utanH thn cost Indefinitely. But who expects France and uermany te lie down together ? Aaether Excellent Vete. President Cleveland has atrnln simtcn it fitness for the high pest he occupies by his veto et me uui giving 110,000 out of the federal treasury te supply seed wheat te distribute te drought-stricken farmers in certain xexas counties. Texas has net a dollar of debt. At the time et the passage of the bill It was stated by Senater Coke, of Texas, that the state legislature was providing measures of re lief. There was no call for snMi n iii,inv of federal charitv. It itr.w nut nt .n overflowing national treasury, which seems ie inspire ine wasting et the contents thereof. Senater Coke showed this well when he said : " We ask no charity from Congress ; we ask no aid from the national government. We only ask te be treated as the people of ether states are treated. The president desen-es high commenda tion for his a-,t, in conflict as it was with the votes of ten Democratic senators. And one sentence of the veto message should net be seen forgotten : " Though the peo ple support the government, the govern- meut should net support the people." Tnn ground-hog seems te be doing all that he premised. Ciiahi.es Dudley Wahnkr, one elthe meat eminent litterateurs of the country, has this te say or libraries : "Few people, even Intelligent home readers, knew hew te use a library and get at Its treasures. A library (no matter hew large and well selected) shut up, will, of course, have no mere effect upon the life of the community than a locked ware house full of araln would have In appeasing the hunger of the city. A collection et books Is as idle asa collection efpebblei,unlcs.tbey are used. And it is net eueugb te open the doers, It ueeds an intelligent corps of librarians te distribute the books that is, te advise and assist readers, te issue bulletins el inrorniatien aud in many ways stimulate the public te use the library. The library at Worcester, Mass., doubled its circulation and the number of Its readers in a short time by a system of this kind." Tan Fulton Democrat is 37 years old nnd rejoices because In the last six years the sub scription list has increased lirty per cent New Yehk Is anxious te hare an Arber day like that of Pennsylvania, and it is pro posed te put It through this legislature. ProJessor Brewer, of Yale, is nueted as re marking that there were three geed reasons for an annual Arber day In the calendar of school children. " In the 11m place it gives them a geed bit of nature's teaching of which they are sorely in need. Then, tee, it Is the means of spreading woed-grotving in the state. And in the third place it bcautlUes the country." I'roJesser Northrop, who has done much ve awaken public sentiment in favor of tree-planting, is of the opinion that two days ought te be named, one for the northern and the ether for the southern sec sec tien of the state. Pugilists usually have interesting wives. That of Patsey Cardifl snapped a pistol at her lord and master in Minneapolis the ether day. This seems te have been a time when Iteught te have been leaded. Feun regular appropriation bills, the naval, legislative, deliclency and fortifications, are still te be considered and passed by the Heuse, and only thirteen dajs In which te de it. This means hard work for the next two weeks. Gkeat a lawyer as was Samuel J. Tllden, he does net seem te have been able te write a will Incapible of mis. construction. One or two of the heirs have brought suit te overthrew it, and In the New Yerk assembly there was a warm debate ever the bill te create the lllden trust fund, te which the executers of the will pre- itojWuie money wnicli the deceased desired should be devoted te the establish establish inentefa great publle library. An amend, ment proposing that the act, il it should L-e passed, should net allect any psndlng lluga lluga tien with reference te Mr. Tilden'a esute.and that no structure for the proposed library shall be erected till after such litigation is concluded, provoked a stormy debate. It was finally lest, and the bill was passed, but with another amendment attached, wblch provides than the Interest of the contesting heirs shall net be affected by the bill. As aemblymen Canter declared that this amend, ment rendered it unlikely that any library will ever be established. Queen Victeria's Jubilee is being cele brated in India, but It is only an etliclal af fair. A real jubilee would be manifest II home rule was granted te Ireland. Xuk nomination of Captain Oreely te be chief signal elUcer with the rank et brlga brlga brlga dlergoueralwlllbo received with pleasure net only by the people who appreciate his MrVJ?f.but by lUB my who will hall it a8 establishing the principle that the rules of promeUonZare net inilexible as heretofore, and that distinguished services will be rec ognized. By the regular order of prometiou no encouragement Is given for spm oxer exer oxer tien and efficient and inefficient elllcers have the same chauce, their ad vanceuieut having nothing whatever te de with their work or capacity but dependlug solely upon the death rate. Ureely wasaprhatein 1601 and a brevet major at the close et the war. Many an effl. cer has rendered valuable seryica iu Indian campaigns as dangerous and full of hardship asany he could perform in clvlllzsd warfare, yet has never received or expected the least did as little as they possibly could were pro pre moted by death of these before them en the army register. Blaine must sleep with one eye epjp He has telegraphed his congratulations te the successful Kepubllcan candidates in Philadelphia. He does net propMe te let Pennsylvania forget him. Bosten CennETr make an aggressive assistant doorkeeper of the Kansas Heuss el KepresentatlveF. He wanted te sheet the speaker en Saturday. He should be sent te New Jersey. FEBSONAL. JesEi-n PuLirzEit and Jeseph Heward, 71,0In,ad" wMatlenal light In the Ne Yerlt II erM olllee, have niade up. ??l!Bl1tt?e IlVAW of Philadelphia, was W CnVhiJfn'iaBOmeUlnnw W ee7. W. Chllds, en Wednesday night D. McN. STAiWEn has been suircested as the consulting engineer in the iSSSSa water works and sewerage revision eHmi W. K. Buckinquam, formerly of the In- uSjk".1r7i"KpJ..5SJ"enw i.n7T7 i.-..: "JZ?V.ri?. i!.': V iSKvm. " "" w """""' Cakdiwal Gibbens was en Wednesday afMroeea received la priveteaudlenee by the aae Interview ceaUanin aaarlv hear. Lee XIII. eaat imsj great Interest la Ike wellwe of America. Miss Axmis Kkbn, of Ceteraln, baa te aifiica tee Fontana school la Houth Annvllle township, Lebanon county, te taka coarse of Na 1 school at Cornwall. Altai Km tt a graduate of the West Cheater Nermal school. Patrick Kiikkdv. Jehn I SuUlvan'a manager, Mya tliat alter the champion's re tirement from the ring he will adorn an emi nent poaltlen and Increase the esteem with wblch hli felleW'Clllzens of Mr. 8 heed t 'a way of thinking new leek upon him. It la stated positively that thli position will net be In the retail liquor trade, and there are auaplclena abroad that Mr. Sullivan will be Invited te ance the chair el humaner letters at 1 ale college. - Th Beauty el Women Uk-r crown el glen-. IlutalM! hew quickly dpci itLe nerreiu dclilllty aDtlcbruntc WMknru et the mx caue the tiloem of youth te ntti away, tharrcu the lovely fHtatvs, andemacUte the reundcJ laxra 1 There u but one rerecdy whicn will reatern the fded rose and brlni HVl. tb.1 Btyce efynalh. It U lir. l'Jerce1. rvetiie rrfscrlrtleu." a everln lemedy for the dlwtues peculiar te reimtlp. it la one of the grtatptt buuis ever centerrt-rt upon the kam&n race, for It preserves tht which it flret and dnarettte all mankind -the benuty end the beaJlhef woman. Jl.Th.tw The Atraetphere at Lave. 1 ft pure, scot breath. This desideratum It one of the retulU of uslnit SO.ODONT, which uui uujj m iKunncs anu preserves the teeth, butrendcrs the month u fragrant &j a rose. Asfther-ieiitul cattle lotion Salvation Oil has proven Itself an tiifalllblu remedy. It has rv celled the heirtr lnrtnTMimr.nt. .r i.a.v n.. and Bell-known horsemen, l'rlce a tents a bottle. Jlothirj.denntletyour darlluus suffer with the whooping ceush while yen haves reiredy se near nl hand. Use Dr. null' Court, Sirup, and the mue sufferer will se ju nnd i eTlef. Vrtce '.1 cents. TMU1JLL MUT1VMM. SUILOH'S CUUK will immediate relieve Croup, w hoervln Cough and llrenchltls. Fer sale by 11. M. Cochran, lJrugglst, Ne. 1S7 North Huecn street. (;j Mathers I Mothers It Mether!! Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If se, go at ence and get a bottle of M US. WINSLOW'3 SOOTHING SYUVP. It will rcllove the peer lltUesnffarlinmedlatcly-depondupentt; there Is no mutake about It There Is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you at once that It n 111 regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the chUd, operating Uke magic. It Is perfectly safe te use la all eves' and pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the oldeit and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold eery where. cents a bettle. m.i31 lyj.tw Sired II li IJIe. . Mr. II. 1. V, llconsen, of llore Cave, Ky., says P.? ?'.'" f0F mnny years, badly allllcted with l'htlilslc, nlse Diabetes ; the pains were almost unendurableand would semeUmcs almost threw him Inte convulsion. He tried tlectrlc Bitters and get relief from flrst bottle aud after taking fix bettlea.was entirely cured . and had gained In flesh eighteen iKjunifs. Says he positively be lieves he would hae died, had it net been for the relief afforded by Klectrlc Hitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by II. B. Cochran, UruggUt, os. 137 and 1SJ North yuecn sUeet, Lancaster! la. l6) K1DNEV TKOUllLla. A Uwe of Stanj Tear Standing Oared WW Sis Mettles, In m SUn 00 Tears of Age. Aixsstews, Va., Mays, 1S81, Uaxosliex liirrses Ce. Genu : I had been troubled with my kidneys foranumberef years, used almost everything without much benefit inUl 1 tried Dandelion Bitters. 1 used six bot tles and am pleased te say 1 am entirely rid of the kidney trouble, besides my system being toned up se that 1 feci like a different person. I cheerfully recommend the same te all afflicted "emdyfn.Th.S COBMUaciIun. WHV WILL YOU cough when Shlleh's Cure wUl give Immediate, relief. Trice 10 cts.. 80 cts., HJ'iilv.;?18 b " tt Cochran, UrugirUt NoUTNerth Queen streeL W Miraculous Escape. W..W.U.wd' ."ruggUt, of Winchester. Ind., writes . " One of my customers, Mrs. Leuis l'lke. llartenla, ltandelph county, Ind., was a lenij '"fl?1 Vth Consumption, and waa given no te dle by her physicians. She Beard of Dr.Ivlng's New Discovery for Consumption, and besmn buying It of me. In six months' tline she walked te this city, adistance of six miles, and 1 new se much Improved she has iiult uslmr It. Shofcessheowesherlifetolt." rree trial Itettlis at Cochran's Drug Stere. Nes.137 and I3i North Queen strtet, Ind-tei; 1 ' ) tJ .. ." " iuAsui! ei uourDen . 2v.SW.. Beth myself and wile ewe our lives te SfULOU'S CUN-blMl'TlON CU ItE." rer sale TIIK itw nvi i, ,m,.vu.. . street. (j) A VPV Tilrni BMn. "les, I had a very narrow escape," said a te Jiy bed for a year and my friends gave me un for a consumptive's grave, unlU I began using Kemp s Ualsain for the Threat and Lungs, and here 1 am, eund and hearty." Trice Sue. and lh,.0r,s'Ue hy u- U-Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137, North Cjueen street, Lancaster. H. B. Cochran, Nes. 137 and 13) North Queen f-fm&itLn?Mfter' ' eUn fcHl LOU'S ceuuu CI 1(K kb ft guarantee te cure aU threat and lung troubles. (3) They are looking ler yen everywhere. Drafu Sin f 2 ,elp;cle1 P'ces. going from het iS?.m?te cool one', carelessnees In chanklng clething: In short anything which ends in a "cemmqn cold In the toad" Unless arrested thH kind or cold become seated in the mucous ?nC'?nn?f "? heal.Then It Is Catarrh. In ?J?t?n,a B," lta staK0 tibi disease always yield tekly's cream llalm. Safe, agreeable, certain. Trice ntty cents. jiD-SwdeedAw NEVEltGlVK Ul'. If you are troubled with nervous or sick head ache de net give- un your case as incurable until ?,,e.,tucJ Vr.- 1;-slle'8 special Trescrlptlen be the testimonials In another column, dil-lw The Impending Danger. The recent statistics of the number of deaths show that a large majority die with Consump tion. This disease may commence with an an. patently harmless cough which can be cured In. stanUy by hemp's lialsam for the Threat and Lungs, which la guaranteed te cure and relieve aU cases. Trice Sj cents and . Trial tiieri,. t&??,10 by "' iL Cochran, druggist. Ne. LT7 North tlneun struut. ul-lwdAltw Uuckieu'a amlc ealse. The Ib-st salye In the world for Cuts, Uralses. Seres, Ulcers, Salt Uheum. Sever Seres, Tetter! Chapped Hands, ChUblalns, Cerns, ancTall Skin rnptlens, and positively cares Tiles, or no pay dex. rer sale by U. a. Cecnrun. Drngglst. and 139 North Queen streeu tAncSlterTf a. DaaDSLiea Lives Txllcts for sick headache torpid liver, bUlousnessaudlndlgestlen, Small and easy toswellow. OnepUladese. 11100,280. lly all druggists. IeeMmdTu.TIu8 N OTHING LIKU IT. ST. JACOBS OIL. rOKMAN ANDnEAT-THKBESTnEMBDY. TllS II EST FOB HeniK COMFLtlSTS. .Vew lerkclub btabiej, 1517 K.i-thSt.. ) . Newerk,Oct.Ca, iss8. It glves ine great pleasure te add my teatl meny te the great curative qualities of St. Jacobs oil, having used several cases of the 111 in iny table, una can safely say it Is the best liniment. CALVIN 11. TltlESI'. Tns Hest Kvsn Used im HTanua. Oentlemen's sancy Llvery.rtue llerses, etc.. ) . . . Lancaster, Ta., Oct. 23 is. f As te the uselulness of SU Jacobs Oil, I will siy as much as any man, for I well knew it 1 the best 1 ev er used In inv stable. CYUU8 II. COLV1N. IT N EVKB railKO IN A StXOLK IXSTASCC. ,. ., fan Diege. CaI.,Ocu, 18M. faenUemcn : It is a satisfaction torecem. IVJ"1-? 8(iSl ,tn,ni "l uch a thing 1 be be icvMyenrst. Jacobs Oil te be. 1 have used It for years In my family, as well as In my H0B?n,.'l.,"Uble. 1ina i hlTnever f lied In n single instance te deevery thing that could eeasenably be expected or Jey ieinedy et Iti C"'- .. . W' H.IIOLAI11UD. Gen'i Agt. Coronade Ueach Ce, rrea A UeB&xMAK-LaitK UarsCcRSD. , Mlnesha, Wis., Oct , V, 18(8. Your letter sll right. St. Jacobs 6.1 is ju it what you said about It. It cured me entirely of lame back 1 a'soel sprains. HUthenicst thing ever used ou horses, or for man or beast. A.UttANUkU. Oriaiosera Dials TThemk. , Trexlertewn, Lehigh Ce., Ta. I recommend bu Jacobs Oil a tha best thing in the world for spavin en horses, it Is a certain euro. MILTON A. SCiiUOYIU. Ihe CHAULE3 A. VOOKLKU CO., IhUUmere. if All twranna rsmi tit laAl.a n . .. -- v wv' ajtn w fSJJ as MS Mlt4 Star Cough Cura, will by sending a two cent sump and a history el their case, receive ad vice rasa. Red Star Cough Cure. rUEK riiOM OT1ATKS AND TOISOKS. sake. sunr. rueMpr. 25 0ENT3. AT DKUGUISTS AND DSALIBS. TUX CHAttLKS A, TnaBLKK CO., BtlUaWM. attf. fee.' gTiurreiu or bommrTies. DUFFY'S PurelaltWliisky FOR MIDIOtNAL D8E. MO rusiLeii- SYMPTOMS OF CONSUMPTION. FIRST STAOI-Ceufa te the morning fol lowed shortly attar by slight expeoteratlon, which tha patient thinks only come from hi tkreaL Short breathlat. with tlfhtne In the chest pule beoeme quicker In the e ening or after a full meal-chllllnes tn the e enlng with light lever. Duffy'i Pure Malt Whisky Is the ONLY absetnU enre for the flrst attgc of consumption knows te medical science te- itftV. Thl. Mn Va .. . . . . ,. u w pnmsi ny nunurea 01 cer Uflcates from leading pkyslclan and thou sands of tesumenlalt from cnted oensuuiptl ve. - . viuiiumm aivine sy . mat baneflt te my wif, mho U a cenflm.ad in. Talltl. I knew fmm ...., . . ..,. -- most valuable medietas. 1 in also using It in iS,f.oermr"onS,hou threatened with con cen 8.,.,5.U2n. i? presbyternn clergyman and a doctor el divinity, bei 1 am net afraid te re commend lu ffy's ltalt Whlky ss the pnret 2.;L'Sl,L'70l"Pt ten, U"" ' -"O t, and my eapeiience is a large eae." KEV. a MILLS. This whUky la sela OKLY In bottle. rrt, II. Fer sale by Druggists, O recer and Dealer. Terens east of the kooky Mountain (exeept the Territories), unabU te procure It trem their dealer, can bTe Half Doxen tent In plain case unmsrked, sxpress caarges prepaid, bv remit remit Ungicte The Daffy Mill Whisky Ce, Rochester, N. T. fet17-lydTh DMT tiUUDe jaaivutRidcx). ExtraerdiDiry Lew Prices -ON- CARPETS. Loekatonrl'ABPKTs and FLOOB OIL CLOTHS ana compare our price. JohnS.&ivl0r(S;Ce., Me. SIS asaat King Street, iancastxu, r A N EW YORK STORE. Embroideries! Embroideries! ATT & SHAND, 6. 8 ft 10 HAST KLNQ ST., LAJICASTEK, PA. INVITE LADIIS TO INSPECT TUL1E .VKW LINS OF SWISS, XAIXSOOK A.V I) CAMUKIC EMBROIDERIES ! An Immense Aaaertment of Edgings, Insertions, Fleuncings, All-Overs, In All Widths anfl Qaalltles at the Lewest jrrtees Ever Known, OPEN TO-DAY. New Spring Importation el Saxony, Belgium and rieneb Uandmade Torchon Laces Medici Lacee, Oluny Laces, In an Kndleis Variety of Hew and Beautiful Designs, AT FOrULAK fltlCKS. HEW YOEK STOEB. JEAX. t7AfS,C. flinE ACKNOW1.EDOED LEADERS. Stauffer & Ce., INCOXMXCTIOH WITH TUI1H Celebrated Fine Hats. erriu nig LARGEST AND BEST UHU -or- FINE SPRING LAP ROBES, Truki, TmeJiig lm ted Valisn, At tha Very Bettem Price of the Market. W. D. STADFFER 4 CO., 81 aad .83 Mertk Queen StrMt, iAMCAMBRPA. iMvaaw MTATCWM. TI7AT0BK8. Watdw, Cleck! Otaim ui Jmlrj at lea than auction wrlsss until JaamarTLlstn. rint-Claa -- ! Watek uTjimS kVepslrtng. L. WEBER, laX0ltlhMMK,irsaatlLnM. rffgsiiMf itliiiai saiejytjaetjg,, mU mmmtvAMm glMMOMB lilVKR RKaULATOR. MY EXPERIENCE ! "1 have been afflicted for many ) ears with Dyspepsia, Sick Headache and Affection of the Kidney, caused by a Torpid Ltrer. During last rait and Winter 1 wa obliged te suspend the most of my labor In my Held el Ueme Missionary work en account of my health. Early this spring I was Induced te try Simmen Liver legit later, aud have had mera real geed health than year before, it relltTe me at once, and 1 mere satisfactory thananythlngef theklnd I ever tried. 1 haTe also used It successfully te waid ofrbllleusattack."JOSBPIt K. WBKKLBB, Cumberland Pre. Min ister, Lebanon, Me. teblseedAw c IAVCINK PLASTERS. BENSON'S POROOS PLAiTIRS. WlNTr.ttEXPOSUKK CAUSES COUQUS, Colds, 'Pleurisy, HhenmatUm, Pnenmenta Neuralgia. Sciatica, Lnmbagn, llackache and ether allmenw. ler which llensen's Capctna Plaster htb admitted te tie the best remedy known. They relieve and cure In a lew hour, when noether application is of theleast beneOt. Xndersed by 5 OUJ physicians and drugglsu. Bs ware of Imitations under similar sounding names, such as "Capsicum." "Cnpslcln." or Capicine." Asa rea llsxsen's aud tks e (wnsRs. Kxamlne carefully when you buy. All druggist. ,.. , .. 8KABUKTA JOURSON, dlKmdeedaw Proprietor. Mew Verk. YER'S CHERRY l'EUTORAU Your Children Are constantly exposed te danger from Celd, Whooping Cough, Croup, and diseases peculiar te the threat and lungs, rer such aliments, Ayer' Cherry Pectoral, promptly administered, aflerds speedy rcllef and cure. As a remedy for Whooping Cough, with which many of our children were afflicted, used, dur ing the past winter, with mnch satisfaction, Ajer's Cherry Pectoral, rer this alfectien, we consider this preparation the meat efflcacteus of all the medicines which have come toenr knewl. V3?.?-a,T l"rkhnrst. Preceptress, Uome ler Little Wanderers, Uencaster, Md. My children have ten pevttlla'rly aublect te 10, 1 raiieit te And any elTec- ...-- ., M14" . " ".luirvxu uiuiiiuiinn Ayer-s Cherry Pectoral This preparation re lieve the difficulty el brrathlngand Invariably cures the complaint.-David u. Stark. Chat ham. Columbia Ce- N. Y. I hate used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral tn my family for many years, and have found It esne c ally talnauletn Whooping Cough. Thtsmedt- wnA allsttra all lrlatin -".." . . ----- - ...,iiiuu, I'lciruin luueiuiiuittiua from exiendlng te ihelunKt. andaulcklv mb. ...w ..-,v .... .taiiSBjfctirLI, lie , TUlrt lUUallllUAliaa (mm HTtMllil na n fklMn,.. ... . iicta ant ".- IVUI4CIIVI ISJ liUIlK iaency te Lung CemplAlaU-J. U loin, ttlsa Ulfh Wellington, Plaint tile. MlchT iiinu no mcuicine se effective, rer Croup and Whooping Cough, as Ayer' Cherry Pectoral. It was the means of saving the life of my little boy. only six months old, carrying him safely through the worst caie of Whooping Cough 1 ever saw -Jane Maleue, Plney riats, Tenn. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, 113-teM mmoeMMiMm. AT WIANT'8. " CHEAP AND OOOO, Three pound Bestrrench Prune. c.; three pounds lieat Katslns. 2Vi four pounds Uoed 1,!ns S. 'S?1, Pounds Ooed Bice. e. Price of rieur, Kc, 77c. tc.. (Be.. ie, Mc. and ssc. tSr Quarter. Our High tirade cSffees spea Yer themselves. Please give us a trial erderT GEO. W1ANT, auglvd Kalis West King Street. ,T BURHK'S. Eagle Brand Condensed Milk. INrA.NTS TUK1VC ON IT. TIIK WYALVSISO XEW MOCE&S nOCKWIIEAT. Twe tens sold thl season. Gives entire satis faction. Beats everything we have ever bad. Try It. CEBALINZ A.VDCOBALINK. Made of white corn. Hakes an elegant dish peckfc?cetu?rg0 PC'"10 ' abut "" THAT riifE EVAPOKATKD COIIN will seen be all. If our regnlar customers want any, call seen ; Stock limited. "-". we use nave tna FINKaT I'lvsnirnuu extant. Tlt. WV. -AT- BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. -TeIephene Connection. Ooed Delivered. limOKMKM. pERSONS WISHING TO MAKEMONEY STOCKS, GRAIN, PROVISIONS IND Oil, 8H08?sLT.i,evrE5FA0A ,INvsS1..Vu0,8 hAHUtt LOTS ON ONB PEB CENT.CABU M AUG INS. .Ten Dellar will, for example, cover ten 1100 Share, or 1.(00 bushels of U rain. Explanatory Pamphlet rree. ' QUOTATIONS WIRED. Orders and Margins received by Telegram LAURIE a CO.. STOCK BROKERS, ' ALSO DEALERS IN TOBEIUN ESCUANQE. 860 Broadway, Mew Yerk. "The members of tha flnn are.. ..gentlemen of experience and high standing In the Uraln and Bleck Commission business. ...and among their reference are a number of the leadlna Banks." "A'ew Yerk Cemmtreial Nun." " They have a stainless record, and their bona fides are indisputable. ...The reputation or the Arm 1 uch. that parties can rest assured 01 re ceiving their profits the moment they are made, no matter what the amount may he.'' lrlIndeuwY', rerk vtnine VAMMIAtlMm. QARR1AOES I CARRIAGES I Edw. Edgerley, 40, ; 13, 45 M AKKKT STREET, Bear of Postefflce, Lancaster, Pa. My stock comprises a large variety of Boggles, Carriages, Phcetens, Business and Market Call and examine my work, and If you de net find what you want leave your order. Encourage geed work. There la economy In buying a geed article. Twenty years In busi ness and every Carriage a geed one. MOTTO " Fiir feiliig, Hoeeat Werk it Belloi PriCM." awBepalring Promptly Attended te. Ten per cent, lower than all ethers. One set el work men especially employed for that purpose. mrieMm. WHY, HO ! ItUstdTe.Butlfs Diffirwit Hew. Trade does net end with Chriitmaa by any neiwunsianaing us act mat our Holiday Trade has been an unprecedented one. nHMawimesn nnpreeeaantew unet rb Stock et reur-ln-Mandjand ether our Sueerl style Meek r aupvre mwKM 01 renr-in-aiana ana einer tyle Meektles. 811k MnlBers, Handkerchiefs, uspenaers, bleves, cellars. Oufls, Camel Hair inderwear and Half Hese, Shirts, cigar Cases, UndarwSAr and Half Hnm. Shirts. Clvar Cmmmm Pocket Beeks, sleeve Buttens, Ac has been ri plenlsbed, suitable fee RETURN GIFTS. MM3?Sea.M taeLowestferta. E. J. ERISMAN, . WO IT WEST KlWa STREET. LAMOA fEB. c JJLIL?.RY.. MEROHANTB AND - 1 j wisuinf iririWIIIEjil IMir lock la lUpla goods until atprleg Trrnd epeai, "" r snanrv - , aanj m Vassts) ESIllg saiiniiia nar tack ofraataleoas. Vets. CsjdlsnJaeksu SaSwW."2WUw"ft'!'-J and Common Working alrt; also Lanaarled AT BHJtlTUlU'aL No-MNensKjueeaat. rvamtwmi mRMITORBWAAKltOOata, BUT 1TOUESELP A r AIM .OF THOSB Felding Dresi Pillewi. CALL BAELY AT Heffneiers Firultira Iireroeii. They are the nicest thing out and we Bate last received another let of them. Q0BA8T BUMOBWRssaTT. WIUMYKR'8 FURNITURE 8TORK. HEADQUARTERS -reR- Furniture. Furniture. If yen want any rOKNITURE new e coming Spring call and oiamlne my sleck. wlU flud ft huge and well selected. GOOD WORK. LOW PRICES. aW-Partle wanting full eutflu are especially Invited te call. -ywiy WIDMYER'S FURNITURE STORE, Oernw sfcBt Kles and Duke Bta LANCASTER, PA. eptS-lydalS4mw H OUSEST1RES. HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot. Last Week we gave you an insight Inte our Stock by Quoting a Few Prices. This week we will ask you te come and see some et the goods spoken about, and see If they will net please you, especially if you are want Ingtebuy a HOUSESTIRE. STILL SOME S)I8 BEDROOM SUITS LBPT. NOB. 27 A 20 BOOTH QUBBN ST., LANCASTER PA. HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot. TIBRMMB. F" NN A BRENEMAN. BUVTHE GENUINE OLD STTIE HAND-MADE TINWARE -AT- FLIKN & BRBNEHAN'S, Ne. 152 NerthlQaeen Street, LABCASTBE A. Bmr uoedm. J. & MART1M CO. Febrairy 1 te March 1, 1887. SPECIAL SALE -or- WALL PAPERS -AT- J. B. Martin & Ce.'s. wYSJSF .TeF bnt few Ptternsel WALL PAPERS f resa last Masen, and for thl sale offer for the most part ALL MEW UOODS. purchased lately for thl Bprteg trade, and te which are added dally many -NEW and HANDSOME PAT- We Are Glriig Yeb Lew Prices, and with the low prices the advantage el a large and carefully selected stock, and asfeck thatls kept up from day te day with the addition of NOVELTIES aa they are introduced. We offer in this sale ever 50,000 PIECES -or- ALL GRADES OF WALL PAPERS, rrem flrst grade at 4e. per roll te fine grades at ili per roll. M1SUED. Werk done at low rates during this Our main object during this sale Is te reduce VSMf' tAPnKntr EXTENSIVE aLTEH MARCH. BUILD1MO PUUINU NOW READY ! c BULL 8TO0K Or ALL ORADES Or CARPETS FOR SPRING. Snelaleerln of SMITH'S aa HARrrOBO riMT-aUALIT MOQUETTE OARPETS at l.U. worth much mere money. ,&p!H&.fittMl'i IMMAIEB and HOME-MADE CABPETB. J. B. MARTIN A CO., Oit.WmI Itag MMt Mr, IMOABTBB, FA. a AK GREAT SLAUGHTER -IN- RIBBONS! AT ASTRICH'S Palace of Fashion, NO. 13 EAST KLNQ ST., LANCASTER, PA. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, WB INAUUUUATE OUR First Special Sale -or- RIBBONS! RIBBONS I -reR- ONE WEEK ONLY, END1NU Saturday, February 19. u,J.rin!,ull,lln"w",ill offer such Wonder. he'a,ar?.UIUU0S M " "--w? READ THIS I WsMffiVil! ire, B as at se. a yard: worth lie. Ne. ltd Inches wlds) at ec. a yard; worth isc. ' mL1.!? ?ATIK 5 "PONS -Ne. at Je. a yard t Ne. 5 at Sc. a yard t Ne. 7 at 4c a yard : Ne. at 5c ard ; Re. u at ec. a yard j ; BaieatM." Our Best Ribbons, w5X.TBA,l,VJl SATIN AN D UROS OBAIN OBAIN Ne. at se. a yard Ne. at Se. a yard : Ne. Sat yard) Ne. 12 at We. a yard; Ne. 18 at sSc a yard. r?fil.mtri at ir w wis ...mh..k f.u.?r.4iS9e-ar,e,f "rmerlf. 7Sc' NeTs at 39c. apiece ; fennr formerly, II te. LSJ. lufiueriy, ijjij. me. 7 at Sic. Ne. 12 at sic apiece i formerly ssyUememlier these price are rOK ONB WEEK .ONLr.ENDINcTSATUKDAT. rEBRU. All! IV, mmmWAMM. riOH et MABT1B. China, Queensware -AT- L Our assortment of China and Queens, ware is larger than ever before. Our Gran ite, Porcelain and French China in White, is of the best manufacturers in England or America. Our Decorated Sets are of the same manufacture, with English, French and American Decorations. Our prices are equal te any in the market, whether original or reduced. A full line of Odd and Damaged Ware. Sales guaranteed. Goods exchanged if net satisfactory. fligliprtin 151iAOTmG8TBEEr. LAHOABTEV, PA, inUsTATJIV. AOXlBTsWT,M. STEAM HEATING OIlBV-lirprttli mlWtwj. BaacBaaaaaVBAM WATBB TANKS, HTABAT9M. wwi nab -iiTiiiH Ezra F. Landis, -bb7 mebtb trnmn ibtuet, CHINA HAL LAJMAttM fm. BTtUW J f-' l- tj Tx ;MM2MKjl. I .i3